##VIDEO ID:N9aTEhh2vi8## e e e e e e e recording we'll call to order the tree advisory Commission meeting uh Thursday January 2nd 2025 and we'll begin on my far left with a call to order and roll call Joel St city engineer Miriam Hoffman commissioner leof commissioner Greg deerson commissioner Paul egund commissioner Jordy Vite new commissioner Tony Gasburg adviser Joey Park and Recreation director Jeff Huffman Public Works superintendent you'll see on 6.1 we'll welcome Jordi v as a new commissioner his term begins today so he'll be officially uh one of the Commissioners beginning 2025 we seek approval of the agenda I move that the agenda to be approved I'll second we have a motion and a second to approve the agenda all in favor say I I I oppose same that motion passes we'll continue with our agenda and I'll seek approval of the minutes from SE from November 7th 2024 I'll move that the minutes be approved now second got a motion and a second to approve the minutes all in favor say I I I any oppos same that motion passes and we can begin our old business uh 5.1 Joe stadheim please all right thank you Mr chair and commission members uh just just kind of as a reminder we went through this budgeting um kind of exercise last half of last year um the commission has been allowed that uh 13,550 in funds um plus that additional 100,000 for EAB removals um so with the start of the new year we are ready to start accepting uh reimbursement requests um the new kind of policies and and procedures uh for that 100,000 um that we've been allocated in the city budget will be we'll kind of share some information social media and um probably utility bill stuffer and um director shugal and myself have talked about possibly even doing like a town talk article keep include it in newspaper how that program is going to work with um it initially being only uh reimbursement for one tree initially at 50% and then after July 1st is when would open back up for the remaining funds to be redistributed amongst those that have already submitted so um we have a worksheet ready to track all the reimbursements as they come in and um in future meetings when we go through the budget uh I think we'll include that just so you guys can see how we're tracking that and where we're anticipated that being for reimbursements and whatnot so if you have any questions I'll attempt to answer them otherwise that's are summary for now any questions about that added program do you expect to have enough money to cover your tree removals this coming year well see how far that 100,000 goes that that's you know reimbursing half the cost so depends really how aggressive property owners are at taking advantage of the program um we'll do our best to advertise and get the word out so um we're not sure how far it's going to get or if how much we're going to have left um I believe you'll run out of money before the end of the year that's what we're guessing um as but until we get into it you know we'll have a better update especially when it comes to July but I think we'll see probably a flurry of activity here in the next couple months and people taking advantage of that program one of things that we run into as the discussion at the home show is you know do I have one or two summers left with this tree and that might be part of the um the information that you put out there is if it's in good shape yet you can maybe get it think about it not for 2025 but 2026 yep so that'd be the other part is knowing knowing that uh progression if you will of the march to death of that tree is that going to be just for a trees that are on the boulevard property or private yard as well private yard okay yep but that comes with the limit of the one per property y owner y or per property so we're trying to I think you the rationale there is to try to distribute amongst the city the best we can and um first year of trying it this way so we'll see how it goes and if we need to make amendments we'll you know if staff has any recommendations we'll certainly bring that back to the commission for future consideration and when when is this going to is it going to be starting soon no y okay yep we're live Jan Jan one so okay with the allocated funds so any other questions if not will'll skip 2 52 and then probably right to 5.3 for Park and Rex Joy thank you Mr chair Commissioners I a few updates today so uh there's a variety of things Park Crews have been working on this winter uh We've we've identified um a number of our small and mid-range ash trees that our staff's going to look to take down this this winter yet without have to hire in contractors um we did increase our our budget for those larger contractual service types of ash trees that need to come down thinking of Nells Park Washington Park you'll see those come down this year but uh internally we're trying to hit some of those mid to to small trees yet this winter um as weather allows um stump grinding um Jeff will probably give a little more of an update when it gets to to him but uh there are some stumps to be grinded in city parks yet this hopefully this winter if weather allows again um if not winter you know spring summer time to as some some of the trees that are taken down in 20124 uh still need to be stump grinded out um the tree City USA application has been completed so the deadline on that every year is the end of the year so that was completed in December and we're waiting to find out if uh we will be designated as a tree City USA again uh I want to say we're at 21 years uh but I'll know that exact update once we once we're awarded and I'll bring that back hopefully I I think I'll have an update by March if if my uh memory is accurate there any questions on any of that in some of the parks like uh downhill from the Herman monument and above Harmon Park you know what's the where's the line if it's in that steep area where there's a lot of trees around it you just let them fall as they are and try to tackle some around the edges that's a good question um uh staff and have have been talking about that area particularly there are some Dead Ash in that area for sure um it's tough to get to them um you know so if if there are some on the perimeter that would kind of be our strategy some of them might might just be left to to go I mean they're in an area where there there is an activity people activity um so uh we'll just have to make that decision when when it comes but we're trying to hit with funds available in 25 the areas that you know are impacted by where people gather and uh you know we could have some safety issues if if they're not taken at the right time yeah any other questions otherwise thank you Joey for 5.4 Public Works update Jeff Hoffman yes thank you Mr chair and Commissioners um right now we got C crews out tree trimming we're busy doing that and then we're still up we're still out stump cutting it's actually working pretty good um so far this year we've taken out three 300 plus stump already so working on that there's probably 50 more on the list that we want to get done this this fall yet and then or this winter yet and then we'll get into the parks if we can if weather permits we'll we'll keep going on it so been going pretty good so in the cemetery at the cemetery we took down the street department went up and helped take down six more ash trees we got them down there's six more bigger ones that we're going to have to contract out we're getting bids on that for they're too big for us to tackle so we're getting contract that out so we're going out for bids on that so are you able to do the stump grinding yes we're able St grinding there too what percentage of the ceter do you think uh could you give us an estimate of that how far along there's only the six more left that's it that's it then they're all gone out there okay yep so are there replanting plans for within the cemetery I know we've done a little Yep they're going to replant some more they got some ordered already through uh we're going to replant some more so okay all right thank you thank you uh maybe it's a Joe or maybe it's a joey question the Minnesota DOT and Broadway yep I got that information Mr okay I'll just jump into the EAB update I'll start with uh start with Broadway so approx you we surveyed that and estimate about 109 uh trees or ash trees along that corridor a Broadway through town um there rough count right now is there's 34 ash trees left um not sure if man's coming back to do those or what their plan is but they did take you know upwards of 70 trees okay uh this fall and winter when they were in town doing that so um so that's the update there and then just general EAB update is uh we're kind of estimating around 600 30-ish uh Boulevard asht trees remain in the city uh from our last counts um that was kind of from you know late summer early fall uh accounts for that Boulevard removals that we have remaining and then um the other update would be the DNR uh forestry Grant period is not open yet we'll keep checking that probably on a weekly basis to see when that uh Grant will become available so we can try to apply for State funds to assist with the remaining Boulevard removals so that's the update I have right now y thank you Joel any questions there I didn't mean to jump ahead to 5.6 but it was a a question so uh I'll go back in order now to 5.5 Tony gusberg is here today private tree services update any comments or questions for us um I don't think anything's new you know obviously everybody's just taking down ases and with this new program I think it's going to maybe help um because we've all seen it how many ases are just sitting in people's yards um when they talk to them they're like well it's expensive you know so it's just sitting there and hopefully now they'll get the encouragement to go ahead and take that tree down because it gets to be kind of a hazard um leaving it up there so yeah that's all I got y expect a a an uptick in some of that replant by private owners I mean we haven't looked at those numbers but they've kind of been steady in the last few years yeah I I would think with more removals we're going to have more replants at least that's the Hope anyway um I guess more to come on that as reimbursements come in so we you know we encourage the replanting if they're going to take take one but obviously we can't make them do it but you know uh hope hopefully that's the case I guess that property owners want that tree back and put something back so and we also don't really have a good way to track it because unless they turn it in or um or like the private yard we don't we don't know that because there's not reimbursement for that so uh we're not sure if people are unless we go out there and try to Speer in the backyard but I think that might be part of the encouragement then too with uh with this story is to push for that um even Shrubbery you know medium to small trees would be useful uh anything to add from 5.6 then Joe no I don't have anything else Mr chair thank you uh 5.7 our Buckthorn update is usually from Jordi V but as a member of the Commissioners you have anything to add about that program um I don't have a whole lot to add I was just talking to Joey a little bit before um the next meeting I will probably bring some more information there is some data that is starting to come out from the first few years of the program and that is showing some results with um grasses and it looks like it's keeping buor smaller when it does come back and um with some other management techniques and they might have some specific grass species as well that will be favorable for that so I'll kind of fill you in with more on that I just saw some information come out in the last couple weeks about that so okay thank you uh 5.8 utility billing information inserts Joey you got a timeline or comment for this yeah Mr chair Commissioners so uh traditionally well traditionally there's been two utility inserts last year we went to the one to save money um with increased printing costs and and and duplicated both the big tree contest and which is coming up on the agenda here um along with information that we this commission decided they'd like to get out on the other side of the flyer uh I will will say um our printer has retired and we usually had we that was the most competitive price we we have received when we went out for quote so I would anticipate a higher printing cost this year so if that decision is made um but timeline wise uh this commission would need to decide usually leading up to the home show in March is when we have a decision made and actually have it designed um so thinking about timeline last year this commission decided to do some um do some work outside of meeting time to design that flyer a couple Commissioners took it upon themselves to design the information now we have um a new program or maybe not a new program but more funds in a a program now to get the not you know to make a suggestion on information to get out to people if this commission desires to have that information on the flyer and if the decisions made to do the big tree contest in 2025 so a few different things it's either um I no inserts in the utility bill one or two inserts last year there was one um we do have printing costs if you look back at the budget there we have $1,400 of printing cost in the in the budget for 25 so we'd at a minimum be looking for some direction on if we'd want to go with the one in insert again or the first one was typically in April yes yes but we also passed those out at the home show then too so that was you know as they were printed we printed exter so we had some material there as well so you can kind of hit people a couple times hopefully Commissioners any opinions well excuse me I think with the new program we have coming up I think we need to probably get something out earlier than later not wait till the big tree contest in the summer I think we would need to get something out probably by the home show or right after that sure and and that would fit in with the timeline on what we've been looking at the F in the past it could be as easy as the program um BR program form in your packet on one side and as simple as the big tree contest on the other side if that's I think that's the that's probably the route because those are the two biggest pieces of information that we've got and that matches that timeline really well sure and that's that updated um City program reimbursement program will stay in effect for multiple years so right I think that's the the right sequence right yep see you lot of nodding uh I don't think you need I don't think we need to formally move the content of that just know that we'll plan to uh prepare that sure and really that's pretty simple because um both sides of that are already pre-formatted correct yes so staff could take care of that we won't need anything outside of this commission other than what is number 5.9 the big tree contest and my memory isn't perfect I don't have that list memorized of the sequence but we started back last year with one of the uh trees that had been already diseased you could say because we tried to we tried to do see if there were any left see yeah so we did Elms last or yeah we did Elms last year um so we can for now let's say we'll do utility on one side and the big tree contest on the other and aim for that April printing but have it ready for the home show which is late March and that still gets us before spring deep Springtime so that seems workable for the Commissioners yeah yeah okay as we had your office do half of that and uh Jeff Nelson did another portion of it or assisted with the big tree correct yes and and we'll we'll start to work on some or Jeff Anderson yeah yeah and we'll we'll have we'll start to work with some local printers and see if what kind of pricing we can get yep Mr Chair for My Department's use we always print in black and white but we have our printer use colored paper to at least draw attention to it so that'd be a recommendation and that's no um from going from plain paper to the colored colored stock is no price difference so um I can share that with you Joey later well that comes with it comes with utility flyer so it it doesn't need a whole lot of attractiveness necessarily correct so do you have a list do we have a list electronically of the um previous tree contests we do not at this meeting though okay yes okay yes I the big the big discussion for today was is does the commission want to do the big tree contest again in 25 well Mr chairman and Commissioners I mean it's been going on for I don't know how many years already I mean you want to start doing another tree or I don't know how many people have submitted a form last year for the thing if if it's only like three or four people is it can we utilize that space on that flyer for something else educational or besides I mean if we're not getting a big response of it that's all I'm wondering I don't know how many people um turn in forms for this but if it is popular then go ahead and do it but if if we're getting very little response then I'd see that we could use that page for something else something educational you said 10 10 12 responses last year there were double digit I want to say it was around 12 13 14 in there last year you got a comment um well it's kind of fun to do but uh depends on whether we want to take time to do it I guess major thing I think the the notoriety that comes with it and people stopping to take a look at it whether it was in it's really neat to go onto the fairgrounds last year and measure one that was on public property so it's kind of neat to have people paying attention and looking around uh in that regard but and maybe the the extra information might be something to think about for that second brochure and maybe we re you know double our efforts again with the reimbursement program in there and then some other options U like now I said it twice planting small shrubs or middle siiz shrubs or smaller trees because they'll they'll get started sooner and and fill in their space pretty quickly they're not Boulevard items necessarily but they might be more in a backyard or a private yard area so but I'm seeing Paul is willing to measure trees again and Le didn't get a chance he wanted to so yep we'll uh we'll come to that next meeting perhaps with that with the list because we'll need it we'll need to know which tree to approve for uh in March for April or in March for that flyer so yes if if the commission desires yeah we can have a list the list in the packet for next meeting okay any other questions on the utility insert big tree contest new okay uh 6.1 is our official welcome of tree commissioner advis tree advisory commissioner Jordy V uh who has an available term now so yes thank you yep so on the commission instead of on in the audience so um I guess if you have any questions let me know otherwise excited to be here so thank you Jordy and uh he looks like he's interested in measuring trees so we'll get him onto the help with that it's usually a nice afternoon did it when we did the city tree inventory so sure then into our number seven into the new business uh 7.1 is a home show decision Joey got some info for us yes Mr chair Commissioners uh home show 2025 home show is March 28th and 29th uh for the last number of years this tree commission did have a presence with a booth at the home show uh including last year um one thing to note um so one thing to note is in the budget there was $350 uh set aside for the home show I did talk to the chamber and they would honor $300 chamber rate which they have given us in the past so a little um lower cost for a registration for that as long as we would hit early bird and that's due at the end of January so today I would need a decision um if the the tree commission would want to again um have a presence at the home show and and host a booth and then um traditionally the Commissioners have volunteered to uh stagger times and and uh attend the home show and and provide materials answer questions and everything else that's associated when people stop by we can I can put in some time yeah I can we're looking for a motion that we we participate and uh I will volunteer for part of that show oh all right I'll second that second everyone's nodding so I'm going to call all in favor say hi hi hi any oppos same and since you voted for it you also volunteered to man it which I think is I think was amenable to everyone so uh last year we had I now I can't remember last year we had snow or two years ago we had snow I think yeah and it's a good time you get to visit with a lot of people get to answer um a lot of questions about ashes mostly so most of it was last year yes and and we get a lot of we get a lot of city of New Al but also some of the outlying uh towns rural areas as well right and timely again this year with the the program enhancement um having those materials and really explaining the way that program works with um El the eligibility that continues after July 1 potentially to take down more than one tree if there's funds available so I think it's it's kind of right in a sweet spot of time to to give the people that information so appreciate Commissioners taking time to be part of that so we'll get that registration in and uh maybe um bring a sign up to the next um commission meeting not as part of the official business but with some slots the show times are Friday March 28th from 3: to 8:00 p.m. and then Saturday it's 9:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m. all right thank you 7.2 is the Garden Street 2027 reconstruction project and this is going to be to Joe to explain thank you Mr chair and commission members so this is more of a heads up um more than anything else here so just some quick background the city has received some uh Federal fiscal dollars for fiscal year 2027 for the utility and roadway reconstruction of Garden Street from Center Street to fifth North Street does not include Center and garden we're working on a separ hopefully future funding for that uh at the moment um but as part of that project design and survey we had our consultant engineer um Mark or uh make note of that were either uh one in conflict of utility uh services for the sewer and water uh services for the property or two based on health of the tree so we had um City staff Jeff Anderson went out and um inspected the trees along this Corridor um noted the ones that were unhealthy and were maybe more of a safety concern and then our uh consultant engineer marked the ones that were in Conflict to uh sewer and water uh and services um so there's an exhibit in your packet if you count up the red dots on there um in that five blocks we have 44 trees marked for removal um as you probably are aware as you driven that Corridor a lot of those are soft Maples that are way too big for the boulevards um that um for the boulevard size that's there the roadway we are proposing it's going to get a what we call a road diet so the roadway is actually going to shrink a little bit it's 56 ft wide it doesn't need to be that wide um so we are going to have more room for replanting but I wanted to bring this to the commission today just to inform you that that is going to be a substantial change to that Corridor with that many big mature trees coming down um we will replant at a minimum we will do a one for one replant in the corridor um and that's kind of the second item in the agenda is kind of um and we don't have to make it decision today of um I have a couple years to decide what we want to replant um but there is also we are looking at couple different concepts and one of those Concepts Concepts includes a center median along this Corridor for a portion of it um which would be an opportunity to do some decorative uh trees some more ornamentals and maybe some Shrubbery as well um so once we kind of settle on a concept I would like to bring this back to the commission to get kind of an official recommendation um so again 44 trees coming out and then um just for the commission's information in the past for our replant species that we've used um number of Maples we've gone from Autumn Blaze and the last species we use was red sunset Maples Northern pin oaks front tier and Princeton Elms espresso Kentucky coffee trees and Japanese lilocks um are just a quick run through of the last time we did the replant the species that we used um obviously that the species would have to comply to what we have in the um Boulevard policy or uh shrub species policy but um it's really really going to change that Corridor so we have the opportunity to really repopulate reforest that quarter with uh um maybe some different species and things like that so again I have it listed on here that in the agenda to recommend plantings we don't need to make that decision today if the commission doesn't want to um and in the future I'll have more information as far as what that Corridor is going to look like when it's all said and done as well but um more so wanted to maybe start that wheel in motion allow you to think about it and just kind of keep you informed as the process uh moves along because it is going to be a lot different a lot of those a lot of big trees are going to come down but a lot of those big trees are in really bad shape once they were inspected so so that's the update um any questions or comments at this time otherwise I'll plan on bringing something back as well so now these are these are taken out at City expense rather than the homeowner correct these are all the removals will be done as part of the project y okay yep that's that's a serious question there some expensive trees that would have to come down oh yeah there's a lot of trees in there that yeah and we'll go through the competitive bidding process so it allows us to get a a pretty decent price um when it comes to removals but it'll be it it won't be assessed extra to those Property Owners so it's just included as part of project will the city pay for the replacement of trees in that Cas correct y okay yep have the homeowners been contacted about this yet they've gotten a couple letters just what's going on cuz there were survey markings and everything out there as well but there'll be more uh Communications with property owners once they find out that the trees will be going you know how that goes y yep and I I think we've I've when we sent out that pre-design kind of letter um that was one of the questions we got is my tree is in really bad shape is it going to you know what what are you doing so we've there's some property owners who are aware that their trees are in poor shape and they're pretty thankful they're going to come down as part of the project if they can make it two more years um but um yeah it's it's going to change the way that Corridor looks so that's why I kind of wanted to bring it to the meeting today just to kind of start that wheel of motion is hey what could we make this look like when we're done as far as a when would this start it'll be in the summer 27 27 yep the trees that you listed are those primarily the ones in on Highland a lot you know um the Japanese lilocks those are the median trees on Highland um we've gone through I think Highland might have some Princeton Elms up there but we've kind of same same base species just a different variety like the maples and and whatnot but that's what the that's what the median might look like with a yeah with a center tree yep possibly yeah again that's not a for sure thing until we decide what the corridor it's self is going to look like if we're going to have the medians or not but that is a concept we are looking at any change to the would be fifth North and garden intersection there that four-way stop does that stay the same so um they might even have that in here uh nope they don't but we are looking at a roundabout at the intersection as part of the project so we're working through the intersection control evaluation uh process right now so or the consultant is so because that's a factor with the at night it's dark I mean it's it's a pretty uh uh dark and covered area so yeah so at a minimum that road is going to shrink to probably a 44t street as opposed to the 56 that it is now and then um you know new Straight lights and and whatnot as well so but the boulevards for sure will be no matter what concept we choose the boulevards are going to be much wider so six foot sidewalks and then depending on what concepts chosen you know we could have up upwards of 10 foot boulevards as well so a lot of room for replants so and then on the other side of that um is there any plan for garden continuing towards the from fifth further north not at this time but this was a this was a a onetime grant or one time yeah it's so it's uh funding that through menot um through the district office uh district 7 office and it's um what's called STP small Urban funding that's funding that's available every year um and it's competitive to the state a cities within district 7 so um but so that's it's a competitive process and we are doing some pedestrian safety improvements around the park um so that allowed us to score a little bit higher as far as creating that different uh Corridor around the park making it a little bit safer for pedestrian bicyclists that was my next question because that was the first Street intersection there and we had seen some of that signage or some of that pedestrian so that demonstration project that was there it's going to be more um it be similar in nature but permanent improvements as part of the project yeah okay well thank you that's uh a lot of information yeah so so I'll um once cuz we'll go through the public Outreach process and once we kind of have a concept nailed down I'll bring that concept back to the commission and that at that time um i' certainly entertain uh species for replants and um we can sit sit down with some markers and pens and sketch some stuff out if you want so well more to come on that I did have a question on uh Fifth Street you got two trees marked at the intersection are they included done to the same uh program as all the others uh yep so that's kind of where that roundabout the proposed roundabout with ti in so that's why those are marked Y and they're in poor health so all right any further questions any other commissioners that concludes any new business that we have the date of our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday March 6th at 400 p.m. here uh please email agenda items ahead of time to park and rack one week and seeing no further business I declare this meeting adjourn for