##VIDEO ID:Xuyk-CirGw0## e e e e e e e e e liy and Justice Mr Ali present Mr Brockman here Mr Carter here miss James here miss Keith here Mr Lori Dr patau Miss toad here and Mr W here we have a Corum thank you the New Jersey open public meeting meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the open public meetings law the public notice of this meeting which included the time date and location was distributed by 3 p.m. on Monday January 29th 2024 and Tuesday March 19th 2024 in the following manner posted on the bulletin board reserved for announcements in the board office 25 Linwood place North Brunswick mailed to the home News Tribune Star lger nj.com and the clerk of the township of North Brunswick and delivered the nine duly elected board members good evening everyone hope everyone is doing well happy to be in a new school year um and we have a couple of presentations tonight so at this point I will turn it over to superintendent choka to welcome our guests thank you Madame President and good good evening everyone um our first presentation is one that we have uh generally had over the last few years and we're very happy to have them back from the Aubrey Foundation to talk about the annual purp purple for papis 5K Fran Alvarez and EM Emily alvare Emily Angelus you doop her good evening everyone my name is R Alvarez I think you've seen me here before and I'm here tonight with Emily Angeles we're here on behalf of the Aubrey Foundation the Aubrey Foundation is a local 501c3 nonprofit organization that was created 10 years ago the foundation was established in memory of beloved Lynwood Middle School teacher Aubrey papus the Aubrey foundation's mission is centered upon bringing this community together to celebrate Aubrey's life and in turn give back to the community in Aubrey's name via the Aubrey papis Memorial Scholarship the money raised primarily goes to the students of North Brunswick Township High School via the scholarships throughout the past 10 years we have been able to give back over $90,000 to both the North Brunswick Township and its schools your constant support has been unwavering these past few years and we would love to have you all support us again at this year's purple for Papa 5K on Sunday October 20th this race marched the 10th Annual purple for papis by K and it will be the last one we host we are branding it as our #f final lap to the Finish since it will be the final race and we hope to make it the biggest celebration of Aubrey's life thus far and acknowledge all of the wonderful things that we have been able to accomplish through her memory together it has been a decade of honoring and remembering Aubrey by checking off this bucket list item for her running a 5k and using what the race has given us to provide for the North Brunswick Township students and others in the community wherever there is the greatest need this is so much more than just a race the purple for Pap is 5K provides an opportunity for children families teams co-workers friends and colleagues to come together to enjoy a morning filled with music prizes food games and fun whether you're a runner a walker stroller or prefer to volunteer this race welcomes everyone purple was Aubrey's favorite color and to us purple means power it means positive energy encouragement and empowerment and those are elements those elements are what this race embodies we've seen Racers cross the finish line raging in age from 0 to 81 that is our purple Power in 10 years the purple for papus 5K has watched over 1,600 people across our Finish Line this race has led to a tremendous impact that the the Aubrey Foundation continues to make on the students and the township of North Brunswick in Aubrey's name the way Aubrey lived is still being taught and instilled in the students and community of North Brunswick over $90,000 en counting has been donated across various causes in the North Brunswick Community our goal this year is to donate over 10,000 I'm sorry $100,000 in year time to catch a glimpse of how much fun and exciting race day is here's a clip of last St [Music] [Music] space good morning everyone and welcome to the Ninth Annual purple forap by P so much more than a race the purple for Pap 5K is about bringing people together to accomplish something you wouldn't be able to do alone Community fun resilience encourage and Legacy reminds us of our offering and describes what this race is all about these words bring all of us closer to our mission which drives us to live by auy wherever we are through this race we strong Community Spirit while raising money to support our F project 100% of the money we raised today will benefit for FR toship via student scholarships the auy pap Club at the North Bic Middle School First Responders veterans and other Aubrey Foundation Endeavors our work would not be possible without your support or the generosity and support of our devoted sponsors over the past 9 years this group with your Heth has given up $87,000 au's energy continues to move us on it's the gift that she LS for beautiful energy and the way she lived has become the purp 5 St to as you can see in the video each and every year every everyone brings their purple Power painting the pavement purple to honor and celebrate Mrs papis again our race is on Sunday October 20th if you would like to register please visit our website at the auy foundation.org and thank you for your time we hope to see you on race day thank [Music] you thank you so much Mr Alvarez Miss Angeles we really appreciate you coming out we know the impact that the foundation has had on our students providing mentoring clubs scholarships and and really being a force for Aubrey in the school so we really appreciate it and we hope that people will um make the effort to come out it's a lot of fun it's a beautiful fall day um and uh I've been there each year and enjoyed every time so please please come join us you don't have to run right you can walk you can also do it virtually um but it is a fun a fun Community event so thank you um our next presentation is is our annual uh njla spring test results Mrs Mercedes Chang will be presenting I do not have a cute video hi everybody board members sha is going to click away from me and um I'm pleased to present to you last year's 2023 2024 and jsla scores um it's some improvement I'm going to be highlighting that for you today not much has changed about the test so I'll Zoom by some of that um as many of us are super familiar with the assessment um it is a state mandated assessment it does help meet our federal requirements as well and we do administer it in ela Math and Science um we have a wide window and our district gets to choose when we do that um our grad 3 to9 students take two units of ela three units of math for our 3 through eth graders and and then our high school assessment courses which some of our middle school students are also participate in um take two units but they're a little bit longer um all of our science students wees 5 8 and 11 take four units it's actually the longest test put it on um our experience hasn't changed that much either in terms of how we administer the assessment we use all of our classrooms um media centers when necessary all our students have their own PR books and we have extras on hand all of our test administrators are certificated teachers many of these ladies here are um test administrators teachers cannot do much but we can clarify directions and students have features within um pan Pearson access next where they can flap questions review questions change answers and there's a lot of other tools that we're really trying to encourage our students to utilize such as highlighting features of glossery things that we hope U might help them uh feel more confident in their responses so by the Numbers this is my favorite Slide by the way because I have to count all of this we did administer 6,736 tests um 198 students at either at mbms took the algebra 1 or geometry and jsla assessment which means they're in accelerated courses and 42 of our high schoolers resent from testing because they're taking higher level math courses so if you're in pral as a nth grader let's say you don't have to take the and so so the higher that number is the better and what do the results tell us we did as always meet our participation rate um we do a nice job of that ensuring that all of our students test um or make up the test if they're out for any reason we also were within the Five Points of the state average on three assessments Ela 7 8 and geometry and I'll adate two testers exceeded uh the state average those are just some highlights as you recall njsa has five proficiency levels um you need to score a four or a five to quote unquote pass the test so a 750 or better you guys can hear me right okay our overall scores um I'll just highlight for you our scale score average for ELA with all the testers 3 through 9 was a 739 which is uh three and our mathematics scale score average was a 73 three which is also a three that both of those scale scores increased from last year by two points I wanted to give you some comparisons last year I think we had wanted that a little bit more so I tried to include it in this presentation wherever I could um without like getting into the nitty NY breing and then in science um our scale score average was 159 amongst the three grades that test and that was an increase of three scale points um what's unfortunate is that it still remain the same scale score which is a two or a three but that you see the um the growth going up um even if it's not changing the proficiency level and then just for comparison you can see that the state scale scores right to the right of you um were a little bit higher than ours we're going to start with Ela show me yeah than um we had lots of testers as you can see the numbers the grade and the number of students I tested is right there next to it and then you can see our average scale score for those grades for example our fifth graders scored an average scale score of 740 but that was still a three and the state States scored an average scale score of 750 which is a four um and I I'm not going to read them all to you you can see there what our averages were when we compile or aggregate all the data we will talk in a little bit more depth though and go to the next slide thank you and how we performed on each level um obviously we want to be at the four and five level those are the passing rates proficiency um at the highest proficiency rate was grade 7 Ela at 52% of the students um passed the test and the lowest was third grade at 28% of the students passed the test um but what you're going to see soon is places where we improved or shifted kids from one level to another um which is important to us um obviously the main goal is to get to proficiency but we can't get there without making the small movements in the small growth so um go to the next one here's where I'm going to highlight faces with grou anything in green is a positive um this is not a slide I've ever had before so it's new um I'm trying it out um at the third grade level so anything on the left you want to see going down cuz level one and two you don't want to be in those levels and anything on the right you want to see going up so you can see in third grade that our students improved because almost 4% of them are no longer ones and twos and the same for grade five which was a huge Improvement 14% of them are no longer one and then the same for grade nine overall our Improvement was that three three and a half% of our kids moved from level one and two and then if you go all the way to the right um students achieving at the Prof icy rate or changes in levels um we had a 3% increase at grade three which makes sense a five a 13 or almost 14% increase at grade 5 a 5% increase at grade 7 and a 9% increase at Grade 9 so those are lots of positives uh moving in the right direction does that all make sense it's a lot of number crunching so I'll let if I if you see any mistakes let me know um so that was our general Improvement the next slide is for our subgroups we do have to report out on our subgroups so long as we have more than 10 and we do have more than 10 in almost every category except for um I think it was Hawaiian or a pafic island thank you so that you won't see here um our district proficiency levels are at the top for ELA we had 10% of our students at level five which is um exceeding and 31 % at level 4 24% at level three and you know that's a level that we like to focus on because it's the easiest level to figure out if we can help some kids um just make that jump to the level four it could be one question it could be just about anything um so we do like to focus on that and then obviously our level ones and twos are students that are missing a lot of probably prerequisite skills 16% of them are at level one and 18% at level two I'll do some highlighting ofs our Hispanic population continues to struggle um almost a quarter at each level one 2 and three and 4% at level five our Asian population um continues to exceed um or Excel level one was only 5% of the Asian population whereas level five was 26% and when you combine it with level four cuz that's also passing you've got almost 70% um passing rate for for the Asian population our black and African-American students uh level one 18% but on the other end 29% of black and African-American students are level four or 29 and 8% of them are level five um if you go down students with disabilities obviously this is a unique uh subgroup who has very unique plans IEPs um and we do take a lot of pride in how we meet their needs but this test does not take their needs or their instructional program into consideration so um 44% of them at a level one uh it's still something that we want to focus on but we also want to honor the students IEPs um which is what we're here to do and then only 1% of them at level five then our English language Learners 200 of them tested in in English language arts you'll see that number is fewer than math because um I'm sorry it's less more than math few of the math yes few of the math because a lot of them are exempt um if they entered the country after June 1st so you'll see the math numbers a little bit higher but 52% of our ESL population um did not pass the test they're at a level one and two 30% of a level two there were no students at a level five and very minimal at a level four so that is um continuing Focus for us for those of us who like Graphics I've included this visual you can see with the bar graphs instead of with the chart um how our students are performing you can see the red is not meeting or one and the 40 the light green is a level four and the dark green is a level five so if you like to see it that way better it just gives you a quick outut of glance visual I prefer it that way then we're going to talk about maap um we saw some improvement we'd like to see more for sure uh our scale average averages are there as you can see though if you just scan all the way down most of our scale averages fall in the three range which is not passing um 739 is not passing you're like you know 12 points away from being passing um but our Algebra 2 students uh 762 766 I'm sorry I may have reversed that because I think Algebra 2 is 743 and I think geometry is 766 so I will correct that only because I know that geometry is our best um assessment results and then you can see that the state their averages are almost exactly like us in terms of proficiency level their scale points might be a little bit different but they're all still a three um just to same in terms of grade level proficiency um you've got the third graders doing pretty nicely at 42% of them at a level four and five um when we combine the passing levels uh so are obviously our Algebra 2 and geometry 7eventh grade had 29% of the students passing all of these numbers obviously are need to AG Groove and we're hoping to do that with um me programming the curricular changes that we made this summer and the standard revisions that the state has um has us implementing this year next but here are some positives in third grade almost 9% of the students moved from a level one and two with an increase of 7.4 going to level three and four so anything in the green highlights a positive movement um for example grade five uh you had more students only 1.9 but still more in level one and two so we always want to see that be a negative number not a positive number and then on the other end um we want to see those be positives this one is two pages because there's more math tests um you saw Algebra 1 students doing much better almost 8% of them moving away from the level 1 and two and almost 12% of them going into 3 and4 from from as compared to 22 23 same for Algebra 2 overall um 3% of our population uh was were able to move from the level one and two range % we'd like to be it to be higher but you know positive movement is is still good and then when you look at our uh subgroups uh you have similar outcomes that you did in ela uh the district 35% of our students are passing the assessment when we aggregate the data by District but in terms of our Hispanic population only 24% of our students are passing the assessment whereas 57% of our Asian population is passing the eth grade the assessments the math it seems like the math Assessments in general there are lower outcomes than they are in EA um if you look at the white population 39% of them are passing the assessment for five and then uh similar um struggles or challenges with students with disabilities 9% of those students are passing the test 396 of them tested and our L's um 6% of our students are passing the test and 266 of are tested just your bar graph um to help you visualize how each subgroup looks um you can see that the Black and Hispanic population those those two look very similar they're off by like a couple percentage points um and then the Asian population you can see the big difference there 52% of them you know at the for lastly we have our Science assessment which only has four proficiency levels um versus the five this is an assessment that is continues to perplex all of us and I mean around the state all my colleagues it's it just seems that it's almost impossible to pass um if you go to the next slide Mr shoka the state scale average is 169 which is a two and our district scale average for fifth grade is 156 which is also a two across the board the state all of our students across the state are just earning a two basically and you know we've talked a little bit about why could that be and could be that our instruction is more Hands-On more experiment experimental and then when they get on the assessment it's it's more content or um multiple choice obviously so all the things that we do that keep instruction engaging don't don't translate to you know remembering the ecosystem or I'm not really good with science anybody want to hand you want jump in all their content um on stagnant paper is it's just not it's not translating um so I know that Mrs lamagra and Mrs lanere um and our science supervisor Mrs Barrett are working hard at making programmatic changes but without sacrificing the quality of our science instruction uh we have no idea what is on the test that we could possibly do in our curriculum without sacrificing um our our own units and what we believe is good science construction so I don't really have any excuse for that I just want to show you that really it's across the state um when you talk about the scores by grade level it appears that our it's very similar 48% of our fifth graders are level one 46 of our eighth graders it's not like one grade is outperforming another um by much uh 3% of our fifth graders at a level four and 5% and 5% at 8ighth grade and 11 at a level four so across the board they're all doing about the same um which is really interesting too you know sometimes you'll see um a difference in testing when you move from one level to another but with this assessment it's like it doesn't matter grren or classes you're in you're all just kind of Performing the same I wasn't able to even highlight Anything Green here because I was trying to only point out places where we did better by at least three percentage points I kind of arbitrarily decided that I would highlight anything over three and we didn't make that kind of movement here um in fact in 11th grade uh we had an increase in students at level 1 and two um we did have a 2 and 1 half% decrease of our fifth graders in level one and two but it's just not a significant enough number and then subgroup wise um you do see similar similarities from Ela and math but you can still see um our Hispanic population 61% at a level one and our Asian population 50% at a level one and both those numbers are super high and definitely for our populations that usually perform better even that is very high um white 36% africanamerican 51% and then if you look all the way down our L's um and then this could be because there's so much uh content based language academic language 88% of our L's at a level one um 0% at a level one just the the chart for visual you can see across the board which is not to in the red and then I uh collaborated with Dr Johnson our director of curriculum and instruction to ensure that I had the right information right like I I know a lot I'm involved I I stay aggressive things but I want to make sure his department is able to highlight some of the things that we're doing to help our students so um with his collaboration I want to share with you some things that we're doing to intervene that we have always been doing some things are H some things are continuing um the high school continues to expand Academy's Avid and star in fact I know that they'll be doing some PD for the entire School District on Avid based strategies um basically functioning strategies for students to be able to focus and study um be motivated um obviously we continue to offer High Lev courses to our nth and 10th graders because if they're taking them at the middle school we have to continue that when they get to the high school we have 320 students enrolled in AP courses um that's always a good thing a positive thing um we are offering high impact tutoring with that grant that we received last year to our 11th grade students to help them with the ngpa assessment um which is very similar to the njs assessment and I I believe you guys are aware that there's a lot of ESL or ml bilingual training going on throughout the district due to our increasing numbers and one of those trainings is our scup training which helps um non-l teachers provide instruction that is beneficial to ESL students you know they don't go to college for that so we need to help them help their students at the middle school in Lynwood um obviously we offer our which do impact our eighth grade math scores but you know it's just take one or the other um we also have interventionists we're very lucky to have that at a middle school level that provide pull out and cushion interventions we offer Ela math tutoring and last year we made it njsla based and that was very successful uh we're going to be able to do a comparison of how many of students who received those Services um were able to improve their scill score and Mrs Morales has been working on uh newcomer programming for mbms and dual language programming at lwood um we've been doing dual language for a long time at the elementary schools but it it's getting moved up to the other grade so it's a slow um process but a very positive one and this year we implemented or hired um a math coach to support our great 5 through teachers I think that our data shows that was a necessary move and we're very excited to have Mrs Mor providing that support um for helping teachers improve their instructional practices Implement small group instruction the things that we know um movement at the elementary level there's they're so you know blessed to have academic support teachers at every um level every subject we have morning and math achieve programs which we fund with CIS funds there's a a lot of tutoring going on including high impact tutoring um literacy tutoring and obviously Mrs norvit has been implementing a new um Ela program which we started this year for grades three and four and we're piloting for grades K 1 and two um called Benchmark which is um supposed to help with moving into more of a science of reading based instruction a little bit away from Workshop instruction some challenges you know I think these are not unique to more fun with we do have to continue to focus on our special education in multilingual language Learners um their data is our data um we will continue to do that a lot of our students are lacking foundational reading skills um especially our ml students if you're an eighth grader you come to our country you missed all of our phonics instruction and now we have to figure out what's a developmentally appropriate way to help you learn how to read when you you're no longer a little baby or you're not a kinderart you're not a first grader um another struggle obviously is that our ml students must take their assessment I don't know that that's a fair way to assess them um because there's so many other barriers for them but it's it's a challenge um there's a lot of transient enrollment um I just trying to report because I had to and we had 400 transfers from last May um to September I was surprised by that number um there's a lot of moving in and out and the continuity of instruction really does affect um how students learn and that goes right along with Staffing shortages you know if you have classrooms where a consistent teacher isn't there or there's a sub or we can't hire people for a really tough programs even though Mrs P does an amazing job I don't know how she does it um it becomes difficult to provide that instruction in a continuous manner those are some challenges and then next steps you know it is our job to continue to try to improve despite the challenges uh we will be conducting classroom walkthroughs at the predic a predicated 12th grade level um this is new for us in terms of it being districtwide and very systematic so we're really excited about that um Jos Johnson and I will be joining a lot of the walkthroughs we have a consistent walkthrough tool we're hoping that some of that data in terms of patterns and Trends can help us determine what our teachers needs are our content area to visors who I always want to plug CU they they're just fantastic are working with administrators interventionists coaches to analyze our assessment data we're currently in the middle of map um and lots of other data you know there there's constant formative assessment happening to determine potential gaps in our curriculum um make plans for addressing our students needs um all of the high school staff will be receiving Universal Design for Learning training uh which is really just good teaching but I want to highlight that because it's very unique for a high school to do that um High School teaching tends to be a little more traditional but we see a need for more differentiated instruction despite the content that I know they have to deliver uh based on students need need to pass a a class credits to graduate there's a lot of you know Nuance there but we have to kind of try to do it all together pass your classes get your credits but also get those skills that you're lacking um and then our even our ELA teachers that are receiving phonics training Believe It Believe It or Not our fifth graders are coming in with a lot of reading struggles and our ELA teachers don't always have primary grade training from their um educational programs so we are starting to give them that training so that they can address those needs in fifth and sixth grade classrooms lastly our ntss initiatives while they're nice and solid now they do not end we'll continue to have data team meetings uh three times a year to disc discuss tier one instructional strategies and continue to support our tier two and tier three students you have any questions about the assessment the administration of the assessment or would like to see data in more depth um I have a million and one graphs charts spreadsheets that you can peruse please email me anytime also visit our assessment page which I inherited for missa and have continued to maintain and has a wealth of information on there regarding our mandate date assessments um these presentations all get posted on that page also pertinent information from the ARs regarding testing schedules things of that nature uh questions about obviously curricular um programming would go to Dr Johnson and questions about special education go to Mr Harry here today um Madam president may I oh absolutely okay um I just want say thank you um I know this is can you hear this is very difficult so I'm looking at this right I I I was looking at some of them like okay is there a mistake there's no green and and my first I'm like but then you know cuz I read this before I came but I was like okay hold on this is very very positive kind of in the way like the the end part because one person in this District right you could be technically on paper you could be only Hispanic or Latino and have a disability right but no you could be Hispanic Asian black white in one person and have and be poor right cuz I'm poor but I'm here right so I'm still a poor person but I'm not economically disadvantaged so we could be all of this and I could be from another country cuz I'm a refugee and I'm here right and that's not my generation that's my parents and parents so now I'm just a byproduct of that so we're trying and thank you um it's not a color thing it's not a religion thing it's like we are all are trying cuz we are American at the end of the day and we're really really trying so thank you for trying along with us thank you they are definitely I cannot take any credit trying to just do the things that we know work for students despite the barriers right CU there are always in public education going to be barriers um but we certainly don't want to use those as excuses I was happy with the number of places where we made Improvement uh regardless of how small that percentage was it it was a good positive direction and when I look at the school data on a school by school level you see you know a lot of growth from 22 23 to now um obviously 2017 2018 we're not there yet right those numbers aren't it's going to be a while those numbers were great um but we're hoping to get there that that's our go and and we are doing a lot of the right things and again it's not a one-year process we've spent years developing the mtss multi-tiered systems of support the data teams doing it the right way and the implementation takes a long time supporting our teachers in their instruction and being in there in the classrooms and making sure that that's what's happening um those are some of our goals this year and we're going to continuously push to improve those goals that is one of our goals this year is to improve student academic outcomes despite some of the challenges that we may have have yes all of the administrators are aware um all we always had to focus on it laser focus on trying to continue to improve achievement continue to make positive growth and not see any negative or backwards growth any other questions just question SL statement I would be curious to see the um what you had talked about with the njsla tutoring specifically to see those numbers because if that's something that is working that's something that we could def itely push heavily um so I think I would be Cur most curious to see that specifically and just to comment about the science I mean that's kind of it's a bit frustrating because especially if we're on the same level as the state that kind of it's the test that kind of tells exactly that kind of tells me something that they've only this is only the second year they've actually released results for that test is that correct and I think thir the third year I think the first year they were kind of very late and kind of funny in the way they released it yeah um it's not the same um and we haven't seen any of the questions it's not njsa it's a different I'm sorry it's not PE it's a different assessment and we haven't seen any of the questions we're not privy to have yet see uh standards but the question if you look at a it analysis if you think you did poorly on standard 3.1 next year you start like targeting that next year that won't even be on the test so you have to be really careful start teaching to the test absolutely yeah Mrs to M to I curious about the JSA stuff too because it was actually really hard for us to do that we were so hesitant to do a program that would teach to the test but we just felt like it try something different so I will definitely share that with you yeah that would be great and we were able the state actually has given us more money for the high impact tutoring Grant um to allow us which probably will allow us to continue it through the school year that's great yeah do we have like more granular data about the students in the like the schools where let's say the elementary and is it possible to see are there students or grades that are performing a little bit better than their peers across the district and maybe there's best practices that can be pulled out of those classrooms that may apply and Mr when that is a great practice this is why plcs exist right to talk about uh what are you doing and then obviously it gets a little tricky you don't want to talk data um with teachers you can't share each other's data but as administrators we can see okay Miss T's class on this particular standard did really well she could share however she taught that unit that's exactly what we try to do at yeah but we do have lots of granular data um some really cool Mobility uh reports that show us um how we move from each level 1 2 3 4 5 uh across 5 years by school so I've seen some really positive data I just looked at LPS with Mr Dawson yesterday and um honestly we were just pleased it's just like 32% better than last year I mean you can't be any happier for that kind of Incas even if it's not getting us into the four and five yeah soow slow and steady we want to keep keep moving forward you had said something about 400 kids being transient in a district did we then also I mean we didn't have a loss of total 400 kids we actually had some new come in right so that that hurts us too cuz God knows where they're getting their education from before they come to us and where they're really at right yes that's a huge impact for us the whole school's working students sure it's a whole grade level B should choose what what they teach and how to teach not Texas but it's also a bad thing because you could have been anywhere and that you could have not had that instruction at all and now we're really basically starting from scratch and we're not saying that we're better than someone else but we're just different and now the student has to adapt to that difference right yeah interesting and with their multilanguage language Learners a lot of them have come from interrupted schooling and you know they've had some of them have had multiple years where they had no schooling um and so we have to adjust for that and it doesn't matter if they've had interrupted schooling or not if they come in after uh before July 1st or June 1st they still have to take the English part of the njsla so even though we look at the the um access for L's test that yenia was was telling us about last month and we see that you know there's there's definite levels that you follow as you are learning a language there's no way these students are going to be able to perform on this test why don't we just let the access for L's be the test for English language Learners uh it just it's very frustrating and then they have to take the math and maybe they haven't even been exposed to you know higher level math yet but they're still required because of the grade that they're placed in to take that class so so again challenges but it's not an excuse for us we continue to to work very hard and we know our teachers and our administrators are very dedicated and um Mrs CH we appreciate your your presentation every year um it's a hard thing to do and I think you've presented it in a in a positive way to show us the trends as we're you know the the good and the bad um and the honest so I think that's really really appreciated thank thank you Mercy thank you for being here apprciate see you next September so Mr Harry gets to follow up that great performance um he is our director of people Personnel Services and he is going to present the dlm results which is our special education a very special part of our special education students you might want to talk you're a little a quieter talker so you may want to talk more directly into the microphone thank you I don't know if it's quite on yeah there go much better you're on my name is Chris Harry I'm the director of person services and I'm here to talk to you a little bit about the U spring 2024 DM assessment DM stands for dynamic learning Maps um the ngj doe came out and developed a specific test for students with uh significant intellectual disabilities for students in special education so it's a very small subset of our students it's an online assessment um it's for math and language arts grades 3 through 8 and 11 and then science 5 8 and 11 you don't need to look at the visual um it's interesting or it's important to note that uh the dlm shows the relationship between skills and the multiple learning Pathways it allows for uh multiple Pathways to be um that there are are alternate ways for students to demonstrate that they've learned a skill uh please remember that this is an online assessment for our most significantly compared students that's that's a diff difficult task in of itself okay the learning map is a network of uh sequential learning targets and it shows a learning landscape uh which multiple skills are related to many other skills um this does meet the requirements of federal requirements for testing and the njd um requirements as well students that are taking to DM uh demonstrate their knowledge on the links to the grade level standards with the assistance of Staff they're been guide them results are focused on one student and can't be compared or generalized to other students or grade levels or anything like that so you see the results of the end it's really focused on you know what one student is doing it's not you can't compare it and you really can't compare it year to year either excellent so that's really this is really about the the DM testing experience uh who's being tested in the classrooms 3 to 8 11 again science is 5 8 and 11 it's oneone setting with the student with the student teacher the teachers are um certified as special education teachers uh they have a background in English math or science they complete uh all the required training U important to again know teachers are permitted to help the students with technology questions uh they can clarify questions and the students at their own [Music] pace the U PLM was administered last spring in April and May there was five to seven test sessions for ELA math and then nine test sessions for science it sounds like a lot but if you look each session might take 5 to 15 minutes not a long it's not a long period of time and again there's assistance and it's you know one to one of the performance levels how the students are rated either emerging approaching at Target or Advanced uh again the test generates no raw scores percentages no scaled scores so you're not going to see that uh the results are based on the student's probability of mastering each skill um Statewide students typically perform in the emerging and appro approaching categories um the summary of the students mastering is based off of the Essential Elements of what they're attempting to learn in in English language English or math or science so here you'll see um language arts literacy grades 3 through five there was 15 students that took the test you'll see 47% were emerging 46% were approaching 6% at Target is English language arts 63 11 36 students took the test 20 26% 28% 28 [Music] sorry 4% emerging 39 appr 30% Tet 2% more advanced move to math grades 3 through 5 again the same 15 students 80% of merging 15% approaching or 13% approaching 7% at Target and unw Advance the math uh 681 uh same students uh merging 56% approaching 36 at Target 9% Mo on to science science 21 students took the test 62% were emerging 29% were approaching and 9% were at T adved so what does that tell us what are the conclusions here what does that really tell us um um in general we looked at the scores from last year and the scores for this year were a little bit better um great but what does that really mean the students it's a very individualized test it's based off of the Essential Elements and the skills that the students are demonstrating at the time um so overall we we looked at you know patterns if you really could in soad you know overall we uh decrease the number of students in the emerging level grades 3 4 7 8 11 in all subjects uh in grades 3 4 7 11 we have uh increased the number of students who performed with the approaching Target in both English and math then we increased the number of uh grade 6 through 11 students who performed at Target in English language arts and science so it sounds positive but again um you know it's very individualized at the same time so the next steps and interventions and really the first bullet here is the most important part of it I feel like um we're going to continue to monitor the students progress towards their specific IP goals so we'll look at the information that we received back from this test and we'll see you how we can Implement any of that information or data in the IP or the goals and the objectives in the I that would really be a purpose to it okay we're going to continue to provide the targeted instruction that we already provide okay but you know you're looking at certain skills you can provide extra targeted instruction the teachers are already doing that they're working very hard on it and uh the last bull is really one of the things that we're really pushing this year is the uh instructional walkthroughs at all levels and all classes uh to provide staff and administration with valuable feedback um not just special education but general education programs but obviously you know this is the dlm so we're very specific to these uh self-contained or we call them crossgrade classes here in noro so we want to stay focused on every student and not just focused on you know students in say inclusion or research room we want to look at all students um in special education and and and having them progress at their rate um based off of their unique abilities anything I think that's the last slide that's the last slide any questions on the dlm for Mr Harry no questions just a comment just really appreciate what you're doing um with our special needs population I know with the the kids that I work with in buddy ball you know progress is you know week to week month to month year by year um that we see progress but but we do see progress um and just like what you said it's it's kind of individual we we see each kid for what they can do and as long as we do that I think that's you know how we do good by them so thank you so much this is very kind of you you know the teachers the staff um the high professionals the administrators we all work as a team here and we really want to see every student as an individual and you know treat them as we would har own family members and and give them the best that we can so I I know that's what we're doing in our classes and I'm very proud of it I too struggle with what this data actually means for DM just because of the nature of the students that we're talking about of course we're talking about students with severe cognitive disabilities which makes perfect sense that you know judging them to the standard or expecting that there's going to be significant gains or improvements is really unlikely because we're talking about them individually um but when we're looking at students that are um 6 through 11 we've got 36 students that are being tested just as Mr one is is speaking to um I think it's really critical that we're focusing more on their ability versus their disability um and dealing with life skills right so for these students that are in at least High School right 9 through 11 we are also targeting life skills while we're looking at DM and testing them just as we're testing all other students right to make sure that they're prepared to be uh productive citizens of society when they are um done with their High School career is that correct that is absolutely correct the Department of Education Office special education programs uh has really pushed the idea of transition for you know some years now right and are really interested in what our students are doing after school we actually just completed a survey and I can give you information maybe next the education committee meeting about how our students are performing uh in transitionally okay um we do a we have solid Pro transition 1821 program here mhm and uh there's also programs that we align with throughout the state and obviously most County thank you thank you anyone else all right thank you Mr Harry we appreciate it and back to you madam president all right thank you we will continue with our regular meeting um Miss Kee would you please take item six yes Madam president I'd like to make a motion to approve the following board minutes regular public meeting minutes August 28th 2024 executive meeting minutes August 28th 2024 and special meeting minutes September 7 2024 second all in favor anyone opposed all the meetings are accepted thank you uh any Communications this evening um no Communications I have my administrative report great we can jump right to that then thank you all right not sure this is working you know I don't know questionable giving feedback that's true so I will just continue to use my teacher voice good evening to all of our families guests and viewers here tonight our district would like to thank 17th legislative district assemblyman Joe Danielson for the 50 backpacks and school supplies he has donated to the students of our district Chick-fil-A of North Brunswick who did a school supply drive this summer for MBT schools and sucess successfully collected a lot of supplies to be divided amongst our schools the United Way of miltown who donated school supply field backpacks also to be given out within the districts I would like to thank all of our staff and families for a very smooth start to the 2425 school year our back to school nights were also a great success it's great to see the community come out and support our students thank you to Mercy Chang and Chris Harry for presenting tonight on njsla and DM scores in connection with their presentation I am also sharing with the board this evening the results of our NJ cusac monitoring review from last year it's quality single accountability Continuum uh we spent most of last year focused on that um and this was emailed to us last Friday and I am required by law to present this information to the board at the next public meeting after we receive that and so that is this evening pursuant to the requirements the North Brunswick Township School District has undergone the New Jersey quality single accountability Continuum review the middlex county superintendent and team conducted review of The District's self assessment on the district performance review called the DPR to ver verify the district's compliance in the five areas of njq saac instruction and program fiscal management governments and operations and Personnel based on the review I'm going to go to this slide so you can see this these are our scores in instruction and program we scored a 78 fiscal management was a 96 government governance a 93 oper operations a 98% and Personnel 100% the points missed in fiscal management governments and operational were based on late filings of state reports in governments we are actually appealing one of the findings that we did not report our gifted in talented teachers which we did um so we're wondering if they got the word coordinator mixed up with the fact that they were actually the teachers of the program um so we didn't feel like we need that um that score so we may be able to have that score adjusted um because the district did not satisi satisfy the 80% uh line of the indicators in instruction and program we reached 78% regulations require that the district create a district Improvement plan to address all non-compliant areas of the DPR over the next month we will be working to prepare the district Improvement plan for submission and a compy board approval before the November 19th 20124 deadline in the instruction and program area the district was fully compliant with all curricular IND indicators our lower scho score of 78 is indicative of of our njsla test scores in ela math and science not M making the 80% threshold as we work to develop our district Improvement plan it actually will tie in seamlessly with the work that we're already doing this year our Focus this year is to increase student achievement um on this slide and our district goals the district will work to increase academic achievement for all students inclusive all curricular areas through a focus on mtss promoting engaging instruction promoting School attendance and by conducting regular classroom walkthroughs we are already working on outlining these details in an action plan that will be shared with the board next month as well as all principal goals from the each school which will be AC an academic goal for each school to improve their academic scores these items will also be worked into our district Improvement plan as required by the qac building teams have already begun their classroom walkthroughs to gain Clarity of the instruction in each classroom and to look for Trends and instructional techniques we look forward to continuing to report back to the board of our progress in this area um a lot of the the things that we've already started to put in place including the cell phones no cell phones in classrooms um to increase our student Focus um looking at research-based programs that can make a move in instruction and how we can help support our teachers to get there um is part of the detailed plans that we're working on to share with the board finally Madame President I would like to welcome our two student Representatives Megan Keefe and Mia Montero familiar names to this board to our board meeting this evening and we look forward to their participation on the board this year so that is it for my report this evening Madam president great thank you so much and with that I'll turn it over to Mrs Miss Megan Keef and Miss Mia Montero following in your family's footsteps which we love to see um so we will turn it over to you and we look forward to getting your reports every month thank you um so I'm Megan Keef and for those of you who don't know I'm the sgo president this year and at every meeting Mia is going to be joining me and she's the um board representative this year so first off I want to talk about our club Fest and this is how all of the students at the high school specifically get introduced to all the clubs at our schools so we have um on September 5th we had an extended Home Room and with that means that um each class is shortened by a few minutes so um home room is 20 minutes long and the students watch a video of all the clubs that are at the school and then after school they can meet all the representatives sign a paper for what clubs they're interested in or they can fill out a Google form and then the advisers will add them to the Google classroom and you can get more information when attending the first meeting first meetings happened last week and we were really pleased to see so many students that attended those meetings and are getting um involved in clubs at our school then last week we had our first sgo meeting and we did a vote for what our school charity was going to be this year and this year is Raiders home plate Mrs Kiwa is going to be talking to us next week about how our fundraising money is going to help out the students at the high school as well as the Greater Community and our goal this year is $5,000 um next week we're going to um put up the pep week banners and pep week is the week before homecoming and for Monday's theme we have um a Hawaiian theme so we're hoping to see lots of people decked out in hula skirts and looking fun throughout the Halls then Tuesday is dynamic duo so you can think of Batman Robin salt and pepper good cob bad cob and all their favorite Dynamic Duos Wednesday is pink out to support breast cancer awareness and then Thursday is typical class colors day freshmen wear green sophomores wear red Juniors wear blue seniors wear black and teachers wear their gray staff shirts and then Friday is Raiders pride and we wear blue and gold and then have a pep rally at the end of the day and then grades 9 and 12 have started their apparal fundraisers to fundraise for their own events and they've been going really good so far so we're excited for some fun PMs and other events like that National Art Society students had were guides at back to school night to help parents get the's classrooms and forgot schedules in our wonderfully large High School building and um Latin American Club has been making announcements to honor Hispanic characters month so this past week they hosted a pep week so Monday was sports day so HS were filled students were in colorful jerseys from different Latin um sports teams Tuesday was like dresses your favorite Latin celebrity day and it was really fun to just see people kind of wearing non clothes and I remember like three teachers when the hallway dress as pit was so much fun today was CE which is like showing like what his been people are able to do so like um there was you could wear yellow you could wear College hoodies and like kind woman's rights and things like that um tomorrow is Theo Theo which is like um Hispanic uncles and aunts so it's kind of a more fun day just to show off the culture a little bit and then Friday is bonda day which is like where your countryes flag or just a Hispanic countries flags we show that me support so his Latin American Club has been doing a really good job at really bringing the whole school into Hispanic Heritage Month and they are also decorating the Showcase in the Commons so the students across the school can really see the culture and things like that and I'm sure they have more stuff fun plan more fun stuff planned to highlight his fin thank you thank you great Welcome All right we will turn it over to our committees at this time Mr Brockman Human Resources sure Madam president uh the human resource committee uh Human Resources Community Relations Committee met on Wednesday September 18th to discuss various personnel and Community topics for those on tonight's agenda who are either resigning or retiring the board thanks them for their service and wishes them well there are also many new staff and substitute staff on tonight's agenda and we welcome all of them to our district and look forward to having you work with us here in North Brunswick as of last Wednesday any remaining vacancies for the 2425 school year continue to be posted and can be found on our district website social media pages and posted in each of our buildings for teaching positions alternate route and traditional route candidates all are both encouraged all are encouraged to apply um our Administration team recently participated in two job fairs sponsored by NJ school jobs and continue to encourage any new or current educator interested in joining our team to view our job openings on our website and social media Pages our new staff recruitment video can also be viewed on those sites there are several reassignments on tonight's agenda and we thank our staff for taking on those new assignments we discuss any upcoming leaves of absences for the remainder of the school year and for next year and how those positions may be filled daily subs long-term substitutes or six uh period teaching stiens um also on tonight's agenda there are several staff approved for degree level changes and we congratulate them on this accomplishment the committee had its first reading of the following mandated policies uh physical examination emergency and crisis situations firearms and weapons and volunteer athletic coaches and co-curricular activity advisers and assistants that concludes my report thank you uh Mr Carter will be filling in for Mr Lori tonight for business operations thank you thank you madam president uh the business operations committee met on Wednesday September 18th we discussed topics including uh a parent group has donated a covered bench for lacrosse and soccer we'd like to thank them for this contribution we'll also be buying a matching one we also discussed uh swim team pool rental contracts with three local towns as well as multiple policy and regulation updates in included in the agenda under policy Section 1 a and 1B uh the committee also reviewed status updates and photos of a portfolio of projects that are being updated throughout the district this included completed projects at the high school related to recommissioning of 10 seasons 4 units updates to the 500 Wing in patio SE and the TV studio uh at Lynwood the construction of two classrooms in the MRC updates the roof and installation of fencing and for the elementary schools Parson Jud prek Courtyards with rubberized uh Livingston Park traffic flow updates as well as numerous other projects that are in progress so we will continue to monitor the projects in progress and we'll do our best to continue to ensure our students have safe and functional facilities thanks thank you um Mr Ali will be filling in for Dr Patel tonight thank you for our education committee you're welcome and before I read I just want to say I'm a little I'm conflicted because my pent parents are Gen X but I graduated high school in 2012 so if I'm feel anxious because I'm supposed to look at people when I talk to them but I'm using my phone to read the report so I just want everyone to know okay um so the education committee met on September 18th 2024 and we met at 600 p.m. and we ended at 7:00 p.m. and I was in tendance Dr Patel and so was uh Miss James and we have a few updates um I like these cuz it's about you know learning and teachers and our students so first update is going to be our assessment and grants we have our high impact tutoring update so that's going well uh we sent their invites out to families and we are really just um going to keep it going to June to expend the rest of the funds we have from the state summer tutoring was a success we had 52 grades and it was for the younger students so five fifth grade through 8th grade and planning is underway for this fall right now we have about 100 seats for NJ GPA our virtual tooting tutoring 200 seats for ESL virtual tooting tutoring we have 80 seats for ELA math um that's going to be for grades 5 through eight and that's going to be virtual as well and then the elementary schools will have tutoring will be in person and we're going to we're still working on those exact numbers but hopefully we have update soon um and then our ESR Grant um then acronym you see is ESS R so that is completed and will be done on 9:30 2024 and for Esa Grant the the high school is receiving Title One SAA funds and we're really working on a smart inclusive and Equitable way to use these funds and resources for the betterment of our students education and then for the district we also receiv received um title 3 funds so we already as a group have a 19,000 board approved and they are going to be used for our newcomer programs and newcomer programs you know are for everyone since we are you know a pretty diverse country newcomer could be anybody it could be any one of us any one of our cousins because we're all coming from somewhere so that's that's that and that's going to be those are really fun because we get to really meet people where they're at and the state's helping us fund that and then for njsla some of we saw the report tonight um these the 2025 dates were released on 911 2024 um God bless and then the timeline was shared with families on 917 and then for NJ GPA um we are looking over and working as um a team to really just figure out the scheduling figure out what's going to be the best for the whole school system parents teacher staff and everyone because testing is never easy or fun for anyone but we got to we have to do it and it's not nobody probably wants to but the state makes us and the state we can't we can't say no right um well we can then we won't get money um so so and lastly well not lastly but this is another fun part curriculum instruction and techn techology so at the middle schools we're piling two initiatives this fall the first initiative is going to be a flex PLC um and that is going to be for the staff they'll be meeting one time a week and they're going to meeting with uh cross disciplinary teams to holistically support students as well as make the staff's job a little easier because if students are doing better there like the staff isn't working as hard hopefully right um that would be the goal so we're really just working together to make sure that we could figure out the best way to reach our students where they're at and support them academically as well as holistically and then secondly Wednesday get it Wednesday um every other Wednesday we're going I'm sorry I thought it was cool um every other Wednesday we're going to uh we're playing an event with students and we're going to be doing scl Focus community supports um just really to ensure the students get academic supports counseling and the combination of both delivered through SEO um and then for the those are some of our newcomer programs um and then for the the High School AP scholarship scholar certificates we have 112 students who receive um certificates so that's that's awesome shout out to them um the average score was 3.59 um and that's amazing because I graduated undergrad no I graduated high school at 3. then I graduated grad school with a a 4.0 so a 3.59 in AP in high school that's Stellar so shout out to the teachers and to the students and the parents because it's a team effort um and then so to give you the backstory to receive the Capstone diploma or to receive anything for what's next um in their career as a student the students must earn three or higher in AP seminar AP research and on four additional AP exams of their choice to receive an AP seminar research certificate so students must earn a score of three or higher in AP seminar or exam research so essentially long story short the students really worked hard for that so that's awesome I just want to emphasize that um but the teachers really worked hard too as well and then for the district walkthroughs for all teachers um this is going to be an update for all teachers tenure and non- tenure we're going to have um well the stat staff and the district will be having a minimum of 10 walkthroughs this year with a focus on teaching and learning and the information will be used to really inform the the section leaders and the admin is like okay if if hopefully you know in perfect world if the staff come say like hey this is what we see and the admin says hey this is what we see we can meet somewhere in the middle to find a solution to hopefully do 1% better so that's the goal from my perspective um from our meeting and then um for this year the data teams they are going to really be trying to lock in and and really just tune in the multi-or system of support and using the New Jersey's framework but we're not New Jersey we're North brunck so we're going to try to do what works to our population within the standards because that's what we do best here um to the best of our abilities and then for the report card um here's a a pretty good update um for well all these are updates but this is also good cuz these are our youngest um K to 4 so the NJ SLS in the ELA um there's some updates there and then the grade five has was switched to the traditional grading which streamlines the report cards process so there won't be two different versions at Lynwood anymore moving forward and then for pupil and Personnel Services so the H2 power program which is our our title for restored practices um so for folks at home who may or may not know I'm just going to give you what we're going to say our restored practice are going to look like for now um it's really going to be a student diversion and restoration program and the goal is it's going to be set in out of um the me school building the old District building and it's going to be a flexible program and we're hopefully running it as needed and it's going to start with high school students and it's going to expand to the rest of the district as needed um and we hope the goal is to get three to four full hours of instruction time and we will provide transportation have speakers to hopefully motivate them so guests and then we will also be working on positive interactions and that will hopefully start in October and then um so George Scott uh he's a licensed um marital family counselor they are going to be doing a presentation and they are going to be um working with the students and just working with our staff to see different ways and just trying to do things a little better and optimize and help our learning and moving on to our last and most amazing part of this is the policies so there's been policies um these are our first readings in our committee on the 18th so we currently have um for curricular content policy um 220 is the one we're I'm referencing so we are updating it so we have one in stra SMA uh proposed an update based off of the new mandates from the state so I'm not going to read the entire policy I'm only going to read what was highlighted and changed so the revision is policy guide 22000 has been re revised to remove a list referencing numerous New Jersey student learning standards the acronyms njsl which I was saying earlier this list did not include all the standards and since NJ lsls standards are continually changing like our population in the world around us it's very appropriate to remove reference to specific njsls standards from policy guide 2200 removal of this list avoids policy guide 22 from becoming non-compliant if any of the listed standards were to Che change or additionally additional standards are added that's the first one and the second one I'm going to be reading it's um a policy and a regulation and this is policy um for attendance and the regulation policy they're both under attendance and reg regulation policies and it's 52 and again I'm just going to read the changes so the first change change will be to the attendance regulation policy no the attendance um policy yes so regulation guide 52000 has been updated to include the provision of a state excus absence for attendance at a Civic event the definition of a Civic event and the required procedure for approval of such an absence regulation guide 52000 has also been revised to include an option in section D1 addressing whether or not a student will be required to provide a written statement for an absence longer than a district designated number of consecutive school days the district is also adding language in the policy to address family vacations exceeding 10 days or more in which students will be removed from registration and have to be re-registered upon turn and these are both state mandated the last part I read is what we are adding in and it's in coordination under the guidelines of the state because otherwise we couldn't do that the next one is for our or policy for service animals and this is going to be 5377 but before I say that I just want to put a little sidebar um and you know some of us can't take 10 days off from work and expect some you know so it's it's about Equity right so this is uh you know the state is doing it we're trying to be Equitable as a district for everybody so the next one is about policy for service animals so it's 5337 policy guide 5337 has been revised to include njsa [Music] 18a Dash I mean 18a 46 -13.3 permitted access for service animals this New Jersey statute outlines the requirements addressing service animals in schools and this is a recommended policy guide recommendation from from the state and the last one is 5350 and this is trigger warning it's about you know life being taken so it's about suicide prevention policy and this is update and this is a mandated update um as stated revised to include several new statute sections the new requirements are as follows training requirements for additional staff members the requirement for any staff required by njsa atna 6- 112112 so that's CL 112 to be trained to warn and predict when they have information that a student intends to harm themselves in a requirement to notify all staff who are required to be trained in coordinance with njsa I mean state state yeah 18a 6-12 of the district's reporting and suicide prevention awareness and response protocols and that again is mandated and thank you madam president that is all thank you very much um and those policies are listed on tonight's agenda as well we will uh finalize the committee reports with Miss Keef negotiations yes Madam president I am happy to say that on tonight's agenda for the full board approval on page 12 Personnel item cc is the approval of the successor contract with our nbte uh for the 24 to 27 school year we would like to thank Miss Pastor miss herck the entire negotiating team their leadership team our teachers we appreciate your partnership we appreciate your leadership we appreciate all that you do for the district and we are looking forward to our continued partnership for years to come thank you all thank you all right at this time we'll move to item nine Mr W would you please take item number nine please yes Madam president thank I'd like to make a motion to approve the administrative student and committee reports all in favor I anyone opposed all the reports are accepted thank you at this time we'll take a moment to review our agenda um as always the board has received the agenda uh prior to tonight's meeting we've had time to review it um so we will go through the agenda at this time Pages 2 and three four and five six and seven 8 and 9 10 and 11 12 and 13 14 and 15 16 and 17 18 and 19 Pages 20 and 21 and wrapping up on 22 and 23 so at this time we'll have a public session on agenda items only if you would like to come up to the microphone and speak to agenda items only um this is now the time if we we ask that you just state your name and you'll be given 3 minutes even good evening oh you might have to pick it up and talk to yeah much better yeah good good evening my name is Jen herck and on behalf of the north pres Township Education Association we would like to thank the board for approving the new threeyear staff contract tonight um Although our path to an agreement wasn't easy um we remain committed to collaborate and working together with the board to provide an outstanding education to the students of North Brunswick in safe schools with excellent School Employees uh we also continue our aspiration to be inclusive of our families at home and so now this message will be translated in Spanish br [Music] [Music] thank [Applause] you thank you all for being here we know that the road to get there was not easy but we look forward to continuing working with you all as well um to another great couple of years ahead so thank you yeah and I just want to Echo that you know um I wasn't on committee I don't know what's going on other than what I was known but um I'm glad we got there and thank y'all for really doing what you do you know I was a prek person I used to work in the classroom back in the day not that long ago but imagine what I can only imagine what y'all doing now so shout out to all the teachers and staff and everyone y'all y'all make this go thank you at this time uh we will close the public portion of the meeting can I please have a motion so moved second all in favor I anyone opposed the public session is closed thank you uh Mr Carter would you please take item 13 yes Madam president uh I'd like to make a motion to approve the following consent agenda items Personnel curriculum miscellaneous Finance items 1 through three policy and transportation second thank you thank you I'm going to take roll call okay here we go Mr Ali yes thank you uh Mr Brockman yes to all consent agenda items with the exception of curriculum instruction item 1 C from which I abstain and finance item 3i I vote now on it no okay thank you very much uh Mr Carter yes Miss James yes Miss Keith yes with the exception of Finance item 3G page 19 from which I abstain abstain okay thank you uh Miss to yes and Mr W yes uh y we're good all of the uh motions and resolutions have thank you um all right so at this time we will move to page 22 um I'll open it up to the public for a public session on any matter at this time um if you'd like to speak on anything you can come up to the microphone you'll be given 3 minutes we just ask that you state your name all right seeing none um can we please have a motion to close the public portion of the meeting so moved so second all in favor anyone opposed the public session this public session is closed thank thank you um and at this time we do not have a closed session this evening so we will move to adjourn can I please have a motion to close the meeting so moved second all in favor anyone opposed the uh meeting is adjourned thank you all very much thanks for coming great night everyone thank you