##VIDEO ID:JemtFIX5g5E## as a preliminary matter this is Woody Knight chair of the Newbery planning board tonight's meeting is a rescheduled meeting following a mistake with the meeting posting for the regular scheduled meeting of Wednesday November 20th permit me to confirm that all members and persons anticipated on the agenda are present in can haming play board members when I call your name please respond in the affirmative Pete posos yes sir Larry Murphy pres uh Mary Stone yes Scott ker I don't see Scott but he may be joining us shortly um and Steve Mani you're here very good town staff when I call your name please respond the affirmative Kristen grubs playing director yes and Daniel Loro assistant planner very good anticipated speakers oh yes Scott now very good hi Scott anticipated speakers presenters on the agenda please respond the affirmative um Damon jerson from Whipple tree Works corporated here he Damon okay introduction to the remote meeting good evening November 25th open meeting of the Newbery playing board is being conducted remotely consistent with chapter two of the ACT 2023 which extends the governor's March 12 2020 order suspending certain provisions of the open meeting law General law 30A uh 20 until March 31st 2025 for this meeting the Newber planning board is convening by video conference via Zoom as posted on the planning board's agenda which can be found on the town's website and which identifies how the public may join you may join us by going to http P semicolon zoom. us and entering meeting ID number 832 7141 3056 and the passcode is 10879 well by calling 1 92925 6099 us and entering the meeting ID number and passcode when prompt the zoom meeting please note that the meeting is being recorded and that attendees are participating by video and or telephone conference the meeting is also being broadcast live through local access cable channel 9 on zoom and at www. tnct v.org and the recording will be available on the newbur access YouTube channel meeting business ground rules before we turn to the first item on the agenda perit me to cover some ground rules for Effective and clear conduct of our business and to ensure accurate meeting minutes as chair I will introduce each speaker to on the agenda after speakers conclude their remarks I will go down the list of board members inviting each by name to provide any comments questions or motions for all attendees ATT for all attendees except board members and staff please remember to mute your computer mute button or phone uh star six to and that's how you talk uh mute and unmute when you are not speaking after board members have spoken there will be an opportunity for public comments and questions while the public hearing is open I will seek questions and comments through the zoom raised hand function in the order in which the people click on the raised hand click on the raised hand button finally each vote taken in this meeting will be conducted by roll call vote so that's out of the way um now I'll turn to the first item on the agenda um meeting minutes we have here um approval of the November 6 2024 meeting minutes has everyone had a chance to read the minutes from November 6 meeting no I haven't Mary hasn't everyone else in the board had the opportunity yeah I have I have some nods okay um are there any uh edits or modifications to the minutes because they don't have any edits or modifications to November 6 minutes hearing none I would uh entertain a motion to approve the minutes as drafted and amended uh I'll to approve second second okay roll call vote Peter yes Larry yes uh Scott yes Mary yes and I say yes as well and Steve how do you feel unmuting no problem I had to unmute sorry the delay Y no worries so that's the me minut um next item on the agenda Leon reports um we'll start first with Larry with the zba thanks Woody I attended their regular monthly meeting last Thursday a number of items on the agenda but one in particular we may see um it's actually um petition for a variance uh to redryve the redraw the lot lines between the 11 and 15 Sunset Drive did get quite a bit of pu uh push back from the neighbors um if the uh variance is uh is approved then it'll have to come before us for an anr plan and then it has to go back to the assuming that everything's in order it would actually have to go back to the um zba uh to take a look at the uh I I should have said it was to facilitate the construction of a new a new home on that on number 15 and they'll have to then make the required findings under the piod for that um so it's rather complicated um process and we as I say we may well see it as an a inl plane but that's about all I have okay thank you Larry thanks [Music] sarry Conservation Commission uh they met last week fortunately I had trouble logging in but I got in about 15 minutes late um I don't recall anything on the agenda other than um on their agenda other than the 170 Orchard Street and they there was some discussion and they're going to take up the matter at the next meeting um other than that it was uh business as usual nothing that pertained to us that I recall um next item is uh mvpc and that would be Chris thanks Woody um so last week was the mvpc Commissioners meeting um there was uh sort of two parts one was a presentation and the other was regular program updates um so the presentation was from Megan O'Neal who's the executive director of um the NorthShore Habitat for Humanity organization um she was essentially taking the opportunity to talk to all the towns in the marac valley region um so the NorthShore chapter of habitat includes marac Valley and the southern part of the NorthShore so into the mapc region but um she hadn't come to mvpc in a while so was updating everybody on what what their program is what they do um where their projects are how she loves to partner with with towns with communities on town on lands she gave a few examples of different projects um throughout the region that are happening um it's pretty compelling work in addition to building affordable homes I so their their model is home ownership um in contrast to a lot of other organizations that do um affordable housing rentals they really focus on home ownership and on finding families and individuals who need homes and they provide Sweat Equity into actually constructing their own home um so their average home price that they build uh ends up being a value of 245,000 they their their target um residents for these homes are families with an 60% area median income which is in the range of 65 to 98,000 um and the other cool thing just not everyone this was a reminder to me I'm not sure everybody knows but they also provide funding um for um no interest loans and even grants for Rehab work so they provide um funds in the neighborhood of three to $25,000 to help with critical home repairs they do a lot of Aging in place upgrades for elderly um it's a really impactful way to use a small amount of money to make a real difference for people so that was a great presentation um the housing um program update uh was talking about MBTA and how many communities are are working on passing um their multif family MBTA communities um bylaw this fall they been a lot of town meetings um 102 cities and towns in Massachusetts have passed their zoning this year so that's pretty awesome they're definitely you know I feel like we hear a lot about the ones that don't pass it but um pretty awesome that 100 more than 100 including new and all of you um Row's town meeting is tonight by the way so that'll be interesting to see how they do with trying to pass their MBTA zoning um and then the mvpc planners meeting is tomorrow and staying on the theme of housing tonight um they are they have invited staff from the executive office of Housing and livable communities from the state um EA Department of Housing to come speak to all the all the regional planners about the affordable homes Act and the accessory dwelling unit um provision that requires communities to zone for allowing accessible dwelling units by right so that'll be you know it's it's just an hour meeting but it'll be an opportunity to have direct um Q&A with the state staff about that so Daniel and I will be attending that and we'll we'll be bringing feedback from that meeting to the next planning board meeting um let's see we got two minutes should I keep talking Woody if you have other things going on with nbtc please you can they um yeah I guess a couple couple other things I mentioned they have a new director of their environment Pro environmental program um Adrien Lennon she's um she's great I know her through the eight towns in the great Marsh program she's um been a city counselor in Asbury on the open space committee has a great um professional background um for the work and um so I have a meeting with her coming up to explore using local technical assistance funds to help um with the with newberry's open space and wreck Plan update which is a project that the newly formed open space Committee in Newbury is working on um I may have mentioned previously we applied for a grant to to fund some contracted support work for the open space Plan update um but unfortunately that was unsuccessful um from the community onstop program but we're sort of pivoted and are finding new ways to um to get that project uh going again in this fiscal year so I'll keep you all posted on that okay thank you Christ thanks CHR you're welcome I have a a time of 7:15 so we'll start our public heing tonight's meeting is a continuance from November 6 2024 public hearing for Whiffle tree Works level level two site plan review for a nonprofit educational organization use of the barn as one at excuse me at one marshmallow the planning board's public hearing originally scheduled for November 20th 2024 was rescheduled to tonight November 25th 2024 at 7:15 following a written request from the applicant um hello Damon good evening Damon's here we're set to go um Kristen do we have any new public comments submitted in writing as of 1125 no we have not received any public comments since the last um discussion um any any of the planning board members um have new comments this time okay um excuse me do any of the uh members of the public have any comments any new comments at this time I'm not Damon do you have your hand raised uh yes okay um in reviewing the order of conditions one of my uh board members pointed out that it is we are shut down in this order of conditions from November 15th till March 15th and that seems a bit extreme uh we will not conduct a lot of business during that time but in the past we've had a winter craft fair during that time we may wish to do a winter walk in the woods and so I think it is going a bit too far to say we cannot do any activities during that time period I think a condition that prohibited parking behind the barn if there was snow and requiring adequate access for fire is within the keepings of uh the nature of what this order of condition should be about which is the safety not prohibiting us from being able to carry on business so I would like to see that amended okay um kisten can you pull Shen uh share screen that so the board members can see where he's talking about in the on the uh decision part e months of operation on page seven y I'll pull it up can you see that yes no it's good so just to remind um you know everybody listening um the board we shared the screen with draft decision at the last meeting we went through paragraph by paragraph section by section um essentially the board at that time was comfortable um with the language and requested that the decision get uh reviewed by Town Council um which we did and the change um so I also have a Redline draft but what I which I'm happy to pull up if that's helpful um and maybe it will be but uh the modification that Damon's mentioning was a recommendation from Town Council which was originally the language uh essentially said classes and events will not be held during the winter season I think was the previous language and the addition and the additional language was intended to clarify what that actually means um and this is what Damon was referencing was putting actual dates around the parameters of the activities um and I you know I appreciate you bringing it up Damon I I think this was um coming from previous discussions during early hearings over the discussion that because the barn is not um insulated and because of the questions around snow storage and and access in the winter time that have been raised um this was a way to address that and say in the case that you would want to be operating during the winter there would be additional concerns that would require discussion related to parking and the snow storage yes and I I fully understand that why this came about and it was uh only when it was defined this way that I it it made me realize it was in conflict with other things we principally will not be in operation but uh to say that we cannot be in operation is going too far I'm happy to have restrictions saying that we have to check with the fire chief for any winter event to make sure that access is still maintained but I think to say we cannot have any operations for that extended period of time is too restrictive okay I agree with you there Damon U is anyone from the board have questions so I'll go down through um Pet's recuse uh Larry do you have any questions or comments I I do uh Damon I was definitely under the impression that you didn't uh uh intend any winter events out there um let me ask you that um rock boundary wall around the driveway has that been removed I think that was the only concern was was uh a snow storage that might be inhibited by that that wall it has not has this moment been removed um and if that wants to be the order of condition so that there is more room to push snow we will take it away um as I said I think in the previous meeting or maybe it was just a discussion with Kristen that wall was built after the renovation it's not a historic wall and so it going away uh is not a a hardship for anyone yeah that's my understanding it's just a boundary wall it is to Market if if if my memory is correct that was the only objection that came from the fire department that during the winter there wouldn't be sufficient room to snow to store the snow and get a get a fire truck around there so I mean I'm certainly open to uh to amending the language um um but I think it would have to be conditioned upon the removal of that that those stones well could we amend the language let's say I mean winter um is um I think it's December 21 through is it March 21 um each year on or around plus the stone wall Damon would that be uh acceptable to you um I'd prefer not to limit it because we could do things like go for a winter Trail walk and then we would be prohibited from using the space or even having a meeting in it as I read this so I'd rather make the safe the space safe and remove the winter restriction with the understanding that we're not going to be out there very much because it's not you know would be single events we're not you know you can't sit there for a class but if we wanted to have a workday or another event that is either starts there and goes into the woods or or is a special event like the craft fair I just don't see the being closed the order of conditions is supposed to make sure that we're safe and respectful uh of our neighbors and I don't this seems like it just goes too far into inhibiting our ability to to operate whether we we do any operations is is secondary right you have no heat right correct so if you going to do anything more than let's say in February a 15 degree day more than 20 minutes in that building you would need probably some temporary heat right or to dress very warm like when we're working on the farm we going for a hike yeah um hold on one minute if you would please Scot uh Larry do you have anything else uh yeah just one point um I noticed the Town Council suggested that it be um referenced in the decision that I missed one meeting but you know filed the required uh uh Mullen certificate which is fine in in that light I wonder if it also shouldn't reflect that Pete has recused himself because he's a direct of butter okay in that is in SEC what section is that in please I think it's in the uh the opening um I'm just looking at the uh I think it's in the very beginning isn't it that's just ridiculous I mean it hadn't occurred to me that this type of thing needed to be reflected but if my missing one meeting needs to be reflected in the decision I think probably Pete's recusal ought to ought to be reflected as well yes yeah I I was not familiar that that needed to be included and I haven't had a these comments came in on Thursday I haven't had a chance to have have a conversation with Town Council yet but um I I think your point is a good one Larry and I'll check on that there's certainly this section of the procedural um history that where it would be easy enough to just lay that out in terms of how the public hearing proceeded okay do we want to amend that now or not it for review what's Kristen what's the best thing um I if someone wants to suggest language I'm happy to edit it now or we can just note that that that will be added um okay with the appropriate language as reviewed by Town Council very good um if we can go back to E does Larry you you that's it for you for comment yeah I mean my my only concern about it I mean when we originally started looking at this I was anticipating a 12-month operation frankly um and then I I maybe I I heard things differently but I I thought I heard from Damon that they weren't um planning to have any winter activity so you know wasn't a concern uh you my only concern about it is just make sure we we we have appropriate language in there to comply with the fire department's recommendation that's all if somebody wants to go out there in 15 degree temperature God bless them certainly anything we' communicate to people they would know what they're getting s them do is is that something we want to amend now Kristen is it does does Larry do you have any thoughts on language for that um well let's see I I suppose we ought to have Town Council review it but uh let's see uh Buy on the property is currently three season space as such whel Tre from public fence shall not be held in the property during the winter season defined as unless and until the fire department's recommendation for removal of the stone wall boundary is met that sound all right that is fine with me thank you very much for entertaining my uh my concerns Y no problem Damon yeah I think you wanted on the other side of the definition of no of winter Woody I have a question if I may yes go ahead Steve sure I get how um there might be an event in the barn you know throughout the year but uh when Damon mentioned you know a nature walk uh to me that sounded like an event that isn't at the barn and I thought the focus on this um special what this permit if you will was to for activities to be held in the barn and not you know over the river and through the woods for a nature walk in December so I'm wondering whether Demon's use of the words of a nature walk go beyond U the scope that we were talking about for the use of the barn well my my look at what you just said in the situation here is they need a place to park and we're here for parking review and if damid like to reply to that please go ahead yes that's how I readit when I got to look at it a little more in depth and other members of the board did as well is that no operations will take place meaning whifflet Tre can't function can't work during these time periods so it seemed like a so and we do need to park somewhere if we're going to bring people onto the property for a walk on the property so that's why I was asking for a modification because it felt like it just felt uh very restrictive no right I think you're reading it correctly I Kristen i' make it regarding removal of the stone wall boundary is met is is guess I don't we can just end it there I think think your language is good Mary do you have any questions or comments I do not okay so we've amended the and uh you were done with questions Steve that was your only question right uh again my reading of this proposal is it's going to be Barn Centric and not again I'm using the word nature walk because that's the term that I think Damon use well yes but we've also had the craft fair within the time frame you know it was in December three years ago and we held it so that would be in violation of the order the oh yeah yeah maybe I'm not being as clear as I'd like to be but uh you the idea of the craft fair in December or January seems good to me but that's obviously something associated with The Barn in case it's raining in December so I'm not trying to shut down or suggest shutting down all activities but rather just make sure they're Barn Centric I think I um if this helps clarify what I think you're saying Steve um and if it doesn't my apologies but I you know Damon on behalf of whifflet tree will have to address permission and lease with the other owners of property this decision this site plan review decision is Barn Centric that's what we're concerned about so if Whiffle tree as an organization walks on a public property or a private property it will be Whiffle tre's responsibility to assure that their activities can proceed on that other property what we are concerned with here is the barn parcel activities in the parking so yes okay um that being said is there does anyone from the public or from the board have any comments at this time any further comments or new comments we have a raised hand I don't know who it is Helen Mario go ahead Alan I guess just a comment about what was just discussed is that um you know again the broken record that I am where the project just lacks specifics I mean now we're talking about specifics and now we're talking ntion you know he knows that we're going to maybe do nature walks in the winter time and in terms of like safety how how do you take that into consideration where again depending on the conditions at the time if there's snow no snow and where are people walking so I guess you know where's is safety just really bound to these 41 spaces or you know I mean we talk are you just if you're allowing you know the activities and you're talking about safety in terms of allowing activities and allowing you know adding the parking how does where's where's that line drawn maybe it's maybe it's it has no maybe it doesn't um relate to it at all it's you know again it's it's you know to me it's it's again like I said we just it's just off the cuff but it just we're just talking about um because there's no plan this business true business plan we're just talking about random events which maybe not happen or you know how they'll happen so that's why I just kind of so how do you how how are we talking about safety in terms of a nature walk when what does that mean and where you walking and you know where you just usually those 41 spaces and if there's snow and is now does marshmallow become too narrow for cars be parked on marshow Lane and etc etc so that's where um that's just you know just just a general comment about the process and the activities and lack thereof specifics thank you alen that's something you want to address Damon go ahead otherwise I'll continue okay I I I'd like to just make a quick comment which is none of those um I think what the four corners of what the planning board is doing is site plan review for this particular parcel of land so none of none no safety concern Insurance lease agreements activities none of you know regular safety issues on any road on a Snowy Day none of that is not true that it's important um but it's um it's important outside of what is being looked at here in this particular bylaws site plan review Provisions um no other comments from anyone public or board or Damon um I don't know how you guys proceed if you have to vote on that Amendment and and then move on to any other questionss or if we would just move through so I do have a a question on F around food preparation um but I don't know if you need to finish um if you have to finish this one first and then we would move on to other things I believe we can move on um we've we amended it we've amended on there okay now highlighted so on F go right ahead D um so in F there's a uh it says um what is it exactly offering the proposed use does not include offering food or alcohol nor such use permitted under this approval um what I wanted to check is you know we will not be offering food in and of ourselves but does that permit stop us from having a food vendor who has goes before the Health Board and does those sorts of things I don't understand how the language actually is meant to apply to the business I know we can't we're not a food vendor we can't sell food we're not planning to sell food um we're prep prepare food necessarily for sale on site but I'm just confused about how that is how I'm supposed to read and interpret that um you know some people sell candy bars at events things like that is as part of fundraising you know I don't understand what exactly that's intended to say or restrict or mean um you know if we did a class on how to can Dill beam is that providing food I you know that language wasn't clear and its intention to me anytime you serve alcohol you need a a permit from the select board so like so I just wasn't sure what that was aiming at and what it meant well I think the intention is to say what you are saying which is there are other things you will need to serve food and alcohol and this approval is not uh giving you permission for that that's how I read it yeah does it limit [Music] to you know if we you know like I said if there is a music recital often people at the intermission sell snacks would this be prohibitive of that whether they're prepared snacks not cooked on site you know that's that's why I'm asking because it to me it doesn't again it seems uh a little overreaching because there's a lot of restrictions already in the Health Board about how you can serve food when you can prepare food all of those things that we have to abide by I don't see why it's here can I respond to that Woody yes I was just going to ask Larry yeah and first of all Damon I I would be reluctant to modify this language at all because it was specifically put in there by Town Council I'll tell you my interpretation it's similar to what Kristen said it's the same as what Kristen said this is just saying that this document is not a food service permit and I think that I I don't read it as saying you can never have food on site okay I read it as saying that you you can't hold up this document and say we're allowed to have food on site now that's just one man's opinion you might want to have your attorney review it and see if if she agrees you know well that's way too expensive okay but again just what just one person's opinion I I trust your guys's judgment on it it just again it sparked a little alarm about what was intended and what was meant by it but if that's the understanding of of what it is saying then I think we should just proceed yeah okay anything else do you have anything else to ear Mark D no thank you very much all right thank you and unless someone else has anything I'll proceed okay seeing that there's no more public or comments or comments from the board um i' accept a motion to close this public hearing I'll move to close the public hearing okay could I have a second please second okay roll call vote Larry yes Mary yes Scott you muted Scott muted Scott um Steve how do you feel no problem and I vote Yes as well so now now the public hearing is closed um we've you've all had time to review the public decision um Larry I have a question for you yeah because of the Amendments that we've made here um how in your opinion how should we proceed with the decision they need do I uh again it's just one person's opinion but I think we could simply move to and I'm prepared to move to approve the decision as amended okay that was a motion agreed that makes sense okay is that a motion Larry yes okay could I have a second second okay motion made in second for approval of the decision as amended roll call vote Larry yes Mary yes Scott yes and I vote Yes as well Steve how do you feel no problem okay great so that's that being approved um Damon I wish you luck with everything thank you very much for your time and consideration with everything in the future okay that ends our public hearings we have no other public hearings season um next order of business new business um this is notice of intent to sell land at 170 Orchard Street pursuant to mgl chapter 61a section 14 planning the planning board received a copy of the notice from the estate of BL bulgaras of the intent to sell the real estate at 170 orch Street the notice explained that the property is 2.57 Acres that and that a portion of the land is proposed to be used for four single family homes and the balance of the land 13.73 4 acres is to be conveyed conveyed for the purposes of continued agricultural use and land conservation puru pursuant to mgl master Law chapter 61a section 14 the town holds a right of first refusal for the property boards and committees including the planning board may choose to make a recommendation to the select board regarding the exercise of the right of first refusal um so due to the fact that the subdivision plan that we have a subdivision plan here as previously approved by this planning board results in uh four housing units and the preservation of currently uh farmed agricultural land um my recommendation to the select board would be to um to take no action on the first right and refusal um does anyone have any comments on this hearing none I'd entertain a motion that we uh recommend to the select board that the due to the fact that we had we had a site plan review here that um they exercise uh the to pass up on um X exercising the right to um to purchase this I'm sorry I'm I'm stumbling here um to purchase this land and to let it let it out of 16 I hope I said that right I I I agree with you Woody uh I so i' I'd move we recommend to the select board to wave the right of first refusal i' be happy to second that okay have a motion in a second uh roll call vote Peter yes Larry yes uh Mary yes Scott yes can I vote Yes as well Steve how do you feel yes okay very good so Kristen can uh let let the select board know that about the results of that and on moving on on the agenda the only other thing I have and correct me if I'm wrong is U planners director's report planning director's report now go to Kristen right how much time do I have I'm just kidding um uh let's see couple additional updates um following a few that I started at the mbpc um leaon report earlier um on Friday I attended uh I represented the town of Newbury at a green communities um Statewide Summit um I think you all recall but green communities is a state designation program where a town commits to um reducing their energy use um in order to be a partner in the state's goal of reducing um energy by 2050 so Newberry with the support of the great staff at mvpc and a lot of work by Martha um was uh admitted into that program designated a green Community last spring and we um were honored at this um event and there's a plaque and soon there will be some road signs that can be installed at the Gateway roads into town um celebrating the fact that Newbury is the Green community so um that was fun and I will say part of I mean the main purpose of that program is that it opens a door to funding from the state to support um all sorts of projects the first project for Newberry will be um uh installing a new uh component of the hbx system at the new BR Elementary School my understanding is it that the heating and cooling system there hasn't really been upgraded in over 20 years so it'll bring a lot of um Improvement in energy cost both cost and um efficiency and then from year on out we're eligible for grant funding for you can you can get it for light bulbs in your town hall or street lights LED lights you can replace windows on historic buildings with it it really it provides a regular source of revenue for the town to support all those kinds of projects um let's see uh Daniel and I had a short meeting with the developers of 34 Central Street um which as you all know is in the um uh new MBTA multif family zoning bylaw um they're starting some site work work on the property doing topography surveys and some soil testing and they are starting to um develop their proposal which they think will be coming to the town within a month or so it's looking like it'll be a mix of um one two and three bedroom units um which is really what Newberry needs um so we're just looking forward to seeing that move forward um thanks to town meetings vote um to establish that multif family District so I'll keep you posted on that um we've made some great progress on the calwell Farm trail um part of the planning board's open space residential subdivision on the Caldwell Farm property on Elm Street um included a conservation restriction on the open space and a publicly accessible Trail um so that is been laid out on the ground and um DPW will be clearing out the brush since we have a good window of time where the leaves are down and the snow hasn't fallen yet and um the open space committee is going to be involved in helping uh sort of open that trail officially to the public so just want to say it's it's great um Daniel's been a real help in getting that finally going and it's a good um sort of interdepartmental project with DPW the conservation agent and planning and police to assure that you know the access will be safe and it'll be a really great um great Trail great new Trail for the town um we're starting to work believe it or not on FY 26 budget and goals um so I um I recall working on this in January last year but the process has moved up a bit and um there's actually a deadline this week for the first draft goals so I'm going to be working with Woody and Daniel on that um and then I can bring some information to the rest of the planning board at our next meeting um essentially it's part of the annual reporting process where you summarize FY 24 accomplishments um update on fy2 we're halfway through fy2 right now what goals you set and how they're going and then you set your goals for FY 26 so I'd love input on that um for the planning department and at the next meeting or anytime if anyone has any ideas of something you really want the planning board and the planning department to get to work on just send them my way because we're you know the time is now to to um sort of develop those and flesh out what we feel is a reasonable work plan for the next year year and a half um I talked a little bit about the open space recck Plan update but just to just to say again um we were you know I was very disappointed we didn't get the grant that we wrote last summer um but I do think there are other ways to move that project forward and that was a um priority of fy2 um so um looking for more support for the open space committee if anyone's interested and I guess the last thing is just wanted to discuss answer any questions anyone has about any of that but just talk through the next meeting um our regularly scheduled first Wednesday of the month meeting is December 4th so that's nine days from now um next Wednesday and I I had floated whether um at the moment we don't have any permitting uh projects are work on that agenda that draft agenda so I'd like to focus it on more of the workshopping kinds of projects so we've invited um we'd like to talk about the housing production plan which will be in a final draft form um that's been a project that's been underway for more than a year now now but um uh it's finally in a form to finalize and then the planning board would uh consider making a recommendation to the select board to approve the housing production plan as a five-year plan and then it would go off to the state for um review and approval as well so I wanted to spend a little time at the next agenda on um discussing that and reviewing that um and we've invited Ian burn and um his staff to come to that meeting so that's one agenda item and then the other would be focusing on the zoning amendments that are in the works for annual town meeting in April um so we'd invite our our other guest star speaker being Martha Taylor um to join us next week and Daniel and I were thinking it would be fun to have that meeting in person um so I just want to discuss that with you all and see if that works um we could either try to meet in the afternoon on Wednesday the 4th any anytime between one o'clock and five o'clock seems to work for the people I've talked to so far or we could meet at s at night in person um or if in person doesn't work we can talk about that anyone have any well I I can do any of the above I can't as well I have a little bit of a bump I'll be driving uh to New Jersey on Wednesday but I would be available at night remotely if that was where we landed fine with it pry thank you I just don't like 7 o00 like true what do you prefer Mary I'm sorry I said what do you prefer oh um um one to four seems fine in person any time between them okay go how do it work for you um I'm not sure yet uh Woody but um I'll do my very very best to uh uh to make that and Pete you wouldn't be there in person in the afternoon right I would not okay um yeah I could I could probably check in with uh Kristen tomorrow okay so uh Kristen do you want to leave this as as is for now and we'll discuss it tomorrow um we can I we need to post the agenda by Wednesday um and if we're going to I mean I honestly I'd love to have you all there that is my preference um I get that meeting scheduling is really tricky um but I do think for this kind of agenda in person would be great um so I feel mixed um this is the time that we've talked about with mvpc since it's our regular you know meeting date anyway um if uh if we have no public hearings we're not necessarily locked in for the fourth either but do do another day I I can always plug in rolely too it's better than listening to music yeah I just checked um I'm gonna I'm gonna be out of town and uh in a meeting the afternoon of the 4th um but I could [Music] do um I could do remotely on the fourth that evening or um I think as Pete just said or Larry um you know another day maybe even Thursday is it um would is it okay to do a remote um if you're not in Massachusetts just curious I'm not saying you're doing that Scot I'm just curious it's fine let's say I'm in Vermont and uh I dial in it says clearly that it's got to be Massachusetts right Kristen correct it's you can if if you're on Zoom you're on zoom we're all just on our weird screen it doesn't matter where you actually are yeah long you don't when they first come out with remote participation you had to State the reason and one of the reasons was being out of state so yeah you can do it from anywhere okay sounds good all out of the community I should say was so sounds like our options are regular time regular place meaning Wednesday night December 4th at 7 o'clock on Zoom that's one option that sounds like could work for everybody um or find another time know the date for an interest um is Ian Ian and Matha would be available at seven on Wednesday um yes they both said they could do afternoon or evening on the 4th all right well I'll leave it up to the board does anyone want to seek another day and time to do an in-person meeting or do we want to do 7 o'clock on next Wednesday F it's fine with me if it's on the regular day um okay 7 o'clock because uh you know getting having the meetings all at the same time is easier than trying to split them up well so who would be participating remotely Pete and Scott if it was uh Wednesday evening yeah I mean the rest of us could meet in person because I I I I agree with your your feeling Kristen for this type of meeting in person if at all possible would be a good thing I I I agree and um yeah I give it my best shot um I do have a a Wednesday meeting in DC but um um depending what time that uh that meeting ended um I could you know more than like there's a good shot I could get back by 700 p.m. in person dides that um Mary how do you feel about inperson at seven at night fine okay as long as it's not at my house I was gonna say well I'll come over yeah all right so it sounds like seven o'clock next Wednesday we set the agenda up and we can do a hybrid so P can participate yeah I I think we'll be able to figure that out right Dan okay yes we will be able to figure that out all right well let us know yeah I think if it's in the evening it sounded like it um Ian would also be remote most likely um but I'm sure Martha can be in person so yeah we'll just we'll plan on 7 o'cl on the 4th um hybrid good all right great thank you everybody that's all I have send me ideas about FY 26 if you got any krisen could I ask you a question what do if it's okay go right ahead hey how how is our uh accessory dwelling uh bylaw dub tailing with the new kind of package that's rolling out um yeah thank you for just asking that because um I'll answer your question and then I will say or I will say first we would like to spend time on that at on December 4th as well and um so part of the Martha zoning amendments Adu flood plane um bylaw update and then the general reca ification those are the three categories that we'll dive into more next week um in general Pete it's we think we're in pretty good shape there we will be able to make modifications to what the town's current accessory um structure bylaw is um which is currently uh a sort of more restricted version that the states new law mandates kind of opening up not just that it's by right but that it can be detached or attached um that it's uh you know can't be restricted in terms of um being rented for oh who did we lose somebody um can't be restricted it looks like we lost Woody um in terms of being only rented or lived in by a family member of the prim AR dwelling there's sort of an a few places where the it sort of opens up the provision um but in general I don't think it's we don't think it's going to be a big um a sort of controvers I don't well who knows but we'll discuss and review it and see if there are any components of it that people have questions about it's fairly understandable I guess is what I'm trying to say it's not a big change it's not it's more a modification than some some totally new idea cool because we currently do allow for non-family members we do allow for income to De generate for people that want to age at home we do allow attached and detached so that's I was looking to see how because I would think we were dovetail to any to any configuration that might come down the road yeah I good it's good okay it's looking good you're right there's not there's not huge changes thank you Kristen if I may repeat my uh question about how does it affect overlay districts which abound throughout the Commonwealth and certainly in Newbury yeah so um you still have to adhere to dimensional requirements and and um anything like the water supply protection overlay District or um The Plum Island overlay District um as far as Town Council is advising at this point none of none of the you know parameters around what's required by those overlays changes so to be specific um if you currently on a lot in Plum Island are allowed to have three bedrooms and your single family dwelling unit already has three bedrooms you would not be allowed to uh build an Adu with additional bedrooms that's we're getting clear you know counsil on that from Town Council um that's at the moment what we're being advised right but again my understanding was that the piod would not allow for a duplex to be built period you know it's one residence period and would not allow for uh a separate dwelling unit and mean also where I go with that is that I think that's the kind of thing we need to know not as an advisory opinion but a certain you know binding opinion um is an old school of thought which I subscribe to that says if you don't understand something that's coming before you to vote on you vote no because you can always bring it back but don't say well we think it's going to mean this so I'm going to vote Yes um my predilection this is just a general philosophical statement is to uh be prepared to vote no on something that isn't crystal clear well I I get I mean we will have a clear opinion from Town Council before we bring the modified language to town meetings so I I agree with you that's you know that's that's the work that the workshop and the planning board needs to do to develop the language that is um legal uh appropriate for the community of Newberry um clear you know and we'll need to do a lot of that work to communicate and answer questions and have you know public meetings if needed and public hearings in order to just have those discussions ahead of time ahead of the vote so Kristen I don't mean to throw like a real confusing wrench into this but um when Steve just said something it it trickered me you know we're not kind of a unique environment because we're a Coastal Community and so people want to come to Coastal communities and so we're setting up the access accessory dwelling unit with parameters that seem they're pretty loose are we opening up the can of worms for rental stuff um are you talking about short-term rentals or yeah yeah well it's it's part of the discussion for sure is the state address that at all um we're waiting for the state to come out with regulations and guide and a guidance document and that's I am guaranteed we'll be talking about this tomorrow at mvc's planners meeting and hopefully we'll hear more information um at the moment they haven't been telling any of the communities when they're coming out with that guidance document but that could actually be a huge backfire to the whole concept of what what they're trying to achieve I mean we know what we're trying to achieve we're trying to achieve more more dwelling units that are affordable that are you know family family you know but I can just see wow so there has to be some sort of buffer in there yeah I maybe I'm not quite sure what you're saying Pete which is why we need a workshop but you communities can restrict them to not be used for short-term rentals that's up to each Community it's my understanding well of course the uh real estate Community or should I say the investor Community would uh certainly fight tooth and nail I'm sure to be able to maximize a potential rate of return by being allowed to add units and then do short-term rentals certainly that's what we're seeing out here in Plum Island so it's not an abstract concern it is a reality already got it Steve yeah po Woody I believe is trying to log on through his phone are we did we get you Woody I'm back on my phone I keep getting kicked out and I don't have a Wi-Fi signal so that's where I'm at I'm in a bad self service area where I am and I don't have Wi-Fi well we're you can hear me Chris we're beginning our discussion of what we'll be spending more time discussing next week so um so we can update you oh uh I Pete do you wna take the Reigns as Vice chair um is there anything else on the agenda we need to talk about okay that being the case and only because what you back I was going to call moment all right I was gonna uh see if there's anything else in the agenda there isn't so I was going to suggest we conclude this meeting and call for a motion to adour I'll move to a journ is there a second second alrighty uh I see no discussion uh prevailing uh Larry how do you feel sir yes very good H Mary yes indeed all right Scott yes Woody you there buddy I am I am for the moment thank you Pete yes all right good and uh I would say we can adjourn and Steve you feel the same way I think right oh yes indeed all right every everyone thanks so much and sorry for the for the the bumps with technology have a good night good night everybody you good night everybody