##VIDEO ID:8l9p15TZQYI## have a quarm um we will wait a few minutes but it's approximately 6:02 and start you know we have to start um on time um based on our Charter so the meeting is open Rabbi I know you have if you want to come and pray for us who are here um and then we will take it from there thank you well well well well I I think hold on robbi because I think we would we would do the the roll call so hold a few minutes Rabbi and then we will thank you sir a few minutes we staff trying to see what's going on with our Council he's I think argen nice guy but he came to speak and he said I would like to invol you know is last when I went when I started had to go to school there was a whole on5th well first of all was I was already on the they sent to you had to go the academy you know 205 for n weeks and you had to go oh no a process czy you had to learn not to take you match we had a problem for a while that's crazy they're they're on it some who what did I some space Booth yeah I asked City wasn't coming I specifically asked and they said he wasn't don't worry yeah but they told me he wasn't coming wife got it no very good that wrong information [Music] yes now it's by he said he asked said he wasn't to are it's the e it's a large what chance make me the bad guy spe you want me to the again the car I'm coming right down see now I fcked in the wrong face again good evening again it's approximately 610 um and we're going to start the meeting um we do have a quarum madame clerk roll call followed by um the Pledge of Allegiance um led by our assistant police chief um Mr Angel Rivera mayor Des here vice mayor estimate Irvin councilman Galvin here councilwoman Timothy here councilman Charles Mary you have a quum to proceed thank you so much Madam clerk um we're going to pledge and then invocation by our very own Rabbi Jory Lane rise for the pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with and justice for all I seem to always be apologizing for how I'm dressed Harvest Church which is a wonderful Church in this community asked if we could help deliver food by the way just a side note a lot of the food banks in our community are really in need of food so if you could give to your churches and so there's such a demand and we're really short of food in the community okay we ask God to invoke his Blessing today was a horrible day with a shooting at another school no matter what goes on tonight with money and what to do and how to do nothing comes close the loss of life loss of a child People's Health people's well-being has to be the center of our concern everything else could be worked out resolved through dialogue we pray that everyone's Health should be good that their family should be safe and that God willing and I don't know how these families will be able to survive this horrible tragedy the world seems to be going crazy and we just pray for peace and understanding and some assemblance of normaly we ask God for his Blessing and we say amen amen amen thank you rob mayor as of 6:12 p.m. councilman Charles is present thank you okay and now we have a couple of items to review as you all know this is the most important single thing that we could do as elected official which we must legally is to vote and pass um a hi vice mayor how are you mayor as of 6:13 p.m. vice mayor EST mayor is present thank you madam clerk as we passed a balanced budget in this year is no different so this is the first reading and the next reading will be in two weeks where we will finalize um the budget for our October 1st fiscal year which starts the new year for us first item is the um the proposed resolution for the millage rate and I think we are remaining in um the same but Madam cler go ahead and read it tab a a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida adopting a tentative millage rate of 7.4 Mills for fiscal year 2024 25 providing for an effective date and all other purposes tab a thank you so much Madam clerk yes presentation [Music] any good evening honorable mayor and Council residents colleagues my name is Roy Brown you're a budget manager for the city of North Miami and if you're ready I can get get started with the presentation yes sir are we well in terms of the millage rate um so do you have a presentation for that or do do you just want us to it's inclusive of the entire presentation it is one of the first slide if yeah can we just just the budget and then we'll I'm sorry just a millage rate so we set and then we could go ahead and um take it from there okay well good evening um we are uh here to propose a millage of 7.4 Mills um and apologize uh the total taxable value presented in the dr420 was $5.8 billion once appli the um the 7.4 Mills uh the avaler taxes at 100% yields 43,2 18,45 and once we apply the 95% to that that is 41,48 29 um to the right you see the roll back rate that's there using the same total taxable value of 5.8 billion uh and applying the 6.83 58 Ms for the rollback the total ad of alarm taxes at 100% yields 39.9 million 39 m914 99 once we apply the 95% to that that is$ 37 m918 $394 thank you so much um council members discussion I just had one question I know last year where were we we at 7.5 or 7.55 um no we were at 7.4 um and we've been at seven if adopted this year that would be the third year at 7.4 no it was one year no last year we reduced it it was at 7.5 it was like down yes no no last year it last year we did reduce it was it last year or the year before no no it was the year before it was 7.4 last year so what did we do it was when benam was here remember he reduced it right last year is it's showing here is it not okay there it is okay can you oh they can't zoom so I think we put it down like a point it's something according to that that's 20 uh 2022 that's only two years ago do we have that so FIS fiscal year 2023 was the first year it was lowered to 7.4 right 202 23 that makes sense so 2022 according to that it was it um 7.5 okay that's what it is and it was 7.5 for five years yeah I remember it was 7.5 for a while okay and then it went down down 7 so this year's budget would be the third consecutive budget that we kept we kept it down 7.4 yes okay okay that's okay I think we're all on the same page um thank you so much um move for approval um no I have quick question MH um so uh sir in this but budget did um you guys consider uh lowering the milate that's what we talking about now right here now um it is built on 7.4 uh we do have scenarios prepared different scenarios prepared okay can I and uh in the next two weeks can I see those um can I get a chance to um would I get a chance to see those um scenarios and see if uh by any chance we can um it is something that if my um colleagues will go that will take that route is something that we can um entertain of course I can make sure that's that's prepared yeah but right we cannot do it in two weeks because so whatever that we need to do councilman we we we going to be here a long night it has to be now because they would need to know to have a balanced budget um so if we're going to put it up or down because I think from what we learned in two years ago um the the little point that we did reduce it it was a matter of police getting laid off you know it was it was just a a big a big deal for something that we we thought that was just a little bit so to to help out Administration I don't think you guys it's the second time so if you going to propose something maybe do you have the salute um the different um scenarios um we would take some it would have to we would have to take some time maybe 30 minutes to you know make sure the formatting everything's correct but so do you have something you would want to propose that that we we because right now I I don't it is something that that I would like to um entertain as a matter of fact uh mayor I think you were not there when we had that uh budget meeting that correct um that I that was uh something that I pointed out and I asked staff to work on it um to just give me a report so that we'll take a look at it it is something that I would like to entertain okay so but we will need to vote on it and kind of move on because we would not want to be in trouble with the administration yes sir I think I don't think we have to vote on the millage rate right now we can hear all the presentations and come back to voting on whatever we want to vote on at the end Jeff you well yes but if let's just say he wanted right no if he wants to drop it to 7.3 he might feel he might feel that way right now but will he feel that way at the end of all the presentations etc etc in discussion maybe he does maybe he doesn't but procedurally if we vote it if we bring it down down to 7.3 right now we're in trouble then we have to then we have to figure out what we're going to do and if we wanted to reconsider we'd have to have more votes to absolutely resend what we do right now to come back up to 7.4 and yes sir no you're right no I was just going to say because we haven't heard any of the presentations from staff yeah we hear the presentations the only thing is that they built the budget on the 7.4 right so if he's thinking something less unless they know that then it's it's kind of like it's relevant whatever they they talking about so we need to figure out if we yes yes sir may I I mean I understand what you're your both of you're saying but in the past as a matter of fact that particular budget that you asked about staff had one millage rate that we voted on and then the next hearing um the former mayor asked to change it and we had to figure it out so I think it should be not really different we recall what happened that that year right but it's still it still can be done what I'm saying is I'm not suggesting that it's done today or not but I'm just saying that I think the council person should have a what I'm saying you know have the right to and I think everyone no no no no we're not talking about right I was trying to help out the administration if you want to go down 7.0 I'm ready for that if you want 7.3 that's not what I'm saying I say we got to be very strategic and and and be pragmatic in terms of what we doing we know just taking half of a point is somebody's they got to go back and and and balance the budget I'm not a opposed to whatever that he say I'm just saying for us to be proactive and kind of do this in a way we got to figure out how much money it would be and and because that's all that's cutting so we got to know where where it's cut you know things like that in that nature but I'm I'm all for it I do not have any as a matter of fact I I you know I would sit back and and you know I I don't mind that I think the councilman galin's point if we can continue on with the convers with the budget presentation and we'll see if you know the budget allows for additional um cut I know we can lure it at the next one but if we lower it now you can't go back up or can't go back in the next minute once it's set set so maybe we proceed with the presentation yes that then let's move on to that would work yes in a second t a but I don't know if you want to withdraw your so do do we um Mr Mr attorney do we wait to vote on the ma Mage rate um can we do that until after based on your discussion I think you all just said you're going to listen presentation and then we'll vote on everything together so was there a motion there was to withraw my motion can I let me let me you're withdrawing your motion mayor yes for for the right so let me just clarify again so we if we can always go if we vote for 7.4 we could always go down and not up is that correct correct okay so it's okay if we vote today and then if next time around we just want to okay so I just want to make sure that everybody understood that thank you um tab B tab b a proposed first reading ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida adopting and approving the budget of the city of North Miami for the fiscal year commencing October 1 2024 and ending September 30 2025 authorizing the amount to be raised by taxation for the operation of the city for the 2024 2025 fiscal year authorized izing the expenditure of funds established by the budget authorizing a return on investment transfer from the water and sewer Utility Fund to the general fund authorizing the inm man city manager to implement budget amendments revenue and or expenditure to appropriate or unappropriate funds as required during the fiscal year and to amend the prior fiscal year budget to facilitate the year-end closing process providing for repeal severability and an effective date thank you an ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida yes okay an ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida adopting and approving the budget of the city of North Miami for fiscal year commencing October 1 2024 and ending September 30 2025 authorizing the amount to be raised by taxation for the operation of the city for the 2024 25 fiscal year authorizing the expenditure of funds established by the budget authorizing a return on investment transfer from the water and sewer Utility Fund to the general fund authorizing the inm city manager to implement budget amendments revenue and or expenditure to appropriate or unappropriate funds as required during the fiscal year and to amend the prior fiscal year budget to facilitate the year and closing process providing for appeal severability and an effective date tapy thank you um colleagues um it's is that time again um I don't know how we want to do this I do have some questions so would we want to do it Department oh well presentation yes and then after that we'll do go ahead Ro good evening everyone it is my honor to welcome everyone to our to this year's budget hearing this is a process that is meant to inform everyone how the budget was built to provide transparency and to answer questions regarding the budget this meeting will be led by our CFO and our budget manager along with our department leaders who are present prior to engaging in that process however I do recognize that there has been a recent cyber incident which is top of mind for many people in this um community on August 4th the city of North Miami did experience a cyber incident that impacted our Network systems while the investigation with local and national law enforcement um agencies is ongoing we are currently unable to share specific details about the incident and will not be taking questions on that matter this evening Administration would like to assure you that a swift action has been taken from the very beginning to mitigate the impact on our systems at this point the city has reopened and has almost been fully restored to being able to operate as it had before at this time we would like to present the Budget moving forward mayor members of city council and cities citizens of North Miami we are pleased to submit the FY 2425 operating in capital budget for the city of North Miami this proposed budget is balanced at $215 million with a general fund budget of $89.99 million and a flat mill rate of 7.4 Mills the fy2 um budget proposes the same level of service as this current year however we are working to bring the city service levels close to pre-pandemic levels although the budget has increased from the previous year this is due to unavoidable increases in health care costs pension and property insurance liabilities and workers compensation based on the collective bargaining negotiations this proposed budget includes wage increases and adjustments to the cost of living for the employees the budget prioritizes infrastructure Investments requiring an increase in water and sewer rates in accordance with the water rate study and anticipates an increase in sanitation fees it also includes other Capital Investments including various other public works and park Improvement projects throughout the current fiscal year the city has continued to deliver critical services and execute s several significant projects the city continues to progress both as a community and as a government to supp of future promising economic potential fiscal sustainability and wide ranging development opportunities this is the first proposed budget in over 5 years that includes $2.9 million in general fund reserves yay the financial Outlook is promising but there is still work to be done to ensure F fiscal stability over the for the city over the next 5 years fiscal soundness can be achieved with commitment from all the following are a few initiatives that we're working on to improve the city's Revenue we' have renegotiated the arrangement with the north Miami CRA for a percentage that is more favorable of the generated Tiff in the CRA area we have increased aggressive collection efforts on delinquent receivables and we're increasing Revenue diversification in applying for numerous grant opportunities in the upcoming fiscal year we will focus on the following objectives we will implement the strategic planning process to assist the city in looking ahead and appropriately prioritizing initiatives based on community input we will be engaging in the conversion of the enterprise resource planning the Erp system to TM munice which will allow for integrating our systems across departments increasing efficiency and reducing redundancy we will be improving and upgrading it Hardware infrastructure to lead to a better cyber security and system performance we've also been introducing two new departments a Communications Department and economic development department to improve operations by allowing divisions to work collaboratively while the proposed budget addresses some critical needs there are still needs that must be met and future needs that must be considered we must keep these in mind as the budget is assessed and ultimately adopted some of the following un some of the unmet needs include the PBA and Iva negotiations enhancement of our Landscaping level of service throughout the city for an additional $500,000 increasing staff pay to a minimum of $15 per hour to meet State living wage requirements which will be an additional $500,000 and increasing the number of police officers to Industry standards of 2.5 officers per 1,000 residents finally I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who work diligently to develop this budget from the mayor and city council to the residents that have attended the budget Town Hall meetings the Office of Management and budget Department directors and the administration thank you thank you and Ry thank you so we'll we'll start off with some of the uh budget Town Hall I'm sorry we'll start off with some of the the uh Administration priorities um uh we'll follow that up with a milit rate discussion we'll talk about advm Revenue uh we'll go through some of the 2425 budget assumptions uh we'll go over the proposed revenues and expenditures the general fund summary the Enterprise fund Water and Sewer Enterprise fund storm water we'll go through some proposed capital projects um some rate some water sewer rates and lastly we'll just do an overall review of the adopted budget okay um so some of the priorities that we've heard throughout uh the budget process include Financial stability Economic Development affordable housing resiliency programming water plant improvements Park Renovations the 5year Strategic plan downtown Redevelopment Northwest 7th Avenue Redevelopment Centennial activities Smart City initiatives and and Citywide community events um this slide shows the millage rate over a 10-e period as you can see in fiscal year 2016 uh that was the highest at 7.9 340 Ms and then we had 6 years at 7.500 and the last three the last two years has been uh 7.4 and we are proposing 7.4 um tonight and moving forward to the right you have a breakdown um percentage wise of what the city collects on the dollar the city of North Miami collects 33.25 per and the remaining entities collect the the rest um as discussed a few minutes ago the total taxable value presented in the dr420 is $5.8 billion once we apply the 7.4 millage rate it yields 43,2 18,45 once applied the 95% by law that we can uh budget for it brings back 41,48 29 the roll back rate is .8 358 and that will generate 37,9 18,39 once applied the 7.4 Ms and the 95% this slide here shows the adalum compared to the C Tiff refund and reimbursement so the operating tax levy for FIS year 25 is the 41 million mentioned on the slide above 41,48 29 there is a city of North Miami Tiff payment to the CRA and the amount of 4,124 38 and we do get a refund from the CRA for a total of 3.6 million the total ad of alarm taxes budgeted for for FIS year 2425 is 28.5 million or 28,5 58,60 um just on that that slide so that's the amount that the city is getting from the CRA from the renegotiated um agreement uh the 3.6 million yes okay so that's what we're proposed to get this year what did we get last year because that number was never shared with Council well wasn't shared with me I don't know if it was shared with the council once we made the amendment once the money came in the middle of the year it was uh 3.4 about 3 .5 million 3.5 million in total yes additional after yes thank you this slide rep shows your budget assumptions um which the the basis of the budget is built on the first is the millage rate of 7.4 which helps us fund um a lot of the increases and and most importantly helps us fund the the general fund Reserve uh we have the same level of service as the previous year with increases throughout we have 3% Merit and 3% Cola for IU UPA the unclassified and non-bargaining employees and 5% Merit and 4% col is for PBA employees that's for uh the police officers there are increases to employee health insurance general liability and property insurance for 10 15 and 20% respectively there is 2.9 Million budgeted for the general fund Reserve there are no full-time Personnel reductions in the budget you will see numbers for the Erp and CRM implementation along with money for City and community events there are major improvements to the city's it infrastructure which will improve uh networks and securities and lastly uh the Water and Sewer fees um as mentioned in the city manager's letter the uh total proposed budget is$ 214 million $181,900 is at $ 9,897 690 or 42% and all the other funds come in at 24, 284,807 or 28.5 million sales and use tax is slightly over 750,000 and that represents 1% we have charges for services at 8.2 million that is 9% we have F fines and forfeitures um slightly above 780,000 that is also 1% intergovernmental Revenue 10.5 million that is 12% miscellaneous revenues 19.2 million and that is 21% and lastly we have non- revenues at 21.7 million or 24% uh this slide shows your total proposed expenditure Citywide you can see the general fund is coming in at 42% or 89.8 million you have housing funds which include cdbg NSP and ship uh that is 1.4 million Debt Service which is our pension obligation bond is 1.7 million we have transportation 6 million special Revenue funds about 40.6 million we have Enterprise funds which include water and sewer storm water and water firef flow at 64.6 million inter internal service funds which include Fleet and risk management 9.6 million for a total of$ 214 M1 181,182 uh breakdown and we have the prior year budget for 2024 of what was adopted along with what we are proposing in 2425 mayor and council is at 2.6 million city manager 2.4 million city clerk's office is 96,000 Finance is about 4.5 million city attorney's office is 1.6 million Personnel 9 139,000 it 3.9 million police 36 million 36.7 million land use Services formerly known as CPN that's 2.1 million public works that's 3.8 million as you can see the Office of Management and budget we have zero that is now a part of Finance Parks and Recreation 10.1 million non-departmental 5.1 million mocha 1.8 million Neighborhood Services 6.5 million the library is at $1.3 million purchasing $759,000 housing and Social Services 2 million CIB has dissolved since July 1st e Economic Development $965,000 and Communications 1.1 million for a total of 89 m89 7,690 the breakdown by category is as follows Personnel Services is about 61 1% operating budget is at 23% internal Services 6% Capital 2% grants and AIDS 3% and reserves 5% this is a breakdown of your transportation funds which include havent and um Street resurfacing we have Personnel for 572,000 or 10% operating at 1.9 million or 32% internal services 187,000 or 3% and capital 3.3 million or 55% internal Services a breakdown of risk management and Fleet Management Personnel Services 1.6 million or 177% excuse me operating 3.9 million or 41% internal Services slightly over $1 million or 11% and reserves for 2.9 Million or 31% water and sewer water and sewer is as follows 6.6 million for Personnel Services or 11% operating Services 6.5 million also 11% internal Services 27.8 million 48% Capital 8 8.9 million or 15% and lastly Reserve 7.9 million or 14% what you don't see there is debt services for 1% this slide shows the water and sewer um scheduled increases from 2022 to uh 2027 as you can see the combined um increases year toe average at about 88.5% 8 4% for water and 8.6% for sewer and this is over a uh this is an increase over a six-year period storm water storm water comes in at 3.3 million Personnel Services 94,000 or 27% internal services 763,000 or 23% we have operating services at 1.5 million or 47% and lastly Reserves at 106,000 or 3% lastly we have uh special Revenue funds um this includes the CRA pension obligation Bond miscellaneous grants so total of $3,583 1112 Personnel Services is 3% operating Services is 46% capital is at 6% or 1.7 7 million debt service is at 6% and Grant services are at 4% 40% of my apologies okay this last slide here shows you a list of the capital projects and it's broken down by fund we have the it Network and security improvements $1 million police air conditioning chillers 120,000 police station roof covering 130,000 and that uh includes those are all your general fund projects we have traffic calming devices 200,000 sidewalks and rideway improvements 435,000 the pedestrian bridge improvements $2.4 million and Street resurfacing for $270,000 and those four projects are for transportation and lastly we have the uh remaining four water and tour projects the utility Operating Center which you may know as the uoc uh roof replacement 880,000 lift station rehab 575,000 water main improvements $1 million and sanitary sewer Rehabilitation uh gravity improvements for $6.6 million the total is 12.9 million and to the right you see a breakdown 10% of these projects or 1.2 million is for the general fund 26% or 3.6 million of these of this is catered to transportation and the remaining 8.3 million or 64% um is for water and tour with that being said after going through the priorities the different funds I'm happy to announce that we do have a balanced budget um for fiscal year 2025 we are proposing 214 million 81,9 31 and just want to thank everyone for their time for coming here for this purpose and I look forward to the next few minutes answering whatever questions can you put that backup the last slide please thank you so last year was um 208 um yes that's $28,988 447 uh that's less than a 3% increase [Music] m in Boke of the increase from from the memo and what was stated from the m um from the manager is um the cola and pension and all the cost of living etc etc yes there yes in terms and so the the the department change that we had that it wasn't a big I guess add-on because it it's kind of transferring from one budget into the other that is correct it costs more right that's what it looks like well yeah it did cost more okay all righty then okay thank you thank you Roy you're welcome so guys I mean we could start with you know department and then we all kind of take it and then we could take it from there you good with that Vice may it okay all right so but uh mayor and Council so the increase there is um like half a million and I think that's that the position that was budget half half of the year there's some um cost that was not budget well that was not stated in the budget but as as time on added to to our budget is that um the the reasons why it's 500,000 plus a little bit more right the mayor and Council one second sure no problem to be specific I just went by um page one is that the Deputy Chief of Staff position that was added yeah you see this but it's it's half a mill half a million so I'm like is there others that it's just approximately 500 um from last year to this year so looking at the budget the mayor and Council budget is at 2.6 million your mik yeah oh okay I think lean into it lean lean yeah all right [Music] so yes you know right actually um I you know I was looking at page one but in reality on page two at the top it's it's it's only A200 something thousand difference right that's correct okay then that's that's fine okay I that kind of made sense okay um and that dollar amount more so is the one employee that was added correct that's uh the the one employee the Deputy Chief of Staff okay and then this is okay and then we got our part time and that's the that's that's for the AIDS um the the the council 102 yes so 102 those are the uh the part timers in level one um are you on what page are you on yeah I'm on page three you right page three yes that's for the uh the the the AG okay so in in in page three the planting of trees um and I got an email it's it's funny from from um former Council woman Keys was this the the 311 because at some point we used to have that this is not what this is right so is this general for for for our office the the 20,000 line item 311 um yeah so this was uh initially budgeted last year and um we thought that the request will come up again so we made sure that we put that there again this year for FIS year 25 okay but no one did anyone you like I didn't I wasn't even aware that that was there because I in previous years it was kind of jumbled up together with to the city because I have my old budget book here from last year so it was budget up it was bundled up with keys to the city engrav place like that was one whole line item so now I guess I don't know if you guys like broke it apart and you just got left that one by itself but that 20,000 was in its own little category with 312 um I think that's how we missed it looking at I don't have the details from last year but I I do notice that last year the total was $20,000 no we know but I don't think none of us knew we know yeah we we didn't know that it was there because it was bundled up with the special departmental supplies so it was I guess it was just I know you guys were cleaning up titles um it's good to look at previous years just to see what changed and so forth so that's what I I have the I have two boo yeah my book is right yep the first one last year and this and as a matter of fact for last year for page three the detailed of this what um I'm looking at the okay in our book okay it's not as the detail is not maybe page yeah it's not here okay all right city manager page um good page this is page 14 page 10 are you going Department by Department with everyone or well for all of us I would assume like you was asking question yeah to make it quicker um I would like to put on the record CFO Angela Reyes through the city manager that last year there was an actual ask and we did a budget amendment for the tree the planting of the trees which remained in the budget for the mayor and Council as an initiative it was so yes it was the second change memo okay so for the budget you use that for yes we did use that this year for what for for for tree planting yes one of us one of you oh okay well that's what we want to know we we don't know yes it was this year and no no no that that's fine I just we just like I she didn't know I didn't know either okay for the record yes okay all righty um city manager um so I think this is the breakdown version of what I looking at so your O2 division O2 um 405 um are we there that this is so I I I'm assuming and but I wanted you to clarify for me if is it because communication is out is out of of that um um because the numbers are a little bit yes the main reason for the decrease in the city manager's office is due to uh Communications being a standalone Department this year there was a reduction of I believe four employees uh with that move okay Mr may I was going to ask that question this might be one of the questions I was going to ask um I saw that there's 500 something, $560,000 for public relations salaries that's and that jumped out at me that's been moved out of the city manager Office that's why I'm seeing okay that okay that answers my question how many people does that represent uh one second what page it's three right it was page 285 page 285 now it's page it's a it's it's a total of s positions that make up the Communications Department however uh some of those positions last year were in it along with the city manager's office got okay it it just that that whole line item so there has been some restructuring with moving the the positions and a new Department into that moving the positions into that department which created the total of seven uh employees for Comm $561,000 salaries blah blah blah and that's not extra for from this fiscal year that's just a moving into one Department it totally makes sense when I hear it like that I just that like I said that whole department being new jumped out at me as what is what is this like were we hiring correct new people we're not hiring new people we're just moving where they were to where they'll now be classified that makes sense that's the second time they actually moved it it was actually moved before was it yeah it was moved under Larry when he under his administration then they moved it back and then it back so this is the second time this has been a change it out okay okay thank you thank no problem any any other questions for City manager's office um so it's just a salary um so with part the 102 um part time what is that um manager that's page 13 page 13 uh that's for uh part-time parttime parttime work no I know but you have there's parttime in in the manager's office or are we adding or what is what is that so there was a through sorry through the city manager there was a part-time position actually two in last fiscal Year's budget for the city manager's office which um housed additional services that landed there for um it was the if I remember correctly it was for sponsorships and they and special events and that's left there so that when those things come up they have the additional help this year it was one person that was budgeted extra okay so last year what it was it was 5654 last year last year same amount it's the same amount as last year I I which page are you CU you know what I have both books no the old book what page is that the old book is on page is the same oh cuz this one is is on P okay this one started I think this was the um once they finished doing the the oh you're looking at the adopted aded one okay yeah I'm looking at the real numbers okay so that okay I got it that that I thought that was that's with the Francisco um right is is he under you guys or that is he separate you will see that position in Economic Development as the grant administrator uh that was also in City manager's office last year and was trans out okay so the parttime that was there last year I'm assuming it was with with with that office correct okay so now it's coming back to the city manager's office there was two in there last year I see one of them went with government with the um Economic Development one of them stayed in the city manager's office okay thank you okay I saw that the emergency manage management emergency manager was added this year um who was is that that is that the police officer or is that a new position that's a new position that we're seeking to fund beginning October 1st that is a new position yes it is so so there's nobody in that position right now not as a full-time position right oh m not as a full-time position right now that position is currently being done by Sergeant John Baptist and so we're seeking to make that a full-time position that will be set in the manager's office qu question about that would that be um a sworn officer or would that would be something separate from from from that at this time we're going to we are going to put the ad out for the person so if a sworn officer wants to apply that could be but it's not going to be a requirement for the position okay I have a question how many full-time positions or how many positions were added two in total budget no no how many new positions new positions there are 18 positions added 18 new positions 18 new positions 18 new positions do we have them yeah could you identify with those 18 positions please um yes I that was my I was going to ask that thank you VI I was going to ask it later have a change oh that's the next meeting okay vice mayor we're going to send you that report he's going to pull it out and you can have the list of them or you're going to he's going to call it out he's going to look for it now okay yeah yeah okay so 18 new positions so what's the total of of of that new um of that amount do we know we could okay so would you like me to yes sir please so we have the Deputy Chief of Staff uh the emergency management manager budget analyst utility collections coordinator a city planner an arborist senior zoning Tech a receptionist I'm sorry you said senior one senior zoning technician zoning a receptionist a recreation receptionist for Department uh public works okay um we have the recreation coordinator Parks maintenance mechanic two maintenance mechanics and Parks we have the executive assistant to the NSD director we have the assistant purchase ing director we have the pecard administrator said purchase wait wait go back wait wait wait wait you said purchasing director assistant director oh assistant director Alberto's getting ra to retire yeah we didn't Alberto didn't have somebody um he used okay okay um we have a business development coordinator and we have two housing positions what other the two housing uh Housing Services administrative specialist and housing and social services coordinator but these are not technically new positions some of these were budgeted in the past you're just fulfilling them or putting them there cuz some of them I've heard before well new in the sense of they were not funded last year last year oh they were not funded and they are funded but how much What's the total of those do we know that number because of the lack of details I would have to give back to you okay can can can you can you please share um information with us yes we will will share and while I'm on the mic uh mayor if I yes sir uh just uh just want to make it clear that I am not going to have too many detailed questions tonight due um to the fact that I receiv received my book fairly late was um yesterday I got a hold of it did not get the chance to go over everything that we have in there I just have a few um um general questions uh in that regard so and in our next uh budget meeting I'll be more um detail oriented um quickly on the on the subject of uh properties values and I understand that we have a slight increase like about 11% on our um property values how much money is that I'm sorry I can you repeat the question um from my from what from my understanding can um just correct me if I'm wrong our property values went up to about 11% is that right yes so my question is that what is the dollar amount equal to that um 11% um it's about 5.8 billion uh compared to last year's 5.2 I don't have the exact 10 digigit number right now um but I can be sure to get that to you maybe even before the end of tonight okay um Now quickly as we talking about um additional positions in ter of um Services what additional services that our city is getting um based on that um dollar amount so um for looking at the office of land use Services right we have the city planner we have the arborus and we also have the senior zoning Tech at least these three positions help us address the issues of uh trees uh that we have within the city we have 14,000 trees we're allow we're able to uh cater to 1,400 of them every year so with these three additional positions we're able to have a wider scope of what we can Target and that's just for trees um for the senior City manager's office where we have the Emergency Management uh staff obviously we have an issue with with flooding and different you know natural disasters that happen here in Miami having someone in place to uh get get ahead of you know these things that will improve the services not only for you know us but for the entire city um and that's just an example of you know three or four positions I'd be more than happy to go through all of them you know with you if you will but in um term of service to the CD and we will get that we will write that question down and get back to you with each position and how it adds to the service of the city I do want to give you the uh difference between the uh last year's taxes and this year is about $2.5 million increase thank you um now you know Que in this budget how does it um address our infrastructure and most specifically um the water plant and everything we got to get yeah we got a long wait um C councilman while you are on that while he's asking about infrastructure I was I was waiting to to ask specifically for me um if I don't know if Public Works can come and like identify where is it in our budget and exactly the the drainage um INF what are the dollars that are there in particular for third cour um um you know absolutely are do we have all the dollars how much more do we need hold on you know yeah we going to go we're going to go through it I know but I we'll get yeah we're going to get um to um to Public Works they're just prepping you up we prepping you up on questions that oh you the new director I I think did we me we might need to have everybody new come to the mic and just introduced himself nice to meet you officially okay city clerk she got all the money in the world we can move on um so uh no but could we get the in are we jumping no no um because what I'm saying what I'm saying is that um again I am going to repeat it I'm just not making excuses for um everything that happened with our situation that we didn't get a chance to get our hand uh let me speak for myself to get my hand early into the book and um no I hate to say that because I just don't want to go into those line and just seeing them tonight it is not helping me I don't think it is helping um you know anybody in here so that's why I just want to um ask some general questions and then when we come back and our second budget here and I'll have more time to go into detail because I just don't want to you know be um doing that that's why I just want to ask my um general questions and then I'll sit back and listen to everybody in our second budget hearing I'll be more into the detail if I if I may uh Mr Mayor and that makes sense um but I I have a question what happened to his book did we oh so it it it wasn't that we did not so the same time we all okay it has nothing to do with you guys and I would like to put on the record also that we do have time to go over this and adjust it accordingly my question was I think we I think May or if I may I think we need to you know go through it maybe ask some questions cuz you know even for myself I know we all are dealing with this cyber incident this is our first meeting that that we're getting back so a lot has happened in the past few weeks so you know staff is getting a pass because normally like I I would have tabs after tabs and questions after questions but because I understand that we had to go back to 1926 with paper and pencil these past couple of days because of this incident um you know we're being sensitive to to that to that you know ministration right now but I do think um even after this meeting I'll be meeting with you all to to bring up some of my concerns I won't bring them up tonight um because this is not you know this is not an an ordinary how we would ordinary do things but because we are you know we're dealing with this crisis as we're dealing with right now but you know I do applaud you all for still moving forward um but just know after let me ask this instead of um re really um taking most you know the time it seems to me that um councilwoman Timothy and and as well as councilman Charles and I think it would benefit myself also if we could kind of um maybe don't go too deep because it's my understanding they need um more time no I'm ready to go deep okay okay okay ready but I'm just saying I know that help us out next time it's understandable why they don't have imediate of stuff we got you guys don't have access we don't have access to or the but Eden is up now right not yet we're still reconciling Eden now to be clar Eden is functional however there needed to be a Reconciliation of the past 30 days since there was some you know there was that time that was lost so it is a functional system in our city however we do need to not be using it so that the reconciliation can be entered all at one time and then once that reconciliation is complete then it will be available for General usage throughout the city okay so I actually had a a a call half hour before tonight's meeting started from a realtor who was concerned that they're not able to do business because we am I accurate when I told them that even though Eden is now back up everything that was done on a slip of paper for the last 30 days has to be entered that is correct okay okay coincidentally I gave the right answer that is correct oh God I surprise myself sometimes and and we still have to close the year September 30th so there's a lot to happen a lot to happen this month okay well we're moving right along City Clark I have no question good there's one question in city clerk for me um I know when we move the um when we move the election date we said that there would be like savings and so forth so I know it went from 125 to 1 175 for election cost um and I say 341 right yeah 341 that was my question yeah that was just my question why the significant jump Madam if we knew that if we said that there was going to be a savings or or assumed well first I don't think I was the person who said that there would be a savings and so I'm not sure why that was said but in any case because we don't even have an estimate of what it would what it cost us okay so I can't provide information like that without actually getting a bill so even if I were to ask for an estimated cost they actually can't give me one because they have to wait until ballots are out and everything like that so if they're printing um you know more for a runoff and things like that the cost can go up it can go up understandable thank you no I have a question I don't know if I understand that so if I called the Miami day Election Department to saying that we are adding on add-on election um when we did it separately we ran it by ourselves we were around that that amount correct yeah so we know it's not going to be the same because I thought it was like 20 something thousand dollars per election maybe giving and take so I mean I can't determine that again because I'm not sure if we're going to have a runoff we would probably be the only ones doing the runoff I'm not sure how many staff that they're going to have I don't know how much they're paying their staff this year I don't know anything about what their Cola increase or their increases are I don't have certain information and they wouldn't really be able to give it to me um they can give me an estimate but then again an election has to happen for them to do that so you get the cost after the election oh I get built after so whatever I whenever we do the budget and I provide something it could be more it could be less okay so that is an item that we need to figure out and trying to see this is Page 24 and then the other thing that I do want to mention is that when we do for example signage and um those big signs that come out those things are also included in that and so that has to be something that's also factored and it's not just the cost of the election but it's also the awareness that individuals have about the election so I have a question so the election cost could you give a breakdown of what that is no no um I I heard that there poster signs I've heard that you know what so I want to know what are the detail election costs what what are those election cost so there's what Miami day charges to host to do an election and we don't know that we don't know that there are there's signage that we put out okay there's notices that go out okay and so those are about any any notices advertising about the election that's pretty much what what takes place to go into that cost and then the cost of the no just so that I'm not even call talking about money right now so so I'm talking about election costs right now so we're talking about dealing with the Department of Elections the ballots whatever the signage the notices and those are only the those are all the election cost if they charge us for having the pora potties out that might be included as well I heard Paul say yeah because he doesn't want to pay for them so but um now you find me um in the past did we um did we Factor this um type of cost or those are like those are typically included every year every year because I'm I'm looking at these like um I remember vividly when we had that meeting about changing the elections to November we said the cost was going to go down but we have a 50,000 jump in here compared to um um but just because it's budgeted doesn't mean it's going to be used so I have a question there wouldn't necessarily be an election in 20 well I guess the election in well the November one right and then if there's a runoff from there so what was the cost of the last election that we had it was in there I we don't have the actual cost we don't have the details of the actual cost um but last year we did budget 125,000 that's not what I I I don't want what was budgeted I I want to know I want to know the cost of the let me rephrase that of the last election that the city of North Miami had so it could have been about 180 I want to say just off the top of my head I don't want to be quoted on on that and then I also have to remember because uh we do pay Library staff and overtime so that comes out of Elections as well um so 2021 was the last yeah 2021 let me see okay you would like to know the cost of the last election right Alo the last election I believe was in 2021 okay so I'd like to know what was that cost okay okay while we getting that finan and that cost just to be clear it incl obviously includes early voting and election throughout election day is that correct yeah yeah that's sure we're on to finance yeah and I and I have some questions Finance is the one that merg with budget is that correct oh you know Finance did okay so the two that was my my question so there's an increase of 12% 12.6% representing about almost half a million um is that for the two positions that were okay no um so there were a few moves here uh we had BTR was initially budgeted in finance which is now part of BTR BTR The Bu tax receipts um that is now budgeted in land use Services formerly known as cpnd uh so we moved those positions out and Along Came budget uh budget moved into uh Finance as a new Division and that came with the budget manager the budget administrator along with a budget analyst we have a budget administrator the budget analyst is added budet to and then a budget administrator too so I have some issues with this um I'm sorry mayor did you okay so I have some issues with what well I know this is not this Administration but I had some issues with these changes especially when you take a assistant Finance director and you bring them down to a finance manager um did those salaries stay the same they actually went okay but why the change in title because the change in title almost to me it looks like a demotion because if I'm the assistant Finance director and now I'm a finance manager um that the the title in itself to me is a demotion even though I understand that the the the the pay is still the same or what or if it was increased or what not but I think that you know when we're making changes and it's affecting folks we need to be mindful of those type of changes okay so that's just what I wanted to put on record that if we can address that um maybe not in this fiscal year but whenever but moving forward I don't think we should be making changes to people's titles like that that's not cool just to address that um change we were advised by Personnel that since there was no longer a Director of Finance and a director of budget you could have an assistant to a director that doesn't exist so there was a Chief Financial Officer and so because we were not changing their salaries we actually increased the salaries the only well the best suitable at the time title that we could find was manager however the reason why the assistant director position changed because there was no longer a director to be an assistant yeah no I hear you but we can work with Personnel to address that concern and did you the Personnel complete the um the salary study that they commissioned we are still a lot of the information has come through we are still um in conversations with the consultant that we're working with so that has not been completed as yet but we are very aware of these two positions that change that has happened and we are working on that okay thank you and real quick on on that note so it's almost seems like a million dollar more but a little bit less um from last year to this year it would that be those two positions or the the including no that just included a whole department we actually had a savings with the budget director we didn't have a budget director we just had a budget manager now so that 4.5 million it is a saving while we it's 484 yeah it is a saving still Yes okay anything else in budget are you guys adding a deputy CFO I remember at one point there was a position for that that's not being added right no okay it is not okay thank you executive assistant to the CFO okay the bilding utility okay finances mayor yes okay if I could just go back quickly uh the number just to Miami dat County for the elections in 2021 was just over $23,000 $100,000 100 or two 200 200 203 oh got you thank you so that means you need more money no she has more money she has money she has money money we have an election this just making sure but it's with the county so if you owe the county you owe the county okay well I get that okay so we okay with Finance personnel no is it City attorney no we ski City attorney who Jeff they just put you out of business no I think City attorney is next at 51 is it oh I think I'm sorry it's me it's it's so short Jeff I have all the money two pages it's because the budget b doesn't have T I think Jeff I don't think we really have any I have to say that I appreciate that the money for outside council is as low as it is saying that in all seriousness $300,000 is a lot but I've seen past administrations where way predating you where outside Council was way over a million dollar where basically the attorney was farming everything out so I appreciate that you and Jennifer are doing all the work we've been lucky to stay out of uh good many major lawsuits so we haven't used a lot of outside counsel oh really so you have't okay we've had a couple of unexpected ones but but not not as usual okay well that's good there is a that's honestly that's super realistic like I'm I I commend you so I have oh Sor no no go ahead go ahead so I'm looking at city attorney's budget and I'm comparing it to City manager's budget um because the office structure is almost the same so I feel like there's there may be some discrepancies with some of the titles so like let's just look at city manager City attorney they're both at 50 but if I look at Deputy city manager who's at a step 48 and I'm looking at Deputy City attorney that 46 we have to fix that and then you have an assistant City Attorney at 36 but you have an assistant city manager at 40 something is that 47 who is assistant city manager you stopped that put I'm just saying there we're not GNA call but I'm just saying that it should look city manager and city attorney's office should mirror so I think we need to address that to to to that point that is a new position you didn't mention that Roy was it was it budget last year um assistant city manager more so of a um position change or different title okay I'm lost okay when when these things happen it'll be good if we as policy makers get a courtesy in no I'm finding stuff off on the streets on the streets and sometimes it's true sometimes it's not but that's not good we cannot operate a city like that so do we have an assistant because I I didn't think I thought we had um a deputy and then a chief of staff so last year was budgeted the assistant city manager correct we we had assistant we had assistant city manager and then it changed to Deputy City maner that's what I yes well no that happened the year before with with with no it happened last year this past year it happened at a budget C it it happened with the administration corre yeah don't say wasn't that the year before no I know it was Chang the administration not during budget time so your previous man so again so we we keeping the deputy and then now we adding the um an assistant we're not adding it was always there okay but we we didn't use it um last year like this year it wasn't in the budget last year it was I have the adopted budget it was in the budget last year oh so you guys did it in the the change M and the change M no no I don't think they used it so this would be the first time they will use it which is fine we just need to know no no no in our budget book it was another title but I'm saying is when they I don't know when they pass you know when they pass the payroll or whatever with yeah but I'm just saying like when things are like that are happening well I was just making I was just pointing the discrepancies between city manager and city attorney's office that I think you're right because it's not in last year's um book so last year city manager Deputy Chief of Staff strategic plane manager communication Pio you know etc etc I'm sorry for last year I have the adopted budget and it has the assistant city manager and Deputy city manager let me say this to you flash news this this right here in this year's budget no this is last year's um adopted budget because that's what I'm going back base on okay I'll look at I'll look at that yeah this is not good but I'm just look maybe Scott maybe you could see better than all all I can see is November 5th you a no make sure your discretionary is still there for December trust me no no I'm leaving that discretionary for the next person and I'm praying I'm praying right off in your District so you'll be you'll be and and again this is this is one of the reason why I'm just going I'm just going to um sit quietly and some good notes cuz some of this stuff we need to really really look into them yes um because as I said we need we need to add more to Services um I was looking at um Street resurfacing I don't know if is that for one District or for the entire city uh you know no no I I know we'll get to that because we cannot just keep on adding position after position just for the title so we have to be very careful we need to work on a way that uh you know we become service oriented we have a lot of people um yes but basically if we have a city manager assistant city manager Deputy city manager this is too much so we have to have City side yeah we we need we need to um see exactly what what is needed and how we're going to move forward because we need to uh find a way to you know save money or put money more money into service and I think this is why we go like page by Page okay I do have that councilman Charles the resurfacing um because that was one of the questions I asked them during my briefing but the more problem problematic is that I have something and they have something totally different so but that's what the public have what I have is what they gave me from last year so we just have to figure that out so it probably was there internally and then you guys so you will feel that um M Madam um inam manager so with the chief of staff will be a new position um a new person you'll be adding towards that or yeah no I know yeah I know but this is that's what we talking about not right now no B yeah that's fine oh okay I okay so you got okay so okay 20 so last year was 20 and then this year the good thing is it's 1.5 but I understand it's because communication is taken out all righty Personnel oh I'm in Personnel yeah yeah no no I just that was my question for City attorney no we did we did City attorney Jeff they give him a good a good comment okay and and I must say to um to to staff I I am really um you know the the the first thing I ask I think when you miss re um because after I met with him I met with you the first question I asked was what what do we have it so councilman to answer your question um and I do have to give them credit and command for that so for the second time in in a year and this is big we are not going to be wavering um support in terms of not adding into the um Revenue uh into our reserve and this year it actually so I do have to commend them on that they did increase the we're not at the 5 million but we're getting there so we had 2.9 and that's the second time you know despite whatever's going on out there so we are making progress in terms of of the city and I do have to applaud you you guys for that because right now we could say we finally have $5 million in our reserve and every year we're supposed to have by law 5 million but we supposed put an additional additional 5 million so and we never had that for almost eight years prior to until last year when we the first thing that we did was that um so I I do thank the council and thank you guys for doing that so we good so Personnel we good the personnel's see what's going on personel personnel Miss Woodley do you take all the money not miss Woodley's parks that parks and police yes Chief increase Wellness programs in Personnel I have a questione not yet yeah the wellness go ahead Vice man right so I have a question actually not about the wellness but about the tuition reimbursement how much of it was used last year we'll get that number for you that's a good question out of 50,000 yeah yeah we'll get that number for you when we have the system up okay do you think you have system up by second go round I believe so we are in the process of having it up by the second go round at least so I can get these answers done and then I ask this question don't ask it don't look not look for an answer tonight but what happens if not like how do we handle a second hearing without access to anything like should we be reaching out to the state to say hey well again the access to Eden is only interrupted for the last 30 days for reconciliation we will be able to access Eden to find historical data oh we will well it's Eden has data but we're looking to restore the M Drive which has the hisorical data that's the real Goa the real dat okay just something to think about so that we don't have to come back on what is it the 18th and then try to talk about a third hearing so to speak I understand I I don't have the answer to that but yes I wasn't asking anybody have answer it just popped in my but for for me as a relates to personel I just like to see um a little bit more for wellness programs in terms of how is that going um I know we have the workout classes but you know whatever we can do to improve overall employees um Wellness is whether it's you know bringing some Google Nappers or something I don't know but whatever we can do to to to beat that up okay employee training program we good and and and I I asked this um maybe Miss Woodley this will be a question for you for the past I think almost um I enter in in the city when I was in high school and it seems like and that's almost like 20 something years ago um the the the online portal for employees and that was something that I I was asked is there any way that we could just look and update it to to Modern Age because it it seems you know you know what I'm talking about the log your employee portal where you get everything it's it's working but it's it's been there since 19 like when you when you log in to get your um paycheck and and everything you never logged in this this is actually part of the munus implementation so once we Implement fully into munis you'll have updated employe portal because that would also be the the portal for people to pay the the water bill cuz it's it it just look outdated you know all of that will be updated with the implementation of mun something thank you Miss Woodley you didn't have to say nothing okay um it whoa so there is just just so you guys know there is a um a change memo that was um dropped off yeah and this is relate to page so I'm on the wrong page okay yeah it this is it's showing a reduction oh this is for the staffing reduction right no so what you see on your um on the podium is a it includes the $1 million for $1 million for Capital Improvements the it uh Network and securities uh when we printed that page wasn't updated on the print so only the first two pages changed everything behind it still the same so you said 1 million for this is a capital outlay is that what I'm seeing yes that's for the uh the security and network improvements and for upgrades to the hardware as well okay on on going back to right do you have a list of what those are we do not at the moment but we will get that to you so how you know is a million well that's what we received from the IT department so did they submit it as a CP Y is it here yes well is there where's CLA what happened good afternoon Cil man I mean I'm sorry mayor as and ccil in City Administration oh W Joseph assistant IT director okay so um we do have a list of thing that need to upgrade as of right now the firewall uh we need a monitering system IDs and IPS uh we need M multiactor authentication throughout the whole city multi what factor authentication yeah the two Factor auth we need to upgrade our email infrastructure to E3 it has a more robust security we did know that like need to be provided to is still going we'll get a list and prop I'd like to hear it please if you could allow him to speak um we're looking to upgrade all our switches over um throughout the city um we need to upgrade some of our servers as they outdated when you say increase your service as they're outdated could you be more servers okay I compare the system okay the whole system so this will be you know I it'll be more detailed by the next one because it just say 1 million and we don't know okay so may I I have a question please okay so you've mentioned um six things that are needed do they are they reflected are all of those needs I'm sorry I say it one more time all of those needs reflected in the budget yes so there's money for the fire firewall there's money for the multiactor um authentication there's the upgrade for the E3 um there's money for the servers is is that what I'm hearing that's that's what's included in 1 million but it's not listed in here right it will be it will be itemized but that's what the $1 million is consisting of and it will be itemized at the next hearing so right sure is there anything else that is needed to make um that you have not listed here so we are still doing some of our homework how to improve our Network infrastructure so um as time come we will do we will um evaluate more stuff and then get the cost so I don't have the cost right now but we do know what we need to make our system more overbust and effective okay so basically what you've listed here is is if if we have those things the chances of us having a breach would be it would be minimized minimized yes yeah I don't think so that I understand that I understand that right I understand but at least extremely difficult you know so we're not yes okay another additionally there are um new positions that are added to those I was just about to ask that next there are Personnel increases as well so may I continue thank you how many personnel increase do we have I believe six well this is it looks like it it's decreased from last year no but Pio is out of oh offic and so that's what I'm saying so Pio is out okay Pi will now be in Communications so there are six new positions in it is that is that what I'm hearing so we lost three position um as the year I mean as of last year well still we're still in the year mhm and um those position haven't replaced yet and we're looking forward to to add three new personal knes how much how many staffers do we have right now in it 14 two 14 right how about have five five well I'm sorry um Counting uh the reception need but as far as IT personnel yeah so I'm more interested in the IT personnel I'm sorry let me direct my question a little bit more spefic specifically how many technicians it technicians that you have in your department six there are six include me and Claude including you and Claude for a city our size um would that be Madam Personnel I'm not sure which one of you for for our city our size what is the Personnel that we need I know that we have six it um technicians but how many do we need need at least 13 Jesus that's a d you said you said 13 yes okay currently we only have one person at the police department and that's unacceptable okay so but this here's you need 13 Al together yes so that means you need seven seven more seven seven more staff to to um to perform at the m at the level that that we should be per okay optimal level and this is budgeted right here question based on what vice mayor just shared so did that because I I thought the million dollar would in include these so why wasn't that need because I know when I spoke to um the director I I said to um couple weeks prior after this incident said we need to make sure that you know this budget we know that it would be impacted um a little bit more because of of you know what what's happening uh wouldn't that be included the six because what we have here is basically the same thing and then we asking a million dollars to upgrade our whole system so even if the whole system is upgraded but we don't have the right the amount of people the Personnel to to monitor or do whatever that you guys do it's kind of like defeating the purpose almost or but at least so because you need people it's our that's what we we hearing yes okay so I I think M Madam manager we're not saying all six now but at least three of these should be you know we'll be looking forward to maybe a revision in the next thing to add that is the director still here yes he is um but if you look at what was provided the is the positions that are listed here as 13 positions all of those positions if filled will be filling needs of right so so let me make but all of these positions are not currently filled is what the issue is right but I'm I'm actually so I don't want to talk about receptionists I don't want to talk about forance our network administrator we don't have currently a network administrator and we need to fill that position those the typ of positions that we are prioritizing okay so but it's already in the proposed budget for personnel yes this is what we right here but the million dollars was for no we get that but the impression that when vice mayor asked the question was how many personnel that we we needed to be um budgeted it was the number was seven so we saying that it's there it's a matter of us recruiting and and filling those positions okay okay that's okay let me exctly if I if I on the on this topic now let me I'm trying to understand um the situation that we are in is it due to uh the Manpower or our um infrastructure I just want to I just want to be clear we can add 20 people but still if the if our door is open so um councilman right count councilman I know what you're trying to ask but I just want to go through the city manager and attorney you understand I think it's so sensitive what we're asking because there's still an ongoing investigation because I I know what you're saying saying because of Staff vice mayor I fully understand okay just want to make sure you guys just basically talking about adding more people but is it the solution that's my only question because we can add more people but if we don't have the capacity the buffer in place it is not going to make a difference and that is that is basically all I am saying and I'm say million is that's what that's for to answer the question councilman the combined effort of recruiting the proper Personnel along with making sure we have the infrastructure in place is what will make us resilient as possible to any future incident it will never be at zero however this is the way to be as resilient as possible to a future okay and I thank you for that thank you so we have everything budgeted is a matter of recruiting people and putting people to work okay understandable okay thank you um anything else from it ex other than this 1 million so we don't need more more people to be added in because it's already in the budget right sir or do we need the 13 positions are already here it's the million dollars that yeah we we got that okay okay so Madam Li mayor you understand right I'm assuming based on the question um that we would be okay I was actually focusing on the technical position I'm hearing 13 but I just want to make sure that the technical yeah they said yeah as long as as long as no because I see there only two non technical there's a part time and a receptionist everything else is a technical position if you see so we have a we have the IT specialist 3 the Erp ad so the seven that I was asking that is missing I just want to make sure that seven that's missing is technical or that needs to be stopped those will be technical positions all right thank you thank you thank you thank are we good with it okay here go half of our budget Chief half of the new money you mean oh he we are police Jesus can you know how they did this police actually went down first all right um police are we where's where where are we the increase 9.5 oh that's not too bad this is this is page 81 so I I have a question um when it comes to police in terms of the is it explorers oh yeah yes I want to know thank you so I think I asked last year I just want to ask again this year to see what are we doing about that good evening mayor and councel Sharice SCA chief of police 700 Northeast 124 street through the manager so we again for this year what we have is the junior like the Junior explorers if you want to say that the cadets that we will hope we can raise them up and then they will become explorers because as we indicated last year we are competing with one other agencies as well as school board has an Explorer program that is capturing the high school aged children when you say you're competing what do you mean by that so what I mean by that is there are other police departments that have explorer programs neighboring agencies that have explorer programs and then School Board Police Department also has an Explorer program that actually captures the students in that age range within their high schools so we get them at a younger age grow them up through our own program so that we can retain them okay thank you um madam what go ahead goad um how many officers are we short of being at industry standard or are we at indry so we're about we to be at IND industry standard we should be at about 150 oh and we are at 121 swor okay so we're not too bad too too far yeah cuz it was bad um a couple years ago so and any any new one adding in this budget so we do hope to add we did apply for the cops hiring Grant this year we are requesting as a supplement additional officers we have not been you know told if we were awarded yet um in order to make that determination but yes the the answer is we are asking for additional officers for this fiscal year and this is the grant that would allow to would pay up for about 3 years or what what what's the length of time that would pay for an officer what's the length of time oh with a cops hiring it is for three years but it is $125,000 for the three-year period per officer okay okay and with since CIB was no longer um a thing anymore and I know we took a 1% of the police budget that um that funded the CIB did that money go back to police no it was my understanding it would but I I haven't gotten a final determination yet on that remember the CIB it was percentage of the police budget so was that money rest I don't think it I don't think that money was not the police and that was the Mis consumtion it was never it was the model was applied to the police so it was never in your budget it was in our general fund um that we we it was the percentage that whatever that we used um the formula other cities so we kind of had it in terms of that we always trying to clear that up to people but they thought it was like taking money from the police it wasn't it's not in here it's no it wouldn't be in right but it it was my understanding and I'll find out um that it did come from the police budget that was my understanding as well but I will find out no that was my understanding as well Mr Rivera you assistant the the attorney was getting rais to train no I mean we we we drafted the ordinance Crea so basically we Ed the police budget as the guide on what the uh am so it was supposed to be based on whatever percentage of the police budget but it didn't come out of the police budget yeah the police budget okay so while we're on the CIB topic where did that money go that's the manager crickets back to the general fund oh good and now it's back to it came from the general fund so it went back to the general fund okay so that's how we we were a to the million doll so thank God for CIB well not not the governor but thank God for was a this is okay Zoom okay this is so budget I think I'll have more like um councilman Charles um with with the police because police is always so uniform for example so it's is that what what is it because of more officers or from last year almost like so it's for every year for officers to be able to to get uniforms new uniform allotments no I know I know what it's for chief I'm saying the amount went up from um from 15 is this 15 million to 17 million what page are you on page 87 okay that's um I think Department 001 and members of the public please um take your questions um write them down towards the end you know we'll open it for heent and thank you councilor woman Timothy foring okay uniforms it's its own separate unit so the patrol it's under Patrol so under Patrol so uniforms again right just the annual allotment that is given to each officer but in addition to that just costs that have gone up for uniform that that's what I wanted to but course I have gone up to because I I was hoping you said that was an extra person so it's almost like $200,000 difference so also understanding that when we hire new Personnel it is a larger increase than a regular officer's allotments because they need an entire um you know new set of uniforms and equipment so for the new Personnel that we've hired they do get a higher amount of uniforms so we we so again my question with so is the 001 account the difference from last year was 15, 572980 to this year 17 milon 2131 188 so it's almost $200,000 Mr M May um so just to clear it up so you're looking at uniform Patrol and that is the actual like division the that no I know my question to that I I know exactly what it is I've been here for 10 years so that's one thing with the police I kind of know my question is so because the chief says uniform I I can't imagine uniform being almost $200,000 more so what's the personel personel increases this the the 5% of married 4% Cola okay so 9% okay that's what okay got itk you um yes yes Mr Mayor while I have the chief in here um I have a quick question that's uh um homework for next year um last time you had a whole um was like three um different uh uh departments putting together uh over on Northwest 7th Avenue and we had that um um comment post from uh Miami Gardens yes uh make me feel very bad is that something that um we can start working this year with our grant Rider and see if we can allocate money and um see if it's not this year in a year or two probably um get one of these uh very nice Comming post for the the North Miami Police I think that would help them so much cuz I was in there I you know I had a tour with uh with the chief of police from Miami Gardens it was like so nice and so helpful and you got everything in there I think uh our enough Mi police um department will look good with something like that start putting the work now and see if we can move on into into that directions probably that next next year a year or 2 years from now yes we we could probably have uh something like that definitely the department can benefit from it yes M thank you thank you councilman on on that note Chief remember we when we talked about the I guess is it the command center the the live the real time crime Center crime yeah that is something um I think the league of cities um they they did some something in in Georgia I think no it was the African-American Mayors and we went into um a town um they had the Mayors gone and and they had this amazing live you know really really things that could help crime deter crime and especially in a high area and I think we talked about it last year yes um and I did provide you with those numbers um certainly it's a force multiplier for the police department because it adds extra eyes and ears um we are getting the flock cameras this year so it would be in unison with that so definitely a real-time crime Center would benefit us right and had it downtown you could see when the if the people backing out the people coming in so it was really really and then they promoted it's like one of the safest um city in Georgia one of the other benefits is that the businesses can actually allow us access and we would also have access to cameras that how much is to to start something like that how much would that be I would have to go back and look at what the estimate was something we would want to okay thank you thank you and and with Patrol Chief it went up very you know it's not a big jump in terms of from 16 to 17 million so that's everyone so yes um just for forgive me cuz I was thinking that you were talking about uniforms but what you're talking about is uniform Patrol meaning the officers the actual officers yes all this time I thought he was talking about uniform understand why he was giving you a hard time uniform uniform Patrol officers ,000 uniform yes but you got it okay the unit is called uniform um officers so Patrol is good community policing um we good on that but that went down for like there's two people that was there last year not there this year on oh okay right after that um councilman MH so last year on the community policing that we had 20 employees this year the the under community policing we had one sergeant and six officers no you know what happened I I I just see it so Code Compliance off officer and administrative specialist is not funded so did that move somewhere right so the code the code actually went over to NSD Animal Services went to NSD that's why okay yes got it and then we just moved the uh administrative position from Community policeing into another area got it okay the next one is community they got two pages okay yeah police say don't F okay investigation and and this is just a a I I want ask that I see why looking at me we'll leave that alone okay okay so we we we good with um with this land use services this sustain okay that's thank you Chief thank you any any question councilman you had a question you good okay okay is this a new department or this is the land use Office of what is this this is the same depart this is um formally known as CP and D okay okay again let me say this to you guys we are the policy makers I know you guys have administrative stuff you could do but you need to let us know like the office May no I know but still that's that that even worse that mean that whoever probably didn't even tell us so I'm just putting out noer there so is it the office of so what is this office of so that's the new name services like what I don't know I'm not sure why this princess way this is Department this is DSD this is Department Services um Department I'm not sure why that's Department planning remember they changed it last last Administration changed it it's just been a lot of changes Community planning yeah Community planning I think I think somebody need to sit down and give us a lecture or some kind of training on all them changes because requ ordinance does it no not in Mr attorney yeah it doesn't require an ordinance for ad Ministry to change position I think it I think creating so so we we looked at this so it's in our ordinances to change it that way but it's never been changed that way and we looked at multiple instances over the years where departments have been added and changed so it's in our ordinance to change it to change it but it it's not the last Administration only that did it it's been multiple before that okay so nobody's been yeah I mean if you remember under Larry spring we went from uh I think code enforcement was its own separate Department it went to police I mean that's that it was in police and it came out so that that's it's been yeah for whatever reason we just what our actual practice doesn't match what we've been doing we do okay so so everybody just need to just change but we we okay never mind but so the legal answer is it should be an ordinance to change of department is that legance yeah it's not in Charter and so yeah it's not it's not like a charter requirement it's in it's an ordinance so going back said I just want to be clear that this is not being this is an existing Department no we know that's why we we addressing it now so DSD is um formerly CPN oh that's not even in SB building so it was there were two departments there was a so this is community planning and building so you had Community planning otherwise known as zoning you used to call that zoning and then you had a building department and it's just called land use services so now this is I don't know where land this is a misprint from somewhere I'm not sure where that came from I am saying that the old thing was C and building today it is known as development services department which is DFD it says right that the objective of um to oversee and manage the Department Services blame the incident on this department DSD but DSD is is that the name of the department or is office of Lan use Services no the the department is named development services department which is the acronym DSD we got that we got so this is just a mistake that is correct okay so that means the director of Land Services is a mistake too so it should be the assistant director of DSD yeah apparently I mean yes because if you look at it the first one is D director now you have assistant director of land you service say it's assistant director of DSD okay okay a lot of DSD and then this is also formerly known as Community planning and development and building correct that is correct two separate department just so the public is aware when they're coming and they tell you go to DSD you're either going to CP or building there were two separate departments that were merging into one and that one department is now known as development services department um well not not no land use or something okay so let's look at their money M like a we need land so they increased um so I we need some explanation because this shows that the changes $1.2 million um decrease but we know it was increase somewhere else CU isn't building its own Enterprise yeah build building is a standalone fund yet fund or not Department yeah but um asking about building is part of DSD but building in itself is isn't it part of the Enterprise fund or is it own separate funding like where where are they in non-departmental building has is a special fund so it's a separate fund so it's under special funds yes so it's not in DSD some building Personnel is in DSD but the actual funding the income that Revenue that comes in is a special fund is it under so are any of these position paid for by that special fund yes yeah I gota write that up Lord Mery okay so we need do our special meeting let's go with um DSD um DSD um I'm I'm okay so I have the police yes okay Community planning sustainability planner zoning okay so I'm sorry what what page is the special funds on in our current budget book 25 that all confusing do we have it yes one second I think I found it is it quick quick question quick question $399 3.99 okay that would be the building special fund there are other special funds but that one is on 3.99 Madam manager a quick question coun why why do I replace um office of L news Services by pardon me DSD yes okay yes so okay so I'm seeing duplicates here so for on 399 it has development service director 44 or half of the position is funded there correct and then the other half is funded here okay that's why it's five okay I have a question on this so who worked on the budget the you Ro who worked on it Roy myself the whole Administration the department what that mean the whole Administration I mean all the Departments all of the the Departments submit items to you to you guys so you guys kind of and we meet with each and every one of them as well and go over line it yes all right the division 439 under the where where would it be okay I see it but that division is sustainability last year it was okay this is the the objective was 04 this is so I'm looking for division or Department 09 and division 43 439 where would that be um Mr Mayor if I will um last year we had a division 003 which was Economic Development that has been moved out to a standalone Department that you will see on page 279 that was U the major decrease within the department um along with with that move of funds there were three positions moved out also okay what I'm looking for my my question again is Department the the same Department last year was Community Planning and Development did division well department number 09 division number 39 so it's completely gone from the this um this fiscal year I just want to make sure that we're not missing anything or an explanation from it I could read the title maybe that will help please okay this is Denmark property on Northwest 7 so all of that moved into Finance as um we have a unit of asset management now so we will be doing Asset Management yes and then what is this amount for which which amount the the the amount that we we have for that division last year was four 300,000 I don't know I think she said it's a new Department it changed to something I I'm not sure which amount you're referring to so the Denmark property yes he looking at last year last year but you said that it's changed to your department this year on under asset yes saying is the line item the same and what is the line item for the line item is for the rental what we pay for rent I thought we we collect rent but there's there are rental properties that we pay rent to so Denmark property we also collect the rent so we have a collection specialist doing all all what is called the asset management or the collections of everything in the finance department as opposed to CPN or DSD so so for me to understand that so we just budgeted whatever that we going to get from whoever we rent the the land for so I'm going to go to the the page where we have it so that we can speak the same yeah page 46 page 46 you know okay page okay okay I see it yes e yes okay but yes I don't see that it's yeah it's it's well that increase I guess that's that's to 36 so about $70,000 more this year but this okay I guess that's the office rent okay that's adding to it I I'm I'm a little bit loss a loan the the the amount for Denmark from last year was three 304 304,000 $34,000 so this year it seems like it's 182 or well 159 plus 182 correct and plus 20 well no the 20 is some some something else so yes those are the true UPS so we had to True up the amount this year okay what do you mean according to our contract what is true sorry so we had according to the contract there was an additional amount that was added every year I CPI 3% that we had to add to the cost of the property okay so that we budgeted into this year correct okay my next question would be don't we collect that money and then we put it out so there is a we still have to pay for that property and then we collect we sub rent that property out which is reflected in our Revenue income which is not in here so we're paying rent to the Denmark owner correct the actual Denmark Family correct we're paying rent to them yes and then we suas to n Village correct and we collect the rent and does the Nomi Village Revenue equal question yes it does okay that's my question that's what I want we losing money on the Denmark lease no we are not no okay because it would seem like thank you that and there's the TR we got it okay all right so we are back to page 133 Public Works yes sir finally infrastructure yes please introduce on Madam manager the the the the new director I would like to present to you tonight for the first time Mr Caris Fiddler who is our new Public Works director and he's actually a welcome home Mr fidler used to be an employee here about 10 years ago and he was a long-standing employee he's now returned home to serve in a new capacity so we welcome formally yet again thank you thank you okay Mr Mayor and our promise we are only public works that's that's our name Public Works I know yeah well maybe the next budget it'll change okay perfect infrastructure will will sounds good okay so Public Works and and I know Vice man we all have a lot of question in the same thing that councilman Charles was talking about so all of it is is dealing with public works a lot of the things that we want to do for the residents Street res surfing and my question Madam manager I got an email from um Keystone um in reference to the flooding um and we'll talk about that some money that I'm going to ask um in terms of that would that be from public work or another department um C well not not CPN D um s DSD um in terms of additional um dealing with flooding because I know public was a SW water and all this and all that um M Mr Mayor so so I can go over the the project that we have listed for the proposed budget and I don't know if that'll answer your question but right now what page would it be on um that's it's going to be on page you can go to page uh 390 no my my thought we we have a different book on 146 so 146 is that's maintenance okay drainage construction okay are they any listed in capital projects yes that yeah probably that's that was my next question so' just to um because this is just more so this from what we're looking at page 133 to 154 this is just I guess your operations like employees and these are not like the the boken like the major projects that you guys yes so so I'll go over the major projects uh you know let me let me mention the um and then um because I've been here two months and I'm still getting familiar with the budget especially with the Cyber incident but the the the storm water projects that I have listed we have North Northeast 121st Street and we have uh $580,000 for that uh Northeast third Court um that was budgeted in this fiscal year but it's going to be moved to uh fiscal year 25 and that's 2.3 million we also have um a project listed but we're pending an estimate for Northeast 139th and um fth Avenue uh we have a arch Creek grant for 5.8 million this is all storm water um we also have and this is just maintenance items like sandbags and Canal cleaning and storm water uh the storm water master plan which we're pending the report but as far as the capital that's what we have for storm water so the projects that's on Northeast I know the 121st one but Northeast third court and 139 what exactly are those project are they drainage is it yes storm water Improvement project yes ma'am and is that it for this budget as it released to storm water is there more as it relates to storm order that's it right so question for you for third court is a 2.3 million enough as far as um what we have budgeted um we feel it's enough but you know um we we've moved it it was budgeted for fiscal year 2024 so for us to move it um obviously you know we had to do some reestimating of the project but that's what we have allocated to 2.3 million the is that the third not not third court that was so the money is there correct okay the the other one with the Keystone this was mainly um councilman govern I don't know if you know about this this is about the Lower Lane um flooding so at least we we we got to try to um starting to evaluate that so I am going to make a request from that if we could um put put some money to evaluate and trying to figure out what's going on cuz it it it it's really really bad I mean true sure so I had already asked for $500,000 toward that project um it's it's not shown here in this budget but I understand and talking with staff today that they they are working on having that in place second for the second okay perfect okay thank you that was that and which project is that what I'm sorry this is um Laurel Lane which is also known as Northeast 124th Street in keyone um there's significant flooding toward the um eastern most part of that street um yes so I had just randomly grabbed the $500,000 number at a public town hall that I hosted a few weeks back um I had asked the residents of Laurel Lane to start to Advocate to their council members uh and mayor to get that in the budget they did it's sounds like they maybe reached out to you I don't know if they reached out to the others but um you know it it's okay it's there's no easy fix so see and I don't want to get off on too much of a tangent but sea level rise is real and some folks who live in there you know sometimes are having a hard time grasping that um and to replace all of the piping and everything that's in there probably will cost more than $500,000 um but you know if we get 00 $400,000 in the budget to at least start looking at it right it's not getting fixed in the next fiscal year yes sir we've been in communication with the public works director to get the cost so is that some is that a project that has to go through design first and then so we got to do a study design and I know and in ensuring that we educate folks for for instance noreast 121st we're finally at the place where we're funding it but this is something that started in 2020 so we have to go to design and design cost about 9 000 and then after design you put it out for bid and we recently just you know allocated that money that was budgeted since 21 so you know I know we're putting dollars certain certain places but if you know if the assessment needs to you know H happen we understand that that may take some time as well so just so that you those residents that are being um communicated to but I know with this last flooding event that we recently had um there were certain areas of the city that were really really hit like really hard um are we addressing those as well do you guys have them prioritized just to make sure that the areas we all know about Northeast third court and making sure that that's a priority and so forth but like I saw some errors in my district as well like on Northeast 13th and 130th when I was out there that it's literally a bowl and that water sat out there for weeks so if there's areas that are really critical please share that with us as well so that if we need to you know reassess in the next budget hearing that um by the next budget hearing I would like to make sure that we we do so as well yeah Council woman through the manager um we that's part of our storm water master plan so we have included a lot of those areas that we had issues with throughout the flooding um event that we had um months ago but uh but yeah it's going to be part of our storm water master plan thank you and I see Tom in the back welcome back Tom oh hey oh I can see Tom hey Tom back and and to the point the councilwoman makes I made that $500,000 amount up it might be two billion it might but if it's not realistic for the first fiscal year don't make yourself go crazy trying to figure out how to do 500 when you know it it's it's a process for our steps um and and and if 150,000 is more realistic for what can be done in budget year one right then let's look for a way to come up with 150,000 rather than make yourself I'm telling you right now in a room full of residents I just made the number up I have no you know what I mean like so don't go crazy was your number the number that I got my number oh no yeah expert so that's the thing I made that number up and said I'm going to put that number in the budget and then they probably called you and said hey we need that 500,000 yes but in reality if the first year is more along the lines of what you've spent on third court or you know 11th Avenue 21st like if if and I'm again I'm making numbers up in other words I don't want you to go crazy coming up I absorbent amount of money for one street cuz $500,000 on one street is a lot of money well listen we're spending 2 million it's we you know the quality of life you know whatever you guys tell me is a realistic number to proceed with this is my um through you madam manager um and you could direct staff the the money that we they requesting is for evaluation like a study so again I don't think the study going to um going to be that much so I I guess there's a storm water study so they technically have it right no would would this be well I don't know if um I'm not I need to find out if we includeed Laurel Lane um this would need to be separate yeah this would be separate okay you could tell us whatever that number it could be 50,000 we just like he said once we know the study then that study will tell us hey we need 2 million like we know for um third Northeast third Court it was 2 million that 2 point whatever that we need so that would be you know we would address that and the need on Third coure and and first is probably greater than Laurel Lane sorry Laurel Lane um but you know that we had that 20 we had that 20-in rainstorm two months ago I was out there the next morning expecting to see vender water and it was bone dry yeah they there issues related to the Canal that's at the end of the street and whether or not it can be open at certain high tide low tides and how that affects drainage so some of the flooding issues they've had are not because our drainage systems are substandard it's because the rain happened to come at a high tide so to speak so there's there's a lot of if you guys need to have conversations right there's a lot of things to be factored into I just don't want stff to go crazy trying to come up with $500,000 just because Galvin H blurted it out of his mouth understood thank you Council okay thank you thank you I I have a few questions go reference to Public Works sir Public Works go ahead sir um they are like just um general question I'll start with um um Street Administration so do we have someone in that position for Street Administration you said is that a position admin street administr we have a storm we have a streets Court we have a stre streets coordinator the street coordinator sir uhhuh so basically what is the um Ro of the of that person what is the function of the duty of that uh Street coordinator so the street coordinator is a supervisor and he has uh and I'm approximating probably about seven or eight um people that work under him um they go out they repair sidewalks they do Street patches um anything related to you know Paving or or a concrete our streets coordinator would oversee that oh thank you the the reason why I'm asking is that I don't know if it is a practice it's like we give folks let me let me we give companies um contract in the city for good money it looks like there's nobody to me on the city Side who's looking out at what these people are doing and I have a perfect example Northwest Sant Avenue or 11th Street uh I don't know if it was like the lowest bit I don't know what whatever it is but they have something like very cheap on those streets so and up to now the striping is not done you know it's like they just leave it there and the explanation that I had is like it had to sit for about a month but I'm looking at Northeast 6 avue they didn't SE it for about for a night they just paved the the street and then you got the striving and everything looking very neat and um and and also that would take me to the traffic circles so how on Earth that we give someone a contract just cut the piece of the street that you just want to pave and then the traffic circle just staying there as a mess look so bad so that's the reason why I'm asking is there anyone when we issued contract if there anyone on the city Side would just go out there and look for us look for the city because the money they got the money just to me they basically do whatever it feel like and then pack up and leave so that's the reason why I'm asking that question no problem councilman through the through the manager on that particular project I was able to do my research and that wasn't part of the contractor scope so yes I agree it should have been paved but it wasn't part of the the contractor scope so we're in the process of getting quotes now to complete that particular intersection thank you know I'm just taking this one as as an example but I'm just trying to see if we can um throughout the city when we put our money out should be somebody on the city Side looking at what these people are doing so that we get the best service for our money that's uh that's now on the street uh maintenance coun to your to your point do we have a contract compliance manager because isn't that part of their facility yes we we well we have no no I think that was for administration okay I'm sorry you so we do have a contract compliance manager right now yes okay okay uh yeah yes um the next the next one is U on Street Maintenance um I see we have uh we asked about roughly almost about um $600,000 um to that number just uh that what page are you on I am on Page 141 uh do to your um uh judgment would that be enough for us to do a real Street M maintenance um throughout the city because um you know last time we had that conversation about that landscaping company and everything and to me driving around um solia looks so nice neat and clean and then as we move out of solia it is like the Tail of Two Cities and this is we have one city yeah soia pays extra there yeah that's that's my point now um while we're in that budget is there any way that we can probably add a little more so that we can get more days for the city of North Miami is that 146 wait a minute uh we are we are um page page 141 and and and councilman through the through the manager um the contract constra uh contractual lawn maintenance is actually 322 uh 20,000 um I think what you were referring to is the 555 5,000 for Street Maintenance that's something totally separate but oh that is different that's different yes yes but the lawn maintenance 320 220,000 no no um definitely uh I would ask um that's the country bill yeah I would ask um Administration to see if we can add more money to that because we we cannot that was the the the item that that came before us and then we direct St staff to put it out there but I think we have to address it addressor Mr Mayor we have to address that no no I understand I understand about um the cost of the increase but Madam manager so the the the 332 in last year we had approximately is it the same amount or less so this is permanent so we didn't have nothing last yes we did so last year was 198 so this is um 322 but they also moved 289 from Parks right of w and then the the other one is almost 100,000 well a little bit more than 100,000 the storm water and construction repair um so is this for the master plan that that item or this is for the actual the work that needs to be completed outside of the um contractor's scope I'm I'm sorry mayor which which number you refering to I'm I'm on page 141 mhm this is Department 10 division 450 and this is under activity storm drain construction and repair I think that's something different he was on the 32105 yeah it's it's on the same page oh yeah it starts with Street Administration the Street Maintenance we talked about we needed that to increase um and and that's that's everything and that's Citywide so last year was so there was no increase from last year to this year um really it's just a couple thousand doll um and then the permanent Concrete Construction which went up almost a little bit more than not not really double but it went up a lot last year was 198 487 and this year is 322 um 310 so this is sidewalk this is that's that's correct so is so okay this is okay so what's the difference between the I guess the Street Maintenance is just the maintenance of the street yes so yes so when it comes to maintenance you know we we also do uh street sweeping we do repairs we do sidewalk repairs curving that sort of thing so it's separate from from any kind of land landscaping or anything like that so the Landscaping item that's the one that I was referring to the contractual lawn maintenance and that's the 320,000 okay another question so for resurfacing yes where would that be that that's gas tax and we have 270,000 for that how much was last we need a little bit more so um so guys for for Budget um yes sir sir a manager we need a little bit more the street resurfacing just putting that whatever you guys you know where is it right now it's it's it's under the right now street resurf sign is on page 325 right in the back 325 m is that the only fund source that could be used is the the gas tax or you said 350 for for for resurfacing right now Capital we have 2 Works project transp no it's under um the gas yeah Public Works project so so it's $30,000 more this year this page 325 I know he said that's the resurfacing the 270 or is it just one thing I know well because I guess it's a special fun I guess I'm so wait so oh public um while mayor can can I just uh finish because I was just basically cutting off from that uh landscaping and I am not going to leave that alone tonight um please we need to find more money we need to add more money for our Landscaping um because this is this is no um may just at the same number from what I what I'm seeing here saying I think we we said no I I was not able to finish um I was just basically um cut cutting just cut off and I have a another question or two before I um set the mic free uh from that uh for um for landscaping um mam manager we need to work on that because the number is way too low uh we have to um um do better as a city and just to address that we do have other areas in the budget that address that so that's this is not the only source of landscaping funding and so the budget manager is going to point them out to you now so you can see additional funds okay so um oh oh no no I'll basically you can just give that to me later that's fine okay that's fine uh I just want to see the number cuz that is um something that number 585 585 correct and just so I'm clear uh you want the how much was allocated ated for Street surfacing projects and you want to know well you just got the number and on that street resurfacing um I saw I heard the number but I specifically asked a number for District 4 that I haven't seen anywhere in this budget so we will address that later so um so please um take a look at that uh and um before before you go on Mr Mayor if you allow me to finish the right right way um right off way Improvement who is that under Public Works how does that work so what rway of improvement yes it's under us but we also um we work alongside Parks as well as far as beautification so there's there's things that we would do um and then also we'll work alongside Parks if it's Landscaping at times so we kind of work hand in hand to get that done because I I I would just tell you that um there are so many places in um District 4 and throughout the city and I see like overgrown grass and everything who's thinking of that is that contract that's going to if it's contract it'll be contracted out and sometimes we may do some stuff in house but most of the time it's going to be part of our contractual agreement with with the vendor yeah um my final question on that um commercial Corridor Improvement is Northwest 7th Avenue part of our commercial corridor what page are you on um page 141 Mr Mayor 141 Northwest 7th Avenue yes is that one of our um commercial Corridor yeah I I believe it is I can get I can get the exact answer for you but I believe it's part of CRA if I'm not mistaken but I I can it's in the C bound B yes sir okay because uh yes the reason I'm asking is like the um you know the median that created North 7 Avenue if you look at the Landscaping is a whole mess and that has to to be that's the reason that's the reason why I'm asking because I want I need to know yes yes mayor I need to know exactly who to talk to because we cannot let that happen in our city anyone in our city oh yeah well yes Vice man and I while he's talking about medium um the the the mediums that are on 131st 35th Street so you're talking at least for me from North Miami Avenue going east um I'd like to see some Landscaping there are there any dollars it it's coming however that's a state road that's F dot so we need to coordinate with f do do the the state correct but typically from my understanding I think somebody's trying to get your attention there is a project coming yeah there is a project coming cuz are we usually responsible to handle the medium is that the way it is would you mine and I know you're new is it possible Jeff could you answer that question sure good evening sorry Jeff gimr assistant Public Works director there's a fot project for 135th Street um the the construction was phase one the Landscaping is coming as part of phase two and and that is supposed to start in um FY in during fy2 in the um second quarter of um 2025 and in the meantime who takes care of the grass cuz good job right because it was I mean I think that there so we we were're in constant contact with them they they service their um state roads um approximately once every um 16 times a year 16 times a year so that's every three to four weeks that they'll they'll cut the grass okay so are we are we are we choosing the landscape how does that work so usually when they yeah we've um they've presented plans to us um we've worked with them on that that they've um you know presented a landscaping plan to us can you share that with us when it happens because I just want to make sure because that happened on 7th Avenue where they had flimsy palm trees or whatever that is there the the problem the problem with Northwest 7th Avenue is there was um no irrigation for the project well well I know we don't know what happened to it 135th Street has irrigation oh it does yes and then the The South was was never so going back councilman go ahead question please so going back to landscaping again roundabout particularly in District 3 okay there's some aration that needs to be fixed um on around 8th Avenue 138 139 the signs that actually traffic signs down we'll inspect the signs but I know the Landscaping was just upgraded within the last two weeks okay on um all of those circles on um North of the school between Sixth and Dixie so Jeff and this city north of 135th Street from uh 135 to 143 all the traffic circles between uh 6th Avenue and Dixie Highway you said on Sixth Avenue yes they went in and they just they filled in any of the missing Landscaping that was just a project completed by our because some of the even the construction around the roundabout was was was broken and I think it looks like there must have been a car accident so you're saying that there's Landscaping the irrigation they did some they did landscaping and irrigation improvements with in the last two weeks and lighting as well some of them we'll follow up on that you seen it can I can I ask a question on um since we're talking about uh the round about in District three I think I need to jump on that for um District Four it's the entire uh that's bad my question is that what is exactly happening I've been talking about this from from day one I started here to just seeing those traffic circle exactly the same if not worse because some of them one of them got knock the power got knocked down by a car and then you get pieces of concrete all over and nobody's looking at them the Landscaping is a mess no flower they not taking care of the palm trees some of them are dying what is exactly happening because I know I think last year I got some kind of confused because some of the money were allocated to Public Works some to Parks so what is exactly happening who's taking care of them traffic circles because this nobody this this is this is um a disaster if I put it that way yes councilman the maintenance of the traffic circle is maintained by outside contractor as far as the Landscaping upgrades is concerned that's done by in-house staff um there was a project completed at the beginning of the physical year um October late October early November where we went in an infield missing Landscaping uh we had a projection of 14 sorry 12 projects for this physical year in a conjunction for this year for throughout the city for this physical year for this physical Year yes and we're on September well we I haven't se I haven't seen anything done in District 4 we'll forward you photos huh we'll forward photos of the circles when they were upgraded in um in four in late October early November yes and this four yes yes okay I thought that was only me okay and District 4 yeah you said sir City where I live he's going to send me District okay so um my mother yes exactly we know yeah no because this is this it's like go ahead um go ahead go back no no the same point that you are talking about it was maybe three years ago I started talking about this and I said we got to do something with 7th Avenue and I was here we came and we asked and I remember one budget they said didn't have nothing um the city said didn't have anything no I understand but there was a portion of the of the money that was already allocated from the city so we went to the CRA they said they would be able to fund it and eventually um Muhammad you know the transportation person so I think they were just just to shut me up they they kind of said we're going to get something and I begged them cuz I took them I got in the car and I took them to I said this is what this is what I want they said yes and then we had an issue with fdot fot said they didn't allow the tree so I got on the phone we we fought in in this love know about this um Debbie love so we we we did that with with F that and finally they agreed this okay you could put the palm tree so what we did we didn't we were going to buy the palm trees so the the the palm trees that we wanted I think was a little bit too much based on the money and the same tree that EV that said that we that was not allow that I fought for them to say how about they went South of us they played all those those trees and then our our particular City once you walked into it on 7th Avenue it looked so crazy and it was so upsetting I'm like if that stole our idea they said it wasn't but their trees though are very very nice from 11th maybe all the way down up to 119th and then as you get to 11 19th which was supposed to have the irrigation system we wanted it to look so good and that was it so that that's the story uh U just just one one more Point um on North 7th Avenue we need to know exactly who's doing what for the city of North Miami because every time I drive by Northwest 7th Avenue looking at the medion it's like I feel like I feel so powerless as a councilman when people are asking you why this is like this you go in here it is not the city it is um the C is not the C is the is the county so you don't know exactly who to talk to because uh because these those are the kind of uh you know you might see it like L not but those are very important C I believe taken out taken away from our from the beauty of the city you understand I believe those medians are maintained by F do if I'm no well no not seventh because we fought if that so that we we assume we would do a better job because of what they did the the horrible thing they did on one 19th and they did give us permission but we failed our own stuff I'm telling you st of you see how nice exactly on the other side the other side is very nice the count the side of the count is very nice and our side is a mess no so Mr councilman your Administration is your to goal person unless you stay and fight them um you just have to do that to to get it done but they could get it done and if they can't they'll put you in touch with evot and they'll do it it was just I thought they were going to go back and put nice plants in in the irrigation system there but that never happened but that's a whole different story and lastly Mr Mayor on the traffic circle oh God you remember that mayor had to go all the way to Avent and then look at the model so for Northwest 7th Avenue on the traffic circle we don't have two we have one in District 4 100 21st Street in Northwest 16th Avenue the new one it looks so nice very nice irrigation and everything nice you know you every time I stop by you know I just park my car and then stand there for a little bit that's what we need to do we can do it we have our own model that we can follow but we need to get the work done we have the money in the budget but we are not using that money to that end we on September we have money in the budget for those traffic circles nothing has been done so we just sit down and looking at it and the next year is going to be the same thing and over and over and over again we cannot keep on doing that so please please please we on September I am asking that we do something with the them traffic circles and please do them now because you have to demand with them you have to demand I need this and give dates cuz if you don't give dates it's going to go for another two years so give dates that you want this by this time listen listen mayor um I I I think you are exactly right that's what we need to do put emails and then ask for a set of date because this is unacceptable I've been very good this year I hav't much much because I you know I just go around the whole city and and trying to support as much as I can um Council here but when you get it from the residents it's it's a fight but we can get it go ahead so I have a question in for the utility Box covering so if you notice some of the covering I think the city I mean the CRA did some of the covering I just wanted to make sure that we have money to do the the utility Box covering um for the ones that are not within um within our city so question is there money in our in our in our budget for Public Works to make sure that we we we cover the we wrap up the utility box there there are no um utility Box covering funding and the general fund budget no okay so I'd like to I definitely would like to request that we um that we have that so that we could move on we not here all night City Hall Improvement it went up 100,000 can we elaborate okay isn't that the finance off page 50 I'm sorry 150 150 and and and guys please do your your best before this is final because it's so mind bugling we saying we're not using cpnd and then we have another department whatever that department may call and yet you're going throughout the entire budget it's referenc back to CPN so please make sure we clean that up and the same thing and the same thing it's like the over like 10 years you just go and copy from last year summary nobody proof it and then that's just say cuz that's exactly the same wording from last year and that's what happened nobody sat around and and kind of proved this proof um this because it it's CPN no more but it's it's throughout the entire document so we got to be consistent and make sure it makes sense um so the city hall Improvement City Hall improvements uh for FIS year 25 include the second floor um you have the 40e hear you yeah is it on okay go ahead we have improvements to the second and third floor along with 40 year of certification improvements okay all right I just wanted to know I see the money jumped up mayor I have a small question back on page 148 um I can't um 32 U we have um trash containers is that just for public works or is we're talking about cuz I I know there was an effort for us to order some more um um um containers for um for the city and especially our parks and um streets and everything so is that that trash container is that just for relating to Public Works yes that's just related to Public Works Public Works and I see the trash continue I see $2,000 and then the doggy bags see um about $6,500 so we got more more um problem with the doggies then uh then all TR I specifically asked that question two days ago I was amazed when I saw that Bill yes we go through doggy bag doesn't make any sense to me yes sir do we give it to the residents or is US pick we have doggy we have doggy um station we have yes sir so we need we need more money for bags in containers yeah we have the containers we just have to refill them so oh okay yeah all right okay thank you another one in in public work um so w with with the street res surfing you guys going to give us in the change memo the increase later you guys will work it out okay there was another one the only thing that I would like to see in public works is additional funding for lighting um have you guys done like a lighting assessment in areas that are dark need additional lighting that's something that I know that my residents have been asking for Council woman through the uh manager we typically work with FPL um we we can go out and look at lights but you know we don't own most most of the lights in the city but the ones that we do own we do try to um assess them and and repair them when needed but we do work with FPL on upgrading lights on on that on that topic M if I may um just as a followup uh Northwest 35th Street um I think on both side of the one way all of them lights the big PS all of them are out and um we have a lot reported that to fpl I'll send to the city manager the recent communication communication I had cuz I can't send it to you directly but I even pointed that out FPL it's dark yeah yeah dark I reported I reported that to fpl and then we're still like waiting and waiting it's been like two months it's Peach black in Peach black in the last one before we finish um M manager I saw okay page 148 this is the street team the clean team right is there it's on page 14 is there is is the amount um went up to 15 an hour with them hello the clean the clean team the clean is is this what's under them not okay that's okay so when we get to NSD okay so we good and I'm correcting myself right now C I'm sorry the most recent info I had was with fot getting the medians trimmed on35th bisc to I95 my last email to fpnl over the lights is a year ago so so they've been out for a year Addis yeah Addis Addis yeah she okay I'm not they those lights have been out for a year so no um follow no I and she responded right she's usually good on it Stephen marcelus no we know we we saying did did Addis who gave you who's Stephen from us or from how would Stephen probably have to have you on the microphone yes please yeah you got to say who you are in your title good evening mayor council City Administration fail Delica Deputy Chief of Staff for mayor and council's office we did have a resident that inquired about that same light issue um and I reached out to Stephen because this is a conversation that's been going for while stepen marcelis and so it is a fpnl light but there is a conversation that the county gave them P they got privileges from the county so we've reached out to them and inquired about and it's still kind of a standstill figuring out who exactly is responsible for that light pole they they are it's multiple light polls stress so I have yes it's um I can't remember the resident's name but we've been going back and forth for weeks in regards to try to get a resolution but we're still trying to inquire who's actually responsible for uh addressing the light issue it's fpnl again how did Stephen get in there I thought he's Transportation he he's our transportation manager but he's just our liaison between us and fbio no we have an intergovernmental person that's very responsive so that's why I've asked you to send it to Addis and and Addis within a DE to she normally will you know I will follow with Aira because she was also engaged in the conversation as well and I have to go back to the you can you I'm asking you to contact Addis on our yes thank you yes sir okay now um just just um just want to clarify that uh last year was in February um I did um um complete analysis of District four lights that were out I um reported about 184 street lights and I sat in front of a computer just right there in city hall and then put them one by one because you have to have either the address or the the tag that is on the pool I did all that in two nights and including them street lights on 135th Street in overa bouard they came on not for too long and then went dark again um so it is something when I inputed them and fbn did not even his I think they said it's the county um so I think we talked to um who that that's um I forget her name said it's the county and then trying to just like you don't even know who to talk to at this point because and and it is so not it is a safety it is a safety issue at that point like black over there so if you can get in touch with um Miss Addis from fpnl and maybe arrange a meeting with all of our coun cuz I know she has been you have you met her no she's pretty yes so that's something that we could do and she's very good with the emails I don't know about the you know the followup if they do but she will reply and say I'm on it I got it and we do what we do so um yes maam thank you so very much so our favorite department so be one of mine Christine took all of our money after the police um thank you um Mr director I just want to say thank you and then for the record I just want to um tell everybody that you are a proud graduate of Miami Central Senor High record for life okay we'll we'll forgive that Scott we Pioneer will forgive you I know I know um okay you guys always going up Christine so how much money you going up this year uh not actually we've gone down a little bit not up compared to last year um but last year we had some big ticket items um for uh project Park Park improvements so that took some of the money away um there are some positions that are not brand new some of the positions that we have um like our Park supervisor which you all know as Roger he was part-time he is officially going to retire so we're bringing that part time yep he retired and he came on part-time so he's going back he came back okay yes so he's now going to be fully retired um we also have some positions that were reclassified um so that new positions were retitle or new title um like our our admin specialist that was a wck leader at one point in time um and then we are asking for some positions to come back to pre-o times within our Parks maintenance um staff so you'll see some of those um but and those are the folks that are cleaning the parks I remember you and had one yeah maintenance yeah Park maintenance not part of the recreation aspect side of it so um we're trying to bring introduce them coming back uh to be some of the ones that we've lost to help with the services that we provide all right um and what the big one the buses for some for for parks and rec uh I apologize I didn't say my name Christine Carney Parks and Recreation director sorry about that um yes it is a request um that's something that we've uh worked with Transportation I don't know if it's 100% going to get all two of them but I think we're trying to get one we need to get one no no no we need to get one this is the bus for Sumer yes we need to get one this is not in his budget it is right I hope it is well in that case Madam manager we need to put the two in in in this budget because it's from I I told you I started working with the city at 16 the and now I'm 46 and it's the same bus yes you're correct it's a shame you're you're correct and it's it is it is reliable durm it's summer camp and after school with with all of the things they can take freebie that's question more cars that's another the trolley I think the trolley would be better the trolley fit them all at one time but seriously when we talk about the equity what what's in there for the residents this is some this has to happen this year so I don't care if you if we have to put people off and do what we got to do we got to take care of the kids and and that's something that we got to get these new bus that's the last thing I do that that we have to do and I and I'm an expert nothing in here and I'm just not yet but I'm just but the bus please I thought it was at least one because Anisha was oh that was the senior's bus right that was the senior bus we were also looking at some grants and things like that that we could try to apply for but we haven't we haven't got you please yes yes put that in that budget we we have to and Miss Margaret she was there when I started working there she I went to summer camp and the kids were like you know Mr man that's the no when I did the weekly summer summer trips with the kids we went to the zoo and in the bus no way breaking down I'm like no we got to do better oh Jesus ma'am that's not good we need one and Christ you got all the money so you good we getting the bus right so um I'd like to see um a targeted youth program from age 12 to 16 at Griffin Center and I'd like to also see a senior program in um in the when I say Singapore senior activity for example um right so that's that's that I've not seen Buccaneer Park so I just want to make sure are there dollars to maintain Buccaneer Park yes it's not it's not its own budget I know you see a lot of like you see Keystone park you see one more that have facilities that's more of a linear Park it's not it's it's not it stand Standalone but yes it's funded within the budget okay and then what one second mayor and then also Christmas lights oh yeah I would I would where's the budget and how much what's the budget for Christmas light I'd like to make sure that our it is what it oh no no no you good go ahead go go ahead sorry yeah so last year you guys took away my Christmas lights and put it elsewhere I'm not going to say anything no that I had my money in the budget don't even look at me he actually own the other part of the light that was my own that was my own funding funding source that has nothing to do with the city of of North Miami now now now he did F his don't just throw the tree on me now it's on page 228 for Christmas lighting yeah I like to right right so I just want to make sure that this is you know I I I think it's it should be one it should be a lot bigger than what it has been in the past last year I can tell you last year um it it's expensive it's not something what get is I know it looks very minimal um but it is not cheap it's not something that um we can find that's an easy one small dollar amount um I know what you've shared you got both I've had District 3 and4 share with me kind of ideas of what they're looking for sorry I said District Two is coming okay um so I those type that level we're going to have to increase a little bit more right and right and and and and so also I just want to make sure in preparation for our our Centennial you know I think it's really really really important that we we start getting ready for that FIFA yes you know all all of those things and because it it will bring excitement to the city that is in the works um we're planning for down to the Centennial so that our small businesses can benefit from that so I just want to make sure May on Christmas light I have a I have a point just um Christin last year uh even though we had the money budgeted them Christmas light they came very very very very late almost on Christmas Eve and then they just basically did for uh Northwest I say Northwest 8th Avenue to Northwest 12th Avenue that was eight and we were like aiming from uh Northwest 7th half to 17th Avenue on 127 Street and again Christmas starts just right after Thanksgiving you know putting them life so late is like wasting a money that has no effect do you understand so that is something we need to plan on because it's like I had to call like 20 times before we finally get get a few here and there and um so that's something we need to make sure that we um we get that uh and and of course uh I U asked for some more money so that I can do um U paper p Park um that I don't have to find different Source uh to the Pepper Park even though vice mayor was pointing fingers at me I didn't Point any fingers I just looked but um yeah to his to councilman Pi Charles point I think right after um Halloween lights need to go up you're correct uh it is a contract there are things that we last year was a um a feet in itself we had multiple contractors vendors doing the work because of the request coming in after later so some people have these contracts for 5 to 10 years and these they last you know they'll they last for 5 to 10 years so we don't have that right now we did in the past but it was just central part of the city and the library and that was it so it was City Hall and the library so that contract renewed once that expired we never we did not renew it we've now expanded the services and the the wants and needs to different areas which wasn't in the past so last year was a little it was a little different than the way that they have it has been in the past and now that City will change because we don't have those palm trees anymore yes correct um but but we can do something else to kind of bring up you know bring the lighting to the plaza correct and yes we can as long as as the funds are allocated for it we could do what we can with the funds that it's quick question and and please remind me after the meia I have a question for you offline but last year I brought this up and and I saw that it's it wasn't addressed in this year's budget Peppa Park still have a part-time person and I had two residents who came to me you could tell how dirty it is um the the maintenance of it the people who are walking that I I think we we did address the lighting at at some I'm assuming mm the light the light yes correct going back to to that so is it is a part-time person that's there so the the full-time person that is there is just not in the Pepper Park account he is actually uh budgeted in our ad our Recreation Administration so there is a part there is a full-time employee there he's just not budgeted under Parks under Pepper Park okay the part-time that you see the part time that you see or part-time or is that no no no that's fine you answered the question so it is full okay Mr Mayor yes sir I have a followup on that one yes um we wouldn't have to talk about in here if and only if that staff basically U follow directions from Council last year in the budget we have 100 $100,000 for paper P to um resurface the E side parking lot and then do some improvements in the park that was not spend because of uh Redwood that is coming up in June I um directed staff to find a landscape iny company because we have so many complaints about the park and it is like one of the parks that mostly everybody use uh Just Around the Clock 9:00 you see people still working around I asked them to take off the landscaping and put some Mulch and then make it looks like a normal Park and also uh um to um the the walkways I asked them to um what was it John pressure wash pressure wash the parking lot and the work because we have the money the money is sitting there the money is for paper Park and then we at the end of the budget year so now we're in September still has not been done so those are the things that we can do we don't need to bring them in here because if we just follow Direction and do what we're supposed to do because the money is not some it's not a money that you're going to try to allocate somewhere the money is there for paper P please do that and then have somebody keep um maintaining the park you know for for some time so that it looks uh very decent um that's the conversation that we have and over and over and I've been waiting and about two weeks ago I had another meeting just about that addressing purple Park and then still waiting and waiting so those are the things that we need we need to make sure that we we get this we get this thing moved because our residents are looking our residents are complaining and then when I come and ask for something is because I have enough I have a lot of residents who are asking just that we need to clean up paper Park we know you guys been doing a a lot I'm not going to take that away from you it looks a lot better than before I've seen the Improvement but we need we need to do a massive clean up clean up at paper parks and get it done because the money is there let's let's just let's just do let's do just that and then we we call it the DAT please thank you mayor thank you so much and to keep going so that we not here all night thank you Miss conney I think we' done with n departmental I have a few questions about um SAS and other things on par so now quickly um chrisan Sasol um is s been fully open or we still on that um um covid schedule we're not on covid schedule we are we do we are closed on Mondays Mondays is for maintenance but we are open for water arobics on Mondays only um but we're open Tuesday through Saturday or I'm sorry not Monday so Tuesday through Saturday and Sunday not Monday and fully open to um to the residents yes okay very now the kids uh pool the water playground the water yeah that that has been down for for the longest it has we have a lot of um aging infrastructure pumps um the pump room itself and things that have been needed to get fixed we are are working they're gra like getting done we are working on getting them done as things don't work if their water is not pumping and moving it deteriorates the paint and things like that so we have to repaint the water playground in order to make sure that it's not slippery for the kids to come in um now that the pumps have been fixed so that it can actually work there so it's a lot of things going on at Sasso pool Sasso pool is very old um a lot I learned to swim there oh um and I know it it there are things that need to get done to it it's the in the pumps themselves and the pool itself is having a lot of problems so we're trying to get those things done before we move on to the other things because those things get to be very very pricey very does that dollar amount reflected in this buget yes yes so we so we even haveone we can say by uh around December or November we're going to have a that fix yes we something that I can start um telling the residents were asking me every day correct okay very good and then I'll say SAS I'll say thank you for the Christmas light last year we we need some more this year so just just a remind thank you um quickly before I I um close um looking at um on page 7 187 I'm sorry M 18 page 187 um I'm just looking at the dollar amount between um the two um tennis sad why is that such a big um discrepancy so to it can you tell me what division it is I just mine is not the same as yours let me see at the top it says Pepper Park or Penny sug um yeah sugarm tennis sug per Park why is that big um discrepancy well right now we have a contract contract Services out at Pepper Park or you n me tennis is the contracted service so we don't pay for Staffing there um and they also they also have to do maintenance out there um Penny Sugarman or sansi Tennis Center depending on who what you call it who calls it what that one is staffed by us and maintained by us but let let me ask you um this with um paper part um is Pepper Park open to uh to the residents of the city and because I I you know I see uh you know it's like people from um different places just using that Park and maybe our resident don't know that they can um come and um it is it is open to the city um if anyone see hears anything different I definitely will address that um I'm not sure about the you know who plays and who wants to play but it's open to anyone it's even open to people that are you know non-residents they just pay a different fee and thank you you know Ven and um Ser gun which is trying to produce some more uh you know some more good athlete in the tennis something so okay all right that's uh that's about it thank you okay good thank you so very much um n departmental i I just have one question I don't know my my colleagues and then Vice May will take over the the Civic grants what is what are those the Su the supplemental I guess on page 243 they're um listed in page 246 oh okay yes oh that's the supportive I see that okay makes sense never mind okay got it all right so the the next one vice mayor you could take over I'm going to is mocha and mocha's good right wait you we did not decrease anything we actually increase mocha okay good okay then let's move on we good let play so you go tryina okay neighborhood service is your oh all right any questions on Neighborhood Services no yes I was just well if you guys have no questions I do actually neighood Services go yeah so I have questions on that um clean team uh I'd like to know how many people that do we have on our clean team okay laar remon Neighborhood Services director good evening mayor council and City Administration we have 13 at the moment ma'am okay so if there's a complaint that I get Citywide is that and I and I know the efforts that the the the clean team makes that it that we are um that we need to be a little bit more clean um do we need more staff one and two is there a way that we can operate where we are getting almost a 24-hour service where we have different shifts so that the city can can maintain its its cleanliness correct there a twofold this they are part-time I'm never going to say no to more staff because that translates into service to the residents which is what we want to do of course outside the box think I think that's a very novel idea of having a shift set up like that it will take a bit of brain power it's something that we could entertain as a matter of fact in hearing and conversations we did look at places I know it's very important when we look in other places and we find out hey they've been working this 24hour stuff it's a bit it's a bit novel for me but I thought that it was a great thought so I I I do see I do see an expansion in that and if given the opportunity to have more boots on the ground which I think is absolutely necessary when it comes to cleanliness I'm definitely not going to say no and say Hey give us the help because it just translates to the residents I have a question for Neighborhood Services so I know last year we went from 14 to 16 you added two and then again you're going from 16 to 18 where are we adding are we adding more code officers okay code offic councilwoman Timothy I can answer that for you actually the increase comes when I came to the Department it was just Neighborhood Services uh it was Code Compliance correct when it was Code Compliance we did not have uh the reoccupancy inspections we didn't have the certificate of use inspections and we didn't have the augmented program with an inspector that's certified for business tax receipt to work with DSD in that transition we acquired one position that came from the building department because of that in addition as the chief said we've been working closely together in the transition from the Animal Services Department the beauty of that is the the multi-approach training that we're taking to these inspectors why we've kept them as Neighborhood Services inspectors and added the certification as they come to have a more holistic officer instead of reaching out to other other municipalities or other or the county for help we're actually training in in inclusive the the animal services inspector to get certified as a code officer as well to be able to provide multiple services with one position so those are where those two the FTE count comes up so do you have position still that's coming out of building from their Enterprise or is it they're coming it's it's we acquired it through them I'm not exactly sure but I do know that we did acquire a position and that accounts for the extra inspector that's here so this is for staff for Well Finance staff um there's none that's coming out of building or special fund or do they have other correct there's none okay okay Vice may may I oh absolutely go ahead oh thank you um just want to start by saying um thank you uh Neighborhood Services code you guys been on the street hard work um always responsive uh one thing that I going to um the before I get to that the the clean team I think the clean team is helping a lot abolutely very very even though I have some concern about the clean team and I will address them at a later time um but the clean team is helping a lot it's helping a lot and we um as vice mayor said if we um look to add um some um personal into that I think they would help a lot um given the fact that we we have to fight with um was was every day just to do what the what they're supposed to do um on the um code or um Neighborhood Services do we have any um uh service for um on like on the holidays anyone looking out well at the moment one of the advantages is one the director is always in North Miami regardless so as everyone here that I've dealt with and my colleagues if you call me we'll be available as far as Manning we do like our inspectors to be with their families for days you know uh holidays the the reason why I'm saying that even even though we are um as a governing body in here make it a lot easier for our resident to uh to come in here and follow the legal process to do an add on and everything we have a lot of illegal construction going on especially on my side in District 4 a lot and um you know resident calling and complaining about and everything and most most of the time happen uh on weekends and also on holidays so we need to be more Vigilant because it is not fair to the person next door that you know fighting to make ends meet and then somebody just adding a whole new apartment and you know rting it and you know making making moreone I'm okay with it if you go to the legal classes and get it done and that is understanding so to that end I think we need to um keep our eyes open because a lot is a lot going on in the in the in the city but I'll speak more into um District 4 because I am on the street all all the time that that's been noted councilman uh we we do have we've we have augmented our coverage even on holidays we have a couple of holiday holidays and budgeted where we do have uh inspectors on call for instance something like July 4th January 31st we do have on call for those for those typ type of situations in addition we do have inspectors that are available full-time and it's one of the reasons that we've been able to respond on the weekends to many other calls is we have an average of two to three inspectors that are on Saturday and Sunday to address any of those concerns uh in terms of the legal construction I'll make sure that's been noted and I'll make sure to tr you know go over this with my staff and I assure you an improvement in that type of coverage um the last the last point I them fence this is too much um the the the you you know exactly the one that I'm talking about you will see like a whole block on the street just barricade by a black steel fence that looks so bad doesn't look like the city of nor Miami yet I had a conversation um with staff about that and asking to push the break but just to see that they just keep on going and gr I know that's probably not you but I'm uh um and and also most of them are like being put on on Saturday and Sunday yes sir so we so that is something we need to keep our eyes open because at this point we just look like a different city not the city of North Miami so we just look like a different city with them um still that basically everybody just want to block um everything so we need we need to be uh to be um cognizant of that and then make sure that these people um that still if that was up to me we will just bend them all together in the in the city of North Miami cuz they ugly seriously they're ugly they don't bring any beauty to the city so basically um that those two things illegal constructions is up and then those um crazy fences fencing is like um putting us in a place that we definitely don't want to be that's with um all that as I started um I'll say thank you thank you for all your hard work because you've been always um responsive to um to our um residents call and everything so thank you will keep keep it that way thank you so much um thank you council member um sir thank you yes and to Echo that um I I must say um over the last decade or so and I know Gavin is our senior person in here you have been one of the not not senior in that way Scott but you know years of service years of service um I think you have 25 and and and you have 10 you know six whatever but you have been one of the best um in terms of that of Department with um constituent Services it could be Saturday Sunday and I think the councilman mentioned that so we do appreciate that and we're going to say thank you thank you to you um I know vice mayor we we mentioned about a little thing for the clean team are they getting 15 an hour yeah there there was an increase yeah I think they are 15 and 17 dependent on their duties awesome thank you so very much thank you so much so council members so that we we are not here thank you sir thank you so we are not here for the entire night we keep saying that but then like half hour later we're still going well it's not it's not me I said I had some questions there some people who said they didn't but we we gonna We gonna do it like that real Qui but we going we we going pretty pretty fast because mocha is good and and we we already talked about Neighborhood Services which was the big one the other big one in purchasing Alberto you always good so unless you sneak something in here we don't so Alberto is good um the library library Paul do you have you have all the money no no no the library is near near to me where's the library I know it's after so let's do mad manager this is the other thing not advocating it's confusing because we said and and that's why I need some explanation from you um Miss Reyes we had said that there's no more CPN we created that what the department call the C that's a typo that's a typo what you're looking at I know yeah okay so we ain't going there okay it's a typo okay the page 280 okay so that's a typo so how's housing housing no no no I'm at library library Oh I thought it's after no they were after CP no no no no it's cuz we don't have on these book yeah yeah yeah yeah oh okay I'm sry couldn't even print I know I could have gave could put3 Paul this is two pages please this this is two pages for Library we messing with you okay do you guys have enough for books and since we're doing a playground at the library do we need to make do we ensure that un budgeted for maintenance of the playground in the library or is that going to be in parks and rack where does that go uh paill Library director uh as far as the maintenance that would be a Parks and Recreation question okay so that is you Christine okay okay and you guys budgeted for that the additional cost or you will thank you and me we we have books the reason that I I I I skip you is because you you actually negative in in things so which is good it's um how did you how you guys 8.4 I don't know but he put it so you good with the books right we're good with the books yes okay so let the reduction is because we had a Personnel change somebody from the library when listen we're not asking if it's if it's less or if it's more Les is always good yes so we good thank you sir I'll come up with the little no what about our field trip for our kids is that is that in this budget that you could work on with them coun I'm just making sure because you know the library put that in there with them when you meet purchasing we okay housing I know I know you trying to hide back there but um Albert come on over we good you got our seniors make sure you got our money wait wait Economic Development before we go into housing we already talked about that no no no no no no no I just want to make sure no it was purchasing I think it's after it's after housing aftering okay okay yeah thank you okay housing Albert we don't have tabs we don't have t um oh the tabs we don't have we don't have tabs so you increased 25% so what's going on that's a lot going [Music] on uh finally we are fully staffed so that's one line item I believe uh what we did also um we are I think you're talking to the mic in here the senior program is back to PR pandemic oh good so and with the increasing cost so what we were paying for food for field trip uh we have a big increase in this area uh and what we did we separate them we have different section instead of uh having the bulk so we break down the cost for senior programming I don't know what page it is for you it's 2 274 yeah so if you see here we have the meal the program the instructor the field trip everything is in everything is in there 278 okay and then uh I'm having a little issue because uh if you look at now the penry um we're not going to make it with the $180,000 okay but wait a minute um we Madame manager this is important the the agreement that we had with wasbo the money that they give every year and then now we we have the the new agreement with redwood um they were supposed to give us at least two so how much would you need or how much do you need there is a how do you call that a supplemental that I requested okay it's in on the supplemental we need uh at least to have two distribution per month no I know it's the am amount 256,000 320 so between the Waste Pro um contribution and now the Redwood within that um help out um John or somebody with administration because I know we got a check from from was BR we'll have to resarch that and get you okay we do get a check from wro yeah and and and I think the pentry is one one that that that is the benefit is total of $538,000 and that's $50,000 you don't get no money from that I got $180,000 I don't know if the 50,000 is no no no this is money that like a vendor is giving to us yeah okay so shouldn't that be a conversation that you have with the manager yeah as opposed to coming up here and they're asking me question cons I don't know okay okay so um so you guys will work on on the Waste Pro allocation and then the summer camp the the mentoring program that councilwoman so the 25 is is is good yeah it's lit and as well got it okay so so the money from the food pantry we will try to see exactly that's within the next two weeks um but I know I know Redwood supposed to give us a million dollars and from that million they were supposed to give um Inc increment of it so maybe you you you know we can get one before then and then we'll try to get a commitment and see where we are that's the only area of concern other than that everything is good okay in the companion program you say it's funny yes it's in perfect okay Madam madam Vice 282 is all yours 282 so Economic Development so I just want to make sure that for economic development that we are what p a part of the greater greater Chamber of Commerce that we have a membership there I don't see anything here for the greater Chamber of Commerce for the matter that that item is going to come before you at the next council meeting SE let me let me say this you're talking about Beacon Council but I'm talking about greater chamber of commer let me say this mam Vice man the beacon Council thing we're going to make a big deal about it because those people are asking us a dollar per resident and they are the beacon Council they need to be giving us money um and I'm like why why are you there why would we give you $63,000 um for what I mean you they supposed to be helping us get jobs I think the county whatever and we don't get nothing from the county and that's a conversation I'm have with yeah they want the membership their membership is a dollar per I said what so may this is a not not a membership it's not a membership but go ahead and John and explain it to so this is a a different service that the U Miami day Beacon Council has been offering to municipalities it's an enhanced service um I believe they started it sometime last year so they've been reaching out to different municipalities to see if municipal IES want to participate so there is an item and what what is the service the service is to provide Economic Development support with helping helping each of the cities to identify data that's specific to the cities job that is their job that's why the county I mean they they essentially said we don't need you because whoever's the economic director that's that their job um and if if the money was like 15,000 like we pay maybe but Mr may I think you perhaps you should just read it and understand it first the the the dollar per resident no it there's I I can provide the information to you I could give you the how much is is that membership fee it's it's a dollar per per resident it's based off of the size of your population that I I will make sure that cannot the city of North Miami and I'm putting on the record we cannot do that they need to be giving us money because and I think that you need to you need to be well I'll let Administration inform you because because I have a feeling you do not understand I believe it will be a benefit to our city what would be M May dollar ad what is it that they going to do so if we're not going to have your position then we understand that we could take that but if we have an economic development department why would we get an outside people from the county that's getting money taxpayer for us to get $63,000 a year for white unless they're going to tell us that we're going to give you X number of jobs and this and this and that because when they came to me I told them the same thing last year I said no y'all need to giving us money cuz we don't get nothing from the county not from the Sur tax in fact we going after them because they told us they were going to give us some money from the um from the Tiff um thing that they received other cities get that so vicking Council their whole thing is economic development for the county and cities so why would they be asking us 63,000 there's no organization that we belong to that we we paid a dollar per resident whatever that formula is I I mean it's it's this is it it's it's really this not going to going to fight event that we we spend over 500,000 but when it comes but when it comes to when it comes to Economic Development and the possibility of in of inviting um companies to come and create jobs in our city issue we would not need that department uh Economic Development Department because how we going to explain to the resident we what what is that they what are they there for May maybe we just have Administration share the that's not not in this budget but there is an item that's being worked on that's going to come before you share with us and we continue moving along yes I'll share that information this that a per resident thing that they do you know so I'm super confused is there is there a line item in here no there is not okay so no there is not so okay yeah yeah we're not going to we're not going to be here all night let's let that discussion happen on the agenda that it's scheduled for night okay housing Communications I think we mentioned Communications talked about the it change yes is new yeah I think we mentioned the the it was restructuring because of the IT staff that they took and they put back I was trying to move fast um housing Insurance of service but that's the SMB the last few departments is RIS these are all the special funds housing yeah yeah we we we back here so the half penny sell Transportation that's where um the feeb is from we get okay did we increase feeb cars or in this budget yes please uh so so I know that we have two cars we appli for a grant to have two more that's four right somebody answer that I thought we had more than we had only had two we only had two for the freebies can somebody um answer the freebie question I don't have the information but I can get it I don't know Jeff Jeff is here okay on their Fleet good evening Jeff gimr assistant Public Works director we currently have four freebies and um we are um in receipt of a grant that's going to allow us to get another one so we will have five just one yes ma'am so the grant is just one so we currently have four we currently have for operating yes maybe we can invite them to one of our future Council meetings to do an update to see like what the demands are you know I'm sure they have all that sure and we can also do that internally because we have statistics from them on a monthly basis because i' I've been told that sometimes a wait is like two hours so it's obvious that we need the average the average weight time is closer to 30 minutes 30 minutes okay yes no um I um I will um disagree it is more than that uh I I'm going to tell you my experience I um I used the freeb I think one time and the second time I was at um um Enterprise r car and um just the app just keep on waffling and then and then the driver just stopped by had a friend washing cars over there and has a few jokes and then turn around and move on East on uh 123rd Street and I was still there waiting and waiting and um I think if we can add you know add some more to that hope it's an average weight time over the 70 hours that the vehicle's operating so it's you know there's probably higher demand times as well it's an average weight time but Mr G I'm I'm just giving you you giving me average time I'm giving you real time yeah um and I'm not like making this up and the second time I was at my house and waiting for 45 minutes I said you know what this is too much and I'm done never I I even I don't even have the app on my phone anymore so uh I think if we have more that would probably probably help and then you know probably have a little conversation with the drivers to be you know more mindful of the street because they all know who's looking so um you know that's that's my two sense into that freebie so anyone else good okay thank you so very much Mr gimer and I think the next division is uh Public Works um but that that's all of the various Department would that be Enterprise um okay so the next department is risk I think yeah so no with with with the Enterprise the 1 million on three um what is that for the the water main Improvement page 351 this is with the Enterprise 351 yes sir water distribution it's just these supplementals they just would we get backup or or what these are Angela the the the blank cips these These are uh some of the files that live on the M drive that we're working to recover oh okay but the M do you know what what is the million dollar for in the water distribution page 351 ah okay I like that one yes so this is uh we have 200,000 in for design and uh future watermain improvements for 800,000 uh for a total of 1 million so so this is just proactive just in just in case no okay I'm hearing maybe Jeff you want to help us out or the director somebody yeah what we' currently been doing we've been working with a consultant to to do some water main Improvement projects so that's what that money is allocated for do we know what what what are the specific projects or we can get that to you mayor yeah please because that's a million dollars we for water which is important because we've been having some we know we need a new plant and that's one of our top priority but if we see a million dollars and we need so um May if I may on that on that million dollars also I see on that line them is um I see replacing replacing and maintain uh the water meters I think last year we had that conversation about moving um replacing all the water meters would that be part of it uh no no that is not part of it okay and uh and um just to follow up on what the mayor just said um any word that we addressing the water plant so for the water plant um we still have um pending directions um we we had a bid that went out for Rehab not too long ago um we received one bid um for about 70 million um but also we have a consultant that's waiting to do some um a presentation with mayor and councel um regarding the future of the water plant okay that's Madam manager that's what we need to meet about right we with with our that is correct okay and I heard the number like to like I guess a number floating around for the real completion of the water plant where what is that the new one yeah 250 it's about 250 it's several versions and that's one of the things that the consultant want to show um I'm somewhere between 500 million to I heard no okay guys we going a little bit no no I'm no I'm just saying there there was a original plan was to do what what they had since 2012 but now they're saying that it may need two to accommodate all the future construction that we're getting and that number is closer to like I heard a billion at 1 point no no no no no yeah I think it would be best if the Consultants are able to educate the council with all the data and all the different scenarios and so we will set that up why are we talk this is for the the new plant so this the consultant will be cor the consultant they will go through all the options whether it's a refurbished water plant or a new water PL no no I'm just saying they want to be able to educate you on all possible option this is the we G we cannot it we got to fall back to where we are this is this is what we had gotten prior to this and and this is why these conversation are important where we know they told me the number was 250 it was 100 then it was 150 then it was 250 so we did what we we needed to do and we actually got you know the the go ahead from the EPA for a certain amount cuz we that's what we thought so we we the the fact that I'm hearing that the number maybe maybe change that's that's a problem because we had almost a year' been working on this and this is so vital to the city it's not it's like the the top thing we have keyone the other day that the water there was no water I was at at um a building when are these meetings being um scheduled do we know when we will schedule them as soon as possible okay but I think that's a like I said mayor I know I heard a different number so that's why we probably need to have the meeting and then maybe even have it during the council meeting so that the public can be aware as well it's it's hard to attach a number because there's different options to consider there is there isn't no different option that's what I'm saying to you we know we need a new plant so even even even if it's a new plant there's still different options to consider even if it's new if you say you're going new there's still different new options to consider that's the reason why it's important that we have that meeting so you guys approve new development coming online is what there's addressing the previous need now need and then the future need so um but like I said we need to have that conversation and when you do schedule those meetings let us know priority I I would say that I am ready to have that conversation because um again I've been I've been on that issue since I came in here that issue of the water plant this is something that we cannot sleep on um what happened is that um in the past we did not get all the informations like you know you get this direction at one point and then you have a totally different conversation next and it was basically not really anything set um in stone so what we need to do now is to schedule the meetings and sit with those um experts and see exactly what um what we can afford what um that would be a best fit for the city because with all these um developments coming on and and now by my house the water pressure is very very low extremely low I'm you know taking a shower at 5: in the morning it is low so meaning that that's that's a problem that's something that we cannot sleep on we cannot sleep on it we need to have that conversation ASAP and M manager I would truly truly appreciate it if you schedule those meetings so that we can go on with that conversation because that water plant cannot wait cannot wait or Sunshine meeting we it has to be a sunshine because so we can all have it together too much work into this for now to hear of all these different options um that that that's very disappointing um when we know this is important this was a priority um Anisha Daniel before she left that was her our only job to make sure that we were at the door to get what we needed and we got confirmation from the FED that said they will help us and now we going back saying that we don't even know if the number that we may okay let me ask this question are we still in line with all these different things that's been happening with the with the federal Administration with the EPA have we meet any deadline for this money that we were supposed to get or in change it was an invitation to apply wasn't it yeah but there's some requirements that we don't have to meet until March of next year and that's why it's even more important that we meet sooner rather that's because I know and and the the reason that I'm saying you all apply so let me say the the the reason this is so important we are on a cross of of of a new election and that has a lot of implications so if you guys do not give me the accurate numbers and I'm over there I'm sorry that should have nothing to do with election this is has to just do with priority what what does the water plant have to do with election no you did okay you guys okay probably went over your we're what I'm saying is you will have it has a lot to do with it because if you go you get a new Administration um so I don't know if if whatever Administration that we would get if we do not have things come concrete you know if the letter to to you know whatever that the amount is so we just need to make sure we get commitments or or whatever whatever cuz if things change and they they were like well nor you know so that that's what I when I said you know we have a presidential election that's coming and we are talking about the federal government so we got to know exactly if the numbers are Chang we need to know and and it's important that you know and and I and I say that because Vice me what we went through to kind of get this one it is very very it's it's serious and and I talked to cities who went through the whole process in um New Orleans and and many other cities it it's important we just need to know because they gave us the guideline you know how much to apply for based on what we thought we needed so unless we get these things in place hopefully you know this will be an Administration you know there's all type of stuff we hearing the EPA may be gone you know with project 2025 so we don't know that's what I'm saying we need to be mindful when we have an opportunity that we I I I I thought we were still under the 250 I heard the 250 was just the taxes like it wasn't even scratches that's I was for we're clearly not going to read this is a budget hearing we're getting too deep into the wood weeks no I understand councilman we we we moving along oh we have public comments so I'm just saying that this is vital and the the meeting the meeting that the manager was referring to you would have happened the the Cyber incident delayed okay that's a we understand as long as we know we we just have to you know do what we do to make sure okay public works this the last one I think we have Public Works public work no no we we done it I think building going be changed I think we are done was the last there was the last the last department where was it um Mr Kenneth which did we City attorney did we do that last Mr Ken read did your department we could because I don't recall well he saves us a lot of money yes we know R risk management did they change the name no I think it's oh is it on the city manager or that's so it's okay 381 is that its own Department M manager or is it under you it's its own separate Department okay that's another correction um Roy no because it has Department City it's part of the city manager it's part of it it shouldn't city manager the division is risk management okay so this is correct yes okay okay you save us some money it's a negative sir I'm we good you see it I have a I have a question for page 4 6 where we are we risk man are we still yes yes no no we good thank you thank you Mr Canon you save us some money thank you I think we're good with you thank you sir thank you sir thank you vice mayor you want close it up you good with 406 yeah so well yeah I have a question page 406 it's it's the building fund and it says um 309 City attorney could you explain why that the dollars are there yes uh these are all uh interfund transfers that uh that the building fund pays into the general fund for overhead shared services so that specific line you're looking for is the services that our uh City attorney and his team provides they pay a portion of that and same for the others for the annual Financial audit um you know once we do the uh cost allocation that's the amount that building would pay for the service since our finance department all the internal services are done in the general fund so so I understand correctly building pays the City attorney $252,000 no building pays the general fund uh 252,000 um for City Attorney Services what page is that why so much 406 they they PID the attorney the attorney PID no no they pay the general fund for City Attorney Services it's a formula that we use um to to kind of gauge we we do the same thing for St water and water and sewer um where they pay the general fund for overhead sh services that the general fund provides this includes UB it um budget and finance yeah administrative departments city manager Services mayor and Council Services also because the building is an Enterprise fund it can pay out certain percentages to to cover services like let's say attorney is mitigating a permit or leaning whatever they're mitigating they can pay for that cost okay and you'll see this in water and sewer and also in storm water okay you good advice man on that one okay thank you so much M re um thank you staff it's still 9:45 which is a good good considering you know us going through it yes public hearing now is open there's two mics to this before we vote on it um this is on tap A and B please um you have do we have to read each item again and vote no no no I think we vote on everything good evening um my name is Veronica gusang 540 Northwest 127th Street I just wanted to say um a few things I agree with councilman Charles I think the public should have had a couple different scenarios to look at regarding the millage rate 7.3 7.4 even 7.5 um I also think I attended one of the Town Hall meetings and I think it was very vague the information that was given to us we weren't given the full amount until tonight I think the public should have had a time to be able to look at this budget and be able to see um and we should have been included a little bit more on what we wanted to see in our district um I hope that you guys take that into consideration for next year thank you indeed Madam manager wasn't this posted online oh with our problem no it was posted okay okay okay thank you sir good evening my name is David gbas and I reside at 531 Northeast 134th Street in District 3 uh good evening mayor um vice mayor and council members I appreciate the opportunity to speak before you today regarding the preliminary fiscal year 2425 budget I urge you to reconsider a thorough review and with the aim of addressing discrepancies and calculations as well as identifying potential savings and promoting equity for the residents of North Miami while these may be isolated incidents I would like to draw your attention to specific concerns on page 143 the Public Works Street Maintenance budget is overstated by approximately $88,000 and on page 148 the ccip clean team budget is overstated by 600 these discrepancies though seemingly minor compared to the total operating budget undermine confidence in the overall accuracy and integrity of the budget furthermore I fully support the allocations of $10,000 to the Nomi Haitian Chamber of Commerce and $115,000 to the association of Haitian educators of Dade as noted on page 2 excuse me on page 246 however I am troubled by the justification for a $10,000 donation to the National haian American elected officials Network an organization based out of Orlando Florida as reference on page four of the preliminary budget I believe this allocation does not represent a responsible use of taxpayer dollars and it is also essential to consider the equitable distribution of these funds there are normal there are numerous local initiatives including women's empowerment groups youth programs or even enhancements to the city's it security and infrastructure that can benefit from these dollars therefore I strongly encourage you to pre reprioritize funding supporting our immediate local organizations and initiatives while I acknowledge that I have not had the opportunity to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the entire preliminary budget I appreciate and thank you for your time and consideration on these important matters thank you sir what what that page you said the the the discrepancy of 600,000 so on page 143 the public work Street Maintenance budget is overstated um what I was doing is adding up each line item um pretty much converting it and when you do the the calculation of adding those line items the sum of those um are there's a variance between that and what's actually presented in the budget as the rollup sum so just for consideration this is on page 143 so 143 has the Public Works team and then on 148 for the ccip clean team budget okay so their budget and you don't you don't have the the title number of the of 140 miss m r do we know what what he's referenced to no okay all right thank you sir it's noted thank you good evening my name is e Baba 13350 Na's third quote um I wanted to ask about I agree with the previous um speaker about having stuff be more local we see a lot of our money being given to organizations that are not even in the city um some of it are related to contracts with um contractors and new development I am concerned about the police and the fact that there are 29 there's currently a shortage based on the previous presentation of 29 police officers um we also have a lot of new development coming online and I'd like to know how many police officers are needed for the new residents of those new developments for example the gardens just came online with 800 new residents and that will need two new police officers just for that one building and we've got a lot more in line it's not just police officers it's just about every part of our city and the infrastructure that's needed um I believe I heard 200,000 for the um the traffic for implementing the the traffic um common uh phase one my understanding was going to be around 5 million and that means that's a a tremendous shortfall in even implementing that after doing all the study and everything for it all these things being delayed and delayed is causing an increase in cost and us taxpayers more in the future um there are a lot of places that this can be cut from I see a lot of our money being used wastefully um people traveling for example to Ireland um I do not understand what Ireland has to do with District 3 um we need for our money to be spent on the things in our area um in terms of the beacon Council that I heard earlier I I do think that we need to spend our money on doing our local um I cannot see spending that money all right we have to be able to spend our money on things here thank you so much um marel this this my hi there uh my name is mar Som Medina I live at 1270 Northeast 124th Street um the one that I want to make mention to on top of the many things that were already mentioned um is I guess it would be on on a bunch of the different description sheets is number 315 which speaks about the allowances for your vehicles and the allowances for your phones and expenses now I know in the past when you guys were making around $30,000 this was something that they gave to you guys to help because as a person that makes $30,000 on top of that having to come to these meetings and pay for these things of your own pocket when it comes to your phone and your vehicle but now you guys make more than double what was once your salary so I I don't understand why $750 per council member except I think one member I think Mary has 250 in her allowance is still an allotted amount that's $99,000 per counil member that seems a little excessive to me um you know but I do drive a hondai um also I do think that the I would like to know what the profits come with the N me Fest because I know that the tickets go out there and I know there's always these discounts that we get and everything but I don't know if the pool is big enough to us subsidize this event happening every year I don't know um maybe I could do eventually when we get back back online to ask for a public request for that information um let me see if I mentioned anybody else uh okay the line again for $315 uh $200 a month for a cell phone and 175 for um the city Administration that's the manager and the deputy manager when most people in the city pay $150 thank you thank you so much good night um anyone else awesome thank you public hearing is closed thank you thank you members of the public um Madame clerk motion to approve tab a second an ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida adopting and approving the budget of the city of North Miami for fiscal year commencing October 1 2024 and ending September 30 2025 authorizing the amount to be raised by taxation for the operation of the city for the 2024 2025 fiscal year authorizing the expenditure of funds established by the budget authorizing a return on investment transfer from the water and sewer Utility Fund to the general fund authorizing the inm city manager to implement budget amendments revenue or and or expenditure to appropriate or unappropriate funds as required during the fiscal year and to amend the prior fiscal year budget to facilitate the year and closing process providing for appeal severability and an effective date I have a motion made by the vice mayor to approve the item at tab B the motion was seconded by the mayor all in favor I any opposed the motion the item passes with a 4 Z vote motion to approve tab c a proposed ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida authorize yeah we just did a the Mills and all of those M um I'm sorry Mr attorney the these were already read to the record right earlier on they were read to the record so I believe so yeah they were so a motion to approve tab B that was that was tab B she read tab a we just did tab a the Mills at 7.4 and that pass I read into the record tab B we had an entire discussion I received a motion and a second and so I reread tab B because it wasn't specified that it was for tab a so we were on Tab B can we can we restate we have to do tab a before we do anything else if we don't do tab a everything else is super a motion to proove t a i did heard that a question so sorry one second please I'm speaking so tab a there was a motion to approve tab a it was seconded by the mayor um was that already read into the record yes or no a resolution of the Madam clerk was that read into the record already tab a was tab a read into the record already it was and I need to reread it if it was already read we don't need to be reread we already voted on it so now a motion to approve tab B no T tab a I've not I need um clarification um M um vice mayor if I may sure go ahead I need clarification on the um um proposition that I made for them to um look at the uh scenarios for us to uh lower the so at the second year second correct remember we can't we can go down and that up okay okay so we move on for tab a so tab B was tab B right into the record excuse me I actually need to go back and actually make sure that it's clear on the record and I would like an opportunity to do that you would like an opportunity to clear what on the record I need to read it into the record and then take the vote because I had read tab B before we did the presentation okay so and so we if we're going in order I'd like an opportunity to read this into the record so you're saying that tap a was never read into the record is that what you're saying it's not that it's to ensure that for clarity of the record for whoever's watching this for the county who's paying attention to this to be sure of what they heard so that when the when the clerks are taking the minutes to make sure that it's very clear so that's why I'm asking to reread this into the record I know for it's you know procedure is not favored but I really like an opportunity to do that and I just one minute please I um Mr attorney it was written to the record does it need to be read again yes or no which item are we reading tab a it was already read into the record so it doesn't need to be read again tab we took a vote to clarify so tab a was already read to the record Mr may I need your help please sry tab a was read into the record already I asked for motion to to do tab a you second tab a I'm asking for it not to be read we all we all voted it was a 40 vote so I guess you need to record your vote so we can go on to tab what's the question you a resolution of the mayor and City coun hold on M quick I'm just trying to just I'm trying to just read it for vice mayor can we ple person Personal Privilege allow her to read it it'll take 13 seconds we'll vote we'll move on a resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida adopting a tentative millage rate of 7.4 Mills for fiscal year 2024 2025 providing for an effective date and all other purposes I have a motion made by vice mayor estimate to approve the item at tab a the motion was seconded by mayor desl all in favor I I item passes with a 5 votes thank you madam vice mayor a motion to approve tab B an ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida adopting an approve I still need to read it into the record right before I call the vote an ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida adopting and approving the budget of the city of North Miami for fiscal year commencing October 1 2024 and ending September 30 2025 authorizing the amount to be raised by taxation for the operation of the city for the 2024 2025 fiscal year authorizing the expenditure of funds established by the budget authorizing a return on investment transfer from the water and sewer Utility Fund to the general fund authorizing the inm city manager to implement budget amendments revenue and or expenditure to appropriate or unappropriate funds as required during the fiscal year and to amend prior fiscal year budget to facilitate the year and closing process providing for appeal SE severability and an effective date second I have a motion made by mayor Des to approve the item at tab B the motion was seconded by councilwoman Timothy all in favor I any opposed item passes with a 5- z vote permission to read to seat mayor thank you a proposed ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Florida authorizing the inm city manager to make adjustments to the minimum fund allocation amount in the reserve fund account as part of the city's fiscal year budget process pursuant to section 2-2 of the city code providing for an effective date and all other purposes tapy so wait a minute tap C let's talk about tap C because I didn't know that was a problem so this is we are voting to give the manager Mr attorney now we will need you to explain this to us we do this every Year may this is this is the this is the $5 million they they're saying that I guess they're not doing $5 million this year so you're authorizing them to make a lesser amount for the uh what okay I want to be very clear on yeah on on this um manam manager this is important so this is giving you so we St you stated on on record Madame Rees that we are putting into 2.7 but I see on the book two she did say 2.9 but I see two 2.7 so which one is it it's 2.9 2.9 okay in the book proposed proposed no I know maybe I was looking at another reserved on towards the back that say 2.7 okay so that 2.9 it's supposed to be 5 million so we this resolution I just want to make sure we we get it this is not to use the money that's already there the 5 million that's a little bit more than 5 million this is just to wave the other the other 5 million that we're supposed to put this year the other two 2 point whatever 2.1 correct okay okay I just want to make sure on record that's what we doing I I totally support that um and so move second I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the item at tab C the motion was seconded by vice mayor estimate Irvin all in favor I any opposed the item passes with a 5- z vote thank you thank you all good night um I have a motion to adj made by councilman Galvin second seconded by councilman Charles all in favor any opposed motion carries with a 5- z vote it is now 10:02 p.m.