council meeting um Madame clerk roll call 7:01 p.m. mayor desme here vice mayor EST Irvin councilman Galvin here councilwoman Timothy councilman Charles present mayor you have a Corum to proceed thank you so much we gonna we're gonna have invocation by one of our favorite Rabbi one of my favorite but before that we got to do pledge of allegian by our assistant police chief Angel Rivera of the north miy police department and then we have the invocation by Rabbi lipstick and then we will do a special presentation following that please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for um first of all I I saw on my friend Scott galvin's page that the city gets a congratulations 75 years of the council is that yeah so congratulations to the city um you know the world at present needs needs a superdose of Peace unity and healing and that can only take place when when the tree is conscious of the forest and the forest is conscious of the tree and the entire world is a forest the city of North Miami is a tree within here every individual is part of a forest and each is a tree so I would like to pray that everything I and all my colleagues and friends and the esteemed Council we should always say what we mean mean what we say and never allow meanness into what we're saying may we always strive for peace may we always see each other as trees of one forest and no tree should ever remain alone God bless each and every one of you with the wisdom that is needed to govern such a city and may God flow through each and every one of you amen amen thank you so much my so we'll go ahead um so Madame manager any add um addition deletion Amendment or deferral to the agenda yes um we have tab t at the request of the applicant that is being requested for deferral onto the May 28th meeting which tab tab t it's your last is in Thomas T is in Thomas okay okay thank you that it that is the only addition deletion Amendment or defer okay Mr attorney we set yes mayor the agenda is set you may proceed okay U okay thank you so we I guess we'll do the public um all of the special presentation first and then we'll we'll come back up for City announcement and then appointments um so we'll have so wait do you you want to do the updates okay sure so we'll have public works with um updates and then we'll do the the two proclamations that we have yes sir good evening mayor council steam staff uh Jeff gimr uh interm Public Works director I'm here to present on uh capital projects this evening just going to highlight a few of the projects that we have going on uh throughout the city the um first project is the Kagney Park North project I know that's been on everyone's radar for a long time um the invitation to bid um has been issued and proposals are due next week Monday May 20th so when we receive the proposals we'll go through them as staff and um hopefully have them before you for award on June 25th if we're able to meet that date of June 25th and everything goes well with the contractor um construction should start in late August I've just um attached a rendering of what the Aquatic Facility will look like um you'll see an eight lane pool with um a weight a little um lap um exercise I guess kidney is what they call it um slide and um a zero depth enty um playground uh for um their our younger residents Bree swep Park as you know all three V have been awarded we have M&J Consulting as the general contractor for the project uh rep Services is going to be um constructing the playground and Pavilion and Vortex is going to be um working on the spray ground the um construction is um was scheduled to start in late June um we just um had received an email from our general contractor and they're ready and able to move that date up a little bit so so um they want to hit the ground running um in the beginning of June nice awesome I knew that would make you happy and this is just a you know I know it's a little busy but this is just an overlay of the park that shows the spray ground near the Northeast Second Avenue entrance uh the playground closer to um um the 125th Street in the middle of the park The Pavilion towards the back of the park where the water's at in the basketball court and then you're going to have landscaping and the fence replacement and other amenities that are going to go into the facility the north Miami library playground V the vendor compound has been awarded um they're scheduled to start uh Construction in early June and um you know this is a smaller Park so it we should be able to knock that out in about eight weeks this is a rendering of the um play equipment that's going to go in that facility so we're also going to be adding um picnic tables um benches um Landscaping Etc so this is just a rendering of the playground the 131 Street pedestrian bridge another one that's on everyone's radar we've been going through permitting on this project for over a year the Army Corps of Engineers um it takes them 12 to 15 months to get permits issued um within the next 7 to uh 14 days we should have the final permits issued for this project and the invitation to bid um will be issued in June we should be bringing them to award to the council in October and construction should start in January the septic to sewer phase one which is Northeast third Court from 131st Street to 135th Street um final proposals are due this Friday um we also plan to bring that for award on June 25th and construction should start in late August um something that touched all of your um districts was the street resurfacing project um the work in District One District Two and District three has been completed the work in District 4 is underway and um there's an item on the agenda tonight for um part of District 4 but um considering all goes well that'll be wrapped up at the end of this month sidewalk Restorations something else that's touched each of your districts uh district one were 90% complete District Two 60% complete District three 90% complete and District Four 80% complete we've the city has allocated $400 $400,000 towards this project this year and we've spent about 320,000 of that to date this project should be wrapped up by the end of June couple of studies that are going on in the city and up and coming uh just wanted to make you aware the traffic calming study uh there's a public meeting this Thursday they're going to go over some of the findings from the study and presentation Council presentation should be at the end of June the storm water master plan is an update of the master plan um that's about 12 years old this should be um this is about 90% complete and it's going to take about two more months to get to final conclusion on this one and it's going to tell us some of the higher needs in the city as far as our storm water improvements are concerned and then the parks master plan the vendor just had the consultant just had the kickoff meeting with Parks and Recreation staff um this past week and um there's going to be public meetings scheduled over the next few U months and they're going to be meeting with Council the public as well if you want updates on any of the capital projects you can go to the um city of North Miami um website and there's a tile that says Capital Improvement projects just click on that tile and it'll take you um right on the main page and it'll take you to the um updates awesome is that it that's it thank you so much any questions from the yes the um thank you so much for your report um the sidewalk restoration could you give a listing or share with us a listing an email of where it was done per District we we can share that with you thank you awesome that's it thank you very much for for that report on the topic of the sidewalk um working to out the district I'm talking about District Four seen a a lot lot of our sidew work that are damag but some of them by trees but some of them um probably some were completed by fpnl and then they cut up the sidewalk and then they replace it by some type of um asphalt and very uneven that people can easily um U so yes um and the asphalt patch is a temporary repair that's supposed to just hold us over until the replacement is done of the concrete sidewalk um if there's an area that has risen um due to tree roots or um just shifting you know please bring it to the public work department attention and we'll go out there and fix it as quickly as possible um it may be another asphalt patch until we can get out there um and do the concrete work one of the things that we did purchase um this past year was a um a machine that goes on the back of one of our trucks and we're able to go out and do smaller sections of concrete work so in addition to the contractor that's out there we have a team that goes out um weather dependent and weather's been very good so they've been going out and replacing smaller sections like one flag or two flags so 5 to 10 feet and they're able to do that with this truck and it's something that we really weren't able to do um we used to do larger sections and with this equipment we could do smaller sections so we're trying to address those okay all thank you awesome thank you so much I think that's it and um council members we just go and do the special presentation we'll do the older American first followed by the the one for public work all righty are we coming okay this is is Albert here oh see as as you all know this month well there's several things that we are celebrating this month and some of them are on our Council me um our Council agenda it's um Asian Pacific month it's Jewish American month it's Haitian heritage month it's is Public Works month I think teachers week was last week and then Nurses Week um but we also have a proclamation for our seniors our senior citizen month or well formerly known as senior citizen month is is it now it's now known as older Americans month so Albert I know we have some seniors here from the senior program if you guys will please come forward as we um Proclaim this and this is a proclamation the city of North bami is pleased to issue this proclamation in honor of older Americans month formerly known as senior citizens month whereas the city of North Miami include a growing number of older Americans who contributed their time wisdom and experience to our community and whereas communities benefit when older people of all ages abilities and backgrounds have the opportunity to part participate in to independently live independently and whereas the city of North Miami recognizes the need to create a community that offers the Ser that offers the services in supports older adults who may need to make choices on how they live in whereas the city of North Miami can work to build for a better Community for our older residents by and these are some bullets not limiting our thinking about age exploring and combating stereotypes emphasizing on the many positive aspects of Aging inspiring older adults to push on their past traditions and new boundaries and to embrace our community's diversity now therefore in consideration the Council of the city of North Miami on behalf of all of our residents do Proclaim May 24th to be older Americans month in the city of North Miami thank you [Applause] awes thank you and these are some participant from our senior program the N me gold and silver senior program and now we're going to have a special presentation for Public Works um sir please come forward I know we we do have something for public works so Jeff you just GNA stand up there but we do um today today's also um we are going to recognize um Public Works um is it week or is it oh okay well we're doing it in advance so always another opportunity so um let's give him a hand for all the good work he do good evening again Jeff gimr intern Public Works director just on H on behalf of the 102 Public Works employees who have dedicated themselves to service of the city of North Miami I'd like to say thank you for this recognition thank you [Applause] Jesus oh okay and now we're gonna miss Smith Savannah for um City announcement followed by Madame clerk with appointments good evening mayor council staff North Miami neighbors and guests my name is Savannah Smith and I'm presenting the following announcements on behalf of the city of North Miami please bear with me as tonight's announcements are along well you can give us the a bridge version if you want the north Miami Public Library presents a monthly gardening Workshop led by Jeran baros University of Florida Master Gardener these workshops are free and open to the public and take place every first Saturday of the month Empower yourself with tech join councilwoman Cassandra Timothy for basic computer classes unlock the digital world from May 11th to July 27th at the North Miami Public Library register now through a quick visit to the library join mayor Alex tum and City of North Miami development services department staff for an important town hall meeting about proposed changes to the height limits of the Bay Shore Zone Bey District the town hall meeting will take place on Friday May 17th 2024 at 5:30 p.m. right here in the council chambers this Thursday May 16th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. the city of North Miami is hosting a traffic calming study meeting and we are asking participation from the public residents are encouraged to attend and provide their Fe feedback on the recent study findings unlock your potential this summer calling all high school students living in the city of North Miami enroll now for our exclusive six- week paid internship program enrollment closes on May 17th 2024 seize the opportunity to gain invaluable experience and skills don't miss out on this chance to shape your future find Serenity through colors join us at the North Miami public library for coloring calmness in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month indulge in adult coloring and soothing Melodies a perfect recipe for relaxation mark your calendars for May 11th and 18th at 3 p.m. let's dstress together the north Miami Public Library celebrates Haitian Heritage Month join comedian success Jr as he reads I want to write the tap tap by Danielle Joseph to the Youth of North Miami this Wednesday May 15th at 400 p.m. join the city of North Miami this Saturday May 8 18 2024 for pedal 1804 to celebrate Haitian heritage month with an exhilarating 18.04 mile Tri City bike ride through North Miami North Miami Beach and Miami discover iconic Haitian American landmarks along the way and embrace the beauty of our community after the ride unwind at the Museum of Contemporary Art located at 770 Northeast 125th Street North Miami Florida for the wellness Oasis for health and wellness activities register Now by visiting 1804 pedal. and pedal into a culture community and wellness Journey introducing tmhe the Haitian business Market on the Plaza as part of our Haitian Heritage Month celebration experiened the Lively atmosphere and cultural tapestry of Haiti's local markets right here in North Miami every weekend for the month of May discover a diverse array of treasures while supporting local entrepreneurs don't miss out on this vibrant celebration of Haitian culture and Entrepreneurship vendor applications are available as part of the city of North Miami's Haitian Heritage Month festivities the city invites you to dive into the vibrant world of Haitian compa dance join the Haitian Heritage Month committee at Somalia Valley located at 711 Northeast 125th Street North Miami Florida on Tuesday May 28th at 6 p.m. for the next and final class join us for a special event fostering Community Police relations the North Miami Police Department in partnership with dedication to community invites you to engage and connect four sessions are available for inquiries email info@ dedication to Let's Build Together the Haitian Heritage Month committee invites you to celebrate Haitian Mother's Day on Sunday May 26th beginning at 12: p.m. for a delightful brunch featuring Trad traditional flavors and heartfelt moments of appreciation honoring Our Heroes join us at the North Miami veterans tribute Tower in Griffin Park at 12 2 220 Griffin Boulevard North Miami Florida 33161 on Monday May 27 2024 beginning at 10: a.m. for a Memorial Day ceremony let's come together to pay tribute to the brave men and women who sacrificed for our freedom celebrate the conclusion of Haitian Heritage Month under the stars at jazz at mocha featuring inz baratier join us on Friday May 31st 2024 from 8:00 p.m. to 10: p.m. at mocha Plaza for an unforgettable evening of music and culture the city of North Miami flood Outreach empowering our community with flood prevention knowledge join us to understand the new flood ordinance and learn essential flood prevention strategies the first session is Thursday June 6th at the Joe celestin Center with the second session being Thursday June 13th at the Scott Galvin Community Center let's build resilience together partake in an enchanting evening Under the Stars District 2 councilwoman Cassandra Timothy invites you to movies on the lawn featuring Disney pixars Elemental at Alfred rade Park located at 11825 Northeast 19th Drive the movie starts at 7:30 p.m. at Mission and popcorn our complimentary see you there spend an afternoon with author Omar Tyrie on Saturday June 8th from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. the north Miami public library is hosting a moderated conversation with prominent African-American author of the books Fly Girl For the Love of Money and nly Reese Release Control the first 5050 attendees will receive a free copy jump into a summer of fun and adventure with our 2024 kids summer camp whether they're into discovering new interests scoring big on the field or enjoying extended recreational activities we've got something for every young Adventurer enroll today at our Parks and Recreation Administration office and make Unforgettable memories your event Adventure begins at the library the 2024 summer reading programming kicks off Monday June 3rd 2024 through Saturday July 13th children's programming is set to take place every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. beginning June 11th to stay up to date with Nomi news and events log on to North Miami's website at www.north click on connect with Nomi on the homepage to sign up for the city's newsletters also follow us on Facebook and Instagram at North Miami and on Twitter at Nomi news this concludes the city announcements awesome thank you so much you're right it was a littley thank you um and now Madame clerk as of 7:17 p.m. councilwoman Timothy is present for appointments the first one is appointing Hernando Barto to board of adjustment and this would be an appointee of councilwoman Cassandra Timothy move approval second I have a motion made by councilman galin to approve the board appointment of Hernando Baro to board to the board of adjustment the motion was seconded by councilwoman Timothy all in favor I any opposed the motion carries with a four zero vote councilman Charles how do you vote on the board appointment of Hernando Berto to the board of adjustment yes thank you the motion carries with a 5- z vote the second appointment is appointing Judy Brown to the library board and that is an appoint and that would be an appointee of councilman Pier French Charles okay so move second and I have a motion made by mayor desate to approve the board appointment of Judy Brown to the library board and the as an appointee of councilman Charles and the motion was seconded by councilman Galvin all in favor any opposed the motion carries with app five Z vote awesome thank you so much um consent agenda unless a member of the city council wishes to remove a specific item from this portion of the agenda Taps a through K constitute the consent agenda these resolutions and items are self-explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion these items will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions adopted unanimously by the following motion that the consent agenda comprised of tabs a to through K be adopted so move second I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the consent agenda tabs a through K the motion was seconded by councilman Galvin all in favor I any opposed the motion carries with a 5- z vote thank you so much um that was tab a through J or to k k k oh okay that's okay tab L tab l a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida approving issuance of the north Miami community redevelopment agency Redevelopment revenue bonds Series 20124 in an amount not to exceed $50 million in order to finance the cost of certain community redevelopment projects and activities and providing an effective date tab L thank you um any presentation or discussion um I anything this was item that was just heard at the cra's meeting this is just coming before the city council as a taxing Authority upon the approval of this resolution we'll be able to close the C will be able to close on the loan okay so this is the the $50 million loan that we are um taking from Morgan Stanley LP okay perfect um item is open for public hearing okay seeing none public hearing is closed May second I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the item at tab L the motion was seconded by vice mayor estimate Irvin all in favor I any opposed the item passes with a 5 Z vote okay tab m a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida amending resolution number R-22 3-r d222 to reflect an agreement amount of $150,000 for the development of a watershed master plan under master agreement number c-24 026 between the city of North Miami and Florida Atlant University and providing an effective date tab M thank you so much M love yes this item before you tonight um for the record Debbie Love development services uh the item before you is to correct an error on the previous resolution that was adopted in November uh we put 200,000 and it should have been 150 so that is making that correction awesome thank you so much we like that money um public hearing is open on the it item see un coming public hearing is I tell you're not coming up to speak public hearing is closed um hear a motion on the item so move second I have a motion made by councilman galin to approve the item at tab M the motion was seconded by councilman Charles all in favor I any opposed the item passes with a 5- z vote Thank You tab N tab n a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida authorizing the inm city manager and the City attorney to negotiate and execute an interlocal agreement between the city of North Miami and the north Miami community redevelopment agency nmc to provide for nmc funding to the amount in the amount of $ 12,450 to be used towards the purchase and implementation of an infrastructure free License Plate Reader camera from flock Group Inc further authorizing the inm city manager to take all action necessary to implement the terms of the interlocal agreement providing for an effective date and all other purposes tap n thank you so much um this matter appeared before the nmc's board on April 9th and was forwarded to the city council for approval of the interlocal agreement for flock to be funded through the CRA for the North Miami Police Department oh okay that's what I'm yes see okay this is for the license place reader yes okay um public hearing is open on the item seeing none is the chief Chief here okay Rivera is here okay I um public hearing is closed so move move I have a motion made by mayor Des to approve the item at tabn the motion was seconded by councilman Galvin all in favor I any opposed the item passes with a 5- z vote tap O Tap o a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida authorizing the interim city manager and City attorney to execute a second amendment to the asphalt pavement replacement agreement with Metro Express Inc to include additional services for District 4 at a cost not to exceed $2,062 providing for an effective date and all other purposes have yes sir well good evening honorable mayor council members Alberto EST purchasing director uh the purpose of this item is to request uh your approval for a second amendment to the agreement with Metro Express Express Incorporated for Street resurfacing and repairs to areas located within District 4 including but not limited to uh Northwest 127th Street between Northwest 7th and 17th Avenues and Northwest 10th Avenue between Northwest 19th Street and 135th Street if you recall earlier this evening uh the interim Public Works director Mr Jefferson gber alluded to this additional work for District 4 uh so we uh humbly request your approval of this uh Second Amendment okay thank you so much sir um public hearing is open on the item I'm seeing none public hearing is close move approval I have a quick question sorry remove my motion no no that's why I'll say it after the question um quickly uh that is basically for um resurfacing that doesn't include um any U driveway I push into it well and I'll defer to the interim Public Works director because the this contractor also is doing the dway program for for the city so yes good evening Jeff gimer again inter Public Works director there is still funding in the driveway approach program and that's still an ongoing program this is um separate from that this is to complete the re Street resurfacing for District 4 okay uh and the other same uh the same company going to work on the dri some contractor okay okay yeah that was reinstating my motion and I second I have a motion made by councilman galin to approve the item at tab o the motion was seconded by councilman Charles all in favor I any opposed the item passes with a 5 Z vote thank you okay thank you tap a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida authorizing the inim city manager and the City attorney to execute a renewal agreement between the city of North Miami and Belltower Consulting Group LLC to continue to provide the city with grant writing services at a cost not to exceed $84,000 annually piggybacking City of Cape Coral solicitation number RFP cm19 d59 slcv providing for an effective date and all other purposes tap okay um thank you Mr is he here oh madame manager go ahead good evening mayor council uh Francisco Manda Grant administrator um the item you have before you is to renew the agreement with Bel Tower uh Consulting Group they've been instumental in U helping the city U Garner uh close to $5.7 million some of the uh some of the items that we've been able to uh get awarded are uh in negotiations uh primarily with the state for example some of the grant awards that we have received are pending the state's approval of their state budget uh for their next state fiscal year um but yeah so we we really suggest that you approve this item thank you sir so much um public hearing is open on the item public hearing is closed move for approval second I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the item at tap the motion was seconded by councilman Galvin all in favor I any opposed the item passes with a 5- z vote thank you so much now we are in the Quasi judicial I I haven't seen any card anyone signed up that's going to speak please give it to the clerk please be advised that the following items on the agenda are Quasi judicial in nature if you wish to speak in favor of object to or comment on an item please complete a public speaker's card indicating the agenda item number on which you would like to comment you must be sworn before addressing the city council and you may be subject to cross- examination if you refuse to submit to cross-examination the city council will not consider your comments in its final deliberation please also disclose any Exar Communications you may have had with any members of the city council City Council Members must do the same so if you have not already done so but intend to speak on items QR and S please go up to the entrance and grab a public speaker card at the front complete it include the tab and then bring it up here or pass it to the officer and anyone speaking on the item please stand to be sworn in yeah thank you do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you are about to give in these proceedings are the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth associate thank you six people okay m l Madame clerk um we got tab R comes first okay oh tab R and then Q okay tab r a proposed second reading quasi judicial ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida amending the official 2036 future land use map to extend the boundary of the planned Corridor development parenthesis PCD overlay District Southward over three Parcels of real properties located at 12290 Northeast 6th Avenue 12280 noreast 6th Avenue and 540 noreast 123r street with Miami date County folio numbers 06223 0-0 31-20 06223 0-03 1-30 and 06223 0-03 1- 0010 totaling approximately 0.68 acres in accordance with the Section 163 3184 Section 1 163 3187 section 1660 041 parentheses 3 parentheses Capital C Florida Statutes 2023 and article 3 entitled development review division 3 section 3-32 sections 3 d1104 through 3-11 07 section 3- 11109 and section 3-110 of the city of North Miami code of ordinances chapter 29 entitled Land Development regulations tab R um thank thank you so much Miss love these are very helpful um but if we can next time at least put the the the tab number so at least we'll know which which tab because we got a couple of them just in case they are super super helpful go ahead ma'am did you want to read both of them at the same time and vote on them that makes sense q q companion items tab q a proposed second reading quasi judicial ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida providing for text amendments to ch 29 of the city of North Miami code of ordinances entitled Land Development regulations by amending Article 4 zoning districts and the official zoning map to extend the boundary of the planned Corridor development overlay District over the real properties of 12290 Northeast 6th Avenue 12280 noreast 6th Avenue and 540 noreast 123rd Street identified with Miami dat folio number 06223 0-31 d2006 -223 0-03 1-30 and 06- 223 0-31 d001 0 totaling approximately 0.68 acres in accordance with section 16604 one parentheses 3 parentheses Capital C Florida Statutes 2023 and sections 3-102 3-13 3-15 through 3-17 and section 3302 of the city of North Miami code of ordinances chapter 29 entitled Land Development regulations declaring this zoning map amendment to be consistent with the city comprehensive plan further authorizing the inm city manager to do all things necessary to effectuate the zoning map Amendment providing for appeal conflict severability codification and for an effective date tab Q okay thank you so much Miss love you're going to have to help us out of course again for the record Debbie Love development services um in uh back in March on the at your meeting on the 26 you all approved this at first reading uh as you can see it's both the future land use map and a zoning map change to extend the PCD over this particular parcel of land it is as the as the clerk red um it's a little over half of an acre and um it has three actually it's three Parcels that will be unified ultimately and the PCD is going to allow it to have that greater density at that location if you all uh in your staff report you'll see that there's a an aerial and that's a uh very underutilized square of land right here in the downtown uh and uh this will give it the opportunity to move forward and redevelop and you'll see a cup will be coming uh before you in the next probably two or three meetings perhaps and we anticipate that at that location to be a four-story 48 unit uh very low scale development and with that that's the end of my presentation for both of those items and I'm here to answer any questions and the applicant is also here to answer any questions you may have okay I don't can we Mr attorney are we able to take the applicant if they didn't get sworn in or how does that work since it's a no there's no requirement for this there's no requirement for them okay perfect they got SW oh you guys did oh you did okay yes you are okay well um public hearing is open on the item um I see none public hearing is open okay we close I don't have any particular question member of the council I've not had any experte Communications since that we last met on this item just yeah I don't even remember what what item this is let alone I don't think we we we've T have we talked this is second reading correct this one if we did it's probably last year or something okay I have um council member you have any I have no exper communication to report for both I have none to report okay none my knowledge okay um we are so can we vote are we voting one out of time we can okay so on on Tab you want us to take R first move approval of uh the tab is a q is it q r R's first this is r r first approval of tab R second this is R right yeah I have a motion made by councilman Galvin to approve the item at tab R the motion was seconded by mayor desay councilwoman Timothy how do you vote Yes vice mayor estimate Irvin how do you vote Yes mayor dese how do you vote Yes councilman Charles how do you vote yes councilman gin how do you vote Yes the item passes with a 5 vote tab Q move for approval on um tab Q second I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the item at tab Q the motion was seconded by councilman Galvin vice mayor estimate Irvin how do you vote councilwoman Timothy how do you vote councilman Galvin how do you vote mayor Des how do you vote councilman Charles how do you vote Yes the item passes with a 5- z vote thank you and Miss love you are up here again sir yes Tab S a proposed quasi judicial resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida approving the site plan for a mixed use development consisting of a 195 unit 12-story apartment building with 9,52 ft of retail space containing 274 parking spaces on one parcel of real property located at 1150 Northeast 125th Street identified with Miami da County folio number 06- trth 2 29- 031 d0110 and totaling approximately 1.30 acres in accordance with Article 2 Division 7 section 2-71 and article 3 division 2 Section 3-24 through Section 3206 and article 3 division 3 section 3-32 of the city of North Miami code of ordinances chapter 29 entitled Land Development regulations providing for an effective date and all other purposes Tab S thank you so much presentation again for the record Debbie Love development services the item before you is the site plan approval um earlier uh in December you all approved a conditional use permit for this project uh the location is 1150 Northeast 125th Street it's a little over an acre in size it's zoned C3 commercial um and designated commercial office on the future land use map however it is within several overlay districts the prime is actually the uh North Miami transit station overlay District that allows a maximum height of 200 feet and up to 150 dwelling units per acre through the cup and that is what you approved you approved 195 dwelling units uh at your April 12th meeting the project details are the 112 stories it's 195 units it has a little over 9500 Square ft of ground level retail space with a 274 space integrated parking garage it will be lead certified or national equivalent they have a mix of studio and one and two and three bedroom floor plans actually uh they'll have a indoor and outdoor minity space uh gym Game Room Etc uh and a business center grooming area on the ground floor uh Native uh Landscaping as usual bio swells and the enhanced storm water retention it also has a very large uh setback in the rear uh and uh the applicant will give you a little bit more detail on this project uh the DRC did approve it in March um on the 31st they do have some conditions that go along with this they need a 12 almost 13 foot sidewalk along Northeast 125th Street and 6ft wide sidewalks along Northeast 11th Court and Northeast 11th Place frontages um all the utilities will be undergrounded and uh they have to apply for a building permit by October 1st of 2025 with that that is the end of my presentation and as I noted the applicant is here to make a brief presentation and answer any questions that you may have okay thank you so much um this this mic right here for the applicant um so let's open public hearing first on the item and um and I have one name um ad Duffy yes come on for she did I think she did oh okay oh I'm sorry I thought I thought we done you you have any they turning you have anything you want to add Ethan stuffy just wait just a moment he's doing a presentation the presentation sure I'll be very brief sure good evening Mr Mayor vice mayor council members Ethan werman with Greenberg Char 333 South East Second Avenue here on behalf of the applicant this is the second time you are all seeing this project uh so I'm happy to stand on staff's presentation and recommending recommendation uh please keep in mind that this is the DRC stage this is a technical review ensuring compliance uh with your code requirements which uh your city staff as well as your city outside Consultants have done a full review and determined we comply with the city code uh we agree with all of staff's conditions in the backup subject to one correction uh which I mentioned to staff uh I just want to read it into the record it's relating to the public art requirement and staff is in agreement with this revision I just want to make it clear that it's to the extent required by section 5- 802 h12 of the code uh now for transparency purposes I do want to State a few things that were made of record we had some we had two very good Community meetings and individual conversation with neighbors uh and my client made several voluntary proffers at our Hearing in December those are all part of the record I just want to restate them so everybody remembers them I don't want anybody to think we're trying to avoid those those are conditions of approval at the Cub cup at time of building permit um so first was uh the raised and there's about eight conditions so if you'll allow me just to read them into the record uh one is a raised vehicular guide what I called a pork chop at the last hearing uh this is at 125th and 11th Place this forces right turn on 11th place and it prevents a left turn from 125th uh into the project we are going to explore signal analysis with do on the western intersection of 125th and 11th Court our Engineers our experts don't believe a signal will be warranted or allowed given spacing but um the community had mentioned that's important to them so we're going to explore that with DOT as you guys know it's a DOT roadway uh another concern was we have entrances on both sides of the project and the neighborhood wanted to make sure that there's upper level access from both driveways we are confirming that's how it is in the site plan and that will remain we're okay with that uh becoming a condition of approval uh subject to City approval um one of the neighbors expressed there's a four-way stop about a block South at 121st and 11th Court uh that intersection sometimes cars speed through given that we're building a project they asked us to explore with the city to install a four-way stop sign so I don't think the city will have any objection but we'll work with Public Works to install a four-way stop sign over there uh probably the most important one was Swale beautification we agreed to install new landscaping for all of the Neighbors on these streets going south to 123rd uh to the extent the swes are not in good condition we will also work with City staff through the manager's office I believe or maybe it's Public Works a construction parking plan the neighbors wanted to know where do all these people that are coming to construct the project going to park and how are they going to get to our site I'm fairly certain the city code requires this for all construction projects but we will make sure as a condition of approval that we work with staff and have a transportation plan uh for our construction personnel and then lastly a request was made if we could work with the city on a residential decal uh parking program so on the swes that that parking During certain hours can only be for residents of the street and we agre agreed to explore that option with you all the neighbors don't need us to do that but we're happy to to push that forward as part of our project approval and then the last thing we discussed at the cup hearing was hero housing and CRA funding as you all know this board sits in its CRA capacity we are still exploring what funding options are really available to us so at the appropriate time we will come back and I just want to it was asked of me last time I I'll restate what is hero housing uh hero housing has been adopted in other cities I think hopefully this project may be the first one in North Miami uh it is targeted for city employees so for local government employees in North Miami um I don't want to say they jump the line but they are given high priority in the rental pool for the affordable housing program and we hope that uh we can Implement that here and we work with the manager's office to make sure and the city attorney's office to make sure we do that correctly so I'm happy to do a more detailed Deep dive into the plans I made a full presentation about five months ago and I'm happy to answer any questions you all have awesome thank thank thank you so much um Miss deffy yes good evening my name is aah Duffy uh my husband Mark Thompson and I have been living in which would be corner to where this building is going to be for 20 years and um we love the residential neighborhood we obviously have very a lot of concerns about this big 12-story building not understanding why when we go down you go down uh 125th Street there are no buildings higher than eight stories and why suddenly we having this big huge 12-story building really right on the corner of our Big Res our residential street where all our houses are you know single or you know two stories at the most um so that was a concern the other concern is obviously about um the parking on where the construction workers are going to park and and all of that and you have mentioned that um that you're going to be looking into it but right on the H uh right in the beginning right now we are having a problem because they have put up a big green fence it's been up there for months and months since this has already been started um which has been good for nothing it just make it's an eyes sore it's a total eyes sore it's falling apart people have spray painted on it um things are just the it's it just looks ragged it makes our whole you turn into my street and it just looks awful because of it trash hasn't been picked up for months there was a toilet um just thrown over that in that whole s area um which you know we've called about the city about you know getting that cleaned up very interestingly today it got picked up I don't know whether it was because all of a sudden we were going to be having this meeting or whatever but I I really am concerned that if these you know the new owners or who are doing this development they have saying that they want to be good neighbors and already it looks terrible over there it looks I and uh I would like to know I don't understand why they have to have the fence there because nobody's I can understand it once they start doing something but right now nothing's nobody's done anything and it just looks it would have been better just to keep it at the open lot because at least you could awesome not to mention the excuse me one more thing the the fence itself creates a blind spot when you're trying to get out of 11th Place onto on the 25th it is really hard to see if any cars are coming and they come whipping down and I have a small card and I have to pull way out so um the state of that property right now is disgusting and there's a big huge beautiful tree which I'm sure unfortunately probably will be taken down which I don't think should be thank you Miss Duffy thank you so much um I think the developer um the representative um hear you very clear yes just to if that closes public comment I'll I'll just briefly respond um I'm happy to give you my information ownership is here anytime there's a problem please reach out and we'll address it right away uh this owner has other properties in North Miami so we're we're around and we're happy to accommodate um in terms of height I just want to State 125th is a major travel Corridor you're allowed to build 200 feet in height and we're building 120 and as I expressed in my last um presentation a massive effort went into push the building towards 125th away uh we're allowed a zero foot setback we have anywhere from 20 to 60 ft for the first three floors and then the tow is about 80 ft away uh from the community to the South so um misslo and our and our team worked very closely to make sure the context and compatibility was appropriate here um and again we're if if there's issues on site please let us know and and we will take care of it thank you you good Miss Duffy thank you so much and a lot of time we have um people outside our city area who just come in and dump illegally all of all over our city because we have our weekly um trash pickup and bulk pickup versus the county which is twice a year and they have to call so that I think that probably be some of that and but we need to keep an eye out on these um folks just doing illegal dumping mayor if I may yes um to the in city manager I know at the last council meeting we approved um a set of like guidelines as it release to constructions in the city if we can ensure that code and DSD is dueing D du diligence and going around each development site to ensure that it's kept up to part so that we don't have those type of issues we did have a public meeting back in December where the applicant also agreed to do the swells and so forth um that would have been a perfect time so when the developers have these public meetings that's the time for the residents to come out and kind of share some of these grievances so that we can know um well you know the developer would know you know what you would like to see um as it relates to that project and the developer did make some um consensus and was able to oblig um the residents so thank you for that again Ethan thank you so much um well I see none I don't have any more um card um can I hear a motion on the item so move second this is s no yes S I have a motion made by councilwoman Timothy to approve the item at Tab S the motion was seconded by vice mayor estimate Irvin councilman Charles how do you vote Yes mayor Des how do you vote Yes councilwoman Timothy how do you vote Yes councilman Galvin how do you vote Yes vice mayor EST Irvin how do you vote Yes the item passes with a 5 Z vote awesome thank you so very much uh and then tab t is tabled right different that is correct different okay perfect um I guess we are in citizens citizen Forum hearing one citizen Forum all all once no report in district one well no no we on citizen form I'm sorry no I didn't see anybody coming no I know no one is coming public heing is closed citizen form is is CLO pel where were you come on we've been we've been citizen form if you are coming to speak there's two mics please come up come on PIV yes okay thank you very much thank you so much uh good evening everyone I haven't been here in quite some time and I know in the last year and a half or so I'm sure it's been very restful and peaceful here nothing of great interest or import has taken place to upset things so I'm I'm happy to be here and I'll try to be uh easy in speaking this evening um some years back I found out that a refrigerator uses less electricity when it's full and it's kind of counterintuitive a full refrigerator I'm getting full use of this and yet I'm using less electricity well why is that well when you open the door and all the air falls out of an empty refrigerate has to then keep on building that up if you have solid pieces in there holding the cold you're actually more energy efficient wow and that reminds me of other things that then you can apply it to that are maybe less intuitive and one of those things uh sorry might be that buildings if you keep the same density same unit count but allow it to be bigger taller you get larger units if you get larger units you can then become part of a luxury class you have higher you can have more amenities how does that relate to our city well these bigger better units if we can accommodate them again not giving up additional units not having extra cars not having additional sanitation studies but just by having bigger better encouraging luxury condominium units condominium units which make a lot more money Revenue to the city than rentals well those units are not going to be occupied like a rental or a small condominium unit as a matter of fact luxury condominium units like on the beach and other nice places in the city become the third fourth and fifth home for people and are barely occupied awesome so please consider that thank you so much what is it are we considering okay thank you um public hearing is are you coming okay public hearing is closed um no report for district one oh now I think she's leaving that's our senior you coming oh come on this will be the last one come on anybody else I wanted to say something your name and address just my name is Doris Delise I've I've lived in um North Miami for 38 years Miss Delise what's your address for the record 400 Northwest on 28th Street North Miami Florida yes 33168 I'm having a situation with my um the front of my house I have pictures video pictures it gets flooded really bad when I go out I have to take my shoes one day I I had a wedding and I had to take my shoes off and because it's so flooded I've called a couple times here um and they um what do you call the sewer is that is the they've done it like three times oh and it does you know after hours you know and the sun it dries up but it's really bad I've never had that situation is it just I don't know what to do yes I mean who do I call us I mean you you're in the right area but Sheila you didn't that's something that I've never had this situation I mean I love I know I I love North Miami I've lived here we love you too but you in our program um they should be able to to guide you um the Social Service in housing you're in the right Department yeah we got her with Mr G tonight yeah we'll we'll we'll we'll handle it okay yeah thank you thank you and and I was I was at your uh phone door uh last week Friday who is it uh councilman Charles okay um I I was he's talking to you no I was yeah yeah yeah I was over at your fun um I think last week Friday um and um did you receive a personal card from me no yeah a business card that I left there yeah I was there so um definitely um you have uh sir G in here one of the best that we have in the city it will definitely take care of that and make sure that when you are going to your next wedding you don't have to take your shoes off so so sorry to hear that okay thank you thank you thank you thank you so much um is that it um councilwoman Timothy reports no report for me but happy belated Mother's Day to all the mothers who are celebrating all the mothers Mara happy ulated birthday councilman Charles no I just want to say uh Happy uh Mother's Day to all our lovely mothers and special um shout out to uh Council woman Timothy because just BR now so we have to make sure we take care of that and also I just want to say congratulations to miss Gilmore and having uh her street name after her congratulations she's here see her stand up congratulations stand up yes thank very nice congratulations congratulations 15 years is I know 15 years right I'm a get author I'm gonna get Mr Sor okay awesome Vice May thank you good evening everyone your vice mayor Mary ese Irvin just want to wish everyone a Happy Haitian Heritage Month um also make sure this is also mental health awareness month so please educate yourself on that um um and just want to again wish all the the mothers a a beloved happy Mother's Day and Haitian Mother's Day is coming up as well um and so and that's all that I have to report for this evening thank you so much for your time awesome and I'll keep it real brief um in terms of real quick announcement I have but I do want to um put out on on on record last the last week I know we had the special council meeting and I did I received the couple of calls regarding um some of the residents and regarding um what occurred and I had to kind of I told him I would set the record straight in terms of make making sure that um well two of the calls um was ex me direct questions in terms of did I know what was happening whatever or was I involved whatever um the answer is no absolutely not and I said publicly I would I would say that and then I don't know in terms of um you know whatever um um inspire all all of the um the talk that happened um the week before and last week I chose I was in town I chose not to come to the council meeting and I did um express that to the um special councel that was handling the um the actual negotiation so it wasn't that I was out of town or whatever the cas is whatever that's out there so I want to put it out there because I think North B right now they pretty much know know who I am if I had something I if I was involved in something if I had something to say I do not mind putting my name behind it um and whatever is occurred that's happening I am not the residents they their name are are on it they are doing whatever that they have to do I am I have too much um that I to be involved in that I'm doing and I'm taking care of my elderly sick mom um and trying to keep my life all together so with that being said that was that okay so full this closure last week um I was particip I I was selected among seven Mayors um across the US and I wanted to publicly thank um the CRA ano and cast um Debbie Debbie Love um in um Fiola and all the other department who helped the these were six cities um and we made the seventh city um and it was taking place in New York with the part of the mayor Mario Institute on City design which is a program is a 32 years old since um the Inception of the program over 2500 Mayors have gone through it and through our research we find out two of our Mayors um former mayor Pierre and I think former mayor Joseph did it here it's basically a program where they select seven Mayors each year and they'll select a location and um based on your city they'll send out a team and they'll do a case study based on how you would um design or how you foresee the future of your city and they have different expert that was um part of it um at a at a course um free to us um and we have been working with them for the past couple of weeks and last week was an all paid expense to New York um for just a couple days to kind of experience that so I was so thrilled that I I got selected um to part of this this year cohort and also with um New York mayor Eric Adam was the host um city um also I think for the town hall next this week actually I hate Fridays we just didn't have any day that was the only date that was available because I think Thursday there's a um there's already a workshop here so I know some of the residents um mainly um in s Susi and Keon was telling me about the Friday I don't like it either I I but that was the only date that we and we had to try to do this meeting I think before the next meeting that's why the other item was um moved to the next meeting um other than that I think um so Friday May 17th the town hall on the actual the bz zoning District up by that's you Mr papel so Friday right here in the council chamber at 5:30 um and that's basically it um with that being said I think we say happy professional week for asian-pacific American Heritage Jewish American Heritage Haitian American heritage month and professional we got military month last week was the teacher appreciation day um also last week was the National Nurses Week and of course law enforcement week and we just awarded um I think public works and then mental health awareness which is one of your um pep PE vice mayor um but that's basically it with that being said that's all my report anything else anything we good to go oh um Jesus you madam well in addition to all of the months and the weeks that you mentioned it was also professional Municipal Clerk's week and so last week we had a pretty packed week educating our our neighbors about the role of Municipal clerks who really serve as a bridge between you know our neighbors our citizens and their local government and so I just want to say that I'm extremely extremely grateful for the hard work and dedication of my team and I'm just so extremely proud of each and every single one of them for the ways in which that they step up to serve this community truly embodying what I believe um it means to be a public servant and I'm really blessed to work with a team that in spite of the challenges uh that the work may bring and the work can be very demanding they still show up and they're happy to serve and I see that in the way that our colleagues go to them for support um not just professionally but even on a personal level and that really makes me happy so I'm thankful to each and every single one of them also want to shout out the hardworking team that is the Haitian Heritage Month committee and I encourage you all to support each and every one of the events because they're meant to honor Haitian Heritage in a really meaningful way promoting and uplifting the cultural traditions and especially invite you out to the May 18 fali 1804 Community bike ride and what's special about that bike ride is that it not only unites three cities but it's also an opportunity to invest in our future generation of leaders there will be scholarships distributed and so it was a lot of work to put together there have been a lot of amazing people part of that but it's really important for us to support these events as we honor Haitian Heritage especially in light of what's happening in Haiti and that is all thank you Mr attorney no report mayor okay m a brief report tonight just saying thank you for the opportunity to serve the city at in this capacity also budget Retreat the staff is going to be reaching out to council members so that we can schedule budget Retreat it is that time of year and also just a reminder um in honor of our colleague who's no longer with us a memorial service will be held this Saturday at 10:00 a.m. at New Birth Baptist Church so sad thank you so much um anything else good to go um move uh move to a journ your favorite phase thank you a motion was made by councilman galin to adjourn seconded by councilman Charles in favor I any opposed the item passes with a 5-0 vote the time is now 8:14 p.m.