##VIDEO ID:ZyGAdQ5Bu7g## we're going to call the meeting to what a meeting the we put trustees whatever today is about September 10 okay the roll call Melissa mashur Alex Park Terry lson C haly okay sir all right and the first item on the agenda is the minutes from previous Mee I we on yeah a chance to take a look at it uh any changes amendments uh modifications or pretty much me to discuss I there's only three of us here at that time yeah so any changes this month is there a motion to accept so move Mo second all favor okay approved is the rec this report sure I see it's 10 round um don't mind all of you have it propped out because I started a thought left it and then didn't come back to the end to and it's gone and I never got worries welcome to the club yeah it's it's been a month um so uh we were having trouble with our front door uh it was not latching properly it had been since fixed uh and we had not knocked on wood had any the issue s um who fixed it uh DPW Y and try yes yes yeah so they called in Tri to yeah and they were here after the election a after setting it up we were unable to close the door lock it up do we have visits from two of Nu's finest it's all good now we're all set and we truly have not had anys great great that's good um we've had a ton of changes in Staffing um as I'm sure you are all aware first is Catherine who's our new ad um uh to get to know how it runs that way if anything happens and I can't not happen which will not happen this year um so uh yeah she's been incredible um starting in September uh we had uh Liz started as head of circulation uh so Liz took Catherine's old job uh and has been rocking it and on that same day will took Liz's old job and also has been rocking it um so right now um the youth service associate associate position is open um that was Cory's position that's been open we're slowly starting to get some actual applications um and as soon as Mak back the scheduling interviews um and then um the other Library associate the C associate position should be posted hopefully by the end of the week um so we're moving forward and then the fun news is that um I have got an approval to write up a substitute Library position it has been submitted to the town and I actually just got a call this morning and I'll be meeting with the our board in the next couple weeks um to go through that so that we can get it all approved uh this would allow us to have someone in so if everyone is sick we have someone that can come in uh Saturdays if we're a short sta or something uh we already have a previous staff member who's interested in helping out and potentially being that up so we're very excited um so we're moving forward with that um so that's all the Staffing we're all very excited lots of changes that's all for the best um um overall the state uh survey is done I'm working on the state's financial report right now which I'll be getting help from our town accountant when she's back from vation um I've been working on the cultural Council Grant I should have that by the end of the week um and then uh both Catherine and I have gotten scholarships to attend the New England Clary Association conference in October great um so we'll be going which is very exciting um where are they holding it it's up in Port perfect yeah so not far easy to get to to also wonderful City up there I'm going to try to like go in a day early stay with her for a day and then um and then yeah programming is back because Catherine is here and doing a wonderful job uh yoga's back for first classes this morning we've got a seag glass succulent craft happening um which is almost entirely full which by now might be I yep p check um Friday uh the 20th we are having a team program oneup games is coming they do all kinds of video gaming um we've been really really pushing this we've been to the schools we've posted around town we've reached out to other libraries in the area and we do have some registrations so we're really really hopeful this is in that teenagers y um we are partnering with the chsb public liary to offer a series of virtual job hunding programs on Monday afternoons um and then on the 25th we're hosting stally snowman who does the Boston L which is the last man coastar Ice Station so that's a presentation that looks exciting and then finally for this month um we are having mrf arrests the cat rescue uh come and so if you're looking to adopt cats come because otherwise I'm going to adopt the six cat and there's only four we have four five cats is twoo many so I'll stick with our four so there's three of us that's a lot of cats there's three of us four cats plus two Strays with your feed oh my goodness yes goodness has nothing to do are you going to the Cat video Fest at the screening room this weekend I didn't know about it but I will be check I'm very excited I do not have cats but I am a cat person well St byang it's be really dangerous so we're very excited about all that overall we're doing well statistics taking the the summer slump um but we're hoping to come back up now that it's fall so September is that 8 month where either a bunch of families come back or they're really SLO with getting back to school and then we see back so little bit slow I'm just going to talk about the one program this past week know Catherine's brother uh outstanding uh he's written a book He was a spe writer for Obama and did a presentation through the tuxbury library and we're teaming up with them to do some other things so they do some yeah some terrific programing and he he was outstanding and he will be speaking at the uh the JFK Library later this month yeah so and that we can sign up for online and watch it online so through Zoom through the JFK it's called the JFK for they they R run wonderful programs yeah yeah so that's coming up I think is it the 20th the book is out the 17th 17 is the 18th the 18th okay excellent yeah yeah p roing with programs and obviously that's a personal one for that's great um other than that we're doing well um but just moving forward um I do have one uh request for professional development funds for today um but other than that we doing anything on the budget everything is you know I guess having Staffing changes probably gives us a little bit of flexibility in terms of not spending all the money yeah so we're we're doing well um I am not in the report but I have been working I um to get our our an AED machine for this room um um so I've gotten the vendor now and I have the Megan model I just need to get the right like particular not model make I have the make I need the model it's there I think this brand has like two different ones and we're trying to stay to town so I'm going to be reaching out to find out exactly which one they have so that we're consistent but otherwise we are moving along with that one and then for the one for the inside of the building where I've been given a lot of Poss places for Grants so move along with that one as soon as we get the one that we need in the building get one of the meting room first okay um question on the library budget report um in the box at the bottom you refer to FY 23 would that be that should be for 24 Okay I uh took the last year's budget and updated it and or 5 I just don't know I'll double check it if it is for fy2 that means then all last year was wrong because this comes from the fy4 so I will find out for you well it should say 25 cuz it does tie head with the uh the budgeted line above right on the level it's Municipal and I've noticed that and been cautious question oh no please do please do anytime you see something yeah anytime you see something like that I basically what I take is the template and then I change things to make it updated for the next year and clearly I missed it so please let me know when you I will fix no worries thank you thanks yeah over we're doing all right we're moving moving forward we just got I um have a ton of invoices for books so you'll see some of these numbers are a little low uh for book budget stuff but we'll be honestly at the end of this week sky so who's going to come any follow up on the um Freedom of Information request so last I talked uh to uh John over at it we are good they were going to be looking into something he said he reach out if he needs my information but it sounds like he might not have so I okay I have everything pulled and ready but okay no good to go okay I'm just curious is any identification as the PO has request of this information I'm clear but I wouldn't okay no we can all speculate okay we think yeah we think either way or whatever yeah as of right now the number the numers out the numbers out well you know I mean it's not like we've got anything but there's everything pull and ready it needed but I I don't know where we're at on that so I'm just done okay U just and again under the facilities issues I did have an opportunity to get some information from James relative to the various capital projects we have ongoing uh bid opening for the roof was last week apparently they didn't give me the numbers but apparently we came in under budget and they're now in the process of putting a contract together to get that prepared in order to go forward uh the generator contract has been awarded I don't remember the name of the person who got it the issue there is delivery there a 20 there a 20 there a 20 we delivery time on the generator this is the supply chain so what they're proposing to do is probably come in earlier and put in the platform and the gas line so they'll be in place whenever the generator becomes available right it was somebody from am and life me I don't remember I have to probably another one more winter okay yeah I mean that was probably a month ago um maybe five or six weeks ago actually that the contract was awarded so we're proba another yeah sorry um and the heating the hbac system is you know that's gotten delayed because they're focused on the elementary school they're still working on that and at this point as long as we have heat with their AC is is has been a big issue and that won't be a problem with next spring next summer hopefully it'll be fixed by that and the other issue was the um AV charging station they should be happening momentarily from what he tells me so so there's two charging stations going here and I believe two at the Central Street Fields so yeah when's the time frame on he said the TR we starting oh momentarily at least that's great that's as of today that's great so that's that's the update from James so yeah and they've been a huge help Stu a scw come off of event they were able to fix for us we had a piece of metal that was left in the parking lot um over this weekend um that was found this morning and it was fine it was like in the grass in a safe place it was like so they were able to discuss that someone couldn't get to the transfer station that is one of the things that we're going to work on yes it is an ideal thing two things yeah security CER security cameras and the handicap accessibility to the bathrooms we'll get that done this year it's only 25 years I don't want to rush these things you know maybe everyone was going to you know not be when in prayer yeah oh so that's right so I again didn't put on the agenda because I wasn't thinking um but for uh professional development i' would love to be able to I know that in the past we've used um the gift and donation funds for that and I would love to be able for that did we have a specific amount that we appropriated for that or was it for last year there was yeah okay and that was my head a little bit more than I'm asking for this year okay 25 that would come from where gift the memorial okay especially with all the changes in position yeah absolutely well that's it it's like this year I really want to push to make sure that we're doing as much training and like conferences and such we don't have to worry about as much because again there's a lot of scholarships available now they've changed up the way of doing that which is incredible both of us got one for same conference which is kind of astounding so um but for like online training and and getting people up to speak that's kind of the dream let's see here one of the good things about the scholarship to go to Nea is that we can submit cost incurred prior to going so like we already booked our conference attendance um and like the hotel rooms won't be won't be charged go so um we don't have to wait for the event to happen before we can submit that's great uh it was 25 25 yep and I'm asking for 2 should we stay with 25 again considering as Terry mentions all the staff we can um we used so very little of that last year and while I am going to push on it I still don't think we'll reach basically this gives 250 per person yeah I think the most per person we got was about 100 so and that was so let's go with the two and if you go through the year we find that there's a need for more I mean right let's BU stand on the state aid at the moment we have a lot of state aid they just kind discourage using it for staffing needs okay and stuff like that but that is that's a lot of the the bigger plans that we have right now okay that's where I'm planning on on dipping in so so looking for a motion to support the professional Development Fund for $2,000 second fa and this is across the board Staffing will be this opportunity for Learning and so forth yeah so I I basically it's 250 per person for all eight staff members that includes the two part- timers we don't have yet and U our Li staff okay good think that getting everybody into the process build skills and very just to keep the beating going I'm trying to think of other things 12 minute yeah we're trying to be trying to break a record every time we meet now how quick can we do it it's 435 the meeting's all over well everybody is all the way here wild youest yeah I actually have a friend who whose daughter is planning to bring four children the youngest being 9 months and the oldest being five if that works out mathematically maybe the oldest is six and so I've offered up a parking spot because taking the shuttle under those circumstances yeah have any questions for me guess any any questions updates yall are looking for um well I know you've got a very good working relationship with Town Hall yes and that's who knows yeah no that's been going well no long in the is yes yes we've been working very well yeah yeah as soon as back we're going to me to figure out there a bunch of stuff on the financial report that is simply information I do not have um so we're and I think it would be helpful for the for the board also going forward is to get a a breakdown of what is available um from the various gift and Memorial funds sure I can give you those gold numbers okay yeah I just again I know we do it periodically and then it's like a SI yeah no that and anytime there's something information wise you want right now I'm kind of for at least for the budget I'm just going with what I was given last time but I would love yeah now just so that we know what's what's there yeah um we've talked about this before that anything that we're going to look for from the town yeah they're going to look at what we already have available to us what we have we do have a bit of that yeah we have a good We've Got U we've got the lowest uh Smith fund that we still have available to us for technology yeah I would assume you'll be looking at things to upgrade well yes that one is a a dwindling case but are we not making um interest we are but we are using you're using it though for oh yeah yeah we've been using it for a ton of stuff okay yeah we most recently just added our um our tracking software so the statistics you get now are a lot more accurate than they used to be um because now we're all of our questions our reference questions like how we're helping people so now I can see when is the busiest and what kind of questions are coming through um so yeah it's a really lovely system um it's not terribly expensive and so we're okay so you're using the lowest SPI funds for that okay good good good then we still have some of the nade money left yeah that may be something we'll T that to talk about doing for video cameras maybe grant money for video honestly I mean Grant would be obviously preferable but also we do have a lot in St right now so we have not really touched it in a while so we have a good I have a bound where I don't want to pass but we have a ton of fun okay it is a bu we can use it for Staffing if we have to if we have to have done we have done it is fron they love it to use it for things that more directly affect patrons so like accessibility is one of those things uh Magic I did yes so and also again with all the Staffing changes at least this year I don't see us having any um payment problems with okay we've had enough gaps in coverage issue so in the uh in the line here total funds and Grant budget the overall 51450 is it it is not the flow accurate so that's basically what's budgeted um the way that this yeah the way that the uh budget is set up has been a something to work with uh and this is my first budget so there's been a lot of larning for here not my first budget but my first big Library budget um so uh yes and no that doesn't take into account all the back blogs so like that is for everything accurate except for State a because state aid basically what we get in a year is what's put into that whereas we have essentially close to that number in state aid which is outside this number mhm yes it has not been touched roughly 12 years y exactly and it has not been touched in years we traditionally have yeah I think last year we I the last time we tapped it was the sub well we did last year we used it um to cover the 10th position when but like that was like 800 bucks every like month so so we have a lot there so that's kind of my primary source for a lot of these bigger projects at the moment okay um because that's generally how they want us to use it got it but yeah I think maybe the breakdown of the actual funds for the next we don't have to have like I mean discretion all it no it's I think it makes sense again all the help I can get and us too and one of the other things that we've talked about was the consolidation of all of the policies that have been promulgated by the board over the years we were going to pull that into one document at some point yeah so that's just yeah I've been going through them um just to make sure a lot of them are most today there's a few things I'll change show you you think there's things that are missing that we should have in place because I think what triggered a number of those was some of the events of the past two and I'm sure there will always be new ones that we want to have um and then yeah putting them into one document that way we can put them thanks at the website would be exactly do we still have a request for reconsideration form yes and no okay I it is high on my list we have one it is essentially hidden um it's not really anywhere on our website which is fine yes and no um and also I'd like to update that one yeah but we do have one okay yes yeah we do technically have which is good does anyone else have any you want to discuss question or whatever um Harvest test is coming up ask the you meeting for because I was hoping to come for friends of the oh sure yeah how did that go great um so we had a pretty full house and um we have a new membership personing over membership which is amazing um she's great um they did say her name and I don't oh yeah no there's nothing happening everything is in so um you have a ways to go before you can CL that I wish I wish um but uh yeah so that's all good I know that they're going to be moving forward with a high sale um uh for Josie so that'll be going on a couple days before okay they're going to do yeah they decided to do that it's the same lady that runs the pie sale for the an y yep so um we'll be doing that I think it's the pickup will be the Wednesday before wnes um we're looking to have uh some like most of the sign up pushing for that of like people actually getting and for that will'll be closer to the date but we're probably going to have something up harv just we just the what oh Thanksgiving I'm so sorry again I don't really know what's happening up here yeah that's great yeah be than she was amazing the stuff that she brought to the meeting I'm sitting in the cor I don't think she sleep I know she's amazing she's a huge contributor to the pl met a couple years ago she she Newber yeah I don't know how she does what she does she's incredible um but yeah ising great Stu for Harvest Harvest Fest is what October 26 I believe so I myar trying to do this remember I think I think you are correct October yes 26th October 26 is and then we're going to do I guess I missed it but we're going to do touch of truck that yep so Nikki's already made a ton of conversations with all the local the police the fire DPW about what trucks we can get here um for the the vehicle day and stuff so that's all exciting we're in contact with farmer Andrew to try to get um all kinds of ANS coming up a set up um lawn games in the back um so yeah it's going to be good good it's looking good and then soup is still happening I somehow sign myself up to make soup I agree so I'm so sorry for everybody are they still doing like the contest like the chili contest yeah sou it's just going to be super and there's not a lot of us thankfully to are they looking for more I don't I don't know yet I know that they're looking to do 6 to eight I think to have a good Roost but I'm not entirely sure I don't know why I said I would do it but I did it was in the moment there are two recipes out there I have a great soup recipe I just I don't cook I very rarely cook I make like three things and granted the soup is one of them it's um yeah so yeah that'll happen still the pumpking contest will still happen um so the only thing that we're on the fensive is the photo boo that they did last year um because they just didn't get a lot of traction for the amount of work but other than that everything else you need someone out there to promote it exactly say hey come on over and take the and also location wise last year it wasn't in a great spot see so there's discussion about how we can do it so we'll see what that comes to but yeah it's it's moving along quite energized yeah great yeah Stu theyve done they're Inc they're incredible yeah I'm grateful for what they they do and support the library so that's seriously yeah so yeah that's all good but yeah that's the next big big thing from them coming up so we want to pick a date for the next 15 minute meeting um if we're doing the second Tuesday like we us do 108 oober 8 how's that sound yeah going through the second Tuesday proba get into that app yeah thanks start off the The Fall yeah start off the new year with all right and is there a motion to adjourn now that it's 5 made second fav A J than you