##VIDEO ID:dbcNmQ7JECk## e e e I e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e you want to have them not hold the crowd back huh have them put that rest of the crowd down on the first FL all right good evening welcome to the city of North Miami Beach um budget hearing of Tuesday September 10th 2024 um can we get a roll call please Madam clerk commissioner shernoff here commissioner flon is running late commissioner Jean commissioner Joseph commissioner smuckler pres vice mayor Phyllis Smith present mayor Evan Piper here quum has been established thank you thank you okay so um I need a motion in second to introduce 2.1 so moved second okay um now we need the City attorney to read the title unless someone else can do it um need okay all right finish up that Egg Roll come on take your time no one wants to see the debate tonight all right he probably wants to see the debate more than anyone yeah I'm sure but Duty first and by the way um just one thing in the meantime I wanted to just um with us up here do we have any time frames that we want to try to work within commissioner what' you say as quick as we can I mean I know we've had like what three budget workshops I mean right I'm just saying 8:30 the most yeah yeah um just to clarify Mr Mayor um we've had multiple workshops I think the most we've had in a very long time when it comes to budget we've had individuals uh conversation so it's I I would hope that we could uh speed this through and U because this is our first one we have another one right and if there's any issues we can also um have have discussions or make any changes in the meantime or make suggestions we just have to this is the initial first step just like how we do with the millage just and then we move forward so all right thank you um yeah so I guess if we can if we can Target no later than 8:30 I think that would make everybody happy so we just need to all work together to why am I keep looking at you we need we all need to work together to make sure that that happens 2.1 resolution number R 202 244-9720 uh Sharon stew budget administrator resolution to the mayor and commission of the city of North Miami Beach Florida establishing and adopting the tentative levying of adorm taxes for the city of North Miami Beach for fiscal year 20242 in the amount of 6.1 0000 Mills Which is 99.62% higher than the rolled back rate to balance the general fund establishing the rollback rate to be 5.56 47 Ms establishing The Debt Service millage rate at 0.22 32 Mills providing for implementation and providing for an effective date make a motion to approve second okay all right well hang on I think um we have a couple things to do here first so before we do it um and mayor for the record just before you even do just for the record because we are required by law even though it's in the title The Record should reflect the proposed millage rate of 6.10 is higher than the rollback rate which is established to be 5.56 47 Ms by 99.62% okay all right who's going to be speaking on behalf of the city on this item I will sir um I'll be doing the only uh presentation um um scheduled presentation although staff is here to answer any questions uh so typically um the budget determines the millage but the millage determines the budget and so um up to the commission there's a couple different ways that we can move forward sometimes um what is preferred is to table the millage and then go into the budget and then table the budget go back to the millage or just do the straight millage as a vote I think that's how we did it last time um and then just go into the budget but again it's up to the commission as a whole um I know we did it last time just approve um I guess move forward approving the the millage and or and having a um public comment prior to and then moving on to the budget right okay I'm I'm I'm in favor of that okay all right good so um we City Madam clerk uh public comment please good evening the mayor and commissioners of the city of North R beach has opened a meeting for public comment at this time there is a 3em minute time limit for each speaker speaker you will be called to the podium please state your name or the name of the organization which you are representing please speak only on the subject matter before the commission the mayor Commission of sen Beach recognizes the importance of Civility the first speaker is Amy salsman and then Jose Diaz good evening I'm Amy salsman this is d'vorah salsman I brought her up because we're friends and users of the NMB library and we want to speak on their behalf for the budget so the community really wants speak a little closer to the microphone thank you better much better great the community wants a completely functional Library including weekends with enough St to support families and much needed programs the library has been waiting for repairs just like many of the other City buildings have already gotten including hurricane proof windows doors to protect the building and all the treasures inside and including bathrooms also please repairing and maintaining our building is only a fraction of the cost to build a whole new building also keeping in mind that building a modern library takes a specialized architect which would also cost a lot of money and difficult to find so in short what we' like is a budget so that we could have better programming opening on the weekends with staff for that and to have more programming it will help the city of North Miami Beach thank you thank you okay thank you very much she was singing my song Jose Diaz good evening uh my name is Jose Diaz I'm just a regular citizen from I live in uh 16930 Northeast 6 Court that's a small house right there I've been right there um the se's been kind of like in my case been increasing their property taxes and in my situation by more than 27% to almost 35% it's like really high for me uh I really don't see how your you know increasing our property taxes can really benefici for the city I mean to be be honest um 2024 has been kind of hard for today's citizens where we just really really trying to do the best to to survive the the cost and everything is a little bit too much and then the people who are not here to represent themselves because they're all busy probably working two or three jobs is a little bit too much for anybody to can handle you know um in my case uh I inherited a house from my my mother you know passed away in 2029 and my property taxes grow from from that to uh to very high from what she was paying during that time she was paying like $1,200 a year but then when I took over the house it was up to like $5,000 and then it just keep every year just keeps on increasing increasing increasing and this year is a lot worse because it's more than than what you're asking for for me you guys for for taxes right here for column 4 you're asking about $882 one89 while column 5 you're asking for $967 28 29 you know I really try my best to to really really you know he's looking at his trim we need to that needs to be explained right um C go but regardless in in general you know I don't see us you know spending more money to this city I feel we should be more focusing on trying to maintain what we have for now for this year after the election year maybe we could see maybe progress to this city cuz as of right now uh everybody who lives in my neighborhood right now is trying to either move out or leave and leaving their homes to just developers and trying to overstack their properties to like you're expecting somebody to come in to spend about $700,000 for a three bedroomroom and two bathroom house I don't see any potential citizens regular citizens who could benefit the city itself to actually maintain what we have because as right now a lot of us are going to be moving out to an area that is going to able to pay more you know for wages and stability right there and then nothing and you only guys going to have is mostly just empty homes for vacational home seconds and nothing more so without the proper people to able to maintain the city you guys going to be just have just have a bunch of rich people who doesn't want to do anything so you know this talk about you guys want to do a a garage thing on time oh I'm sorry thank you thank you very much that's a county issue the taxes is County go to your tax assessor yes I day County we don't we don't set the I just some of some of those taxes are are us but most of it is the county the school board we actually lowered our millage but it's also possible that that difference that you said after your mother died that that it went up it's because of the homestead or because of the name change that may may have raised it because triggered it I guess in my Cas is um when I tried to get the homestate exemption uh there was some uh difficulties for me to earn it and the problem is I was able to earn it at 2023 when the market value as its highest peak so when I received the homestead exemption they reassess my house to the highest uh can be right now so I'm trying to do what I can to you know to able to stay here and be part of the community but it's been very very difficult for me as someone who's lived here for almost 20 years to saying you know maybe it's time for me to leave because the city itself doesn't want us people that live down here to you know do more to the city Madam clerk what was the address what was your my address is 16930 Northeast 6 Court North Beach Florida 33162 159 169 169 169 thank you yeah by 170th and between six six Court six Court uh it is it is uh 6f I'm a cornhouse basically it's directly uh going it's basically I'm near um sa pal elementary school right across the street like B no that's 171 it's a couple blocks back it's basically the the the first right and then you make a left and you making a left to the school yeah no he lost his tax 3% because he they turned over the de to well and you don't have homestead exemption either right I have it now oh because I was forced to because um they were going to reassess my value regardless so I had to safeguard for the future if I actually still wanted to uh stay within the city and he Safeguard me for not payt cuz I don't know what's going to happen next year who knows what's going to happen maybe you guys want to increase 50% who knows but regardless it's the the budget itself and we have I feel like we need to be more stable of what we're spending yeah you may even have an appeal case possibly if I have and I already I'm about to um do that I'm being more proactive this year of what I can do right but I still like to give an opinion of the city itself since it's not I know this is this a trial it's just for me but as I I took in what's going on in the city itself it's a pretty clear indication that not a much people our citizens are coming here to give concerns and the people who are here are the ones who have money and power and willing to do things behind the citizens back or people are not aware of it's more ignorant and down found it that people can try to take advantage of this city and not to improve it yeah well than I'm I'm really glad that you're setting the right example and and there should be more people coming out so I thank you very much thank you sir okay um all right so now anybody else call a comment did you have any doubt [Music] good evening everyone my name is mabarak aan you know I listen to that gentleman and you multiply his story by 5,000 or even if it's 500 that is what is going through with the city not only this city but many other cities and we need to live within our budget we need to try to help the homeowners and the renters because even if you rent out a property that property owner is not going to swallow the expenses that the city imposed upon him or her they're going to pass it on to the renters everybody is reeling you guys had um raised it up to 6.7 milit rate we called up several of you spoke we wrote and you kept it at the 6.1 instead of the 6.7 I thank you guys very much for that the city manager wanted to know how he would have lived without the 6.7 well we living quite okay without the 6.7 we were down to 6.1 and we could even lower it further I I also want to make a side comment I think you you have a gentleman as a city manager a gentleman um and I'm grateful for having a city manager like that being a gentleman but somehow he needs to move a little faster that is all and you seven people up there have to move your city manager faster this honeymoon thing that we R year after year and it's been going on for even before he came you know you you you're trying to know where the washrooms are in the city you should know where the washrooms are in the city within the first month yes K commissioner Smith want to hear every word I Don't Want to Miss a word Mr C thank [Laughter] you yes so so that you know um we could even lower it more you you just have to spend better I know that the the the CIT funds are are like different from here but that that is another bit of money that is not spent properly half of you know the freebie guy and the other half know the trolley guy and so you come together and you spend 96% of the CIT funding 96% when you only supposed to be spending 20% you spend 96 and the other four 4% is left back for the road markings trimming the trees all the the safety issues filling the potholes it doesn't work like that where are your lovest friends here none of them are here they don't care how this city runs time thank you very much thank you anybody else for public comment okay let the public comment good evening mayor and commissioner my name is kley and I'm a longtime member in the city of North Mami Beach uh one of the reasons I'm here tonight is because of this budget one of the things we want to ask as a member of the commission of status of women I know there's a lot of cuts a lot of events have been cut but we would like to keep the hard Health walk it is something that we have done for years and it is not just uh the commission it is everyone because this thing impact women impact adult children and everyone else so as much as if you balance it there are two events in the city that's well attended that is a domestic violence walk which the police department always put together and then the commission of status of women with this hard Health walk no matter what you cut tonight we would very the residents of the city are asking to keep the heart health walk in the budget thank you very much thank you okay anyone else for public comment all right let the record reflect that no one came forward and public comment is closed um anything from the Commissioners no no no no okay um then we'll need a motion motion and a second and a roll call commissioner shov yes commissioner Jean yes commissioner Joseph commissioner smuckler yes vice mayor Phil Smith yes mayor Piper yes motion passes 6 okay thank you all right I need a motion in second to introduce 2.2 motion got the motion need a second please second okay all right and Mr attorney making your Second Debut yes sir this is resolution number 2.2 resolution number R 224-9823 and ending September 30 2025 Al authoriz ing the expenditure of funds appropriated in the budget acknowledging the levy and collection of taxes on real and personal property and other revenues necessary to meet the expenditures provided in the budget providing for transmittal by the city clerk confirming additional powers and conditions authorizing incumbrances and carry forward providing for implementation and providing for an effective date okay um now we um you're going to be speaking on this and then I guess at that point we'll do public comment after you speak so okay if I can get the PowerPoint up uh some of these slides are informational but I thought it was it was worth having um on there so I'll speed through some of these as we know North Miami Beach provides almost all services and amenities to Residents businesses and visitors depending um that visitors depend on every single day which includes safe roads police Parks recreational activity Water and Sewer Services Library services and so much more on a yearly basis the city commission adopts the city budget um by Statute um the the budget runs from um October 1st to September 30th essentially what the city budget is it's an annual plan for how much revenues the city anticipates to receive where those revenues will come from and how those revenues will be spent during the fiscal year um state law requires that the city adopt a balanced budget so revenues must equal expenditures um and we cannot appropriate more money than it plans to receive the budget is based on the city administration's assessment of the needs of the city direction from the city commission best practice Master plans legislative matters and input from our residents and constituents uh we strive to develop a budget that will Aid in the achievement in the long terms we have several goals that we've been working on in this budget cycle we're looking at um and and I've kind of listed those uh groupings here a strategic plan um for a thriving Community a long-term vision for for what this um Community would look like and we're currently in that process with FIU on both on economic impact and feasibility as well as a strategic Vision plan in which recently um finished a focus group sessions and we be going into a town hall um phase next Community um Communications for an Engaged Community um something that we've been working on and you'll be receiving a updated um strategic Communications plan soon I know our our new um Communications manager has been reaching out to you all for um um for discussion on it as well economic development for resiliency and growth um Again part of the FIU studies that we got going on it's really important the better that we can have an economic um BAS is on the commercial side um that loosens up the pressure of what's needed from ADV vorum and for our residents so having a strong economic impact um will be um is important for the city uh data driven uh Performance Management we want to be use data analytics to make important decisions um be able to take a take a look at um assessments and and areas that we need to improve on um in a um objective fashion um instead of just relying subjectively on on gut feeling um and also trying to make sure that we have Financial sustainability for a healthy and thriving community no sorry about that um so typically what this slide shows is the process in which budgets are are typically done uh you have um departments that begin the planning for the upcoming fiscal year early in the calendar year they then submit that to the finance department which then uh meets with the city manager's office and and various um department heads uh we then propose that to the city commission they we hold our workshops we hold our first hearing like we are today uh those revisions are made throughout that process um once you adopt it we begin the um uh implementation we monitor uh throughout the area and if there's any budget amendments that are needed um we we do that throughout the year um basically a budget is structured um the city budget is separated into distinctive categories what what is typically called funds these funds um are operating funds um Capital Improvement uh they have they track they help track the balances and and the cash flow that comes into the City and out of the city um there are three distinct type of funds that that uh we look at governmental funds proprietary funds and fiduciary funds here I just kind of break down what the definitions of those type of funds are General special Revenue debt capital projects uh permanent Enterprise inter service funds and fiduciary funds things things of those nature so essentially how how are tax dollars calculated per property essentially the county does a evaluation of all the properties and um a millage rate represents the amount tax per thousand of that taxable value of the property in North Miami Beach excuse me um the current uh proposed millage rate is 6.1 which is a flat rate uh year-over-year um that means for every ,000 um for every $100,000 um the the property taxes 610,000 so here and and there is a small error but I'll correct it as you'll see the operating millage has remained flat for the past three fiscal years uh debt millage has been going down over the past uh three years from 047 to 041 last year to this year as a 0.22 um the overall millage is a reduction from point uh from 6.5 down to a 6.3 the roll back rate which is where we see the area um I apologize this is a slide I thought I updated all the numbers but I didn't um the current roll back rate is 5.5 647 not 5.53 this slide you've all seen in in the workshops as well this is just a um a quick example of what at this different uh property assess values are what the increase from one year two to the next again even though the operating millage remains flat it's the value of the property that determines how much Actual taxes are are done um to the gentleman's Point earlier for every dollar that that is paid in in in property taxes 35 cents of that dollar or 35% of what you pay in property taxes goes to the county 31% goes to to the school board so that's already 66% of the of the property taxes goes to um County and Schoolboard the cities um based on our proposed budget is 28 cents or 28% um other fine grants um and other um um state required taxes that are on there um accounts for about 4% or 4 cents of the dollar and our debt is 2 cents um of a dollar some key accomplishments um I want to be able to kind of list this is in no way everything that we've been doing over the past year but I think um some very noteworthy building department we've already um made good Headway on the digital transformation getting our e permitting and E plan review system up and running internally uh we have some permits that we're able to do electronically and we should be uh hopefully by the end of this fiscal year uh having several more um applications up and running digitally file modernization we're transitioning into a paperless system for the Department um Community Development um we were able to achieve a lower ranking in the CRS um which is a state system that looks at flood vulnerability within the city a lower ranking is is good kind of like golf the lower the score the better and so we moved from a class8 to a class 7even which increases the amount of discount um um home insurance gives within the state in Florida for for that Rank and we continue to try to um move into lower ranks year-over-year um they have passed an urban tree canopy plan uh for flood mitigation and walkability throughout the city and uh code enforcement has also begun night sweeps um to enhance uh safety and um various code violations throughout the city parks and recreation of course mcon field we all enjoyed the new um artificial turf on the on the ribbon cutting and our youth are are using the the field and and everybody's having a um a great time being able to use that after school program um we have on a weekly basis about 280 children um that are part of our after school program throughout the city um and so that continues to be a a viable program for for the city and the community library again continues the community and literacy programs um for all ages from um small children all the way to um our Our Vintage uh citizens digital service Innovations um that the library has been doing to modernize its services and the programs that it has as well as looking for um citizen classes and partnering with other organizations to be able to to provide different programming uh Finance we finally um were able to provide realtime Finance transparency on our website so you can go on our website um and take a look at all of our uh processing um our accounts where um all the expenditures all are you no longer need to ask for reports or call the the clerk although that's still always a viable option but the program allows you to see where all the expenses are in per category um we again won the um distinguished Awards as I announced earlier this year uh for the um for our budget book uh We've adopted several new Financial policies as well as um overcoming several audits that we've had more than usual uh we've had about five this year and we've been able to get through them all HR um we've been implementing the Evergreen paay study um which improved plans for our um not only for our bargaining units but also our non-bargaining units we had a 98 to0 vote for the CBA on the collective bargaining agreement for the general employees as well as begun leadership development um from from directors starting all the way down uh to to Frontline something that the city hasn't been doing in in times um looking for that succession planning um n&b water um we've we've done several septic to sewer conversions throughout the city um particularly Corona dear where we're improved public um health and safety we won our the best tasing Regional uh water um and just recently um with with the charity Golf Classic the water department was able to raise $30,000 for the Weare to share program um Economic Development home rehab business grants and n&b scholarships uh We've expanded various Public Services um and have maximized the the the opportunity um that we had in processing those police we've hired eight new police officers with ongoing recruitment efforts um we've graduated four cadetes from the academy with three currently attending and those numbers continue to increase as people graduate come on board um and move forward received and outfitted over 33 new vehicles um in the year police has responded to over 86,000 calls for service um we've apprehended um various individuals that um we believe were responsible for for various um burglaries um in the business sector we've we achieved coverage of five out of six zones within our community part um partnership detectives we have over 300 children enrolled in our Police Athletic lead and police explorers program and all of our community Patrol and crime prevention officers obtained their crime prevention certifications um and those are just some um this year um give me one second this year some of the additional pressures in the budget apart from just regular inflations or anything like that um we have the overall um cost of living and and Merit increases we have um an estimated inter fund transfer um as well we have a additional police pension contribution um of a million dollars to smooth over the shortfall over 3 years uh we have the lawsuit settlement that the commission approved recently general liability insurance premiums have increased by approximately 500,000 and we have the water Washington Park uh project which is also inclusive of the water and sewer um portion of it as well from the revenue side we did see an increase in the taxable value of properties throughout the city uh from 4.7 billion to 5.3 which is approximately 12% the unassigned fund balance um um we believe that there's a um the increase to approximately 27 due to fiscal year 23 carryover of that approximately 4 million is needed uh for Budget amendments um throughout fiscal year 24 particularly due to overtime with the um International um incidents that we've experienced this year as well as other legal um items that we've discussed um the increase in ADV valorum Revenue totals from one year to the next is about 3.1 million um with regards to Grants and AIDS um we have we're receiving over $4 million from congresswoman fed Wilson's advocacy of North Miami Beach for Washington Park and traffic calming Miami date County um we have approximately 1.25 million for Washington Park Florida Department of Environmental Protection 200,000 um as well as the FDT uh Transit service grant for on demand services so this slide basically shows we have a balanced budget right this this shows all the expenses and and where the revenue comes from for all that that goes from the general fund liability workman's comp uh governmental impact the CIT uh money Transit Serv uh tax local option uh the guard houses our debt service um capital projects storm water all of those type of uh Revenue that the city has so the total budget including all inclusive of all revenue and expenses is 22,36 9,646 um so we do have a balanced budget as proposed um on the um general fund um essentially what you're looking at this is the um how much each the dep partment has which is part of your budget book and we can get into um events which is something that was brought in based on the conversation that the commission's had on several in although we haven't gotten it is on your agenda for further consideration is um talking about putting a moratorium on events um in that we've kept certain events in uh within parks and and Recreation the overall conversation is having a moratorium on everything except like Monster Bash and snowfest um in association with snowfest is the tree lighting and Anor lighting the Veterans Day ceremony and Memorial Day ceremony combined is maybe three ,000 um so I've kept that in there summer camp of course we're keeping that in there um but we do have a line item within that Parks and Recreation events for police presence um with the overtime that that police is needed at all the events uh police and pal events um comes um so in Parks and Recreation only those events it's 275,557 th000 um that goes for the domestic uh violence awareness um 5K run golden ticket toy drive Teen Summit on gun violence National Night Out the pal dance Thanksgiving giveaway holiday party shop with a cop pal 8th Annual golf tournament which actually raises money for pal uh coffee with a cop meetings these are more just general like Town Hall meetings opportunities for people to speak with our officers um packed meetings which are throughout the the city as well as Club Law and Order which is um having several members of the community coming to our Police Department to discuss various Trends or issues throughout the Community uh library has um certain events I like to call them more programming um than than events uh but these are used as part of to meet not only our um our requirements with grants but also how we um count various numbers as well and it's part of our overall learning programming uh so that accounts for 71,000 um and and we have very specific topics throughout the year that that we end up doing mayor Commission this is the category that basically had every every other type of event that we had going on um The Advisory groups would be part of that as well um again based on the request of putting a moratorium except for a couple of those which are in Parks and Recreation uh Farm share and the Thanksgiving food drive are left in there those are funded through ARA since it's um the actual food part of the Distribution on that um there is capacity for for the commission to put um back into the budget um should you wish I was just following the overall um discussion that the commission was having so I was presenting that to you the capital Improvement projects the total Citywide project um for all funds comes out to $73 million um here we start going through a list of all the projects and this was presented at the last uh budget Workshop um and it's also in in your your presentation and in your budget book as well um we have from the building department the CRA it Library Parks Police Department we have sewer water um as as a list as well in total it comes out to and public works I'm sorry which Public Works um you'll see has various different funds it's from CIT local gas tax um the general fund which helps support um several of it um as well as various arpa projects so to Total Citywide project values is 73 M26 and 333,000 just wanted to highlight Washington Park Washington Park total project cost is about $25 million 25.4 this is inclusive of the um the water and sewer portion of the project as well uh the building construction is about 21 .8 million the pump station in Force main is about 3.5 million we're anticipating a groundbreaking in October of 2024 um for the pump station in the Force main which is the first part of the the Washington Park project so please stay tuned for that um I believe it's currently it's about to be advertised um it is advertised um and again highlighting the various funding sources that we've received outside of the general fund and or or the loan that will be coming um before you um Arbor projects so you all have this list as well this is all the phase two again these are um recommendations there is capacity with in here to reallocate funds based on um staff recommendation which again is in front of you for September um um as well um and we did briefly talk about it in the budget Workshop in the last one in August the the second budget Workshop in August um with staff reallocation um we anticipate that there would be 973 th000 available for reallocation of that there were two items that the commission kind of um um said that they would consider one is the uh purchase of the rescue vehicle for police which is about 380 to 400,000 um and also the state mandated um comp plan Amendment um that would be um required for us to fulfill as well um so with with the subtraction of those two line items um we would have 26233 from Phase 2 alone that be able to be reallocated into other into other areas should the commission want the other aspect of arpa um is in Phase One there are some allocation opportunities and again in front of the the commission next Tuesday as part of the arpa is the discussion um for the reallocation of funds part of that is the singer building the CRA has brought a recommendation to purchase the building at about $1.5 million um I think the actual value of the property is maybe closer to two to 3 million um but it's up to the commission as to if they want to sell it to the CRA um that would allocate more funds within arpa that can be used uh an additional whatever that sales um price to the CRA would be so an additional $1.5 million within arpa um would be freed up for um reallocation to other projects and then finally um this is our projected unass signed fund balance um we have um estimated for fiscal year 23 24 was1 19 million we're seeing a carryover of about 8 million um from fiscal year 23 um 14 million is to hit the minimum uh 20% requirement uh we believe that we'll have about $4 million in budget amendments uh throughout the area again police overtime legal costs so and so um we have so we're looking at about $7.6 million um that we're reallocating from the unassigned fund balance um that is over the minimum threshold of the 20% um into CIP now the majority of that capacity above the 20% um I just want to put it in is being used for CIP projects uh which is aligning with our commitment for sustainable infrastructure development once the CIP passes those funds are dedicated whether there's a PO for that project or not to that project and cannot be moved from the CIP uh without commission vote first Ur occurring that's going to ensure that these projects that we're voting on actually get done um and that they have the proper um funding for um it is recommended that we try to maintain levels above the minimum in case there are various overruns or anything that happen throughout the year that we would have to do so that we don't cross the 20% um so there is a little bit um of money above the 20 but really there's not that much into there as well um we've taken a look we have a balanced budget um we have taken all the um suggestions from the commission over the last various workshops um and we've been able to address it within the capacities of arpa as well as the the the CIP program um and I think that is a um a budget that we can be proud of it's been a very long process but I'm very proud of the team and I want to thank them so much for for really sticking through it we really took this um as an opportunity to grow um and to really position the city in an opportunity to not only make the adjustments that we need to make um realizing but also looking for for ways to to move what is important for the commission and the community move it forward are we doing everything we absolutely want no but we are living within our means And to clarify um earlier in the year the staff recommended 6.7 cap not a 6.7 millage just so that you all had that opportunity to have the conversation you had that opportunity to have the conversation and you all decided to keep it flat and that is what we're presenting um for you an operating budget that is flat 6.1 a debt reduction which is um lower than what it was so your overall millage uh for the city is a reduction uh from one year over the next from um 6.5 to 6.3 overall um and that's inclusive of operating and and debt millage mayor I did that as quickly as possible he did a great job we really appreciate it every single one of us um okay um before we move on to commissioner comment we need to do public comment Madam clerk good evening the mayor and commissioner of the city of North Iran beach has opened a meeting for public comment at this time there is a 3 minute time limit for each speaker speaker when you call to the podium please state your name the mayor and commissioner of the city North Beach recognizes the importance of Civility the city of North R Beach requests that all in attendance to exercise civility at all times if you wish to speak on this item please come forward Mr Kazan good evening everyone again my name is mabarak aan tonight we will be having a debate between the presidential candidates of the United States of America and the polls showed that 30% of the people would decide their mind then who they whom they're going to vote for 30% if you look in the audience I'm only seeing two candidates here and we've had almost like a dozen candidates signed up so I would like to hear what the candidates have to see as well so that I can make my judgment um I would be remiss if I continue without saying why the delays and the delays I'm speaking about is a $6.5 million delinquent billing in the water plant we've had for more than three years now and that was brought to the attention of your city manager nothing was done then that is $6.5 million at least 3 million we could have gotten extra for the budget if we had moved on that the multi-story parking which is very important we talked about the high rises are going to be a benefit for our city bringing in more revenues but if you build buildings with inadequate parkings etc etc you're not going to be filling those buildings they're going to be mostly empty or half empty uh the singer building we fought many years to get that building many many years and finally um the manager before sorry he negotiated with the owner and we finally got that Building B if we use CRA funds or we use arpa funds that building needs to be kept because when we look back 5 years from now and we can see that the the arpa funding has been squandered at least we can look back and say you know what at least we got a building they and you should be taking some monies from the arpa funding as well to purchase a piece of land over at Eastern Shores for the people to have a relaxation park over there not a basketball or a football that's screaming and balling and shouting but a nice recreational park for Eastern Shores not because it coming from me you're you're going to dong it but it's for the people over at Eastern Shores last year we heard about a deficit of $10 million I've not heard how we addressed that at this public hearing how we addressed the $10 million deficit and um thank you very much and now we open the floor to our candidates let me hear how how I can decide my mind on how I vote and the other people to all right thank you any other speakers no okay all right let the rec reflect no one else came forward Paul the comment is closed and it's time to uh who wants to speak for anything first from the Commissioners start with One Direction okay I'll start I'll start with commissioner Joseph so just a clarify um this is the first hearing we have another hearing um that's going to happen after H the the high holidays right or right no two weeks okay 25th before um before before russan oh russan sorry I just no no yeah so we're going to have uh between now and then we're going to have another hearing um and you know I guess there can be discussions in in Rel in relations to the budget in either with the manager directly or amongst ourselves currently but I just know this is the first step this not the last step I'm just glad that we got past the millage aspect of it all and um I'm looking to delve even further but I've had plenty of meetings I mean I've gone to at least two of the three workshops and did and had updates with Chief of Staff as well as um the mayor on various uh aspects of this budget I saw a lot of manager manager sorry um and uh you know know uh there there might be some a little bit of wigger room but if I'm not trying to you know blow the budget outside of what has been something that you guys have worked on for the past I don't know like three four months if not more so those are just my thoughts thank you okay thank you Mr trp I too have had many many meetings with the manager and with all of us and I may reserves you know comments for next meeting thank you okay commissioner smuckler all right so I'm going to make my comments now so I I'm pretty sure when we were discussing um getting rid of many of the events I'm I'm pretty sure we said that we would keep the back to school because we were supplying school supplies for the children for back to school no we absolutely did I I think I think um commissioner we could we could definitely look if that's the the will of the commission um to to bring in back to school or or the heart held walk or or bike 305 um I think a lot of it as well has also been you all have done a an amazing job for the city and finding sponsorships that also buys um and provides backpacks um even through the league of cities and so forth um so that that has been a big help as well um I know it's not set in stone um I I did that looking at based on the conversation and knowing that you all all have that on on the agenda as well for for discussion and and and approval through a formal vote um but if there is any particular type of event depending on how much you would want um whether it's an event or anything else in the budget there's a couple different options that can be done um you can direct staff to hey let's allocate XYZ to towards it um in that case we would look at where that money can can come from um elsewhere within the budget and we would present that of hey we're reducing this line item to fund XYZ or if it's coming from ARP or whatever the case may be um you all can make that recommendation if you had something where I don't want to fund this line item to that level I'd rather use that for something else um so those are options as well um that are before you so all right because we did get school supplies to 450 NMB only residents so um and I was able to get some additional funding for that at a sponsorship but still I I think this you know we need to look out for the children and in fact um I I had um from Parkson wreck Jason called me one day saying because there's a few school supplies left over that we're going to be giving out uh in a few months when the kids start running out of school supplies and Jason called me and said um there's a a student that's dropping at a school because he doesn't have school supplies is it okay if I if I go to your office and and take a a one of the packages of school supplies I said no not one two but the point is that here's a kid that was not going to go back to school because he didn't have school supplies so we we we we think of children you know they need food and need they need clothes yes they do but they also need school supplies so that's something that's important to me that I I'd like to see on there and then um the other thing is um I I'm not going to push it for all of you to reconsider uh what Miss wasen brought up katley the heart health walk has been a staple um event of ours for about what 12 years now more or less but that's something I want you all to to think about and and maybe bring back next week whether it's a yes or no and then um there's two items that I I want to have um just maybe to be able to move around a little bit there's um I I I know that years and years and years ago that the the the commission used to be a big time participants in the Special Olympics and um I know that in the budget there's 10,000 for them this year and I'm just wondering if maybe again something we can all reconsider is maybe not giving 10,000 maybe giving a little bit less and and giving that other money somewhere else to some other organization just so that we can spread it out a little bit more you know spread the spread the wealth let's say to some other uh organizations that need us the help as well and then the last thing I want to bring up and I'm not picking on you Mr Mayor but um the chamber we are giving them $30,000 a year plus we're giving them the the the space that they have here um next to City Hall by the police at the police department or by the police department and plus we pay for the lunches so I was wondering do you need that space I mean is is it is it something that um Leslie can work remotely that we can give the space back to to the city the space is currently being used by the by the pension board Department oh is it and yeah and and we don't really we don't use the space at all we do have a sign on the door because we feel it's a good presence for the city okay so but as far as utilizing the space we don't utilize space I didn't knowdo and that team isn't there okay and uh I just want to see if anybody wants to know that the chamber needs the money but also $30,000 to be giving to one organization a year is is a lot of money so that's something else I'd like to everyone to think about as well and that's all I have to say thank you okay Mr Smith okay I'll talk real fast and I want to bring up a few points as well number one Mr manager thank you for this presentation I think it's the best one you've done all year I'm going to utilize this line by line before our next meeting um it's excellent number two um I think that the budget is a fluid piece of work um we've talked many times about the garbage coming back in house and if that would happen there might be huge adjustments to the budget and that would happen hopefully in this coming year um so I know it's something that we have to consider when we're voting that we're voting on something that is not written in stone uh number three I concur um but the only thing about back to school is I like to coordinate it with everybody else is giving backpacks pal gives backpacks the library gives backpacks we have to coordinate it so we don't duplicate um I concur completely with the chamber nothing against the mayor who wears two hats sometimes three when we have a CRA meeting but um when I was on board we gave 10 we increased it to 20 now it's 30 and there seems to be a lot of social activities that are contributed from the city to supplement and I think when we don't have money for the residents and we don't have money for the city we should consider cutting that back as far as the funds go especially being as they are supplemented in other ways the building for instance the cleaning of the building Etc um my last Point uh just so that everybody says that I worked very quickly was the library so um a million dollars for the library is so inefficient I get so many calls that the library needs to be open on the weekend and to me when you those that didn't have an opportunity to go here the world renowned Bishop on Sunday which we had the blessing to go I have to tell you I have not stopped talking about the sermon we gave him a key to the city and I understand why but the key element was education and one hour the man stood up there and explained that the education turns into wisdom and how you use the education if we don't open those doors of our library for every resident to get an opportunity for Education an opportunity for the rest of their life to take that education and apply it to wisdom and a better life for them and their families and their community shame on all of us so that's it let's talk about it again but a million dollars is inefficient because we need more staff we need I this whole thing about renovating these properties and I just am speaking to the public that came up before us the thing about renovating is there's going to be some big changes there has to be municipalities can't carry it their themselves we're an older City we need to collaborate we need to have Partnerships and when the Partnerships come the library will change it will become a community center the tennis court will change it will become a destination for families and a community but it can't be done on your dime your tax dime it's not enough money we need to have Partnerships so let's stop thinking about changing a a paint color about renovating a floor and let's think the bigger picture to put out the opportunities for people to give us back their when I say people businesses entities that want to have a partnership with us for their Community to have a bigger chance and for our community to thrive that's the goal so we have things to think about for the next meeting and I agree about cutting down in the chamber I agree about um coordinating the backpacks but I certainly want to make sure that that Library becomes a priority for the weekends for our community thank you very much and I'd like to ditto the library okay Comm John thank you so much I agree with everything that was said I have a question about um how did you decipher which events were cut which initiatives were cut I was surprised to hear about the heart health walk being one of the things that was actually eliminated I think also we do need to focus on Services as many services as we can allow our our residents to have an enhancement of services so when your team goes back with all the feedback that was given seeing how we can enhance more service-based um to our community would be my ask I also wanted to um reiterate the comment that was made about the um outstanding bills um can you speak to some of the that you have done or what's happening in the next fiscal year to help recover some of those funds sure commissioner so with regards to the events again it was just taking off of um various comments throughout the various months with regards to establishing a moratorium on all events except um at the time I think uh the only thing that was really mentioned was um Monster Bash and and snow and um and snowfest and so taking a look at what Parks and Recreation actually puts together and all the events that we doing uh we took a look and and we we said okay Monster Bash snowfest what's related to to the the holiday season with the tree lighting the manure lighting again Veterans Day and Memorial Day both of those events combined is I think about $3,000 or less um it's not much at all uh the summer camp nobody here wants to to to do anything that would eliminate or jeopardize the summer camp so we kept that um and we kept the police presence for for those um those various events that we had there um when you look at the police and the pow events that they put on it's 27,000 for everything um that they end up putting on um they get a lot of donations through through pal as well um and the library again is 71 and that goes into the actual programming um that they do so everything else we essentially um took um took out it is an agenda item um yes it was an assumption but it was for you all um because it's coming up with the calendar of all the events that were separated between what the city um departments put on what the um police and Library puts on and what the advisory boards or Commissioners put on um that's how we separated that with regards to the the potential collections um we've been going through and and looking and it's part of that lean program that we've been um taking a look at um a lot of the data that we've received um and we're still trying to kind of filter out is very very old and so some of those there's a statue of limitation on um how long a lean or or those codes can can live and so we have to kind of filter out everything that's beyond that statue of limitation what we've done is we've spoken to um I I've sat on calls with uh two companies that do collections uh Nationwide um we've been reaching out to attorneys as well recently a uh resident has uh provided did several local lawyers who do it our procurement um department is reaching out to the lawyers um to um get somewhat of a um seeing what their their CA capacity would be for for that uh once we have a viable option um then we'll be bringing it to to the commission but we are working to to do that um so that we can we can do that usually State statue is I think 20 years um but we do have many that are are older um than than the 20 years so we have to kind of allocate that um and I'm sorry what was the the third I think those were the two but here's my question as well last year we approved the budget a large portion of the projects that we wanted to see I think there was a percentage that you gave that most of those things were not done so with the instance of of what you just explained we've been asking for this for some time and we haven't seen a timeline of you know your execution of that particular particular initiative so my ask is also moving forward once the budget is actually passed that we're actually seeing incremental you know progress of what you're doing I also wanted to ask about the senior luncheon was that also taken out um I don't believe so the senior lunch is usually donated um maybe Mr pla can come up good evening mayor Commissioners oh there we go good evening mayor Commissioners manager everyone um so the senior programming budget which has money for senior luncheons um was nothing was touched uh for the senior budget um but like the commissioner said most of it is uh sponsored by uh either Mount siai or another medical U profession but the the budget for seniors was not touched okay so there is still a budget y okay thank you yes uh to your point we kept we kept the budget just in case there wasn't a sponsorship uh which uh we we take care of during the summer we don't have any sponsorships um but we wanted to make sure that um if something fell through that we we were able to handle that okay all right that's all I have thank you so much okay um you want to say something before yeah um because you know staff has been that no um so thank you uh mayor and commission so um I've noted we'll definitely be uh reaching out to to everyone um to commissioner Jean's Point um and we heard you loud and clear at the last uh budget Workshop um so we are developing a dashboard with all of the projects both arpa and CIP related and so you're getting an initial draft of what a report the data that would be coming out of that um as part of the manager's report in your September agenda um but until um that's just us currently building it um once we pass the CIP and and all the arpa um reallocations that all starts getting fed into that system and then that report will be part of the monthly um a manager report on the agenda so we'll always have and it has not only from a budget where we where the project stands on the budgets but also timelines because sometimes you might use 50% of the budget but you're 60% of the way through it's just how the invoice has come but we've heard you loud and clear ma'am thank you okay so I I'll make um my uh my round one comments and I know you want I know you want second around oh um commissioner Forman if you did you want to say anything or not yet be brief about the budget yeah we have um yes okay um well I just wanted to ask about uh Transportation um you know within the city I just want to make sure that we are not pulling from any of our um routes as it relates to our trolley and also I want to make sure that um when it comes to uh freebie as well that we are maintaining um maintaining that so can you let us know what your thoughts are where we're located our contract for the trolleys uh continues through April um of of um of 2025 and then uh as of right now the intent is to uh repure uh depending on the direction that the the commission wants so the full funding for the year is available through uh CIT we also received a grant from the state uh to double our Fleet size for um for freebie or on demand Transit Service uh so we're budgeted um to be able to double our Fleet size in next fiscal year as well we've already reached out to the state and we're in Q for the contract we have to wait until the State Signs off on the contract before we can do that we can't just start immediately because then they won't um they won't fund so if they don't sign the contract until December if we moved in October they won't they won't reimburse us for October or November they only start from the moment that they signed so that's kind of the holdup there but we are in Q we keep asking to to kind of move up as quickly as possible but we're we're fully funded to double our Transit service size on freebie okay I I I'm definitely happy to hear that uh um you know when it comes to Transportation I think you know we we just have to take a holistic look at it um but um you know I don't want to see it pecem um whether it's adding or removing anything from our from our routes I I definitely prefer a holistic approach and um so for now we're good with that and um I'm happy to hear about what's happening with freebie as well so that's it for my comments at this time thank you thank you okay so um first of all I wanted to just say um to the manager great job putting everything together and I wanted to commend you made it um very easy to deal with everything and I know it was not easy to make it all happen so um so I just wanted to give you a couple um Kudos on that um the chamber was brought up um I was going to speak about before so I'll I'll make that disclosure right now and I want the attorney to pay attention in particular to this but um just so everybody knows I am the President of the north Maya Beach Chamber of Commerce and the um I do not get paid as the president of the chamber and um the only the only monies that come my way or indirectly my way is that in in my own businesses my um CFO and bookkeeper do spend some time working on the chamber books and there's a reimbursement that's paid from the chamber to one of my companies to um reimburse for the um payroll expense that's being used by my internal employees that keeps it less expensive than if we were have to hire um other accounting staff so I just wanted to first of all be clear for disclosure purposes for voting on budgets etc etc um and oh and by the way the funds that we use for that reimbursement are not City funds so um so Mr attorney I just want to make sure if there's anything I need to do I want to keep it out in the open well you made the disclosure mayor um my understanding from from what you said is you don't receive a salary or other compensation for the work you put in and there is a small reimbursement for some expenses but that is not done with the funds that the city gives to the chambers in view of those facts I would find that it's not a conflict of interest for you to vote on funds to go as they have traditionally gone to the North Miami Beach CH so excuse me so what funds is it done with I'm sorry what funds is he does the reimbursement come from my understanding from having spoken to the mayor is that other funds are raised by the chamber in addition to the money we we we get dues so do you have separate accounts like One bank account for the funds from that you raise and one at I mean at the end of the night if it's all going to one pot it's still yeah it's still one it's still coming out of that one pot it's not coming out of well but my understanding is that for accounting purposes that the chamber keeps those keeps separate records of what other funds it receives and the reimbursements are uh I believe from what I understand are credited uh and paid for with funds that are not the funds that are coming from the city right the the reimburse One bank account it's all One bank account so then at the end of the night still the reimbursement the reimbursements are um easily paid for by the dues and other income that the chamber brings in other than the city funds so um you know however you chop it up you know that's that's fine but um but again if there's any question about anything then you know let me know I I certainly want it to be completely out in the open so well in view of the question I do think it would be um as I believe you're doing but in case you're not you should even though it goes into one account you should keep it should be B books that demonstrate books that there are different funds and which the which source of funds is used for the reimbursement and that should be kept on the books like the city keeps different funds we don't necessarily have a different bank account for each fund but there is a separate record for each fund and certainly that should be done to show that it's not any City monies that are used even for that very small reimbursement okay I I will definitely um you know speak to our accounting team to make sure that they make those changes but um in the respect let's just say worst case scenario that there was not any specific showing of the different fun funds would there be anything that we would need to do in the overabundance of caution to make sure that there's no um appearances of any kind of issues the issue would be if City funds were being used to fund a reimbursement that went to your company that would be something that would possibly be viewed as a conflict and an abundance of caution at that point I would say you should recuse yourself from voting on that issue it's not that easy to do as a recusal when you have an overall budget it's not like there's a single item coming in front of you so considering the but how long has it well my question is microphone sorry sorry I just have one question and I don't know if we need to get an official opinion to to put certain things bed I don't know I don't know if you do but I just want to know how has this always been the case like this yeah yeah nothing I mean this has been you know we've been operating this way for years so nothing has changed since I've since I was elected changed though is now you're the mayor right but but also but the the even if even if he didn't have this position right the president of you know it the even if he wasn't the mayor and he was the president of the chamber he would his his company was receiving indirectly for accounting purposes right um funding right in that capacity right and he's not the mayor it's not an issue no no I'm no I'm I'm no I agree I just like I said um I don't know if there's something that needs to be officially done or if you can do it or what have you Joe I mean um City attorney um but just I I would say this I understand the question the question is is there a conflict of interest the standard for that is is there a benefit to an individual on the deis from funds that are City funds that are being funded to an organization it's that's kind of a yes or no question correct there either is a benefit to the individual from the city funds or there isn't corre in this case it appears to me that provided that the accounting records of the organization demonstrate that that small reimbursement it's not the amount of the reimbursement that's at issue here it's it's it either is or isn't again it's it's yes or no and if the counting records that are maintained demonstrate that that small reimbursement is being funded by sources that are other than the funds that are coming from the city then I believe it's not a conflict of interest because the city funds are not going to the benefit of an individual on the days okay so so here's the you know what the situ ation I don't want to get into is where um of course for the most part I've been in office for 20124 so I don't want to get into a situation where I go and um ask our accounting team to go ahead and and create that p forcation as you're talking about um and then come to find out for some reason that that was not doable and um so in in that particular case and and of um the abundance of of caution um I just would want to make sure that there is no way know how listen um I I I pour my heart and soul into that Chamber of Commerce um the amount of hours that I spend every week at that Chamber of Commerce is something that is a labor of love because um if I was to get paid for that it would be um way way way more than what the numbers in question are here however um I don't want to have a uh the last thing I want to do is put myself into a no good deed goes unpunished scenario okay so um based on that whatever the whatever we need to do out of an abundance of caution um I'm willing to do because I don't want to hear about this again so mayor I can't tell you that no one will question it I can give my opinion that's all we have as attorneys is our opinion I'm not a judge I'm not an Ethics commission I'm just an attorney and I have an opinion that's based on close to 45 years of practicing law uh my opinion is that if you are not benefiting directly or indirectly through a corporation from funds of the city that are being paid by the city for marketing to the North Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce as they have been for many years as Chris Joseph points out but what's changed is now the person who's the president is also the mayor that's the the thing that's new um it does not appear to me to constitute a conflict of interest or even an appearance of a conflict because if the fund if the the accounting records demonstrate that the funds given by the city are not in any way benefiting your corporation which would be otherwise an indirect benefit to you I don't see it as a conflict or an appearance of conflict you are privileged if you view it as an appearance of a conflict you could U abstain which is normally not permitted but it is something that is permitted where there is an appearance of conflict in the eye of the uh elected official um and and if you saw that I could not contradict you if you felt that it was that but normally if something were to come up that was a resolution to you know just make a donation or accept something you could simply refrain from that resolution but this is embedded in your budget and if you felt it was an appearance of a conflict not withstanding your disclosure and statement that the the small reimbursement does not come from City the only thing you could do would be to um therefore abstain from voting on the entire city budget you're privileged to do that but in my view which is a good faith view I don't believe that you have a conflict and it's not such an appearance of conflict as I think that's necessary but I I I couldn't stop you from abstaining and and recusing yourself on the entire city budget but under the circumstances I don't see that as necessary right okay yeah the the the only um issue of any concern is there's one bank account so all the funds go into one bank account so who is to say which dollar went to which anybody can question anything as far as that's concerned so under the under the what's that line um he gave it an opinion he gave an opinion so I understand what you're saying Mr Mayor um so he he gave you options and I want you to understand you have options right and as a good uh as a as as a train attorney and also someone that wants to give good advice and to you have to understand what your options are and not opening yourself to anything further depending on on how you're explaining yourself right because you've already explained okay how much money is involved no it doesn't matter doesn't matter legitimate question it's it's a legitimate question but is that is that it's not no it's not it's not dispositive but what is it May the you I'll just the the reimbursement amount is usually in the 3 to five 00 a month range a lot less than we pay a bookkeeper and an accountant so I mean I don't really see the issue um and actually the the amount is undervalued Mr Mayor when when it comes up again in the next budget you can also put your however you say what your feelings are and vote on the budget but let it be known that about your position and if you want to abstain from this because of but not complet because of this particular issue up until the next meeting you can you have that option as he pointed out right because there's enough of enough of us to have a quorum and to um and we have a vice mayor right there that can take the lead and move us forward right okay that' probably be the safest thing to do for tonight be the yes Mr if you decide to do that in the interim between now and final budget hearing I will try to inquire of the commission on ethics however um they're currently without an executive director I haven't heard that they've hired did a former um yeah they H from mik please I need to get from the from the um us attorney's office from attor office and they hired I was flat on my back no no no no no a lot of news no it's been a while it's it's been a while they issued it all right so you'll have an opportunity to do that between now and the next hearing that'd be great think so but i' I'd appreciate accuse yourself on this if you're going to do that right then at this point having declared that and you're entitled to if you view it as an appearance but for the remainder of the discussion you should absent yourself from the dates okay all right so the um so before I do that I wanted to just finish Chris um with some confusion regarding the chamber and I wanted to just kind of clear those things up um that that first of all the chamber um does the office that the chamber once did occupy um is now is now being occupied he's refusing himself in reference to this kind of element why is he continuing with that no no you you've already stated I I think um the best course would be to uh recuse yourself well let me say though if the if he was well I could sorry sorry C if speak into to the mic Please Mr um attorney I'm trying to Sir record if the mayor views it as a conflict as an appearance of conflict excuse me before leaving the deis he's entitled to explain the circumstances relating to his decision to recuse if it was any other discussion item I would say no but since it goes directly to the circumstances of the recusal to justify the decision to recuse because of a possible appearance I believe he's entitled to finish making his statement for the record before he recuses himself right okay all right so um so anyway the the first thing that I wanted to just clarify is that the what was once the Chamber of Commerce office is has not been used by the Chamber of Commerce for probably four years or so now um and several years ago the um pension Department Ronaldo and that team have been occupying that office and we have not used that office um in any real way maybe to receive mail or something like that but and the name is on the door which is a benefit to this city but for the purposes of the chamber we we're not receiving any use from that we're not re receiving cleaning services we're not receiving electrical we're not receiving anything from the city um in respect to the use of the building so that's the um that's the first thing the second thing I want to clarify um vice mayor is that um you mentioned that it was once $10,000 and it was it hasn't been $10,000 um Can for I for anything I can ever remember I voted on the 20 so I I all right well hasn't been that long that it hasn't been 20 all right even back in the days of of Ray Maron it was $2,000 and but I will tell you this um it was the the amount was 24 ,000 up till about um three years ago or so at that point um I know that commissioner Joseph made a um motion and and sees the value in the chamber sees the value of EV valuing the businesses that are in this community and he's the one who made the suggestion to Move It from 24,000 to 30,000 a year now other cities um surrounding us are are getting a subsidy from the city between 50 and 100,000 a year as a matter of fact North Miami even pays for the employee that um is the chamber um executive assistant or what have you so $330,000 is really um a pittance um compared to what other cities are getting now what's what the the real thing is is that um the chamber of Commerce is the greatest asset that this city delivers to the businesses in the city and I know that a lot of the things that we do as Commissioners are very resident Centric but we can never forget the fact that a large part of our tax base is the businesses and if if we don't take care of our businesses and try to help our businesses and move them forward Empower them and help bring bring them to the next level like the Chamber of Commerce specifically does then we're not doing our job as Commissioners by just ignoring these businesses so I I really would yes huh you gotes that conclude your statement I was I was just getting warmed up a little bit oh but I I I I have a question so you don't have the chamber doesn't keep any stuff in the in the office that's supposedly now the pensions office um we don't use it for anything is there could there be a file box left in there or something maybe but I don't think so because I I I was under the impression that there was still stuff in there there there there may be an old computer sitting under a desk somewhere but for all practical purposes it's never used so um all your files and no mail gets delivered there all your files all the F all the files are are at my offices all right so guys all right so all right no no no we're gonna may may is gonna recuse himself I recuse I go home or you need you may have other other business other than the budget at the end okay so I just need to recuse myself from the vote this vote vote all right so when so I don't know do that by stepping into the the anti room I can go in the audience yeah yeah I'll go in the audience you're not on that's not a problem and then just let me know when it's time to come back it'll be right after the let me let me correct myself you should not be in this room I will leave the room okay and then just make sure someone calls me when it's time to come back that if you went into the an room where the TV is on you can't you're allow to watch you're allowed to monitor but you should not be you should be beyond the door to this chamber wait wait wait before that happens I question that he is going to votee on the budget no no that's he was recruiting himself from from the whole budget yes because of this particular issue because it's inextricable yes if it was just the a single item to the chamber that would be very easy but that is not the this is inextricably in the budget so for at least for tonight for first reading till we can get a more formal ruling than City attorney yes ma'am could I ask you yes ma'am for the budget actual voting of the budget the next time can we remove just the chamber issue and make that a separate vote sure you could do that yes so could we do that tonight if I made a motion Ma I make a motion that we remove the chamber issue from the budget and vote on that separately do I get a second second all those in favor I any oppose okay so that's what we're going to do mayor impresses me always aren't you so thoughtful huh I don't think you were supposed to vote on I didn't okay so that now that the mayor is back I would like didn't vote on that motion mayor right so no that when we come to that the record the motion by the vice mayor it just for the record it would be better if there was a roll call okay okay the roll call so well before you call the rooll is there any discussion no go ahead Madam clerk commissioner floron yes commissioner Jean yes commissioner Joseph yes commission smuckler yes commissioner sherov yes vice mayor Smith absolutely and the mayor is Rec I'm recusing right yeah it passes 60 okay now okay now we can continue right now we're back to the buget the rest of the budget the remainder of the budget so you call the the vote for the all right I'm going to speak again all right want to speak again okay y we'll come right back to the one second so anyway I just want to make sure that there were no other Chamber of Commerce questions in any way shape or form so we C well I have a comment on the chamber I have a comment but I'll save it for my time okay all right mayor it would be out of order to consider this now oh okay I got you because that's not even part of this right at at the moment okay all right so anybody else have second round of comments I do go ahead okay so Mr manager I I made Four Points about the back to school about the hard Health walk about the chamber and about the Special Olympics and then I want to I did um commissioner Smith's point about the library are you going to be taking a a consensus on on on on on what everybody would like to do about this or is this something commissioner I'm not allowed to take a a poll on on where not maybe not a poll maybe that's not the right word but speak what we can do um if you have um um or if any commission commissioner has a budgetary amount that they have in their mind for an independent event um then that can be done if not what we can look at what was budgeted last year and try to find um that within the budget that we would reallocate within the budget for the same that was budgeted in fiscal year 24 and propose that at the second hearing and then you all can decide whether that's enough or if you want to allocate more and then we would have to find where where the additional would be let me make a quick can I make a quick comment to her to commissioner Smucker's Point give us a courtesy update of what you're removing because we had we had an initial meeting with you individually about just the collective and you gave us the binder but then we didn't know what you extracted so commissioner as as I mentioned um essentially the only thing within the budget that we have budgeted for events based on the comments that were made over the past several months with a moratorium on all events was keeping Monster Bash snowfest oh and and that's on in your presentation in your presentation as well um so Monster Bash snowfest uh veterans um C Veterans Day ceremony Memorial Day ceremony the summer school program and the police presence at the events the police department um has various events um as well um that cover not only their their Community um meetups but also pal um it has the domestic violence awareness uh 5K run golden ticket toy giveaway Teen Summit of gun violence National Night Out pal dance recital pal Thanksgiving turkey giveaway pal holiday party shop with a cop pal 8th Annual golf tournament coffee with a cop pack meetings and Club Law and Order for a total in of 27,000 um for the entire year library has various programs sorry to interrupt but that was not the question um for example the um commission for women heart health walk how do we know that you remove that ma'am the only ones that are budgeted right now that it's proposed are the ones that we've identified so the ask is if you can give us a list of those that were actually on the books prior so we can have a comparison yes ma'am it's it's on the agenda for next week um and has been part of the agenda for the past couple of months as well okay you have a calendar for that's been separated by um Department um events Library programming and um events that fall under mayor commission and advisory boards and and commissioner Smith I just want to say for the back to school what we've done for the last few years is we are not giving backpacks because so many other organizations are giving backpacks we've been giving school supplies right so just wanted to let you know okay commissioner Smule you're good yes okay okay so I'm going to make my four points under one umbrella because I'm going to be accused of keeping everybody because I always get to talk last so let me just say a few things that are very important to get out I wish there was $50,000 to give to the chamber this has nothing to do with the chamber um I can tell you 100% that I am in total disagreement about the trolley I've watched that trolley from Third Avenue and 163rd Street I've watched that trolley the trolley is imperative but North Miami Beach owns a trolley and for $600,000 a year we put people on the trolley during the day there are a few trolleys that are well worth it and that they should be fully funded but when I see that trolley empty and I see it empty and I see one person riding it and it cost us so much money we're better off to hand them the $25 and tell tell them to call a cab to go the four or six blocks in North Miami Beach so I think that the trolley needs an adjustment our manager said he could do with without One Trolley and he did not get a consensus he said to to eliminate it I said Put it on the agenda and let's vote on eliminating one trolley because that money could be well used when you have sat up here with me and the people that listen to this have listened to 5 months if we have no money we have no money well if we have no money the manager said to me quite clearly what do you want me to do this week when I said to him we need to do this he said should we cut CIP could we cut what we're planning on improving our city and my answer was if we have no money we have no choice if you need to fix your bathroom and you have no money you can't fix your bathroom so I just say that I got a message today from resident that said 50% of any new new money tax money from new projects should go back to the residents in a tax cut and I said no and he said why why can't you support this why can't you put it on the agenda for next year for your taxes any new money with new development 50% of it goes back to the residents with tax out I said no it's too much because we have no money we have to build back up the reserves build back up the CIP build back up what we need to build back up so and that comes under the chamber it's not the value of the chamber the value the businesses it's the value of the fact that we have no money we have to spread this money the best way we can sitting up here and I agree the businesses but don't forget the businesses have small business things from the city the businesses have cra the businesses even have County we want to give back to the business we want to do that but the most important thing is we want to balance a budget without going in debt and we want the residents to have the best quality of life that they can have so I bring this back up before we close this conversation because remember something we're not trying to hurt anybody up here that has an idea I concur with each one of my fellow Commissioners and the mayor when I say I hear you and you have valid points but I've been listening for 4 months and 5 months to the manager who says the same thing where am I getting the money so that's that's something that is sitting heavy on me while we finish this conversation before we come to the next one I don't know where we're getting the money but I do know that our residents have a right to have their Library open on the weekend and I wish everybody a good whoever side you're on I wish you a good debate motion to um oh move it sorry sorry sorry you I didn't adjourn I I was saying I was going to move the the the budget I'm moving to adopted budget okay all right no other have a second no other comment I got a second okay we got the motion the a second okay all right like to call so we need a now now just to be clear on what we're voting on here we're voting on the budget this item without the chamber we're going to come back and do the chamber again next okay you'll get an opinion roll call please commissioner Jean yes commissioner Joseph yes commissioner smuckler yes commissioner shernoff yes commissioner floron yes vice mayor Smith no mayor Piper yes passes 61 okay motion to adjourn second wait we have to vote on the we have to vote on the chamber but oh yeah huh yeah we do we have tog we have to vote on the chamber all right recuse yourself I'll recuse myself I'm going to leave it with the vice mayor and then um I'll be back for the adjourn and is the proposal for the chamber 30,000 Mr manager yeah how much is it it's it's remaining flat from year-over-year at 30 thank you I think I can start with the clerk to ask the clerk to please if there's anybody from the audience that wants to speak on this subject of the chamber I see no one anybody up here wanted to have a discussion on the motion chamber he he just did [Laughter] that lindu Reef Club um I I have experien going to the chamber several times I think it's a very beneficial environment for all the businesses in North Miami Beach albeit like there are you know some very educational and like business building exercises and luns with great speakers there um I wouldn't consider it like completely cutting it out but maybe if you wanted to reduce it or you know within reason or you'd like to pass it for another year and revise the actual spend expenditures because I understand that there was some non-splitting accounts everything is kind of intermingled so maybe that might be an option for you that's just my comment on the Chamber of Commerce I'd still like to keep it because I think that Aventura has one Sunny Isles you know I mean aventur has too so uh with that said like I think that if we don't have anything to bring our businesses together like they will not have a place to congregate and actually feed off each other and help each other out or even like pass on like great advice on grants or loans or you know discussions with that sort remember that our Economic Development only meant for the first time with our business owners like this month or last month um that is you know that's very few and far between with the chamber they have that access to access other business owners so I hope you'll consider keeping it for this year and maybe revising it for next year thank you anybody else from the [Music] public myar is on I'm glad commissioner Fortuna smuckler brought it up and and we clarified it the mayor clarified that the um they were not taking a free ride uh there's another um another building that we rent renting out $10 a year for is that fully utilized is the building fully utilized it's behind the fire station and it's supposed to be helping those that um that is ill that do not have insurance are we fully utilizing that seeing that you were pring progan and the the Chamber of Commerce you can also look into that because um we have several buildings around the the city that is not being used we were promised the senior center and um that fell flat in its face I heard it is going to be sold we have the um the the other building up the road that we bought from that lawyer that was uh once a commissioner over uh council member over at North Miami we bought that building what happened with that building what are we using it for I mean we're talking about business we're talking about Commerce and we have buildings just laying there rotting away not doing anything and I do not know if it's a personal thing with um the commissioner and the mayor for her to bring that up but I'm glad it was brought up because I'm I'm bringing up also the two dormant buildings I'm already a senior I need to exercise and use you know the senior facilities that we have here not sell it buy it pay for it pay off more more of whatever you have because all of us seem to be seniors up here and we need we we need to speak out more for those that don't have a voice the kids and the seniors thank you very much for the library but I also believe that we can't spend $2 million in the library and then give it away after like how we did the water plant and the sanitation we gave you a lot of free equipment to that vendor so thank you for having me any more yes discussion from the public the next okay the public discussion is closed motion to did anybody have a comment to make about this so we're voting to approve 30,000 whatever you want to say you could make a motion to make it less you could whatever you want to say I mean I'll make a motion to make it 20,000 do there is there a second to that I'll second it for discussion why why is the motion to decrease it again from 30 to 20 I'm sorry why is the suggestion to decrease it commission I just move to he's asking you why you're reducing the amount because that's a lot of money to be giving we're we're trying to cut the budget not spend you know we're trying to cut budget no I was just asking your logic that's all I just wanted to know what what your logic was behind the the 20 thank you I mean I I just threw 20 out there I'm open for other numbers more or less well here's uh excuse me commissioner shof asked to speak for a minute for Mr okay I'm not for the motion I think we should leave it at the 30,000 the reason for it is that how do we know what that 30,000 represents to that chamber right now we're V to we could be voting for The demise of the chamber by reducing it by $10,000 we don't know that so I think it's only fair to keep it what it is and have a discussion with the chamber and find out what they really need but I wouldn't make any motion to defeat anything right now commissioner Joseph I concur um I don't know if um commissioner smucker could reconsider and have I guess leave it up to the next meeting uh to have a you know more information on on actually coming to an exact amount as opposed to as you pointed out you said you could it could be up or it could be down you just mentioned that just now so it's proposed that this amount it could change depending on what inform whatever information you get between now and two weeks from now well it would be nice to see what what money they how they spend it and what they need I would like to get an audit I have no problem with that just to get clarification okay I so did I make a motion no you just re I just okay so so then I don't have to and then you can make a motion to no are you removing are you removing your motion I'll remove my second I I'm removing my motion but I making a motion that we need to get some type of a an audit to um be able to vote on this in the first place second yeah Mr attorney we have a motion on the table that they want inform more information about how the chamber spends the money and what the money would mean to the chamber in reference to them continuing with their programs does that come under now does the manager get that information for us because the chamber head is also the mayor you you don't need a motion to ask for more information you simply ask for more information the motion is to set uh an amount um to assist the body in uh voting on that at final hearing not tonight because you're obviously not going to have the inote tonight but to assist the body in voting on that at final hearing you can simply request that more information be furnished uh the manager can certainly get that since it's part of the budget although it's it's severed from it but it is still an expenditure of City funds and the manager certainly you know can hear in request of the the chamber um and I suspect that the chamber's president is also hearing the request and that information can be furnished and when it comes before you at final budget hearing you then get to determine whether or not you've gotten enough information and you're satisfied with it so you don't need a motion to request you've just requested the information and if the justification is given and you find it sufficient then you can vote for whatever amount you then deem appropriate at your next yearing so you withdraw your motion that's not necessary and you withdraw your second no um no what I'm asking is for her to amend her motion prop as as what you just presented right we're we're we're agreeing to the Mount but we're ask we're requesting additional information and informative an AIT in regards to the chambers um um justify justify the the budget just to clarify voting or or more or less or you want to do Mr Mr attorney just to clarify and and commissioner um I don't think we can force the chamber to provide an audit oh no but a rationale for the amount being requested and and how they use your funds I think is inappropriate but the word audit is very specific to to meeting certain Financial criterias and I don't I don't know that the best form of information to justify and I it because because you could I know the intent I just want to clarify because of the word audit is very could get in two weeks anyway right I'm not asking for the accounting practices I'm just I'm just trying to satisfy my colleagues U um standpoint and for us to get the Sha rope I I understand well I'm going to recognize commissioner foran go ahead thank you um this item doesn't need two votes right um being that it's we we've we're voting on it separately from the budget is it requiring two votes or only one vote two to be consistent I would take the two votes but candidly you could the gentleman is saying excuse me sir I'm not hearing anything you're saying sir you're not sorry about that sir but I think I'm being loud I'm not the mic I'm not arguing anymore continue is this better sir is your sound level okay much better thank you you wouldn't have to vote on this as part of your budget at all you could leave it out of your budget you could come to your first October meeting and you could vote to um amend your budget to have an allocation to the chamber so is it absolutely required that you take two votes on this um it's a little bit of an unusual circumstance I would say in an abundance of caution that you would you're here vote it's in front of you vote on it and ratify it at your next meeting as as if it were part of the budget and better to take an unnecessary step than to skip what someone might later determine to be a necessary step okay thank you Mr attorney all right um anybody else have any more statements to make let's call the okay now let's hear what the motion is Please Mr attorney the motion on the table as I understood it the motion was to fix an amount to vote to the Chamber of Commerce and the Le I'm not sure if I heard the last number the only number I heard was 20 is that the number no no we're agreeing to the what was The Proposal agreeing to 30 for now yes we're agreeing to 30 but we also need some type of financial statements from the chamber to see where the money's going what they're receiving and what the money you've requested additional information uh the point is that if you vote now um since this is still first reading and again as I said to be consistent because it is if not a technical part of the budget having been severed I think it may still be a technical part of the budget but at least it is in the nature of budget you have nonetheless it is going to come before you at final hearing is a separate item uh by which time hopefully we'll have a uh at least some kind of a ruling if not a formal at least an informal ethics spion uh and at that time you can amend the amount that you choose to vote based on anything including the degree and uh satisfactory I'm not sure that's a word of the information that you receive and you can determine whether it is sufficient and you may vote at final hearing any amount provided that if you voted to increase the amount there would have to be either a separate cut or some additional Revenue Source because you still have to have a balance bu right thank you Mr manager could you please see that we have that information when we get our prior to the budget so we can study it we'll make their request tomorrow morning thank you um anybody have anything else or I would like the clerk to give a roll call for the vote we are voting on $30,000 for the chamber with the understanding that prior to the second vote they will bring us a fin fincial analysis of how the city money is spent and an Ethics being an informal or otherwise yes I don't want to use the word at all audit is that what you said no no no no I didn't say no I didn't say audit um I said informal ethics opinion or otherwise that was a roll call please commissioner Joseph yes commissioner smuckler yes commissioner shernoff yes commissioner floron yes commissioner Jean yes Vice mayor Smith yes passes 60 motion Mr Mayor please come back in um Madam Vice Madam vice mayor I just want to be recorded on 2.1 as a yes if possible on 2.1 just wanted to put that on the record yes okay you're you're privileged to do that thank you all right so we can move you to ask the clerk but you have to tell the clerk how you wish to be recorded I wish to be recorded as yes 2.1 thank you motion to adjourn second all in FA oh sorry sorry all right motion to adjourn yeah he made the motion second we we made it okay all right perfect we're adjourned thank you guys and we're early