good day today is indeed Tuesday July 9th 2024 it is 300 p.m. almost exactly on the dot this is the uh traditional assessors meeting board of assessors with Miss Linda mamik and Mr uh what is your name again it's been so long since I've seen you Sandy Wexler Bud Kelly and of course Jason deppo principal and I shall pass the Baton thank you chair uh welcome everybody good to see you all we have our agenda here for Tuesday July 19 July 9th not 19th to 10 first thing on our agenda there is to review our Prime meeting minutes been a little while um I have you uh public and the exective y did not quick here the date of this is the same date of April just here's the session the meeting okay April 16th wow it has been a little bit um we open at 306 we accepted the minutes for March 18th we signed uh Vats mot of vehicle abatements we set the next attentative date of May 21st which we did not make because of travel uh and then we adjourned that meeting um excuse me we went to Executive session and did not return to the Open Session and that was called at 3:18 all right sir and I also have you uh the executive session uh minutes from that meeting we met to discuss the ABS yes agreed and we adjourned at 3:30 yes indeed sir sir [Music] just as efficient as always yeah may not have been up for a while but boy we got muscle memory we're do it the muscle strong all right uh next on our agenda is the abatements and exemptions I have uh two uh real estate abatements uh here for us that we had met prior to and discussed and that have been processed and the packet here uh on the front page um for both for you to sign the total am of theb for 701 just one pack on this one the one packing on this okay we'll be signing two places yep the front packet and just on the thank you the front cover sheet and on the packet s ready got you there was just two right y just two on I have some here of uh 24 some Boat and Motor Vehicle excise uh three packets in question three packets in one cover sheet you all three here just about right just about spot on there actually of $55 $11 on one but then a bigger one for the 3563 one Bo excellent two more okay April back try being more of we tried we did make and I would like to apologize for my my part in the delay and I do have a Boat and Motor Vehicle ex size uh amount $35 $140 $36 and a uh 242 2412 amount got they will be five signatures four pets four PS four packets and then the cover sheet thank thank thank you I'll hold this aside that looks correct looks correct nice shooting text very good hurt somebody that yeah I was going to say I don't know I can take an eye out and to J well we have two bitant packets one for $50 one for $2900 you do this three sir oo gotch you good one that was well done MH mhm all right paper one shot okay includes abatements and exemptions very nice next item will be our warrants and commitments and I have a small packet here for you some real estate 10, 31399 36 which is this is from this is the real property elimary tax bills for FC 25 okay 10 total total surpris said oh okay well well right because this just deals with the correct was there no that doesn't that's just a notice to the uh the account doing that that's fine she'll get a copy of the warrant itself I also have the uh real uh personal property uh for the sum of 168,000 are [Music] $366 for you it's properly cleed yes I uh have a few more warrants this is the motor vehicle uh TR exercise number two for the year of 2024 in the sum of 165 232 if you would sign and then GRE yeah I think it's the white give you that the start for you got it I'll take this you Time new packet okay that is and um this is the uh motor vehicle trailer of in the amount of 71,7 59 73 and it's commitment number three where am I read top right that's ah commitment number three top right y4 board vehicle and trailer excise for you thank you for me I appreci and one final motor vehicle Comm a recommit for a 2023 uh motor vehicle uh commitment number eight for the sum of $20.82 $20.82 there you go there you go so so just about um just about $7 a piece here you go for per signature here bring it in the big box here and they say session Serv is a thank thankless job yeah we get this yeah no we get seven oh well I mean collectively y that is it for the uh Wars and commitments I am going to take a uh slightly out of order and talk about our da to sell and convert for 34 Central Street okay we received the original notice on uh May 13th and they had to update it I'm not sure for the technical reasons as to why but it's basically the same thing so the new notice of intent that weed as July 8th which is dated yesterday y July second so the packet basically lets us informs us that 34 Central Street is um being converted sold and converted um out of chapter land and uh that they have notified that town of their first ref 1.2 million total uh they haven't notified me whether or not they're going to so but um this is the only thing different about this is the way that the values have broken down from 9.5 acres of land and then the one acre for the building versus it was Al together previous two so I'm not sure of the town will choose to exercise their right on any portion of it you all know what property this is no okay so um go over go over 95 go past Pearson on the right you got Parker River drive on the right hand side right there that shoots back it is that uh Farm property that's right there along the street that has some trailers in the driveway the are always in the the geese the Ducks and everything else so that's the property in question it's the old Rogers property U Melody actually was in school with my sister um she still does reside there um and so that is property the same question so it's being sold for million correct um to developer yep they already have we've already have plans into put a number of units in under the new um 48 not 40b but the um NBTA communities zoning y this would be affordable housing in a neighboring Community an NBT neighboring I think only of it is I think 10% that's what we voted on it 1.05 that's the 9.5 Acres but then they separated the house there's actually two purchase and sales I was confused as to why they did this from the original but this do how they broke it out so the original was all together at 1.2 and now so I don't know if the again the town would have any interest in purchasing is that the only one we've gotten so far since that was passed oh yeah this is the very first one yeah yeah yeah um if they have any interest in purchasing the one you know the the one house you know 150,000 for the one acre lot I don't know what they would want it for but yeah it's quite a partial land if you never noticed it's kind of it's quite large 9 and a half AC so it kind of if you went down Lin Road you'd be able to be be basically the back side of minus one house was worth cuz this house is on either side of L but basically it's a whole landlocked spot behind the fire and everything it's so they could get a lot in there I the number I hear floating is in the 60s 60 residents 60 60 6 to 7 units yes definitely not going to be single family help no I mean you couldn't fit anything even like what was done on Colby into that little so it would have to be more like what you see on one exit down at like Longwood I would assume but I haven't seen any type of for addition I just know those numbers been fling around so that will bring our numbers up for that that we have to have at least 10% of the community into affordable housing is% of the community has to be is that what it is so it was something like that before the M thing you're right picked in you know you could be exemp so is this just for our review we have to sign it no just for your review I am going to ask you to sign any roll back give that to you as to why we are issuing a roll back you received the notice of attent they're required to notify us under uh you know the that chapter section under 6A 61a we had to do it for ran person yep yep that would be exactly the same thing and then that initiates us to say okay well since you are since you're taking it out um this is what you owe um and I'll just give this review two signatures and sign in front of the uh the notary yeah who's fining Massachusetts Li liability company LC out and over and it's a sign so so package it up yeah all right so that set um I won't sign but I can certainly pass it to my yeah I'm going to give that to you for your quick review I am going to have you sign the um the warrant portion of it these two and then we will sign the lean release which I will then give to them after uh we process the payment yeah we have the check just as long as it clears yeah we want to make sure it clears so here if the warrant and then um basic just might breakdown which is a notice you can all sign that one um give me one second so they've signed purchase and sale does that mean the town has refused nope the town so upon signing a purchase and sale I see that can I apologize absolutely on time and purchasing sales they have to then notify at some point during that period that the town has 120 days first guard refusal meaning that they can meet or feat a bonified purchase so so my concern is I'm seeing 32 Central Street written on this all right that is wrong it should be 34 that's why I'm asking for this paper this is 32 do I have the right Lot number on it 1919 give let me just make that correction here on this piece of paper I can either do that or I could go down print a new one it's whatever it's going to make it work for you right 34 sentral r99 error looks pretty good thank you just initially change I did get it right on the today 3% give take and I'll hold up on this but you can sign that we'll do cool cool get that back together do you want us to initial the change or yeah yeah it's fine either either way yeah you want to help yourself too okay it would be good those don't get recorded at the registry this well so this fix Itor I will I will you're done with that one running out of no I think I think was enough okay there your okay I'll do wa great and this is just for afterwards this is this this is this I would I print it up to in case you signed it by accident got together check right there you take your time together have two pages you do I do [Music] interesting it's a great spot for that type of development I think it's perfect frankly River Drive aren't going to feel that way no but you know like to bring more people closer to commercial you know that density I think it's atic relationship so hopefully will uh benefit everyone and then Pier Plaza can then be improved if they want to invest money into it because people there Rusty K couldn't be much busier but I don't think it could um that and corres public comment correspondence there here today sorry I do have a letter uh you know written to the board from a property owner at 42 Northern Boulevard and I did um out make a c of the letter for you all oh is it complimentary flattering to you obviously I bring a letter to you and I can take and there basically just goes into um really looking talk talks about you know when the erosion of the beach and then not being able to use all their land and feels that their valuation um is uh you know unjustified um and was looking for our justification I did speak with um Mr kasag Grande um a bit and uh did not feel that you know our justification on the valuation was correct um I can tell you that based on the comps it it does appear to be so it appears to be what correct you know yeah I mean yeah a million 3 what yeah it's o I think the land is to correct me if I'm wrong I think we just sold a lot at 120 Northern Boulevard I think it just Clos at 1.25 just the land there's no no Foundation there yet nothing so you know I mean I think we're right on with the land unfortunately we went up a lot and um you know even his neighbor which I think was 40 Northern Boulevard happened to be one of the comps that we use that that sold almost exactly one year ago to today and sold for 1.25 um they have the exact same lot and conditions that they're you know talking about in there easily yes same exact MH um so and you know they sold for 1.25 we have him assessed at 1.49 you know so just shows you that I think that you know I believe his value would be at that or greater so you know I did discuss it with them and um was he satisfied or no well no could they they think that they you know they should be assessed less so um I just want to bring to you the opportunity to put anation as I've explained to them so um and I try to you're welcome I just want you know I have the the comps that I had showed them and talked to them about and so they still wrote this letter post because I talked to them you know during the ab period even before that so so they knew about debats and chose not to exercise correct well by all means pile and Y I you know the letter I just want to bring and um that's it continue to work yeah no no need for executive um the only other correspondents I have just a notice of uh oh I do have than quick second I'm sorry uh notice of hearing for national uh for nass electric yep so potentially going at the end of the month uh they have nothing to stand on it's already been you know methodologies has already been upheld by you know the appeals court the Superior Court um but they still are filing should they be able to get you know money from us but um leas is well aware so we have to go last thing I have for you is um I did not make it to the agenda so I will put this on the agenda for our next meeting but I just wanted to discuss we have a parcel in town um and we'll just need to take a vote for uh the years in question uh so so it is a parel that we've had assessed uh to an owner and we believe it is incorrect so we have to uh reassess aate and reassess to an owner unknown and the part part of the um processes is we have to meet as a board and we have to obviously vote to reassess as owner unknown and uh we'll certify that vote so that's why has a we have a yeah we don't know who own it um and we had uh the our due diligence on that was we actually referred it to Capa k who does all the tax title stuff and has recommended that we assess it to an owner unknown they can't figure it out either where is it is on uh it Pine River Road is that Island Road right Theo right here yeah so it's on Pine Island Road it's this parcel on the map I did make it assess okay so it's so it's out the out the neck get get on the long straight just before you start to hit the first house on the left there's a little triangle I guess that's what we're talking about there that's correct it's in the marsh it's on the right hand side of the it's it's it's fully in the mar um you going to be building the house I'm not sure anybody's going to be worried about we only have an assessed $2,800 it's not like it's a Valu but still it's part of the process we have to go through yeah please you won't be there for long it won't be there for long you could put a little black box out there for the we should actually take a little poll on what we think that that house is going to go for like I'm wondering how much someone's going to spend yeah I can't imagine I don't think anybody's going to buy it yeah they have to move it $33,000 starting I was like that seems high yeah wait you're not paying me exactly you got to pay me to take it away you me go in the paper it read it they thought it could go up to 150 which I'm I'm I can't imagine where going to put it where are you going to put it can you imagine going to cost get it there that's right you're going to have to take it dismantle it my P to get it somewhere or you're going to have to you know put it on whatevers and roll it down the street not on a good tide yeah oh floting a Marge you go there you go the better way to do it Flo it down the P River under it and just so uh I don't I that's a good you know a good one to maybe guess off like our PS but anyhow I want to bring this to your attention I will get it onto the agenda so we can take a vote on it because we do have to have a certified vote on you know to that we so we wanting to meet again early part of August or do we care good to get back into a routine if we got into a routine August 6 would make make the next most sense exactly it's four weeks from now um I'm I am unavailable on the 13th try for the sixth yeah let's just yeah 10 the sixth okay we'll hope for the best we hope it won't be too cold or hot it won't be in the middle of win because it could be with thisa yeah all right August 6 at 3 p.m. I've got it August 6 3M at new count at the newb yes one and only just under 30 minutes uh it is 3:30 uh 3:30 almost on the dot so if we wanted to call it make a motion okay everybody's in favor oh wonderful thank you everybody