##VIDEO ID:-l-7jzd5Zl8## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I'll call the October 24th 2024 parkboard meeting to order roll call chairperson fur here Vice chairperson white here board member Perkins here board member Edler here board member Westerberg here all right do we have a motion to our adopt our agenda this evening so move we have a second I'll second all in favor I all right September 26 2024 board minute minutes um everybody have a chance to look those over and if so any changes to anything I'll move the September 26 2024 minutes I'll second it all in favor I I all right executive director report all right only thing I have for you today is the handle I gave you before the buck parking where the circle is is where we'll be parking and then we'll concentrate on area one first and then we we'll get area two if we have have time and people for it okay and we have everything posted on the website uh City Hall for um the time frame and location everything and for volunteers and there's or are they still able to sign up online y okay perfect all right great or they can show up too or show up yes we'll have waivers there the more the merrier I did put out um the flyers I brought one here to City Hall and put downstairs I put them at the parks and then there's been one up at the drugstore as well okay so all right perfect I contacted a couple of the groups in the high school and um Lake Middle School talked with Brian eart he's a science teacher there he said he informed the students uh all the stuff was online not really very many people commented or said anything to him so he's thinking if there is is any it's just a handful okay all right um I guess one thing that uh Derek and I talked about was is um our uh winter family fun night which is on uh January 25th um wondering if we should schedule the meeting um if we did it our in our normal sequence it would be on January 23rd so that's just a couple days days away or should we bump it up to January 9th and then that way it give us more time if we need to PR plan and prepare for the family fund night how do you guys feel about that I'm open to changing the DAT I think we've done that before too yes yes work for everybody sure okay so let's note that then we'll move our January meeting to the 9th all right um still early for family fund night planning and stuff is there anything you think that we anybody thinks we should be doing now for that I think just you know getting it on the website um usually we do a flyer half page that um an gets to the school kids um you know passes it out to them um that week um we usually have a good turnout I usually get the cocoa and whatever kind of snacks so um you know I have a question I I I drove up there last night because I was looking for some I was looking to see how dark it would be up there at night because my Girl Scouts are working on a star badge so that's another story and it is pretty dark up there um but I know when when and there was a sheriff's deputy watching me come in come out um but the other day I drove up there just to kind of look um we've had um in the past we've had our sound system there where we've played music um is that still doable is there something to hook up to an there plugins on the poles outside yep oh okay okay so that's the only other thing that we need to make sure we get is the outside speaker kind of stuff or the to play music music and we have that here at the storage yeah yeah and then somebody that's techy like with a cell phone or something that can Bluetooth it hook that up yeah Bluetooth mhm okay but I don't think there's anything else at did they finish the grading up there that they had to do no no no not yet okay wait we got to get a little moisture in the ground first before they finish that up okay all right and then I was just out roaming um the other day and I went to the dog park and uh so the sign isn't there yet correct okay and it's there's still the little work that we're going to start on tomorrow to do like get the benches out there and pull some stumps but other than that we're you know we ordered the time we just don't have a time frame on a sign yet okay I know people have been using it y um but then someone posted on one of the Facebook sites that the security people from the refinery were kicking people out of it so and then someone said well there's no sign we can't go in so I don't know if they can go in it or not Bob M contact the refinery tomorrow yeah yeah so and in looking at it is there like four sections that are fenced off inside of it two two sections okay one for small dogs and one for large dogs okay all right all right well it really looks great the parking looks great and stuff so it'll be really look nice once the sign is in place all right um anyone have anything else other than uh Buckthorn day on Saturday this coming Saturday from 9:00 to noon um everything is listed on the city website anything else anybody has I just want to mention if people are watching that it's at a different place this year it's along Cedar Lane instead of up at uh Bailey School Forest I mean all that is on the website but you know just in case somebody oh yeah let's go do that today and I mean cuz we've pretty much always done it up at Bailey School Forest but we have another section that needs help all right anyone have anything else they'd like to add I have a question having not done a winter family fun night and perhaps anybody watching that hasn't done it what activities are going on um well I will ask Pauline again um and you know let me write that down she um has arranged um games in the past for the kids on the ice we'll do bowling on the ice we'll do pump pump pull away um I bring some plastic sleds that kids just kind of pull each other around on there's also have you been up there to skate it all though no okay Pauline Pauline's husband built these out of PVC pipe um things that little kids can hold on to to teach them how to skate okay and I think there's three of them in in there um then U we've got Refreshments that people can come in and out and so on and then there's skates up there that people can use they're not to rent they can use them we can always use more skates especially for little kids if people have small skates and of course kids out grow them so fast um you can just bring them up and drop them off um or drop them off here at City Hall and we'll see that they get up there um we've had a volunteer in the past that have sharpened those for us so they've stayed sh and I think it was the sharpening thing that used to be at ble Hardware so um we can get them sharpened but um I think that's pretty much but kids have a really good time and the the most fun part of the event is is the firemen come up and stuff and then they have a tle war with the kids oh I better message Steve and don't forget we got the bonfire yes oh bonfires can't forget that so yes and if we have another unseasonably warm winter and there's no ice will there still be events no no because everything is pretty much on the ice except for the bonfire okay I mean I guess we could consider having just a bonfire and have marshmallows or something this is a little later this year isn't it no it's always that last Saturday in January hard to believe I know well we didn't have anything last year snow noise first winter it was so cold that night it was like you could just I mean you know just your no was just Ice by the time the night was over you know so and the next year so warm and mighty we couldn't do it so yeah so why don't we wait until the January 199th I just going to say we can make that decision figure out you know weatherwise and if we can do other activities in there yeah we could but I mean we can just do a bonfire and make some ores or something like that too if we've got the because you usually bring a picnic table and I mean I've got other tables I could bring to just put supplies on and people could just bring a chair and hang out around the fire so we're going to say activities to be determined yeah yeah all right all right sounds wonderful um anything else anybody would like to add I don't think so all right do we have a motion to adjourn a motion to adjourn we have a second a second all in favor I I adjourned e e e e e