##VIDEO ID:fN9bXTVrERw## follow by the pledge of allegian by Major Raymond makok from the North Miami Police Department and then oh my favorite Pastor wer will lead us with um the invocation from um way Holiness Outreach Ministry follow that mayor Des here vice mayor EST Irvin councilman Galvin councilwoman Timothy here councilman Charles mayor you have a corn to proceed thank you so much Madam I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all let us pray if you don't mind standing those who can let us stand our heavenly father as you have seen fit for North Miami city council to meet again we give you thanks we acknowledge you father and we ask that you grant this counsel wisdom knowledge and quick understanding as they carry out tonight's agenda we ask you father to intercept where there may be Division and let them come together in the bond of peace and the spirit of unity your peace Father abides in this governing board of this great city of North Miami let every participant presenter be cognizant respectful of each other that nothing will be done in Strife of vain Glory help each of us to understand and always remember that together we stand but divided we fall let everything be done decently and in order thanking you in advance spa for the productivity of this meeting and that the pursuit of good will have been accomplished and so it is amen amen thank you thank you so much Madam rer Pastor Madame manager any addition deletion or Amendment to the agenda good evening yes we do have some deletions I believe on consent there is a motion to remove tab D from consent let is that who makes the motion oh yeah that's my that was my item yes Council yeah I got a call I had the item yes why yeah my my request was to just remove it I I I thank thank everybody for the sentiment but is there a second second all in favor wait wait I wanted why councilman G you just the city has always been good to me um that was just our little and I appreciate this the sentiment that's behind it obviously there's already a a building that has a name and to name a street it that's okay was just to in in my mind it was just it was too much and I'm uncomfortable with it so okay we don't want you to be uncomfortable want you to go away and and and we just want me to go away I guess but but thank you for the thank you no I honestly genuinely appreciate the sentiment I just all right we got you okay tab D any other tab all in favor I any opposed the the motion carries of the 5 z v Madam click I was trying to get find if anybody else was oh okay sorry no no no no you fine a long agenda moving along to tab t Okay the applicant has requested that this be removed so that they have more time to work with with staff on the agreement oh okay all right Additionally the last item tab y the applicant is asking that this be removed from tonight's meeting and moveed to October 8th's meeting question can I um can we add um tab wise the Delmas property that is correct and that's being pulled until October 8th applicant is asking that it be moved to October 8th okay question um there was wait a minute there was three item I was going to ask if we could put them in consent there were some I think an think you would have been mentioning tab um p q and R these are the risk Insurance related items it wasn't nothing major even the the J is the the the J is is an interlocal agreement between well that's an engineering mhm okay and then vice mayor mayor can you just clarify what you just requested you want to add r i mean I'm sorry j to PQ andr that you're that you'd like to move to consent I'm trying I'm trying to find um I haven't named anything but I'm Madam manager please help me I I believe the items you discussed before were p p q and R because those were the risk related items or the insurance policies yeah they they just a while ago you just mentioned Jay I don't know if you want to continue do with Jay it's I I don't know if anybody else has it's in a local agreement stuff between us and the county I don't see can it be moved to to consent City attorney yeah that's the discussion right now Scott we really trying to help you J J J's in there P QR J so far so good okay this is I'd like to pull C out of consent you're pulling C to pull all so wait I'm sorry let's go back so motion to move JP Q andr to consent agenda made by mayor Des May is there a second second I have a second by vice mayor estimate irvan I'm sorry good evening mayor council staff residents um Steven marceles inum Transportation manager for tab j i I actually have the vendor here oh to put for a presentation oh okay that that's fine we could put it in and they could just do the presentation for from from from the county no Kimbell horn not from the county okay not from the county there there some ones that um from the council all right I'm comfortable with a shorter meeting with fewer presentations I have a motion made by mayor Des to move items JP q and R to the consent agenda seconded by vice mayor estimate Irvin all in favor any opposed the motion carries with a 5-0 vote I have a motion made by vice mayor estimate Irvin to pull tab C from the an agenda and discuss it separately yes oh okay so okay so that's not what you said when we did the same thing earlier but that's fine but one one second Mr Mayor before they go I think I I think we're making a mistake with tab J I know I want to shorten it but there is this is about speed bumps and crosswalks we've been a this is tab J oh no they they could they could stay for the present that's fine yes that's fine so let's leave Jay on the agenda let's leave Jay that's fine I'm sorry we have to vote to put it back we have to vote so a motion to place uh tab J back on the uh back on the main agenda correct so move yes we got a couple of them out that's why all right I have a motion made by now I got to number all of these things cuz it's going to be confusing for notes give me a second is it out of sequence Mr attorney no no no you're good we just trying to do too much too fast okay so we're we have a motion made by vice mayor EST Irvin to place tab J back on to remove it from consent agenda and back on the main agenda seconded by councilman Charles all in favor I any opposed motion passes 5-0 so we have a we're pulling tab C4 discussion from the consent agenda anything else I know we don't see nothing else is tab o what is tab o That's see your piggy back can that Go tab O is a piggyback for the purchasing of police uniforms this is a piggyback from the brow chair's office contract piggy let's just leave it let's just leave it because we'll spend more time debating it and fighting is awesome so are we set we're is the attorney we set are we good to go yes mayor your agenda set you may proceed all right thank you so much we are good to go Madame clerk all right we are going to special presentation um oh my favorite pizza shop yay and how could we not have speed Pizza or they ordered it on oh y Chanel y ready go so we'll go down and do um the special presentation followed by City Event um and I know we have a hurricane coming so we we something right it's out there it's not coming it's not coming it's coming next week or something so so do we do the presentation okay ready ready you ready okay all right the oh today we are thrilled to recognize Steve speeda for an incredible Milestones of 50 year in North [Applause] Miami since opening their doors in our communities in 1974 they have been beloved familyowned and operated business in North Miami start satisfying our craving for delicious pizza and I know Scott and I think it's because of the sweet little sugar thing that's why I love them we are honored that they are C they have called North Miami home and they have consistently supported the community at large tonight we are joined by the co-owners of um Steve Pizza the late um Allan um I'm sorry if I mispronounce this valinsky who oh perfect yeah who who owned um the pizza shop and who was who founded the late establishment um Jesse valinski Jesse is the was oh wow Jesse hey the vice was the vice mayor of Miami Shores you come on nice man come on forward we we not only just celebrate the delicious pizza but the enduring Legacy and commitment to our community sir thank you so much for all your commitment you know I'm there like once a [Applause] week here's so on on behalf and and I'm going to let Council woman and and Scott galin who you near near that you guys going to come up come up and do this little thing but on behalf of us we want to say thank you to you and let them say since they represent since they forgot to feed us today they we ordered from Steve Pizza to celebrate of course and we want to celebrate your 50th anniversary of being in business in District 2 and of course in North Miami we are so excited to have you here and we wish you continued success and this is for you all thank you is the kids want to come for the photo too I just want to say uh thank you to council Mr Mayor Madame vice mayor um last time uh I was in the north Miami uh chamber ERS it was 25 years ago actually um oh I'm sorry yes no 15 years yeah 25 years so 25 years ago you guys gave something like this to my father and I was sitting in the audience just like how my kids are right now and when you guys called me up and told me you were doing this today it really it really touched my heart because the idea that I'm up here where my dad was and my kids are now seeing me get the it's amazing I can't thank you enough before I go I just have to say one special thing well two actually the Chamber of Commerce Jeff is a superstar this fantastic um and really uh the biggest thanks I have to give actually is to the North Miami Police Department because I got to tell you um it's a it's very interesting it's been exciting it's been a lot of fun doing business on biscane Boulevard all these years um but we wouldn't have made it without without the police department they're they're fantastic they're so we love you guys thank you thank you very much thank you thank you for all that you do this guy [Music] [Music] the full circle say cheese thank you [Music] you good yeah that's that's half of our meeting Scott we good um okay M Madam manager City Event wait Mr Mayor point of privilege before I realize that I I I don't believe that there was a vote for tab why did we include tab y I just want to clarify that oh Madam clerk did we but we mentioned it but I just there's no okay so there's no need for a motion because the it was requested that by the applicant that they pull it just want to clarify thank you I I ALS o want to take a a point of privilege to acknowledge I I saw former mayor cevin bernes here and I also saw former mayor um Frank Wallen somewhere I thought I saw Frank oh okay he's out there somewhere okay thank you so much um Madam manager you you ready City Event yeah I believe we are doing hurricane preparedness after the events okay after the events I'm sorry good okay good evening mayor council staff North Miami neighbors and guests my name is Beverly Graham and I am presenting the following announcements on behalf of the city of North Miami join us for the 2024 zumini fall session at the North Miami Public Library every Monday from 10: to 11:00 a.m. will blend music dance and fun educational activities for children of Ages 0 to 4 and and their caregivers attention young readers join us every Tuesday at 400 p.m. for Wags and tales at the North Miami Public Library this reading experience allows children to practice reading alongside train therapy dogs come along for sing and read story time every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. at the North Miami Public Library this unique Story Time combines singing and reading to spark a love for learning every Wednesday at 5:00 p.m join Master Gardener janne BOS at the North Miami Public Library as she guides you through Hands-On gardening no registration is needed show up and enjoy the experience the city of North Miami is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15th to October 15th join us in recognizing and celebrating the vibrant Hispanic and Latino culture with exciting events throughout the month scan the QR code for more information or visit North Miami l.gov celebrate for the full list of events connect with the north Miami Public Works team to learn about the ongoing water service line inventory and compliance with EPA regulations this meeting takes place tomorrow Wednesday September 25th at 600 p.m. in the north Miami city hall Council chamber for more information contact the public works department at 305 895 9383 or visit North miami.gov LCR in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month the north Miami Public Library invites you to a lunch and learn book talk join the library on Friday September 2nd at 12:00 p.m. to register please call 305 891-5535 join us for an evening of live music provided by David Luca elos classicos for jazz at mocha this Friday September 27th at 8:00 p.m. in the mocha Plaza the North Miami Public Library invites you to the family garding Expo this will be workshops demonstrations expert advice and more happening at the North Miami Public Library this Saturday September 8th from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. district for residents mark your calendars for the upcoming food distribution event district for councilman Pierre France Charles will host food distributions at the sunkiss Grove Community Center on Saturday September 28th and Saturday October 12th both events will take place from 10m a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Saturday September 28th from 8:00 a.m. to noon the North Miami Police Department is hosting cops and kids fishing day taking place at North Bay Shore Park located at 12220 North basore Drive participants are asked to bring their own fishing poles and as supplies are limited join us for an epic celebration the greater North Miami chamber of commers and the city of North Miami invites you to the celebration of leadership honoring our very own councilman Scott Galvin for 25 years as the north Miami super leader this Sunday September 29th at 5:00 p.m. at the Scott gin Community Center show your inner Superhero by dressing up superhero costumes are encouraged so come ready and honor our super leader in style get your tickets at Scott galen. eventbrite.com attention homeowners apply for the owner owner occupied rehabilitation program if you're a homeowner in North Miami you could be eligible for up to $60,000 in home repairs the registration period is October 1st to the 31st applications are available online at North miami.gov apply HSS for more information contact 305 893 6511 extension 20,000 or email housing northiam fl.gov it is time to bring out your dancing shoes and learn how to dance Bata with the city of North Miami Hispanic heritage M committee join committee members on Tuesday October 1st beginning at 5:30 p.m. at 12355 Northeast 13th a welcome to a storytime and coloring event you're invited to partake in the captivating bilingual Story Time with major Kesler books of the North Miami Police Department on Wednesday October 2nd 2024 at 400 p.m. in the north Miami Public Library the Museum of Contemporary Art invites you to their next discussion meeting on Wednesday October 2nd the mocha book club will be discussing the night Circus by Aaron morer let's take a trip to the pumpkin patch on Thursday October 3rd from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. the north Miami Public Library invites children ages 6 to 12 to enjoy carnival games hay rides and painting pumps pumkins to register please visit the library and sign a waiver bring your kids to Griffin community center on select teacher planning dates for a funfilled day open to children ages 600 to 14 from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. this day camp offers games activities and more don't forget to pack a lunch and snacks for more details visit North miami.gov Parks or call 305 895 9840 so you think you can play dominoes the Hispanic Heritage Month committee is hosting a domino night on Friday October 4th 2024 at El Kosco Latin cafe 13290 West Dixie Highway come out and enjoy a familyfriendly night of dominoes and food calling all mini makers let's learn about the worry dolls and how they are used in Guatemalan culture the session will take place on Saturday October 5th from 2: to 4:00 p.m. at the Museum of Contemporary Art do you have a child between the ages of 1 and five join mocha for a read aloud of Lulu the hunger and the hunger monster on Sunday October 6th from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. artist Jermaine Barnes and the mocha curator adz Wilford are hosting a conversation about his Welcome To Paradise installation at the nah Johnson Gallery on Thursday October 10th from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. join us for the first ever nangis on S Saturday October 12th at the mocha Plaza this outdoor Market popup celebrates the rich diversity of the Hispanic diaspora with delicious food artisanal crafts live music performances and educational presentations bring the family and enjoy a Vibrant Community atmosphere filled with culture and tradition join mocha for a conversation between art on the Plaza artist y kalado Christopher Mitchell and Nicole saso met moderated by creational assistant Kamari Jackson on Saturday October 12th beginning at 11:00 a.m. wrap up the city of North Miami's Hispanic Heritage Month celebration at the annual Lan Fiesta uh party happening Saturday October 19th Party begins at 6:30 p.m. at the mocha Plaza the address is 770 Northeast 125th Street Dance the Night Away In N me enjoy great food and family time with this year's host DJ extreme North Miami mayor Alex assume invites you to a street naming ceremony honoring Mr renan cotz taking place Wednesday October 23rd at 1 p.m. mayor will redesignate Northeast 18th Avenue between Northeast 122nd Street and North Northeast 123rd Street to RSVP visit ranot street. eventbrite.com to stay up to date with Nomi news events programs and services log on to North Miami's official website at ww. northiam fl.gov click connect with Nomi on the homepage to sign up for the city's newsletters allow also follow us on Facebook and Instagram at North Miami and on X at Nomi news this concludes the city announcements thank you so very much and now we're going to have Mr Jim bapti with the um hurricane preparedness good evening good evening good evening good evening mayor council staff residents uh let me just give some short answers are we being affected by directly affected by a hurricane the short answer is no however situations are Dynamic so far no could we Face inclement weather the short answer is yes we could due to the outer bands of the storm that is approaching the Northwest area of Florida and do we still want our residents to be prepared yes we definitely want that and that's what we encourage so the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season the guidance has not changed per the NOAA the NH NWS it is still an estimated 17 to 25 hurricane U sorry name storms 8 to 13 of those should become hurricanes and for to seven of those possibly major hurricanes right um just remember the hurricane season is from June 1st to November 30th so we still got a little bit to go we got a little bit end of September October November we're almost there right uh 2023 let's compare we had 19 name storms three of which actually made landfall in Florida needless to say we anticipated at increased activity I know some of you that keep up with the news and you go on the NOA website you see multiple tropical depressions developing at the same time they don't necessarily turn into storms or hurricanes sometimes they start as a little cyclone and then they finally get a name if they reach a certain mile hour windage so far we've been through seven name storms currently we're monitoring tropical storm Helen so that's where we're at the North Miami Department of Emergency Management the Miami day Department of Emergency Management is monitoring the storm we will possibly see some Fallout of the weather uh rain from the outer bands of Helen as it approaches what's called a Big Bend or a panhandle area someone asked me this morning for example oh is it going to rain this weekend I would take a thousand rain showers before I take a hurricane this the possibility is that or projection is that Helen when it makes landfall it'll probably be out of category three when it makes landfall again that's at the big big bend that is Northwest of us it's not directly impacting Miami day County however there might be some Fallout in terms of rain and inclement weather uh we do ask that our residents remain Vigilant because as we know prolonged periods of rainfall uh still cause flooding issues things of that nature the we so we urge the resident hey uh emergency plan have that in place family plan have that in place your Evac plan have that in place uh supplies such as flashlights batteries portable radios Goods things like that take pictures of your property for insurance purposes that's like a big one and a lot of people forget that one thing I did see on the uh NHS I'm sorry NWS website was a handwritten list of important contacts the phone numbers I know we have them on the cell phones and we don't memorize them like we used to we have to get back into the habit of having those numbers on either memorize or handwritten somewhere just in case and that is all that I have are there any question no no thank you so much um Madam manager are we going to thank you be passing out um sandbags just in case with the flooding and in um that that may caused by the um unexpected rainfall that come we will be coordinating with public works okay thank you so much I know some cities they started this afternoon just in case okay thank you so very much um I see no appointments um consent agenda unless a member of the city council wishes to remove a specific item from this portion of the agenda tabs A and B and E and E through I J and P Q and R constitute the consent agenda these resolutions and items are self-explanatory and are not expected to require require additional review or discussion these items will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions adopted unanimously by the following motion that the consent agenda comprised of tabs A and B and E through I J and P Q and R be adopted so move second I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the consent agenda the motion was seconded by mayor Des all in favor I any opposed the motion carries with a 5 Z vote thank you madam clerk tab c um before you move forward Madam clerk give me one second um I want to um make a few statement regarding an item that just passed um that is tab um if I looked at the what which item is it it's D no I'm sorry it's b as in boy that is the item regarding the hateful and really racist remark that was made by former president um Donald Trump and that well that was repeated by um JD Vance and then and again by former president Trump um which targeted Haitian migrant um in Springfield Illinois um in Springfield um Ohio this body represent the the the north Miami government represent the largest concentration of Haitian American who lives outside of Haiti concentrate anywhere in the United States when we first heard of the of the comment few weeks ago um we didn't know what was happening and obviously we were getting calls you know it was the first time we heard it and then as the week kind of progressed and and things kind of got more um out of hand and then from from the debate then the the former president repeated the comment things got worse um out of it um we want to say thank you to everyone um first and foremost we want to say thank you to our colleague Scott Galvin who has always stood um with us um as um someone who is not Haitian American but who has been standing with the haitian-american community but we have been getting called and I know my colleague here who is the president of the haian American elected official she has been traveling all over the country with organization um from all over standing in in solidarity with the folks in Springfield and I want to say this this is an attack not on the Haitians in Springfield this is an attack on all of us this is an attack on truth because they knew what they were saying was not true they know it was lie so they were saying it for whatever purpose they were saying it they were just attacking a group of um migrant which we knew we know that Haitian Americans or or Haitians have always been a easy Target because um because of who we are for whatever reasons but for someone to go out um and just pick a a group of folks just because we black or whatever the the reason is it's sad it is sad and we're not going to stand for it and we're going to continue to call them out those who who want to um who think about doing that um and and it is wrong and and we're not we're not going to stand for it and it is sad if they want to play these xenophobe um these racist remarks it's very dis discriminatory and they simply do not care but here in South Florida of course this is embody everybody this is North Miami just this is the fabric of of America and the best of all um as as we could see um and it it it's really really sad to see um folks putting um people against each each other instead of just trying to bring the best out of all of us um and which I think that's what we as public servant that's what we we we we we we supposed to do and I often tell people that's one thing I like about um public being a public official at the local level we never nobody ever um emailed me or called me and I asked them you know if they're Democrat or if they independent you know we just serve people and we don't care you know what they are or who they are where they come from you know we serve as people that's the job that we signed up for we put our hands on the Bible um we say we will do that job and that's what we we are there for but to see people who are at the highest office or who are running to represent us at the highest office who would simply you know we could talk about immigration problem yes that we have and and we all we we we could talk about these these issues but myself as an immigrant and a lot of us out here we are hardworking people who came to this country um for the you know for we left our country and we came here for the for for a better life but for for to hear that type of subject and and it was just trying to demoralize us just trying to make us like we're not human and the fact that to know that they did it when they know that what they were saying was not true is really really sad and it's really really sad so I just want to say thank you to my entire entire Council but it's you know we shall move on and the only thing I must tell people we only have um you got until October 7th register and you got November 5th to vote that's it thank you any colleagues anyone else vice mayor I know as the president of the neon sure thank you so much um Mr Mayor for bringing this resolution this needed resolution um words matter so I just want to you know State on the record some things um yes there are Haitian immigrants in Ohio but yes they are legal immigrants in Ohio and people need to understand that and know they do not eat pets and that's you know that's very offensive but more importantly um what I started out by saying words matter I'm I'm actually very concerned of their physical safety and actually concerned about our kids' mental health awareness so you know I I I want to thank all of the community that came out on Sunday to stand with um with with Haitians and they were not all Haitians the community came out to stand and to continue to stand and even though we're in North Miami I want to send a strong message to immigrants all over this nation that we are we have your back we are here with you and not to be afraid that you have a community that is that that is that stands thing that made me proud is when I was watching the news there were so many people that that denounced including the governor um of that state that denounced those statements so uh again thank you so much for you know for putting it out there and I cannot emphasize anymore like the mayor say even though we're nonpartisan seats to please go out and vote go and vote for people that support Community vote for people that support immigrants um at the end of the day immigrants are the backbone of this nation anyway thank you oh thank you mayor and just to Echo some of the same sentiments um and just on that same notion of words matter and words have power um those same words are the reason that January 6 happened and now you have individuals in Springfield Ohio who are afraid for their lives um I wish that I could be there but I send my well wishes um I we're standing behind them with neon and whatever that we can do here in North Miami um for the Haitian community there we stand ready to help thank you and know quickly uh just want to say thank you uh mayor for bringing that um resolution and thank you to everybody who came on Sunday um councilman Galvin uh thank you the only thing I will say is that um how do we get so low in the united stat of of America we should be the leader of all Nation this is the United States of America remember back in the day is when we have a presidential debate I will just sit down and grab my uh notepad and pencil and take some notes words that I'll have to look the next morning into our trying to find the definitions everything understand the context of them and now in the 21st century we're getting so low that someone wanting for the highest office in this nation just using this kind of language so it is what it is but I pray that America black white brown let's move on let's see if we can take back that country cuz this is not who we are and America by definition is a nation of immigrants people people come all over the world to make this nation what it is today so it is time to call them for who they are and just look at them straight in the eyes and said this is not the Haitian people that they talking about and this is not the first time um some of you will remember with eight this is not the first time it is a continuation of these bad politics and trying and trying to put that stamp on the back of um Haitian immigrants myself sitting in here I am I came in here as an immigrant work hard play by the world pay my taxes and go to school get an education and uh I've been educate students for about 16 years now working with uh the Young Generation just to make sure that we stay I vibrant as vibrant as we are this is what America is all about so please ladies and gentlemen I am asking each and every one of you to pray for this country we got to do better we got to find a way to unite everybody and move on as one nation thank you thank you I'll just say briefly you know obviously I'm not Haitian American um but the words that were spoken are hurtful to people like me too I I owe my political success and my years of service to the support of the haitian-american population of the city of North Miami and uh I stand as one with my fellow council members and with the residents of this city in condemning awful hateful remarks that have no place in the discourse of a free and prosperous Nation thank you Mr Mayor thank you so much Madame clerk you have a few words um well so for those of you who don't know I'm actually a nonprofit immigration attorney so a lot of the folks who are in Springfield Ohio uh who recently arrived over there are actually some of my clients and what's interesting is that there's this IDE idea that this this desire to criminalize folks who've come to Springfield Ohio to work folks who've come to work in an area where the economy was struggling folks who actually revitalized an entire economy an entire community and entire city and for for remarks to be made about them and then of course was Amplified on the national stage I think reminds me to remind you all and all of us myself included to be really careful about the things that we utter even in justest I think what we constantly see especially with racist tropes xenophobic tropes and stereotypes is the otherization of people a desire to make it clear that there's an us and there's a them and although people shouldn't be justified by what they can contribute to another person or to something it is important to note that a lot of the folks up there if not to say the entire Community is a community of hardworking folks folks who are sending their kids to school to do better to receive better to live a better life a better life just like each and every single one of Us in this room here is constantly trying to achieve we're trying to do better than the generations before us and so at some point we have to start seeing the humanity in in each other we have to focus more on the things that unite US versus the things that divide us because are we not all looking for freedom and liberty and are we all not looking to live freely and safely are we all not looking to protect our children and now because of what was said an entire Community was stopped from their daily activities not being able to send their kids to school for fear of what could happen in that school the same schools that sometimes we fail to protect and so I really call upon us to be reflective about the things that we say the hate that we seem to have for each other and I don't want to be cliche and cheesy and talk about the ways in which love will really carry us through but genuinely we have to get to a place where you look at me and you see the humanity in me just as much as I can see the humanity in you and we have to start treating people with dignity every single person it's not because of the title it's not because of the money it's not because of what somebody possesses we have to treat each and every single person we come across with dignity and respect that they deserve regardless of who they are and regardless of where they come from and that's all thank you so much Madam Clerk and just [Applause] yes and again thank you again the calls the texts um folks from all over um we are working um congresswoman Wilson um along with I I know neon um um congresswoman um shf McCormick um but commissioner Mal basson there's some stuff that we are working um we did um I did pin out a letter to the mayor May of Springfield um so we are going to go there and and trying to pay a visit because there are some real work that they need some help there in terms of doing with the large um population they are doing but they are not looking for the attention that they are getting um in there and then the US Conference of Mayors um did a solidarity um trip there last week with with several Mayors from across the US who went there um to meet with the mayor um it's really really um some help that but with that being said Thank you again we do have a full agenda thank you Madame clerk I think we're up to item number tab tab seat a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida approving the selection of country bills lawn maintenance Inc as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder to provide Citywide Alleyway maintenance and cleanup services and further authorizing the inm city manager and City attorney to negotiate and execute an agreement at a cost not to exceed $43,200 in accordance with the terms conditions and specifications contained in invitation for bid number 58- 23-24 providing for an effective date and all other purposes T C thank you so very much um presentation Madam manager uh good evening uh Mr mayor council members consent yes sir right Alberto EST purchasing director uh through the manager uh this item is simply staff's request for your approval of an award of a solicitation that was issued for the Citywide Alleyways maintenance and cleanup services program uh in response to the solicitation there were five proposals uh the proposals are tabulated on the second page of the council report uh the lowest responsive and responsible bidder is a company by the name of country bills lawn maintenance Incorporated uh this is a solicitation and a program that was issued in cooperation collaboration with the neighborhood services department and Mr Lazaro Ron the director he's back there also so if you have any questions about the program himself I'm sure that he'll be glad to also chime in and respond thank you thank you so much I know um vice mayor was the person who pulled the item vice mayor you want us to yes I have question pleas thank you so much for the um for your presentation uh a question for you Mr director uh this is going to be Citywide right absolutely good evening uh mayor vice mayor council member managers attorney and clerk uh correct this is an initiative that we're going to be doing throughout the city the vision is to be able to try to get to 270 alleys within a 4ward five-year period so now what we've started is to establish the first 50 and then this year we have it in the budget again for another 60 so the the the equal amount depending on the amount of alleys that are in the area is what we're going to accomplish Citywide vice mayor so I just wanted to know if there are any because I have alley ways in District 3 are is was there um streets identify or alleys identifying the we correct we we do have some that have been identified and the list is part of of the bid basically what we used was egress into the alleys to try to make to clear up some of the alleys of of of the of the uh bushes and stuff of that nature to kind of open them up but we do have a list of alleys and they were chosen according to how much can we get an emergency vehicle through there so we do have a list and if any have been done by the owners I'll make contact with with uh Mr uh from from Mr country Bill Mr John alard and we'll discuss that uh further so there are list that are in District 3 I just want to oh absolutely absolutely that's what I I wanted to make sure and it's just the cleanup right so there's no cor a clean up it's just mostly a tri uh uh it's it's it's mostly just a trimming in the area we have done it we have done uh an initial 10 that were conducted last year to see what type of product we would have it made a great a great difference just just the trimming and not having to get into any of the heavy duty cutting of the actual trees okay those are all my questions guess what okay um public hearing is open on the item public hearing is open on the item see none coming public hearing is closed move approval second I have a motion made by councilman Galvin to approve the item at T C the motion was seconded by mayor Des all in favor I any opposed the item passes with a 5- z vote thank you T I have no IDE tap k a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida authorizing the inm city manager to execute an enhanced economic development services agreement between the city of North Miami Florida and the Miami dat Beacon Council Inc to provide for enh economic development services at an approximate cost of $6,193 annually providing for an effective date and all other purposes tab K okay move for approval second oh no I mean presentation something this is what I have a motion made by vice mayor estimate Irvin to approve the item at TK the motion was seconded by councilman Charles all in favor no we are we are um presentation um for the we're on Tab K what happened to tab J T J was moved to oh they pulled it off again okay sorry we can do K should be oh that's true yeah we moved it back sorry about that okay we we'll do we'll do K and then we'll come back to you I'm sorry yeah that is with all the back and forth that's we we Sorry K now yeah we on K we'll come back to you we Sorry good evening mayor vice mayor I'm Paula Hopkins Council woman and men and um obviously the attorney and all the audience as well I'm Paula Hopkins from the Miami day Beacon Council really happy to be here tonight I have uh two people here with me Julio py who also works as my colleague um and I also we also spent the day with a uh black developer that we had in town um Stephanie Wade um who's in the audience as well um we'll do some things after tonight but I wanted to let you know that as part of the presentation our uh mission statement at the Beacon council is sustainable inclusive and competitive economic development for all of uh Greater Miami so as we think about entering to a partnership to support your Economic Development here in North Miami it would be a great honor to not only collaborate but booster booler all of your whether it's attracting new investors um real estate and more importantly um benefiting all residents here is that is that it an that's yes sir oh okay I do have some questions for the um for the should I can I ask some questions so so I um last time I was here and I think vice mayor had mentioned that this proposal was coming up and the question that I had I did not understand the scope of it because um during our budget hearing we we funded our Economic Development direct um department so what what would be the job that the beIN Council will be doing for North Miami yep so a couple of things we would not only leverage our broad res sources whether it's research providing data to inform um decisions we have several councils mayor that we actually operate not only a tech Council and as we kind of look into the deep research on what the city um is focused on and just the proximity of where it needs to be focusing on Tech um focusing on our Global Network and then more importantly our access as well okay because that was my my main concern um cuz it's my my understanding the funding that you guys currently received is majority of from the county correct yes sir and part of the um concern that we have from the county we don't really get um a lot of the fair share in terms of our fair share from the county we we we pay into the county you know we but when it comes to equity North Miami has never gotten anything from the county we we okay with that but now we are being asked an additional amount of money but if this was saying okay we'll we we will say North Miami will get 10 jobs out of the $60,000 I I it'll be okay you know I could say okay I could see this but this is a proposal based on understanding this a dollar per resident yes sir and and and I have a problem with that because I don't see why I think you guys need to be paying us honestly no no I I'm being serious because we we are a city where I I have people who cannot even eat um that we it's said and and I have um the the other day couple weeks ago we we had a budget meeting and we were short about2 200 and something th000 for our pantry and we left here and we we we we sit here we talked about equity and you know this is not a wealthy City and when we talked about it and and and I understand and and the fact that this is not money coming out of our pocket but it really does something to me when we really don't have the $60,000 when I don't really see the value that of what we really going to get from it so I'm trying to really really understand what would be the value or why I need to be pay a dollar per resident for the service that is in this resolution y so um Mr Mayor if you'd like I am you actually appointed me to be on the beacon Council I'm on the beacon Council and I can tell you that um the resource that the council has the the the the the companies that they deal with um whenever a company is coming to my day County they are always they're in contact with the beacon the beacon council is one of the ones that they're contact so there's an opportunity to focus in a North Miami to for job creation um and so this is this is my major um interest for job creation as you know we have the Nomi Tech program as well trying to get Tech Pro um tech companies to come and have create their Hub here so we can continue our model of work live and play um I I have seen the work that they have done for the the county um this this is similar to the TPO we paid a TPO about $20,000 exactly be on the board so this is this is this is this is is a format honestly vice mayor and and and I and I love that because I was going to bring that up if this is the same as the TPO which is a similar format and I see uh and I sit on the TPO on board which is which is a planning Organization for transportation for the entire County and we does um you know Tri count planning for the for Miami day for Broward and and Palm Beach however the the TP is 20,000 but every year and I and I'm fighting them right now they're the one who allocate Transportation dollars for us so we go and we fight for money in fact they supposed to come and meet with us they just awarded us um there will be we'll be a pilot for bicycling because they took us on a trip with them and and and one of the residents was ask me why did I go on on the trip and I said you know what they they told me I need to go and see how um bicycling is done in other countries because they trying to um reduce traffic here and they took yeah they took several they took several cities with them in um in Miami day County and they said out of you know out of that um two of us will be selected and luckily they we we got selected it was us and in in another city that they they they selected us and they'll they'll they'll pay for it um they also you know there's C certain things that they pay for so we could see in terms of millions um the I believe the the the county already give money from you know to to the the the the beacon Council for us to be I'm I'm assuming if if this is a special program it is it is a special program that they're having focusing on municipalities and and and focusing on municipality and help helping to expand the economic development helping to create jobs and bring jobs and municipality and so this is a this is this is why I wanted to make sure that North Miami was able to so I think a 60,000 investment is worth it if we're going to get couple of companies come here to create jobs to do training or whatever so I think this for year I'm sorry is this for one year we could have the economic development um I know serving in both capacities as I um Chim a little bit because I know this was something um that's falling under your shop to shed a little bit more light on the item Mr lils yes through through the manager so this program is a new program that I believe was presented uh sometime last year um it came the vice mayor brought it to our attention um the new CEO for the beacon Council I believe this was created under him so just to kind of give some perspective um vice mayor brought up the um conversation know Tech in order for us to have been able to identify the different sectors for job creation for business attraction that would work specific to the city of North Miami we hired a consultant to do that the consultant's name is urban urban urban Centric um that goes back to when Tanya was in CPN so at different times we've hired Consultants to do Economic Development work because we don't have the resources you know for some of the research that's that's needed so when this program came about I looked at personally looked at aspects of the program and looked at some of the conversations that we've had um in terms of attracting development to Northwest 7th Avenue attracting retailers to Northwest 7th Avenue you know John you just lost me when you started well that was my question Mr Mr Mayor um and the reason why I asked because I know I was briefed on the item and I know there was some aspects of this program that will be beneficial to North Miami and you know in Char you know creating some economic development Budz in the city um so I know this is is it for one year um to like test it out to to see like so the the partnership it's a fiveyear agreement oh a five year five year it is a fiveyear agreement that can be terminated at any time with a 30-day a 5 year 60,000 a year or F 60,000 for 5 year it's 60,000 annually and it's a 5 year so let me ask you this H H how many it if if if you all could tell me three people like if you guys could guarantee me three people not not a lot three people or even two could could could get hired then I'm going say okay if you telling me that's what no no no but what I'm saying is if they could say two people from North Miami from whatever they they want to say could get hired but if it's just like they're going to give $60,000 to and and I think it's the way it's is being branded um councilwoman because we we we spending money like crazy but it's that $1 per resident that kind of get me I think if they kind of just branded how they do with it it wouldn't we we probably wouldn't even CAU it the way y'all y'all be branding stuff but this $1 per resident residents calling me talking about well can I be excluded that's what they ask me I said well I I want to be excluded too well the way that's why I'm just asking the way that the program was presented it's it's it's a dollar per it's by population size so okay but if I don't want to be in in in in the thing if the people don't want to be in but now um if I may uh Mr Mayor um is that um program is uh unique to the city of norami I'm sorry say that again is it um just in the city of North Miami no it's all over it's presented to all 34 M municipalities okay so um no that's why just trying to uh to understand the concept um the concept of it what we're trying to do in here because when I uh looking at um all the benefits from the beacon console I I you know I took some time to um look it up and see the the kind of work and the um kind of um development that you guys can attract and help us out in the in the city actually um John said Northwest 7th Avenue and I am definitely uh looking for uh some very very good um investment on Northwest s Avenue um as the district four councilman and that's one um of the many reason why I get on board and I um co-sponsor um the item because I see the the benefits and uh in the long term will outweight the cost and I do believe it is um it is a very very good partnership so that's uh one the reason why I um co-sponsor um the item can I answer a question ma'am which municipalities in Mii dat who signed up um for it as of now yep we just started to um go back out in print um presented as well um we do have one that has signed All right well I mean thank you I mean that's all I that's all I have yes sir and how often do you guys provide reports to the city in terms of like you know I guess do you have key performance indicators and so forth that we can kind of like test to see how this partnership is moving along like will they be quarterly reports and or so forth so that we can do some monitoring maybe they come before Council on a biannual basis to kind of see if this is working out and maybe we you know read it then but um I definitely think it's worth giving it a try to see if you know if we do get some Buzz I know the I think is it the senior vice president of American Airlines right now it's the chair of it's the chair of Beacon Council and um and I've seen some of the work that they've done um definitely think there's some benefits to it to bring business into the city but of course you know with it being a new program I understand the sentiments of hey is this really a good investment but you know in any investment you have to spend to you know to get so I think um it's worth giving it a try and then of course maybe um coming back on a biannual basis to kind of give us an update on you know what um what successes or know Buzz that you were able to get for our city and we can kind of address it then yep and you have our commitment to do it quarterly not by anually okay um but more frequent visits thanks again okay um public hearing yes um public hearing on the item of this thing and you say this is um for five years that we you are with okay this is the T yes maam it's a 5ye agreement yeah which tab is this this isab okay okay public hearing is open on the item SE none public hear you have one coming one oh one okay public he or maybe two open good evening mayor council members staff and residents um Veronica gusang 540 Northwest 127th Street I just want to start off by saying that it baffles me that we just passed a budget where council members are getting $300,000 in compensation 100,000 of that in discretionary income and if we have a budget already for economic development we are now adding to that $660,000 um for a program that we haven't even seen to um the result of yet we got a budget of $200,000 for our traffic calming a speed bump cost about $180,000 so I don't see the benefit uh to the residents for spending money one that we don't have and that really is not benefiting our community District Two and District three when we when I leave when I drive on 135th or 125th I see signs that say live work play in District 2 and three 125th Street um and 135th Street Street by I95 in District 4 is a major thoroughfare and we look like the slums of North Miami it's not fair that we continue to suffer and the rest of the city looks beautiful and we're not getting the things that we need for the residents over there thank you okay yes good afternoon IA 13350 Northeast third Court I think that um a dollar per resident is too much for a brand new program in which we have no track record and only one city has applied or have signed up for it so far we really cannot afford to be a guinea pig um for a new program I we the money would be better spent hiring someone that will enforce some of the contracts that we already have for example the developers make a lot of promises um example for one example is jobs and they never really follow there's nobody that really follows up to make sure that they do that well that would be one way in which the bud will be better spent is to hire somebody that follows up on this stuff there are a lot of partnership that if you hire someone that they can form the Partnerships to do a lot of the the things that you're talking about without spending the type of money you're talking and without being per resident you know so it's not a them against the develop against having development I think it would be a wonderful thing and you talk about District 4 uh uh there's a lot of stuff already in the pipeline and already funded for redevelopment of um 7th Avenue thank you okay thank you see n coming mayor I just have one more question I might know because this came can I close um public hearing on that is Miss de coming okay okay the public hearing is closed are you you're not coming to speak on this item right is that David hearing is closed okay cuz I know when this item came up it came back in my came back up in my budget briefing um because I asked the economic development director was this something that you know he absolutely needed and how could he address it and I think there was a position that wasn't filled um I think at 87,000 plus more that you removed in order to make accommodations for this program am I correct say that something yes that was a that was a a position that was requested for that particular dat that was removed so that one was remove okay yeah just you know just so you had position you removed it yes okay thank you okay Madame clerk I have a motion made by vice mayor EST irin to approve the item at TK the motion was seconded by councilman Charles all in favor I any opposed nay item passes with a 3-2 vote Thank You tab J proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida authorizing the execution of an inter intergovernmental agency agreement between the city of North Miami and Miami dat County to provide for the performance of certain traffic engineering functions providing for an effective date and all other purposes tap J green mayor councel staff North Miami residents guest Steven marcelis inum Transportation manager um I wanted to go ahead for tab J as you heard um it's for the Citywide traffic study or traffic common study um as you know we've get we get calls about speeding um what the regular procedure is resident will call in we'll reach out to the um County and they'll go ahead and improve have the engineers come out and let us know what common device we can actually Implement in what particular street so what we did cuz we wanted to make sure that the residents knows that we are here and then we opened up a survey from last year November to April and we just collected um data and right now Nick Kimberly horn we hired a contra we hired our vendor Kimberly horn who's going to go ahead and pro pro give this presentation today for our North Miami city wide traffic study good evening mayor vice mayor and council members I'm Adrian decowski with kimley horn along with Rockell sikio uh Sage Killian and aerial Centurion um with kimley horn offices at to Alahambra Plaza and Coral Gables um we're here to discuss the uh Citywide traffic calming program that we've worked on um tonight's presentation will go through the study process and status of that the resident and stakeholder input the data collection and Analysis traffic calming treatments the proposed phase traffic calming plan and next steps so this is the study process um we started off in September of 2023 um with data collection um we had a kickoff meeting that was held in December of 2023 and we worked on the study and Analysis um through the winter and spring of uh 2024 and we had a draft of the analysis um completed in um May of 2024 which we presented um to the residents and stakeholders we then took the feedback that we had at that meeting and finalize the study in July 2024 and currently we're at the stage of finalizing the analysis um it's been reviewed by the city's public works department um and the next up is to coordinate with Miami day County um on the interlocal agreement as well as this um analysis um for the additional traffic calming treatments so as part of the data collection um analysis and improvements process we had an interactive website um to collect uh public input and stakeholder input it was open from October 4th through April 30th of this year um we had approximately 1,200 users that accessed the site um and nearly 400 comments that were provided in addition to 64 um additional comments that were provided through email and these were put into different buckets such as specific traffic calming um issues that were brought up cut through traffic issues uh distracted or aggressive driving um issues traffic operations and and congestion uh matters as well as uh pedestrian safety items the traffic operations and congestion items as well as pedestrian safety were documented and and assembled and provided to the city um in order for the city to coordinate those specifically with the county as they fall outside of the the typical box for traffic calming or within the traffic calming Realm uh this is what the project website looks like U you can see the interactive map is in the center of the page that's where the residents and stakeholders were able to put in their input then we had a section that talked about what the goals of the traffic um study caling were um getting into some of the the different types of treatments that that could be proposed so that residents and stakeholders would have an idea of of what we could Implement as well as the project schedule so looking at the data collection we collected traffic and speed um at more than 2 we're at 234 locations within the city and this occurred from November through um June of this year so November of last year through June of this year we only looked at data collection on Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays we excluded holidays excluded the last two weeks of December first two weeks of January and conducted um all the data collection when school was in session we also um applied peak season factors to all the data so that we analyze peak season um conditions actually going back to to this really quick um we looked that Miami day County provides traffic flow modification and Street procedure guidelines this focuses on um when you can Implement traffic calming um and there's three criteria we look at livability thresholds which are based on traffic volumes um as well as cut through traffic and speed and over 30% of the study locations satisfied the traffic calming um criteria so what happens when a specific location um satisfies uh the criteria the entire neighborhood is deemed to to need traffic calming because if we just fix one street the problem of traffic or cut through traffic and speeding just moves over to the next street so essentially what this results in is close to 400 locations where we're proposing traffic calming in the city which I'll get to in a minute uh just to touch on the analysis um we took the city and essentially broke it down into seven sub zones a through G um starting from the west of the city going to the east um just to kind of streamline the analysis and and put together um just an easier way to kind of look at at all this mapping um that we did when we look at the specific improvements um we've narrowed it down to five primary types of improvements there are additional ones that that we're proposing but we're looking at speed tables raised intersections and alleys curb and median bulb outs raised crosswalks and uh radar um feedback speed signs so when we look at speed tables these are these are a bit larger than than the traditional speed humps um they're long enough the plateau portion is long enough to accommodate an entire wheelbase um they can also become very decorative you can do pavers on them um if you would choose so these are preferred typically for emergency vehicles over speed humps because they're not as um abrasive to the vehicles traveling over them oops the looking at the raised intersections this is essentially a speed table through an intersection so what it does is it brings the vehicles up to The Pedestrian volume up to The Pedestrian level to help prioritize pedestrians um at the intersection and there's a transition that occurs as you're approaching um that kind of plateau portion in the center of the intersection curb and median bulb outs they tighten the geometry of the roadway forcing the motorist to drive a more deliberate path and reduce their speeds um these also reduce pedestrian Crossing distances um that that pedestrians would cross through the street you can also Implement um raise speed tables through there too to kind of further prioritize pedestrians at those locations and reduce uh vehicle speeds looking at the raised crosswalks these are essentially extending sidewalks across the roadway bringing vehicles to The Pedestrian level and this allows pedestrians to cross at a nearly constant grade without the need for for curb ramps at in at those intersections making the pedestrians more visible to motorists and then lastly we have the um radar speed feedback signs um these typically are installed at locations where we had high speeds were observed in the data but we didn't have the volumes or the cut through traffic to Warrant the installation of some of the more um intrusive traffic calming devices so looking at the the the phase plan that we've assembled as I mentioned before we have nearly 400 um devices that are proposed and it's a three-phased program um essentially what the phased program does is we look at identifying the traffic calming issues um and then to prevent diversions of those issues into the adjacent um streets that don't have traffic calming on them um and what this phase plan allows us to also do is to be cost effective where the financial burden is spread out um over time it allows flexibility um within the plan where if there's a specific treatment that is working better than another one we can go back in and with the inter local agreement swap out um those treatments um for the more preferred one and it also allow us for um continuous Community engagement throughout the process and we can also evaluate and monitor um as we go along this is something similar that we did in City of Miami where they were specifically looking at roundabouts um and we realized in pre- and post studies that the roundabouts weren't slowing the traffic down as much as we would like so then we looked at installing and they were significantly more expensive as well so we looked at implementing um speed tables instead and this just really quickly is the seven sub zones of the city um that we broke up and we have um the plan the phase plan in all three phases here showing where the specific improvements are located um this is tied to um a matrix um and spreadsheet that um geol locates all of these positions or of the improvements so you have those specific coordinates on where those improvements are located and there's a lot of detail um where they are and and how they function in as part of the phase in plan um and you can see here as well we're proposing some 25 mile per hour speed limit signs to be installed and some of the um existing speed humps and tables to be um refurbished as they've been worn out a bit to throughout the city and that concludes the presentation oh thank you thank you so much um Stephen is any thank you so much any questions yes sir all right so this is a hot button hot button item in the past whenever speed humps or bumps or any other traffic changes were requested it had to go through the county do we now on approval of this tonight have the authority to install whatever we want to do ourselves immediately sub to be correct okay do we have a budget set aside for cuz I I got a list of people who want bumps and humps and as for the next fiscal we have 200,000 set aside this current October 1st correct okay um how are we going to divy that up we're gonna go we're going to get with Kimberly horn so we can make sure that we you know during the F we try to hit the first phase and um go from there so I'm ready right now I'm going to hit send on a bunch of emails for humps and bumps and stuff like that since I'm going to hit send first do I get first dibs I get the whole 200,000 for my district can blue one what we can do is we can based on the city's budget look at the areas that need the the bumps the most and and prepare those as kind of like an initial phase it would be more like a phase zero how do I tell residents whether or not theirs needs it the most we would look at speeds what the what the speeds are but you have that data now no yeah we do but we so the way that it's done now going back to the presentation um phase one has I think it was 40% or has 16 I'm not sitting here trying toate the Y so we would have to break that down into to to more bite-sized pieces which we can do that's fine so one speed roundabout is about 18 180,000 if we' got $200,000 in the budget it we only have after all of this hollow over this study we only have money to do one traffic calming feature across the the speed tables are 35,000 a piece you're talking about the traffic circle that can cost the the circles we're not we're not recommending any of those because they through our experience we have seen that they're 400,000 these days um and they don't actually call traffic and they're not pedestrian friendly um and given the cost and their lack of Effectiveness we we're more focused on doing the speed tables because that's essentially um besides the raised alleys it's it's a more economic option and it does the the job that needs to so is the county going to give us any money they used to foot bill on all of this are they giving us any money to that we're taking it off right it's County Roads it's we're taking it off their financial plate to to go through the County um that's possible but their threshold for traffic cming is it the threshold isn't as low it's higher so the prevailing speeds instead of being 5 miles per hour over have to be 10 miles per over um the the posted so people have to be driving 40 miles per hour so the answer is no they're not giving us any money it's very difficult to get to get them to actually fund that those improvements yeah I I appreciate what everybody's done up to this moment I don't think it gets us any closer to solving the problem that everybody wants speed caling on their street and we don't have a big enough budget despite we' we've continued to tell the residents wait on this speed study wait on this speed study wait on this speed study we're approving it tonight we we don't have enough money to do much Beyond and I would say to City Administration if there's only $200,000 in the budget and there's four districts let that we each get 50,000 so what one one speed calming thing per district for the next year one option is to look at doing speed cushions those are like temporary um speed bumps that could be installed those are significantly less expensive I think it's like $5,000 per location for those they just wear out faster than right how however it gets divided up in other words we've we've continued to use this study as a holy grail for the last couple of years wait wait wait once we pass this study we'll be able to do things our own self we won't have to rely on the county to do it anymore and it and it's great I mean but I just I I don't want to give now false hope that everybody who's given me their you know the guys on 137th and 19th and you know everybody who wants these these humps and bumps and every whatever whatever it is that we give them that there's suddenly a pot of money to start doing stuff and it's going to be super limited and it wouldn't be favorite uh wouldn't be uh appropriate for district one for instance to get all of the money it should there has to be some discussion about equitable distribution for the districts in my opinion I have a question if I can follow up you said that the study has to go before the county for approval is is that correct or the county doesn't have to adopt our study prior to implementation so the the interlocal would be submitted first and signed off by the county then the study would be given as a courtesy to the county of like this is our blueprint it matches the interlocal the interlocal is the key document to then be able to do essentially what the city pleases and then at that point we have free Wings to I guess now begin installing and how long would that process take for that interlocal because I know with the county some times it could take a while I'm not sure it has to go through the um County Attorney's Office okay I'm not sure on the timing of that and for some of your traffic caling circles like I know sometimes um let's say it's a school zone you'll see traffic calming devices that has lights and flashing that says kids playing and you know you know caution were were those actually also included in the study or so um the kids the kids playing or like the school zoned areas um the school board they don't allow you to do traffic calming um within the school zones we have to do them on the outside they say that it impacts the flow of their buses and and and whatnot so we always have to do any type of traffic calming on the outside of that or in certain locations we had proposed like the the portable signs um as well as the um the the traffic of speed feedback signs that would be permanent as well yeah cuz I know there's an area near um David Lawrence the PLC um in that little Hub over there where there's like a lot of kids always playing but then there's a issue with traffic there's a school nearby but just wanted to make sure that I didn't know if that that was one but I know on the out on the outskirts just outside the The Zone that's where we'll put those devices thank you awesome thank you so much um may find me real quick sir no no quickly um so go going back to uh what councilman government was talking about so we have a about $200,000 and let's say we are going to have a a pilot program this year so how are we going to uh divide that into um throughout the city what what we'll do is we'll go back and revisit the data and break it down more granularly because right now we're at 168 um devices in phase one look at those and break them down into to the areas that need them the most and provide that to the city okay um but quickly now um there are certain part U certain areas in District for they like um RAC track and um every time you talk to a resident they need those um um traffic coming devices so uh and through your presentation looking at is like a it's like a A Sky Full of Stars and um I how do I know exactly which part for example in District Four that um you guys are going to um Target so the we wanted to show the the kind of the picture of what what it looks like there's also a table um that is part of the report that has the specific location um and the coordinates of where that is so it's it's that that's all provided as part of the report and U my my last question will go to this um some areas in um we think the Miami County outside of uh North Miami cuz one thing that I realized um our drivers now like they have no respect for four-way stop uh stop sign they just pass through them and I see some um cities started with um those um stop sign with lights into it at night you know they like very Visual and then um to your um to your study did you guys um take that into consideration that that was actually some of the input that we got from the residents as part of the comments of there certain certain stop sign locations it's documented in the report where they wanted to see the reinforcement of putting in those flashing um Allway stop signs are just the stop the flashing stop signs at two-way stops so yes that that's been captured that's something the city can coordinate with the county um or just go ahead and do um and implement we have we have that documented all right thank you very much thank you thank you thank you so much um thank you it's almost 9 o' and now think we then three resolution Madame clerk yes um Mr I'm sorry I just have to clarify here um I'm not sure how this happened but if you look at tab J um tab J what you're actually voting on is uh an execution of inter uh governmental agency agreement and I know there was been discussion about a um about a bunch of things um but I just want to make sure we understand what was advertised and what you're actually voting um on you're not voting on the actual traffic study no we're voting onal just make sure that's clear between us and the count my apologies for being confused thank you clarification that that that was why I had ask for to be on consent and then Stephen said there was a presentation I but I I see why the presentation okay thank you madam clerk Oh I thought I thought that was public hearing oh Jesus public hearing is open on on Tab J so much talking I don't know we won't be here a long time tonight y'all somebody needs to call Steve's Pizza and order some more pizza they did I'm like order I am back Veronica gusang 540 Northwest 127th Street this lovely gentleman just proved my point regarding um the dire crisis that we have with traffic in our city I went to a homeowners association meeting I'm going to say about 2 months ago and on 127 7th Street alone we had uh the officer reported that we had over 500 tickets um for people that were driving between 5 and 10 miles over the speed limit there's a school a private school at the end of my at between Fifth and 4th Avenue and this just continues to be habitual we just approved $60,000 frivolously that could have paid for at least two more um speed tables so I really wish that the council would consider being more mindful about how our city is spending our money and doing things that will benefit the residents thank you okay I Baba 13350 Northeast third quote and um at the budget meeting if you remember correctly I did bring up the traffic study and the fact that it required 1 $5.8 million for a phase one but only 200,000 was um allotted and I brought it up at that time and here we go it's it this is something that's a safety issue throughout the city and it's more important than the things that the council continues to spend money on for one thing I would like to ask you to give back that money you took last year for $250,000 550,000 a piece for discretionary funds and maybe put it towards this now we have another 250,000 for safety and get rid of some of the things that you do for parties and travel and and and things and put it to W safety there's nothing more important than the safety of the residents in the city and you continue money continues to be spent frivolously and other things and I'd really like you to consider really reconsider reallocating some of those funds thank you thank you Miss Bara okay um Howa heing this okay Deborah is coming hi hello are you Deborah Davies 1165 Northeast 127 Street um I didn't even realize this was on the agenda tonight um but I just want to Second what everybody else said um I also spoke up at the budget hearings I think I was at councilwoman U Mary's um first budget hearings and you know was asking why is this so small you know once we've gone through this whole study um we're spending so much money on these kimle horn studies the time and the effort of the residents who went out to all these meetings everybody who who took care you know who went online and did this study and and now there's no money in the budget for this it it's ridiculous I I mean 5.8 million for the first phase um we need to get some matching funds for this and we don't even have the money in the budget to to match those funds if we did get them so I'm asking you Council people what was your idea with only funding this for $200,000 what's the point of doing the study you know and you know and it really really frustrates all the residents and it just gets everybody really angry because cuz people are dying on our streets you know Northeast 12th Avenue and 127th Street at least two people have died on that corner I mean this is really serious and I want to tell you I'm telling you that the people who vote for you are really upset about this so I I hope you just think about this before you go and fund these studies and then just don't put any teeth behind it so thank you very much thank you so much yes Claudia Paso 1354 Northeast 23rd Place um I believe it's 125th Street in front of copper Bridge there's always an accident going on there I think there's one that happened this past weekend so let's prevent somebody losing their life let's prevent somebody from having their loved one pass away or get severely handicapped or something so I know you just made a face but yes because accidents happen and people you know people get hurt you know again this is somebody's loved one and Deborah did bring up a point accid you know we try let's prevent some of you are teachers and there's a progress report right to see how the kids are doing or they're going to fail so there's a lot of accidents going on so let's prevent somebody from actually losing their lives somebody going through morning so please pay more attention to traffic I got you thank you thank you so very much for approval mayor I just wanted to because I know I asked the manager a question just want to ask well mention it publicly um we do have the CRA my question was could the CRA fund some of the bills for this traffic caling um traffic caling devices within the CRA area um and I know you serve in both capacity Madam manager and CRA director it's not noted on the cra's budget but if it's du it of the CRA board we could look at something of that nature if we could identify the funds and that and the reason why I'm bringing that up is because the C does have more room for growth and they do have additional funds after we got the loan and another thing just to kind of put on record as well like I think we had about $29 million that was reallocated after the end of the previous well this fiscal year that's getting ready to be ended so through throughout the fiscal year we can make budget adjustments and that is something that we can well I'll be addressing with you madam manager to see where we can find an additional 500 to maybe even a million to ensure that we put in that um in that pot so it's not something that is a done deal our budget was 214 million and I'm sure we can find additional funds to fund something this important second thank you councilwoman um I think it's been mov in second I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the item at tab J the motion was seconded by vice mayor EST Irvin all in favor any opposed item passes with a 5- z vote tab l a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North MI Florida authorizing the inm city manager to execute a third amendment to the ground lease agreement between the city of North Miami and trnm Holdings LLC to provide for the extension of the approval period and rent commencement date for the city-owned property located at 1810 Northeast 146 Street specifically identified with folio number 06- 222- 06-10 and 06- 222100 60020 providing for an effective date and all other purposes tab L thank you so much um yes sir just real quick mayor and Council um as you know over the last uh council meeting and the CRA meetings we've had a couple of items uh regarding the uh the ground lease um this item is is basically we have to uh correct the lease based not correct amend the lease based on um some of the items that you voted for um in the last two meetings um so all this does is change the uh lease agreement amend the lease agreement with TN trnm Holdings uh to provide an extension for the approval period and the rent commencement date and that reflects uh the changes you made in the last uh two meetings okay is there that's it right there's no presentation no and the only thing I other thing I have to add is that this is a condition precedent for us to uh purchase the Scott Calvin Center thank you so very much um can I hear a motion second well well public hearing is open on the item public hearing is closed I have a motion made by councilman galin to approve the item of tab L motion was seconded by councilman Charles all in favor I any opposed item passes with a 0 vote tab m a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida ratifying the inm city managers emergency procurement and authorizing the issuance of a purchase order to computers at work Inc doing business as veko in an amount not to exceed $1,864 73 for the Emergency purchase of new firewall svpn Solutions in response to the city's cyber incident providing for an effective date and all other purposes tabn thank you so very much yes sir piggy back yes so once again for the record Alberto EST purchasing director uh through the manager so this is an item that simply is ratifying uh some of the uh purchases uh that were made in response to the Cyber incident that uh the city was recently uh facing and uh in particular these were purchases that were carried out uh through the IT department and uh so again this is a ratification uh by Council which is required by the city's procurement code move for [Music] approval public hearing is open on the item see none second I have a motion made by vice mayor estimate Irvin to approve the item at tab M the motion was seconded by councilman Charles all in favor I any opposed the item passes with a 5-0 vote tap n a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida authorizing the interim city manager and City attorney to negotiate and execute an agreement between the city of North Miami and Angel sense Inc for the provision of Angel sense GPS tracking devices and Associated Lo locative technology for a term of 3 years in an amount not to exceed $150,000 waving competitive bid in accordance with section 7-1 120 parenthesis capital B of the north Miami code of ordinances providing for an effective date and all other purposes tab n thank you so very much um is there any presentation I mean I don't think so um public hearing is open on the item seeing none public hearing is closed so move second it I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the item at tab the motion was seconded by vice mayor EST irin all in favor any opposed item passes with a 5- z vote Thank You tab o a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida authorizing the inim city manager to issue purchase orders to G's LLC in an amount not to exceed $120,000 for an online web-based uniforms and equipment ordering system for the city of North Miami Police Department utilizing Broward sheriff's office contract number Sheriff rli number 23013 AG pursuant to section 7167 of the city code providing for an effective date and all other purposes tap o move for thank you so much public hearing is open on the item thank you seeing none coming public heing close I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the item at to O the motion was seconded by vice mayor EST Irvin all in favor any opposed item passes with a 5-0 vote thank you thank you please be advised that the following items on the agenda are Quasi judicial in nature if you wish to speak Tab S t s s which one is that one the mocha tree mocha Plaza the mocha Plaza yeah for the palm trees yeah Sheed I'm sorry yeah but she didn't want Palm sorry about that I switched up my not my binder Tab S a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida authorizing the inm city manager to issue purchase orders to groundworks of Palm Beach County Inc in an amount not to exceed $77,400 for the removal and replacement of eight palm trees at the Museum of Contemporary Art mocha Plaza waving competitive bidding in accordance with Section 7120 parenthesis capital B of the north Miami code of ordinances providing for an effective date and all other purposes Tab S thank you um you have a no presentation for this right I just have one question yeah because I know we said that there was lightning that strike the original palm trees and that's why we had to cut them all down um by replacing them are we opening oursel to the same thing or you know like did we have like a AR go through and ensure that we can replant palm trees again uh yes uh through the manager uh yes councilwoman uh yes indeed uh in response to the uh demise of the previous uh trees uh staff actually received a report from the University of Florida's environmental horiculture department and the department actually recommended uh that the the solution that we are proposing now uh replacing the damaged trees with a species which which is better suited to these uh Hardscape conditions and also the proposal includes a maintenance protection plan and a one-year warranty from the vendor so yes indeed uh there was a study that was done and and the recommendation resulted in this item that's before you know okay thank you uh can Samir yes sorad will that be the same type of trees or will be a different um species well okay uh we do have we we do have here uh the uh representatives from uh the vendor from ground works I believe that the principles are here and uh the gentleman can speak a little bit more as to the actual type and species of of trees palm trees that will be planted Mr mayor council members staff everybody else I'm George notingham with the groundworks upon Palm Beach County ink we specialize in the Palms that are that were previously planted out there and that um I don't know if yall noticed but the Palms that are planted in the grass areas um have always done very well there were a whole multitude of issues that range from environmental issues to some of the maintenance practices to the changing of the Hardscape and the elimination of uh some of the ground space around The Palms when some of that work was done the primary root systems of those Palms were cut and when that happened it instituted a chain of events that led to the loss of those Palms um the mulle date palms that are proposed for the project typically have a a lifespan that we can reasonably look at as being between 100 and 120 years uh these same Palms the same variety that we intend to use um have demonstrated themselves to be extremely durable uh uh in Dade County Broward County and going further north it's also a variety of palm that uh once established on site even if we get a hurricane that completely destroys the tops of the Palms so some fairly simple uh maintenance they'll regenerate and grow on new canopies that's not an opinion that's a track record that's been developed across the past 35 years give or take with this particular variety um I've inspected the site I've gotten a a real good feel for the cultural circumstances in the planter beds uh that are out there I'm very well known in the side of the industry that I serve and when I offer an opinion typically I I I won't offer an opinion that's a guess um my opinion of that site is that this material will do very very well there I don't have a problem at all with the cultural circumstances uh you know obviously the Palms don't need to be irrigated but I think there's Provisions in place to do that and in so far as uh well the the long-term track record of this variety and the imagery that it creates the beauty um it creates and the durability disease resistance it's literally one of the safest Investments in Palm trees that you can make and the impact that it makes visually you're just just absolutely outstanding so if you have any particular questions Here I Am the the only reason why I ask is that from what I learned the ones that we had before um were hit by a lightning strike so that's uh that's the reason why I'm trying to find out if uh we are not immune to the same situation by using the same type of trees and everything so that's that was uh the reason of my question to answer your question lightning strikes are definitely possible and to well to Simply to make make it real simple palm trees are grounded Columns of water they all are and that essentially means that if we get um you know a hardcore lightning storm there's definitely a possibility of a strike that doesn't apply to one variety of palm tree it applies to all varieties of palm trees because that's what they are they're they're grounded Columns of water now some of the Palms that were planted out there may have been victims of lightning strikes there's actually some question some were probably victims of having the root systems cut when the beds were rebuilt um there are a number of variables that went into what occurred out there but they're manageable and again I'm the guy who's going to be on the hook as far as the warranty goes and I'm comfortable with the circumstances I'm not going to stand here and tell you that these Palms are going to live forever or and I'm not going to tell you that a lightning strike could never happen because it could um but I know that historically speaking and looking around the county it's very very unusual to have a lightning strike take out a whole group there were other circumstances that went into play and those circumstances can be managed so from my perspective I I don't see it as being a big big risk it's possible but I don't see it as being a big risk thank you uh I have a followup question but that will go back to uh uh Mr Alberto to the manager uh my it was the same question that I asked and I want to ask again uh when it comes to the light at the plaza I know this is for the trees but do we have a plan for the light now uh yes we do uh but I'm going to have to turn to our Public Works director uh you should be here and I believe that they the Public Works staff has been working on a plan for the lights so Mr Mayor councilman through the manager yes we've been looking at the light replacement we're doing an assessment now um we haven't finalized it but I can get you an update um tomorrow thank you sir yes sir Mr Mayor yes sir I think it's a important to note that the reason that we lost so many trees at the same time was because a mocha Art Exhibit no fault of mocha using wires metal wires connected each of the trees um so the lightning strike singular that happened to hit a singular tree was transmitted to all via the wires it's just one of those who would have ever guessed that would happen so it wasn't um it it was a very rare yeah rare rare rare circumstance that is an amazing variable totally [Music] possible thank you so very much move for approval second the public was open right so much stuff going on public hearing is open just in I don't think you count Kevin burn is coming Kevin Burns 265 I think the other mayor's coming too 2065 Alabama Drive North Miami um it's fantastic that company has a great reputation in the landscaping business throughout Florida but why only eight I think there's some other holes there that when a tree died the city just concrete over the where the original tree was when we created mocha Plaza when we did the addition we had about 15 to 18 medes up there and over the years they got damaged we made room for some a couple things but compared to what the plaza was designed for and that the fact we're only doing eight and I think if the city could find a little money while they're here go ahead and add some more you could get some sponsorships for a palm tree in the uh the mocha Plaza here you're figuring about $6800 per tree I think you can get some local businesses and maybe sponsor a tree but if you're going to mobilize them and have them here at one time why don't we do it right if we can and if there's uh the ability to build out there and give the manager the flexibility with the public works director that they can expand upon this uh uh this uh vendor's uh work while he's out there thank you thank you um probably is is closed go ahead councilwoman I just to the former mayor's point I think another reason I know Parks chimed in when we were doing the mocha Plaza um and the spacing of the showmobile was the reason why we didn't put so much trees as we originally had because the showmobile wasn't able I think for jazz at mocha and for certain events the showmobile didn't fit in the plaza that's why some of the trees were um when we redid the mocha Plaza um I happened to work at the city at the time that was something that came up and that's why a lot of the trees were removed at that time okay I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the item at Tab S the motion was seconded by mayor desel may all in favor any opposed the item passes with a 5- z vote tab thank you you Tabu a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida making certain findings and designating 11.14 Acres of the real property located at 1525 Northwest 135th Street and identified by folio number 06- 212300 -50 as further identified by the map in the attached exhibit a as a Brownfield area pursuant to section 37680 Florida statutes for the purpose of environmental Rehabilitation job creation and promoting economic Redevelopment authorizing the city clerk to notify the Florida Department of Environmental Protection of said designation providing for an effective date and all other purposes t sorry my apologies Mr Mayor the uh resol the PowerPoint doesn't seem to come up may I have it come forward and help me please it's the Brownfield one I tried to get it and it w o see thank you sir much appreciate IBB I think there was a presentation that was done before it was Sir um and so I was going to ask you do you remember from the last meeting you remember okay you remember you just tell us this is the second um public hearing for the the resolution for the designation of the Brownfield for the Claude Pepper Park and uh once you approve it the next stage is they will go to Mi day County and will'll notify um both Miami deed County as well as the uh Department of Environmental Protection and they will continue on with their um mitigation and restoration work out there and then the next phase will be the actual construction of the project that you all have previously approved my apologies for the record Debbie Love development services director Excuse Me Miss love one second sorry councilman yes a quick question yes sir is that part of the process because I see that is the same item that just been brought back again for the second time is that part part of the process yes sir it is okay because yeah I was kind of puzzled by that so you have to come back you have to have two public hearings okay thank you you're welcome sir move for approval second oh are you done that no I like that public he is open on the item we'll do that mayor council members my name is Michael Goldstein I'm here on behalf of the applicant 2100 Pon Leon Boulevard C Gable as I've been before this body before another Brownfield designation it's a wonderful program for a wonderful project and I'm available to answer any questions that you may have thank you so much sir I don't think we have any questions at this time um public heing is close I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the item at tab you the motion was seconded by councilman Galvin all in favor I any opposed item passes with a 5 vot thank you thank you sir tab v a proposed first reading ordinance of the mayor and Council of the city of North Miami Florida amending chapter 29 of the city of North Miami code of ordinances entitled Land Development regulations specifically at Article 5 entitled development standards section 5-1 1611 to allow ice cream trucks to operate within the city limit providing certain standards in accordance with Section 166.010 3 parentheses Capital C Florida Statutes 2024 sections 3-14 through 3-17 and section 3302 of the city of North Miami code of ordinances chapter 29 entitled Land Development regulations providing for repeal conflict severability codification and for an effective date tab V good evening mayor and Council again for the record Debbie Love development services director the item before you is um sponsored by councilman Galvin uh it is to modify section 5611 of our code which is the Mobile Food food dispensing Vehicles the uh quote unquote food trucks um that was adopted back in 2021 at that time the ordinance prohibited vending from a moving vehicle uh thereby um disallowing ice cream trucks and other type of vending that moves from place to place with this amendment um councilman Galvin is requesting mayor and city council um to approve this amendment the amendment includes a number of items not only does it strike the language prohibiting uh vending from a moving vehicle but it also has certain other standards uh including uh for the operator that they need to have a safe driving record that they will have to provide State and National criminal background checks and they cannot be um designated to have as a sexual offender uh and other things driver's license or again they have to have a clean driving record uh the other standards are for the vehicle itself many of them are safety requirements such as mirrors and large mirrors signage hazard lights and flashing lights on the top of the vehicle also has to have the name of the business uh and the conditional uh the certificate of use permit number on the side of the vehicle uh there are some limitations to the vending um that uh uh some of this is governed by the Florida Department of Agriculture they actually versus dbpr who normally handle um food trucks so the Department of Agriculture has some requirements and uh a couple of them are the where you purchase your your um uh ice cream and other type of uh Frozen Confections uh so pre-wrapped single serve um a couple of things are important here is to look at uh when the vending can occur 10: a.m. to Sunset simply because of the protection of children who um maybe in the coming up to uh purchase ice cream to the limitation to the uh speed of the road because you'll have a vehicle stopping in the travel Lane against the curb so we want to make sure that that it's safe and there's a Clear Sight uh visibility you don't want to come around a curve and there's a Ice Cream St stopped in the middle of the road um that in order to vend you have to be stopped or pared and uh again it's the orientation toward the curb or the edge of the road they can't go on the opposite side of the street they have to vend as this one does as you can see in this picture they're vending from the right side adjacent to the curb um you couldn't be parked on the other side of the street and have children crossing the road to be able to vend uh so these are safety uh safety issues that we we recommend that are included in these Lang in the standards um we also want to point out that there's a decision that we're going to ask of you tonight um because some communities allow music some do not and um when they do it's nonvocal and you can't it has to be when you're stopped you can't play the music uh when you're parked to vend um and that it's not audible more than 500 ft away from the vehicle or simply no sound generation that's a decision we're going to ask of you tonight as we move forward the Planning Commission um at their September 12th meeting they suggested that uh they recommended approval subject to reducing that um distance to 100 feet so that you can't hear it Beyond 100 ft um and that uh we got a lot of old people on that board of adjustment the the Planning Commission who don't like the Planning Commission who don't like ice cream clearly um so the the recommendation they have is already in there no sugar allowed in the ice cream either they are actually say that if you do our recommendation is if you do decide to go with the sound is that you don't let them sit there while they're vending and play the music that's our recommendation that's also planning commission's recommendation um so the second reading is proposed for the your the October 9th for second reading and then it would become effective 10 days after that um we do ask to get your um approval staff does recommend approval subject to these conditions that we have in there and we do ask you to let us know your preference on the sound generation M and with that that's the end of thank you for that presentation obviously ice cream trucks been driving up down streets in North Miami since before I was born I was a long time ago this just sort of put some parameters in place so we're not allowing something that isn't already happening we're just putting some parameters in place I'm okay if the truck doesn't play music while it's stopped um but other than that this is like tree houses you know kids should be allowed to get a little ice cream and maybe some of us older kids get a little ice cream from the truck when it comes by so I'd hope that the council would approve this with the parameter of not playing music when it is at a stop while it's serving people yes and and as much as I love you C man Galvin I got some calls about this resolution and I really didn't know much about it when when it was um and I was in the on the council when when it was um when this must have came up so the residents who called me so the concern that they had and and I I I asked because I you know I was wondering why I never heard ice cream truck I just never heard it so it never because because they're not they're up and down the streets already the the reality of it is no they're up and down the street that's how this came forward well let me tell you maybe in in in in in your area but let me tell you what what happened so if they are in our district what they do the residents will call the cops so the cops will come and the cops will put them out so what happened was I learned many years ago there a little kid got got got you know got hurt whatever whatever the case is and and I think you you you made a well point in terms of the um the Uber driver um you know I don't have any um way of of of saying it you know either way I you know as a school teacher I understand with the ice with the ice cream truck this may work very well in in in um in district one and in District Two um I think we we have to be careful when we looked at C certain district and I think it worked pretty well in because there is a rabbit ho hold um if we open it up a little bit more and and let and if you kind of hear me a little bit councilman galin on this there was a resolution maybe two years ago with the food truck um Debbie if you if you if I don't think you were here about the the the the the food truck situation car washes right you remember well we end up putting it in the car wash there was some things that we did um to condition that and I think maybe with the ice cream truck we can do something like that um grandfather in or Pro possibly do something that could if if we want to satisfy it to do something what we found out with the with the food truck we as a council figured out we know what kind of communities that we have and we said if we started doing this we know the intent and we know they're already doing it though Mr Mayor please who's doing it you saying the the ice ice cream vendors are already but it's illegal so if they doing it they doing something illegal right right right it's not illegal saying so here's the thing ice cream trucks are already selling ice cream on the streets it's not legal it's not we're not we're not overseeing it it is but it's happening it's like saying people selling fireworks you know what I mean I'm just trying to find out Mr attorney can they I thought they couldn't no it prohibits it in the ordinance that's what I thought vending from a moving vehicle still they're still doing it the case I'm not I'm not suggesting that mobile food trucks start selling food up and down street this is only specific to ice just ice cream truck here is the concern that I have well first of all um um councilman Galvin if you would allow if if you if if it's possible that can be table so I can have a deeper conversation I'm not here much longer honestly I'd like up and if we can't vote on ice cream trucks tonight let's just just vote it down well well let me tell you what my concern is my concern is that um you're selling ice cream Chuck and the concern about people selling drugs to our kids are trying to that with some of the concerns nobody's selling drugs that's on the that's selling of drugs is on the on the ballot in November and we get to vote on whether or not Med only I understand what you're you think I understand that but there and and I and I like the sexual predator part I like that it covers that you if you are sexual predator and you you you know you can't do um um have a license for that but I'm you know I'm I'm really concerned about about about I'm I'm concerned about that I grew up on ice cream truck I love that I remember I remember those that music but again you know um I'm that's why I wanted some time to just go over it to see if we can put some teeth on it or understand how about we approve it for six Monon review and we bring it back in 6 months I'll be gone anyway bring it back and if there's if there's drug drug addicted crazy people selling ice cream of the trucks then we resend it I just have one question well I just bring back in six months so about the music and only because like I I the ice cream truck lady is my is my homie but because you know they do come down on my district and me and my nieces we do go out on Saturdays and order our ice cream but the thing about the music is that when it stops you like you know normally you're running after ice cream right and if you don't hear the music it means that the ice cream truck is gone but if you hear the music um you know that it's still there stationary so only as a Avid ice cream truck utilizer I'm utilizing it illegal illegally I'm a violator here people um I just I think you know G I don't think the music should be completely stopped maybe it needs to be lowered I don't know C at a certain decimal only because it's someone who does go out like if I if I don't hear the music I'm not going out anymore cuz I thought the ice cream truck had already passed so that's just my point for keeping the music on but I'm in support of the item and I'll motion it I'm cool with ice rocking and rolling 24/7 I was trying to meet everybody halfway since I heard that there might be some blowback but it's just you know if I if I me I think um I think um for for the ice cream and um it is something that I love especially now with the with the amount of heat that we get over the summer uh but the only thing I would add to that um the if we want to do that that should not be U stopping on our men um W let's say one 25th they can't there should be no stop there nor noreast 6th half uh Northwest 7th Avenue but if it is like inside uh you know the well that's one of the reasons why you have a speed limit limitation of a road that cannot be traveling along the road vending along the road they can travel but vending it's 30 mph less roads okay simply because that has been yeah it's in the neighborhood because the the big the bigger quarters there's no houses the kids are not there they after the kids so they they know they coming are we going to have ice cream no no I will buy ice cream for everybody councilman you said six months can we put some parameter around I mean I'm not in favor of it how about this six months review with reduced sound upon stoppage the the if I may um Mr Mayor uh in response to that the the then we would have to enforce and measure the decb and that could be problematic um our recommendation as staff is what most communities do is that when you stop the music stops okay so let's do I I I think we could compromise for six months and see what what happen can I just clarify something because what the councilman what councilman GW I withdraw the reduced sound and we're going to be the first thing you said was revi was to revise the parameters to allow music playing while stopped or serving so that we're going to now go with staff's recommendation that when the truck stops the Music Stops okay but the fun don't stop cuz chocolate sprinkles for everybody so wait for three months or six months six months 6 months 6 months but wait from what time to what time because that was the other concern because they were are you on a diet obviously I'm always on a diet I'm always on a diet and you always have hogendas in my freezer so well the ordinance would not be effective would take effect bear with me just a moment uh I mean I don't care but I'm October it would become effective because you have to have second reading and then I'm just saying just for the seniors for 9:00 they don't need to be going around cuz that was the issue they were going around 9:30 10:00 and the kids would you know for school no they can't operate no no but they were and they and they do that and that's that's the issue we have to call the cops and you know I'm just that's where code enforcement could come in as well Cod enforcement if they are OCC if they're going Beyond the time frame they're allowed to go and their certificate of use will also have that that that time frame oh they have to have a certificate of you yes sir and a BTR as well so we're bringing tax revenue as well as stop them how would we know so we'll ask them no sir um one of the requirements is that the certificate of use number it has to be painted in 3in letters on the side of their vehicle along with the business name but if councilman Gavin saying they out there doing it illegally that mean that they don't have nothing now right this this legalized is what they're already doing and makes them pay the fees and follow all the new rules all right let's see what happened in six months and uh and I will um speak to um ice cream Tru right here and I will speak to the um uh city manager and the um Deputy city manager as to the process by which they would like this to be reviewed to come back to you in six months move approval second I have a motion made by councilman Galvin to approve the item at tab e tab V with the modification that it would be uh subject to a six-month review which would begin from the date that the item takes effect the second question to clarify is that you all are okay with the sound amplification with the limitation of stop that the turn it's no not play stop and parking is that correct yes all right and the motion was seconded by councilman Charles vice mayor estimate Irving how do you vote ice cream is a roll call an ordinance is a road call ordinance no mayor Des May how do you vote reluctantly yes for the trial councilman Charles how do you vote Yes councilwoman Timothy how do you vote Yes councilman Galvin how do you vote Yes the motion carries with a 4-1 vote thank you guys Dave you clapping fr the iceam tab w a proposed second reading ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida adopting amendments to Volume 1 goals objectives and policies of the city of North Miami 2016 comprehensive plan in accordance with the requirements of section 1633 184 parentheses 3 Florida Statutes 2023 and chapter 29 article 3 division 11 section 3-102 cap uh parentheses capital A and sections 3- 1105 through 3-110 of the city of North Miami code of ordinances specifically by amending the future land use element at policy 1.2.1 and policy 1.2 1.3 to establish a hype bonus for the bore Zone providing for an adoption hearing and subsequent transmittal of the proposed amendments to the state land planning Agency for a determination of completeness providing for repeal conflict separability and an effective date tab X is a companion item but tab X is a quasi judicial item please be advised that I'm sorry because I have to leave the room right now because I had to recuse myself oh that's true that's true okay um can you read it Madam clerk yes okay thank you I may have please be advised that the following items on the agenda are Quasi judicial in nature if you wish to speak in favor of object to or comment on an item please complete a public speaker card indicating the agenda item number on which you would like to comment you must be sworn before addressing the city council and you may be subject to cross-examination so if you haven't already done so please grab a public speaker card in the back or the entrance and fill it out please and just bring it to me if you refuse to submit to cross- examination the city Council will not consider your comments in its final deliberation please also disclose any expart Communications you may have had with any members of the city council City Council Members must do the same good evening mayor and Council tab x a proposed second reading quasi judicial ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida providing for text amendments to chapter 29 of the city of North Miami code of ordinances entitled Land Development regulations at article for entitled zoning designation specifically at section 4-23 implementing a hype bonus in the bz district for a total height up to 238 fet 10 in through the conditional use permit process in accordance with Section 16604 1 parentheses 3 parenthesis Capital C Florida Statutes 2023 in sections 3-102 3-14 3-15 through 3-17 and section 3302 of the city of North Miami code of ordinances further authorizing the inm city manager to do all things necessary to effectuate the zoning map amendments providing for repeal confli conflict severability codification and for an effective date Debbie if you're okay with it I'm just going to swear folks in yes ma'am so if you submitted a public speaker card or you plan to speak on the item at tab X please stand and raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you are about to give in today's proceedings are the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do and if you did not submit a public speaker's card but you're standing and you're swearing in you're going to need a public speaker card thank you thank you madam clerk again for the record Debbie Love development services director as the clerk noted these are companion items this is the second reading of the uh comprehensive plan Amendment um as you all recall this went before you earlier and at for first reading and then um uh you all agreed to um allow it to move forward it was transmitted the comprehensive plan amendment was transmitted to the State of Florida um it went through uh it was also transmitted to other agencies as required by Florida statute we received no comments back um from the state on this um as you recall this particular policy change um allows for the height to be amended from the current 115 ft um up to the 238 10 in through a conditional use permit um that conditional use permit has certain uh requirements associated with that uh in if you have if you're going to profer the uh and request this there are certain conditions including providing public access to biscan Bay it is limited by the way to this area that you see on the slide um uh contrib contribution to local park to enhance the access to the bay and a community benefit package that um is acceptable and approved by city council uh the objective 1.21 was modified as well because it also addes the height limitation of 115 ft so uh that same language is proferred into objective 1.21 again as I said the state and the agencies uh that was that received the uh uh the this particular compreh supp plan text Amendment provided no comment um and again this goes along with the ldr amendment they we have to amend uh certain sections of the ldrs to allow that type of uh process within the bz Zone and for example section 423 there this is a footnote in the tables that require talk about the permitted height and the subsequent require the subsequent requirements as noted before one of the items in here is already a requirement by our code as far as the green um building uh so that is currently a requirement the rest are Crawford um in addition over and above what is already required in our code uh so we do have to retransmit this once if you all adopt it on second reading the comprehensive plan text Amendment will have to be retransmitted to the state which is why the title said for a finding of completeness they will make sure that any comments that were provided which were no comments were addressed so we expect this to be a fairly smooth response back from the state assuming you all approve it at second reading with that that is the end of my presentation the applicant um attorney is here and they do have a presentation for you sir thank you mayor vice mayor and members of the council to streamline this process Patrick Assan of Holland tonight with offices at 701 Brickle Avenue to streamline this process I know we've uh the council has had a pretty long night uh I would profer the opportunity for the residents to come up provide any comments that they might have and and then I can address all of the issues in rebuttal instead of doing the presentation having the community come up and then doing the rebuttal I can address all of my issues in rebuttal as an attempt to streamline the issue so you won't do a presentation I I will have a presentation but I just address everything in one shot no so do your presentation I thought you said you are not doing a presentation you will rebuttle as part of their is if that's what I'm hearing so but do your presentation sure yeah keep it brief uh we like that we like awesome patri Assan of holl night with offices at 701 Brickle Avenue I am joined this evening by my colleague Alexandria s Romain and mut I'm also joined by representatives of 2000 property owner the continual company Ian Bruce igner David fisherman uh and William Wallace IV is my pleasure to be before you this evening we have had a uh detailed conversation about this at the last hearing uh so I will try to streamline and curtail the nature of my comments tonight next slide please so as debie noted we had no comments from the state there are a variety of different agencies that review this to ensure that there are no important state resources that are impacted and typically if there are comments that means that there are problems with the application there are problems with the amendment in this case there are no uh problems identified there are no impacts and no negative impacts that the state could review or see as part of this project next slide please I wanted to remind this Council as part of this uh Amendment you're not approving any particular projects all you're doing is giving an applicant the opportunity to submit MIT a project next slide and as part of that uh project we would have to go through the conditional use permit process which I know this council is very familiar with and we'll have to go through a robust process of community meetings going before the Planning Commission and then coming back before this Council in order to actually be able to effectuate uh the height that's contemplated within this ordinance so by adopting this ordinance you're not approving a specific project You're simply providing for an opportunity opportunity in the conduit by which we would be able to to submit a specific application next slide and as part of this what we've done is provid for with staff's help uh provide for some parameters with respect to what's going to be provided and at bottom what these features are seeking to do is ensure that the community benefits from it which is one of the reasons why we wanted to ensure that there was a community benefits package that is tied into the process to ensure that we can seek the hype bonus as part of what we're doing respect to this amendment tonight and as noted previously this is an area that's specifically limited to the area south of Northeast 12 23d Street East of Bas Drive outside uh of this area no other properties can be able to seek this height uh bonus is really going to be specific to this area and again it's just the ability to submit an application for approval next slide and as part of this uh what we're going to be doing is providing for the conditional use permit process uh contribution for Parks which we've already contemplated as part of an initial uh Community benefits package which we we anticipate engaging in with the community in a more robust fashion if we're for for enough to go beyond this next step um of course the Green Building certification uh distance from single family homes and then of course the community benefits package that we're comp contemplating this is the cup process that you all are well aware of next slide and these are some of the aspects of that we're anticipating we we do anticipate that there's going to be some significant enhancement with respect to Leman Park uh we're also anticipating that for some of the projects there will be access provided on site for members of the public to come on site to be able to utilize or at least view the Bay next slide uh this is the green building certification that will be um that will have to be sought uh we will have to obtain some sort of Green Building certification as part of this process uh and we anticipate uh certain conditions with respect to the community benefits package as of today we have a certain set of community benefit uh package that we are uh going to initiate with the community subsequent to this that Community benefits package we fully anticipate having a robust dialogue with both the council and the community to ensure that we're addressing their concerns and making sure that we're improving the park areas and the different issues Transportation Workforce housing uh and some of the issues that have been raised even here tonight uh so we think that this project uh that this amendment process will provide for a project that can address to all of the issues that have been raised as part of the public hearing process even tonight uh we and we look forward to being able to work with the neighbors thank you for your time I'm here to answer any questions and would like to reserve some time for autal thank you so much awesome thank you thank you so very much sir that was very quick um we have a couple of people um who have signed up to speak I am going to call your name not in in the order in which I have received your application okay excuse me if I mispronounce your name Sarah as asot I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm Sarah perfect followed by um Miss Deborah Debby um Davies yes so my name is Sarah Azera and I leave 195 Z Northeast 118 road so I'm part of the S cusi community so this project is literally in our backyard we welcome the project and we look forward with speaking with Pedro about the benefit package thank you thank you hello uh Deborah Davies 1165 Northeast 127 Street um with all due respect I am opposed to raising the permitted height on on this area to 238 ft does anyone believe that this will be a one-off situation once you approve this developers will be lining up to build 200ft tall buildings all along the bay in sansi and then in other parts of the city as with other high-rise developments in single family neighborhoods it is a complete fiction that they have no adverse impacts as the ldrs require as I think you know I am my neighbors are living through those adverse impacts as we speak in my home on Northeast 127th directly across from the gardens residence and we have not even begun to experience the you know the full impacts of this development which will only become clearer once it's totally open for business and that is only nine stories high while you are looking tonight is at what you are looking at is 20 stories and what about flooding which is already a problem on North bashore Drive it's a terrible problem one for which the infrastructure is already in equate people move to North Miami because they don't want to live in Bickle in high-rise buildings that routinely severely flood during storms why not instead think about protecting Sans sui and the rest of North Miami from the impacts of the climate crisis and sea level rise with new infrastructures that protect us and will make our city livable for future Generations as we know we have another hurricane out there right now um I just got this from you Mr Mayor um saying you're going to solve the flood challenges but I don't see how creating these new um and I'm sure other people on on in the council have done sent out similar things I don't see how you're going to like stop flooding by creating more problems without any any impact you know without any you know on our infrastructure thank you very much you are welcome oh she CAU me off guard on that one El viava followed by Claudia um Pino um and then it will be Lanna C lonski klasi I'm sorry okay e beaba 13350 North Third Court um following Debbie I could not have said it more perfectly I pretty much agree with everything she said um I don't believe this is I think there's a problem where already a problem in the city where developers are just running over us now you're going to allow developer that don't like the rules to just change the law I mean this is going to be all over the city what is to stop the next developer for don't like the way the ordinances to just change it we just went through a com doing the comprehensive plan we just went through redoing this whole thing you had the public come out we talk we talk about what we want and now you're going to say it meant nothing developer can come and change it at wh this is not right and and and once that happened in one place you are going to have developers saying it's my turn in the other place so I completely agree with everything Miss Davies said Thank you byebye thank you Claudia peso 13504 Northeast 23rd Place I can't believe we're still spending time on this subject matter of course I'm I'm opposed to it um earlier today somebody said United We Stand so though I do not live in that area I still live in North Miami and it's still going to impact me because again I'm for my residents my fellow neighbors and I don't think we should have this tall building and another thing last time I spoke I sat down and then somebody said there's not going to be that much traffic cuz the people who are going to live in that building are just going to be there part-time they're just going to use this as like a second home I'm like so you want my Council to vote in favor of people who are going to be here part-time residents to forget the rest of us who've been here for years and love the city we um spend so much time in the city we advocate for the city we're all about community so you want this Council to change the laws for part-time residents come on please and I ask the council you know have logical sense vote on behalf of those of us who fight for the city love the city want the best for the city not just like a part-time thing thanks thank you I'm sorry I mispronounced your name no said it beautifully second time thank you uh good evening lyanna kazlowski with shuin Law Group offices at 100 Southeast 2nd Street I am here this evening once again on behalf of mariners Bay Condominium Association I think by now between prior meetings the letters that we've sent the phone calls this council is pretty well aware of the situation that the folks at Mariners are facing we support the text Amendment tonight because one it's well thought out and it provides a real solution for the folks in this building like other aging condominiums in South Florida Folks at Mariners Bay have done their uh Milestone inspection and it's revealed that there is uh significant structural deterioration that requires concrete restoration and sure it's feasible but the price tag is enormous for a building that only has 46 Unit on so uh we have the association president here tonight and she can provide details if you ask about those six figure special assessments the bottom line it just doesn't pencil out especially for people on a fixed income this is one of those situations unfortunately where ensuring safety does not go hand in hand with preserving affordability to date though Continuum has been transparent with us they've worked collaboratively and they understand how time sensitive this matter is and we feel the same way about the city we appreciate that you've moved us forward and we are hopeful tonight that you will vote in favor of this amendment and I'll just say that I do believe that this process can serve as a blueprint for other communities who are struggling with these issues and who will be facing similar situations thank you thank you than you maam Herbert um Hernando baretto Laura gardo and our last speaker will be former mayor Frank Wen good evening um Hernando VTO um 11930 uh noral Drive uh I would like to start welcoming the president of continum the company glad that they are here uh we have discussed this for more than 20 meetings for the past two years and one of the things that is sad is see how the expensive H night lawyers have been trying this matter for the past two years trying to circumvent the system circumvent the process first going to the board of adjustment they fail then they try to get this roof and only get three Vates then they try to change the rules of the city to remove the super minority and they fall they failed to and then they tried the latest trick is they hire somebody a relative closer to uh Miss Timothy uh in order to force her to recuse because they knew her vote was against in the previous meeting then all those uh misrepresentation misleading tactics uh is not the way we welcome developers we want nice luxury buildings here but in the right way in the previous meetings uh the major the has proposed some compromise was refused even vice mayor proposed a compromise they refuse we have been trying to uh Community have trying we have several mils we have called them we have meet them but they refuse to any compromise at all they just designed the 238 10 in uh and they just are pushing doubling down on that Mr galin give them they gave them the opportunity the benefit of the doubt and give them a positive vote in the first reading trying to get them to compromise but they didn't thank you thank you Miss Laur ahead goad Laura gallano 12,000 North bashore Drive president of mariners Bay I'm not going to belabor the point tonight the opposition is focusing on two issues flooding which I'm sure Pedro will address um is being addressed with the smart development and I think you'll be really happy with um with what they have and second um their discussion that a handful of additional seasonal units is a burden um will be a burden on their lifestyle but the real issue is and this is really important and I want to bring this home is that there are 46 families in this building that are ready that are on the precipice of facing Financial ruin if this doesn't happen it's really important for you to understand that there's families who stand to lose their jobs I mean sorry their homes their savings and be thrust into the mounting condo crisis which you are all aware of this isn't just about a couple floors it's about protecting your con constituents parents children and the elderly who call Mariners Bay Home you know the issue at hand and you know why this is so important to pass this text Amendment tonight please don't let the voices of a few dictate the fate of many by passing this amendment you will demonstrate responsible governance that Embraces both Community welfare and future smart development this project will bring vital tax revenue which as we heard earlier today is very important to this uh City and improved infrastructure including as it relates to flooding in North Miami benefits that far outweigh any perceived short-term inconvenience to the people who are opposing this uh tonight if you vote this down you'll be voting to push us into foreclosure fire sales and receiverships leading to plummeting property values all around us we need your leadership now more than ever the families at Mariners will still be here in November and we will remember the support we received from you during this critical time time please let this be a moment where you show your commitment to protecting the community thank you I think Roland is is is is is I think that was the last one Rand Mr Roland no no go ahead Frank mayor who is this who is what did that oh oh Max go ahead go ahead sir mayor um Council my name is Frank wand I'm an attorney I represent DMZ 305 I'm a North Miami resident um I have spoken very very briefly two or three minutes councilman Galvin I spoke to um uh cassander Timothy I spoke very briefly to Miss estim um I'd like mayor if you don't mind I think there are two separate items and the two ordinances are different therefore I would request three minutes for each of the items because they are different ordinances not um well on this one we on this one and then we'll open it up right no they're doing them together we're doing them both mayor they were read together other people get I mean if you do that then you they're opening it right back up subject okay that's fine okay okay go thank thank you very much um first of all I want to say this is a good project and I support the ordinance I think it is a good ordinance it's a great idea that you are doubling the size if I was sitting there I would go for 300 fet I think this is the most valuable property in the city and it can really boost the taxes and there's no there's no reason not to um the idea that in exchange for the hype bonus the residents receive benefits that's also a good idea everyone wins the developer wins and the residents win it's a good project it needs to happen in my opinion there is just one problem one word that is out of place I think it was an inadvertent mistake and it's at page four paragraph 6 of the ordinance and it says that the height bonus is in exchange is in exchange for public access to biscane Bay or a contribution to the a local park to enhance access to view the bay and that word or is a mistake it should read and or at least and slor in the case the proposed access that they have now is about a 12 foot space with two benches that you can go to look at the bay we can do better the plan for the property has a 25 foot wide private prominade in other words a Baywalk it extends almost the whole 600 ft of the property in my opinion that Baywalk should extend all the way to North Bay Shore Drive it's a win for the residents of the building they get to go use and enjoy the park and the dog walk and they don't have to go into the street to do it it's a benef for all benefit for all the people in the city who are using the park who can walk down the Baywalk enjoy the bay enjoy the water and the boats and the wind in their faces it's a win-win okay so it should extend if our city is going to have the kind of quality that other cities have where they have bayw walks and they trade development rights for access to the Bay it's in the shoreline review ordinance it's something that's easy to do and it makes it a pedestrian friendly residential community that invites the public to have access to and enjoy the Waterfront everyone can win here please do something positive not just for the people who live here but for the people who live all around the city the second ordinance is the same and you can change it very easily by changing or to end at page four thank you all so much thank you yes how are you thank you thank you very much uh Max Carney 12,000 North bashore Drive Unit 306 um I don't want to belabor the points that have already been raised I just I want to point this out as as someone who lives in the community and and candidly would never move far away from Steve's Pizza um you know I think you know I I look at you know some of the comments that were brought up today and you know there's a lady on our street and I I know some of my neighbors know who um she drives 60 miles an hour in a white Lincoln Navigator through that street every day I look at what this money could do for safety on the streets across the city and I also think in terms of someone who who who is a a resident here for a reason because they love the community and looking at what any developer could do right I look specifically to the Continuum company and the type of product that they build that has staying power within the community if you look at the developments they've built in South Florida particularly in South Beach you'll see that 20 plus years after development it's still one of the most revered addresses in Miami Beach so again I think there's so many reasons to to try to push this forward and I appreciate the consideration thank thank you so much sir um yes you have your two minutes one second um I will take this uh additional time to reinforce two points um the issue about the super majority was set in the city ordinance for a reason this is a really big policy change because I has it has been mentioned before if a text amendment can pass in that way against the community that has been opposing for very long time then anyone can propose any change text Amendment and destroy the comprehensive plan and ldr that we have built we have proposed some compromise over and over and and the developer has refused I will urge the council tonight to deny that text Amendment or propose um a motion to be one 69 ft as the same high of mayorca which is in several meetings we have already mentioned and if there is still not Clarity on the or no decision uh this should be postponed after the election because this is changing completely the the regulations for the city then this should be postponed but in any case super majority has to happen even if there is one member of the council four vots could be required in order to pass this even if there is one member of the of the council that is not here otherwise uh a meeting of three people with two people that are sick could pass text amendments if two of them vote Yes then that is not that was not the intention for the establishment of the super minority then it's very important we urge again council members to deny thank you so much anyone else we everybody is now getting an additional bite at the app because they have to because of it's the new Frank wand rule we just exactly do I have to State my name again yeah go ahead yes pleas Claudia Paso 1354 Northeast 23rd Place is not a win-win situation and then 46 I feel bad for the 47 families I don't know the circumstance but they're not the only ones that can vote November 5th so if we're going to play that game well if you don't give us height these 47 we don't do that yeah this is not what this is about yes it was brought up before but I'll take it for the record nobody can vote for me on November 5th no I'm serious yeah that's not a that's not a cute thing to throw at elected officials don't do do what we want or we're not voting for you that's and same thing in regards to um well we can get money for Speed bums no no no no one thing is one thing the other thing is another thing like I said we're a community united we stand and our main thing is if you allow this to happen in this area what's to say is not going to happen to the rest of North Miami and we have to be fair CU a developer can say you let it happen on the east side why not this side so that's why me and others who don't live in the immediate area are here cuz again we love this city we love the community you see our faces we want what's best for the entire people and I know there's a small population says no we want this to go higher we understand that but in the overall we have to see what's best for everybody not what's best for a few people's pocket and if it's true that they're going to be foreclosed I feel bad for them cuz I went through that situation but at the end it needs to be what's best for everybody and again United We Stand and then it's not fair that less than 1% gets to control or tell you guys this is what needs to be done that's it thank you thank you thank you so much um I think it's safe to say public hearing is closed now and this is the longest meeting since I became M well not really it's it's 10:05 I thought it was 11:05 so Pedro not make it long absolutely man I'm going to just address U several discreet points to really hit home some of the issues that were raised by the neighbors and and just not just try to address them headon first issue is flooding in this specific area the reason why you have flooding was because those properties were developed back in the 1970s and it allowed water to drain into North Bas Road Drive what this is going to do is address that issue and as a matter of fact this developer has already provided a community benefits package whereby they're going to be investing $1.25 million for stone Water Management in addition the second comment that was raised was with respect to sea level rise this developer will also be enhancing the seaw wall by additional 2 ft that will provide for additional enhancement to address sea level rise within the city particularly within this area the third issue that was raised and I think that this is very interesting I sat here tonight and I heard a variety of different people talk about revenues and how the city needs more revenues and we need to be able to address a variety of the public goods the projects that will be submitted to you as part of this process if this amendment goes through in a in a u amalgamation of 20 years will provide over $155 million directly to the city and in the first year of occupation both of those projects just two of them not I'm not even thinking about um if whatever happens with the third project but for two of those project you can have $9 million going directly to the city from two projects by being able to allow us to submit an application now it still has to come back before this board your your arms are not tied to make a decision you have the opportunity to review it and there were a variety of different comments by a particular neighbor uh some of which dealt with ecal concerns that I do not think Merit a response I'm not going to address some of those issues but there were other issues that were raised by him um that I think would be important to address the first item is there was a statement that we're just going around the rules well if this Council remembers we were specifically told by the council to seek a text Amendment don't go through the variance process seek a text Amendment go through the process come back before this council do your meetings and we've done all of that we've had several Community meetings we've had several public we've now been in this process for over a year and So for anybody that would state that we did not go through the proper process would be completely wrong that is false we've done exactly what this Council wanted us to do so if there's a disagreement on some items that's fair but saying that we did not do the appropriate process is completely and directly wrong because we did exactly what the council asked us to do so when it comes to these items flood sea level rise I'm not going to address the ethical issues and then there was a comment and I don't typically disagree with um uh former mayor Roland I think that there are opportunities for us to provide for Access and so you have several different properties within the bz there are opportunities for those properties to provide contributions to Leman Park those properties can either provide those contributions for Leman Park to ensure that the public can have more access to it it's a public part the public can utilize it or the applicant can provide a portion of its site so that people can come on its property and view the bay it provides for a dynamic that ensures that if it's within the ability of that applicant to to move forward it ensures that the public still has access to view the bay as part of the process but with respect to any specific project at the end of the day with respect to any specific project that will come before you you will still have the ability to make a decision on it because it has to come back before this Council it has to go back through a variety of community meetings and it has to come back for you for public hearing I thank you for your time and I'm here to answer any questions thank you so much thank you thank you thank you so very much um that quite a lot um yes sir I'm sorry mayor before you uh deliberate I just need to um address something um so uh I you heard uh from Mr beretto um there is an issue with the super majority vote um as you know under Section uh 3-10 it requires four members of the council uh to vote uh to to change uh zoning and then under Section 3-110 n it requires a super majority same thing different uh different language um OB obviously one of your members had to recuse herself which brings you down to four so the issue is does it does uh does all all four uh members have to vote for it or uh is it it's just a majority um we did the research uh there's nothing uh exactly on point but my opinion tonight is that this is going to require three out of four votes um and the reason for that is this um the state law requires a majority vote for for these types of things we are allowed to be stricter and we did we created a uh ordinances that require super majority vote um if any member were to leave wasn't here then my opinion would be that you'd still need four votes the fact is though we have a member who cannot vote on this who will never be able to vote on this so this will only ever be four people who can vote on this item um and I believe my opinion is that it's too restrictive because you're taking something that would require a majority vote and now making it a unanimous vote um and I think if that was challenged in court we would uh likely lose that so I'm uh recommending that you well I'm I'm letting you know that this is going to require three out of four votes um tonight there is an ago opinion uh ago 19854 it's not on point it talks about Quorum um but it does state that um if if you if a person uh has to recuse thems um on an item um then it that person is taken out and you uh and it would not account towards Quorum it's not exactly the same but that's one of the things that I've looked at one of the cases that we looked at um to come to this opinion so I just want to put that on the record um and that's all all right thank you so very much okay may thank you yes ma'am yeah I'd like to um disclose expart communication with the applicant was going to disclose you got you got to leave too I'd like to know with the um with the applicant and um with the mayor former mayor Frank Wen as stated on record okay I had conversations with so many of the people in this room um both sides of the issue um yes and I think I met with W4 I we did meet right yes yeah I just want to disclose that I had um conversation with uh uh Pedro and also W okay Mr I need to add Mr W on on mines as well I need to Mr W and thank you for reminding me vice mayor because I I didn't remember Mr Mayor through you to the City attorney um are we being asked tonight to vote on removing a super majority I mean if super majority is on our books no that it'll it'll always continue the again the only thing that changed on this vote is that councilwoman Timothy can't can't vote right right right but we're not so you're not Chang no so in the future if if it's something that all five you can vote on then it'll be you still super majority we're not changing the super majority that actually was if you recall that that was an ordinance that had been proposed it was it was with withdrawing right right and I just didn't know if this was a different way of doing what we not not at all again I mean you know she had to recce herself so right I'm sorry I stepped out to have an ice cream bar when she is that what you did you his question I had um you know Mr Wen brought up the and or um item on page four about access to the water are you he had suggested where it says um um I think it was access to the water or I forget the language but he he said he'd be happy with an and or it was page four and unfortunately little laptop I have here is so small print um is that something that you and your client are amable to is is the addition of and/or as opposed to the word or so I think that the issue that Mr Roland was trying to address was to provide for both the access on your site and the access to Leman Park The View that we had been taking from the very beginning was that you can do either so you either provide for the contribution that would enhance the impart to ensure that more people would have access to it uh or if you decided that it would be more appropriate to just provide it on your side that you do it because that would be uh more consistent with providing for the ability so instead of having the Double Impact you have an impact of you either provide it to enhance the public space or you provide it on your site and so we think that or addresses the issue by providing the public with access to view debate so so I I get I get that are you not amable to and slor as opposed to the word or or I would like to see the N or we would be fine with the Andor okay thank you and then thank you the other question I had through you Mr Mayor to the City attorney a dang it that brain freeze um I milk that ice cream joke for I yes season that um oh there was another question I'll have to come back to me I'm sorry was for the but I totally forgot oh I know what it is I'm sorry Sor sorry sorry the the the list of um Community benefits are we approving that tonight are we that deep in the weeds no again this is only a framework um so any project that would come after this they would have to that still has to okay that was cuz that's sort of my overriding motivator you know this is a project for my standpoint that will have to be worked out by the next city council not by me I'm not going to stand in the way um I'll vote Yes but that was that was my question was whether we were really that deep I mean and some of those Community benefits are excellent um whether we were that deep into the the weeds tonight that that's what we were approving so they were just profer those as potential Community benefits yeah okay um mayor I me yes that was exactly uh my my point into that uh speaking about the community benefits and the everything and one of the many questions that I have is about the floting and I think uh Pedro addressed it uh very well um as a matter of fact uh we're not going not on with that part um with this um area will be even even better um with um the work that is going to uh be done and everything to uh this project is that to uh come to flourish so uh with that uh I would just uh move for approval second I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the item at tab W the motion was seconded by vice mayor EST Irvin councilman galin how do you vote Yes vice mayor EST irin how do you vote Yes amend councilman Charles how do you vote I I withdraw we're we're extending the former mayor is the word and or agreed upon do we I think we all understand we all understand that yeah we snatching Victory from the Jaws councilman Charles how do you vote Yes mayor dese how do you vote no motion carries with a 31 vote thank you mayor thank you Vice May thank you members of the council is there a motion on uh tab X so move second I have a motion made by vice mayor estan to approve the item at tab X the motion was seconded by councilman Charles mayor Des how do you vote no councilman Charles how do you V you vote Yes vice mayor as mayin how do you vote Yes I'm sorry I didn't hear you it's yes okay thank you councilwoman uh Timothy is recused councilman Galvin how do you vote Yes the motion carries with a 31 phone thank you mayor thank you vice mayor thank you members of the council thank you okay wow we we we we did it it's is that the last item public record uh Mr aen me excuse me threaten me okay then you need to talk to the police but not not not us okay but you cannot do that okay okay you got a police officer here thank you all my yeah yeah he needs to talk to the cop yeah he has to let's let's let yeah let's not get involved in whatever might have happened if there police officer F police yeah he needs to talk to the police I'd move to a journ no no no no no we got public hearing no no no guys we got public hearing I apologize okay we got to do it real quick um public hearing is opened I know Jesus this has been a long night citizen forign these people been here Veronica gang 540 Northwest 127th Street I know I normally come up here to bash the console but I just wanted to say um I wish m Timothy was back I appreciate her saying that the CRA budget and things could have um can be moved around to help with the traffic calming um and other things that we need um with within the city um and the second thing I want to say is thank you mayor for bringing up that resolution regarding the slanderous marks that were made against the Haitian Community I have lived here about 35 years I went to a predominantly um Haitian high school and I recall the rumors back then regarding um AIDS and my friends being terrified of being attacked and things of that nature and I just want to say that there's a a quote that says if you don't learn from history you're you're doomed to repeat it and our country the United States of America was named after Amero vuchi and he is an Italian explorer so at the end of the day we are all immigrants it doesn't matter how many generations of us have been here we are unless we're Native American Americans we should all respect each other and uplift one another thank you amen thank you that's right Michelle Morgan 13140 Northeast third Court um I just wanted to comment again on the guys that just left and that to I know you guys already passed the ordinance but we have already opened that Canal worms now we're going to be looking at the next Brickle in the next however many years years because these developers are just going to keep coming in and they're going to keep building Higher and Higher and Higher and that is not what North Miami is we all want development we all want to improve but North Miami is a bedroom community when I moved here I came here because it was quiet my street was nice now developers have already destroyed it Northeast third court is no longer Northeast third Court we have heavy foot traffic heavy traffic period with cars flooding and now we're adding 18 new homes that's going to make it even worse so I understand that everybody needs development the city needs money yada yada yada but why does it have to be a 20 story building you can still get Revenue with a 15 story or 20 a 10 story building why does it have to be 20 that's all I have to say thank you Miss Morgan 13350 nor code I Baba and I'm going to tell you Michelle does not like to speak in front of people so the fact that she actually made it up there um actually even surprised me so I congratulate her for coming forward and standing up here um um now Michelle mentioned third court and we came here tonight to speak about third Court um and I know that that was postponed we have tried and I ask you guys and we have new management and I was trying to speak to um Mrs Kore before this city failed us there were eight Acres of undeveloped land around us and there should have been a master plan for that land the developer was allowed to do peace meal one at a time and now comes and says he only has no choice but to exit on third Court there is a development to the west and I ask I am making a request as a community benefits and I'm pushing for Community benefits agreements now and I hope that the city both Administration and the council will consider having a community benefits agreement as part of the law of this city so that other communities are not run over the way third quod was run over despite flooding cancelled flooding citations all kind of atrocity please I believe that this developer should have to speak to developer on his West and and see if they can exit out Griffin which is a major road that already have a lot of multi-d developments all right please so see if we can get it done um and please read this I gave it to you uh and it will tell you some of what I was trying to explain thank you thank you so very much Claudia Claudia pasina 1354 North East 23rd Place Michelle thank you for coming up and those residents at home who are watching cuz some of you watch and you tell me you watch and you send me DMs I encourage you all to please come to a council meeting and let your voice be heard do not be shy do not be scared do not count on me and others to speak for you I ask you please come as you can see there's power in numbers so again I ask you to come cuz I'm personally disappointed what happened tonight but what's done is done so I encourage you all to please come cuz I think I'm going to stop coming huh you're going to stop coming okay good night erando arto 11930 nor B nor B Bal Drive um I just want to also um made a comment we always have said that we want developers we want a conscious developer we want sustainable but the way that this developer in particular has treated the community the same way that he treated me today is the kind of developers that are going to as mentioned by other citizens tonight they get their way they just did it the way they want it um they don't really listen they just try to check mark and this is open the Pandora box that we were trying to close when that pass on the board of adjustment because basically anyone can present the text Amendment they are not even residents they are not property owners and they came here aggressively run over the community to get their way and that's not the way that we expect uh future Partners in development for the city to behave they have demonstrated the real character and I hope that the council and all the ones that are watching the TV as Claudia say um are conscious that we as a community cannot be uh bully should not be feel bully for Rich developers from New York that are coming here just to force their way on our community we want developers but we want conscious and respectful developers in this city thank you yes thank you so much Umberto and sir no one should be threatening you there is um yes please that that is that should not be tolerated um before we leave um let me make this last announcement it is with great sadness that we announce the passing of you know Annie McGary we extend our deepest um condolences to the family friends and her family is the entire city moan the loss of a life of lifelong resident and local business owner her real estate firm was in our city she has been a uh Bedrock of this North Miami Council you know I I could see her coming to council meeting her Legacy in in our city um her compassionate and her service she'll be Pro profound profoundly missed in in our community Miss mg's contributions to North Miami will be greatly remembered and her gratitude for what she has giving to all of us um will be cherished um she has inspired all of us um for the for the for for the great and again if I could ask all of us if we could just have a moment of Silent for Miss um Annie mcry thank you all thank you with that being said councilman oh lastly I'm sorry I think we know we are celebrating Hispanic her month from September 15th until October 15th um in the city of North Miami but this Sunday I know we mentioned it at the beginning of the council meeting but this this I think this is the longest council meeting we have we had had this this year since I became well the last two years since I became a mayor and it's feeding because we are giving the send off to our longest serving councilmen for the p 25 years councilman Scott Galvin this Sunday please do not forget as we are giving our favorite councilman are send off to councilman Scott Gavin in partnership with the north Miami greater Chamber of Commerce this Sunday September 29th at the Scott Galvin Center which is located 1600 Northeast 126 Street in North Miami the event will take place there held from 5:30 until 9:00 p.m. it's open to the public you could register it's um first come first served and please please come and show your support for our favorite councilman Scott Gavin and councilman what are you going to be dressed as of I'm thinking I'm thinking since um lately um councilman gin have been working so hard on the African everything that has I might superhero superhero then I got to order something from Amazon there you go black panther forever oh okay I get something from Amazon I'll be there yes overnight and um just saying it um councilman Galvin and I always tell you that just want to see um thank you thank you for your leadership and uh the first thing that I um see in you when I met you way way way back um when um we used to go to the same uh gym and everything is like you carry the city of North Miami wherever you go and this is uh this is very deep and I just want to say thank you and I know on my side it is to me like an honor to be able to say that I serve with you and uh and I always ask you cast gin how do you go to all this year and still standing strong and you told me just keep your head straight and keep working so thank you for everything thank you uh for taking my hand and um show me exactly what leadership can look like and I look forward to uh keep on learning from you thank you very much thank thank you awesome um Mr attorney any last minute minute word we coming back to the clerk mayor I I usually don't give reports um but I feel compelled to tonight I'm glad you brought up uh Miss Montgomery um yeah it's going to be hard um Jesus and he is yes Lord I think that was going to happen um can we come back we'll come back she is yeah annab any last John I do have a few reports tonight unfortunately at the longest council meeting but I do want to announce actually it's not the longest you know look with Joe selest we went till 2 in the morning every meeting so firstly our city budget has been received and confirmed at the state so yay on that um secondly the economic development unit did receive a grant for the north Miami downtown Redevelopment P3 via transit oriented development in the amount of $1.75 million so we'd like to congratulate our economic development director who's also serving as our interim Deputy city manager additionally we also want to congratulate assistant chief Ransom who has completed his um service at the quanico Academy so we really want to congratulate him on his attendance and completion so that will be it for me tonight awesome great ready try again all right um so I I I started um lobbying and uh working on my in land use and Zoning back in 20072 2008 um city of North Miami was one of the first cities that I uh worked in and Miss Montgomery and I were not uh friends um there there were a couple items that we uh buted heads against um but you know I eventually became the City attorney and I can tell you every meeting jesz I'm sorry every meeting um she'd come to me and she'd give me a kiss and tell me how much of a great job I was doing and um I didn't think I'd miss it as much but um considering our relationship but um as you said mayor she is a fixture in this city and she will be missed thank you oh my god thank you thank you so much Jeff I mean Madame clerk you're doing a great job Jeff yeah you are I mean nobody could do it like Annie but my condolences as well to Annie Montgomery and her family and especially to uh councilwoman Keys who I know is De deeply grieving her her great friend um I want to thank everyone who made it to the uh part one of the community benefits agreement Workshop this is the second time that we were able to host this um part two is coming up in October the first one being October 10th so I would love for folks to come out on that second one on that second one we actually be just going through the motions of how to build one and as somebody who actually works on community benefits agreement I think it's really important for folks especially in this city to actually be part of what it what it's like to build one out and so I highly encourage you all to attend and more information is available through my office and I'll be sharing more details on that also want to share uh or express my gratitude to everyone who made it possible to have a Our Food Distribution on September 17th uh really thankful to Parks and Rec Mikey Ernie Louis um Andre Aussie Jamal and of course Christine the library Paul Georgette Aaron nmpd ocean um y Holmes Brooks smia Carter now that Carter is like extra certified or whatever do I get my badge now we'll discuss after um Rivera montina Miranda SATA and Carter and anyone that I miss charge it to my head and my Heche but not my heart Friends of the uh Library Rose uh Dana Zoe Becky Claudia and I know that princess was there and someone else who I don't remember uh Communications unisia Stephanie thank you so much and to our volunteers who just came out of nowhere to help out Sophia Sophie Oswaldo karolina Gabriella Angela Kenna and Princess again mjd Wellness em Manuela and K Kus I'm sorry and then Miami day District 2 staff came out to support Max Willen Marie and of course Farm share so thank you all so much for supporting those initiatives I really appreciate it and um thank you all and of course my team my God my team my poor team my poor team who has to deal with me I know I know yes Kai they're all my favorites and I'm just so grateful for them because without them I wouldn't be able to do a single thing thank you so awesome thank you sir so much second second that joh joh John was John you about to say something I normally don't but um as it relates to Annie mcgomery just kind of wanted to share something so when I was in elementary school I lived on Northeast Miami cdor for 138 uh just outside of the city but I used to walk you illegally went to school here no no well I did that's why I went to to biscan Gardens Elementary School so and I would walk to school walk back home so going to Kagney Park where I played basketball I remember seeing Annie mcgomery signs the red and blue signs I didn't I didn't really know what it meant so I would always see those signs in front of houses until I actually learned that Annie Annie mcgomery was a real estate agent I never met her throughout this time I didn't meet Annie mcgomery in person until I started working in the city and I heard the name and I'm like oh this is the face to the name that I was seeing when I while growing up in North Miami and ever since um we met you know she's always been sweet to me so just wanted to extend my um condolences to her family thank you thank you Annie rest in peace thank you good night I have a motion made by councilman Galvin seconded by mayor to adjourn all in favor any oppos motion carries with a 30 vote the time is now 10:38 p.m. good night everyone one