##VIDEO ID:wfcLl7TwdTc## live what she say live live all right well good evening good evening everyone uh my name is Paul Brazil uh I serve as a library director here in the city of North Miami but most importantly I serve as the youth Council liaison uh so you know over the past uh few days we've had some conversation uh we wanted to host this special youth council meeting and the purpose of this meeting is more of an inform and informational meeting uh for you to understand the purpose of the youth Council uh the goals and objectives what we're trying to do here as a city um I am proud to say that we're one of the few municipalities in miam day County um that has a youth Council um and the purpose of the youth council is to empower the youth right we want to empower the youth in North Miami allow you to have a voice for things that you feel uh needs attention or things that we can improve as a city um from the youth uh aspect uh so I'm not sure if you guys are familiar but uh we have our mayor counsel along with our city manager and a City attorney and our elected City Clerk and their role is to represent the constituents of the city uh where you're sitting is where the mayor and the four council members sit um they all represent a specific district and all of the constituents uh the residents who have uh concerns or they have things that they want to address they'll reach out to their council member or they reach out to the mayor uh which then in turn reach reaches out to the city manager manager in order to address the concern um so there's two forms of government um that's primarily popular in my County uh one of the government is called a mayor council city manager government and then you have another type of government government which is called the strong mayor government so when you look at city of haia for example Miami day County they have what is called a strong mayor government what that means is that the mayor is the person who appoints all of the dep department heads and directors throughout the county or the city and they run the day day-to-day operations so in our County we have mayor di lvin Cava she is a strong mayor which means that all of the directors of each department is appointed by her so she has the power to hire suspend terminate um not only department heads but employees as well because she has she is in a strong mayor government here in North Miami we have a mayor council city manager former government the mayor is the mayor and Council are elected by the residents of the city and the city manager uh reports to the mayor and the council so the city manager runs the day-to-day operations here in the city of North Miami so uh individuals like myself dun who you just met Gertie who's here on your left- hand side uh essentially we report to the city manager we report to the city manager where she provides us directives on uh her leadership and a vision with the city and she she gets her goals and objectives as well from the May May Council so the two differences is that one type of government the mayor runs the city and the other type is the mayor is more of the faith the representation of the city but the city manager is who runs the day-to-day operations so this was important for me to start off with you guys because the vision of the youth council is the same exact uh operations as the regular City youth Council we will have a youth mayor youth vice mayor a youth City attorney youth city manager and youth city clerk so you guys will have the same respective roles um as the mayor council city manager city clerk um so uh as we go on you guys will understand the role um after today I'm going to give you guys some homework uh to look up some things nothing brutal give you guys some homework so you can get familiar with your role um in addition we are planning to kind of schedule a brief interview with each one of you guys to see which role you would fit the best whether it be the mayor the city council uh me just a council member city manager or City attorney do not worry whatever position you selected you'll still have a voice um our goal again for this is for you guys to understand how local government works provide you guys uh a voice in the community for the Youth and also to understand the role of uh government higher functions uh North Miami is a municipal in north in the in the Miami day County but as you guys know we have a state level we have Federal level governments so we want you guys to start off here you know it's a learning experience uh it's also a network opportunity as well you'll be able to meet um all different types of uh uh elected officials and different um individuals throughout uh this whole process so um this is my first year as the leis on um so I'm excited uh I also my personal story I started here as a intern in the city in the same office the mayor council office uh I started in 2011 um and now like I mentioned I serve as a library director so for me this is personal um I'm very grateful for our vice mayor who not only uh had this Vision a few years ago to start the youth Council but I'm grateful for her trust um in my leadership to uh you know coordinate and plan with the uh the youth Council so some of the things I really want us to have the youth Council to have by the end of the program uh I want you to be able to feel like you were the mayor of of North Miami I want you to feel like you were the city manager City attorney whatever position you have right I want you to understand each role I want you to take the role serious um I have plans that you know when when the city have events just like you see the mayor and Council there I want the youth mayor and Council to be there because people are depending on you to relay the message to the city um on behalf of the youth and so I think it's support for you guys to be there for representation as well so those are small details we'll get into more details as time go by but that's a brief summary of what the youth Council serves um the purpose of it um if you have any questions right now you can let me know before I move on but that is overall what the youth council is so before I move on you know if you have any questions you can feel free to let me know into the microphone no questions all right you guys are ready so so um like I mentioned to you guys prior to the start of the meeting we do need your assistance uh first of all want to thank you guys for being here I know it's a Thursday afternoon you got out of school uh so sacrificing the time to be here uh we really want to commend you guys um that's also going to be part of this process as well just like our mayor counsil they sacrificed their time to be here at representation we expect the same thing from you guys uh last the the past few years we did only meet once a month we think we're going to continue with that as far as the meetings the youth Council meetings but again we do have plans to have you know special events uh with the youth Council to attend other events as well um prior to starting we did mention to you guys we really need your help we we're looking for me more members I think they're missing out um you know we we need more members to recruit so anyone that you know uh you have the requirements let them know tell them that uh the youth Council we're we're taking applications we moved the deadline to October 1st which is next Tuesday uh there may be a possibility we're going to have to uh extend that deadline again but we're looking for at least minimum at least approximately if we have two more we'll have the full Quorum for the mayor and Council part but ideally we would need at least about four more so we can have our city clerk City attorney our city manager and the rest of the two council members uh so any anybody you know who lives in North Miami who meets the requirements that you guys are aware of please let them know to join uh the youth Council um other than that I think that's really all I have like I mentioned today would be a very quick meeting it the intention of the meeting was to allow you guys to understand the youth Council um I know we could have done this virtually but I thought it was very important to do this in person uh primarily because I wanted you to get a feel how it feels to sit up there I wanted you to understand what the council chambers uh are and where we meet um every second and fourth Tuesday this is where the mayor and Council meet for the council meeting and just like how you're sitting up there that's where they sit and the audience usually sits here this Podium was is where people do presentations so I want you guys get that feel in person rather than just doing on Zoom um and I also want you to take pictures too take pictures so as part of the recruiting uh efforts send it to your friends to let them know that they can also be up there as well um I'm not sure if I'm leaving anything else out I think I got I got to the point once again we definitely want to thank uh the leadership of vice mayor Mary es Irvin this was her vision uh a few years ago and we want to continue this uh I promise her that this year I'll make it even better uh I I have a lot of ideas but again I need y'all to help me I need y'all to help me with uh recruiting uh more of the students and uh we can get the full Quorum and then we can really kick off with this and I think you guys are really excited uh we'll be really excited about the program I mean where else can you get something like this again a lot of municip doesn't offer this we're also going to provide community service hours so it's a win-win on all aspects we talked huh oh yes we talked about the traveling as well as a matter of fact uh gy and I we had a few a conversation earlier there's a conference literally a few weeks away that I feel like the youth in North Miami is going to miss out well not you guys cuz you guys are smart enough to be here tonight uh but uh opportunity for you guys to with a DC uh to attend a conference which is uh called de Haitian ladies uh Network Conference right and if I'm not mistaken are you guys are Haitian so perfect representation and as you guys know representation matters especially right now with everything going on I don't think I need to go into details you are smart young ladies so that's a perfect opportunity to understand and see um things outside of North Miami so it's a no-brainer it's community service hours it's something you learn you get to travel uh so please tell your friends and I look forward to this um before I wrap up just want to make sure you guys don't have any other questions don't be shy of speaking to a mic because in a few months you're going to have to so get used to it any questions like your teachers always say no question no there's no such thing as a silly or dumb question anything or any comments that you want to uh say this is your opportunity no all right so they they're shy today but it's okay we're going to break out of that all right once again thank you guys so much for being here look forward to this process and uh you guys have a good night