##VIDEO ID:p4JeoMYpCXw## I a meeting of recreation committee on November 13th at I don't know what time it is 6:43 um members present we'll start down the left with Daniel uh Daniel Jones Mary Anastasia Michael Crouch David bro Mark s excellent uh did everyone get a chance to look over the uh minutes from minutes I added the dollar amount for the basketball two four basketballs hand pump needles and baskets or been put them in um there was question about the conversation I I had in my notes that we spoke about uh shade permanent shade issues when I went back to the um archiv recordings they cut us off before we got to that point oh okay so I just didn't remember it I I I I bely remember because John was talking about a Pergola uh and I was talking about a sale type of cloth thing but we just had a conversation yeah I think we just yeah I think we uh Ted it yeah to be discussed later but just got it on on record so I make the motion we accept the a minut minutes as I um added to thank thank you Mary for correcting those second all in favor all right approved uh correspondence so as of Sunday there was no uh I'm expecting the Mellow bill it's probably in this week okay with the holiday but I didn't check email that in today okay so and that does that cover bells and claims too yes okay unless you have first mind in my I have some correspondents in myre for requests okay that will come under applications and stuff cool I also have a correspondence with Jennifer from um the lacrosse group that'll be under applications okay yeah yeah CU it's that's the big big thing yeah it's about finances okay okay yeah cool all right um and do we want to bring up Cindy C made mention that a um Resident was looking to uh how can I put it we got a letter from Cindy asking um about pickleball outside of our jurisdiction and the question is it's out of our jurisdiction it's not you know it's like somebody asking can we use a pickle ball court in Boxford it's like out of our jurisdiction we responsible so essentially it it it was a resident that was working with Governors to to have hours at one of their things to do indoor pickle ball so they can Contin do it through the season but um I think there was a financial bit behind it we don't really know because we really have to talk to them they were we invited them tonight to the meeting uh did not come but we we can't I mean our our jurisdiction right now is like Mark said it's Sun Street field bu and then that section of grass and woods that's right over there which nothing's going on so um if she wants to come and talk to us again uh we can you know go over with things and you know uh maybe send her in a different direction either to select board or to um but council is too busy right now to deal with it they don't want to get involved with it so and they're not here so yeah no C would say that she's got her hands full for the for the winter so um so good yeah just want to put up there bu claims are good okay applications for Fields Court Fieldhouse and other we have one from Jennifer uh lucier from lacrosse y for this weekend since we've unfortunately haven't met uh we haven't been able to talk about these or get them approved it is for this weekend for two Fields field 1 field 2 9:30 to 11:30 for 2 hours each are they available yes um the they uh documentation has been submitted for they're the lacrosse team so like which is part of they have training in games on their stuff as well that's not done um I'm not seeing um documentation but I think if it's if it's open and the fields are not in bad shape which I don't believe they are um I I don't know about anyone else but I don't see a problem with approving it with if they get the documentation in right I I Concur and payment um but my my real question is one and two is closest to the parking rods I've been seeing somebody I don't it's Saturday you said Saturday Saturday um I don't I don't know um when Tron youth soccer is using it's it is not on our calendar for triton new soccer on Saturday so if they're using them they're using him outside okay I I don't remember which day uh tra new soccer used to their time ended on the second okay so as of last weekend last Saturday they did not have anything um so it is currently open okay I have no objection Jer um is there like my first time managing aspects of this is there like a fee that is involved here like how do we manage that is it a set Fe or how do we manage it it's traditionally and I always speak for everybody TR it's the number of hours times times the rate yeah so it's trial amount of money I'm not I'm not going to lose sleep over it but more importantly um it's important particularly for soccer and Lacrosse because they Seasons um the insurance binders that they get from their governing bodies for example soccer it's Mass um Youth Soccer rights the insurance that um they use that's usually done September 1 to August 31 so we need to look at when their insurance binder comes in and when they're using it at one point like oh we we submitted it in the fall and I think it was across and it expired and there'd be a new they need to issue a new one m and what who can I check with on that to see that it's submitted it would be the assistant it used to be the assistant collector downstairs okay um and that person would also be the person to make sure that they've paid up y they should should be sign that Mak okay because the my wck is saying that they've got uh debt that hasn't been paid which is fine because I'm sure the assistant collector is not set I don't think so that's that part that we should tell about like trying to close that yeah yeah so I'll reach out to the assistant collector and find out if they've paid up then I'll just how much is the debt remove the debt was it were they saying they paid 9,000 280 6,840 all right we'll figure that out um that that's on our end how we we had this conversation three meetings ago about something doesn't get in we don't hear about it so that's that's something we need to figure out and that's [Music] mhm yeah I figured but I got to figure out how to do it just there there's a breakdown um lacrosse P how much was it 6,840 yeah 9280 was what what day was that 9280 is what all we have back in they paid that 713 she is saying that they paid the 6840 on it was later than date okay I don't have that yet um we will try down yeah exactly on 8:30 24 so a but I can I'll check um the other form I just I don't think I printed that one I'll check what the assistant CL too yeah and I think I we got that the um that uh Ledger sheet from I the accountant I that to everyone if you on that see I didn't see it on there either oh okay because it should have been on there if it was busy yeah I have uh this is for 24 and yeah I have July is my last printed copy yeah I have went through um September 30th how did you see 6 6810 6840 no 6,800 $110 as a payment from who from it doesn't say whom it just says the uh I remember them paying where was that from a late one from soccer I don't know I mean that's pretty close that's $30 off yeah sounds like it's that one maybe if we can talk to give a description for our benefit um that would be great all right um so I make a motion to approve across uh this coming weekend um for sales one and two for the hours they want as long as they have their paperwork and um money and is it just the binder and the and the and the payment it it should technically should be their uh for coaches I will write to Jen tonight and CC Jason lacrosse so they can get um their goals is that Jen from lacrosse yeah J you see me on that too yeah of course perfect thank you and then uh and John um jeez I can't get anym I know who I'm sending it to do I have a second on the second uh any discussion all in favor hi all right done I got one more request for youth soccer starting in January February March April and ending in June it is many days many many many you uh can I interject before you go too far yeah uh spring use doesn't open up until December 1st and closes January 15th so we couldn't take any action on it anyways until next year December that way and the whole idea is they have a period of time to get their stuff in we collect it all be able to prioritize by our Matrix and then vote on on that package for the spring Okay so have it in record even technically it's not open but you know so we can't prove it yet we can't we can't do anything until we've given everybody a fair chance to get it in is it 2is or is it the um the rush uh it's Rush okay okay all right um does that cover applications for Fields Court field houses or other that is everything oh wait there's the uh Co COA stuff for yoga taichi um stretch and pain pom for the helps but in all reality things that are sponsored by us in a way should not go through this request process they should be documented as a program that is offered by the rec Group which is not a which is not a request it is just enter a demand so like we enter it as a program that is available and um one of the things that pickle ball does is theyve got a team app that like you say you're coming my Rec support set so like I've put them what I've done is I've taken those requests y I've put them in as programs okay they are blocking the calendar now but and I'm still trying to figure out exactly how this works the they should show up under the app on on the website as program cool so that they can see that we are hosting these things and they can actually sign up for them at zero cost okay um so so that's an enhancement that myre has that we really didn't that we never took advantage of so that's good and things that we might want to do in the future would be like okay movie night like being able to post those things that we're sponsoring on there so um do we still the vote on uh the use of fields or is that just I don't think it's a problem for Council and aging the council and aging did we are I think we've approved them right we've approved them in the past I I think we just continue to approve them but they come into you as a program they get listed as a program we just acknowledge that we' received it we agree with it we approve it and we move forward y so I make a motion we approve the programming scheduled by uh town of Newberry Council of Aging or going forward any of the entities uh Town agent um as long as there's no conflict as long as there conflict uh second on that second all right can I can I add something to that yeah discussion go ahead it's not to the COA one but but sort of relating to what we were just talking um much like we do with the finances giving um Mary responsibility with our previous acknowledgement of just approving it so we don't we used to have to everybody sign sign it um something to consider I'm not looking for a vote tonight U but to consider if there's no conflict with some of these things like try and use the cross that there's no conflict and we know what their expectations are in terms of paperwork we can just have you approve it so people don't have to wait for me to screw up and have three weeks four or five weeks where I've made a mistake and they're getting burned for it that there's no conflict there's no paperwork is in or you've asked them to submit it you I would I think it would be good to expedite um the approval process the approval process for our um users so next meeting can we talk about that or you know think about it look at other places if you want that responsibility that's easy enough I'll check I check this like once a week at most and like that's easy enough one thing I will need from you that I don't I don't know at this point just like I was just like uh soccer right now where I was like yeah this is for it's open in April like and you guys like can't even talk about it until December I need that information yeah y like when can I talk about or when can I start approving things yep um I forget which one of the handouts but one of the the docs that are online it kind of tells you when things open and when things yeah there there's there is a schedule because we're so organized online and so so easy to find policy document I sent you today for you to look at we'll have that and that that is something again to revise if we feel necessary the whole idea behind the schedule is to give them ample time um to set it up so they can plan accordingly and give us um some flexibility of when we approve it so take a hard look at it part it'll be there is the rate that we charge for the fields on there that's going to be a conversation coming down all right um oh yeah we talked about that yeah um all right so that covers applications correct um uh did we V uh we we agreed on the um uh COA uh updates on Old business uh Master Plan update um looks like that would be me uh they're going to be digging uh breaking ground I believe on Monday for the to lot nice awesome yeah this coming Monday now now Chris will be there on Monday Chris huness will be there Monday morning to you know just go over the dimensions and where it's going to be um I sent a email to DPW to let them know that they are planning in coming sometime next week um and Chris reached out to me and Tracy about the fact that they the the contractor wants to start I gave them the number for the back gate so they can get in there if they have to go around so so um it's going to happen yipp yeah or at least it'll be a whole ground can we let um Cindy and her programs know uh that there might be some disruptions and parking issues okay I don't know where they park there well the parking is going to change and and this is part of uh Master Plan update they did inst I don't people saw it but they did install um two uh Electric vle charging stations at the Fieldhouse no way yeah charge Point yeah um right where the dumpster yeah in the middle Dum been moved closer to the field did is that something we approved or is that something that came about by a grant or something they got a grant a while back to um do that um I don't know if the library got it as well but the originally was for the library I had conversations with different people um in the past about how how long people stay at the library versus at the Fieldhouse like if you're a parent watching a game you're going be there for an hour and that will give you a charge Point 12 kilow or about 20 25 miles it's the library unless you're there for a kids program you tend to go in and out in and out so it's a good location for a town sponsored one I don't know is there a charge for that I don't know what the charge is here like the Y has charge point the Y why it's free if switch charges a certain amount per kilowatt okay all right uh I'll look more into what they've done I have not seen it so I don't know anything about it whatsoever I went on the field the other day and yeah I'll bring that up later and what we may want to do is help the town um devise policies around it some some places I don't know if anybody have electric uses them but someone will say if you're here for more than arbitrarily two hours um you're going to get charged at an extra fee so that these are meant to be quick refills for an hour at most off the hey I'm going to park here walk to Triton spend the day at Triton come back and um and get it all right um so that's the story with the Master Plan update that's along with me um the deal is uh and I think I might have said it to everyone but I haven't uh the actual install will take place April 1st and supposed to be done by by 1 May 1 so nice just put that in your calendar day full stepping down May 1 I's take it over he's not saying what year we're putting in the year 202030 202030 maybe should take all right um pickleball ping pong update um that's not that's a John thing that's a John thing um I'll just I think that that's let me here one second on Thursdays yeah I got a question that was part of the W requests okay I have a uh we bought um and just because we're on the fieldhouse in that area in the master plan in pickle ping pong um we bought a box just sore stuff I went by the other day the box was on its side and pickle ball stuff was kind of sced and there's one basketball that was on the court does anyone know if those other basketball courts got confiscated brought him somewhere kicked him on the field and then there there's one basketball on the court and it didn't say Town Newberry but I assume that that's the one we bought does any is that I think we bought four we requisition monies for four two men two women yeah so I will I'll I'll call um sdy tomorrow uh again and ask her if she knows anything about that um I didn't know if you guys knew anything about do we know if the box was not like how far was it knocked over like it was just it was just dumped over like like the kids might have been jumping on it or something like that like the other one seems to be attached to something solid with a lock on it this is just kind of you know could it have been wind we've had a lot and that is a really windy spot could be no idea no idea um at that point it wasn't windy it looked like someone just you know spill the stop but you know who knows the reason I that racket stuff still there there was stuff in the bottom I didn't know what materials it was that was supposed to be in there um I just put it back up and left the ball there on the court so um yeah maybe I no I I put the ball in the uh in the container and I closed it so how many shots did you take I didn't know I still funny we went we did a lot of work on that and I still have not played basketball down there so yes um water bubbler update do you know if the court was pulled I know John had mentioned that the TP W was I I know nothing about five or something I should have looked but I think I did it we can talk more about that maintenance SCH I did it at night and uh you didn't go yeah no no I had I had my little flashlight out and the police officer more I think John's going to be the so all that I know is that John talks about this often so I fig do you see I've I've seen it I've seen the issue I've never been able to diagnos it hell that's I'm not getting back there I'm not going look um okay well I've done my part evening so water bubbler update we approv the money for again I I haven't heard a thing about it yet so um I will I will ask again I think they're tired of me asking but I'll ask again that's okay uh Book Exchange a little Library um any update on that yeah we uh went before the select board they approved it they love the idea um I've identified a family volunteer to help build it uh looking for probably I can April first uh well the COA would be using and uh they'll be programming at the fil house over the winter it might be nice just take the winter build it and then part of this oh here's new stuff at the put it in there I kind of recall you or all of you saying that you wanted me to contact the Triton uh community service Club if you had the time and Ava I I have the I can get in I can get in touch with them I'm just curious what we what we would like to have them do and have them be a part of this if they you know make sure it's not broken report s of take it the conversation that we had with the select board was um having more people engaged in stewardship of town property so making sure that they can like periodically check up on the windows cracked oh I'm going to let Daniel know all right we can we can fix it okay um we will have other people there so it's not a lot of heavy lifting but just here's something can we just have somebody up there because usually there's um older kids up there anyways from the soccer teams helping out or whatever so it's fine there's no books a big books are being stred about yeah what's the name of that group again I'm uh the TR community service club would they be would it be helpful if they did like maybe a book drive or something or just to see if they're but yeah the idea is what they I mean but at least that way they could get involved and it would be it would um Foster the expenditure through the community and that would be an easyish thing for them to do yeah even if it's just like then like getting people to realize that hey this is something that exists it's something that exists you have an actra book for they can yeah the idea is ultimately we're responsible but I love that idea Mary and then the community too right so and it doesn't and again it's going to be relatively small so even if they did books within um different age books from that group MH um you know from their family or whatever that would be fantastic yeah all right cool that's cool to you and Mary I'm just curious that's good all right um uh the uous annual monthly spending plan yep I thought John was going to be here because I don't know people saw his email about spending and whatnot and because it will TI in later to um the review of the fees because every all this money stuff needs to be related and the idea I don't want to jump the gun here but the idea is depending on how much money um we spend and utilize on the field is a relationship to how much money we can really be asking for in other words if we're only spending fiscal policies dictate that we if if we're only spending $10 on taking care of the field we really shouldn't be asking for $1,500 in fees because we're a municipality we're not here to necess make be a money generating money that we get should be going back into the services and there's never been an increase when was the last increase it's not a matter of increase we we well that's my question yeah I know it's not a matter of it I'm just asking in general when was the last time there a fee increase so years ago 7 years ago 6 years 5 years ago we were we had a fee schedule as per person per head so the group was supposed to tell us how many people and that's what we did we changed that fee policy to an hourly rate right and so so the total structure changed yeah completely total structure changed and what it did was basically when was that changed I don't whenever this was adopted yeah that was a while ago um that' be four years ago I'm guessing yeah CU it I've been here three so it was before yeah years ago so we've been over the course of four years but we everything yeah we did boost up the price at one point we went up $5 or something like that I don't know what we did we did a increase um and yeah um I mean I I I don't before I went through I I did a lot of research and I call places and find out with they getting per hour um um we can I'm not against you know moving the price up um I guess that's something that uh we should talk about and that's down here so let's spending plans related to it the idea is look at how much money we currently spending and last year we spent um not even 50% of what we've been appropriated uh that the thing is we're a number of things weren't accounted for that we paid for it in the past uh including uh the fire suppression alert system barket it wasn't much money um I didn't see anything for um Omni security Now this the town may have a deal with these providers where it's a blanket you cover all our buildings for this price and they can't really break it out so there might be a rational reason um did did is the DBW uh maintenance on there too yes we have um yes a fall and spring allotment um the other thing that wasn't in there and how much is that that's the majority of it um the fall was 7,761 in Spring is 5,447 and another one that's not on there that we had in years past was the irrigation yeah and that was a five $5,000 contract we had with C the person's name and that was a blanket so over the course of the couple of years that I've I have these kind of printed I did some of those comparisons and we have not been consistently if you will charged for services at the Town y so we have our expenditures right so the warrants that we approve and we send in and our budget is 50 Grand per year right and we use less than half of it yeah um but what we take in the payments go into a different account they don't go into this account right so the payments from uh the generate yeah the revenue we generate doesn't actually it may feed this account in some ways but it doesn't actually hit this this is this is we're funded differently so the go funds whatever we bring in goes over there to revolve correct which we can get access to by my understanding is a meeting at the you know but it doesn't actually all what I'm saying is that it's not an exact business so what whatever we charge doesn't exactly equate to our spending budget if that makes sense y I understand what you're saying I'm not disagreeing with it what what I'm trying to um move forward is there there's a relationship between what we pay to provide a service and what we can charge for the service part of it is um standard practice for municipal government um you can't charge people you know if you have trash service you know part of your tax is you can't charge people um an exorbitant amount because is they're locked in there you you charge for what the service is is worth yeah corre so what the service all that I'm saying is that what that service is worth isn't necessarily what we it's what we pay out is that giv that should be given us the concept of how much money we should be generating if we don't even have to do that we can say all not not we don't even to charge anything for Fe for our um Services we don't have to because we get an appropriation from the town to take care of the fields which we utilize that's one issue right we we decide to charge money for use of the fields common and best practices for municipals again we're not we're not a private Enterprise we're a municipality is you tend to look at what the services cost and you can include staff if you want if we hired somebody in theory to help manage what we're doing um those costs could come under and we shouldn't be charging more than what it costs to run our bu our our services well on on the other hand which we did before and what the reason we did the fee schedule at the way we did it was we had we had all these users that basically um came in the beginning of the year and then took the entire field for the whole entire time and so no one else could use it m and then they didn't use it so they didn't use it but they said hey we want to a lot that time um so basically we had three different users or four different uses whatever that were during the two seasons were basically taking it from the beginning of the day to the end of the day and blocking everyone else from using it corre so we set up a fee schedule to say Hey you know maybe you don't need to use all this time use you know look say okay well we normally have games on this time and sort of like lacrosse right lacrosse is able to get in because soccer ended perhaps in the prior time SOC was booked for well they did till December I I don't know was so you go you go on a Sunday afternoon and the are empty but they someone has permited for they that they've locked that in so we had three groups of support groups that basically ran the field and so the fee schedule which I was kind of for was saying hey guys you know do you really need all this time corre and if you don't there should be time for public usage of that field yeah and someone or someone else someone else to field do that and um you know that lacrosse was complaining about they didn't you know they're they're always concerned about money and so we talked him about time and I think their their comment was well we want to we want to get guarantee the field so no one else can use it and so it stays in whatever shape during the time that you can't have it both ways you can't ask for cheap prices and block off the fields if you want to have what determines you uses non-exclusive use of that property then you need to pay accordingly um our fees are when we looked at this comparable to other communities considering different parameters but it's not that expensive and what as David was saying if you want to do it on a Saturday from 7 to 7 and pay for 12 hours that's your choice but don't complain to us so then they said well wait a second maybe we only take it from 10 to 4 because that's when the games are we're going to save ourselves six hours so they started being um a little bit more um use a little bit more discretion in their requests yeah absolutely as you should so I don't know if we this is U I don't know where we're at on we're sort of jump from um spending plan down to uh the review and just one more thing uh according to again best policies um asset we review on a regular basis and in arbitrary I said three years and that way if we decide to go up with the prices it doesn't um doesn't give the appearance of retaliatory against any agent any Department you know somebody gave us a hard time and all a sudden we say oh we're going to check your prices up we've already every years is is smart it's like and that's that's why I brought it up I was like I think we I think we're at that time now we we are okay it maybe slightly past but that's okay that's okay we're not and so then it's then the question is we have to do some research and find out what the going rate is and you know not we don't want to we don't want to overcharge people but we also don't want to undercharge yeah well and again over charge hey am I wrong in saying I think we're we're very very ous to our custodians are the people who use that they're very good to the fields they're very good to us but I also think that you know everything has gone up in the last few years everything so yeah I think we need to take a hard look at it the challenge is when you look at it um it's more than just simple numbers um because it becomes complicated how some towns do it for example Hamilton LOM um if it's a Hamilton wam program with 100% Hamilton wam uh participants I think it's free if it's 60% 40% and it all changes with the youth stuff the adults have another program um Salsbury used to say free but you had to do some service help rake out the fields or whatever whatever is needed yeah but I don't think we have that we no we don't but I'm saying it's hard to say what a number is if you're not looking at the whole picture also many of these Hamilton vam for example have a number of paid staff so some of their salaries are coming out of again this is where I go back to where um when you look at what it cost to run their program if they are employing people um to run the program not maintenance to run the program those fees can be extracted out of that um those salaries can be extracted out of those fees since we don't hire anybody out of our budget to take care of our stuff we don't have that so the numbers aren't necessarily equal correct yeah okay yes okay and typically we need to we should professionally being respectful give them a ample time because right now lacrosse for example is doing registration have already set their fees for the spring so the other part is that you have you have um lacrosse we have TR Youth and we have Rush those are our three major users they have the ability ility to go to Raleigh to go Rush can go anywhere in red Fields so we're lucky that we have these three GRS that use our Fields but they're also they're shopping for price and they're shopping for a decent field so we have a decent field and they shopping for a price so I think that you know we have to we have to we have to balance those two things absolutely absolutely all right and give enough notice yeah so by the time our discussion we might be looking in 20 26 for a spring of 2026 yeah right so but if we don't start the discussion cuz you have to give enough notice you can't just say hey we're going up X I'm just going to use percentage 2% just for like a number just for our conversation $2 or whatever we're going up $2 you know and that's it I'm just we're not really but we have to have that notice so that they know so that they can it give them ample time to react as well y so so is that your you're going to do that well so what do we have to do with that do we have to look around do we do yeah I think that's what I that's what I did the originally I just did a lot of research call go get get copies of whatever they documents they have online when you say that they I'm I other Recreation departments I'm a little I need need it's spell that for me I'm a little slow 7:00 dep in other towns it's online it's publicly available yeah yeah everything's public um that way if you get electronic copy from them you can disperse it to everybody and you can work from the same documents versus um you know Jean over at West Newberry told me this and yeah but you know lacrosse isn't paying that but I don't have to go everywhere I just have to go General like our neighbors our butters for like communities around yeah it's it's funny because you go over to Boxford Boxford is run by I think it's Boxford is run by a professional group so the town said you guys run this and I guess they get money from it but we don't have anything to do with it you you're you guys want to control so there's different different models yeah it's it's a boxer is boxer Athletic Association is a nonprofit Geor has a similar model Newberry actually was going in that direction when we purchased the property but many people in town said we don't want to turn over our two properties over to a nonprofit who we have no ability to control what's going on yeah which makes sense this yeah so all right cool beans yeah yeah you find that would be my homework yeah people people like to get I share that with you okay oh did you get me did you um I'll just make have my yeah you're on that care too which one Anastasia okay good good good than yeah and here's so here's a just a spreadsheet yeah you know how John how D we talk about this afterwards because I can do I have yeah and then I just hand WR it and I can do that and will do the same thing M okay cool all right um you all have access to this shet too it's the same one that we've got the that you added the properties that are potential um you that like you add the pum is and stuff and like that when you started yes so I'll use that document and update it with what I find research and if you need help we not really because I was looking at property use so he added a new tab added a new tab so that it's a shared doc oh it's on your tab yeah that sounds great to me so it's a shared Google doc we added a separate tab of on which I will update I might even print it stuff yep um you guys might you might not you might not but I I think I think we like to touch the only reason I put it in here is this is a community area that we can all add stuff to instead of just putting the on you yeah no I appreciate that and then I'll do that okay cool so that's what I was like chunking but I think we were on the same page I just wanted a and yeah if you get yeah so part of is again not just the numbers but look programs and and then I can embed links and you can click on that but I'll try to print enough so that if you want physical stuff I like physical stuff it'll be there but it will also be uh organized electronically so that we can reference it through our discussion if we have to involve uh Tracy or whoever whoever else it will be organized and together in a spun so that's what that 30 second yep yep boys little that's okay cool so I think on November 2nd um we were supposed to turned into a document that said what our fiveyear spending goals were and we didn't have a meeting so um I think I'll still send something up to Tracy so um do you guys have any thoughts on uh a fiveyear plan what we want to spend money on in the next five years what our wish list would be and I I will give you mine yes please start um my big thing is the um to do a um walking trail around the fields um just for COA and us and Runners and people and so that's that's one of one of many I I don't want to like you know Co-op everything so um that's my first anyone else I think John won the summer camp yeah um summer summer and our vacation programming for uh young parents uh the whole premise behind the Fieldhouse was to attract a summer program away from the school although we did a proposal a few years back that would have the library and NES alternate sites so that people living in bfield didn't have to always go there and people in that part of town didn't always have to come here and you'd have indoor space and activities we did a pilot program run by two kids um it must been almost eight 7even years ago or so in you say kids when we talking to age was I go by height no um age wise um it was like first to third grade something of that nature um more of a Reit for parents not a drop off leave for the day type although the stuff that we looking at for um uh manter up at the Fieldhouse was more of a summer multi-day consecutive stuff um but first the other one was you know a resit for Parents oring summer and or School vacations yeah uh even it's only for an hour to do an art class limited number someplace kids to go the summer one uh we brought in a couple of theater groups to look at that Spence part of the problem was there wasn't any shade up there um the model was that they paid to run their Camp versus us paying them to run the camp because the theater groups we talk to um Tracy not Tracy Stacy uh and a couple other theater groups that there's just no interest in trying to establish something in a new market so it would be us hiring somebody to run something so those a summer program six week program one week each you can only have one week at various ages um and then a school type of uh rest t program during the uh school holidays and perhaps the summer other one NES already does a summer camp so I know summer camp I know that that is something they do um but utilizing the camp the space up there during the summer and do and a big name is programming so you summer camp yeah I like the idea of um going back to huntresses I like those like outdoor shade areas but the classroom kind of shade areas I know it you ask so no no I I like to spend money so more now this might be a little crazy but more a little a little bigger than just the small ones but what he had is in one of these fields back fields here y would be an outdoor classroom either here or here so something that's large enough with a shade that would away kind of opposite from the Fieldhouse but kind of bringing that but that ties in with your um your walkway too yep so see these dots that's the walk that Dave's talking about when you say the field in the back you're talking about the what we call the tree no I I don't know but the opposite side of the where where on see see where it says outdoor there's two red dot yeah um so the tree is right about right about there so either one I don't I don't have a preference but something that it says an outdoor classroom so I'd like to see that so it ties into the walkway it's opposite from where y the shade is currently and where the activity is and it's bringing people kind of away from the parking lot and where everything is so I'd like to see something if you will that fits with the community but on the opposite side yeah that's a great idea and some of these things again if you we look at our budget and we are only spending half of the $50,000 we were appropriated conservatively there's $20,000 a year that we could say oh we don't need to go to uh we got it here we got it from our our annual budget and that's why we should be looking at how much we're we're spending uh with it re annual reoccurring expenses and determining what our discretionary funds are yeah and what we can get with the discretionary funds versus going and utilizing our Reserve or going to the town and say here's something here's a large expenditure that we want to do um going back to expenditure I would love to see some movement on pway um yep good idea I know uh like in Newberry Port my understanding is the Newberry Port new soccer has um priority or blank I can't think of the right word of the Cherry Hill Fields off of um Daniel Lucy way are people familiar with those there's a whole set of smaller soccer fields uh you know where the new fire station is in your B Port I'm really does anybody go past low Street does anybody go um there's a small area and when I talked to people in Lacrosse years ago is a lot of fields there lacrosse program has priority excuse me soccer program actually gives permission to the Prof program to use of their fields so it's not again looking at how things are run in different towns it's not as as simple but kway we we could clear that up get empty space out there there's a couple models I know some people don't like the idea um because it may impact the quality of life Butters but it is property that the town owns for for specifically recreational purposes and it would also the Kenway which Mark said this nicely we could we could if that is on a list if they could at least clear it out our our sort of our I think our thoughts have been over the last bunch of years with Kent wed was let's start something maybe get DPW clear it out and then you know start with a a parking area that we at that point we could get people to um use that for parking for the ball field so they don't take up the library parking cuz you know when when the games are going on Library people especially because they have night programs stuff like that becomes an issue there's cars in the street so that might be and then then we have the other spot which you know they just level and clear out you know who knows you know throw a dog part throw grass down like Mark said have a secondary soccer field but I think that um I think that's a a great idea tip F anyone else have any thoughts ideas on on I like all these they're great I just have to come up with some kind of um idea around budgets and we'll put it forward to the town and I don't know if we'll get any money for it but any other thoughts uh it might be nice to have uh um you know we do a lot of this we can do it and that's a great thing but many times they do have somebody part-time to run the schedule make those decisions make sure the money is deposited um I know ire staff member so you're saying you want to pay me okay yeah I think that's a good idea yes um to you know had sound selfishly because it's SED coming back this ways um a number of places even like the select board will have somebody sit and just do the minutes as opposed to be part of the conversation and write down what you're saying and what I my thoughts are somebody to do that and and again that could be part of our cons you know we could talk to to manager admin administrator about can that come out of our current budget one point we looked at hiring asking to hire somebody manager administrator looked within the town to see if somebody can pick up the extra hours there wasn't enough interest I me again it's only maybe 10 hours a month so it's not a lot um how do people feel about my wife yelled at me for this one she's I on have how do people feel about um maybe eventually appropriate money or uh for lifeguards at PL out now it's not our jurisdiction but it may be at one point I I think we should have it I know there's concerns within the within uh the town of having a consistent um stream of funding for the lifeguards so that we can maintain quality and expertise is required for PL as opposed to the whims of towns people voting in this year and that next year on maintaining that would it's easier to maintain if we had a stra steady stream I like the idea y um another ideas we we looked at again um currently it's not available in our budget but the YMCA and it switch at one point for I believe it was like $80 an hour um would allow our seniors our adult me members of the community senior members of the community use their facility excuse me for uh a specific period of time like on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 to two they can come in use the facility they have to get their own transportation the COA at that point in time was like yeah we can transport you know 12 people that can congregate here or they can drive through themselves but to find indoor entertainment Fitness for um older people who uh have have that time flexibility during the day where many of us are working or with kids can't so I would have we have to relook into the appropriation fund of it and then work with the Y and COA and and well and we could do it and then see I wants to tag I'm great but that would be a good partnership of we're utilizing the resources because people don't need to be a part of CA to participate in it just said we're from Newberry here's my Newberry citizen we're in and we do it from a very discreet period of time say from end of October to the beginning of April so it's just not a Happ a year is that something we would want to consider also contacting the WCA yeah I looked at WCA at that point in time they weren't in a position to support that okay but yeah look around at you know I don't care if it's uh what used to be latitudes but hey here's a place you can go to do x y and z um during during um these colder months the pool itself was a different fee but we could look at again working with COA and and those who be able to take advantage of it what do they want so from A Five-Year Plan one of the things that I put together when I first started here was a listed like all the properties that the town of Newberry manages in some way or another and Mark helped with this as well I'd like to have a single entity managing that and like it'd be us so like I'd like to be able to have progress towards that and more property under us so that we can do those things like programs versus think and sponsor things at different places um you know like the little league is using the upper green and the library Fields these are things that yeah they can run it they can partner with us to like be able to do these things and we can advertise it on our site as a program so like and they do use NES for the softball yeah absolutely so you know in terms and I know there's a jurisdiction issue with NES but in terms of town property uh particularly during the summer if the school is not in session how do how does somebody use those fields because they can't get a hold of the principal who is the one who makes the decision and and they want have a a charity softball game there yeah who do they contact just generally if there's a single place that the town of the residents of Newberry and other folks can come to instead of having to track down the right people to understand where to where go yeah to rent it that would be a uh something that I would love from a longterm perspective and I I know that that will affect the budget eventually and that's a good thing because this is what we we need to have people see as a bigger picture you know to go along with that it's kind of weird let's assume we put in two ball fields at Kent way in theory two of them we would get to schedule the third one Pon uh selectboard would manage yeah and the playground at the library is run by the DPW but the playground at Central Street Fields is is our responsibility and playground over NES is as and it should be it's a town property let's coordinate it so oh let's come it out with one budget and you know as I said before not thisly how can I put it you know we need parts for this where are we going to three different vendors we should have something that's really well coordinated so oh we need two slides we can get them we we have that relationship maybe we put a playground another playground out Li where it ow this way I I mean I sent them the emails of the group being like yeah I've got a PTA dad and the PTA is looking to put in accessibility uh stuff and they're Wonder who who we work with to do this they know that we're not the people who man like can permission it but like we're a resource that they tap should be and like we should be able to use the same resources that we're do we're building top lots to help build accessibility Stuff n yes it doesn't make sense that there's four different groups that are managing this I think that I I don't know I don't know why we are just we are kentway and um Central Street I think probably because we just took over the group you know from the other group so I think that maybe that's the way they they wanted to sort of consolidate at that point and not well things were little siloed too right we're in this area this is this area this is this area this is this area and then as Things become more connected and and evolved and you're trying to manage multiple things you're like in sensibilities go hey this should things change so who knows what it will like in five years all right well I'll I'll talk to Tracy about just that about the town property things and see if we can I can imagine that what we have to do talk to principal yando and if you talk to the selected board and if you talk to DPW they're probably like the last thing that I want to do is manage these things yeah during the school year between September to this period yeah your programs have priority boom but at this time to this time yeah um we we have this and and what we can do is put it on our our calendar to say this school is using this the upper green is using is being used for this and it's and people can get like they do over at Hamilton one it's like you can look at what field is being used better and if you look at their myrex their myrex are packed with programs and really well done like that if we get that then we might need somebody to help yeah I think that's what we're heading let's see yes that's I think that that's the bottom line is that eventually we're going to need someone because we can't do it I mean we we've been through this before and you know it's a headache um so if there was a person that was hired 20 hours of a week or whatever they would we could afford or 10 hours a week that person we would make suggestions and that person would would I assume do it I mean well we give them parameters we write a job description they would be able to do um not to the great extent that is currently being done but by by our esteemed board members um but they would be able to do some of the finances and we just oversee it they would be able to make sure that the money comes in and the money's going out that the they would also be able to sit in our meetings that occurred during Town time while we're otherwise occupied right they would be he in the building you can get a little bit more done when you're I was in New York last week I got a lot done I can't do it as much when I'm working remotely so so you know the idea is is a benefit we're all all right I'm going to see if I can come up with money and I'll talk to Tracy if they can still send it in to you know because I told them and this is a lot of this is the same things that um different department some of is being more of a department as opposed to just a board so we can transition from being a committee to a department yeah we look like a department we act it we do everything a typical department does Rie a fees um policies and all that it makes it so much easier for them to say oh you're a board you're you're a department as opposed to oh you're going to be a department you have to do all this stuff we've already done all the work all righty uh we didn't go over the DPW maintenance schedule um did you ask them about cutting the grass before they put the tractors away uh the SL field okay and we need to talk to them about coming up for next summer about closing off one field the other thing with that is um I'm I'm sorry go go go back to maintaining the fields yeah um in years past we would close down one field we're on a just get fiveyear plan where field one would be closed down no activity would be allowed on it they would seed it extra seeding Extra Care to it fully rested for what for a season or just for the summer it's not the ideal time but it's the only time we we really have the next year rest field to there's no activity going on or minimal activity oh okay I mean that's easy to do yeah okay the other thing with uh maintenance schedule I never not that I needed to I saw the scope of services for the lane of the ball court I when I I dropped some of my files and I was picking up I saw from Chris Huntress that part of the bid was supposed to include Geo uh textile for the field or for the court and what I've been saying all along was there's supposed to be a we need to put some type of fabric down so when it rains hydrop plating doesn't occur to move the Fabrics from what I'm seeing and hearing the Geotech That was supposed to be part of the scope of services was never laid down that they put the asphalt down and then they put the um H I didn't know know yeah and then oh yeah there's again it's only I dropped you dropped stuff I dropped paper came out and I was like oh the right paper came out yeah but saying all along something wasn't making sense this is what I was looking for yeah you lay stone or something you just don't put Stone on concrete right you put it on something to help yeah I I'll talk about and that would I think save a lot of uh um mov what's the cost of that that was only 15 less than 1500 okay back then so under 2,000 if we need to buy it ourselves I suggest we do it Y and they can lift up half the court slide half and then figure out yeah he goes have about I mean that was under his perview he was the of that project so yeah yeah um good um sorry uh consolidation Playing Fields Field House facilities and policies we on on the website there are two documents there are some conflicting or redundant comments you know earlier today I sent out um I had uh a student combine the two the best of her abilities and ask people to take a look at it looking for redundancies anything we want to add anything we want to take out um and make this our working document that would be one document take the other two off and this would be our guiding principles um things we may add is you can't rerent the fields to somebody else we had it at one point we took it out um currently right now if somebody runs the field they can then sublet it which I thought we said no on that did never made it they never made it into the document to that the document yeah yeah because we definitely voted on that to not we we told them no something yeah so we need to just go through the fine tooth com mark it up um and then how did you send it to us I didn't see an email is it a is it a PDF or is it a word doc you know encrypted just like just like my last set of minutes I were missing well you needed the right right filter to be able to see for this word done which one the word do oh okay fine um I I do have a question I I apologize if this is out of uh order but on the website I think you listed as he's still in high school student yeah you're still in high school and you're listed as I'm a student yeah you're you're a school high school student a high school student and our dates are wrong yeah yeah the dates they don't really care about it but you're an adult you're not a student which is okay which is okay I they didn't say High School designate yes you no I couldn't you can't so um so do you do you want to send that who do we send it to who's our it person new IT person is pretty good you know rent yeah I know yeah yeah do you you want to I'll take care and um also our minutes are not on they're not our website why is that because I haven't done them but you've done them I've done them and passed them and I my fault but I've asked for help on how to load it up and it becomes a dance for a week and then it's like yeah screw like I'm I'm in something else right now okay and is it something that we can do oh we can do I can send somebody stuff to upload I just I didn't my expertise in technology is limited to what you know in other words you tell me what I I have no idea okay and I didn't want to you know it's like doing these uh agendas if I don't do it right it still shows up it becomes public and I don't want to screw it up so I can send them I also talk to John on how to update the minutes perfect yeah so that yeah because if if you're sending this documents if you send it I can update yeah yeah I don't want make enough mistakes and I use a different word um but and I don't want to keep doing that yeah no um no that's easy so there's some technology if you're open to it that you know we we're recorded anyways you can record it and it makes minutes for you if that's no something that might be easy go on for you and us and it might be a it's not the writing them up necessarily it's getting them online so but tell me more it does both well it wouldn't get them online but it would write up the minut AI can you give me um a name um we use um WebEx for our internal but there's other programs I don't know teams pro has it yeah so kick me out of my job baby I love you I I'm just thinking that this might be a task that will help just yeah well going Beyond me because there a thing just as I've done it once and I was like let me put it this way if I ever have to take the minutes I'm not taking the minut AI is going to take the minutes and yeah generated if you want more accurate go online actually it's better than than anything else just I at least I think so but I might do my yeah I'll talk to John about this as well like because that's the sort of technology that would be very valuable across every single one of these meetings from a town of Newberry perspective yes because yeah I mean like Zoom has a teams has it I uh we use WebEx yeah has it it's it will record your meeting yeah it will transcribe it use AI to understand it and transcribe it and document it and then it could just straight up upload it and then we' have to read it and approve what they wrote correct because we're doing it anyways so you're not fully trusting the technology well you're trusting the technology but you're very Ying it collection and your process there's there's a the transcript is pretty spot off now the summary is an addition like and it would be a paid thing that it would be like okay well make me bullet points of what this hour and a half long meeting was really about and it'll go through and do it yeah Mark complaining Mark complaining Mark complaining so but it's bullet points and it doesn't even say that it's like this issue was brought up this issue was brought up this issue was brought up the takeaway is this this and this Dave will do this Mary will do this uh will do this it's really it's excellent how much is that that I don't know we get it from work it's it's one of those again that should be coming out of our budget because it's part of maintaining yeah I would say that comes out of the town of newberry's budget because that's the sort of thing like it's one license it's one license that we're going to use it is is utilized by every group that is having a meeting and yeah that's it and that' be wonderful it's all can be automatically hosted online and then it could be we once we approve it that would be able to have it sent to whomever Tech person or whomever to upload it for minutes automatically yeah in a lot of cases and then it's just done and then we don't have to worry about it and then you it Mary how come you haven't brought up well you seem very attached to minutes and I was waiting for the right time to to whatever the seary he's like I'm going to be out for the month and someone's going to write stuff down I'm like cuz I've done it like I sat there and have to look at the video and write down he did this and after a while like hey look at the shiny things behind me yeah so it just makes better sense talk to John about getting our site updated so that I'm no longer in high school our dates are correct Courtney wellne she here in spirit she shouldn't be listed as such about [Music] um how to upload minutes yeah um specifically and talk to them also about like future technology of using AI on minutes and awesome yeah so and past approvement it's you're going to send over so that yeah uploaded mean because all the past minutes have been approved yeah so we could just go back let's start with the most current one let's start with this one so we yeah you figure out until we'll just work backwards make sure everything's all set if not we're going to yeah because if you wait to do it sequentially you'll you'll never get them back so let's get this one uploaded so that it's just figure out a way say it goes by date it goes by here it sets it up all y it should it should it should trust but verify I don't say anything until I see it and double check it and my expectation is what is there so it should but like I said trust the verify all right well that's wonderful um so we got that done is everyone good with establishing a date for our next meeting I I like Wednesdays if spaces available um but I do ask whatever we choose if we can't do it for uh through March April so we all can our time around I know I screwed up I apologize well last meeting we did all say Mondays seem to be the best yeah I just want to forward um I think Mondays seem to work best for everyone it works good for you right you don't you care but you don't care as long as it's not during rehearsal season and not interfering with any rehearsal something and it's fine we and we understand um your obligations and commitment to your your school Endeavors yeah when are you are you going away the second yes so should we do December 9th still going should we do but you guys yeah as long as turn around right then we'll have fine we'll be fine and I'm going to head out as well are you heading oh you're going south I'm going east Y what date are you going you'll be in the ocean you going all the way East uh yeah Back to the Island on the other side cross the pl yeah when are you going haven't been made the tickets yet but like the first week the 9th or 10th or so that's the second week second week the first week there and going forward we also don't need to be you know ideally it's nice to do we want to skip December we we could and just come back beginning now the applications due the 15th it would be ideal to move shortly thereafter and then again in beginning of February so that we can approve all those get that stuff out we have a couple weeks what application what's that what application uh spring spring stuff SOC lacrosse so we could do the 6th of January but the applications are du on the 15th what does that mean it's tight so you want to do it after the 15th 15th so we know we followed our protocols 15th here's your application you don't have it in 20th is Martin Lu King Day so we can do Wednesday the 22nd yeah the applications are due January 15th right right permits are issued by January 1st March 1 February 1 March 1st March 1st March 1 so we could do the 22nd of um of January how does that work for people yeah it's a Wednesday that's fine yeah that's and the only C what would you say it was 122 yep January January 22 January 22nd 2025 isday Wednesday 6:30 yep 6:30 and that's a Wednesday that's a Wednesday that's a Wednesday all right let's hold out for a second what time 6:30 6030 sweet January 22nd 25 just yeah we'll figure it out sobody tell John I'm surprised me I haven't seen John so maybe he's a wet was it turkey or something supposed to do I don't know I hope he's okay I haven't seen him outside usually I see him you know cut the grass the animals the country Turkey I he said something weird he was going to some weird country everywhere no I have friends in Turkey Turkey beautiful I've never been it's filled with cats it's beautiful yes A friend of mine has a cat name it's the no it's um I forget how you say it in Turkish but it it means U foam or Bubbles and she's a all white cat she's a Scottish Fold and she has big blue it's it's a wonderful like it's the the areas I went to which was Istanbul and Buddha Kai Buddha Buddha Kai it is all cats at like they sit next to you at restaurants huh they what' you eat there cat all sorts of delicious food um can I just can we can we can we car yeah well it's all side so are you good for that January 22nd 2025 at 6:30 p.m. so Wednesday right now the calendar looks good all right I'm gonna push ad yep all right um I will go on tomorrow we can reserve it now right do you good cool okay so um it's done we picked a date um I say we close a meeting at 8:07 p.m. which isn't bad it's um yeah second all in favor all right done