##VIDEO ID:ROgvDLJkUD4## e e e e e e e e e e all right we'll call this meeting oh oh there we are I'll call this meeting to order uh it's uh 4 p.m. on Thursday November 14th 2024 we're here in the city hall council chambers and we're ready to start our library board meeting the first thing we need to do is approve the agenda we've all gotten that uh agenda by email in advance and we have it in front of us can I have a motion to approve the agenda so moved do I have a second second any discussion about the agenda hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I same sign and now let's look to approve the minutes from the October 10th 2024 Library board meeting we again we've had those in advance uh any uh can I have a motion to approve the minutes so move do I have a second second uh any discussion uh hearing none uh all in favor of approving the minutes uh signify by saying I I post same sign all right we've got agenda and minutes and now on to the financial report for our October of 2024 we are 84.9 7% through 2024 and our budget is approximately 85.6 6% expended bills that P we that bills that were paid during October included $589 to Amazon for memory lab equipment which came from the melon Foundation funds $210 to the American Library Association for annual ala and Public Library Association memberships for me 115 $1 to hi VE for programming Refreshments $395 to Metro Sales for our two copier contracts $46 to plunket for pet for pest control that's a normal quarterly visit for them um $1,853 to Precision alarm for panic button replacement and the annual far fire alarm testing um you had approved the panic button replacement at a previous meeting $667 to the Kor Grand Hotel in Rochester for the Minnesota Library Association conference loder lodging for our youth services and reference Librarians um and that was covered by Travers du Su Regional Library honorariums they each received a $600 honorarium to cover some of the expenses for their conference attendance okay um anyone have any comments uh about the uh financial report or any questions of our director I would also just note that um as I've noted in past months our budget is approximately actually 80.5% spent when you look at the furniture P purchases and security cameras that are coming from our fund balance and also the library technology equipment Grant Line is coming from the melon Foundation Grant so the we're actually about 80.5% okay good spent anyone else have any comments or questions about the financial report well hearing n we'll move on to the uh Department activities uh report and the various statistics um Library AIDS Carol per y Library AIDS Carol Peri and Tristan Jenkins have resigned from their positions at the library um we wish them well those positions have been posted and the posting closes on November 18th um as of I think over a week ago we had 18 applications already so that's that's good to hear um our security camera installation was completed on November 5th um the city's IT director is working with the vendor to complete final configurations to the cameras um we are discontinuing material materials delivery to newal middle school as well as discontinuing issuing student cards to the Middle School fifth grade students as of December 20th 24 we have been looking at the statistics and that process and the other Outreach requests and visits that we would like to make throughout the community and we're just refocusing our school Outreach on making connections with students through classroom visits and resource instructions so that we can offer consistent Outreach service to all of the schools in the area we just cannot scale the the delivery and the cards um we're the library we're also working on our circulation policy to make it easier for those under 18 to obtain library cards um which would supersede some of the need to issue student cards in the future um we notified the media center staff and administrators at the middle school about that um as I mentioned previously the reference and youth services Librarians were able to attend the Minnesota Library Association conference in Rochester on October 24th and 25th um they are excited to bring back some of the information they learned there and um they attended some things on children's programming and Collections and it's just a great opportunity for them to interact with other um Librarians throughout the state and just learn from what other people are doing in their libraries and and make some connections that way and then the Brown County Library board will meet Monday November 18th at 700 p.m. at the New Alm Public Library um the November meeting is more of a housekeeping meeting typically where we talk about a recap of the requests that we made to the County Commissioners in June as well as um receive our second dispersement for those County funds for the year and then as far as stat go I just want to note two things um our total weeded items has gone up in October over recent months um while we focus on updating our non-fiction collections a big part of that is weeding out-of-date materials so that we have the space for those new purchases with those TDS non-fiction Grant funds um so Librarians we did a total of 750 1 items for October and then I just wanted to note that Monday morning story time is consistently our best attended program we typically have been seen anywhere between 25 to 45 attendees so um that's a lot of people in our children's room but it's a lot of fun and um there's a lot of energy as the kids and their parents come in and out of the library so it's those are good mornings okay any comments or questions uh with regard to the uh activities and stati statistics for October 2024 hearing none let's move on to the F fabulous things that are coming up in November programming calendar all right so on Monday November 18th at 6:30 p.m we have an author visit with forensic psychologist Frank Weber he's VI visit us visited us before and it always gives a really nice presentation um his latest book Scandal of vandals is based on true crime in Minnesota that was once touted as the crime of the century so if you're interested in hearing more about that please join us we have another author visit with Nancy noise silcox on Saturday November 23rd at 10:30 a.m. her latest book which is a children's book is called A Place Called Home at 10 and that will be at excuse me and that'll be in our library's meeting room the historical fiction book follows Caroline Beck and her family as they travel from Cincinnati Ohio by Steamboat to newm in 1857 and that's a children's book yes okay yeah and then I just wanted to note that the library will close early at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday November 27th and be closed on Thursday the 28th and Friday the 29th for Thanksgiving and then we are open our regular hours from 9:30 to 5: on Saturday November 30th okay okay any uh questions or comments or anyone want to lift anything up about the November programming yes I have heard Mr Weber present and he is quite entertaining if you have never heard him and are available that evening I would encourage you to think about going good and that's Monday that's this coming Monday yes right right and that's up in uh where that will be at the meeting room oh in the in the basement meeting room yeah so if you you can choose between the Brown County Library board meeting upstairs or Frank Weber in the meeting room okay got it got it thank you Carl um I just want to say I picked up a a few books at the book sale so thank you for that this past weekend great yes the friends of the library had their annual book sale right good never have too many books don't tell my all right uh if if without objection we'll move on to our our resolutions we got a couple here uh the first resolution is resolution number 2024 35 approving disposal of surplus items during 2023 and 2024 the library replaced equipment in the memory lab and at several staff workstations this included upgrading some stations to two monitors the old equipment is outdated and or incom compatible with the library's current technology the library director recommends that these items be designated Surplus and recycled through the city's technology recycling program Apple Mac Mini a1347 Dell Optiplex 710c Lenovo think Center 7 uh m75s uh St Imaging view scan Roman numeral 2 microfilm scanner and Dell LCD monitors and there's three of those any questions or comments about declaring these uh items as Surplus always nice to have new stuff but the old stuff's got to go right all right okay if there's any other if there's any uh any well I'll take a motion uh to approve this resolution so moved second I'll second all right any any discussion hearing none secretary can you call the role Sarah yes Dustin yes Vince yes ruthanne yes yvon yes Lynn yes Hope yes Carl yes okay motion uh resolution passes now this uh next res resolution is number 202 2435 approving the meeting room use policy and this is the first reading so we'll just be we'll just be reading through it um the library director recommends that the library board adopt the attached draft meeting room use policy with an effective date of January 1st 2025 the existing policy was last updated uh in 2020 and the Library director has Rewritten the policy to be current with the 2025 fee schedule uh as approved at the library board's October 10th 2024 meeting the 2025 fee schedule eliminates rental fees for the libraries meeting room and the draft policy reflects this change the draft policy also sets limits on the types and numbers of meetings that can be held uh in the meeting room this change is intended to ensure that the meeting room is used for purposes relevant to the library's Mission and is available to a wide variety of patrons and groups both the existing and draft meeting room use policies are attached and the City attorney has reviewed uh both policies and S and the suggested changes to language languages throughout which the library director has uh incorporated into the draft policy so the uh City attorney has reviewed this yes okay good all right and the and we've got the which one is first here draft the dra okay I I would recommend that we just wave reading through the pages of it and then just uh reiterate to the board to read through it before the next meeting when we uh when we'll vote on it m i I do see one change of one word I believe um on the second page the meeting room may not be used for um in the uh top bullet point there programs or sales conducted by nonprofit groups of which the proceeds or a percent thereof will go to the direct benefit to city-owned entities should that be direct benefit of city-owned entities oh that a English majorate that thank you thank you um I just wanted to note too um for this resolution the after the library board approves the fee schedule it also goes to city council for approval and they had their first reading at their um meeting this month their last meeting this month and they didn't have any questions about the library okay good good thank you thank you for that all right I'm just scrolling through here scroll through the on the old one all right and this is another um our next resolution is also a first reading and this is resolution number 202 2437 retiring equipment use policy the library director recommends that the library board retire the attached equipment use policy effective January 1st 2025 the library board approved the 2025 fee schedule at its October 10th 2024 meeting in the 2025 fee schedule eliminates rental fees for equipment if the rental use policy is retired then equipment will be governed by the library of things policy and circul and circulated as things starting January 1st 2025 outdated equipment will be weeded in accordance to the libraries uh collection development policy okay and again we've got the draft here and this one isn't the draft it's a current policy this is the C okay this is the current policy we're just going to be retiring it all right well there you go thank you anyone want to make any comments about retiring the policy that's a thick one so gosh since we don't have to vote on these I think we've I think we've reached the end of our agenda I'm trying to get get back to this one quick question Madam chair that is when you uh suggest that this is a retirement of the policy are you require to give notice to the public that the policy's been retired or you just eliminated out of your policy manual I would have to double check on that Carl and I don't know if the board meeting serves as a I say seems like this would be the public notice within the library itself maybe what your mean I will I will check on that and act on it as needed okay this month um and I can bring your answer to to the next meeting okay thank you April all right okay have any other business to come before this board any other business any other business all right well uh meeting a Jour see you in November I mean I see you in December