##VIDEO ID:Nx6ctS_KBWM## e e e e e e e e e e all right we'll call this meeting to order welcome everybody uh it's uh 400 p.m. on Thursday October 10th 2024 uh this is the uh Library board meeting and we are in the city hall Council chamers so uh the first uh item on our agenda is for the approval of the agenda I'll have a motion in that regard so moved do I have a second second uh we will note that we were sent out an agenda uh and so I assume the motion and second include the addendum yes oh yes yes yes all right all in favor signify by saying I I po same sign we have an agenda and now we need to approve the minutes from the September 12th 2004 Library board meeting everyone's had a chance to look those over I will take a motion to accept the minutes I'll move acceptance all right second second any comments or questions I was absent so I get nothing to say but all in favor signify by saying I I I post same sign all right those are the minutes and now we can move on to the uh financial report we are 76.7 7% through 2024 and our budget is approximately 77.9 95% expended bills paid during September included $1,081 to Hillyard for paper products um things like paper towels toilet paper Etc $26 to class and mechanical for Water Heater replacement um that was for the labor only that water heater was replaced in 2022 so the warranty covered the the actual water heater 1,67 to spend certified for a betamax recorder player for the memory lab um which was covered by the melon Foundation Grant $30 to River Creek Nursery to replace dead plants in the landscaping and $1 15,3 736 to Traverse to sue Regional Library for the second half of our 2024 member fees um we also paid $546 to the new Al Body Shop to repair a Patron's car that was damage damaged when Library staff open the bookd drop door so oop um Patron was pulled up as we were entering the bookd drop door and the door swung to wide and dinged and scratched the car so we paid forther to have that um repaired um I just wanted to note to that the budget um is seems overspent for where we are in the year right now when you consider that our furniture purchases security the first half of the security camera project that we paid as a deposit and our library technology equipment Grant Line which is the melon Foundation um those things without those things included were about 72% spent on the budget right now so no need to panic then huh no need to panic any other any other comments or yes April on the issue with the Patron's car if that damage had been more substantial does the city have a insurance policy that would cover that up to a certain deductible yes I don't know what the exact deductible is but I checked in with the finance department when it happened and the deductible was more than the cost of the repair okay so we had the patron go get a quote which she gave to the library and then we okayed her to go ahead and get the work done okay great thank you great great great any other questions comments otherwise we'll move on to the uh Department activities report for September 2024 right um as I mentioned in the financial report we replac some of the um dead plants and the Landscaping it was just a couple um empty spots there but I just want to say a thank you to the New Alm Garden Club volunteers Julie Gartner and Deb Steinberg who came um they went out to River Creek Nursery and picked out the plants that they thought would work work in the landscaping and planted them for us and then they also um the secondary hasta bed that's out font they went through and split up some of the hostas and spread things out based on the way things were growing there so I just want to say a big thank you to them for their attention and their volunteer work at the library um as we talked about at our last meeting our panic button system was replaced on F Friday September 20th um so the work is done on that I've been working with the friends of the library on Advertising for the annual used book sale which is being held November 7th through 9th 2024 information about that can be found on the library's website at www.new library.org our genealogy Club took a field trip this month to the Martin Luther College Library um the the mlc library staff talked about the organization of their collections collections shared some resource sheets that they have and then gave a tour of their facilities with emphasis on family history related materials so I just want to thank the library staff there um Linda crommer and her team they are a great partner we really appreciate working with them um we've received some new equipment for the memory lab um with purchase through those melon Foundation funds um our programing and Technology Services library and installed a new microfilm scanner and the computer that we purchased with it he also installed digit digitization comp a digitization computer was also set up and connected to the hardware for audio can cassette and VHS conversion as well as CD and DVD burning um he tested all those connections and the station is now updated with all the functions that it had before we also have ordered um a max player and other equipment which will be installed as it arrives um and I just wanted to note in the statistics the views of our YouTube station especially when it comes to our don't read the instructions game plane video series um those are way up because newat has started to take clips from those um programs and put the uh make them available as YouTube shorts which is um something that people kind of um scroll through a little bit like Tik Tock and can watch shorter Clips so that has drawn more people to those videos so that's been a great way to promote um that series for us and then Megan did you want to share just a little bit about the final tally for the library cards or you might not have that in front of you I can share it if you want okay sorry that's okay total number but not the breakdown so we had um we with our art design contest for our library cards we um the final tally of the cards that was that were replaced during the free replacement period was 271 um so the designs we had 96 people choose the the child winner 111 chose the teen winner and 64 chose the adult winner designs and so we still have some of those cards left that we can use um but we are um reverted back to the $1 replacement fee for cards but also new card holders can pick from those designs as well if they would like to um I have just a u i want to make sure I understand this um your Outreach to the Senior Living Center when we see a total like oills 21 or uh Orchard Hills three that was the number of people that were participating or the number of books that were taken out or what participating so so they they came whether they uh checked out a book or not yes and some you know some may not choose anything but we have some that that Choose You Know months worth month's supply of books whatever that might be for them okay all right all right and then you did have a request for a study room uh was there any can you remember tell us anything about what particular use that that was or not really I don't know off the top of my head what it was a lot of times it's um either someone who's looking for a private space either you know because they're having some kind of online meeting or phone conversation um sometimes it's someone who needs needs a quiet atmosphere for some kind of testing or training that they're doing um those kind of things um and every once in a while it'll be like a small group two to four people who need somewhere private to meet okay any anyone else have any questions or comments or what we need for a little bit of clarification people are coming to the library that's for sure anything else other otherwise uh otherwise we'll be moving on are we on the statistics yes I noticing there a a good increase year toe in the the Libby um usage what is there something you can attribute that to um I think it's just a continued use um we saw a lot more people jumped to that service during the pandemic especially when we were closed um to get material and I think that use just continues to increase um I don't have the numbers in front of me but we've been talking a little bit about it with other Library directors at TDS and we're looking at um that although the Libby use is strong it's a lot of power users of Libby too that are driving that increase and the more we spend on Libby um the more that is available to be checked out too so it's not does not necessarily indic indicate the same percentage increase in the number of users of Libby as it might Al um it might also indicate just an increase of the use of those liers users who are using Libby as well if that makes sense yeah so so the more that's available the more people use it right right or or if there's more available the current users will be able to get it versus waiting yes okay right if there's six copies right versus 10 copies or something know something that's become available in the last couple years with Libby is um I'm going to forget what their official name for it is but it's rather than one person wanted a Time access it's um 50 people all access at the same time and then all of your copies for that use are used up so you pay $150 and 100 people can use it all at the same time and so then you can really move through your hold lists but some of purchasing some of those kind of items you know that's 150 more circulations because you bought that one item and really moved through your hold list really fast so it might be a little a little bit of everything too some of the method of purchasing could have changed those statistics as well all right so you really need to know what people are going to want to read it's a yeah it's a challenge okay but that's that's your that's your skill set that's your job that's your job anything else or should we move on or do we move on to our resolution now I I've got one other question I want to ask I'm sorry uh for um I noticed in new materials there was a little over 400 and the number of items that were cataloged by TDS was around 150 I think what's uh behind that disparity or is it just that's how many they've gotten through or not everything that we buy new gets cataloged is that the case not everything that we buy needs to be cataloged so if we're buying something and five other libraries are buying it the first copy that the first Library sends their copy to TDs to be cataloged counts as the copy that was cataloged and then when we receive our copy of that item there's already a record in there that we can attach our specific item to that barcode so it's just not not everything has to go over to TDs for their cataloging okay onto the future you want to tell us what's happening in the future sure okay so we have our family history Fair on Thursday October 17th from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. at the library we'll have area historical societies and family history organizations available with info about their um resources and they'll also be available to answer questions so we invite everyone to attend that um we're showing a no school afternoon movie on Friday October 18th at 2 p.m we'll be watching wish um and the movie screenings at the library are sponsored by the Optimus Club of new home so we thank them for that um we are presenting a creative Workshop called making art in evil times with r Allen Brooks who is an author and professor and that's on Thursday October 24th from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. he'll be teaching strategies for overcoming creative fear and we've funded that with arts and cultural heritage fund Grant and then we're trying something new having a stuffed animal sleepover on Monday October 28th you can drop off your stuffed animals between 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. make a name tag and then read a bedtime story to your stuffed animal before they stay overnight at the library where we'll be documenting all of their Adventures um and then you can pick them up between 9:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday October 29th and learn about everything that they got up to while they stayed overnight at the library that's awesome is this children only or yes registration is required um the program is for ages 2 to8 oh Dar just missed oh that sounds like a lot of funer programming all right all right time to move on to resolutions or have I missed something yes go ahead all right on to the we get we're we're we're resolved here uh this is um resol I'll I'll start we've got a couple of resolutions the first one is resolution number 2024 3 one approving the 2025 Library fees and fines schedule this is the second reading and it's the adoption the city of New Al annually reviews its schedule of fees as a part of this the library is required to update its fees and F schedule the library director proposes the attached schedule for 2025 fees which includes the following changes eliminating uh meeting room rental fees eliminate equipment rental fees add note under fax transmission that there is no charge for local tollfree uh numbers cover sheets so changes proposed by the library board members will be incorporated after adoption the schedule will be uh submitted to the finance department for final approvement approval by the city council the library director plans to submit an updated meeting room rental agreement to the library board for final approval by its December 12th 2024 meeting as well as request that the library's equipment use policy be retired these changes would go into effect January 1st 2025 so you went over this in my absence last time so I I want to know if anybody's got any additional additional comments or questions I otherwise we'll just go on I'll take a motion to um uh accept that resolution so moved second second uh any further discussion otherwise call the role secretary call the role Dustin yes Vince yes ruthanne yes yvan yes Sarah yes Carl yes all right there we go scrolling down to resolution number 2024 32 accepting TDS collection development Grant at its September 19th 2024 meeting the Travers du Su Regional Library board approved awarding $100,000 in funds toward member libraries nonfiction collections with the goal of updating and refreshing the relevancy and accuracy of collections throughout the regions new Al Public Library share of these funds is $1,090 and that sounds fabulous is there anything else we should know about that is there anything in particular uh behind this is it um so um TDS has unspent Regional Library basics system support funds that they have to spend by June 2025 and so because they are unspent funds just from that one year they have to be spent on one-time purchases when we got the new collection HQ tool that helps us with determine what's being used in our collections what needs to be removed from our collections um they saw region wide that a lot of libraries have out ofate non-fiction Collections and so the their goal with using these funds is one to use them up by the the deadline but two to help libraries update those non-fiction collections so that they're refreshed for Patron use um so the way they broke it down was using the same um they use um a number of formulas when they calculate Our member fees for the year but they based the amount of the 1,000 $100,000 on the percentage of that total collection that we represent for the whole region of library right grant that they got then it wasn't specifically for non-fiction it was for a set amount of money and then they determined the true ver to Su determined how it should be spent and based on the data showing that the non-fiction collections are out of date they decided to spend it on that yes okay so does the new Public Library does that have to use the funds by June 25th as well or does that extended yes the deadline they gave all of the member libraries they is they want all of our orders by May um 23rd 2025 got it so is that doable for $111,000 in books yes um the the challenge will be to to weed as we go oh right well uh can you buy is it just books or can you buy Libby um it's for the physical collection it's for the physical collection that's fine that's right that's right that's a good question CU they did say collection really didn't couldn't tell if it was audio or yeah and I just want to note based on the wording here um this is not a check that TDs is writing to us they're asking that we just submit our orders to them so they can place the orders for us and our limit is $1,090 right yeah right and then they keep track of it right yes right all right okay good any any other questions comments I think it's great it's great all right I move that we approve second all right any further discussion otherwise call the rooll Dustin yes Vince yes ruthanne yes ivanne yes Sarah yes Carl yes right past now we go on to resolution number 2024 33 accepting the July 1st to September 30th 2024 donations and memorials and the list below describes donations received by the library for that period of time uh and this includes General donations and memorials the donor is T Lee Bach uh $100 uh for books there's an anonymous uh donation of $40 put in the donation box with no designation uh donor uh Linda linquist in memory of Eugene beagle $25 for adult books Teresa westrup in memory of Barb Runk $20 for adult books specifically crochet books uh Sue erery in memory of Barb Runk $25 cash for adult books regarding crafts or pets uh and then the Lions Club of new $11,000 in cash for adult books large print books so the total is [Music] $1,110 on there and that and plus the value of the actual books the first one that I read so so then the total donations are $1,210 so and the library board and the accepts these donations with gratitude gratitude to the donors it's a well-loved library that people want to give their gifts to it's wonderful I'd like to raise up barbar she was a longtime uh employee at the library and did a fantastic job and uh we always appreciated her work and dedication to the patrons thank you thank you so when when uh donations are made in memory of people is that in any way designated in the stuff that end up getting bought like is there like a sticker on the inside of the front cover that says that or um donors do have the option of requesting that which we hon if they if they would like that okay otherwise it's just this is just the uh yes the means of memorizing um memorializing it yes okay and then I did see the picture in the paper of you accepting the the Lions Club donation yes thank you Lions anything else otherwise we'll call the I do I have a motion we need ation all right so now we need to call her go ahead so move okay on second all right any any further discussion call the rooll Dustin yes Vince yes ruthanne yes yvan yes Sarah yes Carl yes all right motion uh resolution passes okay now this is a long time incoming uh it's uh this is a request for board action to just receive in order filed use of the Rudy good memorial fund now I don't know how long ago at a year ago probably um we got word from the finance department that we had these funds that were just sitting there so spring into spring into action spring into action um the action that we'll take is to receive an order filed use of the Rudy good memorial fund for book purchases in the amount of $1,545 56 sense now like I said they they that that memorial fund for Rudolph good currently has that has that money in it and they they've remained unspent for a long period of time uh during which the in the intended uh purpose of the funds became unclear and the library director worked very hard uh with the good family to because they wanted things clarified they wanted they want was this for Rudy good or Raleigh good or was there any have has it been used before was there any did they have any idea who who um made this uh donation and I think it was all pretty unclear but we finally finally and I really I I was copied on all the emails back and forth and that this was um you earned your 1,54 $556 um and I believe um I believe that uh that um it's going to be spent on books and they have asked for a the sticker yeah the M right and so and so anybody remember Rudy good remember the names I don't call him exactly well Raleigh good on the on the store the lovely women's clothing store rallies but and I maybe I shouldn't say this in public but uh someone who knew Rudy good said never knew him to read a book which which might have been why might have been why the family's going really but you never know very kind it'll be well well used well-used funds I'm very very happy with this so I'll take well all we have to do is I'll I'll take a motion um to receive an order filed uh the uh proposal the uh on the use of of those Memorial funds oh second I need a motion first okay motion I thought you made the motion you you yeah okay well I could I suppose that's okay second all right uh all in favor say I I post same sign now let's see if I can find the addendum that we approved here we go another resolution this one was all wet resol olution 2024 34 approving use of a fund balance for a sprinkler inspection okay this is resolution 2024 34 uh the library received the the attached uh sprinkler head testing quote from Olympic Fire Protection uh which totals 1,9 $79 and the Olympic Fire Protection does annual inspections for the libraries Sprinklers and these inspections do not include testing which is required now that the sprinklers are 50 years old oh my this is an unbudgeted expense for 2024 and the library director recommends uh using the library's fund balance to cover the expense the city's building official estimates that the next test will not be required for 10 or 20 years after this one so and I think uh I think Ivon read through the contract has you got any comments or questions about that it's long I do just want to note um in the 2025 budget we budgeted $3,000 for um fire sprinkler inspection that is for the pipes not the sprinkler heads the pipes have to be done every 5 years okay um so I'm this one was a a new one for me I wasn't aware of this I'm sorry and I assume that the building inspector pointed that out or yeah all right well or the fire chief one of the two so good good good good yeah I um where I work we just going through a sprinkler head and pip replacement cuz we're finding that the piping and the heads are 50 years old also and rather than do the testing we just replaced all the heads but that can get kind of expensive so I wouldn't be surprised if when they do the testing when they spend the 1979 that they'll say some or all of the heads have to be replaced which will be an additional expense later probably next year then [Music] MH well but and also maybe we can work it in conjunction with getting the piping tested cuz if you find that the piping has to be replaced you can then replace the piping and the heads at the same time and save a probably save a little money rather than do it twice sure and who who in the city would would be the more the it's not April who' be the uh expert on that type of thing would it be the it would be the probably the building official and the fire chief possibly in conjunction it would probably fall under the building officials job duties as far as the maintenance part of it well I'm sure as as you we go through this I'm sure you'll be in in contact with those folks so okay all right April how did it come to his attention that it was the 50 years were up and they needed I would imagine that Olympic brought it to his attention but I didn't hear that that piece of it yeah I think the heads have uh Engravings on there or stampings on there that indicate the year that they were manufactured so then they could utilize that to determine the age of them we did have already have our annual inspection from Olympics so I would if they were looking at that during their inspection that's probably where it yeah it popped well and that was one of my questions U you've worked with Olympic before you know so so it's not a Best Buy date it's right you you got to go for this kind of stuff you got to go through accredited uh organizations Fire Protection Organization so yeah not any Fly by Night Tom Dick and Harry can do this so no yeah right all right I'll take a I'll take a motion uh to allow this uh money uh to come out of the um out of the fund as stated so so move second I'll second any other further discussion hearing none let's take the rooll Dustin yes Vince yes ruthan yes yvan yes Sarah yes Carl yes any other business to come before this board any other business going once going twice all right we're adjourned thanks everybody