##VIDEO ID:CTMCXSOzV6Q## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening and welcome to the Newport city council meeting today is Thursday September 19th 2024 we'll begin the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all will staff please call the role council member Taylor here council member Ingman here council member chapalain here mayor Elliot here and then council member subar is absent today thank you uh the next item on our agenda is to adopt this evening's agenda do we have any changes to the agenda tonight I'm move the agenda second I have a motion from council member Ingman and a second from council member chap Delan to adopt the agenda as presented all those in favor say I I those opposed the agenda is adopted next on our agenda is public comments as we don't have any members of the public in the audience today we will move on to our consent agenda um the consent agenda are uh items that are all considered in a single motion and are considered to be routine by the city council there's no separate discussion unless a council member or a citizen so requests in which case it'll be removed from consent and we will discuss it once the consent agenda is approved is there anything uh that councelor staff would like removed from the consent agenda hearing none I'll move consent agenda is offered thank I'll second so a motion from council member chapalain and a second from council member ingan all those in favor say I I those opposed the consent agenda is adopted next on our agenda is the Washington County Sheriff's Office report uh unfortunately uh Sergeant Harold is unable to attend tonight thank you so moving on uh next on our agenda is uh fire chief wy's uh fire report and he also is unable to be with us this evening who's talking about booya it's a fight I mean I just wanted to thank every I'll speak on behalf of Chief Wy just want to thank everybody for coming out to the booya this past Sunday is our second one here in this new station and our 70th ASA Department it's a tradition that goes all the way back to the start of the department I think Tom was was you there at the start of the department in 50s okay but it is a special it is our one big special event that we put on it was well you know and I just you know many donations we had the county deputies there doing a can demonstration we had Bolton bank there doing Trail survey we had a little mini Woodbury High School class reunion um many many things going on the booya sold out and I think it was just a good a beautiful day a little bit warm somehow in September still but a beautiful day thank you very much for um for that report so next uh on the agenda we have the engineers report so I will let our city engineer John hergan address the items good evening mayor members of the council uh two items for formal consideration and then a couple project updates uh first the uh lateral uh lining project uh is now complete the contractor has uh completed all the punch list items and they've also submitted all their uh project closeout documentation uh so staff's recommending that we we close this project out uh before we do uh we have two items one we have a change order number four uh uh this involves a an an ad of uh 55,500 that is based on two items uh we did an extra uh or end seals for an extra seven manholes these were the manholes that we originally planned to replace but due to utility conflicts or utilities being very close to these manholes we decided to uh to do end seals instead so this was uh it was work that was um that that the uh MBI are lateral lining contractor had previously done on other manholes and they agreed to come back this year and and do those end seals and then we did eliminate two lateral uh liners uh due to excessive groundwater and we're going to replace those laterals uh as part of the uh manhole uh and lateral replacement project that's ongoing so this change order would be the uh would be the well final change order that would uh um that that would lead to a final contract price of $891,000 number six and then we would officially be closed out on our lateral lining project that's good news so um I'd like to address these as two separate motions and approvals um any questions on change order number four I think that was well explained so can I have a motion to approve yeah I was going to make the motion to accept change order number four I'll second thank you I have a motion from council member chapalain and a second from council member ingan and that change order again is for $55,500 any other discussion all those in favor say I I those opposed uh the change order is approved so next we have the uh partial payment and final payment for this project number six do I have a motion I'll make that motion I'll second okay I have a motion from council member ingan and a second from council member chapal Lane and that total is 97,98 60 sense any discussion all those in favor say I I those opposed and the payment is approved I I think this is very exciting we're moving forward on our inflow and infiltration problem this is a big issue and a very expensive issue and I'm just very pleased to see the proactive work that we're doing as a community to try to get this resolved so thank you and we look forward uh probably next May to do some more uh to do another evaluation on the pump run times in that in that area and share that information with the council to see how tangible benefit that we can see from from all the work we've been doing that's great and with all of this work we do do it's kind of a one-year lag time because they you know work gets done this year but it doesn't really get measured until next year and then the following year is when it really um impacts what we're doing uh in terms of met counsil charges and stuff so it does take it does take some time to work uh through the system um you said you some other project updates and then the uh uh thank you mayor the manhole and lateral replacement project we've completed all the uh work uh north of I guess the 4th Avenue Ravine about uh 9th Street uh and then one uh service to the South uh the crew was working today to prep a bunch of uh excavation sites for patching tomorrow so the uh Paving subcontractor will be in and I'm sure folks will be uh will be pleased to see those get patched and uh and give them a little break on the the bumps in the in the road yeah um things are things are going well uh slow but but still going well uh we're hoping that the uh the uh contractor can get a second crew in to make a make a strong push here to the end of the month probably looking at first couple weeks in October when we'd get all the work complete and then uh and then do final restoration okay so other than that I'm happy to stand for questions on that project or any other questions for John yes council member chaptering yeah and I talked to John briefly on this too but I told him we'd bring it up tonight um the patchwork that they're doing is work is great you know where they dug and then around a manhole or something but there's a lot of um periphal damage to our streets around the project most of it in my opinion is the caterpillar style the crawler equipment when it turns or whatever and it's tearing up our old style streets well so I just kind of wanted to say it publicly you know John and Matt are both very aware of it um our streets were our old side streets were never built to a particular standard they basically were oil dirt roads year after year after year till it turned into black top so it's hard for us to maybe go at them hard about repair work but on the other hand a lot of those streets I've walked almost every morning and they were in pretty good shape for their age and now they're not okay you know so I mean we're gonna they're going to have to have a chat and figure out what to do about all that but I wanted to let Council know that my two cents I gu okay and we did we we spoke about that with the with the contractor at the beginning and and stressed it throughout the project that you know we we have to do everything that we can to protect those roads because they're not as structurally uh sound as as machine laid paved roads and for the most part uh they've they 've done a decent job of trying to protect uh the areas they have really big equipment and those are that equipment has to be on both sides of these excavations and when they're working around utilities and rock you know they they have to be able to maneuver a little bit so I I do give them credit for you know putting forth the effort to try to protect them in other times they were careless and in the areas that they were careless whether if it was when they were dropping equipment off or if they wanted to walk the a piece of equipment down the road rather than putting it back on the trailer those will be areas that will will scrutinize a little heavier uh we have documented the different areas that we've we've seen uh and we're going to walk those with the contractor after we get everything cleaned up and then while the paving subcontractor is here we're going to look for their advice too as to what what can we do if if the only option is cutting it out and patching it that's probably the option we'll lean toward but if there's a way that we can we can patch that we can heat it up up and then you know mix in or mix in some fines or even do some chip sealing over the top we'll work with the contractor to to get the get them in the best condition that we can representative to what it was before thank you okay I look forward your updates on that certainly thanks John anything else for John okay we'll move on to the superintendent of Public Works report uh good evening mayor Elliot and council members I have nothing formal tonight for consideration um but I do have one update um our contractor for replacing the shingles on the library yeah has committed to next Friday the 27th for um doing the doing the roof replacement um we worked with them to pick that date because the library is closed so makes it easier for them to work and also yeah you know less less interference and on both ends so we're hoping to be done in a day and out of there and um but worst case scenario if it goes into Saturday or Monday shouldn't shouldn't be a huge huge issue but okay we hope to have it completed on Friday great anything else no with that I'd be happy to stand for any questions questions for Matt anyone I think we're good thank you um next we have the administrator report uh mayor members of the council there's one item tonight and uh we I do have a presentation for our preliminary Levy um of course by the end of September each year we do have to uh pass a must set a preliminary Levy um staff and Council have worked on the budget since July with several work sessions we have reviewed the draft 2025 budget the capital Improvement plan we did have have Ellers prepare a financial management plan that looked out over 10 years uh and predicted future levies based on assumptions and decisions we're looking at now we looked at our Enterprise funds and also our debt funds staff presented options for the pre preliminary Levy at the work session on September 5th and once the preliminary Levy is set we can only lower it between now and the final Levy uh you know when it comes to budgeting I think it comes down to a number of philosophical questions for the council what are our service levels and where do we want them the amount of deficit spending that we have amount of reserves uh Reserve funds and surplus funds reasons for a tax increase or decrease what is the goal is it a dollar amount a tax rate percentage and then also our debt in relation to the levy and of course our funding for the capital Improvement plan items of note for for the 2025 budget um you know when I came on uh two years ago we did start a team uh budget approach and and I'm very happy to say we did that again this year um and I think it went well we do have residential assessed property values decreased by 7.5% uh our median home value decreased by 24,700 to $35,500 our debt service also decreased increas by about uh 144,50 and right now uh our debt service payment for 2025 will be $994,000 bucks and LGA is local government Aid some highlights for our 2025 budget include investments in Newport Parks trails and our quality of life we are going to continue to make investments and start planning for the Cedar Lane Park we have Pioneer Park that we're going to redo the parking lot there uh budgeted for $88,500 dollars we will finalize our Trails plan we have Loveland Park which has Sports courts identified at $250,000 we have investments in uh Parks facilities and Public Works we have new mowers in 2025 for 880,000 a vermier chip chipper for 5050 1565 front mount mower 45,000 dump truck Sterling for 250,000 uh our library and Community Center uh we have the carpet scheduled for about 6,000 and we are looking to replace the sign for an additional 6,000 Public Works garage we're looking at uh interior paint and then also doing redoing the floor and The Old City Hall where the Railroad Club is located we're looking at potentially doing some electrical updates and some lighting we do have some investments in capacity and service level uh we've requested a new maintenance operator this would be a new uh full-time employee cost is about $75,000 to the general fund and about 25,000 to our Enterprise funds this is our sewer water storm water funds uh and then we do have um one of our priorities here is the 8 million infr infrastructure project uh also overall City Maintenance of course with the Cedar Lane Loveland Sports courts and the Newport water pfest projects we also have applied for a grant and I was notified this week previous to today and in the memo it said uh we wouldn't be doing uh adding a deputy unless we did receive the Grant and we did receive a grant uh for $125,000 this is a federal cops Grant uh and it was we we were just notified uh in the last couple days here um uh so really really great thing so we are looking at very minimal or no cost for 2025 approximately 67,000 in 2026 and uh the full cost to be born in 2027 we do also have some retirements and a transition um for two positions one with the accountant and one with a a senior Public Works employee and we've budgeted that for about 25,000 uh some other items of note um Public Safety we are scheduling about $122,000 in structural firefighting gear and then other goals for 2025 uh code enforcement our zoning code update uh and of course Economic Development um thinking about another big uh item that impacts our Levy is the management of our debt over the next five years you can see the payments I did talk about 2025 but we have some Hefty uh some some good debt payments that will be do uh due over the next 5 years in 2026 27 28 and 29 when we're thinking about setting the levy um for the next year's budget um there was consensus at a 6.8% preliminary Levy amount of course this could be lowered between now and the final Levy amount uh and we did talk a lot about balancing the priorities and specifically tax impacts for the residents what our tax rate looks like our fund Reserve balance long-term Financial Health of uh the City of Newport service levels and staff capacity and then also our financial flexibility with that said um staff's recommendation is Council does approve the uh resolution number 2024 d66 setting the preliminary Levy at 6.8% uh for the 2025 five thank you uh for that I think just a couple quick comments um you mentioned the trails plan and this is just to let uh the public know the trails plan is really a document that tells us uh priorities for trails and will give us some cost estimates it isn't um us going out and starting to do Trails we won't do a trail until we have the money to do a trail and we will uh of course be looking for matching funds to help stretch our tax dollars a little bit but the trails plan please don't think that a Trails plan getting done you know in the next six months means that we're going to start building Trails uh next year that only comes when we have funding to do that uh we didn't talk about Lions Park in there but Lions Park there is a lot of discussion about Lions Park and some you know we'll have our Park survey coming out in the next probably six uh to eight weeks um and so some of that will help us guide us on things to uh put in Lions Park as we do that rebuild and then the management of debt those numbers are nice that they're getting a little bit smaller each year but that's all dependent on us not issuing any more debt meaning uh City bonds so if we decide we need to bond for a project then those debt numbers uh would end up increasing depending on the type of bond that we're doing so that's just a couple of items uh to note for uh people who are watching and trying to follow along Ong with this so with that I will move on to this uh Levy increase percentage on the 6.8 as our preliminary number um I think this is not the place where the council expects to land uh I think we expect it to be a bit lower than this but there are still some numbers that were outstanding and when we had this conversation part of it was that cops Grant um I think we're waiting on health insurance numbers and a few other things have not come in yet so we wanted to make sure we had enough uh room to allow for those um and still maintain our service levels so that's that's a little higher than where I think we really uh will land with our final number in December having said that um other Council comments on this preliminary uh percent increase you said everything I was going to say I'll make a motion to accept resolution 2466 resolution establishing a proposed preliminary Levy certification for Levy year 2024 payable in 2025 I'll second that thank you any discussion do you have any discussion comments well it's always our goal to have a lower number and um we think that's doable but we we do want to make sure that we are uh prepared for 2025 um with that um all those in favor of this motion say I I those opposed are pre minary Levy has been established anything else uh nothing formal at this point um but yeah thank you yeah no that was good thank you so next uh next is uh mayor and Council comments so I um I want to share just a little bit more on uh this cops Grant so this uh really came down through representative Angie Craig's office um only four cities in all of Minnesota received a cops hiring Grant and we were one of four um cities so there's 850 almost 856 cities uh there's one more coming online so it'll be 856 so I'm sure a lot of applications were received I do want to thank um Sheriff star and the Washington County Sheriff's Office because they uh submitted this grant request on our behalf and so they obviously did a very good job of making a case for us um so I I mean I feel pretty honored that we got this of all the different cities asking for this and we're a pretty small town um to get uh this $125,000 um also as part of the funding that was received for Minnesota was $120,000 for law enforcement mental health and wellness grants for the city of West St Paul and the Minnesota police Chiefs uh Association $300,000 for community policing development for their accreditation program so um I just wanted to thank representative Craig um for helping us uh get this funding and um do you want to talk about the pest meeting um I can I'll ask you how much depth you would want me to get into because Council hasn't heard any of it yet oh I think I'll just mention we had a meeting where to come okay so with that my comments are done I will start with council member inam in sorry about I have I have nothing to report I I did attend the Booyah okay and along with council member Marv Taylor we did run a booth so we saw quite a few people and there were some people we didn't see other than that that was it we saw him at a distance but oh he's calling you out [Laughter] thank you Tom council member chapal there always things to learn in life is there not um as you and I just kind of told the world um Mary Elliot myself and uh Joe and Matt and John all ran up to St Paul and met with Minnesota PCA and DNR who are the trustees of the 3M settlement for the pasas um resolve if you will there the folks get to oversee the money um for the longest time long before anyone was listening to me I was promoting an interconnect with Cottage Grove and Woodbury to take care of our long-term water and that ended up being what was agreed upon um with the uh the trustees of the settlement but the reality of it with both Cottage Grove and woodb as they're building out and seeing you know what they're up against when you get right when you get shovels in the ground things start to change and whatever so um where we thought we had problems with one Community turns out it's going to work out perfectly Cottage grov seems like they're going to be in a good position to help us although maybe shortterm only except for a couple neighborhoods and Woodberry is maybe or maybe not going to be in a position to help us in the state now it's in their lap but I think we're going to discuss this in detail at a workshop in a while with councel so maybe that's as far as I go until they've heard it all and then as far as the public concern just know we have a plan we're working on a plan and this will get resolved but it's it's like most things in construction it's like making sausage it's kind of messy yeah so yeah I felt like uh we thought we had a plan and then more data comes in and then you make some adjustments and more information comes in and you make some adjustments we got nothing but positive vibes and feedback from the state trustees we we're partners with the people with the checkbook it just what's the best way to do this yep thank you counc member Taylor uh just going to mention that there was a candidate for him in this chamber here a couple nights ago because there's going to be two seats from the council and the mayor's seat up on the ballot coming this November and absentee voting starts tomorrow oh and if I may mention I was not in attendance because I was not allowed to be in attendance too much of a troublemaker that's right no the uncontested races The League of Women Voters does not allow a single a solo candidate to participate so that's the only I watched uh live but I was not uh in the chamers so um thank you uh with that I would take a motion to adjourn I'll be happy to make that I'll second let have a motion from council member chapalain and a second from council member ingan all those in favor say I I those opposed we are adjourned thank you for watching e e