##VIDEO ID:Oq3sNuMgkg8## Jo has to sign good afternoon I'm now going to call the Wednesday November 20th 2024 meeting of the nor County Commissioners to a on Wednesday March 29th 2023 Governor Healey signed into law chapter 2 of the acts of 2023 an act making Appropriations for fiscal year 23 which included a two-year extension of the option for public parties to hold remote meetings by suspending certain provisions of the mass open meeting Law chapter 38 section 20 that action was effective immediately extending the current opinion option for remote meetings through March 31st 2025 we are live today and on the zoom we ask you all to stand join me in saluting the flag I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and stand Nation indivisible withy and justice for all thank you call the RO commissioner stady I pres sir commissioner Collins commissioner Shay is present we have a quum folks I'm going to ask that we go right along we're going to skip executive session for now we certainly do have executive session with have two items today but I way of accomodating some folks uh I'm going to go right to number four I think we can get most of our business done and then call for the executive session I have no objection all right minutes minutes let's go to number four I reviewed them they seem fine if you want I'll move approval of the Open session of November uh 13 as presented motion made and seconded all in favor I and I also vote executive session Mr chman if you wish I'll move approval of the executive session meeting November 13 as presented and subject to be released at once this time is this year so declares second motion made in second at all in favor I number six is appointments other than executive session if anyone we have no appointments now I'm sorry I the appointments will be taken care of in executive session number six public comment every meeting we have a section of public comment people can come in and speak to us or join us on Zoom um now is the time if anyone has a public comment uh out in Zoom land in addition uh director car have you been contacted by anyone no sir okay last call for public comment seeing none I'm going to move to number seven old business chair has no old business number eight Personnel matters for consideration commissioner State sir is to be at the agricultural school yes sir sir Mr chairman uh please to make the following motions these all concerned uh matters at the N County Agricultural high school and I believe well same date so let's go the first several I noticed conent deployment I move approval of notice contingent employment for Katrina a Joseph of Walpole of Amanda Cassidy of Holliston of Tiffany kushinada of Norwood and of Michelle epitus of wouth excellent all as substitute um forgive me the first three I'm sorry let's move that again Katrina Joseph Amanda Cassy and Tiffany kushinada all for substitute oh God sorry nurses all right two of them two instructors two are instructors and two are nurses Michelle as Asen and Tiffany cada are substitute nurses all for the rate stated all for the date effective date 11 2124 so moved okay I have a question to the nurses I'm going to ask you um are we we don't have a nurse anymore or is there just transition no we have a nurse J these are for the days that nurse is on vacation out SI something like that by Li you have to have a nurse every single day you have the school open all right one two three four like a plan B and a plan C okay on the substitute teachers all in favor all right now the nurses we did them right yes sir I made second a motion you can make we want to that's all right I take a separate vote on the nurses yeah yes okay yes sir unanimous I'll vote Yes now we'll go to Caitlyn rafy a notice of Return of teacher position for Caitlyn rafy at warpole as a day instructor at the stated effective date 1112 24 so moved second motion made and seconded all in favor V Next we have an Loa today well I think there's one more I think I move notice a change yeah I think yeah notice move approval of the notice for name change for Norah Dre forly Fox of rent them as animal science War person rat dat effective data the Chang is 1113 24 so moved second will the name change all in favor I I that is unanimous also now we'll go to the Loa right do I have to move this yes yes okay I move approval of Return of lway uh effective 11224 code 11-1 So Pro so second remain second at all favor I okay is anybody else next on our agenda is number nine is procurement we're going to ask mein to come in Marin come on in Morin have a seat there we're going to turn us over to John no sit right up here you take come in front here revolving TR nice to meet you nice to meet you welcome County ni go ahead John thank you Commissioners good afternoon it's my pleasure to introduce you to Morin mun our new Chief procurement officer Morin started this past Monday um after a search that involved the better part of the last two to three months um and some um explorations of internal reviews as you know uh we're pleased that Morin is now joining us um over the last two months we've had the benefit of having Capital strategies join us um Amy Putney Trish Bernard have been assisting Us in two phases number one supporting Ono ongoing daily operations through contracts contract managements and so forth but the other side of it was reviewing our internal organization within the unit I wanted a complete review of how it is organized how the work has flowed and also review of the uh purchasing policy uh Trish has done a great job she and I have gone through two drafts of those plans it is uh now my task to hand those documents off to Moren um she's going to take two to three months to assess them to see if they fit within the organization flow that she envisions to work with and make a recommendation back to me I fully expect um some form of your purchasing policy to be amended based on her experience and recommendations uh I look at it as more of evolvement um so over the next several months Mar will be assessing some of those improvements she comes to us with um a fair amount of Municipal experience most recently the town of hackington is their Chief procurement officer uh it's a pleasure to work with her she's uh been very busy the last few days I doing the uh typical transition meet and greets um culminating tomorrow in a department Ed meeting that we're holding so she can meet and greet each of them as well so I just wanted to bring her in today and can I help was higher second floor please okay welcome Morin yeah commissioner Collins and commissioner stady yeah Marin has a lot of experience as John told us she feeling shoes of a person who was a career employee was here for 35 years uh Nancy so you'll see her stamp if you haven't met her yet you'll see her stamp on everything right uh long long time and uh she had you know a fruitful career here and you are trained you have taken the you have the state certification yes sir yes which was important to us and yes you can hit the ground running okay yeah so we're here all the time John John and Bill and the staff so welcome aboard else I can right now found a found my way into purchasing a little suriously I went uh I was working in St closely with the Town Administrator and uh he was going to retire and needed someone to become the mcppo so I did that very quickly and then started out slowly and uh every Community I worked in I've had some experience with procurement and then I went to Worcester and it was all procurement all day saw a lot of interesting procurement so really gave me the confidence to go and hopkington I came in there were no files there was nothing and I built it from the ground up and really enjoy it I enjoy Municipal work I could go elsewhere but I think I'll always be a municipal G interesting okay my me just commission for you go ahead sure through the chair so uh welcome to KN County as the chair said and you got big shoes to fill but director Cronin mentioned that you're going to be reviewing things looking at some possible changes I would hope that I'm sure the answer is yes but we're going to be relying a little bit on the Abraham report the consultant that had maybe looked at that area they you know if that's in place that's all we had that's terrific I I assumed as much but I wanted to make sure but we had that study done and it's always been something we fall back on you know it's always to make sure they we're not negle those always worth the money well just worth the money so that's great and we had to help you any way we can that's always nice thank you okay last call you're all set for having me next week see before that's nine payroll and expense warrant for approval Rich only two yes sir we have two uh Mr chairman uh first one I move approval of 25-20 payroll of the County uh sum of 14652611 is a and the other one the other one left is I move approval of 11- 325 I expense to the county move approval of 55,000 $237 18 so second motion Maiden second did all in favor a vote that's all Mr chair next 10 before American Rescue plan after 2021 director very briefly Commissioners no arer rewards this week as we are down to approximately $5 million uh early this week had our quad Quad County meeting with the other um counties norfor County Fair is quite favorably in compar in comparison to our uh friends south of us um we're all trending towards the obligation deadline of 1231 24 um we have reached out to the six communities that still had um not fulfilled a full allotment of applications in the portal um I'll be sending out a letter by the end of this week hopefully to each of them uh letting them know if we don't have viable applications from the portal by December 1st uh they risk losing those funds back to the county distribution um so overall we are starting to Trend towards closure as planned and that is my update on the operant Mr chairman thank you okay so number 11 we have nothing for that either no operas for approval number 12 report from the procurement Department we just had that meeting Marin number 13 we have a request from the town of Midway for some Engineering Services in your packet Commissioners uh thank this communic from County engineer Patrick Higgins who I assume is on the call here it's outlining uh some work topographical survey along roadways to be done in the town of Midway there's a RightWay replacement along the roadway from existing conditions uh la da and this was brought forward to us on the it's brought forward today it's dat of the November 18th this all the explanation we needed so I'd like to accept this and get started any questions I guess if I could yes commissioner skady go ahead welcome Patrick always good to see you what um where would this be in terms of you I know you had a lot going on you have an awful lot of chores WEA when you might be tackling this like maybe in the spring or maybe January or how depending on the weather hi Commissioners uh no we have the letters ready to mail to the all the residents in the Butters and we're ready to put the wheels on the ground um this week next week oh this is this is H phase two of a a project so Oakland Street we did phase one a year ago and from um Route 109 down to about the senior center of the cemetery then this is the the continuation of that we had to break it into two pots and now we're going all the way down to Village Street um and then it'll be a complete um detailed job okay sounds great thank you a motion a motion to proceed that's all in he's done and then we'll unless someone got a question Patrick okay okay all right uh Mr chairman please remove approval of the request from the down Medway for Engineering Services from the northall county uh for the purposes of a topo detailed survey along the roadway is outlined in the memo and request to us that was dated 11224 second Mo seconded to uh authorize the engineering company to assist the town of Medfield and some RightWay work all in favor I okay Patrick thank you thank you Patrick town of Med Good Michael thank thank you Commissioners appreciate it okay before we go to Executive session I don't see it on the agenda but I could be wrong yeah what about that request from here's a request from Sam is this late was this after the agenda uh the transfer came in after the agenda yes but I was going to bring it in under emergency items topics that the chair did not reasonbly in okay why don't you do that and then this will be we'll go to Executive chairman U Mr Excuse me I should say Sam brings forward this transfer request relative to some expenses that are coming in um uh related to our recent cyber incident these expenses are consistent with our recommended path of Correction by our insurance company um we just need to move some money around to um get the purch ERS going okay I is I read the I read the uh The Memo from Sam Sam J here but he's not here when you say move it around we have the money of course yep and hopefully we recover what we're trying to do is use existing resources before we get to The Advisory Board December when we'll clean it up okay any questions commissioner Mr just for technically do you want me to go through each one of those or just say Grant the request as requested by yeah per per memo data November 18th that's sufficient it's quite lengthy and it's for everyone to see here so if you want Mr chairman please moove uh the approval I move approval the request from uh Mr Sam Evans our CIO as outline in a memo to us dated November 18 herein that describes various transfers within the uh it accounts uh to address some of the issues that arose from u s security I make that my motion second motion made a second all in favor I is a vote okay thank you thank you Commissioners oh Sam good oh Sam is there okay okay I didn't see you there see your pretty face Sam Sam okay um do you want do you want to say anything is that fine that's what you need yeah if you had any questions I can answer them for you but the director adequately summarized it seem straightforward okay all right thank you the county director J that was item 14 right report of the county director okay just very briefly uh we have two bids on the street right now we're waiting for responses on the dead District Court um building management system that is due the first week in December similarly the walson recreational facility has Tennis Court Rehabilitation project um also on the street expected bids due the first week of December I'm happy to inform the Commissioners that earlier this week actually yesterday um our negotiation team met with representatives of asme as well as engineering registry and Facilities to have a meeting on our ground rules we agreed to those terms over the next uh several months we have scheduled up meetings that will begin the process of um negotiating contracts as you know uh that expire June 30th 20125 uh so we're excited to get that going uh new uh new PCS for the administration and treasur office have been deployed to employees that were affected by the Cyber incident and I just want to remind people including the Commissioners that I believe a meeting next week will be posted for 11 a.m. that's all I have and that meeting will be here that we said that meeting will be here I will be remote I'm I shouldn't say Unfortunately they moved my uh my keep oh okay to Wednesday so I I will be ready by 11 though okay I'll be cheering so you're all set okay any questions for John okay back to number three I need a motion for executive session John we'll see you at 6 I hope so we will be there I make a motion to go in executive pursu to Law chapter 38 section 21 subsection a subsection 3 to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares um and the executive session is pursuing to master Law chapter 30A section 21 subsection a subsection one second executive to discuss reputation character physical condition or mental health rather than professional competence or to discuss discipline or dismissal of or complaints or charges brought against a Public Employee second that motion that presented by uh commissioner made and seconded roll call vote commissioner stady yes sir commissioner Collins yes and commissioner Sher votes yes we are an executive session Bill if you'll later on TR moted on the on the computer uh we got two items was that on the record purposes of adjournment only yeah Bill are we okay yes sir I'll take a motion to adjourn I'll move uh Mr chair that we adjourn uh before we do it we want to announce we're meeting next week or not we want to do that there is a change we're meeting just for the public knows we're meeting at 11 o' 11 a.m. wesg holiday due to the holiday yes sir so we'll be adjourning at 2:35 so moved second motion made in seconded all in favor thank you this meeting ised good job okay