##VIDEO ID:h5bCFfk9nK4## I am going to go for it at 7:05 mayor do here vice mayor as mayid present councilman Galvin here councilwoman Timothy here councilman Charles present mayor you have a COR to proceed thank you so much Madam clerk we're going to go ahead and um Pledge of Allegiance by Major Crystal Fernandez of the north B Police Department our very own Crystal and then we're going to have invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance um led by Pastor Mike Davis of Prince of Peace MB Missionary Baptist Church Inc I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under a God indivisible with liberty and justice for all good evening let us our heads I pray for this council meeting tonight give the council members wisdom and guidance as they deliberate on these items before them may every decision be righteous in your sight for our benefit and For Your Glory in the name of the father Son and the Holy Ghost we do pray and say amen amen thank you so much Pastor all right um Madame City attorney any well I'm sorry madam city manager any add um addition deletion and Amendment to the agenda good evening mayor yes we do have one deletion which is tab o which is being requested being pulled by the applicant is that the only one or anymore that at this time that's the only one oh T the last one correct okay okay and U go yes sir no go ahead now I'd like to request for tab D to be um moved to the next D to be tabled okay got it to the next meeting T it's on the consent agenda d d that that's in consent yes okay okay that would be I'm okay with it but but that would not cause anything with you guys we good okay okay anything else so for the the item for tabd will need a vote for that to be tabled okay so let me get all hopefully there there'll be more people want to move different do you want me to do it now or you want to group it or how should we do itable to be grouped I'm sorry they can perfect okay thank you um councilman you you had you have the floor oh quickly um i' like to um table T M and N M and M m and n m and as in ncy and M as in Mary n as in Nancy to our next meeting okay I don't have any problem with those okay okay okay anything else that kind of Knocked our agenda down through half which is a good day okay I think I think we we have it may I get a motion to move tab MN and o d d and d so move second so just to clarify since tab o was deleted it was pulled by the applicant we're only taking a motion to table tabs DM andn DM and N I have a motion made by councilman Charles to table the items ATT d m and n to the next meeting the motion was seconded by vice mayor estimate Irvin all in favor any opposed the motion carries at the 5- Z vote thank you so much Madame clerk um Madame manager Madame attorney do we have the agenda set yes mayor the agenda is set you may proceed thank you so much okay so we have a couple of um special presentations um we're going to go down followed by City City events and announc and then hurricane preparedness and then we'll take it from there it seems we don't have any um appointments we'll after the presentation and City events and hurricane preparedness we'll just move right into consent agenda we may be out of here by 8 Okay good guys let's go yes okay okay thank you I'm coming I'm coming good evening everyone North bamy neighbors mayor and Council staff um I'm councilwoman Cassandra Timothy and I also serve as the chair for Hispanic Heritage Month as you all know we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month in the city of North Miami every year beginning September 15 to October 15 so we invite you all to join us for our month-long commemoration of Hispanic Heritage Month here in the beautiful city of North Miami tonight I have the honor of bestowing a proclamation to someone who is more than deserving of this honor um Miss Rosa henrique uh give it up and I'm going to read all of it so you guys are aware of Miss Rosa henrique Rosa affectionally known as coko is a dominican-american artist based in Miami who creates an exploring theme related to culture place and identity she began her career in the city of North Miami first in 2015 where she started working at the Museum of Contemporary Art then transferred to the office of Mayor and Council and she is currently serving as the contract compliance administrator in the purchasing department whereas Rosa's love of painting was inspired by her mother's artistic Pursuit as a watercolorist and a pianoist her passion for art was discovered and developed during the covid-19 pandemic where she creates a variety of artwork including landscape Botanical structures and portrait using watercolors and art medium such as acrylic paints crochet embroidery Fabrics thread and natural fabrics and I'm also waiting for my painting that I commissioned with Rosa that I didn't get yet but you know Rosa no hard feelings no hard feelings Rosa is a member of the American watercolor society and the Fiber Arts Miami Association her art has been featured in various exhibitions showcasing her talent and creativity including the copper Bridge Foundation Community love activation artist in artist in the ancient Spanish Monastery Hispanic Heritage Month and the women month exhibit at the North Miami public library and the Bravo theater at the pompo beach allei culture arts center earlier this year she was accepted by the Adrian Arts Center to be the brushes with cancer program to create an art piece inspired by a cancer survivor which will be presented on Thursday September 12th whereas her proposal was recently accepted by the camp Gallery further we got the power exhibit coming in October 2024 and therefore for I councilwoman Cassandra Timothy along with our mayor Alex S V vice mayor Mary estimate Irvin councilman Scott Galvin and councilman Pierre France Charles do by here Proclaim and commend Rosa henrique for her outstanding contribution to the community through her expression of Art and we hereby Proclaim September 10th 2024 as Rosa and day and the Beautiful city of North Miami come on Rosa I got say a few words I must say a few words council member um Rosa spent the last eight years prior to going to purchasing Alberto you stole her from me last six was it six years six years working with me and trust me anybody could pull up with put up with me for that long um but the work that you do um you are really an integral part of our city and and this is so welld deserved where we honor one of our own you are a family to us and we love you and thank you my success thank [Applause] you sure thank you so much I am very grateful uh for the mayor and Council um the city clerk who is also a co-chair of the Hispanic Heritage Month um the uh committee who um have taken the lead and uh taking care of all the uh events this year finally I'm not doing it um and I'm very thankful for my family and friends that are here uh thank you for coming um this is a great honor thank you and at this time we will unveil the painting that will be on display during Hispanic heritage oh yeah and please wait before you do it yeah so uh this painting that I did uh with the intention of honoring uh a very special person you'll recognize her right away and uh in in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month go ahead come [Music] on let me just hold on let me just put ready three r [Applause] [Applause] and this is truly truly nice can we put it putting it it's so nice where we going to put it oh okay is beautiful so nice my God silia Cru selia Cruz of course and now we're going to have the next um special presentation by councilman Scott galin thanks this is actually from the entire city council um this month is National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and any of you if any of you know Sylvia you know she's been there for kids um of many ages of many backgrounds and of many situations over the years and um when there's a family in need Mystic Force has been there so with that in mind um whereas September is National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and whereas cancer is the leading cause of death by disease among us children between infancy and 15 years of age uh whereas this disease not only affects the child diagnosed with cancer but also their entire support network of De devoted parents grandparents loved ones and Friends uh this month we recognize that these burdens are shared by countless dedicated Health Care Professionals organizations Charities and parent advocacy groups which support parents and families by offering advice encouragement hope financial assistance and work tirelessly to lift the spirits of children suffering and CA some suffering from cancer now therefore mayor Alex dul and the entire uh City Council of North Miami and our city Clark do declared today September the well the entire month we're not going to do just today we're going to do the entire month to declare the month of September 2024 as National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month s if you'll come forward [Applause] hi [Music] [Music] yesly thank you mayor and councel I I'm so grateful to our city this is my city I do live in North [Applause] Miami thank and I love you all so much and I am so grateful for all the years of support for those of you I've never met my baby passed away from cancer 13 years ago 13 minutes for me but it is my life mission to help all of these children as much as I can to find cures for them and basically more than anything to keep them as happy as possible as they battle this devastating disease if you look on our social media Pages you'll see literally hundreds of pictures of officers from North Miami PD who are so supportive of our children are always there for us we have some of our um children with us today we have Jake and Megan are our survivors and we have our beautiful Elizabeth who's one of our Warriors and like me ad e is an angel mom and her son KAS uh is Captain KAS of the North Miami Police Department I want Tok thank all of you so much for your support and for everything that you do for our kids the only way we will ever find a cure for our children is to continue to raise awareness and remind everyone that Childhood Cancer is the number one disease killer of children in our country and the incidence of of Childhood Cancer continues to rise thank [Applause] you somebody wants to hold this one all right let's do on the one two [Music] [Applause] there we go hugs [Music] thank you so awesome and now for our last presentation but not least um we it's it's truly an honor for us to present a special special presentation to one of our sister city um City partner from benj Africa from West Africa but before I go on and um make the presentation um I just wanted to share a little bit about um this giant May low from the great city of Benjo um Africa last year as you all know um was it last year when we we took a trip to sign the official sister city um Des Nation from North Miami to W um to West Africa and one of the well the second stop the official stop that we did was with Ben Drew and the reception that they did our I mean council members um that was present from Galvin to vice mayor to councilman Charles it was over the top out of the world um we were on the mission with the county so it was Miami day County and us with the city of North Miami and other Municipal partners and we know whenever that she said she's going to come we'll have to pull out all stops however she made a surprise visit it's not an official visit where we will be asking her to um come back as part of the sister city um program to officially where we will have a um an actual official ceremony where we will do the exchange there but she is here um as on a on a small Mission and she wanted to come by and see her North North Miami families so this is a little bit about ma Low's and we all got together Ma's and we don't do this often but you will be leaving us with our precious key to the city of North Miami and this is a little bit about um May Lo it's a it's a lot in her bio I'm going to read some of it may may mayor Lo's were born and raised in benil the capital city of Gambia where her father Aliyah G Malik loow was once mayor May Lo made history on May the 12 2018 after being elected the first ever female mayor in the entire country yes she has she has become the mayor of the city of boba after contesting the marial election under the banner of the United Democrat Democratic party UDP the largest opposition Party In The Gambia where she was once a founding member on the 20th of May 2023 she once again recorded a resounding victory at the poll by ending the a seasoned politician um hotly contested poll and to be reelected to the position of Mayor of the great city of Benjo Mayo was first reelected to the mayor two um G um two Gambia to benju Gambia and enjoy her one term in office she lived and study international relations at the University of falland in Sweden while there she was active in in politics and a member of the party called The Social Democrat that thus had the opportunity to serve on child welfare Committee of um great municipalities where responsibilities to overseeing school within her jurisdiction for over four years she was once established she once established successful business in tourism industry in several cities across the continent of Africa and it's just a lot she is the um currently she is the she held these following positions she's the president of local elected women Network in the entire um in the entire continent of Africa um she is also the president of capital cities for sustainability Forum she's the second Vice chair of the Global parliament of Mayors which is an organization she introduced me to and she is the second Vice President of the United Democratic party of The Gambia she oh there's more she's the executive director of the Edward Francis Small teaching hospital and remain in the as a referral staff in benw she is the president and founder of the ri Malik loow women and girls empowerment initiatives among all to say all of this recently which I was present um with Meo where she was awarded the prestigious Dr Benjamin Barbara goblo Citizen Award which speaks volume about her accomplishment in the role that she does she always passionate to speak about kids and women and the issues that we um that they served in Gambia and how we could better benefit them here um as the partnership from North Miami to Gambia Meo it is with my distinguished honor with the entire Council as we give you this key to the city which is could open everything so now you have the key come on now [Music] there a war to good afternoon thank you so much it is an honor for me to receive this token I should call it a very big one the key of the city and this goes to the people of banul it's not mine I'm just leading we local government we are near to the people and I grateful what I've seen here today tells me or motivates me a lot because wherever I go I remind my colleagues that local government it's not about us as Mayors it's about our people it's about you and you and he so he said about uh one one of the most um recognized thing that I've ever had in my life is to have this citation from the United Nation one month ago I was also elected as the African woman of the year in Kenya and just last week I'm here because I was honored and given an award by the American Chamber Of commer so this is not my making I was elected Ed as the first female mayor in The Gambia running the Affairs of the capital city that means a lot to me and the credit goes back to the people of banul especially the women and the youth so I want to thank council members here and to thank my dear brother mayor des and just to tell you that we have in our language a some quotes that said you can tell someone not to listen to what you U saying or you can say somebody take your mouth out of my my my business but you cannot say take your ears out of what I'm doing I am very satisfied anybody who knows me will knows that I always advocate for the wom and the youth and I have a reason for this because in Africa as a woman our traditional and cultural norms has a barrier for us telling us this is where you should stop you belong to the house and in the house you belong to a very small Corner called the kitchen and this is not a joke when I wanted to become a mayor my only crime was my only crime was to contest with a man because they thought the seed is a male dominated area so they seal it and this is what I used to say to my fellow woman when a man wants something they come together hold each other and use us to have what they want but for us when we want something they break us apart so the stereotyping The Bullying I've seen it all but at the end of the day I won and I forget everything because you cannot say this is a secret voting you cannot know who vote who voted for you or not and at the end of the day when you late you have to be there for everyone so I am grateful and I want to tell the people of North Miami that banul The Gambia is a tourist center and I am working so hard to make sure that the the people from Miami will have access to ban jeel your kids your grandparents whoever want to come to banul you will come to banul in peace have been doing this with uh um uh my my brother here and inshallah by next year April destination B from Miami thank you so much [Applause] I heard the trip that's God's friend that the only fale mayor Jesus I know they like I know me oh I wanted a picture oh okay as um councilman Gavin and Milo during their picture taking we are moving to um City events we could you have time may you could take your time in a few oh I think you see good evening mayor council staff and North Miami neighbors and guests my name is unisia Baker and I am here presenting the following announcements on behalf of the city of North Miami join us for the 2024 zumini fall session at the North Miami Public Library every Monday from 10:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. we'll blend we'll blend music dance and fun educational activities for children ages 0 to 4 and their caregivers attention young readers join us every Tuesday at 4 pm. for the Wags and tales at the North Miami Public Library this reading experience allows children to participate in Reading alongside trained therapy dogs come along and sing and read come along for sing and read story time every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. at the North Miami Public Library this unique Story Time combines singing and reading to spark a love for learning every Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. join Master Garder Jer andne barl at the North Miami Public Library as she guides you through Hands-On gardening no registration is needed show up and enjoy the experience celebrate 40 Years of North Miami Vice join councilman Scott Galvin on Wednesday September 11th from 700 p.m. until 900 p.m. for a special anniversary event at green witch Studios and special guest Edward James almost the celebration marks the iconic Show's 40th year free tickets are available at Scott gal.com SLV discover housing opportunities in North Miami at the district 2 housing availability Workshop hosted by councilwoman Cassandra Timothy join us Thursday September 12th from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. at the North Miami public library to get updates on rental properties housing programs and opportunities in the area you're invited to a special Street naming ceremony honoring Virginia Gilmore join North mayor Alex suum on Friday September 13th at 11:00 a.m. as we officially redesignate Northwest 12th Street between Northwest 16th Avenue and 17th Avenue in her honor join the north Miami city clerk's office Catalyst Miami and local partners for an informative session on developing Community benefits agreements to address Community concerns the workshop will take place Friday September 13th at the Scott Galvin Community Center from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. scan the QR code or visit 2024 cbaa workshop. eventbrite.com join mocha on Saturday September 14th from 1 to 3 pm for a Hands-On lights and language Workshop led by Dmitri s shame the city of North Miami is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15th until October 15th join us and recog izing and celebrating the vibrant Hispanic and Latino cultures with exciting events throughout the month scan the QR code for more information or visit North miami.gov celebrate for a full list of events mark your calendars for the voters registration Day food distribution drive-thru presented by elected city clerk Vanessa Joseph Esquire just swing by the north Miami public library on Tuesday September 17th from 10:00 a.m. until 1: p.m. for free food and food distribution this event event is on a first come first serve basis don't miss out get involved in your community's future at the district 2 budget town hall meeting join councilwoman Cassandra Timothy on Tuesday September 17th from 6:00 p.m. until 4 p.m. at the North Miami public library to discuss the upcoming fiscal Year's budget with the focus on projects and updates in District 2 Thursday September 19th from 8 to 10: a.m. the Scott Gavin Community Center at the Scott Gavin Community Center Christopher h kson director of lost control Technical Services will prevent safety sessions to help you stay safe on the road join the city of North Miami's development services department and the Florida chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects to celebrate parking day join us September 20th at 2 p.m. as we reimagine parking spaces for community recreation connect with the north mining Public Works team to learn about the ongoing water service line inventory in compliance with EPA regulations this meeting takes place Wednesday September 2 25th from at 600 p.m. at the North Miami city hall Council chamber for more information contact the public works department at 305 895 9383 or visit North miami.gov LCR District 4 residents mark your calendars for the upcoming food distribution events District 4 councilman Pierre France Charles will host food distributions at the sunkiss Grove Community Center on Saturday September 28th and in Saturday October 12th both events will take place at 10:00 a.m. until 1: p.m. sorry sorry attention homeowners apply for the home the owner occupied rehabilitation program if you're a homeowner in North Miami you could be eligible for up to $60,000 in home repairs the registration period is October 1st through 31st 2024 applications are available online at North miami.gov slapp for more information contact 305 893 6511 extension 20,000 or email housing northiam fl.gov to stay up to date with North Miami news events programs and services log on to the city's official website at www.north.com click connect with Nomi on the homepage to sign up for the city's newsletters also follow us on Faceook Facebook and Instagram at North Miami on TWiT on X formerly known as Twitter follow @ Nom news and this concludes today's announcements thank you you may if I may there's a quick um reification that I would like to make for the food um distribution the first one is on SE September 28th that will be a Saturday Saturday September 28 28 okay that's the first one and uh the second is in October is fine but the first one is not fighting all thank you awesome thank you so much hcan prepar I know something is going on yes good evening mayor councel staff and residents my name is Sergeant G Baptist I'm the current emergency manager with the north P Police Department I don't know this incessant rain outside like you said there is something going on however we're not directly affected so we do have hurricane Francine that's in the Gulf it more affects Texas New Mexico areas like that um we did have a hurricane that made landfall hurricane Debbie that was August 5th it affected more North Florida like Stein hatchee that area they suffered a lot of flooding and severe damages to homes and things of that nature um it landed as a category one and the uh windage was between 74 and 95 miles per hour speaking with the Department of urb Emergency I'm sorry the Department of Emergency Management at Miami Dade which is the main Center they have not changed their Outlook they're still saying hey we're looking at 17 to 25 name storms we're expecting 8 to 13 hurricanes and four to seven major hurricanes that's what they're that's what they're insisting on it's um we have gone through five name storms and then we are currently monitoring the six which is Francine and then before they name a storm if it has not uh approached our Shores yet because we have one that's 600 miles east of our location it's named Al 92 so that's the name for now it's right now it's on track to the Cape Verde Islands but as you know they can shift in a North Western Le Direction so we're keeping an eye on that uh but at this moment it does not pose a threat to Miami date again we like to reiterate with the public with the residents as such develop a family plan stock up on supplies and make sure that you are securing your home thank you so very much officer J bapti um Madame clerk we have no appointments no we do not oh thank you so much consent agenda please unless a member of the city council wishes to remove a specific item from this portion of the agenda tabs a through c and e constitute the consent agenda these resolutions and items are self-explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion these items will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions adopted unanimously by the following motion that the consent agenda comprised tabs a through c and e be adopted prior to your vote I do need to make an amendment that on Tab B councilman Charles is asked to be a co-sponsor b as in boy oh I'd like to also co-sponsors transportation services this is for niku awareness month tab e b as in boy oh I'm sorry I'm so sorry is that all yes which which tab um yeah I you on as well Madam Madam clerk okay okay um I think we it's been moved a second is there a motion yeah I think the motion who made the motion you just did I just did oh okay I was asking I thought somebody did okay I'll make it okay that's fine I have a motion made by mayor desate to approve the consent agenda the motion was by councilwoman Timothy all in favor I any opposed the motion carries with a 5- z vote good good tab F tab f a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida authorizing the inim city manager and City attorney to negotiate and execute an agreement between the city of North Miami and AJ center Inc to provide professional tutoring services at sunkiss Grove Community Center providing for an effective date and all other purposes tap f move for approval second yes um um citizen form is open I I I think I I had X or something I got my you have some more stuff to give me right good evening Christine Carney Parks and Recreation director um the program is a program that would that took place last year and it is for um students ages Elementary all the way up to high school it's for two in um assistance with school um subjects but also SAT and ACT prep um excuse me it is for um Mondays or Tuesdays through Thursdays 4 to 7 and it's about 35 weeks long and it takes place at sist all right is it free it is free okay thank you so much to our North Miami resident yes yes ma'am can non North Miami resident partake um all it's first it's first to North Miami resident the first North Miami resid and you know uh if we don't fill up then we go to we'll take the kids that are not in um North Miami and and I I'll just um say this this is a program that I I implemented that um Sun just seeing the struggle as a as an educator I see it like every year we have about 40 to 50 students who cannot graduate either for um reading or mathematics one of them one of these two so just uh as a way to uh help out um our students our young uh men and women in of Miami and make sure that they are graduation ready because uh believe it or not in about 10 to 15 years one of them will be up here and uh I'll be um somewhere around you know getting help so that's uh one of the reason why um you know I advocated for um this program and I do believe um from last year we had so many of them we excel in all um them statest and um so I thank you um thank everybody um for um keeping this program going uh with uh I know we have a motion um in a second uh just on the background if you look at the bottom instead of uh 2024 it should be 2025 yes I'm sorry yeah no no that's fine that's fine yeah thank you very much so it goes from now until the next the May of 2025 for the whole school year and it all it is done by all teachers all right thank you so much it's open to the public seeing n public um public for is closed I have a motion made by vice mayor as May to approve the item at tab F the motion was seconded by councilman gin all in favor I any opposed the item passes with a - vote thank you madam clerk next item tab g a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the the city of North Miami Florida authorizing the EXE the execution of an option to purchase the property located at 1600 noreast 26th Street currently known as the Scott Galvin Center in accordance with article 23 of the lease agreement between the city of North Miami and TR Wildcat Investment LLC further authorizing the inim city manager to take all action necessary to effectuate the option to purchase providing for an effective date and all other purposes tab G thank you so very much um itself explanatory Madam manager no no presentation right no unless there any questions okay public hearing is open on Tab um J G G I'm sorry I'm already so move second okay we got a first and second scene n coming public hearing is closed Madam clerk I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the item at tab G the motion was seconded by councilman galin all in favor any item passes with a 5 Z vote tab h a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida authorizing the intrum city manager to issue purchase orders in an aggregate amount not to exceed $540,000 annually for the purchase of pump strives and Motor Parts and Services piggybacking Miami dat County solic solicitation number EVN 00292 providing for an effective date and all other purposes tab H move for approval second Alberto you you you've done so good we ready to go public hearing is open on the item okay see n public he is closed I have a motion made by vice mayor EST Irvin to approve the item at tab H the motion was seconded by mayor Des may all in favor any opposed item passes with a 5- z vote Thank You tab I tab I a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida approving the city administrator's competitive selection of green wise Group LLC as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the provision of tree trimming services further authorizing the interim city manager and City attorney to negotiate and execute an agreement in an amount not to exceed $1 5,312 annually in accordance with the terms conditions and specifications contained in invitation for bids number 4 47- 23-24 providing forign effective date and all other purposes tab I public hear is open on top I see none coming I get public he is closed move for approval but I have question go ahead I will second it with a question M go ahead so thank thank you so much um is this the first time that they will be awarded with us green wise group yes uh through the manager Alberto EST purchasing director no uh actually they are currently uh they are the current contract holders uh providing this same service right I was just concerned with the big gap in um this this it looks like a huge gap of discrepancy in terms of the price but that's fine yeah um they're very familiar with the work okay so that's why they oh and then are there any North Miami um employee North Miami resident or nor my resident working in the company uh the Public Works director here also the principal of the company he's present also Mr Jean Sherwood uh if you'd like to ask him he's also present here this evening sure good evening good evening what's the question your can you state your name my name is Jean Sherwood I'm the owner of green wise group thank you I just wanted to know if you had any residents any of our residents working in your company no no no are there any efforts no we're we're located in Homestead so it's a long way for us to travel most of my employees are loow down in the South area are there ever opportunities oh absolutely and if there are opportunities you are open to oh absolutely providing employment for North M I just wanted to know that okay that's all my question thank you and uh May refy me yes go ahead yeah uh my question would not for you sir um uh for staff uh when was the last time that we have a Citywide um um tree um training well this particular company has been working with us since 2021 so um we we do it Citywide we just get allocated certain dollars every every year for it so we're not able to do all the trees in the city however this is a Citywide program yeah yeah I understand um because uh one of the many complaints that I'm hearing is like um we um as a city has not been um like active and cleaning up um the trees especially we got some um on the power lines and everything and we have um resident um complaining about it so that's that's why I asked that question now um my second question would be uh for you U Mr director um as I stated um last week uh when we um awarded this kind of um contract well there will be some on the city Side uh you know um looking out to see exactly and the scope of work and that is being done in a way that reflect the contract yes sir um councilman through the manager um we we're responsible for 14,000 trees in the city um we do have um in our parks department Mr Daryl Payne that overseas and and and um basically checks and goes behind um whatever uh GreenWise does so we do oversee what they do and um so my last question will be to you and um taking that contract if you were to vote it tonight um you know will will be will you be able um looking at all the numbers um compared to um your company will you be able to execute that um contract absolutely yes thank you much okay thank you so much I'm sir um did I open and close public hearing I think I did okay thank you so much I have a motion made by vice mayor as to approve the item at tab I the motion was seconded by councilman Charles all in favor any opposed item passes with a 5 Z vote thank you this tab j a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida authorizing the inum city manager to issue purchase orders to air maic controls Inc in an amount not to exceed $812 n180 for the purchase and installation of two replacement air conditioning units for the fourth floor of City Hall waving competitive bidding in accordance with section 7-12 0 parentheses capital B of the north Miami code of ordinances providing for an for an effective date and all other purposes tab J thank you so very much do you have a presentation Mr EST if you have any questions I'll be glad to take it but okay I think it's pretty self-explanatory for approval um public hearing is open on the item and then we already have the item is moved second second okay Pro none public heing is closed I have a motion made by vice mayor estimate Irvin to approve the item at tab J this motion was seconded by councilman Galvin all in favor any opposed item passes with a 5 Z vote tabk a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida authorizing the inm city manager to issue purchase orders to census Corporation number two in the aggregant amount not to exceed 70,000 annually for the rental purchase and Lease of employee uniforms utilizing the co The Cooperative purchasing provision pursuant to section 7169 of the city code on Master agreement number 01299 awarded through the Omnia Partners Cooperative purchasing program providing for an effective date and all other purposes tab K thank you so very much um public hearing is open on Tab K it's again self-explanatory for approval second second um public hear is closed on the item um mam CL I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the item at T K the motion was seconded by vice mayor as May Irvin all in favor any opposed item passes with a 5- z vote Thank You tab l a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida making certain findings and designate designating 11.14 Acres of the real property located at 1525 Northwest 135th Street and identified by folio number 0 6-21 23-- 0050 as further identified by the map in the attached exhibit a as a Brownfield area pursuant to section 37680 Florida statutes for the purpose of environmental Rehabilitation job creation and promoting economic Redevelopment authorizing the city clerk to notify the Florida Department of Environmental Protection of said designation providing for an effective dat and all other purposes tab L good evening Mr May and councel for the record through the city manager Debbie Love director of development services the application you have before you is the request to designate a uh portion the Western portion of Claude Pepper Park the 11.14 Acre Site um as a Brownfield it is uh under as you can see in your staff report the uh area will be known as the Claude pepper green reuse area and will be if you approve it tonight will be designated a Brownfield for the purpose let me show you um and it really does as the the program you all remember doing one on Northwest 17th Avenue last year yeah I and so as a this program has been in place since 1997 the Florida Brown Fields Program and it provides Financial Technical and Regulatory incentives for property properties to redevelop uh to clean up uh promote Economic Development and so um in your package you'll see that there's a brochure about the program and we hope that you uh were able to take a look at it because this is a great program it takes uh it provides the ability to clean up a site to remove blight to stimulate Redevelopment of particular properties within Miami d County and Florida as a whole so tonight um the whole process is governed by Florida statute so tonight the first step in this process is passing this resolution um and then as the titles indicated then we'll notify FD in Miami Dade County that you all designated the area as a Brownfield and um at that point it is between FD and the county to go through their mitigation to go through their cleanup process and then they can actually start the Redevelopment of the project once that is complete that is the end of my presentation the applicant is here if you have any questions or the development team is here uh for any questions specific to where they are in that process okay Mr Mayor yes may I yes I just just to clarify so the designation of this Brownfield allows for it allow well that starts the cleanup process it allows them to get funding it allows them to get assistance and mitigation to clean up any perceived environmental conditions at the site so it's an incentive program for applicants and then they once that's done and they get it all approved by the county and by FD then they can start the Redevelopment project that you all had approved before and so how long does would that process take you once it we were to approve this tonight and so they'd have to go to the county and um FD correct correct well how long would that process take uh I'll let the applicant let you know where they are in that process because they usually start those conversations early so I'll allow the applicant to respond thank you my name is Brett brummond uh with the Goldstein environmental law firm we have offices at 2100 ponon Boulevard in Coral Gables I'm here on behalf of the developer and the property lesie Redwood CPD LLC uh we have started the actual site Rehabilitation process in the form of conducting some site assessment on the western portion of the property where the historical Lake bill was that caused the contamination that's out there uh if this resol uh I'm sorry this does require two public hearings so we would need to come back for a second public hearing to approve the resolution if the resolution is approved at that second public hearing the applicant or the developer can then immediately enter into a Brownfield site Rehabilitation agreement with Miami Daye County that process does take a little bit of time it's an administrative process we will not need to go to the board of County Commissioners but it can be approved by dur staff and is then signed by uh one of the Deputy County Mayors and that process will be complete by the end of the year we do expect to have shovels in the ground by December by the end of December of this year okay so just to make sure I understand you expect that this whole process you'll be done by the end of the year so in December will have shovel in the ground yes ma'am yes ma'am and with respect to the the actual the administrative aspect of it and entering into that voluntary cleanup agreement with Miami dat County uh in order to access these state-based incentives I read they don't come at any cost to the city but these state-based incentives in order to access them for the assessment cost and the work that has already been done in 2024 or that will be done in 2024 we must enter into that agreement by the end of this year or we'll lose access to any uh to to the ability to recover for those costs that were already incurred so trying to gauge it doesn't stop your timeline it's just that you want to be able to tap in into the opportunities that you would get for it being designated as a brown brown field yes ma'am yeah this process is already moving it's already moving ahead so this just a great way for the applicant or the developer to reduce some of the barriers in the future for the future assessment of clean up cost that will still continue thank you welcome um may find me yes um to that process I know um this coming in and I have um I had that um conversation with the with uh the team several time it's about the uh um the the screen around that property and it looks terribly bad and I have several complaints and then we have that conversation time after time and I think last time I was told that um around the end of uh September will have we'll just go ahead and fix that um is that still ongoing while we on the BR field but that would be a green screen that we have over there uh yes sir that is a priority uh the developer has sent a request into the city to uh rescure the property and install those wind screens to prevent that dust from blowing around that's definitely a priority and first thing that'll be done before work be actually begins in December when we start moving that dirt around we talking about before you begin in December but I was told that around the end of September early o oober that should have been done because that's like a that's also a priority because um we have a lot of complaints um from residents uh that and if you look at it it looks terribly bad so um so you said around um December is is like is the my question to you is U the end of September early um October is still a possibility oh certainly that those wind screens will be installed well before December uh we have the request with the city now to make uh to ensure that we can do that process as quickly as possible so meaning that um second we week of October when I go around there that's basically where I J every morning so that the that screen will be um probably installing and we're not going to have uh what the scene that we have there anymore yes sir yeah we're ready to move as soon as we have approval from the city thank you sir you're welcome so move second you question um public hearing is open for the item on the item so I did get a speaker card from Evelyn Delgado so if you're interested in speaking you can come up nowas is is this aaz oh she just open good evening it's not it's not a quasi yes hi hi my name is Evelyn togado a new Resident to North Miami but a longtime employee of of North Miami worked at Ben Frank K8 Center oh good worked at David Lawrence K8 center fell in love with the neighborhood at sunis Grove B first home in December learn this Summer that all this is going to be erected in my backyard so we have a lot of concerns it's our first meeting out here um we fell in love with it because it's family oriented it's quiet it's a suburb we're coming from haia so that's a lot of hustle and bustle we're trying to get to something nice and quiet so now we hear 18 floors we're concerned about privacy we're concerned about height concerned about noise the traffic that's going to change routes I am right on 13th Avenue and 134th my beautiful Skyline where all of my nice planes fly by our helicopters we see the Coast Guard every night we sit in our backyard and enjoy our view our view will be obstructed my Sunset is OBU structed my purchase is essentially ruined I'm trying to raise my kids here and now I'm concerned about dust and other environmental issues that may come up with it what's going to happen with the sewers are anybody going to set up sewers are we providing water to this area there's there's a lot of things and so I just wanted to voice Our concern I don't know if it plays a part in what's going on this evening I got a letter and we jumped out here so um I think that's about wraps it up I'm concerned overall overall awesome thank thank you so much ma'am thank you thank you thank you for your time and did you for the record did you you I I know you say the approximate where you are did you state the address for the record I did 1350 Northwest 134th Street okay thank you yes sir thank you that's my dat MH thank you mayor Burns good good evening well before before I do that um disclosure we have mayor Burns in the audience as well as former mayor Andre Pierre in the audience um thank you where's Frank Frank is here oh well and yeah we got all the Mayors here and mayor Roland okay yes sir good evening my name is Kevin Burns 2065 Alamanda Drive um I just want to put on record is that Pepper Park when that part of the uh Park was a lake it was not contaminated the city of North Miami contaminated it when we brought the fill in that we actually paid a company to monitor to watch The Fill coming in so that this kind of stuff would not happen and over the years as the parks department or not Parks I'm sorry Public Works would take dig up sidewalks and so forth that was The Dumping Ground for it a few years back certain managers decided they wanted to fill it in a little bit quicker they supposed to have hired a company to monitor what was coming in and out of there we paid that company to babysit that site we now have a technically speaking Brownfield we need to hold people accountable to do the jobs that they're paid to do the companies and the staff and the management in the future this is a repeat of what biscan Landing was this is a small fraction again Pepper Park the lake was not a contaminated but uh sometimes when you try to cut corners and not do it correctly or there's no oversight this is what we end up with have a good night thank you thank thank you so much um May mayor Burns thank you so very much um the item been moved and second um I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the item at tab L the motion was seconded by vice mayor EST May Irvin all in favor any opposed item passes with a 5- z vote Madam mad manager if you can um get get the the resident's number perhaps we could you know have a meeting with her because obviously it's been the the ship already left the boat um we we had several extensive meetings Community meetings back and forth the reason that you probably did not get that notice because um it we we mainly went around with with the the folks on the city border line um but yes we we we we get it we'll we'll have somebody to talk to you thank you so much for coming um I think that's base is that it what this oh yeah there's a discussion item but that's it though for the agenda right discussion regarding Waste Pro services in the city of North Miami yes oh was Pro I thought I saw Kenneth U not Kenneth um Tim hey good morning you know I didn't know he was a Pioneer yeah told me there good I know we had had several meetings um but sir I mean the last one was right here in the back um and I know Tim was involved well he was and I know other Council folks okay I will be um the vice chair will take over but go ahead yes sir all right good evening mayor vice mayor council member city clerk City attorney and Este Teem residents my name is lazro remand and I'm the neighborhood services director for the city of North Miami this evening at the request of the council through the city manager I would like to introduce two key representatives from was proos executive management team the vendor responsible for our City Sanitation Services joining us are Mr William Conrad division manager and Kenny scags regional vice president their presence here today is in response to concerns regarding the inconsistency of waste collection services in our community in addition in addressing to in addition to addressing these issues Waste Pro team will also provide insight into the broer industry challenges that have impacted Service delivery this will allow greater transparency with our residents about difficulties facing the waste management sector and actions being taken to overcome them than thank you very much for your attention yes yes sir all right good evening mayor councel staff and the residents of the city of North Miami uh again my name is William Conrad I am the division manager on behalf of Waste Pro tonight I am simply here to take accountability for Waste Pro actions I was recently uh a part of a meeting that took place on the 4th of this month and in that meeting it was made very clear that the consensus is that the city of North Miami is not pleased with the in the inconsistent level of service that we have have have not provided and so this afternoon or this evening I'm actually here just to Simply say that we heard that and we are going to get it right we have laid out an uh an action plan to resolve uh the service failures effective immediately um as a result of the meeting with the city of North Miami and the staff the staff uh was pro has deta detailed an action plan that will focus on our efforts to improve the way that we communicate with the city and how we are going to consistently provide the level of service that meets was Pro's expectations as well as the city's expectations um you know after this consensus has come out and we've said in this meeting and this is not the first meeting that we've set in we realize that it's time for Action we've been working on action and I'm here this evening to say that we have actually uh right on top of achieving our goals we've hired enough drivers to cover the to cover all routes daily to make sure that we're minimizing uh customer who are impacted by not seeing that service on their scheduled service day it's unacceptable and we realize that for us to not take accountability for our actions would be I think an insult and we realize it and so what we've done um at the request of Mr Lazaro spelled out some things that they would like to see us accomplish and achieve a to eliminate the high frequency misp pickups the goal here is to make sure that every day we have the same driver on the same route with the same truck which eliminates the possibility of having Miss pickups missing side door services we understand how the industry is set up this is an industry standard and we know it and we're going to execute accordingly to support this standard that has been established um if a driver goes out on vacation or if he has a scheduled appointment we are going to have a driver to ride with that driver for a week to make sure that he knows the route inside and out so there will be no reason why we would have any misp pickups we also will have our dispatchers to check in with that driver or those drivers daily along with the supervisor we have a process that is established the 10 and 2 process which means that at 10:00 in the morning we reach out to our drivers to make sure that they're on track with completing their routes we also send an update to the city indicating the percentage that has been completed on those routes and at 2:00 in the afternoon we follow up with another uh notification stating that what's the final percentage and where we are at 2 p.m. which ultimately leads to us sending a notification at 5:00 p.m. to make sure that the city is aware that we're on top of our game and that we are actively communicating with you guys to let you know where we are and what we're doing that also gives you an opportunity to make sure that if you have to notify the residents that there may be a delay I think it's fair that you have an opportunity to do it the last thing I want as a council member to have to receive a phone call at 9:00 at night stating that a resident did not receive their service when we already knew that that wasn't going to happen we're responsible and we are professionals we are Waste Pro and we're proud of it the city of North Miami is a priority not only for Waste Pro but for my local team we value the opportunity that we have and again I can't state it enough that we recognize that we've had some opportunities to get this right and I'm confident that the people that we have in place under the leadership of my regional vice president Kenny skags myself our newly appointed operations manager who will oversee the operations the daily operations of the city of North Miami I'm confident that should we get the opportunity to do so that we will make this right it is the right thing to do again we value the opportunity that we have to be the service provider for this great City and I myself I consider myself to be a servant leader and if you're a servant then you serve and that's my commitment to the city of North Miami and the residents not here to make excuses I am simply here to say that we have an opportunity again I'm I apologize about that you know we're not here to make uh excuses we're here to offer a solution and I am committed as the local leadership for this this for this for this company and our division I am committed to making sure that the residents realize that you are a priority and we are going to make sure that your service is rendered on time on schedule as it should be per the scope of this contract so I also have prepared a uh packet and in that packet I put together a mapbook it also has uh some items in it that will help help the city the staff and also the council members if you would like to take an opportunity to take a look at it uh in that mapbook I have uh detail I have I laid it out I have the uh route numbers that are included in that route in that mapbook it shows the truck numbers the truck types you guys are supposed to have seven trucks allocated to the city of North Miami five local trucks that are running daily and two spares two reliable spares and in knowing so because of my regional vice president we've made an investment to bring in some rental equipment to make sure that our technicians and our maintenance program spends enough time on the trucks that that are actually allocated to the city of North Miami to make sure that those trucks are reliable and they're able to provide the service that that we agreed to provide and the drivers have a reli have reliable equipment to make sure that there are no delays daily also in this map book uh I have also um put a map that outlines the district and it also shows the council members who are serving over those specific districts uh also there is a form that it indicates uh hot stops frequently missed streets and other sections of the city as spelled out by by staff also I have a copy of the uh 10: a.m. and the 2 p.m route update process along with a copy of a memorandum that we had our drivers to sign about the noise ordinance that we have gotten some calls about that drivers are starting routes in residential areas uh too early which is causing some problems disturbing the peace and so we had our drivers all of our drivers to make sure that they sign this memorandum to make sure that we prove you know we let them know that this is a serious offense and as good neighbors the last thing we want to do is disturb the peace so these are some of the things that you know Waste Pro has made an investment to make sure that we get this right uh in that mapbook if you will take the time to go through it and if there are any questions or any recommendations or suggestions that you have that you would like to see uh us add to the processes that have been established then please feel free to let us know because again we're we're here to serve and we hear you we heard your voice loud and clear and we are going to make this right that is our goal thank you um for your presentation now we'll have the discussion um who wants to go first councilman Charles um I just have two questions um you talked about the um the frequency of missp pickup what is that percentage right now I actually haven't done a percentile but when we look at it you know I'm here's what my gauge is my gauge is is that when a customer calls and complains that's an issue I understand that we're looking at percentiles but overall we look at the actual complaint that any customer calls in but are you able to like just give us an estimate like on a high date like how many I guess calls have you received or how many like areas were missp picked up is it like 200 a day 300 like do you have like I guess an estimate yes not I wouldn't say that it would be 200 a day those days that we're not that that we have not been able to complete a route um that means that we would leave a section uh it could be two sections meaning that it could be 300 homes it could be 500 homes um and that's that's an issue and so those have been frequent when you where you guys have been delayed it hasn't been as frequent uh as of late but we have had some opportunities where we have we've missed sections because we had had mechanical failures but again that's not your that that failure lies on me it doesn't lie on the city of North Miami and the last question to um through the city manager to Mr L um are we still assessing are we still implementing pen penalty fees when wastepro are having issues councilwoman absolutely that's a process that we keep uh actually it's part of our daily processes uh what we've established with the smaller areas with our inspectors is coming back to those areas the day after to inspect the work and also to address every time that there's one we try to put it in our our system there's been a a steady flow of of information coming so how much right now do you know do you know how much uh I can tell you I can tell you off the top of my head appro we just approximately uh calculated $1 to $40,000 okay so it is something that we have verifiable and in terms of the question of a percentage uh we have we we can keep it we can we we can come up with a per a percentage based on the misses that they're telling us that they've for instance they may highlight one certain area I'm sure that we can come up with that that highlighted area how many what percentage of the city uh they've missed okay thank you we we can actually provide that percentile as well I just I just did not prepare that tonight but we can also do it councilwoman are you done with your question councilman Charles yes uh Vice May thank you very much um good evening um thank you for being here uh just want to tell you that as a councilman of the city of North Miami and as a resident of District 4 I am 100% dissatisfied with the service that you guys are providing to the city it is not fair to the resident it is not fair to the city it is not fair to District 4 to be treated that way for a service that they are paying for it is just not fair there is no explanation for it I am not going into all the details but I'll tell you as a mathematic teacher in order for you to solve a problem you need to understand it but tonight I would like to know the wood cause of what we've been experienced with wasp in the city of North Miami more so in District 4 what is happening you're speaking about seven trucks five trucks what is happening why is not every week we are missing um not only ball pickup but also just regular pickup it's like you guys are not doing what you are supposed to do at all and worse when your driver makes a pick off for the first week uh I'm talking about bulk for the second week you know what is happening to that uh B it's getting larger and then for the third week now they just go and spread it uh you know spread it is too large not going to pick it up it's been happening time Time After Time After Time yesterday and that is true as I was driving out of my house heading east to Northwest 8th Avenue and a driver a wasteful driver sto just right in the middle of that intersection arguing with a resident he has a little pal on the side that was sitting there for 3 weeks the driver could easily just go ahead common sense just pick up that little po instead he opened the door and started yelling at the resident and I was right behind him at the end the last thing I heard from him I don't care like very loud and the man almost um lost his head and going slamming his door and everything so I sto I talk to him and uh I place a phone call to um um last and I told him this is exactly what just happened waiting um an hour we had um our clean team was in place and clean up uh the site this is what we getting so now you can add as many trucks as you want if your drivers are not probably trained to deal with our resident when they messed upop we are wasting our our time one of the many things that make people love to live in the city of North Miami is the type of service that we provide absolutely they love it but now when we cannot provide that service the first call is to me it was one morning I was just checking into Miami Central Senior High to start with my class and I got about four calls from Resident and W just miss like a whole block and this is not the first time there was one instance that was back in March and uh they missed the pickup for um Thursday they me the pi up for Saturday and then you know exactly where I'm ining I was in the training in Orlando when I exit and got into this street for it was like not a scene that you would like to watch we cannot do that we need to change and tonight I'll will tell you that I am being very fair because I I would say this you have some people in this company who are trying their best but I can tell you this is not enough we need to fix it so my first question to you would be what is the root cause of that problem well the root cause of the problem is exactly what you stated we we're here to change what was the past we are no longer tolerating drivers who will go out and conduct themselves unprofessionally we have a training process and a training period that every driver has to go through before they're released to go out to run a route themselves solo and a part of that training we talk about customer service at a high level when you talk about change when people have been allowed to do a thing for so long most people don't like change we have a competitor who showed up in our Marketplace do they care about the same level providing the same level of service that we provide are they genuinely concerned about the customers that we're responsible for providing that service to apparently not we've had people to leave to go to another company because our standard is what the standard is and we're not going to waver in that in order for a consumer to get the service that they pay for it takes an individual with that servitude that servitude mentality this is a great company that I work for and I can I can assure you that our reputation was built on service and as I stated I am a servant and when you're a servant you serve I have the responsibility making sure that everybody that show up from day in and day out they understand that safety is our number one priority and with that being said very close to number one which we consider to be number two is customer service I am utterly disappointed that you or anybody else in this great City would have to tolerate somebody who is getting paid to do a job to stop and go out of their way to say that they don't care about that customer or the service that they're responsible for for providing it's not who we are it's not who I am I didn't show up to be a Fanfare favorite I got hired to do a job and to do it right and anytime change takes place I can assure you that you will lose people if you stand for what's right that has been a problem we've also had some issues with our maintenance program we've made some huge Investments to correct those issues we have not been sitting by idly watching things just come come undone the last thing in this industry that anybody in a leadership position wants to do is to tell a customer that they're not going to get their service a paying consumer they pay for it because they want it and I understand how important it is for every customer to receive what they pay for it's not it's not an excuse but it is the facts that in this climate to hold people accountable for simply doing the right thing is not always the favorite thing and so if people have decided to leave us because of that because the expectation is that the city of North Miami will receive the level of service that you expect to get every day not just sometime we are making some changes we have a contractor that we have relied on for some time to provide the bulk service for us there is a transition that we have a transitional period that we are working through to ensure that we will have our own drivers driving our trucks driving Waste Pro trucks to provide that same clam service that same bulk service that way when accountability is is initiated then we don't have to worry about a contractor stating that they don't have that maybe they don't have the same standard that we have and they should because they're they're they're they're under the curtain of Waste Pro and so we've had some real challenges but those challenges is the very thing thing that will make us strong enough that we in the future will never ever find ourselves in this predicament I have a a regional vice president most cases most people they're cons they're concerned about the the budgeted head count that has not been something that my regional vice president has has you know he hasn't stopped us from hiring let me let me quickly say this um you know uh time is at the essence and I got questions and uh I don't get to that level very easily no normally I'm like a calm collected person but I'll tell you when it come to this situation I'm losing it I'm losing it because I see it day in and day out now on the level of service um drivers in trucks on on a scale 1 to 10 so what do we get cuz what I'm seeing like every week I heard that you have a broken Chu you could not finish that outout because this Chu was this this so now that is something we need to address on the level of 1 to 10 so would you say that um we get a fair one or two on your um staff and um trucks that's being service um our our great city as of late I will be I will be here and I'll I'll Stand before you and be fair to say that that service level that you're speaking about has been on a three uh thank you for your honesty and um again on the same topic you know every time you guys me speak up uh bulk um uh me and everything we access some U fees right but now as do you do you have um about how much that you guys been paying to the city from uh say 2021 up to now because that's not a problem that just started it is something that's been going on for a long time you have an estimate or guesstimate councilman Charles I I'll say this in this industry i' I've spoke about paying consumers my obligation in 2024 and on into the future is simply to state that a Hauling Company doesn't show up to pay a city or a municipality to pick up the trash right uh I will go quickly there there's a part of this contract also that you guys were supposed to spend some money to for the education part yes sir into the radio um you know talking to the resident um educating exactly that that has not been fulfilled would you um tell me right and give me a um just a right explanation why this part of the contract has never been uh fulfilled I will I will definitely get back with you councilman Charles and I I want to make I want to make this statement my number is available to you and everybody else on this Council as well as the residents I can simply state that I cannot give justification for the past but what I can do is speak about the future I can only speak about the future we can only speak about the future um and also you know I'm I'm just going to release because I got a lot more yes sir but I'm just going to be kind of uh Fair tonight hopefully we will never ever get to that point and I'll tell you that it's after about three or four meetings and I don't know how many time I have to call um sanitation manager I have to trying to make it better but it's not getting better um you spoke earlier about um picking up too early but also picking up too late is a problem because sometime 8:00 I see wte trucks in my neighborhood and you know uh this is not a a safe thing to do those are so what I need from you tonight and this is exactly what I want to be able to um tell resident from District 4 who's been affected so much by the lack of service that we are getting from wpo in the entire city of North Miami that starting tomorrow things will change and will I be able to communicate that message to my resident District 4 cuz just right there on 125th Street heading west to I 95 we have Miss speaker for 3 weeks bulk yes you know how ugly is that on a Main Street like 125th so um due to um you know a time tonight and I'm just trying to be fair because as a Believer um I always put myself in a way that to work with anybody who want to work and get it better and I heard you tonight but you also experien my frustration I have and this is that just me is all the resident of nor Miami because every time they look at that utility bill there's a line into it that say sanitation and they have to pay if they pay they need to get the service if the service is not there there's a problem so I'm just going to leave it at that um I know um we probably have all the questions on the day well I'll leave that thank you councilman councilman Scott sure I'll be very very quick I think what the problem we have is a failure to communicate when one of your trucks goes down for any length of time that's not communicated to staff so it's not communicated to us the residents don't call Staff first they probably don't even call you first they're probably calling us first I would suggest a simple WhatsApp group chat and if driver's down you can simultaneously let whomever know you want to put on it whether it's City Administration Council whatever but that way we know when the resident calls us oh yeah we got a call truck seven is down and the uh you know estimated time for it to be back up is 3 o'clock this afternoon something like that because a lot of frustration at least that I have is when it goes down I don't know anything now I'm trying to chase staff who's out in the field dealing with other stuff you know it it's you get frustrated when you you don't know who to talk to Etc and Tim Tim does a great job um but you know it I think it could be a a more seamless level of communication and then excuse me I'd love to see some um education surrounding recycling um um my mom lives in Pim Pines you all service Pim Pines on top of the pmri bines recycling bin they have a nice sticker that says dos and don'ts and has pictures um that what you can recycle and what you shouldn't recycle um I see lots of people recycling you know used pizza boxes used dishwasher detergent plastic bins plastic bags from public none of that gets recycled in in my understanding that is if anything in the area is Tainted it all goes in the trash anyway so you know if we could do a little bit to inform people what does get recycled and what doesn't I think that would help too that's all I've got thank you 20 minutes till the debate thank you um you you mentioned your name was William Conrad William Conrad thank you for your presentation um you know I'm glad that you are confident that this that there's going to be a change but I'm sorry to tell you that I am not confident I'm not confident at all um and the reason being is um the city of North Miami we're upset but we're not the only city you have the city of Carl Springs um that you know withheld um money from you you have Tallahassee you have St Lucy you have Santa Rosa um Palm Coast and I can go on and on so so I am I am it is a frustration you know I know you probably heard from one or two but it is a frustration that you know I I live in the city and and to watch that my garbage takes two to three days to get picked up and sometimes I believe that they know that oh this must be the vice mayor's home and there's there's a hurry to do that but what about the others um that are around and so I'm I'm I'm very disappointed um I hear you um how long have you been with the company why is it now that you're taking this accountability are were are you newly hired I've been here 10 months now 10 months um but we've been complaining for years and it's just gotten worse now okay but I have um as we're doing this discussion I have questions for our City attorney um obviously they've breed the cont contract what are the terms um sure got it you got it so what what what are the provisions that if a contract is breached the the contractual what what are yeah what are the provisions that if they breach their part of the service um when can we terminate can we terminate how do we terminate I want to make sure okay so I will tell you that um the city's contract with Waste Pro has built in Provisions to address misp pickups uh in the form of financial penalties sure so that that's your really the form of recourse is for the city staff to be um tracking those misp pickups and um tracking them I'm trying to remember the name of the system if it's easy track there is a software that the city staff uses that um issues Financial penalties to Waste Pro and contractually that's how these um level of service concerns are addressed so at what point right so I get that so there's a penalty but at what point that so we just pay a penalty until the end of a contract or at what point can we can there be a separation I I'm certainly happy to pull up the Waste Pro agreement and and take a look at it I could tell you it's not for um one or two missp pickups but I can certainly do a full review of the the contract and and certainly um provide that to you as far as strategy and steps and at what level it would take to to terminate it what year in the contract are we in now I think I couldn't tell you the re the renew was less than a year ago or maybe a year and a half ago the original contract signed in 2011 or 12 right I have this agree this agreement is made and entered into 101320 2020 2020 yeah 20 and what is the length what is the length of the contract long a it's a seven-year contract I um I got to look through it like I said I do have it here but I I do want to make sure to confer with my legal team here in the city as well so uh just from looking at it I could find that and see on July 14th I don't have the date on here I'd actually have to look through it but I do know that it's a 7-year contract and and started in 2020 so we're really no near the end and I can Echo what the the City attorney said as well there they are built in and the system that we use is track easy which is what we encourage the residents and how we receive these complaints so they are documented one as written on the contract when they call us we put it in there as a missp pickup and then there's a review process not only by my staff but also by the Waste Pro Staff to determine was it a late set out was it a early setout was it something that they missed because they do have cameras on their trucks sure so what I what I'm trying to m Madam City attorney is uh trying to establish is I get the penalty but at at at what is I would like to know if the contract at what point that we penalize and it happens again because we've been penalizing for a while now under two managers ago I know for sure that we have and obviously it didn't make a difference so at what point you know can we can we separate you know and I you know I'd like to know that I'd like to know that that information we will do that research and we will provide that answer to you and manager through you and and so sure you did you want to say I wanted to make sure to get this date for you October 31st 2027 at 11:59 p.m. okay I can you please email that to me cuz my copy is in the M Drive absolutely oh wow sorry about that in that case it's up for Renewal next week and so and and and and um and and again the reason why I'm so harsh on this sir it's because if you know anything about us when whenever we're campaigning or we're talking to oh the water bill is so high the water bill is so high this is what you hear but in fact what they're actually paying for the the biggest part of the utility that they're paying for is is is is sanitation and there's been actually sometimes there been requests that we bring it back home and so we've Outsource this and we need the service this is the higher portion of it and we're not getting the service and you know what's worse the perceived area that is the lowest income is not getting the service that's a disservice so I am interested in and knowing in in perhaps understanding this this new thing that you just gave us and this this routine but on a timetable like how long would you keep this up and if you don't keep it up I would absolutely be one of the ones to convince my colleagues to to to next because we get the heat understand I understand if I if I me uh vice mayor go ahead um two things that I want to say is like um always in a bad situation you can um find a little bit of light and I'll say Tim man just want to say thank you because I've been calling his phone day in day out it's always there to um answer my call and see if can help out and um that's uh one of the requests that I have and vice mayor said it I didn't want to uh put it that way um I do believe the level of service that uh we are getting in District 4 it is like something they they just come with the mindset they do what they feel like in distri 4 and I will tell you that not on my watch cuz one thing about me I don't only I don't only drive in District 4 I work a lot and whenever I am talking about something it's like I have the facts and I'll will tell you to me to the resident of District 4 into the city of North Miami this is not fair it is not fair but I also do believe that in all situation we can do better and tonight I'm going to leave you with that our eyes are open and I heard you loud and clear our residents are looking at this District 4 is watching and the whole city of North Miami is watching if if we we need the service not the second class of service we need the level of service that the city of North Miami deserve from Northwest 17th Avenue to the ocean and from north to south it is one SE it is one service is one of the key components of our city and then we cannot let this happen and we just close our eyes this is not me and it is not going to happen with me sitting as a councilman for the great city of North Miami we advocate for a resident day in and day out so we that we'll look into it it be around December we'll come back in here for a better report and I hope it's going to be a better report because I am not going to sleep on it we need to fix it and the time is now thank you for your time sir um that I my time me all right thank you if you nothing else to say thank you so much now thank you so much citizen forum is not good evening everyone just give us one second please you got the Tim in oh no problem go ahead my name is Kathy hbert and I I reside at 320 Northwest 136 Street I've been a resident of North Miami since 1995 I'm grateful you all address that garbage thing and I see councilman Charles he's been at my home a few times and also I met policy advisor Paul with my roof I hired this company to come in fresh home and to get the permit and then when they messed up my roof I came back to the city building management and asked the question well what's going on and I spoke with the Mrs Santos and building management a supervisor and she said well um you should go after their insurance company I called their insurance company insurance company says they're not insured to do this kind of work they can only lay tiles and shingles now on WE guarantee this work so now I'm going back and saying and I show pictures of my roof I have a flat roof and then the company got belligerent with me saying it's a chimney well no she said it's a cricket I'm like but crickets are for roofs with chimneys so but um my roof is messed up my roof is leaking in my utility room every time it rains and on top of my flat roof the water just sits there at P I can't finish fixing the ceiling inside of my house because the roof needs to be repaired properly and now this company is saying thank you your time's up but we heard you loud and clear um I we're going to I think staff is going to connect you with our um our director for that department and you can just go straight to the back and you can continue that conversation so you can get the help you need thank you it is so nice to see you citizen forum is open seeing no seeing none okay are there are two mics if there's someone else that wouldn't come in after you citizen form will be closed go ahead your name and address for the record or one more go thank you go ahead hello my name is Haiti I've been a resident from nor Miami for over 20 years could you state your address for the record please yeah is 18057 sui Boulevard sure thank you um I've been there for over 10 years and the S sui Boulevard is looking bad couple of times management has been here a couple of times talked about putting speed bomb dogs nothing has been done over two years I've been coming over here and nothing has been looking worse and worse all the time and we're talking about the whole Boulevard it's not just in front of the bab Palms and then the tennis court the same thing so it's like and the taxes are going more and more and it's like we're paying for why you know that's the the complaints I have right now thank you thank you again and I'm sure we'll have somebody from Public Works speak with you thank you so much go ahead sir hello good afternoon my name is Wen edmin and I am from Haiti um can you state your address for the record please yes my name is W Dan edman no your address address um 15 13155 nor 6 Avenue thank you yes so I heard um there's like a $6,000 available for people for the like uh um home owners but what exactly being available for like student like student coming from University what any program being available for for student that come in um freshman to the University there's anything I went to the website and to look at if there's any program being available for student and because you know there's like um down payment so there anything be available for like a student that come in from University and also have other question and also there is like some student want to open their own business um you know being open businesses can be difficult but there's anything that be available for startup in the city I would like to know those question thank you thank you so much um just for your information we have the north Miami um found oh so Paul you you'll speak with him perfect we have our director from our library that you can speak with we also have the north Miami foundation and then you can speak to our economic um you can find information from my Economic Development and also our CRA for some for some information okay so thank you so much for your time and um citizen for citizen form is officially closed can I get a motion to adjourn oh I'm sorry I'm sorry uh do we have any reports no reports well I do I just wanted to remind everyone that we're having the community benefits agreement Workshop this Friday at 6 p.m. at the Scott Galvin Center and I also want to remind folks that today is National Suicide Prevention day and it's extremely important that we show up for the people around us if we ourselves are feeling that we need to talk to someone it's important to talk to someone and just remember if you are in crisis 988 is the number to call for the suicide crisis hotline thank you may I have a motion to adjourn so move so move all right second all right I have a motion made by councilman Gavin to adjourn seconded by councilman Charles all in favor and he oos the motion carries with a 30 vote it is now 8:58 p.m. good night everyone