##VIDEO ID:dBxhaZ2WetU## e e what does it take for I don't know it says it on here good afternoon good evening everyone my name is Tom schmidtz I'm the chair of the sister City's commission for the City of New Alm and I'm calling the meeting to order our monthly meeting first Monday of the month every month this is uh November 4th at 5:15 and and in the council chambers at City Hall so welcome um and then what we'll do is uh through our roll call we'll just have everyone introduce themselves and we'll start over here on my left with Ron introduce yourself into the microphone please Ron wendinger carlyn Marty Smith John voror Tom schmidtz Ellie Sweeney dick C both Kathleen backer all right thank you so we do have a quorum and we're going to continue on with the meeting um as everyone has seen in the um agenda packet uh we are in need of a scribe or a uh you know a a secretary type position we need a person to uh take notes during our meetings and um I hope you've all had a chance to think about that of course myself as chair cannot do so and the vice chair uh commissioner seuth is vice chair correct yes so the two of us are unable to uh act as scribe or notetaker do we have anyone interested in um stepping up to the notetaker Scribe secretary position for us at this time I'd like to nominate my good friend Ellie would you be interested in this I Ellie Sweeney I think would make an excellent uh secretary um I wanted to kind of get the feel for the group before I became somebody that was official uh do it today and see if another we can do it yes we can table this because our next meeting in December will be to formalize the officers for next year of 20125 um so if uh Mr sweene is not interested in uh taking on that position for a year uh we would like to see if anyone's willing to take notes for this meeting as a uh interim notetaker I'll be an interim interim notetaker good excellent okay thank you Ellie is there like a form that they that they take notes on okay okay thank you it would just be have our attendance I got it right now wonderful yeah thank you very much Ellie for taking notes at this meeting um all right so we will uh continue to have the election of 24 officers on the agenda um in our December meeting we'll have to take formal action for the 2025 officers the next item on the agenda item 4.1 is uh approval of the minutes everyone has seen the minutes in the packet I would entertain a motion to approve the October 7th 2024 minutes I'll make that motion to approve the minutes I'll second commissioner warw workk um motioned um and commissioner Marty Smith has seconded any discussion at all in the minutes um if no discussion all those in favor of the motion signify by saying I I I opposed same sign silence so the uh that motion approves unanimously uh with the minutes approved and adopted from October 7th 2024 the next item 5.1 are is the financial reports uh with the date ending Halloween October 31st 2024 everyone has had a chance to see those in the agenda packet um I would entertain a motion to approve the financial reports dated October 31st 2024 so moved we've got a motion by commissioner seuth a second please I'll make that motion to second second commissioner voror thank you any discussion on the motion on the table which is the financial reports any comments or discussion if not we'll go ahead and vote all those in favor of the motion please signify by saying I I I opposed same sign no one's opposed unanimously approved the financials thank you very much we'll move on to item 5.2 in the financial section and that is to approve payment payment from our special fund the 830 fund to Carolyn Smith for photos placed in the kiosk at Hans Yos Park in the amount of $248 I would entertain a motion to approve that please so moved and a thank you as well for taking the time and effort to keep that kiosk updated we have a motion and a thank you from commissioner SE Bo the second please I put Denny's statue picture in there made that yeah The Lion Man second to the motion thank you commissioner wnar second any discussion Carolyn um thank you again and um you've got some some of those flos are from Mr Warden yeah we took it last he came last time and he brought his lion the Almer lion and so I took a picture of that I took a picture of Denny presenting it to us and put both of those up thank you thankk you it has to be current yeah yes thank you any other discussion or comments related to the motion on the table I again thank you very much uh Carolyn for that work and uh we will now Mo vote on the motion all those in favor of the motion um signify by saying I I I oppose same sign motion carries unanimously again thank you very much Caroline now we'll move on to Old business 6.1 a potential possible German language day camp in 2025 next year that we have done occasionally in the past during previous Summers on occasion um so you have a number of documents in the packet um and you know any uh subcommittee meeting has to be scheduled in advance and uh held here and televised and recorded by newcat um and so we need a few days Advance warning to get it into the system any uh uh subcommittee meeting on this um I think we have there was uh some information about the committee members I think we are down to a committee of one officially is that true Bo that's what it look like to we got um because Elaine and Lori have resigned so Carol and Marty Smith is our sole official member of the German language Camp subcommittee have we had anyone else um email or call or phone to I think you did didn't you Lis commissioner you you talked meeting yeah you talked to the Engle Burger I have sent I have done a little work on this endeavor um I'm sitting on the hos exchange committee with counselor and commissioner Larry Mack so I don't think I should be on two subcommittees but uh we do need I'd say at least a couple more people maybe three more people on this subcommittee um if we're going to have an opportunity to possibly well the chair and the vice chair are ad hoc members of all committees anyway correct correct but I still think we need at least two bar members U to step up and say so Mr swe has volunteered okay Ellie Sweeney's on that subcommittee fantastic the recognition subcommittee is John voror and Ryan Filson so they're busy uh Ron is slated on the advertising committee um with Jeremy Reid so we do have a few uh people not here today we'll have to see if they can step up on at least one of these sub committees um so what should we talk about at this moment related to the summer potential child language Day Camp Mr chair yes commissioner significant need is to get a person to coordinate slash te the program and until that happens uh we're not moving forward and I do think that needs to be accomplished within this calendar year uh November December if at all possible uh and one of the integral parts of enticing someone to uh coordinate this program might be uh the stien that the commission would offer for such services so uh I do think that should be on the table I think somewhere between $500 and $1,000 to put this program together is what the market should be bearing at this point in time uh it's a bit of an undertaking and uh times have changed it's been 11 years it'll be a dozen years since we last uh held such a program and my guess is that the stapen was probably $500 12 years ago so um does does anyone have a feel for uh the in what kind of interest there is in this program I do not I mean are we going after something that is really not in of Interest much in the community and uh should we be pursuing it if there is not a lot of interest you know like you said it's been 12 years so lots changed since that time you know and I don't know if now is the German language is it taught up at uh at the high school public does teach anyway pardon is at the public high school it is okay because I know when my kids went they were still I was just wondering if it's still being offered well thank you commissioner wener I think it's important to know whether or not we may have potential customers so to speak or students I completely agree with Vice chair SE booth on the U fact of the matter that we we need one or more adults to step up and Lead this um language camp and teach the students um I would also add officially on the record that we've got a number of documents in the packet from which have been used in the past on this program but I firmly believe that we don't have to do exactly what we've done in the past I think if the new instructor or group of instructors and leaders I I think we'll do anything they want to do um you know within reason um and we can frame the program in any way that they would like it framed um and uh that we don't want to give them you know the program or the agenda or the syllabus we'd like them to be um leading on how they think it should be done is is one of my thoughts any other comments do they have do they have to be a professional teacher or can it be could it be one of our past exchanges that went to Germany that might say no it does not have to be a professional licensed teacher I would say no uh mayor backer you were going to comment also I'll kind of piggyback on what commissioner weninger said and that is uh along with the planning process I would suggest that we say there is a a minimum let's say you only get three people would you still do it so I think you have to establish uh right up front uh what that minimum uh would be as far as registrations and I agree in response to excuse me Ron's question uh I genuinely think there is uh an appetite for such activities uh there have been uh learning situations offered during the summer uh by the historical society and and other groups and it seems that it's up with the uh that the interest is out there for activities for the Youth during the summer months and seem to be supported uh if you look at the activities that are sponsored by the park and wreck which you might know something about uh I think there is an appetite in the community for such activities I would agree with that Vice chair SE booth and I don't think that should hold us back at this point in time at all I completely agree with a leadership group a teaching group uh that would be willing to take this on is that's the key necessity at at this point in time any other comments or discussion I think the only way we're going to be able to gauge the interest is just go through the process get it we're going to have to get that all set up and that's the only way we're going to find out so so we have commissioner Marty Smith and commissioner Sweeny on the subcommittee we have room for one or more members of the subcommittee um and of course as Vice chair c Bo has mentioned the chair and vice chair are ad hoc members of all committees uh so I think um we need to work hard diligently in the next two months and you know it's it's holiday season that might be hard to pin people down and get any sort of commitment this may roll into January in the new year I don't know but um I think that's the the key component at this point in time is to start talking and seeking for um at least two adults who are willing to lead this summer program any other comments or discussion on this topic I have an idea for how we could maybe gauge some interest remember was it the last meeting when we decided that we were going to ask the journal to do a lifestyle section on cities okay so you've all seen what I sent out to everybody and I sent it to all the people that I had access to and I would imagine some of you did Dick went and got information about the beginning of the hos is that what you sent them I didn't see what dick s but well actually it was it's the the history of the relationship right starting with the uh uh donations from the community to om Noom after world after SL during World War 1 and explain the the documentation I presented to uh the journal explains how that has morphed into a a classic uh sister City's relationship that we have presently so it covers that time up to probably the 70s maybe even into the 80s I don't didn't see where the cut off point was so so like my point for Lifestyles is if he does indeed do a spread for us I sent a bunch of pictures I sent every person that responded to me I sent them either the original copy or I put a couple of people they only wrote short little pieces I put that all together you all saw it on the note I sent to you so I put that all together and I sent it off to Clay now I've not talked to Clay since then since he got all the information but if he's going to do a lifestyle spread for us I don't know if he is I assume he told me he was going to then we could put in there something about German summer camp maybe we could add that is is there any interest in doing a German summer camp I'd be happy to you know like use my email address one of my email addresses and let people write to me if they have an interest in that and maybe we could gauge whether or not we will be able to have that that might be a way of asking them without paying the journal to put something in it be a great closing paragraph to the whole AR a little thing we will have does that work I mean does that sound like it would work I think that's a a brilliant idea idea and we just need to work with our media Outlets uh both the journal and KJ um when it comes to uh promoting our programs and our opportunities uh so we'll just have to see how the timing comes together on that also because that was the point of it right that we wanted to get people to be interested in the application process which starts in January am I correct that's why we're doing this right well yes the hos Exchange program has already opened up right for applications and uh yes so we so now if we get that we add that in that I mean I would be happy to work something up and run it past everybody and then we can send it off to Clay and he can add that to the because I'm not going to write the article Clay is doing the writing of the article I just sent him the information correct and we don't know the timeline on the publishing too he could be booked out he was he did say he was booked that way but he said he he he thought November is when he was going to put it in that's was as soon as okay that'd be wonderful because you know next year's hos Exchange program deadline application for outbound participants is the end of the year um New Year's Eve um so that's just nicely if it all goes together so okay all right well the subcommittee's got work to do um when it comes to locating two or more leaders instructors of a a youth language Day Camp um so there's no action necessary on this agenda item um you know the stien and the finances I think can be discussed later and uh dependent upon a number of factors um so unless someone thinks there's need for Action I don't see a need for Action at this meeting okay we'll move on to item 6.2 um to discuss and possibly view the hanso cultural exchange video created by newcat and Mr Gary clemi so Mr clemi could you please step up to the microphone the podium there state your name and address for the record and uh carry on with your presentation please my name is Gary kemi I live uh in new Al up in pay Street and when I was a member of the sister cities commission we were working on an introductory uh video a short one it started out originally about 3 and a half minutes we have it down to about a minute and a quarter or so and to give you a perspective where we're thinking of putting it uh I believe you've already seen what was mailed out the the brochure and I think a single page might go that counselors get and they put up on their bulletin board for students to see and it has a QR code which they the students then if they're interested click on it and then what comes up is the the verbiage that you probably see there and where we're suggesting and maybe putting this video would be right after where program overview is and you'll see that right there I have underneath it says learn more and we could put uh in there what I'm thinking of putting in there would be probably a picture of the Commissioners where you're out in front of the uh city of New Alm sign and so and then there would be the button right on it just like when there is for uh Bridget and Evelyn there's a you know click in the center of that one for that actual interview so what we put together is really very short because uh if they really want more information about it the interview probably goes 10 minutes or maybe even longer on it so uh Mr Sherman unfortunately told me that the most recent draft did not transmit over but then uh we'll talk about the draft that we have here and he has I believe set up that we could uh take a look at at this time and see what what it looks like most of it it'll be certainly my words will not change but it might be some pictures might change here so yeah if we're ready greetings from the new Al sister cities commission since 1988 we've sent more than 35 young people to work in the city of Al maybe louder please most of the time this work to St Mr gimi this is uh in incredible effort um thank you so much um who else is responsible I mean we're going to see the entire video but uh until we get it going here um or maybe it's going to be rolling here shortly well hopefully it it's not a professional job but it's close to weend as an amateur doing it right so so between newat and I greetings from the new inform since 1988 we've sent more than 35 young people to work in the city of mm Germany most of the time there work the standard hours that normal employees have and that allows plenty of time to visit the city and evenings and the surrounding Countryside even other countries on the weekends some of the businesses that have worked in have been in manufacturing in K through 12 education they've worked in banking and legal departments some have worked for Museums Art Galleries and many many more businesses on our website you'll find an interview of recent participants in the program which may answer some more questions you might have if you are interested in applying for this program it is open between November 15th and December 31st application will be found on our site during that time and once completed they can be sent to the contact information found on our website during January those applications will be reviewed once the commission has reached an agreement that epon will be contacted and upon agreement by them all other will receive a notification of results of the commission so on behalf of the sister cities commission we wish you great success in whatever career you choose and hope to see your application soon that's it kind of short and sweet cut it down we thought maybe their attention span isn't real long so we just get it up there short um so I can comment on a few of the the next version which I guess we have to decide if uh the ver because I know we want it out soon I should have been here I'm month ago sorry but uh whether all of you see the version before it then gets put on the website or I don't know if you want to wait until the the next meeting because that' be halfway through the sign up so uh but some of the changes like I said the the picture of the sister cities commission would probably be in the very beginning and that would be the one that see on that page that you have there that they could click on and then when I start in with the words uh beginning in 1998 uh you know then it would come back to me for a little bit uh we do have u a change of a couple of pictures like inste of a picture of the river and M would be a picture of the the monster and in front of it is a a sign that was there that said M and then uh we have a when I mentioned in there the uh there's a there's a picture of just some houses that are kind of brown well we have a picture of um uh John brigan uh and I believe is his host and they're standing and behind him is the no schwanstein Castle so so when we make reference it's not all working old place sort of thing you know they can go visit the countryside and see that uh also some other changes you probably saw when I talked about the uh the the um interview it's kind of off the bottom of the screen we want to get that up in the center of the screen so you see that's you know it's just cosmetic things more or less the words aren't going to change because I don't want to stand in their suit and talk about it again on it and um also the the contact information we might leave up there a little longer in case they're writing it down even though they can go back to the website and see that again also um also uh there are a couple of times where words were misspelled like a name of a couple businesses and I thought where you saw the list of businesses scrolling we might put behind some of them that is manufacturing or that it's uh so that they they see an English word connected with the business I think dynamar Chrysler was the first one they probably know what that is we won't put it behind it but we might put Pharmaceuticals or whatever that business is just brief and maybe smaller print right next to that so that's basically what it looks like but I said this is not quite the final draft but we' like to get that final draft as soon as possible to and how however you'd like to get it whether we email each of you a copy of it or have Lisa email each of you a copy and then maybe if you if it looks close enough or you if you want to wait for a vote till then or if it looks close enough now and I don't know if you need a vote or uh to have it put on there or whatever your decision is but this is where we're at at the moment outstanding that's that's great absolutely Gary KCK thank you very much um I would definitely support this getting out as soon as it's done I don't think I'll make a motion to that effect that the uh enhanced uh video be uh up and running as soon as possible I I'm fine with what you have there the ideas certainly will make it even better and I'd move that it gets posted we have authority to have it posted as soon as possible good motion Vice chair uh second to the motion please I'll second that okay we got a second um any discussion on the motion on the table so if I might add one thing so the things that we put in there if you saw the interview that's on there we go through about 20 questions that we had and so this is all stuff that after that interview was done I said well there really are some things of people people don't really know about it like how many have actually gone through the program so that little one minute thing is like a little add-on of additional information that isn't an interview so just outstanding that's that's great outstanding okay uh quick uh we'll vote on the motion on the table all those in favor of the motion signify by saying I I I oppose same sign motion carries unanimously thank you very much Gary Kimi and we'll get this promotional opportunity out there as soon as possible um it's a very key our uh Premier program um for our sister cities commission and our Exchange program thank you the next item on the agenda 6.3 is just notice um that you know the publicity has gone out um it's been mailed to a variety of schools and colleges uh sent to the media for publication and posted on the city's website and Facebook page um I have pulled it up you know just now on uh on the city's website so it's out and um we want to make sure we get as many applications as possible um before the end of the year any comments related to item 6.3 uh there's no no uh business necessary uh no action necessary there we'll move on to new business item 7.1 um our annual recognition award um and so I will turn it over to Mr John vorick who's on that subcommittee for us well okay um we will uh Brian and I are going to go and try and come up with a couple of uh recipient ideas and of course we need help with that if anybody has any suggestions um the recipients prior to this are are there is a list here uh so we don't double up it also gives you an idea of kind of what people are are being recognized so it can be anybody it can be a person it can be a group uh it can be a business and uh after I meet with Brian will have to set up a date and then okay that with Lisa yes as far as a date for the uh annual recognition um award ceremony uh recognition um normally that's held in January according to our packet um and so we'll expect our subcommittee to come um I presume next meeting with a uh recommendation that will vot on any uh commission members or members of the public that want to submit ideas or um potential nominees please forward that to any of us here on the commission or U the administrative office upstairs least appal and we'll make sure it gets forwarded to the appropriate people and the subcommittee who did the latest um exchange e work with when they were here this year the inbound participant one that was just the host family yeah or not the host family but the host business at Park and wck right at the Park and Recreation Department with the city been on they've been recognized already I think I just remember you can see the last page 17 of our packet uh 17 the new Al Park and Rec Department was recognized in ' 09 2009 so there's the list and I agree with um commissioner voror that we we probably don't want to repeat um giving the award to a this a same entity or individual that has received in the past um unless that's something that the subcommittee or the commission desires okay so no action necessary but think about um potential date for that recognition um in Jan January I don't know if it would be held in conjunction with our normal meeting the first Monday of the month believe that's what we've done in the past so that's that's you know coming up quickly uh we would need to coordinate that well before the end of December um as far as the the date time and location if it's going to be with our Janu January meeting um okay anything else on that topic all right we'll move on to um item eight it's kind of our last item on the agenda are there any announcements or anything that anyone would like to mention before I adjourn the meeting um the only thing I'd like to point out is that we uh the mayor's been working hard as always uh filling our various boards and commissions and uh we're uh hoping that the city Council tomorrow authorizes Tony berick uh to join our commission um and then we will uh uh we have one individual who's going to be stepping down at the end of the year Mr Jeremy Reid and so we will have a need to fill that vacancy to keep our commission full at its uh membership level of 11 members 11 Commissioners so if you have any ideas forward those ideas to Mayor backer please uh for anyone interested in in U joining as a member of our commission I'd like to mention how thrilled I am that Mrs Sweeney agreed to join our committee that was coup d' on my part and and I know she's going to be great and I know she's going to really like working with on our committee on on sister cities she'll be perfect for it she is perfect for it I agree thank you yes thank you all right any other comments announcements or topics before I I adjourn this meeting okay with nothing else no other further business I declare this meeting adjourned thank you