##VIDEO ID:lrWQPa39BrQ## okay great now you can give me the host okay it says it's being live streamed okay great it's preparing it I gotta wait for it to finish preparing it okay that's all right you can it's it's in the process okay because it says my it says now you're being live stream on YouTube so I am going to just share the screen so they can see thank you you're [Music] welcome e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay y'all you know the board members that's here you're co-host I see I come back there's people waiting in the waiting room I'm going to to morning everyone that's here we got one minute no we don't have CC's here e e all right it's 10 o'clock morning everybody hope everyone had a great summer I'm gonna give there you go so welcome to the first channel parent advisory council meeting for the school year of 2425 it's August 8th and today's meeting only is starts is at 10:00 a.m. our meetings going forward will go back to 9:30 these still are our current board members and the starting off this school's year to remind everybody that as we're all here leaders on this platform leadership is not about being in charge leadership is taking care of those in your charge Simon snake take we our servants to our members CPAC procedure standing rules everyone was sent this but I guess since it's the first meeting I am going to actually going to run it down and hopefully by the time I get to roll call we will have Forum to ensure that our CAC meetings are run smoothly fairly and in compliance with the CPAC bylaws we ask you to respect the following procedures and adaptations please do not speak until recognized by the chairpersons who will be assisted in managing the meeting by our we don't have a parliamentarian so it'll be assisted by the board please limit your comments questions to two minutes to ensure a maximum participation by the greatest number of Representatives the the board will be monitoring time allotted remember that the order of speakers per our bylaws is a executive board B voting members C non voting members and if this time they are recognized by the co-chairs and assisted um by the live stream coordinator the public we won't we want we want to make sure that we hear from as many people as possible during the course of the meeting therefore there'll be times when we do not call on someone who has just spoken please understand this is an attempt at fairness all voting members have have first seating P preference at the table when in person and virtually on Zoom membership must be clearly identified by displaying the membership identification plaque when in person and or in their District number by renaming themselves on the zoom participants listing reflecting the district he or she represents please note that if the president is not present at the table and and or on Zoom the dese is the voted the desinee is is hold on the Voting is the voted representative for that district and is able to vote on matters on on the membership alternates must have written notice from the president's council's president Des me or email sent to CPAC at NYC CPAC my info CPAC NC gmail.com indicating they can speak and vote on behalf of their district for the purpose of voting on any CPAC business only the voting members Des of your District who is eligible to vote shall be seated at the table and or virtually on Zoom for additional information on meeting rules and procedures please refer to CPAC bylaws which is available upon requests or a copies available on the website it at ww. CPAC nc.com Robert's Rule of Order newly revised or andr is the Parliamentary Authority used to govern unless inconsistent with these bylaws so everyone got the bylaws and the standing rules with the meeting docs so summary of that is you're going to wait to be recognized before speaking either putting in the chat or raise Ed the raise hands function we're going to be here meaning be present no side conversations in the chat this uh keep the conversation towards the agenda items at hand be respectful courteous and professional and um be able to disagree amicably we don't have to agree but again it goes back to being respectful and professional and courteous remember others would like to speak so be mindful of the time you have two minutes or less to pose your questions or comment and there's no follow up if you wants to follow up you need to raise your hands again unmute don't unmute yourself and say you have your hands up no side conversations in the chat be don't be disrespectful do not allow follow-up questions after your question has been answered use the chat that asks to ask follow up questions or raise your hands again anybody has any questions regarding um cpac's meeing Rules of Engagement okay now we're going to have roll call please pleas your District borrow president's Council in front of your name thank you District three pres thank you District 17 District 17 okay District 20 good morning presid good morning district 21 morning present good morning District 22 District 25 District 25 District 26 District 26 pres the next one District 30 I thought I saw her com in 30 here I see Bronx high schools Bronx High School okay Brooklyn high schools good morning present high schools good morning vas here good morning Queens High School Queens High School present Ste all in high school and she said she wasn't going to be able to 10 I want to note that President would us besides myself as co-chair Shirley oette we have Adriana Alis who is the recording secretary we have Charlene Dawson who is the live stream coordinator we also have Jazzy Rivera who is the first vice chair it is the first meeting of the year I am going to ask I see 20 okay I'm going to ask oh District nine you you're not a um not you have we have not received your lecture certification form you do not count to Quorum and you should not be present he only threw up because he was cry he was so scared Anthony I'm correct right pres District nine is not a current member correct Anthony well Randy I don't have that certification Anthony's um mic is unmuted but I we don't hear him all right I don't so District um talk to you after d call so District nine you're not a current member um we don't have your certification for I'm I'm sorry Charley to interrupt I know Anthony's mic is not working but I think he's confirming that they he does not have a certification okay so yes so you do not contribute to Quorum um and should be on the YouTube platform so um others who are listening on the YouTube we acknowledge um thank you Anthony that uh they are not current members as of yet um um Brandy let me count do we have Quorum because let me see two three four six seven eight nine we got one more we need one more for qu you agree with that am I am I missing anybody I I count seven you got seven I got I got um nine I got three 20 21 2 6 30 oh you're it's now it's eight because Bronx is not here Brooklyn Manhattan Queens Sten Highland's not here oh yeah yeah so one two three four five six seven eight I got eight I wasn't counting three three Oh that's oh that's right Jimmy answered not the so three is not here so we also have Jimmy BR who is the second VP so we do got seven all right so we don't have Quorum maybe by the end of the meeting just get these people to come on I know Satan Allen says they couldn't come on and I don't think we have we don't have to as well right she had emails saying that she wasn't able to come on but I don't think she's uh we don't didn't get her certification form for 2425 okay bro call the agenda for today we're going to talk about CPAC business we're going to have um dcara to talk about Foundation Aid with Elijah from the division of operations and finance where diat is on the platform but was asked we're going to table that uh for that we're going to table that for September's meeting on because they are working diligent to come up with solutions that complies with the city cyber um policy and to make it um less um the word is less less of a hardship for the parent leaders to do their roles so we rather them continue to work on diligently to come up with a solution um and the September meeting they will also talk about cyber security because that that's where they was here for June uh was scheduled for June to talk about cyber security and not the parent emails but in September the parent emails will be addressed right and um I I got word that DC um face is going to make an announcement regarding about the parent emails as well um later on the platform but also um they will talk about cyber security in September which makes more sense when most of our parents will be engaged um but coming back to coming back into September then after that we're going to hear from Chancellor Banks then face will give their updates and then we're going to hear from our face leison anony settle um segment CPAC settle not so secret gems talk about September and new school year Beginnings so we're going to skip the minutes for now and probably will come back to that if we end up getting three more people so the first thing I want we want to remind going into things even though is the summer work is still being done um for in regards to the dce the high level uh calendar about development of the district comprehension education plan submission and review so in by July 31st superintendant had to complete the 23 last year's School years's District comprehension education plan self assessment and submit their District's preliminary 2024 25 dce for Central to review and feedback via the I plan portal so by August 30th DSL Central team reviews the plinary 2425 DCP to provide support and feedback for superintendant and District teams and then by September 6 and you know this is fluid sometimes they um postpone dates but this is what the current dates are right now super attendants receive feedback on their on the plinary dce for the current school year of 2425 then between September and November the superintendent the district leadership teams and stakeholder Representatives Revis the 2425 District comprehension education plan in I plan based on feedback received as appropriate and this is mirrors a little bit as of the comprehension education plan submission timeline for the next school year um during the mon I know that they pushed back to July 12th and the June 14th a little bit but now we're in August principles must complete their online acation in I plan stating the annual goals which should align with their preliminary school-based budget by July 26 the superintendent certified the alignment of the comprehension education plan and annual goals with the pr preliminary school-based budgets between July and August the superintendent teams with support from central office collaborate to review preliminary C PS and L documents and pro and provide feedback via through the I plan by September 5th the principal will receive feedback on their 2425 C the LTI the L the MLL you know multilingual language English language Learners um documents provided by the superintendent teams and then goes into October again sometimes they make adjustments but this is the the basic steps on development and submission of the dce and the C um please um as mandatory members of this slts and DTS please build out please um keep a breast of what's going on uh both on the dce and the school um the comprehension education plan respectively here president's Council election certification form we only receive 12 May it's 13 now because we received stand on in high schools um this has to be filled out this is what should be used the president's Council election certification form and this is very important that who is sitting on the Chancellor's parent advisory committee if it's other than the president because you might have co-presidents you need to dictate who's sitting on CPAC who is sitting on the district leadership team for our purposes we need to know who is sitting on the Chancellor's parent advisory Council calendar dates were shared with everyone here are the calendar dates uh you know and you know as T there are tentative there but this is based on our bylaws and the school calendar we really didn't have to adjust our dates they did not fall on vacations or school closings so you have both there I'm gonna pause for a second we have any questions before we continue all right I don't see any questions Randy just let me know this here is our CPAC committees meetings every committee has a chair or co-chairs for the Committees our committees will resume everyone is resuming back in October so the capacity building support committee is quarterly every quarterly first Tuesdays of the month month at 11:30 the first meeting is October 1st Communications qually first Tuesdays of the month that is at 10:00 a first meeting October 1st high school committee is the first Monday of the month at 10:30 a.m first meeting is October 7th legislative committee the first meeting I don't know that says may I we'll get the October's uh date for the legislative committee for October the multil language Learners are Learners is quarterly first meeting is October 7th at 11:40 special education here is the dates for the temp for the for our school year starting in October is October 6 at 6: PM then the next one will be November 7th at 10:00 a.m. then December at 6:00 p.m. so alternating the time between 10: and 600 every other month and the hair is listed on the screen and there's no one on the phone please take a note these are your tentative dates for the special education committee for all the way up from October to June the title one is quarterly as well it's the first Tuesday of month at 11: the first meeting is October 1st the wellness committee is the second Wednesdays of the month at 10:30 their first meeting will be October 9th alumni committees quy meetings the first one is October 7th at 12:15 p.m. when you um at the questionnair we will start the questionnaire um form in September the second half also gives you an opportunity for members to sign up for any committees that you would like to be part of only those who are in the committee will get the link to attend on also for the public it's on the website the link to sign up for these committees again only those who are actually uh signed up and agree to the committee meetings Norms will be given the link gr green apple want us to remind everyone that they are still looking for test sites in the district so reach out to Joseph M fron he's the president his web the website is ww.w greenapple tocom phone number to sell is 61909 578 main phone number is 610 768 2890 so reminder um for those who want to have their District uh be test for this app this their application one green app family engagement application here is the information hold on that's extra so this one is supposed to be which is blank I had sent out the email it's on the website uh American debate is giving out 50 scholarships um for the summer I will bring that back up but before we go to face we have switching agenda we're going to have now with us the deputy Chancellor Emma Vera to talk about presentation on financial Foundation a the M the main source of State funding for public schools come from what is called f Foundation a so please give our attention to DC vadera you have the floor now Emma hey Shirley thank you very much um just give me one second to try and screen share everybody hold on okay um okay have I screen shared shley yes yes ma'am okay great um great hardest part is over okay thank you everybody thanks for having us this morning Shirley and really appreciate the opportunity to take a little bit of you all's time on this item um I will be fairly quick and want to try and make sure there's some time for questions um as shly said Foundation Aid is the biggest source of funding New York City Public Schools gets from New York City gets from New York State and for the first time in basically two decades the state is reviewing the formula and how it works so it is a both uh key opportunity for us and a key moment of risk unfortunately for us as we look towards the changes they might make so we have been doing a lot of work ourselves and with some Advocates and with the unions to think about what recommendations we could make to the state as they consider this funding stream for not just us but for all school districts wanted to run through some of where we are and what we're thinking about with you happy to take questions feedback and happy to have follow-up conversations this is just such a big deal we wanted to make sure it was on folks radar and I know it is on some of your radar already because I have spoken with you about you in other contexts um Foundation Aid is our largest funding stream from the state it's about1 billion dollar that New York City will re New York City Public Schools will receive this year which is about 25% of our overall budget that's not all the funding we get from the state but it's by far the largest single funding stream we get from the state to support our schools and communities it is a weighted student funding formula just like Fair student funding for folks who have spent time on Fair student funding so basically at core it looks at number of students districts have and the needs of those students however the way it looks at need is way less nuanced and comprehensive than the way our formula looks at student need which which is one of the things we hope the state will take a look at as I said the formula has not really been updated in roughly two decades with the exception of one change that was enacted this past year that actually cut funding for every District in the state so as you all know it took a while for the state to fully fund Foundation Aid we are very very glad that they did um uh FY 24 was the first time the state fully funded Foundation Aid and then in fy2 the state actually reduced funding for all districts not by by what amounted to $120 million for New York City public schools by changing how inflation was calculated in the formula and so the one change we've seen has not been helpful to us or for other districts around the state and then the last thing to know is that the formula is based on a successful School District model so way back when it was developed it looked at what does it take to be uh successful School District successful school and then built the formula around that that that model also hasn't been updated in two decades so there's a lot here that's out of date that we hope they take a look at we use Foundation aid for all kinds of things for our schools and communities um so we can talk about that more but uh we use it for school budgets the increases in Foundation Aid were some of how we finally got to fully fund Fair student funding in our schools so it's a critical resource for schools um it supports mental health supports including guidance counselors and social workers special education programming including d75 and some of prek special education some of our class size reduction efforts and then some of the stimulus programs that we are continuing are now funded with Foundation a as well Community Schools career Pathways students and temporary housing coordinators it's not the full funding stream for these things but it's a key component of the funding stream for all of these things which is why it's so important to us it's fairly flexible funding big picture this is New York City Public Schools budget in terms of where the money comes from which we just think is important as we make the case to the state uh in the time ahead of us overall over the past 20 years Foundation um the state funding for New York City public schools has dropped as a proportion of our overall budget so State funding has increased which we are very grateful for and I'll show what that looks like in a second um but our costs our additional programming and city funding have all increased faster so while in the early 2000s the state and the city as you can see both gave about 45% of our budget with the rest coming from the federal government now that's more like 57% from the city 37% from the state as we look towards the coming school year this is the same information just in terms of dollars instead of percentages so you can see the orange line which is State funding has absolutely increased and we Shaquille I think you're off mute thank you um State funding has absolutely increased uh as the state fully funded Foundation Aid as they were required to under the um campaign for fiscal Equity lawsuit but city funding has also increased and increased faster so there's now roughly an 8 billion dollar difference so that's where we are now as we look towards the state reconsidering the formula um we're really glad they're reconsidering the formula it's been a long time since they have we're also concerned that the one change that's been made actually reduced funding in terms of instead of increased funding for districts and so one of the things we're looking to do is make sure New York City Public Schools is putting out some affirmative recommendations for what the state could do I'm I'm sorry Veronica do you mind muting yourself and hi good morning thank you um put out some affirmative recommendations for what the state could do that actually would align with our schools and Community needs so these are the things we are working on now we're continuing to work on them the chancellor has testified about these and we'll be submitting them formally at the end of the summer but we're continuing to take more ideas one is to update the successful School District model on which the formula is based to better reflect what we actually expect our schools today to do today we expect our schools to do more around Mental Health Services we have raised the bar in terms of rigor and curriculum um we have expanded prek and 3K here in New York City although that's of course not true everywhere we have a more comprehensive view of Education their model that this is based on doesn't look at that we're recommending that the state take into account additional funding for students in temporary housing and students in the Foster system I mentioned earlier the state formula looks at need in some ways um our formula also looks at need in some ways and in more ways and more comprehensively um as you all many of you know we updated our formula to include a wait for students in temporary housing thanks to the recommendations of the fair student funding working group we're basically saying the state should do a version of the same we appreciate you look at poverty but there we have other students who have other additional needs for us to fully serve you should be taking that into account and this of course will include many of our uh newest New Yorkers who are we are welcoming and who are often qualifying as students in temporary housing who we want to provide those additional services to we're asking that the state expand aid for special education and multilingual Learners so basically a version of the same there are weights included in Foundation aid for these but they're not differentiated based on student need the way ours are in New York City and frankly we think they're not high enough to fully allow us to serve our students and expand some of our specialized programming we're asking the state to review this Regional cost index that's basically the state in the formula looks at the costs of things across the state um costs more to do stuff in New York City cost more to do everything and the way they look at that adjustment is based on 2006 data and basically we think the costs here in New York City are way higher now comparatively than they were then and then we're asking the state to provide some Aid related to the new class- siiz caps um which only relate to New York City Public Schools we are in compliance we expect to continue to be in compliance next year there will be additional costs that we have found that the comproller has found that the IBO have found all in the 1.4 to 1.9 billion dollar range and asking the state to um contribute some funding for that via Foundation Aid or in another way and then the last thing last slide Shirley I promise I'm sorry um the last thing is there's a few things that we know the state is looking at that we have some concerns about because they would potentially result in reduced funding so we're just keeping our eye on these one is as I mentioned last year the state changed how they calculate inflation in a way that just reduced funding in the formula um we Face real inflationary costs every year and we are keeping an eye on whether they look to continue that the last thing is the poverty metrics in Foundation Aid are really out of date they are based on 2,000 data that obviously doesn't make a ton of sense given that it's 2024 but depending how the State updates those metrics um um that could have a negative impact on New York City compared to the rest of the State uh so we're keeping a close look on what the best ways are for them to consider measuring and taking poverty into account in their formula which they do and we think they should continue to do so with that Charley I'm G to stop I'm happy to take questions I will say big picture um we're doing this now because the state at the end of the legislative session asked the Rockefeller Institute which is an external Institute to do a review of foundation Aid and provide recommendations this fall in order to inform the next state funding cycle so rockefeller's doing that work right now they're having five hearings there was one in New York City which some of you may have been at the chancellor testified they're finishing those up and putting their recommendations together for this fall and then the legislature will be the official decider as usual the governor and the legislature in the spring so that's where we are awesome thank you um you still had some sometimes especially our agenda is changing a little bit um anyone has any questions regarding f f Foundation Foundation aid for DC Chan for Deputy Chancellor V Hera OK doie first one up is uh Adriana first I'd like to say congratulations Deputy Chancellor of finance and operations that's new info to me so congratulations and thank you for this presentation I don't really have a question but Emma how can parents who missed the New York City Rockefeller presentations still voice their concerns voice their opinions on what should change about the model and they can't drive out sorry they can't drive out to one of the other locations that is going to be hosting within the next few weeks across the state but if they can't make that drive how else can they participate and thank you I appreciate that you got in front of me suggesting a group road trip to Albany um which I made on another call I think you were on and I believe you might get roped into that other group road trip so yes sorry um yeah that's a really good question so there are a set of five hearings one was in New York City it was quite honestly not terribly well advertised um and it was in the dead of Summer um the the official there is also a written submission process which I actually think is really important I can't remember the exact deadline for that maybe Ben or Elijah can it's in September and parents have the opportunity and everybody has the opportunity to send in their thoughts their recommendations their concerns to Rockefeller as a part of this particular process we can make sure you all have that information surely we can drop that in the chat so people have the website and the email address um I will just say I don't think these need to be really deep complicated things they need to know parents in New York City are keeping an eye on this we understand this is happening we understand this is critical we understand their formula does not take into account all the needs of our students including the students we've been welcoming over the past couple years and we are watching what they will be doing over the rest of this cycle so we're happy we'll share the information and the date I saw Ben come on so maybe he can share that now but that is the most obvious immediate opportunity that we have in front of us the second thing I would just say is this is Rockefeller this will all turn over of course to the governor and the legislature as we actually get into the cycle so I know some of you have great relationships with some of your elected officials we just want to make sure they're aware of what the stakes are for New York City you know it feels sometimes like people think we're so big this is just a small piece of it but this is a really critical part of our funding going forward um I mean already and going forward and we just want folks to know we are paying attention to what they'll do um and we're happy by the way to supply data or information on how we came up with these recommendations a lot of Advocates are working on others as well with a lot of similarity frankly given the needs of the city but happy to share more okay go ahead Ben um yes and written comments to the state are due on September 6th um I just shared the link in the chat for the foundation Aid study in general and at the bottom you'll find a written comment submission form if you guys would like to uh make a submission thanks Ben any other questions or comments for regarding Foundation a I know it's still summer but no questions I feel like this was part of their strategy for this to all happen in the summer this is all the same Sorry Charlie go ahead no no for um all right Adriana I give you the floor hello just because I know it'll come up soon and they're often confused for each other can you explain whether or not um pegs that may or may not transpire later in the year will affect Foundation Aid or will they affect another part of the budget or a separate part of the budget thank you yes um so far the only pegs we have for this year are the ones that were put in place last year and not retracted just so we're clear and then of course we did get all the stimulus money that we got which was good news too if the basically the way that works is pegs apply to city funding specifically and so when we get pegs it's the city's way of asking agencies to reduce city funding not State funding so we will still receive the foundation Aid if that happens um so that's the relationship between the two it's all part of the same budget and of course the same budget where most of the money is going to our schools to support the same things but that's the direct relationship and can I actually use that to just flag one other thing Shirley I meant to say J that's work this which is which is just um something else we are just keeping an eye on here which I think is important is one of the other changes the state considered this year um was eliminating a hold harmless for school districts um that have lost students that ended being put back basically there was so much um vocal advocacy from those communities that have been receiving a state hold harmless um so basically continuing to receive funding even though their enrollment is down um that that was put back in we expect the state will continue to look at that that is critical for those districts and we will let that conversation continue the one thing I want us all to keep an eye on is that that's that's not the core of the priorities for New York City Public Schools our enrollment has has largely stabilized and so the funding we get based on enrollment has largely stabilized what we need to do is make sure they're taking into account the additional Services of some of our students with additional needs and taking into account the cost of doing things in New York City but the sort of hold harmless piece of this is less relevant for us in case that comes up in other conversations you all are having okay this great last call um there's no questions in the YouTube Charlene but we know how to find you Emma uh if there's any more questions uh we will um email them to you or go through face and everybody as you can see in the chat would like to congratulate you again for your promotion as Deputy Chancellor of division of operations and finance um it's a great to see we know we always see you as the money person um anyway so so congratulations of that again um last call before I move on to the next agenda item Foundation a that's the bul of the funding for our New York City Public Schools no other questions well my um my plea is again if you can't personally as Adriana has stated uh go to um out on the island or Upstate because I think those are the next two upcoming um for about hearings on financial aid could you please um um do a written report you know because they do read it so um because this will just help give get additional funding and appropriate funding for our uh schools and you know also since we have expanded our grades here in New York City Public Schools please all of you uh ask them to add 3K make the the funding for 3K through 12th grade right because right now it's K to 12 and since we do have 3K and prek they also need to be funded this is New York City public school struction now um we added uh two more grades so it'll be helpful that everyone who's listening make that petition to add to give funding to provide for 3K and and 4K grades as well and we always could use more money all right so thank you um DC vaha Emma for coming on and taking time to explain fenan Aid to us so I'm going to share my screen again I had I'm gonna share my screen again you know I didn't I skim through Augustine is new school year beginnings and we'll talk more about that in detail we did get one more person but we need two more we'll see we'll come back to the minutes but I wanted to share because I updated the slides bear with me who's head on so here is the flyer um if some of you have not seen this um there's a QR code there High School summer camp 50 lers of Tomorrow full scholarship to attend our virtual summer camp which starts August 26 to the 30th choose either 9 or 12 or one 124 public forum new experience deadline to apply is August 20 you can email them at info@ American debat league.org or you can scan the QR code that you see on the screen and you can also go to CPAC website it is on there as I said earlier and we do have Shaquille here from dit we're going to postpone this and I'm going to ask Shaquille please to make sure that not only we for September that we talk about the parent email accounts but also about cyber security I think is very important um and the and the New York City policy on this I think this is very important for everyone to have an understanding um why um the division of instructional information technology is uh working on strengthening um cyber security and it involves these parent emails so that will you know give a you know a better understanding and a little bit um I guess um sympathy U of why um this is undertaking is happening oh we are in agreement I have G to stop sharing are you I can't see y'all is he I'm in agreement thank you very much we will include that in our presentation next awesome thank you thank you um we have 13 minutes so Christina you're Dr melindas you are scheduled to go after the chancellor you okay to stay stay on that schedule are you okay with that sure okay great so I want to give opportunity to the board and the new members at this time new members old members returning members to give comments talk about their District who they represent or you know this is your opportunity if you have any questions um regarding anything that we spoke about so far and I know that I I going through the emails because usually I don't go through you know can't share and look through emails but I'm as a reminder for those who are on YouTube who are should be on the platform but they did not have their elections or they the the election they did have elections the election certification was not set in we are only going by what face received because you must send in those certifications and only those who had their elections are on the zoom platform right um and we talked about this strenuously in the month of April May June to get these elections done and we understand sometimes quarum is not met but also understand that those who are on this platform is because they have submitted their election certification form and or part of the board so Dr blindes is in agreement with me let's let's tell us what's happening during the summer and I see Rosa you put on your camera so I guess you're going to be first to to tell me the wonderful things that's coming out of mahattan high schools good morning everyone uh well a lot of things are happening in Manhattan High School and everything is wonderful uh so right so right now what uh we are meeting as an executive board we actually met with mahat high school superintendent we spoke a bit about class size and how we're going to support all our high schools um and we have um next month we have our first meeting in September uh 17 and we sent out a survey um to all uh the PTA presidents be because we want to be more available we want to um do our meetings on the time and date of their availability so we will go and you know obviously review our bylaws then both of the new bylaws and all the procedures that we have to follow and we're going to go by what the majority says if it's on a Monday on a Tuesday on a Wednesday we'll change it to whatever that date is because we want more uh participation from our piring leaders so that's why we're here to to serve awesome I love that and you just gave on Beginnings first thing in September let's review our bylaws right they're living documents we should review them annually to see if it works for our membership absolutely I love that anybody else who like to or they're looking forward to September when schools resume again this the school year started since July 1 but the the the core of the work started will start in September um anybody else who would love to share um I see a hands raised hold on who's that all right I was going to call you U next too Veronica thank you good morning and sorry for being late I had a doctor's appointment so I apologize um I know I got in late so I didn't know much but I was just wondering to know do we have any representation for high school in Brooklyn yes we do have Brooklyn high schools in Brooklyn who is our co-chair or yeah my co-chair our co-chair um awesome so she is on the platform she turned on her camera so you can see her pretty face she and I'm hopefully she'll be the next one to speak after you of what they're looking forward for the next school year thank you so much anything else you want to share any um gems you would like to drop down because it's not only Anthony setup yeah I already um meet we met over the summer we have our dates ready for our upcoming year and and some ideas that was shared around but um we want to put that at to the general um body to see if those ideas that we came up with it would be something that they interested but so far we already put all our dates together and have ideas of things to see how we can get more parent involvement not only at the present level president Council level but individual schools and our plans is to try to go to different meetings to get more um to see if we can bring out more parents thank you that's awesome that's awesome yes this is what president's councils and PTA should be doing at this time love it all right Randy I'm G to throw the ball to you okay so um very pleased to share that Brookland High School president's Council held its elections in June Tamara stern was elected as the new president I am the treasurer I'm also the CPAC representative for this term um we had a meeting with all the flc's to discuss support and expectations and it was a great meeting and everyone was on board and um we had a meeting in July with the um High School presidents and we had 20 people and 20 members in attendance which was great to see and we look forward to supporting them our next meeting is going to be I believe August 27 22nd at 6 PM it's it's uh virtual so Veronica I'll make sure that um you get the link and thank you we look forward to being very productive this year awesome see that's where we going developing Partnerships before the school year started partnership with president's Council part of our partnership is not only with this well it is the super attendance office is the the family your family leadership coordinator and family support coordinator um there should be they should be one of your strongest Partners in developing um messages to uh to our to our membership um Jazzy you're unmuted and I apologize because I could have swear I silenced my phone um Jazzy I see you unmuted would you like to say something oh hey he shirot hello Chancellor Banks how are you doing I'm doing well how about you I'm I'm doing good we're doing good everybody's smiling so we got to give you a A+ for um Coming early um before we continue you would you like to start now um but you know I have to share my slide so so I can introduce you properly I'm glad to see I'm glad you see you smiling um it is the summer you seem a little bit relaxed so for our first meeting we do have our New York City public school Chancellor David C banks with us and um he is here seem very relaxed and chilling I can't tell oh you still you're still in the car but but you you're more down you're down you don't have a suit and tie so you seem relaxed as you should be for the summer so um at this point since you're here and we're going with the flow we're gonna give you the floor well I certainly appreciate that uh Shirley and everybody that's here um this is a good time of the year as we're getting closer to uh winding down even on our summer Rising programming um and just make making some adjustments within our system I'm actually getting ready to go into a uh funeral service for a gentleman named Michael Hardy who um was the legal counsel and really the right hand for Reverend Al Sharpton so the whole Harlem Community is out here at First Corinthians Baptist Church and I want to go pay my respects I've known him for many many years um and I'm going to be stepping into that service which has already begun uh just as as soon as I am uh done here but you know we've made a lot of changes this summer and one of the ones that I'm most excited about is um well first of all I'm not sure if uh Simone Hawkins is on our new uh she just she just came on just came on Deputy chancelor for Early Childhood Simone you want to say a word sure good morning Chancellor how are you today good morning everyone I'm happy to be and share some space with you all um as the chancellor mentioned I'm the new uh DC for early childhood education here at New York City Public Schools um I I hear this is often a good conversation so I'm I'm just excited to learn and hear from all of you um as many of you may know I'm a Brooklyn native I always like to wrap that and say that first and foremost that I'm from this city um I like to follow that by saying I'm a parent of a fantastic Middle School uh daughter um and I am a civil servant um so I'm here to partner with you and on behalf of children and Fam thank you for having me well thank you thank you Simone thank you for for being just a wonderful addition to our team in this leadership Ro uh for those who don't know Simone had been with us before as well and uh and she's returned back she brings a wealth of experience and with Dr Amed leaving to take a National Post um we are thrilled that we've got uh that we've got Simone here we're we're in really good hands and I'm hoping that you all will take advantage of getting to know her um she's amazing uh and secondly I wanted to introduce um another deputy chancellor who also left for a period of time and came back and and I'm and I'm thrilled about that as well and that is uh you know my former Chief of Staff Melissa Ramos and people if you don't know about her background um she's just all around amazing educator former principal superintendent um has a deep understanding of how this whole system actually works um and I want to just tell you surely as she reintroduces herself that one of the big issues I know has come up on this call on many occasions is the question around the the emails and so we've got a we' got a little update for everybody here as well through Melissa so um Melissa please uh I'm allow we allow you to reintroduce yourself thank you Chancellor and um I just want boss checking my boss you checking my boss I'm I'm I'm loving it Chancellor and and I'm I'm just going to say that this this largely Brooklyn represented um C cabinet of the chancellors has been very welcoming of the Bronx girl uh so you know just going to throw that in um but super excited to be here uh with some are new faces but in many cases um old friends who have welcomed me back so thank you so much it's a pleasure to be here um and and most importantly in this role because in my experience I wasn't able to accomplish anything as a school or District leader without families um families are our greatest partner um in service of children and so any work that we do to um support our parents to be able to lead in these spaces is most important so thank you for accepting uh to be here with you and to be in community with you I'm I'm very grateful uh as the chancellor mentioned uh we are uh revisiting this idea around the emails and I I I just want to say that the the issues and the problems that you raised are very real ones especially the one around um the bank accounts and so at this time we are going to put a pause on moving forward until we can really figure out a solution that is going to enable you to do the work that you have signed up to do and that we're most grateful for um we don't want to move ahead uh in a way that is going to cause issues for for you but I I do want to reiterate that this is um a Citywide instruction uh directive and it is of of safety and so um I'm happy to continue the conversations with you um offline so we can work towards a solution but I I want to be clear that we are going to put a pause on this for now so we can work towards a better solution um that's the first thing and the second thing is that um in the coming days probably before Monday um we are going to invite you to join um my team okay we are going to invite um nope that's fine thank you um we are going to sometimes I get muted on purpose so it's it's okay I'm used to that um um we are going to invite you for an in-person mixer with my team and me so you can meet all the leads across the family and Community engagement team you can have time with us to ask questions to get to know us um we are doing two events one will be in person but we also understand you are all incredibly hardworking and balance multiple hats wear multiple hats and and so we are going to also offer a virtual component we would much rather see you in person and break bread with you and have coffee but if you're not available there will be a virtual component as well so we urge you to come join us um and and bring your questions you will get this information in in the very near future so I want to thank our Chancellor always for championing all of us and for always uh making time to be with us and bring us together I'm honored to uh restart my journey in the doe with uh with my friend Simone Hawkins and we're ready for the work ahead so great to see all of you thank you thank you so so much for that Melissa and and um you know this is an issue I know Randy and others have already waited on the chat um they're very appreciative of hearing this because this is something that has been out there for a while and as soon as I gave this to Melissa she took off with it took it and ran with it um and and is is delivering so thank thank you Melissa for making this happen uh for the parents here at CPAC they've been talking about this for a while and I'm glad you were able to deliver on this and um and anything we can do to continue to stay in touch Melissa is is going to be the key Point person you know of course certainly together working with Christina and her entire team um but but this entire body of work reports up to our newest uh Deputy Chancellor Melissa Ramos so uh thanks thanks again uh for that um and I guess I could take a question or two I'm I really want to try to get into this service um the mayor just just walked in and um and I'm going to be joining um my newest chief of staff and former deputy chancellor who you all dealt with uh kenita Lloyd and I want to just first of all take a moment just to acknowledge kenita and her leadership and all the work that she uh did in building relationship with all of you and trying to continue to move this work forward if we could just kind of give her a collective virtual um round of Applause uh uh we certainly appreciate that she works very hard she cares deeply about this work and uh so there's big shoes for you to fill Melissa and I'm sure you're you're you're going to fill them or you're going to bring your own shoes and make it happen so thank you surely with that maybe I take one or two questions and then I'm gonna have get into service sure um Veronica your first District 17 it's not basically a question I just want to take this opportunity to thanks thank our chancelor and his entire team um for supporting us and we look forward for our new school year to collaborate and work more together thank you I thank you thank you so much for that and um and I think you know let all the ideas all the ways to collaborate work together um this a new year is always marks a new opportunity for collaboration and partnership and our our whole senior TEAM stands ready to be supportive and Melissa will be the major Point person as a deputy Chancellor uh for all of you so thank you so much for that comment okay people Charley I just want to say something um Chancellor Banks I know that like I've been beating this dead horse over all year and I am so glad that we don't have to keep discussing it I really feel that like our voice has been heard we advocated and we're speaking up and your team has listened and I really want to thank um Deputy Chancellor uh Ramos for being here and we were on you know call with her and and Christina and everyone involved to just make this more of a positive thing going forward that we can communicate and we can be heard and and change can happen with parents using their voice so thank you for that absolutely and I appreciate it um I will say this to you um and this happened uh because Melissa made it happen and I want to thank her for leaning into this and I'm saying to all of you continue to stay in very close contact uh with her as we drive deeper partnership as we are moving forward I want to I want to thank Melissa um and I I'm looking forward to her new uh leadership um in this space and I think it's going to be amazing I'm really excited about the things that are coming for us uh for this school year uh I I've always said The Best Is Yet To Come I I don't just say that I believe that but you need the right people in the right places and all of us working together collaboratively with the right Spirit um and that's how we get things done so I want to just say how much I appreciate all of you I am going to jump now because I do want to get into this homegoing service for a dear friend of mine and a community leader for a long time a lot of the city's leadership is in the church already and I W to I want to get in here and join them uh as well but thank you I think folks from our team are still on for a bit um yes to take any other questions that folks may have and again Shirley thank you for your leadership your continued uh leadership and your commitment all of you um to the kids of New York City thank you send out condolences as well Chancellor Banks but I see DC Ramos wanted to respond real quick I did Chancellor can leave yes thank you Melissa thanks everybody um Randy so thank you so much um for the for the Kudos um and your support um and and my understanding is that this conversation has been happening for a very long time you and Shirley have really been um leading this and so I I want to thank you all for that as well what I will say is um I I I don't forget our partners in diit they have been charged with a very very difficult task um change is hard and when we've been doing things a certain way for a really long time it takes a lot of out ofthe boox thinking um and and and figuring out how to meet mandates and expectations for the sake of safety and so I also want to thank Deputy Chancellor Emma vad and her team at diit because when I tell you that um I am at the table they they are the ones who are translating things for me because I just don't understand sometimes some of the technical language that they um that they have and Emma is that that bridge between diit and and us civilians who just speak very simple English um and so I I want to make sure that we're also um understanding that while this has been a tedious process and we are really trying to be in compliance with this mandate for the sake of safety and not to make anyone's lives difficult and we understand that right now as it is um it will keep you from doing the good work that you signed up to do I also want to thank Deputy Chancellor vadera and her team um for always taking on the incredibly difficult work that many of us um don't know how to do so thank you Emma and um and awesome thank you I don't see um any more questions or hands but I would like to say and I'm GNA send it via email but I'm going to send out the invitation and I'm pretty sure DC Ramos you're already aware but DC Ramos DC Hawks you'll be our main invited guest for September's meeting so you can help talk and share your vision for your division going into the the next school year so I have verbally but we will send a formal email um inviting you in and also through our face leaz on Anthony settle and Christina um invitation for our September meetings um come on this the start of the school year y'all don't have any questions or comments I would like to did all the other comments that's been said this is a new school year let's start it positively collaboratively with partnership because again we know the ultimate goal is our Scholars right it's not us and also I always like to remember besides leading by example it is okay to disagree we just got to do it amicably right and actually listen to each other right so this is going forward in all spaces not just on CPAC we go back to our president's councils to our ptas and any other forum let's let's un understand it's okay to disagree it's not a sin okay it's not a a fighting point because we are going to disagree because we are very individual unique and we have different perspectives and that's what makes us perfect collectively because we get to see all faces or or aspects of a a situation that needs to be resolved or improved or upscaled right um just keep that in mind and thank you I talked enough so M high schools can make their comment yes thank you so much I just want to uh say congratulations to Melissa again uh I've known her for a couple of years now um support she support me support parents in the Bronx like really fast and um really confidential of course um so I'm so glad thank you so much that you're here to support us thank you congratulations anyone else I see you have his cabinets here we have opt Glenn rbook thank you for being here we have ofns Chris Tero is here we do have our first Deputy Chancellor Dyan W Weisberg here um we have uh Dr Pete or is she do yes she a Pete doctor too here um as well come on we have the board here youall have any questions how about this take time we do have some time how about his cabinet team anybody would like to have any well wishes we have Elaine Lindsay here Dr Hull's here come on Doc we have Danielle Guna is here we got bunch of chiefs anyone no questions how about you speak to us but his cabinet team this is I'm inviting you if you have any words going into the new school year Well chair Robin I would just say appreciate your energy as always and and here here on on your comment about it's okay to disagree sometimes is a good thing to disagree that's how our ideas get better that's how we sharpen our ideas right we test them with each other but especially now I think it's so important as we go into the school year um our kids need to see us doing that they need to see us as Leaders modeling that we can have different points of view am May is fond of saying we have eight and a half million New Yorkers with 20 million opinions on everything um so we expect to have some disagreements uh but uh the question is as you say so eloquently chair Alman how do you disagree do you do it in a way where you make it personal where you look to attack the the Integrity of the other person or do you do it in a way where um with respect um and and even admiration for somebody respectfully testing your ideas so this is going to be this is one of the things that the chancellor and I and the team are focused on for this year you know it's uh I don't need to tell anybody on this Zoom call uh the the political Strife the issues of conflict around the world um have not gone away over the summer uh if anything they're they're uh they're worse in in many places and so our kids are going to be challenged by this uh and you know we um one of the things chair Rob and I would say that we would ask for all of your help on is you know Finding opportunities to model civil respectful debate and disagreement on the tough issues you know we can have civil and and respectful disagreement on whether tariff policy is good policy or not but nobody's losing sleep at least I don't think so about tariff policy but people losing a lot of sleep over what's going on in Gaza and Israel and issues of uh anti-Semitism here and islamophobia and um you know and the the the Civil War that's going on in Sudan that's affecting some of our families here it's and on and on not to mention this political campaign with some of the ugliness that that uh is is happening around that so we you know I wish I had uh you know there's no 10-point plan on this but I you know I will be very focused on finding those opportunities in public meetings maybe we can engineer some um discussion groups uh where kids can see this is what it looks like for people to disagree even disagree passionately on controversial issues but still have a good productive discussion and come out of it feeling stronger feeling more together rather than feeling like we are more at odds and in Conflict so just didn't mean to get too much on a soapbox but I thought your point chair Robin was so important um and we're going to be challenged on that through the course of this school year uh in in various ways so look forward to your partnership and partnership with all of the uh parent leaders and I know uh Melissa who you know I'm I'm the number one member of the Melissa Ramos fan club um and I know she's going to be a great leader for us in this in her position and working with all of you guys and I'm I stand ready to to do so as well awesome um I actually got sent a question but I love the idea of a ice breaker um but I'm gonna ask this question and then if there's still time we'll go into the ice breaker um I got a suggestion but I have a Icebreaker in mind so if we do go that people keep this in mind if you can go in back in a certain time in history what time period would you go back to um that will be the Icebreaker but um the question is um and this is about a this conversation been happening towards the end of the school year throughout the summer um even Governor hok mentioned it again um what is New York City Public Schools plan to implement the cell phone ban this year are you still planning to do that in February so chair great question um this is an ongoing conversation uh you know and obviously we're going to have we're gonna have something to say about it before the start of the school year um but ongoing conversation not just here among New York City Public Schools uh and you know the chancellor talking about this with so many different um stakeholders students parents experts Etc um but it's also a conversation with the mayor and his team and and you know uh uh talking through the the thing that we you know that um we're convinced and I think there's a lot of agreement that use of cell phones and schools is disruptive um we always want to emphasize and you guys are rightly always pushing us to emphasize okay there's the policy then there's the imple implementation of the policy and so we want to to make sure that whatever policy we come out with we have really thought through what are the downsides what are the what are the pitfalls um you know what what are the individual issues that may come up um so that's what we're engaged in surely right now is is that discussion but obviously we we need to we need to come out and we will come out and uh talk about what the policy is going to be uh before we uh head into the new school year and I don't know if any of the Melissa or anybody else in the cabinet wants to uh jump in on that no Dan I Echo everything you said but I think this is a place where um your voices are so important and I'm actually really proud that um we are not just jumping into something without really considering implementation I think that's what makes this Administration unique um you know not without flaw of course but um we know that when things are implemented very quickly and without the input of families and school leaders and teachers and children themselves right we know how attached they are to these devices and how important they are um so engagement is is everything around this so very much an ongoing conversation and that said if you know there's there any concerns specific to you or your school um or ideas that you have then always feel free to talk to Christina and me because we are always willing to listen and nine times out of 10 we're together too so you can catch both of us together um thank you for that and we appreciate that and we know conversations are being held even all the way at the school levels some schools are have already had you know those discussions as well um continue to have those conversations and and share those your you know the input uh suggestions and of course you know not all schools are the same um I'm pretty sure I um the direction is to have choices of implementation what is best for each individual schools what would work for a small school may not work for a large school Etc but I would like to say can we not call it I mean I didn't ask the questions but I already said have raised the hand like do not call it a cell phone ban because we literally took it out of the rags right because we're not Banning cell phones really in the building we are Banning the use during instructional hours so I just wanted to make sure that it's very clear because once you hear cell phone ban that means oh we can't have cell phones in the building I can't let my child bring their cell phones to into the school and that is not the case right so it's not a ban from having cell phones in the building that's all I would like to um add to that I know I have mentioned it in other spaces let's get rid of the San fall band and I probably leave it up to you because I can't come up with a a a a jazzy name yet I'm thinking about it but let's uh come up with another phrase um for that um engagement right um is so important Shirley thank you for that that's actually really good feedback and we want to be intentional with language too so thank you thank you that's great feedback awesome thank you um Erica your hands were up and you brought it back down you you read my mind gu I actually had a um a quick question an opt question uh we have uh several parents I know in District 8 that um filed tickets for reimbursements for um buses throughout the year and still haven't received any at all and I know that they all have that impending fear of are we going to wait two weeks or is this going to be the one year that day one everything is ready is there any guidance on uh what to bring back to those parents who have those concerns well thank you for the question um actually we've been having recent meetings on exactly how we going to clear up the the ones that we're waiting to to send out um you should be hearing something on that uh pretty soon um as soon as we get this uh the the finances for the this uh fiscal year that just started we should be able to get those payments out but if there's anybody specifically that you want to uh let me know about um you know I'll put my uh email in in the the chat and you can get that to me and I can look at uh that specifically but I you should be hearing some some things on those payments pretty soon great thank you I'll also just say on that Erica oh go ahead Shirley no no go go ahead do you want to add to that comment so go ahead then I have other questions that's popping up to me so go ahead okay great I was just going to say Erica I really appreciate that please do send Glenn the specifics I just want to note um with appreciation for Glenn and team and finance team we have been working through a reimbursement backlog that was from the beginning of the pandemic so we have been doing a lot of catching up we are catching up we have now cleared two years in the past six months that's not okay because we shouldn't have been that far behind but I just want say we put in place some new processes we're also clearing a multi-year backlog and we are hopeful we'll be on top of all the things shortly as Glenn said in terms of this past fiscal year um and that was because you all raised this to us frankly last summer in terms of this group raised specific families who are still waiting for um covid era reimbursements and we dug in and we found them and we started working through them so just want to say appreciate the feedback no it's not fast enough yet but please know we're taking it really seriously and are working through the multi-year backlog now thank you for that awesome thank you um I got a question and this is directed for office of food and nutrition services Chris um somebody wants um clarification about the current New York's New York Post story sure Shirley thank you for that question um as much as I'd like to say the New York Post got the facts right I have to actually disagree the facts are wrong um we received um a donation from the USDA for a lot of apples that was not at any cost to us um we have zero reports of what you saw in the post being reported to my office in fact we've had a variety of apples that came through this bonus donation which were really something we haven't seen in a while for example Granny Smith apples are not something our children receive we have other fruit in the schools we have bananas tangerines and watermelon um I think this more had to do with a distribution situation which we're going to get to the bottom of that eventually but this is not something we are not wasting fruit we are making sure that all of the fruit that is in our school is ready to be served none of those pictures were taken from schools none of those pictures of those apples were taken from any of our buildings whatsoever um and I want to say again we pride ourselves on serving the best well-maintained food so the post did report what they did I cannot justify what they did I can tell you that I guarantee that the food we serve to children will always be the freshest quality I would just like to follow up on that um with a question has any of the school meal sites including the public library receive any complaints in regards to uh food being served either the food truck the libraries at our schools any complaints at all regarding um go ahead no Shirley actually this summer we've already surpassed five million meals we're on track to meet the 7 million meals that we served last year our participation at summerizing has been amazing um we have obviously our food trucks on the street we're at Pools Parks libraries we're also in several Nicha sites we've been collaborating across City agencies to make sure we're in the right places I've been speaking to the Bronx burough president as as well as the other burough president to strategically place the trucks it has been something that we're really proud of this year and I think everyone and all kids in New York City should take advantage of the free summer meals program awesome um I don't think we have time for uh we but keep that in mind the next time for ice breaker that's what the question is so have that answer prepared this is including members and cabinet team Lisa also have that in mind we're going to do a IC breaker but would like to say well maybe we'll get Adriana to do one um we still got like three minutes but I would love to say that um we're in a social media world right uh we're using technology more and more and I have to say that um I think New York City Public Schools besides parent leadership but I think New York City Public Schools is doing a better job um uh of of letting us know the city as well if you're followers certain agencies that they are letting us known because I saw School meals uh so many times and the cooling centers which is appropriate for the summer we had multiple heat waves so I think um need to continue that social media push but also the traditional way as well all right because some not everybody is on the social media and looking at Twitter or Instagram Etc but I have to applaud um the usage uh of those because I think they have been very effective um um cuz I know parent leaders also do use those as well um and I just want to say thank you about that because School meals all day every day every time I go jump on the school on that platform what New York City doing um as a whole is is very good so New York City Public Schools is taking advantage of that form of communications which most of a lot not most but a lot of our parent leaders are on um so thank you so much for that um I know I put Adriana on the spot but if you I'm going to share how about that I'll put myself on the spot so if I wanted to pick a time in history um overall is not the best for women but I love the Victorian age I love the books that came out of I love the author I love the clothing that is one of the the time periods I would love to visit is the Victorian age and those are my I love the Bronte sisters and Jane Austin and those novels that came from abist awesome women writers at at that period in their dress even though we didn't have our full rights they were um very instrumental of representing um our gender right uh at that age elegance and intelligence you know that's why I would I would that would be one of the time periods I would love to go back to is the Victorian age all right um it's it's 11:30 face is up next we have Chris Dr Christina Melendez who's the executive director of face to give us updates and thank you cabinet for staying and engaging us um and we're looking for continue successful partnership going into further into the school year enjoy the rest of your summer have a good have a good rest of the summer everybody thank you thank you have a good one you right you have the floor Dr belendez good morning CPAC um I'm always so excited to be here um it is I always look forward to this platform and being in community and conversation with all of you um and it's nice to be back um we had a a month off sort of um and I missed you so I'm glad you're back it's nice to hear that you're all working really hard like we are to prepare for the upcoming school year um I just want to always thank you for all of the work that you do um to ensure that all of the families and the kids in our schools are being heard and supported and cared for so thank you always for that and thank you for the work that you put in when everyone's asleep or vacationing or resting um to make sure that that happens so um I wanted to say a couple of things too I wanted to say thank you to many of the folks here who are have also been um in our trainings for the New York City reads ambassadors um they have been very active this summer outside of just preparing for some of the work that they're doing in their respective School communities but they have been very active with us just participating in all kinds of things whether it's a presentation or a popup reading to kids um giving feedback to some of the tools that um the the literacy collaborative is is putting together for family engagement and PCS in particular so we're just really really grateful for their active and continuous support and participation around some of these things um and and so I want to thank all of them and there are many of them that are right here on this platform um doing the good work so thank you for showing up and showing out all the time um I also want to share that we are doing these popups um earlier on in the chat I shared some of the Hub locations we have 21 Hub locations and I know many it's not inclusive of every District in the city a hub clearly is just a place that can a business an establishment that wants to be in partnership with us um and is willing to host a small space with a number of books that we're happy to not only provide but replenish on um the idea is not to give away books but to keep the books in The Establishment so that then parents families as they're waiting as they're visiting the establishment um children can engage in Reading um so we have restaurants and barber shops and places where waiting is a big thing and we are hopeful that kids can pick up a book and sort of engage in literacy or just read pictures um and it's also an opportunity for us to host popups around those places um so if there are other places in your communities that you are thinking makes sense for a little bookcase or a box of books um for families and you know the establishment and you're interested in exploring and US exploring may be an opportunity I know I've had some conversations with some of you already about some spaces please identify them let us know we would be more than happy to figure that out with you and support that place to become a hub so just putting that out out there um we also have a um we have a all of our we're planning our town halls and they are going on smoothly um we start the um chancer Town Halls on September 9th with ccse um followed by cchs and so on so we're excited that that is starting and that we are planning to be with the chancellor and his team in our local community unities um for this cycle um Jesse Christina I know that also wanted to mention um no no um just just one other thing uh our city-wide summer connections for our parent coordinators so we continue to support our parent coordinators throughout throughout the summer they work through through uh 12 months out of the year um important important uh um uh colleagues you know in this work that we do so we've had our Citywide summer connection series um uh recent one was on family communication strategies uh we had about 300 participants participate there uh and we are also continuing to do work and we wanted to thank um those who are part of the parent coordinator advisory Council I continue to meet with our parent coordinator advisory Council uh and having initial conversation with them about the upcoming year receiving their feedback uh on a variety of different topics um one one being the New York City Schools account um as well as talking about um the work that we're doing on our face rubric but I believe that is everything Christina so that I think that's it from US unless we have questions happy to feel them put the locations in the chat question I don't see any hands oh here we go Erica hi good morning um I did have a question I know uh in engaging with the New York City parent Ambassador work we're running into a lot of parents that are saying hey I didn't hear about it or I missed it what's next is there a what's next and I know that's a big funding conversation and everything else but what would be the best way to uh bring that information to the parents and still keep them engaged with of wanting to connect with parent ambassadors yeah I think I think for us you're not alone here um we are definitely hearing you guys are doing the great work and so every time someone sees you out there they're like we want to be part of that too so first thank you for doing that um but second yes you're right funding is a is a part of this conversation we also have the recordings um from the past session that we held and so we're really thinking through you know how can we use them um to support through our already current ambassadors maybe building the the knowledge base um across more um parents and families that are interested in in being part of that work and understanding what it means um the other piece to that is thinking about what are the opportunities at your very local districts um to continue to expand and support that work um with the ambassadors and also folks like the FLC and the superintendent and the deputy soups right like how do we get all of the other folks involved in in supporting you all in in having access to not just the knowledge but also space in your schools to to continue to do this work so we're we're definitely in those conversations and excited to be to be speaking about those both from how do we do it again and get the funding but also how do we leverage what we've already done and continue to build because you are ambassadors but you're also the greatest um messengers of this and the goal of this program was always to have each one of you teach one of you um and so that is that is the setup and we are hoping to to at the very least make sure that that happens and supporting you in that way great thank you thank you anyone else have any other questions or comments for face nope all right maybe this they there are usually here to the end so we're going to continue and move on uh I didn't get to see your slide but look we have DC Melissa Ramos is there this is uh the top three including our face liaison uh Anthony settle so now we are going into the next agenda item CPAC settles not so secret GS and today's topic is September's new school year Beginnings Anthony you have the floor H good morning everyone can you hear me yes sir okay I was having a little difficulty being heard earlier but thank God we got that straightened out so excuse me so preparing for September preparing for your school year to me is really is really a no-brainer is really uh it's a lot of common sense stuff right and it and much of my fire was already mentioned today things that I was going to mention to you I think the first thing that I would really want you to think about as presidents of President councils and conveying to the Presidents of your Pas and ptas in your districts and in your Burrows it's communication communication is going to be so key to any element of success right so if you can in your role as presidents of both your paap ptas and your president councils is to meet with either your District leadership or your school leadership what do I mean by that obviously if you are the president of a president's Council try to establish a meeting with your superintendent and your FLC if at all to possibly together do it together so that everybody is on the same page as PA of PTA presidents meet with your principal and your parent coordinator together all at the same time and I think that helps you to accomplish a number of things a it gives you an idea of what the needs are either in your school or in your districts pretty sure you all have a good finger on the pulse of what those needs are but it's really good to talk to the people who are really facing those challenges every day as administrators so have a conversation with your school principal what does what are the needs of the school with the superintendent what are the needs of the superintendent so many of you have heard me say this right so many of our Pas and ptas focus 90% of their energy on students and families who are going to leave their school buildings at the end of the year we all want to do something great for children who are graduating out of their schools but 90% of your population is going to be there again for another year or two so focusing on the needs of the school not just the needs of the graduating class does a number of things and sets you up for success I think so a if you are looking to increase participation of your parent community at your school if you're T and if we're in an elementary school and my child is in the second grade and 90% of your meeting is focused on the fifth grade I'll see you when my kid is in fifth grade right why because you're not talking to me you're not doing anything from my kid right so figure out a way to address the needs of the school that encompasses all the students not just the students who are leaving the this the school at the end of the year and those families so if you can set up a meeting with your principles with your superintendents to discuss the needs of the school it's also really important I think at that meeting that I'm going to interject the regulation into this conversation now right because you're required to have these regularly scheduled meetings with your school principls you're required to have these regularly scheduled meetings with your superintendent you're required to have these scheduled meetings with your CS so if you are doing that you can better address the needs of the parents and the students in your schools and in your districts you can also help to focus attention on those administrators and those CCS on the needs of parents so it's a conversation that can really be fruitful in helping you to figure out what you're going to be doing for the year um that's going to lead me to my next point and which is your planning so take this month and the first week or two of September to figure out do we have the bank account in order because some people don't even know where the bank accounts are right so is the bank account in order uh do we have all where are our documents so where are the minutes from last year where are the notices from last year because again a lot of the stuff you don't have to recreate over and O like use what you already have in place right just change the date if the if the form on the on the flyer looks great use the flyer again right change the dates you don't have to reinvent a wheel because the wheel has already been invented all you need to do is figure out how do I use this wheel to the best of my ability and to to make us more successful so so figure out where your bank accounts are where your documents are where your notes are also do a review past and future review what worked well last year as an organization what did we really do well that was everybody enjoyed it everybody loved it everybody came out for it what was that what was that event right what event didn't work so well because we really shouldn't do that one again if that didn't work well why are we going to do it again this year if it hasn't worked well for us in the last three years why are we going to do it on a fourth year let's let and that gives you an opportunity to generate a new idea right review what you have have in place for the coming year do we have enough time to do this do we have enough time to do that what are we hoping that will come from this event oh we heard a school did this maybe we could fit that in in our school year so I think there's a a lot that you can do but it takes some planning and this is the time to do that planning if you already know your team your team is in place you can meet virtually you don't have to meet in person so you can do a lot of the planning right online so don't let oh we couldn't get together to get in the way of a successful year because if you can't get together now it's really difficult to try to make all that happen in the the rest of the year so we talked about where your bank where where your Bank documents where are your um where are your your minutes and your your notes and all of those things uh here's one other thing that I wanna we haven't really talked about this in a while and so I want to put this out there um please please do not use your school's tax ID number because that is a big no no right have your own tax ID number and this is why I'm saying take this time right now to locate your documents so if you don't know where your ID number is your tax ID number your e EIN number right there are some things that you can do you can contact the IRS and it may take some digging but you can contact the IRS and they can dig up your EIN for you and give it to you if you need to acquire a new one you can do that as well please note that anything that's going to deal with banking all right we have to we have to be very very upfront about this anything that's going to deal with banking is going to require someone's name and someone's Social I I it's not my rule it's not New York City Public Schools rules right this is the government's rule so bank is going to ask you for your social security number the bank is going to ask you for documentation we can't get around that but remember even though you may be that name you may be that number that bank account does not belong to you so here's what I suggest that you do if at all possible if you are succeeding someone in the role of President get that person to go with you to the bank so that you can can Swap all the names and Swap all the numbers right and be mindful of this that when it's your time to move on that you go with your successor and do the exact same thing so please explain that to your members who are taking on this tremendous role and responsibility of PA presidents and executive board members right the bank accounts do not belong to any one person they belong to the assoc iation and as such if there's a change in leadership everybody needs the trapes over to the bank change out all the information so that the new responsible parties that's the term that we're that's the term that they use the new responsible party their information is on that bank account this is a standard practice in businesses all across the country whether one is a nonprofit whether one is for-profit this is the way we do this in um in in the US okay so um I mentioned review last year review this year Shirley's already mentioned it I'm going to reiterate it review your bylaws just make that a standard practice every August anytime between June late June and and August review the bylaws see what's working a did Central revise the rag did they make any changes to the regulation because if they did then we have to make changes to our bylaws no they didn't make any changes let's take a look in these bylaws what worked did did something not work and we couldn't address it through the bylaws did the bylaws address every issue that we had last year this is part of the that review that you should be doing annually to make sure that those bylaws as a living document is fresh and new right ever it should be a a document that's that lives and breeds and is Ever Changing as the needs of your Association changes so uh be really be really sure about that make sure that people here's the time that you want to make sure if you can't make it to if you can't sit on the SLT that you have someone who can sit on the SLT you can't go to the DLT meetings make sure that you have someone who can go to the DT meetings if you're a burrow counsel make sure that you have someone who's going to the DLT meetings in each of the districts in your burrow right that should be coming from your membership why a in the immortal words of the great Phil philosophical musical genius sting you're never alone you are never alone let me repeat that you are never alone and as such you shouldn't be doing it all that should not fall on the backs of one individual that's why you have a team that's why you have members it's also a great way and and you've heard me say this in the past right create pipelines of leadership create pipelines of leadership a good leader is always looking at who can step in when I have to step out that's what a good leader says so you should be building pipelines of leadership and they happen in small ways right I'm sure for some of you everything got thrust upon you for others you had somebody who invited you to take on small responsibilities and those smaller responsibilities grow into larger responsibilities and you are where you are today so don't if if if everything was all put on your shoulders all at once don't do that to someone else because you know how hard it is if you had the opportunity of being mentored then you Mentor someone right you do that by creating pipelines of leadership this is all the things that you should be thinking about now these are all the things that you should be thinking about that first and second week of September don't wait and and this is where I I want you to encourage those schools that historically hold their elections in the fall right because they don't get a chance to do this they don't get a chance to do this serious planning to make a year successful without a whole lot of headache not going to say there's going to be any headache but without a whole lot of headache every event should not be a headache right every meeting should not be a headache every every time you someone mentions the word PA or president's Council you your heart should not be sinking to the bottom of your feet right it should be bringing you Joy because this type of work brings you Joy but you can mitigate Some of That Sinking Feeling by doing some forward planning and so that's what I'm trying to that's what I want impart on you today that's my that's my not so secret gy because so many of you know this but so many of the people who come to your meetings don't do this um so help them to help themselves right forward planning first starts with looking back figuring out what we need to what worked what didn't work what didn't we do what did we do what didn't we have that we need to have so that we can plan for all of those things moving forward so with that um Charley I turn it back over to you if you want me to try to answer some questions I will try to do my very level best to to talk about the one or two things about the thing or two that I do know um and we can go forward from there thank you for that we're GNA act entertain questions but I see that um Dr Melendez would like to make a comment or statement or maybe she even actually have a question I do not have a question um I have more of like just um a gratitude for just what um Anthony has just shared and I know that we want to enter these spaces with the best of intentions and hopeful um Spirit um and and looking at the past is usually not a place where we want to start and I understand that but I also want to double down on the importance of really taking inventory of what happened last year whether you were on the board or not um to set yourself up for Success it it really does matter because often times autonomous bodies in all parts of our leadership structures want to look to us or PT P PCS or CPAC or anybody to help them fix an issue and and it is really governed by your bylaws and so this idea of looking back and saying you know what were some of the points of contention not trying to figure them out again just saying you know what were some of the things that got us into some sort of an issue or concern just amongst each other um and then figuring out how do we then unpack that so that we're never here again and then if we do get here again what are are some of the consequences or responsibilities that people who get here again will have to uh obliged by right so some of the things are are interesting like you know how do we call in this person or how do we invite people to our meetings because the last time we had an issue was because this person was invited and added to the agenda and no one knew about it right sometimes it's that simple it's a good intention that goes bad because we kind of just imposed on a group of people and forget to have a conversation but then you want us to fix it or the PC to fix it and all we can do is say let's look at your bylaws what do they say about inviting someone or adding items to your agenda right and then it becomes this thing where it's like nothing was there and now we have a problem that people feel away and feel polarized all based on a very wonderful idea and so just basic things like that would be help um to just hash out and so making your bylaws longer doesn't make them bad it just makes them clear so invest the time in doing that so that you have a smooth Year and no one is thinking about well the president said and what does the president think it's not it's black and white in our bylaws when we invite people these are the steps we need to take and we didn't and therefore that person cannot come on the platform it's not personal we just didn't follow the rules um and that's I I can't I know I went overboard here but I need us to all understand that and share that with everybody that we support in our districts because it's not a thing we do and then you want face to fix it and we just can't we don't have a way to fix it other than to go back and help you look at your bylaws so make those the most powerful tool that you have to stay in harmony with one another and work together better awesome I don't I don't see no hands raised but I put something in the chat those who not looking at the chat just keep in mind um I'm not going to reiterate because I think uh Dr belendez after setle I think we said it over and over but keep in mind the bylaws cannot never ever contradict the Chancellor's regulations or state law right Chancellor's regulations cannot um contradict state law therefore bylaws cannot contradict the regs um you have to be in compliance right so we talking about um just because you put it in your bylaws does it mean that it's correct if they go cont they cannot supersede Chancellor's regulations that is the authority that your bylaws are based the Chancellor's regulations if you don't know is based on education law 2590 okay so they have to be in compliance with state law so the regs are in compliance with state law if you're in compliance with the uh the Chancellor's regulations you're good you cannot supersede okay Chancellor's regulations is wrong we're going to do this right that's absolutely a no no just keep that in mind because sometimes someone like but our bylaw says we can do it it contradicts the RS you cannot do it that's the bottom line sure can I also add to that because I hear a lot very often Robert's Rules Robert's Rules Robert's Rules yes Robert's Rules is our is our way of helping your meetings to move forward right Robert's Rules do do not supersede your bylaws do not supersede um Chancellor's regulations it we want you to use Robert's Rules of Order as a means to move your meeting forward in a organized way in a way that allows all the members of your associations and your councils to be active participants in the meeting and so they kind of create a framework of behavior a framework of organization a framework for for for making things work but the bylaws is your document for your specific Council for your specific uh Association that have to conform to Chancellor's regulation so as many of youve heard me say this and I don't mean to belabor the point but I do think it takes a little bit of belaboring chances regulation requires that you that a ppta holds at least 10 meetings per year between the months of September and June or nine nine at least nine meetings per year between September and June sorry about that um your bylaws tell us the day the and the time and the place Chan's regulation does not tell us where when and how your bylaws tell us that right and so your bylaws P Narrows what chancell regulation requires so that's why School a can meet on a Tuesday and school B can meet on a Thursday right because Chancellor's regulation doesn't say that everybody's got to meet on Wednesday at 3M so we there there's a lot of decision and freedom that you are given through the regulation that you memorialize for your and the for the operation for the operations of your Association or your Council so I want to be clear Robert's Rules gives us a framework in which those meetings how those meetings should run but um that Robert's Rules do not supersede any of the previous documents that we've just mentioned absolutely Robert's Rule is where applies when the bylaws don't address that particular question or or op uh method of meetings um Norms if your bylaws do not address it that's when we apply Robert's Rules of Order and there's a question has there been an update for SLT in person versus hybrid for the new school year so again this is what school leadership team is subject to open meanings law open meaning law says quum only can happen in person this is before the pandemic that's what happens it applies to education councils it is in person quum only can be made in person now observers nons members can join virtually right they can observe virtually or they can come in person but team members must be in person team members if you have it on your bylaws your um the hybrid option but it's only if you have extenuating circumstances which is spelled out in your bylaws right if you do not have external rating circumstances and allow for members to join hybridly um because of those circumstances you cannot do that it's again you know violating open meetings law again Quorum only commitment in person so it behooves everyone to come in person that is part of your roles and responsibility and should be understood when you decide to take that position or run for that position that should be made clear okay also another issue is that it should be as per the Rays at the convenience of the parent stakeholders right it should be at the parents convenience of the stakeholders so if there's an issue about the time and place uh the the timing of it this needs to be discussed and then politely um and diplomatically go to a655 where it clearly states that the time of these meetings should be at the convenience of the stakeholders right the parent stakeholders and it also includes about instructional hours so so cannot happen during instructional hours that's double dipping for the staff members of the school leadership team I know it's difficult but I've been saying this for two years I know Randy also helped me out with the DOA you need to go to your elected state legislator if you want it to change right you have to go to them it is law open meetings laws slts and education councils are subject to that District leadership team is not but SLS are um and neither are your PA or PTA meetings yes btas are not subject to open everybody else is not subject to open means law in this process except for Pep education councils and school leadership team they are subject to open meanings law so if you want it to change you need to Advocate to your state legislature for a change now that hybrid portion um which I think a lot of people are not aware for externing circumstances is temporary it's not a permanent portion of the open meetings law they just renewed it for two more years right because it was supposed to expire June 19th of 2024 now it is renewed for another two years for 2026 this is like a compromise I guess uh um Governor Hoku extended that but it's not a PR permanent part of open meanings law please keep that in mind again if he wants this to change you must advocate for change but in in the meanwhile it is part of the roles and responsibility of school leadership team members it it's in person it's in person it's in person one one of the other things that I I neglected to to say explicitly um I'm not I I I'm not a I'm not a guru I'm not a superhero when it comes to this stuff I'm really not I know a lot of people say I am they say oh you're the go-to guy you're the goat I'm not I'm not any of those things I am just a guy who can read right um I think it's a really good idea as presidents of presidents councils across the city that at each meeting you take a you take the regulation itself and review a section of the reg with your members and I'm I'm not saying this to be to be glib or or to be cute or any of those things right but you and I both know so many of our peers take on these positions at their schools because no one else is stepping up and then they're given nothing they sayd do this and then not giv any roadmap not giv anything to say this is how it's done this is what's required this is so two things and and Brooklyn High School president's council did this really well because they went from like barely having enough people to make quorum to their July meeting having 20 um help your first of all as presidents of presidents councils find out who are the the newly elected presidents of Pas and ptas in your District or in your burrow make that a team thing make that something that you and your executive team do together so that again the burden's not all on one person right but find out who those those new leaders are reach out to them invite them to your meetings and then when they come to the meetings work with your FLC to make sure that at that meeting everyone gets a copy of the r and everyone gets a copy of the bylaw temp then take that R and then begin to dissect it and understand it right go through it with them give them the tools that will make them successful I'm saying this to you as As Leaders of President councils help them to understand what their what their roles and responsibilities are work with your FLC to work with PCS to help them understand what the role and responsibilities and what their role is in connection to working with their pa or PTA right um but I think that that's really I I if you want to build good leadership within your districts I think that's one of the ways to start then everybody will be saying of you that you're the go-to person for Chancellor regulation a660 and a655 right I'm just a guy who can read very often as as much as do know about these documents I I confer with the team of people that are here at face about things that I'm pretty sure I know because I just want to make sure that what I'm going to tell somebody is correct right so I don't just say oh yeah yeah yeah that no I say hey guys I just got this situation this is what I'm thinking what do you think and then we talk about it and then we give the the advice but one of the things in doing that that just means that all of us now on this team are are going to be on the same page and giving out the same bit of advice the same thing should happen for your executive boards at your president's councils that you're all giving out the same advice that you're all giving out the same kind of assistance to the Pas and ptas in your District but the first thing I think would be really helpful for you in your role as presidents of President councils working with your flc's because again just as all of the president's councils are supposed to send their certifications to me and I share them with Shirley and Randy the FLC should be collecting all the certifications within the district or in the burough and then sharing it with you as the president of president's Council why because those are your members those your constituents so I I would say that uh if you can before the before September gets there we still got a few more weeks in this month meet with your FC meet with your superintendent work out your plan for your District work out how going to support Tas and ptas in your districts or in your Burrows right and work very closely with them and then begin reach out to them find out who they are personally invite them personally invite them to attend your meeting don't just put we're having a me we want you to come make them feel welcomed and then when you get them in the room say hey guys this is this is our Bible this is what we follow this is our Quran this is the document that that this is our constitution this is what we have do and then start to go through it section by section what are your responsibilities how do you do elections how do you run meetings what do you do with finances because we still get people who come in and they like I nobody would run so I ran but I and and they don't even know that you exist as a president's councel right they don't even know that you exist they don't even know who to go to for help so don't wait for them to call you you make the call to them right and and personally invite them but here's my superpower that I'm sharing that I'm going to give away to you read just read that's all you don't you won't have to question about what something says because it'll be there in black and white and if it's not there in black and white you can say you know what you can further Define this now in your own bylaws so my superpower is your superpower I'm just a guy who knows one or two things about a thing or two and who happens to be able to read right thank you Anthony um I know I had a point but I forgot what it is I am getting old but I would like to give Randy a chance to um speak on in this regard um she talked about it a little bit but do you want to add anything because again got to lead by example so if you're doing the work action speaks louder than words um we all know that they see you doing it and part of our responsibilities and I say we as parent leaders particularly presidents right you are to develop leadership leaders that is specifically one of your roles and responsibilities is leadership development right that was Anthony is talking about leadership development building that capacity um that Adriana and we so many times have said got to build capacity it only strengthens our voice as a whole it also also only strengthens our understanding of the rags the way functions and how we fit in this en puzzle of New York City public schools on helping our children we are pieces of puzzles put together makes us strong so we if we have holds in especially in that parent voice we're going to have disconnects we're going to have misunderstanding we're going to have lack of knowledge right we need to have that to really strengthen um our parent voice and you know and I'm not saying you face because I think face is the only one left I'm not saying you individually but you know as a whole right Central they yall just parents yall don't know what you're talking about but when you can quote the RS at your SLT at a p at your president's Council here on this platform and wherever there is they know that you're they dealing with knowledgeable people and we're not just talking because we just want to talk right we need we need to be able to articulate and that goes back to you know respectfully with the opinions or how to approach SLT so you don't see seem like you're a difficult person but you know the the r stays here you know it's not wrong to bring up the RS because that is your foundation that is what articulates your point of view that is what the regulation dictates right so the only way you can articulate your point is bringing up to show that we know how this structure is supposed to be this is what it is um we need to show knowledge knowledge is power and we forget and we want all our stakeholders members to be knowledgeable that is what strengthens this parent voice right because it can't be the same um even though yes we're elected it can't be the same people always talking talking talking talking we're not gonna always be here and we get tired too right it looks better when all of us are on the same page talking about a specific point that we need to change because it affects our children you got to keep that in mind right and then even though we should get that respect but we're going to get even more respect they're going to have to approach us differently or they know what they're talking about right sometimes and then not all and we're not talking about Anthony and Jesse or Christina or anybody in face in particular but I know we have run into different stakeholders on different levels who don't respect that parent Voice or have the you know the perception oh you're just a parent parent right you're just a parent you don't need to know you just do as I say we by our actions and by all knowledge and support of one another let them know that doesn't work and that is not the truth and where in my opinion is one of the most important stakeholders because guess what it's our child it's our children we brought them into this world right one way or another we are responsible for their well-being and their education and we should have our say our our say should be recognized and respected at the same toen you also have to understand that we are not going to get everything that we want because we don't have all the factors either right but you gotta also remember that we are not gonna always get our way 100% or what we want and what that but the expectation is is to be explained why this wouldn't work why it can't be because we do not have all the factors that you know the decisions that's made at the New York City public school Central level so please keep that in mind too because you got to have a open mind and got to understand that they will appreciate most appreciate what you're saying and probably will'll take it in mind but we'll never get 100% what we want and today we got what we wanted again because this is the second time the the emails are being paused right to be po because they understand that this is the way we show our volunteerism and it has to be not a hardship um for us because we already have a lot of barriers so just keep that in mind because partnership and understanding works both ways now I said one and I want I had intendance but I think I covered what I wanted to say before so Randy would you like to add to that so and anyone else then we could wrap up our meeting sure um I just want to add while you were still discussing the SLT for anyone that does want to have hybrid meetings I posted um the template that shley and I worked on in the chat so if you just scroll up you'll see that on the hybrid meetings there's a separate one for elementary and middle schools and another one for high schools so if you're interested in adding there's also some useful stuff that we have added in there as well um as far as president's councils um offer your ptas onetoone trainings for anyone who needs it since we're in a virtual world it's so easy to do and as you're going along you can share your screen drop things in the chat and this way everyone gets it also um over the summer your principles are working unless you know that they're on vacation find out if you can have a meeting with your executive board and them now to plan upcoming dates for the school year you can look at the at School's calendar at School's calendar the school's calendar and the um and the regular like holiday calendar and see what your bylaws say for your PTA meetings so you can set them and know if you have to go a week before back whatever your bylaws say um and expectations to sending out your paperwork if your paperwork has to go out 10 days in advance have a meeting with your principal and ask them when do you need it in order for it to go out 10 days in advance you can't expect to send something to somebody today and say oh I need this to go out tonight schoolwide it doesn't work that way so those are things that you could start working on now to start planning make sure you go to the bank all three core members um are signatories you have to go to the bank together to get the paperwork um taken care of um if this is a formal review for your bylaws form your bylaws committee at your September meeting have it on your agenda prepared already I have my September agenda prepared already so have that on there survey your parents on if they want the format um iners hybrid or virtual for PTA meetings all those things that you're thinking about your welcome letter um my school does like a summer bridge where they invite the incoming students over the summer to meet their classmates and their um advisories so you can go as a PTA president and speak to your principal if that's okay to come in and give your welcome letter and attach that envelope let me tell you that envelope is so important you have to spend money to make money if you attach that envelope to that welcome letter for your membership donations you will definitely get like at least half more than you planned on getting just that envelope itself makes such a big difference so please use that envelope put a label on it and if you're looking to create a distribution list add email address to there and put a little Aster to to say by uh giving us your email address you're allowing us to send you information about PTA meetings and other school information so all those things are helpful to plan now and it will make your life so much easier when September starts short sweet I I kept it short no it's okay but before I let you speak Adriana there was a question which Andy Randy answer did answer in the chat but those who don't didn't see it um well I know the YouTube didn't see it is SLT annual evaluation form still in use that's a definite yes our June meeting we said and we even shared it with our members the the the form right which is also found in the a655 to do your annual review of the principal who received the completed documentation so um at our June meeting it goes to the superintendent or superintendent office some districts I know send it to the FLC who then you know to give it to the superintendent um everyone should be filling that out and I know it doesn't say it only says parent and a June meeting we had said going forward cross out parent put constituency group and you don't sign it it should be anonymous so people don't feel uncomfortable and give their honest evaluation so everyone gets that form but the principal and in a sense to the district office you know you can um speak to your particular District on how I'm receiving those uh those documents uh for the school leadership team um um who it should be addressed to who it should go to but it should be going to the district office because the superintendent is supposed to um read that eval uation so it is happening we did said it in June I think we also said it in May and we also told our members we gave them the the members the form to fill out um and you know so hopefully soon a655 regulations will be updated um and the reflection of that the principes evaluation form will be updated so that it is anonymous right so um at this time so Adriana I just wanted to make sure that everybody knows that question was answered and we did receive it from YouTube and thank you Charlene and Adriana go ahead thank you I before we are done I wanted to point out on the CPAC website um our co-chairs and whoever manages our website or whoever else manages it have been very diligent in making sure that not only the minutes and things like that are posted to the website but you can also find different resources and different guides not only from the doe but things that CPAC has put together I know that there is a very extensive glossery on here right the doe can be very alphabet soup and for people who are new or parents who are new even if they're um okay even if they're only coming to your meeting sporadically they should know what all of these acronyms mean they should know all of these terms mean who all of these people are so with all of that make sure you familiar ize yourself also so that you can speak not in layman's terms but regular people speak and not in alphabet soup that's all thank you guys I appreciate that yes there's a lot of resources on that website and on the school New York City public school website as well there's a lot of resources there uh for us to take advantage you know it may you might feel it's timec consuming but it's important because when you do the research right because we tell our child go use the dictionary why not because we don't know the answer it's because so they can retain that information so the more that we use our resources the more we do trainings more that we attend trainings the more um information is retained right you think Anthony who's the super his superpower is reading that's why he know that and also putting into practice right you think being Randy uh got the rags memorized that's definitely not right but um doing the training having these conversations helps you retain the information and even better putting it into practice so if anybody else don't have anything else to say I'm going to share my slide so we could bring it to an AJ gerit um I'm looking anybody else no all right so I'm going to share my slide you know and I like my slides and I'm going to tell you because I don't remember everything a picture or something helps me remember the the conversation or the point I would like to make so some of you might think the slides are pretty but it really is a tool for me and and it helps those who are visual not only to hear my boring Voice or ry's boring voice I don't think ry's voice is boring but mine is so um so you have a visual effect so so you can uh look at that as well our next meeting is scheduled for September 12 um it's virtual of course it's it go back to our regular time at 9:30 it's summer if you haven't got there to enjoy the beach or the park or do some amazing uh self uh self-care or activities that you don't normally do during the normal school year please take the time to do that now again thank you for those who have hair we will review June une 13th and June 27 minutes at our September meeting and hopefully that September meeting we will have Quorum we fell one short um today so we will not review those but thank you and I think this is an example of just because you don't have quum doesn't mean you do not continue with your meeting right you just can't vote you can't review your you can't adopt your minutes etc etc but you can still hold your meeting right there's still information to be shared it just won't be official so we encourage that you continue with your with the meeting even though Quorum is not held you're going to have your meeting as if ascept for there'll be no voting no making no decisions um and that's what Quorum um allow us to do so and those who are had their elections and already please send in those certification forms have your FLC send up in to Anthony settle so you could be on this platform because I'm pretty sure more had their elections they just you know Haven it set the you know election certification is the verification needed so you're the I CPAC member so I thank you for everybody's cooperation and at this time I would like someone because I can't do it to bring this meeting to an adjournment motion to ad okay so Erica beat you with the voice and raiseed hand so Erica has adjourned our meeting and Mahan Heist did um which is our CPAC corresponding um secretary adjourned it and our Mahan High School president's council rep has second that the time is now 12:28 our meeting is officially adjourned wonderful ladies and gentlemen enjoy the rest of your uh summer get that rest and we will see you September 12 but we are here for assistance in the meanwhile thank you have a good day everyone let's stop the live stream