I want to the e e for [Music] [Music] for for one have my don't tell you I was just Bob oh there's no way right I'll look for time s [Music] have you guys are the same my son home my son no what in to abely here you go ni microwave f yeah e e yeah e very I is it on good afternoon good afternoon ladies and gentlemen my name is a raana and I am the assistant principal for the e8th grade class at North Brunswick Township middle school and it is my pleasure to welcome you to North Brunswick Township High School this afternoon As We Begin our class night ceremonies we respectfully ask for everyone's cooperation in maintaining an appropriate atmosphere we request all guests remain in their seats during the ceremony and that photographs only be taken from your seats as guests will not permit it on the floor the Fanfare and processional Pomp and Circumstance will be performed by the North Brunswick Township Middle School seventh grade band and Orchestra under the direction of Mr Steven Kar would you please rise and welcome the north Township Middle School class of 2024 [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] was thank goodness [Music] [Music] [Music] day [Music] [Music] the he going to [Music] go the flag is behind you okay I turn around you uh last time I 429 you can bring it down and you can right [Music] here over here hurt oh the glasses on talk about a nice family oh yeah that's why he is the way he is yes yes absolute gentleman unbelievable [Music] yes they're losing gas they're losing gas you know we always did it out there do the pledge right [Applause] [Music] he's one watching [Music] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen and students and staff please remain standing the Pledge of Allegiance will now be led by our class president Marley Blake this will be followed by singing of the star bangle Banner by nay Walton and AA delapaz under the direction of Mr John Floyd please remain standing for the national anthem Marley I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United stes America and to the repic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for oh day can you see by the da early light what so proudly we H at the Twilight like leing who's but stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight over R parts we watch were so gently streaming the Rockets reg the bombs bursting in air gave proof to the night that our flag was still there oh they that star B yet for the land of the [Applause] free and the home of the thank you very much please be seated want that school I have a few remarks my soon to be ninth graders I stand in front of you excited about where you are going and as you prepare for your next steps be who you want to be but always be respectful of yourself and others remember you don't have to follow the crowd remember to do the right thing even if no one is looking remember we live in a technology filled world where social media is sometimes your best friend or your worst enemy what is said right now can go viral right now so be kind if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all and last but not least don't be in too big of a hurry to grow up because High School is a place where you can expand your horizons explore beliefs and challenge your fears your future can be bright without it being perfect you can be happy without having everything you want you can be successful in spite of challenging and failures think before you act Choose Wisely safy first Aspire and enjoy congratulations to all of our Rising eighth graders congratulations to our parents Guardians family and friends and finally congratulations to the teachers and staff who have helped you get here today thank you [Applause] it is now my pleasure to once again introduce our class president Marley Blake to address the class of [Applause] 2024 hello and good evening parents staff members graduating students and all who decided to join us today my name is Marley Blake and I am student council president here at nbtm today we are gathered here to celebrate the end of the journey from elementary school lywood all the way to now congratulations to the class of4 it's crazy to think that we were just in kindergarten wandering cluelessly around the halls without knowing what was in store for our future from kindergarten to third grade we spent our time learning the basics we learned the form of everything know now fourth grade came we had no idea what lifechanging thing would happen a pandemic right at the end of elementary school right when we were so decided that we would finally be the big kids the fifth graders the world had other plans we were stuck at home trying to L the computer trying figure out what Google was and trying to figure out why the Wi-Fi suddenly went out whenever we had to join meetings but with all those things the worst part was that we never got that fulfilling graduation moment after the 6 years we spent in school that's why it is such an accomplishment that we are today only getting to celebrate a proper graduation after we got back to inperson school in sixth grade everything was so different we never really had a smooth transition from sitting in the same class with the same chair and the same friend we got thrown to the chaos of Walkers home rooms schedules and trying to find our way around a new school but the fact we are here today shows we overcame all the challenges it is important to remember that even with all the challenges that would come our way we find ways to overcome them as and L once said we encounter many defeats but we never must be defeated it may even be necessary to encounter the defeat so that we know who we are yes when we enter high school we going to feel like kindergarten again walking through the Halls not knowing what's going to happen next yes when we enter high school we are going to feel like six graders again not knowing where to go what to do or where our next class is but this time we have more experience for our time in elementary school lyw and nbtm we learned so many things that were set that the path for our future it is said that high school is the most important time in a student life these next four years will go by fast and it is important to chish all Memories We will make while keeping all memories we already have made with this said I would like to give final thanks to our principal Mr sover our vice principal Miss rafano and the rest of the nbtm administration and staff for the continuous support dedication and helping us see in our school years I would also like to thank all the parents and Guardians for continuously supporting and helping us through this journey and lastly to my fellow graduates congratulations and best wishes for the upcoming High School Years thank [Applause] you thank you Marley I would now like to introduce our superintendent of North Brunswick T School Mrs Janet Roa think I have to move the shade good afternoon nbtm 8th graders and families members of the Board of Education n btms Administration and faculty it is truly an honor to address you today as you celebrate the important M Milestone of completing 8th grade today's ceremony is most definitely a very important write of Passage towards your adulthood that should be celebrated widely moving out of Middle School signifies a transition to Greater Independence and challenges in life in the high school setting eighth graders as has already been said here today you have had tremendous and unexpected challenges already in life and you already demonstrated your resilience your days here at mbtm Lynnwood and your elementary schools have prepared you for the challenges of high school high school brings much more Independence and responsib ability there are so many more ways to get involved in what you are passionate about in the high school be it clubs sports or other extracurricular activities it will be your job to make the most of your four years at mbts and to truly enjoy your time there find your people follow your passions you are ready congratulations again on your accomplishments to this point we are all excited to see what you will continue to accomplish through high school have a great summer [Applause] thank you Mr shoko I would now like to welcome Mr Richard H cover Jr principal of North Brunswick Township Middle School to say a few words and to officially present class of [Applause] 2024 good evening family members my nbtm colleagues member of the north Township Board of ucation superintendent shoka and of course the nbtm class of 2024 my dog Apollo is a three-year-old German shepherd German Shepherds are widely regarded as the third most intelligent breed of dog in the world he seems to be exception to this rule he's a good dog but sometimes I don't know when I was growing up we mostly had Doberman Pinchers which my father always loved so that is probably where I got my Affinity for Big Dog so it is fitting now 80 years old my father's one of ap's favorite people whenever pop comes over for dinner you will find Apollo curled up at his feet happy as could be he is somewhat welln here in town my father that is not a he and operated a business served the community for almost 60 years and I was not too much older than all of you when people started to ask me if I was going to go into the family business a question I was asked hundreds of times over years but the answer to that question lies in advice that I actually got from my father himself when I was looking towards my future and thinking about what career I wanted to pursue my father's business obviously was an option and he told me something I have never forgotten he said don't settle for it the business will be here if you need it but it's too demanding and if you don't really want to be here here you're not going to be happy and then you won't be any good at it so go find what you want to do don't settle don't settle do better and learning not to settle for things in life is a great lesson for anyone but especially for students who are about to enter high school because High School are you really to lay the ground work for your future and it is all about opportunity and preparation over the next four years you will have the opportunity to have enriching experiences and make great memories and prepare yourself for what lies ahead then all of that lies The Continuous opportunity to develop the good habit of not settling whether it be in the classroom in activities the Arts or Athletics you will have many many chances to strive for good or E great and to not have settle for good enough as you go through High School the future that you envision for your self will start to come into focus by spending that time striving to do better the chances are good you will not have to later on you were trying to make that a reality in short don't settle now so that you won't have to settle later on and when you have a goal in front of you don't settle forget it this Sunday there's a good chance that pop will be at my kitchen table with Apollo right by his side Apollo is the fourth German Shepherd we have raised in my house and as many of you know you learn a lot about life when you share it with a dog so in addition to some words of wisdom from my father for you all here are some great pieces of of advice that we can take from dogs things like hide your favorite snack sometimes it's okay just eat and sleep and if you guys are like my kids you've got that move down already so run and play daily always drink plenty of water enjoy the simple pleasure of a walk unleash Talent sniff out opportunities make friends wherever you go greet everyone with enthusiasm sometimes it's best to just sit close and listen be loyal and quick to forgive when you fall down get back up sh it off forget about it and go on never bite never bite when a growl will do accept all of life's treats with gratitude remember every day is a new day just be happy on behalf of everyone at nbtm I want to wish you all the best of everything in high school and Beyond take care of yourself and take care of somebody else too have a great summer everybody thank you now to get down to business superintendent shoka I hereby certify that the members of the north brunic Township middle class of 2024 have met the requirements mandated by North Township Board of Education and deemed them to prepare to deem them prepared to assume the important role of Scholars and citizens at North brunic Township High School in the coming months Mrs shoka I officially present to you the north M Township High School class of 2027 [Applause] [Music] 2028 sorry about that typo it is now my pleasure to welcome the e8th grade house center team of M rafano Mr F and janesa as well as members of our instructional staff to begin the presentation of certificates [Applause] I'm the one who trips the who I'm the one who olimi [Applause] BAGI Gerard [Applause] Daniels Jacob [Applause] Paul Nila Sanchez [Applause] AZ SATA [Applause] Cula Jonathan [Applause] catrell Matthew [Applause] Knight kasan DV [Applause] Zuko [Applause] Abdula Brian Abad Yousef Wan Claudia auno [Applause] Hernandez quer aqua [Applause] ad [Applause] Del Gabrielle agnu Ana aaker Abigail [Applause] agilar ion Amud Zeke [Applause] Amud wiia [Applause] Ahmad Jatan [Applause] Ahmed [Applause] aifa barira [Applause] aifa meeni alavez Lope Yin Ali Hamza [Applause] Ali Zim Ali Cole Alia Matthew Alia anaiz almanzar Sophia [Applause] Alazan Cassie Al Presley alme svi [Applause] alluri Maron Alvarado Ramos Fernando Alvarez Derek Alvarez Enriquez Bridget [Applause] Andia Maria Ando Martinez Sanu aari alesandro aino [Applause] Valencia Julia Arenas Maas ran Arthur Cheryl asseri [Applause] Omar Adam ayubo Isabella adona Mir Bala Nisha babo Marissa Bailey Zahara Baldwin Ronnie [Applause] baros Ronnie gifty Bartels gifty Yano Denise airiel Bautista Gloria Beckley Melissa Benz rosin benitz [Music] benitz Elisha Berkeley Amari be Sydney paletki Stephanie beu George is not here Marley Blake laa Bona Garcia Rodrigo Botello Galicia Milan Bourne Ruben good job job aleandro buendia luzelle Dion [Applause] Bustamante Ryan carera Desmond Kix Brianna camarota AUM Canada [Applause] sherlin gwii lit Cardona [Applause] Oliva [Music] hell Alexander Castillo Salvador Christopher Castro Chris Castro Nico s [Applause] Jesus CNA alvanos Jacobi Chavez Maya Kyler Christensen is contractor Derby carcino Sanchez Allan Cruz Baragon Donna Dao abdil deaz mes desz Mary De la Rosa [Applause] Espino emaya [Applause] de Dimitri ganoza Amy Diaz Analise [Applause] Diaz Cruz Medina Diaz Al and delont Maya Dominic Ryan Downing Jen Alo Ashley imerio asion Jerel [Applause] Estes savior Oliver fisa Tanner Fen Elijah Fen Nathan fan London Flanigan josiel florino Kim Kimberly Flores Perez blesson [Applause] flood maai Ford Fred [Applause] forour kwami [Applause] forour failen franois rcky [Applause] Freeman Victor foni Gabriel funz Alexa larza Julia [Applause] Galloway Ariel [Applause] gaple King [Applause] [Music] garbolino Scarlet Garcia Fernandez [Applause] Felix Garcia foron Gilberto Garcia Hernandez Daniela Garcia [Applause] Sanka Matel [Applause] Giani angel galao [Applause] Dion Gil rashika [Applause] gu Aiden Gonzalez Elon Gonzalez Gman advika [Applause] gopal hope Gorda [Applause] ER Gordo Castro Jacqueline goros Manz a Gupta abdal Raman Habor Devin hacket [Applause] Dylan [Applause] hacket [Applause] Cali Hanan [Music] hater Bryant Hargrove Cara hernz Derek Hernandez Bryant Hernandez lazardo Santiago Hernandez lez yomar Hernandez Mendes yasen Hill Jai Hogans George Ibrahim Omar [Applause] ibraim eia Joelle Emanuel Horeb Imran Emma inderjit Amar Jackson Tai Jacob Hayes Kyle [Applause] James Tristan janosi Valerie Jaz Zan [Applause] Javid Josh jany Alexa Jefferson Niah [Applause] Johnson Chris Joi Briana [Applause] huarez Amir cabel celicia Kai and Anastasia [Applause] caligus Adam [Applause] camel Adriana ksky Ashi kagra ois kandar spana rer Aiden [Applause] Kaiser Noah [Applause] Kemp [Applause] milu Khloe Kofi Sophia Kofi AR kotan ad shager Ana kameha name AR Coan I don't know Nicholas Laurer I don't know what happened there Mela Lambert Angelina [Applause] Landrum Jaden Lane [Applause] gel [Applause] Lara Analise LeBron Florian melon [Applause] LaVine Samuel Lynn ion Loi Gabrielle Lopes Adriana [Applause] Lopez Christopher [Music] Lopez urum Lopez Omar Lopez Lucas is he here javanni Lopez Martinez Jessica Lopez Ortiz Angel Lopez Ros karer Lopez Sanchez [Music] [Applause] Isa lamski kry Los [Applause] victoriano jasine [Applause] Luna Maria Maro Ricardo machuka Diaz the other way I guess they came on this side no mine still got mine I'm with Ricardo Ricardo Matthew Madera ready Matthew Madera omit matani Ana multra Jasmine [Applause] Mallette Jacob [Applause] Marin Camila maramal [Applause] manro manprit [Applause] Maro Joshua Marshall Ryan Marshall [Applause] Jerel Marte Ariana [Applause] Martinez Jeremiah [Applause] Martinez Mia Martinez jasley Martinez Kylie masot Justin Matos Morel again M [Music] Martinez uh nataline mat Sena [Applause] Brian Maxx Cara [Applause] McCarthy Kad McDonald Madison McGrady Kaia mcnight sha MCN anaga [Applause] mea ARA [Applause] miraal Alani Melendez [Applause] Tores Camila Marino Ramos isella Merlin Ramos [Applause] Verina Michael Isabella Miranda JC Miranda arita Suliman [Applause] Muhammad adalis Morales gianina Morales Padia Alma Morales menz John Morales [Applause] Solis Jacqueline Moran Sergio Morel Nicole Moreno Gutierrez Omar [Music] Morrow Israel Morris [Applause] Santiago munera Gabriela [Applause] Munos Aiden [Applause] monre Sami Mur [Applause] garage isan [Applause] Naki tena Alexa ukovich [Music] joseli Oliva Jason OHA [Applause] o Jared assar Destiny Otero Elias oadi Prav oza Ethan [Applause] Pagan Gia panchal SJ parar [Applause] Patel Jani [Applause] Patel chrish Patel krishy Patel Nia [Applause] Patel om Patel shiv [Music] [Applause] tell Jaylen [Applause] [Music] penol Jordan [Applause] vulpe Gabriella Peralta Sophia Perez [Music] Rebecca Perry Michael [Music] tracus Brandon [Applause] Pierre Maria [Applause] Pinette deene Michelle Pino D Cruz [Applause] hu Rupa [Applause] pisupati Justin plaha him Poley Anish Shan Ang jeleni [Applause] pinario G El ques Marano Ramirez [Applause] Cobar Israel Ramirez Vasquez Jessica Rana Aima ran Angelina Reyes Matos Alexander Arian Rees [Applause] Bas Alexandra caralina Reyes [Applause] Pas Patrick Richards Joshua rera and Rodriguez Jada [Applause] [Music] Rodriguez jiah [Applause] Rodriguez Camila Rodriguez Reyes Zyra Rodriguez Zarate Sebastian Roman Alves [Music] Natasha [Applause] Romero Elana [Applause] Rosa Nelson Rosario shayer roses Aaron shade Royster [Applause] Del rubben Diaz Chris Ruiz Marino yahir Ruiz [Applause] exia Haley [Applause] reikus Adam LM Sidra [Music] [Applause] Salam zad Celia Diana seleni cheryn Sam Martinez Nathan Samuel MoMA Abdul SRA Saina Sanchez Martinez Emily Sanchez Palma evangelene Sanders is Ranny Santana [Applause] Sano [Applause] Rosario John Santiago Hernandez Junior svanes Marino Kyle sof Demetria sarwin Michael Sebastian [Music] [Applause] Andrew Bob [Applause] Cena Kyle seal ay Ayan CE na Seymour Milan [Applause] sha PRI Asha shaes shrivastava Ezra [Applause] SI Aaliyah sadiki Aminata Sila Mahir simha [Applause] inder Jeet sing saror Singh adka Sinha Iden Smith briani Smith Chase Smith AR solanki griel Solano Nathan soles [Applause] Martinez Joseph Sosa [Music] Solano Elijah stany deia starel Sophia Stewart Abigail suazo aguel Sol Sylvia Teta krupesh [Applause] thear Bryce Thomas [Applause] Jayla Thomas Kiara Thomas Evan ttio gen gapi tinko Aragon Emy Torres Roman Torres [Applause] Noel Torres Cruz Kimberly Tores Rodriguez alira Tay Sebastian Oita carpo Hannah igraph Nathaniel igraph fi orioli muhamad Yar dilia Valerio Angela vallejos Fernandez Justin [Music] valise Ethan van sluttin Christian [Applause] Vasquez Christoper Vasquez maso Vasquez TZ Isabella V vapi Victor Vasquez vanon valenar Jeremy valz wakin W Alejandro vuna Raul vuna subra Maham vnes Vincent V Sophia Wabba Evan Walker Jada [Applause] West Joshua Williams K [Applause] Williams Michelle Williams Jana Walton [Applause] [Music] Amo yav debah yanul Iram David [Applause] yabo Kaa yaker Laya Z zavar era Zella Herrera Kaylee Zia and Conrad zalinski [Applause] what's that you do at the very end before we recess I would like at this time to ask our staff members to move into position for the recessional we would like to thank many people who worked very hard to make this event a success Mrs shoka and our Board of Education the teachers administrators buildings and ground staff and our secretarial staff we ask that parents and guests please remain seated until the faculty and students have recessed parents and guests are asked to exit using the hallway located to the right rear you may meet your children outside on the sidewalk the recessional this evening will be performed by seventh grade band and Orchestra under the direction of Mr Steven Kar and Mr Chris English would everyone please rise as you are able ladies and gentlemen the nbts class of 20124 [Applause] sorry good you're right oh thank nice job [Music] right oh we got to make sure we get all any certificates to kitschen gear go down [Music] I'll get him we're doing yeah I guess they went out that way it's actually smart yeah it was really warm oh I don't know if there's anything we can do about too many people and a flat yeah I wish find I'm going to C thank have thank you [Music] want me to put him in in my car I'll bring that's right not my this is an a stool I and then this goes just like a very nice [Music] no oh Amy if you can go