##VIDEO ID:Ke-8edoEqrs## council members my apologies my apologies for jumping the gun all right good morning welcome to the pre meeting of the New York Municipal Council on Monday November 25 2024 council president council members I'd like to draw your attention to page 42 two of the agenda with appointments item 9A is an appointment to the lesbian gay bisexual transgender and questioning advisory commission Alexander Padia Jr I see you got a cheering section good morning um I would like to thank the mayor's office and Council it's all W welcome welcome welcome first of all uh do you have an opening statement just giving my gratitude and thanks all right great any questions from the council I would I would love to Alex but I will not be here tomorrow so I won't be able to vote but I know Alex and his commitment to the community for many many years and uh this is a great opportunity for us to abuse his uh his willing to serve the city thank you Alex thank you on that note council president I'll sponsor it on behalf all right I'll second that he said he's been here a long time so if he says you've been doing great work we appreciate that thank you all right thank you Mr Pilla 9B is an appointment to the lesbian gay bisexual transgender and questioning advisory commission Bernard mallister is Mr mallister appearing I don't see him 9 C is an appointment as alternate number two to the lesbian gay bisexual transgender and questioning advisory commission Anthony arenus good morning morning do you have an opening SP statement Mr I just want to give thanks to the mayor of the city council to giving me the opportunity again to serve on this commission well thank you thank you since you're not since the councilman won't be here I'll sponsor you thank you thank you thank you yeah again this Anthony someone that worked diligently for the community for many years someone that is everywhere in the city helping people Anthony thank you for willingness to serve thank you Anthony is definitely everywhere congratulations and thank you again thank you yeah let me just say appreciate not not only do you work for the councilman but you also volunteer on other aspect of the community and being on this commission um is important for our community in general so thank you very much thank you you're welcome councilman Kelly could you second yes I'll second thank you uh council president council members um the administration like to do some introductions of leadership Mr ba all right good morning Eric Pennington business administrator good morning um so everyone you know today is the Monday let me let me put this on the record it's the Monday before Thanksgiving so a lot of uh council members have their turkey distributions going on right now they will be at the meeting tomorrow and if there are additional questions I'm sure they will reach out to the VA or the administration for any answers sounds good well this may be may be a blessing and disuss who knows at any rate I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce the uh new public safety director who we all know as the former Chief of Police uel Manny Miranda and he will introduce his his executive team um I also was hoping that I could introduce the new procurement director but I don't see him I don't see our new oit director either who also was supposed to be here for introductions but perhaps they have something more important to do well he's not here to day and today is the introduction day you do whatever you think is appropriate thanks so much for that uh but if that if I could if I bring up uh Manny Miranda sure absolutely fortunately the the the new director is no stranger to us I will say um that he has always been responsive to as when he was the chief to anything that was needed in the community so uh let me congratulate you uh be the first one up here at least to publicly congratulate you on your Ascension um you've done so so much great work and we expect no less from you in the new position thank you yes sir good morning council president and council members uh first and foremost I would like to thank God for this blessing and for this opportunity um is a position that I do not take likely I want to thank the mayor for entrusting me to be the next uh public safety director for the public safety department and also uh we're here to continue to do our job and I would like to introduce our uh new uh team members also that are not also that are known I'm sorry uh to the city our PR uh prior deputy director Shira Morris who is now going to be our chief of police um also I would like to introduce to you guys this morning uh my new assistant uh inum public safety director Mr Steve Anderson who has the rank of deputy chief in the fire department and he's well respected among the rank and fils our uh fire chief D Ortiz who also has the respect of his of the rank and file within the fire department has been doing a really good job and our Deputy Police director Leo cillo who was previously uh a captain uh but been doing really great work with the consent decree and the new Academy that we have established so this is the new Department of Public Safety ready to serve the community and ready to serve our Personnel out there in the streets thank you thank you there any questions from from the council um just want to say director first councilman Kelly oh thank you uh thank you council president um I just want to say thank you uh I still look at you and want to call you Chief but it what it be honored to two to call you to you know uh director um and it'll be honored now to call you Chief and I just want to congratulate you guys uh you you both all of you up there have been extremely responsive when whenever I call with an issue and I just thank you because the calls are never for me they're for the people of this city and you guys always answer the call for the people of this city as far as I know so I just want to say thank you and I look forward to moving forward with you thank you councilman councilman silver first uh first of all congratulations to all of you I got to work with all of you at one point in time but I also want wanted to thank the mayor for staying within the police department to finding its leadership because I think we have some fine men and women here in nework police and I think we're fully capable of uh doing our jobs here and we don't have to reach outside the police department to find great leadership it stands here before you so congratulations to everybody thank you councilman uh Gonzalez and then no thank you very much for the willingness to serve the city you have been serving the city for a long time all of you H so we respect what you do we admire what you do and we will support you in what you do thank you thank you councilman Council yeah director congratulations to you the entire team many of them are not familiar uh they go out tily uh doing the work every single day and so uh we look forward to you know serving with you guys and and hopefully continue to not just draw down on crime but deal with some of the basic quality of life issues uh in these communities uh so that folks can feel safe and secure with moving around on the streets uh and also looking forward to coming out of that consent decree uh at some point uh so that we can you know continue to do the job that these residents uh have confidence in us doing any other comments all right well once again thank you for for your your willingness to serve and and we appreciate knowing knowing you and and your team I consider you all a dream team so we look forward to working with you and serving our community to the best of our abilities thank you so much it's our honor thank you Mr Good council president thank you so much just a follow-up comment this is an extraordinary team of men and women who uh represented the University of the city and uh as councilman Silva said the mayor is committed to making sure that the that the team understands what the city needs they are uh of the city and from the city and we expect them to do great things and of course we'll provide them with as much assistance as we can uh subject to the council's approval of whatever expenditures we need so thank you so much for that two quick other introductions if I can uh Daryl Smith is the new uh IT director he's been around for a little while but I just wanted to give him an opportunity to introduce himself to you briefly and then I'll introduce Mr ybe uh who is our new qpa but Daryl Smith you all right I know I got many emails from from uh Mr Smith and I took care of my cyber security I took care of it oh thank you good morning everybody good morning Council U I'm proud to be before you today uh I've been on as the oit director for about two months now and uh I will say we've been hitting the ground running uh just uh briefly my goal as oit director is to make nor municipality the uh blueprint for whatever what other municipalities here in the great state of New Jersey follow uh my goal every day is to strive for excellence and uh that's the uh process that the team has been following since coming on board I look forward to working with you to try to do this in the most feasible financially uh intelligent way so we can make norc the blueprint for the rest of the state so uh I'm looking forward to just working with each thank you thank you director any questions concerns from from the council uh councilman Kelly I just want to say congratulations uh Mr Smith um receiving your emails consistently made me make sure that I I I passed my uh my IT training that stuff for the city so so thank you for that thank you councilman Gonzalez yes good morning morning uh we have had some let's say requests in terms of Expediting payments and the Expediting ER inspection reports Expediting ER processes that the city of Newark for the last 20 years well 19 that have been here ER have been trying to to make the process simpler to make the process let's say quicker for the for the user however we haven't been successful in doing that and I encourage you to try to do that so that you can bring the city to the 21st century I believe we're operating in the 18th century in some areas so I believe it's important that we move forward and expedite and facilitate the processes of the city okay and that's exactly what we're trying to do we want to make sure get our Baseline where it needs to be so that once that's sound and established like anybody knows if you build a building up without a good base is going to crumble so my goal is to get our Baseline straight so that we can start moving forward with the um the technology that we have you know here today so thank you thank you any any other questions comments thank you director for your willingness to serve and looking forward to seeing those emails on a regular B all right thank Youk thank you so that must mean everybody's completed their cyber security training took me a little while to do it but there was a couple of glitches in the system so I hope everybody got through that and our new director took care of that and uh hopefully we're all in a better place uh I also want to take this opportunity to introduce you uh to our new purchasing director who's also our qualified purchasing agent uh in addition to being a qpa he also has Finance experience uh and so he is helpful in in both those regards and has been already helpful to to me to the administration and uh toh to the city as a whole and that's Juan ybe I'll ask him to come up and introduce himself if you would good morning everyone good morning my name is W rbe as Mr ba said I have quite an extensive back background in Finance accounting auditing as well as information Technologies I think my time in coming to the city is perfect when I we need is mat with the new IT director we have a lot of things to do a lot of things in common have clicked in quickly as soon as I came to work and we expect to transform all of those kind of processes that need to be improved uh working in tandem to bring them to where they need to be I have noticed from him that he's quite an effective productive individual that's exactly who I am an overachiever trying to bring the best we can for the progress of the city and with that I am open to your comments thank you any questions from the council councilman Gonzalez yes I believe that I say that having the training in accounting auditing is is good and it's something that uh I believe H we can use in in in the purchasing department and the in the accounts payable process let's say as a whole because a lot of people do not want to make bus to do business with the city of New York because it takes three to six months to be paid ER as a small business operator if you have to wait six months to be paid you're going to go bankr so I believe it's important that someone with the background that you have gets involved so that we can expedite the the payment process to the suppliers of the city thank you thank you sir I couldn't agree more with your assessment of the process and uh that is one of those items on top of our our priority list we should be paying within 30 days to everyone and that's the Target that we have at this moment thank you thank you sir all right thank you any any other comments questions from the council seeing none thank you for your service appreciate you willing to serve the community council president council members we are on page four of the regular agenda item five reports and recommendations of City officers boards and commissions any any questions next item ordinances on first reading 6fa is an ordinance amending the division of central purchasing by adding a new section 14 policies and procedures governing the use of procurement cards any questions from the Council next uh Council M Gonzalez procurement cards is that a a a credit card that is going to be used we have the perfect person to speak on that who just introduced himself the procurement card what what is said is is that a credit card uh yes first of I don't know if I'm the perfect person to talk to but I'm more than happy to help and also purching director here uh Benjamin Gman Department of Finance uh What uh procurement cards it's it's not a credit card it looks like a card but it will be specifically linked to a particular Department's budget line so it enables uh individuals that are using it to be able to make purchases for from vendors that do not follow the uh the purchase order voucher process and as we're getting into in the 21st century a lot of purchases that have to be made to be made online and payment needs to be made at that spot it will help facilitate that um for more specifics you know I'm more than happy to to hand over to our purchasing director and they can explain a little bit more as to what we're looking to do this particular ordinance again is to establish policies and procedures for that who has who has the card let's say who who who controls that card well it will be the individual that's assigned to they will have to receive training uh and they will have to not only receive the training but also acknowledge that they're receiving the card and uh that uh that they will follow the policies and procedures and they will do the processing and accounting for those expenditures and then submit those to the finance department so that way we can reconcile our accounts do they have a unique identification numbers or something like that so if I use a card it would know that it was me and not somebody else absolutely each car will be identified to the individual it would have their name on the individual of the individual on there uh there will be limitations set as to the total amount that uh they will access to there will be limitations as to individual transactions so what can be spent on a single transaction there will be limitations as to what types of transactions you'll be able to purchase with that so it it will be uh strictly uh controlled and uh you know we will do it on an as needed basis depending on the Department's needs uh this is not something to replace our our procurement process our encumbrance and accounting process it's meant to augment and supplement that um but there will be definitely controls put into place prior to any individual receiving one of these cards sounds good thank you you're welcome and question quick question is is so is this process who who gets the cards is it just strictly in the finance department or will it no no it we we have preliminarily reached out to some of the Departments that have expressed interest in in having the ability to make purchases by these matters we will it will be at the hardest not everyone it be one maximum two individuals in a department if I could Eric Pennington business administrator on that the car will not be provided to anyone without my authorization I could sorry I said the cards are not going to be provided to any department or any individual without my authorization and it will be on a uh strictly as needed basis for example in Communications often times you need to uh get information out to various outlets and they won't work with a purchase order they will only uh engage with the city through advanced payment or somebody's credit card we don't want individuals using their own credit card so in their case they will be authorized to have a procurement card with very strict guidelines as to what it is they can use it for my office will have one my expectation is that the use will probably be be for other departments through my department uh because I don't want these cars to be out there and it will be strictly monitored all right great thank you any any other questions from the council all right thank you seeing none next item resolutions 7r1 A and B are budget insertions A is for emergency preparedness and B is for the seat belt mobilization Grant any questions from the council saying n next item 7r1 C through f are transfers of Community Development block grant funds C through f are all for public facilities and public improvements for all boards a through F I mean C through F any questions from the council seeing none next item 7r1 G and H are external transfer of funds to transfer funds within various departments for sufficient funding until the year end any questions from the council seeing none next item 7r1 I cancellation of the 202 24 Appropriations and other funds to close out balances for fiscal year 2024 questions from the council councilman Gonzalez I say the amount zero I suppose that some accounts are going to be cancelled or er do we have a list of H or is this just approval to do it uh yes council president to councilman Gonzalez his question Eric p business administrator this is authorizing it to be done and to give our director of om discretion to move items that we don't know we're going to need to move yet until later on it is similar to what she's done in years past and we ask your Indulgence to approve this item thank you you're welcome all right thank you 7r1 J is extension of emergency contract for Demolition and related Services questions from the council seeing none next item 7 r1k is a bid contract to provide meals delivered Services questions from the council seeing none next item 7r1 l through Q or application acceptance of Grant funds for I'm sorry for the violence award Grant and L is for the north Ward Project M is for the East W project n is for the shiny Baraka women's Resource Center O is for the South Ward project P is for the west ward project and Q is for the central Ward project any questions seeing none next Mr CH oh I'm sorry I I want to sponsor 701n and 7010 you said n as a Nancy and O yes so a second second second by councilman what was that and also uh council president I like this uh sponsor uh 7R onep there second second second by councilman Council any other questions seeing none next item 7r1 R is exception to public bidding to provide Engineering Services questions from the council saying none next item 7r2 a through G are private sale Redevelopment agreements a is return to Administration B is to rehabilitate a three family home with an affordable unit at 80% Ami and two market rate units in the west ward any questions seeing none next item C is to provide new construction of two family homes to sell at market rate in the west ward counc McKelly yeah we're going to move okay next item D is to provide new headquarters for the Brilliant Smiles Pediatric Dentistry with the second and third floors owner occupied in the central Ward any questions all right I have I have a question if if the uh Deputy Mayor can come up and just explain this item describe it uh good morning council president council members Alison lad director of Economic and Housing Development uh this uh item before you is to sell uh city-owned land uh to uh Sofia Webb who owns Brilliant Smiles Pediatric Dentistry uh she currently has a Dentistry office here in the city and um she's looking to uh renovate this building this property actually has been vacant for more than uh 10 years and while the um assessed value says here $454,000 um the overwhelming majority of that is associated with the property and um as per the pictures that I provided to council this morning you'll be able to see that the property is quite dilapidated and will need a complete gut rehab um and there was no reassessment of the property uh so that we do feel that the sale price is appropriate as it's $79 per square foot I'm happy to answer any other questions thank you qu uh councilman Gonzalez we're we're getting to my selling price $79 is is much better than $9 a square foot thank you any other questions seeing none thank you Deputy Mayor next item e is an agreement to subordinate the cities of new's reverter Rights by entering to a First Amendment to an agreement for the sale and Redevelopment of land and a subordination agreement in the South board want to do the next one too the same right f is an agreement to subordinate the city of news rter rights by entering to a First Amendment to the agreement for sale and Redevelopment of land and support Nation agreement and the South board as well thank you any questions seeing none next item G is new construction of two specialized resource and wellness centers inclusive of Hydroponics aquaponics and Greenhouse infrastructure in the North and South Wards any questions saying none next item H is a resolution of support to provide support and submission of an application for tax credits sought by developer under the aspired tax credit program in the East Ward like to be sponsored that sponsored by councilman Silva is there second I'll second it sar4 a is stipulation settlements for tax appeals B is an application to local Finance board for approval of bond ordinance uh yeah you're already walking up come on Ben good morning again Benjamin Gman Department of Finance uh the resolution you have before you is an application to the local Finance board city of norc is looking to refund two bonds uh that that uh are callable in early of 2025 and given the current market conditions as interest rates are declining um there is a potential of a present day savings of over 3% which is the minimum threshold that the local Finance board uh dictates whenever we're doing a refunding uh currently under the current market conditions we're looking at about a 3.5 to 3.6% uh savings uh if the refunding goes through uh again that could change and I think it would change favorably as the the way the Federal Reserve uh changes its interest rates between now and uh March or April of next year when the refunding will occur uh but you know we still need to go in front of local Finance board there's an ordinance later on here uh on the agenda that uh requesting for us to go in front of local Finance board as well uh and then just the timing between their meeting and when uh we able to get everything done that's why we're coming so early in front of this in front of counc thank you and is there a uh I know you said 3.5 to 3. 6% but is there an actual dollar dollar fig dollar amount based on that percentage it's a little over 1.1 million of present value savings uh if uh these bonds are refunded and that would be savings towards uh what the city would need to budget in debt service payments and that would be over the the remaining life of the bonds which is roughly uh eight years all right thank you any any questions from the count councilman Gonzalez what's the current rate on the $31 million uh well the $31 million what we requesting to do refunding right now I believe uh those bonds when they were sold out were in around four and a half or 5% coupon rate when the bonds were originally sold uh come March of next year it's the 10y year anniversary that's why they are callable at that mo mo moment and therefore because of the market rate conditions as are changing the interest rates will be dropping I believe somewhere it could be anywhere between the two and a half and four and a half% rate but again that's we won't know that until we're actually going out to Market which won't be until sometime early next year so if they are let's say this ones are going to be 2.6 or whatever what what is the new rate on the ones that you're going to re to issue to refund this ones again it's unknown right now because anything can change between now when we actually go out to Market but uh given where the current market rate is now and where it's projecting to go based on the Federal Reserves reducing their federal funds overnight rate um it's already gone down down 3/4 of a point uh in the last two months we're anticipating that to continue so like I said the original Bonds were issued at depending on the years of their maturity between a four and a half and a 5% coupon rate uh we are looking to get uh anywhere between a two and a half and 4 and a half% coupon rate uh depending on the maturity dates of those particular serial bonds that because the bonds they're broken up into smaller portions over a 10 15 20 year period so each one of those coupons has their own individual rate and some of them range like I said it'll probably between two and a half and 4 and a half% again given market conditions at the time when we actually price these refunding bonds thank you you're welcome all right thank you any any other questions all right seeing none thank you Ben next item 705a is application acceptance of Grant funds for the public health emergency preparedness and response capabilities any questions seeing none next item 7 R 6A will be deferred 7 r6b is Professional Services contract for litigation matters any questions next item seminar 8 a through C are waving special event application perment fees A is for the Halloween table trunk entreat sponsored by councilman Ramos get a second on that Kelly councilman Kelly B is the Malcolm X shabaz parade for Thanksgiving sponsored by councilman Council second I I'll second that one and C is the Holiday Lights Parade in the north Ward sponsored by councilman Ramos I'll second that one too or councilman Gonzalez he put it I won't be here oh you won't be here so all right that's right all right I got it 7ar 8D is recognizing and commending resolutions and 7R 8e is expressing Prof found sorrow and regret 7r9 a is Professional Services contract to provide clinical and forensic psychological Consulting Services any questions saying none next item I still have this same doubts and the same questions that I had at the last meeting let's say this entity was at one point time accused of not serving the best interest of the city of nework er a lot lot of people complaining that uh they felt the discriminated by by the doctor that was performing the evaluations ER and now we go back to them I I don't understand if somebody was accused at one point in time of being racist ER now they are not all right Mr ba sure Eric Pennington business administrator uh the concerns through you to C gonzale the concerns that you raised were concerns that the administration had as well and uh we went through extensive interviews to address those in those issues from our Personnel Department specifically uh to make sure that we wouldn't have the uh appearance of impropriety me there was no um determination adjudicated or otherwise that that was the case um and we the administration are confident that uh that this entity will serve the city well I I don't have any let's say concerns other than what I have expressed and the if the Administration has H done the the say the the footwork to determine that the entity is not what was for trade to be I don't have any problem with that yeah he had a we had actually an interview with the Personnel director uh with those concerns in mind any other questions thank you Mr B you're welcome next item 7 r9b is an appointment of two special police officers or New York residents any questions the names they're they're in the uh in the backup yeah next item Communications item 8A is an ordinance granting a 25-year tax abatement to 566 d570 springfi urban renewal LLC for a project to construct 22 market rate residential rental units with two affordable housing rental units which shall be restricted restricted to tenants at 60% of area medium income in the central Ward any questions councilman Gonzalez I see only two units I suppose this project was approved before ER the we requireed the 20% good morning council president council members uh Allison lad director of Economic and Housing Development uh council member Gonzalez your uh question the answer is yes um the application for site plan approval was deemed complete prior to the effective date of the iso Amendment which would have reduced the um number of units to 15 thank you any other questions uh thank you next item 8B is an ordinance granting a 20year tax abatement to Rising PLS urban renewal LLC for a project to construct a new four-story residential building consisting of 19 affordable rental units three Studios six one-bedroom units and 10 TW bedroom units of which four units shall be restricted to tenants at 35% of the area medium income Ami two units shall be restricted to tenants at 40% of Ami six units shall be restricted to tenants at 50% Ami two units shall be restricted to tenants at 60% of Ami and five units shall be restricted to tenants at 70% of Ami in the South Ward any questions yeah make councilman Council first I think no oh you want okay I'm sorry all right that's right yeah I just want to make an amendment on the floor this this property is not in the South Ward it's in the west W not it 8C is an ordinance granting a 20-year tax abatement to 440 Elizabeth New Jersey urban renewal LLC for a project to renovate and rehabilitate a vacant and existing 25-story high-rise Residential Building consisting of 216 units of which 119 units shall be market rate residential rental units consisting of 48 one-bedroom units 122 bedroom units and 48 three bedroom units the market rate units and 26 units shall be affordable housing rental units of which 16 one-bedroom units shall be restricted to tenants at 80% of the area medium income five two-bedroom units shall be restricted to tenants at 60% of Ami and five three bedroom units shall be restricted to tenants at 80% of Ami in the South Ward any questions yeah can we advance and adopt on first read advance and adopt all right coun I mean uh any other questions from the council Mr ba thank you Eric Pennington business administrative councilman Council just raised the issue that I came up for want to advance and adopt but since I'm up here we like to do the same for 8D 8G 8K and 8 L to advance and adopt 8D also as in David next item 8D 8D is an ordin is granting a 30-year tax abatement to kspg 39 Madison urban renewal LLC for a project to construct a new five-story building consisting of 80 units of which 64 units shall be market rate residential rental units and 16 units shall be affordable housing rental units of which four units shall be restricted to tenants at 40% Ami four units shall be restricted to tenants at 60% Ami in 8 units shall be restricted tenant at 80% Ami in the East Ward any questions saying none next item 8e is an ordinance granting a 25-year tax abatement to Broadway star urban renewal LLC for a project to construct a new seven story multi family rental building consisting of 206 residential rental units of which 80% or approximately 165 residential units are market rate and 20% or approximately 41 are affordable housing rental units of which 11 units shall be restricted to tenants at 40% of area medium income 11 units shall be restricted to tenants at 60% Ami and 19 units shall be restricted to tenants at 80% Ami in the north Ward any questions yes councilman Gonzalez I don't like the approximately ER 20% approximately I like er let's say solid numbers ER because this approximately could be 38 could be 43 so I I would love to have this approximately change uh to let's say a solid number so that we know exactly how many units are going to be produced do we have have the developer here or good morning good morning Council uh yes we have the specifics from the site plan approval so we're happy to work oh Jennifer cillo Perez let me uh have the deputy mayor of vhd come forward and see if she wants to have uh the attorney make this presentation unless you have specific questions for the attorney I'd rather not have have uh some outside Representatives speak without having well we have we can hear the deputy mayor definitely yes all right Deputy Mayor good morning council president uh council members Alison lad director of Economic and Housing Development uh I apologize uh for that um so uh we the the actual number is 19.9% and that's why it says approximately 20 um so we'll happy to make the amendment to say 19.9% but so is 20% of the units that are being sold 206 times 20% is 41.2 so it's going to be 41 units correct so I I prefer to leave the 41 units and not the 19 point because they are supposed to the ordinance calls for 20% % oh I understand uh thank you so council president I think what we would do is we would make an amendment to strike the language that says approximately 20% um and leave the actual numbers as stated in the ordinance yes so just to clarify are we removing just that one approximately or or the other approxim two two right both of them okay this is the first time that I see the approximately yeah just Council president we'll make that adjustment we'll provide the amendment we'll remove the word approximately and we'll simply State the actual um number of units which is 41 um and for the public it equals 19.9% of the project all right thank you thank you next item I'm sorry councilman Gonzalez you have another question for the deputy mayor yes that I I I thought that the rule is that let's say if the multiplication of the 20% times the units Le give you let's say less than 0.5 we we let's say cut it down to the to the next lower if it is more than 0.5 then we round up to the to the higher number so I I I don't see the need to say in anywhere that is 19 Point whatever percentage because I believe that would send the wrong message oh yes um council president I do understand council member Gonzalez's point we were not going to State 19.9 anywhere it was just more of a frame of reference we we'll fix the we'll fix the actual language in the document all right thank you thanks next item 8f is an ordinance granting a 25-year tax abatement to 74-78 Webster urban renewal LLC for a project to demolish the existing structures and construct a new five-story multif family building with 25 residential rental units consisting of 20 market rate residential rental units five affordable housing rental units of which two units shall be restricted to tenants at 40% of area medium income and one unit shall be restricted to tenants at 60% Ami and two units shall be restricted to tenants at 80% Ami in the north Ward any questions all right next item G is an request to advance and adopt on first which is an ordinance amending title 10 by amending the properties I'm sorry title 10 of the special improvement district by amending the properties included in the special improvement district to remove all the class 2 Residential Properties and authorizing a tax collector to withhold from each orderly payment 1% as an administrative fee any questions saying none next item 8h is an ordinance adopting the Seventh Amendment to the nor River Public Access and Redevelopment plan can we get the deputy mayor to come up and just explain I think it's relatively simple but if you could just explain it good um morning council president council members Alison lad director economic and Housing Development uh this amendment is allowing for the access to a parking lot to be modified per the plan um so we're just allowing for Access um on a different street uh and that's what the modification is for it's to allow for a grocery store to come into nework any questions all right seeing none thank you Deputy Mayor next item 8i is an ordinance authorizing the vacation of existing utility easement any questions saying none next item 8j is an ordinance authorizing the city of New York to acquire a permanent easement from the gr tour for the Department of Water and Utilities to clean repair replace inspect operate and otherwise maintain in an un unobstructed condition a system of water storm water and sanitary sew drain Pipelines any questions seeing none next item 8K is an ordinance authorizing the execution of a license agreement between the city of Newark and Broad Street fidelco LLC to be used as a police precinct substation by the Department of Public Safety Office of Professional Standards and there's a motion to advance and adopt on First and this is located in the central Ward any questions saying next item 88l is an ordinance authorizing the execution of a lease agreement between the city of North and Broad Street fidelo LLC for project to be used as a police precinct substation by the Department of Public Safety Office of Professional Standards motion to advance and adopt on first as well is this the same as the previous one's a lease and one is a license agreement so I'm not sure what the difference is Deputy Mayor you have a lease I don't think you need a license license agreement uh good morning council president council members Alison lad director of Economic and housing uh development uh the license is a short-term uh license and the uh price ing that we were able to negotiate along with our business administrator was for a short amount of time which was $581 16 and 25 cents the long-term lease um is a five-year lease um and has two options for fiveyear renewals um this license is actually I'm sorry this lease will be $6 69,7 a year and the reason why there's an increase is that the owner is actually going to renovate the the site uh for the office um and on behalf of the city is this by Focus oh yes sir uh council president to council member gonzales's question it's uh 4 94 Broad Street which is where um the Genova Burns um Law Firm is um right there on the as you go north it's actually now I know mayor Kenneth Gibson um Boulevard and that's what we have currently have the Inspector General no I'm sorry Internal Affairs is there Inspector General uh yes sir the um oh forgive me yes council president to that question the answer is is that there was a lease with the owner it expired and so we had to renew the lease which is why you have it coming before you okay all right thank you Deputy Mayor next item 8m is an ordinance providing for additional filters at the Panic water treatment plant and other related expenses motion to advance and adopt on first any questions seeing none next item 8 n is refunding Bond ordinance providing for the refunding of all or portion of its outstanding General obligation bonds motion to advance and adopt on first as well and this is accompanying item that uh Ben spoke about any questions next item council president council members that concludes the agenda public comment question council president um can we go back to 8A and um just to request to uh advance and adopt on first please certainly 8 a in the so advance and adopt 8A a as an apple a is an apple not okay duy noted all right any public comment let's go to public we are now in a 30 minute public comment portion of this meeting where each speaker will I'm sorry hold on one second councilman Gonzalez I I just have a a a question more or less of a process let say we all we are getting all these affordable units and the city is supposed to administer the process of getting into those units I just want to know how that is working and what is the process they say I I know some people that want to get into those those apartments what do they have to do Deputy Mayor good morning council president council member um the uh with your um consent and approval for the U Amendment to the inclusionary zoning ordinance last year um there have been 11 projects that have gone through the first dibs process whereby Newark residents have 90 days to um access the units um of the 11 projects I know six of the projects 100% of the units went to New York res residents um and the others their varying percentages um I'm act I'm happy to give you a report on that I can email it to you today um for each project um as well as units that were provided to Newark residents and nework and units to non- nework Residents since the adoption of the ordinance uh second regarding the process um we do have a website uh that is live for people to be able to apply online um and currently that process is applying per um development that's available but come the new year uh we actually will have a unified application process so everyone will be able to apply through the same portal but right now it's um per building per um per unit and so in closing though for those applications um it is all done by Lottery um there is no individual selection it is done by Lottery um and that is um handled and we're able to um provide that information to you as well and what's the what's the electronic address to to get into that uh into the say to look at the apartments oh sure um thank you uh to that question the um website is um the nework nj.gov website you go to economic and Housing Development and you can click on the affordable housing web page and there's a direct link to be able to apply for housing that's available under the io first process thank you you're welcome any other questions before public com yes I want to I would like to add uh to the regret and sorrow I lost my aunt a couple of days ago who was a lifelong newer um Miss Bernstein Jackson to the regret and sorrow Julie noted my condolences any other questions or comments before going to public comment public comment we are in the 30 minute public comment portion of this meeting where each speaker will have three minutes to speak please state your name for the record first speaker please uh good morning asalam Alum alif Muhammad good morning uh I generally don't come here on uh pre meetings but uh the last meeting um the ba said some things that boy I couldn't wait to get back here and I thought someone were personal he called me coward so Mr President I'm going to confer to him I'm from the streets as you know I'm GNA call him a punk for now on because he's the only one that when people go to speak he runs upstairs and watch it comes down when the public speak so if that's acceptable to you for him to call me a coward I'm going to call him a pump for now okay what I'm giving you and I'm only giving and you could you could check tomorrow because I'll be back tomorrow if you don't want me to use that language but then you got to check him um what I'm giving you is he said I didn't fulfill my fiduciary responsibility which means that as a commissioner I have certain things I have to do if I see something wrong I have to let people know well what I'm showing you is I filed a suit against the city in the city when the city was trying to remove me the first day when I reported it to the feds the city tried to remove me the same day not the city uh the mayor the mayor let's say and what happened was I asked for a stay because of Investigation I have reported investigation and I named no in the suit you'll see so I did my f responsibility uh when we was going to have the hearing I uh I asked to bring in three hours worth of tapes at that time of me and the chief of staff trying to convince me to change my vote uh at that time Kenneth Lewis said he ain't have nothing to do with that he getting out of here I gotta do it quick that's why I'm here what I also did was I took my emails and I hit up federal authorities and I got 40 different times I reported them from April to 12 until about a month ago 40 different times I indexed it tomorrow I'm G to talk more about it so my plus I bought in three whistleblowers including a May sister his older sister that met with the federal authorities 10 times so my fiary responsibility but guess what when I told midi when they was going to make a move on me I said not only I'm gonna report it to the investigators I'm gonna talk out loud about it so the punk Eric penon Punk see you don't like that do you that's the more I don't like C I don't like that either but he but you got to check him from calling me a coward because I'm not a coward I've been slopping a man the two top people in look in the face for the last two years the man is brother standing St standing strong and everybody in here know I Walk Tall in this town so if you got a problem with me calling punk you check me but you got to check him too thank you let's let's have more decor and no one call anybody no name calling where he has to apologize to me Mr President I'm just saying it right now I'm saying it right now he has to apologize to me sir Muhammad let's move on to the next speaker We're Not Gonna let's let's but he has to apologize to me Sir Mr Muhammad you know better I do know better so next he should know better he's a he's a lawyer next speaker y'all have a good day I'll be back tomorrow morning next speaker good morning Good morning George Tillman Jr um first I'd like to thank the affirmative action committee councilwoman Round Tree councilman Dupri and councilman dilva for hosting the meeting that we had um last week um Corporation Council Kiana Stewart was there nor Works um Miss Gaylord was there affirmative action Deputy Mayor rockar Muhammed was in the uh meeting it was a very um positive meeting we met for over a hour um two hours um we had some very intense conversation um it was concluded um in a positive way um there's some very serious uh things that need to be addressed and there was some long-term uh strategies and some immediate strategies that was discussed um I didn't particularly agree with the the strategies right now because I don't feel as though they're aggressive enough to deal with what was um stated by the administration regarding the state of the resident resident employment policy that I've been um bringing to this coun on numerous occasions um I did follow up with the the business administrator to discuss um some business options um going forward to kind of correct some of the systemic issues that are plaguing the administration when it comes to this ordinance and um I want to thank the deputy mayor for being uh forthcoming about the state of affirmative action in the city and it it it took almost year and a half two years to get to this point but now we at this point and so that um we need some very aggressive aggressive measures to address what um we discussed and I would like to to uh continue to uh have that meeting going forth with the entire Council because what was shared in that meeting the whole entire Council should have been available for that that conversation so I look forward to um our next step and um I hope it's an aggressive step to address what we discussed in that meeting thank you and I want to apologize too I I miss your meeting I hope we can rescheduled that meeting for the 18th thank you you thank you for your comments next speaker good morning council members my name is fakira Bradley I am now a resident of the southw community where I grew up I want to keep my address off the Record due to all the trials of life that was through at me in which I overcame and still overcoming I forwarded my address to tiarra Thomas so I can receive my security deposit in full I have a video of how the ceiling fell on me pregnant due to the flood coming from the 18th floor in 200 George King Village while I'm sitting on the toilet living in squala Beed bugs mice roaches mol Etc brown Water Black Water broken mailboxes stolen credentials also illegal eviction I do not owe any rent money my voucher at the time was 12250 my rent at Georgia King Village was $1,192 so I do not owe you anything you owe me CNC L&M management their goal from the beginning was to keep my security deposit I had fake leases more than one every lease I had from CNC came from Daisy Bermudez my last Lea came from Natasha whatever her last name is from the New York oress I will be getting I've been getting robed I need my security deposit I went to drop the key off Kesha kimus gave me a hard time I left cuz I ain't going back to jail dealing with them I've been there a lot dealing with CNC they wanted me out I'm out it was cheaper to keep me let's not talk about the Minions that tried to destroy my character not going to happen I need my money I need my coins taken from the less fortunate I do not work I've been out of work since February 2024 I need my security deposit I will return the keys with the police I still have them but I'm bringing the police as my escort tiarra Thomas Daisy this kha kimus going to jail I'm seeking jail time not just for me but for those that have no voice who are still homeless due to the negligence of CSC management at 250 Georgia King bage I need them to cut my check I do not owe them a d I really am the bigger person with all the emo I got I ain't tripping though it was work it all worked in my in my favor I ain't even on trip Council woman Round Tree I love you thank you I know you love me too and I appreciate you council president Kum I love you I appreciate you for your help Council men pet counsel oh my God thank you guys for helping me through my struggle I'm at peace but I need my money I'm at Hard Times Ed Ortiz from Return to Citizens thank you Kyra Watts Courtney Derby thank you once William Street thank you and I love you for putting up with my mess I appreciate you all and very grateful I'm at peace now all I need is my money I am a hard times overall blessed and for the record I forwarded my address to Tiara Thomas nobody better thank you for your comments Bradley Miss Bradley thank you for your comments next speaker three minutes today Miss Bradley please good morning good morning deah Sal to city of New York um first I'd like to say congratulations to our new police chief uh she definitely deserves it um she was on on point out in the streets make a call she show up handle business so congratulations to her um I was also in that meeting uh that Mr Tillman talked about when it comes to our job situation here in nework and like he said it took about a year and a half to get the answer to what we already knew we just needed to hear it um from those who were in charge um what we're doing with our schools uh is not enough um it's not enough to build a school for trades over here or put a trade school over there um there was a day when we had trades in all the schools it was called work study we had auto shop wood shop metal shop uh homet where learned to cook clean sew everything that gave us our middle class but uh we're not we're not uh utilizing that right now so it's not enough we're we're 15 years behind for the industry and the things that are coming here in our city right now and we need to have our people equipped for these jobs these huge projects that are coming through here these construction projects 10 years on one 15 years on another and are we prepared no so what are we doing if we are going to have our people ready in this city to do what needs to be done listen man you're already behind the ball you need to get on the ball now we've been telling you for the longest but we the haters and the and the provocators but now it's coming right in your face the very things we've been telling you for the last 10 years we need to get on this now and I'll talk to R on to and the school board but you all have been here for how many years and our city has just declined our education has declined our Workforce has declined and we need to get our people in these jobs grown men who have families to provide for can't work because the jobs even the vacant jobs that have been vacant for the last 10 years are sitting in your pockets and not being given to the residents here who need to work but yet you say yes to these astronomical projects that give us Skittles and these people are getting seven course meals off RBS you just said yes to a bunch of or you didn't say yes yet but these projects that are here one project that uh you know Silva is is uh sponsoring that you know these people want tax credits what are we getting that's what we need to see what are we getting for these tax credits that they want are we getting enough are we getting the true affordable housing we are not the 30% or below thank you for your comments next speaker good morning latoia Jackson Tucker nor morning you know I come in peace um and I'm thankful I haven't been here in the beginning of a pre meeting but I was like I'm not standing up the pledge the flag I think that belittles us especially in the times that we're going through now and I know that you sit in a chair you took a oath but it's a lot of things that we must change with this blueprint um it's a paper that I passed out to most people I believe every council person have it um this is what we should be saying when we come in here this is the Pledge that we actually should uh be speaking to and I'mma say it I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in my community it is my personal approach that creates the culture as a part of my Village I possess tremendous power to make my community life miserable or joyful I can be a tool of torture or instrument of inspiration I can embarrass or Empower hurt or Hell in all situations it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de escalated my community be humanized or dehumanized I do make a difference so that's like um um I I facilitated a program where I introduced this to some young ladies this summer and I didn't know how much of an impact that it would have in my own personal life with me actually dealing with my Village like um like most of us even yourself y'all sit there and I'm sure it's traumatizing with some of the things that you know you want to fix that you can't actually move the needle in a certain way because you respect the system that just doesn't respect us at all um y'all have some decisions to make y'all sit in them cheers and um I I would like to see y'all exercise your rights as black and brown men because we have built this country we have built this city I would like to see y'all do things and kind of like step out the professional uh atmosphere of what we actually supposed to do and do the right thing because there are lot lot of things that we need to make sure that we are doing for our community that's just not happening and um I know that I'm responsible I know that I can embarrass or Empower my community and my from where I stand I want to empower my community and not embarrass my community but it's it's some things that definitely have to change I come here when I speak is for Unity we're not going to get peace unless we actually have some liberation so we need to like liberate ourselves and understand exactly who's in control not the white man but God so please step outside of the blueprint that they actually asking us to follow because it does not work thank you thank you for your comments next speaker hello good morning my name is Miss newer and some people know me here and some people do don't but I am going to talk today about procedure and following um yeah thank you oh okay and today I'm going to talk about procedures and policies procedures and policies when you come in they ask you to do certain things you have to make sure you have all of your proper paperwork and you have to make sure you follow the right protocol I have followed the right protocol call and I have came in and I have followed the right procedure I have came in and I have spoken to people that I needed to speak to of regarding the matter that I needed to be spoken to um I spoke to Robin upstairs I've talked to Mr Lewis I have talked to um uh Miss Ruben in um 1040 at the welfare office I am disabled I am one disability I am homeless I have no coat and I have slippers on my feet they have known this forever I have a um I have ladema and I have blood clots I am in the YMCA I have no food and you cannot put food up there because one of the uh women up there just flipped out because they stole food out of refrigerator my kids are back there and we have just come in I have I we have been in this situation all month long I have been back here over and over and over and over again this is ridiculous my family has taxpayers in this community my mother has worked for UMD andj for over 12 years before she gave her life for this place my dad retired off of the house Authority for this place as a maintenance man until the day he died and there is no reason why I should be in this situation as a 54 year old woman right now this is ridiculous I have more faith in my town that I was born and raised in than this this disappoints me okay I love this place I was born and raised and when I said I would I move I moved to Thailand and then said I wanted to come home because this place is home to me and to for me to come all the way back home and see this is what our community has dwindled down to is appalling and we need to do better thank you for your comments uh miss newerk all right right on right on right on so manira Elman good rhythms criminal cult that's running our government voting you out is the only solution to the real newers what you need to do to get jobs here there's somebody who made a video if you want a job you know how to steal kill and Rob you know how to do sex for hire bring your resume to Ras Baraka he hires Killers Stealers D drug dealers and people who want to sit on the couch for sex for hire that's what I didn't do it somebody put that video right on there that's what they said and if you want to hire ners and develop a real job plan you need to fire the deputy mayor of Full Employment that's what you need to do get them out the way out out out now the department of of of governmental officialy oh audit audit audit audit so what I will be doing I will be asking this Trump ad minist ministration to help us put a moratorium on all developments and tax abatements taking place in the city of nework I will be asking the Trump Administration to freeze and audit all funding under the Baraka Administration I will be asking the Trump Administration to remove all undocumented workers on every construction site in the in nor and in essence County I will be asking them to help us with a Citywide job and construction plan I will be asking them to develop sustainable housing in a real homeless plan like the lady up here crying about a real homeless plan for lowincome housing in the city I will be asking the Trump Administration to help us change the area medium income for newers I will be asking the Trump Administration to address the wealth gap for New Yorkers and black Americans in this community I will be asking the Trump Administration to Vel to develop a portal for all funding coming in and going out of our city budget fisal M responsibility and management that's what I will be asking them I will be asking them to develop a transparency and oversight committee Nationwide with all our for all our public dollars that's coming into this City I will be asking the Trump Administration to call on a audit for the100 million that his administration allocated to new for the last service M replacement I will be asking the Trump Administration to order the co stimulous money that he gave to the city of nor I will be asking the Trump Administration to set up a community based adversary program advisory program for the city of thank you for your comments next speaker my name my name Richard Anderson I've been coming here for a job for almost a year and I'm about to be homeless because I don't have no security money when I went down there for security I just granted the money and now all the money I got pictures the names dates when I went comeing here for a job I went to ask for security y'all gave it all to the workers that work for the city of North I have it and some of them my friends I grew up with but I really do need a job I'm saying everywhere I try to go with my section 8 voucher they want a money and they want security up front I can't get it and I walk the whole KN with my baby the people who give me a job is the noers that own their own houses that's what I do landscaping for and I do a good job with that to keep money in my pocket but yes I do want to do taxes at the end of the year but I can't because I don't have no job I've been here I come here I be helping out in the streets I help kids I help peoples in Bradley Court pen in court everywhere these kids are tell you the jobs I told them to get I can't get they cops and correctional officers because I had a criminal charge that's why I can't get it I was in jail that's why I told them them the best jobs to get yes they have them yes they support me and they just writing me to a party I need a I do help my community which y'all don't know but I do I just wish y'all give me a job that's all I could do my own thing from here and take it up from there if y'all want to help me out thank you next speaker seeing none any comments from from the council anything from the administration N I don't we don't need to go in executive session today so we'll see everybody tomorrow evening at 6:30 thank you everybody e e e for