##VIDEO ID:OmGRQ-GscgM## second budget meeting of the quarter um where we will be voting on the fiscal year 2425 budget Madam's clerk how are you today I'm well how are you mayor I'm excellent let's roll call and then we're going to do um Pledge of Allegiance followed by the chief of police or is it Crystal or the chief of police chief of police oh the chief of police will do it um after the pledge we'll move on to regular program Madam Secretary Madam clerk I'm sorry 6 602 p.m mayor Des here vice mayor s councilman Galvin here councilwoman Timothy councilman Charles pres mayy you have a COR to proceed thank you so much Madam clerk um Chief you ready The Pledge good evening everyone if you could join me in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you Church person Paul PR God is I don't mind we can do it quick father God we just come before you asking that you would just invoke your presence father God into this room as we conduct the business of the city that you'll be with the staff and the administration and that you'll be with the council as we guide and do our fiduciary responsibility in passing this budget in Jesus name we pray amen amen amen we know we have backup all right um or order of business um consent agenda madame cler unless a member of the city council wishes to remove a specific item from this portion of the agenda tab a constitutes the consent agenda this resolution and item is self-explanatory and is not expected to require additional review or discussion this items this item will be recorded as an individually numbered resolution adopted unanimously by the following motion that the consent agenda compris of tab a be adopted thank you move second I have a motion made by councilwoman Timothy to approve the consent agenda the motion was seconded by mayor desme all in favor I any opposed item passes with a 5- z vote thank you so much Item B tab B tab b a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida adopting a final millage rate of 7.4 Mills for fiscal year 20242 providing for an effective date and all other purposes a resolution of the the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida adopting a final millage rate of 7.4 Mills for the fiscal year 2024 2025 providing for an effective date and all other purposes tab B at this time mayor if you could open it up for public comment to stay in confirmation with trim guidelines absolutely what I am going to do um so that we do not spend um too much time and I know that we have gone you have met with different elected officials and staff um we do have a change memo um so we will do a quick you know we'll open up for public hearing um on the budget this is on the fiscal budget for 2425 and after that we'll just um go over the um the change M well before we do that let's let's just to tab B thank you vice mayor um the melage rate less um public hearing and then we'll do um well R and then we'll do public hearing I think Madam clerk just read tab B so yes okay public hearing so public hearing for I'm sorry yes public hearing is open on Tab B okay n coming public hearing is Miss Debbie you coming it's the military the militer okay all right thank you so move second yeah just before we move on and um in our last budget hearing um uh made a point on how to look at all all the different scenarios on how to uh lower the Mage rate and then looking at it and after meeting with uh the administration and then we see that uh it will not be wise to do so um however I just I just want to um correct for the record U for the record that last time I misspoke and I said that I um gave directions to staff I just want to make sure that this is um being corrected I wanted to say at that point because since we have that meeting and then it was like budget and um with the uh manager and everything and it should have been that gave direction to the administration so I just want to make sure that he being corrected on the record and um just want to do it just before we vote on the manager oh thank you count um councilman but no that's understandable because staff it could be the staff of the manage that's how I got it I I when you say you spoke to staff you did you you give um Direction to the manager um staff in terms of that but thank you for the clarification um public hearing is open on Item B this is the mill and it's closed so we got first and a second Madam clerk a resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida adopting a final millage rate of 7.4 Mills for fiscal year 2024 2025 providing for an effective date in all other purposes I have a motion made by councilwoman Timothy to approve the item at tab B the motion was seconded by vice mayor estimate Irvin all in favor I any opposed item passes with a 5- z vote thank you so much tab C tab c a proposed second reading ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida adopting and approving the budget of the city of North Miami for fiscal year commencing October 1 20124 and ending September 30 2025 authorizing the amount to be raised by taxation for the operation of the city for the 2024 2025 fiscal year authorizing the expenditure of funds established by the budget authorizing a return on investment transfer from the water and sewer Utility Fund to the general fund authorizing the inm city manager to implement budget amendments revenue and or expenditure to appropriate or unappropriate funds as required during the fiscal year and to amend the prior fiscal year budget to facilitate the yearend closing process providing for appeal severability and an effective date an ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida adopting and approving the budget of the city of North Miami for the fiscal year commencing October 1 2024 anding September 30 2025 authorizing the amount to be raised by taxation for the operation of the city for the 2024 2025 fiscal year authorizing the expenditure of funds established by the budget authorizing a return on investment transfer from the water and sewer Utility Fund to the general fund authorizing the intrum city manager to implement budget amendments revenue and or expenditure to appropriate or unappropriate funds as required during the fiscal year and to amend the prior fiscal year budget to facilitate the year and closing process providing for repeal 7 ability and an effective date tab C okay thank you so much for tab C Madam um any presentation at this time we will have the change memo right read into the record good evening honorable mayor and Council and residents Roy Brown budget manager so uh this information was prepared to accompany the fitk year 2425 budget resolutions and ordinances for your consideration during the second budget hearing today the recommendation is based on the city's financial position staff recommends approval of the resolution adopting a tentative millage rate of 7.4 Mills to support the operating and capital budget for fiscal year 2425 in accordance with chapter 200065 Florida Statutes as tax a taxing Authority is required to adopt a final budget by resolution or ordinance the adoption of the budget and the millich levy resolution of ordinance shall be approved by separate votes the budget as presented is a physically responsible budget ensuring that the city continues to provide the level of service residents expect while maintaining the millage rate at its current level the attached document summarized the following changes made from the first to the second budget hearing after the re after the release of the proposed budget several adjustments and amendments were made to various departments to address projected needs and priorities the general fund budget will be adjusted as follows I'll go through the narrative and the picture is just there the city manager Department received an increase of 105,000 to account for the projected increases in contractual lobbyist services in the finance department the proposed budget was amended to include $10,000 for internal auditing Services ensuring thorough Financial oversight for the Personnel Department it was determined that the city's tuition reimbursement program required an adjustment res resulting in a $60,000 increase to support employee education and development significant changes were made to the police department's budget with an addition of 345,000 allocated for five additional officers through the cops hiring program and an extra 10,000 to cover expenses related to Sergeant exams the public works department saw an increase of 275,000 for improvements to traffic circles city-wide landscaping and Alleyway maintenance reflecting the city's commitment to enhancing public infrastructure and Aesthetics Parks and Recreation budget was amended to include 475,000 for the operation and maintenance of parks facilities additional Christmas lights throughout the city team programming and community community events promoting Community engagement in and holiday spirit non-departmental expenses increased by 215,000 to address employee and citizen Wellness compression and other miscellaneous Personnel updates ensuring the well-being of both staff and residents the library budget was increased by 65,000 to support additional computer classes and beautification efforts enhancing educational and aesthetic offerings and housing and social services and adjustment was made to include 880,000 for food distribution and Senior programming addressing critical Community needs Economic Development saw a budget increase of 130,000 to support n Tech and small business workshops fostering Local Economic growth and development the Communications Department was increased by 310,000 to improve production of Chan to improve production on channel 77 and enhance Citywide Outreach efforts ensuring effective communication with residents to rebalance the budget reductions were necessary these included cuts to some equipment reductions in new positions originally proposed on September 4th 2024 attrition and various miscellaneous operating line items these tough decisions were made to ensure the budget aligns with the city's Financial capabilities while addressing key areas of need and Improvement is that it yes at this time if you'd like to open it for public comment yes yes I um we're going to open it for public hearing and then we'll come up here because I have a couple of questions um regarding the change memor and the budget so the um public hearing is open on the budget anyone wish to speak we have two mics um please use either or and as we go over it this is the budget the F this is the last opportunity um yeah come on up yes Deborah Davies is coming up hi my name is Deborah Davies 1165 Northeast 127 Street at the iron manners HOA Jeff glimmer the assistant Public Works director told us that the traffic Comming study the city commissioned calls for expenditures of 5.8 million in phase one for roundabout speed bumps other physical changes to create a safer road infrastructure for for the whole city the roundabouts installed in North Miami so far have been very expensive including elaborate Landscaping with non-native plants and sprinkler systems to keep them alive could there be less expensive alternatives to some of these designs the proposed current budget only allocates 200,000 and if if I'm right I just heard the gentleman say it was 275 increased to 275 okay for these improvements because the city staff are counting on grants to cover the bulk of these expenses but these grants would require matching funds from the city budget what funds have you made available for this we have spent a lot of money for the traffic study but that was wasted if we're not going to move forward with the proposed improvements also if the city is planning to hire a is the city planning to hire a full-time experienced grant writer to apply for these grants for road infrastructure the water plant and other solutions to our City's infrastructure crisis on another topic do you have money in the budget to replace the trees that were cut down at mocha Plaza some time ago preferably with good shade trees and Native instead of palm trees and please keep F fully funding mocha which is the heart of our Multicultural downtown thank you very much thank you so much Miss Davey um thank you and I see n public hearing this close um with no I think there's none this is it you m Dro you did so good everybody else is good we ready ready to vote and go but to that point um Miss Davies um somebody else is coming come on up come on up yes you love the friends of the library two microphones no lines no waiting yes and the library budget was increased by 65,000 go ahead mayor y members of council I'm Lucia Gonzales I am here as a member of the friends of the north Miami Public Library I am also the past Library director um and I am very pleased to speak on behalf of the library to have the Liberty to speak on behalf of the library today first of all to open always thank you for your support of the library through the years I know we have new faces but it's you've always been firmed on behalf of the library and your vision and understanding of what library services mean to a community I thank you for that and uh now that we are on the just ending the budget year and starting the new one I ask that you remember that books are the primary source of the library Services we have six what nearly 65,000 people more than 14 Schools if you count private and public and we need to feed all the minds from babies to 100 year olds so I do beg that you consider the book budget to be going back to prepandemic years and also the library has has a 600 800 people foot traffic and this is RFID technology that we apply to Counting people so it's very exact the numbers of people that come in and out of the library especially after school to closing time the wear and there of of a building it's been almost 10 years going to be after the renovation it's time to invest a little bit in the way we look and feel so that we welcome all the new generations of libr users thank you thank you thank you so much thank you thank you I totally agree with her but I think Mr Mayor you had a question no no no no I didn't no no no I was just um complimenting you um I did you spoke I thought you had a question no I think I mentioned I said um one of the questions that you you asked about I can't recall what it was um your last question or about the palm trees yeah we want mocha want palm trees so we getting palm trees are it would be so good to have like sh trees because to be able to use the plaza and you know it's I mean with climate CH well the other trees can look nice too I know but it's already in the works and and I think it's already done okay that's what I was told so good okay thank you very much M that's one thing that's one little check we get okay yes ma'am okay thank you very much you're welcome how you doing hi I'm Donna Hanley 526 Northeast 142nd Street obviously I'm a friends of the library I just wanted to say you would be surprised how many people in North Miami are not even aware that we have a library and many of the people that are aware do not realize that we're not just there for books there's so many wonderful wonderful programs for all age groups and also there are times when we are not allowed to add patrons allow them into the library because all all of the seats are occupied and we have to turn down people from going so we'd really like that to be addressed as well as some kind of funding for letting people know we're there because it's really a wonderful place to be and I encourage you all to come to thank you you were there yesterday all right guys the last one the last one go ahead Claudia peso 135 04 Northeast 23rd Place to piggy back what Donna was saying I do try to promote my City events as much as I can and when I tell people about the Library events and they tell me North Miami Beach Mar Aventura I take offense to it so I do ask that you guys on your own Facebook page promote the library not only when you have your own events at the library but just in general because we do offer wonderful things where I work I let people know oh you know they take kids to um field trips you got to sign up quickly for it they're like oh I didn't know where's it located and they kills me that they're North Miami residents and don't know where the library is and then yes as luciao was saying the actually I know Debbie said that mocha is the heart well the heart of downtown but the heart of North Miami the community is the library we accept everybody all ages all Races all backgrounds and the staff there sorry as you know they have give excellent customer service I've been there I seen them help people with resumes stuff that's not really pertaining to the librarian but they go out of the way to help them with the homework job search so again please be mindful promote the library and give them anything they need oh my God we like that thank you so much um public hearing is closed on the item and we are back here um Madam manager do you have any you wanted to add to it before we go into it not at this time okay thank you may one second yes just to address um the comments that came up um the library budget was increased additional 65 ,000 so as from last what we proposed last um the last meeting today so an additional 65,000 to address the furniture issue in the carpet so thank you for that email um to the Friends of the library Becky Jones and Lucia as well for sending it um and G play yeah so the budget was increased for the library and then the second thing that was stated um oh my God it escaped me just that quick mommy brain um it was something else that was said um I think um Claudia you mentioned the library communication was also um up by 3 0,000 to increase with Outreach efforts um as you know it does cost a lot of money to send out messages text messages to boost social media posts so we are looking forward to doing more of that so the word can get out so just to just to know yeah and and to piggy back on my councilwoman um just mentioned I publicly here and Paul could the test I asked Paul is there anything you need any money he said we good so I'm assuming that we are good and with an additional 65 why are you looking at PA is true I mean I did ask publicly you said yeah so we assume and then we got 65,000 so you know we we we good Advocates thank you guys I just have a couple of questions before we we vote on on the item um because I know we we we all already went through the budget and um we don't want to do that tonight but just a highlighted one um or I don't if it's you're the manager in reference to the the the change memo that's all I have because I don't know let get it it says the um not Personnel so with the police it's the the the three 345 additional is is that part of a um a grant or is that money that's coming from general fund that's going to to those officers are they temporarily would they remain after this fiscal year because you we know how we get these matching grants from the government and then after you or two we left with them that's for the grant the cops Grant we just got awarded of um for it so this is the match for it to hire five additional police officers and and how long is the is the grant is it a two-year Grant or three it's a three year Grant okay okay so this amount we should expect every every year for three years for three three years okay that's what I'm saying and after three this is not the final am okay awesome to renew it okay so something that you guys get regularly mm you would have to app okay thank you the other one is the public work I think you you talked about it um the parks and W it's all lump into some the the um the non departmental Madam manager there's one issue that we have this the residents in um The District Four I think we mentioned that we had had that in the past where we have these elderly residents who do not have insurance and things happen and we we had to address that a couple of years and couple months couple months ago on on is it 126 in Northwest 2 same situation couple been in in in their home for over 50 years and so they have been out of the home since then I don't know where I know probably social service and housing we've been trying to keep up with them um if we could do I don't know what we can do um to to ensure at least we put something for these type of emergency um purposes and and that's the things that we we we do a lot of people don't know um we have to take care of these of these folks these are our people and a lot of a lot of times it's just not budget it was not when we took care of that particular property was over 100,000 Albert if you recall at that time um and it wasn't in the budget it was something that we did as as a as a council and we do have another residents who's been here lifelong resident so at least if we could I know she did an in an um an assessment of the property I think you know she has the numbers so that could be something I know you could talk to her and see what we could be the what could be the and I know vice mayor had mentioned the thing about the um doing our c meeting about the potential foreclosure and and and all that that could be a program that we at least we look because these situations are real and we are finding out more and more um senior citizens um who already paid for their homes just cannot afford insurance anymore and and that's just yeah they don't have nothing um and a lot of them that's why they can't get their stuff fixed from us and you know the CIA been doing their best but if if that happens you don't have no insurance you you you know you suck pretty much all right so thank you last question for me the 84 housing um Albert that's everything we good there no it's not whatever we give I mean we see 80 is that is that okay take 80 okay ask somebody for more money do you need a motion on the budget is no I'm serious but if we're going to just go line by line I think we it's balanced now come on is balanced now by the manager it this is can I make a motion to approve the budget we still need I mean yeah we could approve it but we still need to talk about the senior yeah yeah in in all honesty if a department head wants something that hasn't been provided for they should express that to the manager and the manager should Express this to to to us obviously we could go Department by departmentment everybody will say what you gave me is not enough so if the manager has presented to us a balanced budget let's just go ahead and vote otherwise I I I understand that councilman that's their job but our job our fiscal responsibility job is Du to take that budget and and that's the only one thing that we we have to do legally is to is to pass that budget um in terms of that so with all due respect I just have some questions about the seniors that I just want to make sure because I know once it does pass and I've been here and I've seen this it it's it's hard so I'm not trying to dis up anything we we we going to leave early but I just want to make sure in terms of the seniors if we you know we we passing almost 200 million do budget we just have to make sure there's a lot in here and I've not i' I haven't even asked for nothing I don't even know anything that I just want to make sure and I want to put it on the record that the the what what is it that we would need or that that might be that so the manager what whatever the case is that we at least we know those numbers it's not something that's new to us Albert Bazil housing and Social Services director through the manager the senior program is fully funded it's really um the pentry as I mentioned the last time we submitted a supplemental but I don't think they have the means to give me whatever was requested but they did add in the memo uh an $80,000 that we're going to work around with how much was the supplemental 256,000 256 so okay so we we missing okay 256 okay all right thank you well and and if yeah if I may uh May first I just want to say um thank you to the Friends of the library and I've been uh a member of the library God knows for how long CU I've been using this Library since I was I gu started my did College as a student and even when I was at Nova doing my masters I was still um uh taking time and at that time Paul was the second man going around helping me out and even with u the association of uh haian Educators ofd these slides were have been so supportive of us and that's why I was like so happy to see that increase in here and um just want to make sure that even though I don't have the yellow shirt um just want all of you to understand that I am a friend of the library and um also for um for the food pantry and um glad that mayor is uh pushing for more and that was one of my ask that we add uh more money into that program so that we can um not only keep on serving the people that we are um we have now but see if we can add more because as all of us know it the struggle is real out there and we just want to make sure that especially our seniors are being taken care of and we got it I think um to this point we um basically uh gave Albert something good to work with and um Albert you see Albert is smiling in the back so I think we we are we are good to go that font so um I know councilman Galvin has um get a motion and I second it so I'm good to vote now all right thank um thank you councilman um in terms of so one 75 anal would be the the balance that I'm hoping that you guys will do what what we can do in terms of them to to work with with um with the social service department um and I I I guess we okay everybody good to go we um Madame clerk an ordinance an ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida adopting and approving the budget of the city of North Miami for the fiscal year commencing October 1 2024 and ending September 30 25 authorizing the amount to be raised by taxation for the operation of the city for the 2024 2025 fiscal year authorizing the expenditure of funds established by the budget authorizing a return on investment transfer from the waste from the water and SE or Utility Fund to the general fund authorizing the inm city manager to implement budget amendments revenue and or expenditure to appropriate or unappropriate funds as required during the fiscal year and to amend the prior fiscal year budget to facilitate the year and closing process providing for repeal separability and an effective date I have a motion made by councilman Galvin to approve the item at T C the motion was seconded by councilman Charles all in favor I any opposed the item passes with a 5- z vote congratulations tab d a proposed second reading ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida authorizing the inum city manager to make adjustments to the minimum fund allocation amount in the reserve fund account as part of the city's fiscal year budget process pursu pursuant to section 2-2 of the city code providing for an effective date and all other purposes an ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida authorizing the inm city manager to make adjustments to the minimum fund allocation amount in the reserve fund account as part of the city's fiscal year budget process pursuant to section 2-2 of the city code providing for an effective date and all other purposes TD move approval thank you second public hearing is open on those two items again and seeing none everybody SL caring disclosed an ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida authorizing the interum city manager to make adjustments to the minimum fund allocation amount in the reserve fund account as part of the city's fiscal year budget process pursuant to section 2-2 of the city code providing for an effective date and all other purposes I have a motion made by councilman Galvin to approve the item ATT tabd the motion was seconded by councilman Charles all in favor any opposed item passes with a 5- z vote awesome move to thank you wait hold on hold on councilman um Mr attorney any any anything you good no Madam manager you good we're fine thank you awesome thank you guys I have a motion made by councilman gin to adjourn it was there a second second seconded by councilman Charles all in favor I any opposed motion carries with a - vote the time is now 6:35 p.m. good night everyone