##VIDEO ID:3xipAXEruk4## e e e e e e so e commiss sh commiss here I know it's not working here commiss Joseph be short here he's here Vice mayi oh I'm sorry President we got mayor Piper here okay thank you um next uh invocation we have uh Pastor Ariel vasas good afternoon and thank you for this opportunity what a great blessing let us pray Heavenly Father we just come before your presence we want to thank you Lord for this meeting that they're gathered here Lord God we want to thank you for a beautiful election for the outcome for everything that's happening for everything that was doing and for everything that's going to happen in the city we we pray for a Unity we pray for for a vision that will make our citizens and everybody in the city Prosper love each other and work together to see a Prosper blessed City we thank you in your name we pray amen God bless you okay when everybody rise for the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay thank you um next public comment Madam clerk good afternoon everyone the mayor and commissioners of the city city of North M beach has opened a meeting for public comment at this time there is a 3 minute time limit for each speaker speaker please state your name or the name of the organization which you are representing the floor is now open for public comment David zapen founder of 30k for back pay I want to thank everyone who dropped out of the mayor's race you know that was difficult including Mr smuckler and Barbara Kramer since I was in that situation myself last year to avoid a runoff at least for one office um thank you I hope that in the near future we can discuss why um tiny houses in backyards were made um illegal um because it might have been easier to create you know Florida rooms and garages in the past but in some ways a tiny homes make more sense say for individuals who want to rent out their houses but ordinary apartments and condos are not well easy let's see um the reason I'm still wearing a red hat and a red shirt on the one hand some voters hope to be crowned with better jobs and others and their red shirts are just hoping to keep a career so they can afford their retirement without trickery like being forced out mere days before retirement I wish that was just a plot device from the old show Dukes of Hazard but sadly that's a reality and I hope whether through basic income or other mechanism we can prevent such trickery and outright wage theft here in North May beach you know where you work and how much you make is still based to an extent more on who your parents or parents on law on or rather than what do you know and what have you done but maybe I'm just talking to myself I've been accused of worth happy holidays thank you to our outgoing Commissioners that are incoming good luck out there okay thank you um anybody else okay let the record reflect no one else came forward um onto legislation I need a motion in second introduce 51 second okay um Mr attorney resolution number R 224-1 126 certification of general and runoff election results uh brought by Andre Bernard City CLK a resolution to the mayor and City Commission the city of North Miami Beach Florida accepting and adopting the certificate of the results of the November 5th 2024 General municipal election for the election of Mayor commission seat three commission seat five and commission seat 7 and the runoff election held on November 19th 2024 providing for authorization and providing for an effective date okay um any other comment from the city attorney on this well the fact that um these results were done uh officially by Miami D County even as to the runoff they conducted the election but per our Charter we are responsible as a commission the commission is responsible for accepting and certifying the results U that is a legal formality uh but that's what's before you the results are as transmitted by the elections Department um when're there's not a swearing in today that's also ceremonial um the fact of the matter is that you know once the votes are determined really the only Power that this commission still has is to certify and accept results it really can't take other action but it is a tradition in the city that there are ceremonial swearingin uh swearing in one or the other and that takes place on sched now for December 10th in the evening that'll be next door it'll be in the auditorium at that time the outgoing members uh will um Bid Farewell formally to the public the mayor typically has some the outgoing mayor typically makes remarks at that time and then there will be a ceremonial swearing in of uh the new officers and uh new Commissioners I know one of whom is with us today in the audience and um each of them gets to make remarks and then we adjourn for a little party next door to which the public is invited so that's where we're going uh in the meantime everybody can have a happy uh and hopefully healthy Thanksgiving and uh we're glad to see commissioner smucker back on the dasas um hobbling up there but fighting gamely and other than that what we're doing today again is we are certifying the results the swearing in will come as scheduled and it'll be hopefully a nice party okay thank you so much anything from the Commissioners nothing okay no it's going to be very enjoyable to have go to work again oh is okay um he no just call the call the vote so we yeah all right so we need a motion second to approve I make second okay and um all um all in favor say I I opposed passes unanimously and um with that being said we need a motion second to adjourn motion to adjourn all in favor we're adjourned thank you thank