o I'll expain a motion to open motion open second second all in favor allegian United States stand indivisible and justice for all okay hi everyone um tonight it's a short agenda I'm going to suspend the order of the agenda and I'm going to take the approval of worker licenses first um there is an approval for Oldtown Country Club 25 marab newb to update existing license category from a Walt from a from a wine in malt beverage to a wine in Malt Beverages with cordales and lurs do I have a motion motion to approve second okay any discussion on this all in favor I I have a uh I'll entertain a motion for Kimu deloo Delo and Brad Del deloo okay doing Bez as um Rip Tide Cafe and bar at 23 PM Island B Boulevard is the transfer of a liquor license motion to approve second any discussion all in favor I your Facebook stuff looks awesome thank you that's all Kim soon thank you and Ryan Cox and Noah uh goldsteen DBA Bob Lobster at 49 Plum Island Turnpike transferable liquor license motion do approve second any discussion how was the employee who was Buren he's good I actually just got I was visiting with him a little while ago he's home he's going to be okay U just some arm work but it'll be okay glad to hear that good all in favor I okay thank you all you thank you very much thank you have a great night take care I'm going to go [Music] back uh public comment to receive oral Communications from members of the public members of the public May address the select board for up to three minutes select board shall not engage in discussion on topics raised during public comment but may choose to add the topic to a future agenda this agenda segment will be limited to 15 minutes is there any public comment tonight no okay grants gifts and Don ored Street cul replacement grants in the amount of $200,000 motion to accept second any discussion on this I have a question since I live on Orchard Street do I have to refuse myself I don't think so you don't live you're not really close to it yeah look you're a long ways away from where the Culvert is okay just want to make sure you don't abut the cul do you don't abut the C okay either way it's just acceptance of the monies it's not you know you're not approving the project just want to be cautious go okay all in favor I no public hearing new business Declaration of a 2020 for to explore as Surplus submitted by the Newbury Police Department Mo approve declaration second any discussion on this yes go ahead um will it just go out to auction or will it be uh could it go into a private sales situation so um Highway D Department director seret oversees all of the Town Surplus so whatever the law requires that municipalities do in order to surplus vehicles is how we follow it what I know is once or if approved I transfer this letter the keys in the title over to the highway department director and he has a company that will come take it and sell the vehicle through auction I believe um but it is a specific auction for it yeah I would imagine anything else would have to be uh stripped down considerably as far as uh the technology that's built into the cruiser so we strip the um we strip any equipment from the vehicle we even take you know newb police the identifier for police off of it um so it doesn't leave kind of as a police vehicle oh okay yep it leaves stripped down and we keep all of the equipment that went into it so it just looks like a personal vehicle as it when it leaves it'll still be black and white and it'll still have the spotlight on the side um but it it won't say new police and it won't have any of the radio equipment lights Sirens any of that that all gets taken out thanks P yeah no no problem I I just want to I just want to add for the public that this is was in the capital planning and it was to be replaced in 2024 and we've already bought the other crews are correct so for the 2024 Capital planning that was the car we were supposed to replace no so for 2025 the car that was in the accident for fiscal year 25 was supposed to be replaced that got replaced from insurance so I removed it from FY 25 Capital planning gotcha perfect thank you you're welcome thank you thank you I have I just say that Joseph's second car was the police chief of seabrook's car there a huge and she could you know didn't drive big huge Pontiac station wagon sebr police cruiser Chief's car not a crown 47 years ago and not a crown VI no it was py up all right any further discussion all in favor all all okay we have approval for a business license application for uh Channel Street Pierre and Britney uh and Char uh Chanel St Pierre and Britney char Charles DBA Barker's Barber at 94 turn new report turn to approve second any discussion are they here discussion all in favor I do we have a clam license or do we miss that skipped it skip did I skip you did lard doson Leonard right above it oh I put a check mark that's what it was sorry about that I checked the wrong thing okay thank you um approve a commercial clam license renewal application for Len Dobson 12 right rear Old Point Road motion to approve second any discussion all in favor I I thank you okay approve request for public property use special permit Alzheimers Association date June 1st 2024 from 8:00 a.m to 12:30 p.m. a road race v motion to approve requ yeah a second is there anybody here from the Alzheimer's Association don't think so okay all in favor I I and then the new report Lions Club um high road to R Lane to Ocean AB road closure uh July 30th from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. for the road race is there a motion motion to approve as you stated is there a second discussion yes with the way that the traffic is going to be coming down the Plum Island Turnpike it's going to be a lot different this year than it was was last year and um the way I view it is that it's not going to flow in the same way as it did last year because the road is going to be brought down to a very smaller size so that it's going to the it's going to interrupt um a a regular traffic flow before it gets there so it would be um more difficult to get in and off the island even for emergency vehicles so paty can you speak to this thank you so last last year was the first year they kind of that I'm aware of that they did this rout that they had done a bunch of years ago um prior to my time so last year we considered it kind of like this trial run to see how what the impact was and how quick it went um what we did was for the amount of time that pyland Boulevard uh pyland Turnpike I'm sorry was blocked off for the running we did two things we stationed um police off the details they paid for police officer firefighters and um medical personnel to Stage to be on the island so that we didn't have to try to rush through Runners to get down to the island they were already there we also had a contingency plan set up where if we had to interrupt the race to to get people on and off the island for emergency situations the race was going to get inter interrupted for pyland Turnpike the amount of time I can't remember exactly how long it was um deputy chief wowski worked closely with them for this and was at the event last year um the amount of time that it took to get those Runners on Ralph's Lane were the front end of the race um we've asked for them to give us this m this much time but it was actually significantly smaller that the the runners were actually blocking the traffic there because of the distance between the runners or you know usually the packs are like prevalent and then there's a big distance between you know how the runners come up after that so where we were the front end of the race the the Heats were closer together opposed to once you get midc course or the end of the course where they actually start to spread out so where we're at the front of the race um the pack moves faster um for it but again we ask them for that little bit of wiggle room on the time that they request us to be there in case it's super hot that day and the packs are slower or whatnot uh you know last year it wasn't a huge inconvenience for us from a public safety point of view we put up signs um ahead of time letting people know when there was going to be um disruption to traffic onto Plum Island but again our main Public Safety concern is can we get responders quickly to anyone who's on the island and can we get them off the island if they need transport to the hospital and that I feel confident that we will do and can do the you don't see that there's going to be any problem by reducing the width of the road for um construction purposes you know or Road repair purposes that they've uh talked about so I'm unfamiliar with that part of it so this before us is nothing to do with narrowing roads they're closing the roads these are road closures yeah yeah but if the what I'm looking at is the that it's been it was announced that the road was going to be reduced in size for bridge repair the bridge repair yeah and so that would reduce the size of are you talking about the bridge on PL oh so the Pyon Bridge so so when you get on to pyland Turnpike we the bridge width will not impact emergency vehicles going on and off the island um we've had those discussions with Dot in the um Road changes to my understanding as of a little over a week ago that the um roadway narrowing isn't going to happen until you get closer to the bridge so it won't be towards ocean Aven Newport um where we're we're talking about so so so that do project will have no impact on this race from my understanding from a week ago if it must they've changed something that I haven't seen none of their narrowing of the roadways could should or would impact emergency vehicles from accessing the island um on or off they're they're they're talking about moving their teetering sides between when they're working so they might move the the single Lane and we might have to funnel single Lane on and off um but the width of that lane will be able to support emergency vehicles well when they're not working on the bridge it's alls I've seen is barrels down the middle yeah of the bridge and both sides are wide open so I'm just going to assume that we're not going to have construction work going on during the race that kind of wouldn't make any sense I can find out I won't speak for do you know I can find out if they would but again that's not happening near the race and if we've got detail officers there when they are you know alternating routes on and off the island because they're doing work we've got officers there who can clear the way just like we do if we have any construction going on to make sure that emergency vehicles have the clear path through okay and traff traffic wise I think there's a little bit of goodness because July 30th is a Tuesday it's not like it's weekend Beach traffic to Plum Island yeah res resent traffic we still have heavy traffic on and off the island and you know our concerns last year were this is at commuter time um you know what I mean so it will I don't want to minimize the impact that it does have on the island um in traffic in general at that whole area right there um but it's our hope again that this year that it's as quick as it was last year so what I'd like to see happen is signage up on the island alerting the residents that this road will close during this event least week in advance or so get it yep so that they know that there's time coming cuz I remember people were getting off the island and they were kind of Stu a little bit Yeah and even though it is a weekday it's Yankee homecoming a new report and it's very busy that little cluster in that area always gets balled up so so mhm yeah there's always something going on there at that particular time of year y 6:30 to 7:30 it's only an hour they're going to be closing the road so and that's a m you know right that's that's our last time yeah okay any further discussion no all in favor I thank you any appointments Chief thank you we have a part-time um police officer Robert White I'll entertain a motion motion to approve appointment of there a second second any discussion on this Cy what's see uh uh background of you know he will be a part-time but what will uh his job be as far as like um on board for that I'm sorry what will his job be what he's part-time so what will his uh facility b as far as like to as his role in the department perfect um the way we've used part-time officers which used to be referred to as Reserve officers over the years has changed because of post um it's really restricted how we use them and for a department like Newber PD where we used to have just as many if not more part-time officers who were working 32 to 40 hours a week as part-time employees with um half full-time police officers we really post is kind of forcing our hand into becoming a full-time Department um so what I'm trying to do by allowing people who are lawfully certified and eligible to work as police officers to keep them on as part-time officers is I'm trying to minimize the budget impact so we write the budget for what we have which is full-time officers but as I get part-time officers we requested that they work kind of 8 to 16 hours a week they fill in for um overtime shifts they fill in for sick days they fill in for paid vacation time for full-time officers so we will never have um or I hope I can't imagine we go no staff h no underst staff you know you'll always have a full staff of police officers correct so we we no longer have Reserve police officers working alone like when I started we could have two reserves so each shift right now so long as we're able to keep you know the Staffing that we have we have a supervisor and a patrol officer on each shift that patrol officer could be a full-time officer it could be a part-time officer but they will always be so long as funding stays the same you know partnered with a full-time person um who who provides them support and again the benefit to post in all of these regulations that it put is prior to post Reserve officers who were working in the same capacity as full-time officers only had Reserve Academy training and certification and any supplemental education that we gave them part-time officers now have to have the same training same Education certification as a full-time officer so his certification is that of a full-time officer his full-time job um is in law enforcement so um so he's constantly kind of using the tools that we would expect of a part-time officer to use um so that makes me feel more comfortable than if we had somebody who worked in a completely different field I wouldn't say no to that but our supervision and our our you know our eye on it would be a little bit more this person is continually using the tools that we need them to use and again is training is more than it was when when I was working as a reserve um so there is that part he is certified through post great great thank you no problem discussion all in favor I thank you thank you Paddy okay and we have an appointment to the recreation committee Michael Crouch a motion motion to Appo is there a second second discussion Michael reached out said he'd like to um sit on the rec committee I asked him to sit and watch a meeting one time see if he liked it he did he's coming back for more so that's thankful that Mike is doing this so um all in favor I okay I think we have one more appointment oh two more okay we have Mary Carville through the Newbery uh cultural Council motion to appoint Mary to the Newbery C C uh Cal councel a second second any discussion all favor I and James uh blatchford for an election worker James is an election worker second all in any discussion all in favor I I no will business and we don't have a town administrators report um there is um there was some an announcement I think that David wanted to make in marur also so I'm gonna just um David you want to go first sure so I just wanted to announce that um as of today we were designated as a green Community officially uh with the first round of grand funding expected to be about $130,000 which is required to go to facilities improvements for Energy Efficiency and and other green um initiatives so good news for the town so that'll be before us that's very much thank you to Martha and Kristen Martha did and Kristen thanks to both on thank you congratulations I know you work very hard at nice job that's exciting to to get this yeah so it'll be before us again when we accept the grant for Grant acceptance yes okay and mattha did you want to have say anything about tomorrow night yes thank you I just wanted to let the board know and also anybody who may be watching that we are having a public information session tomorrow night on the MBTA Community Zoning for anybody who still has questions wants information it's all Rel related to article 14 on the town meeting warrant it'll be here in this room starting at 6:30 from 6:30 to 8 there will be a presentation first um by Ian burns from mvpc and then multiple opportunities for questions and answers so you know please let everybody know if anybody who's interested or has questions share share share and we'll have some fact sheets to hand out and hopefully be able to clarify anything so thank you and thank you for for saying that it's going to be in the meeting room because um looking at the uh the way it's set up on uh it just says at Town Hall so it doesn't really distinguish what where we're going to be you know where you can meet with people okay where did you see that on the website I think the calendar does say second floor hearing room but it might be the announcement might people are yeah yeah different announcements so just thank you for that we'll put some signs up downstairs so people yeah thank you for pointing that out so anybody who needs information let them know thank you thank you um the 14th we have some correspondents from uh Maran Clancy uh she um is inviting us to go take to be an observer or a community volunteer at the 14th annual credit for Life Fair which takes place Thursday May 23rd from 10: a.m. to 12:30 uh at Salem State uh love to have you visit during the event and see the students in action anybody interested um please reach out to Maryann your information is in your packet Triton used to do a credit for Life there and I have volunteered it it was an excellent event so I liked it yeah sounds extremely worthwhile for sure yes than the kids definitely learn um under meeting updates um I have a couple couple of meeting updates U want me to go first go ahead I I don't have any so um well it's not really well it's not really a meeting update but it kind of is um The Plum Island bathrooms are done they're complete and we're going to have an opening um on Saturday this Saturday the 27th like a ribbon kind of cutting ceremony the bathrooms will be open for an hour let the public come in and see please everybody if you can make it that would be great Saturday the 27th Y at 12 noon um I also attended Triton today um the facilities um committee or I guess yeah the facilities committee that was taking a look at Triton um met we toward the building today um we went up on the roof it's a mess it's flooding there's a lot of issues there to go up to so no I'm appointed to that that's it scary well there's a lot of a a lot of like patches on the roof and the floors the Band-Aid can only can cover so much it's an old building it get the puddling but after a while it becomes is there rubber roof y it's a flat rubber roof so that doesn't help and it's patched you know all over and the once you start patching it it doesn't work right anymore and the equipment top is blowing all around all the insulation on the big equipment and there's a lot of um condensation in in the boys's locker room and the drains have collapsed in the boys locker room so they don't they don't drain as well and this could be standing water in there and it's that's ugly yeah it is ugly it wasn't very can grow yeah uh you can see where the the tar is coming through the ceiling and that's what that black guck looks like it's tar and gravel so which dripping down the Walls gy yeah yeah so yeah they clean it up as best they can but needs to be addressed any other meeting updates real quick uh I was asked to speak at Earth today in Newport on the bulldo and Bruce spoke ahead of me and he spoke so well I basically just filled in behind him but what I did say is we do a lot of microplastic testing in all the rivers in the great msh and we drag a net with a canister that goes up to un H and they quantify to find ings and from what I'm finding from micr Plastics in our Rivers throw the plastic cups away once in a while and take a glass cuz their main thrust at Earth Day is Plastics and I don't blame them it's one time used Plastics right yeah just a lot of it yeah there way too much everyone just just a little just simple thing like a straw yeah all especially those cups and I use them mhm more yeah wow a lot less how's that thank you um the uh Triton has started oh God just the the sports no it's it we're working on uh FY 26 to change the model oh the alternative assessment alternative assessment alternative assessment so we've started that Erica made a a terrific presentation and that will be also given on the 23rd at the DCC meeting so if anybody can attend that it'll be in rally at the Town Hall where I understand the 23rd of May May 23rd yep and they from what I understand it's a really good venue they have a lot of seating to and so she'll give the presentation where is it in the auditorium I mean in the Town Hall Auditorium y second floor yep okay but it was a great great it was a a really good opening discussion and she gave a great presentation and there was a lot of questions and uh answers and it was very informative it's interesting to see how the data Trends huh well we've done this before this the third time ey opening this the third time we've done this Alicia at for a while and then we looked at it once we looked at it once and we decided that it wasn't worthwhile but new people come on and they want to take a look at it again so the the how change he invited all of us we are we going to post yeah we'll post a meeting that okay and and it's not just he for boards and committees um the public is also invited to this well yeah that would be a good idea eye opening too all right any other meeting updates [Music] okay Warren motion to sign Warren motion to sign Warren uh second all in favor I I motion to adjourn motion to ajour all in favor I