so as a preliminary matter this is Larry Murphy chair of the newburry planning board permit me to confirm that all members and persons anticipated on the agenda are present and can hear me planning board members when I call your name please respond in the affirmative Peter posos yes Woody Knight yes Mary Stone yes Scott K not yet no uh Steve manjon yes in town staff when I call your name please respond in the affirmative Martha Taylor planning director yes and Kristen Grub's assistant Town planner um and we don't have any anticipated speakers on the agenda um so this is the April 3 2024 open meeting of the Newbury planning board and it's being conducted remotely consistent with chapter two of the acts of 2023 which extends the governor's March 12 2020 order suspending certain provisions of the open meeting law general laws chapter 30A section 20 until March 31 2025 this order suspends the requirement of the open meeting law to have all meetings in a publicly accessible physical location and allows public bodies to meet entirely remotely so long as reasonable Public Access is afforded so that the public can follow along with the deliberations of the meetings for this meeting the Newbery planning board is convening by video conference via Zoom as posted on the planning board's agenda which can be found on the town's website in which uh identifies how the public may join you may join by going to http backback and entering meeting ID 832 7149 7141 305 6 passcode 10879 by calling 1 92920 5699 and entering the meeting ID number and passcode when prompted um please note that this meeting is being recorded and that attendees are participating by video indoor telephone conference the meeting is also being broadcast live through local access cable channel 99 on zoom and at and the recording will be available on the new access YouTube channel meeting materials were provided to the board members prior to the meeting for review applicants or their representatives may be called upon to speak and if needed share information to the screen please State your intention after you have been called before we turn to the first item on the agenda please permit me to cover the uh ground rules for Effective and clear conduct of our business and to ensure accurate meeting minutes as chair I will introduce each speaker on the agenda after after speakers conclude their remarks I will go down the list of board members inviting each by name to provide any comment questions or motions please hold until your name is called further for all attendees except board members and staff please remember to mute your computer using your mute button or your phone using star 6 to toggle mute or unmute when you're not speaking please use earbuds or earphones with tablets and cell phones please remember to speak clearly and in a way that helps generate accurate minutes Please be aware that video participants can see you and that you should take care not to screen share your computer anything that you broadcast may be captured by the recording for any response please wait until I yield the floor to you and state your name before speaking if board members wish to engage in discussion with other members please do so through me taking care to identify yourself when you wish to speak uh there will be an opportunity for public comment and questions during public hearings after board members have spoken I will afford the public an opportunity to comment and or ask questions as follows I will see questions and comments through the zoom raised hand function for video conference participants to raise your hand hover over the bottom of the zoom window below the photo gallery and click on the gray hand that appears please ensure your name is fully and correctly displayed on the excuse me on the participant list you may rename yourself by using the more function next to your name for telephone particip ipants to raise your hand in a zoom meeting at star9 on your phone keypad I will then allow questions and comments from members of the public who have raise their hands in the order in which they are listed which is determined by the order in which people click on the raised hand function each participant will be called on to provide his or her name and address and then ask a question or make a comment I will afford the applicant or participant or his or her representative the opportunity to reply your hand will be lowered when you've been given the floor for your question I will then continue down the list of those in the raised hand column and again afford the participant applicant or representative an opportunity to speak should there be a physical or electronic submitt of questions or concerns they will note they will be noted for the record and again the participant applicant or representative will be aford afforded the opportunity to speak if the issues raised have not yet been addressed and finally please note that each vote taken in this meeting will be conducted uh by roll call vote so turning to the agenda the first item uh on the agenda is an anr submission but I understand that that's not ready to go forward tonight so we'll pass over that uh the next item is the March 2024 financial report and the following uh payroll warrants for the planning director and assistant planner were processed PR 24-19 for the pay period ending 3924 and PR2 24-20 for the pay period ending 32324 under planning board expense uh invoices wise and reli Verizon Wireless planning board iPad 32724 and under escrow accounts uh for Joseph sueta construction inspections for 68 Green Street also known as Farm View Lane subdivision 32724 um the next item on the agenda is on the new business is overview of proposed revisions to chapter 117 uh subdivision of land and site plan review submission requirements and procedures uh and we need to uh set a public hearing date Martha for the subdivision of land regulations isn't that correct um public hearing for um modifying both yes yeah uh it was my understanding that um I'm sorry go ahead why don't you go ahead and uh if you could just bring us up to speed on this um sure so these are primarily related to the town's um ms4 which is Municipal small um sore system um General permit which is issued by the Environmental Protection Agency and uh the permit was issued back in 2016 um and we have had uh compliance requirements each year as it turned out some of our our regulations and bylaws unfortunately Ely um need to be slightly amended to be in compliance um we have a consultant who's been working with James seret who heading up our storm water program uh to to help prepare um the annual storm water report um as well as doing um outfall testing and that kind of thing and she has reviewed the storm water well the storm water rules and regulations and our site plan review submission requirements um and noted a few things that need to be updated since those are regulations we do not need town meeting approval for those the board can amend those but they need to be done um through a public hearing process uh there's also some bylaw changes that need to be made and unfortunately those can only go to town or be adopted by town meeting and it's too late for this town meeting uh to do that so we're going to have to sort sort that out so that that involves both um some amendment to our site plan review bylaw as well as our storm water bylaw so um Larry if you'd like I can pull pull the changes up on the screen or we can yeah why don't you do that Mar okay I'll see I'm doing this for my home computer hopefully it will everything will work so um site plan submission first so Rene has noted that under our application procedure we need to explicitly note that during the preapplication preapplication conference will be um including discussion about potential water quality impacts and incorporation of low impact development site planning and design strategies um for both level one and level two site plan review lots of times quite honestly level one is is very minor and doesn't doesn't include um potential water quality impacts but if there were to be some they you know they need to be explicitly discussed the other thing that needs to be done is a revision to our uh record drawing some of you may remember actually back in 2020 we uh we did amend these um uh John oconnell had um who had been on top of our storm water program for many many many years and leading the charge and getting us ahead of ahead of the requirements had had um proposed some changes which we adopted at that point but we need to actually do more now um specifically about um on-site storm water controls so those are those are the changes to our submission requirements and procedures that need to be done I will stop sharing this now and call up the subdivision regulations and the change here again is with respect to requirements for storm uh record drawings and the same same requirement that she had recommended adding to the site plan review um uh regulations so um you know it's relatively straightforward we were thinking that it might be a good opportunity to take a look maybe particular ly at the site plan review um submission requirements and procedures to see if there's anything else that might be appropriate to amend at this point um but the time sensitive part of this really has to do with um you know compliance with the ms4 general permit and meeting epa's requirements um we have a deadline of June 30th um of this year to to get that done so um does anybody have any questions about any of that right seems pretty straightforward all right so um if we could take a look at the calendar I think the earliest um would be our May 1 meeting and I know James is very eager eager to get this taken care of um so we would need to have the have the public hearing advertised um by the 15th which is actually a a holiday so it would probably might need to be in the paper before that so the ad would need to get in next week if we wanted to give ourselves an opportunity to do a review ourselves and see if there's anything else we want to change I think we could aim for the May 15th meeting um that would still be you know I'm I'm I'm going to make an assumption which is always dangerous but that we could it would be one public hearing it wouldn't need to be continued and that we could um you know still meet meet the June 30th deadline if we do that but um it really obviously it depends on your schedules if you if you have any conflicts with either of those meeting dates so May 1 or May 15 uh the my only comment is that may 1 uh is the day after the annual town meeting um yes it might put you in something of a time crunch to get everything together or would it um it's hard to say I think immediately after town meeting we have to put every you know if if the bylaw is adopted um we'll need to get everything ready for submission to the Attorney General's office um and we do have some some information sessions which Kristen will talk about leading up to town meeting so the 15th um might be a little bit more of a comfortable date okay anyone have any thoughts about that 15th sounds great like a motion I wouldn't be I won't be here on the first I'll be in new hamption oh all the more reason okay but you'll be here on the 15th Mary uh 15th indeed I will okay sounds good okay did I hear a motion Pete there you have it second to hold a public hearing on these matters on May 15 7:15 715 via Zoom is there a second second thank you Woody um any discussion Then Pete how do you vote Yes Woody how do you vote Yes Mary how do you vote Yes and I vote Yes as well so we got the 15th Martha thank you very much okay all right and if there um if there are any other uh revisions that we feel would be appropriate to um take up at this time we'll get those ready um uh for the next planning board meeting so this the 17th okay that's good go over those uh the next item on the agenda under new business is a discussion um regarding um putting a public comment segment on our planning board agenda um quick background at least as I understand it um is there have been some recent developments in the law that um um impact the way we allow public comment outside of public hearings so in other words for other non-public hearing agenda items and I I guess the recommendation now is that rather than um allow people to comment during the the course of um uh going through the various items on the agenda that uh it it's recommended uh that a better way to go uh is to have a public comment section in the agenda but there are certain restrictions to that uh and Martha maybe you could uh you could the planning excuse me the the select board and fincom have both adopted U uh uh guidelines for that that they put on their agenda Martha do you have those you could put up um I do um or I should anyway hold on a second it's um written in front of me if you want me I just read them um yeah maybe although I had um I actually had one from um the finance committee last night which handled it in an interesting way let me see I think I may have it yep can you oops it's loading can you see this now yes so this first portion up here is the standard public comment thing that both the finance committee and the select board have at the beginning of their meetings um which is to receive oral communication from members of the public members of the public May address the in this case the finance committee for up to three minutes finance committee will not engage in discussion on topics raised during public comment but may choose to add the topic to a future agenda this agenda segment will be limited to 15 minutes last night the finance committee went through the um the warrant and took their votes on all of the warrant articles that they felt were appropriate for their recommendation and um Erica the chair had actually added some anticipating that there might be public comment on some of the other you know some of the agenda items specifically she provided again language allowing public comment in this case um up limited up to 10 minutes on that particular uh agenda item and this isn't anything that we've discussed but I thought it was kind of an interesting way to um you know perhaps allow discussion uh as we go through the agenda if if there are things that we know the public might want to comment on so I'm just throwing you know throwing out there that out there is that there is some precedent for doing that yeah and it would make sense if it was something of great public interest it isn't technically a public hearing one thing I I think we would have to do if if it's if if the board uh decides we're going to go on this route um we would have to have some language in the initial public comment um section uh pointing out that that they could not comment on matters that actually are the subject of a public hearing and would have to reserve their uh um uh their comments until the public hearing um but I I anyway I just wanted to just get the sense of the board how you feel about going in this direction uh Pete um I think it's a good idea Larry um I like the idea of the first uh public comment uh that was being made and then specific the second with the 10minute limit to anything that might be of interest and I think the third component of having probably Guidance just to make sure that we have the correct wording uh regarding uh our active public hearings you know from legal but I think you know having those components would be really appropriate good thank you what are your thoughts I think it's good as well uh said it well and also um this if there was public comment whether we got it open um this is a question if there was public comment and it was uh not re the public comment was not regarding a um public hearing that we had whether it was that night or not um we wouldn't speak of it but would we have this public comment segment in the very beginning of the meeting I guess is my question yes I I think I think that's the intention um and U but you're right if if you look at at the um what the fincom has done which is essentially what the select board did um we can't actually discuss these things but they could be the the topic of a future agenda item um now it's it's it's clumsy but um to to put it that way but I think that's the uh the takeaway from these uh couple of one at least one if not more court cases that have come down um giving guidance on public comment at at the public meetings um I'm not articulating that very well but I think you got my point yes and I think it would be best to start the meeting with the public comment and get it out of the way because a lot of our hearings don't start till 7:15 so I think it's a good yeah would it would it would have that Advantage too and then as was pointed out if there are were particular items we felt that we wanted to allow the public to comment on as they were taken up in the agenda we could uh we could also add an additional um section um uh Mary what what what's your feeling L an additional section where no I'm not saying we do it in every case but there was something that was not a public hearing but that might have you know uh some public interest we could also have an additional provision in there to allow public comment at that time okay because my understanding is if if we don't have these ground rules in place then the public comment go Section can or um public comment can get out of control I guess we don't have much much control over it or the time the time spent on it um did that answer your question yes thank you L uh Steve your thoughts I think it's a good idea to have public comment and I think the way it's worked for the select board and now perhaps the fincon it's a good road road uh road map that's worked in terms of controlling the amount of time for the debate to ensue so I fully support it good thank you Martha I don't know that we need a formal vote on this um uh I think perhaps we could leave it that that you and I can work together and see if we can come up with some language that Town Council would approve and bring that back to the board yeah I think that would be I think that would be good i' certainly whatever we whatever we come come up with um especially adding language about public hearings and and if we also want to include this sort of public comment opportunity partway through an agenda we appropriate I want to run all of that by Town Council yeah all right I think I think we're all in agreement so um let's plan to do that and we'll be back with something to the board okay um next item the agenda is old business which is none uh now we have liaison reports um for the select board Martha do you have anything uh just very briefly they did meet on the on the 26th of March and uh the bulk of the agenda was clam licenses um but Bill um Bill Deo gave a very brief report he um Sean uh Reen the mayor of Newberry Port has uh basically as assembled a committee um to look at the Wittier uh Regional agreement and uh bill is serving as newbury's representative with Tracy is an alternate so he just uh gave a very brief update I think they're trying to Wade through it and every time you have a regional it was hard and it's been hard enough with with Triton's Regional agreement but when we've got 11 communities it's um it's it's going to be a task so they're just beginning that process and that was really the only thing of note thanks Mar uh for zba I really don't have anything I reported at our last meeting on their March meeting and uh I I don't know what they have coming up for April but I'll be able to report on that uh at our next meeting um W anything from conservation conservation met last night um the only thing I recall being on the agenda that pertain to us was um on Main Street 17 main I think it was when we saw it was the anr lot changes and they're just starting the process on one of the Lots so with conservation so other than that um I don't we have a s sidewalk on Friday as well but other than that um that was it that I recall right thanks Woody and welcome Scott hey sorry I'm late um had a little bit of an emergency but um I hope everything's all right everything's good thank you but we're we're down on on the lia on um reports right now and uh that leads mvpc Martha uh so uh two meetings to report on the Commissioners met on the 21st of March um guest speaker um at that meeting was Derek Schuster from mot who gave a um a tip STI 101 course tip is the transportation Improvement plan and STI is State Transportation Improvement plan and unfortunately um it was a hybrid meeting I was participating by Zoom so um the slideshow was not cooperating particularly so we those of us in our offices didn't get the full benefit but it was basically an overview of how the you know how the how the tip Works which is very complicated and I will say even after sitting through that um it's still a little bit of a mystery to me but um you know it just goes again to to kind of point up how mvpc tries to help us and bring in relevant speakers uh to talk about the things that we're all involved in and they did have program updates from all of their um all of their staff members um there was also a planners meeting on the 28th um and we had updates from all of their program managers particularly on the things that were you know work were all involved in um obviously the NBTA communities and and uh their environmental programs um Vision zero which is the transportation um initiative funded by a shared streets and spaces Grant um aiming toward zero fatal injuries and zero um significant crashes um and Technology they are I think I might have mentioned this before they are in the process of um updating my map and um they're they're that will be rolling out it's an 18-month Grant that's doing this but they're hoping to get it done sooner than that so that's something that will keep you up to speed on just because it's such a tremendously useful tool for all of us that's it okay thank you well I'm G to turn back to you Martha for the planning director's report okay um so a few things last night um if you were actually reading the finance committee's agenda um the the thcom did vote on their recommendations regarding the warrant articles and because there is a financial impact related to the MBTA multif family zoning they decided they're PR they're generally they do not vote on on zoning articles but in this case they they decided because there is a financial impact it was appropriate for them to do so so there was discussion um Lisa me was there Town Council and was able to uh Fields some of their questions um and so the the final vote actually was six voted to recommend six in favor one opposed and no abstentions and the person who was opposed I think um had some concerns about long-term um long long-term cost of you know CH school children and um you know other impacts on the town that might um might outweigh the loss of of um State funding and other considerations so um we have been continuing to work with um Ian and Kayla on getting a new fact sheet updated and scheduling some information sessions one of which they'll be at and Kristen do you want to do you want to talk about that public Outreach component sure um thanks Martha um so we've done a news release announcing the dates and times of the info session just on the planning news page so that is up on the town website and we're um in the process of getting the town to send that out on social media and on um the homepage but for for all of you and for those of you listening um we will be holding info sessions um in advance of town meeting um to discuss the multif family zoning amendment in particular um the first one is Saturday April 13th um 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. and that that is in town hall in the offices um in the selectboard meeting room on the second floor um that'll be uh Martha and I will be available sort of on a dropin basis that morning morning so there's no particular program we'll have information and be available to answer questions um after people do their dump runs they can come visit us in Byfield and we'll have some donuts or something um so that's Saturday morning April 13th and then we're going to have two others one is Tuesday April 16th from 5: to 630 um that's Town Offices late day open till 7 anyway so again those will be drop in office hours and then finally uh Wednesday April 24th the week before town meeting um we're having a slightly more formal um presentation with um marac Valley Planning Commission Ian and Kayla are going to join us um at 6 starting at 6:30 so Wednesday April 24th at 6:30 again in the um hearing room on the second floor of the Town Offices um we've also been updating the fact sheets and those are available online and if people are interested in sharing them sharing paper copies we're happy to you know provide those to you and and let you um share them if you have any audiences or meetings or other um places to get those out and about um that would be really helpful um did I miss anything Martha no I think you covered it well thank you yeah okay thank you both does that conclude the planners report Martha yeah U no actually it doesn't um Kristen what about the COA do you want to mention that one as well um I think that's people who've already signed up but um next week There's an event happening at the COA and I've been talking with Cindy the director about ways to um communicate about this Housing Initiative with some of the older people in town who um you know some of the conversation about the demograph the Aging demographics of the town of Newbury and that um we have a lot of three and four bedroom homes but not so much opportunity for people to downsize if they're um you know if they're at a point in their life where that's desirable so just kind of sharing that conversation about some of the housing data and projections and how this initiative to create zoning opportunities for um producing more affordable and um smaller size uh dwelling units so anyway Cindy was very open to that discussion and you know going to places where people are coming already is something we're interested in doing more of um so next Thursday um no next Tuesday evening at game night we'll also be talking about housing so I'm very grateful to the COA for kind of welcoming that discussion um with their programming and Bill Deo um on the select board is also sort of helping do that presentation with me he's very involved in the COA so good thank you so um just a couple of other things um we do have a couple of applications that um people are trying to tea up right now uh Vince Goden has been in touch with us um to have a pre-application conference for the Sunset Club and um we're looking at probably next week uh potentially Thursday morning so that we can get the appropriate Town staff there um he also said that he would welcome somebody from the planning board to attend obviously you know um you so if one or two members wanted to be there not not a quorum because this would not be a formal hearing uh please let me know when I can make sure that um that we um include you in the in the meeting invitation that will probably be at Town Hall uh the other one is um the Forest Street property which was um you know has been on on the market and then there is someone who is is interested in that we've had a preliminary informal conversation and are looking to meet with the fire department and sort of get get a few things answered before they they move forward um we did have a site meeting at 68 Green Street yesterday the Farm View Lane um subdivision to continue uh looking at um some of the storm water issues that are there one is ponding at the end of the road where where it meets um Green Street and uh James our DPW director was there as well Sean our our new conservation agent uh to talk about a solution and they're moving forward with with that um everybody seemed to feel that since it's related to the project and it's immediately adjacent to the roadway that that um this could could go forward and then there's some some storm water issues related um to grading at both lot one and lot to which are kind of ongoing but we talked about some some solutions and hopefully those will um those will be satisfactorily addressed um Mike do Santos or actually his his attorney Bill heene mentioned that uh lot two is now under agreement they are hoping to close on that soon so Mike is is would like to come in to request release of lot to from the um performance Covenant which will involve since he's not done with the project it will involve probably greater greater request to get Rel to release the performance Covenant Al together and provide funds in escrow whether it's a bond or some other form for the remaining amount so um Mike is going to have his engineer um Millennium put together and his contractors put together cost which we'll have reviewed by Joe to see you know determine the appropriate amount so um his hope as I said is to get on the April 17th agenda that may be a little optimistic so we we'll have to see but um those are those are my items and Steve have Steve you got your hand raised yes please if I may Mr chair uh Martha if it's appropriate I'd be interested in seeing what the agenda looks like regarding Sunset Club I may if appropriate give you some feedback or not or at least be aware of what is on the table from the Sunset Club uh you I'm inan that delicate position of being a near a butter to the uh operation so I want to be sensitive to being kosher about the whole thing so if you can I'd love to see the agenda if you can't we can ride it out yeah I'm not and there's not really a particular agenda um but it's it is to come in and you know sort of talk talk through what their proposal is to um you know see make sure that they're addressing everything that needs to be addressed before the before the application comes in so um he is Vince is having an updated plan done I've asked him to send us something that delineates all of the resource areas he's going to say send an old plan which I can certainly forward to all of you and then when the one comes in I can forward that as well and that's next Thursday montha that's what we're aiming for right now um it was Vince's suggestion and it looks like um at the moment it looks like the key people from the town are available but I need to follow up on that and confirm um well if it's Thursday morning I'm available to participate if uh if you'd like okay that that would be great yeah I think um if one or two of you would like to be there that would be super um yeah just we don't want three because then we'll have to post it as a meeting which is I I know I cannot so that leaves you know uh Martha where is it going to be held again the meeting um I'm assuming that it will be in in probably in the in our hearing room at 12K way okay all right um and again the time sorry just yeah hasn't hasn't been set yet oh okay that's what I what I was yeah i' be very interested and again we we're really only looking for a maximum of two people so that we don't have a right okay so maybe maybe you guys can sort it out among yourselves right again okay thank you Martha um I had one more thing related to mvpc sort of regional work um I just thought the board might be interested in um there there are safe streets and roads for all program that I know Martha just mentioned and we've talked about but the vision zero um they're they have data that's available on a viewer that and they're looking to get it in front of um Community groups um bike pedestrian advocacy groups um they're asking towns if there are any venues where you know they could go set up a table and get some foot traffic and get people participating in this so one thing I want to do is get that information on the website and then you know do a news blast and at least have people able to view that what it shows is the data where crashes have occurred in you know across the region but you can zoom in on Newberry and then um you know they're also looking for data and input from the community members on places that they you know anecdotally also have concerns about or questions about or would like to see improved um active Transportation corridors things like that so I just wanted to kind of give a heads up that I I would like to get that information more fully available to the public and if any of you on the board are you know this sounds particularly interesting to you I'd love to you know Martha and I can meet with you and talk a little more maybe we can brainstorm together um and then just one well two two areas of town that that we've talked about with the staff are the crossing of Boston Road across route one where the flashing yellow is um near Martha's um familiar with that neck of the woods trying to be a pedestrian Crossing route one there can be very tricky so they invited um to set up an audit like actually have a Transit audit occur at that site we're going to be getting more information about that but it would be you know sort of standing there and observing with people who are very skilled professionals um looking at traffic flow and um so that's an an area and then related to Plum Island which is what made me think of it um Plum Island Center is also an area that has sort of been identified as potential for improvements related to pedestrian um and different kinds of Transportation um safety improvements so again just kind of wanted to mention that it's a super interesting project um it's in early stages looking for input if people are interested in that just feel free to reach out to me very good thank you Kristen thanks Krist I definitely plan on reaching out to Kristen on that topic of uh seeing this will be anecdotal again but U my will have to do with how bicyclists do not follow the rules of the road as I've seen them blast through crosswalks many a time when pedestrians are trying to cross the road and it's one thing about thinking about capacity and how much we can say come on down without proper enforcement but I'll save that for more discussions with Kristen thank you very good thank you yeah I I'll just that's that I appreciate that um Steve for sure and there are lots of complicated issues obviously about a barrier Beach Island um and all kinds of human interaction with the resources um I will say both the police and DPW have been a part of some of these discussions and I know there are lots of strategies that the town has been working on and continues to work on for the year so I don't want it to seem like you know nothing's been happening over the years but I think there it's always worth um just discussing and seeing if there are ways to improve and there's a lot of money out there right now for um transportation and safety improvements so there could be some ways that Newbury could get support to you know make some of these improvements um after the planning is done sure if I could I look forward to contributing I'm sorry Peter no no no I was just going to say l uh just to pipe in I I think the that intersection uh with Boston Boston Road I think I didn't you know I was really hesitant about what they were doing in Riley about putting a traffic light on Route One and slowing down traffic I gotta tell you I think it really helps GVS a lot because it just it slows down the speed of people hitting that next blinky light yeah that that was a particularly dangerous intersection there a lot of acents that a particular inter section yeah Christian I'm sorry lry yeah um chrisan where's the money coming from where you said there was funding for the city um this planning project is money through um the Federal Transportation okay act I believe I think it's Federal money that's channeled through the state and then out to the regions um and there's I mean there actually a number of different ways that I think like certain areas of town like Plum Island Center in particular there are actually a number of different kinds of funding opportunities um there's additional money through this Federal program which would sort of necessitate a regional project because it's you know bigger dollars and communities sort of partnering together um but the onstop the community onstop program which is this State's sort of Clearing House for all kinds of infrastructure related grants has a number of opportunities and um that's you know we talked about that a little bit with the finance committee last night because those are the kind of opportunities that um just to bring this conversation back around but those are the kind of grant opportunities that newb would lose access to if we weren't compliant with the MBTA so it's um there there's there's a lot of ways and in most cases there's a local match required for Grant so it's not to say the money is you know free to the town um you have to show that you're you're a partner in it and put up some local dollars but um but it's it's out there that's great thanks Kristen good any anything further on the planers report that's it no okay well we'll move on then thank you both it was very informative um last item on the agenda of the planning board meeting minutes uh for March 6 to March 20th March 20th minutes aren't uh ready yet so we'll pass over those has everyone had an opportunity to review the March 6 yes meeting minutes I'm sorry Mary yes I have yes um I have as well and I I don't see any issues looks complete to me does anyone else have any uh thoughts on it would anyone care then to move to accept the uh March 6 2024 meeting minutes so moved L thank you Mary is there a second thank you thank you Woody any discussion Then Pete how do you vote Yes Woody how do you vote Yes Mary how do you vote Yes and thanks a lot getting together thank you thanks Scott how do you vote Yes I vote Yes as well so the March 6 20124 meeting minutes are approved and that's it that's 748 uh would anyone care to move to adjourn wants to go home all right Mary thank you a second second thank you Scott any discussion Then Pete how do you vote yes Woody how do you vote Yes Mary how do you vote Yes Scott how do you vote Yes yes all right and I vote Yes as well very all right thank you all it's a good meeting a lot of good information appr it thank you thanks Larry thanks