##VIDEO ID:XXblXxXWyKs## e e e e e good afternoon this is the Heritage preservation Commission meeting for Monday November 18th 2024 good afternoon everybody um if everybody has a chance to read the minutes from last meeting and if you have any additions or changes let us know otherwise I'll be looking for a acceptance of the minutes I go uh make a motion to approve the minutes for October I'll second that all in favor I I I okay now we'll move on to what we pretty much called this meeting for is the state historical preservation fall conference discussion we don't know the dates yet but it's probably usually middle of September I want to say 16th 17th usually somewhere in there right um do you have anything more than what I know um well we got email here the end of last month from Mike coupe with uh with shipo asking if uh we new all would be interested in holding the the state conference in 25 it's been I believe he said it was 2003 was the last time it was in New Alm um so they look TR to rotate around the state to different areas and stuff um so talking with John nisley our planner he's helps out with HPC um he would be interested in in doing stuff with this um talked with city manager Mr Dalton and he would be interested in us holding that but it's coming down that with uh Manpower and stuff HPC the commission would have to be involved some way shape or form with some stuff right um cuz just the logistics of it we're looking at um hotels meeting places food um transportation um and then just meet and greet and getting stuff taken care of because there's a grant we have to apply for for this which talking with Mike it sounds like that's pretty pretty much cut and dried type thing um but we still have to go through the Hoops on writing the Grant and applying for it and so um as all the particulars I can't tell you you know it sounds like shiple takes care of getting the speakers um we would put in the grant there for stiens to pay the speakers um and again where we go and what we're looking at is still up in the air it's usually four or five different places I believe and then the tours and stuff to go along with right um and then like I said meeting places hold the breakout sessions depending on like said they he said it's roughly 190 people during the conference whether they're all there at one time or not but he said that's generally the numbers they they look at so um you know if HPC is wanting to do something like this staff would be there to help support it and well you had mentioned something he is interested in the Emerson building project I want to they think they want to see how that right he mentioned the Emerson Union with CU that was involved with uh some historical tax credits when they remodeled that and took care of that um and then State Street Theater being attached to that um being it was converted from the the old high school and that to kind of two separate buildings right now I think as far as the meet and greet would probably be easiest to be called that Turner yeah because they have there's usually Refreshments served I mean we could do it someplace else too I suppose but um there'd be plenty of room for the dining room upstairs and then I think that's where we would probably have our lunches and stuff too because we need to have stuff that we're we're going to be walking to a lot of the things and then I don't know if Herman is going to be another well I think Herman would should be on the on the list he will still be there yeah be there but I think just showing and again I don't know he hasn't come up in the discussion yet and I don't know if it's because this is the first deconstruct and reconstruct project that they've ever looked at I don't know if they want to open up that can can worms but I think that should be it should be though something that's part of the part of it also right what I would do is uh I mean I know December is a busy month but if the HBC does decide to do this have your first Workshop brainstorm yeah all the stakeholders Chamber of Commerce our staff and whoever CU you start tomorrow yeah yep I know we do you don't put it off till all it's wait till January no no that's true so you're suggesting we meet like with Turner Hall the No No Workshop brainstorm here let's do Turner's our Hub I mean owners are meet and greet State Street General Assembly uh breakout sessions here tours there that's what the work session is right because usually um there's like for even three or four different ones in a time period like say 10 to 11:30 but there's four different things going on at that same time time span so you need four different places but do we need to know what speakers they are going to be bringing into this because they're the ones that are going to be presenting we almost should all we're here for is to for the accommodations and the places we don't set up the agenda as far as what is going to be taught but I mean where we got to have places places to go I mean you know you know Deb and I would split up once in a while too like El you could just check with Coupe when do you know yeah we need more information right I think if we let him know we're going to do it hopefully he'll kick in and we'll just say we'd like to have as soon as possible I mean right now that I think of it you're right Turner Hall there's easily three to four breakout rooms there yep right I mean if hold 30 40 some hold 100 right that is correct that's correct Best Western would be another one where you could be the transportation of getting people there that's that is the problem that's the problem there but a Lind house we could hold about 50 60 people there if we're only having chairs right we don't always have to have tables no so Lind house would be one um if we want to utilize um bchs and X could be used if we need something my Brown County Historical yeah he they that Annex holds like 80 yeah that one oh that's by the library there you or the yeah okay um cuz he brought that up that I think that's where the opening session was held in 2003 was at the Museum um that's didn't sound like it was real conducive for that number of people but that's where it was was held at that time too small for the whole thing but for a breakout for break for a breakout yeah and also usually on Wednesday evening they have a reception mhm so that might be a Turner Hall thing to right have I think Turner Hall we'll be using them quite a bit at a work session written it all down we should and then you go to work I have all the information yet I mean of just a guideline just right but hopefully be before our next meeting in December I think I'm going to well I have to know the dates but I would want to get the hotel booked first that's one of my most important ones right again don't hold off have that first Workshop in December right away I mean don't wait till January no the brainstorming first you got to decide if you want to do it right well that's what we're here for tonight you are any help like we do um well first I guess we need to hear more from Mike is what I'd like to have some more the dates you know and exactly what he threw out a few things that he was talking talking about but I think we need to firm it up a little bit more and do you touch base with him yeah I can okay I can reach out and then if we need to hold a meeting before our December meeting we certainly could you know pull up another meeting too just looking up see if I can if they have that doubt if they will they don't have a venue yet yeah I don't think I saved his notes because I I threw it in your hands oh I I kept it you did um just just this a thought just the following year it's going to be a national one and it's going to be held in Minneapolis and they won't have one in September of 2026 great oh okay so we'll be one of the last ones so then will be the you know know the United it'll be a big one they expect like 700 people sure y that makes sense but what I'm hearing is you guys would be interested in I yeah proceeding or pursuing it anyway well now that I know a little bit more about I mean some of the prelim work can be done and then if they provide you know the help that they have when you register the registration table is usually run by them them yeah um we would just have to line up the places and we won't know what kind of workshops people attending until people like when we sign up for it they kind of have an idea right if there's going to be 50 people at this one and 100 you know at a different one but until that happens we really don't no but we could be prepared to ask the people where we want to think we want to host us they would be interested in doing it y okay yeah I think think we're going to probably stick around this and then as far as tours shells is going to be probably one for sure sure and I don't know who does the bus lines or the bus well he just said school buses aren't going to be maybe good enough yeah I don't we usually had a a coach coach yeah but how far did you travel I mean well Mano we just went to the and we had a coach yeah so my guess is it's going to be a coach that we need to new on bus lines have their own coaches well they did for some of the high school sports I don't know how many they had um and do we have to do that maybe we've got to coordinate that we you do okay because I talked with the G in in Mano and I thought again they would used their city buses that wasn't good enough they had to go out and find coaches which they had to get out of the Cities at that time and we and we had three there were three coaches or there was there that many attendees usually the coaches between 50 to 60 I would imagine a big coach so they had three different tours right so they had three coaches yep and some people that don't go on the tours they leave right after the last at noon when their last thing is because usually the tours are Friday afternoon M yeah right well let's uh say we're going to attempt it after we hear from Mr Coupe on what he wants wants from us and you'd all be in favor I'm looking for an I'll motion to pursue the 2025 HBC State Convention in new home yep I'll second all in favor I hi all right we're gonna we're gonna attempt it let's put it that way all right anything else from you from City report I have nothing either okay so the meeting is over thank you very much