good morning welcome to the pre meeting of the Newark Municipal Council on Tuesday March 19th 2024 good morning Madam president council members we have appointments this morning can we start on page 32 of the agenda the first appointment is item 8 C an appointment to the African commission Miss Alam ammed please step to the podium good morning Miss ahed thank you so much for joining us today you are being recommended for appointment to the African commission do you have a com or a statement to the council good morning thank you all for having me on this wonderful morning um the only comment or brief statement that I want to say is I thank you all for coming here thank you I thank you all for coming in today and welcoming me I appreciate the consideration for uh to become the African Council um my dream and my passion is to serve commissioner I'm sorry my dream and my passion is to serve my community and to help out my fellow members and I'm glad to be here with you all and to be given this appointment thank you all thank you so much we are it's a pleasure to have you um definitely thank you for your um to your willingness to volunteer um and and serve the city of nework any questions from Council Members councilwoman Scott Round Tree no just congratulations righty well with that being said thank you so much and congratulations thank you so much have a great day the second appointment on page 33 is item 8 D an appointment to the African commission Amar nine zakari thank you so much Mr zakari for joining us today you are also being a recommended for appointment to the African commission do you have a statement to the council yes I just want to say thank you for having me this morning and I'm really grateful to be appointed to serve in that capacity because I understand the dream of the city is to bridge the gap between various people in different Community to make sure we push the agenda for Equity transparency and then advancements in in terms of technological advancement so with the capacity that I'm giving that particular opportunity I'm definitely going to help to make sure I push the city's agenda to make sure we put our city on the global map thank you thank you so much Mr zakari any questions councilman Council yeah Madam chair I like the sponsor oh doly noted councilman council do I have a second second second by councilwoman Scott Round Tree any other comments conratulations sir congratulations thank you thank you thank you our final appointment this morning is on page 34 item 9A an appointment to the Civilian Complaint review board faran Ali Esquire hi good morning good morning how are you thank you so much for joining us uh you are being appointed to the ccrb um do you have any comments or statements to the council I just wanted to thank everyone this morning um also the recommendation by lassad Al Pedro and the mayor's office really looking forward to uh giving back to the city all right thank you any questions or comments from Council Members spor oh councilman Gonzalez Wishes the sponsor do I have a second second by councilman Quintana thank you so much Mr Ali congratulations council president council members we are on page four of the regular agenda item five reports and recommendations of City officers boards and commissions questions or comments from council members seeing none ordinances on first reading 6fa is an ordinance amending title 8 businesses and occupations to create chapter 39 smoke shops and establish rules and regulations questions or comments from Council Members regarding this item M chair I I believe councilman Council sponsor us okay councilman Council wish is the sponsor I think councilman Council was the sponsor four as well do I have a second second second by councilwoman Round Tree any other comments all right Sienna next item 6fb is an ordinance amending title 8 businesses and occupations to create chapter 40 commercial motor vehicle parking lot license and establish rules and regulations I believe councilman Council you were sponsor on this as well yes my apologies and do I have a second second by councilman Crump any additional questions or comments CNA next item public hearing second reading and final passage 6p psfa is an ordinance amending title 7 State uniform construction code enforcing agency chapter 2 permits and fees section three construction permit to add provision exempting City occupied properties questions or comments from Council Members regarding this item CA 6p sfb is an ordinance amending title 8 businesses and occupations to create chapter 41 Intermodal container lot license and establish rules and regulations questions or comments from Council Members CNN next item 6p sfc council president council members there's a request to defer this item duly noted next item 6 psfd is an amending ordinance authorizing the mayor and or his design to enter into and execute a third amendment to the agreement for the conveyance of real property with New Jersey schools Development Authority modifying certain Milestones any questions or comments from Council Members regarding this item CNA 6p SF is an ordinance providing for a cap ordinance to exceed the established Municipal appropriation limit and to establish a cap Bank any questions or comments from Council Members CNA 6 psf is an ordinance amending title 10 finance and Taxation chapter 23 25-year tax exemption and abatement by amending multiple sections and reestablish reinstating the granting of the 5-year tax exemption and abatements for multiple dwellings commercial and Industrial structures any questions or comments regarding the um fiveyear tax abatement I know that there is a sponsor for this is councilman Silva which I'm sure he'll be here tomorrow and then councilman Gonzalez is second it thanks councilman crom I see you I got you thank you for the thank you all righty next any I'm sorry any questions though about the fiveyear before we move on comments all right CNN resolutions 7r1 a through 7r1 D are temporary emergency Appropriations for the Office of Management and budget A is for the city hall Skylight Grant B is to provide funds for the operating expenses until the adoption of the 2024 operating budget C is for the Emergency Solutions Grant and D is for the Newark pedestrian program questions uh councilman consalez yes to be Mr Mr ba we are in March April is the the date I see I see so many other um municipalities having their budget discussions already don't be looking at me like that it's coming all right dly noted um any other questions regarding these items all right next item 7r1 e is an exception to public bidding to provide support and maintenance of proprietary computer software and Hardware questions or comments from Council Members regarding this item CA next item 7 hour 1f is an extension of emergency contract to provide removal and replacement of three elevators located at 110 William Street 94 Williams Street and 394 University Avenue for the next nine months o elevators broke everywhere um questions or comments from Council Members regarding this item councilman Gonzalez I just want to go back if I can yes sure any questions regarding this one before we go back all right CNN councilman Gonzalez yes Steve is 6 psfc the inssurance of the bonds for $500,000 I just want to know the reason why we're deferring it I'm sorry the reason why we're what deferring it oh because we were requesting more information I think the administration is waiting on regarding Georgia King Village ah okay yeah this is uh the norc museum project with the um L&M so that's why any other questions all right 7r1 G through 7r1 L are all contracts with subrecipients to provide emergency shelter Services G is the apostles house H is YMCA of newk and vicinity I is St James Social Service Corporation J is HBP rain Foundation K is Bridges Outreach and L is Catholic Charities of the arch dasis of nework any questions from Council Members regarding these shelter services and homelessness um services from these from these yes Madam chair council counil at some point uh can we have a uh special meeting with these providers just to talk about where they are uh in terms of you know their capacity homeless populations issues concerns um that may be happening duly noted councilman Council Madam clerk if we can get them on for the next special um to have them come before us I know one of their number one complaints is that they cannot get paid on time when it is time to cut the check for these folks who are already nonprofits already doing the most with the little with a little bit of funds they cannot get paid on time and I know it's not specifically geared towards the department but whatever our process I know councilman Gonzalez talks about this a lot in regards to how long it takes us to issue payments to them so that's going to be their number one complaint because we just can't pay them on time it's I don't I don't know what's to hold up any other comments or questions regarding that matter these matters all right um CNN we'll have them at the next special next item 7r1 m is an application acceptance of the 2024 Brick City peace Collective Grant to submit an application and enter into agreements with the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs division of Housing and Community Resources for the 2024 Brick City peace Collective Grant any questions or comments regarding this resolution to submit for this grant CN N 7r2 C through 7r2 I'm sorry 7 r2a through 7r2 C are private sale Redevelopment agreements a is to provide for new construction of a four story 10 unit building with market rate rentals and two affordable rentals with a parking lot in the South Ward councilman Council I'm going to ask for this item to be deferred okay the item is being asked to be deferred do I have a second second second by councilman Kelly Kelly yeah 7 r2b is to provide for new construction of a 26 unit senior affordable housing building in the South Ward councilman Council ask for this item to be deferred okay the how about we go with councilwoman Round Tree this time 7r2 C is provide for a new construction of senior housing with 67 affordable units at 60% area medium income in the South Ward councilman Council fine with this okay any other questions from other council members regarding this item this is 7r2 C okay CNN Madam chair I want to sponsor this item as well thank councilman Council wishes to sponsor I heard a second by councilman Crump okay any other questions comments okay Siena next item 7 r2d is Need for housing project to determine whether the proposed project will meet an existing housing need within the South board questions or comments from Council Members councilman Council yeah Madam chair I'm fine with this like to move it as well okay councilman Council wishes to sponsor do have a second second by councilman Crump any other questions or comments from Council Members regarding this item CNN 7 r2e is the 2024 annual budget for the Ironbound business improvement district introducing the 2024 annual budget for the Ironbound business improvement district thank you madam clerk uh questions councilman Silva yeah I'd like to sponsor this please okay councilman second second by councilman Gonzalez any other questions regarding this item okay see you none next item 7r2 f is a resolution of support to provide support for the submission of an application for tax credits sought by the redeveloper from the New Jersey Economic Development Authority Brown Phil's Redevelopment incentive program questions or comments from Council Members regarding this item councilman Council I would like to move this item as well oh yes you like to sponsor Council council do I have a second second by councilman Kelly okay any other questions comments Siena next item 7 r3a is the authority to establish a dedication by writer trust requesting approval of the local Finance board for a dedicated trust by rider for permits for shared dockless Vehicles application and revenue fees uh questions or comments would we like the director to come up to give more information director wooden good morning dores Martinez W director of department of engineering um this item uh establishes a trust in which uh the proceeds from the registration from the dock services in the Newark go program can go back to um be used for for um uh making uh infrastructure projects like Paving and and um mostly striping um so that we can provide safe uh Lanes we're uh now in the process of uh the development of the Citywide uh bicycle um uh program uh so whatever proceeds we get from the newer go we want to be able to uiz them in the traffic division to make um many uh uh safy uh uh implementations that are necessary while the program goes questions from Council Members councilman Gonzalez so this These funds will not be used in the general fund These funds are going to be dedicated to improvements so that the the users of this vehicles have a a safer have safer conditions yes Council M Gonzalez that that's correct um as the program um progresses on a permanent basis I know that we're going to find um possible safety deficiencies so we want to be able to have funds available from the program to correct these deficiencies okay other questions from Council Members regarding 7R 3A oh okay councilman Gonzalez wish is a sponsor do I have a second second by councilman Kelly any other questions mam chair yes Council real quick question I know we're in Paving season now if there's possibility to for us to get updates on where we are with Paving projects and our specific WS Yeah we actually asked for that do you guys have the list yet we are currently working on the list uh we're trying to uh secure a little bit more uh City funds so we can have a solid contract and um the federal governments are I'm sorry the federal funded uh Paving contract uh projects will be commencing I would say end of May so we're working on uh what you know what streets we have available um you you probably see that in the next couple of weeks I would say because we have to secure funding as you know we only have like certain amount of funds so we want to kind of um you know we're already working with the ba to secure a little bit more since Paving is seasonal we want to get more frone loaded on on our end when it comes to the funds uh to be able to put a list together so basically the federal funding this includes State funding too for for Paving do we get any state funding for Paving yes so we we get uh like local Aid NJ doot uh njtpa um uh ran projects and federal funding as well so we have some major projects coming up unfortunately you know they're like not unfortunately it's like they're in areas that are in dire need but it's not necessarily areas that we travel all the time like mlen for example we're gonna overhaul the entire strip of mlen mlen from freeling hous and to like grout one and nine um that's something that is going to you know help us on the commercial level not necessarily for every everybody across the city so we have that those major uh we have three of those major projects going on in the summer we're just going to secure funds on the front and again for the city the city funded projects so all of the federal funding and state funding we're waiting for that to come in before we get a list of those paven streets so we have some streets in the federal but the federal government has not approved them to move on okay the only ones that we're carrying um uh uh carrying on um council president is the ones that we know for sure they're already after they're already designed those are the major thway ones that I described like uh mlen I think we have Doras Avenue so we have some major ones going on the ones that include um side streets um not necessarily thorough ways those are pending approval from the federal government for funding and then our funding for Citywide which will will allow us to generate um we are again from loading the the schedule um working with the Ba's office so that we can put in because we have to have um how much however much we need for the contract itself to move on with the city streets so can we get let's get a full breakdown list to each council member um you can give one report to us all but just by W um of all of the paving projects that are going to be happening this season um that includes federal state um all of the funding we get along with General funds and in addition to any streets that PSG is going to pave um we need a full list breakdown of that so we can know what we're expecting what's going to happen you know uh during this Paving season or whenever that begins and also if possible to give us a official date of when Paving will kick off regardless of which bucket of those items which one is going to take place first so if PS PSG is going to be the last week of March if the state's going to be the middle of week it'll be good to help us uh navigate that so that we know yes council president any other questions or comments from director for for director Wen uh councilman Ramos yeah uh thank you madam president um you know with with this item it's not necessarily connected specifically to it but but as you're out there doing the evaluation of bike Lanes especially in the neighborhoods um I would ask your office to pay particular attention to um Mount Prospect Avenue between heler Parkway and um Tiffany you know some years ago city was in receip of a grant through the uee program and they did a major streetscape which included the installation of um unprotected bike Lanes essentially from um hel Parkway down to Tiffany uh through your office they were able to uh I think it was the last year the year before repave mon Prospect from Monclair Avenue down to Verona and they created protected bike Lanes so so the bike Lanes in that particular area are not contiguous anymore and um it kind of looks awkward and I I believe it presents some kind of pedestrian or or or biker safety concern because you have unprotected bike Lanes on two blocks and then you have a protected bike lane in the newly paved area so I would ask if if your office can evaluate and let us know when you think we you you'll be able to make that correction there in order to ensure the safety of um you know our pedestrians and bikers thank you C marimos and um I could tell you that in the new plan that we're doing Citywide we're we're making it uniform so all safety measures will be um implemented throughout the city it shouldn't be like like you mentioned before one's not protected and one's protected um we're looking at it holistically and making sure that all the safety measures are applied um equitably and and one last thing Madam president um with Paving um you know I do appreciate the city's efforts to to you know do a pretty expansive Paving initiative over the last few years what's unfortunate is that you see sometimes you have emergency water main projects that happen right that that's out of our control but you know consistently you see psng Verizon and some of these utilities tearing up streets that were paved less than six months ago and then you know they always promise to to restore the street there's a bond that's that's issued but the the conditions after they do their work compared to what the streets look like before and after you spent you know hundreds of thousands of dollars Paving these areas you know it's it's it's really unfortunate and and I think we have to really press those utilities to do a better job of of fixing up their areas after they're done with their projects absolutely uh we met with the new leadership of PNG and we're making that point very clear when especially when they collaborate with trafficking signals and the pre-planning even in emergencies we make sure that before they leave the site completely that they're already working on the resurfacing operations and do you also um just to pick you back off councilman Ramos's point do you also work with the water department in regards to any water um Mains Replacements that they're doing or any work that's coming down you know down the pipeline so you don't have to waste you know City funds Paving one street and then they come in doing the water main fixes or whatever I know the emergencies we can't help um obviously but the ones that we know we're doing work on do you do you guys communicate about those yes ma'am actually we we have a regular meetings and then we require our subcontracts to give us two at least two week lookaheads so that we know what projects are going to go and then in the meetings we make sure that we catch up if anything has changed because sometime you know the two week look ahead is just a plan depending on the on the weather and and you know acts of God we call it they may be things that may need to be moved but we catch each other up so um we are collaborating with director ad's team um to make sure that we know who is going to be where we're trying to minimize the fresh streets being ripped apart unless like Council moriman says it is an emergency um that's what we're we're we're trying to achieve to make sure that we're on the same page got it and one last thing to add to that about the report that you're going to be sending over to us to add any streets that um water is going to be fixing to for anything that they've dug into um this season to add those to the list too because we know there's all of these separate list of work um being done all right thank you director woen thank you next item 7R 3B is a Professional Services contract for the Newark Riverfront pedestrian and bicycle access concept development study project questions or comments from Council Members Council mcro thank you council president uh just a quick question is I and I couldn't find this in the backup what was the uh the reason for the need for the additional time oh uh so we um we have the public Outreach we're we're collaborating with um uh EHD who has projects in the riverfront so we just want to make sure that we're able to complete the contractual administrative side within the time and and just to confirm there's no additional cost it's just the additional time no it's just extension of time all right thank you yes any other questions CNN next item 7 r4a and 7 r4b are both approving loan and escor agreements for the Pana water treatment plant project questions or comments would you like Ben to come up yes Ben new le it's never a du time when you're not coming up Ben I just want to let you know let's say the newly shaved Ben too I know yeah good good morning everyone benjam Ming Gman Department of Finance uh these two resolutions in front of you is for the permanent financing of the panic water treatment uh plant project uh will not exceed $23 million and the funding is going to be a mix of Department of Environmental Protection and ibank funds which splits the the cost between 0% uh insance financing to market rate financing for a portion of the uh of the monies that will be borrow okay questions for Ben oh thank you seeing them thanks Ben all right you're welcome next item 7 r5a through 7 r5c are all contracts with subrecipients to provide HIV AIDS related health and support services a is Trinitas Regional Medical Center B is Isaiah house and C is community health law project questions or comments from Council Members CA next item 7 r6a through 7R 6 C are settlements through the Law Department a is where workers comp B and C are settlement or civil litigation matters okay next item 7 r6d is waving the 20-day period for an ordinance to take effect to authorize an emergency by creating chapter 41 Intermodal container lot license questions or comments from Council Members regarding this item this is 7 r6d CNN 7R 8 a 8 B 8 C and 8 e are ceremonial Street designations A is for Bert R Barry sponsored by councilman Kelly do I have a second second second by councilwoman Round Tree next Item B is for Theodore and blanch UD kins sponsored by council member Kelly do I have a second second by councilman Quintana next item C is for Reverend Anthony F Granado have a second sponsored by canana second by councilwoman Ros and E is for A Philip Randolph sponsored by councilman Crump do I have a second second second by councilwoman Round Tree okay skip the d as in dog yes I'm going back to D because on the street dedication yes my apologies I'm going to D which is a resolution of support supporting the installation of a statute by the Dominican Community honoring the Founding Father of the Dominican Republic Juan Pablo Duarte you have a second second by by Council Ros councilman Quintana I want to put on the record um the administration met with the uh the folks Mr Santiago panaga uh the statue at the time there was a resolution at the time uh for that statute to be at uh then back then at Washington Park now Harriet tutman so the agreement was that uh came to the administration that would be fit on BR on Park Avenue so I just want to put that on record that the administration meaning the mayor and the chief of staff met with Mr panaga uh so due to the visit of of the president of the Dominican Republic by the way that statue um of DTE as has no expenses at city taxpayers or any uh they raised their money for this uh statue of DTE on the it's on the center of uh Park Avenue and it's been a long time as councilman uh Gonzalez stated it's been years so uh we're looking forward to making sure that this takes place I want to thank the administration for uh taking its time and I want to thank the clerk for really putting it on the agenda too thank you okay thank you councilman Quin next item 7 r8f and 7 R8 G are both whole harmless and indemnification agreements F is for the annual Mass dedicated to Roberto Clemente sponsored by councilman canana do I have a second second by councilman Gonzalez next item G is for the annual Easter egg hunt sponsored by councilman Quintana do I have a second second by councilman Ros okay councilman Quintana yeah ter the Clemente MK we changed it every year was in in January we decided that we would include uh do a blessing at the bica for the CH for the young and young ladies and men who uh young men who who are in different sports in soccer and baseball and to do a blessing with their uniforms on the 20th of April uh Clemente is uh the way Clemente thought is lovers and compassion was for children so what we decided to change it around and make it more the city of Newark not just the Clemente League all the other leagues to for the children to participate and come to the Basilica and have a blessing also they they could have a great season uh in the spirit of Roberto clment thank you councilman Quintana next item 7 r8h is recognizing and commending resolutions and 7R eight eyes expressing profound sorrow and regret any questions or comments Sia next item 7 r12a and 7r1 12b are contracts for the water department a is to provide for an amendment for the process and operational improvements at the Panic water treatment plant and B is to execute the closeout change order at the Panic Water Treatment Plant any questions regarding these two items yes councilman Council mam chair at at some point can we get a a update from the water department in terms of infractions or summes that have been written up at the uh Watershed uh with individuals who uh go in that property illegally can we have that submitted to the water department and receive that back in writing to the council certainly any other requests or comments seea next item Communications item 8A is a reappointment to the commission on the status of women councilwoman Louise Scott rry any questions or concerns regarding this item Council mome I'd like a sponsor oh great councilman Crome and councilman Kelly Wishes the second how delightful all righty next item 8B is a reappointment to the affirmative to the I'm sorry to the affirmative action review Council as a community representative Kevin chetam any questions regarding this appointment Cenna 8 C was discussed 8D was discussed we are on 8 an ordinance granting a 25-year tax abatement to 19 LV urban renewal LLC for a project to construct a multifam residential building consisting of 48 rental units comprised of 38 market rate residential rental units 10 affordable housing rental units of which one unit shall be restricted to tenants at 40% of area medium area medium income Ami two units shall be restricted to tenants at 60% Ami and seven units shall be restricted to tenants at 80% Ami in the central Ward questions or comments from council members today I'mma drive by this location because I could guarantee you it's dirty yep cuz the owner who has it right now who is the same person will not clean it up I'mma send you a picture elardo um any other questions comments seeing n next item 8f is an ordinance to amend title 2 Administration chapter 10 Department of Economic and Housing Development section 1.4g registration of foreclosure mortgage properties subsection definitions to clarify definitions of vacant and abandoned in section two inspection and registration to add an additional fee if the registerable property is vacant or abandoned was a lot of language do we have somebody to speak to this item hello deputy mayor uh good morning council president council members Alison lad director of Economic and Housing Development so this um ordinance that's before you is actually trying to clean up some previous ordinances that have been passed um I think that it's important for us to have consistency and I know this Council does as well so you might remember um many years ago we've had uh a vacant building uh registration on the books we also have a foreclosure fee fund which is also a fee for foreclosures on the books and then last uh 2022 uh the council voted to really work to increase the vacant building ordinance to also include commercial buildings and assess fees um and fines um uh as necessary so that's the background um the purpose of this is actually to amend the section that allows for foreclosed properties to pay the same fee as those that are vacant properties um when we did the Foreclosure fee fund it was $500 but when we did the vacant building it was $1,500 so we're just adjusting the fee structure so that it's consistent um we have had a lot of a lot might be strong word we had had compliance from uh those that have um fallen into properties that have fallen into foreclosure the banks or um other investors have provided that information to us they're right now being assessed at the $500 fee rather than the $1,500 so this is really a cleanup to previously approved ordinances um and we're glad to bring it before you I'm happy to take any questions questions or comments councilman Council now Madam chair I think this is important um you to add to that because even as we deal with a lot of these foreclosures in uh these uh Bank properties uh out here they should have to uh be under the same accountability as we're asking other folks uh to to be under especially when it comes to maintaining and monitoring their own properties and keeping their properties clean so I I definitely uh support the changes uh that have been made in here uh one particular thing is is at some point we do have to have some conversation with the individuals be it cold or whoever goes out and inspects these properties to get them to understand their role and responsibility in all of this and to make sure that it's in their tablets or they know how to uh you know write these properties up uh in in a way that it helps the the the city to gain revenue but also to make people responsible for coming in and and and meeting their mandate with these fees so I I would like to uh sponsor this as I did did the other okay do I have a second second by councilman Kelly any other questions from Council Members regarding this item councilman Gonzalez we can move it and adopt it on first oh yes doly noted councilman Gonzalez any other questions comments all righty and um councilman Council Council M Kelly you okay with the adopting on first okay next item thank you Deputy Mayor 8G is an ordinance amending title 23 parking chapter five parking stopping and standing generally section one parking prohibited at all times by removing kitchell Street both sides from Park Street to Sarah Von way sponsored by council president MacGyver any questions or comments regarding this item um one of the reasons why we're putting forth this is because at some point I mean decades ago we had streets that are designated for no parking but as we like build on these streets and we put new developments on them um people move there and there's nowhere for them to park um so this is one of the reasons why we're removing this particular street because there's a new development there and it's no reason why there was like no parking there um um it's not like it's either street sweeper coming down there I mean I literally there's no reason for it so we're I'm want to exclude um that street from there so residents in this area can have a place to park any questions comments okay um oh yeah do I have a second second by councilman Quintana okay pending business on the agenda 9A we discussed previously so we're down to miscellaneous items 10 a is the raffle license yeah any questions about [Music] those y'all ain't got no questions about the raffle license all right all right comment okay council president council members we're in the public comment portion of this meeting before we go to public comments are there any requests for added starters no oh none that you don't know about Madam Clerk [Music] please good morning uh K store city of North Corporation Council uh Madam clerk I apologize we did not why you a tell our clerk I'mma take the L that's a problem play that with our clerk you got to tell her first so Madam clerk I apologize on the record Madam clerk make sure you get some lunch or something out of this so I know there are um at least three potential added star um I know deputy director um Allison lad is here to talk about I think all three of them okay hi Deputy Mayor good morning again council president council members Alison lad director of Economic and Housing Development uh there are three um one is joint with our deputy mayor for Workforce Development rakman Muhammad so I'm going to yield the first one to the deputy mayor okay morning everybody Rock Mah mamed Deputy may work for us good morning good morning uh the add start that we have is the sale of the io buildings to the city of nor for a dollar uh we are part of a recompete camp uh grant for $20 million from the federal government uh and we are building a trades Center here where the Carpenters who we partner with will actually have a uh their offices inside of this building and we will be training future Tradesman this is how we deal with the affirmative action question by getting more minorities into trades and now we will have the money to build a facility and we now have the properties to build it on we'll be tearing down the current yo and building a state-ofthe-art facility where we will be training uh nor residents into the skilled trades unions to be on these future projects in the city so basically IO is selling us their building for $1 it's five buildings for a dollar okay and then we'll be the owner of this new Trade Center and we'll be doing all trade training in this building including plumbing and okay yes electric electricians yes every trade will be a part of this and how are we paying for this before I open it up we are part of what we call the recompete grant that we've already been approved for the first phase of it we are in the second phase that's why we have to put it at the starter because the grant has to be submitted in April we have a deadline coming up uh and we almost I'm not saying we guaranteed but we're almost certain that we should be getting the uh the money that we're requesting because we we check all the boxes how much is the grant for $20 million and so we will be putting a new stateof art facility here that will be training individuals to be in skill trades unions and we will be also doing trainings from there like CDL training and other trainings that we'll be adding into this work so it'll be like a Workforce Center uh state work force center in the South W of New Jersey North New Jersey so listen I'm saying everybody South Ward okay in P so asking everybody please support this we always complain about okay all right before you go before you go into a rally session give us one second Deputy Mayor first of all it sounds amazing councilman crom yeah thank you council president quick question so this this uh resolution is is it for the sale of the the purchase the building or is it for the uh Grant uh it's going for the sale we're going to be purchasing the property for we have to own the property to put in the grant if we don't take ownership of the property then we're going to lose points uh okay so this is for the purchase of the property and then the Grant and then the application for the grant go yes yes all right thank and the second question go ahead what is the legar number for that sorry I was just about to ask the lar number number yeah would have to speak to oh you don't know legar numbers above my pig rade you the deputy mayor you don't know legar numbers I'm sorry 24-4 please help him out Deputy Mayor L please tell them where the Leger star number is 24- 0428 that's the leg one more time give it to us one more time oh my God 24- Monica doing this on purpose 0428 thank well I didn't hear you okay um councilman Gonzalez yes it's it's I going to be involved in any way shape or form after the acquisition of the buildings so yes right now IO is has been tur uh uh Steph Bartley Pastor Bartley is now the president of the board over at IO so yes they will be partnering with us in this yes providing the training and they will be part of that yes okay y okay along with a few other folks too by the way any other questions or comments from Council Members councilman Ros yeah is there any um design U options that you could share with us regarding this complex like like have have you gotten to that point yet or this is just the acquisition and then later on you're going to bring somebody in to design what this is going to look like yes we we have not gotten to that point yet okay and what uh you you said the Carpenters are are your union Partners in this yes yes cool thanks alrighty any other questions or comments all right thank you Deputy Mayor yeah M I'm sorry councilman Council I just want to you know while the deputy mayor is here I just want him to make sure that he puts on record that the uh the Legacy and the work that the Wallace family has done over at IO will not Vanquish or disappear uh but also the new building that will go up will still immortalize the work of Jim and Carolyn Wallace yes I I would hope that we're GNA name it the Jim Wallace carollyn Wallace training center but you know I'm s that'll be up to it but I'm almost certain no one's going to complain about that listen this is my last big idea before my end of my term so I'm hoping that every body supports it what this is not the time for your retirement speech like our Podium is not that for you what did I hear councilman Gonzalez you had a comment what did I hear that I don't know I don't know what that was was it retirement all I know is why you here put some effort in learning them Ledger star numbers okay all righty next added starter thank you council president and thank you Deputy Mayor U mam mmed as a note uh the 24- 0428 uh will be an ordinance and we would request consideration of advancing and adopting on first okay the second item is um 24- 0383 so 24- 0383 this is an area in need of Redevelopment request for the 20 Branford site um some who are on tax abatement committee I do know you recall this project um the project is allowed to have a tax abatement or apply for a tax abatement under New Jersey hmfa Law um but we did notice that it is not within an area of Redevelopment and it needs to be to be considered for redevelopment area Bond and so that's the request before you is to consider it an area in need of Redevelopment any questions or comments regarding this item seeing none the third item is 24- 0362 um this item is regarding PSG Urban League of Essex County and a long-standing project in our West Ward uh the switching station um this uh action is um as I've learned to be quite technical one um it's a requirement by uh the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection that the city execute a deed in Li related to a sidewalk that will actually be capping any environmental hazards below um and so therefore the council is being asked to approve the city's execution of this deed in L to uh Urban League and PSC for the Urban League and pscg project so that it can move forward um my understanding uh from looking at the history is that this project has been under consideration for almost 10 years and this is one of the final Milestones to get it to construction so uh we um just wanted to put that on the record I know it's been a long time coming council member Kelly any questions from Council Members regarding this item councilman Kelly this is the the old Cooper whiz Factor right oh yes sir yes and it's been a it's been it's had mad it's had a many approvals in from Council for past right yes sir that's basically I I like the sponsor okay doly noted Council McKelly uh any one of us second that want to move it wants to move it with councilman Kelly councilman Ramos okay any other questions or comments yep uh Madam yes councilman councel uh I'm going to be sponsoring the uh item for the South for once we get the information tomorrow do I have a second okay second by councilman Crump okay any other questions regarding this last uh added starter or any questions about any of the added starters before we close out okay all righty thank you so much Deputy Mayor any questions or requests from Council Members before we go into public session councilman Ramos yeah thank you madam president um I just want to note that last night the mayor had a uh Public Safety uh meeting in the north Ward and I know for probably the last few months I've been pressing the issue that we've been having with um various dilations at 515 555 Mount Prospect Avenue and and the status of those summonses as it relates to court action we did get quite a number of residents from those two buildings uh who were in attendance last night and besides them expressing some safety concerns on the property from cars being stolen and and in their private parking lot not having adequate security um in accordance to the city ordinance requiring a 24hour security in the building you know I still have not received the response related to the years of um violations that have been accumulating in those two properties and what the outcomes of those violations have been um as it relates to actual Court action so you know I'm not sure what how complicated it is to to get that information and why we haven't received it but you know I think at at this point you know it's escalated because they were at the meeting last night the mayor said he would personally meet with the tenants of those two buildings they've they've um recently acquired uh representation through through through Ruckers law school um potential litigation because they're so frustrated regarding these issues so I would implore your chair uh and the clerk and the ba to to follow up you know it's been months and I still haven't received anything what's the address again 515 and 55 five Mount prospects two separate buildings and they're owned by the same entity so but they're both on Mount Prospect though right they're two market rate buildings owned by uh LLC with various um interested parties that that make up that LLC uh director Wooten and the Corporation Council is there is there a reason why we can't get the information I hate to do it this way but we keep on sending out motions and it's not helping so I mean obviously somebody's not reading our request um but this out this is out of the code the councilman is asking for all of the list of violations over the past couple of years for 515 and 555 Mount Prospect is that something you can get from your code enforcement managers I mean we we have had information about violations the problem is that from what we' heard is that some of those summonses were dismissed in court because they were either written incorrectly or you know there's a whole host the issues and I ask ad us it's a twart request it's a list from code enforcement first of all of the violations or I would say the past three years I mean if that's possible Council Marin M three or five years for 515 and 555 Mount Prospect all of those that have been written by your code enforcement team and then a second piece followup is from you corporate counsel of the prosecutor's office of a list of what those judgments were if there are any open cases on 515 and 555 if we can get that from the prosecutor Mr Washington and his team of what's the status of those and which ones are still pending yeah and thank you Madame President councilman canana and I did have a a few meetings with the tenants there there were also numerous um illegally imposed rent increases like rent control went with us to one of the meetings this particular property owner was imposing rent increase during the moratorium so there there were I I'd be curious to see how many tenants actually were able to get their money back because this this particular landlord was Raising rents even during the pandemic when the city had um imposed a moratorium on increases all right so that's a three piece I see Deputy Mayor lad shaking her head back there so I'm obviously she's going to follow up with the rent control office to see if we've if they've issued any money back or if we've taken any additional action against them for those improper rent increases thank you sir so much M you're welcome hopefully we can get a response back by tomorrow it's already been weeks not to you Deputy Mayor but to the two back here you guys have the same color on one burgundy um we can get a response back regarding these items okay all right any other requests from Council Members comments before we go into public session we do need to have a quick executive upstairs regarding these uh legal items okay that are on the agenda so we'll be transitioning upstairs after public comment any other questions all right seeing them public comments we are now in the 30 minute public comment portion of this meeting where each speaker will have three minutes to speak when you approach the podium please state your name for the record is there anyone wishing to address the council good morning yes good morning George Tillman junor 165 Newton Street I have a little thing going on here so I'm going to try to hold my voice um first I like to say that um when I come to this microphone I have the utmost respect for everyone who sits up there on that Council I have the utmost respect for the mayor who's the CEO of this city I do not come here for anything personal I come here to address you as a citizen concerned citizen to deal with our issues and saying that in light of some of the things that was said today um I had come here to petition the council Madam president to ask that we do have a special hearing and some sort of Symposium to deal with this issue of affirmative action uh the first towards high this legislation it should be addressed it should not be something that we have to continue to discuss because it's a very serious issue one thing that the deputy mayor uh Mr Muhammad said um and he's a good friend U not only a good friend he's I've worked with him for a long time dealing with affirmative affirmative action and dealing with the unions dealing with these trades dealing with construction and here we are revisiting the same thing that we did almost 20 years ago with no results if you go back and research the history of the city youth bill was here almost 15 years trained over almost 30 40,000 youth here in the city in Construction And Trades at the United Way building right here on 303 Washington they was here for almost 10 15 years Trad training training and trades this is not new what what the administration is is producing right now is not new the key is not continuing to be trades because the problem then when they shut them all down youth build and United Way and the youth the program here on Raymond bullar all these trade programs was because they were not being hired there was no no no no no Avenue for hiring them and this is the same thing this program all these programs if it's a program make it a paid program the apprenticeship programs are not even being enforced thank you thank you Mr Tillman next speaker hi my name is Sandra cab good afternoon hold on one second let us help you with the mic thank you hi my name is Sandra cabera I live at 801 North 6 Street I've only been living there for approximately six months and I've had at least four attempt breakings into my apartment while I was living in my apartment while I'm sitting in my apartment once when I was taking a shower once while I was watching TV once while I was laying on my bed doing my homework and once while I was in the bathroom now this is a constant thing that this is going on constantly in this building when I go downstairs and I speak to the management which is Housing Authority the managers what they say is we're not the police and we don't live here that is not the answer that I want to hear we have homeless people sleeping in our hallways we have homeless people living in our stairways we have people smoking drugs to the point that the fire alarms go off constantly just Friday I had had a homeless man standing in front of my door like this waiting to decide when he woke up out of his nod if he was going to knock on my door or not I have three cameras going which I had to buy one facing my door one in the peephole and one over my door and you know what that seems to not stop people because just Wednesday I was going to a doctor's appointment while the security guard sat there and led two hoodlums off the street pull their hoods over their head and come into the into the building to wander the hallway so what do I do I run back upstairs and lock myself in my apartment I don't know what they're going to do I have to wait till daylight and let my doctors know that you have to give me a later appointment because it's not safe to come outside in that area Okay other people's doors have been forced open a lot of people don't say anything because maybe they're scared but you know what it's gotten to the point that I have someone babysitting in my apartment while I'm here talking to you so I can feel safe that's not cool I pay my rent on time I'm a good neighbor I don't bother nobody I should not feel like I'm so afraid that I have a police lock on my door with an alarm under it and three cameras going and I don't have anything because I ain't got nothing all I got is what I need on a daily basis but I don't feel that it's okay for somebody to come off the street push or kick my door open take my little TV and go sell it for God knows what it is they want because that's not cool because your management doesn't do anything your staff doesn't care I had to ask management five times to fix my door my door was split all the way down to the main lock which is the only one that's holding that door together I had to call 500 and speak to someone to have them call them and tell them to go upstairs and force and fix my door now we have people that are not good people living inside we have people that are horrible living outside it's bad enough we have to live with the bad ones inside we don't need the bad ones coming from outside inside causing more harm to the people that are already living there I I'm afraid to go to the park because when I come back my door might be busted open and I'm sorry if I overw my limit thank you thank you Miss Andre I know we took a couple of minutes off of your time as well trying to fix the mic I'm sorry you said you live 801 North 6 Street correct okay um I'm sorry give I'm sorry are you here about Miss Sandra no no want to uh speak about oh wait give us a second what you doing I wasn't speaking it to you so I know I know but I'm just saying you getting carry the way up in here in our chain bus like give us a minute one minute let us deal with Miss Sandra um Council M rainbow yeah thank you Madame President you know I'm glad to see that someone is here from uh 801 North 6 Street and you know it's a common theme in a lot of our senior buildings that are operated by the Housing Authority you know a lot of our seniors are are living in crisis and fear in many of these properties um you know they I know they're they they're mixed use U but in some cases we have a lot of drug activity in these buildings some of these apartments have been in disrepair for almost a decade and you know I'm hopeful that uh with the new executive director there they could finally focus on putting some resources behind living conditions as opposed to some of the ancillary stuff that they've been spending money on over the years okay can we um can we make can we exract the comments from Miss sandre and make sure we get them over to the executive director Mr Spicer who has been very responsive on everything that we've sent him um so let's get that over to him and then also if councilman Council if you can um relay the message as I know that you said on that particular board um Mr Muhammad before we have you can we ask if there are any other public speakers any other public speakers for today's session I know Mr Muhammad's in the way but we will move him out of the way so that you can come up and speak all right seeing them public session is now closed Mr muhamad welcome back you're welcome I don't know why I'm being treated this way today but that's okay listen um I just wanna before we taint programs that don't exist yet and make them uh out of something that they're not I just want us to be clear for the record first of all programs like youth bill are pre-apprenticeship programs they're not skilled trades programs and so we have to be clear that the way we affect affirmative action and getting minority the site we got to make people skill trades people so if you come out of youth bill you still have to go either to a tech school to get certified or you have to go into a union to get certified it's a five years apprentiship program and yes you get paid when you are an apprentice when you work for the union so I just want to be clear that's exactly what we're trying to do with the io properties that's exactly we're trying to do with the rep recompete Grant that's exactly what we trying to do with the skill trade you uh building that we're trying to put up on 12th Street in the city of no so that we can train certified Carpenters plumbers electrician people who not just build but also read blueprints so that they can go on these sites and work on these sites so I just want to be clear that we don't taint a program that don't exist just because we come up here and speak don't mean we always have the facts in our hands we can't be opinionated we got to be real about what it is that we say we're trying to change it folks so give us an opportunity to do that all right thank you Miss Muhammad anybody are you guys clear on Mr Muhammad's Point okay thank you Mr Muhammad alrighty with that being said we're going to transition upstairs for our quick executive session regarding the legal items on the agenda we thank you all for coming out today we look forward to seeing you at tomorrow's night meeting at 6:30 can I have a roll call to go into executive session yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes take care everyone if you have to be upstairs with us for executive we ask that you make your way up please for those that need to be a part of the conversation e e