the United States of America the stands na God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you everyone for coming tonight the first order of business is public comment we're going to receive our Communications from members of the public members of the public May address the select board for up to 3 minutes the select board shall not engage in discussion on topics raised during public comment that may choose to add the topic to a future agenda this agenda sub uh segment is um going to be limited to 15 minutes um before what I entertain any public comment I kind of want to uh give a little we're a new year now we have just came off of a new election and we have a new almost a new fiscal year coming up and I want to provide a little bit of guidance around why we do we have public comment that way because it's not clear to everyone um when we meet together and we vote to open we're now a public body and our our open meeting laws or our rules of of order um allow us to only speak to items on a posted agenda that abely posted 48 hours before prior to a meeting so that the town's people are aware of what their elected body is going to be discussing and voting and moving on if public comment has allowed a free speech anybody can come in and talk to us and we engage in that and we deliberate outside of a posted meeting on a topic that you weren't aware of it's fundamentally wrong to our democracy and that's why we don't allow public comment we'll listen to it um if it's something that we deem of value we will add it to a future agenda and we can discuss it then um but that's why there's no civil discourse back and forth amongst the board and stuff it's a violation of our so I hope that's that's clear um and so that being said is there any public comment today I always get up get your name and address please Cathy Downey 54 Main Street uh first of all congratulations Alicia and Jack your thank you and uh thank you to overall SBO again for this past January for voting overall to um restrict the use of rodenticides escar on public lands so as you know town meeting we were thrilled that the vote uh restrict them on privately owned Municipal properties pass overwhelmingly so and thank you for helping us sh that through that and we're really looking forward to tonight your procedural vote to get this off to the state house because as you know um Senator kasner who's an attendance of the town meeting she offered to craft this legislative Bill to get this moving so great thank you thank you there any other additional public comment Grant GI is donations we have a council and aging gifts totaling $95 and they're from Ala gorf Angus and Julia Samson June Brogan Susan Hay and Dave winter motion to accept second is that Dave winter yeah apologies can we discussion discussion um give thanks for each and every one of them who has given a a significant amount instead of just bulking them all in the same well the total is $95 for all of them so um I believe the Council on Aging does Cindy ker sends a thank you note from the Council on Aging to every person that's on this list every person who donates would be nice for the public to know as we sit here to um give special thanks for every uh dollar donation that every single person gives instead of putting instead of putting them into one group and I know Bill that what you're saying it is but not everybody um sees that information so you're not saying thank you you're saying in because we thanking after you're saying you want to itemize who gave what as far as the $95 goes Dave do you have that amount yep it was in your packet yeah it's in our packet okay do you want to read it Leslie yeah thanks thank you Alba Thorp $10 Angus and Julia Samson $20 June Brogan $30 Susan Hay $10 and Dave Winters $25 thank you each and everyone thank you okay so I have a motion in a second any further discussion on that all in favor I that was unanimous okay we have a green communities Grant acceptance of $133,900 from the Massachusetts green communities division of the Department of energy resources second okay motion a second discussion do you want to congratulations Martha me to yeah why don't you come up and explain you've worked very very very diligently on this was really a team effort among many people starting years ago but this is our designation Grant from from the state for becoming designated to Green communities um Green community we're working now with um CC Gerson voder at mvpc and James and um a few other people to try to actually develop the project for this grant so um but it's really thanks going back as far as Julie and Annette and Kristen played a huge part in pulling M together and CC and and I it's been great group effort and it's wonderful to actually join the Green community so thank you well done thank you thank you good job um so I have a motion in a second any dis further discussion from all in favor I yeah yeah okay have a donation of an aderan deck chair by Rob farden to except second okay discussion on this where's it going it's a very good question so this is a and that that color that I will tell you is called Aline Aline um it's I believe it's going to go down the island somewhere David do we don't have a specific home for it as of yet but the DPW has committed to maintaining it yeah so once we go through this process we'll figure out where to locate it but my guess it will stay on the island somewhere considering it says they want to put it into a a highly visited areas so that people can continue to um take photographs yeah yeah makes sense I guess it would probably go right by the the center and the parking lot walking back for to the beach that would my guest but I'm in his letter um Rob details he'd be happy to move it to the entrance to Center Beach y over near the green picnic table a spot where people will take pictures and post socially so that that's his intent and I think um James is going to look at a good location yeah if not this yeah and they said they're going to maintain it yeah they can do it that was my first question right right okay any further discussion all in favor I I thank you the new reg Garden Club we have a donation of a lilac tree in memory of Cheryl McCarthy I'll entertain a motion motion to accept the donation of a lilac tree second okay discussion Erica you're here do you want to come up and speak to this at all um Erica's Swanson I'm the secretary of the Newber Garden Club um Cheryl McCarthy was a dear member of our club for many years she was also very involved with the new Bown library and she sadly passed away earlier this year in February we thought that this would be a fitting tribute to um memorialize her in a way that was meaningful both to her family to the Garden Club and to her activities at the library so um we have researched and decided the type of lilac to um to purchase we will take care of that we'll take care of the planting of it um and all it really needs is a sunny area and I think we've got plenty of that at the library great do you have any questions for me um do the board have any questions what color couple of knitting needles out there yeah there should be um I I believe it's going to be in the purple family yeah uh is it can we do some kind of plaque or or something in front of it on the ground and I know that's not for you to answer but it's just an it's just it's just an idea that I have so that I mean over time I can see where you know people walking by aren't going to recognize that that's exactly what it is and I would I would like to have that kind of memorialized somehow so that people do recognize whose lilac it really is yeah we would like that as well it's a great idea we don't have currently any funding for it however um that is something that um that we can look into and and you know see what we can scrap together great yeah great and I think um the the DPW and the library the new library director they can work with you if there anything you need from the DPW and they can help you with making sure that the location's the right place and there's no wirers underneath or anything so big safe yeah yeah good they'll do all that stuff thank you thank you thank you any further discussion all in favor I I'd like to motion that the plaque or something be funded by the town of newbry and that way we will ensure that some appropriate will take place and it always will be taken care of right just got to find out where the funds would come from yeah the funding yeah what line at little sign that's not my job but it is your job if you're asking for it so we got to figure it out yeah well so so I think that's a good good thought um I have a motion is there a is there a second I didn't hear second for plaque sure second okay so we have a second so discussion I think we need to find out where where we can draw that from I think that probably is a line item but I just don't know where that is so I I would like to table that until our next meeting so that and the Garden Club if they can maybe they'll get a donation too so that's what I was you know that's a that's an excellent idea I'm sure that we could probably do through donations possibly just throwing that out there it shouldn't be an issue I I think when when I did the Purple Heart event all of those road signs were donated by the citizens of Newbury so I think it's a simple request for donations we can help you solicit if you need to yeah pride in our town it's just to to spend we have to know what line items it's going to and they can plant the tree and get going and we can always come up with where that's going to come from get it installed made it's going to take a while to make it anyway a little Stone going to decide have the oversight of the design they will let the guid CL gu okay all right so do we want to table this to another meeting or do we want I have a motion to table is there a second well he seconded my right so are we going to vote on that well I'm going to move to table it next meeting to our next meeting or a meeting in June right table it to find well with the understanding that we'll have more details about where the money could come from and make real decision okay second okay so is there all in favor of tabling it yes okay it's been taed um it would be beautiful okay that was the CL okay um I have a private donation to the police department gifts fund account from Matthew and Kimberly Pullen motion to accept second any discussion on this Dad do you want to speak please good evening um on the on May 10th is when I received this unsolicited donation um I sent them the thank you card the total amount for it is $1,000 so we're very grateful for that um and we're before you here tonight to get the approval to put that in our gifts funds um that it would be spend in accordance with Mass General law procurement laws and the town policies for purchases thank you yep any questions or Patty all in favor thank you very much thank you pen public hearings we have none new business uh the first order is reorganization of the select board for chair Vice chair and clerk after every election of every year we reorganize the board I'll entertain a motion for chair I would make a motion that Alicia greo be appointed as chair I'll second it other I'll make a motion for Dana Packer to be chair I'll second that okay but I don't know if we need to vote on the first one first so I I'm not sure we're taking we I took all the nominations that did this last time all at the same time so we'll take Alicia Greco first all in favor of Alicia Greco remaining Chair say I I I any opposed opposed and I and let me just say this that I remember sitting in the audience as um liaison for the planning board board and uh Jr was in the chair at the time and Jeff brought up the point that it is a good and healthy thing to allow somebody else to come in for new uh new blood and new ideas that's that's my reasoning on it okay thank you I'll tell you my reasoning for nominating Alicia uh when I was at work if there was one item on my budget my operating budget that you used half of my budget I would assign someone to be a Shepherd for that account and I think that Alicia has more information more background more connections with the school the MCH municipalities Association she's very familiar with the legislators in terms of Chapter 70 and she she she has more to offer than anyone on this board in terms of steward ship for half of our budget thank you the only thing is I'll follow bill in one thing if it were another year where we weren't so close last year and it seems like this could be a very tough budget Year from what we're talking about and we're going to start to work on the budget early and we people have had different ideas about how to handle you know our budgets now I think it might be good to just get through this year with the same people that we have because it's going to be a tough you all around because if the building if the roof comes and a bunch of other stuff comes from the school and you know and this and and that and let alone you know what we're doing with wiia so that was my reason word h no W word no what W word well you got learn to say that word okay so we have three votes for a chair now I'll entertain a motion for vice chair um I guess Bill Bill would be great for vice chair if it go along with my thinking keeping it the same I'll second that any other nominations for vice to no I'm going to nominate myself second okay all in favor of Bill becoming Vice Chair say I I I no okay three votes okay hey Clark last week you want I'll second that I think Leslie is a good is a good she'd be great yeah do I get a new badge or something no you already know what you're doing that helps all in favor of Leslie becoming clerk say I I that kept it the same I think we're good te okay yearend budget transfers we have ambulance Enterprise salary and wages I understand a motion motion to transfer I guess second okay D can you fill us in on what this is about please I think the chief might be better here for that I listening to a call whatever's more important what's that whatever's more important I may just sneak out right after this um so as you all of you know um I've been this is my seventh month but this transfer is for the whole year we had um multiple unexpected unforeseen issues with our ambulances this year and that's the reason why we're we're trying to move that money over for that what type of issues with the ambul wages salaries or um no no no it was uh equipment itself we had ambulances fall apart we had to replace a transmission in A2 we had some major issues tires a bunch of times we had some major issues with the trucks themselves hence the reason why we're replacing one of them so that was my next question we're replacing one correct we are replacing one yes so that is the reasoning behind it now does that usad does that us usually come like in year I mean month 12 instead of seven no it's just that just the way it fell for me on this one Jee yes just trying to go through the whole thing and historically have we done it i' I'd have to look back myself Jee I don't I don't have that answer so all right what's the longevity on most of the vehicles on the ambulances themselves you try to get 10 to 15 years out of them they a lot of Manufacturers say 20 but again that's the selling point for them uh sometimes there low miles on them but they get beat up pretty much because of where we put them and how they're used how they're used yes well Coast Vol don't help it doesn't help no no question if I may um now Enterprise I I understand that when we do the books we balance we balance the books with Enterprise and I also believe that there's a an an additional money that is put into a fund an Enterprise fund or we have a St stabilization you mean yeah like an unforeseen stabilization fund or something David can you help me with this do we have anything station that I do not know I have to listen to that yeah okay so um my my question is is it's a a account transfer from an account transfer to and and they're both the same so where's the where's the money coming from one one is expenditures the other one is coming from it's from salary and wages into the expenditure it's it's the same purse it's just moving it from one line to get your permission to the next that's all I think if we understand that the ambulance paying for itself it is correct so he's asking to move that and works so well are we still going to be able to balance the budget correct it's it's the same budget yes yes I I think that Tracy had given us a number of the of what the fund that I'm talking about I'm pretty sure in her briefing yeah they would I think you might be right there might be an interpr like I think might have $100,000 in it but that's not the matter before us tonight it's just transer I I I understand that I I just I'm just you know wondering I can go back and look myself you know yep yeah I don't I think that for tonight's purpose tonight's vote that's irrelevant but I think if Mr Packer would like to know that number if you could get that sure absolutely thank you that does that help you Dana sure okay thank you Dana so we have a a motion uh one one one more question and either Dave or wulate little um are we going to have trouble with the budget equaling itself out this year with calls and everything else I don't believe so we okay yep those extra expenses yep are still going to be within the confines correct if it isn't let us know corre ear than not correct absolutely I understood well it would have to go to the finance committee forer trans and this has already been through finance committee corre so this doesn't fall into operational cost that's not so funded not not the fight about it's separate from the uh the fire department operational budget yes the Enterprise account that we're talking about is a solely self-sufficient account correct it proceeds to the ambulance fund this account the funds can't be used or transferred out of anything that isn't Enterprise account or ambulance related so we're just shuffling a little money around you know the chief had talked about maintenance we had one repair bill on one of our ambulances that took 10 % of our budget so it hence the reason okay can Lea this went to finance committee already yeah I did they already signed they they they signed it yeah y it's it's it's all good okay you just need to move money around the little yep y just from here to there correct correct all right I'll in favor I thank you both thank you thank you NE next we have home rule petition vote on article four of annual town meeting of 430 2024 Madam chair I move that the board adopt the home rule petition as approved at the April 30th 20124 town meeting Article 4 and submit the same to the general court second disc discussion um to refresh everybody's memory just to let them know what us please let me find it thank you Jeff you're such a good secretary make sure I gave you the right one uh by authorization of article four of the annual town meeting of the town of Newbury held on the 30th day of April in the year 2024 it was voted that the town of Newbury May submit the following home rule petition to the great and general court of Commonwealth of Massachusetts requesting that the town be authorized to act accordingly provided that the general court May reasonably vary from vary the form and substance of the requested legislation within the scope of general public objectives in this petition or take any action of relative theret an act authorizing the town of Newbury to adopt a bylaw restricting the use of Second Generation anti-coagulant rodenticide S escar on private property be enacted by the Senate of Senate and House of the representatives in general court assembled by the authority of same as follows section one not withstanding any general law to the contrary the town of Nuy May adopt a bylaw restricting the use of second generation anti-coagulant re rodenticides on private property in the town of Newbury section two this act shall take effect upon its passage by the general court respectively submitted town of newbry sport board okay discussion discussion um the uh agricultural commission I believe uh reached out to me and um that they have uh had some either phone calls or emails I'm not sure which of some of the uh local farming businesses that um are unsure of what this means okay and um what I want to say is is that the um because those have been forwarded to the agricultural commission and the agricultural commission hasn't really been able to answer their questions and its entirety um I I I totally understand understand the vote I totally understand the warrant in the article and I totally understand what we need to do to move that forward uh but that being said I would like to give possibly another four to six weeks or whenever whenever we're going to meet again to allow some of our other commissions or committees to address what this actually means why it's important and and I think the the the confusion is on private property in the town of newb and I think some of the businesses that have reached out they're not sure what that definition is and and you you know you could say well Dana that simple we all know what that definition is but possibly we could put out something that would not change any of the verbiage that we voted on at the ATM but describe what the verbage means to the local businesses so I would just like to motion that we we table this for a future select board and if I may comment that the um it it's a righteous way to to go forward with uh these kinds of poisons that are be put being put out there so we just I think we have to be able to describe what private is whe whether it's commercial privately owned Farms or privately owned residential areas and I think that's the confusion and it's kind of interesting CU I remember us talking about this on a couple of different board levels and the the private commercial property of I don't remember that ever being addressed or or us even talking about it and when when when it was brought to me I'm like wow I can I can kind of understand the confusion you know about what what the article means and what is the definition of private property in the town of nub I just think that's important and I think too that the original Kathy correct me if I'm wrong that the original proposal was to take it off of town properties to ensure that you know our uh children and our pets and that of that nature that we didn't have personal control over would be taken care of so right and this is really just refers to just the esars so it's just the second generation it's really a very Modest Proposal excuse that but at any rate it's just askars do you want to come up here thank you I'd like to just add to her discussion let let her finish and then okay so let just so so as far as um writing so in January you guys all agreed on town on properties so the Curious Thing here is this building um this is Municipal but it's privately owned so there are like 12 bait BLX boxes that we counter right outside this property some of them are by the um dumpsters going down the slope to the river so you have possible contamination into the waterways there and they they just in fact we ran into the um guy from the press control company he was like replacing the poison we were out here walking around the three of us walking around with my dog and he we talked a little bit and um he actually told us he didn't care if they killed the wildlife which was really kind of sad um so it's it's not esars are only can only be really administered and applied by a licensed Pest Control person so a like you and I couldn't go into home deep home by escar unfortunately on Amazon you can because there's a a loophole so it's really just to hold the um pesticide uh companies accountable for what they put down and and they can we're asking ideally we want to use exclusion because you just keep poisoning poisoning and you're putting them down you're drawing the rodents to you you know you're just encouraging them to come so the best thing excuse me you're feeding them yeah we're feeding them because it's a tasty baay it's a tasty baay so so it's really it's just esars and yes we we decided or you guys decided in January say Town own properties we don't I mean a lot of it's private it's municipal or it's Property Owners but again Property Owners they wouldn't be using that bait anyway so thank you do you want to respond and then well I just wanted to respond to to what lesli said and and that is it's it's actually a two what we voted on at the annual town meeting was not on the municipal property side it was on the private property side as what was voted on at the annual town meeting and we as a select board we had already decided we were not going to allow them on the municipal properties and then we continued that forward with the annual time meeting by adding the private proper so that's where you're mistaken we didn't do that we no czen sorry sorry citizen petition did that this is not coming from the that's very important yep that's correct correct was telling us kind of what to do town meeting a vot of town meeting directed is directing the select board to I just wanted to differentiate between the municipal and the private and as far as um the uh agricultural commission um if they had comments on this the town meeting was the time to come speak to that well they didn't have any comments on it because they hadn't been approached yet they've been approached since there's been signed all over time no no no no no no no you know they had an opportunity to vote at town meeting no saying the only thing is and I I heard what he said I I would jump on him too but I heard what he said at that time the ad commission didn't get the complaints no I'm not even saying it was a complaint okay they what they didn't what they weren't receiving prior to the annual time meeting was phone calls on what does this actually mean to my business that's all I'm saying so that has taken place since the annual time meeting but the but um I I I don't think the agricultural commission has oversight over this I believe the town bylaw only allows the agricultural commission to um be um received grievances because we have a right to farm community and if you have if you buy a new home in town and you you know don't like the rooster crowing next door well or the manure that's being spread then you have a grievance and you bring it to the agricultural Commission I don't believe the agricultural commission has oversight over they don't have any over so so that's one thing the second thing is if there's truly an infestation there is um you can petition the Department of Health and you can use these escar if there's truly an infestation that's there has to be deemed a public health ha to human health actually so so that can happen so Health Human Health Department of Public Health is the our Department of Health Department is human health so Alicia yes have we put that away is that away yet no we're still talking about it no but is are you guys satisfied Dana so well I put a a motion he ation on the table didn't I uh his I think he moved it he read the motion and now we're under discussion yeah I think we're still on the first motion well let me me throw this out well my okay my motion was to table it that was my motion so you all right so he made he moved it and then you moved the table and you seconded his table I did okay you mean for one meeting yes let me whatever we can get it back on the agenda and and let let people hash this out now that it's been explained so hold on I'm not wait a minute I'm not done hold on I'm not one second ma'am one second I'm not done yet ja did you have the only thing that this is a little and maybe you guys will clarify it real quick for me and I'm just not seeing the you know the forest but I'm concerned with I understood the process as I thought it was where you know Board of Health and all the stuff could you know go through the process if you really had an investation but where I get a little lost is you know not withstanding newbie May adopt a bylaw restricting and then I get the general court May reasonably very informed in substance of the requested legislation within the scope of the general public and take any act I mean so they can change it all I reading that wrong no they can't I don't like that so but this what this will do what our vote will do we'll send this as directed by town meeting I want to make people aware of that we have a vote of town meeting to move this um up to petition the general court for a home rule petition now does any does everybody here understand what a home rule petition means and it's not I'm more than happy to explain but what what I'm a little bothered by is almost like the leash law so the legislature can send anything that they take action relative of so this says do weed we get a chance to not if we don't want that can we say no after the legisl authorizing the town of nubri to adopt a bylaw restricting the use of second generation anti-coagulant rodenticides on private property being enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives and general court assembled and by the authority of the same as follow section one notwithstanding any other General law to the contrary the town of Newbury May adopt a bylaw we still have to adopt a bylaw and then we have to structure that bylaw to suit the town of Nuy and its farming rural community um to adopt a bylaw restricting the use of second generation anti-coagulant rodenticides on private property in the town of Newbery and section two is it shall take effect upon its passage by The General Court well who's crafting the bylaw we have to once the that's what a home rule petition is so let's go back to what why we sending it to them to craft because they have to allow us to have a home rule petition once they allow us to have a a home rule petition then we have toar no sorry I was going to attempt to clarify if if you'd like me to I can so this is effectively enabling legislation from the general court back to the town saying right at the way you want but there's a couple of different ways and formats that you can send things to the general court one being fairly Broad in scope with the hope that because it's broad yes they may tweak it but you'll get something P you can send something very narrow but then the only choice the court has is to say yes or no so if they don't like the intent of it or right off the bat they just there's something they don't like they just vote the whole thing down so there's kind of two schools of thought you know do you go with a broad interpretation to enable something craft a bylaw later on that suits local needs or do you send something really narrow in school with the idea that there's probably a pretty good chance it might get voted down so in other words without sending this to the legislature we're not going to be able to craft a bylaw anyway correct because there's no law on the with the because it's a home rule petition so home rule petitions are like a otherwise if if it came through town meeting we could craft a bylaw we wouldn't have to send it to legisl we're not there yet we're not we're way before all of that so the first step is is a this group through citizens petition collected the signatures brought it town meeting had a very thoughtful process at town meeting town meeting voted they're a legislative body and they asked us to go ahead and and ask the general court if we could formulate our own bylaw to prohibit the use of second generation anti-coagulant identi sdes on private property right now the town of Newbury can't do that we can only do public property and that's ours we have a policy for that so this is going to this is just going to we vote when we vote on this it'll send it up to the legislature who may or may not do anything with it I know from speaking to our Senator that they're already working on Statewide legislature for this now we all know how because it's telling people on private proper what they can do correct and and I believe this is just my instinct and my my guess is that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts would not prefer to have a patchwork of laws where West newbry does it this way new does it this way Arlington does it that way because it's too confusing so that's why there are other communities and Kathy can attest to this that have sent home rule petition up there I think Arlington is one I think ston might be there's communities that have sent it up there but the legislature hasn't acted on it yet so I think one of the schools of thought around kicking this up to the legislature is to have them look at all these communities would like this done it's it adds it adds a voice to them so that's the point of this but this is not assum by us voting on this tonight doesn't say that we now have no we are nowhere near that and quite frankly if it if they do I don't I don't know what's going to happen but if they do kick it back to us and say we can craft a bylaw I would expect then the agricultural commission to weigh in on it Farmers would weigh in on it because you'll have an impact on on livelihood I think you've done a good job clarifying that so are there any further questions no great discussion everyone I uh I really appreciate the discussion and I think that I think that the point I was trying to make has been made and I would like to pull my motion to uh to table it perfect is there a second to remove his table okay all in favor of uning it yes okay so now we back to the main motion where do we stand with that do you want to read it again have a motion and a second do I want to read it again no we don't have you don't want to read I'll refresh your memories I move that the board adopt the home rule petition as approved on April 30th 2024 town meeting article four and submit the same to the general court okay any further discussion on this all in favor I I I thank you thank you thank you okay it's a process it is a process know okay now we get to do this all over again I'll entertain that we have a home rule petition to vote on Article 19 for the annual town meeting of 4:30 2024 Madam chair I move that the board adopt the home rule petition has approved at the April 30th 20 24 town meeting Article 19 and submit the same to the general court second okay I have a motion in a second okay Leslie do you want discussion yes do you want to read it or do you want me would you like me to read it summarize it I mean do you want to summarize it that would be better um it has been in the past that the finance committee and the capital committee have been able to sit on each other's boards and have a communication with each other um in the past what like six months or something that was taken away there were a lot of things taken away that we couldn't uh we had conflicting bylaws yeah we we couldn't share it was conflicting bylaws that apparently um weren't written right in the first in the first place so the only what what they're saying is the capital planning committee is lacking in Manpower too but would have the ability to enfor bring in uh the finance committee to help them along with their decisionmaking process he's actually doing a lot of the grunt work as setting up the whole process of what's coming up next and what goes out what comes in and yeah um so the the question is do we take this on and say that we're it's okay for people that sit on two basically similar committees boards to have direct communication with each other as far as a voting process is concerned I think that's the direction that everybody is wondering about so okay so we have a motion in a second you Tred to summarize it that way I'm going to just give a little more clarity to what Leslie just said um the capital planning committee we have a capital plan we have we have there are two overarching there's one overarching act the act of 46 see that's our form of government we have a town administrative form of government it sets the select board with specific duties it sets the Town Administrator with specific duties um we had a capital planning Comm that was passed in 2008 our act the capital planning bylaw to that created the capital planning committee was passed in 2007 and in May of 200 of7 um that bylaw that was adopted at ual town meeting indicates that the capital planning committee will include two members appointed by the finance committee um two members appointed by the select board and the Town Administrator that's what our Capital planning committee bylaw says then the Act was passed in 2008 so for some reason somebody wasn't paying attention back then in 200 um uh in section three of the act of the acts of chapter 460 of the acts of 2008 instructs the select board to appoint two members to the capital planning committee it uh so Article 19 that was overwhelmingly approved at our town meeting um amends the uh section five in that act to correctly reflect the capital planning bylaw so I think it was just somehow it was a mistake that was missed these nobody aligned the two the two things but they both agree the capital planning committee bylaw says you need to have two people appointed by the select board two PE people from the finance committee appointed by the finance committee and the town ad administrator that's your Capital planning committee and then our act to 460 should have should have a fix this finance committee piece it did it didn't but it but going uh article I think it was section three says that um members of the finance committee or the select board cannot sit on any other boards of committees but then if you go down to the one after that Article Five Section Five of that acts of 460 it says the select board shall appoint two members so it doesn't it it was just a mistake so this this over whelmingly voted at town meeting fix fixes that conflicting bylaw now is that clear as if I can just add it not only fixed the bylaw but the purpose of it the vote was to instruct the select board to pass that home rule petition to the general court for them to do the same thing we just talked about on article four because that's how how we got the acts of 460 that's how we got our form of government it was a home rule petition petition to them so now we just need to amend it they're the legislative body that allowed us to have that form of government so we have to petition them to allow us to do this so Madam chair if I can just add to reinstate it I interpret the vote tonight is not whether that committee is structured correctly or not correctly the vote is the people told us to move this to the general court right right that's what the just like it was for the last one we're just going to move it to the general court now what's your question was well the question it's I I know when this all really began there were a lot of people that were very surprised that they were being eliminated from different um you know like the select Bard couldn't be on anything Jeff could had to step down from he still can't sit on it this only fixes the finance committee and I I just want everybody to understand that you know there's a reason for that yeah because we have an act that's our that's our our government where where where where the rule of law if we don't abide by our rules of law we we don't have anything so we need to fix this like town meeting instructed us to any other questions no discussion yes uh yeah I just want to say that um I I did not recommend that this get put on the warrant and um I totally understand what you just said and I agree with what you just said um I do feel as though though that the original restrictions that the state approved were there were there for a reason what reason I don't know but they were there for a reason and I understand that it Con inflicted with our current Town bylaws uh I think what's interesting to to add to the discussion is is and I'm not sure this is what we really want but um it says the first sentence hereof shall not apply to members of the finance committee who may be appointed to serve on Capital planning uh when I did not recommend to move this forward my my recommendation would have been to try and recruit other citizens to possibly want to serve in this capacity and then obviously if we didn't have any volunteers that wanted to serve in this capacity or had the knowledge to serve in this capacity certainly members of the you know of the finance committee and the capital planning committee have that knowledge to be able able to fulfill this but I I just want to reiterate that it says may be appointed uh not shall be appointed no and but what you're saying there is no butts no there is a butt what you're saying is directly conflicting with the capital planning bylaw that says it needs two people from finance committee well how come it says may here why didn't we put sh because it says the first sentence hereof shall not apply to members of the finance committee who may be appointed to serve on the capital planning committee not all of them only some of them may be appointed but shall be ineligible either by election or appointment to hold any other town office you have to complete the sentence y so not all finance committee members is just two of them so and and part of the reason for that I always thought was back when that was in iated I mean it's gotten to be a little more formatted and you know it's got little envelopes you put stuff in now and it's protocols on when are the police cars rotate you know on and on they score it they have a scoring scheme for the capital planning process I mean in the very beginning of this they didn't have anything it was a lot of work to set it up right so this all this does is it correctly reflects it corrects the ACT to correctly reflect our Capital plan bylaw so therefore this will all be Rewritten and put into our bylaws and be no the bylaws are fine we're not changing the bylaw we're amending the ACT okay just to allow that single act of the finance committee members just to allow the finance commit oh and we changed a few other things we changed you know I think we changed from Board of selectman to select board and here there few other administrative ples that we changed little house but the meat of it is that is the important piece of that because it's only been three capital planning committee members because the bylaw the capital planning bylaw indicates that two finance committee members appointed by the finance committee sit on the capital planning committee that's that by well you know in the recent past we had a a person sitting on Capital planning who could not serve on that will had to make a choice right and that was to be left finance committee and stay on Capital planning he couldn't sit on both no that was Marshall no what Tom Tom Tom was a constable he still can't serve with this change he'll be ineligible to serve because if I yes I will finish the sentence and it says at no time shall more than two members of the finance committee serve on the capital planning committee right it's still does not say that two of the members have to okay two of which which members Dana so they have to be they have to choose if they want to no with the original bylaw that's just changing May if they're chosen sir cuz the original bylaw says there'll be two finance committee people and no more yeah but that's not what this says but so but you know what I I told you know what great discussion let's throw it at the state and let's see what shakes out of this and and and and how and and how they're going to address it I can't I can't age I read that that it goes back to our bylaw here's our Capital planning bylaw I realize what that does here's the capital planning bylaw this there is hereby established a capital planning committee consisting of the director of Municipal Finance two members of the finance committee annually and chosen by it and two members appointed by the Selectmen from among the registered voters of the Town who shall be appointed for a term of two years on a staggered basis so that such members term expires each year so the finance committee annually chooses who it wants on the committee what you're saying and correct me if I'm wrong but what you're saying is you want to ignore this bylaw you want to change the no no no that's not what I said at all to say that it should not be two members of finance committee the select what should appoint four members no that's not what I said at all so I misunderstood you can you explain again what what Dana's missing no I want to hear from Dana I to to be that bylaw is just saying we're going to go back to that bylaw that's all it's saying so so I want to hear from Dana so what's the question I said what I thought you said I feel like I'm like in a court here or something you know because I'm just having a discussion we're we're at the public body we need to understand what we're doing the the capital planning bylaw in the town of Newbury says it is there is hereby established a capital planning committee consisting of the director of Municipal Finance which is the Town Administrator because we don't have a director two members of the finance committee annually are chosen by it you don't have to read it to me no well I do no you don't there two members appointed by the selectman Alicia so you're you're being very condescending right now don't mean to be what I don't mean to be well you are sorry okay I thought I heard you say that you think that the select board should appoint four M that's not what I said at all I'm sorry then I misunderstood you and I I am sorry I thought that's what was the only thing that that does where it says may is it said those people may the two appointed members May because it's really reflecting back to that but what is the bylaw for the finon do they have a mutual feeling as far as what their bylaw is most of the time when those are crafted there you know this discussion when they crafted I know when I originally to put them in comparison to one another would probably when I was s early on the uh conom bylaw said before the acts that you had to have a selectman I was a on for years no it's a plan Bo so way back then I met board sorry but it's it's it's comes down to fundamentals of how our government works they have the right to vot I we are on TV and I know people watch this and I kind of want to be clear about why we're doing what it is we're doing um and I apologize if if that if if I um but I would like to see the comparison between the bylaw of the fincom to see if it the role the role of the finance committee they are the eyes and ears of town meeting their role of the capital planning committee is different the capital planning committee follows the capital planning bylaw Finance committee's role is the eyes and ears of town meeting they have two different roles capital projects come before the annual town meeting which is why it's important that fincom members sit on Capital planning as well that's that all part of it's all part of the eyes and ears of tell tell me okay so I have a motion in a second any further discussion no okay all in favor I I okay rest assured there are more bylaws in this town we talking about the future that need to be amended to reality so I'm sure there are others that's going to come up okay so approve one-day liquor license for Governor's Academy reunions June 7th and June 8th of 2024 motion to approve is there a second is there anybody here from Governor that wants to speak to this okay all in favor unanimous M okay review request for public property special permit Ventures endurance November 10th 2024 from 9: to 10: a.m. a road race on Scotland Road from Highfield Road to Indian Hill Street motion to approve second you any discussion are you guys here okay hopefully they won't mark up our roads all in favor I Tri-State trk June 22nd 2024 from 11:00 a.m. to 3: p.m. cycling race on Main Street is there a motion motion to accept second any discussion there's someone here to represent I think you guys here Y come on up good you're on TV so I'm com from ALS development and we are asking for approval for our bike ride uh it's our second annual coming through Newberry we'll be riding on Main Street for two miles coming from West Newbery into Georgetown um and we will have our bride Marshalls within the pack making sure everyone follows all the rules and then we have a takedown crew that comes in after all our Riders come through making sure that everything's cleaned up and leaving uh Newberry the way we found it per thank you what's your anticipation on how many riders will participate so it's looking right now as it t to be around 150 uh everyone comes through intermittently so we have some people that are super fast and some people that ride at like 10 miles per hour so it ranges from 20 to 10 miles per hour people ride so not only the residents that live on the road have to be uh aware of what's going on but the Riders have to be aware of what's going on I live on Main Street that's why I ask and I I I my driveway is like it doesn't have great view to get out of so main yeah so we're going to to the West new line yes ma'am driving a big truck I mean a big view all right well thank you good luck with your event thank you so much I appreciate it Chalk in the right no no okay absolutely not thank you is okay we that permanent CH okay all in favor hi hi Alicia yes point of interest and correct me I think we did this last year if we're going to okay the use of our roads someone should be here to represent the groups that's going to ask for that I agree so maybe we announce that publicly and Dave can you maybe put that in when they ask you or whatever have somebody show up a we've done this before we've asked it before yeah you know and they don't they don't seem to think it's that important but it is to me because you have a question yeah we can we can reiterate that there is actually on the bottom of the application um to say potential for denial maybe maybe put it at the top yeah okay how many natural Learning Center June 12th 2022 from 8:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. use to blow agreen motion to approve second second second my name is Chrissy R I'm the owner of Harmony natural Learning Center at 67 Newport Turn Pike we're requesting the use of the lower grain for our year in celebration for our families did it last year worked great worked well last year didn't it it was great that is the only space in newbry Port Georgetown Asberry and Newbery that we can fit our fail so we are just whatever we can do to keep that going well for everybody it was it was wonderful and it's so sweet that it has a little Schoolhouse there it was just beautiful yeah and you have parking on the back yep yeah it worked great and thanks for being a business in our town thank you thanks for coming tonight y thank you all right any further discussion all in favor all right thank you thank you okay now we have appointments for the newb cultural Council we have Alan Dale Michaela early and Ryan Kelly second I'll take them all if somebody has a question on one of them just put a hold on it I'll put a hold on it okay you want to go one at a time Ellen Dy please Ellen Daly motion to accept second okay all any discussion on Ellen all in favor I okay Michaela ear motion to accept there second second all in favor Ryan Kelly motion to accept there second second any discussion all in favor I I I no you're a no I'm a no okay were you a yes or a no I'm no um I won't give any reason I am um that was three so that was yes okay so we have Brianna Goldman's assistant treasury collector um I move no action on this and we aren't the appointing authority for that for that role that's the uh Town Administrator so um that appointment will come from the town administrator's office this is just a clerical error next we have the recreation committee we have Daniel Jones the Triton rep representative motion to appoint he's taking Ben's place right do you have a second yeah discussion yes he's taking Ben Ben Norton's Place graduating thank you thank you thank you thank you you're GNA love it it's so much fun sure I will I sat him at the last meeting good time it's wicked fun a good time thank you you learn about Municipal governance so that's great um so you're going You're a junior this year uh I'm going into my junior year I'm currently a sophomore so okay but then you'll be a junior when you a junior next year you'll for the year two years yeah that's great okay thank you Daniel thank you for stepping up app all in favor okay and Mary Anastasio she's already on the committee reing y yep motion to accept second okay any discussion on this David what what's her appointment do you know is it a the length of time yeah just look at that I want to make sure we had an issue with um believe they're threeyear appointments they're all threee appointments I believe so okay but they were were they non-staggered before is that I don't know that answer that's something that I interesting letter says her intent is to serve for 2024 s2025 oh that's right she is just a year year please okay so hold on I just want to make sure that the point her correctly actually it does look like they are all onee appoints yeah they are one year um committee one member have some more people step up I mean after all it it is Recreation you know like um okay all right one year all in favor okay old business new police request to be named administrative lead and Regional component jail diversion proog doing now please so this is a unique request that has me before you tonight um but I wanted to be clear with everyone what we're trying to do so Raleigh Police Department right now has um Staffing and administrative changes that they're going through um with Chief dumus um unexpectedly filing for retirement they had not filled their second in command position yet so they're having some staffing issues the clinical grant that I've spoken to you about before and that was approved before the select board in November of 21 so our clinician Robin um that we share with five communities is to me to all of us a very important Grant and rowy police department felt as though with everything that they kind of have going on right now that it would be best to transfer the lead of that Grant from Rowley over to Newberry um so what that would mean is I would be working with Rowley Police Department to kind of finish out this fiscal year for the grant and then would be the one to be applying for the renewal of the Grant and would administer the grant the way that rowy has so um between the five communities they would be submitting their reimbursements through me you know we would be reimbursing them through the grant it's I've spoken with um accounting it's not a big deal on their end um but it is a change in the grant that you guys accepted in 2021 in the manner in which um we've discussed it since then so I'm looking for your approval to take over responsibility of that grant for the five communities and reapply for the grant um at the end of this fiscal year when it comes up for Renewal next fiscal year um the grant is between $150 and $160,000 um that gets divided between all of us just to give you an idea of the scope of the grant thank you yeah any questions of Patty yes uh your leadership role in this um is that for eternity or is it yeah you know like I'm just curious has Riley been doing it like forever so since since 2021 is when they got the Grant and they were doing it since then um so it is there is no end time date as long as the grant is available for us to apply for and we can continue to have a clinician paid for through this grant for the five communities we're hoping to do it we're a unique program where we um clinicians share between the smaller communities next week I'm actually sitting on a board um at a training with larger Comm like larger programs that have Department individual um clinicians assigned to departments because we're kind of like a model in the state right now for the way smaller communities can address this need so as long as the grant is available it would be my goal that we would continue to administer it if your question is do I think that I have the space and time on my plate to be able to administer this grant oversee it um I I wasn't worried about that okay because the grant is so important to all of us in our communities that I you know um Martha he our administrative assistant is working very closely with me so that between the two of us and the clinician Robin and the assistant from Rowley I you know I anticipate as smooth of a transition as we could possibly have and PTY just so everybody understands as a clinician she's a mental health clinician a mental health clinician yes she's an employee of Ley she is not an employee of the town the grant pays for her salary um and when officers have to correspond in the community with her so any work that she does from the station followup phone work computer work things like that she doesn't need an officer assigned to her um when she goes out into the community so if she goes to somebody's home or comes on a call with us um the officer who gets overtime assigned to her um the overtime for that officer gets reimbursed through the grant as well oh so it's not on the taxpayer dollar so it's not on the taxpayer dollar okay yeah what's the clinician actually doing though Patty Just for kicks i' like what is her role certainly so police the police departments make referrals so when we respond to calls referrals if you sense something is wrong so if we sense if we have any interaction with anyone in the community um that we believe the part of the reason that the police are before them is a mental health issue so it could be somebody that got arrested it might be somebody who's not that we're concerned is escalating it could be a number of different things that's a hi thing for a policeman yep yeah because there's this huge gray area where police are the the the community expects police to help in every situation and there's this huge gray area where we don't have authority lawful Authority to do anything in certain circumstances um so for an easy quick example let's say we've got an adult child living at home with parents and that adult child has substance abuse issues and they are kind of taking advantage or there's issues in the home that the police keep keep getting called to but they're not criminal issues yet um that would be an example of where we would make a referral we have a form we fill out that we submit to Robin that under her confidentiality and privilege she follows up with the whether it's the person who needs the help the family to support the family while the person with the mental health issue navigates their situation the other thing that she can do so followup is one piece the other thing she can do is let's say I go to a call and I'm going to give an extreme example that I think I've given before we've got a shirtless person in the street acting crazy they're not doing anything criminal we don't want to arrest them for their disorderly conduct they're clearly having a mental break right arrest isn't the right thing in this situation isn't going to get them the help that they need we can call Robin to the scene with us to kind of take a step back from the police lens let her do an assessment to see if confirm that it's a mental health issue and try to in her clinical way get the person on an ambulance see if we can get family there so that there's an alternative to arrest is what we're um is really what her her goal is so whether it's alternative to immediate arrest or alternative to what could escalate over time in become an arrest two months from now um it's you know to alleviate and kind of minimize the likelihood of arresting people who are actually suffering from mental health issues and that's why they've become aware to the police but the referral has to come through the police department to her to her so it's all her role is based on more of a domestic type of thing or it could be any there's a million different scenarios that could be that could be mental health um that we have so but it's she's she's the person that you want there to talk you down from the ledge Yes yeah so if if in a in a domestic situation we wouldn't call her to the scene where there's been actual physical violence we might make a referral for her to follow up afterwards if we think that it was a role but if we have problem cause to arrest in situations where we kind of have to follow our laws we do what we do but it's great now to also have her to refer to people who are kind of in those dual hat they have to be arrested but it's also a mental health piece you know what I mean where we can also make the referral and say kind of let's let the courts do what the courts protection and care that's a perfect example you know to to look at it so you know she's being utilized um quite a bit between the the five communities and for next fiscal year we're hoping to add a clinici um because the call volume has been so much so um but again before you today is is my request for you guys to kind of approve this change and what you guys accepted in 2021 and what we've discussed you know prior to tonight on how the grant runs and how it operates I newb would be the primary agency and then Rowley would turn into of the support agencies like Newbury has been um all along okay any other questions thank you so much problem stepping up to the plate and helping out our fellow towns and it's great I I appreciate it and I appreciate Martha Ley because she's taking a big um a big piece of this she's a 19h hour week Workhorse so she's she's helping me incredibly in this transition I think it protects not only the person but also the office or it's a good yeah yeah it's it's a great thing to have so thank you very much thanks you all right all in favor I sorry who moved on that I don't know that there was a motion I'll make a motion I motion that we approve the new police department as the lead Grant Agency on the Massachusetts Jail arrest verision Grant second okay all in favor I I the town administrators supp report David do you have a small one anyone I do have one I don't know you tell me if it's going to be small uh I think the first thing up we can discuss tonight Martha Taylor our planning director has some News Martha I will turn it over to you if you'd like to make any kind of statement if not jeez I wasn't expecting to do that okay so Martha has announced her retirement from the town of Newbury effective at the end of this fiscal year so we will greatly miss her and she's been wonderful at least for me getting up to speed and coming on board here so I can't say any more good things but this fiscal year did I hear that right yes so June 30th 24 you're gonna have a nice summer hopefully so we'll miss Youk you miss you very very much even though we are not going to know what to do without saying let's ask Martha where's Martha that's going to happen Martha what are you so it's not been an easy decision for me but dog thank you thank you for all that you have done I know it's been you monstrous she's been a great mentor to many of us and I appreciate the time that I spent on the planning board and the kindness and the and the knowledge that was shared with me uh in in an in an open and and kind way that's so nice lese and and it it made me Brave to get up here and do this now but it it was it was a great beginning to something I thought I would never ever do in my entire life and um the entire planning board but you at the helm just made it that much easier for anybody that was going to come through the ranks and I thank you very very much well thank you for that and I think I thank the board for all your support over the years I mean it's just been incredible being here and working here and having support of you all in the planning board and our great team of co-workers here it's just I think we have to memorialize a little bit how long it's been 2001 right well I started 2008 I started working but where we were on the board then right well wasn't I on first this argument all the time so anyway 1999 volunte uh Jeff got me on the open space committee what and then I um from there I went to I was on the planning board and then I got Jeff on the planning board and then he's he's moved up since well we've all learned a lot and let me tell you it's been a process so it's a great loss we miss you so very much when you take and talk about new but it's good and then when you talk sometimes about old but it's important because you've really grown with the time and see the town is you know so Mel you've done a great job and Kristen will do a good job also you've raised and hopefully you can help her for a while and stay a little while be nice yeah I mean if it works I'd be very happy to continue working part-time or on a consultant basis I'm sure she has you on speed time so great congratulations Matha thank you mtha k you know what you are so going to enjoy okay David anything else sure the library has two new hires William Allen a library associate in circulation and Corey Owen Bain a library associate for youth services so those are two good hires um collective bargaining for the library is ongoing uh I did want to alert the board that there's a flap grant that we received it's federal land access program that will study uh the Newber it's a planning Grant really that studies the Newber report Turnpike for more resilient approaches to what we should do in the future so no potential action right now um but we'll we'll see what they come up with and what we get back Martha is instrumental on that and her division has been working on it obviously um and then the last thing was uh we were approved for a heavy commercial vehicle exclusion on Lin road that was applied for following um I think it was a town meeting vote I don't recall the year um more to come on that but that was just to update the board they're rarely approved honestly I'm I've never seen one before so we did get that approval so there'll be more to come for the board going forward but just to alert you that that'll be down the road great and that's it David can I ask maybe through you the flap Grant which is for vulnerability or something but whatever can we move that towards getting any understanding of whether we would have more commercial retail space orientation on Route One um well this is actually for um just to Pro provide a little background this was actually something that was originally initiated by um mayor Reen and Matt Helman at The Refuge and uh Newberg Port actually has the grant but we are kind of taking the Kristen has really taken over on this taking the lead uh to move this forward working with John Eric White who's the engineer in newburry Port to put together a request for proposals for an engineer to do this but it's it's specifically looking at uh The Plum Island Turnpike Sunset down to the Refuge and Plum Island Boulevard to you know the center um in terms of resiliency and it's kind of an offshoot of the Plum Island sea level rise project that we had a few years ago one of the recommendations was to look at access to the island because as as with climate change seil level rise king tide all of that stuff um it will be underwater more and more more so and I apologize I may have said yeah it's fine now I understand what it is so the other the other time and refuge has monies available don't they at some point to maybe raise the road that I don't know I me this really is um you know specifically it's a Federal grant looking at how to maintain access to to Federal lands basically and that's what that's because they supposedly have a pretty good pile of money to keep their access roads above water throughout the country so this is the first step this is the first step perfect nice job and also to look at that sort of multimodal if there are any ways of increasing bicycle access pedestrian access all of that as well as the resilience component of it perfect okay anything else that's it okay so we have some correspondence there's a right to farm disclosure on 18 Old Farm Way so I'm just going to read this we have two of them in accordance with section four of the newb Right to Farm bylaw the owners of real property located 18 Old Farm Way newb Mass um hereby presents the following notification it is the policy of new to conserve protect and encourage the maintenance and Improvement of agricultural land for the production of food or other agricultural products and also for its natural and ecological value the disclosure notification is to inform buyers or occupants that the property they are about to inquire or occupy lies within a town where farming activities occur such farming activities may include but are not limited to activities that may cause noise dust or odors buyers and occupants are also informed that the location of property within newb may be impacted by commercial agricultural operations including the ability to access water services for such property under certain circumstances the right to farm disclosure notification was presented to the prospective buyer or occupant by the undersigned not later than 21 days after the purchase and sale contract was entered into or prior to the sale or exchange of real property if no purchase sale agreement um if no purchase and sale agreement exists for the purchase or exchange of real property or prior to acquisition of the least hold interest or other possessory possessor possessory interest in the property in all circumstances this disclosure notification must be presented to the grantee prior to the recording of any deed or other instrument of conveyance of real property all violations of the town's Right to Farm bylaw including the failure to present this disclosure notification to a prospective Vier occupant is subject to a f of of $300 um so this was presented on 423 2024 um by yuy Morrison and William Morrison okay that was one the second one is 12 Cottage Road uh this was in accordance disclosure in accordance with section 4 of the Newbury Right to Farm bylaw the owner of the real property located at 12 Cottage Road newbur Mass um hereby presents the following notification it's going to be all over again but I'm going to read it anyways it is the policy of newbry to conserve protect and encourage the maintenance and Improvement of agricultural land for the production of food or other agricultural products and also for its natural and ecological value this disclosure notification is to inform buyers or occupants that the property they are about to acquire occupy or occupy lies within a town where farming activities occur such farming activities may include but are not limited to activities that may cause noise dust or odors buyers and occupants are also informed that the location of property within Nu may be impacted by commercial agricultural operations including the ability to access water services for such property under certain circumstances this right to farm disclosure notification was presented to the respective buyer or occupant by the underside not later than 21 days after the purchase and sale contract was entered into or prior to the sale or exchange of real property if no purchase or sale agreement exists for the purchase or exchange of real property or prior to the acquisition of a leasehold interest or other possess possessory uh interest in the property in all circumstances this disclosure notification must be presented to the grantee prior to the recording of any deed or other instrument conveyance or real property interest all violations of the town's Right to Farm bylaw include the failure to present this disclosure notification to perspective buyer or occupant are subject to a fine of $300 and this um was at 12 Cottage Road uh is the owner CBC LLC okay we also received a letter from Triton regarding the Massachusetts skill school building authority statement of interest um was received thank you for submitting a 2024 um statement of interest to the Massachusetts school building authority the msba electronically please note the district submission is not yet complete if the district selected statutory Priority One or statutory priority 3 if either of these priorities were selected the district must postmark and submit to the msba by the core program SOI filing period closure date required date the required supporting documentation to the msba which is described below um additional documentation required for S SOI statutory priorities one and three in order to be considered complete the district selects statutory Priority One replacement or renovation of a building which is structurally unsound or otherwise in a condition seriously jeopardizing the health and safety of the school children where no alternative exists the msba requires a hard copy of the engineering or other report detailing the nature and and severity of the problem in a well in a in a written professional opinion of how eminent the system failure is likely to manifest itself the district also must submit uh photographs of the problematic building area or the system to the msba the SOI will not be considered complete unless this information is provided if the district district selects statutory priority three prevention of a loss of accreditation the SOI will not be considered complete until a summary of the accreditation report focused on the deficiencies as stated in the S SOI are provided in addition to the information required above the district may also provide reports pictures or other information they feel will give the MSB a better understanding of the issues identified at a facility the additional documentation must also be postmarked and submitted to the msba by the core program SOI filing period closure date so that's what Triton did they submitted another um statement of interest to the school building authority and we'll see where that one goes so that's no different really than the first one right they weren't they weren't denied I think they've only had one so far yeah this is the second this will be the second the the attachment says it's Ria Ria vocational this package oh I'm sorry I I thought it was that's what I thought it was wer I'm sorry that was that was me Triton is coming this was whiter this is the second one that whiter has submitted so they they're just alerting us they're not asking for our vote are they no no they they've submitted it again yeah and now we'll see where this where this goes that's interesting well they have to do something it's really interesting it says is this a potential consolidation and the response is no no well poal new school it was supposed to be a consolidation and the state paying for it with one of the colleges well they they talked about that so it doesn't look like it's going to be I believe this was going this is all of it I think this this is I don't know I don't know I I didn't think it was a whole new building I thought they were just going to meanes like sorry it's likely that they might have just applied to hold their hold their spot as it were while they discuss Northshore um just to keep the ball rolling one way or the other oric good right yeah sorry made it B what's that you made us feel better good okay M okay so that's that okay meeting updates are there any meeting updates I have some Jeff do you have any meeting updates I'm pretty good I can't think right now we all we all did the um DCC last week yes which was do you want speak to that well it was really informative I thought both Nissa and Erica did a very good job in explaining it a little bit more in a Layman language type of situation so that people were able to un understand it and I thought the discussion afterwards was really important just tell lesie tell them what it is that you're discussing the alterative assessment the alternative assessment is going to they're looking at a 5-year rolling I know rolling plan but it could we could be looking at a a 3% a 5% and a 7% increase over a 5year period but it's to keep the budget in a in more acclimated form than not knowing what we're going to be doing and we're trying to put it together early today and we found out that glad but earlier than you know we're trying to get it on the agenda earlier than normally has taken and we and we'd understand a little more ahead of time what everyone's uh exposure would be but what we found out you can take it if you want to but what we found out if you really dig into the alternative assessment you can have losers and winners yeah and it doesn't seem to be a really good way to go so the p is only so big p is only so big and it also if you want to put it into kind of a uh being able to understand it do you remember the old variable rates for mortgages that's kind of where where it falls into so you don't know year after year where you're going to what how much the increase of the budget is going to be the statutory method is what it is statutory measure and it doesn't seem to be anything else right now from what we heard at that meeting and Alicia you correct me if I'm wrong or Bill but it seems like that's not particularly a good solution either so the pi is only so big and if the school is a is I'm just going to say cuz I'm not even going to take into account chapter chapter 70 mon that come from the state just assume that we paying for the whole thing we're not but just assume that what they looked at and it was it's on Dana I know you weren't able to make it but it's online if you want to go go watch it it's very good I strongly recommend that you go watch it and anybody that wants to watch it it's on the Triton site it's up now um five years a history they looked at a 5year rolling average so if you average it out three right at one time it was three prior I think in the 70s um but they fail too there was yeah so they changed it because it was a failure so so they looked at the alternative assessment instead of the the statutory method which is required by Massachusetts general laws was they took a 5year rolling average and they looked at what the real they looked backwards five years and looked at if we had used the rolling average what would it have looked like you know year one year two year three year four year five and the money is the money it costs what it costs it's just shifting how who's paying for what so over time over the five years you look at it Nu had to pay a little bit more Raleigh had to pay a little bit more and Salsbury got a $1.4 million discount because it just trended it over the three communities differently and I Frank Visconti as a member of our finance committee was there and he he couldn't figure out arrival said arrival how can you sell that at town meeting you'd have to go to a town meeting explain to town meeting members yes we're going to pay more these aren these students do not reside in our town we're subsidizing the rest of the district but it's good because we'll get predictability and we'll be able to know what our numbers are and'll be able to know what how to budget and that's DOA I I think Frank's kind of right on that one it's D DOA at it's going to be one of those things you really have to sit back look at it reread it digest it and see what you're most comfortable with um but the one of the things though is if if we do take on the um the fiveyear that if it doesn't get voted on we can we can jump back to the to the uh the original formula statut so what these what was interesting about this is it does it it looks at the alternative assessment looked at um predictability uh fairness right so um considering the alternative assessment method they wanted to it would make the town assessment swings less volatile so you'll have more predictability it won't be that big high like this year new had $700,000 increase over last time so it'll make them less volatile it's a simpler and easier to understand formula because it's simple we created it's simple um it's predictable it's very predictable you'll know pretty much what you're going to do every single year and is it fairer to communities it's really not fairer to communities because now one two communities are underwriting a third happens to be the way it falls out now so the alternative assessment looks at at those four things unfortunately it doesn't achieve all four things you can get two out of the three but you can't you can't get because the pie is only so big it's just a matter how you spread it up it it was pretty much it and it was very very it was explained so easily Erica is very good at visualizing data Nissa was Nissa was yeah Nissa explains the the whole she understands the the statutory method of the funding formula um she was blowing my mind on some of that stuff and so I'm going to just interrupt this for a minute because we had an MMA meeting today and we discussed chap Chapter 70 at this at the state level and um in the budget that came out of the Senate um there are two items in that budget that looks at um the chapter 70 formula they're going to study that there's going to be a study committee Senator Lewis from from Winchester that wrote the student Opportunity Act he is the head of the education committee right now he is going to um form a study committee this the the budget that comes out of the Senate asks him to do that provides a vehicle for that and the other thing that's coming out of this budget is they're going to look at a municipal buildings Public Safety and municipal building authority like the school building authority they're going to study that for police fire uh Town Halls dpws to provide State funding for those projects as well so they're going to study that if they do as well with the schools we won't expect anything well one of the things what you mean the school building authority no I'm talking Chapter 70 if they do as well with that well no this is the school building authority so this two separate things there capital and there's operating but I'm just saying so so there's momentum at the state level with this because it's affecting people more and more now so that was good that was good news but we really haven't been receiving much of anything out of chapter 7 but he hasn't been the same since 2002 or something yeah right but that's not only us that's everybody right so everybody's feeling the pinch and so everybody's stting a scream and what the legislative Aid said that which she found in interesting is for the first time since she's been working with the m MMA she was in the Senate listening to them orate about what bills and amendments they wanted to pass and everybody that talked about Chapter 70 was singing the same song that we've been singing or that I've been screaming at the MMA level it's affecting them all now so now there's been centered used to only be a few towns and now it's getting more and more so it's getting louder and louder so this hope that there'll be something kind of a fix to this because it has it has to it's unsustainable and the fact of the matter of you know the price per student has changed dramatically yeah so the cost per student was $104 I think they bumped it to $110 110 per student so that's going to go up that's big but more importantly is that wealth component that wealth component has to be we're rich the ability to pay they've all decided that that we're like super wealthy here in newb we we just don't know how to get rid of our money fast there you go the uh on the alternative assessment I I'm sorry I wasn't there I really wanted to go the we're not going to have the option though of going back of going back going back to what to where we're at right now yeah no that that we can we can go back from the alternate to the but once but once it starts rolling it's you know like it's you know looking over a 5year period once it starts rolling for example one town you know we're going to be obviously there only so much money we're going to be sharing the cost um one year one town might get a a better deal and then the next year when they don't get the it's it's predictable right it's predictable it's going to be predicted the interesting but how would we go back because if you have an alternative ass but the statutory method that we currently only requires two out of three times approve it if we go with an alternative assessment I know it's three it has to be all three and it will be dead on arrival because can you imagine it passing I can't say it pass no yeah so and and if it doesn't pass the alternative assessment you automatically by law have to go back to the two-step so that's when you say you can't go back you are able to have the choice so if from year to year that doesn't make any sense and it doesn't get passed with a unanimous vote you can go back with like a special town meeting and go back to the statut if you have all three towns y we only need 2/3 in way out of work if you if we ever went this which we're not going to go if it was that absolutely hypothetically not working so badly that all three towns wanted to vote it down they could so in that one year there there is a choice there and it was built supposed to be built as just another tool in your toolbox if you wanted to look at it through the alternative assessment if it helps and you think you could pass it great if not you automatically have to go back to the to the two-step method anyways and I I know when we were looking at this years ago before there are other communities across the state that have alternative assessments sure they just don't use them and they have circuit they talk about circuit breakers and other stuff but it's just you know prob statutory is the amount of students you have in the schools and your ability to pay it's about what it amounts to right it's easy to explain and the thing is when you go to an annual town meeting and you're trying to explain this rolling 5year budget most people are going to stand up and go I don't want to do that I just want to stay with the what I see is what I get well what people are going to be afraid of if it's explained well is that your town could be subsidizing another town and that's we got enough from yeah I think those feelings are already running around right now I think you're right you know but Frank was so spot on with you know yeah I'm I'm going to be in the the DOA club it's like okay but you know be it's good to know all of the the all of the different uh methods that you can use and and feel uh educated to um vote in the way that you want to but it it looked at it if you don't look at it you don't know so you got to look at it every once in a while and now there could be another formula that nobody thought of that would be better but again the pi is only so big hey you have an account you're have a degree in accounting get on that no that's okay the SI is only so big that's my accounting what that night did however is because of the work not only Erica did but Nissa I've heard this so many times in my lifetime of being involved and yet I I learned again some things I didn't know when Nissa especially did her presentation so it's always was well done yeah it was very well done okay review and approved meeting minutes draft minutes from 423 I'll entertain a motion to approve I'd make a motion to approve but we need to make a modification on 423 on page three well hold on so let's let's amend so you're going to you your motion to approve is there a second motion to approve there's a second just uh 23 or we doing 13 well we're going to do the first one 23 for 23 V approve okay Bill you have an amendment um yeah page three officer appointments our discussion reads Leslie Matthews questioned what Mr whites will his facility be as far as role I think it's what is his role what Mr White's role will be I think is what Leslie wants to know you're probably right it's just a minor thing but it's clear it didn't make sense yeah okay any other amend any other amendments to this okay all in favor yes I okay and then a motion to approve the select boy minutes from May 13 motion to approve second all in favor okay motion to sign warrants motion sign second all in favor I motion to ad do Jour all favor all right