##VIDEO ID:ugATFxmeEgs## Miami affordable housing advisory committee can I please have a roll call of members present Madam Secretary okay house the affordable housing advisory committee members are Andrea McDonald here Lola Capers Jake canipari Evan Shields here ebony Crispen Marie France Jean faren Michael mcde Naomi blemur present edri Clark G Theodore here honorable councilwoman Cassandra Timothy thank you I will now entertain a pledge of allegiance uh Mr McMan will you mind leading Us in that please to the flag of United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all I'd like to take a point of personal privilege just to thank all of our staff and members of our ahac for coming on what really is a solemn day for our city and our our country of September 11th uh let us never forget how that date has affected all of us and I know that we have business to be done and uh but I appreciate especially on such a such a solemn day us coming together just to get the business done of our city thank you okay that uh said I'll entertain a motion to approve the minutes from our last meeting move all in favor or excuse me is there a second okay all in favor I I all right any opposed okay moving forward to new business so for those who may be uh joining us for the first time uh this is the third year that our affordable housing advisory committee has been reinstated uh we've received a certain amount of State funds from our uh State Legislature for affordable housing uses both affordable home ownership and development and we're charged by our state government to meet locally at the beautiful city of North Miami to set policy on behalf of our city for affordable housing and that's the main purpose of our ahck uh the policy that we set as an ahac goes before our city council for approval and then from there those policies go to the State uh for further ratification the last three years we've done an amazing job as a committee so today will be a a very quick meeting of just one policy that will be entertaining but over the last three years we've created one of the first Municipal Community Land Trust in our region not just our County's history uh we have helped cut red tape for affordable housing developments that are truly affordable for very low-income families which I know so many of us um just all care about so much and it it it does a huge huge service to all of us especially in a time when even after covid and even if inflation is going down a little bit affordability is the biggest crisis that all of us are dealing with um we've also had some very significant wins when it comes to uh streamlining impact fee waivers for truly affordable developments and so that said what we'll do in today's meeting is we're actually going to go through through the 11 policies that are recommended To Us by the state uh to to decide on I will give a a very quick synopsis of each and where our recommendations were from the minutes of our previous meeting and then after that I'll entertain a motion uh from our team here to uh to see what we'll recommend for our Council and for our state to uh to to ratify okay so I'll run through these uh in order uh as expeditiously as I can is everything okay oh who are watching I can speak very slowly as we pull it up pull it up for those at home watching no problem at all it's so we're just going to do a quick mic check make sure everybody can heard hello the light is green okay now now you are on okay are you able to put it up for us okay we just want to make sure all the tech in our City's working maybe that was too soon to make that [Laughter] joke okay okay fantastic as you see on our screen here we have the policies that um is there any way we can zoom in a little bit is that no I don't think we can zoom in because D already told me here she comes okay well that's yeah that I think that's pretty hard for folks at home to see um is this published on our website as well yes yes for folks to review okay I just want to make sure that okay so just to narrate what's on the screen here for folks at home this is a draft of our report that uh is really encompassed from our meetings the last couple of months we have one annual public meeting at City Hall which we're doing today which is our public forum where we'll actually vote on this report my understanding is this is on our website um and I want to just make sure that this goes to the public if if it's not there um after this meeting please okay just to run through each of these okay so just to quickly run through this we had our first meeting on January of this year we discussed that density flexibility would be our priority for uh oh thank you so much for zooming in I appreciate that okay I know I have glasses on but I even I couldn't see that before thank you okay in January this year we decided that density flexibility as in providing flexibility in the number of units that an affordable project in our city could uh withstand would be one of our priorities uh when it comes to policy as an aack in March of this year we met and we discussed that in further detail and coincidentally between March and may there was this really big thing called the live local glitch Amendment which actually did our entire job for us almost and set forward from a state level what municipalities can do to push density for certain affordable projects that are approved in their municipalities and so during that meeting in may we decided that we wanted to even further drill down just to provide some guard rails when it comes to density flexibility that developers in our city weren't using live local as a loophole to get certain things done that the city or the people didn't want to have done in the city and we'll talk more about that and what we um proposed forward and then in July of this year uh we finalized our language for that policy and now we're meeting in our our final meeting of the Year September 11 okay next I'll just briefly go through um our 11 policy strategies that the state asks us to make recommendations on and I'll briefly go through uh what is summarized in our aack report each of these go through various pieces of affordable home ownership and affordable multif family development uh in our city expedited permitting uh we actually already a couple years back presented uh some policy here and so for this meeting we decided no recommendation we already made a recommendation a few years back that for any projects by our city that are approved by our community redevelopment agency that those projects that have a set aside of 15% of their units for very low-income residents that they be considered for comprehensive um expedited permitting processes for impact fee waivers this year we decided no recommendation a few years back this body recommended that for a development that had had a majority of its units affordable for at least middle inome tenants that's folks making 80% of our areas income or or less that the city considers uh waivers of certain impact fees on a case-by Case basis I'll skip back to density flexibility which is what we chatt which is what we decided on this year when it comes to number four reservation of infrastructure capacity we're we decided this year no recommendation here as the city City currently does not have an incentive strategy for this in place however that is because the city is finalizing this year its infrastructure study uh as a part of its comprehensive plan and reservation for infrastructure will be addressed there number five accessory dwelling units or as some people call Granny flats or Casitas we may no recommendation here mainly because our city has actually had one of the best Adu policies since the 1990s currently on the books and we decided a few years back that that policy should be in our report so no recommendation this year but we've already made some great decisions on that in the past for reduction of parking and setback uh this item we felt was not specific to affordable housing we believed this last year and the year before as well for number seven flexible lot configuration flexible lot configuration is a strategy that's already allowed under our city uh Charter and our ldrs um Land Development use regulations that's what ldr stand for and uh was already in our report last year number eight modification of Street requirements we made no recommendation as we felt that this was not applicable to our city number nine oversight of policies this was something that was already in place uh and we voted as such no recommendation for this year number 10 almost done there just just 11 number 10 land B inventory and I and I'll shut up so we we can keep it moving um this is where we talked about uh a Community Land Trust last year this was a policy that we instilled where we're one of the first municipalities in South Florida to have proposed a city run Community Land trust where we actually donate City lands to a nonprofit land trust that will have those lands designated for affordable homes and affordable developments for very lwi income North Miami residents which I'm excited about but it will take the next mayor and Council to implement that number 11 uh encouraging development around Transit oriented hubs this is a strategy that we already had in place live local already also kind of preempts us on this strategy quite a bit and it's quite important given that we have quite a few new Transit options bright line Etc being built uh around our city number three I'll go back to this one density flexibility and I'll close with this our committee throughout this year uh decided to spearhead this one as a piece of leadership for us we believe that well before Liv local kind of stole our Thunder on this one and decided for us what we could do we believe that for truly affordable projects that we should have some type of conversation amongst the community and our staff and the business uh World about having flexibility over the number of units for those projects however live locals circumvented that process and put something in place already that was what we uh were going to propose so we recommended that for developments that utilize the live local act by our state legislature for affordable housing development that an administrative review be conducted as well as publicly advertised hearings be held to discuss that development in the same format and manner that's already allowed and proposed in our city code so the purpose there is saying hey we understand the live local is the law of the land and that it gives developers certain rights under density flexibility however we don't want any developer to take advantage of this and to shove something you know down the throat of our city that the people may not want and the people may not agree with and that Community input is extremely important in everything we do as a city particularly in real estate development and affordable housing so we want to just make sure that any projects that use live local for density flexibility go through the same process of publicly advertised hearings and Community input as any other development in our city okay that said uh I gave a a summary of everything thank you for for the time here I'll entertain any discussion on these items a motion anything of the like Mr chairman I'd like to make a motion to approve before we approve I just have a question with the land bank inventory uh Miss Bazil as the chairman just stated it's going to be upon the next um Council to actually implement this what is the actual next steps for this what does that look like I apologize I'm waiting on either uh the L Office of the luse and I don't think it's in their purview uh they refer me to finance because this is one of the Mandate of the leave local act we need to have an inventory of whatever land that the city own as of today I don't have that on the city website and I think it was due back in December 2023 so I don't think it's um the office of uh L use I'm pretty sure it's mostly Finance I'm not sure right now who's working on Gathering those information and make it available to the public but once we have that that's when that's one it's going to get into the picture so the responsibility is now upon your department to identify the department not my department uh the finance department already have an inventory of all the city assets correct so now we need to identify the land whatever the leave local act um mandate to have that available once we have it then we will tie it to your recommendation so it is upon the Department of Finance as of I'm I'm very careful in what I'm saying I know I realize you're being very careful CU I just want to know exactly what is the next steps because if we don't know what the next steps are we don't know who's responsible then there won't be any accountability the next step we need to comply with the leave local act have this list available on the city website for anybody we want to know what do this what do the city have corre in term of um lands where where are they can we use them can we come and apply to use those land that's the first step who's responsible for that my understanding is that finance department as the one who manage the assets supposed to be the one to provide this list and make it available okay it's not there yet so that's the first step then we will come back and tie your recommendation to see how we can get those assets and give them to a trust if so is the desire of the council because ultimately I'm going to have to take that to counil for approval so since this list should have been available December of 2023 I believe so and um as of now it I it's not on the website correct so that's an Administration question correct can we put a time frame by which this process can take place so that someone can be held accountable to making sure that it does I refer that to Administration I can ask the question and find out where we are is it something as someone is working on it when it's going to be aaable and circle back so when we say Administration are we speaking of the city manager the city manager's office thank you to your knowledge does the city have any vacant land that they can advertise for sale too my knowledge I think the only piece that we have is on the West Side that's the one that we gave already to the C so it does not belong to us anymore the other one that we have is the one at the corner of opala bouvard when you're making the curve in 135th to go to I95 that's the one in the flood zone the melin that we already give it to someone to develop but I don't know where the heup here it's still sitting here not doing anything that's the really the two piece that I know that the city has that we could have used for affordable hous technically we have one piece because the other one belongs to the C exactly one belong to the C and the other one basically is under contract with the melin group if if I'm not mistaken okay cuz I used to manage this contract I know that it's on contract okay any other comments discussion have a motion on the floor Mr chairman we do uh I'll continue with the motion is there a second second all in favor I any opposed all right the eyes have it thank you everyone we've uh just published our our third report uh and I want to thank the public and thank this committee uh it's been an amazing opportunity to have been your chair the last three years I think my term ends in November and I I know that this ahck is going to continue to do amazing things in the years to come thank you Mr chairman thank you for your guidance it was a pleasure well I cannot say it was yet but we really enjoyed it thank you thank you um on behalf of the city on behalf of the housing department I thank you because it was really new to us this thing was set for a minute we had to really start from scratch and you've been really instrumental in getting the sting rolling I truly appreciate it and on behalf of the city the resident I really thank you thank you and to you my board those of you who are coming back I'll see you soon yes yes thank you m thank you okay um so just oh I we might lose another one we might lose a few folks there's some there some Council terms that are comeing do that we're all connected to oh as as it relates to that Miss Bazil um on other boards that I sit on we've asked individuals that are on the board if the individual that um put them on the board is termed up that they should quickly submit in their new application so that there is no breakdown in the process because it has been my experience that when although the same person may be putting the person back on if they don't fill out the application it does take a while thank you because we were discussing that prior to starting this meeting it takes a minute especially if the folks who's coming are really new doesn't know a lot about uh local government it IM immunit and now you just um pointed out even those who are coming back we want to make sure that they reappoint the the individual thank you um D not you're welcome so just to close things out I know some upcoming Target dates we have is the adoption of this report by our city council at hopefully the September 24th meeting or the next one uh if if it gets postponed for whatever yeah given the incident we kind of behind uh so we're going to go on the one the first one in October okay instead of the September one understood the good thing is we've got some wiggle room because uh the report will actually be submitted to the state in December or whenever it gets approved by Council whichever happens fast it just have to be prior to December 31st of course okay anything else before we close up I'll take a motion to adjourn move second in favor I thank you so