##VIDEO ID:1sWd4Ke_FDc## regular meeting of the Newbury Library Board of Trustees um so we'll do the roll call Melissa Mash Alexander Burke dieri okay let's get started approval of the minutes from our last meting meeting which was September 10th September oh yeah it say right time okay has everybody had a chance to take a look at them um I love reading outs I know so beautifully beautiful prepare for changes thank you is there any U updates changes modifications adjustments looks fine a great job I have this the say of am is there a a motion to approve I Mo that we approve these minuts seconded motion made in seconded all in favor say hi okay next on the agenda is the director's report sure um so as you guys see the Pac bush has been planted tree has been planted um by the Newberry Garden Club uh Memorial of Cheryl mcy um they're going to do some sort of dedications to ceremony in May um once we have natural data to let you know okay um next week we'll be fully sted y Lo is here she's our um uh Youth Services parttime uh she's in here today she's amazing uh she actually worked in Georgetown after me uh so came heavily suggested and loved and she's been incredible so far um and I H that with her and then um we uh next Wednesday Brady Elliott is going to be starting as our Sur position part time um we did interview with him and he's great and we're really excited for him to start um so as of all of our current positions we will be full next week and as long as no one leaves me it'll be great on top of that I met with the HR board last week two weeks ago um and uh got a substitute Library position all categorized and it's all set um so probably in November I'll be posting that um and I know that we have a previous employee who interested in in potentially doing some St so um I have that it says draft but that's because I don't have the official version that's what it's say and I'll grab that um but so when would you utilize this person yeah so the sub position it's for we're a very small staff so if someone's on vacation and all of a sudden someone else is sick we're pretty much not able so this person can step it for that it's great for Saturday usage uh when there's something big happening at the library like it would be Lov to have someone for Harvest vest just extra bodies um a lot of libr you Subs it is a game changer yeah we're very so would this be something you'd approach biblio tempts to no no no it's just like throwing out the call for Library Subs um if be a pool of like four or five of them okay um GE had a couple libraries usually have a few on staff I'm just looking for one at this point um just have as a randomly as needed yeah so s my daughter does that L field yeah plenty of librarians do that some even do like a full job and then do Saturday something yeah yeah lovely so that's uh on the docket for when things are settled with the rest of the staff okay um we're focused on training uh Cath and I are heading to n in what two weeks um which is uh up up in Lan I've got uh bo came on Thursday for advocacy our State financial report is done which means all the big state report is done um you're all good I haven't otherwise it's been a process um but we're done I'm really really grateful Eva our to count um sat down for like an hour with me to figure some stuff out which was great and I am super helpful with some random stuff that we could figure out so um very excited and it's submitted and as long as I don't hear anything we should be good and that was a few weeks ago so okay good loveing that um har is coming up uh 26 this a Saturday the friends are having their soup competition which I'm part of which don't eat my soup uh children's crafts we have farm animals from uh former Andrew uh lawn games this year um the touch of truck is still going to be happening and he's been coordinating with all the town departments to get a bunch of different kinds of trucks uh for kids to hang out and see um and then the C been working on the literary pump decorated contest um if anyone else is good at making soup I know they're still looking so if that's something you're interested in there's a little form at the desk okay I will do that I can I can make soup do you need do you know if they make particular types I mean do they need like vegan do they need just vegetarian unclear there's a form and I don't know if it has information on that she might be able to re them yeah happy to do that kitty cat cafe was a huge success 29 people came I know at least one cat there was a family that was going to go look at him at the shelter later so um it was lovely we had a little girl who dressed up at a cat CB uh we had a little girl who brought her cat um plusy to like interact with it was very good it was just kute room um the SE suculent C was a huge hit um we've got the wh Mobile coming next month November right yeah um and so that's huge and I mean that quite literally it take up your whole space it will also be very exciting um I've had it posted in other library that that night it's a really big deal um and then Nikki had the team oneup games and it went really well we had 15 teams which is honestly astounding that's great yeah we're really really excited definitely going to have them back again they seem to be they were very engaged and very engaged and interested in coming back great Excell so we're very excited about that excellent um that's it and then yeah the job description for behind that that's about it okay that's wise we're looking pretty straightforward um as expected September was a bit of Decline and stuff because other going back to school and get into a new thing but y we're coming back and you found working with the town found them to be supportive and cooperative absolutely yeah that's great they've been helpful we also um just had a meeting with the Cs on aging and are doing a lot more sharing flyers and and each other's program so yeah going really well yeah they honestly the last couple months saved me over and over again that's great that's great it's we are a town Department y it's b a line and I know you mentioned to me about the conversation with the Council on Aging nothing thing is finalized enough to even be brought up yet okay all right they um I don't know what their their plans are long term for their landing spot a destination but you know if they choose to do something in this area they need to talk to us there there's the land here that we own on on not we the town owns right yeah they're in like crazy beginning stages they just want to know how we were feeling about stuff like that very very positive we'll see we need to build a town hall mhm adjacent to a new COA center community center connected by P Kosar and it needs to be located on high road high road yeah somewhere in the 100s or 200s area yeah give you a central location 25 is too small oh no absolutely oh yeah no and and that's their major thing is they're in very small Stace but they'll as more of that comes up they will yeah bring stuff to us if necessary and if not I haven't heard anything on anything being proposed from town they're not at that point yet I had a meeting with all the town managers a couple weeks ago month ago time is for um and yeah they're not they they just went entered into what another three-year contract um oh absolutely that's just for now but so they'll they'll figure it out even if they knew where they were going to get a true town meeting get it design buil but so we don't have any of that information just yet we're building for for the future absolutely thought y Absolut the building is proposed just beautiful but too small too small I mean 500 ft from historical no storage and one of the things that's always short is storage of course always short this is this is a example I mean it's traditionally in any public building I've been involved with for the past 40 years one thing we don't build enough stor we have what 14,000 exactly right going to be yeah yes sir as long as the publishing Field Works yeah yeah stress anyway all right that any comments or observations on the library statistics for the for the month it's I mean it's yeah I know there's changes from person but it's all positive abely we we had some de of course again as September roll around but we're still seeing more people coming in the building which is huge um so and that's my major look at your program AC oh my gosh know we some amazing programs and now that youve got full staff yes you know it's just it's been this incremental building process that you unfortunately been faced with since you got but you know we're um seven months in and I think that we're on a good check I think the worst of it not going but yes yes but also it's cool that more people are coming into this building because it's so bright might want to get out of their houses a little bit abolutely that's great and if there's power rootage hopefully we'll have a generator by then to that would be lovely yeah the pad is in place for the generator so they report that I believe the gas line is there also so it's just a matter of waiting for the generator I last when I see James on Thursday that in the roof cuz they were supposed to be aing the contract contract for the roof replacement and that's going to be a metal roof so yeah yeah we see can you talk about removing what's up there no no I haven't heard any more about that we did have that conversation with them and they they were trying to reassure us that really don't have to take off what's there the building can they take handle the weight it can handle the weight the um you fig Steel on yeah so Steel um it's the question then becomes if you want to put solar panels on it after that can it sustain that way so so okay yeah as we go as we go once we get the staff in place is very exciting we can stop talking about some of these other things we can have them focusing working on too I really don't want to hire another person for a very long time that's not multiple times yeah I'm pretty sure I now officially hired for every single position gred a lot of that was just shifting around which was great but every single position no they still have to be evaluated and assessed before excellent excent we're really happy with the staff like they were already great and now we just gr into this really great I think you focus on training is what you've done you're integrating them into the process y so they have an investment yeah train b as we speak all right the the budget information yes okay I tried to make this one as detailed but to as clean as possible which was not easy but as questions any questions you have I will also say that having the information that I now have we just got most of the um appropriate numbers I just got the most up to-date one um what like two weeks ago um so there's some changes I will probably be making um like the children's budget because we have so many of these funds that are children specific and probably going to shift and start taking from this good good and we've determined that the the nade money has been utilized y okay and in essence it was used for the oist Y so it was used the archist it was used for um art stuff for the um these display yes um and then um the generator yes 25,000 was going to the generator okay so that's been utiliz exhaust it's exhaust but we still have plenty of M okay we sure yeah okay so this is this is the these are all of the various accounts that we have the um uh was the tech fund I did not put that in here because my brain Associates it with a friends I right right right okay R it have a sense of how much is in that not ahead of a lot um but still something let me see so we've been using oh yes yeah we've been using it for most of our like um some of our database stuff um we're using it for our uh statistics tracking software uh yes but we have been using that one I think that's probably one of the very few that we have actually consist okay so is the town investing These funds yes the funds are invested so they are generating some yes they are growing even one of them jumped like almost a couple hundred recently um just we are growing do we know if the friends have the Thea Smith money invested in CDs or that I don't know so okay so for and and you know I understand um because I know um Essex County you know I'm sure that the sort of fees for having them maintain it given that right I think I was one of the only people for a few years you know mhm um okay yeah and I think I think the initiative came from Essex County for us to withdraw the money right and then the option was we take it and give it to the town to I think I think we at that time made the decision to put with the friends because Mar is doing such a great job and I Will's doing job she updates each month I will have numers for next time no and I I miss their their big meeting so right I yeah we've got a decent amount in there but it is definitely starting to draw down that good know but you're utilizing it for the purpose oh yeah that's all it matter I it matters but computers B children last year that would make Lois very very happy that is defin for all kinds of funex yeah yeah yeah when did that start well know I found I found a program from her um funeral service it's going to be 12 14 years it's been a long time longer than I thought that's when I came on board cuz I filter a position yeah I put that yeah yeah I I did until just now oh yeah you want to F this through the balance of this position sure okay okay like the rest of you this is good what do we contemplate within this databases entry here mhm what does that include sure so it includes like we have um Universal class that gets used by the public ancestry gets put into that um angled languages gets put into that so mostly it's the stuff that goes if you go on our website and you're in like the database section all of those for the most part come out of that um oh uh the Heritage the Historical Society one oh yeah yeah that comes through basically just watching one of their things last night yeah exactly basically any any kind of database that comes through that the patrons use that's what that is so these items here that are under databases statistics absolutely those things yes those are recurring subscriptions yes yeah most of them are yearly but some of them like cany um KLA both of those are are monthly and it's based off of usage us okay okay so the the the invoice show y sign off exactly just yeah absolutely any questions you have no this this uh level of detail is great I tried to I tried I also asked cther like 600 times this is legible so you can thank her for any reability there completely if you could enter under the min SE expenses break down the totals C much as you done sure yeah that would have been helpful well it it is um it totals out to the municipal extensus here at 114 right I can do that for the available and extended that yeah absolutely just wondering yeah of course should it should not because it's double entry and it does if you just glance through it so I was just wondering yeah wow that's that's superb smile killer no doubt yeah the budget is always the thing that scares me the most anything that I can get a handle on it and I actually will say this help me as well so oh good yeah but a lot of this a lot of the funds that we have which are amazing are children specific which is the hardest thing um that they can't just be used more generally which is fine um so we'll just kind of allocate children stuff there and yeah move that stuff out so the monies that we're getting from the friends for children's programming it's just the programming okay so if some of these funds can be used for that purpose yes maybe the money we get from the friends could be yeah it would love that but most of material material you yeah there's the specific for children's print materials and one specific for children's media yeah and then one for children room which uh we used a little bit of um to get new little signh holder things what so it's children yeah yeah okay just Mak sense yeah it's there we need exactly so my plan is to move that over we've also been kind of I mean gr the mdlc membership comes out of Library supplies so it always looks way worse than it is but we have been expanding like we got new carts um and we just had to get label maker uh label not label laminator cleaner paper and stuff like that so those supplies have kind of gone up in what we need which is fine um so I'm probably going to move some of the children's print specifically that has a bigger budget no do we still have an expectation from MB L see that certain percentage of the overall allocation yep so all of that Municipal Express uh accensus breakdown that's the stuff that like goes into our U making our 18 19% rather yeah yeah okay and that's along with the building maintenance money yes y even though James has control over James has full control over it I'm trying to keep an updated idea of it know last year we were tight and I had clearly obviously no idea about that partly because I was part we weren't tracking yet um like we get the municipal report it gives you kind of a breakdown but I've been taking those and putting it into the budget just for my um to kind of know where we're putting into for a while there that we were sending that very good yeah wow yes wow yes oh that's just terrific honestly we have some money to to do some stuff the opportunity now that like you said now that you get your staff in place and you start thinking about what to do going forward um guy yeah it is absolutely yeah I had a list going in my hope is at our so we're going to have staff meetings again at staff starting in November um hopefully and my hope is to start getting everyone's dreams I have some people's like I sat down and had those conversations with a couple people but I want everyone's Big Dreams for themselves for the Department the library and we can do yeah and if you know if you know of what's going on in some other libraries and they having Success With It yep okay exactly um like took I mean they his online stuff his Zoom stuff is like if I know we're connecting with him so yeah know it's just yeah weang I know how he does it in a very inum way love I'm traveling stuff but yeah so especially the follow that was in Wakefield before oh yeah yeah he does a lot of traveling did a thing on photography you know how he takes his pictures while he's traveling cuz every time I I watch him it's never any people in his picture not I say 95% of the time and he said that's intentional I wait yeah and I I want that structure or that scenery or that whatever I we don't want the people in it so I you know and it's just yeah Catherine has chosen some great ones of theirs to to hook into wonderful we actually just rescheduled the boxing lighthous oh okay keeper they were able to Res for March maybe on that yeah yeah she's doing amazing program yeah and her brother's program that was fantastic you know he uh he was a speech writer from Obama and then we watched the JFK it was great Fant it was great the book it was very and he had people who had interviewed to write the book who were there as participants and just their experiences about speaking publicly and you know it was just great stuff good stuff we're doing well I'm happy with where we're at right now yeah good good you know just do what we can't to keep everybody in place as long as we can as we've talked about we are have always been a revolving ability and I expect I always expect parttime positions in particular to continue to do that you're a landing spot for new grads and that kind of thing and that's great I want people to learn and we're great with so I expect those to kind of continue rotating I am hoping for at least year on each of those anytime and I'm hoping everyone else to stay I feel pretty confident that they feel supp it's a nice environment to work in so thank you good job Bey all right any other old business any other new business uh a date for another meeting why you said and I need to go get my book okay okay yeah yeah so second Tuesday November is the 12th not all right November 12th sound sorry I go okay November 12 [Music] yes okay well since there's three of us we can make a motion to adjourn so moved second all got it awesome