##VIDEO ID:VPZtrsXMI6w## uh we are going to uh so this is the official call order we're starting the meeting at 610 and uh I will run the roll call uh I'll start with uh you Heidi uh Heidi F here she is he Bob just we just we just called to order perfect perfect timing am my order actually actually you know what you're no no no you're bar bar sitting here so you can sit next to Heidi or you can sit next to me both will be both will be mostly off camera all right Mary what what don't we I think we should just uh announce our presence that's the official way to do it yeah all right Mary Carville Ryan Kelly Ellen Dy Michaela early Robin Lawson Barb lby and Bar was uh now I have some updates on membership status and registration in the MCC brand manage exp Sy and the update is that everyone all of us have signed in God as you probably know um I have registered you all in MCC gr that be up today just so that you know the town website is not yet updated with all our names because uh things have been very busy at Town Hall that will happen I'm Shore and I ask that it be done by mid October which is when the um the grants are all du allthough it's certainly not that it's not but anyway so did you did everybody get um an email from the MCC with your login okay so you just you log in with your own you create your own email address YouTube you create your you look at that one uh trying to remember yeah well it's uh anyway it's not in because we don't need to uh the panel book won't be available the panel book is the weird terminology for the U for the grants applications so we won't actually need that until what November 1st or something on those line but the but the the U the Grant application period is open currently and it will be open through October 15th okay and then when that panel book is available then our job is to go in and review all the grand applications and then we'll we'll go have our voting meeting sometime at the end of probably November early December and then we'll we'll vot on so that's that's of course a key a key a milestone um and um I must report that even though I told you at our last meeting that I was going to uh create a press release for The Daily News about the grand application being open eye plead illness and um it's it's actually not that important because the in my experience the grant grant applicants they know they know the drill and they don't really need to see an article in the newspaper just something that I like to do because it's good visibility for the councils but it didn't get done it's also a good reminder to people that oh my goodness it really is October tomorrow yes that's true well I can you know we can still do it but I'll tell you the other reason is that we still have an email address I'm sorry to report and it's because uh I it's just the Staffing over here is uh not as responsive as one would like so I'm essentially waiting for a password and right now and I'll just I'll just go over this with you quickly even though you know I think you all know it right now we have a Gmail account Bart is the only person with access to it which is very very awkward and we be an inconvenient um and I am signed up to monitor the email but we want the town of Newbery email address and I have been waiting for months to get that resolved so um so this say I'm working on it but it doesn't make sense to send out a press release or do any publicity at all until we have that official cultural council at town ny.org so I actually do have a life but I have I can see clear I and the other thing that happens is you know for me normally I you know I finished my work week you know Friday Town Town Halls close on Friday so I can't do my usual you know chasing around after people on Fridays because they're not here I had to forget that so that's my U that's my wine and rant of the day next on our agenda so any comments or questions on that just a a quick question would so that we could do a press release would it make sense to put in um someone else's email that's with the town and say if you get I mean I can't imagine they're going to get inundated but if you get any could you forward them to us no because right now we have our backup is is is the one that people already have Gmail yeah B he monitors the the email account we use that email account it's just that I don't want to announce it until because it should be this other situation to be resolved really quickly so it's not like we really need it but that was a good suggestion um anybody else have a comment okay next on our agenda is Council approval of Alan d to serve that's the secretary now who would like to nominate Ellen I'd like to nominate Ellen to be our secretary I'd like to Second all in favor hi hi can I vote for myself and so the responsibilities of secretary are obvious um but one thing that has to happen is um the minutes uh need to be hosted uh well first of all you and I will go over them and anybody else wants to see until the time then there we send them to gron the town clerk and gron actually posts them officially on the website and then the other thing that you're responsibility is is to uh is to prepare the agenda which is this is the official CL okay and so um I have it this it's it's downloadable for but I'll just send it to you and then um and then make sure that that's it has to be posted 2 days before the meeting which is why I told you all I was I was sending it to Gretchen on Wednesday because town hall is closed on Fridays so uh anyway that's that's uh that's something that will downfall to you okay okay M excellent uh the update on email address and access I already gave you because that was uh contingent on something else Bart treasur so I thought I'd go over three things with you um the uh talk a little bit about what our reporting is to the mass uh cultural Council um a little bit about the process that we're going through right now in terms of approving things and then a summary of where we stand of all the grants that were approved last for this year and um what's been paid so far and what's outstanding so let me start with um we have to submit um to the uh Mass cultural Council a report that says um this is how much money um is encumbered you you were able to give out this much money this is how much is encumbered based on what we approved from last year this is then how much is left over that can be applied to next year um it was due today and I received it two hours ago and um I I it's really my it's really it's really my fault um because I should be more on top of these deadlines I was I looked up looked it up and I thought we had submitted it in early October it actually do today but it's not we can't send it out uh because it's inaccurate uh but uh it's typically the um Town accountant that does it she just forgot to put in one section which I'm sure she was looking to me to put give to her so I just actually just uh sent her a note back and told her what that number is and uh so that will basically bring us down to we're going to have maybe $100 in our in the balance she's now showing 2200 but there's been expenditure since then so um so anyway so that's that's what we have to report this will then kind of it's It's a report that kind of ends you know last year's and then the next report we're going to do is they're going to give us our grant and then we're going to take the money that was left over add it to the Grant and that's the amount of money that we're going to available when we need to do vote on what's available to us it's pretty simple um um the second thing I was going to uh do is to kind of go over um what I do as the treasurer and um recognizing that at some point we're going to need to transition me cuz I this is my last year um so I can't um run after this June 30th June 30th yeah yes on June 30th and so what happens is that um we approve the amount of money uh for the grantees and then they then have their event then they s to us uh their w9s evidence that they actually um acknowledged our funding now I'm finding that most of them don't refer to it as the Newberry cultural Council they refer to it as the mass cultural Council but generally it's in it's in the posters it's in the various materials and all that uh then they have to demonstrate to us that they actually expended some money that's related to this and then um they submit a reimbursement request much like you would you know reimbursement from work you know here's what I want and this is what it's for requires two signatures um and I sign it typically and then because Robin's right around the corner um Robin ends up on being the second signatory but any one of you can be the signatory as well uh then I have have to put together a actual request to the accountant for the town which is this form and it just lists you know what it's for I have to sign it and what account it comes out of uh and then I sign it I will then send it to her um Eva who's the accountant and uh I usually do it electronically in a PDF and then she uh cuts a check usually within a week or two so that's the process you know so again it's it doesn't take very long the final thing is that's going to give you a status update here of where we are and I wish I would follow Robin's um approach of no paper but I don't have anything to project I don't know what to do so I printed too much um so last year and we apprciate so last year um there were a total of 19 grants that were given out for total of $6,750 so far eight um people have requested money including this group here that actually um it's the uh greater Newberry cour ovarian cancer um I guess they call it awareness um here they have it as a different name but um that is included in ones that have been completed so as you can see there's um we've paid out $2,300 um so far for eight grants we have outstanding of 11 for a total of $4,450 was that was that $300 the $300 is actually included I I just assumed it would be completed because everything was approved so they'll they'll cut the check soon as I send it in probably tonight um I just need your second signature no I just said that because I don't want to pick it be picky this silly but just that you had the um you have uh the $300 down here oh did I miss it yeah did I miss it I thought I got it I just like that I I just want to see if it was double counted no no it looks like it's just on the bottom it's just on the bottom that was my air my air ear and like so it's my ear eight nine have been done and so the payout then has been 2600 and so I have to let AA know that we paid out 2,300 and not 2600 okay um so that's it any questions pretty straightforward where are the dates associated with this these activities uh they're in the spreadsheet that I have and I can get that to you that that will show you what the dates are so everyone's getting paid after the fact after after the fact except um we did um do an advanced payment uh we made an exception we made an exception they said they needed in the Indigenous day um people's P yeah um and was imagine Studios and we did um give them $300 payment um I believe it's going to be next weekend um so it's going to get to them maybe a week early and that's because Bart and I had full confidence that this event would take place it's it's an an annual event folks are very reliable so it was really they would just didn't make sense to say no to us I only asked because in the training um they mentioned that you could do it either way oh they did did they oh good I'm only glad that you told that because I thought we were breaking the rules so I'm glad to hear the that was actually a test M pass she been a treasure that was a good question question for the the next treasur yeah yeah okay so I that the rulle said that you had had to be that that's because I haven't read the stuff recently 12 years ago I think that it it was in that training I think the issue though is that they have to demonstrate that they've expended money so if they've demonstrated they can because you have to know that they have spent the money before we can reimburse it for it so it is reimbursement it's not Advan okay but wouldn't that be everyone that has expended the money first you usually but not always some of the stuff that we reimburse might be um you know service they they put on a play or something and there may not have been a lot of upfront expenditures so I get paid by some libraries to come and teach at different places and there's no cost until I show up and then I send an invoice and then they have to reimburse after that so I charge for the time that I'm there I don't charge for the email I don't charge for the call so so a lot of the classes that I teach I get paid through ensboro cultural counsel or mass cultural Council whatever it is so it's after the fact I send them the invoice and then they're like okay well it's going to you know get a check in a month or so because they then have to show that it's the same process you just said so it it most of the time it's after but there are absolutely some of bigger performances where they already have promotional material they can prove that they have the every cultural Council thing right on their pamphlet that's already been hel handed out to 500 people so some a lot of it is cost before but some is also cost after yeah I actually can't I can't remember ever having been approached by somebody saying can they get paid in advance and they all come afterwards but it's this is just an excellent clarification and I'm glad that we've had this conversation that makes sense and also something we dealt with at new report was some of the things kind of like what you guys did where like the event won't go unless they have they they hit their number because they need to hit that number a week before because then they lock in the policy then they lock in the venue then they so there's depending on the performance and depending on their coin purse you know it depends on if they can shell it out and have some outstanding balance for a month so sometimes those are the ones you want to give and make sure you give money because you're like gosh darn they couldn't do this if they didn't get I'm surprised that more people don't ask for money I know because where's the money come from somebody's got Mone yeah I don't know the answer or they can just not pay anybody until after and they're just like we will get you check this is getting approved and then they base it off of approval so they don't even have to have the cash flow to do it okay any more discussion on that on that item uh Delina Theater Company at the request of the cilant agent would like to change the program from Von voage forever to Lizzy bordon and 40 wax coming up in about a month so we need to approve or disapprove that change I what you I make a motion M that we approve you as you can ask for an emotion I'd like to ask that someone make a motion to approve the request from the Delina theater company and the Council on agent I make a motion second she can say it out when she says that cuz you have to do a notion she's going to make a motion so she has to say what the motion is oh you have to say what the motion is okay so I have you say to begin with I move I move that we prove the a theat company changing Bond boyage forever lion all in favor next I haven't heard of either so so so that just mean they're doing a different play and they needed to let us know the name of the different play okay it was at the request I think of the council yeah not agent oh the council didn't like voage forever no one 40 wax 40 wax they're both a little strange to me for for elderly Council fol but a lot of times a a venue has booked a performer or an event and at the last minute that performer can you got to change it and you know you've already been granted a request as an entity so you think that if you change the performer you should be able to move that over but has to be officially voted gotcha thank you and and none of us knows the background of this it's but I know I've seen that program the Lizzy bordon and the 41 wax that's come up in in the past so this it's been on the on the agenda so we but we so is that if anyone changes their programming then we have to prove it makesense this is significant for because that's the one we approved and so those okay uh update on signage initiative so I know you all saw my followup from my conversation with Tracy blz which was very positive so I think I will hunt this over to you Ryan so you're kind of leading the charge on that one did you see am I leading the charge on this one yes you are see um did did anybody besides with me I should have you should have hang on to it but there's a letter to the editor from Joe Fix about um in did you you see it about the about the um I forgot what it was about 3 weeks ago thanking volunteers for going out and working on the on the the they buil one of those um the Hy mountains they like they're actually called a of hay from Ireland is what I've been told my husband's from Ireland called coip that's picture ass so farmers never called it that right yeah so I think I think what we need to do is first of all uh next time you're out in that direction if you could take some photos sure and then we need to write up some sort of a what did you say proposal oh we need to get in touch with the uh somebody from our committee is to get in touch with the historical uh committee channy Howard is the chair uh mainly to U I think it's just a courtesy to who commission about the initiative you want to do that Ryan yeah I'm wrri that down right now and um uh then she said talk to the Assessor's Department I think you know somebody there mark cry the Assessor's Department yeah you mean my dad is the chair that's I don't know if that's a conflict interest deter the exact the exact locations of the salt Mar sign in thek we we but we I think what we decided to do is to delay the mile markers and and con we're just going to do one through so we can actually succeed in something before we try too much so we uh and the exact location of the Salt March time is on it's on Route One and you know we did GPS coordinates or something but but anyway so um so what am I asking potentially my father you're you're you're you're not really asking anything okay that's it's her sugest PR's suggestion was to talk to the Assessor's department to get the exact locations now this at that point we were talking about all the signs the mile markers as well as the salt Mar sign there five mile markers but then I found the the map so that's kind of a Mot point this that was afterwards I actually have some the historical the commission actually put those Maps I sent you a PDF I think I emailed you all the map I think anyway so that's that's a historical department initiative but anyway so Ryan if you would shoot an email to Channing and with you know three sentences and tell them what we're up to just to say this is we want you to know that the the the the uh cultural Council was taken on an initiative of uh of replacing the sign now meanwhile because of what Joe because of Joe fix's letter and how do you might know this better than I do uh is Sportsman that put the original up are they still even around cuz you said last time we talked about this that they were not I do not believe they're functioning no all right I check all right who if you could double check that just we went across our teas and our eyes you know we don't want to ruffle any take their sign down if they yeah you know to mix a metaphor we don't want to ruffle any feathers and we want to cross our teeth and so yeah you could do that Hi and then uh Ryan if you could uh just uh shoot an email to to chanting and then we'll just you one step at a time just make sure that we keep everybody in the loop um and then you know discuss with DPW I don't know what that entails yes um because route one is a state road get State permission um Tracy said that the town would help us with that okay that's she essentially what Tracy says is you got whe support the town will support the DBW the any funding any anything that needs to happen to work with the police work with the state the town will help us with that I mean that's what you said to me uh uh you know pretty much work forward okay because it's Town land even though it's a state highway yeah there's a overlay when state roads go through town so all the work they just did at Route One and Handover street it's all Town property but it's a state highway so they have different cont and different things and sometimes there's State Police there sometimes there's local police there so it's why it's good that we're asking questions beforehand because just because you think a sign is in nu not even on the highway there's usually like a Varian area mhm okay super fun um so once we get once we do all this you know background work and the next next step is to develop a proposal with photos and estimates and I don't have a clue where the estimates would come from my guess is the DPW would probably have a recommendation of a person to create the sign there might be I I doubt it but if when I go stop and take pictures I'll see if there's any signage or sign or manufacturer or something on the back but I don't think so all right care Sportsman's Club made it themselves that's yeah be careful when you do that please I sure hope I know how to park sink into the mar do we have a photo of it have we shared I'm going to take that photo tomorrow okay of it's Cent and send it to all of us thank I think I know which sign it is but I'm not couldn't be closer to where the hill coming from Route One South going north right you cross the marsh it is right before the guardrail starts and the hill goes up to point towards new it's right before the hill so you go across the marsh you go across the Wildlife Center there little bit of the river itself and then it's flat and then right before the hill starts it is right on right going north okay it's a tiny little green faded Des with graffiti that was watched off and probably covered with fragm with what fragm oh I just realized something M you don't need to check with Channing Howard because this is not has nothing to do with the historic commission it has only that was really referring to the mile markers yeah so I don't know that he would care because that's not under the agis of the historical commission I mean it's never a bad idea to keep people AR prized yeah I mean I think there's a historical element because the sign is showing the hate BS okay well it's never bad I mean to me it's never a bad idea to be transparent and inclusive I'm going to include Jason and Channing and send one email because I like to be efficient Channing would like it he would like it yes good you wouldn't think it's spam or junk mail no he would appreciate he would appreciate it okay good are we um sorry I'm not sure if this is the right time to be asking this but are we considering changing what the sign says or are we just going to make a new sign that's not ruined I think we potentially that's why asking the people's good yeah but we could always update if there's been new things found out or make sure it's current and proper and also we'll probably be redesigning only somebody knew how to do something like that um we'll probably be redesigning it so it's a little more legible and make sure it's a little better what and who rebuilt the Hast Tex last time I don't know who the volunteers were but I know a whole group of people did I I know Evan my neighbor helped a couple years ago but he didn't help this time so yeah I think a group of people literally like go out there in trucks on like a morning just throw it on the other that a separate note I'd love to find out who that is cuz I'd love for them to do it on the Plum Island ones because they're going to disappear those holders that hold them up that we don't I don't know the if Joe posted about it or whatever I don't published in The Daily News okay and I know Joe so I can follow up with Joe if you want me to I think the cunninghams built the one on BL Island just two of them that that still show up but they won't they used to put hay on them when I first m up here like 20 years ago but they don't anymore yeah well because those people aren't around anymore how does the sign get paid for Town Money Town Money probably I don't know how it was paid for before because I think originally the the Sportsman's Club was very active they had somebody gathered together they got a group of people to read re build the hay stacks that had been there a long time before and they put their name on the sign that it was you know done under the offices of the Sportsman's Club and then subsequently other people have gathered but I don't know who gathers those other volunteers to do that if there's some you know that would just be an interesting thing to find out think it's just a random phone call at this point that things get done yeah it doesn't come out of our budget no definitely does not come out of our budget no our budget is strictly for uh well let me address that in a second um when I talked to Tracy she specifically said they would support us with funding whether that actually means that the town will come up with money for the sign I don't know but what she's saying what she said to me was essentially we will help you now to your other question the money that we were just talking about the B was talking about that's our State allotment that is State money the cultural Council the the town has money set aside in a fund for town events so that that sign could feasibly come up I sorry folks uh that could feasibly come up I think it's $5,000 right that's called the celebration account right now the balance is 2,000 something I don't think they put anything else into it this year I haven't seen that they have well uh but there is money it's voted on a town meeting for the celebration account and you know amount TVD but that those funds were available to us because we got approval for New Town day and going forward I don't know what that looks like however there's aware there's a just tremendous support in the town for what what we're doing for what we do with n Town day and what we're doing now whatever that looks like so um it of course has to be voted at town meeting because it's a town expenditure but um there's a huge support for it uh oh how look skeptical no it may be possible that that the report I get is the celebration account Newbery Town day Dall and not the total other balance it'd be weird if you got the full Town balance well just for the celebration account right because the originally the celebration account was $5,000 MH yeah so no because I remember way back when when Heidi and I first proposed in newana and that was 2001 uh we knew immediately uh that we we would have t uh support there will be some funds as I recall it was $5,000 but this is all from my memory not necessarily anything WR we we'll find this we'll find I would also argue that if it ends up being a few thousand or whatever it is there's either going to be some person that we could reach out to and say pay for it and we'll put your name on it or we say it's x amount of dollars and we can take a th000 from DPW a th000 from the C thing like there's ways to kind of just pull some pennies together cuz a few $2,000 in a scheme of a multi-million dollar yearly budget is just like nothing but we want to make sure that we're being aware of those and looking for opportunities to whether it's hey the local Sportsman Club is going to pay for it and put it on there or the local Historical Society has a grant and this is a historical related thing so now there's a collaboration between them and it's all the things we talked about in our offset meeting [Music] so yes okay so any other comments about update on the signage [Music] initiative now we get to talk about the action plan plan for Town activities new town and I would like to suggest for uh opening up for discussion that we consider of all our ideas just a suggestion that we we start with the know and quantity which was the what we talked about which is the scale down New Town day with the things that work really well the open artist studio the kids activities whatever we did at Spencer Pi far we do it at the upper green and that be what we focus on um uh just same is with the sign just put a stake in the ground and focus on that that's my suggestion however if somebody else wants to look at the list of ideas that we threw out and said no no no let's do this this would be something that I want to work on and I think we can do this at some time in in you know the first quarter then then then cool the other thing I want to suggest too is that we think about talk about um subcommittees given the fact that there eight of us but still subcommittees with and somebody is the leader for each one of the activ ities that we are are talking about just as a just from from an organizational standpoint so what everybody think about that yeah sounds good well were two things I put out there so thing one and thing two thing one yes you do you agree everybody agree with that yep so I'm just looking at your chart kind of so you're talking about just the Newbury Town day's various activities throughout the year is all we would focus on and leave these others I just want to make sure that I'm I'm being clear and and one of the reasons I'm asking and that's why I was curious about the dates on these just I probably the old planner the event planner in me but I I think it would be interesting to consider what we do to round out the calendar of events that happen in the year agree um between what other people are doing and what we're doing so makes sense if that makes sense I didn't say it well but you're with me right you know what I me with you you mean spread it around the year yeah well if like I'd love to see what the dates for all of these are and I'll put them I'll even do this as secretary here's the calendar of activity that Newbury cultural Council grants supported and then if we have a plethora of stuff in the fall and nothing in the spring then maybe we would think about doing some of our activity in the spring to fill in a gap that might exist or might not I don't know when these dates are well right now there aren't any there aren't any dates no but if a lot of the same people come through and ask it Year from year for TR traditionally then we might our award e yeah I'm not when are the events for our award oh oh I didn't understand what you meant yeah okay this the the events are are throughout the year understood yeah yeah yeah but but I'd like to see the calendar of them so that you know let's pretend that's our newb cultural Council calendar of event activity to confirm yeah and so we'll look at the 24 for right now and then we can make some assumptions that 2025 will be similar because a lot of same folks come back and then we can see what do we want to do I mean we might do what we want to do at whatever time of year we think we can and should do it anyway or we might want to make sure we're filling in a gap somewhere I'm going to put Devil's Advocate with that okay a lot of the events that we find don't happen in town oh okay okay it's it's new report Coral Society just a new report the new report documented fil Festival indigenous people day actually most of them are not even in the so I don't know that there's necessarily an over overlap there yeah I think what we're doing is kind of on a separate it's not kind of I think what we're doing is on a separate track okay that's fair enough as far as the Newberry Town day goes or the other the other activities the granes is on is on a separate track that's money that we fund okay for other other activities wherever they might be okay they tend to be a lot of a r report and and make our own calendar yeah yeah so you've got or you have some um program at the at the on October 31st at the Council on agent that that's well that's a newb but I don't know that it's even you know if it's is there's an overlap with with some of the things that we talked about so if we look at this list here it says newb town and it's just the way I la this laid this out this was just you know a brainstorming session and and we'll we'll adjust this as we go along but new is various activities throughout the year and then below the open AR is so if you think about what happened and again I am not advocating for this I'm just structuring the discussion the open artist Studios the kids activities those were both neww Town Day activities at Spencer Cal farm that were very successful so I think what one of the things that we might think about is just re redoing or doing new day again on one day with Escape we talked about this scale down right say it just in one place it's on the upper graen that's what we talked about and whatever is associated with that that happens there you know it's a it's a uh three-legged race whatever it might be and then so that's the one thing and that what I was suggesting before is that we focus on that and we say let's assign a date to that we're going to do that in June and then we look at the other things that are um that we would like to do the things that we talked about for instance the tours of artist studios in progress with Progressive treats we could say oh let's do that in April right so that that that these would be the activities that happen throughout the year but we need somebody to take charge of it we need somebody to be to to want to do that say I'm going to I'm going to organize that this date works for me and then we take it from there so that that's really what I'm suggested and then historical highlights you know bus tour we we're going to do that in October um backyard concerts we're going to do that in the summertime so and and whatever other ideas we come so so I'm going to I'm going to stick to my calendar thing just for a moment and say then it would probably be helpful to see what is going on in Newbury for activities so that we don't bump up against Master calendar yeah just to make sure that we don't get in the way of you know something else Master calendar I don't know I don't really either because I don't think it's on the town calendar we dealt with this in new report and they had to get to a point where they were going to potentially hire someone through the city to deal with and obviously they have like hundreds of things a month um but having a master calendar on their City website was a priority because they want to make sure that people know what's going on in their city um that never happened right CU that came out of that meeting I don't think it's happened yet and I left the Cil Cal Council before I heard anything I don't think it's probably happened yet it's it's a lot of work activity will probably be a lot less exactly than theirs which ours is going to be like 10 things a month if that like if that so I mean I when I used to look for just stuff to do I went to like four or five different places you know there's a there's a news there's a notice that somebody sends out I can look through my phone and see what they you think with AI right now that you could basically together find the four websites that randomly like the chamber has more chamber does it Y and it's like just combine everything and put it in one place because like Parker River does stuff you know there's just a couple of organ like so we just need to think through what are the organizations that do event activity where would their sites be do an AI search exactly I mean you and I can maybe do that volunteer us I think we need to do that honestly I don't think we need to be that complicated in new because what do we really have going on here we've got town meeting we've got school events right it's mainly going to be school events which is obviously going to be September through June really May well see I don't even have a look at the school events cuz I don't have kids so I wouldn't even have thought to go on there so what so what are what are the events that happen in town so Parker River does stuff oton does stuff um does de do anything does who the Governor's Academy I'm sorry I I still call G The Plum Island light does stuff you know there's those kinds of little plest who runs who runs that Plum Fest uh it's a group of a private that's that's pretty much become uh uh SE that's September and I know P hall does some stuff out of there they have a um Christmas show that they do in the hall they have an artist show that they do but I mean it's like I said it's a handful of stuff but we just wouldn't want to plan something big on a Saturday and there's the baseball that goes on at Spencer Pierce little farm the um old time baseb old time baseball that's actually Sunday but that that I would I wouldn't worry about that actually because I still think side note the new cultural Council helping putting together a giant calendar of stuff like this is actually a really good thing for us to do yeah personally yeah you're up well I'm already do the sign so okay then who would like to put together it's also not right now I will I will look and see as what I can find and bring it to the next meeting the school the school ought to be pretty school I don't even know where to start I don't know the names of the schools I've never had children up here I will don't I it's say new okay thank some two of them are 10 minutes away yeah that's true say that again Triton just sent out some a pamphlet thing Triton happenings yeah and I think the Triton actually has a calendar on its website yeah so that's yeah if you just somebody send me the school names and TR one yeah it's not too complicated and I think the Tron School the Triton School District calendar I think actually shows I'm Prett sure pretty sure oh okay yeah pretty sure and all Happ some sure and then you got plung fast right you'll just look into what happens at uh on Plum Island right yeah I mean just because I I used to always look for stuff to do so I kind of already poked into there definitely and then where are we going to publish the calendar I will just pull it together for now for us to look at and see what we think if if it's valuable I guess for anybody or not um cuz you I think we need we need the name of the event some kind description the title and and a website and if we can't get that in the date obviously yeah well once we get our email exactly you can have yeah I mean we could give it to the town to put it on the site it makes the most sense to have which is really what they should do does do we have a new cultural Council page on our town website I don't think we have a page okay no we don't have a page we have a we have a listing that's has does not have all of our names I I would also say that we should probably when we figure out the email thing we figure out the website so that there's a actual tab or page for the new cultural Council because just like any other board or anything in town technically you have to have your page with the people that volunteer so pretty sure all right well looks somebody in spare time is going to need to head over here and another tech people yeah I'm pretty sure I'm pretty we dealt with a new report yeah we dealt with a new report I think it's also you know like like you said about not worrying about putting the notice out that that people that apply generally know what the schedule is but um there are other sort of Fringe people that are thinking about doing something or new people to tell you know who don't like Sten my husband asked me about applying for a grin and how do you do that and when does it have to be done you know he has no clue about it even though I've done it for years for different things and so there are people that if if we had a web page on the town website you could go there and say oh this is a resource I could do something yeah and all the alls have have information about time for a rent exactly I just thought of another one on the um the fireman's mustard which is July yes but yeah no you you know what it was my best get press Rel but I have easy it was more the that I perspective actually you've been on the other side where you don't have kids in that you still want to go out and do in your own town so it's like what where do I even go to begin that so unless you're at the library and see pamplet or as unless you're in the walking by the school for no reason cuz you know kids there it's like there's probably a lot of people of the 6,000 plus residents in new that maybe would show up to a couple things I mean look how many people people go to the bonfire Nu bonfire thousands of people yeah we wrote that down yeah it has thousands of people they don't all just live in new they come from all over because they see the promotion of it and they want to go enjoy it so I think there's we dealt with it in new but the master calendar for that is like a whole another ball game I think ours is actually easier be very manageable I think and then again if we have a sorry I know what we're going all over here but we have own little page people could write our email address and say hey I have an event it's not on here and we'll add it and then we'll have and they email us to an email yes exactly right and that and that means that means somebody is going to need to maintain that page and I mean somebody it's not going to be me uh because U Already as I mentioned before Gretchen is doing the most um yeah and she's just she's swamped yeah and I I I'm just going to repeat myself I said to her don't worry about updating our names because it's just not a priority but who are we going to ask to keep these to do these updates and it's a fantastic idea but somebody's going to need to to to maintain it someone's going to need to have access I don't have access to the town website for all the obvious reasons and so Gretchen is stuff with doing our updates which is not efficient but it is what it is I think it's also potentially we have we'd have to ask maybe a legal thing with not having like you may need to go to a person that can access the town website so we just need to find a better security right protocol you're right yeah with else so it needs to be somebody sorry I didn't mean no no Gretchen Slamm with so many other things that it makes sense that we just need a person that's basically data entry you just need a person to type and copy and paste and it can't be the person that's the clerk that's getting dog tags and signing burning permits and all this other stuff exactly so all I really ask you to do I said we got to get the agenda out for this meeting right that's all you need to do BR other than that I will not bother you but so kind of stuff needs to have a you know body behind it yeah and I think if we're I think it's all doable though oh yeah and if we're showing that we want to do all these things then we need to get some grease behind the wheels it's it's showing our town government that we need to have more help or augmented help because we are trying to do more things and that should be a conversation that goes wherever it needs to go because would you rather have nothing happen because we can't figure out how to find five five hours of a person once a month to do something it's like it's kind of a BS excuse so I'm sure there's ways that we can I'm with you on that yeah so then and then if he needs to be essentially it has to be we town meeting exactly we need somebody to help support the the community this is what we're trying to do this all the great stuff but it takes work we have the labor we're donating but we need to have either the person that gets paid $18 an hour or $20 an hour to do it and that $100 a month to be able to have however many things listed as it gets going MH it's a Town cultural information sharing thing which is the number one thing that we all hear about which is nobody knew about the town meeting nobody knew about the big event nobody knew about when the road was getting closed nobody knew when they were repaving the Culvert but it's like things get posted it goes on Facebook goes to AV void because there's no clear place to actually go there's no resource pinpoint yep so who do you talk to person question Tracy F first you you have to have it's same as with as with the sun we need to have a concrete proposal you don't just call up Tracy and say we need a body not us with data we have a proposal and it goes to um or maybe it starts with a select board maybe it's on the select select board meeting agenda that this is this is what the cultural council is proposing we want to have a townwide calendar this is we show a prototype perhaps we say but the there are eight of us on this committee we're volunteers and to make this a reality we're going to need some a help with data entry um you you figure it out you put it on the agenda for for for town meeting so that the citizen are needs to vote for it because this is going to help solve the problem of the the dirth of communications this is one step towards solving the problem that Ryan was just talking about right so if I can comment um I really appre appreciate the energy and the enthusiasm of all us this is actually very very helpful um I having recently dealt with a calendar development and website stuff it it's just it it's an enormous amount of work um the calendar alone is beyond the capability I mean you're talking about half time person um it's just the the technical aspects of it are significant they're EXP that's a you have to get special program I mean to have any kind of dynamic calendar you can have a static calendar but it's it's not particularly useful people won't use it if it's going to be updated and accurate it it's just I I again I've been through this in a smaller element and and we still had to have a quarter time person so I I don't know that that necessarily is where we should be focusing our energy even though that ultimately is a nice goal and we can show where the opportunities are I I'd really like to see a lot of this energy focus on something that's very tangible um and I i' like the idea of the Town day scaled down so we don't have these two people running around trying to coordinate multiple locations multiple people and trying to you know drum up volunteers and drum up the town to really respond um I think that you know take what worked put it in the upper green which I think is a great idea um let's just set a date I I agree we should kind of look for any kind of conflicts and just focus on that and then in this process we can kind of start working on the town to see how what they're going to do to step up in order to start providing support services to General groups like ours um going just a little bit of town hall and a little bit of what I've seen here I think it's highly unlikely you're going to get somebody hired at town at the town to do this um that would be questioned significantly by a group of people and I think it might get voted down yes um and that's not necessarily you don't want to start with something that's risky and potentially a loss you want to start with something that can be successful and and and demonstrate that we we have good energy and we're putting it in a positive way and that might create its momentum so I want to be down you make a very good point uh somebody maintains the calendar the on the town website it's not a it's hard it's soad it's it's not accur it's not updated it's purely static okay yeah just wanted to throw that out there yeah I got I okay so we'll we'll put that as an aspirational something that's aspiration as we get things Dynamic calendars are notoriously difficult yeah Alan if you'd like to put I'll put one together for us one together for us it would be yeah and I wasn't thinking of hiring anybody I was thinking we you you pay a contractor to like do this once a quarter to update once a quarter for us I mean that not certainly they're not going to hire someone to do something that's kind of low level if you will but um and I and I don't know I guess it'd be interesting to see what you mean by a dynamic calendar but if we updated a PDF file once a month and sent it to the town to to put up once a quarter that that's as low level as I'm thinking just it's better than capabilities um you're talking about how it it renders on the page I want to know all events between this time and this time I want I want that's how we want to do it right but if we if we don't do it that way more like a mix between the static as long as it's you can have an updated real correct static calendar that you scroll through and it's way better than half every I mean twice as good as it sounds right now so you put you you put on there current as of July 1st right start baby step I see what you're saying with like searchability like time slot that's like five events on the same day so that means your Cal can only show a certain number if it's static right right um You can't necessarily expand it so there's a lot of technical elements to this and that makes that one box huge but then it just extrapolates every other box but if it's going to be relatively simple high level just but again just for our events I can't imagine we'd have five on the same day in new and I'll get you all the dates I mean that that's easy to do but why don't we just Ellen why don't you I'll put something together we can get a look at good point I do agree that it's a big n if you start to go yeah that was not at all what I was in it gets B right you do you do and so we have something to look at so and we can see oh my goodness there five on one day or oh look there's one thing in July nothing till November by the way town meeting 7 o' at the new gym everybody better show up okay so I think that's I think that's that's uh let's see where we end up yeah yeah to start but I like the idea that the we talked about a new report because there were so many cultural events happening so many concerts so many things so many auctions so many they haven't done no there they they actually built it there is a Newber report.org website and that does have calendars and it's not up to date okay and it's very narrow in terms of what it covers to your point all right so then getting back to what we were talking about is uh uh so with Newbury Town day we the first one in 2022 was in June and we we chose that dat for a reason that I won't go into and then after the first one we realized that the second one really ought to be later in the summer so that one which was the very successful one which was last year was the weekend before Labor Day right and so the kids are back from vacations the older kids are already uh this is I'm just telling you the reasoning the older kids are already um at their practices and U it just it's a lot easier to engage people at that at that time of year and then everyone starts talking about September because September is oh gee you know that's the perfect time but what we found with September is that we just run into enormous conflicts there's so much stuff going on um in September that um that we uh thought that that um that date would be great one of the things that concerned me was that we would have trouble publicizing it over the summer because nobody pays any attention to anything but that ended up not being the case so Heidi any comments there no I'm busy in September but no no I think it it U it worked out really well and some of the things that you have listed here like the um the outdoor movie was a grand idea but a miserable failure because in the summertime you have to have the movie in the evening and the mosquitoes are wicked no matter how much you think you can get sprayed beforehand and um it just it it didn't work it was it was an expensive thing to do and it it wasn't a practical event um I wonder if we could do a drivein at Central Street fields and that way people can be in their cars that's what we did on P island with you services we did a Plum Island driveing now you set it up it's a huge screen and everybody has like you turn your radio to whatever station oh well you know actually I knew that because I think you came one year or something no but maybe the year before last there was a um musical performance at Spencer and it rained and everybody sat in their cars yeah the firehouse did that I think I yeah yeah yeah so those companies you can do it but yeah SE Street field great opportunity huge parking lot Park however you want get people doing concessions or whatever but yeah right so that's going to be that's a separate track from because I think we're all agreeing that we love the idea of having newy Town day scale down scale down on the upper brck okay it's more visible all the reasons we talked about before and and so I think that if we decide that we all like the idea of focusing on that that we pick a date we say it's going to be August 26th which is not because August 26 happen it was not Saturday Tuesday uh so whatever the Saturday would be I'm just throwing that out there I mean I don't have any skin in this game but I'm just saying that it worked last night or we can and actually you know well this year whatever sometime in the end of August and and then we have and then we have the types of activities that we had last time and then whatever else anybody wants to sign up to do because to sign up to to to add to that event but it's in one place it's the 23rd the 23rd it's the week before Labor Day I actually like that day um I I I think you get into the fall you're just competing with everything right um and uh you know the weather may be pretty good hopefully and the 30th is part of Labor Day weekend the 30th is lab Day weekend wow um so it be the according to this Labor Day is the 1st of September okay there you go yeah it was very late this year so the outdoor movie is listed even though it was a failure well we what Ryan suggesting something that we do something different different yeah they had just they had to thought about the idea but Heidi was sharing some very real factors so they challenges yes when we had Newbury Town day was all over town literally all over town okay and one of the activities was after the band played at Central Street field after the pickle ball tournament that wasn't then there was an outdoor movie that was a bust and so but we when we were brainstorming also put the idea of an outdoor movie on this list that would not be Associated exactly and and why not why not I mean it's worth looking into but not as far so down is going to be um the Gren whatever that looks like and we we we pick up the activities that worked well that and it's not only that they worked well it's that people think about it because anybody who attended either the first one or the second one or both knows what to to look for to look forward to um so and you know it's easy because we had we have a templ already and then whatever else it's a year away whatever else um now we do the same thing we did last time we put the we put the word out people raise their hand and say I like to do so so where you tap somebody on the shoulder and say can you please uh uh you know Christine Mala could maybe come do a a presentation although she's going to be right in the middle of her indigenous pupil's day but whatever whatever it may whatever it looks like so then that because so if we say August 23rd we just put a stake on the ground and say it's going to be August 23rd then then we need to start putting the the steps in place which is we need to inform the select board we need to start thinking about the publicity infrastructure so I was talking to and my husband about this yesterday and I said um it's going to be new BR Town days now the website URL is new Brown day which we're not going to change because it's not worth it but then in the text then we just call it new toown days right does that make sense yeah okay there's no point McKing around with the URL half the time people we call it because of B Field Days people would call Newtown days anyhow and I say Over My Dead Body there's going to be days but but U and then regarding the Facebook I I think we just leave at newy Town day you'll get hung up on it right it's but it's going to be one day though right it's going to be no it's going to be well Newbury there's going to be newb Town day and but but that we're going to Rebrand it essentially as newb Town days because we're going to be having activities over the course of the year that's going to be days I see so it rown days could be the one event on the green it could be under the guise of a movie theater on the thing or a drive-in or whatever it's just it's just the it's not neily cons like the things from August 23rd to the 25th no it's just it's August 23rd and then the next time we do a drive-in it's July 31st or whatever it is do we have another activity which might be historical highlights bus tour that's in May and all the r Town days and then for the website we have one page that's Newbury Town day August 23rd on the upper green and then we have other pages that are historical bus tour or the a drive-in movie or whatever it might be and that's how because that's how because I maintain the website so I know how it's constructed and that's what we could do of course we have to resurrected it's it's dark now because we didn't pay for it but we'll cross that bridge when we have to and I I don't know how to really say this gently but still having done New Town day for two years people still say to me well my field D what wonderful yes because we did that for 14 years and made a lasting impression and everyone Associates byield with because H did it pretty much single-handedly I loved it yeah I'd love to be part of that it's our family cing well you know what you know what Mary there was absolutely no reason if someone wants to do it that we have five Field Days that's part of New Town Days right it's why not the Y anyway and we just do it right down in the village and whatever whatever it looks like although the church isn't there anymore know so bit of a problem but we still have the we still have the grain tow as a venue right and there's did you close did you close the streets did you close Central Street oh yeah yeah so we get the police to approve Clos in Central Street and we have somebody has somebody Street AR here you go want to resurrect Byfield is well I'm just thinking I loved the artist Open studio thing on the green and I didn't make it two years ago or a year ago no last year it was because it was my family camping trip up in Maine and just so happens it's going to be the same week next week well then let's let's do not do move it back we were for for 2024 the date that we had reserved at Spencer Pierce little farm which did not come to fruition was there was a wedding that day the on the 24th so we actually had reserved the 17th for 2024 so that the plan was that we would do it are you going to be gone that day as well no we go 16th through the 24th I don't I don't have I any problem with having it pushed back the pr Saturday what would you think about doing it the 16th yeah for it2 25 for 25 so sorry moving the date or doing an additional B field days instead of so Mary not the 23rd yeah Mary really wants to do it so what is the new day the 16th 16th yeah know that's what Margaret that's how I meant Margaret wrestle yeah right and so and nobody is I don't think people anyone's going to split here over the third week of August or the fourth week of August so that means Mary you're going to be the leader well if we I think if we want to do B field then we would consider that for 2026 see how see how our our yes I I think that's right this is a little bit let's let's prime the pump let's get it done let's do one good event that um we attract a lot of people it's very focused doesn't burn every everybody out and then we'll see where it goes from there and I think that with need the other thing I I think we should think about and I don't know whether this is a good idea or not I'm just putting it out there because it came into my head but from a marketing perspective we could we could consider doing something like calling it Newbury day Newbury Town day in bfield Newbury Town day on Plum Island Newbury Town day in newb rather than confusing the issue with bringing bfield days back when really what we're trying to do I think is be town this is our brand new exert love that you are so good at that I've done a little bit here and there of it but so that's that's another another thing to think about because then next 26 could be in Byfield focused on some of the bfield stuff then we move it around maybe yeah or we can have to we can or we do a bunch of them we have one thing in Island we can have one thing in Old we have one thing in blackfield and just Bart said we we scale it we scale it up but somebody has to somebody has to be in charge of it and as as as Bart said it's not going to be heid and gu that so but we'll but we'll all you know we can all work on it we can all work on all this stuff and we can think about what else we so obviously what I don't I didn't bring my stuff from last year Heidi what else do we have at Spencer Pi uh at Spencer Piel Department that that day we had the Open arst studio we had the kids activities I know we had other stuff well that we had this tour the the tours of the buildings at SM Pierce oh and Stacy fix had had a little she had her performance mhm her little um the baseball was going on yeah that's on that's on yeah but we it was going on during that of coincidental was it coincidental did they have what just went out of my head the horse the hay rides no we didn't have there was no one to do it we could have had hay rides we wanted to but we didn't have anybody to actually drive it yeah the cops arresting somebody yes oh that was our chief of police happens to have a really good sense of humor so and her husband is dressed up is the Joker and she came and arrested him it's quite spectacular kids loved it no actually it wasn't P it was a real cop who came un arrested The Joker and and hauled him off to jail just in time for oh we still can do that actually just in time for the tours of the police station so that when the kids went to see the police station he was in jail he I think we should be able to nominate someone to sit in jail the day we nominated Joker every year I have we had a dunk t if we could have the dump tank down was enormously successful we there's no reason we couldn't have that the upper right I think the dump tank being at the new Bri Town Days on the upper greens it was so successful the first time I feel like it's just part of all right well you already done already experience with it it already was successful well and and it um helps that the money profited the U food pantry food pantry right all right so some people spend a really lot of money I would be definitely happy to take on the open artist Studios part excellent whatever Margaret did I'll get how do you did it last year because Marg was in Ireland uh that's right she was doing her is that something that happens at the green just intense okay y so the first year it was at the lower grain because that's where Margaret wanted it because of her family history but it was it was it was very well attended it just wasn't that practical so we would just do everything we just move it up to the and then we had everything centralized that when we get feedback people wanted things more centralized which kind like kind of wasn't really the original idea of to day but we got that feedback and said okay let's centralize as much as we can at Spencer P Farm including the Open studio so now we're just going to shift everything down to the Upp green and the dunk tank was at the fire where was it yeah was it right in front of the fire in the police station yeah right there Onan right so we can move that down to the we can move that down to the upper so everything's at the upper ring is parking an issue there no no where do people Park well they can park on uh they can park on Handover Street they can park right on uh the edges of of green they can park on can they Park along the road that's the the Dead End Road that's cut off yeah I'm not sure they can park on Route One because you know what they told us to hide you remember what the um it was John Lu I think or was it Pat I said uh you know the the it's a state road but essentially I'm going to par ify I'm being recorded here don't worry about it that's pretty much what what the word the police are well I mean like paty was there she's their part police they just I mean they just the whole point is that the the the town very much supports this these activities and it has to do with helping us with parking then so we had we had we had a big budget item for the first year um in 2022 which was um police detail we never spent it because Patty she was before Patty was on the police she just did it on her own time just to give you an idea of what kind of support we got wow I think laying that out and getting more specific obviously after this meeting of the are the three things we definitely want to include this is I'll price I'll upate this this that for ex Bridget yeah but I do really like Ellen's idea of New Town day in byield day in Oldtown Town day in because what we originally wanted to do was to bring the three communities together and we realized that was impossible to do so well we didn't we didn't in any ways we did I mean what the question is what do you mean by putting the three times together because people did work together people did collaborate things really spread out so that you know you could you could go over to the Refuge you could go to Spencer Pierce you could come over here the snuff Mill you know and it it was just too much to do in one one which is why it makes so much more sense to do it by date just move it around and move the dates bring everybody to that one place and you know this part of the part of both New Town day days was um the historic England open houses we just do that again there absolutely no reason that we don't do that as well it's open the H the uh sites are open to Newber residents so you've got Spencer's little free y to uh and it just is in general just we make a big deal of it right cuz it's a the historic New England uh it opens their all the properties fre new residents anyway so you've got the coffin house but they but we actually we in our budget last year we paid historic New England for dosin because they were there for longer and normally the coffin house isn't open not the coffin house sweat isn't open uh and then we've got right there we have the um obviously spensor his little farm and then the one and and and and the historical commission will be looped in as well because they have the tours on on the lower grain of the schoolhouse so we can still have all that stuff going on under every down there because it's no this like almost zero coordination on our part we hand out Maps we out here's all the places and here's the hours you can shoot me now you can well yeah we won't get technical yet but those are things one can do on their own is what I'm saying you just need to know where they're located and and that they'll be open yeah we do have that map just radically the yes right I mean the map from last so uh yeah uhuh um so if we have um I'm thinking if we do the one day on the on the 16th that we again as someone without children um it would be good if we think about enough activity divided up so that if I don't have kids I'm still going to go if I do have kids I'm gonna go so you know we have kids activities we have Open Studios um hey rides are kind of for for both the dunk tank is probably for both but just thinking about how to make sure we we've divied up something of interest for everyone is there some kind of music or some kind of something in the background some local band or something music it's important to for everybody to you got to think about people like Michaela like that in the middle of everything where it's like we would just go on a Saturday like to grab a beer grab a hot dog or like see like hear something and walk around the artist like if you're going to have artist stos and stuff having like something in your hand to walk around with like it could be my f Coffee Company could be something like that could be anything where it's like a little bit of a vent just so that you can like walk around with a lemonade or an iced coffee it's like food truck that goes to the could be the rusty can food truck could be what's that little food truck that's always on the field maner field that's the coffe that's by Coco Melle and they were at Spencer Pierce last year um and the um food pantry set up for Steven's car show they've done that for a couple of years so they so the first year the first year of town day we had the food food pantry volunteers to sell hot dogs and hamburgers last year and I won't go into detail because it's very complicated but but on that note actually Heidi and I strategically asked historic new to to ask the baseball guys the vintage baseball guys if they would have their game during your brewtown day so we would be sure cuz we we were started this R we had nothing just to make sure there would be something there and they did and they were really happy to to do that and they were happy do to do it again last year so as a COR to that somebody without going into the detail he arranged for the um who those guys the wolf Club the wolf Club in Newport to come and sell hot dogs which kind of precluded the Nu food pantry and we're like okay whatever dude and so the Nu food pantry was down at Central field during the band concert and the mentioned will be right so we still um Loop them in so my I think you we all would agree that for New Town day 2025 we just go back to the food pantry and ask them to do what they did in 2023 to right Pantry people toate to food pantry right you would give us the burgers you would have made us by so and then and the only thing is we we don't want to and we don't have to put this now because it's 7:30 but um as we go forward but absolutely Ryan and then we just want to make sure that we don't have other vendors or who are essentially competing with the food pantry of course yeah I would say we and the whole point of local stuff like this is that you give the business opportunity to the institution that's in your town and anybody else that likes to do it they can absolutely donate something to the cause but the whole I would never want to have like two competing food vendors two competing beverage we probably wouldn't want to do alcohol cuz then you get into like a serving thing and laying and whatever so that's why I was thinking like a bu Coco is like there's cold drinks they can do there if they want something that's other than whatever the food pantry would do which is like I'm assuming they just sell water and something like that so could sodas and water cuz Michelle wouldn't probably do that so it's like just ask the question of maybe there's a lemonade stand and like outside of those two things if there's a bunch of kids and you ask out to get the young kids involved it's like you just have everybody bring lemonade and just the Girl Scouts yeah the Girl Scouts and the boy scouts or something like that there you go there's no longer Boy Scout what do we have was the the softball the girls softball team what were they doing I can't remember but but let me just make one point more one more point and and then we'll set our date for our next meeting we all have our tasks assigned and then we'll um emble uh go from here but I just want to be clear that the structure of New Town day was essentially bottom up so Heidi and I provided the oversight and the publicity and the general organization but all the activities were shared and organized by somebody else except for because Mark was going to be away last year Heidi took over the Open Studios uh uh last year just because we really wanted that and Heidi has done that before and she was really comfortable with it but that actually structurally organizationally was not how it should have been and um uh because we because we have our hands we had our hands full in any event the point I'm trying to make is that we talk about oh let's have this and make sure that we have activities for everybody but those are really bottom up uh by uh uh the activities are bottom up Suggestions by volunteers okay and so we of course we ask people to do stuff I can't remember how the kids activity person somebody asked her to do it the whoever it was who were in kids activities last year kidss yeah it was Fant she had her daughters there and you know all kinds of stuff but that she was in charge of that we were not in charge of that okay so that so we need to just kind of think about that because we're going to have our hands full just running the running the event all of us okay but if somebody wants to take on something like um Mary just volunteered to do the Open Studios fine but no no one's going to argue with that but but it doesn't necessarily have to be chaired by somebody on this committee that's what I'm very long-winded trying to say this is a great opportunity to get our neighbors involved and stuff like that absolutely we know that might want to join forces good way and that's what yes and when we were talking before about the whole concept was to bring the three neighborhoods together it was really about bringing the community together to to cooperate and collaborate and have fun together that was the whole idea and you know if it's you're next to a neighbor or if it's somebody you know from over on Plum Island then then fantastic and I got to know Russel Joseph that way actually because she stepped up to do um to to to get all the businesses I mean all the businesses on Plum Island involved last year it was it was fantastic anyway okay so we're we're five minutes over anything else I have a commercial message yes um I've been given a some photography equipment you know those stands with the big umbrella things to reflect light when you're taking pictures and they're free to anybody that can use them they're good shape they they look like professional things but it means nothing to me so if you know anybody I'll take a look they reflectors on yeah there are three stands cool I'll take a look email you have a date okay date for our next meeting our meeting after this one will probably be our voting meeting so we should probably um schedule a meeting as a followup to this meeting in October yes okay okay M and that would be um Monday seem to work for everybody yeah I see uh does the 21st work for everybody 21st or 28th 21st would be better I think this is October it's in 3 weeks what time 6 o' and of course I need to make sure this room is available and must weit I would show up a little late i' teach you report that night till 6 but I could come just after uh what do you want to do different doesn't matter to me I don't think it doesn't matter me we as I said before we we've been meeting on Wednesdays I'm sorry Mondays because it was convenient for Lloyd but it doesn't matter to [Music] me Barb uh every night is [Music] horrible no I just uh blew off my private practice for tonight thank you I be outside with a little cup taking money right out of Barb account uh keep as meetings as possible well just for the just for the fun of it why don't I uh propose well are are Tuesdays better for people or the 22nd Tuesdays no let's keep it on Monday it's fine okay so Ryan um is it just the 21st that you need to be here or is it every Monday cuz no it's completely right just the 21st yeah it's just that one particular day make the 28 CU that's giv us four weeks anyway okay come costume yeah H Council Halloween and um I think all right so let's uh [Music] say cultural council at 6 because I'm going to need to reserve the room okay and I will let you know if there's any issue with that [Music] date second I got left over really