um City meeting tonight um Madame clerk can we have roll call please a call to order 7:04 p.m. mayor desl vice mayor EST Irvin present councilman Galvin here councilwoman Timothy here councilman Charles presid vice mayor you have a quum to proceed thank you and can we stand up for the the Pledge of Allegiance which will be led by assistant chief Ramos Carter flag United States of America the it stands Na indiv and justice for all thank you and can we have Pastor Cheryl sour for the invocation Hallelujah Heavenly Father we come to you Lord of lords King of Kings Lord of All Nations and we just welcome and honor your presence with us in this Council chamber tonight we thank you Lord that we can celebrate Black History Month and that every decision every uh agenda that is brought for the council tonight we just ask that you would bless it with your wisdom and guidance in the mighty name of Jesus amen amen amen all right Mr attorney is the agenda set are there any addition soltion the only one hurricane preparedness uh number seven we won't do because we're not in the hurricane season so the agenda is set you may proceed vice mayor thank you um and now we'll have a special presentation we going to do the unveiling first you good evening everyone um my name is Georgette spratling I am the library manager for North Miami Public Library as well as as the uh chairwoman for the Black History Month committee for the city um before we move forward I want to go ahead and acknowledge the Black History Month committee if you are here can you please stand am I loud enough can you hear me okay stand stand stand yay that's my committee y'all okay um so back in January we put out a call for kids ages 6 to 13 for a Black History Month poster contest and the winners of that contest would win a photography session with world renowned photographers creative Soul photography um the poster contest was entitled The me I choose to be for my black history where the children were uh prompt to create a photo or a self self-portrait um of who they are or who they choose to be um to represent themselves and the winners are here today if the winners can come and stand next to me we have Miss Zuri and Miss Ivanka so one of the requirements for the poster contest was also to write a narrative of what exactly it was that they created so what they're going to do now is go ahead and read what they wrote yes hi my name is zui copelan I'm 10 years old and I go to k Academy this poster is an interpretation of what black history means to me the drum and music notes reminded me of my love for piano the tree shall grow than a hair body and how we evolve over time our black people what inspire me to draw the outline of Africa I drew a clock calendar in 365 to represent that we are greater than just 28 days in February my Afro displays strength Beauty and uniqueness the shoes represent walking in our ancestors footsteps the celebration of black history is a period of reflection for the Trailblazers that have paved the way I celebrate qu with my family every year the sports images represent my love for the game and how I appreciate our people for breaking barriers I am black and beautiful and so much more these are just some things that reminding me of my black history my life history has taught me to dream [Applause] big hi my name is Ivanka Lazar I'm 7 years old and I'm in first grade and my the name of my school is Natural Bridge Elementary School o Natural Bridge the meat I chose to be from my black history this poster is inspired by me it is a representation of my beautiful self my curly hair represent freedom and strength my big eyes that sees the world as a beautiful place my rosy lips that creates a glowing smile also my hair and body accessories are a huge part of my personality and [Applause] culture um so on February 1st at our kickoff that first just a video recap of the creation [Music] of [Music] n so tonight um we're going to go ahead and reveal uh their photo that they took one of the photos that they took for their um photo session which they will be able to take home with them um however they can't take it home until March 1st um the two photos along with the exhibition that we have up at the library now uh will be on display until the end of the month for those who of you who have not seen it please come by the pictures are beautiful very Immaculate immaculately done um just as much as their theirs are so if you are wild by what you're going to see tonight then definitely make sure you come by the library to see the additional photos um before we move on I want to thank our sponsors uh the friends of the north Miami Public Library if you please stand thank you for always telling me yes um also we wanted to um give these two young ladies a reward on behalf of the Black History Month committee so these gifts are just a token um of the work that you've done and to keep going um it's a set with a couple of different art uh mediums color pencils paint so they can continue on with their [Applause] artwork okay are we ready for the reveal Stephen let's go am I going to say 1 two 3 or we're going to say Ready set go what are we going to do okay wait let's let's do pictures yes the whole thing oh you just um just just take the photo off [Music] we're waiting for Stephen okay okay we ready on three together on three one two 3 aren't they so [Applause] beautiful so this is everybody except me and Paul's first time seeing the photo in person including our [Applause] winners miss copelan and miss parents hold Miss copelan and Mr and Mrs lazir you guys want to come [Music] up uh phot can I have [Applause] everyone so again I want to thank the friends of the north Miami Public Library the staff of the library for helping put the um the kickoff together as well as collective Sisterhood who donated U door prizes for the event Black History Month committee could you please come up here yes stand up all right yes vice mayor would like you to be in the picture me one more thank you if we could have the friends of the library come up as well come on ladies come on it's okay everybody herebody than you wish okay and now we'll have the presentation for the alleyway initiative by neighborhood service department all right you know I I was hoping I didn't have to present after the two young ladies cuz they sounded a heck of a lot more confident than I'm about to right now even though that I'm pretty confident with our plan so esteemed mayor council members and beloved residents of North Miami as the Director in the city of North Miami and a devouted and devoted public servant I'm excited to discuss the alley initiative process and progress this Innovative project will transform our alleys into vibrant and functional spaces demonstrating our commitment to improving urban life okay I'm grateful to serve this Compu this community and work with a team like family we're a very Clos lit uh close-knit uh Department uh the changes that have taken place have been very beneficial and we're tackling projects like this on the daily such as the alleys it's an honor to introduce Mr Jose Perez he is our Code Compliance neighbor excuse me our neighborhood services department uh manager and part of our team his contributions to the project are going to be vital in revitalizing North Miami's Alleyways together we bu we we aim to build an inclusive and informed Community uh I'm going to go ahead and I don't want to steal any of the Thunder From Mr Paris because this is something that we've worked back from last year as a matter of fact it was one of the first projects that we did was to tackle this question of the Alleyways so we're going to have uh Mr Jose Perez continue with the project and with the specifics enclosed and attached for you was the booklet that we have that actually outlines the complete project and also the most condensed uh more condensed version now in explaining the progress thank you very much Jose thank you LZ on those very kind words uh good evening everyone my name is Jose Perez as last mentioned I am the manager for the neighborhood service department and today we're introducing our alleyway initiative uh program that we have piloted last year um and I'll give you some brief overview and information uh so basically some background issue uh the city identified the problem in the Alleyways um of of the overgrowth in essence we had a lot of Alleyways that were overgrown and they had uh pretty much inhibited the access uh to not only emergency vehicles but also utility vehicles in order to restore service services that are really essential uh especially after hurricanes um which is vital when you have a resident that doesn't have power we want to make sure we are able and enabling the utility companies to restore power and allow them to obtain that power that's very vital um so last year in the fiscal year 22 2023 NSD launched a uh pilot program and we took $4,000 and we addressed several Alleyways and those alleyways were cleared and it allowed access not only to emergency vehicles but also utility vehicles as mentioned uh here we have in the bottom right corner a quick demonstration of what's not allowed um and and basically it's the overgrowth and The Dumping of the trash and debris in the outside of the rear Alleyway into the r of way so we're going to talk about the fiscal impact for the 2023 2024 fiscal year we were having an allocated budget of $50,000 that we used using to address the Alleyways across all the districts in North Miami uh and we hope to clear 50 Alleyways by the end of this project and we hope to use this as an initiative to push and possibly keep going every year our action plan basically started last year when we piloted the program and right now what we're at is the uh final stages of implementation we will begin Distributing materials to not only the residents uh but the community around to let them know that the Project's going to happen we're going to go ahead and give them a two weeks notice in advance to let them know that the Alleyways will be serviced by our selected vendor uh which was selected through the uh bidding process and we hope that by the end of March we're at a halfway point of those 50 Alleyways and we would have completion by June 2024 and with that I'm going to go ahead and uh pass the baton to the development services department director Miss Debbie love thank you Jose good evening for the record Debbie Love uh development services uh director and I'm really excited about being a part of this conversation about the alleys as you all know and over the years we've done a lot of Master planning and almost every single master plan that we've developed over time has incorporated and talked about the best way of using the Alleyways for various purposes alleys really are um not just to be able to move trash trucks through and uh vehicles through it's actually can be an environmental uh economic revitalization um and also a make a positive contribution toward the health and wellness of our residents and I'll talk about that in a moment for example in the downtown Master planet we talked about Alleyways AB budding the restaurants opening them up for seating for eating um and uh also maybe thinking about how to use the residential Alleyways for health and wellness one of the first things that we want to talk about a little bit is about creating a safe um pedestrian and bike access to the major corridors this is another reason to take a look at all of our Alleyways and study them is because uh as many of you know we're going to be starting our Mobility uh plan and fee study uh We've it's just gone underway and the plan will potentially um include Innovative projects such as green alleys and I'm going to tell you a bit about that in a moment um but not only serve as safe passageways to the major corridors um for bicyclists and pedestrians who live in the area but also provide just general better utilization for the residents the activation of an alley in the downtown for example we've studied studied this a number of times um and thought about it in depth and have brought ideas to you through the master plans it could be uh as minimal as adding sturdy picnic benches and uh umbrellas um to completely redesigning the space for storm water protection art installations and shade structures along with Native landscaping for example Liberty Gardens was uh initially envisioned to accommodate outdoor dining along with the public gathering experience and all anchored by that beautiful large augmented reality mural another important element for Alleyways is to think about how to Foster The Last First and Last Mile connectivity to the transit stops um as you know to be successful as a Transit Hub whether it's a bus stop or a train station getting people safely there and back uh is absolutely absolutely Paramount to the success of any sort of Transit uh planning so um the use of upgraded alleys could uh provide better pedestrian and uh bike infrastructure that can can definitely enhance the public safety getting back and forth to these Transit hubs this is my one of the favorite things I wanted to talk briefly about I'm trying to keep this very short but I'm very passionate about green alley programs that's a evolutionary approach in urban planning now that is completely redefining cities across the United States is taking those public spaces and utilizing them more for more than just vehicle use and garbage can storage and dumpster storage um and it really involves uh looking at the environmental the health economic and social benefits as well depending upon the motivations of those that are spearheading the project I'm going to talk to you a bit about that um um and they are tailored individually to a community's needs a neighborhood's needs and desires and the projects specific unique characteristics that have been decided to go and utilize the alleyway so as we Face the issues that we have here in the city and throughout South Florida of storm water runoff green alleys are an absolute um essential and critical piece of infrastructure in general and um for example um it can transform them into places that not only beautify the city but actually mitigate storm water runoff they are they incorporate permeable Pavements they incorporate that allow the waters to seep through and um instead of getting those flooding puddles that you see in a lot of our Alleyways it absorbs it becomes an more of an absorbent landscape uh and it really reduces the urban heat island effect because all of that concrete when you do use asphalt of course that's heat and it is imperme impermeable and of course that's why we get a lot of the flooding on the streets and in those Pockets where they are bumpy in through those Alleyways so this uh several cities around the United States have successfully implemented these green alley Programs Chicago is the the grandfather of this they have taken their um numerous they have lots and lots of alleys and they've con uh converted them into sustainable functional spaces alleys are also important land resource that can TR be transformed into a userfriendly green space that promotes physical activity that's what I was telling you earlier about the health promoting Health and Wellness in our community and a network of alleys in a residential neighborhood can function as a fitness path um to encourage walking cycling Recreation and exercise for the the residents in that surrounding area uh it can also serve as a need not otherwise met by existing Parks uh we all know that a lot of areas in the city really have a d of green open space and park space the some Alleyways can be converted to encourage uh children uh for outdoor play adjacent to their homes and Residences so green as I said to you earlier these green alleyways need to be um done in conjunction with the residents and uh personalize and individualize for what the unique neighborhood desires for example one um as the the picture before showed you it was a place for exercise and outdoor play another neighborhood just may want to utilize it to move people and bicycles through the path and keep them low speed and you know not to utilize for play some green Alleyway programs um really do Foster um a sense of community as the residents get together along with the businesses and Community organizations to contribute to the planning the implementation and the maintenance um and so it not only strengthens the physical uh aspects of the city but also creates better and stronger Community bonds as I said to you before Alleyways were typically used um post World War II in cities to deliver milk and coal delivery and vehicle access to the backyards of uh properties today it's still generally used for vehicle access and including deliveries and garbage pickup but many suffer from flooding as Laz and his team have discovered and they really have become ignored or they're feared for being locations for I say illicit activities um refuge and illegal dumping so communities Across the Nation have beginning to examine how such an abundant infrastructure element such as our Alleyways could be transformed from that to realize more Community benefits and lastly some really great examples I mentioned to you Chicago's green alleys that they focus primarily on Green Space and storm water abatement Seattle and we are proposing to use activities in the downtown and um to use these Alleyways for that purpose uh Los Angeles has a and this picture is actually from Los Angeles um a revitalized commercial alley wood alley in the Hollywood Entertainment District just think of the downtown and think of how um with very little money we can actually convert these to not only um storm water as you can see on the leftand side but also events uh popup events farmers markets things like that so these programs and projects among many others have uh uh from these cities have clearly expanded upon the the trash receptacle and Municipal Service delivery functions of alleys and have capitalized on their multifunctional POS potential and we and um development services will be coming to you at some point to to talk about studying these further studying these ways for these potential uses and that's the end of my ort of the presentation thank you very much mayor council members and residents that will conclude our presentation thank you so much Mr Lazaro and miss love um M yes sir couple quick questions U the the aspirational things that you showed there at the end of how Alleyways could look that you're that that's aspirational that's not part of what's funded or part of what's happening right now residents who are looking at this right now shouldn't be like wow my alley is about to really pop no no no no right now we're we're cleaning it up we're we're um surveying all the Alleyways as you recall um councilman smiy had asked us to do a presentation back in May as to the situation of the Alleyways and so on and come back with recommendations so staff have brought up some initiatives to start cleaning up some of these Alleyways with the budget that we have and um with Debbie's experience erience in repurposing and you know with with the whole um what she was saying flood mitigation and so on we're going to be working on some initiatives and applying for grants that cover those additionally there was also a process about um sometimes if we want to um what do you say like give up the alleyway to a developer so um you know Debb's working on that as well but we just wanted to give you an update from May as to show you like what staff's working on and as we clean out these Alleyways I can Envision people driving looking for illegal places to dump are going to go wow thank God they got rid of all that junk that was there cuz now I can put my junk in there now are we prepared to like super maintain these so it doesn't just revert within six months through you manager yes well the plan in place is because of the staff and the funding and how what's transpired fiscally for us we're able to man these alleys a little better we went from having five inspectors and with the good Minds in our city we have more inspectors now as part of their dut I we do plan a some sort of log where we would be able to maintain the work that's done part of it is going to be educating the residents and going out there we've already started this process uh and it we want to make sure that they're informed of what it is that we're doing so that we can continue to monitor prior to this we didn't have that ability and now we're taking advantage of smaller areas for the inspectors and a mobile a more Boutique service to all the residents of North Miami and additionally we do have um cameras that they have been using throughout um to deter um illegal dumping and so on thank you thank you thank you any other questions yes just wanted to say thank you for following up I know this has been a long long time coming um to see what we can do as a as it relates to some of the Alleyways here in our city so definitely wanted to thank you all for that um and some of the like like councilman Galvin stated like some of the pictures are very pretty so we don't want to give a misconception but when I guess for next funding year we want to make sure that we have like an actual number for some of these um these allo and which one can you know sustain a you know like a the garden like you mentioned so so um to support what you were saying like um when I was asking about Paving an Alleyway um the other day in public work says the estimated cost is about $60,000 for a full Paving now if you were able to repurpose it for one and so if you were to repurpose that money for um how do you say it that be the um the urban no storm water um mitigation perme thank you permeable as opposed to just putting it down in concrete we're already starting the process so this is part of the initiative we want you to be aware of it because you know slowly and with the grants that we're going to be applying for we intend to you know Target those things yeah and definitely want to know what the plan is if we are planning to abandon an Alleyway to a developer definitely want to know what that process is going to look like because I know there was conversations about that yeah um thank you um councilwoman Timothy you mentioned something about giving oh rep rep person doing what repurposing the Alleyways to developers or no no no right now they can already put in an application and request to um abandon the alleyway so that that was the what we were talking about the one by the Scott Galvin Center yeah that one yes does that you already have that in your someone had requested one and they came to us they come to us right yes yeah and I was just kind of like I don't know what I don't know who's in favor of giving anything to know how much okay any um councilman yes good go ahead um thank you very much just want to say um thank you to staff for this um presentation and um as you know uh clean up the Alleyways is one of the things that I have um prioritized and worked on we had um ride along uh um i s Li and we checked out the ones not only west of uh Northwest 7th Avenue but also east of um I95 and see how we can um not only clean them up and but uh activate them and make sure that what we the scene that we have now is not what we're going to have six month or about a year from now and to that point last year in our city budget um I um ask and I get $55,000 I was put in the budget for the cleanup of uh the Alleyways in um District 4 and I am so happy to see that um to hear that with 50 $50,000 we can clean so many of them I think that's going to that's going to help out because as we speak now I have a $55,000 sitting in the budget for um district for Alleyways and um L I just want to say thank you and um also to that point I also want to say um thank you to the north Miami CR and uh I believe just uh before we have this presentation in here since um last Wednesday if you uh drive by uh on the west side of um District 4 um west of uh Northwest 16th Avenue uh we started the clean up of all them Alleyways and it has been a lot of work in the um work work from uh um 7 to um 7 and now they are in between 1 129 the AL was in 1 129 in 13th Street it is uh not only going to bring um Beauty to the city but also it is a safety concern from um what a lot of residents uh have been saying and I have that that conversation so um I do believe this is a great start and um I love it we need to clean them up and also activity those Alleyways so that we don't have that scene again 10 years 15 years from now in the um city of North Miami so I just want to say thank you and um I think uh after this presentation I going to have another conversation because with that $55,000 I think uh and plus what I'm doing now in District 4 so we should be able to clean up most of the Alleyways in District 4 and I just want to say thank you and I am so happy and this is something that has been long overdo and this is a conversation that we are going to continue with um the city deserve it and staff I am so grateful that you undertaking this fight thank you very much may I ask to Madam manager that would somebody email me that presentation so I can put it on my social media Vice may we good no thank you so much for the presentation I'm I'm I'm just very excited that you know we're cleaning up our alleys but more important importantly the education part I I just because a lot of people a lot of um constituents are not realizing that it's also their responsibility to clean it up and so I'm happy that we're taking that ini initiative to clean it up first and then educate them on cleaning it up as well so thank you for the presentation my pleasure thank you so much again Mr lazro and miss love um for those who don't know we used to when we used to um I guess do our own garbage um collection that's where the garbage truck our city garbage truck used to grow these Alleyways so they usually used to keep up with the you know from the residents um this was what it's got 20 years ago we used to have it very yeah pretty much active so thank you thank you so much and now we are ready for City announcements um is it I'd like to um little personal privilege to welcome back Miss unisa Baker our communication D although Savannah will be doing the announcements but I just wanted to say that Baker at least Baker is back welcome back to the family she used to be a council woman huh hi you niia awesome Miss Smith it's all yours and mayor for the record as of 7:25 p.m. you are present thank you thank you Madame Clerk good evening mayor council staff North Miami neighbors and guests my name is Savannah Smith and I'm presenting the following announcements on behalf of the city of North Miami are you concerned about spending speeding and cut through traffic in your neighborhood do you want to make your street safer for pedestrians cyclists and children the city of North Miami is conducting a comprehensive study to identify and address operational issues related to cut through and spring traffic in our city please take a few minutes to share your comments and suggestions by scanning the QR code or visiting our website join us at the North Miami public library on February 14th at 12:30 p.m. for an enriching Black History Month lunch and learn book talk engage with our esteemed speaker as we delve into the depths of black history and culture RSVP Now by scanning the QR code complimentary lunch provided for registered guests the city of North Miami leaders and training or lit program is designed to develop our City's next generation of public servants through higher education preparation career Readiness and enhanced understanding of local cfic processes the application deadline is Friday February 16th 2024 for more information visit www.north or contact 305 893 6511 extension 20,000 join us for an unforgettable evening of poetic Brilliance and cultural celebration at African prospective poetry and Pros featuring The incomparable M baruka on Sunday February 18th from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Scott galin Community Center celebrate the profound impact of African and black artists through mesmerizing performances and thought-provoking poetry see you there join councilwoman Cassandra Timothy for a month-long commemoration of random acts of kindness more than 600 seniors in North Miami need your kindness donations are accepted now through Friday February 23rd 2024 for at three locations North Miami city hall North Miami Police Department and the north Miami Public Library join us for the mayor's conversation series featuring Miami based artist Trina on Friday February 22nd 2024 at 11: a.m. at the Scott Galvin community center this conversation will focus on celebrating 50 Years of Hip Hop and the impact it has on our community to RSVP please visit 2024 the conversation. space is limited join us for our annual Unforgettable evening of honors as we celebrate the dedication and achievements of residents pioneers and leaders in our community let's come together to recognize their hard work and contributions to our Vibrant Community you're cordially invited to be a part of this special evening on Friday February 23rd 2024 filled with inspiration recognition and appreciation get ready for a night of smooth Jazz Vibes with Arch on the road featuring Nadira Naima and Jazz at mocha join us on Friday February 23rd 2024 for an unforgettable evening seating starts at 7:00 p.m. and the concert kicks off at 8:00 p.m. don't miss out on this incredible musical experience on Mocha Plaza don't miss North Miami's biggest weekend to happen in our city the Nomi Music Festival will take place on Saturday February 24th 2024 at Kagney park it surely will be an Unforgettable night featuring live performances a DJ spinning your favorite old school hits food and Friends gathered under the stars of North Miami use discount code n me14 to receive 14% off to celebrate Valentine's Day for more information and to purchase tickets visit join us as we honor Black History Month with with an electrifying block party and talent show at the North Miami public library on Thursday February 29th 2024 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. celebrate the richness of Black Culture through music dance poetry and more sign up to be a part of the talent show in person at the North Miami public library or register online by scanning the QR code we have an exciting opportunity to showcase our beautiful city in the 20124 to 2025 Florida city and county management association directory photo cont contest cast your vote for the city of North Miami's photo today let us show our unwavering support for our beautiful city through this Collective effort vot online at photo- contest by Monday February 26th 2024 want the opportunity to receive up to $5,000 for small business technology improvements apply Now by visiting www.north smartbiz grant for more information please contact the economic development department at 305 893 6511 extension 1 19052 please note the city of North Miami offices are closed on Monday February 19th 2024 in observance of President's Day to stay up to date with noi news and events log on to North miam's website at www.north click on click on connect with Nomi on the homepage to sign up for the city's newsletters also follow us on Facebook and Instagram at North and on Twitter at Nom news this concludes my city announcements thank you Miss Miss SM thank you so much did we fix the um the website address for the um the fccma it was wrong in the flyer and somebody had commented on councilman galvin's page and it was um I think we had M FCC aam or something like that it's been fixed now to photocontest it's f okay yeah F yeah okay thank you for the notation no problem thank you thank you so much um and that's basically it we are ready for any there's no hurricane preparedness okay that's over um appointments Madam clerk yes we have four board appointments uh one for each of the following Board of adjustment downtown action plan advisory committee flood plane management planning committee and the north Miami Parks and Recreation Commission can I make a motion to approve them all as a group second second all in favor I any opposed motion carries with a 5- z vote thank you consent agenda and F the record the appointments are for lumana Joseph to the board of adjustment by mayor desel Clifford Williams to the dtown action plan advisory committee by councilwoman Timothy David Bernie to the flood plane management planning committee as an atlarge appointment and Armando sto to the north Miami Parks and Recreation Commission by uh councilman Galvin um who made that the um the flood advisory committee was that just general the flood plane committee I think that was that is EXC is that me that was you yeah because I think a member of the chamber has to sit on that no no no I know no I just said to cuz she list all the others I just wanted to know do do we have any vacancy Madam clerk I can check okay all right thank you except for which one oh okay consent agenda okay so you don't want the vacancies oh you going going to tell us now check you could tell us later that that that's fine thank you we're trying to get out of here in a hurry consent agenda unless a member of the city council wishes to remove a specific item from this portion of the agenda tabs a through e constitute the consent agenda these resolutions and items are self-explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion these items will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions adopted unanimously by the following motion that the consent agenda compris of tabs a through e be adopted so move second I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the consent agenda the motion was seconded by councilman Galvin all in favor I any opposed motion carries with a 5 Z vote um f tab f a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida providing for assignment of the community housing development organization chdo agreement between the city of North Miami and Reva Development Corporation for the development of a property located at 1046 Northeast 128th Street for the construction of elderly housing project to Sunshine State development of South Florida Inc to provide for the completion of the project further authorizing the city manager and City attorney to do all things necessary to effectuate the assignment of the development project to Sunshine State development of South Florida Inc providing for an effective date and all other purposes tab F thank you thank I'm sorry thank you very much um public hearing is open on top f um before that Madame manager any um presentation on the item or we good council member I have a few things to say okay I don't know if we want Miss Linda Harris to to present as well but um just wanted to say um that noi La apartment is a five unit affordable housing um project in District 2 um it received funding from TD Bank the CRA um and after attending the topping off ceremony the developer ran into a picko and lost the funding to complete the project um the project manager um Linda Harris who has been there from the Inception has agreed to take on the project and bring it into completion and while and also while in uh maintaining the affordability clause which I appreciate um just want to thank Linda and her her team for working with it with working with me and working with the CRA and everyone to get this project to completion um every single day I get residents who are like when is this project going to be completed um we had the groundbreaking we had the topping off ceremony and it's it's about completed but just just need to get over the hump so had to make a couple of changes in order to get the project completed okay Miss Harris how are you I'm wonderful Mr Mayor thank you it's all yours you got it thank you so so much I have a firm commitment for the project for the funding uh as uh Madam councilwoman mentioned the prior developer ran into a pickle but I've been there since the Inception I was the project manager I now have financing for the completion of the project but for I need something from the city authorizing the transfer and um that would be the only issue and we are ready to close okay thank you quick question Mr attorney is this the item that was supposed to be the CRA or this is a separate item well right now the city has no interest left in this project um as you recall those funds that we return to HUD uh the only interest the city still has in the project is the the land um obviously we gave the land I believe the CRA uh contributed $800,000 and so we thought that it should go today a cra but um we the board the the council can can convey it can convey okay so what what do you need from us Miss Harris um because we we want the project to be um I I I believe our was present doing the um present doing the you know all of all of those things I was under the impression it was the the um the CRA um project so what do you need from us you need us to approve like you yes Mr Mayor just approve um the transfer the transfer from from R development to my development company sunshine state to Sunshine which is what the resolution authorizes today but would that be from us I just want to make sure now this to the attorney it in originally the it was the city that did the procurement that that got the original the uh the original developer and so all we're saying is that that Contra that contract was with us and so we can just we're just swapping sing okay all right I don't know any other questions good no we move appr all is that it yeah I have a motion made by councilwoman Timothy to approve the item at tab F the motion was seconded by mayor Des all in favor I any opposed item passes with a 5- z vote thank you and good luck M Harris question when when do you anticipate um the completion of the project what's needed now I have firm commitment at my lender would like something from the city stating the transfer is final um something signed at that point we'll be ready to close in about another 15 days uh we'll get everything back up I have to go in and I'll be giving a schedule to the C awesome to the to us now or the CR to the C I see so this is just the transfer of the property okay so you would the resolution um satisfy you just signning yes sir I'll get on that as soon as I have it I'll sign it thank you ma'am thank you thank you thank you mayor and councilman thank you Miss Harris thank you all right yeah good luck um tab g tabg a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida authorizing the city manager and City attorney to negotiate and execute an agreement between the city of North Miami and 300 Engineering Group LLC for engineering consulting services for the lead and copper rule compliance assistance project at a cost not to exceed $334,800 itive date and all other purposes tab G thank you so much um presentation and then public hearing did we close public hearing on on Miss Harris thing we open it and close okay thank you go ahead sir all right good evening honorable mayor council members Alberto Estrada purchasing director the item that you have before you is a request from staff for your approval of the proposed agreement between the city and the engineering consulting firm known as 300 Engineering Group LLC and the purpose of this agreement is for the consultant to conduct an assessment of the city's current levels of lead and copper in our drinking water uh in order to ensure compliance with the rules and regulations that are promulgated by the state of Florida's Department of Environmental Protection as reflected in the council report the scope of services to be provided by 300 engineering include but are not limited to uh progress meetings regulatory coordination data collection excuse me and Analysis uh lead service line inventory F framework uh school and Child Care Facility sampling plans lead service line replacement plan public Outreach and education strategy as well as a final report of their findings uh to this Council uh the entire project is scheduled to be completed within 12 months for isurance of notice to proceed uh here with me in support of this contract is our Public Works director Mr wher Pierre Lewis as well as a representative from 300 engineering Miss paa Davalos and that concludes my presentation we'll be glad to take any questions that you may have thank you thank you so much public Ken is open on item G um see none coming public hearing is closed I have a well two questions mainly I know this was this was the firm that was selected in 2017 um and so they are they that's correct they are on our list of pre-qualified Consultants vendors okay right are they the only one who could do this type of work I know this is such a specialty and important right subject well this is uh an assignment that's been made by staff uh there are other firms that are included in the list of Consultants but uh this assignment has been made through this particular firm was was it um selected or was there a process that um that for them to be selected from the pool well basically under professional Consulting Services uh prices are not big in fact that's prohibitive under state law because these are considered professional no I'm not I'm not talking about their prices I'm I'm talking about the selection of the firm right the the way that this works under our list that we have is basically these are assignments that are made uh based on their experience and their expertise for the particular scope of service that are needed and then basically what we do is we negotiate a contract with them and that is the contract that's before you this evening the negotiated contract my question is was there other firm that was giv a a fair opportunity to bid it or did you just go well we had them last time let's have them again this time right again this is based on an assignment right uh basically staff uh makes an assignment to a particular consultant and then we negotiate a contract with them so it's really based on an assignment all right I don't like it but okay all right any questions so just to follow up on the question when you say assignment so let's just say that there are five firms that are professional that can give this service how do you determine how do you assign that firm is it you know I is there like you know if this has 25 year experience they get priority or you you know I'm just trying we're trying to understand process yeah typically we look we look at the experience that this particular firm has in conducting this kind of work right uh which is always the the driving factor or do they have the expertise to do this kind of work and have they done it before that's what we look for in making the assignment so if there are three companies that have 10 years of experience equally how what would be the determining what would make the difference well this is something that's discuss the staff with Public Works staff and basically it's an assignment that's made it's we look at so then you guys choose basically what you're saying is Staff will just go ahead and choose who they feel based on their expertise what company is okay that's that's what you rely on staff for good good good evening uh mayor and councel I think we're okay um any other questions um uh uh yes um if I me uh Mr Mayor go ahead sir all right thank you uh on um the task outline um can um guys elaborate on um task six public Outreach and um that's education um strategy how is that going to going to be done so there the timeline yeah and the timeline I'll defer to uh the Public Work Director we also have a representative here from the consultant that can also answer go ahead good evening mayor and Council uh my name is paa Davalos project manager for 300 engineering I can give you a little quick background on the requirement of the project to answer and support your your question so um in 1991 this Le and copper rule came out from the EPA Through The Years there's been you know updates uh specifically through the issues that happened um you know with contamination of water of lead and copper in drinking uh water levels so back in 2021 this letting copper rule revision was established and by October 14 2026 all water supply utilities need to submit an inventory of their of their of their service line so that's from the water main to the buildings of every single property that's serviced by the utility so in a nutshell what we're going to be doing is this inventory in compliance with the EPA and it has specific requirements and this is all due by October 2020 0 24 I'm sorry not 2026 so even though it says 12 months this is actually going to be done before October it has to be and we're going to commit with that schedule um as far as the public Outreach all of these items that are listed on the scope are requirements that are due by this deadline so there has to be a public Outreach strategy as far as communicating what if there is any type of lead or copper service lines you know what Campaign Will there be done and what's going to be the time frame of replacement of these lines in the next 10 years so this is the first step that the EPA has launched which is due as I mentioned October of this year and then it's going to be a long-term plan that needs to be established which is also going to be done as part of this scope to establish a plan to replace any lines that are either lead or copper containing yeah um thank you very much uh for the um clarification so now um just a followup so um communicating I assume is with the residents right uh yeah um good evening with the pi Public Works director through the manager uh just to add to um what was explained by um our consultant Miss paa there is a uh the proposal is in the U Council report and it's on um page 10 at least that's what um I don't know what page it falls in the report but it's on page 10 of there but it's page 12 in the report and um task six has the subtask list that explains the communications and public education strategy uh some of the subtasks include developing a plan to notify all of the customers developing educational materials and programs to inform the public about the risk associated with the lead uh establishing a 24-hour notification requirement to individual customers and the entire water system as required by the rule of revision assist in the development of Outreach educational and promotional materials for each phase addition additionally they will provide the verbage to be used by the city to get out the message so there's U it's listed in here they'll be working with the city to get the information to every single Water customer that we have got some water yeah go ahead she okay she proba need to go go ahead continue go ahead continue be checking on go ahead so Whistler um Mr Pier Lewis go ahead go ahead sir yes mayor if I I yeah I have a follow um yeah umus just just for for clarification what is the timeline on the completion of the of the entire project the the deadline is October 2024 to complete the project October 2024 so that give us about roughly 10 months okay in roughly 10 months so with everything that you outlined um uh uh wer Mr director so everything that you outline so so what is the time frame so when are we going to start this and I see like from uh all the uh you know for the out Outreach part everything that you say the the sub um um task so when do we going to start with that and when is that going to end so how long is that Outreach process because I do believe um is the out Outreach coming um before we start the project or just as we move so can can you explain that sure the the consultant in preparation has started to lay some of the foundation to implement this project then they will actually this will be ongoing and I'll allow Miss paa to add more to this yeah so the majority of of this work is is absolutely not intrusive to the community in any way this is a a desktop study that we're doing of all of the records that the city has as far as you know as builts and many different types of source of records that we need to review to prepare this inventory that is for um for the EPA the public Outreach plan is establishing the strategy and the communication and the type of information that's going to be sent to to the public but there's nothing that we need to let them know ahead of time or ahead of doing this work okay thank you just go ahead want to add that it will the communication will be done in all three languages correct correct yes we'll be working with your with your public um with your Outreach uh you know division as well to make sure that everything is in three languages I have a follow-up question um thank you would does this mean that your organization um 300 um 300 engineering they will be giving the Outreach component to the city you guys will will serve as an advisory um to the city but the city will be responsible for doing the Outreach is that my understanding of it we we'll be working together a lot of the uh material and information sorry we will be prepared by 300 they'll develop different uh methods of communication and of course not of course but we'll be using different platforms with the city we'll be using the social media aspects web page 300 has theirs as well to get the question is there's a $24,000 for the Outreach so does that stay with us since we will be doing it with them or that goes to them I'm trying to figure out what is it that they'll be doing on the Outreach component that yeah that is their fee they're preparing the materials if if if you saying that we're going to be doing the Outreach and they're going to be giving us the information um that seems to me like we will be doing the work I mean unless somebody else could explain that to me Mr Mayor if I may because I know this I used to be in this department and I learned about some of Alberto's you know um methods um when they're negotiating contracts sometimes they'll like to reduce that number and then put it on the Pio Department in order to get it done so was this a case where we said hey they proposed 50 we said 24 um because it does require a lot you know especially for our community when you're doing Outreach to several languages and you may have to do door to-door services and those things you know they come with the cost so was those one of is that one of the cases like is that what we're seeing here well I mean I understand your concern uh Mr Mayor councilwoman but uh there is a significant amount of work that they will be doing under that section of the public Outreach um obviously there's some strategies and coordination with the city staff but it's not as if they're just simply handing this off completely to the city staff uh there is a significant amount of work that they will be doing under that particular task well I think the the city staff is a little bit short I would feel better since they are going to do it that they consult with us and we we give it to them and they do it because I I because it's not fair for for for them we all got events and stuff that's going on and trying to get the information if they're going to do the service I think they should just consult with us and we could just put them include them in our little posting but if they getting paid they need to be owning their responsibility of doing that um so that would be my amendment to to this um because I think in the resolution and to council woman's point that that's that would be very unfair especially to a pi Department that's very you know they probably have a better range of of folks of getting out there that's um I think good consultant can hear you loud and clear sure and if I may just one thing our intent isn't to give any more work to your Pi Department we're trying to help you guys and relieve any efforts anything that you need as far as you know that goes we're on board and and I I heard you thank thank you so much how do we is the amendment um Mr Mayor I'm sorry Mr attorney is would that be an amendment or that's just verb the the resolution gives the uh authority to the um manager and I negotiate the contract just put any changes in the contract all right any motion to approve so move no no I was I was asking if anybody want to make the motion I don't necessarily want to make it I just oh you did okay second it okay good second I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the item at tab G the motion was seconded by vice mayor estate irvan all in favor I any opposed the item passes with a 5- z vote thank you tab h a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida authorizing the city manager and City attorney to negotiate and execute an agreement between the city of North Miami and WGI Inc for the development of a Citywide Parks master plan at a cost not to exceed 163,164 providing for an effective dat and all other purposes tab H awesome so um uh once again uh honorable mayor council members uh the item before you is requesting uh your approval uh for the city to enter into an agreement with the professional consulting firm WGI Inc and the purpose of this agreement is to develop a Citywide Parks master plan uh this agreement is part of the city's City administration's ongoing effort to better evaluate and improve the city's current Parks and Recreation facilities uh here with me this evening on behalf of WG GI is Miss Angela baji and Mr Andrew cier and they have a very brief presentation uh for you uh regarding the scope of uh the work that they're going to produce for the city Mr strer how brief are we talking I just want to know because we know it's important we need it so don't yeah we we got that it's Parks I I think we could forgo a presentation I'll move approval of the public hearing public hearing go ahead question okay this WGI where are you based out of are where hello uh we are headquartered in West Palm Beach with offices in Fort Lauderdale and Miami okay I do have a go um do I need to get my name full name yeah you can Andrew kroer right um and in in so this is to go ahead and create a master plan for all of our parks in the city correct that is correct so um and what are some of the criterias that you use to create a master plan then let's go foration right let's go to a presentation I'm sorry I just yeah I'm just you know I I just want to go ahead no problem so a quick little overview of what the parks master plan is going to do is it is going to analyze both your physical assets such as your parks and your facilities as well as the programmatic aspects of the Parks and Recreation Department and ensure that what is being offered is what aligns with what the community desires as well as looking at creating an implementable project list in the future to help you achieve this Vision that the community has so that I just wanted to hear that Community desires that's what I wanted to hear okay all right so I'm okay just two question for me um was this present presented to the parks and rec commission board this this one no you guys haven't presented to the parks and rec commission we have not if we could please make sure that we they they get that and they can also provide um to provide their input I'm surprised SAR not here I think she resigned um the public engagement part I saw that you said attendance at one Community event um do you guys feel like that's going to be I guess enough we do have a lot of events like our biggest one is probably our Thanksgiving Day Parade but I don't I don't think you guys will probably be at that that section Fourth of July may be a good one but um I think the attendance at community events are where you're probably going to get your most feedback um I don't know if that that's you know so so we have looked at that and based on our uh experience dealing with this um we're actually do uh finishing up parks recreation plan for Palm Springs where we actually attended their events as well and we found that that a lot of the events usually get a lot of the same people coming through who want to interact with you so having multiple different types of outreach are going to be a little bit more effective in reaching different demographics especially those demographics that aren't always excited to to talk about planning efforts um meeting people on on their Turf basically so the uh attendance of one event is just one aspect of the Outreach um over uh effort so okay and lastly what I would suggest is that if we could have like signage when you know when it's time if you guys are doing a survey at our parks where people can like kind of QRC code and you know take a survey or just you know give their input I know this is long overdue for our city but definitely wanted to ensure that that part was incorporated thank you absolutely thank you thank you um public hearing the item I'm Sor I'm sorry public hearing is now closed on the item councilman Charles um thank you very much uh Mr Mayor on the um scope of services see that we have U two uh public workshops um so can you U just elaborate a little bit more on that and where are they where um they are going to take place uh pent can you repeat that please the scope scope of services down there uh just right before public engagements summary report we have um two public workshops yes and um my question is that can you please um elaborate a little bit more on that and where um are these um workshops will um going to take place so we do not have a um concrete uh plan of where they're going to be located um what we're going to do is have a kickoff meeting with the parks and recreation department and they will will help inform us what we think is going to be the most accessible and best um location to have those we have um the two workshops and there one is going to be more of establishing the vision that the community has for the parks and migration department and systems and then the second Workshop is going to be more of the nitty-gritty identifying actual projects and strategies and even going into prioritization of those projects so a lot of the is going to end up being um laid down at the kickoff meeting with the parks department thank you and um just a follow question um for that uh um the in the scope of service M and the master plan that you are going to uh put together is that for just um existing existing um Parks or are we going to look at uh future sites um toout the city so from the scope we are actually going to also be including some uh uh opportunities of looking at expansion of your existing Parks as well as opportunities to acquire land for new parks okay um all right uh yeah uh to that mad manager so I would like to be part of that conversation thank you thank you Mr Mayor I just want to add one little historical addendum because at this stage that's all I do is talk about the old days um it was our Parks uh master plan in about 2007 that we realized that 13 acres that ended up becoming the arch Creek East environmental preserve was actually owned by the city like it was just like some 13 acre forgotten parcel of land and so these you know Parks studies can be very beneficial because without that we wouldn't have recognized it was ours and locked it down as a preserve and it wouldn't be if you ever go up in there I guess you'll probably encounter it in this new study super popular so um you know I wish you the best in the work thank you thank you um public hearing is closed I think I did that on the item I have a question for you Mr estada um is this item the same as the previous item WGI um the same as in in in terms of this is a previous um vendor that we've done work for because I'm looking back on this in 2017 I I had voted against it and I'm pretty sure I had a good reason why then right uh so Mr Mayor right to your question they also the consultant is on the same list this is the first contract that they've been assigned okay they're on the same list and it was the same under the same process it was assigned to them we negotiated a contract and so forth a proposal um and that's where we're here right now are are these folks the the the Consultants are they on a An approved vendor vendor list and then yes sir yes sir okay and what I would like if you can um at some point provide me a listing of the rotation of of those vendors or however you select them um so that we could ensure some fness I'll provide that to you and in fact uh as the gentleman mentioned uh they're just finishing up another pars master plan for uh another municipality so okay uh that was part of the reason we selected them based on their experience and expertise and doing absolutely thank you so much sir so move second I have a motion made by mayor desme to approve the item at tab H the motion was seconded by councilman Charles all in favor I any opposed item passes with a 5- z vote Yes for one second four to Z EXC yes um tab I tab I a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida authorizing the city manager to issue purchase orders in an aggregate amount not to exceed $150,000 annually for the provision of original equipment manufacturer OEM and aftermarket parts and services utilizing Miami dat County rtq number pm- eevn 00469 providing for an effective date and all other purposes tab I thank you um public hearing is open on Tab I okay um I I do you have a presentation Mr um not really if you have any questions council members sir yes sir real quick um is this on a rotation or this is just a one year no so essentially what this is is we're piggybacking on selection from the county so they have a list of vendors uh that they almost similar that they pre-qualify and select essentially their suppliers and vendors uh to supply parts and services for a vehicle Fleet so that's really all this is It's kind of of an uh an open purchase order and our vehicle Fleet uses it on an N needed basis got it okay thank you may I get a motion move for approval second I have a motion made by vice mayor EST Irving to approve the item at tab I the motion was seconded by councilman Charles all in favor I any opposed item passes with a 4 Z vote Thank You tab J tab j a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida authorizing an amendment to the Professional Services agreement between the city of North Miami and Acom Technical Services Inc for additional professional Engineering Services for the completion of on call hydraulic modeling services for the assessment of the impact of plan developments on the existing sewer system in an amount not to exceed 94,5 pursuant to request for qualifications number 081718 continuing professional architectural and Engineering Services providing for an effective date and all other purposes tab J thank you public hand is open public hearing is closed move for approval second I have a motion made by mayor desay to approve the item at tab J the motion was seconded by councilman Charles all in favor I any opposed item passes with a 5- z vote thank Youk you councilwoman Timothy what is your vote on Tab h h yes item passes with a 5- z vote on Tab H tab I oh than me yes yes on all that I miss sorry adem passes with a 5- z vote on Tab I thank you and tab K tab k a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida ratifying the city manager's issuance of purchase orders to CDW government LLC in the amount of 83,000 $15.19 for the purchase of laptops ticket writers and printers for use by the North Miami Police Department providing for an effective date and all other purposes tab K thank you public hearing is open on Tab a k I'm sorry in public hearing is close question I have a question Madam um vice mayor quick question um what do we do with the old um I guess software machines do we res them or what happened um I'd have to defer to our police chief on that matter where is this it does it sell it is it Claud or or or Angel one of them do we write do they write tickets I'm just ask I'm just go ahead Chief do you guys right TI good evening mayor and Council Sheree SC chief of police through the manager yes mayor we do write tickets a lot a lot a lot not yet um quick question so what happened with the re um Sur you know the the reused um Surplus s yeah do we Surplus them or do we give them away or what happened Claude Claude Charles IT director um typically we by the time it's we reach the life cycle of the device we end up Surplus it okay so police devices have to be surplused a certain way we have to wipe the data off of it drive yeah so and then we you'll Surplus it okay correct all right I just didn't want us to just throw it away something okay thank you for approval you move second I have a motion made by vice mayor estimate to at Irvin to approve the item at tabk the motion was seconded by mayor Des all in favor I any opposed item passes with a 5-0 vote thank you madam clerk um tab L tab l a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida ratifying the city manager issuance of purchase orders to white seal Inc in the amount of $ 58,60 for additional repairs necessary for the Enchanted Forest Elaine Gordon Community Center roof replacement project providing for an effective dat and all other purposes Tab out um thank you um public hearing is open on that um see none coming it's closed I have a couple of questions go ahead just before mind I'm missing K and L in your B in the binary K and L mine is that's probably I just stop whoever did it you got it no no I'm just I just stop I don't know exactly what happened like while councilman while councilman Charles is looking for tab go ahead I'm sorry I'll get there with the the um is that the the little Pavilion not Pavilion the little building where we do summer camp that little building is 58,000 yeah seriously no no no I'm I'm seriously uh good evening Christine Carney Park Recreation director um it is the roof to the community center um and it was it was actually more than that um because of damage from Jesus uh termites and leaks and things like that from age so the roof had to be replaced trusses needed to be replaced and I can believe it my mom's roof we recorded at 41 40,000 one times the RO are getting expensive they are um another question the repavement there's some residents who caught um talked about the The Pavilion I guess the yeah towards the trail at the bottom where we do the picnic um please if we could re weedo that roof that's coming yeah okay that that's that's been a Annie Montgomery complaint for well over a year so yeah I've been begging for that one and also the repavement of the parking of the of the ash fall it's it's hor that's coming as well awesome thank you so not part of this conversation yes yes I know well we wish it would have been two into one public he is closed um so move second I have a motion made by mayor mayor desom to approve the item at tab L I have a I have a second by vice mayor estimate Irvin all in favor any opposed the item passes with a 5 Z vote Thank You tab M tab m a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida ratifying the city manager emergency procurement and issuance of purchase orders to branching out ink in an amount not to exceed $583 183 for the Emergency purchase and installation of an above ground diesel tank for the E Pump Station providing for an effective date and all other purposes tab M um tab m is open to the public so move I have a question oh but I don't mind second it okay you second I second it but I have a question a question okay public hearing is open on the item seeing none coming public hearing is closed there vice mayor right so there was an emergency what was the emergency these are items that were ratifying that happened during the Christmas break right but and it's so yeah it's but they're saying there was an emergency purchase and installation so I'm just trying to understand what was the um as as uh as it's reflected on the second page of the council report um this is a result of inspections that were done by Public Works staff uh where they essentially determined that the emergency generator fuel tank for that pump station Pump Station e uh was damaged and water was uh seeping into the tank which could potentially cause more significant damage to the generator and obviously would impact the operation of this pump station so as a result uh staff requested a quote in order to um essentially you know uh sort of ProActive at there the Palm Station literally could shut down do you want to add something no he he explained it well okay no that's all just wanted to you know um I just wanted it on the record because whenever we're ratifying of course we trust this Administration just want to understand why there's a purchase done you know during the recess which of course we've given them the permission to do just wanted to understand the emergency so thank you sure so I think it was moved and second it already I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the item at tab M the motion was seconded by vice mayor estimate Irvin all in favor I any oppose the item passes with a 4 Z vote thank you mayor what's your vote on Tab M yes yes all right item passes with a 5 Z vote this tab that was tab M correct yes okay so citizen forum is open citizen forum is still open and citizen forum is is closed um now we're going to go to council report and we'll start with councilman Timothy um along with February being my birthday month God and the mayor decided to have n me Fest on my birthday every year every year celebrate every year it never fails and you know this year spok person for this year is 22424 so that's so such a good day and so but for me it's special because I spe I celebrate um random acts of kindness all month long of February so donate your socks your blankets um we go to Every Nursing Home in the city of North Miami and make the donations to our beloved seniors um so just wanted to reiterate that thank you for your donations for all those who've already donated awesome awesome councilman galin uh no no report councilman Charles uh yes uh mayor thank you very much um good evening everybody and um just want to say um thank you it's a it's going to be a new day tomorrow um for um the small businesses and um District 4 especially the one along Northwest 7th Avenue as we're going to R out our um um Grant from the C that is named notw 7 hour Bast boost and um so they can apply apply apply and that's start tomorrow and the good thing about this grant doesn't stop you from applying for any other Grant uh that um the C is offering um also we um begin the we um begin cleaning up our Alleyways on um District 4 that has started between uh 122nd Street uh and 123rd Street West of uh Northwest 16th Avenue and move up to uh 135th and that's like a very nice work and um just asking um all of you to uh please uh go and see how nice it is and it is something that we are going to um keep on working on as uh Li and and um staff just presented just want to say thank you for that uh just would like to say um happy uh 9th birthday to the great city of uh North Miami and um councilman Galvin and U May has posted and that is um good um our city is 98 year old um happy Bel belated birthday to uh uh mayor and Council staff Monique griffing uh birthday and we just want to say happy birthday month to um Council woman here I know very happy and um just want to say to um thank you to uh to Administration uh last council meeting uh I think we were complaining about the chair so we got no um chair the very nice and feels good just want to say thank you to that um uh and um PR of um tomorrow let's see roses are Violet roses are red violets are blue Oh Yeah from your lovely councilman Pier Fran Charles Happy Valentine's Day to you all thank you vice mayor go ahead good evening everyone this is your vice mayor Mary EST May Irvin again I just want to highlight that the city of North Miami is celebrating 90 years of existence but more importantly um I would what I would like to see in our next council meeting maybe we should talk about how we're going to have a task force to prepare for our our Centennial it was already passed oh it's already passed how I miss that the beginning of the calendar year it was that's why it was in the consent on our birthday I wanted to roll out like you know a call to action for um people to join the committee but we do have our centenal committee right and it's so so yeah yeah we need to really get ready for that it's also FIFA um is going to be coming to uh Miami Gardens and so you know we'll be able to yeah 202 20226 2026 in our Centennial we'll be 90 we'll be 100 at 25 correct so we it's oh we'll be 20 next year be 25 okay 2026 we're 100 2026 we're 100 Mr Mayor good at math English was my thing s that over to FR right right I I miss that no no no so that we can you know we can prepare ourselves as a city to benefit from our sister cities because everyone can't hang in Miami Gardens we love you Miami Gardens so they're going to be coming around here so I just wanted to make sure that we you know we are we are prepared um and and it's and and it's an economic opportunity for our city so that also wanted to um to see we all dressed up for Black History Month I'm so happy that m colleagues um are addressing that it is so important you know I know that we are so blessed that we live in a city where we have diversity but there's so many other cities and and and states that don't enjoy what we enjoy and sometimes it it causes unnecessary unnecessary conflict and and it's just always great to understand history and to you know so that we don't repeat um the past so take out the time to to learn about black history but in particular black history in North Miami you know almost every year I say this um we are grateful that um Arthur Sor senior was the first black um elected official in in the city of North Miami he's still alive um councilwoman Mari Elan seril was the first black woman um to be um elected um here in the city of North Miami and we have so many other sitting right by you um you you got counseling and you missing the first black city clerk oh my God you know what and and mayor mayor Alex is May was the first black city clerk um is Vanessa the first black female clerk right all right so you know so we you know just learning about our you know our history is so important especially our our North Miami history so take the time out to learn to learn to learn about um black history and and you know what again what I love about this city we're just always learning about all sorts of cultures and and different diversity group but this month we're going to focus on on black history and um I would just like to thank all of you that made um neon so special um thank you thank you for all of your support I really appreciate it very very very much um and Happy Valentine's Day everyone especially the residents of District 3 love you bye all right so thank you again um real quick I have a couple of announcements which you heard um um doing the portion of the um public um the events the announcement by Miss Smith here we go um this week a lot a lot is happening next week we are having dignitaries from the great motherland of Africa coming and other country to um experience our cultural week of event of Nomi Fest um in a lot of different festivities happening that same week um we are having the fifth annual um Nomi golden silver senior lunching program along with a sister city agreement formerly when we were in Africa we did the sister city signing with Gambia and they are coming to North Miami next week yes next week well in two weeks on the 21st um so we I don't know we still haven't coming uh yes she's coming we got to do I don't know what to do we got to do something big they really treated us um with loyalty um the the the luncheon is on the 21st Wednesday Wednesday the 21st so we have a whole week of event the 21st will be the luncheon with the sister city signing with our County mayor our County Commissioner and and most most of all probably all of our um city council and other leaders from across Miami day County coming to celebrate our seniors with us on the fifth annual bat we did mention the 50 years of hip-hop um we are honoring um those who have made it um to what it is but the impact that it has in south on South Florida and of course we having none other than you know what Trina and we will keep it like the Oh okay that's a good one the Diamond Princess of Miami will be the host and she's also going to be performing at Nomi Fest on that's that's happening on Thursday so the senior luncheon is on Wednesday on Thursday is the conversation which is um something that started by former mayor um Smith Joseph and we've been continuing it we have had Cornell West um Duval Patrick Nina Turner so a lot of um bigname folks National um folks in this year we decided to keep it home as we are celebrating the 50 year of Hip Hop South Florida contribution to um us here in North Miami and the and also that evening can I announce it Miss Miss Daniel the um the first time we are having the opening party we are having an opening party at the Nomi Village on Thursday night the 22nd it's going to be free to um to the community and the next day um n me n me honors evening of honors um that's the 23rd at 7:30 p.m. please check your event brigh and everything we are going to be honoring commissioner Keon McGee Dr Maria Tien um um Joan ster from NBC 6 will will Willard Shepard former of um NBC 6 um T tasila noes um Mark a Bryant which is a artist loc um right here in North Miami Alonso Brooks Sophia laqua if you see a lot of these um the nice paint up um electric boxes utility boxes a lot of those are her work we're going to honor her and also local entrepreneur of wri Funeral Home Terry Wright and that is taking place nove um saying November February 23rd 2024 and of course Saturday Saturday is the big is the big event n me Fest um again thank you to Christine and Anisha for everything um but we are having live performances by none other I guess we are having half of New Edition so half of new addition with Johnny Gil um Ralph Tresvant um jaqua car for the gospel folks so we're GNA let jaka car bless us bring Lord into it at the beginning of the event and then we're going to get a little bit crazy Changing Faces of the 90s um Trina and Shirley Murdoch and many many more local artists and again keep in mind all of the pro most of the proceeds for this event is going into our Utility Fund to help our residents at need and a lot of residents been using that fund this is a fund that we created in 2016 I think we have raised shy of half a million dollars or if not close to that amount um so we want to say thank you thank you to all the residents and and it's one of our biggest event um on another note I want to acknowledge and say thank you to our city finance department we I was notified last week which I think we sent out um an email where we were recognized for our excellence in reporting financial reporting Accounting in financial reporting which is um the highest I lost that sheet okay I got it right here this is from the government financial Officers Association um which certified Us in the highest um I guess award a certificate of achievement from um from the great reporting of our financials right here in the great city of North Miami also on that same note last Sunday I want to thank Mr Lazaro is Lazaro here is it oh la la yay LZ and his wife and a couple of um friends of mine I was honored at the Trayvon Martin Foundation at the annual dinner as one of the 2024 champion of justice and peace award from the Trayvon Martin foundation and it was such an honor to receive this award among some prestigious folks right here in South Florida folks from the state attorney's office um Rick Beasley um um a lot of other um honores were um honored um that particular night and I want to thank um Sabrina Fulton and um Tracy Martin and the entire Trayvon Martin family for their um award and and this truly truly mean um a lot to me and lastly but not least I want to say I I want to thank everyone because it came to my staff that um it's been 10 years um serving um on this particular Di and I'm not talking about my years of service as um city clerk if you compare that it's almost 13 years of service um from city clerk councilman um vice mayor vice mayor mayor um which I just learned Scott from the Historical Society I'm one of the few probably the I think the only one who have served all of the elected position or at least this one appointed but all of the positions in North Miami um since we've been founded Frank Frank wand no Frank was was not um remember Frank was not councilman yeah he was he was he was district one councilman immediately before me oh he was clerk he was um he was district one councilman through most of the 90s slid over to mayor in 99 I took one seat and then he went back and became okay so we got two of them okay but you're you're the only good you're the only good that fill us I did not say that we can make it black history the only black way I love you Frank we love Frank thank you so very few and so I'm in good company will'll say that yes so I I knew he was cuz when I was um clerk I got it from Blue Simon not blue steon what was C Key's um yeah it was um that was the um the clerk before myself that was Cal Key's um brother-in SE Bloom okay I had it backwards so that was the um the first one in 2008 and then um yeah I remember those were I like that I'm saying names in the rooms like you talking about yes that is true that's in 2008 this was around 2008 um and I also want to say um lastly with all of um Anisha just reminded me um Anisha some of the we are going to honor this this Thursday um February 5th um 15th at 11: p.m. we are renaming the street um along 149th and 150th by 20th Avenue where the old former Channel 2 used to be the owner of that building is none other than um mayor um Bernard Benny kpes um from Indian Creek V Village he bought he he purchased the entire block and and he is moving his headquarter um dutyfree which is 360 into our city next month so we are very very proud of that um into that so we're going to have a little bit of dutyfree America right here in North Miami um and that um event is um will be held um at 11:00 p.m. at 11:00 a.m. um on the on Thursday so please register on event brigh it's um it's going fast real real fast and I think that's basically it we talked about n Fest we talked about everything thank you thank you so much um Madame clerk all right good evening everyone and happy Black History Month and as we continue to really enjoy all of the activities that the city of North Miami has throughout the month I want to encourage us to also take some time to reflect and meaningfully acknowledge our our past because and from a very personal perspective I think that when we take the time to really understand where we came from uh what our past was that's the only opportunity that we have to meaningfully create and build a future where understanding can Prevail over Prejudice and where we can unite to develop a new shared narrative that really lifts up un empowering each and every one of us to stand together in solidarity to ensure that we're fighting for equity and justice for each and every single one of us I also wanted to take an opportunity to give a huge shout out to Georgette spratling of the north Miami library for organizing what just about everyone who was on the ride agreed was one of the best bike rides that we've had uh one of the best community bike rides that we have and uh Chief Gau also had mentioned it and I think a lot of people were really pleased with that ride uh because the pace was much faster than usual we got to have we had a really great showing that day uh we partnered with break the cycle and you know even some of us who do not bike on the regular were able to keep up and it was a lot of fun and so thank you to every single person who made it possible including North MI Mii uh police department and of course Commander Brooks Chief Gau and of course the parks and recreations depart uh Department as well and I want to remind everyone that March 19th we have the presidential preference primary elections and the that's rapidly approaching so here are some deadlines that you might want to keep in mind February 20th is the deadline to register to vote if you have not already stopped by the office of the city clerk to register to vote please do so tomorrow so long as you're eligible and make sure that you're registering to vote or it's also the last the deadline to update your signature change your address and of course change your party affiliation if you are so inclined March 7th is the deadline to request your vote by mail ballot please remember that it the rules are erased pretty much every 2 years and so you want to make sure that you're updating that as well and then of course my one of my favorite holidays is Valentine's Day my father's name is Valentine and he stopped by to share love with you with a bunch of you today uh and so uh please take some time not only to bask in the love that you receive but to also offer love to others and that is all thank you thank you um City attorney report no report man city manager report no report oh okay and um move to adjourn second I have a motion to adjourn made by councilman Galvin seconded by councilman Charles all in favor I any opposed the motion carries with a 40 vote it is now 855