##VIDEO ID:ykxD76DIfVs## all right a meeting of the uh Library Board of Trustees and we have Alissa Mas Alexander B Library all right call honor first item on the agenda is approval of the minutes everybody have an opportunity to review the draft minutes any uh questions observations changes modifications which permit me to say these will not be done this quickly yes they should this was already crazy quick I will be away for the next several days problem and probably would have forgotten everything we're doing here so get these random phone calls seeking information that's the reason it was good all right so is there a motion to approve motion made seconded okay okay we've got a lot going on um the exciting stuff is that the two circulation computers have been updated John came by and and changed them out and so now they don't take 10 minutes to turn on um which is great and we love him for it um so that's all very excited we also were working on a running technology into library that out so yeah I super um St um so as you have probably heard and if not I sorry to want to tell you L came on to take over our um part-time uh youth service position as mov up um she immediately got an incredible uh full-time offer in Georgetown which is a place love so we wish her well we're very sad yes okay um so be definitely feels like um so um in we had reached out to a few other people in the can pool that we had interviewed and enjoyed them um but unfortunately they uh all were not able to do the hours um so we are going to hold off and reopen in January so that we have a different SCH of candidates um The Substitute Library position that I can show you the description of last month um has been is all good um I'm going to be opening that one to get someone in um we interested employees so um I will be posting that hopefully next week I get my together and how would that be Ed so uh it basically as needed okay um so this year because we have not had full staff the entirety of the Year essentially um we have a healthy amount of budget so we can kind of use that person we need without worry it's a little bit more structured for the okay but so we'll get someone in so that we have Saturdays so if somebody's going to be out uh yeah we have this and while we don't have someone in servic position we can fill in so that's my plan and then January position n surv okay she's holding in there she's definitely doing amaz for what she's got she worked with and then the whole St to as much as we can that's all great um tomorrow we're returning to stes um so we have not had one since I started because well my Hope was to do when we were for staff but I've given up on that so yeah so we are having our first meeting tomorrow morning so I'm having St at 9 since we don't open till 10 uh and then we'll offset their hour throughout the week as we do so very excited they've been adding to an agenda all like last weeks so they have talk I've got to talk abouted yes we're all very happy to have this have a feeling of being act yeah because I we talk all the time always but it's a lot easier exactly very good um once again I'm great bu you this month because uh the annual Town report is due month and theual town budget requ month um and so I'm um last week I was at a director's Network movement at MC um and basically met with a bunch of other directors in the network um mostly just kind of each other names um it's been really helpful because a couple people that I knew but I didn't know and now I have those contacts and like naturally problems that have been coming up with li so that was exting oh the big one so uh massachusett F system sends OB to all of the directors um so chrisy came and visit visited us on Friday last week um I've known her before from my work team Library she's incredible that would Me 2 and a half hours and another half hour questions on need um so she was great we talked about what's happened so far what the goals are for the future how they can help us she g a ton of resources including all kinds of trainings for myself and staff um and now I have this for anything she told me basically that if there's something I want training on to reach out and if they don't have someone somewhere they'll work on getting that so um that was very exciting um and then yeah important me for the U Library Association conference in the end in the end of October um it was great uh We've Come Back ideas I was able to really connect with some amazing D across the state and mostly find out that I'm not alone in my confusion of life and what I'm doing I think we all feel like we're driv even when 17 years in um so that was nice and um that a ton of excitement programs and ideas and connection so um very to the system um harest Fest was huge I know some of you guys there um they the friends are truly incredible I don't know I don't know how they did it um we've made more money than we did last year's harest um so many people prob I estimated about 200 people um it was incredible it was a allot fun I did not win competition I'm only those who won deserved it um and then the day after her assess and I went up to Triton uh for a trunk Retreat and we decorated my car I'll show you guys pictures cool um and we passed out a ton of candy uh we were situated next to the Valley Public Library uh and then uh the girl uses the meting here soly faces all around of our was it all businesses for no no different families yeah yeah the Girl Scout Troop next to us one for best decorations the giant cookie so yeah we passed out a bunch of stuff we learned about kind of how we want to form that Outreach in the future um what things we want to bring um we don't want to bring again that kind of thing so but it was really really nice um f a pumpkin program was full we had had a weight list you know it was Greatful everyone L it um and then you might have seen pictures on social media we had a whale in this room we had a giant inflatable whale mile um people yes people inside looking inside her looking at insides of whales learning about whales um we had [Music] oh she I don't remember her name I can do it to she has her own company the whale thing that she do but yeah it's incredible it took up the entirety of meeting room that's the general for the report itself statistics are looking all right um we coming in oh definely in November to we had the yep and then um our circulations are up for our materials which is great question and um I don't know what people are doing buty went way up this for so people having a great time watching movies which is great movies documentaries um budget wise we're on T we're about where I wants to be so um for that included I included the low Tech fund that's of the 30th September I just um and then I started adding um we deposit money for Lost Books into the accounts as well and so that goes into thees the okay so we've got a balance of 64,000 Don yes y yeah that's where we the training Development question [Music] uh we had more negotiations today forward so hope have cont um so we're making slow progress uh unfortunately it's not there was like a gap of months in which you just didn't he back yeah it's been a slow process but we're we're head so yeah any questions for me about anything thank you the only question I had is over the past year or two we've gone through the modification of some policies and are we consolida them into one location um on the website I some of them are Consolidated they not all I have them all Consolidated into one folder and I'm hoping in December I'll have time to look um once the annual report and the budget done that's my plan is to it's just a random CL yes yeah they're they're all in one place at least on my end should take a look at Yeah a different perspective different Vision already but I hav okay you see things that you think we should be rethinking and modifying and learning more about that's something that anybody have anything else it's all seems to be going in the right direction and um um we have an ongoing working relationship with Town Hall abely it's been very oh oh one other thing you're hosting the town holiday Bo um because we were drawn from last year so um I working on that we're going to is there a budget no so um I'm actually doing it no budget so I'm doing a potluck here uh for the town um just to the to come us at yeah andt means that people have to and I don't like do that in the past there was Fe some of them yeah yeah so they used to do popups a long time ago and doing like event going going so I do so we'll be doing that so there will be the Thursday before a Christmas holiday and that time can't remember we'll that for the Thanksgiving Clos the day afterwards oh we're we got approval from that oh cool so yeah so we'll be open Monday and fr anything else anybody bring up thoughts anything okay um look at a DAT for next meeting K I don't know if we broke a record but come I don't think we've broken it yet oh about the good plan um it looks like it would be the 10th break we do the second Tuesday [Music] all right there's nothing else is there a motion to favor we got