uh good evening my name is Bob Connors it's 6 PM I'd like to call the May 21st meeting of the Newbury Conservation Commission to order Sean can you read the remote open meeting law Preamble and take a roll call of members present good evening my name is sha young opening the May 21st 2024 open meeting I am the conservation agent for the town of Newberry please let me confirm that all members are present and can hear me Conservation Commission members when I call your name please respond in the affirmative Bob Connor yes Brad Duffin yes Diane O'Brien yes Mary Rimer I don't think I've seen her Mick Brown yes PJ KY yes and Woody Knight yes good evening this May 21st 2024 open meeting somebody has an echo of the Newberry conservation is being connected conducted remotely consistent with the ACT relative to extending certain covid-19 measures adopted during the state of emergency which extends the governor's March 12th 2020 order sus suspending certain provisions of the open meeting Law chapter 30 a section 20 until March 31st 2025 this order suspends the requirement of the open meeting law to have all meetings in a publicly accessible physical location and allow public bodies to meet entirely remotely so long as reasonable Public Access is afforded so that the public can follow along with a deliberation of the meeting please note that this meeting is being recorded and and that attendees are all are oh there's Mary the attendees are participating by video and or telephone conference and the recording will be available on the Newberry access YouTube channel meeting materials were provided to the commission members prior to the meeting for review before we can turn to the the first agenda item on the agenda please permit me to cover some ground rules for the effective and clear conduct of our business to ensure accurate meeting minutes the chair will introduce each speaker on the agenda proponents will be given 10 minutes to present more time may be allowed at the discretion of the chair after they conclude their remarks we will go down the list of commission members inviting each by name to provide any comment questions or motions please hold until your name is called further please remember to to speak clearly and in a way that helps generate accurate meeting minutes please be aware that the video participants can see you and that you should take care not to share your screen your computer unless you have been allowed to do so anything that you broadcast may be captured by the recording for any reason please wait until the floor is yielded to you and state your name before speaking if the commission member wish to engage in discussion with other members please do so through the chair taking care to ident ify yourself when you speak there will be an opportunity for the public comment and questions during public hearing after commission members have spoken we will afford the public an opportunity to comment and or question ask questions as follows yep okay so Mary Mary is here as well okay thank you Mary we just did the Preamble and just about to get into upcoming meeting dates and Minute review great thank you okay upcoming meeting dates June 4th 2024 and June 18 2024 meeting Minutes review uh we have the August 15 2023 meeting Minutes review in May 7th 2024 uh team as as I had mentioned at our last meeting uh there was a file glitch on previously approved meeting minutes and August 15 2023 was previously approved but because the content uh may be uh a little bit different uh it's being re it's being presented for review and reapprovals why don't we take a minute I'll take these one at a time any questions concerns the corrections on the August 15 2023 meeting minutes the video recording is also available on YouTube okay hearing none is there a motion to approve the meeting minutes for August 15 20123 so moved is there a second second okay roll call all in favor Mary yes TJ hi Woody yes hi Mick hi Diane yeah and Bob Connor's votes yes okay next uh next minutes are the May 7th 2024 meeting uh when we take a quick look at those and see if there's any comments questions concerns or Corrections okay hearing none is there a motion to approve the meeting minutes for May 7th 2024 so moved is there a second okay roll call vote all in favor Mary yes TJ hi Woody yes Brad hi Mick hi Diane yes and Bob Connors all right uh first agenda item uh the town of Newbury uh has requested a emergency certificate for the restoration uh of of existing rways to eliminate a hazard and removal of medical waste from the beach H why don't you excuse me Sean why don't you give us a quick overview of that and your discussions with mass wild life and where we're at on that yeah so to to start um the right of ways um they are unsafe uh I've almost fell down one of those RightWay um as the as the Doom was collapsing under me um here P up some [Music] pictures now the RightWay sha are located from Center Island South there's no symbolic fencing or nesting currently uh in the locations of these rways yep nope so that is actually access way emergency access number 12 and emergency I know for sure emergency access number 12 and emergency access number 11 there are there's pictures on the Dropbox um and then so we'll have pretty much d d DPW put in Stand refresh it for the holiday week prior to the holiday weekend and with the raking of the beach um we due to um trash management and Hazards on the beach as long as there is a monitor that approves The Rake The raking and make sure there's no clovers while they're raking uh the town can move forward and rake in the section that Bob mentioned and mass Autobon has been in di in contact and in dialogue with us and are on board and it's part of their contract with the time so yeah so I'm I'm trying to figure out a schedule for them um to line up with mass autobond and how to move forward with that okay questions from the members Mary any any questions on on this um yeah I I mean I guess I'm a little bit out of the loop on this one I know the town has a beach management plan correct is that is this not part of that activity it it it certainly is but we the concern was uh the beach cleaning and and restoring the rways uh are permitted under the beach management plan we wanted to be cautious just because it's during nesting season on how we were addressing this and we actually had a meeting with mass mass fish and wildlife and US fish and wildlife on Monday and it was one of the discussions and this was kind of the the simplest bulletproof way of doing it and using a monitor so just kind of followed a collective guidance and and how long how long has this condition been this way is this a recent thing or the reason I'm asking is because the emergency certificate requires it be the work be done within like 24 hours or something it's very it's a 30 30 days is actually it's 30 days now okay okay by by what I'm familiar with the with the form that I that I filled out it mentioned 30 days okay yep and we need some kind of town body to say that there is an emergency yeah the the town DPW and police chief uh so okay so if if uh the Plover issue is okay then and you know there's some oversight on the activities and they're using the appropriate material and that would be the other thing is making sure that the sand is the right compatible sand sure Sean you've looked into that as well and do we know so what the profile is going to look like how much material they're going to be putting in or anything I mean we probably should specify in the certificate what what it's authorized up to or some maximum volume Sean why don't you why don't you pull up one of the pictures so Mary basically what happens we have a king tide in late spring and it comes up and washes out the bottom four feet or so of ramp and they basically just restore it to its original profile at the same slope uh and they using the minimum amount of material but right now if you if you walk down one of the ramps uh you got about a four and a half five foot drop at the very where the scour line came on the on the king side do we do we know if they're going to be accessing from the water side or from the Upland side with equipment or how that they've always done it from bringing it from the Upland side just grades down to the beach uh there's little or no work on the the beach okay it's usually done with a bobcat so it's okay okay questions thank you Woody any any questions on this emergency certificate I had a couple questions they just got answered thank you Bob and thank you Sean okay thank you witty Brad any any questions on this matter no I think it it uh is a a standing uh effort annual effort with the beach management plan and I've seen the results of it many years so I'm good with it thank you Brett Mick any any questions or comments on this matter uh no questions Bob I'm good thank you thank you m TJ any questions nothing f Diane any any questions on this matter no thanks Bob okay and I have no questions all right is there a motion to ratify the emergency certificate for the town man Newbery in its agents for the RightWay restoration medical waste removal from the beach they moved second okay roll call all in favor Mary yes TJ hi Woody yes Brad hi Nick hi Diane yes and Bob Connor votes yes thank you Sean CH did a good job on this getting everyone one second before we move forward I just wanted to share my screen if that's okay chair yeah yeah certainly can you guys see the picture yeah there we go see it every day yep so we are live meeting um there's that one okay and in total d d DPW I think for the three accessway wants to bring in I think the maximum 20 tons so it's a um dump truck or Tri axles worth of of material okay thank you Sean all right next matter is a certificate of compliance D file number 050 111449 Basin front drive house and walkway Sean can you provide an overview and a recommendation on this matter is the owner present that's me I'm James walren okay James you just give us your address and repeat your name for the record and give us a quick presentation that' be great okay my name is James walren I am from nine Basin front drive in Newbury uh we've been here for a while uh 20 years or so I guess uh the uh House was built nine years ago and we got a partial uh occupancy permit for the structure and we never closed out the uh the surrounding in land uh and so I'm trying to close that out uh just because it seems like it's time okay Sean you've done a site visit on this and what's your recommendation I did here are the pictures to me it looks vated is actually really nice because it was just coming in everything's turning green over there yep we uh removed we removed uh I forget the actual numbers but it was probably 19 by9 of Cobble stone block uh kind of deck or uh I guess you want to call it a patio area uh and that's all been replaced with uh dun grass uh in the front of the house we had a 20 by 20 roughly area of uh green grass lawn that was replaced with dun grass and sand which you saw one of the photographs uh and the The Plan called for uh stone walkway from the driveway back down to the uh stairs that go into the Basin and uh we have about half of is actual stone and the rest of it is manufactured Stone uh honestly we ran out of money to uh put it all Stone on the way back down there okay why don't I open this up anything further Sean before I open it up for questions from the members do you have a recommendation I don't have any questions do you have a I think I think it's good okay hey questions from the members Mary any questions for Sean or for James wal um yes so the property looks great um James it um it looks like the grass came in very well I'm confused though because the file the files that we have there's a certificate of compliance already issued 2014 it was issued for it was a partial C certificate of compliance and it was for the structure itself so we could get a occupancy permit oh okay you explained that and I I missed the partial part okay it's okay thank you um that is why that was really question otherwise it looks pretty good okay thank you Mary Woody any any question on this project no questions Bob it looks good thank you okay thank you Woody Brad any question good Mr chair thank you okay thank you Brad Mick any questions on this matter uh no questions looks good uh nice job uh Mr Walden uh good job with the planning looks good thank you all the rain we've had James doesn't hurt making stuff turn grain that's for sure well that I have to say the Doom grass is doing exceptionally well it's sprouting up very it's almost knee high yeah well that's great TJ any any questions on this project nothing further nope Diane any questions no thank you okay thank you Diane and Bob Connors has no questions Sean any followup on your part I have no hands raised okay all right I'll entertain a motion to issue a certificate of compliance for nine Bas and front drive so mve second all right roll call all in favor Mary yes TJ d Woody yes Brad hi Mick hi Diane yes and Bob Connor V chers okay thank you James thank everyone next matter is a certificate compliance for D file number 050 1396 Oldtown Hill this is the trustees a reservation for the Wildlife viewing platform Sean can you provide an an overview and a recommendation on this matter yeah so is the um applicant here I am I can okay hey Josh hi Rob Josh why don't you just identify yourself give us an address and then give us your status update on this if you would okay and my name is Josh Hassen Fus and I am a project manager for the trustees um project location is um Newman Road in um Oldtown Hill reservation okay so um I think the commission will remember this project this was a wildlife viewing platform at the edge of the marsh um project has been completed and I have visited with Sean and we've taken a look we think the project came out beautiful and um our engineer was out and provided a uh a letter of completion and you know compliance within the site plan so we're asking for certificate of completion if we could yeah know looking looking through the file Josh it came out nice looks great Blends in nice job all right why don't I open this up to questions from the members Mary any questions for Josh on this one no I'll have to abstain from discussion on this one the trustees are a client of mine thank you okay okay Woody any any questions for Josh on this no questions Bob thank you yeah no it's a complete filing Brad any questions on this one well good Mr chair thank you thank you Brad Mick any questions uh no questions Bob thank you okay TJ any question I'll sit here Diane any questions no the pictures were great thank you yeah no it look it looks great great vistor too and I have no questions Sean any raised hands from the public at this time that I see okay I'll entertain a motion to issue a certificate of compliance for Oldtown Hill Wildlife viewing platform so moved second okay roll call all in favor uh TJ hi Woody yes Brad hi Mick hi Diane yes Bob Conner votes yes uh Sean for the record make sure that you show that Mary abstained in the in the vote so there' be a yeah just make sure you that way there it keeps it keeps it accurate okay next order of business is a certificate of compliance for D file number 050 1344 14 Island Boulevard uh Sunset Club but I thought I saw Ben good it would be Matthew uh from mat yeah he has his hand raised okay Matt why don't you identify yourself and give us a status of where we're at of absolutely uh good evening uh my name is Matt steinel from Millennium engineering I'm here tonight with the owners of the property uh Vincent Goden who is also on the line um to request a certificate of compliance for some work that was um permitted in in under an order of conditions issued by this commission from back in uh April of 2021 so um this particular order of conditions literally just expired last month um so we came right to the end of it we're putting in the request for the COC and we were outperforming the survey and getting ready to be filing for a new permit and the owners um put together the old asilt that they had and submitted the application and then they reached out to us to have us write the letter which we submit we're unable to get to you guys way in advance like we like but we did submit that this morning and I hope the commission has had a chance to review it um essentially what we found we went out and did the site uh visit and took our photographs and started performing our own survey was that the the site is in general in substantial compliance with the original plan if if you recall the site it was an old gas station it had a garage on it it had a residence on it it was a hodg podge of buildings uh lots of paved areas and it was kind of a mess at that time and what they came in with was uh plan to knock down a couple of the buildings to remove a lot of the pavement to put in gravel surfaces sitting areas for a restaurant style setting and lighting and plants and and fencing and things like that um we do have the asilt plan that was actually produced by DCI um that was part of the submitt that hopefully you've seen and we compared that plan that DCI had done for the permitting with their asilt plan and produced the list that we submitted today um a lot of the stuff that I found that was not you know per plan is not substantially um not substantially out of out of the realm of of being close to being in conformance there was large list here but they're all relatively minor um for instance uh the first item there's two sections of fencing that are are solid wall fencing they're not 50% open they're like six foot long or 10 foot long sections of fence two pieces it's it's easy enough to remove every other wooden slot and make it comply so again relatively minor but needs to be addressed um there's a mobile merch shed um there it's a basically a storage container that was dropped on the site it has a window and a door and and it's essentially a merchandise you know booth and that is going to be part of a new filing so although unpermitted we will be filing it as part of the new permit um to get that approved so uh we pointed it out here um there's two bio retention rain garden areas one of them was removed as a result of the water department during construction the water department forced the applicant to put in a storage tank there and it wiped out the location for the water for the rain Garden there and then there's another one over on the corner between um Plum Island Boulevard and uh the corner of O Point Road and there's one there that's slightly smaller than what was originally intended um having said that this is a completely gravel sand site there hasn't been any flooding issues here um the water that's being dispersed from this site that would have gone into to those rain garden areas are being satisfactorily soaked up by the surrounding sand and gravels um a couple other things that lend towards why that uh rainu may not necessarily be needed any longer is if you look down a little further on the list you'll see that there was a concrete apron in front of the building that was intended to be left in and that was replaced with a wooden deck so there's substantially more concrete removed than was originally approved and as a result we have more perious surfaces on the site to handle that runoff from the roof of the of the what was existing buildings at that time um there's various landscape areas that are slightly shaped different and I suspect they were constructed correctly at the time and you know with just the movement of sand and things like that they they look a little different now um and again for the most part relatively minor stuff I I don't know if you want me to hit every one of these but it had been discussed with the applicant that the commission given the length of the list and the number of items might actually benefit from performing a s sidewalk so uh he was open to the idea of potentially continuing tonight's hearing and scheduling a s sidewalk and giving the Commissioners an opportunity to take a look at it if that's something you're interested in doing and happy to answer any questions but for the most part I think the list spells out you know the the deviations that we noted okay thank you Matt so Matt where are you at on I mean obviously there's been some changes to the site where are you at on zba uh did it were the changes substantial enough to require the zba to review and and approve the changes so I think that's part of what we're doing with the new permit and and Vincent again he's on the line he can like let I can address uh so we we Our intention is to go in for a a hey Vince if you could be before you yes name address sorry about that uh Vincent Goen I'm one of the owners of the of the property uh dresses uh 800 Elderberry bokeron Florida or 28 Harvard way um on the island um so we went in for a a um change to the to the original approved plan with the zba that that added in the the merchandise shed that that was addressed that that Matt addressed as well as a couple of other changes that we would like to do to the property including uh uh construction of a pavilion on the corner and that's going to be part of the new um o that we're going to be submitting for and hopefully the next uh couple of weeks um and so the CBA did approve that back uh a few months ago I think it was in February um and approv the changes and and uh including the merchandise shed uh on there and a few other changes that'll that'll be on the uh application okay where do you stand Vince with the planning board and certainly where do you stand on the storm water yep so with the planning board we met with uh um Martha Shan uh and Peter um back in April kind of did a preapp meeting discussing the changes and everything that that that we were planning on doing and and um Martha provided us with a number of things that the planning board would be looking for including the storm water and and that is something that that Matt and his team are are in the process of finalizing so that we can submit that application as well for for the changes that we're looking to to make okay Vince when during construction did you have any changes to your property required by by any of the oversight boards or inspectors yeah so so the the rain Garden as Matt alluded to uh that was originally getting built just west of the property was built but then um we were informed that that DPS wanted a buffer tank on as part of the property and and said it had to be where the water goes out to the street and that of course is the pipe that goes right under where the rain Garden was so we had to redig all that up and put that in there along with a um I believe there's a grease trap they required right before it as well and then um uh the propane tanks that were going to be located in that area had to be moved as well and so we we mve them closer to the to the um kitchen container and so that we would have a a closer run and um as a result of that when discussions with the fire department they required us to have some sort of a solid structure to to put it in in order to um protect it from from vehicles or motorcycles or or or you know something running into it um and then um there was a raised seating area that that we had originally proposed in the plans but I back when we were discussing it we weren't sure if we were actually going to build it and that was part of our discussion so when we decided not to raise that section of the seating um it kind of removed the requirement for for some bushes that were going to get planted along the slope to kind of keep the sand in place um so none of that was really built including the retaining wall that was going to get built around it instead we just kept it all level and um and um and then there was a bot court that had been put on that ended up we've already removed so overall and then there was some Landscaping that our landscaper along the west side said the grasses that you plant there aren't going to survive and just told us not it wasn't worth planting some along that stretch which had been something I'd been looking for because I own the properties to the north and just thought it would be nice to have extra extra buffer but it turns out the fence actually does a real nice job of creating that that buffer all right Vince why don't I hold you there and I'll open this up for questions I I think Matt mentioned that a site visit it sounds like that makes sense to me to yeah I think that'll the best way for people to see okay all right let me open this up to questions from the members Mary any questions at this point certainly I think the site visit makes sense um yeah well I mean I I mean I think in some ways the site visit is is premature because there's activity that needs to happen to get the site into compliance and they don't have an order of conditions to do it and they need to file a new order of conditions for some of the after the fact work that's been done so we can't really issue of certificate of compliance until we have an approval for the after the fact stuff that's been done without our permission um so it you know there so so that procedurally I think we could do a site visit but I think it might be worthwhile to do the side visit after they file the the notice of intent and include in the notice of intent both what they want to do in the future and the after the fact um structures that are there now without that haven't received approval um and I also note in the order of conditions that the the the uh kitchen was supposed to be movable in in the event of a storm um because it's in the flood plane and it didn't technically meet Dune standards and I I just had a question as to whether or not that is still considered a movable kitchen uh it was designed in order to be able to be moved we have not needed to it has not even in the the the flooding this last winter that that was probably the highest I've seen uh no water came into the into the structure and it wasn't required for us to to do that okay well the other concern is that you know meeting the flood zone the FEMA flood zone requirements building code requirements for structures that are that are at grade right now so I'll pass on to the other members um for their comments but I'm obviously I'm not prepared to see issue order of conditions at this time okay thank you Mary Woody any any comments for Vince or Matt on on this matter the water tank that was installed in the rain Garden area that's waste water or fresh water uh that's for a sewer okay it's underground it's it's underground they wanted something that would uh uh absorb uh I guess they were concerned that if if everything was running at once it might be too much for the the vacuum system to handle so they wanted a tank that can kind of absorb it and displace it into the main system at a slower Pace okay thank you for answering the question and uh I don't have any other questions at this time thanks okay thank you witty Brad any questions for Vince or mad uh more less questions for Vince more comment um I agree with Mary this for me it would be a vote of non-compliance because there's been more changes than the actual uh original plan was put in for so I agree with Mary that there needs to be a nose of attent uh applied for or given to us first to uh note all the changes you made to the original plan and then secondly uh to the to the um um the new Pavilion and other changes that you want to make I also think that uh uh I'd like to hear from the other boards I don't know uh Mr chair whether or not we've seen uh anything from planning board Board of Health uh zba as to their comments on this uh I am concerned with the the additional structures that were put on the on the uh site that were not uh originally called for and and now we're looking to put uh a so-called Pavilion on that site uh as Mary said this is in a flood plane um and and uh that whole corner of uh the island uh does see substantial flooding um as I recall I don't even know if the uh Granite curb was part of the original plan that went around the uh perimeter of it yes that that that was always included on there okay okay those would be my comments Mr chair okay thank you Brad Mick comments on this matter I'll I agree with Mary and Brad you know based on worked done uh outside of the initial uh order conditions without approval or without consulting U that needs to be seen so it needs a new notice of intent so I agree on that point um just a couple of questions uh so Vince was the that tank you spoke of the holding tank that they asked you to put that in It's A detention tank or holding tank sounds like a detention tank or an overflow tank they call it a buffer tank so it essentially uh slows down if if let's just say every they calculate everything based off of the number of seats so even though we had a number of our bathrooms as an example that end up being portapotty and uh it it doesn't necessarily generate as much water as a a typ 150 seat restaurant they they kind of run their calculations on the Assumption of the number of fixtures that would be in a 150 person restaurant and based on you know if everything was open and going at once there was concern that that it would inundate the the the system at one time which could cause potential issues so it essentially absorbs it and just lets it release at a slower pace so what is the construction of that tank is is it in a vault is it a dual wall tank yeah it it's um they they had provided us the the company that actually had done the the entire system the vacuum system and uh put us in touch with them and and and they were the ones that kind of gave us the the specs of what needed to be put in there and it's essentially a large concrete Vault and the tank sits inside that it's a separate tank inside that Vault or no no the tank is in that concrete structure that's more like a septic tank that that's yeah it sounds like yeah and the grease trap is uh prior to that right correct okay and grease trap is separate access for clean out and pumping I would think right yep okay uh as uh just the back of just from my own uh interest the you uh or your your contractors raised the former uh fuel station gas station service station correct okay uh was there any uh any impacts noted from that uh any previous like I'm just thinking um either oil soil uh into the soil and groundwater or gasoline from from previous operations there was there any impacts noted when when they had removed their tanks over the years uh they had gone in and gotten all the proper documentation and testing done to remove move um I know there was testing done subsequent over the years um I think the last time was in 2005 or six somebody had up the island had some some found something in you know a mile away in their uh in their soils and thought it might be be from the old gas station and they retested and there was no issues in the area Okay so there's no open D file on that no on that gas station okay all right no those are my questions thank you thank you Matt I see you have your your your hand raised why don't you had something you wanted to add to the discussion yes um actually I wanted to share my screen really quick so um the commission could see and perhaps recall what they were looking at for site conditions prior to the development work being done um again what I want to emphasize is there are a lot of changes that we did point out and we do recognize that some of these things may need to be addressed as part of the new notice of intent that was kind of Our Hope in doing the site walk that we could kind of look at the the list that we have and determine what needed to be addressed and what would actually have been approvable had it been on the plan originally for example I pointed out that there are lacking plants along this fence line down here along mclaud Avenue as the owner has said those were not requirements of the commission at the time those were things he put on the plan because he wanted to provide a buffer this was a site that was essentially you know a lot of paved areas a lot of structures things that were taken down you can see there was two large structures here so for the applicant to have put back a couple storage containers the number of structures square footage of them is substantially substantially lower than what was there before so although again we think certain things definitely don't comply with the regulations things like the 50% open fence things like the the wall around the propane tank that will have to be addressed I do think are a number of items here that could be looked at and said it's still substantially better than what was there prior to development and had it been shown that way originally on the plans would it have complied and does it need to be addressed and that's we don't expect the commission to issue a certificate of compliance on this until we file the new notice that's for sure we just wanted to try to nail down those things that definitely needed to be dealt with it's part of the new permit in order to make the commission feel good about closing this one out okay thank you Matt I think Matt the the big thing is if the order was still in force uh some of these items outside of the Pavilion could have probably been addressed as a minor Amendment you know depending on the the scope of it all right let me continue on with the rest of the members for questions anything else Matt before I continue on no that was it that was it okay TJ any questions for M VIN on this matter um no no questions just a comment that I I I do agree that this the the new um use of the facil of the of the uh property is is much better than it was before uh but it sounds like we're going to get a new noi anyways and an opportunity to walk the site so I'll Reserve uh further comments and questions for that time okay thank you TJ Diane what are your thoughts and comments on this matter now my comment would just be that I had difficult time I'm looking at the revised plan and the as built plan and figuring out um what happened um so I was definitely in favor of a site visit so I think that'll be happening um yeah it's hard to tell just without feet on the ground to see what actually happened so I guess we'll move forward so team I think the question is uh certainly we to address the changes and to consider work to be done the the notice of a new notice of intent is is certainly in order I think from a procedural standpoint they're not asking for a certificate of compliance tonight I think what they're looking for is some guidance of what is going to be required to be put on the new notice of intent uh and then how do we close out the existing order I think that that's just a procedural question that that I'm thinking about so it seems that you're going to file a new notice of intent you're going to incorporate proposed changes and deviations from the original uh permit is is is that what I'm hearing Matt and Vince yes absolutely we want to include the stuff that we are proposing to perform as well as anything that's necessary to add to the thing to bring it into compliance with the old one as well hopefully move forward with that public hearing get that approved and then at that time once we have those items on the plan and we have an order of conditions issued for that then we can close out the old one because the items that will be required to address that will be on the new permit okay so can I make a yeah just going to circle back to you thank you no and I may be the only one that was on the board at the time this was approved and there was there was quite a lot of interest in this project and there was a lot of discussion about lot coverage and yeah it's it's certainly you know more open than it was under the gas station but this was carefully and you know over many meetings over multiple boards you know discussed in terms of what was going to be allowed out there and the extent of alteration because it was it's still considered a close Doom so there's that um also I just want to point out that a new notice of intent that's proposing new work as well as work that has to close out an old order of conditions it may not be the way to go because in in theory the commission could deny your your you your new work proposed but the old work still needs to happen you still need to get that done and get in order of conditions and get the work done to close out the original certificate of compliance request so the the old order so you might want to consider splitting up and creating two separate notices because one is voluntary and you want to do new work one is going to be required and could be required as part of an enforcement order to get the site into compliance with the original approved project so just want to throw that out there as well y Mary are you thinking that uh in an I'm going to call it a friendly and enforcement order to address the remaining work to get this back into compliance that's that's one option yep okay okay so it it seems Mary that um I would like to do a site visit you know what it again you your empirical knowledge and this is being on the board back then I I think there may be some benefit to doing a site visit uh and being I'm sorry yeah no and aset what the next step is is an enforcement order way to close out the original certificate and giving them some ability to finish that work or to yeah they it it only can address violations the enforcement order right so it can't permit work that occurred that you know structures that they want to keep in place that's the problem you know it can it can require their removal but it can't an enforcement M can't be used to after the fact permit structures a question for Vince or for Matt on the merchandise shed how did the building department handle that did they handle that that it requires a permit or is it a temporary structure well it's it's a it's a temporary structure that was dropped on there and and the the the folks at Sunset Club did not um um get a a building permit and nor would it I believe even apply to for a building permit because it's it's essentially a just a shipping container that's put on the site um so you know I I think as far as the enforcement order I think there's some of the there's a good bit of the items that are on the list that that are are really not things that we're looking to put back like we don't want to put back the concrete that we took out that we said we were going to keep you know there's a number of items that we think that that the board would be fine with having on there and then there's some new other items that we think we would like to try and address um and see if we can allow them to to stay so I'm I'm not quite sure how how best to address that well I I I think the wisdom of a site visit will will add some clarity to what was proposed what's been completed and what remains to to be completed to close out the original order and then certainly the new order the new filing will will be Standalone uh all right I'm going to go through everyone one more time Brad I see you have your hand up what what are your thoughts Brad yeah Mr chair uh I agree with Mary in in partial that these are two separate items uh I think rather than an enforcement order a better way to do this is have the applicant file an addendum to their original order of conditions or their original permit that we issued to them requesting uh approval for the things that they've already done uh thus we can say yes or no to help them close out their original permit and then file a notice of intent for their separate new items that they plan or would like to plan to put on there I think that makes it cleaner I think it answers the mail when it comes to Mary saying uh that we could in theory deny the the notice of intent for the future work but would still leave their um their um certificate of compliance in limbo uh and at that point the only way to address that would then be through an enforcement order of the fact that they put items on the plan or on the site that were not originally on the plan I I I do believe that that is the cleaner way to do it it it would be Brad if the order of conditions was still in force but it's expired that's the R so we can't consider an amendment or a modification because the original order of conditions has have expired yeah that's the I I wasn't aware that they had expired okay yeah good they would that I think that would have been the cleaner way certainly would have been the way to to address this okay uh any other comments Brad before I just circle back with everybody no I I I I agree with the applicant that the the overall um site has less pervious uh structures on it than the previous site did but I I do think that procedurally we we got a little bit of a quagar here yeah I I think we can pick figure it out at some point okay thank you Brad Mick any any other comments I think Mi on mute uh no further questions Bob thank you okay Woody any any further comments or questions no not at this time other than um sidewalkers in the nor okay TJ how about yourself any other question nothing further okay Diane any questions nothing new thank you yeah the the only thing I would say I I'd like to schedule a site meeting for next week midweek uh certainly just for my own benefit to kind of get up to speed and and and dig into this what are your thoughts is anyone interested in a site site inspection I am okay yeah I am too Mr chair but I would like to see a more definitive uh original plan with overlaid with the work that was done and then a third plan that shows the proposed work okay so that we can actually have paper walking or or digital copy either or to be able to walk the site and and make those comparisons I was difficult to ascertain I think as commissioner O'Brien suggested that uh to to look at the work done versus work planned okay how does next Wednesday just being the holiday weekend um don't see I can't do anything this week and Monday's the holiday there's Wednesday at 8 o'clock is starting point so Mary does that just can I clarify something with the Commissioners for meeting minutes so we are currently not accepting the planned the new planned work this is to close the existing expired order of Tak any we're not taking any particular action of vote tonight other than a it's been a discussion Sean uh the the only thing that we're considering now is a site visit uh and a continuance to the next meeting after that site visit okay we we haven't made any determinations of findings tonight Mary does next Wednesday work for you you're familiar with the site anyway but yeah no that works yep okay uh mick how about you is Wednesday good Woody you okay with that yesk Diana you okay with that um yeah I can be okay all right so team let's schedule a site visit uh for the Sunset Club for next Wednesday at 8 o'clock and what is the date of that just 29 29 okay 29 and why don't we continue this matter to the June 4th meeting now where it's a COC and not a public heing it really doesn't require a vote but I think if we put this on the agenda for our June 4th meeting uh we can do a followup of the results of a site site visit all right thank you Vince thank you Matt I think you you you've got a idea how the commission is thinking uh I think it would be important to be able to make a good presentation at the site visit of what has been changed in the significance of the minor nature of it absolutely H so it's next Wednesday 8 AM I'll be there okay I'll have the plans so we can lay them out and take a look at them and we can go through anything that is on my list or anything else the commission sees okay and SE just if you can have the complete file with us uh for that site visit that would be that would be great all right thank you uh next order of business is uh an enforcement order 105 Northern Boulevard for unpermitted yard work uh drove by the property they removed the base material for the driveway in the fabric uh and we gave them 60 days to submit a restoration and planting plan so Sean we'll just kick this down to uh let's just put it on the agenda for June 4th I have it on there so it would be 60 days from the enforcement order so that would be July 16th but again just for status let's just put it on June 4th okay okay and we can certainly continue it okay next order of business is uh enforcement order D file number 0501 1243 very interesting uh newb Golf Center buffer zone mitigation plan uh Team if you recall we did a site visit uh recently I see Eric is on the line and we were looking at this uh with the planning board with the peer review engineer but the matter before us tonight is the status of the enforcement order as I recall the result of I walked through there was one minor area of erosion that Eric was going to receive uh and Sean you were going to check and see if it was starting to revegetate yep so if either I Eric why don't you do this why don't you give us H give us you where you are in that one area erosion so uh we we took Mary's advice put crushed stone put um material down put Loom down seated it and hay um Sean was out here today I believe you took some pictures I don't know if you shared them um do you want me to share them that'd be great TR if you could it' be help okay sorry okay uh questions from the members Mary questions on this matter uh no that's what we were looking for is that a hole there the bottom uh so that is um the no that that's underneath that they use oh you're just showing the Lo that they put down yeah okay yeah um is there so this is to release the enforcement order yeah okay correct the only would be out to close the enforcement order tonight if we we deem that but yeah it might be a little thick heavy on the straw just I don't know if the seed will come up through that but just keep an eye on that Eric that we will actually get growth underneath that CU sometimes it just suffocates it I'll check and my guys did it I was away for I will double check Jack it to make sure yeah they sometimes just go a little too heavy on straw I'm fine though thank you okay thank you Mary Woody any any questions for Eric on this one no I don't thank you Brad any any questions for Eric no looks good thank you Mr chair okay TJ any question off set thank you I just want to make a notation TJ was the best stress conservation agent I knew you were G to say something a three piece suit was a little overboard Mr commissioner I must I must have missed a memo on that I know mck we the dress I came in steel toes so best best foot forward all the time Mick any any questions no no questions looks good Eric thanks for jumping on it okay Diane any any questions on this one no okay I have no questions all right uh is there a motion I'll entertain a motion to close the enforcement order for the Newbury Golf Center as we have a second second okay roll call all in favor Mary yes TJ hi Woody yes Mick hi Brad hi Diane yes and Bob Connor V chers thank you Eric you're welcome one one down one to go Eric so where does that leave us with the next step with so we're waiting for uh Joe Saka was on site and he was going to review the order of conditions the as built uh and then make a recommendation via a memo to the board to consider for your certificate of compliance I did get you you requested a summary from my engineer so I did get that uh to Sean late this afternoon so you do have that okay Sean if you can make sure that uh that uh Joe saraka gets that for his review okay um as far as I know I we received a letter from Joe svaka right um recently because we found the the plans that were used the proposed mitigation it's in the drop box the letter well you know what that's that's not before us tonight uh so let's let's do this oh okay you know the only thing before the was the enforcement order all right let's do a review of the file and see where Joe says we're at and then we can schedule accordingly uh The Next Step okay Eric thank you okay thank you appreciate it okay okay uh we have a request for determination of applicability our file number 444 20 Jackson Way Landscaping Sean can you provide an overview and then if the applicant is present to give us the presentation yeah so first I'll start with is the applicant here I'm here oh okay all right um do you wanna or I can I can kick it off I have a I got my deck and everything okay well why don't you just give us your name address and then give us your presentation okay hi everyone my name is Angela Anderson my address is 20 Jackson way in Newbury on Plum Island um just by means of introduction we moved in about eight months ago to the island um I am a national parks passholder and mass oton member for many years these are the topics that I laid out in my presentation like to just take a look at the existing Garden from the prior owner um gardening the front yard and then um some plans for the deck and porch okay so for the existing garden areas the prior owner who um owned this house for about 30 years had several beds throughout the the lot um I'm learning about the plants as they're all coming up um this spring and I'd like to continue to maintain them also like to do just your average yard maintenance uh raking picking up debris from storms in the winter um and um taking them away if that's appropriate um or using my compost to dump them as far as container garden is concerned um just looking to have some her herbs and veggies um keeping the spirit of what the prior owner did there's a picture um previously so you can see that she had lots of plants she had a green thumb for the front yard um which actually a buts Sunset Drive it's pretty steeply sloped and vegetated um I'd like to do some upkeep here um I'm on the list to get training with the Parker River Wildlife Refuge biologists to learn how to identify and pull the perennial pepper weed and I've picked a handful of plants that I think um will work well there so I put them on the next slide um and these are all on the states website as um natives for this area and region and the type of soil SL sand that we have I'm pretty sure um and then as it comes to the deck and the porch um we've got a little bit of a janky umbrella out there I'd like to replace the umbrella with a retractable awning that attaches to the overhang um and that'll just come out and cover the deck um it'll actually be shorter than the current umbrella is when it's extended and it comes in obviously during wind and rain so it's safe and secure and then finally the screen porch I misplaced some of the screens the door and you can see in my picture that um it's you a little bit of a shape and so I'd like to be able to replace the screens and either rep replace or repair the lattice and on these last two items um I am in touch with the building department I'll pull a perit of course um if that is their advice okay anything else all right let me open this up to questions uh Mary questions for this all looks wonderful thank you for you know taking good care of the property and using native plants and I think this is great um I don't have any objection to the awning the raised beds just you know I just would say to make sure that they're not put in areas whether there's dun grass or native vegetation so that we don't um interfere with with any of that um and and staying within the footprint of the existing um you know gardening that was done previously on the site um totally encourage removal of the invasives and planting plan that you've proposed is totally appropriate so so great job and look forward to seeing it thank you okay thank you Mary TJ any questions for Angela no questions one wonderful plan thank you Woody any any questions no questions um thank you for the presentation it was great and uh nice plan thank you Brad any any questions on this matter no second second the uh the previous Commissioners comments thank you okay Mick any questions on this matter uh quick U again agree with everybody else great plan great presentation um looks look good going forward is there any change in impervious versus uh you know permeable areas are you're not adding any no no we'll we'll do plans here on the front Dune okay all right no that was my only question so no pavers walkways things like that no changes okay all right great thank you nice job thank you thank you MC Diane any questions for Angela on this one no okay I have no questions Sean any raised hands from the public okay hearing them sorry yeah yeah no no ra no raised hands from the public and and it looked like a very good presentation okay thank you Sean all right I'll entertain a motion to issue a negative finding for 20 Jackson way so moved second okay all in favor Mary yes TJ Woody yes Brad hi Mick hi Diane yes and Bob Conor's votes yes okay thank you good luck thank you all right next matter is a request for determination our file number 4458 Melody Lane installation of a permanent whole home 18 KV generator with ATS s John can you provide an overview on this and a recommendation excuse me Bob just um I'm sorry to interrupt but I need to hop off briefly and I try to get back on as soon as possible okay thank you Mary so Sean do you have a recommendation or a review on this one sure I I can share that we have one second I'm going to pull this up on the screen is the homeowner here yes I see them yes we are here do you wanna do you want to present or well why don't you why don't you pull up what you have in the screen and then we can discuss it okay I think we need highspeed internet over at town hall sh so um this is what I have this is a drawing of um the area or the house that's proposed um they want us to put a generator in the this area here um and that's what I have for the plans here do you have a pict do you have a picture of the Channel just I I have a map picture so a picture from uh female F [Music] okay and I that's funny so the generator is going here it yeah okay that doesn't really help us Sean do we have any Peter do you have any pictures of the yard where the generator's going to go you know it's the one thing I didn't pull up for the presentation tonight I apologize all right why don't why don't I do this Peter why don't why don't you make your presentation sure and and then I'll open it up to questions sure as as Sean said uh we're requesting permission to put in this uh generator it's a Coler it's actually a 20,000 watt generator that's see they either make a 20 or a 10 uh place it in the position that sea described in front of a a a main bedroom in the apartment it's on Sand uh the proposal is to put it up on the appropriately positioned uh uh wooden stand 6x6 treated lum uh you know just because of the flood plane issues uh it's an identical unit that's going into our house that went in across the street at N9 Melody Lane and uh Jim devau will be installing this he's got a lot of experience doing this there'll be a trench running from the generator back to a propane tank uh to run a gas line and then a trench to run the electrical issues into the house so it's a it's a nice position to minimize the amount of trenching that's needed uh and that's uh pretty much it okay what what do were the trenches a going uh Peter what do you have for vegetation now is it just sand or is it Keystone or what vegetation might be impacted with your trenching right so the current the the trenching actually let me just show a quick picture here to uh you can actually see it here and this is actually a I apologize for putting a I think you have to share it is a cover over this but the trench will run under the main bedroom which is up on stilts so it's pure sand underneath the electrical conduit will also run uh to the house a short distance and there's nothing there there's no vegetation in the way of that particular trench so we're not going to disrupt any uh shrubs or beach grass or anything to put this in okay so I I think the thing in in the past Peter what what we've done is we we've made the recommendation certainly whatever work you're going to perform needs to be uh in compliance with other applicable local and state permitting and and codes um our recommendation is that you have a base platform for the generator uh at 2 feet above flood PL that seems to be the you need to determine what your Basel elevation is what your yard elevation is uh and what that does is the worst day uh on Plum Island and you have no power your generator is running properly and you're having air conditioning and cable TV exactly and your generator is not underwater but I'm familiar with your area anyway and you're not you're going to be okay there let me let me open this up to questions from the members TJ any any questions on on this one for you no y no I'm good okay Woody any any questions on this one no questions uh straightforward thank you for your explanation okay thank you Brad any questions looks great thank you Mick any questions just uh uh Mr Deen the the location of the propane tanks that's existing right those are existing tanks it so we're not changing that out okay yeah that was it no looks good thank you Bob excuse me as I try to get a spoonful of soup here Diane any questions PA no okay I have no questions Sean any raised any raised hands from the public no raised hands okay I will entertain a motion to issue a negative finding for eight melon um Melody Lane so moved second second okay all in favor TJ I Woody yes Brad hi Mick hi Diane yes okay and BR coners vote Yes Peter all I would suggest is coordinate when you start with the agent that way there you know what be seamless and good luck and enjoy your new generator thank you very much a quick shout out to Sean to say thank you for all the guidance and Clarity that he gave us for doing putting this all together we really appreciate it thank you John does a very good job you're welcome okay next order of business is a request for determination our file number 44614 Columbia Way Mark Woods installation of a permanent generator something tells me we're all concerned with the status of GD in our area uh is Mark is is Mark on the phone is Mark on the call Sean you want to give us a quick overview and a recommendation on this I think he was here earlier but sure I can see what I have I mean you know that the drill is yeah this is 14 Columbia certainly the drill for us is distance from the propane tank pad elevation and trenching and impacts on vegetation so the yeah actually I think this is if I'm not mistaken this is the property that they came in for an after the fact um RDA replacing the gener uh agent or the generator that's in the application um on level ground while they're in a flood zone without an RDA on Plum Island okay the Columbia Way 14 if I'm not mistaken is probably about 8 feet above the roadway so although it's in a flood plane the the yeah they're just com after the fact RDA RDA okay so the generator's already been installed yes it's it's already there it's sitting on um on the ground on on yeah on the ground do you did a site inspection on this I did okay so it's am I correct though the the yacht elevation is substantially higher than the street I this is Margaret I'm sorry it took me forever to unmute okay Margaret okay Margaret if you just give us your name and address yep and and then you know give us your presentation that would be great sure my name is Margaret Thomas I'm at 14 Columbia Way Newberry mass and um Sean is correct it was an after the fact I didn't know needed to do this um the generator was installed by case in equipment um and it actually when Sean saw it it was on the ground it is now up on the platform two feet high and the legs of the platform are sunk about four to six feet down below um in terms of trenching there wasn't any that was needed we ran it as a um a conduit along the side of the house on the house so it's attached um to the house and um the it's a propane generator so the prop propane tanks are are uh on on the same side of the house but much further up and we just ran off the propane line that's attached to the house okay and you it's all been permitted and inspected by the electrical department Margaret I think that's what we're waiting for with this and then we can go ahead and finish all of that okay all right well why don't you hang on let me see if there's any questions from the members TJ any any questions for Margaret on this um not not from margar but sha um have you gone by and seen the the generators up on a platform I have not seen if it was up on a platform am I on mute nope we can hear you okay yeah so I have not seen if it was up on a platform I I did notice it on the ground um if it's up on a platform great thank you very much um did you have any concerns platform in that area I do not okay I'm good Mr Jim okay thank you TJ Woody any questions from arget or Sean on this one um the fact that it's on a platform it's good and it sound everything else sounds straightforward thank you for explanation Margaret and uh no other questions okay Brad any any questions on this one oh good Mr thank you okay mick how about yourself any questions uh no questions Bob thank you thank you Margaret okay thank you Mick Diane any questions for Margaret or Sean on this one no okay I don't have any questions team what I'm going to suggest is that we consider issuing a negative finding uh with one condition that and it's already been met that the generator be elevated on a platform yep okay so I'll entertain a motion to issue a negative finding with that one condition so move second okay all in favor TJ hi Woody yes Brad hi Mick hi Diane yeah and Bob Conor so chers good luck margar thank you thank you all so much we have another RDA it's our file number 441 17 Harvard way installation of a home home generator uh with a automatic transfer switch Sean you you had a chance to talk to the the owner on this and why don't you give us a quick overview then we'll see if the owner has anything to add you seem to have a good plan on this one yeah so I I spoke to the homeowner um I my where I would stand on this would be um we have met them in the past um which just kind of we need to give them a determination for this um if they a good recommendation for this would be if they stay two feet of BFE and notify the agent where when they what their plan is for trenching once when they get that figured out um I can do a site inspection and see the vegetation disturbance and we can go from there okay is the applicant uh the owner of 17 Harvard way on the call all right why don't I open this up to questions to the members TJ what are your thoughts on this one that we we we've never had a generator request before yeah I'm I'm good Mr chair okay Woody how about yourself I'm good thank you Bob hey Brad any any questions on this one no thank you very good okay mick how about you any questions uh just one uh was there a sale on generators that I missed so my my understanding is is how this works is they're they're getting more affordable and by them being more affordable creates more access it's just informing the informing the the applicants that the requirements that need to be met on Plum Island for for example or within one of the resource areas under 310 10 no I'm good okay Mick thanks thank you mck uh Diane any question no I'm good with the standard okay and so Sean I so I I think what we should do is obviously we want it elevated our recommendation if we determine it's a negative finding is base elevation will be 2 feet above Bas flat elevation for the platform uh prior to construction or trenching contact the agent you you will determine how what if they have to do to mitigate or replant remove and reinstall vegetation that may be impacted and that uh the installation will certainly our approval is subject to all other applicable codes inspections at the local and state level so with that being said I'll entertain a motion to issue a negative finding for 17 havid way with those conditions so moved second okay uh all in favor roll call TJ I Woody yes Brad hi Mick hi Diane yes and Bob Conor votes yes all right continued public hearing D file number 0501 1422 106 Street for work to construct and raise a single family dwelling uh on on pile supported foundation and other site improvements and I see Matt from Millennium Matt why don't you as I recall mat we were just looking for an updated planting plan was the only open issue I was I'm my recollection yes yeah you're you're actually quite correct we're waiting on the D file number to be issued as well as uh commissioner Rimer had some concerns that the vegetation wasn't quite as accurate as we needed it to be and then we were showing like a onetoone replication and and she requested that we beep up the replication a little bit more um and and to commissioner rimmer's Point she was absolutely accurate that the vegetation was a little bit off I spoke with my survey crew and they had lumped some of it together you can see here this is what the first plan was that we submitted to you can they kind of lumped the whole thing together as being uh highly vegetated and when we sent them back to update it you you can see how much it changed so we ended up with uh substantial bald areas out in the back where we had be bare sand and you know areas over here that were a little bit more irregular shaped versus what they had kind of lumped together which was more generalized of the vegetated areas in doing this in updating the vegetation we included some areas up front here we showed where there's a parking area here where the neighbors who live in this home utilize the driveway and they Park here um and we've calculated all of the impacts that we now have with the updated vegetation and updated the table that we show here in the top corner so you can see that we have existing man-made features things that are being taken off of the property that's the structure the foundation brick walkways total of 691 square feet of man-made features coming off of the site we're putting back 19 uh 19 Square fet for the new structure and the deck so it is a substantial increase in footprint but the actual impacts to vegetation and I'm going to recenter this here so I can get my sliding bar you can see over here the actual impacts of the vegetation in this table here is 782 square feet of impacts proposed to American Doom grass uh with replication being 1237 so we're actually at just shy of a 60% increase 58% increase to the amount that's being damaged to what's being planted so it's a 1.58 to1 ratio and you can see here we did show the Shaded area in a cross hatch here that represents the footprint of the new building over any vegetated surface you can see which vegetation is being impacted and throughout and then on the right hand side we took the green shading of the existing vegetation off and just shaded in the areas that are proposed to be replicated so you can see the the unshaded areas of the vegetated surfaces that are not going to be impacted those will remain the same the green area is the bald sand spots that we will be replicating and the total again is about a 58% increase over what we're actually impacting other than that I did add the DP file number directly to the plan anytime I get an opportunity to do that you know a revised plan I like to put it right on the plan so there's no question finding it later um the tables were updated and the EP is issued the file number so I'm happy to answer any questions okay thank you thank you Matt all right questions from the members TJ any questions for this for Matt on this one uh no I think I'm good yeah I I as I said earlier it was it was really the vegetation and the yep encouragement to increase the uh know the ratio okay thank you TJ Woody any any questions for Matt on this project no questions uh thanks for updating everything and uh looks good thank you okay thank you wiy Brad any questions well good thank you Mr chair Mick any questions for for Matt on this project only because I I probably forgot but uh Matt your planting list is it primarily American beach grass that you're replacing yes a good point um one other thing I wanted to point out is we did Identify two shrubs in the front here that are to be removed so at a again at a minimum 50% ratio of replication we've got three new shrubs up front here and we're calling those out to be Comm common juniper shrubs and that information is shown on sheet two of our PL set we've got a a photograph here with a blurb straight off of the coastal zone management website as a plant species off of their approved list for barrier beaches so uh we have the the Doom grass and then the the common juniper shrub information here okay no great thank you perfect appreciate it thank you Mick Diane any questions for Matt on this project no I like the plan was good it was like a jigsaw puzzle so I could figure out where the plantings were I I like the way Matt showed the existing and proposed and colorcoded it for us that are eyesight is failing at 7:30 at night okay Matt I have no questions I I think you've answered uh the previous questions that our last meeting Sean do you have any questions for Matt on this matter Sean I have I have zero zero zero questions for Matt um thank you for updating the the plan okay Sean do we have any raised hands from the public at this time we do not have any raised hands from the public okay do any members have a request for a site visit it additional information or plan Amendment or adding additional content to the notice of intent no okay hearing no request for additional information or site visit uh is there a motion to close the public hearing so moved okay roll call all in favor TJ I Woody yes Brad hi Mike Mick excuse me hi Diane yes and Bob Connor's votes yes all right so team at this time is usually when we discuss any uh special conditions I think Matt you had shown uh the limits of construction with fencing as I recall from that previous meeting you're pointing to it right now yes I'm just trying to get my mouse to cooperate so I can zoom in here the the limit of of uh construction fencing which is intended to try to keep the contractors off is only about 5T around the structure it's not very wide okay all right and storage of materials and all that Matt you're going to keep them in existing driveway areas you had everything I think already spelled out in tables yes yep so we have a construction staging note down here that indicates all staging dumpsters and material will be done solely within uh permitted areas and within and not within any vegetated area so it'll all be within the driveway okay all right I don't have any I don't see any need for special conditions questions anyone anyone have any other comments or conditions that we should consider no sir all good Bob okay I'll entertain a motion to issue an order of conditions for 10 six Street with the usual conditions so move second okay roll call all in favor TJ hi Woody yes Brad hi Nick hi Diane yes and Bob con is V yes thank you Matt thank you okay the next order of business uh it's actually it's continued public hearing D file number 0501 42418 temple Boulevard West uh that has been continued until June 4th at our previous meeting so no further action is required on that uh administrative report Sean anything anything that you want to add my soup is getting cold here so keep it keep it quick no no I think that's pretty much it um uh it's almost the end of the year our phisical budget um there's that uh yeah that's pretty much it okay Sean great job on we we had a meeting yesterday with a US fish and wildlife and Mass fishing wildlife and and it was a regarding endangered species and and the like we had a good collaborative positive meeting uh Sean played an instrumental role and uh in he had the wisdom to just run by some of the overlapping confusion we had with what we can do for cleaning the beach removing medical waste um that was directly from Mass fish and wildlife so good job and a great job Sean on sheering the whole emergency certificate um thank you for doing that that was great thank you other than that I have no comments anyone want the final word of the night before I entertain a motion to adjourn motion to ajour to bring bring you to bring you back to that point um there the new signs are on the accessways um and I mean so about the P we it would be nice if uh for educational and Outreach um so we we're devising methods on that thank you Sean okay we have a motion to adjourn to is we have a second second second okay roll call all in favor tjy hi yes con 737 that isn't that bad a thank God it's out of Boeing I don't know it was a Superman storm's coming be on that 9:30 listen and it's lightning right now it is here I know