well it's not that full of an agenda but we'll call roll call Madame Clerk and then we'll move over with um Pledge of Allegiance by Major Carlos Miranda of the North Miami Police Department an invocation by our very own Rabbi Jory Lane of Beth Temple Beth mosa Madame clerk 7:05 PM mayor Des here vice mayor EST Irvin present councilman Galvin here councilwoman Timothy here councilman Charles present Mary you have a COR to proceed thank you so much um The Pledge please stand I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for allab s s relax s relax I don't think God cares everyone always says please it won't be that long first I hope all of you are well our Council our chief and all of our officers who are amazing we pray that there should be Tranquility peace solidarity unity in Haiti in Israel between Ukraine and Russia the world seems to be crazy and so the best thing that I could think of is that we work together we support each other and we stay away from divisiveness because Unity is what we need and of course God's blessing we are a diverse group here but we work together it should be an example for other communities we are very blessed with who we have here the entirety of the staff everyone for the most part is very nice I say for the most part because uh there are some who walk the other way when I come but I understand anyway God should bless all of you our councilman Scott galvin's jacket is very bright and good and I just there has to be a little bit of levity and lightness because the truth is so many things are going in this world that are so heavy every day you watch news it's just depressing so you know what go home and hug somebody go home and have a nice meal have a drink a small one and God should bless all of you because you all deserve to be blessed and we say amen amen amen thank thank you so much um Rabbi truly a pleasure okay number four um addition deletion Amendment to the um agenda Mr attorney an add-on item a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida authorizing the city manager and City attorney to negotiate and execute the 2024 North Miami rabai Fest sponsorship and naming rights agreement with Noel and CB Productions and substantially the attached form authorizing the city manager to do all things necessary to implement said sponsorship agreement on behalf of the city providing an effective date and for all other purposes um Mr Mayor before you there's any discussion on this um I understand the clerk read the uh the item but the first order the first order of business is this is as an add-on item you all have to decide whether to add it on the agenda it doesn't have to be read and heard now you can place it anywh anytime on the agenda um but there's first a super majority vote required to add it on to the agenda okay okay so may I may I yes yes yes I'd just like to um I'd like to just table that item and just add it on to Let It Go on the May 9th agenda I need a second for that or it's not even no there's not a meting no problem there's no meeting there's no there is a happened to the April 23rd meeting there's none on April 23rd I was told oh it's Passover yeah okay so we're not going to move that to another night we're just GNA we just yeah there's no meeting right I said to the may may may no no he's talking about the April 23rd meeting we're not changing General sense historically the city just did it on a Monday or did it on a Wednesday or whatever are we just foregoing that meeting yes we don't have any items ready at this time okay and um I had um asked the City attorney we required to have one commission meeting a month by out Charter we're required to have one meeting a month so even if we don't have the meeting we're still we're still in compliance compliance we just don't have any agenda if I could get a free pass until November to not come out I'd be happy so I'm you're not going a fight but I just wanted to be clear okay okay so the item um what we don't have a number yet has been move by the the maker of the item to May no May 9th May 9th May 9th is a Thursday yes I'm sorry so when is the second to the to the next council meeting May 14 so May 14th thank you for yeah yeah I just clarifying that oh okay yeah May 14th okay some time thank you Mr attorney do we is the agenda complete yes may the agenda is set you may proceed thank you so much um we're going to go down for special presentation and um well before we go down for a special presentation we're going to have employee of the quarter and then a a short very short presentation by Dave where's Dave oh from the Chamber from the north Miami chamber um about some exciting news so employee of the quarter and then Dave and then and then we'll yes right in that order so who's coming in for the oh Chief okay yeah yeah you meet us there good evening everyone Sharice SCA chief of police along with assistant chief Rivera and assistant chief Ransom Carter um it is my esteemed pleasure to present this award to Maria the video for the fall 2023 city of North Miami employee of the quarter award so if we could all just give her a hand so congratulations on this well-deserved award I want you to know um a lot of times in law enforcement our civilian Personnel who i' like to refer to as professional staff are not generally recognized but what I want you to know today is that you are valued you are the backbone of this department without you all we could not do what we do so thank you so much and congratulations [Applause] again [Applause] e all right the the last time I was up here talking to council I was vouching for a strip club on 151st in biscan it was years ago take him take him off the mic hello city of North Miami mayor and councel elected cler and city manager my name is Dave Bernie 1310 West Dixie Highway North Miami Florida 33 3161 from the greater North Miami Chamber of Commerce it's my pleasure as chairman of the greater North Miami Chamber of Commerce with a few of our executive board members we have Michael mcdermid anybody else okay Michael and um also Barry eckle he's on the board back there the uh chamber's been in the great city of North Miami for 77 years and we have some great news we were awarded a SBA Federal Women's Center Grant for $331,000 a year for five years we get a round of applause thank [Applause] you we were the only one selected in the State of Florida and one of 17 centers around the country it's women's entrepreneurship we will be starting in June a 12-week program three times a year 25 women in each cohort so 75 women per year it's throughout South Florida it's a wraparound Services North Miami was selected because of the geographic access to multi markets the 12we course will be led by speakers that have already signed M us and contracted with our chamber they will be announced when we launch the program with the SBA they're going to be coming down for a press conference what won the grant was our Innovative Case Management Services at the chamber we realized that a 12we program will not successfully launched businesses it's the one-on-one Cas Services participants will meet with our staff two times a month to have conier service in opening their business we will hold their hands throughout the process ensuring maximizing entrepreneurial success the funding will support the program and the capacity to hire a full-time executive director a program director and a part Administrative Assistant which the chamber is in the final stages of hiring and if that isn't enough we want to thank Mii Dade commissioner Marlene basen for awarding the north Mii chamber with a grant that will be allocated simultaneously to help businesses on the West Side register with permits and licenses with city and county the SBA will be hosting a press conference in the coming weeks or so thank you so much for your time everybody has known the history of the chamber it's been in this town 77 years and we look forward to um going to this direction and and uh another round of applause for everyone thank you thank you a that was very nice um good job that was very nice of you um but I am going to ask my um what we have everybody here too please come down with me we do have a special little presentation okay everyone it's bitter sweet but it's with sadness but also with great with great PR that our Deputy city manager this will be her last meeting and miss miss Daniel Dr Daniel now has been yes she has been nothing from from the first time she walked in a couple years ago to now and we are just so thrilled and proud of the last few years the contribution and her service to our residents to our business Community to the entire North Miami family so miss Daniel Dr Daniel we want to say on behalf of the city um which you were our inum city manager um right before Miss camo came on um we really really truly truly appreciate it so we have um a couple of tokens for you um Miss Daniel Dr Daniel please come down as we make a special presentation to you and we also I also have a proclamation and any members that would like to edit we could re re go ahead and do it but I I I have to read this just to um do to her justice um it's a proclamation of the city of North Miami whereas Dr Anisha Daniel currently serves as the deputy city manager of the city of North Miami the sixth largest municipality in Miami day County with more than 62,000 residents she's currently responsible for all operation departments including Public Works parks and recreation community Planning and Development building h housing and Social Services um Neighborhood Services Department in the budget um and the finance department whereas Dr Daniel is a senior executive with over 30 years of local government experience in leadership um she has extensive management financial and operational experiences having to LED one of the largest operation um with Miami day County with a budget of over 600 million which is way bigger than our budget whereas Dr Daniel pre previously served as we said as our well as the deputy um director for the city of Fort ladale Public Works director where she was in charge of water water water storm um waste water and other public um Works function as the assistant director of Miami dat salad salad Waste Management she was in charge of waste collection operation for approximately 255,000 residents with part of her tenure including the oversight of adition ministrative department is a budget analyst in the Office of Management and budget where she's responsible for various Department budget and project and whereas Dr Daniel is a true public servant who believe in the value of public service and she believe in finding strategic solution to problems and improving processes for more efficient and effective solution she is a firm believer in transform transformation power in mentoring others and giving back to the community whereas Dr Daniel is on the national board of directors for the national former black public administrators in the south Florida Chapter president and where as Dr Daniel earned a bachelor degree from Barry University with a concentration in finance and a master degree in management from St Thomas University that's my H yeah you going on um and she currently she just recently obtained a PhD in business from Florida Atlantic University right finally now therefore I Alex Lum mayor of the city of North Miami on behalf of the city council and all the residents do hereby recognize and command Dr Daniels for a years of dedication leadership service to our great city of North Miami as a first intrum city ma um city manager then assistant city manager and now she is departing going to Miami dat making way more money than us as the solid race director Public public race from Miami day County um indeed thank you thank you thank you and this is and it's a lot thank you that's my buddy and partner cry I'll them now it is Bittersweet but ladies and gentlemen mayor esteemed council members dedicated staff and valued residents it is both an honor and a privilege to have work with you and serve as your Deputy City Manager for nearly 3 years it is with mixed emotions that I address you today ending my time with you to pursue a new challenge in Miami day County while this decision was not made lightly I'm excited for the opportunity to embark on this new chapter of my career and continue to growth personally and professionally I want to express my deepest gratitude to our council members for your support and guidance allowing us to accomplish many initiatives together and we have accomplished many things together I also want to thank the dedicated staff who work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure the smooth operation of our city it has been an honor to work alongside each and every one of you and I see you all in different aspects within this in this room but it has truly been an honor to work with each of you I'm grateful for the opportunity of work with you continue to do the great work that you do every day and I want to thank our residents the heartbeat of our community your passion and involvement are what make the cities truly special your input your feedback and the support have been invaluable and I'm grateful for the opportunity to have served you and I've met many of you personally I've been out in the community with many of you and I'm grateful for the opportunity to be here as I embark on this new journey I leave with a sense of gratitude for the experience and memories that I've shap that I've shared together while I may be leaving my role as Deputy city manager I will also always carry with me the lessons learned and the relationships formed formed during my time here in North Miami I've met many great friends and I would cherish those relationships forever I am forever grateful for the path being able to cross this path in North Miami and I'm better because of it don't cry I look forward to continuing to work together in my new capacity to help North Miami become even better and with an even better brighter future thank you all for allowing me to serve you and work with you for the last couple of [Applause] years I got you that's you got two oh my God thank you so much before we um move on I want to acknowledge um our we have two former mayors in the back former mayor um Kevin Burns raise your hand Kevin and then former mayor Andre Pierre standing right by each other so so good thank you guys thank you for your service to our city again thank you again and Welcome to our regular meeting and I would like to um welcome all residents where are we can I borrow this thank you I'm sorry you know what I thought I had it oh you know what I do thank you I got it yeah I didn't even see it okay thank you again let me just figure out where are we we have City oh c the announcement and then appointments go ahead was good evening mayor councel staff North Miami neighbors and guests my name is Savannah Dre Smith and I'm presenting the following announcements on behalf of the city of North Miami are you concerned about speeding and cut through traffic in your neighborhood do you want to make your street safer for pedestrians cyclists and children the city of North Miami is conducting a comprehensive study to identify and address operational issues related to cut through and speeding traffic in our city please take a few minutes to share your comments and suggestions by scanning the QR code or visiting our website the consultant for this study is accepting public input until the end of April every Wednesday from 11:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. until April 10th 2024 AARP will have Representatives at the North Miami Public Library offering free tax preparation for low and moderate income taxpayers to schedule an appointment call the north Miami public library at 305 891-5535 the north Miami Public Library presents a monthly gardening Workshop led by Jeran baros University of Florida Master Gardener these workshops are free and open to the public and take place every first Saturday of the month unlock your potential this summer calling all high school students living in the city of North Miami enroll now for our exclusive six- week paid internship program enrollment is now is opened from now to May 17th 2024 seize the opportunity to invaluable experience and skills don't miss out on this chance to shape your future on your mark get set go Wednesday April 10th 2024 from 8:00 p.m. to 3: p.m. the north Miami public library is hosting a teachers planning day field trip to Homestead Miami Speedway to sign up for this free event please visit the public library you are cordially invited to the Museum of Contemporary Arts Spring exhibitions opening receptions and celebration of Manuel Matthew World discovered under the other skies and dwelling on the invisible the event is set to take place Wednesday April 10th 2024 with the public reception from 7: to 9:00 p.m. admission is free for mocha members and North Miami residents in celebration of national poetry month the north Miami public library is thrilled to invite you to an exclusive event featuring The renowned poet Richard Blanco join us Thursday April 11th 2024 beginning at 6: p.m. for an Unforgiven aable literary experience get ready to roll join us for the city of North Miami's getting gear Community bike ride on Saturday April 13th 2024 registration starts bright and early at 8:00 a.m. and leaves from mocha Plaza let's put our way through the heart of North Miami together don't miss out on the fun dive into the world of Ceramics with mochas of course I still love you chor join us this Saturday April 13th from 1: to 300 p.m. and Unleash Your creativity and Clay whether you're a beginner or Season Pro this hands-on experience promises to ignite your passion for poetry visit mom.or for more information let's make waves for a cleaner Greener tomorrow join us for the 42nd annual Bay nanza cleanup event hosted by Miami Dade County this Saturday April 13th 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at FIU busc Bay Campus together let's protect and preserve our beautiful Bay see you there escape to the enchanting mocha Paradise Courtyard for an exclusive 21 plus screening of the foreigners home on Wednesday April 17th 2024 from 7: to 9:00 p.m. immerse yourself in a thought-provoking cinematic experience surrounded by art and culture don't miss out on this unique evening Under the Stars Let's Make a Difference one step at a time join councilman Pier Fon Charles for District 4 cleanup at Claude Pepper Park Saturday April 20th from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. together we'll beautify our community and keep our environment pristine Saturday April 20th 20124 from 11:00 a.m. to 300 p.m. at the Enchanted Forest Park join councilwoman Cassandra Timothy for a celebration of our planet's Beauty and resilience at our annual Earth Fair let's come together to learn Inspire and take action for a Greener future register through the link in our bio or scan the QR code seeking new career opportunities join us at the p Pathways to opportunity Community Job Fair hosted by District 4 councilman Pier FR Charles and job for us on Thursday April 25th 20124 from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. connect with top employers and explore a multitude of career paths your next big opportunity awaits join us for a night of Soulful Melodies Under the Stars don't miss Jazz at mocha featuring The enchanting a new world sympathy sympathy mobile wildcast concert on Friday April 26th 2024 seating begins at 700 p.m. with the concert kicking off at 8:00 p.m. Let The Rhythm sweep you away dive into a summer of fun and adventure with our 2024 kids summer camp whether they're into discovering new interest scoring big on the field or enjoying extended recreational activities we've got something for every young Adventurer enroll today at our Parks and Recreation Administration office and make Unforgettable memories to stay up to date with Nomi news and events log on to North Miami's website at www.nm fl.gov click on connect with Nomi on the homepage to sign up for the city's newsletters also follow us on Facebook and Instagram at North Miami and on Twitter at no news this concludes the city announcements thank you thank you so much um Miss Smith I was saying that the Bonanza um um advertisement you mentioned is a countywide um event that the county does every year so there's 13 locations and the biscan bay just happen to be our location that we are um promoting but that's basically it thank you so much Madame clerk we are ready for um appointments nothing um consent agenda unless a member of the city council wishes to remove a specific item from this portion of the agenda tabs a through C constitute the consent agenda these resolutions and items are self-explanatory and are not expected to R require additional review or discussion these items will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions adopted unanimously L by the following motion that the consent agenda comprised of tabs a through C be adopted so move um let me for tab C let I would like to add my name to to that as well if the mo if the if you're okay with that councilman Charles yes sir thank you thank you so you moved it right second yes I think I did yes I have a motion made by mayor Des to approve the consent agenda the motion was seconded by vice mayor May estimate Irvin all in favor I any opposed the motion carries with a 5- z vote thank you so much tab um tab d a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida approving the competitive selection of M&J Consulting Group doing business as M&J General Contractors as the lowest responsive and responsible contractor to perform the Bree swept Park and Tot Lot renovation and improvements project in accordance with the terms conditions and specifications contained in invit for bid number 15-23 d24 further authorizing the city manager and City attorney to negotiate and execute an agreement with M&J Consulting Group doing business as M&J general contractors for the provision of services in an amount not to exceed $425,900 EST purchasing director uh the item that you have before you through the manager I should say is a uh a recommendation to award from staff of the solicitation titled ifp number 1523 24 and this is for the bre Park and tot lab renovation and improvements project uh this will be the third and final phase uh of this project if you recall there were two other previous phases that have been awarded by Council uh the recommendation is to award to a company by the name of M&J General Contractors as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder as reflected in the council report uh the city received four bids in response to this solicitation on the second page of the report you'll see a bid tabulation that lays out the results of the bids that were received and as you can see M&J General Contractors is the lowest responsible responsive and responsible bidder with a uh a cost of $425,900 you have any questions we'll be glad to take um thank you so much Mr gimer I don't think we have any questions for you at this time so we'll open it up for public hearing okay public hearing is Clos member of the board move for approval second I I just have one question what other Parks have this um contractor done uh for for the city or in general in general and I'm happy that it's way lower but I'm just so concerned that the the dis the difference so I just want to understand the experience like what is the length of experience as as part of his references he actually submitted projects he's done Parks projects for the City of Coral cables for the city of South Miami and there was one other that escapes me but Mr DeLuna is here if you like he can respond how many years has he been in business he's been maybe we can ask um Pine Crest is the other one and Pine Crest that's correct do you want to ask Mr why don't you come up we're in business from 2009 um your name in address please for the record your name oh I'm sorry C the Luna okay general contractor and civil engineer and your address uh 300 Palo Avenue second floor cores thank you sir okay thank you vice mayor you good yeah I'm I'm fine okay thank you sir um public hearing is closed on the item um this is I'm just so glad this is coming I know it's been a it's been a minute waiting okay um what's the time frame it's uh it should be completed the uh duration is 90 days from issuance of notice to proceed okay so three months the next um vice mayor would be a group of Permitting first permitting first right right yeah okay so this Jeff gimr intern Public Works director just wanted to um speak to the schedule um as we came up here and previously told you um about the spray ground and playground this contractor is for the entire facility he's going to do some prep work those other contractors are going to come in do their work and he's going to finish it off so the 90 days is um starting June and it'll take us um three months from there because that as we discussed previously the the other materials are coming in at the beginning and they're going to start in July so he'll it's it's all timing so so the 90 so so once this pass tonight the permitting will take how long so again the contractor is going to start his work um about the second week of June um we're still have to coordinate schedules because we needed to get this awarded first he'll be in there for two to three weeks then the other contractors will come in do their portion and then he'll spend the last two months um after they do their 30 days worth of work finishing it off okay and um to answer your question vice mayor they've been in operations since 2009 um April 6 2009 may I may I did see that they performed worked at irons Manor Park renovation in new crosswalk in the city of North Miami how was that project was it done that's done on Northeast um uh 9th and 137 and it was on schedule under cost or was it above cost with yeah that was done through the CRA but yes um that it was satisfactory okay performance thank you if I may add um one thing that I'll tell you um the residents are waiting for the spot my um everywhere you go with a family with children and everything the first question is this when is this SP going to open so please and um Vice M has been after it every day how long it's going to take how long it's going to take there's u sense there's a sense of urgency cuz um residents are like um really really waiting for the only hope that I gave them when I talked to me I said what you're going to have in there is the worldall class of uh park with a slash pad and everything and then from there they said okay just going to work the way so please see whatever the can be done not to hold it like one day so please please please to Echo what my colleagues are saying and that I've been saying and I thank you guys for being the chorus is I mean I know that you're telling me dates and you're telling me timelines but I would urge you that anywhere that we can cut in time and they can come in Faster I mean this has been since the pandemic 2020 and and and I understand the supply chain I understand that so we're moving forward but I'm just saying you know I understand it's 90 days and I know you're telling me but if it could be 60 days or wherever we can cut when I and then when I say cut the time I'm not saying cut the the the quality of work I just want to be sure that as well but just as as much as we can if we can talk to whoever working on there we're totally on board with that and we are working with the contractors as much as we can thank you thank you so much um Jeff and the other thing Vice may we got to figure out what we're doing because the older folks are um I had a earful regarding the basketball so that's another problem but it's a good problem we'd want to have because that's always been one of the issue the the the older folks versus the young kids and all this okay thank you so much um let's just call the RO on this I have a mo I'll talk about the basketball in private okay thank you go ahead I have a motion made by vice mayor estimate Irvin to approve the item at tabd the motion was seconded by councilman Charles all in favor I any opposed motion carries with a five Z vote thank you so much item tab e tab e a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida authorizing the city manager and City attorney to negotiate and execute an agreement between the city of North Miami and black and Beach Corporation for the development of an infrastructure assessment and capital projects o delivery analysis at a cost not to exceed $17,200 providing for an effective date and all other purposes tab e um thank you so much let's before you don't have any presentation do you on the item itself explanatory if you have any questions I'll be glad to take so public heing is open on the item um public hearing is closed seeing none um I'll move for for approval second I have a motion made by mayor desm to approve the item at tab e the motion was seconded by vice mayor estimate Irvin all in favor any opposed item pass with a 5- vote tab f a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida authorizing the city manager and City attorney to negotiate and execute an agreement between the city of North Miami and kimley Horn and Associates Inc for the development of an electric vehicle evv infrastructure master plan at a cost not to exceed $70,000 providing for an effective date and all other purposes tab F thank you so very much um presentation are we we good self expend okay infrastructure we good on it public hearing is open on Tab f as in Frank see none public hearing is closed move for approval I just want to say thank you um has been I've been begging for this one this is for the E another one master plan so thank you did um I gave somebody to um that okay I have a motion made by vice mayor ese Irvin to approve the item at tab F the motion was seconded by councilman Charles all in favor I any opposed item passes with a 5- z vote Thank You tab g a proposed second reading ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida amending chapter 5 of the code of ordinances entitled building standards and regulations at section 5-2 entitled definitions section 14 entitled minimum housing inspections and at section 5-3 6 entitled construction site maintenance to reflect organizational changes and to provide standards for maintenance of construction sites providing for conflict and severability providing for codification and providing for an effective date tab G thank you so much um public hearing is open on Tab G but Debbie we I know you're gonna have a quick um it's second reading I know but you know you never know it's up to you sir if you like it one we good I think um just a brief you know 30 second elevated pitch go ahead of course sir uh this is the second reading for the amendment to chapter 5 building standards to create the requirement for a construction site management plan and providing specific details for construction um temporary construction fencing thank you that was brief public hearing was close on the item um and I move for approval second second I have a motion by made by mayor DL May to approve the item of tabg the motion was seconded by councilman Galvin vice mayor estimate how do you vote councilwoman Timothy how do you vote Yes councilman Galvin how do you vote Yes mayor Des how do you vote councilman Charles how do you vote Yes item passes with a 5- z vote tab h a proposed second reading ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida amending chapter 8.5 of the north Miami code of ordinances entitled flood damage prevention ordinances ordinance by amending article one entitled Administration specifically at section 8.53 entitled duties and powers of the flood plane administrator to amend the designation of the flood plane administrator providing for appeal conflict severability codification and for an effective date tab H this one is very straight up second reading to modify from the building official to the development services director the um responsibilities of the flood plane administrator thank you um public hearing is open on the item and public he is closed move for second I have a I have a I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the item at tab H the motion was seconded by councilman Galvin councilman Charles how do you vote Yes councilwoman Timothy how do you vote Yes mayor Des how do you vote Yes councilman Galvin how do you vote Yes vice mayor estimate Irvin how do you vote Yes item passes with a 5 Z vote thank you um I guess this is the new Quai please be advised that the following item okay I our companion so Mr um attorney can she read both she could read both okay anyone else with with a card um please come forward right now hold your peace please be advised that the following items on the agenda tabs I and J are Quasi judicial in nature if you wish to speak in favor of object to or comment on an item please complete a public speaker's card indicating the agenda item number on which you would like to comment you must be sworn before addressing the city council and you may be subject to cross- examination if you refuse to submit to cross-examination the city council will not consider your comments in its final deliberation please also disclose any expar Communications that you may have had with any members of the city council City Council Members must also do the same once again if you wish to speak on the items at tab I or J there are public speakers card at the entrance of council chambers please take one there should be three colors for against or neutral complete it include today's date and the tab letter and bring it up here if you wish to speak on the item anyone wishing to speak please stand up so you can be sworn in do you swear or firm that the testimony that you are about to give in today's proceedings are the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you ma'am did you excuse me Madam clerk did you stand up are you part of um in the back yes you did okay so she's with you okay thank you may would you like a little yes please may I read the items mhm both and then tab I a proposed second reading quasi judicial ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida amending volume one goals objectives and policies of the city of North Miami 2036 comprehensive plan specifically by changing the official 2036 future land use map designation from high density residential to commercial office for the approximately 0.25 acre property located at the northwest corner of Northeast 123rd Street and Northeast 15th Avenue and specifically ident identified with Miami date folio number 0622 29-47 d11 in accordance with Section 163 3187 Florida Statutes 2023 in article 3 entitled development review division 3 section 3-32 sections 3-11 04 through 3-11 07 section 31109 and section 3-110 of the city of North Miami code of ordinance chapter 29 entitled Land Development regulations well in um T J oops I'm s you reading my apologies a proposed second reading quasi judicial ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida amending chapter 29 of the north Miami of the city of North Miami code of ordinances entitled Land Development regulations at Article 1 entitled General Provisions specifically Section 1 d106 entitled official zoning map by revising the zoning designation from R6 residential 2 c 2bw commercial for the approximately 0.25 acre real property located at the northwest corner of Northeast 123rd Street and Northeast 15th Avenue and specifically identified with Miami dat folio number 06-22-18 and revising the zoning designation from C3 commercial to c 2bw commercial for the adjacent four real properties located at the North east corner of Northeast 125th and Northeast 15th Avenue and bounded by Northeast 124th Street to the north and specifically identified with Miami dat folio number 0622 29-45 0390 06- 2229 d045 d3800 6-22 29- 045 0360 and 06- 2229 D 04- 0350 and in accordance with Section 166.010 Z2 3-13 3-15 through 3-17 and section 3-32 of the city of North Miami code of ordinances chapter 29 entitled Land Development regulations declaring the zoning map amendment to be consistent with the city comprehensive plan further authorizing the city manager to do all things necessary to effec the zoning map Amendment and providing for appeal conflicts severability codification and for an effective date tab J wow that's a lot right just a quick touch Point as to what happened um back in January um uh 23rd at your meeting again the request is for the future land use map Amendment for the one parcel um from high density residential to commercial office for the purpose of accommodating a parking lot for the Alpha Romeo dealership jump to the and modifying um all five Parcels from their various current designations as read eloquently by our city clerk to cbw to accommodate both the parking lot as well as a new Alpha Romeo um dealership and that is it good sir okay thank you um let's okay with with that um I haven't gotten any card Madame clerk can you give me any card of um this is it Mr Jeff do do do they make a presentation first or um what's the it's up to you sir if you want them to do a presentation okay no I think we we we fine um Miss Deborah Miss Davy where are you I saw you somewhere oh right here okay you it's all yours thank you before that um Mr attorney I just want to clarify um I haven't had expart Communications Sy first reading so there's no I don't have to declare it all over again uh this is second so okay but even just in case unless you unless you've had new have yeah I have I would like that I have met with Mr Carlos okay Galvin no I haven't either right so I met with him the first time not this time but I just want to this time yeah this time yeah no no okay the first time so okay good thank you Miss David it's all yours hi Deborah Davies 1165 Northeast 127 Street um with with all due respect uh I'm assuming that this is going to be a car dealership and I wasn't here the first time but I and it's probably a done deal from what I can tell but what I don't understand is why you would be putting a car dealership one or two blocks from the train station that you you fought so hard to get and what what are we actually trying to create as a neighborhood are we trying to create a car situation here or are we actually going to get some public transportation and really make North Miami a place where public transportation is something that we can really use for our live work and play I think car dealership should be on uh not be in a res residential area like this um you've already approved many more huge buildings right in that area um because of the train station um you've allowed more density and more height it should be on biscane Boulevard West Dixie Highway Northwest 7th Avenue those are typically where car dealerships are not in residential areas so I would really hope you think about putting a car deal a huge car dealership right by like two blocks or one block from this train station um if if I'm misinformed that you don't want to make a car dealership there please let me know thank you thank you so much thank you Miss Davey all right um Mr attorney um oh this second reading oh oh you said you missed the first one miss Dave okay all right move for approval second did you need to open up to the public no no this is it this is it this was Miss Davies I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the item at tab I the motion was seconded by councilman Galvin vice mayor EST Irvin how do you vote Yes councilwoman Timothy how do you vote Yes councilman galin how do you vote Yes councilman Charles how do you vote Yes May or doesn't may how do you vote Yes the item passes with a 5- z vote I'll need a motion on TJ um we still move second oh okay the same compion item I have a motion made by councilwoman Timothy to approve the item at tab J the motion was seconded by councilman Charles mayor doe how do you vote Yes councilman Galvin how do you vote Yes vice mayor estimate irin how do you vote councilwoman Timothy how do you vote Yes councilman Charles how do you vote Yes item passes with a 5- z vote awesome thank you so much um we moving real good um Miss Davy just um to answer your question directly when the item first came up a couple months ago my the only thing that I had was with the constituents that came and then we spoke to you know the folks who own the lot that that's near there and obviously they have spoken to the residents um around the area and and seems to be in favor or don't have any issue with with with the um with the piece of um property so um I know the Outreach was was um ongoing in terms of that but that's basically it so thank you so much we are moving to um citizen forum and then we'll get to council report um we have two mics and we good going once Chief are you going to sit down or you coming to speak I come to preach okay you got two minutes go on Kenneth each 1:30 45 Emerald Drive North Miami uh mayor council I want to thank you for having the flags at half staff for my dear friend and our former mayor Howard new he served this city for a lot of years when I first met Howard back in 1971 he was a city judge and we did have a city court here we had a jail public defender prosecutor and he sat on the bench for a number of years and he was a councilman for four years and mayor for six and he was always involved in a City he formed the mayor's economic task force and he gave the city it's all and I I really want to thank you the family on behalf of the family I want to extend to this Council this city for not forgetting them you know we forget sometimes our history we forget who was ahead of us and this was a decent man who went out on the street with me when I was a lieutenant and we were fighting some of the slum Lords on 6th Avenue and I would bring him into the apartments there and he would try to do things for these people pro bono and he really cared he had a heart he had a soul and he really loved this community you know and I said as his yogy I said it's not how much money we make or what our titles were in life but if we left this Earth a little bit nicer a little bit Kinder and he certainly did he made this world a little bit better and again I thank this Council for not forgetting him thank you very much good evening mayor city council staff along with everyone in the room my apologies in advance I'm super nervous my name is Mia um 1350 Northeast 137th Street I'm 27 years old I just bought my first house two years ago um I just um asking for help um obviously I bought my house with not that much homework um I just knew that I was ready to buy a house house I've been working since I was 16 years old and saving for this um when I bought my house I signed a recondition for some violations of my property I've been working almost the two years I've bought my house to fix these violations and it's been very hard um in the process now that I've finally found a contractor to work with me um I found out that the city of North Miami has no plans on my house so now I have to pay an additional $20,000 to get these plans made all the violations on my house are based off of pictures from the house 30 plus years ago um violations as um examples are enclosed garage with no permit um remodeling of kitchen and bathrooms with no permit um no walls were broken in these um Renovations it was just cosmetically revamped um Windows change without a permit and I can go on there's about 11 violations um so I'm just asking for help from the city to see what we can do at least about the plans because from what I've heard from many different people is that if not the city has the plans the county has the plans and no one has the plans on my house Madam Madam vice mayor sure sure as a constituent of mine thank you it's nice to meet you sorry it's under these conditions Mia like um first off Madam city manager you were just sort of like giving me a high sign or something okay ready Mia you got a pencil p piece of paper I have my phone ready my cell phone number you're going to call me tomorrow okay cell phone number is 305 305 582 582 07 07 1 0 1 0 so call me tomorrow maybe send me a text first so I know that it's you okay um but call me text me and let's begin the Journey of figuring out how to make the things better for you okay thank you I appreciate it thank you for your time everyone coming tonight thank you I live on Christmas light street right around the corner for me oh I'm I was there every week so yes yes thank you for coming citizen forum is open citizen forum is still open good evening mayor vice mayor councilmen and Council women my name is am fed I'm the president of Crystal Ray Miami High School located at 125 Northeast 119th Street and um we're so excited to be constructing and build building finally our our High School uh but did want to let you know that um the construction has created some dust concerns for our neighbors and that has been brought up to um our construction company and they will now mitigate that they're going to be adding some they're going to be watering the area um more often it's also been a little bit of windy days so it's been The Perfect Storm and they will also um in may we will have some gravel that's going to be placed on the floor on the on the ground covering so that will also reduce the amount of dust and by um by June we will then have asphalt so wanted to just let my fellow neighbors know that um we are just so excited to bring Crystal Ray to the community serving over 430 students every every year making sure that they are prepared for success in college and Beyond and obviously giving back to our community so thank you so much I just wanted to again let you know that you know our intention is to continue to be good neighbors when these issues come please let us know we are here for the entire Community um not just the 430 families that we serve each year thank you thank you so much Madame President and thank you for coming and this is how government works um I got a couple of complaints yesterday and I got in touch with um the deputy manager which we're going to dearly miss you um um and we got in touch with you so yes um next week we'll I'll probably come and meet with you guys just to share some and we will also speak to the neighbors I'm going to AB we'll talk no thank you so very much we appreciate it and we love having Crystal R in our community it's just really we were in DC we saw the kids I was at the um the Holocaust Museum and there was a couple of them said yeah you're the mayor of North M I said yeah they said they said you from I thought they were Pioneer Scott I was going to say they said no I'm Chris I said okay we'll take you guys so thank you again you again thank you for your understanding and for welcoming us indeed thank you awesome public hearing is closed um we are moving to council report um uh the councilwoman yes all righty thank you mayor yes um I see Hector Medina in the room wanted to say happy belated birthday Hector um our district 2 PA our area Associated president um um sadly to say but tonight will be my last meeting um attending in person that is I will be attending virtually until the arrival of my little one um if you didn't know I just didn't gain weight I am expecting a little gift from the Lord and my office is still open where I'm meeting via Zoom or the phone I'm not taking iners meetings because um I do have a high-risk pregnancy so I will be taking it easy um in addition Earth day is April 20th at Enchanted Forest Park I might be there for 10 minutes if you don't see me there all day but it'll be from 11:00 a.m. to 300 p.m. and looking forward to seeing you all participate in Earth Day that's a cleanup paper shredding thank you to Christina and the whole sustainability division for taking that lead um and ensuring that we continue on um this Legacy of having Earth Day in the city of North Miami um and then lastly on my report um this one's a little bit tough but you know m a manager for the past year you've led the city of North Miami and for me um I've had some serious concerns I am not one to say things publicly um not want to embarrass anyone I just know for me at this juncture um I lack the confidence trust um faith that you are best fit to lead the city and with that I would like to move that we terminate your employment as city manager pursuant to your agreement in place you want administrative leave with pay until resolution is prepared with my such reasons um this is just for me personally um I've had issues um that I've brought up and um pursuant to the process which the City attorney can State on record if he would like I know that there's a resolution that would have to be prepared stating what my reasons are for your termination but just know that I'm at a juncture where you know starting I wasn't in support and for the past year I've you know seen some things that were alarming to me and like I said I don't want to bring them up tonight but I would like to move forward with your termination what is that process I don't know um need to be a second and a vote that well first um it doesn't H happen that easily um not under her contract and not under the uh the code um so even if you make a vote tonight all that does is require us to come back the city attorney's office would come back with a resolution um with uh with with all the you know reasons for determination that has to be done within 30 days she would remain as the city manager through that time um and then there's a uh a hearing I mean she basically we would have to have a hearing and go through the facts of of of the case U only then would you be uh when we have the preliminary resolution only then would you be able to suspend it so even if you vote on this tonight she would still remain here until uh the next meeting we bring the resolution question Mr City attorney the contract says that the city manager could be placed on administratively with paid during the process the city manager May resign at that time with within 30 days prior to the written notice this is in the contract so if you read the contract the contract also says it it complies with the code and the code is uh is what what uh what um governs here okay so that's just my motion so I'll I'll go ahead and second it for discussion or so if we're going to do this tonight if there's a motion there's a second we need to we need to State all the reasons everybody buckle up nobody's going anywhere like I'm not gonna I don't think it's fair to our manager who I have absolutely full faith in to have this kind of that doesn't that does that does not do Madame camo any any good to do that kind of stuff folks so please I appreciate but if we're if we're going to talk about firing somebody we need to talk about why and if this should happen to pass tonight I don't think we should discuss it or vote on it again until the councilwoman is back in this room because she just you know surpr surpr no no no no not virtually I mean in this room because when you're doing something as serious as firing a city manager that shouldn't be something that's done resume no I I hear you and if I need to come for that particular item I will make myself available so motion's been made and seconded I'd love to hear from the maker of the motion why she thinks that this is something that should happen so at this time I know we like to say that we're a political body when we hire yeah yeah we are you know when we hired the city manager there was no process there was no hey this is the application period it's open it's closed it was just this is who we're being dealt with and this is just what what what what the hands that we were dealt with um I was not in favor of the hiring at that point and for me I've had issues with um Madame camo when we were when we were in the um the when she was in the CRA and moving forward there's been serious issues that I've been seeing um and like I said I will state them in the resolution which has to be prepared by the city city attorney in all respect but in all respect what are those reasons and they will be stated M um Mr G if you're not if you're not willing to State them tonight it's not fair to say let's just vote on tomorrow's headline in the Miami heral is that the city council will have voted to fire our city manager and when they call us and say why we won't have stated a single reason in public why and as you're aware the contract could be with or without cause so for me I would rather not say what my causes are because hey maybe it's without cause but that is just my to my to my fellow council members then if if the maker of the motion can't State specific reasons why she's looking to fire somebody we have so much happening that trust me is somebody who's sat through the hiring and iring of so many city managers there has been not a moment where I felt that we were doing so much good work for us to now in the middle of all the the Fantastic growth that our city is having uh in the middle of an election for a couple of you who are actually running now's not the time to just just rip things apart and start you know going at it at least without a stated reason or reasons I I I would hope that you don't support this measure tonight without it being stated why can say just just three that I know off the top and like I said I don't want to go into the weeds but um um the city manager from what I was told in advised was working against RC extension um the mismanagement of the P3 and Charter violations in creating departments without um adequate notice and it should go before the councils before you create a new department so these are just some I have like I said I have more that I would like to State and discuss with the city manager when the time when the time seems fit but right now those are some of the the main ones that I I have concerns with thank you but if I might if not for rash's connections down at County Hall our C would not have gotten please don't say that because you don't know what happened so tell me you've got an open microphone tell me what happened no no no and before before like I like I said I don't have to put this on record right now like I said I will talking about I made a motion it was seconded and at this point I like no it's being discussed so for discussion no that's that's what I said I say it's still being discussed so going back to what you said um councilwoman so you made several thing that you wasn't in favor of um firing the man the hiring of the manager the process whatever it happens what's so done to me because we have been as a city for the past year or so and you have been on here for about two or three years three and three okay the fact that it's happening now and it's said to say it's women against women when Larry Springs yeah no no no excuse me excuse me let let let me um I'm I'm just sharing because you know it seems something to me because remember I've dealt with um you know several different organizations and when Larry Springs was hiring as the city um manager I did not know Mr you know I did not agree with Mr spring hiring however because I put all of my um ego I I would say whatever in terms of serving the people and I said to Mr spring I'm G give you a chance and I I would say today he happened to be one of the best city manager I had the the short time that I you know I had working with well the time that I had working with him and I say all huh and know when I said you all let him go and no we didn't let you know I didn't know anything about him let let him go what whatever cases and and that you could ask him but I say what I said because in the inum of the time that he was here I've learned a couple of things um about folks when you do um do what needs to be done but it's it's it's funny because I I I see that um you you stated three different facts that you want to get rid of the city manager um not putting in consideration where we are as a city or what all of the stuff is happening there's no one who will be agreed with anybody that we that we would have a city manager I had sat here for the past 10 years and I had numerous city managers in Trump and and and what we do we do the process but we have a city right now where we not in the headlines we are doing what needs to be done we are doing the hard work um so I don't know I don't have um not to say that I don't have any issues with any of the employees or anything that's going on but in terms of um getting rid of someone um for whatever reasons um I I I'm I'm trying to get to the to the level where how is that a benefit to the um the residents of North Miami and and I I don't know you you you made a claim which I'm not want to get down in terms of that level of um the city manager working against us I I don't know what evidence you have um you know um and I forgot the other one but it's it's really mind bugling um that you would made a statement that you said that you would not be here for the next couple of months in terms of doing that but you got to consider if you're not going to be here somebody has to run this city and somebody has to run it properly and I think it would be where you would be cautioned that you're not gonna be here managing or do what needs to be done that hey I have someone um on a day-to-day that um that's doing the operation or the function or the job of of the city manager um I don't know what are the facts or what are the terms that you just mentioned but it's to me I you know I don't see it um in terms of Madame um vice mayor you um you second the motion you see you wanted the floor go ahead ma'am do you wna you want to speak on the item the only the only portion that I that I'm going to speak on is on the the CRA and that was done you know just to collaborate that was done publicly I did feel that there was a point where there was resistance and I had to actually make a public statement and that was public um that I thought resistance on I'm sorry no resistance resistance on our on the on our our CRA what we were trying to what we were trying to amend um and it this was done publicly where I felt that I was speaking and she was speaking against the CRA to the point that I had to come speaking against the C I'm just trying to get and who are we talking about I'm talking about oh okay yeah so the manager was speaking against the CR this was done public so I did this publicly already okay did this I did this I said this public and after that it was there was peace but I did it publicly because I felt that what did she say I'm not going toe want to hear sorry sorry mrad well apparently the mayor wants to speak for me so it's okay no no I don't no no no trust me I don't want to do that I want to hear what what what happened I've already spoken about it publicly you can go and review the tape about the CRA was dealt with I asked the question publicly you know who do you listen to I mean are you taking advice from us and she did admit she's taking advice from us and it stopped at the time but publicly um in front of um another County Commissioners um we were speaking apples and oranges and I had concern and I did bring this to this body so that's just an example okay okay more examples or where okay councilman Charles um yes sir um I don't have examples but I do have some points um and I work with uh our city manager at um c um ADV board uh we we have a very good working relationship and uh if you remember I was the leading vote to hire the city manager and I did so without asking for anything personal CU I always tell people that have been so blessed by God and I have everything that I need but I only need my city manager to uh look over staff bring stability and then a sense of unity in our Administration to um District 4 I spend the rest of the budget year could not even clean a traffic circle everything that I asked for help I was bounced back to the C ba me in in a way that even staff have no respect and when I speak it's like Charli is not even part of this and we are in April I have money in that budget and I cannot even tell you one of my projects that has been moved not even one and then I am a cing councilman if it is God's will that I serve until November I just want to say thank you to each and every one of you that is God's will if is God's plan I'll get elected in November and keep on doing what I'm doing but my problem is that this is all politics and then when we have a city manager only have one year and one ear only that's a problem the key in here is for us to listen and work together and then listen to everybody everyone has a voice in here my voice is very young because I came in here um last year but I understand that but I've been doing the work as a councilman so if we have that kind of relationship we need to make sure that the respects that in here so that staff and employees will display the respect I got disrespected at JCC I got disrespected at sonis and here after a long night that one of our men men in this city threatened my life and I remember that statement didn't still well me that has nothing to do with the city that has to do with the c at that point I know I was by myself which should not be the case so the culture of the city of North Miami and if you go back and look at my um closing remarks when we hired the city manager my only ask where was where we need to retrain let's retrain well we need to move people around let's move people around but I did not ask for a culture that people don't know what's going to happen tomorrow Friday that you'll be sitting with everybody else and then you know just like basically what we turn this city into is just a place of work with all new people where we don't have any staff that's been here for so long and they just basically for one reason or one or I don't know exactly the reasons so it's basically we need to for our culture where we can work with people we don't like we cannot have a city that is moving only based on those we like or based on those we just align with our conversation based on those who do not say no and yes for everything so to that matter I will tell you that I fa like I am just by myself with District 4 and everything else that has been saying so in a case like that I cannot say to the promise that I made to myself on the day that we voted in our city manager without a piece of paper there was not even one application was not even an application process but we did it in faith we did it together we did it for the wellbeing of our city we did it in the spirit of stability we did it in the spirit of togetherness because we wanted to move the city of North Miami forward regretfully I will tell you that sitting here I councilman Pier FR Charles don't feel that way and I am going to stop right there Mr Mayor yes so allow me to offer this I've just heard a couple of you speak to process and procedure in a originally hiring Miss Kim if we take the steps to fire her and it'll take two or three meetings perhaps to do that officially um we'll now need to advertise for a new manager now our natural Deputy manager who would have slid over into that position either in the short term or long long term will not be here anymore um she she's leaving in just a couple of couple of weeks so we'll have days couple of days um we'll have a period of prolonged lack of leadership I totally get I I I can feel the anger and and I didn't know that there was so much displeasure with her um but if there's an opportunity to now step back from the ledge to go and have conversations with her and I'll wait till this um but yeah no I just um so if there's an opportunity to have some conversations to where you know council members don't feel alone uh you know without a clear leader at the top with one of our council members being on medical leave it's going to be super difficult to go through the whole advertising and interviewing process and all of that um especially at this this critical juncture where finally so much is going good in North Miami at least in a general sense from development and projects and things like that I would I would just ask the council to step back from this moment to reflect to have some conversations with her and to not undertake such a serious step without having a a line of succession in place we could name anybody who sitting in and I've seen that happen before too I saw a public works director sitting in the back of the room one night when something like this happened and everybody just went hey Mark Hollins you're now the city manager we could do that but then that leaves the city in a Lurch as everybody's afraid unsure where to go with things I would just beg of the council to please take take a step back from the ledge and yes um councilman Gavin um and you've been here for 25 years and and I think I've been here for 10 years um I had on Friday I had several people um called me because they were concerned because I didn't know anything about this particular item residents were calling me about it because they knew um what I said to the residents who called um because Friday I had so much that was happening we had a funeral we were going on that was happening and all this and all that um I said no I don't know anything about that I heard um councilman Charles mentioned something in in terms of um she has one ear whatever whatever the case is um I would say one thing as as a professional as someone who's been here I don't do nothing and I haven't done anything in terms that's not in the best interest or in terms of the residents um and that's day in and day out and the employees the people know that it is what it is now I'm sitting here because people don't know what you know perhaps the manager what I asked that was not done or whatever whatever the cases people just make a assumption they assumed because I do not go and and and talk and and you know I deal with it the manager comes in with the attorney every Tuesday like qu clockwise unless I'm not here we talk about items I don't talk about you know other council members um I'm upset with some stuff um if we started if we were to go down the list of things that was missed that was that this and this and that it happens I had two resolution that was not made it on the agenda and and there was some so you know we we could choose to do however we want to do but respectfully each commissioner does their um own rights everybody's um elected appointed to um the position the folks that they sered but in terms of um folks saying things are not being done I do not know and I cannot attest to that I could talk about my initiatives and my stff and there's a lot of them that has not been done and met with and some stuff with yes but is that raised and and and I'm not saying any anyone else's um project is you know less or more but I'm just stating the fact that I don't think I would come in in you know some of the projects whatever that that's been happening that I'm not aware or you know something in terms of the the city manager the City attorney that um I'm upset with them whatever whatever the cas is what's more important to me is the stability of North Miami um I I don't know how long we've been have um this with a manager here the manager there we we had one for for for three and a half for three years and you know the one prior to that so we were at a point at least I thought um in terms of we were doing what needed to be done but obviously I know that there might be some issues and it's clearly that there are some issues from um majority of the of the Commissioners um so it is the the the the the real but I I I would I caution folks um I'll I'll leave it there I'll I'll search for um some other thing um coun um council member May uh just just so you understand uh there is public comment because you're voting on it so it's open to public so before you vote definitely um any any other comments before we open it up oh you said no okay public hearen is open on the item to terminate Miss um C's employment um please and please begin if you're going to speak line up there's two podiums so line up next to them Claudia peso 1354 I'm sorry 1354 Northeast 23rd Place I'm very upset I'm trying to control myself um this is I cannot believe that this my mind is like what it's like wait what out of all the um since I've been coming to the council meetings out of all the city managers Miss Rasha has always been there very polite she sees us she's polite I actually she holds her cool it's not easy to handle the residence and you know where like a feisty bunch she handles the residents the council and the staff and I've never seen her being unprofessional never seen her lose her cool I'm just fabed and then I know where I work I have issues with co-workers and then there's a warning you don't don't terminate somebody there are steps you take if there was issues please I hope that you guys can sit together with the City attorney whoever a mediator and work things out what you said was true you got to do what's best for the residents and right now the residents this is a city manager we like she understands this I mean you guys are going to the last city manager was not from North Miami didn't know the staff didn't know the in workings of the city Rasha did it because she worked here for several years so you might get somebody else and you're going to have trouble too because you need to get somebody who knows the city well who knows the residents who the residents feel comfortable I my understanding staff likes her cuz she was one of them in the past so obviously they like to have her as a city manager because they knew her already she had you know um I don't know a repertoire whatever you say with them so I'm totally surprised here I thought I was going to you know discuss about this Festival that was going on and all of a sudden I hear this I'm like what so I'm actually doing cool I'm keeping calm because I was like wait what so I do hope that you guys are professionals and for the best of the city if you really care for for the city of North Miami what's best for it now and going forward that you try to resolve this and keep our city manager and again we're losing our Deputy thank you Veronica gang 540 Northwest 127 Street um this item obviously came out of left field I started coming to the city meetings when Mr spring got fired and I clearly remembered uh the city getting sued us negotiating for our car um giving all these items and for the past three years I have enjoyed the stability that having one city manager has afforded us um in my line of work there's normally a process of escalation I know we live in a no fault state um and at will state so depending I guess on the ordinance you can hire or fire as you as you please but um I would have thought that as professionals as council members as appointed um public servants that there would have been a matter of escalating of getting to that point where those differences could have been aired out early on so that we wouldn't be at this at this uh point right now we have so many things that we have to get accomplished in the city and I feel like with the city manager and now our our Deputy manager leaving that's going to leave us even more unstable than before we have a water uh treatment plant that we have to redo we we have to build a new one and I just feel that it's very unfair um to put her on blast right now in public when this could have been handled privately um and maybe a resolution could have been um agreed upon thank you good evening Alan edgert 11950 West Dixie Highway um I'm just wondering at what point is the city council that we elect going to put our process forward instead of their own agenda it's enough already we finally have stability we finally have people doing their job showing up to come in and do this job that nobody wants to do and we're going to fire people what is it going to take to realize that Scott's been here 25 years going through this Alex has been here 10 years going through this and we're going to we're going to just pick up what we've done over the last year year and a half and and throw it away and start over again how many times can this city start over based on somebody's Personal Agenda as opposed to the constituents that live here that are the taxpayers that are paying for all of it there's never an answer there's always the Blank Stare that's all I have to say hi Deborah Davies 1165 noreast 27th Street um first of all I I want to Second what everybody has been saying I'm in shock too um we are so lucky to have Rasha um it has been stable she worked for the CRA she worked for Daniela line Cava um to do something like this at this point just seems um you know obviously like there's other things going on under the scenes that we really don't know about but to do this at the same time that the deputy manager is leaving we have elections coming up you have so many developments happening right now and I know about that because um because I know about that so uh I'm living with it and rasia has been there for the residents since the beginning she started this job and I I'm I'm really in shock and I I think this is very disappointing I feel this is um I mean you know we're adults we can handle things in in a civilized Manner and I think you need to take the residents's um feelings into account because this is the first time for me that I've had a city manager that I feel actually listens to me and cares about the residents and um Anisha for you too you know we've been to my house and I I I feel like I you know we're really going to be lost if if we lose both Russia and Anisha at this point and um so I hope you really think about this very seriously because this is a really a a terrible spot on North Miami's history now thank you Annie Montgomery 2082 Northeast 124th Street I remember I've been in this city a long time I remember when Scott galman first ran for Council so I was before you Scott I Echo what everybody else has said Russia is the first city manager in a while that I'm very comfortable with she cares about the residents of the city and the residents are the people that you folks represent you got we voted for you even though we're not in your District you still represent us as a council so I would say please reconsider the whole this whole evening this whole discussion because we need to keep Russia thank you um thank you Annie before um P come up um the only thing is I had so many residents from District 4 District 3 they called me they said they were coming into the meeting I told him no cuz I didn't know you know I think somebody asked me today I said no I don't know anything I'm hearing stuff but I don't think you know in terms of that um and somebody just text me that stays by me and says um you know you did not let us come I said well I didn't know I honestly and I truly did not know I heard the stuff since Friday I was here and I said no I don't know anything about that I haven't heard you know in terms of that so um and that that's where I was but and then miss G good evening my name is paa I reside at 8588 Northwest firstly Miami Florida 33126 I have known Russia for over 24 years I've worked with her at different capacity she was um a friend she became my supervisor and then we became friend again it's like right now we're just family and I would like for council members and mayor to reconsider and then please is she was hired to do a job let her do it and then continue I am also I was also um an employee of the city I see now how happy the employees are I see the difference when I was here I couldn't stay for another four years to finish and then be vested to be uh to to receive a pension but now I see the how people are comfortable working I went to the the fourth floor a few weeks ago go to see the how it was totally different from the the way I used to be here and then people used to be intimidated to go to the fourth floor and then to see the way the comfort that the employee have now that didn't happen before and then I please ask your council members we considerer thank you my name is Virginia Gilmore 1635 Northwest 120th Street I agree with all the residents Raj has been a good city manager this is personal when these council member who we elected and appointed don't get what they want our taxpayer money to spend it how they waigh they want to spend it personally they get personal and this needs to be stopped each time you fire a city employee it costs the taxpayers severance pay package deal and then the resident don't get what they need in the city this is all personal and I hope that you mayor Mr Galvin has been on board a long time consider keeping the city manager what we need is a petition from the other District to get rid of the ones that are not doing their job and that's what that's what this they need to do a petition and get them off the board thank you Kenneth H 13045 Emerald Drive North Miami I've been in a city I work for a city started in the 1970 I've been living in the city over 50 years I've been through a slew of city managers this is the best one we had the best one we have I seen city managers come and go we were stagnant for years stagnant nothing was getting done I would call code enforcement I might as well talk to myself because nothing was getting done now when I call code enforcement things are getting done Graffiti's getting off the wall the garbage is being cleaned up okay traffic problems are being taken care of we've been screwing around with that Westside water plant for years she's making it happen she came in and she revamped the STA you got complaints on the building department she went right down there and she took that on head on head on okay and the planning department the building Department sustainability she hired good professional people we had a reputation in the city that we were hiring friends and family okay and they're not professional we want professional good people working here and that's what this lady has done she's not afraid to break eggs and you know she's not perfect this is a hard government to work with folks I want you to think about this for a second she's balancing the the budget she's not squandering money away she's keeping everybody out of trouble she's a true professional and this I heard about this the other day I said what the hell is going on in this city I thought we were doing good here you know if you have problems with her I and I'm sorry I don't mean to get emotional like this if you have a problem you have a disagreement with her you do it behind closed doors you know councilman Charles I I heard your issues tonight I you know this is a good person one of the reasons things might not have been getting done out there is because the subordinates weren't getting it done out there it takes a while as a manager to come in to look around see what the hell is happening see who's performing who's not performing who's screwing it up who's not screwing it up this lady saved the C they start Chief your time is up I'm sorry I'm sorry folks thank you absolutely yes go ahead Beverly Hilton 12495 Northwest 6th Avenue and whatever everyone else said I agree with them I just want to add this I think it's personal has nothing to do with the city I think because the city manager is trying to save our taxes and not want to give away our money I have a request here for $100,000 for festival okay and these are the people who are trying to get rid of the city manager they are the one guys guys come guys guys um um $100,000 listen first of all $100,000 for fesal it's not even on the agenda but that's request okay but that's not what we uh that's one of the reason why they want to get rid of the city manager that's my personal feelings okay she's doing a fantastic job she's serving city thank you go ahead um sir Sebastian semla 822 Northeast 125th Street first of all thank you all for your service um I'm a bit shaken uh I'm not usually kind of flabbergasted by things like this but as a developer in town um I think what we want is we want stability I think that every single one of you up there has good intentions everyone what you guys do is not easy I want to encourage encourage you guys to communicate right Miss Timothy you've encouraged me to keep the lines of communications open with Debbie Davis and I have and while I can say that we're not best friends we do our best to work with one another right and I love this city I love everything about this city and you know this is an important decision because there's really not much backing up who's going to run this city and so I really encourage you look we all have our differences and and that's okay right but we need to communicate with one another and and you know and so hopefully tonight we understand that there's a few issues and you know tomorrow we can sit down and discuss what your issues are and you know address it like like like professionals um and you know we want the city to continue to grow look I I'm in the city a heck of a lot and staff loves our city manager through and through and I've seen huge changes in staff um and that helps everything to go through projects to get approved and you know there's no favoritism with our city manager she's very black and white okay um and so again uh please just do your best to communicate and to work with one another we appreciate you thank you good evening mayor and council members my name is Kevin Burns 2065 Alamanda drive and I'm a former mayor of this community I'm uh somewhat disappointed with the process of how this came about I appreciate all the service that you all do you all are not in an easy spot the residents of your District request stuff and when stuff doesn't get done you're the one they come back and call that and so you have to to do that my friend P Charles You Are Not Alone you not alone in your District people like you people are going to support you staff support you we just need better communication when I was elected mayor I had a c an ex uh city manager Clarence Patterson everybody said that we're going to get rid of him do you know I'm the only mayor's Administration that had the same single manager for four years and I told Clarence the your only job besides managing all the city is to keep the city council m MERS out of trouble keep us out of trouble tell us no cuz none of us want to go before the ethics commission you know we can't spend money we don't have and guess what when we were up there none of us got in trouble because the manager did what he did and he still lasted after I was gone if you have issues with the city manager you need as a professional to deal with her oneon-one and then keep track and see what gets done what doesn't get done but the way I have to say I do in the city every day I'm losing money because of Russia because people aren't hiring me anymore to break the log jams and the building department where their permits get lost or delayed and delayed things are going along really really well so thanks Rasha you're cosing me a Liv okay I I try to consult with people please don't be Hasty like Scott Galvin said cool our minds have a conversation let's take a breath think about it I assure you if if you had a message to get to Russia she got it and again just as adults we would tell our kids to you know come together have a conversation communicate and then see what happens but please as many other speakers and thank you manager I mean Mr Mayor for letting me go over 20 seconds we have many important things we have an election coming up you're going to be hiring a new manager right before three you may not even be up there so we don't want to do that and again North Miami is heading in the right direction thank you each council member for what you do but please thank you reconsider this thank you thank you Mike and anyone else um before we close public hearing there's another mic if you're coming up please do so thank you Mike mcar uh 840 Northeast 127th Street here in North Miami um as you all know um I've been a longtime resident 60 years here um in this City and have been through a lot and seen a lot um I think others have said um and I agree um you all have a very challenging job and we appreciate everything that you do because you do a lot of good things for the citizens of this city and we do appreciate that and we know sometimes that things can get get contentious but I can tell you from my experience that Miss camo is doing a good job I've seen it um throughout the city because I spend most of my life here in North Miami and I see the things that go on and I see how staff reacts and I see how things get done and she's doing a good job and I think Scott has the most perfect motion we understand that sometimes things people rub one another the wrong way and that's part of life but I think right now particularly under tonight's circumstances I I think Scott has the idea you know there's an old saying is there's never a bad thing about being a peacemaker and I think right now you have a a a woman of talent and who can help guide the city and I think if there's issues I think there needs to be discussion because things can always be worked out particularly with people of quality like you and like her thank you very much okay thank you Mike um if we are seems like that's the last speaker we are closing public hearing um on on this um yes please ma'am before what's the process right now I'm sorry I was just she she asked if she could make a comment I said yes uh mayor so I just wanted to make a comment about some of the work that is in process and my fear is with the lack of stability with no city manager how that could potentially have an impact on this um on January the 2nd I submitted a a $410 million loan for a whiffy Al loan for a new water plan 410 million we received notice from EPA this week that we have been clear to move to the next step of the process which provides us 49% which is $196 million towards a a water plant I won't be here to work on that project I was looking forward to working on that project but it's a project that these CI the citizens of of North Miami need and deserve um all of the infrastructure work that is in play there's so many different projects that are on the table right now I you know and I'm not getting in the middle of the politics I just want to make a comment about some of the work that's happening and I just don't want that work to get lost with the the what whatever may happen tonight um I just want to make that clear um I'm not going to be here there won't be a clear secession and I'm just concerned about how we will move forward as a city being you know with the lack of stability of moving forward so I just wanted to make that clear because I know I haven't had conversations with many of the council we were waiting to have conversations with the council about the wifia and I just wanted to make sure that you all knew that what's you know what's what's out there and and what could potentially be at stake thank you so much um Miss Daniel in terms of your comments and I think we um there's a lot that that has been said tonight um in terms of that again my only fa is I did not you know I didn't see it um coming in terms of I've heard stuff since Friday I was getting calls infol was talking to me about terminating the um the manager and and in some cases the attorney name was also mentioned in there and what I said to people I said to them I said if um if I have any issue with them personally I'll let them know first before it's it hit the street and the residents who called me wanted to come here um and I told him I said no I don't I don't know I don't I I don't see that happening in terms of what's happening in the city um I think there's a lot of in your windows that was uh stating in terms of um Rashia listens to um W or whatever the case is and trust me I have my list too I don't talk about my list to anyone so nobody would know and but if you privately talk to the manager or the the City attorney you you have issues with folks um in terms of that um I like I said I've been here for several times and been through several different managers but what what struck me tonight when um councilor Timothy the maker of the motion you said something and what you said was you know I did not like her or something in that nature I didn't vote for her or I didn't support her from the GetGo and there's always a a say and and I say that to folks if someone you know if you have this thing coming in um you know they always say it it doesn't really matter it is what it is so people will find ways to do what needs to be done um I'm lost for words because of the nature of the city what's happening um and you know we just have to commit to do what we need to do uh whatever the um will of of the folks are um but the headline and I don't think you know folks really too much care about that it's U um I I really don't know I I you know I'm like I said I'm lost for words because I hear stuff that wasn't done and if I if I could sit here and go down the list of stuff that I said that um in terms of what's getting done and Miss Daniel could tell you my biggest thing since I became mayor was one thing and I have a list of them and I come here every day every day 8 to 5 I'm sometimes over five and when I appointed mayor thank you to all of you I got Miss Daniel in a room and I said Miss Daniel I don't care about no Legacy or anything like that I want one thing that we need to work on this is our infrastructure and that infrastructure I've been a residence of North Mii for over 30 years 32 years um and I know the water leaks that we have the the the the water bill the four bill um million dollars that we pay each year what's what's happening and I said that to Anisha and I said if I don't get nothing done and I know she you know you Anisha I know you listened to what I was saying and and you believe that I say if I didn't get anything done whatever it may be you know um this is one thing we got to do for for North Miami and I and I'm done and I say that because you know you could see I don't take this lightly and residence who know me knows the work that I do sacrifice that I make we all make sacrifices but we also you know we come here and do what we do and I say I don't have friends when I'm here I do not in every directors who are here who've been here longer um and Albert you could you know cuz you know you have my baby in your hand she could tell you I don't need to like Albert to work with Albert you know she's doing her job and if if there something goes wrong I go in I call her you know we we do what we do and we move on another day Miss Carney I could go on name my name I've been here I started working for the city at 16 with pox and W with the deputy manager that was here sorry we used to work at on Peppa Park together so when you talk about North Miami I thought we all were on one team you know trying to get this city moving the stability what's happening in the city where you know you hear other cities but you don't hear that about North Miami but to hear a a council member mention that they didn't like somebody coming in and there's there's issues yes I have issues too plenty I'm not going to sit and and go with it and every time I meet with the manager with the with the attorney you know I go over some of them but move on like I said I had items that were supposed to be on this agenda that's not that's not on and when I saw the attorney on on Friday you know I fuss had him you know I was upset and then move on you know there's more important things in life it's not it wasn't a lifethreatening um items but it wasn't on the agenda and I had talked about it whatever whatever the case is so regardless to what people say I always say one thing what we do it doesn't matter that's why I never come here and say I'm a Christian and none of this no what you do you have to reflect who you are as a person and people need to see that in you so again um to my colleagues you all are growing you have your vote you do what you do um it's very disappointing the that it it it came here and I'm disappointed myself because I didn't take it seriously and I have residents from my district from all over the city um that are texting me because I had told them no I don't think you need to come because I don't know you know anything like that about the manager or the attorney um and quite to say I was quite wrong and and again I I'll say what I have to say and and I'll leave it there um Mr Mayor just one thing that you said that I just wanted to clarify that was incorrect I said I I didn't vot I didn't I did not say I didn't like her I said I didn't vote for her because of the process and we know what the process was because there was no process that's what I just wanted to clarify thank you I just want to close one last time begging about all of you to I get it tempers tempers are high if Rashia didn't have the message before that her job is on the line I think she has it now but I would ask that everybody step down from the ledge allow a couple of weeks to pass come back at talk with her personally curse at her personally come back in a couple of weeks if necessary and webring this back up but the the process of losing a city manager and a deputy manager at the same moment with all of the things that that's going on and then all of the process that's involved with advertising and National search Blue Ribbon committees however we're going to do it then it's just just a beast of an undertaking at this very moment so I would just beg of you to please let her remain in her spot um lastly before we we go ahead and take the vote not not to count I know I my commitment in terms of what I do with the city you know we're getting ready to go into high gear with the election season um going in and campaigning um you know it takes a while to even come here and learn the process or or learn what needs needs to be done or get things moving um and that's that's basically it but councilman I think we we've been here long enough we kind of know our process it is what it is um it's it's it's just a sad day North Miami and for that so I'm done thank you madam clerk anyone else want to add something we good I have a motion made by councilwoman Timothy to terminate the city manager pursuant to the terms of the city manager's employment agreement the motion was seconded by vice mayor estimate Irvin all in favor I I any opposed n nay the item passes with a 3-2 vote so again to reiterate what the process is uh this doesn't mean that Rashia doesn't show up to work tomorrow she'll be at work tomorrow um and uh the next meeting which I believe we just said was May May 14th um a resolution will be prepared um you the the members who voted against uh or voted for the the termination I'm going to need something in writing uh listing your your grounds so I can add that to the resolution um and that's it awesome um um Mr Mayor I'd move that we just adjourn the meeting without any further reports unless there's something critical I agree thank you thank you all I have a motion to adjourn made by councilman Galvin is there a second yes second mayor desom all in favor any opposed the time is 9:04 p.m.