##VIDEO ID:0dhOGyFh3Cs## today is Thursday is it the 14th of November it is 7:08 where behind pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all you are minutes just delet it a little more I okay I read it on my computer no I mean I gave anybody say anything did just the the one little word yeah under discussions number five uh the new hay staff instead of just the new staff a smoke stack smoke right we want to make a want make a motion to accept the changes of minutes I move that we accept the minutes of the Thursday October 10th meeting as amended awesome I'll second it M you're up oh right I I almost had an interesting thing to talk to you about tonight almost almost well I hadn't received my uh status on the on the gift not of the special fund right with 30 how much is 34 5667 uh and I got a hold of town hall and they said oh I think they've transferred that over to the general fund this year I thought oh this will be interest this will be an interesting meeting janning finds out that we've lost $3,400 why would they do that well every year every year you have I have to ask to have it transferred oh or somebody somebody gets an email saying don't forget the transfer I I don't get it but usually the word gets to me and uh and I didn't do that this year and and and it hadn't been set up so it was sitting over there and the person that I was speaking with was relatively new and said oh they no they just put that in the general fund I guess this year you're not going to get it back anyway I got a call later as all right and and and I did get the report on that and it's it's okay I was I said well I guess janning I'll have to give you guys a call cuz I'm not going to handle this one anyway we okay so nothing's nothing changed from last time um uh but I don't think I I don't think I gave had a report to give everybody last time but so we got $2,000 this year instead of 1,800 um with the commitments for the oh yeah commitments for the Porta poot by the school and and some expenses from the from the doing the the windows um we are left with $797 18 uh right now and I have uh I did call them so we' the Porta poot is supposed to be removed so we're not paying for it anymore they just haven't picked it up yet in because anybody wondering lot still out there I I waited one week and when when none of the schools came over and did Sports out there I called them so it'll be Hall way so we're not paying for it anymore gifts and donations hasn't changed uh special gift fund nothing's changed there good news is we still have it so uh as we stand right now with commitments we've got about 6,811 left in the uh in our accounts and and the books as as the as the town knowes that we have $786 one50 because they don't track our commitments and it's report make a motion to accept the treasures report I move that we accept the treasures report as written second right all in fav all right website report for me nothing pretty much has changed it looks really nice I haven't been honored in a while we um it's loaded I wanted to keep adding more but I'm waiting for um the it guide to kind of move forward but yeah I I'm pretty happy with it it's much better than it was I feel like it's much easier to see things and hopefully people can navigate it easily we found out that our school's not on the Massachusetts one room Schoolhouse list okay so I've entered the information and and stuff and I'm going to send them pictures and all kinds of stuff but uh but I was one of the things they want is when you're when you're registering it is the website and I was very proud to give them our website because I had just got off yeah no I mean that's kind of stuff we definely want to link up to when that's finally on there we can stick that on there but um yeah right just say awesome so correspond is Jan goodness um Eva has gotten back to the um cultural cultural Council and uh through Ryan Kelly on their discussion about the um sign that's right near the HS right right on Route One so she's given them the information to contact the folks the Essex County Sportsman as much as we have for information so that's all we can do as far as that those it's um there's not much more we can yeah right yeah okay they should have that information now thank you Eva somebody else has sent in a request for geney inform um got that does any like any of those names pop out they don't well the fact that it's a night it just yeah but I mean and one of them was what was he he was a tax collector but I still don't remember his name yeah see like that's thing I was like maybe that could be the only like thread to kind of go under there it's unusual name that would stand out I would yeah especially 1722 cuz I'm really kind of familiar with um and how are we supposed to prove it I would think they would would have looked on our Vital Records and hello it's right on the website the vital records so I will have to try to deal with it know where else to like look no and they're in Boston and you know hopefully it's Newber Mass cuz you it could could be Newbury main or new hampsh or whatever right yeah honestly a good point right yeah cuz I mean I've even stumbled upon stuff and found out who want and I'm in the wrong town so well it does say he was a taxed in newy Massachusetts that they knew that but right um does it say I did read where it said yeah yeah so you know I will get it just came in this afternoon at 4:00 so I didn't have time to really even think too hard about it I will look I'll look on the vital records and see if I see anything but I'm I would imagine they have already looked and I don't have Vital Records Boston let me know okay I will I I'll see if I can find those we had talked about um Coleman Road and shanning had asked if everything was done there um at our last meeting and I checked with Chrissy the inspectional services admin and she said that she sent me an email CU I asked her to um that all the permits on the 15 Coleman Road um have been inspected and closed out and as far as she knows see on the permit link there wasn't anything left to do with that development is done so if we want to forward with um looking at changing the post to something else I guess we can I I think everybody's seen that I got some pictures of the post if you want right they just classic 4x4 post with a little little thing carved into a little col Notch the little square behind it is that part of that our I know jurisdiction you know bring I know yeah see it is you can see it right here yeah the way that's springed in cuz it's like you know that Stone's been moved once it would be nice to get it off the road move it back it was well um I looked into um Granite I'm sure they're they actually go from 375 to 1300 and that's for a 6 in x 6 in x 7t cloud and hit it so close to the road well that's the that's why they put those in the first place because I I think any way that we tried to dress up steel ballards they would look bad you know and really the thing that's going to stop a plow is steeling concrete Ball but I don't for one thing it's it doesn't look historically correct and for another thing it just there's no way to fix that so I think our our next best bet as far as the strength of the thing and the protection of the stone is to go with the granite and and uh right in the middle of all the all the numbers was senson right down here in on Route One in rally yeah and it's it's it's $4.95 per post it's 1,000 bucks and that's and that's not installed but can the town guys do that the town guys can install them it's not like we need to have dier 36 in down you're still going to have 48 in above the ground you know you have to remove the wood ones first right yeah and actually you use those same holes right CU somebody already pulled the rocks out of there yeah exactly yeah um that's the hard part so uh I can reach out to James and see if that something they would they would be able to take on yeah those guys are Savage they should be able to handle that well they're Savage but they got a bunch of stuff going on right now there there's a whole lot of roads closed and all the different things I took a walk down vard street to see what they were up to down there talk to the for 17 the right where you know where the um entrance to the Martin Burns Wildlife refugees they got a big brown sign there it's right there and there's a culvert there that collapsed oh okay so they're rebuilding the Culvert uh and uh he's not even sure it's going to be drivable you know before the first of the year that's not the one where where there's where there's water on both sides and and it's title yeah oh that's okay that's maybe 100 yard uh This Way of the of of the of the entrance into the into the into the wildli yeah yeah right okay yeah y but uh but you you still get into the Williams but you'd have to come from other side I think right uh no you can still get in from the Central Street side you can yeah oh yeah but you can't go up middle and get in there right you can't go up middle and get there because it's if you're coming from Central Street it's before Middle Road uh Middle Road I get Middle Road in Middle Street new report next up um yeah there that and my daughter was wondering if they were going to be fixing on the bridge by us that like nobody drives on because it's all been shut up oh uh plumber Hill no no plumber spring rather what is that is it river is a forest right there technically with the bridges there's a by me there's a road that's clut up and it's been shut off for like 2 years now I feel like no one's driving it my daughter was walking she's like there's somebody doing like surveying or something maybe they're going to fix that bridge finally cuz no one's been able to drive down there for a while they're supposed to be fixing the um plumber Spring Bridge and that and did you see the estimates they came up that $3 million the thing isn't 10 ft long okay let's not get not to get off in the weeds but anyway I will I will reach out to James and see uh how he feels about and if it doesn't get done until spring because they're busy that's okay okay as long as we got the get the idea in his we need to be able to dig and do all the stuff well to have funds right where's the money comeing from right it's not anybody's budget probably right now for that and yeah that that would would that be like us doing like special funds and things like that or no I don't think so we're we're we're the town owns it we're in charge of making sure that is that how it works technically owns it well we only sort of are in charge of it because it's the father wi if you recall when we signed all that paperwork it referred to the owner new owner as the town of new that's like yeah I couldn't really remember it's not like we're the only we are the right right right so to speak to some people okay okay well we appreciate that thank you Rich that's good um has taken care of that PW School House updates I sent an email but I have not heard that and the last I heard was the email from James that I sent around that I forwarded to everybody that it the job was out to bids yeah that's all I know as far as the the work on the outside um the frames and the and the Sills that's all done okay cool so that should be good for another 10 12 years or so good job thank it really looks nice you just see it believe it said they were so cracked and so rough up and I did mention uh to Alicia um Recco that um we really need to paint the whole building yeah probably won't get done till spring we should be okay till spring uh we had a couple of rotted uh cabrant that I replaced uh but we should be okay till spring with the the painting the building but she said you got to make sure you get it in the budget I'm like the budget our budget your budget I mean you know what's and what's the process of of getting something on the budget do I do you have to go to the select board meeting and probably ask him for Mone unless you should maybe who's going to do it I would assume DPW is going to do it they've been touching it up so maybe you want to reach out to James and ask him if it goes on his budget or you know should we request it so that yeah and the other thing is I've been looking into the requirements for um Ada ramps because I can I can pretty easily knock out a ramp depending on what the requirements are right what the requirements you need you need a kick panel on both sides you need at least 42 in to turn a wheelchair te that the by law technically we don't need by law but we should have just saying yeah you know that's why I didn't give that woman a hard time and well I kind of did when they drove onto the green turned around and parked right outside the schoolhouse [Laughter] what are you doing drive on the green get off the green oh I can't walk so she drove right up to the door the husband did yeah and let her out she could barely get in and I just helped her in cuz I knew there wasn't a better way to get her in D but drove right up to the door you know if we had a ramp then we don't have to worry about somebody making a complaint yeah no of course try like heck to to contain it in the width of the building yeah I'm going to try to so that it's not a going up in a platform Portables have you seen the portable ramps uh no they're metal and they fold right up there was a paer at the U Museum of old Newberry like they kept just out downstairs under the I wonder if it's something that we could take and try it see how it if something like that fit oh you like they have one in stor they have you want to reach out to Bethany and see if yeah and just ask and then if that would work it might be better I mean if somebody needed it just open up the back door and throw it out there yep but where would you store it dep in the school depends on how big it is they're not very big CU they still no room in the school permanent ramp in the back just the width of the SC yeah right if the pitch would allow me to keep it within the footprint the ex you know in terms of the WID it's got to be like at least 12T long probably I mean the the this the ramp not ramp that's not the word I want platform that's out there is a is a nice sized right and that's over I measured that that's that's over 49 or 50 in it's wide but it's not deep enough so it would that would have to be a minimum of 42x 42 for the turn of the wheelchair we'd have to get rid of like the plants that are along that edge there and all and stuff we don't yeah it's easy but again on this side of it the the high it little right and and like says if we can keep it within the width of the building based on the pitch it wouldn't be that bad and then we wouldn't have to worry about taking it out or anything else or or somebody looking for an a to gr the town can't ride by and say you have no R yeah or like the weather's crappy and you're like digging it out and trying to put it out it's already out there there's aspect that would be better if it's Port move the ported and you know now the was anyway right well that's that's I'm going to continue to to look into that I certainly won't get to that before the snow flies so that'll be we don't need it till the spring anyway so it's should be good well on the on the building itself uh definitely they need to get the roof on and the windows done right before we paint it yeah right otherwise there' be ladders up against it y yeah okay because you were saying spring do you think we're going to have the roof done next year is that for sure I was hoping we'd have the roof done this year but yeah but like it's that considered cuz we already have money approved and things like that you think it'll happen next year they could do it they could do that in the winter I me know I have no idea I guess I just I don't like doing anything but maybe the plastic too stiff I'm just excited to get it done I guess my thought proc I think are we done with correspondence we didn't do the lower lower histor no I know I skipped you by accident but we'll go to you next okay sorry actually have something to say nice teaser there there is a um a meeting to discuss the bulgaras field which is um where they've been trying to put a building um complex up off um with you know the Garis field is where the um first apple trees were placed 170 Orchard 170 Orchard and thank you and um it's coming um to a vote that they're going to to subdivide the property and they wanted us to May being I guess the select board wanted us to sign in on it or change from argricultural to residential something like that right take it out of the 61a yeah so um I I'm assuming that none of us would be too excited about losing that area but we really don't have there's nothing on it still right there's nothing we can do to stop it we never found anything about the apples too I don't think I don't think we ever found anything concrete well so it's it's coming up for a vote the 26th of November so if anybody wants to go to the select board meeting um and they're perfectly willing to to go and speak for whatever they want to speak to but the group has to say we have no comment I guess we don't have any comment on it we have no we don't have any ey in that Reas toest it yeah so unfortunately that'll take care of the last piece I think of in these things I keep coming in at the last minute so they didn't make it everywhere um and I believe that is all that we have as far as correspondence I don't think I if something else pops up I'll call her out but I don't um so we'll say we're done with that so our comment is really what no no comment no reason to contest we don't have a dog in this no if there's an apple tree and you want to graft it I'll take project do you want to go I'm not quite all right do you want to update us on the Lo study committee please I said so this just pass this around I I'll hold it up so we made a we made like postcards that we were going to mail out and we got it all designed and all ready to do all that we had an $800 budget that Tracy said we could spend okay and uh and we' been talking to the post office and when we went to the printer they said oh no we do all that the post office doesn't do anything we just we bring it all over anyway uh and and the $800 was was the uh basically the print not the printing cost but the the postage okay anyway so short short story long um it was twice as expensive yeah and so so we've got it to design so we put it on we put it the top over the bottom and we put a little survey that we're we're doing for people and we're going to hand these out of the meeting gotcha so I'll pass that around um and so we're having a meeting the meetings are next week the 19th the 20th and the 21st uh the library on the 19th uh here on the 20th and 21st Plum Island pet The Plum Island build awesome and and we so we did the little we wrote a little article for the newspaper it was in the newspaper today uh basically saying that we've got our meetings yep and uh and then we got a hold of the all of the town's uh email addresses and stuff and did a blast and we sent out uh basically what what you got on the front there the colored thing with the QR code and if you want to take the survey you just click on that go in take the survey hit send and then we're hoping to have a bunch of people we could give preliminary results at the meeting saying you know we got we got 60 responses to the uh to the question and here's how they're falling and stuff are you posting any of that stuff on like Facebook and stuff I don't know how to do Facebook you could I mean if you wanted to send me that I could probably get it at least to like on some of the local pages so like people people people new people of Newberry things like that just because people are on their phone and it'll be a lot easier sometimes for people just be like oh click click click I'll pass this in fact I think I have extra copies of this this is the this is what has been after before for a while yeah the actual map that's the map as it stands now the the property down on the water that's yellow yep um here is that's the guy that's redoing that property right that's that property on the waterf that yellow we're we're we're we would like to include that but we haven't been able to get a hold of him to ask everybody else in the green there has said yes excellent and we have a great from the trustees saying they' love to do it the trustees I think it's doing this is great about time somebody did something about this and so we got great support from them good uh so so the so uh Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday night starting at 7:00 will'll be in these various places I don't know if you want to go to the plum J it's not too far away or maybe you don't need to you know what we're doing so what is it the 16th no 19th 19th 20th and 21st the 19th is the library and this is the 20th what time what time 7:00 we're all 7 78 or whatever it's right here Rich y Thanksgiving in two weeks I've got more amazing I've got here some EXT exas yeah wait is that attached anyway yeah so and we're going to that's our input on that and then uh thank you if you read the little article in the newspaper basically will bring you up to speed of where we are yeah so it's it's coming along we're just shy that like the first draft right now for the report excellent that's it all right awesome thanks let have questions no I I'm I'm pretty uh I'm pretty pleased with all this green belts on board trustees is on board yep uh we got all the houses along this side here uh involved in it and where are we at with getting the schoolhouse on the ma ma ma Mack that's I'm I'm I'm doing a a thing for the for the uh for the Lor sort district and I said I and I've got a mattress matress formed so I'm just going to fill it out I just haven't finished it yet there is one filled out there's a drafted one draft I've got it I've got a copy of that got it all right cuz I think I have a w I had it I found it somewhere I think yeah was in the librar never actually filed and it was was it think she anymore that was in charge of it according to Liz two two one of them is the the wood for the steps and the other one is so looking through here we've done a lot of this field trip the NES PTA somebody yeah new Elementary Chan had a meeting with them yeah I did oh I'm excited they different yeah I talked to her last year about and I was there the principal came in and I had Remy there dressed up like a little old like a little girl from the 1800s awesome oh my God she was so cute they want to have she wanted to know um if they're going to talk about it the PTA and um wondering if they can because I said you know it's not that big I don't know how you know how many kids you playing over yeah I mean it's not like you can bring what's what's a classroom now to what it was a classroom then you know they was small yeah well grade is like 100 kids now it's not they're going to they're going to talk about it um uh and I I I counted the the desk and um they're going to the the question she had for me was if we would be able to have like more than one session down there like so oh like if they brought like bus loads like every hour or something well they they're talking about like maybe three different dates oh I get you so um they're going to talk about that stuff they're going to try to figure about how many people would be going how many you know how they're going to get there I don't know how they're going to get them all there what I talk to oh new Elementary the BR school when I talk to the principal they probably born one first grade when she came in to the schoolhouse and I talked to her she was thinking that they would be bust in and there would only be one classroom in the schoolhouse at a time and there might be two other classrooms outside on the green exploring something else either the green they the the monument or they can they outside and they would rotate them through I that idea stations and and only be one day you know one yeah one afternoon or one morning right I like that idea know with the kids I told her that we would we would be as amendable as we can be depending on when they're doing it we're still talking about spring right yeah well I I yeah cuz I told her that yeah they weren't planning on it this fast and like May or June the very end of school so she's she's going to talk to me again and we exchanged information so she can get in touch with me and I did give I did give her the principal one of the um coloring books oh yeah and she thought that was great popular yeah really and really if the they could use that as the whole curriculum for that day yeah so um I did give her one anyway so she and my granddaughter was there with me that day and she walked in and was like R me what are you doing in here and Remy gave her a tour and yeah so she knows the kids will like it cuz Remy sure enjoyed it she like those reases laughed those Reeses they I wouldn't they could walk down to Evergreen too and take them done a little bit of a tour true I'll go down and see the the monument such as it is where the first settlers landed right kind of a Jacks willing house is close enough they wouldn't be able to go in but it is well what was it 1686 yeah so it's the what about the barrial ground yeah the barrial ground might be a little too long Highway yeah it might be it's a little bit too far but uh I'm sure between the monument yep and then maybe explore the you know they'll come up with something I mean they could be playing out yeah they can do old fashioned a whole big green right they could also they could walk down to the the boat launch area and look at that pond if it's spring it's going to be loaded with turtles stuff in there still I wonder if you can fish in there launch yeah that pond that's behind that like green good bir an e or something fishing spond literally in the weeds yes well there's there's Turtles and there's ducks and all kinds of stuff I don't know if I eat anything sure that was in my presentation the other day okay what else we got yeah this is this is that pond was this time of the year see the do looks good there yeah I know yeah somebody was asked to be about freshwater fishing a ponds to fish in I thought of that one but I didn't know if they was still fishing in it no he actually at the school ask shouldn't be too contaminated not too not too much of M yeah I mean it's a pond by us but I never see anybody fishing in it then then you have you know Indian Hill Reservoir and you have the arti joke yeah right and all I ever got out of that was pick really yeah I know there's fish in those ponds down by me but I don't know what else is it look at those fields look at look at the green this time of the year yeah how about quills ponds down quills pond hello beautiful so we done with the are we done with fishing now yes be the only other thing that's come up at all is um the Perry house yes I was the buing house yeah yeah what are they doing Mass historic they're having trouble with the with the elevations I think wer I thought they wer they came before us here and they're moving one of the barns back and doing so I've been doing the conservation commissions because they're on um computer still and they've been talking about um that in particular so I wanted to sure that we're all paying attention to what's going on there because um they're taking out permits to but it says that they're they're tearing down but but what they but they're really not they're actually moving moving they have to take it down to move it to a degree but they ensured us as I recall that all the original materials are all going to be replaced on it and all of that so just be aware it's starting to get moving down there they're they're adding a garage door but it won't be visible from the street yeah cuz it's going to face the other way it's going to face the side well and they're doing a fake garage sliding door facing the road so it looks like a barn door okay and the the only real change to the appearance is they they were putting like a like a Breezeway kind of thing between the two buildings right yeah I mean they you know cuz they were very specific when they came in to talk to us and y and appear to be from my point of view very historically aware of the area and and that how important the house is so I just want to let you know that it's moving along and according to the Conservation Commission um too slowly well everything is too slow but better they should go through slowly and not mess it make some big mistake that everybody's going to have n breakdown about on something that is out there as that house is I mean everybody seems to you say the fairy house or the pumpkin house oh the one down by the river I mean they know where it is so it's very important that it stays where it is I think that I think that owner like cares about the historical property yes he seems to and the the people who working on it are also very cognizant of the importance of the building and all of that and I think it was the word tear down that got inspectional services to contact me and say you know know it's not a demolition it's not a removal put back up further onto the same property so we're okay but I just wanted to update you we get him to train and I don't I don't think we have anything else do we no um is anybody interested in in looking at these little Lanes preservation restrictions I'll take a look at it you've got one right You' got one I've got the original over here I don't just in case it comes up or something he wants to know about it um and I think that's all I've got all right so A Move Motion to adjourn I will contain a motion to adjourn I move that we adjourn I'll second I'll second it all right all in favor that is 748 love it