good evening everybody this is the town of Newbury Zing board of appeals we're here at 12 kentway Whitefield Mass it is Thursday April 18th 2024 it is 7:35 uh and we have um say we have Chrissy C who's our Administrative Assistant I Eric span I'm the chair we have Mario Kali who is a member we have Michelle weer who is a associate member we have Jeff Kelly who is a member and we have Martha Taylor who is our tal so with that Mario would you please open the first hearing first one Brendan Byron and Julian jackowitz 230 High Road the applicants are requesting special permit finding for relief from section 97-102 c detaches accessory Apartments of the Newbery Zing zoning bylaws and any other permanent relief as may be required under the town of Newber zoning bylaws to allow the proposed use project in order to raise the existing Barn construct a detached accessory unit to use as an assessory apartment on the property located at 230 High Road Newberry Mass 01951 how you doing friend in purn one of the owners of 230 High Road um last time when we came in last month there was a request for some additional information um which Chrissy just brought up the packets um one of which is a locust map an updated site plan showing proposed utility connections um schematics of landscape areas and Patio improvements as well and then also um proposed lighting was added to the architectural plans um I guess I'll start with the site plan you can see we have proposed electric sewer and water all coming from the primary residence the septic uh the sewer is going to be tied into the septic system at this time we' believe it'll be done with gravity um again the electric and water will be coming out of the primary residence as is required by the bylaw we are proposing to do some shape or form of this patio shown on this plan off the back um off the back patio doors out of the uh carriage house and then will have a landscape strip landscape buffer around the house with low-lying things like hydranges and things like that like a typical typical house front garden nothing nothing crazy um the trees shown years ago there was actually a couple trees in this area um that got blown apart when they redid the septic so we're actually trying to reestablish some of that vegetation within the yard the trees the species we called out I believe they're called gko baloba it's our neighbor has a few of them that line their driveway and they're absolutely beautiful um so we're really trying to and we've told them we're trying to mimic their landscape and really carry it into our yard because our yard has kind of been forgotten for years on the exterior so that's what we're trying to do and that's our intent as we discussed last time this does include the removal of the driveway connecting that is currently connecting the existing Barn to be torn down and our driveway at our house um but as you can see our intent is to not really separate it with lands taping or fencing or anything like that it's really just to dress up the area and keep in mind it's only from corner of that house to our driveway is only about 140 ft it's not 700 ft 1,000 ft away it's only 150 ft or so um so with that the other update to the plan was the architectural plans we added a light exact exact specifications style model type it not really been ironed out at this stage but we're proposing a light over the patio doors coming out and also a light over the main entry door off the side by the garage we're not calling for any landscape lighting or anything like that we understand that it's that is a very quiet road going out back we're not trying to light this thing up like a highway we're really just trying to make it known that there's something there and have it be a nice feature of the area and really upgrade our property and we think the surrounding area right now people walk by we have a hole in the roof of the barn and it's just it's not great to look at um so that's that's the hope and that's kind of the plan as we have it right now then the Locust map is somewhat self-explanatory we I included the dimensions to the nearest of butter that is behind us um which is Miss Sunni Goodman to from the nearest corner of the carriage house to corner of her house is about 450 ft and she is also elevated probably by about 30 or 40 ft above us um and then to the other direction the nearest of butter is Noble construction at 236 High Road he's approximately 100 ft on the opposite side of Emery Emery Street um it's not even a dwelling it's not a permanent residence it's it's basically their workshop showroom for built-in cabinets re and things like that so with that any questions may have happy to answer great appreciate the updated drawings for see so uh I did pose the question about you know the adjacency of of neighbors and understanding um I did ask if there was any lighting or landscaping or patio features so those have all been documented on the um the new plans the utilities are clearly shown as extending from the house up to the detached accessory apartment and again Landscaping Paving patio is um is clearly shown board have any questions clear yeah um is there anybody in the audience that would like to speak in favor that's here me I'm in favor of it thanks Dad do you have Dad's name Tom Piper um is there anybody like to speak against okay so with that um will close the public hearing and we will 'll entertain a motion okay um I guess I'd like to make a motion then to Grant uh the special permit um based on the uh individual uh facts that we were looking for and uh they meets the General requirements of 9710 D3 and it also meets requirements of 9710 d10 is there any debate or discussion on that is there a second I'll second all those in favor D motion passes great thank you thank you um CH will'll draft up a decision it will come back before us we'll sign it be a appeal period and then you'll your thank you very much appreciate it Trav thank you hopefully the rain stops smooth take it was close but Dad put you over the edge yeah I know that's why I brought just that's why it out okay yeah we do have it you do have it sorry I came up before the just laid out everything in front of you and didn't tell congatulations put follow form for the last question yeah just got them all here actually so we'll instead review the draft next um I think last month we already granted them the approvement right and we made the motion to we made the motion to draft the decis to draft the decision that was favorable sorry any questions um I did add all the supplemental yeah there's just one phrase that I think in each of these needs to be updated has everyone read the decision did just reading it through yeah take a minute to just read the decision and so and this was called out in another one but in section four decision three four four depending on which which decision you're reading these are the conditions so any modification to the structure comma other than those approved by the zoning board of appeals [Music] comma and then I'm wondering if we can edit this to say by the applicant comma the town of Newbury Comm and through its building department shall require modifications to the special okay I can make that change so I'll make it moving forward also it should be can you say that can you read that again ER any modification to the structure other than those approved by the zoning board of appeals by the applicant comma the town of Newbury comma and through its building department shall building department and if it I think one of them says Conservation Commission shall require modifications to the special permit you're adding by the applicant I'm adding I'm adding a comment to separate the phrase that says approved by the zoning board of appeals as being separate and then saying by the town of new you think that's appropri yeah but why would the town of newbur modify the structure we're just saying that anything that's different than we approved by anybody else has to come back before us by body else so listed the town the applicant the building department building department Conservation Commission there's a way to say anybody then it then it comes back anybody all parties right we we have something before us and the process plays itself out and then if if something has to change we'd like to make sure comes back okay does that make sense marker um yeah I mean if there are any changes through any other process it should come back to you guys for a special permit modification so you're saying so that's a simpler way think we got some just puts the other than approved by the zoning board of appeals up front and then list the applicant the town building department Conservation Commission or any other border committee border committee somebody tried to call me today from London shall require modifications to this special permit so then it's covered and that's the standard language does that make sense okay so by and through its building department or any other border committee shall require um through its building department Andor Conservation Commission comma by any other board or committee shall require okay I will incorporate that incorporate that in all decisions moving forward okay okay so having read the decision that's been drafted before us having made the the motion again tonight confirm with the additional information does anybody see any edits in the application decision no no so s motion to accept the decision as drafted and and what's the one propos a motion to accept the draft as proposed is there a second yes I'll second that okay any discussion all those in favor I I a motion passes with the edit okay if you draft it up and you put it in the box and you notify us we can independently commit and sign and move it forward thank you thank you all right Tina an GE 76 Northern Boulevard property at 80 Northern Boulevard the office of Attorney Jeffrey wolves PC has filed the notice of appeal on behalf of Tim and Andrew Joseph 76 Northern Boulevard against the town of newers director of inspectional services for a zoning enforcement decision dated November 29 2023 issued to the wards of 80 Northern Bard as being legally deficient this appeal is brought pursuant to mg40 as8 and S15 in the town of Newbury zoning bylaws 971b with regard to the property located at 80 Northern Boulevard PL Newberry Mass all right I received notification after the agenda was posted that attorney Jeff olov would like to continue the hearing to the May 16th meeting do you have you have an email that you can for the record and I will I provide that to you is there anybody here that sign for this hearing okay so with that is there a motion to a time and date in place pleas for continu uh I'll make a motion to continue the meeting till May 16th 2024 at Newbury Town Hall at 7:30 p.m. second sh second for the rec a second favor um all right me uh continue well we had some questions last time and I had reached out to Town Council you had questions you could reach out to Town Council so we can't discuss them but it it's the matter before us I would just say an administrative decision is either to accept or deny the application and a case like this denying the application just means that we are um agreeing with building inspector's direction if we accept the application we are accepting the conclusion of the application there are other issues to discuss when everybody's in front of us as to to what those outcomes mean but it's it's pretty straightforward as to reading it exactly as we have an application and we're either cting with it or against it okay exactly as the application stands Y and if you have any other issues you can please send to Town Council so we're not debating it separately do they have to come back with um what they want in nope it's all in the application so if we accept the application then what happens to the conditions of to discuss that when they're all all right thank yeah next one please all right um Martha and Teresa Richie 8104 way the applicants are requesting a special com finding for relief of section 974 G5 c01 increase in square footage of the new zoning bylaws and any other permanent relief as may be required under the town of Newbery zoning bylaws to allow the proposed use projects in order to raise instructor at 84 w merge the two Lots at 84 w and 104 W into one lot and construct an addition to the existing single family dwelling to remain on the newly combined lot for the property located at 104 white accessor M U1 lot 20 and 8 assess m01 214 all right Happ here yes we have your decision it's been drafted I see that the reason it's pred large is uh Martha had made some comments in review so that we could see them I've gone through and I have a couple text edits but nothing um nothing really to discuss other than getting some language correct okay so we'll we'll read through it and discuss it but I I don't have anything for you okay okay um Everybody read it you mind if I just jump in the first okay uh part one procedural history six um you know all at the very last all is made at the public he hearing or hearings there were multiple yeah correct hearings uh three findings and determinations we go down to H and I would recommend um as you read through this it says and will become 5 fo four on the newly combined lot you then strike becoming all the way through the highlighted um comment so all the way through I didn't think this was allowed oh okay just delete that just delete that this was okay yep and then we would add um and we become 5'4 on the newly combined lot aligning with aligning with a building line already established by existing buildings okay Jason existing buildings or just existing buildings well the technicality of the building line just it comes right out of the okay very goodex um all already established by existing buildings so you need buildings somewhere sure um under J all hear at the hearing the applicant through their designated representative presented arguments and testimony supporting their request for a special permit for an increase in the footprint of the existing building structure period I would just strike to remain okay excellent job drafting of all thank you Martha uh then we're on the next just two specific findings C [Applause] 4 and would agree with Marco's comment that it's a little subjective and say that the proposed addition to 104 and will be in keeping with modern architectural building ad building techniques and will be in keeping with the aesthetic style of the neighborhood comma keep the remainder of the sentence okay and then under four decision number four is the same sentence that we or condition that we just discussed previously that basically says any modifications to the structure other than those approved by the zoning board of appeals by the applicant by the town of Newbury through its Building Department an Endor Conservation Commission or any other boards or committee shall require modification to the special Department okay that that's that's my read of it ja um the only thing that I remember that we agreed that's if I recall correctly the current ownership is in two separate entities and we had asked that when they combine it they put it into one entity and know the applicant agreed but I don't see that here oh okay it says the Lots will be merged right but it doesn't say anything about ownership I mean I think if they merg they they technically have to have one owner right I think that's a it's good we did say that but I think the fact that says that they're merg means that they'll become one property and you can't you can have you have multiple owners of one property owners of one property but you can't have two entities own claiming to own the same property can you I mean it's like having two owners the fact that the lots are now merged and they're combined instead of being separate Lots with with a building on it I'm not sure I can answer that but I agree with the concept of merging I mean that's so is Jack is your question whether it will be the 84 realy trust Ork no I don't really care what the name of the entity was I just felt that it would be cleaner if we had one entity owning the two lots rather than merging the Lots with two owners it seemed a little fuz well the plan is to have one um lot after we merge Lots with one owner Mark and Teresa Richie that we can't do that though until after we give a permit that's that's all I was asking should we make that a condition or are you comfortable with it as it is now someone help me find where it says it's merged because they're now I'm I'm like super scanning not finding more it's 31 G yes 31 G Captain seeks to raise the existing two family residential dwelling on lot 84 way the two seate Lots will then be merged becoming a newly combined lot at 10 for way and in addition will be added and an addition will be built onto the existing single family dwelling on the newly combined lot yeah the newly combined helps so I withdraw my objections as usual proed is on it all right who else I don't have any comments Mario no I don't either okay so um for all the edits that I made everybody's accepting all right so is there a motion to accept with edits so I'll make a motion to accept the draft with the additional edits uh added to the draft this evening all right there a second second all right all those in favor I all right so Chrissy will draft the edits um as soon as they're done she'll let us know she puts them in the box we sign them as soon as that happens um your your feel it'll okay it'll start the 20-day appeal process where I be allow a notification to yours letting them know that it's been signed and they have 20 days from the St in date of to file an appeal with State on the 21st day I'll notify you that no appeals were received hopefully and that you can come and pick up the decision to have it recorded and then after you have it recorded you just give me the book and page number from the registry e to send you an electronic so you don't have to drive to s you can e report it for 75 and when does that uh 20-day appeal period begin so I'll probably more than likely get their signatures next Tuesday night cuz we're until 7:00 and then I'll stamp it in with the town CLK stamp and that date so next Tuesday more than likely start the appeal and Wednesday I'll mail out the notification to a all right that's it thank you very much thank you thank you uh Michael edel and Kaitlyn Monahan 36 Northern Boulevard the oant are requesting a special C find Bry from section 97 4D 5 C02 upward extension of the Newber Zing bylaws and any other relief as may be required under the town of new Arizona bylaws uh to allow the proposed Ed project in order to raise the existing dwelling construct a new single family drawing in place on the property located at 46 Northern Boulevard 19513 right good evening Mr chairman members of the board uh Douglas desain representing uh the applicant um you recall at the last meeting we um um we were asked to provide some updates um uh regarding uh the um elevations spot elevations on the Lots um and I believe this was um sorry let me just check um so Doug to save your voice so re let us just review okay we have a draft decision in front us so we will review the added documents and the decision if we have any questions we we'll ask you but it'll be us I appreciate that but I am here to answer any questions you do have and I have reviewed the decision I I had no questions great thank you didn't mean to cut you off but no no I appreciate it I appreciate sitting down okay so there's an existing plan validation showing the existing building on the property well over the property line actually and then there is a new plan showing the building centered on the lot and below that there are elevations of the peak Eve the average elevation the ground elevations the average ground elevations and through that calculation of the P the mean roof elevation minus the ground elevation equals the mean total height of the so uh it's as long as we have the 325 written in the decision as the height that 32 y it's uh under G oh y 21 decreas to 2132 yeah okay so document provided to me seems sufficient to do what we asked um it's recorded in the decision correctly as it's recorded on the on the additional information um section uh four decision number four is again the same um condition we've been talking about any modifications in structure other than those approved by the zoning board of appeals comma by the applicant comma by the town of Newbury by and through its building department and a Conservation Commission by any other boards or committee shall require a modification to this permit I did not see any other edits Jack no Mario I do have to add supplemental material submitted that the plan sets to it on page two under two submitted materials I uh didn't add supplemental so I just have to add that same with 40 so there were three documents submitted down I think you can say supplemental information containing three pages um documenting the the height of the build period tell what the plan is yep propos height cation okay with that is there any other discussion no there a motion to accept the um make a motion to accept the draft with additional updates in comments added to the draft this evening so second second all in favor I I it's approved thank you very much chrisy we'll have that drafted she'll ask us to come in for Signature and she'll notify you thank you Mr chair thank you River Street I think 40 norn uh David Tomy manager 40 Northern Boulevard LLC 40 Northern Boulevard the applicant is requesting a special permit finding for relief from section 97- 45 C02 upward extension of the newb zoning bylaws and any other permanent relief as may be required under the town of newb zoning bylaws to allow the proposed use project in order to raise the existing dwelling and construct a new single family drawing in its place on the property located at 40 Northern Boulevard newbry mass 01951 cessor m u3 right so um as for the previous um decision and the request for additional information in the exact same format of information for the propo for the existing mean roof height and the proposed mean roof height are presented the height mean height calculates out to 33.7 Ft and once again three findings and determination one G says what will increase from 21.2 to 33.7 p uh and again under four decision four is the same correction to any modifications to the structure other than those approved by the zoning board of appeals comma by the applicant by the town of Newbury by through its building department Andor Conservation Commission by any other Bard committee shall require modification to the special there any other comments Jack [Music] no Mario no she Martha the only thing the owners need to be put in the heading catch and then the same sentence under two submitted materials and information yese I be adding those items also to be to be reced at the end for both 40 um I think only the proposed mean calulation singular page needs to be attached okay y the other two do and if you would make that on the last one as well are we going to make this for requirement for all documents um I think at some point we're going to talk about the application that we have and how to improve the application how to list what we're doing and as I showed you earlier um I think we'd like to have you have a file that has some examples show people how things should be done properly I do send out examples so this could be added to the example if they do it okay um any other comments perh to everybody other the comments so is there a motion to be had with I'm make a motion to accept the draft with additional comments and updates uh added to the draft fir this evening there a second I'll second all those in favor pass I okay I I'm sorry reading passes thank you very much yep thank you thank you for the effort and Mr chairman I have a quick question yep um the the intent uh the application is for removing the existing building and putting a new one in the same location is that correct yes and but a taller higher building yes exceeding the zoning code is that correct no it is not and that's what we were asking to confirm and prove only because it wasn't on the previous documentation given to us we could look at it and it was stated but it wasn't approved and since um since grades were not provided on a site plan we had no way of double checking so that's why the additional documentation was provided all righty I can also email you a whole call the filing if you'd like that if you'd like to review it I can do that I just need your email address yeah okay okay thank you I'm sorry what's your name dark d k c Brandy c a s a g r a n d e correct all right what a good email address Dirk s a r yes perfect I'll send that out to next early next week thank you thank you thank you okay David and Sharon Royal 3 River Street the applicants are requesting a special permit finding for the relief of section 97-1 2C detach accessory apartment of the newb zoning bylaws and any other permit relief as may be required under the town of newb zoning bylaws to allow the proposed use project in order to renovate the existing detached Barn garage on the lot to convert it to an accessory apartment on the property located at PR River Street 5 Field Mass 01922 cessor map r19 59 uh continued hearing from 21524 and 31424 meetings received correspondence from applicants requesting a withdrawal of their special permanent application without prejudice they they appreciated your recommendation and they're not ready to move forward at this time they're not ready to remove the okay so um and do you have an email do have that an email she sent it to me and I will email it to you guys and upload it to the fin great okay um I have to drafted decision but I was just keeping it in the folder we weren't going to go on it so i' already drafted it correct so is there motion to um withdraw without prejudice I'd like to make a motion to withdraw the special permit application without prejudice okay second second I'll second second all those in favor I I all right project status and requirement list so Crick Lane thank you I'm sure D can too if you can excuse me you want to provide any update on Cricket Lane or I can just fill them in um You probably have a better understanding of you know what's been going on in terms of meetings with the building department and on site I'm here merely because we've asked the board to sign the regulatory agreement um the regulatory agreement is a document that we um that is uh well we drafted it originally some number of years ago uh you recall this project kind of got a a Slowdown in the middle um and then so now we're we're we're in the process of what's called final approval uh and it's somewhat well not somewhat new but what happens now as you know you get a site eligibility letter then we come before the board for a comprehensive permit and then you know you move on now the state Mass housing is requiring that after you get the comprehensive permit you have to file what's called final approval and what they do is they look at the original approvals the original requests they look at what the comp permit looks like and they just make a determination that you know all of the terms and conditions the financial you know proor that all of those things are still valid and that the project that was approved was in substantial conformance with what the client asked the state to approve under site approval so they just want to see what's happened make sure everything's still perfect in our case we had a you know nearly 3year Hiatus while we were working with your Conservation Commission um and so a lot of the documents were outdated you know the pro forer the numbers four years ago compared to now so we had to update that we had to show the state that the product was still within the financial eligibility that you know we're still meeting all the requirements so that's what we're doing now we're in the middle of of final approval and one of the docs and one of the more important documents that we need to submit is the signed regulatory agreement which in short you know defines the whole project the fact that it regulates this project and defines how it they're going to be sold and how they're always going to be affordable and it's sort of the big backbone document um we drafted that again some years ago you have to submit a draft when you start the process and and we did that and then we've recently updated it although I will tell you it's not a document that we create it's Mass housing dictated we're allowed to fill in the backs and figures and the names and the you know the details but in terms of the legal language and the protections that's you know Mass housing in fact I had to update that document we sent it to Mass housing they reviewed it they off they said that they're accepting of it because they're going to sign it too right my client will sign it this board will sign it then they'll eventually sign it um however um I did submit the stuff um and you know as is typical and expected Town Council wants to review that before you know you guys are given the green light um so if you s should choose um I know I've been um I was a little late in getting some information out but I know Town Council has it um I've been working with Matha you know to answer questions and provide additional information that's been asked I actually reached out to Town Council MAA just to explain uh what we're doing you had asked if I could either give you a red line of the of the regulatory agreement or proof that Mass housing approved it that was her Lisa request yeah I'm sorry it was Lisa's request um as I explained as I responded to everyone I don't have a red line because we didn't really Redline the docent we just took a form and plug some stuff in but I did find today um um the email from Mass housing saying here is the regulatory agreement um please get it you know you need three signatures don't change anything um and I'll pass that on to Lisa but I I'm sure Lisa has done you know I know Lisa done a lot of these projects and she's you know she knows that I don't get to play with that document none of us do really but um again I appreciate to council's efforts and all of your efforts sponsor so just here to start this process of getting you to sign the regulatory agreement um I do understand if you haven't received full report from Lisa you're probably not inclined to sign it but what I would ask the board to consider is as I think Mo and I may have talked about um I know we talked about emails um perhaps the board could you know make a decision or a direction that pending receipt of of approval by Town's Council you'll sign it so um you don't have to do that at a public hearing at a meeting so in essence we wouldn't have to wait till NE till May that you know over the next two or 3 weeks right is I might saying this right MAA that assuming Town Council is okay you could sign it at your leisure right the signatures need to be notorized so you can't we can't just leave it in the Box for you you would have to come in and Gretchen is a notary and she could notorized your signature okay so that's understood and as we move forward we will have on the agenda as we go through this process um other business Cricket Lane 55 PE 55h hour Pearson Drive project status and project requirement list because there are a series of conditions there are different entities in town that put some of these conditions on it obviously we're we're um looking for martha to you to help be our ears and eyes for this process but we'd like to make sure that this stays on the agenda to make sure that all the conditions are are checked off as we go forward and if there's any questions or addition or um things that arise it's on the agenda from now until we get done with this thing that that's fine I know those conditions are part of your comprehensive permit and so when we you know once we get through final approval and can start the project we can we will be satisfying those conditions as we go or prior if anything that's required prior building permits we'll have to satisfy prior to getting a building permit but right now we're just trying to get the final approval from the state and in terms of that I I think Matha will agree um Mr Erikson is a pretty Hands-On uh developer um he's met with the town he's he's submitting things as required he's just a straightforward honest guy and I expect it'll be a good relationship with the town so Mr chairman I by All Me means you know that's great if um if we have any issues I'll make sure that I'm here at the meetings to discuss them or if you request that we provide a written sort of monthly written thing saying here's where we are and here's what we've done I'm happy to do that too and I know Mr Ericson wouldn't have a problem with it so we may ask for a status report I was thinking that if in terms of publishing our agenda if something has gone through Martha you you could add what that simple status is under the general heading so that there's some inclination of what's going on and we're we're you know haven't done this in town before we're going through it so we're just trying to be as transparent as possible and if if you have an issue that's for us then you can contact Chrissy Chrissy can also then put that on the agenda and then it's it's there as part of the record so hoping that won't be the case yeah I'm hoping too but I just like to set up the process to allow the documentation and understanding and and and it's it's it's on there and we could say there's no new business and move on or there could be stuff underneath it and we have a we need to complete what we started and we need to be part of the process we we're just not leaving it um to mark that we still to be part of the process yeah I mean you guys would the a proven body so it's really right and we need to be keep up the speed with what's going on so that you know we're not surprised by it that's all don't expect I or my client can help do that we will do it great Mr Ericson's a very upfront fact so we are waiting for Lisa to send to you Mar the a communication that says she's reviewed this letter um the regulatory agreement and the exhibits um and approves them or has you know amendments I the think she wanted to you know to ensure that any changes like filling the lines consistent with the mass housing's requirements and all that stuff so when that comes in and then Chrissy will send out notification to us to come in and sign it and it has to be during uh business hours so that it can be no right so if you're coming in anyway to sign another decision if it's on Tuesday between five and seven or whatever we're open so question for arise and we expect it's that we assume Lisa we'll have it done within a week or two something like that yeah I would hope so okay okay all right hi guys well thank you I appreciate your um help tonight so a few few other back um what I handed out tonight um as you recall Town Council had put together a listing of all the conditions and the status and Mr Ericson has done the same so well does she have that same format um it's it's pretty similar so what I haven't done yet is gone through and just just make sure that everybody's on the same page in terms of everything needs to be done so we do that and then he the other things that were dropped off work to satisfy two of the conditions one is identification of the letland scientist who's going to be monitoring the work on um cricet Lane llc's behalf and the other is the phas in plan which also shows the um the affordable units which are are colored in in yellow and Landers this has been approved by Mass housing yes so we'll you know we'll check off the conditions as they get get met and kind of keep a running list of that um the other thing Mr Ericson has requested that we set up a preconstruction conference and I didn't know whether any of you would want to be in attendance at that um typically it's our review engineer and staff um yeah I mean if it I don't I doubt I have the time for it it would be something I would like to show up for but I I probably can't plus it's like uh Tuesday morning at 7:00 a.m. or Saturday morning at 7:00 a.m. or Tuesday night at 700 p.m. uh but feel free if you want to understand and and and I just why don't you notify us yeah that plan for the town boards and committees per your convenience Martha and then notify us and if we can make it that'd be great that sounds good and I I think just it's obvious the one thing that that should be stressed and probably will be stressed is that you're adding to an existing neighborhood and and the the um means for constru access uh the subcontractors coming in and out the cleaning of vehicles before they leave the site um should be as respectful as as should be very respectful to the existing residents of duber that live there yep no and I know that's going to be a requirement of our permit so and uh I I will tell you I've done um seven of these projects with Mr Erikson in four different towns and you would be welcome to call any of those towns he he really is you know a good developer he keeps his sight clean he keeps his Vehicles clean he keeps his impacted neighbors down that's just the way he is so I expect he'll be that way here we will meet all of those requirements um if you know over the course of the next couple weeks especially as the weather gets nicer if um if anyone does want to come out and see the site I you know just have Chrissy contact me and we'll you know either I or one of the engineers or m going meet you out there it's a beautiful piece of property be if you want to go out and see it you know would be happy to show you I think it'll be interesting to um and we all should probably go out there after the tree clearing to to take it all in with the site plan in hand to understand what we've been looking at I know personally that looking at a lot of plans and actually then standing on the site that the sense of scale and space um is different and it would be a good I don't want to call learning experience but it would just help with with a development like this that we don't normally see for us to to put the site with the plan to just better our experience for for the future site visit group site visit group site visit yep let me know we'll set it up and donut and it can be Saturday morning how's and there's always Cofe at Saturday morning well thank you very much thank you um any other business no other business Marth anything okay a motion to adjourn wa do do we have was that a public hearing do we have to close that no it's it's it's other business and it's not a public hearing and thank you so again the difference is when we have a public hearing and there are people in the room we have to allow people to an opportunity to speak if we have a regular committee meeting and there's public here we don't necessarily have to allow them to speak set the conditions there's a there's a whole bunch of people here everyone wants to talk about something we have a half hour you got one minute each start and we can put some controls on so there's a big difference between a public hearing and a board meeting that that we've announced and and the public can always attend but they don't have to we I don't have to allow them to participate in our discussion make sense yes it does okay make a motion to uh adjourn the meeting is there a second second all right all in favor we areed