all right good morning everyone welcome back to our meeting we are sorry for the delayed weight our executive session went over longer than we expected so we apologize for the delay to everyone that was waiting so thank you and welcome to today's pre meeting Madame clerk council president council members we have appointments this morning on page 31 we have an appointment to the African commission Elizabeth adab BC Elizabeth you can approach good morning Elizabeth thank you so much for joining us today you are being recommended for appointment to the African commission do you have a comment or a statement to the council I would just like to say thank you for the opportunity um I come close you come closer to talking to to the mic okay hello yes good um thank you so much um council members for the opportunity I appreciate it and I hope to work for the betterment of the city of New York thank you thank you so much Elizabeth any questions from the council seeing none thank you so much congratulations and thank you for your for volunteering to serve thank you second appointment is on page 32 of the agenda appointment to the municipal court judge Rachel y Marshall corporate counsil okay good morning Miss Marshall it's good to see you yes it's good to see you as well thank you so much for joining us you are being recommended uh for appointment as a nor Municipal Court Judge do you have any comments or statement to the council before we ask any questions Madam president I just wanted to say thank you to the council and for the mayor for this recommendation Al just so you know I've been employed with the city of newk for 13 years and I've been the chief public defender for the last four years so I'm just here if you have any other questions okay thank you so much questions from Council Members seeing none seeing none okay well we just want to congratulate you of course on behalf of this Council we know that you've been serving the city of nework for quite some time um and we're always delighted uh to see a promotion within um here in the city especially those who are working extremely hard at putting the service and commitment like you and of course I will say just from my own perspective it is nice to see a woman um before us uh going to join our bench so congratulations thank you so much I appreci yes I'd like to sponsor oh duly noted councilman Crump which is the sponsor second by councilman Ramos thank you Al righty thank you council president council members we are on page five of the agenda item five reports and recommendations of City officers boards and commissions any questions or coun any questions or comments from Council Members seeing none next item 6fa is an ordinance on first reading and ordinance adopting the Fourth Amendment to the Waverly yards Redevelopment plan by authorizing parking and updating Maps sponsored by councilman Council and second by councilman Crum any questions or comments from Council Members CA next item public hearing second reading and final passage 6p SFA is an ordinance granting a 20-year tax abatement to five Merchant management urban renewal LLC for project to construct a new five-story multif family Residential Building comprised of 21 residential rental units 13 Studios eight one-bedrooms consisting of 19 market rate residential rental and two affordable housing units both of which shall be restricted to tenants at 60% area medium income in the East Ward sponsored by councilman Silva second by councilman canana any questions or comments Cena next item 6p sfb is an ordinance amending title 10 finance and Taxation chapter 22 motor vehicle parking taxes and search charges for special events parking to collectively remove Lincoln Park both sides between Broad Street and Clinton Avenue Clinton Avenue both sides between Lincoln Park and Dr Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard and Dr Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard both sides between Clinton avue Avenue and State Street sponsored by council president mcgyver second by councilman Gonzalez questions or comments from Council Members seea next item resolutions 7r1 a through 7r1 e are contracts with subrecipients to provide communitybased violence intervention a is complex Vision Nork LLC uh is there somebody from the Department here good morning director good morning Madam president um in the council kyisha Winfield Hill director of The Office of violence prevention and Trauma recovery um complex Vision Nork two individuals born and raised here in the city of newk both rashan and Chris have been doing this work for some time now in the mighty South W they're being funded for HRI to provide ride safe passage at peshan Avenue School and team academy they're looking to hire three Outreach workers to assist us with our rapid response efforts their focal points will be Elizabeth Avenue Seymour Avenue Chancellor Avenue and Lions Avenue questions or comments from the council members the two individuals that are here you can come up with Miss Hill as well councilman Council yeah Madam chair just have them talk a little bit about some of the work that they've already done good morning good morning good morning council president good morning Madam president how hey you can tell it start with telling us your name first for the record my name is Chris Williams I'm the executive director of complex Vision North um we have two components we have a youth mentoring component as well as a highrisk intervention component if you guys have some time could I absolutely um Jia can you get those for them yeah have some handouts or um I'm sorry jusa I'm giving you a new assignment thank you so uh just just like a brief overview from the work that we've been recently doing since the RFP uh been distributed uh we have the kaboobi league in honor of a n humanitarian James kaboy Cedric we had that basketball league from July 10th until August 16th and uh I partner with uh councilman uh Patrick Council upper Clinton Hill Community Action and a numerous amount of organizations that leag we sered 96 youth as well as we did wrap around Resources with the parents and Guardians this were zero CA uh to nor police thanks to our ecosystem in terms of the HRI work from from there we did several back to school uh fundraising cookouts for the Youth uh we partnered again with uh the South for councilman for a backpack Drive um we took 25 local kids to the New Jersey Devils game and you know New Jersey doues game yeah that's downtown but we used that opportunity to not get them away from the neighborhood but to also teach them about their own history and the true knowledge of that sport which is our people actually created uh hockey and we done the championship dinner for the kaboobi championship team we partnered with the councilman again to pass out I think it was more than 200 turkeys along with hats and then also wrap around resources for Medicaid mental health uh education gu just to name a few and we done programming at pesion Avenue School I have a great blh with Mr Armstrong and that's just to name a few of what you guys have up there is the updated version of our Scopes and services and our budget narrative and then just a few pictures of I think it's eight to nine events that we done since the summer thank you so much Chris for that and definitely totally aware of some of the work that you've been doing in the community and thank you uh both for everything that you've been doing um any other questions or comments from Council Members councilman Gonzalez yep your mic is off councilman yeah your Grant here is for 57,000 I heard that you are going to hire three other people so do you receive other funds well the way that the RFP is set up uh each awarding agency will we will receive 25% upfront and we have to do the programmatic report and an expenditure report so we receive 25% of that no that's fine they say but let's see the total Grant is $57,000 the director said that you were going to hire three other people yes to to do out Outreach so how are you going to pay for those individuals if you don't have all their funds all their grants well I would hire three highrisk interventionalist for uh $25 an hour 10 hours a week for a total of five months and each worker will receive $5,000 from January 2024 into into May 30th 2024 so they are part-timers the three people that you're going to hire yes okay thank you time as needed yeah any other questions from Council Members okay seeing none thank you so much Chris for coming to be with us today I'm sorry what was your name again rashan my name is rashan V Pirus interventionist also working in the community thank you so much Chris and ran for coming before us um that concludes our questions right thank you and thank you for the packet this is very helpful this presentation thank you next item Madam clerk next organization is all about the seniors and Kids Incorporated okay Madam president in Council this organization is going to be providing services and counseling services to our most at risk neighborhoods it's important to note that this organization will not only be providing haircuts but there will be four sessions the first session will include an intake um to assess the needs of the individual the second will be a followup in this organization will refer the client to other organizations that are part of the Brick City piece Collective ecosystem the third intake will be a followup to see how the partnership with the client and the organization is going and then the fourth um assessment will be to see whether or not we need to provide ongoing services I'd like I also like to mention that the premise of HRI is based in the fact that high-risk individuals are most likely to be at their most vulnerable in honest moments in the intimacy of personal grooming and so we believe that this is a need for our community they'll also be focused in all of the housing facilities and will receive referrals directly from the office of violence prevention and Trauma recovery and all of the Brick City peace Collective organizations that make up the ecosystem okay questions or comments from council members councilman Council yeah Madam chair uh before the representative comes up to speak I had an opportunity uh you know while we were out to observe um the work uh that this organization is doing and to uh encapsulate um really the the fullness of the effectiveness of it uh unfortunately without uh the person that runs the program knowing I ran up on them on uh 19th Street uh and ho and hopped on the bus while they were doing some haircuts uh W with some adults and then I had another opportunity uh to run up on them again uh at a nonviolence uh peace Summit that were being held and had opportunity to go on the bus while he were providing uh haircuts uh to young people from weekway high school uh and had conversations uh with them uh and so you know I believe that The Narrative of you know conversation and and cuts uh helps to to make young people feel comfortable sharing conversation and information um as even on that uh opportunity that I shared down at uh the Waterfront uh to be able to engage uh some of the high school students and pull information uh from them that was uh even helpful uh to some of the things that were happening uh in the area uh that we were experiencing and so if the totality uh of what uh the the organization all about uh the seniors and kids uh is doing to create uh the narrative around conversations and haircuts and and helping to pull information uh from our most you know um High impacted areas I think it is a good concept um and as long as we have follow-up mechanisms in place uh with individuals it it was uh good I happen to see it so um sometimes you know when you run up on things and see it actually moving uh in the direction that it should it helps to lend validity to it I just had one followup question for you that you didn't answer but it was did you get a haircut no I didn't get a cut all right I just wanted to see if he lined you up or something the bus was busy that day councilman crounc president real quick I I also had an opportunity to speak to Mr uh Williams the same I guess at the same event Waterfront and um you know it's it's important that we understand what the program is about and having a good conversation with the gentlemen I think it's a great concept of what they're doing and what the future holds um for them you know when I had hair going to the barber shop was a good thing I always enjoyed going and sitting around and as you chopping it up with with everybody and in in a comfortable environment so I definitely support this and I'd like to sponsor jly noted councilman Crump uh councilwoman Scott Brown tree um I've had several ation council president with Mr Williams not knowing when he came before us that he was M the Mr Williams that I've been speaking to for quite a few months so I was a little taken back when you did come before us but then when you followed up with the phone call and I realized what your program was my sentiments are the same as councilman uh Council and councilman Trump that you are respectful you really have the community at heart you have the passion which is very important to want to help so not only do I commend you for being persistent and persevering but I really commend you for coming back with your paperwork because now you were prepared for today so congratulations on whatever takes place with your organization what you're doing with our seniors and our children and how come you didn't get a haircut thank you any question any additional questions or comments from Council Members councilman Kelly thank you council president um good evening Mr Williams I haven't had the uh opportunity to have a conversation with you but uh I do love the program the program is exactly like one that I did with 211 Community impact from like 2008 until I became counsilman um just without the mobile home so I I think that the program is great my only question is I hear that you you know you're in the South you're in the north um have you serviced the west or will you service the West yes um plan on services in West uh starting with Westside High School okay like uh when when when will you be doing that ex once it's funded once I'm funded okay so you have a you have a already a dating program you spoke to principal akar cook and I spoke with the principal which will uh allow me to come and do a a uh present a to the students about my organization great I would love to have a conversation with you as well so we can see some of the places in the west that you can possibly that would be in need of your services I'm open to that I did my research on you and I know about your uh your Venture in barbering and cosmetology also thank you any other questions or comments CN them thank you thank you Pres thank you next item Madam clerk oh I'm sorry can I get a second for councilman second by councilwoman Scott rree Madam chair I want to go back s our 1 a and and sponsor yes doly not that do I have a second second second by councilwoman Round Tree next item Madam clerk C is hope love kindness Crisis Intervention okay Madam president in C hope L kindness is being funded for domestic violence they are located at 500 Springfield Avenue they are being funded to provide 24-hour emergency services safe housing um the safe housing location the safe house location obviously cannot be disclosed counseling sessions and will'll take referrals from both the office of violence prevention and Trauma recovery and the Shaunie baraca Center okay questions or comments I just want to start off by seeing great work up there um you know I have opportunity to visit there um my team goes there quite often to the location and so definitely the work that you guys are doing up there Kirby and you and the team definitely you guys are putting it in even with other organizations coming up there working out of there definitely some great stuff happening there in the area where we need it um any other questions councilman Council yeah I definitely wanted to we is doing uh up on that Springfield Avenue Corridor and also around the city you you always been active and out here in terms of you know Crisis Intervention uh and um you know relaying services and information uh through all of the uh the school systems and more importantly on the street so I I definitely Echo and Kudo uh the work that he was doing and and doing out here so I wouldn't mind sponsoring this okay councilman Council wishes to sponsor do have a second second second by councilwoman Round Tree councilman rounde councilwoman Scott rree just I just want to say to ass we've been working together for quite some time I'm so proud that you never gave up and that you consistently stayed out there without any funding um Street doctor would be very proud um very very very proud very very proud he did this work between asking councilman counsel for White Castle hamburgers and so many things he asked for and did have to provide for the Youth that were going through bus rides to Coney Island on Father's Day I am so sure that as we pay respect to his memory that as an ancestor God is seeing his vision come through not just through some of those who are walk working in office of vience prevention but surely as someone he looked at as a little brother and a son God bless you thank you councilwoman Scott BR tree any other comments or questions councilwoman Kelly it's a quick comment just want to say uh congratulations to you man i' I've always seen you putting in the work throughout our city you know I appreciate you loving our city you know just like the ones who do love this city you show it so I appreciate you man thank you so much thank you councilman Kelly any other comments or questions Sienna thank you Mr Kirby next item Madam clerk D is welcoming waves Wellness LLC Madam president and Council welcome and waves is also being funded for domestic violence they will provide teleservices one-on-one counseling and relocation services to up to 200 victims group sessions will be included this individual is a licensed clinical social worker formerly employed by the shaie Baraka Center she has anou with hope Lov and kindness to work out of their Center and also is working in partnership with shaie baraca center after 6 PM for domestic violence victims okay councilman Council yeah Madam chair let me just say you know at the last meeting I'm I'm not sure if there was you know some uh miscommunication uh as it relates to uh out my support or Support over welcoming waves Wellness LLC um in support of of of uh the entire program uh again I just believe that we have uh the right and responsibility to make sure that we are are prudent uh in in terms of you know location and making sure individuals have locations or partnership locations that is appropriate um and has the right um uh guidance under it and and certifications to be able to run out of these locations so I want all of us you know to be aware of that that as we sit up here and fight against uh individuals who are in our community um that are that are doing wrong uh that we have a responsibility to make sure um that even individuals who are being awarded um grant opportunities are making sure that they do their due diligence at um getting good locations proper locations to run uh programmatic fixtures so so that we're fine so I I don't have a problem with sponsoring this okay I'm sorry you said you want to sponsor councilman council do you have a second okay uh councilman Council wish is the sponsor second by councilman Crump other questions and comments from Council Members I just wanted to clear up for the record I know last meeting we talked about the location where it was happening is it all tell uh okay um no it's no it's not um I will be partnering with love hope and kindness and providing resources and services um without I mean well within their establishment in addition to the shaie baraco Women's Resource Center okay good okay um any other questions councilman Kelly yeah you know my question um thank you council president my question is to all of the uh the companies that are coming up um will there be services in the west ward and the reason why I'm asking this is because the last community meeting we had with Deputy Mayor Yuri the mayor um director Kalisha when the question was asked who service the West H if there was 10 hands if there was 10 people in the room it was like one person raised their hand so when the rfps go out you know got a lot of money and it just seems that the West W is not getting the services so even though I support a lot of the companies who will be serviceing the west ward who is going to meet with me who's going to talk to me and talk about the West W other than Deputy Mayor Yuri and and director Kalisha giving me data so councilman um your question though the organizations have addresses listed that does not mean that those organizations are solely servicing just that specific Ward once we uh meet with the organizations we decide based on the data where the organizations will send their resources currently the data says that these organizations should be in the west ward and so after um we can get through this we'll make sure that we give you a list of organizations that will be servicing your ward their location that is listed on the RFP does not mean that they are solely servic in that w we decide where the organ where the organizations Place their services based on the data that we receive so this go around we have another meeting and I ask who service in the west W there will be a hands raised this time I might also add that at the meeting there were several hands raised probably not the amount of hands that you wanted to see raised but we will make sure this go around that there are additional resources placed in the west War right that's why I said if there was 10 hands 10 people in the room there was one hand raised so if there was a 100 there were 10 but we we we are trying councilman I I understand exactly what's happening in the west War the data does say that we need organizations in the west W and so we are looking to place this you know this round of RPS more organizations in your W to assist with what's happening that's all I ask just want to I just want to put on a record for us here um that these organizations and this grant money is federal money um and IT services the city of norc right I want to be clear about that I want to be clear for everyone is that is here everyone that's watching us um to the federal government and whoever else um is watching us today this is a Federal grant money so we're serviceing the city of norc I think what would be helpful director Wingfield is if you can give every council member um because everyone is interested in knowing what um you know each organization is like because if there a lot of organizations it would be good to give us a breakdown of each one and what their specialty is right so if we get constituents that call our office that need referrals I mean frankly my first thing would be just me as a council member I would call your office for them to get referrals to the right organization you think is you know possible because naturally uh council members don't reach out to third party vendors like we don't we don't do that so for example if we need a tree cut down we're not going to the tree vendor to say cut this tree down we go through the director of DPW to do that work because that's appropriate so I would say that somebody rather it's you or whomever I'm not sure of the umbrella makeup of Public Safety in terms of ovp but who should they contact you know who council members should contact in order to you know direct constituents who need assistance and you don't have to give that to us now but give that to council members so we know who to connect our constituents to organizational groups whoever it may be who who then you decide who they get connected to like you know or what organizations are directly impacted should be working with specific Wards I know you know during some of our time we talked about with the East wward and some of the things been going on down there and some people have been dispatched to help there they talked about the Forest Hill section you know earlier about some dispatching there so at the end of the day like you know you your your department can send that to and allow us to see who we should be contacting and who out of your office we should contact to get the right references for our constituents thank you council president that directory was created and should be distributed to your office no later than uh end of day Monday okay perfect thank you councilman Gonzalez would they work 24 hours let's say we have a a woman that is been ER abused at night ER are they available to serve them at night this organization will not be servicing victims at night their hours unfortunately end at 10 p.m. however hope love and kindness that just came before us has a 24-hour service for domestic violence victims that organization will be servicing DB victims 247 well that's I believe it's important that that that information be transmitted to us so that in the event that we have someone calling our offices or our cell phones that we can refer them to the proper agency because if if we were to refer let's say them to to the lady the lady would be able to to answer because she's not there at 10 o'clock after 10 o'clock but then the other entity is available so I believe it's important that we know the entities and the hours that they serve because otherwise I believe we we might refer people to the wrong entity noted councilman Gonzalez the directory will also list the hours of operation for each organ organization that's being funded by this RFP yes great all righty any other questions or comments from Council Members all right CNN thank you next item oh sorry e is prodical Sons and Daughters Behavioral Health Care Services Madam president and Council this organization is being funded for high-risk intervention to assist us with our rapid response efforts um after 72 hours once a victim is um shot or if a suicide happens this organization will provide individual counseling family counseling and crisis management their capacity is up to 54 individuals 27 Youth and 27 adults so also important to note that all of the individuals will receive a success plan and a safety plan that have been impacted by violence okay thank you questions or comments from council members I think um you can give us your name for for the record name is Minister Henry D Muhammad Hamilton okay Minister Henry thank you so much for joining us today um any questions I know there was a um a question last meeting in regards to the where services are taking place uh do you have any clarification regarding that because the last address we were given was a resident address well actually the resident address 333 K Avenue is where we admit where I was administrating my licensed clinical practice we were not actually doing um treatment on site um uh the site location that we had at the time was at 60 Evergreen Place and now we'll be moving our um activities up to 60 Franklin Street in East Orange I'm sorry 60 Franklin Street yes okay all righty questions additional questions and comments from Council Members councilman Council I just wanted uh a accurate uh address location okay any other questions S com councilman thank you Council pres I just what was the address you said 60 Franklin Street in East orang New Jersey and so question is I guess I question with regards to how many uh you currently run a program now how many nor residents do you have in your program um in in our program well at East orangs we had over maybe 100 clients you know on the roster but there was it was outpatient and intensive Outpatient Treatment um at our facility um since Co we had to kind of like you know modify you know the way we provide services and we had to do a lot of work in the community um when this grant came to us we we understood that it would be more Community focused um and being a native of North you know all my life and um working with many um nonprofit agencies um in the city of newk as a licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselor I provide services for numerous uh amounts of uh uh citizens in this city um and in the surrounding city of East Orange I inan our in our program at East Orange I would say the percentage of n residents that we service may be about 25 30% and if you if you would have received this excuse me if you would have received this grant you're going to be uh servicing 100% Nork residents with this oh yes I'll be yes that's the from what I understand the ecosystem is here in nor um we'll be working in collaboration with many of the other organizations in terms of providing Clinical Services as it relates to mental health and substitute disorder um assessments diagnosis treatment planning and um uh uh ancillary Services as well as monitoring and one more question this is really for director um with regards to uh monitoring and auditing do you confirm and this is just a general question not even really specifically for this one whether the do you confirm and audit to make sure that they are all know residents that are being serviced absolutely and so we do have program monitors and a compliance scam we do have a compliance manager Isaac green that sends the program monitors out their programmatic uh reports will list all of the uh residents that are being service here in nor in order for them to be reimbursed all right thank you thank you hey any other comments or questions from Council Members okayy CNN thank you so much all right next item madam clerk 7r1 f is a Cooperative purchasing agreement to purchase eight electric Refuge trucks for the Department of Public Works questions or comments regarding the purchase of these eight electric trucks for DPW fin yes councilman councilman Gonzalez finally we have yes finally director they said finally all righty next item 7 r1g through 7r1 o are temporary emergency Appropriations G is the home investment partnership program Grant H is provide for the housing opportunities for persons with AIDS the HOA Grant I is to purchase for the Emergency Solutions Grant I'm sorry to provide for the Emergency Solutions Grant J is a substance abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Grant K is the community resource center Grant L is the north Mars Canal Bikeway m is to support the training and deployment of community health workers n is to provide Ryan White HIV AIDS related health support services n o is the Emergency Management agency assistance subaward grant program thank you madam clerk any questions or comments from Council Members yes Madam not sure if if Lewis was here but on 7 7 uh r1m the uh support the training deployment for the uh Community uh health workers I know we we currently have uh a large amount of community health workers uh who are out doing this work and so I'm I'm not sure if this is going to uh specifically um allow us to get more uh you know health workers engaged I know about the training component uh but if you can come up and just speak a little bit on this if it if it's working yes sure collaboration with the health department so yes well you know our health director right she's ready we never have to guess about the health department welcome director it's afternoon good afternoon uh Katlyn osbrook director for the Department of Health so this is a Department of Health Grant um and it allowed us to tr train existing staff to service community health workers and better engage with the community that come in for services right okay any other follow-ups for the director councilman Gonzalez you had something well yeah I conversation with the director but it's unrelated to this yes it's about feeding the homeless yes I ask whether we have grand monies that that would pay let's say a restaurant or somebody to provide food for the homeless or the foods to places that the homeless can go and get fed yes uh councilman Gonzalez I have that information for you we did some research and I have a a few foundations and grant opportunities that restaurants can tap into so I'll just compile that information and send that over to you directly you're welome yes and we'll love to see it too I'm sure especially councilman Silva would love as long as it's not Peter Francisco par no it's I'm sure he'll love to see it as well all of us are you know um up in engaged on this situation that's happening with feeding and you know it's just creating a nightmare so we would love to see that information um councilman Kelly you had a follow up yes how you doing director um does any of these temporary um Appropriations are they associated with the mobile Health units that we're going to be uh launching too not this specific one no um we have our mobile units already in house we're just waiting for our oral health fan which is going to arrive in the next month or so um and they'll be staffed by nurse practition iers and um certified medical assistants and we'll provide you with the deployment plan um before we roll out in the spring thank you so much Gonzalez not for director I just want to ask a question regarding seven r one L okay hold on one second before we go to L any other questions for director um alsbrook before we move on okay great all right councilman Gonzalez I'm sorry L said $470,000 for for the says T Newark Morris Canal Bikeway 07 so I I would like to know what that is okay do we have somebody that can uh speak to this item no we're on 7r1 L and the council member councilman Gonzalez would like to have more information regarding the TV nor moris Canal Bikeway 07 it's for appropriation of $470,000 I'm sure it has to belong to someone no we're not sure good afternoon Eric Pennington business administrator yes hi Mr Pennington the appropriation is designed to provide funds to increase the bike pathways um the specific of that should be addressed by our engineering department and they're right behind you should come up and give additional information then well come on director come on skip on down it's great to see you yes good morning council president um and council members Dolores Martinez wooden director of department of engineering um so I'm going to have to get back to you this information because I know that we're working on the Citywide bike uh program and the bike plan um so I have to find out how this comes into play with having a Citywide plan ongoing right now okay well can you get back to us by the end of the day for this if not I'm sure the council members might want to defer this item yes ma'am okay thank you so much director next item Madam clerk I'm sorry do we have any other questions any comments okay next item I'm sorry Council M Kelly real quick I just wanted to say um thank you to the engineering department thank you to the director you know they came into the field with me last week and we hit some trouble spots in the west ward her and her team they were great we got some issues solved we got some issues that we have to deal with but I just wanted to say as much as I you know complain sometime when you come up I also want to be able to say thank you in public you did a great job last week thank you thank you thank you next item 7r1 p and 7r1 Q are Cooperative purchasing agreements p is to provide authorization to purchase various goods and services from approved vendors under Mars County cooperative pricing Council contracts and Q is to purchase grounds equipment from the Educational Services Commission contract questions or comments from Council Members regarding these two items CA next item 7r1 R are is competitive Contracting to provide online tax sales questions or comments councilman Gonzalez yes sir at one point in time there was only one entity that was providing this service I suppose now we go to to B to get this this contract awarded for $500,000 and the thing that worries me is how much money do we get on the sales to justify a $500,000 contract hello good morning my name is ranella I'm from the central purchasing department um I do not council member have the answer to that question but I can definitely get it for you um at the end of this week he duly noted uh Mr B do you have anything to add good afternoon again or good morning still Eric Pennington business administrator it's for an up to an amount over a period of two years and the expectation is that we will recruit sufficient dollars uh to Warrant this contract we we don't know on any particular moment how much it's going to be will depend upon what properties are available to be sold it's a competitive process and we expect that it will be advantageous for us but specifically beyond that you can't answer that right now just that it's our expectation it'll be appropriate what what has been the let's say the experience in the last two years if if you would provide that us fair question get you there okay um and Council mccum yeah thank you council president just a quick question regarding this so it's not to exceed $500,000 my question is how are they paid are they paid based upon a percentage of what's sold or no they're not they're paid per auction that they run in the amount properties that are in the auction and do we have a price as to each auction or how is that Bas do it's in the documents I can get that specific information to you all right thank you okay can we get that by the close of business today that'll be my yes oh great great so much you're always delivering thank you so much Mr ba um any other questions okay seeing the next item 7 r1s is an extension of an emergency contract to extend the emergency contract for the maintenance and repair of elevators and chair lifts jeez them elevators questions or comments from Council Members councilwoman Scott rry after being stuck in the thank you madam president and after being stuck in the elevator for 45 minutes and of God I was alone because I was able to handle it because it's someone else been there that might not have been able to handle that amount of time being confined um when I got off people were talking about oh my God I would have been stripping and oh my God and then we have seniors that when all of the elevators are out have to find a way to make it upstairs to the tax office we've been talking about elevators before I became councilwoman and so I don't know what the issue is I don't know what the problem is um with the circumstances with making sure that our elev I know this is a historic building I've heard everything every excuse possible but there have been times with all three including the freight elevator every other day and sometimes every day there's at least one or two elevators out so uh Madame engineer and whoever else is in charge Madame Clerk Madame President we've got to find a resolution and find it soon because it's unfair to someone who can't walk upstairs and then they come here and they come to pay their bills this is a public building and it's truly unfair that our constituents have to go through something that I don't know what it's going to take we've had issues with these elevators for quite some time before you director Wooten there've been issues I remember when the inside was fixed they made them look pretty on the inside side and it was better when the women was on the elevator and the men rolling the thing and closing the gate and taking us up and that goes back to probably before definitely L Monica was born but president Madam president I'm sorry but we really got to do something I'll take that I mean we've got to do something we got to do something have 80y old people calling the Council Office anding I'm here to pay my taxes but I can't walk up the stairs in the elev and we have to send our staff down that's young enough or most of our staff can do that and go down and meet the seniors and it's enough that they have to deal with some of the customer service and they can't get in the building the deal but then please please please whatever you need to do or whatever we need to do to help you find a resolution but make it a resolution that we won't have to come back talking about elevators every administration every six months every three months that's all I have to say council president thank you okay thank you councilwoman Scott rry any other comments questions all right any responses from the administration no okay next item 7r1 T is an application in agreement application acceptance of the 2024 anti violence out of school Grant with the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs division of Housing and Community Resources questions or comments from council members CNN next item 7r2 a through 7 r2d are all private sale Redevelopment I will go through each one individually a is to provide for a new construction of four affordable two family homes at least 80% Ami and one three family home to sell at market rate in the central W um any questions or comments regarding this item Cena next Item B is to rehabilitate properties into four three family homes three of which shall be sold at fair market value and one shall include affordable housing in the South Ward questions or comments from Council Members I'm fine with the item okay any other questions or comments from Council Members CNA C is to build three to Family new construction dwellings and sell Homes at market rate in the West North and South Ward questions or comments from Council Members well there's three WS right yeah West North and South councilman Kelly yeah I want to uh defer def okay councilman coun I mean councilman Kelly wishes to defer do I have a second second second by councilman Council any other comments or questions councilman Ramos yeah Madame President I I had emailed the few questions over to the deputy mayor yesterday when I read the um backup documentation to this um I just want to note that the assessed value that was given to us is is a combined assess value you know these properties are located in three distinct uh neighborhoods and I would just like to see um a breakdown of what the assessed value is based on each property and then secondly there the there's no restriction in terms of um the agreement with the developers on this property so you know this is for construction to sell at market rate and um you know the property located at r street if we look at comparable sales for new construction in that neighborhood uh or in that surrounding Community you you're looking at upwards of $6 700,000 uh sale value of for new construction so you know I'm curious to see what the estimated assessed value is for the property on Rich Street and um why is it that we're selling this at a subsidized um square footage amount and not requiring the developer to build um any kind of affordable units and then secondly um I know a lot of individuals have inquired about this property over the years just curious to see how many letters of intent or whatever they call it were submitted for the rich Street property and why is it that this entity is being considered as opposed to the other uh letters that came in duy noted councilman and I saw your email too I'm sure EHD has it so we'll look to get that information uh from EHD and U Madam clerk if you can just follow up with a request to on on the items that's been it um any other questions regarding this deferred item councilman Gonzalez that has always been my concern that they say we are transferring wealth uh to entities that sometimes do not reside in the city whose owners are doesn't don't have any relationship to the city here we have a lot that the market value of that lot ER is probably over50 $50,000 and we are selling three lots for $62,000 I can say because I had a lot on the same side of Bloomfield Avenue we that we were offer $150,000 for we built a two family home in that lot so it's a I don't understand why the city of nor continues to transfer wealth to this enti enti that don't have any relation to the city of New York they are not building affordable housing I believe that yes we can transfer wealth to an entity that is going to give a benefit to the city in terms of affordable housing or housing that is going to be rented at lower than the market rate but in these cases this is market rate so I don't I don't understand and using the assessed value as I've indicated here before is not the best measure of the value of the property assess value in the city of nework at this point in time is like 50% of the market value of the property or less and when we say here assess value $68,000 we are sending the wrong message to the people of the City I believe that it should be the market value of the property and not the assess value of the property that is used toly noted councilman Gonzalez um like I said we're going to have follow-ups this item is being deferred but if we can have a followup from the Department regarding all of the questions and explanations that are being requested from the council members regarding this item next item Madam clerk D is to provide reconstruction and remodeling of existing three Family House in the South board questions or comments from Council Members Madam chair I'm fine with this project okay any other questions or comments the assess value of this property I don't know the condition of this property if you see the assess value is $175,000 the selling price $30,000 so even if the assess value was the correct value that it's not ER we are transferring $145,000 to someone that lives in fvw New Jersey so why yeah I mean I just want to say too to the council that you know we are we we have the ability to go and amend the ordinance um that was adopted on April 7 2004 I mean the sell price item was set by this Council you know let's say I believe the the $4 or $6 at the time was this floor the city has the option of requesting a higher price and in one there was $13 this one is $12 so we have been told many times that we and every every item says pursuant to the ordinance sign on that's the minimum that we can ask the $6 is a minimum we should be exploring what the market can command instead of what the ordinance is that's true but this Council can change that too so that's my point yeah you know I mean we can change that we can put in you know what we feel as though they should be doing based off the market or whatever the case might be but this Council has the legislative ability to do so I mean I just want to put that on because it's been a conversation for quite some time and I think we we keep saying it like you know someone's going to come and change it or whatever the case might be or do o opposite but I think this Council if we want to get together and you know come up with some language or change that we we have the ability to do that um do doly noted councilman Ros yeah I just want to note that the the property here is estimated to be sold at $12 a square foot um it's not at the four or six that are covered by the ordinance you know my my question is always the same one is like how do these groups find out that a particular property is owned by the city and submit these letters of intent like how how do we encourage transparency in the process to ensure that there's a Level Playing Field as it relates to accessing city-owned property you know because who is this group how do they find out about this property I understand in cases that come before us where you have adjacent Property Owners or people who live in in a particular community that know that there's a lot that is an isore and and it's owned by the city but when you see these outside groups um consistently coming here and buying property from the city where people who live in norc have attested to the fact that they've submitted letters of intent as well like what evaluation process do the department use how do we ensure moving forward that we can publicize a list of these lots and have a process that protects you know the Integrity of the city Deputy Mayor L good morning afternoon uh council president uh and council members Alison lad director of Economic and Housing Development um I wanted to address a couple items and then uh absolutely follow up on the specific questions per each um item on the agenda so uh first I think uh which is really good news to share with Council we now have have a list published on the website um it was published in January it has about a 100 properties listed there um and they are available so that is been published um it was just towards the end of January so I I'm glad to be able to share that with you uh second on pricing I will say that I understand the questions around market conditions and the pricing that we're selling properties for I'd also note though that over the last years I know we've actually doubled the price of land in the city for our sales so when I first met you about four years ago we were selling land at $4 or $6 a square foot I will say today we are selling land at $12 or $13 a square foot and sometimes we're actually selling it at higher valuations depending upon the type of project so I do want to just note that we have heard the council's questions around pricing and we are trying to advance uh the um stated policy objectives that I've heard from Council and that the administration's heard from Council um third the ability to know what properties are owned by the city is not just a function of what the city publishes if one goes to the county records the County tax records can actually pull what is owned by the city um as I know many of you know uh so even if it's a blind um request we will get requests from a lot of people who are in the real estate business business and so that is going to come from people who live in nework and those that do development and that's going to be anywhere um because the market in nework is getting hotter and hotter by the day and so people want to come to our city the last point I'd say is I think that the council along with of course our mayor mayor Baraka has worked to provide more Equitable uh programs that are in place so that we can actually provide the housing types and uh sell land to um in an equitable way uh so one from the land bank that was passed about five years ago and much of the land there's about uh 60 70 properties at the landbank I know that is primarily focused on local developers that are accessing that land um I say two we just had the lottery for the seven homes that are being sold for a dollar for the residents to advance home ownership um and I think that the last point I'd say is is that you you all passed an ordinance I know last year um at the administration's support to really focus on community- based organizations um and focus on affordable housing so you will see more of that into 2024 um the reason why you aren't seeing that always in your current approvals is because some of these are older projects um so one project in particular the LOI came in in 2020 or 2021 so when you think back to the process in which it takes for us to get to approval it does take some time and so sometimes it's older uh applications that have that are coming before you today okay any additional questions or comments I know there's some followup but anything else seeing none thank you um Deputy Mayor lab next item 7r2 e through 7r2 J are all Professional Services contracts e is to provide on call environmental Consulting Management Services f is to provide real estate appraisal services G is to provide planning consultant Services H is to provide planning consultant Services I is to provide planning consultant services and J is to provide on call environmental Consulting Management Services questions or comments from council members CN 7r2 K is authorizing the Nork Central planning board to undertake a preliminary investigation to determine if an area is in need of Redevelopment in the north Ward questions or comments from Council Members seeing none next item 7R 3A is to authorize the use of competitive Contracting for the procurement of dockless vehicles for use in the city's public right away questions or comments from Council Members I do want to make a note U Madam clerk that if we can from today's date if we can schedule a 60-day followup to have this company as well as the department of engineering back in front of the council um to review if there's been Improvement um we you know spent a lot of time talking about this for the last couple of months um in regards to some of the concerns that the uh council members have um with pickup and you know a ton of other issues um and we need to continue to stay on top of this because we we just the weather's going to get nice we're going to be back into the same situation you know last summer and definitely some of the things problems we have now and we want to continue to have this at the top of our priority list um as it relates to these dockless vehicles um so 60-day followup to invite the company as well as engineering back in front of the council for review certainly questions or comments from can we also receive uh uh updated uh information about processes uh as it relates to um you know community outreach uh as it relates to um numbers that individuals can get in contact with about pickup turnaround time is it 24 hours is it 48 hours is it two weeks one week and uh information on the number of of Newark individuals who are employed of course Billy noted councilman Gonzalez I see that we split the contract yes any reason for exitting it the other company didn't want to well I'll say briefly that there was an issue well without getting into any technical difficulties with the contract I don't want to speak out of turn um but there was an issue with the other company um that they had you know and we you know need to needed to they are they going to pick up their the the bikes that they have on the street yes I I don't I haven't seen any bird bikes lately on the street yeah mam president Deputy I'm sorry let's go to the first question um I don't know if you want to elaborate a little bit more on that but in terms of their current things that they do they have any current dockless Vehicles still out there sure um good morning um Madam president and council members I just wanted to clarify so yes we did have to split the contract because we are working some things out with the other company clarify um some um U particulars so we want to move on with vo um at this point they are going to continue operating on the pilot they are still responsible for picking up the units everything still applies all rules and regulations still apply um this step is to um actually solidify accountability because now we will be in a contract uh with uh one of the company servicing while we work out the issues with the other company so the other companies still have machines on the street or or not they do they are both still providing services and again they are being held accountable by the rules of the pilot this company in particular and the item in front of you uh will move on to have a contract with the city so that we can financially have a contract with them as well Council Ros I just want to say thank you to director I had one of the bird bikes in front of my house for about five days and I reached out to her and somehow it disappeared so I don't know she personally picked it up I didn't personally pick it up but we had him pick up we us prop channels and they came in and I came I came by councilman Ramos and I picked it up for you um can you recirculate the uh contact just for Council Members again and also working with communication I know there was like a flyer that was put out duly for V bird together if we can get just a flyer alone itself that Communications and everyone else can circulate for residents where they can be able to contact via or and or when they have a situation with one of their dockless vehicles that needs to be put out widely we we have to put that out I know we put out some bike riding rules and all of that but we need to put that out widely hopefully the bike riding rules will sent to nor Public Schools too and some of the other uh locations to try to help you know put this information out there to um their students because some of them are riding even though they're not supposed to some of them but they riding like that's the reality um so we need to put that out to them but more importantly we have to make an effort to put out to our residents who they should contact UM to pick up those you know those uh dockless Vehicles yeah I don't know why I want to call it something else any other additional questions or comments Gonzalez you have something else okay Al righty thank you uh director thank you next item 7 r3b and 7r3 C are both designating bus stops B is bus stop at Long Fellow Avenue and South Orange Avenue in the west W and C is adding a bus stop to Raymond Boulevard Eastbound at Commerce Court in the central Ward questions or comments regarding these two items CNN next item seminar 4A is to provide software maintenance and upgrades questions or comments Thea 7 r5a is an application acceptance of Grant funds to support the education of a diverse nurse practitioner population and underserved communities questions or comments from Council Members CN 7 r5b is amending applying acceptance of Grant funds to provide a no cost extension of the period to expend funds questions or comments CNN 7 or8 a is urging New Jersey transit to remove and relocate a bus stop to relocate bus stop at 162 164 urvan Turner Boulevard to 170 urvan Turner Boulevard sponsored by council president mcgyver questions or comments from Council Members CNN second um which someone like to second second second by councilwoman Round Tree next item 7 r8b is recognizing and commending resolutions and 7 r8c is expressing profound sorrow and regret questions or comments or all right next item 7 r9a is a licensing agreement to utilize space for the installation operation and maintenance of communication equipment questions or comments from Council Members CNN next item 7R 11a is an application for Grant funds and application for supplemental Grant funds to redesign Broadway Park and develop a site into a new city park nice um any questions or comments from council members councilman Ramos sponsor please okay councilman Ramos Wishes the sponsor do I have a second second second by councilman Crum yeah and Madam president yes uh if if at some point we could just get an update from the administration terms of where this project is I mean we' it's been in progress for a few years and there's still um you know the lot looks the same that it did three years ago so I'm just trying to figure out where the TPL is with this project M chair duly noted uh councilman Ramos councilman we'll work with uh councilman Ramos we have a a park committee meeting that's coming up and so we're going to discuss uh these issues at the park committee uh meeting I know there was some issues with some some environmental issues at Broadway uh that slowed the process up and I know the approval of this is helping that they can be able to go out and get the remainder of the grant uh funds to be able to work on the park and there was some design mechanism in place but we'll provide an update on what was happening once we uh complete the park committee meeting so I just want to bring that uh note to you chair oh great thank you so much um councilman Council for that update regarding your committee um next item 8A was discussed earlier 9A will be returned to the administration and 9B was discussed earlier council president council members we do have five added starters that are compressed into relatively two added starters okay EHD and finance has two added starters each two tax appeals and two local Finance board applications related to the tax appeals I mean I'm sorry tax abatements so EHD has two Tax abatements and Finance has two local Finance board applications relative to to the tax abatement and the law department has one pre-litigation settlement okay can we get a little info on these I know first of all I just want to say one of course the deputy mayor we can uh count on you know I hate to always got a call out the deputy mayor and the uh Health Department but uh definitely we are thankful for our Deputy Mayor Who provided us additional information regarding these via email but if you can uh come up Deputy Mayor and just um elaborate for the public and those that are here regarding these items that you have yes Madam president and council members Allison lad director of Economic and Housing Development uh so today we are asking for your consideration on um really uh important items uh before us uh and we do apologize for the added starter request the first is um NJ PAC phase one and phase two I know many of you have been watching this development in this project and are anxious to see it start construction this is an important step for us to be able to get the funding necessary from the state so uh the reason why we're bringing it to for you as an added starter is is that we need to go to the local Finance board next Wednesday and then it'll be on the New Jersey Eda board as well and so with that we are asking for your uh consideration in um in short order okay project oh sorry no I'm sorry oh I apologize council president the the project is transformative which I do know the council has approved a transformative uh designation for the phases um of njac and also I just wanted to close by saying I know the tax abatement committee was gracious enough to consider this project on January 24th uh through council member Gonzalez's chair um and I know yourself and council member Council were able to be available Council president and we appreciated the expedited um approval process in Chambers we do have uh John triber uh the president and CEO of njpac along with his Council um John Lloyd thank you so much Deputy Mayor and I will sponsor the item for njac second by councilman Kelly um I'm definitely excited of course about this project I think many of us have heard much about it um a lot about it including the community because we help you know multiple Community meetings as well for this item so we're definitely you know supportive I know I support it it's definitely going to be transformational for you know the city of nor not just um the central Ward or the downtown but definitely it's going to be great for the city of Nork so thank you for um this item even though it's an added starter um definitely uh very supportive of it next item uh thank you the next item is uh for um a condemnation uh settlement uh so it's pre-litigation and uh Corporation council's office has been helpful along with outside Council which we have is dotus so this item is related to a condemnation action that we've been working on with the seabras who own property along the basic river near lit 21 the uh reason for this action is because what we are doing is we will be purchasing the land to do work with New Jersey uh D along with the expansion of Riverfront Park and we've agreed on a settlement of amount uh to acquire the property the amount is $1.95 million and it'll actually be reimbursed by New Jersey DP um I do know in closing I've been in uh communication with council member Silva who's also been wanting to advance this U critical matter okay um any questions from Council Members councilman Silva any questions any additional comments I just want to thank the U deputy mayor for working on this and getting this finally done CU I think this goes back to like 2015 or something like that I'm not sure and so it's been a while noted councilman Silva any other comments councilman council did you have a comment I'm just looking forward to uh the completion of the entirety of the project you know I know uh when I was the uh former director we work vigorously to get this done and so many different changes uh along that Waterfront and so you know hopefully we get to uh the Finish Line on this and and the folks can be able to enjoy the uh project in its totality correct and also too if I can ask if we can get um the department on the agenda to give us an update on the waterfront it's been some time now we'd be happy too uh any other questions okay next added starter do you own the next one no ma'am but thank you very much for your consideration thank you so much Deputy Mayor um oh Ben do you own the next ones okay they're EHD related though yes good afternoon Benjamin Gman Department of Finance uh the two resolutions that we're asking to be on is that its stter are EHD related those are resolutions so that way we can submit the application to the local Finance board for their meeting next week um and again it's in uh in conjunction with the ordinances that the deputy mayor uh just presented to you totally noted thank you Ben any question for Ben Council M just to just just to clarify or for my ification so there's two different there two different resolutions they one for the phase one one for phase two correct yes thank you any other questions all righty thank you Ben welcome that concludes the agenda bam president all right before we move on to public comment any comments or requests from council members any announcements all right public comment we are now in the public comment portion of this meeting where each speaker will have 3 minutes to speak please state your name for the record is there anyone wishing to approach the podium good afternoon good afternoon uh I guess I just had quick question is this about the meeting of citizens cuz I know my name is on the list that's for tomorrow today we're in pre- meeting so we have a public participation session here too oh okay okay well thank you so much Madam president actually I'm actually here because I wanted to share some information with you guys I know that somebody um I'm not sure how do I disseminate this or how do I get this to thank you I do AP also I wanted to make sure that um DPW had one as well now I just want you guys to uh know I'm a concerned citizen so I I'm I'm just trying to do our best um and I don't want my city embarrassed and so the information I'm sharing is about um if you went on page eight of the one today it says something about a cases Refuge trucks now I looked up the name of the person who is responsible right you'll be able to follow along with me so abalonia I looked up the name it looks like that person was associated with someone who was a owner of a truck dealership it says in the new this is back in 2007 it says the owner of truck dealership admits bribing public officials so it says the guilty plea by Matthew abalonia um he pleaded guilty in federal court so in nor um the charges carried up to 20,000 um Kelly he implicated his own brother we can't have that uh abalonia is also the co-owner of International Trucks of central New Jersey based in Hillside and so Michael abalonia is the person who was supposed to be getting this $5 million for this grant so I looked up the information it seems like they're using the same address 225 US Highway um they trying to say it's West in in Wall Township but it's not Wall Township because there's only 1225 Route 22 and so I just don't want us to be caught up doing business with people that you know have already been known to do illicit contracts now what they'll say is well we didn't contact these people sourcewell did and so they went through a thir party but these are the only people we could do business with I think it's important for us not to do business with people who are already known to be corrupt and so the aalona family already is known to be corrupt they were already pleaded guilty and my opinion was this spinning on block this was them getting their get back I mean we got one of their boys and sent them to jail in nor and now they was gonna come spin the block and get this $5 million so I think that we could be doing business with somebody else so just look into this for me that's thank you so much um Mr McDougall for this information and definitely um if we can take a look into this uh Corp Council as well as the ba and the DPW director regarding this information next speaker good afternoon George Tillman good afternoon president thank you U Madame President um I want to just go back to um the tax abatement um that at the last public hearing hearing on the 24th of January um councilman Ramos asked Deputy Mayor lad regarding her position on why the application was being submitted and the project was almost 24 months into uh development one of the things that she stated was that they waited for the same developer who had a project at 45 Williams Street was non- compant she also stated that the same developer at 155 Jefferson um a stop work order was was issued by the state uh for wages and some other things um 303 Washington street that the tax abatement was application was presented for have been in development almost two years non-compliant with our affirmative action however you voted yes and approved the tax abatement when they were not in compliance as she stated on one development prior 45 William Street so what were we waiting for what were the damages that this company that was non-compliant that you gave a a tax abatement for they were already non-compliant on one abatement they were started development without getting the abatement and wasn't compliant for the two years that they've been down on 33 Washington but you granted the tax abatement and I asked you and I'm not getting any response but at some point you're G to have to answer why you voting yes to these tax abatements when one again they're not compliant to the ordinances that we continue to discuss I haven't got a a a definitive answer from the administration who's doing the compliance when asked about who's doing the compliance she stated it wasn't the the nework Employment Commission as stated by the ordinance so there is no compliance being done she stated that it's not being done per the ordinance she gave other additional reasons other people who are doing compliance but the fact of the matter is we gave an abatement to someone that she stated was non-compliant and we were waiting for them to come into compliance what makes you think they're gonna comply and why did you vote yes please I'd like your answer thank you thank you thank you Mr Tillman for your comments I just want to and the deputy mayor is definitely allowed to come up um and talk you know in reference some of the things you said but specifically 303 Washington they got into compliance we talked about that at the meeting here um the last meeting they were deferred multiple times because they weren't in compliance for quite some time be honest they were on the agenda for many times coming before us and we deferred them each time um until we could until they could get into compliance and which they did um and that is why they were approved why this Council um voted for them so that was what happened we didn't vote for them um for their abatement while they were in non-compliance they were in compliance and we received um that information and proof of that information that they were in compliance so that answered the question regarding 303 Washington specifically next speaker I hope you don't believe that but anyway manir buman first I want to say uh kudos to the New York attorney general for rounding up those city employees at no B Housing Authority I also want to say to the New Jersey and US attorney general it's time for you to step it up I want to say kudos to tap into n for win in the case to grant us the right to view those documents because we are the taxpayers of this city I also want to say which one of those groups that we had that you're funding cuz the rubber ain't meeting the road but which one of those groups are helping these seniors that are being that's being illegally evicted and scammed some of them being scammed by our council members such as Pat council with Carolyn uh Betty shabaz we want you to pay her money pay her her money okay because we ain't gonna play also I want to say that I'm quite sure MLK Malcolm X Harriet Tubman Marcus garby and all our freedom fighting ancestors are kicking over their caskets about these sellouts failure the failure and treason that is being committed by these Negroes that's occupying our government your leadership is a void fail leadership no other way to describe you I want to say to the residents of the city wake up and stand up and say not on my watch not on my watch fail housing and homeless plan not on my watch the fail crime plan not on my watch the fail slum Lords not on my watch police and governmental terrorism fraud and budget mismanagement of our tax dollars not on our watch fail leadership like I said said not on our watch crime and Corruption not on our watch that's what we the people of the city of nework have to say we have to say enough is enough not on our watch now I just helped a a senior that was illegally evicted and I hope that hope and pray when I reached out to my Council that there will be some remedy to this it is unacceptable that you are illegally evicting our seniors a 74 year old senior the courts evict people not housing authority and not slum Lords thank you miss bonami your time has now expired thank you so much for your comments next speaker okay seeing no other speaker public comment is now closed any responses from Council Members okay seeing none thank you all so much for coming out to our pre meeting we look forward to seeing you back at tomorrow's meeting starting at 12:30 sharp have a great day all the stuff they saying it's all testimony stand up m