##VIDEO ID:HkACJvZI49s## all right good evening everyone my name is Bob Connors at 6 pm and at 6:02 PM excuse me I'd like to call the November 5th meeting of the Newber Conservation Commission to order Mason can you read the remote open meeting law Preamble and take a roll call of the members present as a preliminary matter this is Mason fet conservation agent of the new Conservation Commission and I call the November 5th meeting to order and permit me to confirm that all members are present and can hear me Members when I call your name please respond in the affirmative Mary rimmer yes T.J Cony nope Mick Brown yes Diane O'Brien yes Woody Knight yes Bob Connors yes and Frank weton Camp yes good evening everyone this open meeting of the Newbery Conservation Commission is being conducted remotely consistent with Governor Baker's executive order of March 12 201 due to the current state of emergency in the Commonwealth due to the outbreak of the covid-19 virus in order to mitigate the transmission to covid-19 virus we have been advised and directed by the Commonwealth to suspend public Gatherings and as such the governor's order suspends the requirement of the open meeting law to have all meetings in a publicly accessible physical location further all members of public bodies are allowed and encouraged to participate remotely for this meeting the newbur Conservation Commission is conveying by Zoom conference as posted on the agenda of the Conservation Commission section of the town's website identifying how the public may join Please be aware that other folks may be able to see you and take care not to screen share your computer anything that you broadcast may be captured by the recording applicants or their representatives may be called on to speak and or share information to the screen if a if able on the flly we're now turning the first item in the agenda but before we do so permit me to cover some of the ground rules for Effective and clear conduct of our business and to ensure that ensure accurate meeting minutes the chair will introduce each speaker on the agenda after they conclude their remarks the chair will go down the line of members inviting each by name to provide comment questions or motions please hold your name please hold until your name is called for any response please wait until the chair yields the floor to you and state your name before speaking board and committee members should be called upon in first name alphabetical order to ease the process if board and committee members wish to engage with other members please do so through the chair taking care to identify yourself after the board and committee members have spoken the chair will afford public comments as follows chair will first seek questions through the chat function then the chair will seek questions from the public who wish to speak finally each vote taken in this meeting will be conducted by roll call vote okay thank you Mason okay upcoming meeting dates November 19th and December 3rd you know just saying those dates scare me I mean December 3rd and it's 75 degrees though okay at many many me excuse me meeting Minutes review uh October 15 2024 team I didn't get those into the dropboxes I recall I looked at them and honestly I wanted to have a chance to discuss them with Mason so I'm just going to suggest why don't we just grab those at our November 19th meeting if that meets everyone's approval okay first order of business request for determination of applicability 14 Pine Island Road applicant would like to construct and a mudroom and a two-car garage to existing dwelling uh and property the applicant has requested this be continued to the 1119 meeting as he was Consulting with a wetland consultant okay next matter is an RDA for 63 Sunset Drive applicant would like to remove invasive growth install all an engineered wall install the privacy fence and the planting of your plants Mason you want to give an overview is the applicant on the call Y the applicant here I'll give a quick overview uh the Project's located on Plum Island um all the way down Sunset Drive and it's bordering the uh great Marsh um the applicant has had issues with existing flooding areas in his driveway and surrounding the house um and his intention is to remove the beach row and replace it with native plants um in a hard masonry wall um to hopefully kind of B that that ongoing um storm damage that's happening on the property um there are small existing Rock structures um but often hard surfaces are um not permitted down the beach so my recommendation for him um was to get in contact with a consultant um and look into a dune project to uh mitigate some of the wave wave damage and to disperse some of the wave energy um but I believe Connor is here to um kind of explain his thinking and and what he was looking into hey so Connor good evening if you give us your name and address and then make your presentation and answer questions from the members as they arise sure thank you for your time I'm Connor christu the address is 63 sunset in Newbury um so as Mason pointed out there um there's been especially this past January been um in the worst flood that we've seen in my lifetime I've been a resident at this location my entire life um there has been a flooding that has gotten into the house itself uh it's not on stilts it's old I think it was built in 1969 uh the garage things like that um there are the uh non-native species that Rosa regosa as was mentioned that spans a property line which has also been kind of creeping up and invading into the uh the yard it gets as as deep as like 12 or 15 feet in some points um so essentially killing two parts with one stone uh helping to uh prevent the the flood waters from getting to my house is the main goal uh and also the removal of kind of that non-native plant um the idea is to create some sort of burm uh the best way I knew how to do it uh is some sort of engineered wall that would be mortarless um yep that's a property right there um that would be mortarless um to have sand that would match the grain size and Island uh to use some sort of geotextile fabric to keep it in uh that BM in and uh hold that textile fabric down with River Stone or river rock um the to maintain kind of that privacy that's already there the the goal was to put some sort of like PVC fence in that would be set two feet off the ground so as to keep you know any kind of flood waters uh you know that were that high God forbid uh to to go through the area that's really the summary of it okay so if I understand you correctly you're thinking of eliminating the engine a wall and putting in more of a sand burm with a GE Fabric or what so the the engineer wall isn't in place now um there are some larger rocks that are kind of stacked up next to each other uh and my understanding is decades past the uh Department of Public Works put in like uh they're like they like parking spot indicators I don't know how else to describe them they're they're kind of like uh you know four or five feet wide and maybe eight inches tall but they're made of stone and cement uh that's on the edge of the property but um the idea is to to build up kind of uh sand in those areas where the roses are about five feet in width and um that's going to essentially be a burm and something has to hold the sand in place because the the flood water would just take it away so that geotextile fabric lined with the the mortarless engineered wall was my best idea of how to kind of keep that in place okay why don't you Hold there and let me open this up to questions uh Mary questions for Connor on his request um yes I I guess you know I can understand you're wanting to protect your property there you are in a flood zone um looks like an AE Zone um and you are on the coastal Dune so this board has to to um make sure that projects meet the performance standards for Coastal dun and um you're proposing quite a lot of activity removal of vegetation and installation of concrete footings in a wall which isn't really allowed on a coastal Dune um there are very few exceptions to that but it would require filing a notice of intent um to do that so we can't in my opinion can't address this under a request for determination because what you're proposing is it would result in quite a lot of impact at Coastal Dune unfortunately um the Rosa regosa that you are you showed in the photo is an excellent soil stabilizer that is actually a really good defense um even it is technically non-native but it's not considered invasive and um it's it's all over the island and it's got a really dense root system and um it it really is going to be the best thing there for holding back um holding the sand in place um you're not going to be able to do much about the flooding that occurs um and it and I'm sure it has gotten worse um as you have lived there and it's expected to continue to rise so there's a limit to what you're allowed to do Under the regulations to flood prooof your property uh on a coastal Dune um obviously the most resilient um homes are on pilings above the Dune and allow the flood water to pass underneath it um so I guess what I would have to say that I am not in favor of the project as it's currently proposed I think that it's more than we can handle in an RDA and also probably not well certainly not in conformance with the Dune performance standards so okay that's my take on it all right thank you Mary TJ questions or comments for Connor on this Connor have have you um see councel or a professional help planning this and getting other suggestions yeah I've worked with a landscaper called Beaver Creek Construction um he helped me put together kind of like pricing some of these things out what was feasible and what like they could really accomplish I haven't gone through any kind of um you know uh as Mason kind of advised in the beginning I haven't gone that route getting any kind of professional consultation okay anything else DJ I think your screen is freezed up no that's it can you hear me y yeah I can TJ thank you Woody any any questions for Connor on this no I don't have any questions right now thank you Bob okay thank you Woody Mick any questions for Conor I think both Mary and and TJ covered really well and yeah this really isn't a project you know per your description what you're proposing really needs engineering uh you know you're proposing putting in structures and you know taking away plants adding sand you know these types of things that really needs to be under an engineering plan and uh I think you know really doesn't need to go the route of a of a notice of intent as opposed to an RDA okay thank you mck Diane questions or comments for for Connor no I agree I just put noi there's no delineation of anything as far as the Wetland boundaries go and wasn't sure that the fence would even be allowed um down on Plum Island like that even if you had the two feet um so just I have noi with concrete footings going in and just thought it was a lot yeah so so Conor I guess to do a recap it I think Mason kind of forewarned you that um at RDA was was not going to be a likely pathway forward on this what we typically expect is a a site plan prepared by a registered survey or engineer that shows existing conditions and your proposed conditions and that's usually done in conjunction with a a wetland consultant that will likely inform you that you're not going to be able to put in a hard structure uh at your location it won't be permittable by the Wetland protection act but so what I'm going to suggest is we're not going to be a to take any action on the RDA tonight um I'm going to suggest that you just withd draw it otherwise we have to deny it and tell you to get an noi uh and you want to you may just want to rethink what you're going to do and give you some time to to do it sure am am I able to ask any uh questions absolutely ask away we're here to answer your questions the best we can okay awesome we're not we're not Consultants that tell you how to do this we're kind of the compliance on that kind of keeps within the god rails right understood and I really appreciate all the the comments and insight into this as you can see I'm young and inexperienced with this sort of thing so uh you know I want to do it the right way and that's really important to me um so uh a few of the the comments that were made was that I'm on a a like a sand dune i c what is like the clarification for being on a sandom because my understanding from reading the like code of mass regs are that I'm on like a Beach property and that I AB but the wetlands so yeah go ahead Mary why don't you go ahead yeah the way the regulations are set up you know you're on a barrier Beach and a barrier Beach consists of Beach and dune so if it's not Beach it's Dune so the entire all of Plum Island is a regulated resource area and in addition you have cross the street salt marsh and you're in the flood zone so you have what's called land subject to Coastal storm Flowage all those have individual performance standards for work within each of those zones and you know we could spend the evening talking about what those standards are and how to how to comply with them but suffice it to say that you know when you are on a coastal Dune which is what you would be considered to be regulated as you have to allow the Dune to continue to move and migrate with wind and storm action that's why the houses are being elevated in part um on Plum Island and also because of the flood zone requirements that you have to you have to elevate them when you approve project properties over a certain value but in any event you're by by forcing the Dune to remain intact the way you would for with a hard retaining wall you wouldn't allow the Dune migration to occur that is supposed to naturally occur which will eventually make its way over Sunset dry or um you know there there's not very far that it can go but that's the way the regulations are set up so we can't stop that from from occurring but there may be a a creative way that an engineer or an environmental consultant could help you in addressing that without having that hard structure in place so look into that that's good yeah because that's that's like the ultimate goal that right like I mean there's a house there and I I need to live in it so the I need to find a way to keep water out while also it sounds like presenting a plan that not allows water to flow through so it's kind of a contradictory thing I guess I the consultant to how to do that okay any any other questions Conor I I think that's it I I'll just go and find these folks and uh okay I I guess how to withdraw is is that something Mason I guess I can connect with him after I I would think that you could just request to withdraw your RDA tonight I can do it right here verbally yes yeah yeah may do that oh yeah sure I would like to request to withdraw my RDA please okay all right well Conor Connor good luck and you know what Mason can give you some guidance on a number of the Consultants that work with the town or anyone else just as a starting point we we we don't recommend anybody we just provide a list of uh Wetland scientists that come before us on a regular basis understood thank you all for your time I appreciate it okay that over con all right that sounds good thank you good night okay uh so next order of business is an enforcement order expired D file 051 1344 Old twoo Road Sunset Club for unauthorized work including including the construction relocation of structures we actually issued an order of conditions at our last meeting uh but we did not take any action uh as Mason recalls to close out the enforcement order that wouldn't extinguish the requirement to submit uh certificates of compliance when appropriate for the expired order of conditions and the same for the New Order of conditions that was recently uh approved so I what's uh what's our pleasure here questions Mary what are your thoughts on this my thought was to remain keep it active until we get full compliance on notice of intent but that was that was my position at the last meeting I think okay yeah I mean I kind of look at it we've got two outstanding order of conditions that create a FL on the title and the order was to uh as I recall it was to no what to do no other further work Mason do you have a copy of that I do not have it handy right now okay as I recall it was to do no further work and file a notice of intent uh and they have complied with both of those requirements on the order of uh enforcement order it did not require any other planting or activity right those two specific items I I would agree that you in that case you could either release the enforcement order or amend it to just say now that those items have been completed you know the remaining items described in the notice of intent need to be completed because the notice of intent again is a voluntary process the enforcement order is non-voluntary and we want them to comply because they're out of compliance so that's why keeping enforcement order in place made some sense to me yeah it just we can amend it or we can you know you can let it go and if you don't get compliance you can issue another enforcement mot it's just that we already have it in place so it's I can go along with whatever the board wants but that was my thinking yeah I mean I I look at the whole purpose of recording the order of conditions is to create a FL in the title that will be will be corrected at some point down the road yeah that's that's why there there's no urgency in doing that and it okay well Bary what so you we've got your thoughts on this what do you what do you think um I I would leave it in place for now but um with the new NOA in the future here and whatnot I don't know but I don't know what the right thing to do is but as far as I'm concerned I'd leave it in place for now okay TJ what are your thoughts on that um well I think they complied with the First with the our enforcement order for the first one um that the noi will address the the next ones and and I don't have a problem releasing the enforcement order based upon that they they they met the requirement that we asked for okay thank you TJ Mick what are your thoughts on this one kind of along the lines of of TJ where they have met the two conditions of the enforcement order we should be able to release that enforcement order because you have an noi and a order of conditions in place that govern any that control any future work correct and it's also attached to the title so I don't see how keeping the enforcement order open really serves a purpose when you have the order of conditions in place I mean you have two orders of conditions one's expired one's new right I think Mary's point was if if they were rectifying a violation work that had to be undone uh that was done illegally or couldn't be permitted um no I I would tend to agree with Mary if that was the aspect of it okay Mick let me let me move on to Diane and see what she thinks Diane what are your thoughts on this I'm just trying to get it in my head again so we had the enforcement order they submitted an noi as we requested and we issued an order of conditions on that noi that's currently in place correct and then the expired order of conditions was on a different matter right well they let the original order expire yeah they brought it to our attention with a new filing as a precaution because there's no guarantee that a a new notice of intent is going to be approved uh we issued a Emer an emergency a stop work order emergency enforcement order making sure they did no further work and requiring them to file a notice of intent so where it stands now is they have no outstanding violations they have a expired order of conditions that they're going to need to clean up the certificate of compliance and we're talking primarily I think plantings here I would disagree that they there were items that they needed to do that they didn't do that you know building the Dune and the planting that was proposed oh yeah we need to compel them to do that they don't they're not doing that voluntarily that's why I'm saying leave it open because there there are activities in their notice of intent their new notice of intent that they filed that are being compelled by us through this enforcement order so we asked for the notice of intent that was one step to include these items now the next step is to carry through on the items to come into compliance with the original order of conditions they haven't done that yet so they're still out of compliance with the original order of conditions so that's why I was thinking keeping keeping it but don't they have three years to do that now they do Under the order but under the New Order yeah right we they technically do Under the order that's the difference you know in the enforcement order we can say go ahead and do it in tomorrow or have it done within 30 days so there's just a maintaining some urgency this is a very public you know site and everybody knows about these issues I'm sure they want come into compliance I'm not trying to make it more difficult I just you know it's not a big deal to just keep the thing open it's not hurting them at all you know like I'm keeping it open for a little bit but until those items that they have to do to get in compliance with the original order of conditions are completed that was my thought okay Mary Diane what what's your thought on this did the second the the the second order of conditions did that envelop everything that was in the first order of conditions the one that expired it it mered the first one yep it and the special conditions that uh were attached to the expired order were transferred and attached to the current order conditions so they basically bought another three years correct to do what they were supposed to do back initially well what they proposed to do initially that and they can't close now they've got two orders of conditions they can't close out the expired order till they do the work and they can't close out the New Order until they do the work the the only thing I don't want to do is set a precedent that we issued an enforcement order to get them to file an noi and they've done that we've approved the work and and now we're keeping another enforcement order and kind of superseding the intent of the order conditions which is they proposed work we've approved it and they have a period of time to get it done um that's the only thing I if if we were trying to correct there was an open pit or there was something else that would certainly be um this is proposed work it's not an open violation or a safety feature in my mind but so what's our pleasure I don't want to beat this thing to death I don't think it's is there any is there any appetite to to go ahead Diane just I just had a question so maybe then moving forward in the future whatever could the the order um the enforcement order could have said you need to comply with this within 60 days or whatever but that didn't say that this particular enforcement order just says stop or submit an noi so technically they're in compliance with it but we could have said complete the work within 90 days or well we couldn't because there wasn't an order of conditions allowing any additional work because it had expired correct that's the kind of the The Catch 22 where we couldn't make them do the unfinished work because they didn't have a permit to do it and and hence that's why we we we brought them in and they they followed they've done what we've asked U is kind of how I'm looking at it and it I think two outstanding order conditions on a multi-million dollar piece of property is it's certainly sufficient to get to get it to press the finish line but so let me ask this is is there is there a motion to uh close close out the enforcement order or to take no action on the enforcement order so moved okay take AC to close it out okay is is there a second I will I will second all right further discussion because we have a motion with a with a second but like I say I I'm pretty comfortable that we can close this thing out but I I'll go along with the majority that's why I vote last okay any any further discussion on this before I call for a roll call I just think that they complied with what the enforcement order told them to do even if I don't like the results that that we can't the enforcement order now doesn't say that they need to complete it with any particular time frame so even with it standing out there I don't see how it will um allow us to enforce anything more only with an amendment you would have to amend the enforcement order okay okay that's what I was suggesting but but but then we're competing with an order of conditions is okay all right so roll call vote all in favor uh Mary sure you know this is this is one of these on eventually you wear me down okay well you know what I I'm just trying to be consistent what we try to TJ hi Woody yes Mick hi Diane yeah H Bob Connors and Frank Frank what yes okay all right next matter is 105 Northern Boulevard and permitted work we've continued this matter to May of 2025 to review the planting success uh 108 Main Street uh this is we're taking no action on this until December 31st 2024 Mary did that bill ever get I want to say I think that bill actually got the it's making its way through it's out of committee I haven't heard anything more yet okay so this requires no action uh enforcement ordera D file number 05121 uh it's 30 Riverview Drive for unpermitted work Mason do you want to provide an update with this uh yeah so Mike D Roa reached out to me he's going to be working um with the applicants at 30 to 32 review um and he wrote down a couple of things for me to share with the commission um he met with them at the property last week um he has all the information regarding the unpitted drainage improvements um he took some photos and was able to get out to the site like I said um from his point of view the site is stable no erosion is occurring so he doesn't think that there's any need um to address the situation at this uh time directly um he said that uh this is something that they'd be looking to get into um a permit within the next couple weeks um but right now just isn't feasible for them um um from his assessment the drainage improvements um could have been permitted um because of um they would have just been working the buffer zone from his point of view um so I think that he's going to be planning on coming in um for an RDA or an noi um to permit after the fact um okay did he did he give you a time frame uh Mason is he in on the 19th or December 3rd he was looking uh towards like the first of the year he said it's going to be a couple weeks before he's going to be able to get into um the Juris the jurisdictional issues um in regards to this project so he's thinking the first Tuesday of January 2025 which will be our first meeting of the Year yep and it looks like um the applicants are here I don't know if I missed anything if you guys want to add on anything um no I don't think so I mean I think we you know we're kind of letting Mike speak for us at this point um you know we are obviously very sorry for what you know what we did and we want to make things right with the commission so you know we've hired Mike to to help us do that so you know I we have um a lot of confidence in him um seems like a you he's a great guy so we're we're looking forward to working with him and working with you guys to you know do whatever we need to do y okay I I think our action tonight's really just going to be is we're going to continue this to the first meeting of January 2025 and Mike can talk to Mason if if he wants to come in earlier or if he needs a couple of extra weeks the environment is not expiring out there at the moment okay thank you thank you very much okay uh enforcement order d number 05141 962 Middle Road unpermitted work again this was continued to May the first meeting in May 2025 to review planting success uh okay we have no extension at requests uh certificates of compliance D file number 050 1389 68 Green Street lot one uh Mason you have an update that uh yeah to continue this yep yeah they're going to be looking to continue um to the meeting on the 19th I was able to get out there today and they haven't um been able to put the rip wrap um at the backside of the emergency Spillway um to address the issues that uh the commission originally had um in that area so they're going to be continuing okay so we'll just put this on the agenda team for the 1119 meeting that order is still open yeah the date of the order was 8 August 18 2022 so it's still great hasn't expired okay certificate of compliance the EP file number 050 13206 Riverfront Drive applicant would like to close out the open order of conditions on the property and request a certificate of compliance can you give us an update on this yep uh so Bob and I had originally done the site walk probably about a month and a half ago um walked the site with the plan um to look at the um existing conditions after construction um and the only thing that we were waiting on was the stabilization of the grass in the front yard um the applicant has submitted a picture of the front yard um of its stabilization and I was actually able to drive by today and it looked a little bit better um than the picture he uh submitted so I think the stabilization is going to be um sufficient enough for a coc for this project um okay so this order has expired uh May although was or is this within the tolling period May so this uh it looks like it issued in May of 2020 we're doing 286 high road right uh no this is uh 16 Riverfront Drive okay sorry I've gotten the wrong one okay so so the question is when when was the tolling agreement on the on these orders was it was it 2020 because this expired in obviously May of 2023 unless it fell within that covid tolling agreement Mary do you recall what I'm looking it up I don't remember off the top of my head was it March 20th 2021 if was before that or it was it had to be valid as of March 10th 2020 okay and this was oh by before or after it had to be valid as of March 10th 2020 okay so this does not comply this was May so this is expired okay all right uh so Mason is the applicant here does he want to make a presentation I do not believe he is here okay why don't you put up the why don't you put up the map I apologize the the form a a and the Order of conditions get put into the Dropbox late this afternoon probably 45 minutes before before the the meeting uh came before the meeting started um if we're not comfortable looking at this we can just kick this back to the next meeting to give everyone a chance to look at uh the the original order of conditions it did seem pretty clear-cut but again it um when I want to be comfortable with whatever actions we're going to take what's our pleasure I'm okay looking at it now okay well the applicant's not here to to present it um so basically it was a new house as I recall Mason that was put in yep correct okay can you expand that what's the date of the plan and was there a cover letter from the engineer giving us any variances uh yes there was a cover what uh yep right here um so Geo ambient Consultants wrote dear commission please accept this letter as part of the request for the certificate of compliance for the above referenced project the work has been completed and is in substantial compliance with the plan titled proposed site plan dated 34220 prepared by GA consultant Inc youve conducted a site visit on 10 2024 believe that the site is in compliance with the order of conditions issued for the project under d file number 0501 1320 as filed in the South essics registry of deeds book 38721 page 428 okay did it list any variances uh no no variances okay okay we so Mason and I did do a a site inspection of this probably back in July that sound about right Mason when we uh early septe I think it was the first week of September okay and and everything was stable but there was one area in the front yard uh that had not grown in yet and this is a straight typical Green Lawn U application the backyard the the backyard of budding the riverfront and the side yards were were pretty much grown in but the front yard was sparse um you had some pictures of that Mas yep yeah the applicant had sent in a picture um and then I was able to drive by today um and and it actually looked like more grass had grown in between um when he submitted this original picture which was um probably last week um and then today so here's the picture from last week okay yeah that's uh probably about 60% of that team was still more bare Sandy yard than yeah the the grain of the picture doesn't do it justice but I would say about 75 to 80% of the yard is completely um vegetated down with grass okay all right team why don't I stop there questions Mary what are your thoughts on this one what what direction do you think we should going I don't see anything in the orders that require an asilt plan and I don't see that we've received one just the letter yeah that the order conditions did not require didn't specify so if Mason's been out there and with the old plan and and can look around and see that it's the same and that there haven't been changes and I'm fine okay thank you Mary uh TJ questions no all good okay Woody any questions no no no questions thank you Diane questions no Frank any any questions on this matter no thank you okay do any members have a request for a site visit or any additional information if if not I will entertain a motion to issue a certificate of compliance for 16 Riverfront Drive second second I think we got that c you pick you Pi yeah okay roll call all in favor Mary yes TJ hi Woody yes Mick hi Diane yes uh Frank yes and Bob Connor SP yes all right uh next matter certificate of compliance D file number 0501 one65 286 High Road applicant would like to close out an open order of conditions regarding the installation of a dock on the property and a request of a certificate of compliance uh Mason you want to give us an overview or you want to let Bill Holt uh make his presentation what's your pleasure uh yeah I was able to go out to the site um the dock and Float um looked like they were installed according to the approved plans um as well as the as built letter that I received um there was sufficient spacing between the boards it was fully vegetated underneath um I would say about 85% uh fully vegetated um I have some photos to share as well um but I will let Bill take over and um explain anything he needs to hey good evening bill just give us your name and uh William Holt on behalf of the applicant Ron hasker who's the current owner um yeah we did an adz built I don't know if you have it you can show Mason yeah we did an adz built plan of the dock it is built you know in compliance with the proposed plans um we did go out with Patrick Camp who reviewed the vegetation and indicated that it had uh it was under the vegetation under the dock is at the same rate as the rest of the uh salt M so it definitely U survived the the construction of the of the dock um so I I don't I have much more to add than you know it was uh built in 2000 oh it's approved in 2014 built somewhere between 2014 2015 um and I was never asked to do a asilt back then until the current owner um has an application before you now and found out that this was an open an open uh order of conditions that hadn't been closed out so we went out and did the As built of the actual dock in place all Bill why don't I stop you there and open this up to questions from the members Mary any any questions on this matter with for bill um just a couple quick ones bill um yeah this dock I remember being kind nice and high so there's plenty of light underneath it which is great um um do we know how the floats are being stored I do not you could um ask the applicant Ron ask her is on the meeting right now okay I had that question and whether or not there was a chapter 91 license issued that I don't know either as well I don't see that original order here so I'm not sure what any of any special conditions there might have been I don't have a copy of it on my computer but Mason might have one I'm not sure I did it is recorded and then uh I did have it I think I printed it not to keep a PDF of it so I can't show it I don't see it here in our is another Dropbox drop box yeah okay I can find it but maybe while we're waiting for Mason to find that um Ron can you tell us about the floats yes I'm sorry I tried to unmute and it kicked me out I'm back um yeah the uh the floats are all maintained and stored at Riverfront Marine across the river you just Flo them down okay yeah they float them over and uh put them on land over there the poles come out everything comes out the gang way the gang way slides up on the uh permanent structure for the winter and do you know if there's a chapter 91 license I don't I don't I don't know what that is yeah that would be a state like a dock license for to through mte that would have likely been a condition of the order of conditions so that's what I was wondering Bill do you know you were involved with the original construction weren't you I I do not know if he if the original owner filed for one or not I did not file it for him so I do not know if he ever got one I don't see anything in the special conditions requiring a chapter chapter Li sense okay then it's not our issue okay Mary any anything else nope okay thank you TJ any questions for either Will Bill or Ron nothing further no woody any questions for Bill or Ron no no questions thank you Mick any any questions uh no Bob I'll set thank you okay thank you Mick Diane any questions uh for either bill or Ron no I actually saw this one on the site visit it looked good okay uh Frank any any questions on this no okay I have no questions are there any raised hands from the public at this time okay do any members have a request for a site visit or additional information no okay hearing none I will enter I will entertain a motion to issue a ctive compliance for 286 High Road regarding the do install ahead second okay well it's either gonna be TJ and Diane or Diane TJ so we'll waiting for him you guys gotta rehearse that jump in anywhere you want [Music] people okay yeah roll call all in favor Mary yes TJ hi Woody yes Mick hi Diane yes Frank Frank you probably unmute Frank looks Frozen yeah and I vote Yes yes thank you all right thank you okay uh next order certificate compliance or D file number now this is an old one team this is by 5- 227 for 130 Northern Boulevard applicant would like to close out an old septic tank uh order of conditions and request a certificate of compliance um we're not sure we the order of conditions was filed it didn't really give any detail of what it was it it goes back to 1987 and yeah certainly there's a sewer water tie in at this point um so we don't know if the original if they did any work or not um the previous owner uh sold it in 2002 and the and the new owner um obviously I had no idea doesn't have any idea what it is so I guess we can look at this in in two lights that uh the work wasn't completed because there isn't a septic system on the property uh there's no depressions it's typically vegetated like all the adjoining Lots why I step there Mason you went out W you give us your overview on that yeah so I went out um like Bob was saying kind of hard to see um if there was any work done there um the area which I just showed seemed to be undisturbed um I believe that they had a moving van or something parked there so there was a little there's some tire tracks and things like that um but nothing large at all I was able to just kind of smooth everything out with my foot grab some pictures um so I I would recommend a a fall coc for this okay questions Mary what are your thoughts on this I don't know we can't reconstruct it so I did notice that there were a couple other items on the property that we might want to discuss but not having to deal with a septic tank okay anything else Mary nope okay TJ any questions on this one Woody any questions no questions B thank you Mick any questions uh no questions Bob thanks okay Diane any questions nope it was a weird little order of conditions well I couldn't even find it on the portal I tried to look it up and it and it just doesn't go back that far obviously they weren't supposed to disturb things yeah Frank any any questions on this no okay I have no question questions any raised hands from the public at this time okay do any members have a request for a site visit or additional information okay hearing no request I will entertain a motion to isue a certificate of compliance for a 130 Northern Boulevard Okay so Diane and TJ okay roll call all in favor Mary yes TJ hi Woody yes Mick hi Diane yes Frank yes and Bob Connor votes yes okay okay we have no public hearings at this time no new public hearings yep no new public hearing so we have a continue public hearing notice of int C file number 0501 1437 46b Cottage Road demo removal existing residential structure followed by construction of a new three-bedroom single family residential structure on a whole foundation and other Associated site improvements uh Mason can you provide an overview and an update on this matter yep so the applicant has submitted updated plans um adding the transact for the top of the Coastal Bank um as well as addressing the riverfront regulations um in regards to an increased footprint and not making existing conditions work um the commission had questions before on whether they would follow um new development or Redevelopment standards um so I think Millennium is here to explain the changes that they made okay uh Matt are you presenting on this one or is it TJ hey it's me um so yes good evening Matt steinel Millenium engineering for the record um I think everybody can see my screen now yeah M could you just enlarge it a little bit up yeah the screen itself is needs to be enlarged or just the image that's good okay good all right um so as Mason had said we uh turned in revised plans based on the comments that we received from both the commission and from D at the last public hearing um one of the the questions was uh we indicated on the notice of intent application that we were adjacent to Coastal Bank and it wasn't properly delineated on the plan um we went back and looked at the different figures and and how it's determined and in doing so we provided the commission with um two separate cross-sections of the Coastal Bank there and you can see here on both cases we have slopes here that are are uh way too steep um in excess of what the requirement is so um the first observable break where the slope came down below 10% is where the top of the Coastal Bank was delineated in the case of the Westerly uh intersection uh the Westerly section here uh we were at about 14.2 and then the easterly uh cross-section we were at about 15.8 so as commissioner Rimer had pointed out it was falling right around elevation 15 um is what we were seeing uh so we came back to the site plan took that elevation right along the 15 Contour where it kind of by sected those two elevations offset that and we provided both the 50ft Coastal Bank buffer line here as well as the additional 100 foot Coastal Bank buffer back here and so that's now properly delineated on the plan in addition to that the commission had some concerns about the placement of the new house as shown on sheet two they wanted to see the overlay of the old house on top of it so we shaded that area here you can see and we provided um a excuse me uh up in the top corner here a river front impact comparison table where we compared uh pre uh pre-existing conditions both within the inner riparian and outer riparian and then you have the totals in this column with the proposed inner riparian outer riparian and totals here and then the final column gives a net change uh so in this case here it did result in us having a slightly larger footprint or massing of the structure in the inner riparian I spoke with the the applicant and we agreed to pull the structure back to make sure that the massing did not increase at all within the in riparian so you'll see here the existing dwelling is 989 square feet and the proposed is 98 so it's a net result of about 81 foot reduction so no increase in the massing of the structure it's a slight reduction um overall um you can go uh right down through each column and get your totals at the bottom or you can take it across and get your net change so over all um we have a proposed riparian impact of 2,875 square ft for the structure um and that's a net change of 1,811 with the vast majority of that in the outer riparian across we have the detached garage you can see that there's no change there that structures to remain and we're not expanding upon that so in the proposed side it's all zeros with no net change uh the pave driveway we have 289 uh 286 Square ft existing Within the outer rip perion and then the expansion takes place only in the outer rip perion so the the net result is going to be an increase in 1555 square feet in that outer riparian um we have a gravel driveway currently there that's 1284 square feet that's within the outer riparian that's essentially what's being replaced by the paved driveway um and so we have a net reduction of the gravel uh that is offset by a portion of the increase in the pavement um total increases is 2 8 282 Square ft of which again the majority of that is in the outer riparian here um and I'll come back down to the plan just to show the commission what we're talking about um the original structure if you look at the Shaded area here you can see it's closer to the riverfront um although the new structure is larger in mass and and extends backwards towards the road away from the the river and into the outer riparian as such we have this area here of a paved driveway this is essentially the same general area um the existing gravel one came in this way as well but instead of turning up this way towards the driveway it kind of projected straight across this way here and pulled in in a y shape on either side of the structure here and so the although we're increasing the footprint of the pavement versus the gravel we are pulling the the traveled surface away from the river so we're getting further back with where cars will be parking um and getting that further away from the river the structure itself is being pulled back further away from the river um and then in addition to that we have eight new shrubs here we have along the property line here primarily in the outer riparian um four new chokeberry shrubs and then down here along the river um we have it just below the top of the embankment but above um where the other resource areas are delineated at the toe of the slope we have four additional shrubs here and these are uh twig dogwood shrubs um we chose a dogwood shrub species u based on the recommendations of a wetland scientist that we were speaking with because they're resilient against any ice that comes through and damages them and The Roots remain in place and then the plant grows back up each year so if there are any ice dams or anything come through here that damage the plant the plant has an opportunity to spring back up um I think that was the bulk of the concern of comments at least that were brought up at the last meeting and addresses D's concerns I'm happy to answer any questions that the commission has okay thank you Matt Mary questions from Matt on this the revise plan um yeah thanks M Matt for making those changes um on the existing garage there how do you is that's not for vehicles you're not going to pull into that is that just more like a storage area or it it's labeled as a garage and I I'll honestly say that's a generous description of it an oversized shed there is a garage door in the front which is why I think it got that label and it's really meant for like uh riding lawn mower equipment and things like storage okay that's right and they want to is it is it on a full Foundation do we know it's on a slab it's on the slab okay and uh that is what's restricting you from pushing everything further away from the river that structure well it is in part um I think the owner wishes to retain some of the view that he has there that's part of the value of the property y um but in in in a sense yes if we were to try to push us any further we would have to consider taking down that shed uh because it would make the driveway too tight we turning radiuses and we have to get a septic tank and stuff you so it it would change what we can kind of compact into this area here to make it a lot more difficult to use okay thank you and then on the on the river side of the house the new house you're not sh changing grades at all there it doesn't look like but can you tell me what the treatment will be in that area is it going from I mean it's sort of undisturbed right now isn't it or is it it's essentially turf right now it is open it's Turf now it's essentially Turf La now there's a one tree here actually I have some photos I can actually bring up if the commission wants to see those and I think that would help um did the screen change you can see the pictures now y yep all right let me scroll down and so on the Riverside this is what we have here is turflon y there's a shrub you know a tree and as we come down this way here you can see it's all manicured lawn even going down the embankment it's all manicured so where are the shrubs going right in the middle of this this lawn that's on the embankment yeah again about about halfway up the slope that's where they're going to get planted okay [Music] and okay so um if you can go back to the plan again what's the um what's the width of the lot there right along the river uh we have a dimension here on the back 69 and a half okay so you probably um increase the density of those plantings a little bit more than just the four um four shrubs and even since it is mowed down to the edge you know I would like to see a little more restoration of that embankment there rather than having it just be Turf um you know to be to put in some additional native plantings there um I like that it's been pushed back now the from the original House location so that it can fit more easily into the Redevelopment Provisions you still do have some work um in excess of what was there previously that is in the 100 foot Riverfront area but I'm assuming that is also existing lawn area or that's correct okay so it's overe existing lawn there's not no cutting or clearing so um I I like the plan with the exception that I would like to see more enhancement plantings on the bank as a as the mitigation measure to to um justify the Redevelopment so okay Mary only comment yep I'll Circle back TJ any any comments uh from M on this no no further than what Mary brought up that's fine okay thank you tjy any comments no I don't have any comments Bob thank you okay mick how about you any any comments on this one uh just I I think oia dog was a good choice um but I I agree with Mary I think bring up a good point there's room there to bring in some more native plantings uh and the rogia dogwoods you could definitely get them in tighter um you know they're kind of columnar in in growth uh but they they're they're aggressive and they they'll be great for for soil stabilization in there so you'll be cutting them down in three years you'll be lowering them so grow up pretty fast okay anything else Mick no good thank okay thank you Mick Diane any any questions or comments on this matter no I'm not entirely um familiar with the Redevelopment but basically the pushing back of the building is the significant Improvement and along with the shrubs right correct So Okay C okay uh Frank any questions on this matter no now for fur questions okay so so Matt I think following back up on on Mary Mary's comment on plantings uh what would you consider doing to increase the planting along the the Coastal Bank there sure um so what I can tell you is that this at no fault of the commission this is on me um has been a delayed project and the the owner is obviously anxious to get going I think he would be absolutely fine with put in additional plantings I just don't think he wants to continue this any further and wants to move it along um if the commission is okay you know with us adding you know another three or four more dogwoods along this embankment maybe staggering them you know in kind of a pattern here um we could do that and and as um commissioner Brown had mentioned they do grow they're aggressive they W they'll get wider um and they'll spread a little bit these right now are currently shown are spaced about 14 ft apart so um if if we stagger them have having them you know 7 feet apart a little staggered I think that wouldn't fill in so much um and commissioner Brown comments about them kind of growing up and being trimmed down we we did take that into consideration that's part of the reason we put them halfway down on the embankment so hopefully they could grow to full height without fully disrupting The View so it wouldn't require a lot of trimming so our our intent here is to get them in a place where they will have the least amount of disruption but have the most amount of effect on stabilizing that embankment and and restoring that area okay so you're proposing if you have existing I guess the the question is on the you know the the other thing I worry about is crowding trees where the tables are going to what Mick being a registered aberus what would what would be consistent spacing for success of these trees uh the what's how wide is the table going to get uh in a 5-year period is it going to be a 10 foot wide oh no no no no they're they're columnar oh okay okay gotcha they're kind of you familiar with Rosa Sharon yes okay so it's a dogwood it's a red twig it's a multi- stem shrub considered a multi- stem shrub so it really does grow kind of up in a column um there's another variety you know you mix them a lot there's a yellow twig version so you can mix the Reds and the yellows it looks kind of Pretty in the winter but yeah they're I think six foot spacing is what I've put them in on before is kind of like a backdrop yeah I would agree with that if I could jump in Bob that yeah certainly based on a DP restoration standards you know you're looking at usually one shrub per 50 square feet and based on my calculations you know if you estimate seven or eight foot width and the 69 foot length of this Bank you know you end up with uh around 11 shrubs um but uh you had a dock in between so you know if you 10 I think would fit nicely and like I said you can stagger them they don't have to all be red twig Dog Wood I think if we just specified um 10 native shrubs in the on the for Bank enhancement plantings and leave it at that that that would be fine as long as they're native okay and then maybe the applicant can provide the F you know the final species to Mason for approval prior to putting them in okay so we're thinking that if Matt was to add a notation to the plan uh that there would be 10 native plantings in this area we just could include a special condition in okay yeah okay we would we would would uh provide an updated plan tomorrow morning we could add those additional shrubs and provided just so there'd be no confusion with a contractors seeing four symbols and not reading the order y okay okay all right any other questions outside the planting Mary one question are we are we keeping these on the coastal on on the the Riverbank or the sidey yards is is there a preference or do they get credit for I mean I think that you know the the wildlife enhancement and and slope stabilization enhancement is more um more important than the sort of screening along the side property line those other plantings provide okay you're putting a higher value on the back okay okay Matt so I think you you you hear what we're what we're going to be asking for so we're going to add we'll entertain a special condition uh for a plan update uh of 10 native plants is is that what we're talking about not including the side ones yeah yeah okay on the on the River Bank okay and you can long as they're approved with the ccm's approved list we're good with that right yep okay all right uh any other questions at this time from any other members let me go back through everyone Mary anything else no I don't I think I'm all set thank you okay TJ any any other comments no all good okay Woody how about you anything else no I'm good thank you Bob Mick any further comments I'll set Bob thanks Diane any any comments no uh Frank any comments Frank you can't vote on this one because it was a public hearing before you became a member but we we value your any point no I have no comments thank you okay I I I have no comments are there any raised hands from the public at this time uh do we have any any mason do you see any raised hands I do not no not seeing any okay all right do any members have a request for a site visit additional information plan Amendment or adding additional content to this notice of intent outside of the special conditions of adding 10 native plants to the to the bank okay hearing none I will entertain a motion to close the public hearing they moved thank again okay uh roll call all in favor uh Mary yes TJ TJ looks like you're Frozen woody woody yes Mick hi Diane yes and Bob Connor is for chance all right uh so special condition so far the only special conditions uh that's been discussed uh is the 10 native plants along the the river bank as we've discussed anything else are we thinking okay I will entertain a motion to issue an order conditions for 46b cage road with our usual conditions and that one special condition that the plant will be updated locating 10 native plants so moved second I am all right roll call all in favor Mary yes TJ hi Woody yes Nick hi Diane yes and Bob Conor votes yes thank you okay thank you Matt all right next matter uh it's continue public hearing D file number 0501 1436 286 high road to construct an addition to an existing single family dwelling with Associated utilities expanded driveway within the 100 foot buffer to Salt msh area uh Mason I see Bill Holt is here and and Ron do you want to provide a quick update what we received for docs and then we'll turn it over to Bill yep so uh we have updated plans with the updated delineation of the Coastal Bank um according to DP guidelines there's additional tables to outline some of the disturbance on the property um comparing existing conditions to the proposed conditions okay Bill why don't you bring us William Holt for the record um representing R casker the owner um let me uh if I can share my screen I'll bring up the revised plan everybody see that oops sorry I'm going to zoom in on the uh zoom in on the proposed section as I figure out how yeah so you can see this is the uh proposed plans uh with the proposed Edition and the proposed driveway uh and I have revised the plan to include the Coastal Bank based on fure four in the guidance document where it does go up uh greater than uh one from the edge of the MH up to the top of the bank which is uh where it flattens out to the uh in the lawn area and uh where flattens down to uh one one and 10 uh what we highlighted is this this line here and it's labeled mislabeled there but it's labeled over here here as the limit of the Coastal Bank for the guidance the black basically yeah the black line basically the top of the slope where it flattens out at 10: one originally we thought it would be the limit would be the 100 flood plane which is elevation 13 but based on the figures and the documentation the guidance we determined that it would actually be above that you know be in this location here um so it's basically in the in the lawn area and at the edge of the tree line and all of our work is outside of the proposed of that Coastal Bank which is highlighted by the limit of the work is highlighted by the proposed erosion controls uh and I also added um a table to the side which explains the altered areas on the site um and the proposed areas on the existing altered are and the propos aled areas the existing total land disturbance on the site is 15,646 square ft and the proposed uh land disturbance total land disturbance is 15,870 for a difference of uh 265 square feet which is located in this area right here where the closed turnaround driveway is going to be and partt of the proposed uh infiltration for the uh driveway runoff that's the area but it changes it's resisting now is is a treed area vegetated area and we're going to remove some of that vegetation to create that turnaround in driveway so those are the that's the what I added is also the impervious area there's existing imperious area of 4577 Square ft which is the uh existing barn and deck as well as existing house in the deck and the entryways and the walkway existing walkway which is pavers and the existing driveway those add up to 4577 and when we do the proposed work the barn is being removed and then possibly rebuilt as a new garage and new crawl space Edition and addition on slab and post porch for peers and of course the new driveway to access the uh garage to the side which goes that up to be uh 3,24 Square F feet and an increase of 3,24 sare feet in the previous area um now we did get a a comment from the EP yesterday at about 3:00 in the afternoon um and I went over with Patrick who cannot be here tonight because he's at another meeting in person and cannot attend so the comment was that the ditches in the back of the the title they call them title Creeks that show up on the U quad sheet I got the copy of the Quad sheet here and I just want to kind of call it up and show you what they're talking about plus here's the AA River and our site's located right here and this it's this line right here they're calling that tidle Creek which is I have partially located on our plan and but it's not on this plan it's on the other plan for the previous filing but I'm G to we're going to look that over and see because they're saying that might be considered perennial as well as part of the Paka River and does go off away from the site but where it connects to the Paka River um is close to the bridge and it may be within 200 ft obviously um closer than the bank that we showed the originally so our plan will probably change a little once we get that um uh located properly and the setback shown right now the 200 foot River Front is in this area because the river is Ft Away River Bank but those was that uh Title Creek comes up in this area up through there and I think it's going to be this L is going to this uh 200 foot River find area is going to push out into the middle of the lot and 100 foot will get closer but not beond the property um or it might be on the property a little bit depending on where that uh Title Creek is located so we're going to have to revise that and and didn't have time to go out and check some numbers to see you know what the uh location of that bank will be um so and I wanted to go over with Patrick to verify that we're showing it properly um and then we'll revise our plan and some of the numbers is going to change obviously if if this Riverfront area comes up into the property more so hey Bill i' like I'd like to talk about just briefly we we were um talking about the proposed driveway and what the surface the proposed driveway is going to be I've designed it to be pavement which is 1995 square feet of pavement um I think Ron may be considering to do some kind of a uh more of a porest pavement or a porest surface that would uh reduce that number so how in previous area may go down some um Ron is on the on the meeting right now I don't know if he's made a decision I haven't been able to talk to him um in the last day or so to ask him um but you might if Ron's here he might want to uh indicate what he's proposing to do with the surface of the B why don't let me do this why don't I just hold you there and let's open it up to some questions and then we can wrap up it if I'm if I'm understanding you're going to request to continue in so you can update your plan and yeah we're gonna need to be able to address the the EP comment I don't want to close it out and then have any kind of decisions made before we finalize that okay well let me let me do this let me open this up and and get some feedback from M and the other members uh and then we'll wrap up with um because the plan's going to change so it what what are your thoughts on this obviously we need an updated plan with that guidance yep um it looks like one thought that I have is that from the Aerials of this area that the tidal Creeks that D are talking about may be totally dry at low tide that's the case that are not perennial streams they they don't have unidirectional flow so I that the first thing that I would check bill is to make sure that at low tide if there's no flow in the there's and there two channels at issue I think um potentially that's what that's what uh Patrick and I discussed um earlier today before you know I found out he wasn't going to be up here so um but yeah we're gonna go out and take a look at that um I think you may be absolutely correct low tide is going to be below the level of those the base of those uh title Creeks so should drain completely between so that's that's something we look at it may not change the plan of law in that case right yeah so you you know you can take some photos of it or doc some documentation for D and then my other comment is that your 100 foot buffer zone to bvw oh it should say is that to the Coastal Bank or to the that's that's to the uh to the MH and I need to add the uh setbacks to the bank yeah which we probably push that up quite a bit into this area up in here yeah so your whole site is in jurisdiction and then the last thing is that you have do you have enough um toppo in the area where that thumb is of the turnaround of the driveway to be able to determine if there's the grading is going to work there um I I will check that I can take a few more shots um we did have I know it's really thick in there and it doesn't look like you have any toppo there so here and then I think I had some shots along this wall but I'll double check that I think it drops off there and if that's the case could affect your Coastal Bank delineation in that corner too okay I'll take a look and we'll get some extra shots yeah um did you do the transex I think you said you did and I don't see I did I didn't show them but I can I can draw a couple show where you put them yep and changes they'll want to see yeah which figure you're referring to so it's probably the yeah yeah figure four where it kind of comes up and then levels off at 10 one it does seem to yeah it actually just needs to be less than four to one above the funded your flood zone it can be less than four to one yeah okay um otherwise I don't have any other comments okay thank you Mary TJ any any comments for Bill at this point um you're also G to clean up whatever you said there was a couple lines that were mislabeled or a line that was mislabeled clean that up too okay yeah I see it right here it's that says Pro TC is is pointing towards the Coastal Bank okay all right I'll wait for the new the new plan all set okay thank you TJ Woody any any comments or questions for Bill okay Mick any any questions for for Bill uh no I'll wait for whatever revisions they need to add yeah I agree Diane any any comments at this time nothing new thank you okay Frank any any questions no thank you okay I don't have any questions we have a I see a raised hand um why on you know what we have opened the public hearing we we know that bill you're going to request a continuance uh to probably either the November 19th or December 3rd meeting yeah November 19th if we could okay all right well let's open this up I I see it looks it says Mark belder I see Kate yeah hi Mary hi yeah I I I apologize Bob uh we we lost track of time but it sounds like it's already been discussed and we're good thanks Mason sorry about that no no I I'm sorry it's just it is when we would open it up to public comments though okay all right I appreciate it thank you okay all right so so Bill uh you're you're requesting a continuance of the public hearing to our November 19th meeting correct yes um that would be uh that would be a good date I think I can get everything in ordered by then okay if if if you have to kick it back to December 3rd just let Mason know and you won't even have to appear okay uh I'll entertain the motion to continue the public hearing at the applicants request to the November M 19 2024 meeting thank you second okay so it's a Diane and a TJ is that that's what will work it out for the next week all in favor Mary yes TJ hi Woody yes Mick I Diane yes Bob Conor VES Frank same thing you're you you're too green on this one all right pretty complicated too so I'm I'm yeah know Mary Mary was holding a training seminar at the last meeting about all these Riverfront stuff so all right I'm going to quickly go through it at 7:30 uh we have some administrative matters uh there was a request to release an easement on Parker Street uh it's in the Dropbox uh obviously that gets sent to Town Council town Council had a conflict so we had to get special counsel and the answer is we we can't do anything and there was a pathway forward for the applicant for the requestor uh to go back to the original uh grantor of the uh easement will they retain the right to revoke it at any time so FYI on our part there's nothing to do but it was a communication that came in and it's in the Dropbox uh Mason on uh three new report turnpike we issued an order of conditions uh we had a typo on the uh file number when that was it we updated that Y and I think that was the only thing other than that anything you want to add Mason nope that was all um the incorrect file number was 05 1336 and the new updated one is 0501 1432 okay was it the incorrect one the old file number we just transposed it was that the correct one is 0501 1432 uh but my my question is the the number that was wrong was that was the old expired file number correct okay yep all right any questions to anyone at this point it's 7:31 so Mary you you'll be happy to know Frank and I have some training coming up with Alicia Gillan if I'm saying her name uh on I think it's November 20th we're doing a little Zoom update with her great and we're looking forward to uh to the update the training and and actually getting to you know to meet Alicia so I think that's it you know what Ron did you want to did you want to add I I apologize did you want to comment on pave versus you know impervious versus perious surface for your driveway well um just that I mean that's something you can discuss with Bill and just present at the next meeting on your plan that would probably be the appropriate time to do it but yeah as Bill mentioned he he drew the plan up with p p you know as paved and I think one of the commission members suggested a permeable more permeable surface and I said well I'm open to that and but we have not identified anything and and I mean I'm not certain that it's required if it's if it's required we'll definitely come up with a uh with a product and uh um or maybe I just should just go find something and specify it yeah I think the the key is is to get get your revised plan accurate uh and what you propose to use yeah um and I think Bill can give you some guidance on that too what's going to be allowable okay all right any any other questions team last word Mary any last word before I entertain a motion to J okay TJ everybody be glued to their TVs tonight I think oh yeah oh it's TJ any any final thoughts nope NOP Mick all set thank you okay uh Woody any any final thoughts no final thoughts I'm good and Frank and Frank weton Camp you're gonna make a motion to adjourn aren't you I am I'm making a motion to adjourn okay K okay we have a motion to adjourn second with a roll call all in favor Mary TJ Woody and Frank and it is 7:33 PM thanks everyone thank you thank you bye