test one two test one two e e e e e e e e e janic commissioner [Music] Canal is Elo the person lanaar newk new JY r j mosita so uh due to time we're going to uh give these resolutions because we understand we have a council meeting we want apologize for starting late thank you Louis a pleasure and honor to be here with the repres presentation from the Dominican Republic from B Dominican Republic It's indeed a pleasure for me to present this resolution to lenci ruen Dario penalo elected Deputy of bber De Mao Dominican Republic ER and it reads we the members of the newk municipal Council want to take this opportunity to congratulate you and welcome you to our city during this prestigious visit while sharing this historical event with all our citizens lead domic on behalf of all the citizens of nework this is a welcome uh we to to Newark and behalf of the city of Newark and the Newark Municipal Council there's members of the council who are with us the council president Monica mcgyver councilman Crump who are here too just want to recognize that we're doing this together and this is a welcome on a short notice but again I'm here all right you got okay [Music] I want to [Music] you [Music] f [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning good morning welcome to the special meeting of the New York Municipal Council on Tuesday June 25th 2022 in accordance with New Jersey Law adequate notice of this meeting has been provided to The Star Ledger the Jersey journal and the public at large establishing the date time and location of this meeting in addition the agenda for this meeting was disseminated on June 21st 2024 at the time of preparation and posted on the website of the city of newk roll call please Council absent Trump present Gonzalez present Kelly here kintana here Ramos here Scott Round Tree present Silva absent president mcgyver present good morning council president council members we have presentation and an agenda um council president is your pleasure to go through the agenda first yes okay we on page three of the agenda item six ordinances public hearing second reading and final passage 6 psfb is an ordinance granting a 25-year tax abatement to nma owners urban renewal LLC for a project to construct approximately 200 market rate residential rental units and 50 affordable housing rental units in the central Ward is there anyone anyone present wishing to be heard on this ordinance Visa Parker why do you continue to give these developments 25-year tax abatement you have a prime example of the Halo building over there they ran out of funding you didn't get a project labor agreement there's all nonunion workers there's been four incidents in the Halo building for public safy three of which flying debris came off of the ceiling and uh one a circular saw and the and the Halo building is not living up to their obligation they ran out of money you contined you gave them a 30-year tax abatement at the same time you're increasing the taxes on property owners with no justification when you didn't last year give tax credit that you were supposed to when you submitted your budget we got no relief and now you're turning around and giving Property Owners 15% tax increase the rates may have changed Murphy may have agreed to give us the the tax uh abatement or not a tax abatement at the end of the day you're putting the taxes on to the residents that live here these people don't vote here they don't live here they don't pay taxes here nor do they contribute to the border ed or anything else when you give them tax abatements so how you got a big rat out there no project labor agreements and yet every time we come here you're giving away tax abatements like their jelly beans and no relief for the property owners that establish communities here so somebody better get up here explain today how you continue to justify giving these tax abatements when these developers don't live up to their obligation of even hiring people to give them a living wage and health benefits how can that be good morning good morning Alicia Austin Singleton nothing n TTI i n but a bunch of crap from this Council if you gave the kids of nor and the residents of norc just as much concern as you give tax abatements that's in to to these developers that don't vote you in that don't come to your community meetings that don't even Engage The Residents if you put just as much time as you put a tax abatement on this agenda we would be a better place the developers are not your friends the next people that come sit there they're going to do the same thing they wheelers and dealers your public servants you supposed to serve the people if we don't like it you should be engaging us to see why we don't like it where's the presentation from this developer of how of why of what's the need yet and still we're saying affordable but your paperwork doesn't even give us a breakdown of percentage where's the decorum in the way you handle business you want to talk about us and what we do and how we're doing it on this side but you don't even have what Gonzalez asked y years ago years ago to be uniform and precise to let people know no but then you'll wait till I'm finished and come up here and say miss this is where it's at this is what you do it no have it already and available for the people yet we're the troublemakers we're the naysayers and the westw ain't no better my counsilman what are we doing here you want to run for Congress you want to run for Governor you want to run for mayor well let me make an announcement since nobody has stepped up maybe I'll run for mayor in 2026 I guarantee you I have more support than most of y'all think I do because they're tired you don't address the people's concerns you don't do what we ask you to do and we put you there six six figure salary jobs jobs on the side you shouldn't have another job on the side this should be the only job to address the people's concerns and addressing the developers concerns for a 25e tax abatement that you're going to in increase the resident taxes is ridiculous it's ridiculous tell them to take out another loan cuz you know they ain't putting it in their buildings people come up here every day telling you how the filthy and nasty the slum Lords are they come and ask for a tax abatement thank you Miss Austin next speaker seeing them public speaking is now closed oh Mr Tillman good morning uh George Tillman um first I'd like to thank councilman Gonzalez and councilman round tree for their um continual um voice for this issue that we're having with these tax abatement and these economic incentives um there was a request made by councilman go Gonzalez regarding the contributions that were received from this Administration for non-compliance if that list was not received yet um is urban renewal LLC one of the developers that have given a contribution to this Administration for non-compliance um before we go forth with any more tax abatements there's a lot of questions that are being done with these tax abatements that is raising a lot of uh questions with the people and what this Administration and this government is doing because we understand and we've come to the point to know that um the administration is non-compliant there is no no oversight of these tax abatements no one's doing a report card on these tax abatements no one's keeping a record of of what's going on with them as for the ordinance um the deputy mayor did come up here and specifically say that this Administration is receiving contributions and uh other forms of of of gifts for non-compliance for for of this tax abatements and that is illegal so with that being said in itself there should have been some sort of action taken by this Council to pull a halt to find out and have an investigation because yes councilman go Gonzalez did say that yes there should be and it should be transparent that this Administration is taking contributions for non-compliance of of these tax abatements and and purchasing items for departments without your approval or oversight so there's a lot that has to be discussed before we continue on giving tax abatements and so I don't know what your decision today is on this tax abatement my my position is the same that there should not be any tax abatements being granted and until we are in compliance with our own laws thank you thank you Mr Tillman any other public comments good morning good morning my name is Denise cologne I have a pretty heavy story here and I don't have enough time to share it with you guys but I'm here before you today um I have met met Miss Round Tree a couple of times and my story is very very serious and it's and then you you people need to know it um when I file for tax abatement you guys weren't in office I'm going back 16 years ago and here I am here today I'm not going anywhere my property is located at 176 Clinton Avenue in Nork New Jersey is the old kesna mansion I gave everything I had my heart my family my finances my Faith to develop that property there and I would come no matter who was in administration I you know I did everything I was asked to do from Lois to writing tax abatements to writing letters to Washington you name it I've done it and I just totally been ignored and now I'm here today with the last strength I have in my body to fight for what's mine is should be given back there's some stories that could be told here today but it wouldn't really be conducive to what I want the message I want to give you here today I'm not politically driven in any direction but I have a heart and I'm fair and I think that anybody work hard should deserve the fruit of their labor and so to know my story you going to have to individually meet with me the ones that I haven't met already and there's quite a few people in this building that know me and know my name cuz I've been here a long time and so in 2007 I was given that Mansion for a dollar and I prayed and I got diarrhea because I was afraid because I didn't know what to do and I didn't know how I got it I didn't even know if I legally was supposed to have it but if finally resonated and I realized it was mine and so I dug in and started to do what I had to do and then in 2019 as a record show I lost my property for taxes but I got very ill very ill I almost passed away but God blessed me and I'm here today and I'm strong I came here to get mine in 2019 I came to pay my taxes I owed $70,000 and that's all I had to my name and I came to give it to the city to get my property back and they declined me and said to me Miss cologne if you can't show us that you could develop this property then you can't have it all right thank you so much Mr Denise thank you for your uh testimony and your story unfortunately your time has expired now I know that thank you thank you so much any other speakers regarding 6 psfb b as in boy all right seeing none public speaking is now closed comments from Council Members councilman Council yes Madam chair I I know um you know believe the last meeting we had asked for a list of uh properties that uh was not in compliance especially from the um tax abatement committee we know that uh when we had a conversation I know it was uh High Park Terrence was one of them but if we can get that information uh that that would be helpful okay duly noted councilman councel if we can Madam clerk follow up regarding that information that was requested M president yes councilman Gonzalez yes good morning thank you I just want to R very the they say the need for us to receive the the list of the entities that have contributed ER money to the city instead of ER or to be in compliance with the tax the tax ayment for their units I believe it's important that we have a clarity as to let's say why these entities are paying a penalty and not complying with the their requirement that they provide a affordable housing in their complexes okay thank you councilman Gonzalez any other comments councilwoman Scott rry I just want to um read re iterate when we request something and we know that every meeting that we are confronted with uh questions and concerns from the residents of this city about these abatements that today we are confronted with things we have to vote on and we requested this at the last meeting so why we didn't get that information prior to this meeting so that we can give the residents and the constituents an answer or some information it it troubles me so I'm just asking when we request something from this Council we need to be aware and well informed on the information that we request so we can have a legitimate a great informable answer for those who are asking for that information we've been asking for this councilman Gonzalez asked for this some time ago this isn't the first time so I'm just asking that please uh Madam Clerk and whoever is responsible for getting us that information that we're not sitting in a meeting still asking for the same thing for the second or third time thank you thank you uh councilwoman Scot round Tre any other comments from Council councilman Ramos just want to add a Amendment to the councilman's um requests uh in addition to the developers who've paid into the fund also a list of all the dispersements in the last five years you know for what purposes and whether it's City functions or other projects that they've invested funds in all right Administration sure uh Good Morning kinat store city of North Corporation Council um first I will apologize on behalf of the administration I recognized that the Council made a request um in reference to details about uh the funds that have been contributed to uh Workforce and things of that nature I do think it's unfair for us to uh sit here and uh give the impression as if the administration is getting gifts we're not getting gifts right what happens is uh developers who are non-compliant we don't just let them off the hook we make them pay uh into the fund and then as a result of that we use those funds to train people in Workforce uh we've been fortunate enough to train a you know a load of people who have benefited from it and of course uh other folks have received jobs and things of that nature um we also have benefited from uh using or purchasing the uh the workforce bus Which travels around the city because the idea is that we don't want to have folks come to a specific location we want to bring the resources to different people within uh the the neighborhood um we will make it our business to uh follow up with our folks to make sure that we get the information at the council um as asking for but I think it's very very important for us to recognize and appreciate that the administration nor the council is not getting gifts from developers what happens is people who are non-compliant give money to the city and the city then uses that money to train people throughout our community thank you thank you uh cor Council any questions or comments for cor Council before we move on okay thank you roll call a Mr tman [Music] roll call Council yes Crump yes Gonzalez yes Kelly obain kintana yes Ros yes Scott brry yes Silva yes president mcber yes resolutions 7r1 a is to extend the emergency contract for temporary housing and shelter Services Council as a whole to adopt any questions or comments council members before we um adopt I mean have a roll call okay ca roll call Council yes yes Gonzalez yes Kelly yes kintana yes Ramos yes Scott rry yes Silva yes president MC Iver yes 7r2 a is a referral of the proposed Sixth Amendment to the nework River Public Access and Redevelopment plan to the nework central planning board questions or comments from Council Members Cena roll call Council yes Clump yes Gonzalez yes Kelly yes kintana yes Ramos yes Scott Round Tree yes Silva yes president M Iver yes 7 r2bs is designating an area of need of Redevelopment in the central Ward questions or comments from Council Members Cena roll call Council yes Crump yes Gonzalez yes Kelly yes kintana yes Ramos yes Scott rry yes Silva yes president M Iber yes 708 as is a reappointment of council member Ros to the Joint meeting maintenance oh I'm sorry and 7 R8 BS is a reappointment of council member Gonzalez to the second river joint meeting any discussion all right roll call Council yes Crump yes Gonzalez yes Kelly yes yes kintana yes Ramos yes Scott rry yes Silva yes president MC Iver yes seminar 8 CS is the introduction of the 2024 annual Municipal budget all right woo woo we should have had some music um should have had a little bit of music with this um any questions or comments from Council Members yes Madam chair yes councilman Council so we can uh have the ba uh again uh come up and explain many people have received their um tax bill their estimated tax bill uh many of them have questions uh about it and I know we went through uh an explanation before but if we can um you know provide another explanation or by way of some frequently asked questions kind of please explain uh you know to uh the community what occur in this process so that they can understand what happened again okay uh before ba you can make your way up any other questions for the ba as he's coming go ahead councilman thank you council president just just a um maybe a highlight overview of the of the budget itself so that you know we understand maybe some um I won't say issues or concerns but anything that you may want to highlight to us at this time for the public also okay uh any other questions hey Mr ba sure good morning Eric penny business administrator I I'll go to councilman crump's question first and suggest if he doesn't mind we get you the uh budget books and that'll provide you information and I'd be happy to explain that a little bit more at that time it's a I can give a very high level overview but I'm not so sure how um beneficial or impactful that will be without the the data to go along with it now we'll have that to you very soon um and to uh councilman counsel uh his question the estimated tax bills go out pursuant to State Statute the uh obviously the budget hasn't been adopted yet it's just being introduced now and the estimated bills are based on what the anticipated budget will be this is for the third quarter um uh in order for the city to operate um you know quarterly tax bills go out and this is what the anticipated uh tax will tax bill will be it's important for residents to have some sense of what their taxes are going to be and uh it's also important for the city to be able to operate and function so we need to send out bills to Collective Revenue to run the city I'm not sure if you wanted more detail than that at this time it's just a normal practice and protocol send out estimated bills yeah and and the process that uh occurred with the state that that arrived us at this point um the state's process is you know the state is is on a fiscal year and they are in the process of just now completing their budget we're on a calendar year budget so we're six months behind actually um in terms of getting our budget done as councilman Gonzalez points out on a regular basis you know we're right now trying to make sure that we get our budget through so it's not really a spending plan uh it's really well actually is a spending plan we want it to be a spending plan rather than um just a a recapitulation of what it is that we have spent over a period of time time we did have a significant uh uh I don't want to say deficit we had some unanticipated expenses that was based on the uh Equalization ratio so I don't know if that's exactly where you were going but the equalization ratio is based on the sales of properties throughout the city and whether or not our assessed values are in line U with the actual uh value of sales in in the city and they are not the sales uh properties in the city of North throughout the city particularly now though in the South Ward and in the west ward and to some extent in the north Ward have exceeded the exess value substantially because of that our Equalization ratio has dropped from about 88% to 55% uh because of that um we have to send more money to the county it's relative to to the other municipalities in the county and there was about a $22 million unanticipated expense uh which caus us some issues we have worked out an arrangement with the state though where we'll uh we anticipate getting a a loan zero interest loan to cover some of those expenses how much will the county be receiving uh I do not know off the top of my head I mean that you know that's part of the detailed information that you'll get okay any other follow-ups councilman Council good okay councilman Gonzalez Mr ba what percentage of the budget is salaries um it's substantial I don't I don't know if to top I don't have the you know the budget in front of me today but if you can provide that information to us as quickly as you can well I anticipate getting budget books to the entire Council in the near future they'll have that information but I'm happy to give you any specific information that you need so just of clarification before I go to other questions when will um about what's the estimated time that the council will get the budget books so that can read all of the information sure within a week okay good questions on this side councilman Ramos thank you manam president uh just a followup to councilman council's question so so the estimated third quarter Bill what what's the overall increase that was included in that estimate versus last year's uh overall tax rate yeah MP Lev is about a 3.9% increase so a lot of residents when they get that third quarter bill they see a a jump from last year's quarterly and and I think what we have to do a better job of explaining is that that third quarter estimate goes all the way back to January 1 that's right so it's three three quarters worth of um increases included in that third quarter estimate right okay and you mentioned the issue with the equalization and the fact that we have to contribute another 20 or 22 million to the county so until reval is is completed is it a fair assessment that the city's going to be in the same position uh come 2025 because you're not going to be done with the revaluation and we are going to be asked to contribute additional uh resources to the county budget because our Equalization is still going to be off going into 2025 if we take no uh steps uh Council me that would be correct but I'm working with our tax assessor uh to make sure that we appropriately challenge some of the sales that the state treasur and the state taxation board looks at to determine our ratio uh we anticipate doing some of those challenges uh to make sure that it's a more Equitable view of what uh what our sales are and hopefully that would allow us to increase our Equalization ratio so we will not be in the same position we it is likely though that we will still will have additional funds that we have to pay to the county because we're not going to get back up to 90% um but we expect to increase it from a 55% number that it is this year whe When do you think the reval process is going to be um completed I know we just authorized a contract we were asked over the last few years twice to delay uh revaluation which you know some would argue resulted in the uh situation that the city's in this year when do you anticipate that process to be completed there are about 53,000 lines that the um uh the the reval company is going to have to look at that's a substantial number of lines obviously it's the most number of lines in the state of New Jersey is that 18 months to two years like what what do you we've done this before so yeah the the expected completion date right now is 2027 we are working to expedite that process to see what we can do there are very few companies who can do this so we only receive two bids we selected the one that we believe is uh qualified to to do the assessment um and we're going to work with them to expedite it as best we can thank you Eric you're welcome hey any other [Music] questions all right thank you Miss ba you're welcome thank you roll call Council yes Crump yes Gonzalez yes Kelly yes kintana yes Ramos yes Scott rry yes Silva yes president MC Iver yes the public hearing will be held on the budget after July 23rd 2024 Communications item 8 as is an ordinance granting a 30e tax abatement to 297 Clinton urban renewal LLC for a project to construct a new four-story multifam senior citizen age restricted building consisting of 64 affordable housing rental units restricted to tenants at 60% of area medium income in the South Ward questions or comments from Council Members CNN roll call Council yes Crump yes Gonzalez yes Kelly yes kintana yes Ramos yes Scott rry yes Silva yes president MC Iber yes 8bs is an ordinance authorizing the mayor and or his designate to enter into and execute the sale and transfer of city property questions or comments from Council Members CNN roll call Council yes Crump yes Gonzalez I'm going stain on that Kelly yes kintana Ramos abstain got round Tre yes Sila obain president mckyer yes council president council members that concludes the regular agenda before we move on I think councilman Gonzalez has a comment yes I just want to i y saying because I don't know what what say what piece of land what term what are the terms of this transaction so if someone would explain let's say to us maybe we can change our vote that's a question right that that's a question before I ask any questions comments Deputy Mayor La you're more than welcome to come up it's all in all right Good morning Deputy Mayor good morning how are you uh council president um council members Alison lad director of Economic and Housing Development uh this item before you is uh was originally conceived in November of 2014 um it was a settlement agreement between uh the city of nework uh psng as well as um the Urban League of Essex County um at the time of the settlement agreement it was agreed that the city and psng would do environmental remediation prior to the transfer of the property that process has concluded for the environmental REM remediation therefore at this time uh we'd like the council's consideration to sell the property to the Urban League of Essex County per the original settlement agreement in 2014 okay was this uploaded for backup uh yes ma'am okay um any other questions or followups yes councilman r like to change my vote to a yes thank you councilman Ramos anyone else yes yes from councilman Quintana councilman Silva yes yes here he yes for councilman Gonzalez all right thank you so much Deputy Mayor all right um that concludes our agenda oh we have added starters right yes okay so the first one is um 7r2 c as which is a private sale Redevelopment First Amendment to the agreement for the sale of land Redevelopment to amend the scope of the project in the South Ward he any questions regarding 7 r2c seeing none roll call Council yes grum yes Gonzalez yes Kelly yes kintana yes Ramos yes Scott rry yes Silva yes president M Iber yes 7r3 AAS is to support the city's submission to New Jersey Department of transportation's Regional Transportation Alternatives set aside 2024 application for funding the Mars Canal Bikeway project okay is someone from engineering here okay director good morning good morning a little bit more explanation on this so uh good morning council president council members I do appreciate um the consideration with those the two line items for engineering um these are uh Grant applications that are going to be submitted this week and um is a requirement by do to have the council support and acknowledgement okay questions from Council Members regarding this item hey CNN roll call thank you Council yes Crump yes Gonzalez yes Kelly yes yes Ramos yes Scott rry yes Silva yes president mcer yes 7 r3b as is a resolution of support for the submission of a Grant application to the New Jersey dep Department of Transportation for funding from the 2024 Local transportation project fund program okay U we might as well do both of them together 7r3 C I'm 7r3 c yeah yes 7r3 c as is Street Paving Citywide streets 2024 for engineering as well now I could just be it could just be me could just be me I'm G to just say it might just be me but I still don't recall getting a full list of Paving nope is it just me no it's not your shoe oh okay I just want to make sure it's just not me rece something I received something about selecting streets you know which we get every year about which streets you might want to have by Ward but we're still waiting on that full list of Paving director um good morning council president again um we going uh send it over to you um once again to make sure that you you know you receive it we we send over um a list uh as again we have the coordinated list with PS G with water um that we send over we just want to make sure that there's several items because of the funding and everything that we send over so I want to make sure that it's clear that you have the the actual list but you said it was sent over to us yes I don't remember seeing it um also for this sure hi good morning U I don't know if I'm the one who's discusting according to Miss Parker or something else that's disgusting but um um I think I'm going to take the hit on this I do believe engineering sent the list to me and I was reviewing it and did not get it over to council and I'll make sure that I take care of that okay all right let's uh today yes okay today all right yeah if we could get that that' be great yeah and this is combined right everything on there right you know I believe so um I don't I didn't fully read it so I'm working on that okay all righty um to this agenda for 7 r3b and 7r3 C any questions or comments from Council Members councilman Council yeah Madam chair just one question one um from the water department and Engineering there there has been a lot of of cross-sectioning along with Public Service uh and is important that we stay in front of what public service is doing because many roads that they want to go back to now and go into the ground to late a extensions have been paved already and so it's important that we stay uh you know in front of this so that when those streets are done that they move quickly uh and prudently to make sure that those streets are paved back again curb to curb uh at at the uh the residence appeal uh and that public service is not wasting time um doing those streets okay councilman Kelly thank you madam president um also the list that we did receive that were suggesting that we select streets it says that the streets won't be paved until 2025 um excuse me 2027 yeah so so the list that is coming from the Ba's office is that the 2024 Paving list that's correct yes councilman Kelly thank you for your question so the list that you received recently is for the ma25 Grant application um we are which is due at the end of the week uh background application is what sets us up for the Paving in the next few years we are currently on ma22 and that's how it goes with um with the the dot um and then ma23 will start um in the middle of the summer and so on and so forth so what they do is they do the application and the paperwork administrative um in in the year prior to the grant uh uh um uh how you call it uh selection in 25 hence called ma25 and then the actual um you know after the project is put together and designed um then is ready to go on um in on the field and that is usually anticipated a couple of years after when the grant is um uh granted to the city or given to the city understood but I guess for the people watching in layman's term the list that will be coming from the ba will that um identify streets that will be paved this year this year okay for the list for today is the Citywide from the city funds which we uh it's a line item that you actually have in front of you today for the Contracting um we already went through the bid process and we are ready to uh go Paving for this year season that's the list that you're going to receive today because now we have the contractor and we need um the review uh from the VA and that's you know that's the list that you're going to receive and that's you will see this year yes so just to clarify again just for the councilman the list that the director is going to send is currently for this season correct not for 20 I know it's it's real stupid yeah not not not that the director I'm not saying the director I'm talking about the process it's hard to understand because we're always asking each year um since I've been on counsil what what year are we in is it in May 2021 are we in 2020 you have to try to understand what year we're in and Paving because it's like just off cycle um which necessarily doesn't have much to do with us because we're applying for grants for these items um for this work uh but it's just it's very crazy the way it's um for you to keep track of the years I mean there's streets that I selected when I first got here that still haven't been paved yet but they're on like in May 23 22 so I mean it's just trying to keep track of it all councilman did you have a followup yes thank you council president just and just to to kind of piggy back on what was being said so we're going to at a list today for or hopefully today for for 2024 but engineering has already put in place or or applied for grants for 2025 and and going forward 2026 correct just correct thank you Council M so just to clarify um we it sounds it's because of the numbers of of the years it sounds like you know we're getting ahead we the number of um the year that is assigned it's it's ahead of when it's applied but it's it's like a Quee right like we have ongoing like there are Paving projects upcoming this summer um we're already in in Paving season we already Paving um you're going to see you know it areas the city being paved um the the the nature of the funding source is you know these ma projects are uh funded by the state do uh so they have their own denomination and the process it's a little lengthy um that's why unfortunately we only see the results a couple of years later um the ones that you see uh immediate past ma uh or local Aid projects and uh the city funded projects those are the ones that you see in the current season thank you no problem oh hold on one second councilman Gonzalez I think someone over here had a question no I was just seeing okay sorry it was just my my eye councilman Gonzalez yeah it dismayed me when I go on a street that was recently pave and then you have psng and others making holes on those streets and the and then the baving is not let's say flat to the rest of the street and and then you have these ulations on the street they say if you go to Highland Avenue that was paav like a year ago ER in the 300 400 numbers of Highland Avenue you would see that there are like three or four indentations on the road that need to be let's say repaved and it's a I believe it's a waste of our resources the w a waste of the state resources when we allow that to Happ and I believe more coordination should be implemented y um thank you councilman Gonzalez um I I can tell you that um our relationship with um psng and our collaboration with water gets better by the day there is an actual ongoing um gas line replacement um they are doing Outreach uh to uh each uh uh council member and please let me know if if you know if if you need more or if not sufficient um there they're reaching out to the areas ahead of time where they will be doing this work uh one thing there is a little lag between the work and the repaving because they do need to make sure that everything settles properly hence why you see some of the tips when um they just cap it for safety reasons uh but they do always curve to curve when they do work and that's something that we're implementing when we're meeting for these major projects coming up for psng what um do we have any streets that's underneath moratorium for or do we have any streets here in the city that's underneath moratorium I I see the ba shaking his head okay yeah yes Eric Pennington Business administrated Council uh president uh any street that was paved within the last five years is under a moratorium such that if Public Service uh goes in to dig up for an emergency or otherwise they're required to repave it substantially similar to what is currently there so all of those streets are under moratorium are are we keeping track of that well that's more of a question for engineering I would say yes but the engineering director is here and I'm sure that Sean Savage who is over this is keeping track of that yeah I would love to see I'm I'm not too confident but I mean we like cman Gonzalez said we pave streets and they're back inside digging up and it's never paid to the full capacity you know that we did it so I mean it's really it's ful I mean I guess my last question would be the streets that we have slated to be paved underneath our own budget as well as um our grant monies have we checked with psng in advance to see if they have work planned for those streets Sean Savage has regular meetings with psng Essex County and water and sewer to to to the best we can coordinate those efforts uh as I'm sure you know in the rest of the council and everyone else when there's a gas leak or some issue that comes up even if the street has been paved they have to go in and fix it they are still obligated they meaning public service is still obligated uh particularly for those streets that are under moratorium to do curb to curb repaving if that's the damage that they've caused we do have to be vigilant and make sure that they comply um if there are areas where Council believes there's non-compliance please bring it to my attention and I'll follow up on it personally okay and lastly we already started Paving for this season right yes okay all right any other questions Council all right roll call on 7R 3B and 7r3 C Council rump yes Gonzalez yes Kelly yes Pana yes Ramos yes Scott rry yes Silva yes president MC Iber yes seven R8 d as is a whole harmless and indemnification agreement for Public Safety Spanish-speaking community meeting this afternoon at newk Public Schools central High questions or comments regarding this event this hold harmless okay roll call Council yes Trump yes Gonzalez yes Kelly yes kintana yes Ramos yes Scott brre yes Silva yes President Ma Iber yes 8C is an ordinance amending the HC is an ordinance amending 6 psfb which was adopted on November 22nd 2022 by removing class two Residential Properties from the expanded special improvement district of the Nork downtown district Management Corporation quick question regarding this item um will we be seeing this for each bid and Sid is this just the first one up n DD uh yes good afternoon council president council members although I'm sorry I might still be mourning Ellison lad director economic and Housing Development uh this item um is the first of several that you'll see whereby we will be removing class two properties absolutely okay I'd like to sponsor this item do I have a second second second by councilman cromp okay um any other questions or comments regarding this item okay roll call for AC oh can we advance and adopt is that okay yes Council yes Trump yes Gonzalez yes Kelly yes monana yes Ramos yes Scott rry yes Silva yes president MC Iver yes 8 D is an ordinance adopting the Sixth Amendment to the Nork downtown core District Redevelopment plan an amendment to the Newark Plaza urban renewal plan can we get a quick explanation regarding this item good morning council president council members Allison lad director economic and Housing Development uh this item is an amendment to the downtown core uh Redevelopment area it is for a property located at 36-42 Columbia uh downtown okay questions or comments from Council Members councilman Gonzalez what are we doing to to that property um it will be developed into um mixed use uh development predominantly residential other questions okay thank you thank you roll call Council yes Crump yes Gonzalez yes Kelly yes kintana yesos yes Scott round Tre yes Silva yes president mber yes council president council members the Administration has other added starters that they said the council's aware what I know it's a special but I mean what in the world CC president Council good morning again kinat store city of North Corporation Council so uh this item is from HR it's in reference to uh prescriptions and things of that nature when it comes to employees I think it's important for least to give the head of HR an opportunity to talk about it is it only one that's it yes oh let's hear more about it good morning Council morning Tiffany Stewart HR Director um so this is for uh to authorize a contract with CBS um we went out to bid for prescription services for our active population and the eligible sorry okay for our active population and their eligible dependents um and we are hoping to start those benefits on 71 uh the reason for that being um that it's a significant cost savings for the city so usually it would take about six months to do a transition we were hoping to compress that time which is why we're asking for it to be an added starter so this is for a special contract with CVS not a special contract it's just a contract with CVS for prescription benefits for the active population and their dependence for all for all employees city of nor employees yes well do you have the cost what's the cost savings and what's the cost I mean we need details because we don't don't know anything about it it's like you're just all we have is what you're saying right now in front of us do we have a legar number uh it's 24- I think 0916 um but there was an email sent out to council uh to the union and also all city um with today no uh last month I believe all right let's go through some questions for council members in the meantime can we confirm the leg start number someone can help out to get the leg start member councilman Council yes so one one of the concerns is that there have been uh established uh with with residents for a long period of time uh some mom and pop pharmacies uh that have been used and and and because of that a lot of these people now are out of the equation right and we don't know the effect of of what that means places like finstein and there's another mom and pop Place uh on North for on Bloomfield Avenue these phies uh depended on the prescriptions that were coming in from residents of the city and other little places and now we go to a Big Brand Market uh like CVS uh and we just continue to like remove ourselves from you know trying to assist these small businesses in our community which you know I believe should have been a longer conversation and not just a conversation of email or something that was sent out uh and you know just alerting folks saying hey this is what we're going to do we're getting ready get ready get your card CVS send something all of the information is in but there's really no real dialogue about the pros and cons of it um and you know the fact when we talk about cost savings allocation and then sometimes some stuff is just not always about cost savings it's just about the benefit and safety and sanctity of a resident that has the ability to be able to go into a mom and pop shop so before I swing to councilman Gonzalez because I know he's up for a question just on the topic that you just mentioned um councilman Council so basically employees will only be able to go to CVS to fill their prescriptions no um councilman Council so basically employees will only be able to go to CVS to fill their prescriptions no uh CV uh CVS is just the administrator of the program um there shouldn't be an impact to employees or their dependence uh with respect to the pharmacies that they've been used to go to so let's let's let's first of all let's be clear it shouldn't be we we need to know that there should not be not shouldn't be meaning we're guessing if they're not going to have an impact if they still want to go to the pharmacy that's across the street from their house that's local so we should be clear on if they're not going to be impacted is it cheaper going to CVS or is it the same price you you know what what's the difference if you going to CVS to fill your prescription versus going to the pharmacy that's right up the street from my house is there a difference in payment there's not a difference in payment okay all right councilman Gonzalez my question was answered I just wanted to to know if they say the plan was exclusive with CVS and it's not okay uh councilman Quintana the retirees they will be receiving the same no the retirees are are still staying with their same administrator they'll be with brw cross with Shield I'm sorry can you they're brw cross with Shield right correct yes so CBS is a PBM correct so PBM they just like BR cross push yeah okay all right Council MOS yeah just a question on the uh on the savings I know the city last year moved away from the state health benefits plan went into the private Marketplace um as a result of moving into the private Marketplace you did realize some savings uh from last year to this year uh the cost for for health insurance coverage for our employees through the private Marketplace increased significantly right and and part of that increase also impacted the prescription cost so can you tell us um assuming that it's Equitable coverage right for for prescriptions from what we had last year what what's what was the anticipated cost if we would have stayed with uh Horizon Blue Cross and what's the cost that we're going to pay CVS and what's what what what's the the savings that the city's going to realize as a result of going with CVS versus Horizon yes so councilman Ramos uh CVS bid 6,336 556 whereas Horizon Blue Cross would have charged us 10, 81,7 um with respect to the increase that um was um on the chapter 78 contributions for uh this year that increase is less than what we would have had to pay had we stayed with the state health benefits plan so even though it was an increase what we were trying to do was mitigate that increase so rather than people seeing a 50% increase in their um premiums instead they were seeing something around 25 30% so so just to summarize by by going with CVS to do the the PBM portion um the city's realizing or mitigating a potential increase of close to $4 million if it would have stayed with Horizon for the same coverage on medicine no no no no gaps uh no laps in coverage for for employees yes Council M okay thank you madam chair yes uh I'm sorry I think someone had a qu councilman Sila did you have a question I thought I saw his hand up okay sorry uh councilman Gonzalez then councilman Council the $6 million is guaranteed is not they say we're not going going to pay any extra monies if we if we exceed that $6 million well just like our health care our medical health care we're self-insured on the prescription side as well so these are estimated costs um however we do have a health care um financing program in place that will um sort of uh mitigate for any sort of catastrophic expenses that we have last year I believe we pay like a million dollars on a premium in the event that they say the medical expenses the actual medical expenses exceeded yes that was for the stop loss Insurance yes do we have that on the medical we don't have stop loss insurance on the prescription side what we do have is a a um Health Care financing plan which means that for anything over you know that's an astronomical cost something that we didn't expect for example um they would kick in they would cover the cost for us 80% we would cover 20% and then we would set up a payment plan for the remainder those are just for astronomical costs it's not um what has been the let say our experience in terms of cost of medical uh let's say coverage do we know let's say over the last five years the average has been the say for the stop loss no for the actual ER Medical let's say Med medication Co cost what has been the average what has been the say the maximum and the minimum in the last let's say couple of cost what has been the average what has been the say the maximum and the minimum in the last let's say couple of years so that the oh that we paid for prescription on yourself insured it's been about six seven million so the Six Million that we're paying now is more or less what has been the actual cost in the last actually yeah actually I I think I misspoke we we've been paying a little bit more so this is actually cheaper than what we've been paying okay thank you you're welcome councilman Council so uh there have been letters that was sent out from CVS uh to to folks that uh I've witnessed seeing that indicated that they would be the primary focus of prescriptions and they sent out cards as well and so you're saying that an individual can go to a mom and pop place and still pay for their $5 prescription without going to CVS based on the information that CVS sent out the letter that CVS um sent out councilman council is to notify the active population and their dependents that they're the new PBM that they're the new administrator for our plan this does not mean for our plan this does not mean that they now have to change their Pharmacy so if someone is using Walgreens if they're using rid if they're using shoppr right if they're using you know Costco they can continue to do that but we are obligated to notify them that there there there would be an upcoming change in the administrator it doesn't change the pharmacies that are able to accept that insurance so what was our part in ensuring that the the employees understood just that so I did send out an all City email I also had a meeting with the Union Representatives um and explained everything to them as well so that if they got questions from their members they could explain it to them and any questions that we've gotten um after the email the All City email that was sent out we've fied it in our office but in the All City email it did not state that they would still be able to use the pharmacy uh that they're using now and so many of them are confused assuming that they can all have to go to CVS because CVS also sent a card to all of these individuals there has to be some clarity because you have thousands of people assuming that they would only have to go to CVS to get prescriptions or to file prescriptions and there are different price variables from picking up a prescription at CVS than picking up a prescription at a local f Pharmacy there are differences their co-pay is what their co-pay is regardless of what pharmacy they go to so if someone is being charged a different rate at a mom and pops versus uh a larger Pharmacy then they should let us know that because that that should not be the case um as far as Clarity with respect to the pharmacies that they'll be able to use I can send out a clarifying email All City to let them know that they can continue to use whatever pharmacies they've been using in the past can can it be in the form of a frequently Asked question piece so that they would you sure ask a question then they'd be able to see it yes councilman come thank you council president so I I apologize because I had walked out for a second and you were are speaking director um you're asking for us to vote for this so that it can be uh it could begin July 1st right is that correct so what is the impact if we voted if we did not vote for it today and voted it in our July meeting the impact would be that we would H we wouldn't have a way to pay CVS if they were to administer this program so we would be getting bills in weekly for example and we wouldn't be able to to pay them so it could cause a disruption so but if we didn't vote for on it then they technically wouldn't be the provider July 1 right correct we need Council approval in order for that to happen so then we wouldn't they we wouldn't we shouldn't have bills from them at that point right well we we would have to have bills from someone which would mean we would have to declare an emergency and enter in some sort of contract with somebody to be able to provide prescription benefits and do what are we doing right now Horizon is still pres providing prescription benefits but their services terminate on June 30th okay well why why did we wait so long I I don't I don't get it we we knew already Horizon was going to expire on June 30th like why are we waiting you know what's today June 25th to talk about this like why didn't we been thinking about this five months ago or working on getting this before the council instead of you coming before us with not even an added starter to talk about something so serious I I don't I don't understand that like I don't get it do you understand what I'm saying I don't understand why this is like coming before us not fully an added starter we have nothing to us except for what you're presenting to us and it this is it was always going to expire on June 30th it that always was going to be the case so why are we here right now today like this other than being prepared prior to prior to for this situation so we we did send out communication um to notify the council and to also provide information and in that communication I did um indicate that if there were questions and you wanted to set up a separate meeting that I would be happy to do that um next time I will follow up just to make sure um with respect to the timeline like I indicated before we got these bid bids back around I think March April final bids um and we're working with a compressed timeline because the cost savings is something that we'd like to start appreciating sooner rather than later um could I have waited until January 1 of 2025 um yes but with with budget constraints and things like that I thought that this would be um beneficial to the city to move forward with now no so you're not understanding what I'm saying yes like you you're not understanding director and I hate to do this but we got to be clear as Leaders we have to be clear about what we're doing we I'm not talking about what you sent to us in the email I'm talking about the process that you go through to get something before the council to consider their vote properly and that would be starting with our clerk going through the process enter it through Ledger start going through all of that for all of these wonderful people that work here in the clerk's office this is not normal like this not the normal process it's not what we do we don't like doing this it's it put you're putting a like you know a hardship on us up here to consider Something That We're literally just getting out from your mouth right here with us us we do not have anything in writing to us we have nothing to see this is not our regular uh process of how we consider items before us and if you think that it is I mean obviously you're not getting the right information about how we consider things here and we kind of had this conversation when we had to change over from State health benefits it was the same kind of process what we doing right now it was coming before us throwing at us for us to quickly consider to make a decision and to me that's just not the normal process and not to me that's not the normal process it's not my process L Monica MC Iver it's the process of this Council and how we do business and to me to wait if you had this information in January and February and April I don't heard so many dates now you're in front of us in June when this thing is expiring in a couple of days and we could have been had it before the council to consider to talk about it to have you know FAQs with with uh employees and everything it's just to me it just it's improper and it's unprofessional of how this is happening right now like there's no if but I don't care how many emails you sent to us the process of how you follow to get something before the council was not followed here that's why we're looking at a blank sheet of paper writing down what you're saying out of your mouth to us to consider to vote on I mean maybe it's just me is it just me today C Council Miss govern no it's not just you council president and we run into this an awful lot with the leadership and it's so unfortunate director because as council president said we have five 5 days um before it expires and we're being put under pressure regarding money presentation just from a few minutes of a conversation with you whereas the process could have also included while you were sending emails request an audience um through Council through the clerk with the council president and the council to make a presentation of this because not only did we have to deal with this when health benefits change now we're dealing with with prescriptions and everybody's not on everybody the same level intellectually to receive this type of information so I don't know what the other Council colleagues are going to do but I am very disappointed in the fact that we have five days and something's going to expire and then the pressure becomes put on our shoulders and then we have to receive the backlash from the community as to what we're doing not just with the employees because these employees have family members and children and and they're not all on the same level so this is really bad it's bad and I hope that everybody hears this that are directors and just in case so that when these added starters come that we have more information so we're not sitting up here getting a two-minute presentation or a 10-minute presentation from a director that's affecting the lives the cost and the money whether it's less whether it's more whether it's a no-brainer is not of just all the importance of being presented us properly and following the process thank you coun thank you council president so and I missed this again I apologize it it expired on the 30th of June but is there a contingency because usually contracts have some kind of contingency to allow uh an of of that benefit from that company until a new one is put in place is is that something that's part of this contract with Horizon like uh no councilman Crump like I said before if if it's not approved today we would have to declare an emergency and proceed that way that's crazy councilman Gonzalez yes it's surprising that they say you come to with an emergency that is an emergency to you but it might not be an emergency to us H I believe the process that needs to be followed hasn't been followed as indicated by council president it's a is is it's a little bit I am a little bit taking back that that you're presenting us something that is going to cause the city of newk millions of dollars and we don't even have a piece of paper in front of us detailing what we're supposed to be voting on it it's it's not the usual process for us M president yes uh councilman Quintana M president in the past yeah coming to the there was always there was always a presentation by the insure by the company that was insuring the city there would be a presentation there is no presentation for years you know years ago we we uh this company's in Arizona their corporate offices in Arizona the previous company is in New Jersey uh which they moved they left the city of New Yark and came back I wanted to know I just want to know the process of all the pbms who were they and and how did we come to the lowest price in terms of all the pbms because it's not just one PBM there's a lot of the pbms and CBS is is very um the PBM is owned by most of the stocks are owned by the Bush family I just want to put that on record too uh but I just want to know because I I received a card and in the boxes if I have any concerns for corporate offices in Arizona and I was like I puzzled because I went home and I had to pick up some medicine yesterday so when I went to the pharmacy they said well you don't we brw cross for Shields no longer so I went to get my mail and in my mail there was the card of CBS I was like puzzle that's what does this mean so again I'm just I just think this should have been a process where the insurance company should have made a presentation to the governing body like we did before with Etna Etna came before us spoke to us about what the plan was we were given the brue cross shield and end up became the carrier but they came before us and spoke to us so I just I just want to I want to bring us a little bit to a close um and I'm going to ask for you Mr ba to help us understand if the council does not vote on this today what is the what's at stake for the employees all of our employees here in the city what happens and you know we just need to understand that clear for all of us here yes council president Eric Pennington business administrator the short answer is that the employees run the risk of not being able to get their prescriptions filled we we don't want that to happen I came up here to apologize on behalf of the administration for not getting this to you sooner um but the you know the bottom line uh unfortunately I hate to make it a bottom line uh statement from me but I know that you like us to move on um and that is that there is a substantial savings to employees into our budget by going with CVS as the administrator here we just recently got the final documentation from CVS in order to move forward with this uh we certainly could wait until the next meeting but then we will miss our July 1 deadline and we've already uh have a termination in place with the current provider so there's a real risk of employees not being able to get their prescriptions filled the issues that everyone raised from councilman councilman to councilman Crump and to the others about whether or not employees have to go to CVS they do not uh whether or not Mom and Pop prescription places can still provide services they still can I get my prescription from a very small Pharmacy I'm not even G to say their name because I don't want to give them a plug um but they're still going to be able uh to provide me with the prescription uh that I need through CVS um not to diminish anybody's questions I had the same question I wanted to make sure that I could still continue to use the pharmacy that I have I will be able to the expectation is that every other uh provide current provider will be able to continue um get their services provided from those pharmacies but again the short answer is we run the risk of employees not being able to have their prescriptions filled which uh uh which would be a tragedy so um thank you Mr ba I you know I personally believe you know each council person should definitely you know vote how you feel at this particular point but I definitely do not want to have a situation where our employees are not able to get their prescription or have to pay more money somewhere else to get their prescription um and you know due to the fact of this you know just an appropriate whole process of what happened coming out of personnel I mean I'm be straight up honest this is unprofessional it's definitely you know conduct Unbecoming because this is something that's serious and here we are in front of the council literally shoving it down us with nothing to consider and at the stake of thousands of our employees it's just it's really it just it is just really unreal that we're having this conversation about something so serious especially a person coming from HR perspective folks would literally you know heads would turn if something like this would happen at another agency it's just it's honestly just ridiculous I mean to be quite honest so with that being said I'm going to go call for a vote for this item um I don't I don't even know how do we read it into Madam K do you have what you have to read it onto record so Madam president and council members once the vote is taken we'll go back because we have to pull it from legis okay Madam chair yes will will there be a frequently Asked question or updated information sent out to the employees indicating to them that they have the opportunity as the ba said to go to smaller um Affiliates uh using the CVS card so that can have the the proper information right I mean this this thing is the whole benefit process right from even when we were coming out of the the state plan it it it has just been handled poorly and still up until this moment it it is still being handled that way but I don't want to you know in you know be the the instrument to to you know hold up on people getting uh prescription medication that they may need but again I concur with you this whole process uh has been handled poorly especially about people's benefits that yeah and breath and we we know we try to talk about wellness and and keeping people here for an extended period of time this is it just has to be better okay um to that I'm happy to answer the question from Council councel if you want me to oh yeah you can that's really important Yes again Eric Pennington with respect to whether or not frequently asked questions will go out to the employees my understanding from the director is that it will we'll follow up on that and I'll make sure that we have internal discussion and uh to avoid situations like this not just with the health benefits which are some of the most important things we have but with other added starters as well we will we'll continue to work on that we had done a good job looks like we fell off a bit this time now you have a blanks there just gonna stay there with it um Mr councilman Gonzalez yes thank you Madame President it's it's seems to be a recurring ER problem that we have with they say with medical expenses and medical coverage every time that we switch we have this this type of let's say presentation at the last minute and I believe it's important that they say this is a you put us in a very difficult position if we don't approve they they say the employees are not going to have benefits we I don't want to be the one that says to to the employees because of my vote that's right that's right you are not getting the they say the prescription benefits but I believe that is unfair to put us in that position yeah I can so let's do this because we have to move on I know this is like enough to like sweep us off our feet today um but we have to move on at some point so let's take a vote we need to have all of the information in the backup by literally 2: pm today um to us everyone and I agree with councilman Gonzalez at the end of the day we definitely don't want to see employees without benefits and folks are you know more than welcome to vote how they see fit here and I know it's unfair you know I really do I apologize to my colleagues for this coming to us like this even though it's not particularly my my my uh situation but definitely me asking you to take a vote on it it's definitely I'll take responsibility there which is what we should learn how to do take responsibility and account ability for what we don't do you know so we have to know how learn how to do that um so let's take a vote for it so we should have the information to us today Mr ba all of the information all of the backup everything and then we also should have that FAQ for employees going out at least by the end of the week okay can that can that include making sure they know what is in network and out of network because when when you say this in the information and letters that went out it said that CVS has an exclusive Network system of Pharmacy so if you're not in that system you're not gonna be able to use it you're not GNA be inclusive yeah so we should clarify that and make sure that information exclusive yeah so we should clarify that and make sure that information is properly you know communicated to Residents but specifically to us too here in the council so we understand clearly all right sounds good roll call Council yes Trump [Music] yes Gonzalez yes Kelly yes pintana no choice but yes Ramos yes Scott Round Tree yes Sila yes president mber yes all right only I'm sorry council president council members public comment yes yes we are now in a 30 minute public comment portion of this meeting where each speaker will have three minutes to speak excuse me okay first Speaker good morning good morning that was a no-brainer Felicia Aus Singleton two time chemo treatment and I had to take lupus how dare you put a people's lives in Jeopardy this is what y'all used to anyway no information you've been asking for information for four years Ramos on stuff what's different now how dare you if it lapsed on the 30 if somebody has a heart attack on the first you're going to still pay it cuz they have to be covered if you put that much time into this what did you put in nothing but ass what you have to say about that cuz we know the mayor haven't said anything the councilman hasn't made a a comment nothing but ass in a newk public school in West Side basketball romp shaking I could have did a better job I could tell you that much I ain't got that much to say you like on me and I'm 51 but at the end of the day this is what we have to do this is what we have to deal with West W is the best Ward I don't know about that part of it but who are we holding responsible you just wanted to take this young lady head off I ain't hear now one of y'all say nothing about that in a in a kids school nothing but y'all following process and protocol who took out the agreement who made the agreement that man ain't getting that building thank you for the uh apology big fendy we don't need it from you we need it from our mayor our school board and our councilman I don't want to hear nothing from nobody else you're talking about the Riviera you're giving money to the Riviera the Riviera been trash trash and some people been coming down here ain't nothing changed and now you want to throw those people out of there and now you want to give it $2 million what a slap in the residents faces how dare you how dare you what did you do with the $5 million or whatever y'all saying the state saying y'all couldn't get what what did y'all do with the money track the money I'm calling for a forensic audit from the state and I'm reporting the team Baraka to the ethics board all of you I'm reporting y'all to the ethics board this is UN unacceptable conduct and I'm glad my kids are grown cuz somebody would have had to answer to me somebody we are the reverend in this city the clergy the imams what what's going on here where's the moral compass in this city loyalty Loyalty means that you're serving the person's better good what is he giving to you he wants loyalty to him what is he giving back to you nothing going to Paris lying about he clean up the homelessness when you go down to Penn Station nothing but homeless people sitting down there than you miss Austin thank you your time has expired thank you so much next speaker Lisa Parker good day criminal cult is running our government yes it is disgusting Mr ba that people receive a notification in the mail without justification about retroactive taxes being imposed upon them without justification you never came back last year when you couldn't pass the budget because the state said you were supposed to give the property owners property credit we never got credit and now you imposing a tax rate increase without justification and doing this blaming it on the county blaming it on municipality these taxes are supposed to pay for services we don't have police in our street let's talk talk about process Miss council president three in March of this year you met with the pastor the developer to bring with some board members in my community about an in intense outpatient program that never existed there not zoned for it there's over 500 homeowners in the corridor of Warren nor White Cliff and Market Street why wasn't those homeowners engaged like they're supposed to follow a process for the planning board for approval no they sat down with you with the board members and approved it I had a meeting on June 13th the community engagement they're Furious they don't want addicts and mentally ill people um for um outpatient intense out patient cuz the pastor going to lay some hands on somebody we already got a boat dger with open drug Sals we already got on that Corridor 550 unit dorm that the residents there are having issues with let's talk about the repaving of the streets when y'all had y'all tore up the streets with pipe replacement you supposed to have the vendors come back and pay our streets why are we haggling over this when you supposed to bring back the contractors to make us whole the third thing I'mma talk about we don't want an intense app outpa program in our residential Community we have families there we have children in there the church don't pay taxes there they're exempt from it they don't vote there they don't live there y'all need to stop and the union y'all should be ashamed of yourselves to allow them to boot on something that's gonna impact your members disgusting next speaker just a lot going on in the city so the sex coat that's right in our backyard y'all solid night oh holy night huh this thing is stacking up Silent Night Oh Holy Night no statements huh you know who you are I just want to say that some legislator created an ordinance to ban encampment in public parks right cuz we did the occupi no but we don't have an ordinance to ban porn style events in our public schools and also in our rec centers in our city on buildings shame on you this shame we have Menendez right here in our backyard yard I don't care how much they say oh we ain't accepting gifts we don't get gifts okay we don't get gifts do you remember Carlo carelo Garcia do you remember your councilman Joe huh McCullum do you remember those lawsuits that a lot of people you know in the city had had to take care of because of corruption but we don't get gifts we don't take gifts you know come on Corey Booker crooker Booker I'mma always say he gotta get out of Investigation free card during the uh Watergate no corruption let's that make that make sense and let that be clear I say Booker Baraka mcgyver Behind Bars no other way to describe where y'all need to go behind bars yeah when you lie perjury you know steal votes you can shake your head all you want that's a crime that's a crime shake your head nod your head when I did a crime of perjury I did time hey but white collar crime running rampant no time to slap on your wrist corruption corrupt Network other way to describe y'all y'all don't represent us you represent the corporations the greedy corporations the some Lords the APAC designist lobbyists that support you it's time to send a clear message like uncommitted New Jersey they 40,000 strong all right thank you miss punami your time has expired 40,000 time has expired thank you so much out thank you so much next speaker thank you good afternoon hello hello Deborah maps in Newark um so let me start here because I want to cram so Rivier and forgive my voice I have laryngitis so Rivier was brought up and of course I'm all things Riviera so I'm here to give some good news about Riviera right um and it's gonna make every everybody's draw drop so thank you kab Tucker and and I butcher his name but I don't do it on purpose so we're going to go with KT he and I had a serious powow um right in front of the Riviera actually and you know I'm a strong personality he's a strong personality I'm strong in what I do he's strong in what he does but anytime a powwow can bring about um some good movement I am all for it and so I am so happy um so some great things are are first of all thank you council members um councilwoman rry and council president um for all you did and and all the council and bringing all the providers um before you um there has been a lot of movement down there um I know that there's been code enforcement and inspectors I don't know um the outcome of that but here's what I do know um I'm you know any any complaints or videos or anything that I'm getting I'm forwarding that to to kabiri and he's on it there was a problem with food we had about five or six people regurgitating he had taken care of it the issues with the bikes there are bike racks being put up and and this is great because it's taken a lot of pressure um and problems away um where the residents are concerned when I was there I had ordered some picnic tables so that they can go into the parking lot and not hang out out front I don't know what happened with that but that's being ordered that's going to really take care of a lot of the hanging out um out front um they had a great movie night people may think movie night all this money but see this is good for them because you have residents that can get together and and you know residents that don't always agree and get along with each other and bond and do all that wonderful stuff so let me speak too because I am everything Rivier there are some good things going on there and it's not going to happen overnight right but I can honestly say there are some changes and and I thank cabar for that um because it we didn't get along but we are good now and things are happening um and there's so much more I want to say but I need to leave it for the next council meeting but I want to say this on July 16th right we have an opportunity to put a bright and shining star in the congress with L Monica MCA right Essex County 5A Hudson 1A Union 1A all right this woman is smart she understands governing she is fair she is unbiased she understands women issues and um minues and I can go on and on and on how many times has council president said when she is sitting on this diet it is about North right but folks want to do something different so now I'm going to do something different July 16th I'll be back next thank you Miss Max thank you for your update next speaker good afternoon council members good afternoon second I want to First give an honor to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ good afternoon council members my name is viira Simone Bradley I reside at 200 Georgia King Village North New Jersey 07107 as of now I am in my transition phase I'm moving thanks to Deborah mson in the city of newk New Jersey for helping me and listening to my crowd for help and my time I need I'm great grateful thank you now on to my agenda I had a court date yesterday a mediation Where Mrs Janine Shaw who has lied under perjury to the court at 31 Green Street on behalf of Ellen management the court proceeding has been recorded where she has moved and still I am valid Ellena management has harassed me for years due to the fact of them being greedy Miss Daisy Bermudez the gangster kesa Kim the scammer Len peop the puppet Janine Shaw the puppet for the management I've been through hell and how water living at gkv but still I'm grateful I need this problem rectified with Daisy Bermudez Kesha kimus Len P um Len peoples Hector whatever his name is like because I've been roamed and this ain't just for me it's for everybody that been wronged in Ellen them coming from them for years like I'm grateful to be moving but I feel like my back against the wall and I should have to move because they scam me and other people right she harassed me Janine Shaw we went for the mediation and she admitted that L&M management was telling my business to her that is illegal and then that is harassment and she I don't even know this lady but El put it on my back I cannot physically touch nobody living there but nobody will physically touch me either because of Daisy Bermudez being chaotic she's a gangster I need this problem rectified I do not want to go back to jail I don't want to go back to jail they did me wrong and she tell my business to having people coming to me these are the terms in the last 90 days I am not allowed to touch nobody and they wrote it like that because they security guard hit me first and I went to jail somebody need to rectify this this lady's been and she was getting checks in the mail some people couldn't even file for rental assistance she claimed checks in their name and it came in the 250 mailbox nobody ain't talking about that they talk about all the bad stuff I do but they ain't talking about how I keep the community together how I'm a certified how was is vious but I will not allow nobody to physically touch me you touch me I'm touching you back right this problem need to be rectified thank you I'm sorry your time has expired thank you for your comments next speaker good morning darnella Le um the mold the last time Miss Round Tree when you said I didn't speak about you try to get what you can get in five minutes when you came they were able to get stuff done in my apartment only part problem was we was waiting for the mold thing because we refused to use the people that came out twice so today I just got the knowledge that I'm able to go back downstairs but they didn't find nothing with the people that they used for the city I'm going to go get the same two people that I used to have a history of it right just to let y'all know um this was a young lady that died she did upstairs above me you got M on her apartment even whatever they did with me and they say it and they bust down the Walls it's in there kada Stewart corporate counsel I was going to give y'all paperwork but what I realize I'm giving y stuff to use and delete k y Stewart I need you to look for November of2 that allows me some months to get on it you sent me two certified letters you asked me to send you pictures of the ledge mod so you knew of it the last meeting when you said oh we got the complaints is good the lady's here she's going out you knew of it I have the papers your signatures are on it when debah told me that she spoke with klin and kin was coming out I said oh I know but she's not going to come out as bigger than her so when I went to say thank you and I got interrupted maybe God did that no one came out so I'm not going to play with you guys I see what they did when Dan when you gave me the thing y redid this December the 29th of 2022 but the thing took place November the 30th 2021 I'm asking you I asked all of y'all y'all all had no knowledge it's going big I brought it to everybody every anity def Fest Attorney General's office prosecutor's office I ask you to put it back so we can save lives people still dying you guys refus so what Phil Murphy did everybody he did it not knowing already took a trip there over a year ago went underground got the receipt of the mo had kha Daniels had everything people were dying so this PO this um open request it's a cover up I already got it already so I'm going biger I got attention but Kata corporate I didn't go to school for law but I know Common Sense dig back up you asked me to show you the ledge papers y'all deleted it in December you sent the letter sir cied in November so you find it everybody have a great day we not going to play with people lives we lost well over 100 it started out with 12 when I was begging y'all for help we gonna do this the right way everybody have a great day thank you have a great day as well next speaker okay I'm back I'm Denise cologne I'm I'm speaking about the property located at 176 Clinton Avenue North New Jersey I was want to ask a question exactly have my property ever came forth to you for sale um this is something that's been going on for many years uh the Redevelopment of the property yes I'm a minority woman that's uh working on development and I think I should be considered I should have been first considered for the property to be redevelop but I'm still hopeful that that would be take place however things work really uh you have to be careful how you do things because there's a uh the property was sold to a dear friend of mine's daughter's friend all the way in California I didn't know anything about it it came back to me because she asked her mother M does the still own that property on Clinton Avenue and she said uh no the city hasn't she says well my friend just brought it and he lives in California and I couldn't believe that I said really but I thought about it I said how things happen and comes back in Full Circle but then the property ended up burning up caught a fire once and caught fire twice actually and that's when the city uh demolished it and they took back The Possession whoever they sold it to gave it back and so I at that time I was asked many times to do certain procedures to try to um be considered to develop the property and I was asked to send an Lois the first Loi I sent in I didn't I didn't um I didn't do so good at it but I did the best I could but the next Loi I sent and I got a real team together and we did a professional good job we did an excellent job and they said it would take about 90 days to get a response which is just we're it within that time and I haven't heard anything from anyone so I reached out and tried to talk to different people emailed and still haven't gotten a response back and so um I just talked to someone in the office and they said that the property was considered to be developed with another agent and I said how could that be they asked me to send in an Loi and and and if if that's the case then they had already had someone in place I just don't understand what's going on why am I not as an African-American woman that's been in business in nor for over 30 years is not given that consideration to be able to develop a piece of property that is so meaningful it's right in the corridor of Clinton Avenue where all these things needs to be handled and taken care of but I I just don't know what else to do I've done everything that I'm required to do as a developer to develop that piece of lot of land and I'm just not all right thank you so much Miss Denise can we have someone speak to Miss Denise who is here maybe from EHD someone can come talk to Miss Denise about the property and her um request for application for development I'm not sure but if we can have someone from one of the divisions uh come and speak to Miss Denise Miss Denise someone would um meet you in the back thank you Miss Denise someone's waiting for you right there in the back oh that's Miss Allison L that's not new okay well she's the person in charge of the department can I say something ma'am unfortunately Miss Denise your time is up but you can go to the back and wait for whoever me if you want to speak to miss ladan or someone from one of the wards wants to come over Miss n unfortunately your time is up oh I know I know it's not I'm not saying that you are unfortunately I know there's people in the crowd that is you know amping that up but I don't think that's you Mr niece but thank you so much next speaker debah morning good morning deorah Sal the city of nework worry for the people let me address something first so to those of you who have taken pictures of me at 26 Bergen Street or all the other senior places um and what Miss darn said I was there or they were supposed to show up because see I actually Advocate on behalf of the people so when I talk to Housing Authority and they tell me they're going to show up I'm going to follow up to see if they showed up so if you're trying to make something something about me being over there trying to Garner uh uh uh votes and all of this but it's not on Election Day if I was but that's not the point I'm doing the work so when you take your pictures I'm everywhere most of you see me everywhere it's not about a position because I am the title without the title so if you're going to do that please understand it's about the work that's the problem y'all are not about the work so take your pictures and be your spies because when you're cheating in the senior developments like you did at this last election with with seniors with a dementia seniors who don't know who to vote for you're actually standing over them telling them who to vote for for this Democratic party let's talk about that we need independent Auditors in every one of these elections on July 16th in every one of these places this is a federal election we need people that are going to be honest take pictures of tell the truth because this Democratic party and and see the thing is people know stuff but they're trying to protect the party no you're talking about the Republican party you talking about Donald Trump let's talk about this Democratic mob right here in the Essex County which is the worst everywhere you're having meetings about candidates because you don't me my personally I know and it's coming from your your uh uh Teresa Ruiz ellot pin Marin you got your Council people in there you got the other people oh we can't let we can't let this person get in let's you know yeah yeah so so let's talk about it since y'all want to talk about it now you're trying to put a guy in the governor's office who in 2018 received 5.3 million to stop the flooding on fre heisen Avenue is it still flooding over there oh I thought so okay we were supposed to have affordable housing made a post about he's giving us the most affordable housing and livable wages where the jobs polar people in the street where is it so y'all telling all kind of Lies just to get in office somewhere else unacceptable and you all need to wake up and understand what's going on here now you know uh uh someone got up here talking about you know who they want to put well guess what Deborah Salter district 10 July 16 I'm out here doing the work you want somebody that's doing the work it ain't about getting on my knees or rubbing elbows with anybody you need somebody that's out here fighting for the people already uh did an article Cory kricker again along with everybody else endorsing who someone that they can manipulate for their own power in money all right thanks Miss Salter as always next speaker great good good morning still good morning hold up I need like 30 minutes to laugh um LaToya Jackson North I came down here today because it's one year later of me going through a lot of stuff some of y'all know what I'm going through some of y'all don't but I'm still standing and I absolutely thank y'all for the support that I've been getting um not only did I try God but I tried y'all too so I really do appreciate it because I have been through some things and everything is better for me not completely smooth it out but I am thankful for the work that y'all do and I waited to come up here last to kind of cleanse the energy because it still gets on my nerves like it's so much work that we do have to do but we need to be do it together and I'm going to continue to come down here and say that we need to work together because it's things that stake that our community don't understand like why we need to vote how I vote is actually our voice I understand it that's why I actually learn how to communicate I want to make friends not hang with everybody every day but it just makes sense to be in a community and be able to smile at the people that you're gonna consistently see because we are all doing the work so I was a little tired didn't want to come down here because I knew this was a special meeting and my name is on the 10 but I knew that we are starting our next Journey for the next six months there's a lot of things that's very important like our people being able to vote for the people that we want to choose to see do the work and we need to still even do the work together because we still one Community whether it's the north the South the East the West we're one community so my prayer because I pray for all of us all the time that we understand that we need each other to survive because it's working for me it's actually working for me to take advantage of the things that are free and also some things that's not free I speak up I talk I get my point across but at the end of the day I'm smiling because there's a lot of things for me to be angry about like we Still rocking T-shirts because our babies is still getting killed like that's more important to me than people actually even though I know the booty shaking thing was bad but that was like two weeks ago if y'all want to see big fendy he will be at the Cancer party on July the 15th at Barco so come near tell that young man how y'all feel if y'all could pay to get in because you know this this land that we live in is about business so we got to understand that it's about business and be able to step up and communicate and be a little professional by being ourselves but know that everything is business and I don't feel like our community as a whole is handling our business correctly but we got some work to do I'm going keep praying and we going to do it together um I see y'all on the 10 because I had some stuff that I do want y'all to sponsor but I wasn't able to give it to y'all thank you Miss thank you Miss Jackson feel free to email us prior to too yes uh next speaker Lou good uh afternoon I believe it is um boy nothing changes in this in this place with this Council y'all keep talking the same old stuff they bringing you the stuff late but you guys gonna vote about it and you let them put you in a bind like that you know she said April and March they was putting the paperwork together so why wasn't it here in May because that's the thing y'all do and then you know you guys you let them put you in a bind you let them put you in the Box I'm really upset at over what happened for the last seven days in the heat wave brother Kelly you need to get over West Park like ASAP ASAP no water at all they had one Mis working one there is no water park going on over there you at larges need to get out and start moving around and see what's going on with this heat and what's going on with our people there were babies over there lined up one mister and you would have to stay there for an hour to even get your shirt wet or get damped this stuff makes absolutely no sense people of New York don't You' vote for these Democrats no more and don't be scared of some Trump what are you scared of trump for you put one white man and ain't no difference than other white man okay Biden ain't did nothing for y'all the state part of the state operatus part of the county operatus and the school system was open on juneth was open they decided they gonna have the holidays celebrated on Friday the disrespect I've been with the green party for the last two years y'all better put a green Cardy candidate in there they got a reparations plan Democrats ain't got nothing ain't got nothing for you the other day the governor down there now he talks about uh CL now he wants to talk about clemency the May Maryland ain't been in there a year he already he already got he done gave Clemy to over 4,000 people if not more get over this Democratic party get over these folks who I got up here the only way they keep winning elections is because of the city workers you folks got to come out it's more you newers than they are city workers that's why they have all all these Mayors and all these other towns coming together that's how they keep continuing to win but I'm telling y'all yall just you know y'all talk look we cut down to three minutes now cut down to three minutes used to be five M Crum wanted to do three minutes for the regular meeting now you only got one meeting a month June July and August when it only used to be August time to wake up people time to start voting these people out of office thank you Mr shley that concludes our public speaking as I see we miss we reached the um maximum time limit any result any comments or questions from Council Members councilman Kelly thank you council president um just uh to the comment Mr shaky had about Westside Park um Westside Park is maintained by um the county there's a county park but I will uh check with Frank uh delgadio I believe I'm saying his name right Frank delgadio from the county who actually maintains the part when it comes to uh claims and fixing things we we also have a claim over there that the um ever since the the baseball field was done over the uh the back of the batting cage is no longer there because it interrupted the game and the balls now are going and hitting the cars and and hitting the homes and it wasn't really a problem but now that there's two developments coming right there there's about 20 balls that are are destructing them so I have to speak to Frank anyway but just to let Mr shakley know that's a Frank Del Delgato um situation so I've been in contact with his office yesterday so I will mention that too about the misting machines okay also Madam clerk if we can just have the comments regarding west side park sent directly to the County Commissioners uh to address as well I know they have their meetings too um but we can surely take the information that's here at our meetings and forwarded to them as well so that they can address other comments councilman Ramos yeah uh council president just just a followup too I think one of the speakers referenced it and maybe a status from EHD in terms of where where we are with this Halo building um you know I work across the street from the building and I haven't seen any activity in months and and what I hear from North based contractors is that this developer them a lot of money and they basically walked off the site months ago this is supposed to be the tallest building um in newk and it would be a shame if uh two years three years down the road were we sitting around the next uh Renaissance Mall uh in complete projects so you know I think EHD should uh give us an honest assessment of what's going on is a developer having Financial issues what happened with all the tax credits uh that they received from the state baits from the city um you know we definitely need some answers thly noted councilman Ros Madam clerk we can definitely request something and writing from EHD I will say that I had a update meeting about it this morning as the building is in ental Ward uh but definitely a concern of all of ours as it's this big old statue sitting in the middle of a downtown uh they have uh ran out of money however they did secure a new investor for the project and so the project will be pursuing pushing through it but I think it will be you know good for this Council to receive something in writing um regarding the status of it from EHD so that we're all clear on what's Happening moving forward and when they will be starting back up construction fully completely um I think it would be helpful too to even give this Council even though this has been going on for quite some time regarding what's going on with the Union there what's happening um I know that there's been a big U protest in front of the um location as well so that would be helpful too to include that to get an update to this Council all right any other comments all right I will just address one thing I mean I guess it really doesn't matter because the folks who you know talk with us they leave before we can have a conversation or respond to anything so I just want to make note of those who are watching and you know from TV uh who was who are here watching online uh folks depart here after they get done seeing what they're saying so you know when Folks up here come back with a response or anything you know folks are not here to hear that so hopefully they're watching wherever they may be but I did want to comment on the situation regarding the rehab center um that's happening at one of our uh institutions our churches in the central Ward that is a proposed rehab center that's happening there was mentioned by one of the speakers that I approve them with the board of society Hills and someone else I don't approve folks to come and build or create you know I don't give out business licensing I don't give out permits for CEOs or anything of that nature that's not what I do that's not what any of these Council Folks up here do that's not our um jurisdiction to do that we don't have anything in our office where we sign a paper and give people permission to operate no one here does that not me not any of the eight other people here um it's a process um so just like they met with the board of society Hills and other folks about their you know proposed use of their space that's what they did they met with the folks over there we don't control who they meet with they met with the you know folks and they have to go through the process which is going through the zoning board which is a public meeting established for residents to come to the meeting which folks who are talking here at the mic are very familiar with the process you're able to go to the zoning board and tell folk tell the zoning board another body that approves hey I don't want this in my community so anyone who is you know listening who is against the rehab coming to this specific area this church located on Warren Street they are more than welcome more than welcome to log on to the zoom meeting and if you do not have it and you're watching this I will give you the zoom link so that you can get on to the meeting and say I don't want this we've been successful in doing that especially in this area where residents have come homeowners and said I don't want this in my Community it doesn't work for us we hate it that's why we established the zoning and the central planning board for residents to do exactly that say I don't want it so these the residents that was speaking today they know that process because we have said no to things and they have not been build residents came and said no thank you and guess what the zoning board said no thank you as well so on July 25th this application is going to be heard and residents are more than welcome to log on to the zoom meeting and object the application and say no so that is open to everyone to be able to do that I welcome everyone we have monthly zoning and Central planning board meetings where residents can get on to the meetings and voice their opinion about things that are being built in their community and I advise anyone to do that everyone to do that the the agenda is posted every month online on the city's website you can go even sometimes residents you know call our office and get actually want to get the agenda directly email to them and I think they do have an emailing list where they send it out to some residents who frequently visit our zoning and uh Central planning board meetings but they're more than welcome to do that so I welcome and encourage every nework resident we even have people that are not nework residents getting on to the meeting to see what's being built to see what's being developed and talking about that so all are welcome to that and then lastly as I said a couple of weeks ago I know that you know it's a Hot Topic here to come on we're on YouTube We're on 78 we on a 28 vering all over we have some reporters here I I'm not here to talk about the upcoming election I just want to make that clear again like I did a couple of weeks ago this is not the space or place for me I I'm doing City's business here in our council meeting so I'm not going to be like having a dialogue and a debate with folks back and forth about July 16th because this is not the place for me to do that but you're more than welcome to see outside anytime anytime we can talk about it we can talk we can debate anything whatever you want to do but here today in this space I don't talk about upcoming elections or my candidacy here in this Quorum because we're handling City business that's what we're here for it's your time as a you know a resident to come here and tell us about real issues that we have to work on to get done for you so I don't spend the time to do that so I just want to keep saying that cuz folks looking for like oh she ain't seeing it no I'm not saying anything because it's not the place for me to do that so with that being said I'll open it up to council people to see if you have any requests before we go into our quick um presentation yeah Madam chair I just uh would like to have a um motion for uh sorrow and regret for uh s o'briant uh who uh it's a educator former athletic director at Central High School youth game coordinator here in in the city of nor youth game coach high school girls basketball coach for shabaz high school and University High School also on the elementary level uh and a dear friend to this community right so want to send sorrow and gret to her family her her brothers her sisters alteri white who runs leaders for life um and and her uh entire uh family here in the city of Newark uh at the loss the city will definitely uh her Zeal and her love for young people and I just wanted to you know put that on note my dear friend okay uh second that oh I'm sorry yes councilman Gonzalez I'll give it to councilman Gonzalez any other um comments oh yes I'm sorry let's have a roll call for that Council yes Trump yes Gonzalez yes Kelly yes kintana yes Ramos's absent Scott rry yes Silva yes president MC Iver yes any other comments or requests councilwoman Sky round tree is this announcements and motions or quick ones yeah so um I know I mentioned about um The Honorable Marceline Phillips um and extending condolences to her family um her funeral arrangements um I'm asking now because I believe that I've already put in for the resolution I do want to announce her funeral arrangements will be on Friday uh June 28th at wickhams funeral home uh the viewing and funeral will be from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 P p.m. and there are a lot of instructions that go with this so you can call my office if you want any further information regarding uh the burial and the repass but the funeral will be at Willams funeral home and the viewing between 6 and 9 on June 28th 2024 2024 um I also uh want to announce uh on tomorrow at cityx uh the beautiful council president and myself will be hosting a mamogram event at CityPlex on Springfield Avenue from 9:00 am to 4m there is no cost we are going to have the parking lot available for parking and individuals to come to get their mammograms this is so so so important and since we have the whole day to do it please come we know the brothers or the colon of this uh body did am men's uh health fair and and we hope that we have more for the men as well because they take their time going to get checked but some of our sisters do as well so we're asking any of you that have any questions or that want any more information that you can call 973 733 3794 today or 973 73358080 president MacGyver's number please maam please sir um introduce your wife to this flyer this information your all the sisters daughters teenagers whoever and please come to the bus and get your free screening and there's some other services available as well as we're partnering with University Hospital and some other partners for you to come also council president I just want to thank all of the residents um I'm so glad to hear of the progress um that is being made at Riviera Hotel anyone that knows that I sit on the homeless commission uh know that every step forward is better than taking 20 backward um if there's something positive happening even though we know there's an 8020 uh syndrome where you can have something that's 80% uh good and 20% bad but if you focus on that 20% that's bad it will eventually start moving the 80% that's positive out of the way so I'm just asking our new residents that when something positive has happened let's encourage better and better and better and better rather than keep going backwards talking about the bad the bad the bad because we can't move forward looking going backwards or walking backwards so I thank God for that that progress and I also thank um once again the Nork residents for allowing us to serve I say this at every meeting council president to my colleagues we are not a perfect people no one is perfect but the father and all we ask is that when you get it to us and we know about it that we do everything in our power to accommodate legally and ethically what your requests are so God bless the city of nework God bless our residents and once again thank you for allowing me to be a servant to the people and thank you council president for this moment in time thank you so much councilwoman Scott Roundtree councilman Kelly uh thank you council president um I just wanted to announce today to make sure the people come out to the re-engagement on the corners that we're doing um in the west W today it's all throughout the city but we're in the west W today uh on Isabella and South FR Avenue and we're going to have um resources out there from job placement to housing assistant food more you know you can bring the family it's going to be real fun um also want to say congratulations to uh fakira you know for getting a new apartment I know she's still going through some things but um we were able with Miss dead mapson to help her into a great apartment so I just want to congratulate her on that and um the last thing is um the councilman D pray Kelly uh girls basketball tournament summer league is starting up today um you know I'm excited about it it's going to be at the new Collegiate Academy on Littleton Avenue and you know it's it's a girl summer league so you know how I support the women's movement so I'm I'm happy to see you know the girls get a chance to to compete this summer and keep them off the streets as well you know we have teams from Sparks to Arts to baringer to Lincoln to team salvation to NCA itself uh Central um you know it's a those are the main team so you know uh good luck to all of the women that's all of the young girls that's playing and uh I look forward to coming to some of the games yes thank you thank you so much uh council president councilman Kelly councilman Quintana hold on one second councilwoman M president just a uh I have a a disc here for the city clerk and and the business administrator at Pake Valley we have a a sexual harassment video which we and it's here and each employee including Commissioners we have to review and what it tells you what is it at the job site and what is it not to be done or how you treat someone how you whether it's a male or female so I want to make sure that if a commission has a such that we look at this model too and Institute some kind of model because again this helps uh so I will give this to you madam Clerk and to the business administrator is a training device is this was made by the employees at the valley are they made what is not too appropriate what is not to be done because again we have to have a safety vow on these things this is very important at the job site that people have respect of sexual harassment and bullying and Etc so I just want to put it and it could be utilized it's already in a format but I think we should uh business Minister I think we should uh all of Commissioners have reviewed it we were the first at back while back to certified any new employee must be retake this um training which is about 10 minutes or so 15 minutes or what is not to be done what is you cannot do at a job site for the environment or work to not be having hostility uh uh environment where people are hostile so I will give this to you and then you can appreciate if we can do something with this okay thank you councilman Quintana uh councilwoman Scott rree forgot one thing I did I forgot to announce and thank you council president that there is a production called that's not cool it's regarding bullying and it's happening on this Friday June 28th some time ago I align myself with a a playright uh to address issues that happened in our city and did a casting call for Nork residents just as we have the choir nework voices of Excellence so out of that has come several Productions this one addresses bullying and I believe we have um a lot of New York residents that are I should say are premiering and have premiered in this play and some of us don't realize what bullying really entails uh we have our own um idea and I just out council president from the office of violence prevention some things we think of bullying is not but this play definitely addresses it so I'm asking for you to support our nework Residence at congregational Baptist Church I think it's 399 Bergen Street nework New Jersey um you can call my office once again for details which is 973 733 3794 but let's support our youth and our nework residents in this production that's not cool thank you so very much welcome councilwoman uh any other comments councilman councel anything yeah I see a representative from rtb here about the booing piece I don't know if we're going to have conversation for the booing yes oh yeah we're gonna do it right after this that's why I was telling people to you know yeah Swift it up you know so we can get to our uh presentation we have on the agenda anything else from any council member all right seeing none I forgot to allow Administration to have remarks after public comments so now is the time thank you council president um so just to respond to some of the speakers uh first I'll start off with um you know we we have had heard a number of comments in reference to the event that was supposed to take place the other day the basketball game that was supposed to take place I think it's important to note that no member of the administration none of our employees none of the council people here none of the Departments none of our subrecipients had anything to do with that process I think it's important to note it because while we recognize the city is involved in most of what happens we don't control the different buildings we do appreciate the fact that you know uh we disagree with the actual event and the publicity of the event but we have no say so on what happens in the buildings at all we weren't associated with it and it's unfortunate that folks trying to tie all together but we have nothing to do with it um I'm glad that it was cancelled um we are all glad it's canceled and we're able to move on but I just think it's important that we know that none of our folks here have anything to do with it with the folks who were promoting the event the folks who uh who uh prepared for the event or the folks who were in the commercial um I also think it's important I mean you know it's unfortunate council president we we hear it almost every week uh all these different allegations about you know criminal activity and things of that nature you know I know you know uh Eric penon can appreciate and some of the folks who are in the legal field can appreciate they say you can indite a ham sandwich which means that it's so easy to indite folks on allegations and and I've been here for seven years and to this day all these allegations about all this quote unquote criminal activity that folks accuse our council members and of course the administration of I know they've reported they've said it here a number of times reported to the highest land and we haven't gotten piece of paper with a complaint yet so um you know as you note they say it they leave and then the next week they say it again it'll be very very helpful for us here of course and and folks who are listening to know and appreciate that that's just a part of what they do and it's unfortunate that that's the tactic that they have to use or we just can't sit here and let these folks continue to try to smge our names um I also um know there was a comment about uh repavement um I know that the I know director adem is here he was uh he is still the head of the water department uh one of the things that we pride ourselves is ourselves on with the lead service line replacement was making sure we had compliance to make sure we know folks were going out to do the actual pavement of the areas and we recognize that you know God forbid you know weeks later there was a emergency and they had to dig up the place for another unrelated reason but that was the key to the to the um to the replacement program it was replacing the lines and to make sure that we put the city in a better place so you know you I'm assuming that folks didn't didn't understand that that was the process I know director adem can always answer questions it's also good to hear um good news in reference to the Riviera I do appreciate uh you know the comments that were made here because you know I hear negative comments and then folks will never come back to give us a followup also I'm very glad to hear about the young lady who uh received the information about getting a new repart again right she's still going through that Journey but I do appreciate the fact that she came here to let the council know that the work that she's doing as far as making the information known and the folks that are here on the coun were able to help you know facilitate or to you know bring uh light to the fact that she needed an opportunity and she's getting it and then finally I know uh one young lady mentioned something about a an apartment and some mold on November 2022 I what's the address 516 Bergen Street 56 said 216 but it's five 16 okay 516 and I know uh director um uh wooden and director director um um osbor is going to speak to her in reference to like you know what was going on there I know they had a task force that I just want to note that councilwoman Scott BR tree as well as my office I think councilman Crump as well have been well in conversation with the um director there the code enforcement they've been out uh councilman Round Tree literally have been speaking to some of the residents there directly herself um so we are aware because this came up at the last um meeting with a a resident that actually came here who lives too well this this individual speaker lives there too but it was another um woman senior who came here to visit us last Mee and to talk about it as well sure okay that's all Michael commas thank you all right thank you all right so before we go into our quick quick presentation um we are going to have a roll call for ad Jour in our meeting Council yes Trump yes Gonzalez yes Kelly yes inana yes Ramos absent Scott Round Tree yes Silva yes president MC Iver yes all right booting yes council president council members we are now in the special conference section of this meeting where we have a presentation by Tracy Irving who's the business manager for rtb parking boot enforcement LLC good afternoon hello hi good afternoon good afternoon council president and council members my name is CIS Irvin and I am the administrative manager for RTV I've been there for about two maybe three weeks going on right now thank you for inviting us to this meeting today um and I think you guys have some questions about some of the things that we do pertaining to booting in the city of norc oh yes I remember now okay I I was looking for Doc um our director frj to come up first or somebody from the police department regarding the memo we got uh but I believe one of the council members had uh made a motion for them to be here to talk about their processes and booting it was councilman Gonzalez okay we have a procedure and I just want to make sure that you are in compliance with the procedure that the police department and the City of New York has in terms of registration of your vehicles the registration of your drivers and that you know that the fees that you're charging are outside of the coverage of the ordinance that we have in the city of New YK I have two examples here one that was at 244 Park Avenue and the other that was at 249 Park Avenue that's not me we don't boot on Park Avenue that's the other company well that's Jimmy the thing here is that we have seen that some of the booting that is done and the feast that are imposed are exceeding what the ordinance requires so we want to hear from you whether you are registered with the city of nework to boot and whether you are following the ordinance that the city of newor has in terms of the fees that you are supposed to charge okay my fees for rtb can you can you announce yourself your name Tracy irvan okay and your name ma'am CIS irvan okay okay my location is at 27 Court Street also 186 West Market um Orange New Jersey Home Depot 3.99 springful Avenue 151 7th Avenue and I did have Hernandez but I no longer work there those are the the areas that have contracts with you yes the owners of the property and where is your location in are you located in the city of nework your entity yes 142 Lafayette Avenue we have a a office there so we function out of there we run out of there okay okay and so the other so that's why I um rtb hired me so we are in the process of restructuring rtb and so that that's going to be my job if I decide to take the job for rtb um so over the last couple of weeks I've been just watching the processes that they do as it pertains to RTV and so they've been following the code um let's let's do this a little bit let's structure this a little bit because I could just feel in my soul how this is going to go so let me let me help out a little bit how much do you charge for booting let's start there okay is the car being SUV $250 how much 250 250 to get your boot off yes okay and you take what cash check how do you we was taking them the machine so card the card machine yes but some something went wrong once they leave the parking lot they canceled a c from going through the machine they said that I was doing fraudery um they never gave me permission to use their card in which they had me down for fory at my bank so basically right now if I park at Court Street specifically because that's the biggest one we get complaints from um if I park at Court Street I get a boot on my car and then I want to get my boot off how do I pay you options you pay me with your card but I signed you have to sign a paper statement that you give me authorization to take that payment so I take a picture of your driver's license and you have to sign the signature stat that you gave me Au so the only way I can pay is via card card and cash yes card and cash okay so you say card and cash and that's 250 for anybody who gets their car booted that's in general across the board does it go up after an hour how does it work okay no it stays at 250 and I also have tractor trailers at 850 but that's normally at Home Depot so so 850 for tractor and trailer yes at Home Depot 3.99 spring for Avenue and once again this is the flat fee yes flat fee and do you guys do any Towing we was doing Towing but but I had to cancel them um it was Premier toen and they had a situation down there so I had to take them off my sound so when did you stop Towing um was this I think the beginning of the no December shut everybody down yes so December 2023 yes okay you stopped T and for the record is this someone here from jmv no so jmv is not here okay all right councilman Gonzalez back to you no it's a let's say I want to hear from Administration in terms of let's say what are the fees that are authorized by the ordinance got it any other questions for this group while we let Miss uh our deputy director come up uh councilman Kelly hello ladies how you doing thank you madam president uh what does rtb stand for ran Tracy toen booing I'm sorry and Miss constant you said your name was count ctis my apologies Miss Miss count uh Constance you said that um you're thinking about working for them like they're bringing you in to come clean up the stuff I guess yes on the administrator side to make sure things are running the way they supposed to and procedures and policies are followed um when I was researching we're supposed to follow the same policy and procedures that uh Towing that they have for towing and as it pertains to booting all right I have one more question let me get to a question one more I'm sorry councilman Kelly go ahead I'm sorry let me not um uh cutting you off so so you you don't currently work for them yet you're doing like a trial or something yes okay good what a day for a trial right um for tryy out yeah do you have a booting license right now for the city of norca active license to boot yes we have to um I have mine and mrah bad have his from City Hall I'm talking about rtb that's a b as in boy on does rtb as a company have Boo and license to boo here in the city yes okay all right um and I'm sorry Mr President we went through that process they went through that process uh during uh November through December 2023 process okay so let's can we go to some is it all right if we go to the administration to confirm some things right now go ahead one did you say one of your locations was mcarter Highway no it's not so that's not that's not by the McDonald's that's not me they been sending me them BB papers from McDonald's right and reason I'm asking because someone did call our office that was giving a fee of $600 so I was yeah so I was wondering like do you change the fees is it that's not me and I've been getting a lot of people okay it's okay I just just for the record again can you state the addresses you're at right now your company is at 151 7th Avenue that's in North 27 Court Street that's right here downtown 3.99 springf Avenue that's Home Depot 186 West Market over there by the dollar and Blimpies um orange oh No Just nor just nor we only we only here for nor I'm sorry guys all right and New Hope Village I'm sorry oh New Hope Village their complex okay can we go real quick to the administration and verify some things real quick is that okay with Council okay ladies if you could just um sit right there for us while we bring up some things one I want to confirm from Wanita if they have a license that's number one and number two like councilman Gonzalez acts we want to make sure that the fees that they're charging is aligned with our ordinance um from our deputy director but first we'll have Wanita since she's the starting to finish good afternoon uh council president councel I don't have record of their license being issued they made an application but I don't have record of them being issued a sticker being issued a license they would get a sticker they would have a license number that license would be posted on their um and according to my office their application is still in process okay let's get verification on that and uh find out about that all right deputy director expired May 31st 202 yeah right so so the license that they had expired May 31st 2024 got it okay thank you so much Miss Wanita so in other words they shouldn't be booting yes okay uh deputy director Lord um good afternoon deputy director sh mois um Department of Public Safety um I just want to apologize for the absence of director frag um in preparation for his absence today he did send over an email which I think um councilman Gonzalez have reference about the procedure so we're not involved with the booting process at all they have to come through us through one part of their process but other than that the booting that they do they do is on private property so we don't handle private property Towing so we're not involved with the booting process when it comes to that the only time we have any contact with them is doing their um process for their licensing and if they are in the current process within City Hall still that we wouldn't had spoken to them at all okay um questions we want to well I know it wouldn't be you then deputy director we wanted to hear more about the fees like the ordinance that we have in place regarding the fees are the fees that they just indicated to us or probably any company I mean it's unfortunate that it's just them here today because we have multiple booting companies here in the city specifically that they probably ain't got no license either but uh it's just unfortunate that you guys are here today on display about it um but we wanted to hear more about the fees itself and if their fees are in line um with you know what the ordinance says I I don't have the um the fee list for the booting I don't have we don't actually go by those fees because we don't boot but it wouldn't be for you anyway deputy director is it anyone for legal or someone that can speak to that if you don't have it now you can definitely get back to us about that um I I think at the end of the day somebody here needs to follow up immediately of regarding this company who just listed like five addresses to us who are currently booting residents without a license so someone needs to go and reinforce that because obviously that should not be happening today as we've heard on the record here from our licensing department that there's no actual business license or booting license to be performing those duties in this City so someone need to be leaving out of here a little early to go check that out to see what's happening that's right okay uh I see um Corp Council in the back of you deputy director um are you going to speak to the fees or no you don't have the information I was saying that I was saying that uh one of the department directors is going to get some more details right now in reference to what it is and the plan would be to provide the council with a detailed memo reference to what the ordinance says what the fees are who is contracted to do this type of thing so you can get every information okay Council Council mccom thank you council president also with regards to the proper signage um I think that's an issue too because I think proper signage has supposed to have the fees on it Etc so want to make sure that I will say that I know that there has to be uh proper signage with the contact information and reference to who you call if your your uh car is booted and things of that nature a time frame as how much you have and then the location that you're supposed to they have to tow your car too long where it's going to be so and and maybe that's it it's it's more related to Towing but is there an or on the ordinance does it talk about specifically putting the fees on signage booting fees I'm not sure if it's the booting fee on there but there should be signage there's some language about signage I just don't know if the fee is on there I I I I do want to intrude a little bit and I just want to say that this city this Administration needs to send something out to folks about registering their booting company I'm not sure if that has ever happened but specifically there are a ton of companies out here operating and they do not have licensing and some of them probably to their defense they don't even know or they they're not aware that we put that in place here in the city and a lot of them are getting contracts and different things through private you know um complexes housing developments different areas or businesses booting and they don't know if they do not know then they would not be coming here to apply for a license to do the work that they do you know so at the end of the day it's our job to notify them that we have made this a requirement it's been over a year now right to send something out to these entities um you know that we see fit and let them know hey if you're Contracting with any booting or towing company they have to come through the city of New York and go through the process it's probably a good idea to do a more comprehensive thing to go to the um the property owners with the information too because you know kind of cover both ways yeah I don't know printed on some bills or something tax bills I don't know like you know we need a creative way to let them know because that's not happening Council MC Gonzalez then Council M Kelly the the problem that I say is that if they are not registered with the city we don't know who the companies are that's why said the the property the different Property Owners know because they're Contracting with the different agencies who are doing the work yes yeah Council Melly yes thank you m president um I I guess that was my question too how are we going to enforce the the companies that do not have permits or license how do we enforce them to uh to to get the permits when they when they're doing booting without the permits and how how do we reimburse people who were booted at the time that they didn't have license so that's a two-part question the first part is that it's my understanding that one of the companies that we we had some dialogue with was actually caught doing it and that's how we end up getting the information so our code enforcement folks were able to get a hold of them explain the process and then go after them in that way they then um made the necessary changes to their business plan and things of that nature and then they're able to do it legally or lawfully on the other hand though as far as the requirements that come with reimbursing Kenyata the resident whose car was booted or in this case illegally booted by a group that was not you know licensed to do so or authorized to do so I don't know the answer to that and I have to get back to okay um I I did I see why need I need you want to tell us something else come on up I need yeah don't sit back there come on up it's prime time Prime Time Miss Jordan joclyn from uh division of tax batment special taxes she will speak about the process that we went through after the ordinance was adopted oh okay great okay Miss Wingfield hi good morning good morning J Wingfield special tax and tax abatement so immediately after the ordinance was adopted uh we expedit our efforts to identify these booing compan companies by um going out and driving around to some of the businesses and some of the residential facilities that house over a 100 people just to identify the booting companies after identifying what we could identify we sent notices out to inform them that this ordinance had been adopted and that um it was taken a effect immediately and that they would have to come in and follow the licensing process um we've only had a few that has come in to actually um complete an application for a license to boot we've not had others come in however we anticipate sending out additional letters um via certified mail to ensure that each of these individuals and uh respective businesses that contract these individuals know that we have this licensing um in place and that they need to come and get registered in order to boot here in the city of newk got it okay that's helpful um any followup questions councilman Council yeah so in in that response when when that information goes out to those those uh companies or individuals uh if they are still not in compliance uh is is there a way that we can um site find them or send information out to let them know that they're not in compliance and as long as they're not in compliance that every time that they uh do something in terms of of booting or we catch them that we can issue a citation to them for not being in compliance yes yes all right Council Melly one one more thing as well uh is it possible that when we give the permits and the licensees out that we also stipulate that the person who is doing the booting the person who is on the truck have to present the license to when to the people that to the residents that are being booted before they pay if they're asking for their their license so they can do the card can they present their license so that they know that they're legally registered with the city we can't enforce that that would have to be something put into I mean it's hard to enforce in general but um if you if that's something you require you have to make an amendment to the ordinance to put that which I don't know how you would even monitor that um specifically so if I may they are giving a tag in addition to an identification card the tag is supposed to be on the um vehicle which will allow the uh resident or the individuals that are parking parking in the parking lot illegally um to identify them as a registered booting company here with the city of nework so they're giving a decal tag to post in the window of their vehic vehicle and they're giving a identification card so if they do not see those tags or those identification cards they do not have to pay then more than likely they're not registered and they should not be paying and who and and while we say this I'm gonna play Devil's Advocate then who is there telling them to take the boot off the car like once again let's make this there's no there's no one present at that time but then I guess you can call the police though instead of paying them you can call the police can come now instead of paying them you know it might take you know it's gonna take some time out of your day but you can call the police right and instead of paying that $400 that they usually charge instead of the 250 right you know and I'm not saying it's this company per se but I know I've get a numerous calls of them saying you know people saying they won't take the won't take the boot off my car unless I pay them $400 right now so I would ask cuz we should hear this since we bringing it up we should hear what would be the police response I can tell you what mine was now I want to hear what I want to hear from the director not know Case by case what is the response that residents should expect if they don't get to see the license to get the boot off their car and they call 911 to New York police so um deputy director sh Morris once again um what I'm going to make sure that we do is get a picture of the decal that should be on the vehicle so we could send something out to all of the officers to let them know if they go to the scene of a booting and they say that this person's not um licensed to boot that they'll be able to verify it that way and that they can then at that point make them take the boot off okay and what happens if they be like I ain't taking the boot off the company no that's that's not an option oh no how how about I say if I'm a booty company no no if I'm no I know I know I know we laughing but I am a booting company you know and you come and you got the police with me and you tell me I have to remove my boot and I didn't get paid am I getting arrested do y'all have arrest power they will get fine because they're illegally booting so we still we would be able to um issue them the summons based on the fact that they are illegally booting Vehicles so they'll basically get a piece of paper and I really doubt that we'll get to the point where they I mean you never know I mean you never know I could pull up a group of people here for the for Court Street that it was a lot of different situations that happened some things got violent some things was physical Court Street has could it could literally be a reality TV of booting in the city because that's how bad it is on Court Street I mean it's some people in here that been impacted um by Court Street booting it's almost like I mean I want I want put I want point you out Steve but you was one too remember exactly. nj.com write about that today don't write about anything else except for companies that's booting people that don't have no license okay right about that well if we moving on to where it's something that's getting physical now we're moving to other things now we're doing assaults and stuff of that nature so then that's a criminal act so then it kind of it accelerates the situation to something more than just the issue about the toe yeah well let's just make sure I mean on the brighter side let's make sure the police have all of the marching orders that they need and you know to address the situation if they get calls I think you know definitely you know residents if you're listening to this today if you're getting booted and you don't see you know a license or stick or decal whatever it is saying that they're official booting Company You should sue these people like especially a lot of people have paid folks I mean specifically in on a lot I just talked about they have paid their money cash some times because they couldn't even have a card they had to go find cash I mean people that don't do not have the money had to run and go find and we know because councilman Crump and I and even Council We have dealt with this situation on this specific lot multiple times and they have paid you should go to Legal Aid no I'm serious go to Legal Aid get you a free attorney and Sue Sue I don't care how long ago it was 350 bucks $400 whatever you pay because because it's illegal it is illegal and that's what you should do you should seek some legal advice and and deal with that councilman Gonzalez yes I I have an example here someone that did just that soe I just want to ask ER what is it rtb rtb uhuh rtb whether they have applied because the license expired ER whether they have applied to renew that license that they have ER and uh the other thing is how long does it take the city to process the paperwork to issue a renewal of a license because it seems that they said that the paperwork is in process and but you don't have a license right now so it's a it's you're doing something that is not let's say Allowed by the statute because you don't have a license but I believe that we as a city should expedite the process of issuing those licenses I was down here on May the I came down here on May the 1st then they told me I couldn't renew my license because it day says may the 31st I came back on May the 17 with all my paperwork now I'm still in the process if that if that was the case that I couldn't use this license why nobody from the city told me not to boot until my other license come in here go the paper right here where I was down here May 17th then I was back down here again last week because they had my papers on they desk at 22 Franklin Street without calling me because they still needed another stamp on it so I went and got it notifed again took it back to 22 Franklin Street and no one told me I couldn't use this license on my decal that was on my car if that's the case I wouldn't even booted nobody car until my license came back but I did everything the city wanted me to do why they didn't AC set my paperwork on May the 1st I don't know because this expired May the 31st and and I was not told on May the 17 not to lose not to use my life or the decal that's on my car I I do want to say that there is a another caveat to this that involved code enforcement and I could you know I need you can definitely speak on it more that was specifically involved with this specific company that we were dealing with a couple of months ago so I don't know if that has something to do with the renewal of the license but I know we had a a situation of that matter regarding booty in that lot councilman Crum thank you council president just a question it's more for uh uh Miss Miss Jordan okay um with regards to uh the application can we get a copy of the application and what it entails does it does it describe not just what the process is to get the the uh uh uh license but also what they must do to maintain the license to renew the license and also uh Does it include the specific statutes that they are responsible for following or or ordinances Excuse me yes you can get a copy of the the application so the only process that needs to be done is for the application to go to Police Department as she said 22 Franklin and that is where th this particular licensees it's in the police department so to I don't know the reason why it's being held but situations with if code enforcement wrote a summon or if you have a warrant or something it could be held up in the police department but I can't really answer that particular question but this process for a license to renew is not a very long process unless it gets held up yeah particularly in in the police department it's let's say it starts with with your department and it goes to the police and the police verifies whether there is a warrant and they go through the the process of fingerprinting and all the stuff that's in the initial process in the renewal process do they have to again submit the the the fingerprints yes not the fingerprints every year you have to make sure that your state bu of Investigation is up to date and you have a local to check for local warrants okay but I really should shouldn't be speaking on the police department but the LI the license is for one year the license is for one year all right that concludes our open conference um deputy director perhaps you can provide us with a followup of what's happening with that specific license at 22 Franklin you know what's going on is it going to be approved you know what's the status of that yes I was just about to speak with them about who they spoke to onone all right sounds good any last comments before we can depart people yes just one thing that doesn't mean that there will be no thank you council president that means that there will be no booting from rtb until their license is renewed no one will be calling us saying that y'all got a boot on Court Street okay at least not you okay councilman councel well I mean she said no booting for uh rtb but jmv parking they're not here they didn't show and they're they're the real you know criminals behind all this so it'll be important if we can if we can get them in here I mean I know they try you know we don't have like subpoena power through our clerk's office go and issue a warrant to appear before the council but we we did send them a notice and ask for them to appear only this company did but I just want to say again respect you know that it is multiple companies out here who are not probably registered with us who we might not have had the luxury across this big old city to run run into yet that are booting and we really have to crack down on enforcement like many other things and you know hold these people accountable because residents are suffering with booing yes councilman Gonzalez we have Miss Jordan indicate whether jmv is licensed by the city hello jmv y'all know do you know them yes can we get a list of all of the oh yeah that would be good why need if you can provide us a full list of everyone that you guys have uh issued a license to that has an active license and I guess it would be nice to see if the ones expired too just in case they still booting and we know we heard word on the street that they are can you give us a list of all of those um that you guys have issued booten uh licensing to there are only three right now it was rjb RT R rtb RTV um jmv was issued their license August 2024 so they have a renewed license and the other one is Safeway but I can send you the spreadsheet August August 2024 I mean April did I say August you said August I'm sorry that's okay April 202 April okay all right yeah so send us yeah send us the three anyway do they give you do they give you a list of where their boo in that too with with the application they have to list their drivers have the driver's license and the vehicle registration also okay the the make model of the reg of the car and the registration and locations as well where they that's that's the have their the location of the business oh not where they boot at where they boot not where they boot at no but but when you when you issu them the license to be a Booter does that give them a ability to boot on regular streets yes oh Lord public streets no no not public not public streets that can't be possible oh oh private I'm sorry private so we should really be requiring too where they're booting at on for private places as well we should we should request that information on the application you almost gave me a heart attack oh my God all right council president without I don't want to prolong this much longer but I was not uh I wasn't aware that this was going to be the content of this presentation in these questions back and forth but I'm glad for that but I have a a a suggestion perhaps I could invite the council or somebody from the council to um work with the administration to amend the ordinance oh yeah booting and towing for example based on some of the things that came up to date uh perhaps the individuals who get licensed similar to for a liquor license they have to have individual liability uh the ordinance may let me back up booting and towing provide an important function as well for the benefit of residents and businesses uh for example if you live in a an apartment building you have an assigned parking space and somebody regularly takes your space you want to be able to tow that vehicle or or to boot that vehicle because it's an inconvenience to our residents there are businesses who need to have uh spaces so that they can get the consumers to come in and buy their goods and services so they do provide a good service it's the problems when they abused their ability uh to boot and to tow so some of the things that we can do is on private property require the uh the the towing company to be licensed and be subject to fines but also have the owner of the retail establishment or the lot to also be a co-registrant and to be subject to license and fines if they use an illegal Tower or an illegal booting company to have um uh to your point about what happens if somebody comes up and says you're not authorized to boot my car and he refused to take it off I know deputy director Mars is confident that the police can make him do that I'm not as confident quite frankly I'm definitely not and so we may want to include that there's a fine for unlawful booting and unlawful Towing along with uh arrest on the spot arrest if they don't comply with the police and they don't show it so those are some of the things that perhaps in the council if you want to put together a list of amendments I mean you obviously the council can amend the ordinance themselves but uh the administration is happy to work with you on that yeah that was that would be great perhaps um Madame clerk you can uh see which council members I know me and councilman Ros worked on the initial ordinance uh together but others are happy to chime in and roll up their sleeves and do some work with it as well um if you can see what council members would like to be involved with that and perhaps kenat uh our Corp Council uh can let us know who from your office would be spearheading of that uh for us and working with us will that you already know all right I see a hand pointed back there so we got you all right with that being said all hearts and mind are clear everyone have a wonderful day thank you so much for you know tuning into our special meeting and we look forward to seeing you at the next regular meeting during our summer schedule which is when we have one meeting a month and we'll see you there and it starts at 1230 PM sharp stay safe out there and be well in the heat hydrate e e