good afternoon today is Tuesday April 16 16th um and this is I would say not a very official meeting um but we will be discussing today um can we get roll call Madam clerk yes mayor Angelina FL here Council woman is Stacy cier here councilman mar mar Marlene Al here councilwoman Cari sharmat here city manager Justine here City attorney Hillary Alat here do we have quum yes we do okay um we would like to now start with Pledge of Allegiance and invocation um led by this good sir here thank you Ken McCoy risk management if you would all stand please pledge allegiance The of the United States of America and to the repblic for stand one nation under God indivisible you don't need a prayer right followed by a prayer okay would you bow your heads please okay for those of you who are um Believers Christians we want to thank you for coming for those of you who believe in a higher power we want to thank you for coming and Lord we want to thank you for allowing this group of young folks to Embark upon the path of wisdom and organization and we ask that you bless them uh in this path and we ask that uh you look over them give them health and and wisdom in Jesus name am amen thank you good luck um we can now continue we do we have any additions removals um to the agenda today no okay let us begin tab a is the approval of minutes and yes it is approved we are moving on to tab B and it is promoting the youth Council in schools and it is sponsored by youth Council city manager Justine CER um yeah I wanted to bring this up because um the next application should be open up right now um especially since we're starting to get to Summer and I I feel like we're not being promoted enough and a lot of people are not aware of the youth Council happening so I want something for us to do in school just to inspire young leaders also participate because most of us on this board will probably not be here next year so um that's all I wanted to bring up um I do want to add to that um yeah I do agree I would say um I've kind of been working on that in the background a little bit um I have met up with the student government um for North Miami senior high as well as um the teen council with the hive and spoke to them about their concerns um but I would like if we could all go into like one of the schools one of the high schools or a few of them actually um and discuss some of their concerns and also promote the youth Council problem is um to have that done we do need someone leading that um and as far as the youth Council next year I'm not sure how that would go um simply because we don't have a leas on right now handling us and that liaison will be the same person going through applications also promoting contacting doing all the direct contact for us so any other addition comments okay moving on we're moving now on to tab c a discussion of community service project and that is brought up by councilwoman Cari charmat hi so my idea is to play like different types of social action movies for people maybe like on a big screen in um like maybe where they used to do drive-in theaters across from Ninja Lounge where people can either like come in sit down on the floor some people can come in as a little Drive-In we can do some social action movies like how Forest scum like shows a man going through disabilities or Wall-E shows environmental issues so I feel like we could show movies like that or going after like different issues considering what's going on at the time and what people want to see I agree with this idea but like Angie said um we would need a liaison to like you know contact somebody or you know speak to somebody to like you know kind of lead that on so for now that could be open to discussion and stuff but I don't know how we can move forward with this um yeah I with Hillary I think we could maybe just vote to open it up for discussion um and then you know kind of see how we want to go about that later on um or you could table the item and if none of the top two were applicable to you know then you could also maybe just reach out to your representing council member himself to see maybe if we could get that done uhuh we can we can vote to open things for discussion we can't vote to pass anything officially so we can come we can come back and vote on it again um or just continue um vote to um allow any decisions made to be made amongst ourselves uh can I get a motion from someone right so would it be a motion to bring it to the next Mee um we can either do we do we want to tab it table it for our next meeting which would be all the way in May um and you would need to be present or we can um open vote to discuss it outside of here ask open to discuss okay so um motion to discuss the um the community service project um from councilwoman Carly sharmat um outside of here and also um to vote on any decisions and how we would go about it amongst ourselves later on I second okay how do we vote um mayor yes councilwoman Alon yes councilwoman charmat yes councilwoman cotier yes okay just SC we are now moving on to tab D and it is discussion of fundraiser Car Wash and is brought up to us by councilwoman Marlene Alon yes so I know since we don't have a le le Lea on we can't vote on anything like officially but I just wanted to talk more about the details of the car wash like for example um security I don't know how we would that also be through Theon okay so um liaison is responsible for pretty much any bookings direct contacts and all that stuff between people I would say we don't need a vote on this because we already voted to get it done um it would just be bringing up any additional information I guess while we're all here um but you're right um so security which would be police cuz it's a city um and then we would need insurance and the items as well yeah we need insurance insurance for what for cars cuz we're washing them and you know if anything happens you know we don't want to get sued so yeah we would need insurance we would need police and they get paid to be there um so all of that needs to be done through a leison and contact so but like if you have any items like day time and stuff like that we could talk about it to see if it works well for us and then hopefully when we get someone you know someone gifts back to us then we could see how we want to go about it um with that being said I also want to bring up this month would be the month that we'd also have our our youth Council Summit and without someone handling you know all of that it's a little bit difficult because fundraiser was for the the summit so wow okay so I guess well with the would insurance and would insurance and you know paying the paying security would that come out of our budget I believe so um some things like if we were to partner I'm not sure how that would go because we're it's a fundraiser and we're trying to get the money for us um but we could try to partner with one of the council members and ask them to cover cover that fee okay um so I guess we can just discuss the date or around what weekend we would preferably have the event I know last time we said late April because of the summit and you know raising funds but the way it's looking I don't think I don't think that' really be easy to do or like pull off since we have let me see like two more weeks of April so maybe yeah two more weeks of April so maybe like but the start of May is more testing and stuff and I feel like so do you guys have any suggestions for when we should have it um yeah May is a very difficult month and we're kind of well I would say I'm busy especially for the next we're busy for the next um few Saturdays this Saturday is the Earth Day cleanup um which I'm trying to make sure we have our table and all that together um with um councilen cuz Timothy and parks and then next Saturday we have the Kickball event um with team of hope so it would have to be going into May which would also push back our Summit um and may like you said testing in the beginning and then we have school ending as well as graduations you know all of that so we're kind of in a tight spot right now when is our recess event so our recess follow um I believe with the state when the state goes into recess then our count mayor and counsel then decide they go into recess and then we would also vote to go into recess um recess being that anything can be passed by clerk attorney I mean Clerk and manager um while we're out but we can't also officially vote on recess without Al on okay okay I got it so yeah just move on okay so we'll just move on from this item um it's already open for discussion already from our last meeting I do want to bring up I believe two or maybe one item we did um pass so we we on our last meeting we tabled um the discussion of the budget which we'll have to table again this meeting onto the the next one hopefully if that's possible and just move on to the the following items all right we are now moving on to tab e and it is a discussion of creating a newsletter to raise awareness for our City's initiatives and spread the word about the youth Council and it is brought up by city manager Justine CER so I originally bought this item up last month and um so far there has been no update on my end um I haven't received anything considering that I tried to set up a meeting and it wasn't able to happen all the um item that's need for update I don't really have anything for update I do have um a slide I made a slide about each one of my items is what I wanted to talk about but unfortunately there's nothing that's happening right now so no update on my end okay so um from what you're saying tab e through J would be um I would say I guess tabled or brought you would update us again next meeting yes that's correct because so far I have nothing okay um moving on to reports oh which is also started by me um so the reports that I have I kind of already shared um I did meet up with the student government for um North Miami Senior High which I basically explain what the youth council is the clerks I went with the clerk um and then also heard some of their concerns um same with the hive and I got like items and stuff um I did open our survey back up um with dunia um so we have actually gotten some responses from when I was at those meetings um that I kind of just have to speak to dunia and get the ones that were submitted online but majority of them I wouldn't be able to add on to the agenda to vote on until we have Lea on or some I would just have to directly contact any council person about but that's kind of what I've been doing and yeah any other council person report um you didn't or comments yeah good see okay I would like to make a comment on the behalf of the youth Council um I would just like us to have a discussion with the higher of whether it is the people who are in charge of us whether it is vice mayor or the chief of staff in relation to the lack of contact and lack of response on our behalf and different initiatives that we are trying to put in place that is the last report yeah that is necessary and hopefully we'll get contact by tomorrow or within this week um because that contact is necessary for the well-being and continuation of of our youth Council and any other youth councils in the future because we are currently here and experienced but we don't have the resources necessary to continue and without that I don't see how our youth Council can continue and any other youth councils afterwards so if we're all in agreement so who so do we have like any idea who will be our liaison So currently with the um past history of arazon arazon is whoever is the constituent service aid for um Madame vice mayor um which there isn't one currently or that we know of are or in contact with but the youth council is actually something passed by the entire Council itself so if that is something that is being difficult or if we can't get AAS on I would say maybe we can bring this up in a council meeting as an item and see if any other council member or if they would like to find staff to handle the boards and commissions because today we don't have anyone residing over our meeting we don't have some we didn't have someone residing over our last meeting and I had to go and find a staff member um who was thankful I'm thankful and grateful that they were able to come in and do our invocation and prayer um but that should have been handled prior to so um we are it's very short um we don't have much time left and I'm just hoping that whatever we can do before recess and in these few months can happen um because we were sworn in in October and haven't officially gotten anything done throughout the year and I would say that is unacceptable so um with that being said I would like to motion to adjourn this meeting do I have a second a second okay Madame mayor yes Council in Alon yes Council Karly sharmat yes Council woman cier yes okay is carried um the time is 5:50 p.m. and it