flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you everyone for coming tonight the first order of business is public comment we're going to receive oral Communications from members of the public public members of the public May address the select board for up to 3 minutes the select board shall not engage in discussion on topics raised during public comment but may choose to add the topic to a future agenda this agenda segment will be limited to 15 minutes we have any public comment tonight am I I give you two pages here you can take one there's one for each of the SEL numbers but um there's two pages so grab it uh my name is lindsy hate I'm the executive director for our neighbors table we're a regional food access organization um now serving 17 cities and towns of which uh the town of Newbury is one of them I know that you are very familiar with our partners here uh at the First Parish new uh Newberry food pantry uh one of our critical Partners in providing food access I'm here really just during public comment as an introduction but I'd welcome the opportunity to come back as a part of a formal agenda in a future meeting um the items that I'm passing around I I'll leave here on the table for other folks in the audience to grab just gives you a profile of the current state of food and security here in Newberry and you'll see that almost one out of 10 Newberry residents is currently living in a food insecure household which means that they are either worrying about where their food is coming from or as our surveys as people register with us for the first time indicate uh that a good number of them are going without by the time they work up the courage to be able to seek out help um our neighbor table is proud to be able to serve members of the community directly but also uh over the last several years we have grown our capacity to help support other organizations that are serving community members like the First Parish new Pantry uh later this year we've been rolling out phases of operations um but later this year we will officially open our seast regional food hub located just over the um newbry Port Salsbury bridge on Route One uh which serves as a regional Distribution Center one of the critical challenges for our partners is not having the access to enough food to serve the people that they need to uh and so over the last five years we've actually provided critical help to the Newberry food pantry folks uh through trucks through access to the Greater Boston food bank at our Asbury site um and then access to other surplus food throughout the Community this uh food Hub not only centralizes all that we are building 3,000 ft of shared Refrigeration produce freezer Dairy so that we can access the critical Fresh Foods that our guests people are experiencing food insecurity cannot afford at the grocery store and need most from us so uh I just wanted to introduce ourselves introduce the project uh I would very much welcome and invite all of you to come for a tour you can join members of the newb food pantry to come and tour the Hub to see how it will serve the community and just exponentially help the capacity that they're already building over at the church there um but uh last year we distributed 95,000 pounds of uh food or I'm sorry 95,000 meals 114,000 pounds of food specifically to Newberry residents so it's a persistent issue uh the the um nearly uh 9% food insecurity rate today is uh significant L higher than the 6% preco rate uh and we forecast that that need is going to continue to rise as it did after the previous um recession so um I know we don't have opportunity for discussion today but uh I'll leave my cards here as well um and I welcome any opportunity to continue this conversation with all of you thank you for the support that you lended to the Newber food pantry through your um ARA Grant uh we very much appreciate that thank you thank you you can leave the cards with d get the thank you okay so the first um item on the agenda is Grants Gibson donations um Janette Isabella to the Council on Aging um $100 I'll entertain a motion motion motion to approve second any discussion all in favor I Susan Hay to the Council on Aging for $20 to approve second any discussion favor I State 911 support and incentive Grant uh $46,988 um we have a few appointments here uh Mario caraval is the for the zoning board of appeals I'll entertain a motion motion to appoint second in favor I I Gail C Bo of registr motion to appoint second all in favor Theodor Dylan uh is a part-time patrol officer motion to apply Point second all in favor I Robert White part-time patrol officer motion to appoint second all in favor I I Emanuel Tero fulltime police officer motion to appoint second all in favor I I I Roger Mary a special police officer motion to appoint second all in favor I and J roier a special police officer clst to appoint second all in favor I I okay under new business we have Police Department request to deem handguns as a surplus I'll entertain a motion deem handguns um as listed in our packet Surplus motion to request motion to deem handguns with Surplus okay I have a motion in a second Paddy did you want to come up and give a thank you I just want to make sure you have the right copy I submitted a typo one first so I want to make sure it's um 20 um here we go uh the block 17's Glock 19s and Glock 23s is what we have um so these this is just followup to the um money that was appropriated at town meeting last year where we were able to purchase our Firearms to replace so that we could go to the red light sites um now that we have um qualified as a department on those weapons which they're unbelievable there the accuracy is unreal thank you very much to the town um it's now time to deem our old Firearms as Surplus so that we can sell them when we sell them um they do go back the money does go back into the general fund it doesn't come back to the police department so it's essentially used to defer replace some of the money that went into purchasing the new firearm so that's what this request is for thank you okay any questions or any further discussion with the chief yes U Chief Fisher um the FFL dealers a group of them come in and look at the inventory look at the merchandise and they submit bills uh bids for it or how does it work so I H I have to look into that more clearly that is one option the other thing that I have heard but I I haven't researched yet um is that there's a standard price for for Glock firearms from law enforcement that the is universal through the vendors who are on the um procurement list so once they're deemed Surplus I will look into that and consult to make sure we're following procurement laws for that perfect thank you yeah you're welcome thank you I just have a curiosity question sure what is the uh 4w Glock those are just the the caliber of them y I just noticed all the other ones were 9 mm y okay any further discussion all in favor thank you I appreciate that thank you Patty okay we have have um approved request for public property use special permit we have Tony Matthews and Steve Fram the annual Byfield car show August 16th from 2: P.M to dusk motion to approve second are you going to recuse yourself okay can I just can I turn no you got it thank you or you can walk out there whichever you no that's okay it's unlocked if you want um yeah go get a glass of water or something um okay so I have a motion in a second um you guys are moving the car show to the off of the streets of bfield or down to the uh recck Fields now if we yeah we got permission from should we come up that'd be great Tony thank you um we went before the rep committee on the 8th cleared the date with and um the date was fine with them the use of the pocking was fine with them the use of the Fieldhouse bathrooms was fine with them oh perfect um we've got the um J Maro the food pantry is going to set up their grills and serve food okay um it it'll save closing down the downtown area and um I think it'll work out good we'll give it a try this year great idea see if it works yeah yeah okay from two to to to desk that's great when skers come out um any questions from the board Jeff no I know I was at the meeting when you guys presented to the rec committee and I think somebody asked if you needed any kind of documentation from the Board of Health about serving food um Jane was going to take care of that that's that's um up to the food p and when I sat and discussed it with her she said she had was going to come down and get her paperwork all in order for that perfect um at 2:00 time I I think was a little um early it might be more like three that's fine you have you can get there early and set up do you have a rain date or no um the rec committee um couldn't finalize the rain date that we wanted to uh they didn't have this schedule in front of them the night we had the meeting um so we're going to have to go back at their next meeting and see if they can approve our rain date um I don't know if we have to come back before you and get the rain date approved or yeah I don't think so they weren't well once we approve the use of the property you you should be all set okay yeah all right well I hope you don't get any r thanks what day of the week is that on a Saturday or a Sunday it's a Friday it's a Friday okay all right well I'm looking forward to it good all right any further questions all in favor I I thank you thank you for doing that thank you for doing that show okay Leslie so we have old Newbury Association this is the muster use of the Newbury green this is the upper green on July 27th from 9:00 a.m. to 300 p.m. I'll entertain a motion motion to approve request second okay any discussion on this all in favor I I Friends of the Newbery Council on Aging Community movie in the park August 11th 700 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. with a rain date of August 12th motion approve request second okay discussion hello hi I'm new so I'm on the friend the New Friends board welcome so I've met some of you thank you very much so you'll be seeing me a lot we're trying to get this going good um so we want to do a um first ever movie night at uh the Central Street field in Fieldhouse so I have uh met with the rec committee and got approval for that dat great so um I've got form sign for you too so since it's our first we don't know how many are coming I'm planning for 100 people we'll see uh it'll be a large screen put up and and uh it's going to be outdoors it's outdoors so so we'll have our bug spray um and it'll be uh the movie is Wizard of Oz okay so we're gonna have that we will have a snack bar so I did talk with the Department of Health for that um she said it's it it's fine with what you're doing it's pre packag candies and okay so that's all clear so that's it well I wish you the best of luck thank you and I hope you all come yeah and I have a form I don't know if you need this form or you have it already I think Cindy may have given it to you okay and my mom Lucy Perez is also on the board on the fundraising committee well thank you thank you for doing doing this sure sure all right it's a pleasure thank you so are there any questions Jeff all right all in favor hi hi good luck thank you old business none Town administrator's report sure thank you madam chair um just wanted to report to you a few things you may already know some of them but uh we have a number of new hires over at the library uh the library associate for circulation William Allen Corey Owen I'm not sure how to pronounce this one but Bo boesen Library associate for Youth Services Gabby Toth is the new assistant Library director so they've got a full compliment of employees once again it took them a little while their um collective bargaining agreement discussions are still ongoing um they've had a hard time coordinating a date with the agent so we're we're still working on that and hope to have it done soon uh Morgan Avenue fire station flooring project is going out to bid next week so that should be um we should have bids probably within the next month or so and we can expect to see construction there during the construction they're going to be using uh the town hall for some storage that they're going to need um just temporarily and there are a couple of groups I think that do meet in the um the room in the uh Morgan AB station then they're going to have to reschedule some of those meetings because they're going to need that area for storage as well so it's going to be um a little disjointed for a while but okay through through the construction just in terms of updates um watch Street Culver replacement will be beginning in mid August and they expect it to go through November um there'll be a detour route set up and it'll be middle road to Elm Street throughout the construction uh the project basically as everybody knows will increase the waterf flow to alleviate the flooding that we've had in that area just a reminder that the total project cost came in at about 890,000 and to date we've secured um just over $700,000 towards that uh the uh Route One Paving project um David has spoken to the I guess he's the foreman it's project manager project manager and um they noted that they're behind schedule but are hoping to pave through the week of 84 through the 10th um hoping there's no rain delays they're um going to close a portion of Middle Road from the intersection of middle and Highfield North to middle in Route One during that week so alternatively if there are weather delays then there'll be pushing it off until August the week of August 11th goal naturally is to have the Handover side done first in advance of opening of the school um the new school year the um David I don't know do you want to give an update on the bcac lease that's been an ongoing conversation that we've been having and I know we met with Lisa today yeah so that that is ongoing we do have to go out to for that um regardless of who the chosen uh entity is that said we had an appraisal done yesterday I should be getting results back so that'll be that'll give us the fair market rent we need to go to RFP so once we get that going the bids out there we'll see what we get back okay okay and we're also year en closing is underway um that'll take probably about a part of the next two months and once we're done with that we're on to fiscal year 2025 and we'll be starting conversations about next Year's budget so yeah comes up quick it goes the year goes by fast thank you uh correspondence I don't believe there was any correspondence meeting updates um I have one anybody else have any meeting upd there I just went to the rec committee I already okay I attended the MMA fiscal policy committee meeting today um I you know the budget is still going the state budget still going through its cycle um it went through the legislature it's on the governor's desk I think she has nine days or 10 days to sign it whato a few things um I think the expectation is it's going to go through one thing that was interesting to me that went through that uh govern's budget is that the uh Chapter 70 reimbursement is up to $104 per student up from $30 per student so that's pretty significant so I'm curious to see what that if that we I don't think the governor would take it out but we'll see um so I was really happy to hear hear that um that's my only meeting up that's what I came away with that meeting today um review and approve meeting minutes we have draft minutes of June 11th 2024 I'll entertain a motion to approve motion to approve second all in favor I I and warrant Mo motion to sign warrants motion to sign warrant second all in favor I I and now we're going to adjourn into executive session so I move pursuant to Massachusetts General Law chapter 30 a section 21 A2 that the board convene into executive session to conduct a collective bargaining session with the fire department I is there a second second okay second I need roll call vote Alicia Greco chair is yes William Deo yes say your name Bill Deo yes yes y okay um Leslie Leslie Matthews yes yep Jeffrey Walker yes okay the meeting will not reconvene at the conclusion of executive session so that's it for tonight thank you everyone