##VIDEO ID:n8tMHIhKxMc## I algi to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God and indivisible with liberty and justice for all God bless FL okay the first order of business is public comment to receive oral Communications from members of the public members of the public May address the select board for up to 3 minutes the select board shall not engage in discussion on topics raised during public comment but may choose to add the topic to a future agenda this agenda segment will be limited to 15 minutes is there any public comment tonight okay seeing none under new business we have the warrant for the state election I'll let Ain a motion motion to accept it I mean what is the motion to what vote to approve it vote to approve approve the warrant or set the warrant whatever as it is second any discussion all in favor did anybody vet it is it is it correct I read it I okay if it isn't someone will tell us um we have an appointment appointments tonight we have Frank weton Camp of 35 River fug for the Conservation Commission motion to appoint second any discussion all in favor is Frank here yes hi Hi how are you you speak or anything or really no no thanks for coming in though oh yeah you were you was yes uh I had to resign to go take a job it's good it's good to Frank's good be good yeah you come um seasoned somewhat yeah I mean I'm no expert on conservation but you know I can uh I think I can lend some you know worldly pragmatic experience that's what we need can can I ask you a question sure do you know who I conservation a is uh do I know what a conservation no do you know who he is uh well I know I know that uh you're talking about the town's agent yeah yeah no I haven't met him yet you know who he is um I know I've been told his name but I don't recall yeah does he have a relative that's on the ballot I know who the conservation he's new isn't he no he's from Newbery no a month or two I can't remember his name right now it's Mason f is there something significant about that no uh I I guess I I I just I don't I I guess I was just curious on you know you wanting to be appointed to the board and just like coming in to be appointed I I think I would have done a little bit of homework because our agents have been we've had a couple recently you know so that that was that was the only reason why I Samantha was the agent when I was on the commission and and I guess the just to add to that um his his he doesn't have a strong background and he's he's going to need he's going to need a lot of help I think yeah and so I I don't think that's the role of the conservation Comm is to is to Mentor the the the agent the agent was he came from an engineering firm say he came from engineering firm but the role of the commission isn't to Mentor no no but I just want every everything that he has done all the site stuff that he has done since he's been on board Bob has gone with him so there must be some kind of mentoring going on goes anyway but it's it is though too uh I think when you work with Mike D Roa for as long as he did I I can't imagine he's not going to pick up pretty well I think if I think we're going to be good with him oh I i' I've watched a couple of their meetings and and he's he's he's sharp I mean he I mean he's a good it guy you you know what I mean which that'll that'll carry you a long ways brother works for D and he's worked for Mike D Roa for a long time so it's going to be a good fit too bad he wasn't here he could hear his performance appraising no kind of off the topic okay FR um all in favor of Frank serving on the Conservation Commission i Frank thank you for stepping up and serving the town of Newber oh sure yeah um we also have an appointment for Kristen grubs is the commissioner to the marac valley Planning Commission uh motion to appoint second Kristen is here Kristen thank you for serving thank you um yeah just the position Martha Taylor previous director was commissioner um happy to carry forward our alternate is a planning board member so um just is this still Larry yes Larry marphy yep all right all in favor I I thank you thank you thank thank you for serving um Elizabeth Paglia P That's Italian how do you pronounce that bill you're the Italian I know good is it did I pronounce it right you said you did yeah uh to Pia low green historic commission motion to appoint is there a second second all in favor I have a question yeah um this commission these people supposed to submit letters like Frank did if they're interested in serving so they were supposed to have been appointed back um in May but when we went when I went through the binder I could not find their appointments anywhere and the town clerk didn't have them well I do remember um somebody else from the committee came in with Robins there were two people that did get appointed but the rest of these did not well this commission has to go forward because they're all they're on they're all on it right now Ser they've been serving right right I don't disagree but I remember sitting here once we had a discussion about the word shall or will on a letter that somebody wrote I just letter I just curious see if I can dig it out I'm sure they probably did uh because I don't know why you would have that's fine put them on the committee I'm okay with this well they could have been appointed and then that for one year and then the appointment ran out maybe I think that's a topic that's a that that's got to be an agenda topic I think as far as what our policies and procedures are going to be for appointments you know because we we' we've talked about it a lot yeah whether they need to submit a letter whether they need to be be in person and so on and so forth and I think we should have some kind of actual policy on all the appointments and that's not a bad idea I I I think we should that's all that's a I mean I thankful Frank came in tonight thank you Frank because not everybody come like to see like I like to see the face that goes with me yeah okay so we have Elizabeth all in favor hi Hi I hi Bethany gr D again local green historic district motion to appoint second all in favor I I and Robin ethd I thought we appointed him already I did too but she can't find it so we'll appoint I can't find it the um I somebody else brought the letter in so and presented it to us and I think it was our next meeting that we lawn hot maybe no no maybe it was last year's appointment because the time goes by no it was just recently this spring well this summer so well we don't have it so all in favor it's doubled I all okay we have approved one day liquor licenses um if switch Ale Brewery this is a private wedding at the Spencer PS little farm on on October 12th 2024 motion to approve second all in favor excuse me I have a question yeah the copy that was in a package to review the second page was missing the applicant's signature and date of the application we don't have the second page is that package the online when we got them through through email yeah there was a second page right and these first four items there were no signature and dates are you talking about this part here yes signature of applicants and date would they attest if they told the truth to fill out the form oh I see I thought you meant the town signatures no sign of applicant well we can have them sign them before we issue the license yeah let's vot reason that's that's reasonable just uh are they now I'm curious if it's and the timing certainly isn't at least 21 days prior to the event the bfield community acts ones are signed they are are yeah so it's just the sweet pause and the iwi well and that was those came in at the last minute and that's why called the meeting right yeah yeah okay so um ifp switch ale Brewing Company we I have a motion in a second all in favor I I um sweet pause rescue if switch alil Brewing by October Fest October 17th to approve second all in favor I I decanted wine again it's SP bober Fest at Spencer PS little October 19th motion to approve second all in favor I I I I just just AO of the the one that we just approved isn't signed either right none of them none of them the first four first four four first four and they all coming from if switch and actually they all coming from Spencer Pierce so we need to follow up with them um and then sweet PE sweet pause rescue bearwolf Brewing by October Fest October 19th motion to approve second all in favor hi hi okay then we have the bfield community art center has one two three four five six 7 8 9 10 11 12 133 events through the end of the year um these I believe are all signed yeah so do you want me to read them separately do you want me to take them as one what's the dates what's the M of the board I'll read should I read them all as one all the dates or do you want me to take them all separately I'm good either either way why don't I take them all separately way we we'll have a vote on each on each each one okay so the bcac company big band on October 11th 2024 I'll entertain a motion appr second all in favor excuse me I just have a point Y the hour of the event is from 7 to 11:00 at night that's kind of later than we typically have signed for like establishments of Plum Island I'm in total favor of Byfield Community OD Center I just point out they're planning to last till 11 o' at night probably 10:30 half hour clean up got it I think that would he pushed till 11: are you Ryan yes why don't you come on up and say sure introduce yourself this is why we like that you come for these liquor licenses thank da working at to Fair tonight so yeah he sent the accountant state your name and Ryan sturis from I live in South Hamilton but you're for the I work at bifield Unity Art Center just for the minute thank you sorry that's okay um I'm the treasurer so yeah um I think he pushed that just that one 1211 that's why appear at 10:30 some of them are rock and sof 11 because definitely the with the with neighbors everything need a relationship with the ending music at 10 do 10 at 10 30 that one's a fundraiser right yeah I think that yeah it's a fundraiser the Vets mhm yep so I think it a little buffer yeah there are six others that follow on that have ending at entertainment at 10: clean up by 1030 yeah I think it's start time maybe have something to do with that it's understandable it's just we've had discussions here before about say need more I should I I have a question in that regard are they under the first off you you have an entertainment license do they have an entertainment license entertainment license or is it because it's a nonprofit you don't need one this well this is liquor they're going toor sell liquor licenses entertainment oh oh okay never mind yeah I so you you you're not concerned about the noise or is that what you're concerned about um maybe I mean they're playing till 10:30 at night Dana but it's indoors it's which which to me is a little different than Outdoors of Island I I understand but the other the indoor establishments of plem islands ar ar performing until that late at night either are they they're proximity I'm going to interrupt you for a second but the proximity of the residential district right there near the BCA is a lot more separated than it is down at Plum Island they're all on top of each other so there's only a few different houses and nobody has ever made compl oh I realized that realiz I apologize for my ignorance but I I never realized that that they were in the same category as the folks at Plum Island I well they're liquor these are liquor licenses once you serve alcohol is a kind of things kind of go a little so do we have a restriction of serving alcohol after 9:30 no no I didn't think so no I just B the point up that the hours seem different I believe the police chief even noted on one of the applications for the license about the hours thank you for bringing it up I think um yeah I I think that you guys this is It's historic it's ongoing it's it's it's not something new it's not like it's outdoors like what we had on Plum Island when Leslie had a go on with the meter and a little L the neighbors are amazing well and like Bill said we're kind of mixing apples and oranges here it's like the these are Licor licenses and we do not have a a restriction TimeWise on lior licenses correct correct um yeah you have to follow this the state law what's the stay law you can't sell liquor after 1:00 in the morning well none of these none of these are they to be out by 1:00 so we should continue I mean it's don't get hung up about it it was just a point Thank you for bring it the hours are thank you for coming by the way yeah absolutely absolutely um okay the shows are fantastic it's going really well a lot of work all right so the big band the company big band on October 11th I have a motion in a second and any further discussion all in favor I I we have the bcac Rock and S fundraiser with the gemstones on October 19th motion to approve second any discussion on this one all in favor I I we have Parker wheelers Blues party on October 26th motion to approve second discussion yes the license the show is on October 20th not the 26th yeah because it says he so that's okay so that's a typo on the on the um and I think the license the license says the 20th I think go back and look it says 10 looks like 1026 I think it's [Music] fine four I think the the event date because me looking at it it looks like 102 6 24 I can see where you that's why she typed it it's 1026 yeah that's the wrong date oh that's the wrong date you have train on 106 okay yeah get your phone you have end train on 1026 and you have good catch this this could be an O and it looks like a six but I got it I I checked your schedule on on the uh on your on your web page that might be that's a chicken scratch well we can fix it yeah yeah you're right okay so Parker wheelers Blues party is on October 20th correct correct okay so uh I'll entertain an amendment for that motion to approve Parker wheelers Blues party at on October 20th motion to amend to October 20th is there a second all right all in favor hi okay now back to the main motion uh bcac Parker River uh wheelers Blues party for a liquor license all in favor I I okay end train on 1026 good thing we didn't take these separate okay and we took them one um I'll entertain a motion motion to approve that's fun this one really is on 26 26 yeah I'm I'm surprised that was I don't know I didn't I think it was just Mis interpreted okay um any discussion on this end train all in favor hi hi hi okay we have um cold engines with San Susi on o November 15th motion to approve second all in favor I I okay we have algra in the daydreamers with Rock Wood Taylor on the 16th looks like it's Saturday to approve second all in favor I I then we have Parker wheelers Blues party again on the 17th November 17th motion to approve second all in favor [Music] I okay homecoming party with eagle in the attic and OB dick on November 27th motion to approve second all in favor by okay Local Lounge singer songwriter showcase on [Applause] [Music] 11:29 second all in favor I I I Club del on 11:30 motion to approve second okay all in favor I I James Montgomery band on December 6 motion to approve second all in favor hi space moose with black with back Edie on 127 motion to approve second all in favor hi Hi and then Parker wheelers Blues party again on 1229 second all in favor all all okay that takes care of the bcac for the rest of the year is it better they does them all at once we that is it usually it's easier okay thank you guys very much thank you thanks for coming it's easier for you now you have got your liquor license it sounds like a lot of work though I yeah that's okay thank you for coming in thank you okay um Pro business licenses none no public hearings no old business do we have a town administrator's report yep briefly um so I wanted to let you know that Joy C Stanton will be joining the Newber team as the new assistant Town Administrator should be taking over that position beginning on November 4th she um comes to us with quite a few years of Municipal experience and in particular expertise in office management grant writing fiscal management budget preparation as well as a very high level of professionalism so I'm looking very forward to working with her Robert Campo will be newbury's interim shellfish Constable beginning on October 14th he has um experience from serving as the ipswitch assistant shellfish constable um I've reported the new hire to the division of marine fisheries and wanted to have a special shout out to the Massachusetts environmental police in particular office officer Ryan Lennon for all his help in answering all my questions relative to shellfish duties this a whole new world for me um and providing services to the town during the transition period he was really very very helpful Tracy can I have his his name again what was his last name Lennon Ryan Lennon lemon lenon lenon like John Lennon are you talking about the new or that's Campo Campo Campo Robert Campo um Daniel loo will be starting on October 28th as our assistant Town planner he comes to us from the City of Salem planning department where he's been working with um land use boards reviewing applications doing field inspections and working on a lot of General planning projects including grant writing and project management and he also holds a certificate in GIS mapping which will come in very handy for us um the Newbury Grange lease the bids were opened on September 30th at one well I should say the bid was opened September 30th at 1: p.m. I'm sorry at 11: a.m. not 1: p.m. and 1 bid was received it was for $77,000 um the lease document is prepared and waiting for their signature you will have it in actually I don't have it I left it on the desk you'll have it in your um packet of things to sign tonight because the when it was prepared it listed the select board so when the RFP went out it had your names in there so you guys have to sign it the um and just a reminder that the real estate auction is going to be October 2 2nd at 2 p.m. in this room and Paul zikos of the zikos group will be the auctioneer um and the Orchard Street covered as you all know is underway and we haven't had a tremendous number of complaints so yes signage is good yeah they spent a lot of time trying to put it together so and we've been talking about it for about five months now so hopefully word got out that's all I have may ask a question the land auction um is there a minimum starting bid is that is that something like that poster or is it um so what you have to do is the the treasure collector is is the um is in charge of all of that and she's working with zikos and in terms of um a minimum bid there is one that we'll accept but I'm not going to publicize it um and basically um so there's no minimum starting bid but but there's a threshold that you already have in mind that based on right taxes that are due the reason it was foreclosed on cost the town incurred for the Demolition and and those types of things so we added it all up and that's do the biders have to come in with a certificate of proof for they do I'm not sure what the requirements are that that you have to call zos to get that information there are there are minimums you have to be qualif yeah you have to be qualified can't write a personal check don't think so I think you have to come in with a a certified certified check certified check okay um there's no correspondence thank you for that Tracy there's no correspondence uh any meeting updates uh yeah well I I have one um I went to S6 vets uh like 10 days ago I think and um I just want to say that uh they're doing I mean they're doing a great job there and one thing that they have uh that they they have a Facebook page and any veteran I highly recommend that you follow their Facebook page and what they're doing now is that I I I probably got the term wrong but they're doing like webinars that they're that they're publishing on their Facebook page and they're they're picking different topics I don't know if it's monthly or if it's weekly or whatever and they're doing these little mini webinars that you can as a veteran you can go to their Facebook page you if you're if it's something that you need help with or whatever you can you can you can just jab on it and and watch what they're talking about yeah what are the topics you know well the first one that that there is chapter 115 which is which is basically their biggest job that they do and and you know to describe what that is it's benefits for disabled veterans in particular it might be more encompassing than that but I really don't know um and that that was the first one because that's their primary job is chapter 115 so uh it's great you know it's they're doing I think they're doing an excellent job yeah they have a new a new leader over there right y yeah and and uh we got EXT money I probably shouldn't have said that but we we you know I I'm I'm not sure that there's been discussion about um again possible reimbursement back to the towns I I don't know I don't know how that's got from the federal government of the state no from from the assessment oh the right right right in other words we might get some money back from the assessment I don't know don't hold me to that because because well there there other um expenses that are coming up that that that we're kind of adding line items so if we so I think what I'm hearing you say is we're assessed a certain amount if we don't reach that level that of assessment we get a rebate kind of like yeah well what what how it works is is you know we call it free cash they call it something else but it's that kind of an account once that account hits a threshold then they they pay back to bring it back down to what to to to what they feel as though they should have in that account oh okay and when I say they it's it's veterans yeah so they can't Bank it and roll it over oh oh they we can keep it you know it there's no limitation on how much it can be and and I'm not I'm not talking a lot of money I'm talking maybe $75 $80,000 something in that range out of I like that number but but but but that but like I said the the the they're we're adding line items to the budget all the time because things are changing you know it and technology and what the office needs we talked I know Bill had donated um um some money for a postage for example and and and and that actually that topic has come up uh this the I'm not saying that all the towns will have that availability but there's been a couple of towns that have requested postage for for different things for and and it and they've been approved so so those are the kinds of things that are happening that that we're going to start probably using a little bit of this extra cash for and and the other point that they brought out is as Bill knows you know you got all kinds of veterans just like you got all kinds of people there's veterans that only respond to to snail mail they comes into their mailbox as Bill knows uh there's veterans that that that want to do the the Facebook thing in the social media there's some there's veterans that that just like a phone call for example you know there's there's all kinds of things and ways to communicate with people and and uh so we're trying to expand on trying to cover everybody good however that might be so that' be good yeah so you need a line item for for postage yeah well and all the coas are doing a great job with with you know with the veterans um I think uh lesie might be able to talk about this about the the Elks in new report is doing another another veteran lunch in or something yeah they they will do a veterans lunch um November that's already been posted Day is coming up that's why yeah yeah and I believe the men item is going to be lasagna and salad and bread and dessert no we we did one and oh it was so cold that day it felt really bad for the people that were sitting out in the Pavilion so we're we're uh going to be holding it inside they get a they get a fair turn turnout for sure yeah okay the Council on Aging is having a veterans luncheon close to Veterans Day downstairs not at Peta Hall here at can't yes cated by the rusty can oh nice very nice veterans and spouses are significant others um Dana you guys should take a look at the veterans page we have on the town website need some up still shows more towns than you guys cover right what eight was the I think it's six now and there stuff about who is responsible for Jonathan if you someone has to let Jonathan know of the changes and then he'll make them on the website oh I I can certainly I can certainly do that you know that's just a communication problem that yeah that'd be great who you good clean it up a little bit okay well well I I guess and one more thing that I personally requested is like some kind of like live calendar on on the Essex vets website that encompasses all six of the towns so for example the COA luncheon that we're going to have here in newb would be on their calendar on that website and we're working on that too because I'm I just I I like to have like a One-Stop shopping I'm a visual kind of guy in the calendar and go oh look this is going on in or this is going on in west newy or whatever you know so it's all work in progress good very good right any other meeting updates well we met with the fincom last week yeah but we were yeah that was a posted meeting we had a quorum so those board members that couldn't make it won't mention any names just look at then you can go watch the movie go watch the reruns I was probably like on the Cog Railway or something yeah you were out of town as with Jeff but you can go back and watch it we we voted that we were not going to um continue the path of an alternative assessment that's the vote that we took the recommendation it was a it was short but it was very informative M it's worthwhile watching yeah I mean like a half an hour especially during budget season which is coming up fairly soon you should probably watch that um a quick meeting uh I had a meeting with uh Chief Evans Saturday at an open house the bfield fire station from 9 to 12 it was uh sply attended I left at I I started at 9:00 I left at 10:30 and about 70 odd people came after that which was great oh wow the firemen were there they had equipment out uh they had hot dogs snacks so on and so forth and a lot of the firefighters were there and uh they're pretty proud of what they do talking to the public and it was a a good thing to do I think he's going to host another one at Morgan Avenue Outreach that's great it is and that just reminds me re Across America is is coming up and uh they're going to host a a lunch in is it here in bfield or is it in newb in bfield in bfield uh to to I guess they're doing is it Italian or something yep spaghetti and meatballs spaghetti and meatballs and it's just it's a fundraiser for Rees Across America and again it's you know kudos to the fire department for for promoting it and helping us out and that's great no English is going to be spoken what's up Italian no English Come On Dave election day the fire station that in bfield is also hosting a dinner at 5:30 at night and the menu is also spaghetti and meat it's quick and it's easy how are they going to host a dinner on Election Day they'll figure it out they'll get more people to come out and then they can go have something to eat gives them a reason to vote all right any other meeting updates one last one I guess I went to a meeting today and in Salsbury at at Wayne's establishment and it was kind of different MIT is working diligently on a new project to tenuate waves mhm and it's Senator Bruce Ty and the MBA and I've seen that that's that's a crazy idea so anyway they're like cement ois yeah and it could work up and down the coast from here to New Hampshire right and you set them either two rows or three rows you set them staggered so that fish life and everything else and a minimum amount of current and they actually stick out of water supposedly at high TI where are they going to they're going to M them along the whole Coast 300 met off the coast 300 M 300 M off now it's all hypothetical it's 2 years in the working would have to go through all kinds of regulatory you know uh scrutiny but it's a way to attenuate wave action before it gets to the uh actual Beach so that it's not going to strip the sand away when it washes back now there's a lot of issues for from Wales to yeah lers to loral drift up and down the beach which they won't really have figured out for quite a while till they intensively model it they're modeling it right now in wave tanks but if you can Vision like one two the whole length of the beach big cement oets that are able to have current move through them so they're like um I could draw a picture of them but they're they're able to have the current go through the middle they're not solid almost like a seaw wall but a porous one and and it's offshore offshore they like me to it's meant to stop the waves as they roll stop the force so that the last 300 M is rather dosil in comparison but could still move sand up on the beach so the sand could you know the beach could grow now they are going to have to do probably Woods H or someone we'll have to do a real life modeling and then there have to be a pilot interesting and that would be remember the thing that we did with bson for the accelerator programs I don't know if we talked about that here too I think we did where Babson was looking at businesses that they could help fund with a grant that would benefit communities and towns to do with the environment this would be a perfect one if this would get accepted and permitted to put money behind that you know because that would benefit all the co regions jef what about boating I I I I I appreciate all the wildlife but you got you what about my boat you got Noah you got Noah okay you've got Coast Guard how's I get trap behind that at low tide right so well you said at high tide they might they might be out of the water be out of the water 300 300 M is over three football fields offshore there's PE there's boers out there all the time so anyway that's part of this whole thing now scientifically you can devise a concept reality is a different thing but if it work you know where it makes it impossible our regulations to harden the coast because we're barrier Beaches they can do it down in Boston you can build any seaw wall you want but we're a barrier Beach so they we have rules and regulation so at least now this would give the beach some protection we'll see so it's the first scient MIT is shot we'll see how they do it you know so interesting yeah it's probably two years out from really you know being you know it's eminent but it's two years out so and if you could see it I mean I could see it you guys can't really see it but it's like take checkers and stand them up you know stand them up like here three or four and then get down here three or four more and that's going to attenuate that wave how wide is the pillar going to be that's still science they haven't figured out the scope that really wasn't communicated to us CU we could see it in the wave tank but you know someone asked well are you going to put sand in the wav tank and of course if you put sand in a WAV tank was something that's 20t tall you know you're almost like putting Boulders in the wave tank to scale right you know sand sand granules are almost like Boulders when you working on that scale so it's the concept there'll be a lot more this will be you know this is just the beginning well they're looking at it anyways but Bruce and Thomas SRE Wayne opened the building MIT was great um core of engineers were there there was a lot of Heavy Hitters at this this was this was well attended so that was today uh today this afternoon very good well I'm glad people are looking at it okay any other meeting updates review and approve of meeting minutes there are none motion to sign Warren motion to sign Warren second all in favor I and a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all in favor I