##VIDEO ID:CoM2heI-yY4## [Music] uh I'm calling the ad hoc committee to order and we'll do a roll call of members starting with Cindy cier Cindy cier Kathy Zera John Ferrara and Damon jerson there's no one else present today uh and so we'll go around and do our updates um as I said last time I was not able to put a lot of time in on this I did have a meeting with Cindy and the uh planning director for the town of Nuy to ensure that we were aware of and in communication about any projects the town has going on so that we don't end up looking at things or proposing things that are in conflict with other Town activities um I also spoke with a member of the rec committee about some of their plans on their properties as well um and beyond that I have not had uh much time to give to this project as I I said I would not CU I knew what was coming up um so so I said last time that we would work on The Matrix and we have not had time to do that we've been very busy here with um planning sort of major events here for this month and next month so um we will work to have that for our next meeting in Jan yes we thought we would do no more than 10 yep items on The Matrix so we will work on that for January very good have you had any thoughts activities outside of what cind talked about um one thing that I have been thinking about is it would be absolutely fabulous for us to have wherever we go places to do our activities within our building we are on the go the Fieldhouse Peta Hall setting things up all over the place that we cannot do here it would be so absolutely wonderful to have like everything at home everything here like the exercises like not I'm not saying we're just like you have fi I get that but to go set the Fieldhouse up break it down the next morning go back set it up for the other activity break it down it's it's a lot I mean I know it doesn't sound like a lot but day in and day out it's a lot now next week we have our um L our Thanksgiving lunch at P Hall that's this week this week that's even bringing the soft pepper yeah a lot of notot lot of logistics slipping yeah if all of us logging it all into our car bringing it all over there it would just be so great to have it in our blade like the one building it would be so awesome yes put a wing on Peter Hall and move the co to Fe at home yeah just you know it's a lot I mean you know what I'm not complaining we do have a place to have the events that's great we have a place that we can have as many people as we can but it's still a lot adding to to the piece of the puzzle well I think that is part of why we want to have a good program put together when we recommend select them because otherwise people don't think about those things they think oh you know you can use this space and you can use that space and they don't understand that that's adding three hours of work to any activity we provide for people and so you know absolutely um you know it's just something I've been thinking about what now that we're like in the throws of like a lot of different like big things like the Thanksgiving lunch the Christmas lunch things like that that's a lot yeah you know so I just been thinking about that as we go about our business and I've been doing the calendar for December and January and November those things can into our mind of where we're going to have them and what that equals the other thing is when we're off site we're not so when our phone rings yeah people are going to get our voicemail and then we don't get you know by the time we get back here so it'll it be a Wednesday by the time we get back here it's probably 3:30 4:00 we're trying to put things away and then um you know we don't necessarily we might not get to someone's voicemail right on the same day whereas if we're in our own building it's different then when we come back that night this place will be blown up we will bring all the stuff in from all three of our cars and we will then have to start washing things putting things away you know cuz we don't do washing there um you know and everything goes then some of the stuff is stored here some of the stuff is stored at the school in that room we in one room the store there so it's a lot I understand um on a different note yeah uh have you been able to work with and communicate with the I think her name is Katherine over at the library the I wasn't sure if you had spoken you guys haven't connected yet what I did put in this newsletter they are doing a hat and Mitten glove winter hat and Mitten glove Drive um so she is letting us know about different things like that so I did put that in our newsletter this month um we have their Flyers up on our bulletin board um for upcoming programs that they have but Kathy and Catherine will connect see if there's anything that we can collaborate on yeah we talk about that yes I just wasn't sure if you did life is so busy sometimes we don't get to do this this time of year we been then come January it'll be slower for us we have to do like cleaning cleaning out our supplies to maybe some January coffee or meet up or something right would be good right to plan something probably for 6 months from now that's the thing right and and some of the stuff that they do is very redundant of what we do here or we to collaborate in you know certain things like uh not to say that what they do is not as good as what we do no but we doing the same exact thing yeah right Street why not do it together that's part of why I wanted you guys to touch base we thought it was a good idea so I just wasn't sure if it happen but now I know the answer to that question um onward and upward John have you had any uh time to look at properties and do any assessment no I mean my focus has always been on meeing some of Matrix Elements which is proximity to other government's people in the town hall uh W Street talking to Jason vipio did you get a sense of a a list of properties available to yes I forwarded into that to you I I didn't receive it okay okay and and um that that has more to do with my capabilities with a computer than anything else but the level of ISS issue is that it seems the the only quality continuity location um has to offer proximity to other undertakings in the town which is the library you you you get ample parking at least with proper signage you had mentioned the last time that often times you go into that parking lot and it's Jam you've got 14 spots over here that with signage and if people you know use the condition of please do not park here this is for senior uh Council on Aging parking only those elements are available if we if we handle it properly and and um again I think it gives you the ability to build a build a framework that brings as you indicated everything into us and then you have some opportunity around you had you had mentioned um martin birds was that you bring that property up um Martin Burns there is a property in Martin Burns that the town owns but it's not something that is it's landlocked it's not viable not viable I mean and the other element is um I'm going to go back to the experience we all had with the police station in Morgan Avenue in a delay of almost a half a decade and if you you consider the counil on Aging has a little bit less of a cache as opposed to Fire and Police uh you're going to find a half a decade is a decade and the other thought I had was to get with legal councel uh get traces back up toh to do that and and cons consider a capital campaign there's some remarkable wealth in this town um and they are the wealth providers uh but unfortunately their their wealth is is gone and fostered in other Villages around us not here but those people are still bringing home uh you know enormous uh enormous International wealth and consider a capital campaign and and build the Council on Aging with private money or at least complimentary private money to to as an addendum an appendage to public money um I I mean Eric and I years ago went through what was a reasonable Prospect of square footage of roughly 5600 sare ft if you use some of the library space in conjunction with your space uh but what you both have spoken of would require 8 to 9,000 square ft and I don't I'm not I'm not an engineer or a a building Building Development expert but the element there that's that's in multi-millions of dollars to build that structure with all of today's components safety Electronics land parking at I can just imagine town hall meeting and if the if the pundits came out in large order against the police station think about the pundits quite frankly that will come out against spending that kind of money on COA or it doesn't give them other than if they reach adulthood aged adulthood uh any any conduit to services or is I think that's a very good point uh and I think one of the things we should be thinking about so I think how it combines and works with other services and how other things can benefit from it so can it be something where the athletic or they're not the athletic committee what are they Recreation committee is on more with whatever is doing because it it serves one of their needs how can the as we move from the identification and recommendation how do we Garner support from other elements of the community because while we are not a young community in Newbery we are also very visitant spending money and so having as many different aspects of the town in favor of it for their own reasons you know is it better for is there a way that it's better for the fire department so the fire chief can get up and say our volunteers support this and this is why and it's good for us and this is why and you know are there reasons the rec committee could support it who else can support this project moving forward the Synergy what synergies does it give because it will be challenging you know as you said it was challenging to get the police station through it wasn't done as well as it could have been it will be challenging to get this through the town I will say too right now Kathy and I are willing to engine we are willing to pack up our cars and go to pah Hall we are willing to go to the Fieldhouse every day the next staff that's in here not might not do that and then they're just working Within the confines of whatever building they have y so programming could get worse cut yeah it might I mean that's the other thing is we you know I can't guarantee that the next director and assistant director and Outreach person are willing to go on the road and uh you know we're willing to do that right now um the slepping aspect right I mean the next person might not want to do that so it's fine to say oh well they have that and they can do it now I mean that's aici Le task right I mean when we set up in HR and rate job descriptions one of the big categories is physical aspect of of the performance but yours is an administrative and and service element and I can remember when we were going down through the steps for both of your tasks the level of physical was discussed and it is the logistics coming from K Street to petle to man etc etc well even within our own building we're moving these tables every day absolutely every day so because we have such limited space and we need to figure out where we need to put what um it's a constant moving of things so again we do it the next group might not yeah youly something to I you know we're not building this building for us y we're building it for the town to have years program for years so it should work no matter who's working there one of the big one of the big elements would be to U coordinate very carefully with the recreation committee because I would imagine the recreation committee sees L street is a home run uh because it offers them a field it offers them land it off offers parking and in safe come and go as opposed to many of the other locations in New bre well in in my discussion with one member of the recreation committee I said you know most of the activties that you guys are doing is aimed at Recreation for people who are in high school or younger yeah that's a minority of the population in this town is there a way to shift your thinking to address the other people who have needs in this town for recreation which is uh working age people and then seniors seniors because there's more kids while they may tend to sit on their phones also tend to move and be healthier a lot of us as adults tend not to and need that I think there needs to be a focus on that notop my committee I can't tell them what to do but I have asked that that be a part of the thinking going forward whether or not I will who knows cooperation at Manfield for tennis pickle for Middle ping pong middleaged folks they've been very accommodated but it's not how they're thinking when they think about what they want to do they think about Youth Sports I think 17y olds that's where sometimes their parents it's where you know people think about sports and recreation they think about kids kids or professional athletes and golf I mean think about what golf may be done like could uh climb a hill on sopland road and and and make a deal with Eric and to bring the recreation committee and get his uh get his input I mean he is a generous soul I mean he he kid the kids are Tren and governors a whole lot of free time and and those programs are terrific but add now as you pointed out the 35 45 55 65 year old man and woman and and I know the women's league up there is very and and if you go over to Old Newbery I would say without knowing perfectly that the majority of of tea times assigned over there are females that the women are remarkably active over there and there's again a a profile and a location that the recreation committee could delve into and and get Ron and and Jimmy uh you know to sit down with them and say what can we do together for the for the folks of this town I mean Byfield is blessed with a golf course and a top 50 instructor up on the hill y so to bring it back to our our current uh Drive I think trying to think about who we can bring in and how to Rally support you know may be something there we want to start adding something to the newsletter to cuz ideas like this take a long time to ripen in people's minds we'll say um and even if they see and agree to the need it's uh it's a big step from there to actually being willing to vote for it and P for it at time meeting so I think we can start m using on how we are going to approach the garnering of Community Support as we go forward when you say the newsletter what is it that you're thinking should go in there at this point um we can talk about it yeah I'm not exactly sure I'm just thinking you know can even be the Cs on enging is looking forward to having a new home sometime in the future and being a to serve the community better these are some of the things that would we would love to see in that space almost like an like the update I gave to the S on what the program needs are what was the reaction to that uh it followed parting lines pretty well you know the uh you you had you had year three out of five yeah interesting um and there's you know I think there's a lot of uh everyone knows it will be a big lift and there are other big projects coming and so how to anticipate and um stag it so that it is successful is the question and you know is this something that happen sooner than some of the other big projects you know I just found out in our meeting with Christine Kristen uh that Chief Evans is thinking Morgan a is the fire station there is going to need replacing sooner than later um that's a big expense um even with the new floor I I haven't talked to him person so um so I don't know exactly what that time frame is if again if he's starting the conversation now because he knows it takes 10 years yeah it could be so from introduction to to to move go ahead it's again it comes down to how the revenue is is earned in this Village if there's an expenditure of enormous proportions it shows up on the taso once a year there's there's no avoiding it it's a claran note I I don't know whether this is appropriate discuss at this time maybe at another another opportunity okay I I I had a solid idea I want to trace you with and I want to pass it by the three of you and see if it makes sense sounds good well we can talk about it later so yeah as far as our next steps I think uh we will you guys will on The Matrix for January um I will continue to uh work with the town to uh identify potential spots and also reach out to other people who may have uh land that could be considered viable I'll reach out to Governors because they had offered the town land in the past and that had to be put on the Matrix even though it was not very viable and so I either want to take that off of the table if Governor is not going to offer it or have it in the Matrix if it is still something that they are willing to offer so that it doesn't come up as a derailing property later on so identifying any properties that could be considered viable in the town is something that I think we should all look at you know there's uh was speculation that new Brian all Hospital might shut down and that might be a good location for something so I will talk to Dr gillo and see if that's actually uh just speculation or something that is real kind of new of new interception yep so right there at hand Street yeah and that's an aw busy place and it doesn't off the outdoor element that you both were looking for no and and again an intersection of of some I mean the West End of hover street is an Abomination a a waste of valuable time land where you think about what could have been from the school West in in development opportunities uh the animal hospital being the only unique and quality location on that end of town but and then across the street J yeah it's a terrible voice but I think the point in looking at these properties and putting them on the list is not whether they're good or not but to look at them and say this is why this doesn't work or this is why it could work but these are the drawbacks of it working here um because I think it's very easy for us to say oh that's a bad one that's a bad one but then when we get to town meeting someone will say oh you didn't think about this and if you don't have the rationale written down uh you can't say oh yes we did think about it and it ranked e out of 10 for these reasons I I went before the I bowed out of town politics in a in a brief moment of of absolute absolute disappointment I beged the the town consider holding on to what was the quintessential property on the upper green which is K through2 and and said you should not sell that property you should lease it until you need it and make the leasees short and and unumb some uh it is too valuable it's too historic it's too close to the village and what a spectacular Town Hall that would have made with a little expansion and Council on Aging or the fire session to be where the old all is now well the police station could have been erected there and and the fire station erected with a new police station the existing Town management team there um I cried at the top of my lungs uh to moderator to the the the board and and to the um just it was it was just such a classic uh uh quick quick fix for money play and it's a beautiful location now and there's some very fortunate people that get to live there and and uh that's part of the discussion I want to have set quietly very good um now I had talked to Cindy last week and she had asked if we could shift the burden of meeting minutes off of these to um so what I was going to ask is that if you guys could show John how to do meeting minutes oh I'm no good at that I have no skills whatsoever to type or or clarify anything okay then you'll keep it okay um so that will be next steps then and then I think the last thing is to establish our next meeting date which I would do following our next CLA meeting which will be 9:30 January 13th 2025 right here right here say again next meeting January 13th 930 2025 we already decided that yep so I'd entertain a motion to set that meeting date is there second all those in favor I I then i' entertain a motion to adjourn motion second second all those in favor