##VIDEO ID:uY1IjPd8sCw## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening and welcome to the Newport city council meeting today is Thursday October 3rd 2024 we'll begin the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands Nation God indivisible liy and justice for all will staff please call the role council member suner here council member Taylor here council member Ingam here council member chap here and mayor Elliot here next on our agenda is to adopt this evening's agenda uh do we have any changes to the agenda none I'll make a motion to accept I'll second I have a motion from council member chap to Lane and a second from council member ingan to adopt the agenda as presented any discussion all those in favor say I I those opposed the agenda is adopted next on our agenda is public comments this is where members of the public can address the city council about any local government topic that is not included on the regular agenda this is limited to concerns that are relevant to Newport City Affairs policies or practices we ask that you come to the podium um and clearly state your name and address for the record and to limit your comments to about three minutes generally the council will not take official action on items discussed at this time but will refer uh matters to staff if appropriate is there anyone that would like to address the council during uh public comments good evening everyone um I I have um most of you know me most of you know that I've been uh interested in some changes along sth Avenue uh my name is Mark McKenzie and I live at 9997 and I have something I want to read but I I have enough copies of it U for the mayor and for the four council members okay so I'm going to okay thank you all just follow along two going that way this way I'm decided to read because I I I feel a loss of confidence when I get on a mic and um so um bear with me here um should be fall within relatively within the the guidelines of the three minutes over the last few years uh Chad renal and I have corresponded with most households along the 7th Avenue Corridor through meeting with them emails and door knocking although the group members do not walk in absolute lock step on the issues concerning the corridor we are all interested in improving Life along the corridor for today and tomorrow the following goals reflect sentiments and interests expressed in the corridor residents ongoing correspondence with one another 7th Avenue is an essential part of newport's geography the city needs to use the assets of 7th Avenue to make Newport a more vibrant safe and marketable Community it is the main artery through which the entire Western half of Newport connects with itself and the eastern half of Newport the Avenue often provides visitors with their first impression of Newport however the current state of 7th Avenue with its large trucks speeding Vehicles unsafe pedestrian and biking conditions and lack of aesthetic appeal does not reflect the potential of this important Corridor the city needs to give more attention to its a Aesthetics beneficial uses and the safety of its residents 7th Avenue is a gateway to Newport and communal pedestrian Corridor and Bridge consequently it should be safe accessible and cosmetically maintained as an entry point to Newport its appearance should reflect respectful custodianship pedestrians and bike traffic should feel at home and comfortable moving along the 7th Avenue it's bridg Bridges connect newport's eastern and western residents providing many social business and Civic opportunities the city must ensure safe and appealing access to these bridges on both sides of the highway moreover the residents of 7th Avenue Corridor should be afforded the same quality life and protection as any other resident of Newport for these reasons and others we seek to advance the following goals for the 7th Avenue Corridor go on establish mixed use zoning criteria that firmly recognize and respects residential living the council needs to establish loaning criteria that ex recognize and respect residential Life along the 7th Avenue Corridor no resident along the 7th Avenue Corridor should have to fear for their or their neighbor safety Health Quality of Life peace of mind or loss of property value the zoning criteria along the corridor must support a sense of family residential usage and neighborhood the zoning needs to include standards that identify permissible and impermissible business activities or behaviors goal two pass a res a truck resolution a truck ordinance excuse me an ordinance limiting the use of particular trucks along 7, is not just a need but a necessity for a safe and peaceful uh peace of mind every day we witness trucks violating the city's truck resolution semi- trucks salvage trucks dump trucks loaded with scrap and other vehicles that fit into the four five and sixth level truck classifications are all commonly seen on 7th Avenue the intrusive dominating size fumes noise vibration and the sometimes indifference of truck drivers are a problem we would like to see this change the current truck resolution is incapable of providing accountability an ordinance that identifies appropriate truck usage and establishes penalties for misuse would great deterrence and hold both truckers and Newport City Council responsible the city should also improve Street signage to ensure truck drivers know the ordinance this ordinance would provide deputies with a more effective tool to ensure compliance it's time for the Newport Council to make a definitive stance on the Future character of the 7th Avenue Corridor and a Truck ordinance is a necessary step in this direction putting truck language in a cup is reactive and not proactive it is problematic and possibly deceptive public policy an ordinance is needed an ordinance creates a point of reflection for the city council any future Council would have to consider the ordinance when looking at a business proposal for 7th Avenue current and past councils have ignored the truck resolution it has never been adequately respected or enforced this Council needs to act decisively in defense of the predominantly residential character of 7th Avenue if this Council supports the residents on and near 7th Avenue then the need for a truck ordinance is a given we believe a 7th Avenue truck ordinance will benefit all in Newport as it will help prevent the spread of property devaluations and homend Decay goal three establish a uniform 30 mph speed limit in and safe crosswalks I know that you've worked on this but uh just to reinforce your work and and support it we want the city to establish a 30 m hour speed limit from 2 Street to Maxwell Avenue we know the county must contribute to this change we also would like the city to add pedestrian crosswalk signs to the walking bridge crosswalks due to the inability of the roads and unstop lights to handle traffic in surrounding communities an ever increasing number of drivers are deciding to use 7th is a thorough Fair unfortunately we can currently observe more and more people driving 7th as if its entire length is 40 m per hour one safe 30 m hour posted speed limit will create one clear consistent expectation for drivers for which they can be held accountable it's not just speeding that is a concern on 7th Avenue we've also observed drivers ignoring crosswalks and the No Passing Street markings posing a significant safety issue for pedestrians and cyclists to ensure the safety of our committee members we need new signage and increased tra traffic surveillance along the corridor goal four establish a pedestrian street lane on the west side of 7th Avenue 7th Avenue is the most pedestrian and bike traveled Road in Newport Walkers and bikers use the road to access the Park Trail the multi-million dollar pedestrian biker privilege the public library and the dog park a Westside street lane for p pedestrians and residential bikers would allow safer access to social economic and civil Civic opportunities the lane would ensure the safe and convenient access for pedestrians and bikers thereby enhancing their access to the amenities along 7th Avenue and Hastings Avenue moreover a West Side Lane would provide safer access to residential mailboxes and last goal five increase the school zone to include parts of the 7th Aven of corridor and establish a means of accountability and enforcement of Street ordinances one of the most critical roles of government is keeping its citizens safe speeding crosswalk violations illegal passing and large trucks using 7th is a thoroughfare is excessive and needs Med mitigation the city must provide the necessary ordinances and resources for accountability and effective enforcement One noteworthy issues the traffic problems St Paul Park is having with its Highway 61 Bridge intersections frustrated traffic from these intersections is filled into Newport specific spe Al 7th Avenue this spillover has increased thoroughfare traffic and traffic related problems necessitating constructive action on the part of this city council the city should not allow the residents of 7th Avenue Corridor to carry St Paul Park traffic problems another issue along the corridor raised by residents is concerns related to the management of rental properties the management of properties had led to concern for the safety of renters in neighborhoods um and last uh I hope the city council will take take constructive action our concerns by advancing these interconnected goals thank you um now the 7th Avenue near Renaissance group is made up of um well I have 30 some odd emails representing uh most of the households on or near 7th Avenue and although not very many of them are here tonight um they were given an email with the opportunity to watch it on the the cable channel so I just want everyone to realize that that hopefully they're watching yeah um people are busy and I think 5:30 is hard for people who work to um be able to get here or to to watch cable right um so thank you I really appreciate uh the opportunity to share these concerns and interests with you thank you Mark and as you know we have the request into the county on the speed limit and that is ultimately their decision um as to what happens with the speed limit uh between Second Avenue and Glenn Road and yep and um we have done some research on signage for those crosswalks we're continuing to look at some other options for that simply because the data isn't showing to be particularly effective with just signs so it's actually something on my agenda to talk with Joe about on Monday and I think we're going to Loop in council member suar is uh in a separate meeting to kind of talk about some different options there um as well and as to whether it seems uh like something we could pursue so we are slowly moving and as you know the zoning ordinance uh is uh with our uh city planner and that will affect uh kind of that zoning along Hastings as well as 7th um as we look and do updates uh to to that mayor uh one moment uh yes administrator hatch additionally there is uh opportunities for residents and folks out there looking to provide feedback on our Trails plan um there there is uh information on the website we are looking at a number of options and trying to get those priorities and understand what uh folks would want and and you know of course that's that's an opportunity so I wanted to just make sure folks knew about that too yep yeah I just want to say again yeah I know that you've been working on some of these we're appreciative of that um but we never formally presented our goals to everybody and there are some members of the council who probably might not even known that there was this group called 7th Avenue near Renaissance and uh yeah there is such a group and uh we've met with the mayor and administrator hatch um small group of us and uh we've been working on this and we've learned a lot and we know the the wheels of government move slowly so yeah we're being patient but we're we're trying to keep our presence known as well so again thank you thank you so much Mark is there anyone else in the audience that would like to speak during public comments hi hi this is uh Chad Rose um 675 10th Street uh marks neighbor also and I and thanks again for um you know taking the time and listening to to the the groups the Renaissance groups concerns and um I know that there was a survey that was issued right just on the trails and park system and I'm I'm just curious just for out of my curiosity how many of you outside of Mayor Elliott and uh Joe hatch have heard of this initiative or any one of these goals that have been put down are you guys can I am I free to ask if anybody else on the team has heard of them he asking what Mark just gave us yeah have you seen that before yeah Mark send me emails okay I think they come through Joel yeah I believe the entire Council um okay is absolutely aware of the goals and aware that the mayor and I have met with y'all um okay this was this was written out a little differently sure probably on purpose um because of the open meeting law you guys can send us all emails we can't respond because then we have a chain meeting going on outside of these confines so good I and I I hope that this is a uh an example for the city to you know the the collaborative effort uh and and to Mark's point we know that government doesn't always move fast you're at the mercy of other people but the the correspondence back and forth is is very valuable just so we can keep the members AB breast because I think you want a you know a healthy City you want you want the you you're doing the surveys with intent right uh so this is the exchange back and forth so I I hope this is a a really good example of a a very healthy Community working together for common goals but at the same time um words don't mean as much there needs to be something written in you know formally down when especially when it comes to speed limits and the zoning and this is a slippery slope and I think that that's the biggest concern we can have these these nice exchange thank you for coming and um you know we appreciate your feedback and everything but when where the rubber hits the road is you know uh making these things on paper you know in action speed limit signs crosswalks the intended use of of that you know part of the the community so um I hope that that's the type of feedback we can get in Beyond um just words so thank you for your time you're welcome thank you so much would anybody else like to speak during public comments uh uh seeing no other movement in the audience we will move on to our consent agenda uh the consent agenda um all items listed on the consent agenda are considered to be routine by the city council and will be approved in a single motion there will be no separate discussion unless a council member or citizens so requests in which case the item will be removed and considered at the end of the uh consent agenda is there anything that we would like removed from the consent agenda I'll move the consent agenda second so have a motion from council member Ingman and a second from council member chap delain to adopt the consent agenda as presented any discussion all those in favor say I I those opposed the consent agenda is adopted uh sergeant harell from the Washington County Sheriff's Office is unable to be with us this evening but uh fire chief Wy is here and so we will move on to the fire chief's report uh good evening mayor council members uh couple quick things just a recap of calls from September we responded to 21 calls for service um one of those was a structure fire in Cottage Grove um also responded to five motor vehicle accidents and then the rest are made up of basically motor vehicle I'm sorry um alarm calls power lines down and medical calls so that's the recap for September okay thank you and then coming up on October 11th is fire prevention um next week is Fire Prevention Week um on the 11th we will be at Newport Elementary during the day and then in the evening at 6 o'clock we'll have an open house down here at the fire station so you know it's fun for kids and adults you you get to ride on fire trucks spray a g uh fire hose you know at Targets and and it's it's a good time so encourage everybody to come on the 11th from 6:00 to 8 and that is what I have thank you um questions for chief Wy ad all well I would encourage people to come to your open house I did the fire hose thing I was glad I had some support behind me they targets yeah those are big and heavy council member suar if we could just get a quick update on the success of the booya please oh yeah yeah the update we got last time oh you weren't here I wasn't here oh these guys did the update yeah but go ahead no boyya was extremely successful we had a really strong turnout again you know our second um Booyah held in this facility um went really well it was you know pretty warm for a September day but um all in all it was highly successful and the feedbacks been very positive so yeah that is true I was absent I was attending other City business but I I took a bucket up to Ham Lake and my son-in-law is so appreciative of the the cun so just feedback from the Greater Minnesota Comm commities yep and we had cage until the end this year but that's not always the case great thanks Bill thank you all right thank you um next on our agenda is the engineers report Mr hergan good evening mayor members of the council uh one item for formal consideration then a couple project updates uh the first item is our sanitary sewer manhole and lateral replacement project uh the crew is finishing up the last excavation on the uh west side of 61 uh today into tomorrow and then they'll be jumping across the uh the highway over to the 9th Avenue in tibits area uh hoping if all goes well we'll probably be done digging by the end of next week maybe early the following week and then uh we're on the schedule with the paver uh third week of October to get everything patched up uh so we're we're in line to uh to get finished up here before before the weather turns uh we're we're certainly happy about that um we have a partial payment application uh partial payment number three uh for consideration this evening uh to date the uh the contractor has completed just over $1 million of the uh $1.3 million contract and then less the previous amount paid and uh 5% retainage uh pimber is requesting and 11 cents if there I'm happy to answer other questions otherwise uh consider the partial payment number three thank you do I have a motion um yeah I'll make the motion that we accept partial payment application number three and I have a question on okay I'll do second call second okay we have a motion from council member Chapan and a second from council member ingan discussion council member chap thank you um talking with who I believe was the foreman of the crew working in my neighborhood this last week um he had said that there was four manholes that were removed from scope and your paperwork now says six so it sounded when he described it to me like you're just was physically incapable of getting the parts in place because of water lines and other things going on let me know if I'm wrong but how do we re how do we get back to those problematic things and repair the water infiltration issue uh so you're correct it was it was physically uh we were physically unable to Place those manholes because the the water M was too close to the edge of the manhole and in some cases where normally the the sewer man would go right down the middle of the manhole they had when they constructed originally they had shifted that manhole or the the main going through the manhole to the edge of the manhole so they could get it just for far enough away from the water M to construct it well when we when we did the pre-cast manholes the pre-cast folks won't put those offsets in anymore because they don't they can't put that hole so close to the edge of the manhole and uh we that wasn't something that that was came to our attention when we were in design so what we did for those manholes we had we had put in the end seals like we did uh for the uh lining project and then we are going to use any of the remaining grant funds uh from our uh from our PFA Grant to go in and put a sprayon liner inside of the inside of the manhole uh it's similar to a liner that you put in the pipe but this is spincast so it just you know it uh builds upon itself which is an effective way of stealing that manhole obviously a new manhole uh new structure is a better uh you know a better solution obviously more expensive solution as well but uh that's what our plan is is to evaluate any of the manholes that weren't fully replaced and see which are uh which would be best to uh do that um internal man manhole liner okay do we own concrete parts for these six manh we we do and we are planning to use those six man holes in our uh Street and utility project for next year good answer there'll be some uh there'll be some modifications needed obviously all the holes aren't in the right spot uh but given the what the cost for restocking would be they uh we we decided to keep them and they're uh Matt's uh storing them at public works here for uh for a winter it's good that they're little and don't take up much room inconspicuous right us a playground or something thank you now we're repairing manholes that were built and designed back in the 40s 50s yes I think it was 63 to 65 was when most of these went in but they've been around for a long time they they have been around okay well I think you don't know what technology is going to be doing 60 years later and you know it's this is well the old parts coming out though look a lot different than the new parts going in it's where the pipes seal that's where the technological difference yeah otherwise it's concrete yeah concrete conrete we're trying to plug up the uh the holes the leaking sewers yeah I know thought I'd be so excited about fixing leaky sewers as I am as a mayor of Newport this exciting work and it's really important and it's it's exciting to be getting to the end of the basically generally the two block area closest to the river and then we're we're planning next uh for next year hopefully to start moving the next two blocks over and and start doing some work there as well so it's important work other discussion all right all those in uh yeah motion from council member Chapan and a second from council member Ingam all all those in favor say I I those opposed partial payment is approved anything else uh just one more item on the uh manhole and later replacement we will be uh bringing a change order to the council at the uh meeting on the 17th uh if you recall we had added a couple services on uh 9th Avenue uh we couldn't there was actually too much groundwater coming into those Services they couldn't line them uh and that main is a 10-in main so we couldn't uh the the contractor had to order additional um additional parts to make those connections so they incurred some costs and then we had to to make some modifications to some adjacent manholes uh and then uh we also are looking at allowing a bit of a Time extension uh their substantial completion date by the contract was the fourth was tomorrow uh we I I think it's it's warranted to Grant the extension they've been they've been putting as as much effort as they can it's been a little challenging uh for them so that will be something that we will uh bring to council for consideration and have a have a detailed explanation for for the group if they've been working 12h hour days in this whole project uh for the most part yeah uh I know that like a 6:30 in the morning backup alarm we've uh We've reminded them we've gotten some we've gotten some feedback that we uh we you can warm the vehicles up but uh let's not let's not get moving around too much not have forward gears they're all everything backs up well and to that end we we appreciate we we know this is is much more than just a simple inconvenience to folks soing but it's that's when that's when I realize when they're there you know and then I know they're there till 7:00 at night so that's a 12-h hour day with a half hour lunch break yeah yeah and then lastly uh we have our uh Street and utility project coming up for next year uh we nearing completion of our feasibility study which includes that storm water capacity uh evaluation uh we're planning to bring that to the meeting on the uh on the 17th as well and then uh if uh if the council so desires we uh hopefully have our public hearing at your November 7th council meeting okay so that one will be uh moving along as well yeah thank you I'm glad we're making forward progress on all that okay moving on uh next we have the superintendent of Public Works report uh good evening mayor Elliot and council members I have nothing formal this evening uh but I do have a handful of updates great um we've discussed it at Council before but the work on Century Avenue to build the culdesac and shut down the access to 65th is scheduled to begin October 14th so um that'll be a slight inconvenience around there um but we will post that on our website and get the information out as well as we can do we notify the neighbors within a certain distance that um we haven't uh we just got the information today so we haven't uh haven't really gotten a chance to advance it much other than giving the head up that we put essentially so um number two is uh last week we replaced the uh shingles on the roof of the library um we did suspect that there may be additional layers of shingles on there but we didn't anticipate four layers and a layer of uh Cedar Shakes so um code now will only allow two two layers of shingles so we didn't really have an option but to replace uh replace the situation um so the the price did go up um from uh 12,500 to um just shy of 21,000 we had we had those prices called out uh going into it per layer of shingle removal just in anticipation but without cutting into it or digging into it pretty tough to tell exactly what you're going to have and we also ended up uh sheeting the roof with plywood because the gaps on the roof boards were about two inches apart which was not uncommon back then um Pro Ceder shapes correct correct so um I mean it it needed to be addressed and unfortunately we just ended up with that situation so uh but now if you drive by it's great shape and hopefully uh carry me out so so did they take all four layers off and seear Shakes and the whole thing so it's brand new brand new Lumber good for them that's actually really good for that building yeah yeah structurally and everything yeah cuz it was built what in 1860 I think something like that I should have I think 1800 something but yes I I don't remember the that's been around a while yeah so important to take care of it so every layer of shers that's ever been on there is was on there yes you like historically when was Hoover voted for President yeah so um other than that uh the fire hall demo um I'm not sure if it'll start next week or the following week but um coming soon and uh also we are still in the process of Flushing the fire hydrants so uh we apologize for any inconvenience and uh dirty water that you experiened during that but the goal is to uh get the mains cleaned out and make sure the hydrants operate so we appreciate your P patience okay then the fire hall demos that's uh both fire stations correct correct okay and uh the last one was uh today um Marathon Refinery uh got a volunteer crew together and uh kind of completed the wood chip Trail around the perimeter of the the dog park so we're uh we're actively working on finishing that uh we don't have a delivery date for the sign yet but everything is in process and if we could get a little rain we could do some seating and some other stuff that uh would would help shine it up a little bit but uh we will uh keep working on that as as much as we can so with that I'd be happy to stand for questions okay questions for Matt council member suar start with the dog park how long do you think it'll be until we can get people in there I've have a lot of questions about that can we get them in there without having all of the the seating done or do you want to hold it off uh there's there's still brush piles and you know clean up to do in there yet so we until we're officially open we just prefer to keep people out um but uh like I said we anticipate it coming along fairly fairly soon so actual dates two weeks 10 weeks less than 10 he doesn't know yeah I don't have a delivery date on the sign and some of the other stuff so but we don't need to sign in order to get people in there do we no we don't the sign doesn't hold it back but there's still other work taking place yeah so and then the the library do I understand that the entire roof has been replaced with new plywood correct so that's a significant part of the cost boy that that was roughly $6,000 for just the plywood portion so I was wondering why it was such a jump and the call to sack again roughly how much time that the neighbors will be dealing with that or is there going to be much disruption for the Neighbors I wouldn't think so it it really shouldn't be a huge disruption for um anyone other than if the the res the three residents residents right there were planning on going south you know now they would have to jog North to uh good view and go that way but um I mean we we I timed that route myself just anticipating questions about that and I think it was within a minute of each other for the drive time so and they've all been notified correct and there's signage up there for anybody that wanders around back there so it shouldn't be A disruption for anybody to to speak up fairly minimal you correct very excellent thank you those are those are questions that I had thanks for answering okay other questions for Matt thank you with that we will move on to the administrator's report uh mayor members of the council uh we do have the uh Cherrywood Heights approval um and uh I know city planner first has a presentation yep so thanks mayor and Council and good evening uh this is the Cherrywood preliminary plat returning to you for a second time so uh I think you'll all remember the location so I'm going to burn through the this presentation relatively quick understanding that you've had a fair amount of background on this project and I can answer questions afterwards as as necessary so as an overview again we've got two Parcels involved in this so just over 35 acres in terms of the gross area uh 25ish net Acres the units proposed are 117 that has been refined further since the last meeting and we'll talk about how the density uh therefore resulting from that is now 5.22 units breaker which is on which is still meeting the city's expectations for density in this area so uh the question the big question is what has changed since the last meeting of course the the council will remember discussing the guidance on um having all of the single family homes be 50 ft wide so that adjustment was made by the developer and their team so all single family homes in the development will now be that uh width uh that did result in the the widening of those lots and really what I the lots that were adjusted were those that are sort of internal to the development uh that adjustment did cause some shifting in the storm water ponding areas and so I'll talk a little bit about that uh the the units overall were reduced on on the development from 122 to 117 so some of those single family homes were lost and then that as I mentioned density uh reduction has occurred from 5.44 to 5.22 units per acre so in looking at the the development systematically or holistically uh there is a sort of partner side of this development in Woodberry and the adjustment in storm water has been that the oops that the outlaw containing the storm water pond on the um east side of the development within Newport has been made a little bit smaller but a sort of um concurrent change has been made to the development in Woodberry to increase the size of the storm water so that is why we're able to um lose fewer units on the Newport side so in terms of the conditions for approval uh the same conditions are recommended to you there have been three that have been added uh to the resolution uh those are in bold on the slide and really they to make sure that we have what we need in place place before the development gets further along or into a a point where they can begin construction so the first requirement added is eight and that's prior to considering final plat application complete that Newport and Woodbury will agree on a shared storm water management plan uh we're really getting to the fine details here of final plans with storm water and I think uh all we need is for the communities to make sure that we're still in agreement on that shared management strategy uh number nine is to have uh prior to releasing the final plat having the communities of Newport and Woodbury execute a storm water agreement again because the communities are sharing that storm water system between the development on either side of century and lastly making sure that Newport and Cottage Grove have a water interconnect agreement executed uh to allow for the development to to get water served to it from Cottage Grove so those are the things that we I need to have in place before um the development can proceed and I think these conditions will make sure that that happens so those are the only the only additions to the recommendation for the um conditions of approval next steps after the city council makes a decision if it does approve uh the preliminary plat and PUD would be a final plat and that would come later so with that said I have a recommendation on the slide in front of you uh there's a resolution 2024 69 approving the preliminary plat and PUD there's an ordinance 20243 adopting the Pud and then lastly a resolution 20247 authorizing summary publication of that ordinance I did want to mention to you uh that I did note one thing in the ordinance I would recommend that we revise oops Yeah we've got a little tech tech difficulty here but I can definitely narrate this piece of it um um the ordinance 2024-25 Square ft and because we went from 40 to 50 uh feet lot widths we would have a corresponding increase in the minimum lot area from 4,800 to 6,000 square ft so that's just making uh making sure that we've got the correct number in the ordinance it shouldn't impact anything with the development as it's been submitted and reviewed by the city so I just wanted to make that clarification that's just something that we should correct in the ordinance um but I think that that's the only change that I have to recommend to you great so any questions before we start making any motions or comments and mayor and Council I would just add that the developer and their engineer are here if you have any questions for them so I've got some questions but want to just make a resolution first um if it's specifically related to what a resolution or ordinance says then yes if it's general questions about this uh the development and housing and such I don't lose the opportuni so I think why just go ahead yeah with your questions I did go through when I was reviewing this and note the additions of number nine and number 10 that you just um mentioned and and highlighted them and uh the storm water agreement with Woodbury how far are we Along on that agreement yeah I believe that there might be something in the works and I guess I'd look to City administrator hatch or city engineer heran to provide a little bit more detail on how far along we are okay and that question in the in the following one are being asked because I'm I'm concerned about how that will infect how that will affect start times for this development is anything planned to be done in the fall or does nothing happen not as I read it nothing can happen until these Agreements are in hand and I want to make sure that we don't hold up them for further operations that could happen in the fall understood council member so I guess I'll start answering that that last question and then maybe throw it to Joe or John for for the answer on the the storm water agreement um this is the preliminary plat approval that you're looking at now the developer is definitely understands they'll have to file a final plat application before they could begin work on site that being said we do have a condition in the uh approval here that's recommended that would allow for the developer to potentially do grading on site only before final pla application if it's um approved by the city so it gives us flexibility to help them on their timeline is what I'm saying and you've agreed that you've negotiated that language with the developer there would be a separate grading agreement that would be approved by the city so okay the developer is aware of that possibility okay and then number number 10 talks about the the water interconnect yeah the water interconnect with Cottage Grove and I don't think we're anywhere near the interconnects agreement with the two cities is that correct or we further along that I've been let mayor members of the council if I may um there is currently a draft agreement that Cottage Grove is working with their attorney on that would provide water to uh this development and we're expecting a draft soon um I don't think it's going to be very complicated we did have a meeting in regards to that uh uh so we're expecting it to happen shortly uh last uh last communication I think occurred just about a week and a half two weeks ago with their Public Works director so um yeah and with the storm water agreement we're I'm GNA kick it over to John oh uh thank you uh administrator hatch uh we've been uh working with uh pretty closely with Woodberry as has the developer both with Woodburry and Newport staff on the storm water um components to this project it's a unique uh it's a unique storm water management system as it uh storm water crosses Municipal boundaries actually a couple different times um Woodberry woodberry's review process is lagging behind ours and because the you know the uh the portion of the uh storm water management on the Woodberry side is critical to the success of the portion on Newport side we wanted to make sure that when these two review processes catch up to each other that everyone's in agreement that we have a we have a you know a maintenance plan that works for both sides and so we uh we fully we don't have any concerns that that won't happen but I think having that condition in that we we wanted to set a you know a hurdle to clear before things moved forward and got out on the Newport side that much further than than Woodberry and so I think it is appropriate that uh when when Nathan added that uh that condition to approval that just make sure that we have all the uh eyes dotted in te's Cross other question and and wood be Woodberry actually has uh an example or they have a situation uh within their Community where they've had a storm water agreement so they're planning to use that as a template I haven't seen that yet um they I I think we'll probably start paying a little more attention as their uh review process uh heats up but um that's likely what we're going to use as a uh as a template and then work on it from there okay I'm just I'm just asking as I have not had a separate conversation with the developer I've known that several things have happened from newport's side that are slowing this development in my opinion and I don't want them to be unduly punished by things that we could possibly be in charge of or could possibly expedite also we we've done a few things cutting the number of of lots that are available for them to develop so those those are B concerns I had there also I notic in the in the diagram on Newport side it was decided that we would do do a continuous loop through the Housing Development per the request from the city fire chief and also the engineer which I think is a very good point on the other side if you look at Woodberry they've got two culde saacs right opposite of our Loops the start and the end of our Loops so I just wanted to make a note that that didn't Escape my eyes and even though I think it was reasonable to have that done in new I think we have some information on that yes yeah I think there's definitely some opinions on that so I would just say that to to I mean to that question there's many fewer lots and units on the Woodberry side and so the the the city's rationale for the the city street connection I think was based on city of Newport needs and and not some of the development expectations in Woodbury so and I figured that a conversation along those lines might come up well there's fewer people in Woodbury but every person that's prevented from leaving is important to the people that are prevented from leaving and that was my only thought process on that so Newport made decisions and I had a certain Viewpoint and the rest of the council had other viewpoints so I think we're ready to go ahead hopefully with a successful project I think there's many aspects of this I'm fully in agreement with and I'm looking forward to working with the developer well and I think not an expert on this by any means but being in the bluffland area creates a lot of you know as we found things had to get shifted a little bit to stay away from the bluff land and you know as we get closer to Woodburry it's more Bluff land than you know what we're experiencing and so you know that's really kind of on them to to design you know what what they're allowed or what they can based on the topography that that they're faced with as well so um I think they're not back up to any Bluff land are they I thought it was well I would guess it's still Bluff over there is it not how can it be Bluff land on our side and not on their side just location it drops off to the to the south and west or excuse me north and west of our project I think it's all it does not go up from there I don't think so there're a farm field over there wow good for them good for them exactly this Bluff land is you know really something to contend with okay well um I do want to thank the uh build on this too we' they've been through a couple of Planning Commission meetings a couple of council workshops uh for just working with us and your flexibility and um I think this is going to be a really exciting development if people are looking to you know move into a town home of some sort or move into a smaller lot or property with some nice homes um this is going to be a great option uh for people in the community so I think it'll it's it's pretty exciting for us I think actually um so with that I would uh look for a motion on the first item here I'll make a motion on resolution 2024 69 which is approval of the Cherrywood preliminary plant I'll second a motion from council member Chapan and a second from council member Ingam and any further discussion all those in favor say I I those opposed I so the uh that is approved on a 4-1 vote with council member suar voting no next uh up we have a motion to approve ordinance 20243 I'll make a motion to adopt ordinance 24-3 establishing the Pud facilities for Cherrywood as approved by the city council I'll second have a motion from council member ingan and a second from council member chapalain any discussion clarification for the council May uh so we had I had discussed in my recommendation uh modifying section 23 C with a minor adjustment from 4800 to 6,000 the friendly Amendment of the change from the minimum lot size of 4,800 to 6,000 is that correct to that motion yeah okay with my first and second or yes okay any further discussion yes council member suar I just want to make sure that this is an approval of the development as as outlined fully my my decision to vote against it before was my my lack of support for the cutting of the number of lots but everything else else after that I want to support the developers so yes okay yep absolutely understood thank you um with that any other discussion so all of those in favor of ordinance 20 24-3 say I I those opposed motion carries next uh ad I'll move to adopt resolution 24-6 70 authorizing summary publication of ordinance 24-3 thank you second have a motion from council member Ingman and a second from council member Chapan any discussion on this council member SAR just for the record what exactly is that covering again it's just a shorter version of the ordinance we just adopted and generally well go ahead Nathan yep so mayor and Council so the city will adopt an ordinance and that will be you know a new uh Rule and this case we're adopting a p summary publication is effective so ordinances do not become effectively valid until they're published in the newspaper and so when you're publishing things in the newspaper you pay for the amount of space that you need and so summary publication is used as a way to minimize the city's costs with the newspaper for publishing a an ordinance to make it legal so this is a good way to summarize it succinctly for residents to explain what's happened but also to reduce the number of inches of column space we need and those inches can be expanded because of the legal description of the property which P right sometimes it's just information that's not quite super helpful so okay yeah I'm say almost a full page of this ordinance is legal description yes well probably even more than that so yes it's just a more efficient way to do it and statute allows us to do so uh with that do uh all those in favor of resolution 20247 say I I those opposed the resolution is adopted anything else from Administration mayor members of the council nothing else formally um but I would stand for questions looks like we're good um so with that I'll move on to Mayor and Council reports um the uh subcommittee with the council member Taylor and myself two members of our uh staff staff and two members of the park board met again last night we did our kind of our final review of the uh Park survey that will be going out we got a draft with those changes today which uh was emailed out for people to take a look at for final comment so we'll probably end up seeing those uh phone calls start in probably about two weeks and it'll last about two weeks and uh this is 250 randomly selected homes that will be contacted I myself the council the park uh representatives and staff you know please do answer those calls they will leave a message and let you know that uh they are calling on behalf of the city to get uh people's input regarding uh our city parks and our future planning over the next uh few years as to where we should go with our with our Park development uh program so please uh do answer those calls and um it's important that we get your feedback um so I also wanted to promote we have Buckthorn day coming up on October 26th that is a Saturday in the morning everybody is invited to participate you basically need to bring yourself and some good work gloves um staff does have shovels and Spades and things to help remove the Buckthorn we are going to shift to a new location this year we are going to be down by um Cedar Lane in the area where we have uh gotten the final property and I'm what's the add between 16th and 17th Street okay between 16th and 17th Street and um there's more information on our website about that they will also provide you with some information if you're not sure what buckthorne looks like um so that you're so you're helping us with the Buckthorn problem and not something else uh but I would encourage people who want to uh come out and help us keep um the areas natural and beautiful buckthorne tends to uh push out ground cover as well as native trees and so that's why uh we it's important that we control that so that's it for me council member inamin I have the thank you nothing to add council member Taylor I attend the Red Rock Corridor commission meeting this past week uh the big item that we talked about then and it's it's a big item for Newport is the Met Council has their Network now uh plan out for public comment at this point in time this is a 35% EXP and service ridership they're going for between over the next by 2027 um so there's going to be a lot of expanded routes um big one for us is What's called the route 354 which will connect the Gold Line ter kind of terminus at Valley Creek and Woodburry up by 494 if you see the big parking ramp there that's the end of the Gold Line that's going going to St Paul it's going to be a route that connects from the Gold Line to the to the the airport that'll have a stop at at at the Newport transit station station it'll be 1 Hour 1 hour frequency during the weekdays there's currently not any planned weekend service since it's a new route but that is something if you want to comment on you can go to the Met metrotransit.org Network dnow and you can give your feedback on that plan as well so it's a I think it'll be an important uh thing that should should bring a lot of increased ridership after years of dorcy at our Transit site this will be again phased they'll start to implement some of these 20 early 2025 with again phasing in over by 2027 so hopefully we're on the front end of that when the goal line opens but that's we'll we'll see there's a lot of you know but certainly one of the more talked about routes in the in the metropolitan so great thank you council member suar I had a lot of lot of Adventures recently I went down to the state's historic preservation conference in Redwing for the last meeting and had a couple of great um presentations one they were talking about in Wasa the history teacher got together and supported a video club and they had students go out and interview owners of and people that had lived in the city for a long time and they talked about some of their historic businesses and they've got a large number of very beautiful sites and Newport isn't gifted with those old big imposing businesses and buildings but we do have a lot of history here and as I have learned from many years on the HPC the Newport HBC there's a lot of smaller sites and this is a thought that I would like to work toward incorporating as we work to develop our tours of historic sites in Newport because one of the things we were looking to do was bring historic tourism into Newport and this is this is somebody who's done it and they've got a lot of excellent hints and and they said that they were able to get grants and they said with The Walking part of the tour they were able to get grants that related to health they they had a farmers market and they were able to get grants because they were able to talk about nutrition so there are ways to get these Grant monies that you and the administrator have worked so hard on last suing into Newport these are things that I learned by attending that meeting and I'm very glad that we were able to send somebody down there and because Newport has been a a a certified local government a CLG we have to send at least one person y to these meetings I've been glad to go down there this is the third one we've got meeting coming up in Minneapolis in the near future I'm looking forward to attending that one also and I also attended the meeting with the pigsy lake SL dump that continues to be developed we had presentations on two sites from other cities where they did a lot of reclamation of similar type of dump sites although not to the extent and not to the complication and not in a river like like the one we have just north of us but the fact that we can possibly utilize that site and turn it into a asset rather than a than a a continual developing problem is very exciting and also attended a meeting and as well as council member Chapan with the with the Washington County watershed district one of our smaller smaller groups just looking at at the Watershed issues in our Ci's areas so those are a couple of terrific things that I've been able to do enjoy representing Newport act thank you with that would you be willing to make a motion to adjourn anybody else want to go yes I'll make that motion second I have a motion of council member suar and a second from council member uh Chapan to adjourn any discussion all those in favor say I I those opposed we are adjourned thank you so much for watching minutes 5 minute break and e e for