##VIDEO ID:_ONi7GbeMwE## call the meeting of the Newber historical commission to order on October 10th at 7:08 p.m. all rise to pledge [Music] allegiance wait I pledge allegiance to the flag and the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all tangled in his chair that's what I was queuing for as long as we don't I was I was pretesting that I was Washington okay let's review the minutes of the September meeting I think we were all here for that the first sentence under notes and correspondence says think I have take this one I I print I got one too I printed my own so oh here it is okay under notes and correspondence the very first sentence says Jan has sent replies to request to information the wrong Downes two request two information requests four information maybe probably yeah just now just rest for information to request information maybe to information requests I'm just going to get rid of the S and the two when you say J sent replies to request information okay you sent replies to request information no you sent replies to request for information people came to you request you sent I think one of those works we sent requests for information is that where we're going that Jan has Jan has sent replies to requests for information people requested information from you you send replies that's what you reply to request think the two or fourie dokie thank you get a write the report refer to up above do we want to this this is the one legal camera that sign waiting for everybody to finish uh any other corrections to the minutes nope all right I uh entertain a motion to accept the minutes as amended I move that we accept the minutes of the September 12th meeting as amended second I'll second all in favor I done okay Treasures sbody should have got yeah I forgot to hit black and white so it's in um uh okay okay so I've got I've got on September 19th I received uh uh our general fund budget haven't received information on the other two accounts but uh hopefully they roll them over like suppos uh but no we haven't made any changes to them so I'm just going to keep using the same numbers but I'll get a hold of and tell that I need the EV C also um and the good news was that that we received a $200 increase in our budgeted amount for of FY 2025 so we so I'm uh uh correcting that correcting but modifying that here in in this month's report indicating that we were appropriating $2,000 and coming out of that um Richard's been using some of that money to buy wood sealer and things so that these windows on the outside are ready uh before the before the bad weather gets here because we repairing the inside the windows themselves they'll be doing that from the inside right so uh it looks great I don't anybody seen it up but it just looks great it does so $152.8 at this point for for supplies in order to do that uh and then commitments for the lower green portable toilet for uh the remain this year at 10 $1,050 leaving an effable effective available balance of $978 for the rest of the year gifts and donation uh has not changed and I'm still assuming that's the correct number uh special article fund has not changed and I'm assuming that's the right number and so the uh in effect considering uh how many expenditures we've already made or commitments uh we we have a total of $6,850 for the rest of the year um so we have in theory that $800 to done before the end of June I'm sorry it's 800 before the end of June is that is that yeah that's we have to make sure we spend that by then right by the end of June always get confused half of the Year know it's it's a he a motion to accept the report I make a motion to accept the treasur report second I'll second all in favor I I I'll send you a digital copy and get rid of the extra dollar we should buy some I got all kind of okay uh law on the lower green study committee report uh met of last week there's not much to say except that uh by our next meeting we're going to try to have a draft so we went over the various sections and who's been writing on which ones this sort of stuff and um uh didn't remember bring my notes but I think we set we set a calendar not not not calendar days but we we know when we're going to hold now the first three um uh public meeting is going to hold oh that was something I'm going to get permission for we'd like to hold one here if that's possible it would be the beginning of uh next month it'll be cold in it'll be and you got Ada is make go faster what you got adaa issues in this building if it's public meeting yeah that's a good point maybe the last meeting if it's in the spring you can have it outside serious we can't have it outside because it's got to be after hours it start and the it's not dark though in the spring no we've got a hold it first first week of November Us in the spring gotcha gotcha gotcha yeah so anyway um I had thought that yeah or if you have't just but we're holding AR well let's not keep repeating that nobody comes to our meetings we would love the public to join us that's a good one well we're going to hold one by field we're trying to get the library for that I'm yeah and and then what is the P thing out there for the for the island and I guess you could do the five Hall we could prob we usually have our does everything should be fixed by then right yeah that must be done yeah the floor is drying now they'll move the stuff back so yeah we'll be back in the next month okay I I will bring I will actually send an email to the committee and let them know that that that we should probably hold it there and then we'll who do we check with on that to get that you because you're a different group I think you've got to go through the town hall that channel uh probably the assistant to the Town Administrator oh okay that's good yeah I mean we're a we're a town committee but use it but it's separate commission okay all right um and uh and we finished the map and I did not bring it because it's the same one I gave you before so uh so we have she hasn't she hasn't added on I get it what I don't have one oh right well you I was holding it up last time that's that's a draft I know but I don't have anything I would I wanted to have something to go with the minutes but that's all right yeah even if it's on Final soon as she's going to finish she one of the person that's doing this is going on is going on vacation she's going to do that before she leaves so okay can you scan what you have and send it to her just so she has a copy of a draft um I guess so okay yeah I Wasing that was well well put it's a draft it's a draft just you can put a ni you can just put a nice big red draft on it and then it's a draft for committee Eyes Only I'm okay I can just say no up to she will keep it very secure J has a system well we we've we've held it up in the meeting okay anyway um so so we're making progress on there awesome and oh and then we're doing we're sending our survey out probably in the next couple weeks next two weeks noing a lot of survey guys this is got all the information for that now and then do main usually see at the dump but only on Saturday no there's been like right in like downtown one conversation one conversation at a time please sry are you done I'm done okay did did you hear about the meeting that the video the zoom thing that oh yes yeah I luckily I didn't I was gone what's with the naked male parts being flashed and zo because announced in advance I think you have to keep those things private that's why that happens but it was like you know one of things like if you didn't lock the out door and the door not not first it was the same thing I was like okay just is it okay to say this thing so one of our members was driving and and their phone hooked into the and they couldn't figure out how to turn it off she was coming back from Bangor or something oh good God okay anyway so we don't want to do any of those understandable it was frightening well you know you advance everybody's got the information I didn't really mean to bring it up but I just was curious if you had seen it because I didn't see so I was like horrified Lu I was in Seattle out dinner good all this electronic stuff you know okay website report um basically the same from last month he's still working on things and he hasn't upd updated me and I didn't see him today when I picked up the camera so okay okay all is well yeah all is well okay Jan stop with correspondence there's a new assistant Town planner that will be starting October 28 his name is Daniel L okay so he will be working with Kristen who was taken over from the the very Frenchman l a r o e no I no I mean I just looked at it ready to go I I don't know I okay l o l r o e weird yeah look at it right here that's weird is whatever maybe you opened it it didn't like keep the same format weird Mr Al Kirby sent an email and asked if we could assist him um to find out um where Samuel Chase supposedly died and from a horse fall oh is this and he'd like to be able to find any real estate they owned good who would the chase Samuel Chase yeah I mean that should be PR say he owned they owned oh boy so um I usually reply and I will reply to him also I always reply because the not to I will send him to the sons and daughters if it's he's a founding it's 1690 and see if anybody can help him does anybody know what there is a Chase descendant on Facebook 174 43 oh that's when he got it okay I mean I don't a old it could be it's 100 years later that book over there so yeah I got another one from a place called history with the t r y Colonial home tours that is giving tours of Newber report it was October 6th okay is that the one about the sign yeah um oh and then uh our planning director Kristen asked about um the uh Stones the metal poles yep so they don't they look metal in the I don't know what she was yeah talking about but she cuz she was talking about metal poles protecting the witches Stone and they you know it was a mess I mean I think it looks great Drive I don't know what she was really looking at but I will I'll follow up her assuming they're Stone and metal Stone probably when they're actually wood they looked very wood how far on that road and I appreciate rich thank you for the pitches and I appreciate everybody trying to help with that um this is the C why don't we cover that a little bit in in uh new business what the uh the witchstone the witchstone yeah they don't afford much protection SC by um person from the PTA newly Elementary PTA has notified us that she would like to she spoke with Eva uhhuh and that she would like to find out about having a school day down here with the kids fabulous um so I contacted her we've been back and forth a couple of times so I actually meeting with her Wednesday at 9:00 again she just Springtime now I told her that it would have to be in the spring because we're closing in October not to mention it would be a little chilly in for the kids even on a good day yeah you want them to be interested not like cold to be like get me out of here you want them to like want to hang out right so because she said she's been here and she wanted to I yeah I I I was here in the day she came in yeah and I mean we used to do that they used to do that apparently back in the olden days have field trips here in the 1900s have they back in 1900s well I think it was part of the agreement in 76 when they renovated that was part of the agreement ah that could very well be um so lots of school I ran it by to make sure I didn't have to do oh all right if you need volunteers at probably should be a bunch couple this [Music] year dress up local school open Windows I'll bring my met um oh this is the lady I asked you to write an Write a response to me roof lady yeah yeah I I reviewed your August 8th 24 minutes and it sounds like you're planning on Gray asphalt shingles for the roof don't know where she heard that in the video except we must have said we weren't doing that maybe I don't know never said she she said she hopes it's not the case she helped lawn years ago um with the save the lower green when she lived in Newbery Connie Hellwig oh okay yeah so I asked channy to to formulate because he's the one that was doing it so we just said thanked her for you know her inquiry and the roof is going not going to be Asal but we gave you know little more specific the SE of shingles on the sides of the building and all of that so I have not heard back from her so I'm assuming that that took care of her and it's nice to know that people can't yeah I mean really it's nice to know the people care we got updates from the mass historical commission um for surve and planning things and then there's a whole lot of fall workshops if anybody's interested I think I forwarded this to all of you and they're really interesting and um they're not like 20 hours long or something like that and you can then get it download um if you want to be able to look at it yourself afterwards so they're very um up to dat and and they give us good information so and then that's I think finally the end of the mail good gravy I so much that's the last thing to do and I just and then last but not least is the email from um from Ryan um he's on the cultural Council and he was asking about this Newbury Sal M signage on Route One it does look a and it does it looks terrible and who Els that sign I don't know well I would think it's erected and maintained by the Essex County Sportsman Association so I would and I got their address right here for you that it but it was done with the mass uh um the mass Bay program eight eight towns in the bay Massachusetts Bay program yeah they call it 8 towns in the great Marsh today they call it and it's it's in Hao and I have the Sportsman's contact if you'd like it yes it's uh Essex County Sportsman's Association P box 673 you giving me this or you going to send it to me I'll send it to you if you want please okay cuz that way I won't write the right well give him the wrong info so if you could send that to me like tomorrow or whatever I'll send it on to jff Hammond I think that's nice because it looks it does look like crab what thing is just you know rotting away on the side of the so again that's not something that you like conceive slowly no so it's you have to start yeah so it's hard to even know that that's all chiby until you see the picture you're like oh yeah like was that a map or something like what was that well at first I thought it was a QR code but I sorry so messed up I know it was sad looking but I think it's nice that they noticed it and that the cultural Council was concerned yeah and and now it's right next to the the new yeah so perfect timing so e will give me that information and I can send it on to Ryan and he can tell his committee and we can see where they want to go it's really not our responsibility to take care of it but I'm glad he it is a nice thing um and then I met with the town plan I go to town hall and I talk to the town planner and the CR fom and the building and everybody there's nothing going on that we need to know about and just so we know they going to start finishing the building up here that's right on the on the bushy estate not yeah the circle they never did this the the plants were all done um everything has been was previously approved sure so so they're going to be building more back here is what you're saying yeah they're going down it was supposed to be building I guess stuff on the circle it's like see you can see the numbers of the houses see this but you can't that there was a bad sorry it copied very dark is here see there's a number like there's a number here and there's a number right here this Newman Road here this is the old bar happened back here nothing they I mean they haven't they have not done the houses that they were going to do back here I guess and they're going to start doing them and she just wanted us to know because they're it's right here and you know we're going I'm going to get emails what is this so that's right here this is the bushing estate right here where they put the three houses up already here so we we're the Blue Dot and we're talking about this area see how it kind of the road goes to nothing yeah that's where that's here so this isn't part of this this home there must be other lots are oh there there was three I think she said three more houses those are giant manions I would have all that was their property this one here this is the third house down yeah yeah so there's like like three house Lots three more lots see there's a lot here there's a lot here and there's a lot over here no that's this is Ken k so yeah right there right well he's been muring this and cutting on there not part of this no he he's not going past this point well let's not just is he I would assume this property is taken care of this yeah right somebody's taking care of this and I think it's people that kep this I thought talking cuz they probably don't want to look at it I mean I wouldn't want I want to maintain it and keep it nice if out my back door so there's going to be houses in here M that's how are they going to get to them there's going to be a traffic they're going to have a heart attack they I'm sure they know about it yeah I'm sure they know about it it's been there since the beginning I wonder if they know they might so this is the old traffic circle that that they put dirt over mhm oh was there a traffic circle there they built it I think they they started it and then they kind of cuz it looks like they didn't they only did this this little half piece they kind abanded it not really whole thing stopped working and there was a there was a water collection thing in the middle and everything got aerial photographs of that interesting uh yeah this was all done and ready to go and then and then we thought out he he evidently ran out of money or maybe he did buy the whole thing and now since he wants money he's willing to sell off his Lots that's question but they were already off approved everything was already done so it has not like to go she was just letting us know that if we see activity that that we know the town knows and they something and it's already there so we're going to so next to the green Bel property we're going to have a house here possibly my you go start paying attention to property sales and stuff like that like is he is he because what do you have to do again surveys you survey it out it was already all done survey flag perk all yeah he he ran out of money apparently and stopped building so it's like it's not like he's doing something that they didn't know anything about he's just like like yeah well the market better now he wants to make 2 million bucks of property or whatever it is it's just we're just being given the information so that we're aware that's what I'm shaking my head I mean these plans are old are they still all valid well that's a question that um the planning has out to our attorney to see if there have been any changes to the laws that would affect that I'm always amazed how much just prop because oop some of them some things would be grandfathered in because they were this is the was the rule at the time but other things that they like say like um for the fire trucks to be able to get out and turn around that kind of if anything like that that's a safety issue that would have to be they put their own extinguish system in the right I say like this driveway seems tiny but if it's a shared driveway is different rules versus a street like those are the things where I don't know so it's going to be away right so yeah if they ever expected to be a public Street they had all kinds of Hoops they got to no but it'll be like you know a CLE we have a number of roads that are that are not yeah it's also by the feet from the road for the fire department ask so much because this is what happened on uh Orchard Street with the apple or when they trying to go on the back there yeah so they made them put a Road halfway in and then they still had three houses off a driveway so all right we'll have to watch it so you know but I mean it's basically it's really nothing to do with us but just be aware we're aware that building might start and then if you if somebody's called you and says something then tell them to contact town hall because they're aware it's not like they're doing anything sneaky yeah like the house the houses that are being built by me across from your son I I don't know what they're doing right there they've been clearing that plot for so long every time I drive on it's like more dirt around so there is a there's another planning board meeting on Wednesday this coming Wednesday um via zoom in which they will be talking again about um Whipple tree Works ink otherwise known as one marshmallow Lane that's um that will be yeah I gu on a new business on on the 16th of [Music] October okay I don't think there's anything else is there I get a quick on the happy list it was so long I I get a quick one with the uh trails and Sals M um I I counted 47 yes I need to report that back to we yeah for all the weekends and um 47 I'm sorry 47 okay uh and on the 21st when I was here I was about to close and the gentleman approached me and I think his name was Jim and I was on my way out I I don't remember but I told him to email us but he said that about 20 years ago there was a grape Island panoramic view photo over over there there on the wall and somebody stole it but he said he happened to have pictures of it that he took and he said if we would let him dig on the green he'd give us copies of these pictures how convenient but I and I had to point the sign up to him nope so I just wondered if he actually emailed you so it was stolen interesting and he happens to have and he happen he said he took three pictures that's what yeah want he wants to dig outside La I say did you see the sign and he said what on yeah obviously he knows what on and I walked in because I was already closing did you see the vehicle he was he I did not notice it I have a picture of the mean man we need to put a camera on bu yeah I did took okay let's go on to new business and you you're done correct yep witches Stone correspondents from town planner Kristen grubs about the witches Stone we took pictures of that rich did today yeah it only has two 4x4 PT posts in front of it yeah I don't see what the what the the question tell you the God's eyes to so at post but is there somebody is somebody waiting for approval on this well it's our responsibility now so like do we have to our like do we want need to change things out and pay for things I mean is she just concerned that's question is this project done and it's some it's been stamped and approved so now it's she went she went by to look at it this is the town planner and she said there was big ugly metal post there and I'm like there's no metal there I don't I said she just not doesn't like the way it looks and wants it to look more she thought it was taking away from the stone but I'm not sure what big metal posts were there she what it was somebody was doing something and they had something up she drove by I have no idea well can you ask her who is this our problem now or is it still waiting to be finished for an approval with this the housing project I thought that when we signed over and stuff that was our it was us stone is us I know that know that work I think they're done the the all that work there is conditional upon them finishing this the wall and everything else were they supposed to do something additional or is somebody asking for approval or is this just a curiosity question I I personally I think it's a curiosity question I think it was she went by and saw it and said yeah theyum they look they look very attractive or did she go by because someone asked about a order or condition yeah is this is there a plan is this is this unfinished business from before or is this just a curiosity thing would I have rather it been a beautiful like rod iron you know fence or something even just closer to it yeah um cuz it's yeah the idea is that it's to ding into it I'll get right at least it'll be some some kind of Defense from traffic you know that or just put like a couple of Boulders in front of it cuz I mean a go right through one i' rather yeah some nice milest how how about a uh a marble uh you know like a square CR section you know like a what am I thinking of what are they called like a little monolith like an obis think like an obis well either way it needs to be cemented down in the ground so it's like secure down yeah secure can you get the rest of the story as the guy on the AM radio says CU that would that would be fitting you know made out of St problem I was under the impression when she asked me she had driven by and looked at it it's the witches of the father Stone and then said that the pipes was these big ugly post so yes I thought it was I from the conversation it was like do we know how ugly that looks and can we do anything about it I think that is you can't do well it's not it wouldn't be the historical commission's money it's Town property we're just in charge of it like Schoolhouse we don't pay put the roof on the schoolhouse we just charge of making sure the the house is maintained we go down and then there's a place down all right I'll Fast Track all right report on the roof uh I have no report other than they're in process I know they I I have not spoken to him I know he knows it's a priority before winter they don't have much more time left to do James not heard back from James I not heard anything from James since when I gave him all the stuff he's completely capable and I trust that he is has a plan all right I'm going to I I think I'm going to send him an email to request an update on both project on both things and see if you could just fill me in if I get information I will send it I will forward it to you guys and just as long as we recall that we can't have a discussion okay next thing uh update on the Windows Rich update on the Windows uh well the um select board voted uh and I believe it's $115,000 uh for the sashes to be rebuilt and I think that the old town uh or old Bostonian company that one um quote that we got I think we can do that for 15K yeah um so I'm going to follow up with James um I haven't heard anything from him uh but you know we I really want to get this done before the snow since we posted the bid thing in the paper is that how it works like you just put it out there like let people know cuz like if we don't find anybody else that Bostonian gu the only guy there'll be a bid opening to see how many and if this Nobody Does it the last contact that I had with James he said that he was waiting to find out where the funding was going to come from before he put in uh before he put it out to bids and now he knows where the funding is coming from so I'm I'm going to follow up with I'll follow up with him tomorrow and see if um if he's actually put it out to bids and at the same time a friend of ours came uh came by on the tour and I mentioned the issues with the windows and there's a company called grite State Glass which does window restoration yep uh which is not one of the companies that I reached I reached out to six companies that wasn't one of them and she said they did her house and they did a great job so I'm going to reach out to them and have them contact James rather than step on any toes you know yeah yeah as far as the the outside frames and Sills uh everything on the east side is done um the west side has been uh scraped and sanded um and it's been treated with the wood hardener uh so I got to let that sit for a week and then we'll do like the same I did out here a Kota oilbased primer two top coats yeah sweet be done with it sweet thank you take a look at it the day yes my hat's off C it looks marvelous a lot of work Schoolhouse closing schedule a day we need to schedule a day sorry throw my phone at you for what school the school this week oh CL it box everything up yeah wait cold want to do is bag prototype mannequin bag I don't want to do it November then it's too cold I'm a oh this week well like next would be sometime next week Wednesday or Thursday that be too much for the mannequin to cover I days open what time do we do it like like 11 10 only takes an hour shutting down fornes I've got I can't do it on Wednesday got meeting want to do Thursday let's see Thursday the 17th that's my annivers oh happy anniversary 43 years that's right it does not take long to shut school down okay I'm sorry come School the 17th 11: a.m. 1 so like the sun's up a little warm here be a little late you could be late be to you so we're everybody this yes mannequin cover she'll look like a ghost she'll look like a ghost but she won't be in a body bag yeah I'd rather not and I tried to to see if he anything I'll be right back get what I right I have 10 minutes and then I have to go to pick up my is there anything else some I get call from the school like not Pi up the sign from this dance what time 11 are we are we is no just had to go okay I I for theen local historic district stud uh we uh we were just looking to see how many you know how rare is this our building and apparently in the early 2000s there were 26,000 of these things and they're down to like 400 Nationwide I don't know what's been going on over the last 20 years but that's what this is the research in Wikipedia and slightly horrifying yeah and and so there there's no there's no summary of how many there are in Massachusetts but the interesting thing is the ones that did find in Massachusetts it doesn't it doesn't include ours ours is it in there Nationwide or even in Massachusetts I have no idea I'm going to I feel I got a form I'm going to fill it all out and I I'll record this but we're not even in there there's no pictures of our school yeah just crazy figures so doing research I got out we're not in send me send me something on that with thank you okay last thing of the night is number one marshmallow lane barn for those of you that missed the zoom meeting um this is our concern with this is there is a preservation restriction I think it's lot six six on the property that the the uh Whipple tree Works application is for um there is a preservation restriction so I WR at the zoom meeting the the hearing meeting um I raised my hand and I brought up this planning aware of the preservation restriction on the on the property and it clearly reads interior and exterior and the fences the stone walls and the property and um the answer from the planning board is is we're aware of it and um the um town uh Council says it's okay they're changing the driveway they're moving Stones um and making parking for this Enterprise now this is supposed to be a Preserve piece of property um so we get a does everybody have the email from uh out from from Kristen no do I just have all right I will read so after that Zoom meeting we got a letter from no actually uh Jan stopped in and saw Kristen at the planning director and uh Kristen sent Jan a letter thank you for stopping by last week in talking about the historic preservation restriction on the jerson property at one marshmallow Lane I appreciate that you and chanting logged into the planning board public hearing and that you followed up I've reviewed the historic restriction and the planning board also held its site visit to the property and as mentioned we spoke if the historical commission has any specific questions or comments on for the planning board regarding the building restrictions well yes there's a building restriction and I'd like to understand how it's being followed um because it clearly is it isn't who holds the restrictions mean who's planning planning board holds the restriction oh oh oh good okay um so that's interesting yeah she said she'd be happy to pass this on to the planning board so just they basically just said that they're fine with it yeah cool so we have a restriction and that's it well it does say that the grantee which is us can or the town can change that yes so that's them changing it basically gu so um technically they're not changing the barn they're changing the use the barn itself they also changing theide the reiterating very far along in this construction project yeah so you think that all the stuff would have been discussed before well there's another meeting coming up so with the planning board okay hello what was thaty done so far so it's on it's it's on the town website if you go on the town website you can get the zoom information it's um the 16th which is next Wednesday at 700 p.m. okay so and they're going to talk about Whipple tree Works Inc and the site plan review um for the nonprofit at one Marsh Meadow just so so and I'm sure anybody wants it be kind of interesting if anybody that's kind of drawn out but watch the last Zoom the zoom meeting um to see my what I said what they and then I forget which member the P past chairman his explanation for it's already been approved yeah it's we pass that yeah it's unfortunate all right I'll let detain a motion to adjourn second second all in favor I