any other raised hands I do not see any other raised hands uh Mr chairman then I would request a continuance to your next meeting so that we can address the comments from the commission um and just ask if any you know if there's interest in a site visit we certainly can do that but I think the the issue is a pretty clearcut and I think the photographs we're pretty good at documenting the the site okay uh members do any members have a request for a site visit at this time I'll go by on my own but yeah what I I would join you Mary okay well you know what typically we've been doing site visits the Tuesday after a week from today Tom how does your schedule look on that I'll I'll make it work not available then unfortunately okay Mary what uh I'm I'm gone next week so um it would have to be this week and Mary I can meet I could meet you anytime if you you know if I'm ailable if you text me before you head over if I'm available I can meet you otherwise I mean you know what you're looking at y um I could do Friday morning do Nick does that work for you m just checking right now uh this coming Friday or week from Friday this this coming Friday yes I think I can do that say8 o'clock yeah that'd be great yep okay Diane does 8 o'clock work for you on Friday um Friday does 8 o' um no I have a nine nine o'clock but I I can just go by and look at it on my own okay all right well o' so I can TJ how about you yeah that's good for me okay and I'm familiar with the site I I was buy it today and certainly familiar when the town tore down the property okay so why don't we plan on a a site visit for this project on Friday at 8 A.M perfect okay and the applicant has requested a continuance uh so you want to request it to our M April meeting yeah your next meeting I mean this what what you've asked us to do um I think I have an approach that I can put together pretty quickly for that so I'd like can you adjust the building elevation too on the plan yes yeah we're going to get the skirting uh adjusted as well okay so the applicant has requested a continuance of this matter to our April 16th uh meeting date is there a motion to continue this public hearing so moved do we have a second okay all in favor roll call vote Mary yes TJ hi Woody yes uh Mick hi Diane yes and Bob Connor's votes yes so that's going to go to 4 16 and thank you Mr chairman before I log off I just want to make sure you did receive my continuance requests for 18 Temple and for blue we're waiting on natural heritage on blue and 18 Temple we're making some plan updates yep no we we did get those and we'll be noted when we review them thank you all thank you guys have a great night and thank you all right uh next public hearing is D file number 050423 17 Main Street Lot number four for work to construct a two family dwelling with septic system utilities and Associated site work John can you provide an overview and a recommendation on this matter so I visited the site this is 17 right yes yeah okay so let just pull that up so I visited the site um overview was that there was stuff already happening um it was filed there were some concerns that I had about the ER or siment control in in place there was not much Mr chairman that's not the right s it's not thank you let me let me he this Sean is the applicant have someone make a presentation yes Mr chairman George soris atantic engineering okay George why don't you um you can share your screen and sure what Sean was what Shawn had picked up was actually uh lot uh one of the site which is a sorry about that uh they all look alike out in the field Sean yeah it said 17 yeah sorry okay can everyone see that yes okay Sean what you had uh were're showing was up uh the existing house is number 15 it used uh actually the whole entire site used to be called 17 but the uh the house existing dwelling is now called 15 just to the north of the house is now called 17 I I I believe um and the vacant lots have not been assigned a number yet so what we're looking at is the vacant lot extremely to the south of the site uh there was a previous filing um about a year and a half ago just off the property on uh south of the property and this is the Wetland line that was delineated for that uh property um but we're developing watt 4 it's uh the only work that's happen that's happened on there is the test pits for the uh soil absorption absorption system that's it but basically it's a 60,000 uh square foot lot little over 60,000 it's a vacant parel right now and what's proposed is to develop a d duplex uh building uh the building's approximately 2560 square feet uh there'll be a separate driveway for each of the units uh the driveways and walkways add another 2300 square feet of uh impervious area so the total impervious on the site will result in uh little over than the 5,000 4870 square feet the 100 foot buffer line is this dash line here that the cursor is following now so the majority of this there is a small one complete driveways within the buffer zone approximately 23 2100 feet of one of the of one of the dwellings is in the buffer zone all the rest of the work is basically outside the buffer zone the septic systems uh way up and back which we will be pumping up to it uh we will be providing roof infiltration for both units uh completely mitigating 100% of the runoff from the uh roofs and alongside the driveways we're making the driveways slope at an angle toward its uh towards the southerly side of it then we'll be putting a stone filter trench alongside the edge of the driveway to filter anything any runoff that's coming off driveway and then infiltrate it into the ground the result is that we're mitigating 100% of uh the added runoff we're reducing volume and rate of runoff off the entire site off the exist for what the existing condition is right now um um well the as I get the site will be serviced by septic system and uh each each site will be uh on uh tied into the town water most of the work is all on the front portion of the site we will be providing a construction Stone construction entrance and all just off of the stone wall and all along the edge of the Tre for the pipe we going up to the septic field we will be putting in a citation barrier to control any erosion I guess that's the bulk of it I'll there are any questions by the commission okay uh thank you George questions from the members Mary questions for George on this project you on um do you have any limit of clearing plan for this I know that this is mostly a wooded site and it's uh not clear how much of it in the buffer zone would be would be cleared for this that well they're um the portion of the buffer zone probably from right where the septic tanks are towards the roadway for the most part will be cleared uh there there's some minor grading to do south souly of the driveway in the uh dwelling and we're putting the infiltration Chambers over there too as of right now it is not marked but we we can mark it up I mean there's for the most part from where my cursor is now towards the street is where the limit of clearing is going to be okay yeah it would be helpful to have just the tree line new tree proposed Tree Line shown obviously you need to clear just a a little bit for your utility get to the back there correct and I don't know what you're proposing for clearing with there some of it's out of the buffer zone so yeah there is a lot there is a lot back here that actually is fairly clear there it's almost like a little bit of a pasture back there with their not too many not too many trees yeah so at least the limit of clearing within the buffer zone would on on the plan would be helpful and um I haven't seen this site unfortunately I just have not been able to get out there um but I would like to be able to do that other than that I see there's a siltation barrier shown on the Downs slope side um presuming that the Wetland boundary is accurately shown and I don't know if it's anyone's had a chance to look at that you know we're relying on a buffer zone from a line that was delineated for a different project and sometimes that you know may or may not be accurate we don't know at this point um yeah the drawings the drawings were overate I mean I did have a full Siz drawing that uh we obtained and um they matched up well so I didn't call Mr sprigs up for a copy of the uh CAD plan so there's it's pretty accurate so they're not notified that you're relying on their data for this plan um I have not notified them so that may be I guess the answer to that would be no yeah and they're also calling that a Vernal pool well if it's called a veral pool uh looking at checking on d d site uh it's not lab it's not certified as a verinda pool um and it's not indicated as a area that is being investigated for per a Vernal pool so I don't know what the final outcome of that was yeah so I think we need to I'm presuming it's a Vernal pool because that's what's on your plan and you know they that gets Extra Protection um we don't have any particular setback to vernal pools but other towns have up to 100 foot setback to veral pool so we do have work there and we want to be sensitive to that area um presuming that it's veral pool because that's how you've got it indicated so um we would probably want to put some extra conditions on on the work just be just for that purpose um I would like to do a site visit Bob and yeah no certainly Mary and I'm thinking we'll see if we can piggyback it on Friday if that works but let's I wanted to go through the questions and then we'll we'll address the site visit and other additional information is requir Mary anything else or and I'll Circle back before we no it it they're not required to do um a storm water management although how many units are you who have all together just two just two okay I did did the full storm water management it's all in the report so we do appreciate that that's um that's a plus um to have that even though technically it's not required it will be soon again with the revised regulations but it actually is required because we're in the uh Watershed overlay Protection District we're in Wellhead 2 area and you are required to do a storm water management of you are required to meet storm water management standards because of that which we in the report we did meet it okay yes okay does this require planning approval has it already been done planning no it's just uh it was just an it's just an anr plan okay which is already recorded it was recorded last year okay okay Mary I'll Circle back if you have any other questions okay thank you Mary uh TJ questions for George on this project uh none other than uh going to Mary's first point about what what is is going to be cleared especially in that in that buffer zone so when we see that um that that'll be good okay thank you TJ Woody questions for George on this project um more uh to piggyback on what Mary said it's a question uh the Vernal pool is that in Byfield or is that in Georgetown shown on that map I can't quite see Mr chairman if I may it's it's in field that's in the property identified as three main street um okay it is no it is identified in their otter conditions so I I don't know how much investigation was was uh done on that but I can call up Mr sprags and find out okay thank you and uh this we I recall the anr plan last fall in the planning board so other than that I have no other questions or comments thank you okay thank you Woody uh Mick comments question on mute here uh just quick question George uh I just I'm curious about these infiltration beds for the roof run off yes do you have a do you have a profile on those or how are they constructed just there is there is a uh detail sheet they're all it's in a it's surrounded by a foot of stone six inches underneath um and that's just takeen run off from the roof gutters Tak taking run off from the roof yes proposed asphalt shingle roof uh yes all right no that was it I was just interested I hadn't seen that before on any of the plans we've looked at so thank you okay thank you Mick Diane questions for George on this project um nothing new except the noi that I saw isn't signed but I'm sure it has been since then if not somebody should sign it it wasn't signed yeah the one that was in the Dropbox wasn't signed by the applicant yeah by the applicant yeah I had uh or anybody I I no I had sign it was it was signed by me at the end yes I know there was a I know there was an issue when the applicant when they went on the uh G um they accidentally forgot to sign it pay the fee and then try to go back in and it wouldn't let them sign it at first oh so maybe that's it because I think the copy we have in the Dropbox is the one that was submitted to DP so what we were looking at was maybe the first one um but that's what I'm saying if it wasn't done then just for your own sake yep no thank you we'll double check it but I know I I know I know the copy I have assigned okay thank you anything else danan no George I the only question I have is you mentioned that this is in a Wellhead District yes Wellhead protection it's in the Watershed protection overlay District uh there is actually um actually if I can go ahead I'm sorry go ahead no no go ahead and finish I'm sorry now there's actually a well way over on the other side of uh 95 and there's also another one way east east of us um but it it is in the in the zoning it's in the uh overlay Protection District and we are in the zone two of the Wellhead okay does that require any select board approval um I have to double check their ulations I know we have to meet all the stone water standards I at the um right at this moment I don't know if there's an additional uh application or filing that we have to do but I will double check all right Mary I'm G to Circle back to you um yeah you know I don't know if there's any interest in having anybody review the storm water components I'm not that's not my strong suit so I don't know how Mick feels comfortable if Mick is comfortable enough with that that he could do that for us yeah I can take a look at that okay yeah any other questions from the members yeah all right Sean uh are there any raised hands from the public at this time there are no raised hands from the public all right so George it sounds like we we have some work to do uh so do any members have a request for a site visit and if so do we want to piggy back it on Friday yes I can make it on Friday George is Friday workable for you uh yes it is Mr chairman okay we have a site visit uh on Plum Island at 8 uh do we want to make this say quarter and nine or 9 o' or 8:30 or what my schedule's pretty flexible 8 8:30 quter or 9 probably okay I'm good Mar y okay so George 8:30 quarter and nine work for you that's fine okay Sean are you're available yeah I'm available okay for Friday okay I know that's your normal day off sorry no I'm not available sorry I'm not available for Friday okay well we'll we'll update you and what we discover thank you and I would just make sure George that you review the storm water Rags for the veral pool question because you can't have any storm water features within 50 feet of the veral pool so I don't know what that distance is there but just might want to double check that I will okay all right so we're gonna have a site visit on Friday team and George I'm assuming the applicant wants to request a continuance uh yes request continues to the next available meeting Mr chairman okay to our April 16th meeting all right is is there a motion to continue this public hearing until uh April 16th at the applicant request yes so moved okay second second second okay uh all in favor roll call vote Mary yes TJ yes Woody yes Mick right Diane yes and Bob Connor's VES okay thank you George see you on Friday okay thank you good evening okay sorry about the pictures that's okay no problem that's okay uh all right continue public hearing D file number 0501 1422 94 Northern Boulevard for work to construct landscaping hardscaping and Paving work Sean you notified me that the applicant has requested a continuance on this matter yes they've they've uh requested a continuance okay uh is there a motion to continue the public hearing until our April 16th meeting second okay so Mary Diane All In favor Mary yes TJ yes Woody yes Brad excuse me Nick hi Diane yes and Bob Connor's votes yes okay continue public hearing D file number 0501 14098 phom way for after the fact approval to of work to replace to a beach access STS and a beach management plan uh Tom Hughes notified us earlier that the natural heritage letter has not been received and he has requested a continuance to the April 16th meeting is there a motion to continue the public hearing to April 16th at the applicant's request so moved s okay all in favor roll call Mary yes TJ yes Woody yes Mick hi Diane yes and Bob Connor votes yes okay continue public hearing D file number 0501 1424 18 Temple Boulevard West for an addition of a deck and elevated walk to dwelling and Reclamation and expansion of an existing uh parking area Tom Hughes notified us that the applicant requests to continue the public hearing to May 7th uh as they modify their plans and discuss the project with their neighbors I'll entertain a motion to continue the public hearing to May 7th at the applicant's request so moved okay okay uh all in favor roll call vote Mary yes TJ right Woody yes Mick I Diane yes and Bob Connor's vote Yes all right well team it is 7:33 and uh staff reports Sean uh currently I've got I've got nothing okay um other than uh we'll see uh storm water um management updates come coming through at some point um to consom for a public hearing uh yeah that's about it for now y Sean was notified by the DPW that there's been a change in the rigs on storm water management uh in the process is it's going to come before us I I've actually asked uh the Town Administrator for clarification on are we just conducting a public hearing it's not coming in the form of a of a notice or so is this part of the EPA ms4 program or is this something else that the town is okay yeah I haven't even seen the documents Mary okay but that's why I've asked for clarification okay there's something coming up all right any other any other last words TJ any any comments any any words of wisdom you want to share with us bless you yeah thank thank you TJ Mary any final comments no thank you Mick any any final comments oh I'm good thanks everyone Woody any comments no final comments Bob thank you okay Diane how about yourself any okay I'll ENT a motion to adjourn so moved second okay roll call all in favor Mary yes TJ wood Mick and Bob Conor good night everyone thank you see you see you Friday night night everyone