##VIDEO ID:6-FWrNUeqCE## I have a motion to open motion and a second all those in favor I we have a roll call of voting members I'm Damon jerson and I am present uh Cindy carer present cath Z councilor and we are missing John because of the fire alarm in our last meeting I think he went home uh no one else is here so uh the next agenda item is the approval of the minutes from the previous meetings thank you guys for working on that entertain a motion to approve the meeting minutes as written motion second all those in favor I uh are there any updates from you guys beyond the meeting minut as far as thoughts concerns or anything around the building at this particular juncture and time concerns um I have a question yes I where so where do we go from here like so we have made the list of wants needs space you know um we kind of been like putting The Feelers out what happens now where where do we go from here so the way that we had laid out the structures once we had codified the space needs we would bring that back to the counts on Aging we were hoping to do it in June but things happen and uh and then we would start to look for potential sites um and then we will build a matrix to evaluate those those potential sites so one of the things we may how we go about finding potential sites is one of the discussions that we will have because you know the town owns some land there's other land in town that could be bought but essentially we have to or it's to my mind the best thing we can do is look at every possible location in town okay that could host us and evaluate it and then we after that we would pass on the space needs SL program needs for the counil on aging and our Matrix and evaluation to the board of selecting and say this is what we've looked at this is what we estimate for a cost mhm in today's dollars we would love you guys to carry it to the next level cuz we are limited in what we can do so we can we'll make a recommendation to them that they do something and then you know maybe it will get onto the town meeting more maybe it won't this time maybe you know we have uh we'll be at the end of what we can do after we evaluate different properties in presumbly in town although we could you know there's no law that says the counts on Aging has to be in town but I don't think traveling for you know makes any sense and we wanted it connected to other entities so all the other entities are in town so it's probably be in town so does that answer your question yeah so so then what happens we make a list of every place that's a possibility that the town owns already spaces plannned it's essentially spaces that are um are big enough for what we are trying to do so you know it can't be a quarter acre parcel cuz that won't be big enough for what we need to build even if we went up four stories you know there wouldn't be enough parking there wouldn't you know MH so some of it will be sitting with the assessor and maybe the town planner to look at where there are lots where there is space buildable space in town cuz it is it's tight our town is pretty as far as outside of the marshes and protecting forests we actually don't have a lot of land left you know it's a very big town but uh buildable spaces are small is my recollection from when I worked with the you know was a slman and was looking at where we can build affordable housing town right which is you know on this sort of scale that we'll be at with this sort of building so um and it may come down to we don't find a lot of locations and that's what we report to the SEL um but the next steps will be meeting with other Town officials and professionals to try and locate things and we can also it actually we may want to put it in the newsletter you know because people have ideas about space um whether or not it's Town owned it does not have to be Town owned could be someone could donate something to us someone could say you know well we haven't actually lived in our house for 16 years would this parcel be useful it's right next to the library you know and that would be very useful you know the town can buy land it's not outside of the realm of possibility the realm of possibility that has to go through town meeting Oh yes any then moving beyond a recommendation everything will be town meeting based so we are trying to get this to the point where it's a useful recommendation to the select board okay um and then we'll give them whatever help and support we can again in taking into the next steps okay so if that was going to go in the newsletter like do we stop doing that now because I haven't sent that to the printer for this MH month yet I'm working on that y um was it something you think would be beneficial to put in now like just a little blurb at the bottom like yeah yeah I think you know the counts on Aging is looking at possible sites for a future building uh any suggestions welcome ad I say it's probably going to be you unless you want it to be me we could just keep a notebook right and as people call we could just do that and keep a list and then give it to you right to uh you never know I think it's a good idea never know never know and that's I mean some of the council onings in other towns in our area area have been donated by people okay um they don't always function as well cuz sometimes their houses put you know some people have land so okay it's it's it's all it's we're if we don't turn over every stone they never know or we didn't do our job if we didn't yes okay all right so we were there is some anxiety maybe on our part because our lease where we are now now ends on 5427 yes so I know that that's up with the Town Administrator in terms of you know renewing the lease M and that would have to go I believe through town meeting for approval because that's funding for that um but we're just I think anxious to have a at least a plan like the next step in place to try and move this needle yeah forward just because we don't want to be homeless you know yeah I don't know what the rest of the I don't since I was not a part of signing the most recent update for the lease for the rest of town hall I don't know how they mesh or don't mesh and what the current thinking of the board of sedman and the Town Administrator is so um so that's a different discussion that we can have the likelihood of getting this through town hall and built oh no that's that's not we're anticipating but we want to know what in which direction we going are they do we have we secured a spot or a place like or are we looking at awfully thinking going back to the school cuz we couldn't even run our program there no um that I think is immediately we can have maybe you and I can sit with Tracy and talk about it um just to sus out what's going on maybe we get Alicia involved as well um but my yeah I would not expect that that is in the guards but I don't know I've not had those conversations yet so but it also would depend on the town voting to pay for the lease yes so even if everyone was all on the same page it all depends on who goes to town meeting and votes M okay all right so but I think it will be part of the budget it funding the lease payments was part of of the budget it was not a broken outline item to my recollection so which generally if I recollect is questioned every time yes there are a couple people who question each item but it doesn't usually all right so we just we just want to know what we need to do next I know the Matrix is something that is going to come into play do you want us to start working on that I think that piece um would be good I think a five point Matrix is good so that you know one is bad five is good but it doesn't get into too much of uh you know is it a three or is it a four you know and then we need to do things yeah I can try and find the old one we used for the site selection for Town Hall okay and the police station um and we can model some of it off of that and add in the other things that are specific to um the counts on agent cuz I think you don't need to reinvent the wheel right but I think if I can get one of those matrixes for you that would be helpful you can just copy that and we'll go from there and I think like I said then some of the next steps are need meeting with the maybe the assessor and the town planner about spaces that are available okay um and I have to go talk to the planner right now anyway okay and then uh yeah I will write [Music] Eric uh um yeah I think that those will be our next next steps and uh you know getting together with Tracy and Alicia is something that is not uh necessarily the ad committee but I think that's something for you yeah um I think you should be involved because you can laay the anxiety uh better okay um so we can I can text them as well um cuz that's just that's counts on Aging not at H commun business so um yes I think at this point building the Matrix and starting to look at NSS land is our next steps so and that means finding Outland you know we will certainly tour John's favorite site because it's a viable and have to assess it so we need to find out what other sites are appropriate are appropriate to look at and then do that process okay um and I think we should probably meet again uh next month and we'll do it after the COA meeting which I have to schedule so that I can be here so I will so to be determined [Music] yeah so we'll wait for I will wait for you to if you can find me a matrix yeah I can also Google things and see if I can find something I mean we already the town is already yeah so if you can send that to me then we'll work on that you will meet with the town planner and Assessor M on that side um I'm just for the minutes though yes um and then we'll determine the next meeting date and I'll post that once yeah and we I think we'll do immediately following whenever the next CA meeting is and with that I would entertain a motion toour motion to adjourn second all in favor I thank you guys thank you thank you