##VIDEO ID:3hkTnT8tNcU## hi M huh yes good evening everyone good evening everyone all right I am calling uh our meeting to order for the commission for women board meeting and our first activity is going to be our Pledge of Allegiance let's stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right thank you well welcome back everyone all right so roll call yes roll call all right let's do roll call at this time okay Dr Naomi blir Dr mag de present Dr Marie ien present Dr Emanuel laf present Nisa gitman Pleasant Rose grandier M VI show you have quum to proceed thank you thank you well everyone welcome back from a much needed break but we are now back in the full swing of things very exciting and for uh our next order of business are there any amendments to the agenda that we need to consider um Madame Co chair I just wanted to um put down that we need to acknowledge um that uh the month of uh October is also uh the national um uh domestic violence awareness month okay we can reserve that for our announcement section yes perfect thank you any other amendments to the agenda okay hearing none move forward so we have a special presentation for today kaas St Flor is going to present for us some information on how we would go about creating or recommending suggesting policies so we talked about that it's one of our rolling agenda items and so now we will be able to have this information and tools that we need so that as a commission for women we're able to collaborate with each other and make recommendations to the city for policies that will impact the women that we serve on this board so K St FL we give you the floor welcome thank you thank you um I think uh we had original plans for this which included a presentation um but first let me say I'm Kya senfer a former councilwoman and um in Miami Shores and I also serve as a governmental Affairs specialist at the Southern Group um so back to the agenda so we originally had a presentation planned to discuss the needs of the board and how to create agenda and how to present set agenda to the council so that you guys are adequately doing what you've been commissioned to do right which is make the city better for women all around holistically so uh before we even get started I want to make this as productive as possible for the board and really just ask everyone very briefly 30 seconds or less where do you think you have deficiencies in crafting messaging to relay or where do you think you have deficiencies in relaying the message to the electeds properly or collecting information so let me know where we see deficiencies and we can address those very briefly okay I think I want to start with um Madam chair is not here so Madam Vice chair please okay so I think for me the deficiency would be really understanding how to put the language together to make a recommendation right so if I have an idea or if I see in our city that oh you know well the women would benefit from something like this is it a whole policy that we're putting together is it an idea that we're putting together is it a recommendation or a suggestion that we're putting together so it's more like the howtos like how do you actually have an idea that you think is important that we can get formulated to actually become a policy which can be implemented to benefit the women and I and next whoever feels comfortable going next I'm looking at you Dr um flont so I'm GNA go with you thank you so much um commissioner for for taking the time to come and help us build because we are the first women Commission of Miami what before we leave or continue we want to continue with having a policy in place that there are certain things that um we do and do we do or we don't have to do there's one thing that I want to know if it's possible as a commission someone that's here like going to work with the um council member to help them um to give them advice if it's good to like while we are in the commission to run against one of the Commissioners or one of the people that we there to give advice if it's something that that we can do as um as the commission as the Commissioners so I want to repeat this because it seems like he tackled three questions you want to put policies in place to really give direction to what the commission actually does yeah no we are doing we already have one but we if I'm not mistaken Madame um dran so we don't have a policy of procedure right that's what like a policies and procedures book for the board for like the rules and regulation what we supposed to do and what there are certain things but there a lot of things that we have to put in place because yes and then I want to know if as a commissioner we here to advise the board the the the um the mayor the Council the legislative body for the city yes if it's good for one of the Commissioners on the board to yes that sits on the board to one against one of the commissioner one of the council members if it's something that legal or it's something that we can avoid H it's people that's going to be there to advise you know group of people to to work if we can go against them okay we'll revisit that U dran um Madam Madam co-chair if I may um just for clarification on what Dr flormont just uh mentioned is that we do have a set of bylaws of the north Miami commission for women and it strictly give us the purpose uh which is to support continuing efforts uh for economic political social equality of opportunities for all women with uh special emphasis on the need of the women of the city and to serve an advisory capacity to the council and our Duties are outlined strictly um if we if you remember the ordinance 1461 that was presented by um uh by vice mayor and councel um we have the um what is important for our city is that this this uh North Miami commission for women was create and to support these efforts uh for um to ensure that we have equal opportunity for women so therefore uh because the emphasis is being placed on the need of the women of the city I think the question is what are some of the policies that we as a commission can put to can uh consider drafting to present to council that will benefit the women and so to answer your question um uh Madame uh former commissioner uh katas sinur is that we need your support we need your guidance to help us devise uh a plan on how we can strategically uh draft like mad coer just said some ideas that we may have for example when we did the needs assessment we did a survey and Dr Demar can attest to this because she she led this effort uh when we look at the data in Miami dat County we saw that 72.3% of women were considered physically inactive right when we look at North Miami as a whole um we saw that there was a gap and that we saw that our women need also to be active um active actively and physically engaged and so this commission this body decided that maybe we need to implement some physical activities that will help the women but in doing so to make it more sustainable what are some of the policies that we can put in place that it's not just a onetime uh physical uh event right that it's not just one time uh activity that we can Contin consistently provide uh the services to the women that they can benefit on I hope I'm making myself clear so that that's basically U before you answer I'd like uh permission for us to acknowledge um um the deputy uh city clerk um Gertie what is she now projects management but you know she's here and I wanted to make sure because you know roles are changing in our city want to make sure that I you get acknowledged and we also have yeah please do that okay thank you I hope that no I I and actually I I will wait for the next person and then we'll kind of go through this and I'll give a recommendation okay you don't have any questions no at this time okay the mic yeah hello thank you for coming Katha um I I believe that the city already have full of um program for the city especially every uh Council woman and the mayor and vice mayor they have repeatedly have um different uh program to help the woman help the city um so many project every week so for us to suggest more program we don't want to repeat the same program so the policy we should have something different than they already doing so that you know that's why we're here to have new idea to help out that's why I think that we should have some uh get together to brainstorm each other to have some um new plan for the city that something missing we can help out maybe mental health they already have but we can look at different direction and help out for the city to make it better for here thank you thank you um I'd like to recognize as of 712 that the chairwoman Dr n blir is joined so Dr blam just to catch you up um a former commissioner St Flur has asked us to clarify or provide um more insight into what is it that we desire in terms of addressing policy or creating policy what is it that we would like um for her to to do for us and so everyone is at an opportunity to share at this time and so you are now on the hot seat well first and foremost thank you so very much um Madame Kya sfur for being here I'm not sure if we did a formal introduction of Miss senur and her expertise and why she is here and she has been chosen to give us a formal train training on setting policy and so um if I can we did not so you can yes um what Miss Flur has asked is for the board to provide deficiencies and what they see they would need assistance in relating to the um policies she did introduce herself yeah she did introduce herself excellent so I'll take the privilege of resetting the room at this time so that we can move forward Kya s Flur joins the Southern Group South Florida office after government and the private sector her experience is Broad and deep from political Consulting to Communications to public policy and more Kata has spent the last decade serving the Miami Dade area most recently as an allpurpose consultant assisting clients with a wide range of services including media and communication strategy developing public private partnership training public and private sector leaders on effective advocacy tracking legislation for clients managing political action committees and more from 2011 to 2016 Kya served as the legislative Aid to Florida Senator Oscar brinan who served Miami Dade County in that position she helped guide community members through the legislative process and help Senator Bran's office by managing key relationships as well as the office's external Communications and marketing efforts Kata started her career in broadcast journalism working as an assignment editor for the fox affiliate in Columbia Georgia after leaving TV news she worked with the Atlanta Hartfield area transportation management association as a communications consultant before taking a position with the US Department of Commerce as a partnership Specialist Team Leader where she did important work assisting the US Census in reaching out to difficult to count us count communities particularly those who have immigrated from Caribbean Nations Kata is a passionate Community Advocate with a particular interest in helping victims of domestic violence she gret she's a graduate of Clark College in Atlanta where she majored in journalism and and she currently resides in Miami Shores and I'm sure she shared with you guys that she is the first Haitian American uh elected to Miami Shores and so thank you so very much for being here we truly appreciate um your time your energy and most importantly your expertise in the area of policy and just to clarify why we are here today and so that we can make best use of what you have to offer we want to ensure that uh we're clear on that so as president of the women's commission I'm I'm excited to present today's training on policy our Focus will be on three key objectives number one understanding what policy is and its role in shaping decisions number two learning how to recommend effective policies as a board so we understand that the commission for women is established to provide recommend um introduce new policies to our city council so that we can better serve the 30,000 plus women who live here in the city of North Miami the third identifying best policies to support and Empower wom in the city of North Miami so together today we hope to explore how to advocate for policies that posit positively impact our community and specifically the wom that we serve and so I thought that this was great to have this training today because several months ago when we asked the the board members to each present two policies um that we believe would be great and could have a positive impact on the women in our city several of the members stated that they had never done that type of work before and so they did not necessarily have have a guide on how to present two policy so specifically today we want you to give us your expertise on working with legislation as well as serving inner cities like the city of North Miami and what positive policies that we can consider as a board to bring to city council and that we can ultimately have those inative in the city thank you thank you thank you it's okay with you um that that was a resounding bio some of that stuff I forgot about I don't know where you read it but I would love to copy it I could use it sometime thank you um I want to get back into what we were talking about a few a few members commission members have kind of expressed where they where they believe there are some deficiencies that pretty much line line up with what you just said not that far off um in all honesty I would be doing you a disservice to stand here and say hey you should do this you should do that without having done a proper assessment of really or workshopping I should say the A needs assessment uh commissioner klickman I believe made a fantastic point which is that the city already provides services I think where where I'm seeing from the outside looking in and not having had the opport to to really know what the expectation was today and also to not necessarily I'm familiar with the city and everything that they provide but I'm not a 100% familiar with the capacity of the board if that makes any sense I I would strongly recommend workshopping and but in preparation for workshopping what I would recommend as well is having someone from the city staff available who can articulate and who can present some of and knows when you guys bring up an issue that can say the city already does X Y or Z and then as opposed to creating something new because everything doesn't have to necessarily be a policy or done legislatively to affect change it could be a recommendation to a department head it can be a recommendation to the manager to the assistant manager to our special projects manager to the clerk's office all some things simply require a recommendation from observation and you it seems like you guys have done your due diligence and that you've had a needs assess assment for the city how long ago did we have that needs assessment where does the city fall short in what already exists to fulfill that needs assessment and from there maybe what you don't do is have individual policies but when you're workshopping you can Workshop a set of policies that can be a standard for a period of time to see how you can affect the change right that would listening to everybody before the meeting right now and and kind of a little bit of what I read coming in I I that would be the best use of your time that would be the best use of my time and that would be the most effective thing for us to do so that it isn't a a lot of times people meet to meet right A lot of times we make um we make suggestions to make suggestions we are driven by things that are that are very unrelated to what's at hand and in the Workshop what we will do is make sure that you set the tone for the workshop there's direction there's research because you never want to make recommendations that are not backed up by research that's right right you want to make sure that you're making decisions and when you're speaking to elected officials as an elected official I understand that time is precious and when you have someone's time and you're in front of them and they're taking the time to hear your recommendations you want to make sure that it's clear it's con prise and you can prove where and show where it would be effective and not redundant right so I would recommend us finding some time to Workshop to Workshop ideas I'm I'm not really sure on if it has to be televised it can be open but where we're we come in fully prepared we come in with staff fully prepared because again I can't stress this enough I see this a lot all over the state everything doesn't have to be legislative which you've been tasked with is to advise the legislative body and some of those advising could some of the advising could really just be hey look have we thought about okay council person XY or Z you have an event every 3 weeks can we add a physical activity component to it is it possible I know that the city does a lot of food drives um and is it possible when at the food bank to have someone to check blood pressure to have someone is there a way that we can work in the ideas that you guys have and what is already existing and a the most cost effic cost efficient way the most time efficient way and really just the most efficient way our goal is to be efficient productive and impactful the work that you guys are doing is is extremely important as a woman I know that our needs are unique and if women are well a community as well that's right so with all of that being said not to to be long when did I I recommend at this moment honestly without addressing any of these right now because that would be that would be a disservice I would I will make myself available and we can schedule some time where we can actually make a workshop we come out of the workshop with some policies that you can take to staff will be there so you'll already know where you can Implement what what potential cost is the goal is always to save the city money not to make the city spend more money and to save people time so let's work let's Workshop let's figure out where you guys what are three pillars maybe that's something you guys can think about right now individually what are three pillars that you want to attack we can't attack every issue someone can get me a copy of the needs assessment let's take a look at the needs assessment what's lowest hanging fruit on that needs assessment what are resources that we have in the community who are people who are willing to give back that can help with that needs assessment where can we fill in the blanks so let's do that I believe we do that with an open heart and open mind we'll be able to walk out of it with some real tangible things that you can take back to the council and the council could then advise staff on which way we should go and if it's legislation then it's legislation but a lot of what I'm hearing may not necessarily be legislation there is one question in particular that is legislative right where you have to just probably redo your bylaws but everything else really sounds more like having an assessment done of not just the needs of the city right but what is the city already doing and where can we fill in the blanks and that's my recommendation get back to me with a time our team will make it happen for you guys and again thank you for the work that you guys do on this commission I know this is your free time and gracias thank you thank you thank you uh any questions for Madame s i I have a comment because um um Miss infl mentioned about the needs assessment we may have to revisit that because we did almost two years ago okay and almost three well almost three yeah two years ago so we may have to um and there's always Census Data there's always Census Data there's always County data um once you send me what you have we'll look at and see the accuracy maybe the time I change for example I just off the top of my head I know a lot of people have issues paying their property taxes right so that's something that's that's fairly new for the last couple of years um let's look at it let's look at where we can get some data without having to spend any money doing another needs assessment and make some immediate steps if an if another needs assessment is in is in order let's at least get the ball rolling on the lowest hanging fruit and where we can make some type of adjustment and have immediate impact okay thank you excellent excellent thank you so very much we hope you can stay for the remainder of our meeting oh she's soig thank you for making sure that I stay the remainder of the meeting that was so subtle thank you madam chair you're very welcome and thank you again for that wonderful introduction and I meant it I would like a copy of that absolutely absolutely we will do that uh thank you so very much again uh moving on with our our agenda for this evening uh for new discussions we have uh this month being the month of October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and uh we would like to present a afternoon of Health for the wom and I would like to open that up for discussion we know that we do have some funds available uh to be budgeted for the remainder of this year and so I I believe that with the funds that are left behind um from this year we can possibly allocate a few dollars to focus on women's health specifically assisting woman with M mammograms as we all know this is the first step to possibly catching um what can be cancerous and as a woman's board I definitely want to make that a priority I know that we only have 15 days left for the month um nevertheless I know that the woman here if there's any if anybody can make something happen we can and so we I would like to put that before the board is that the will of the board to focus on uh Women's Health probably towards the end of the month and put together Citywide um event where we can pull in some partners the good thing about it everyone is talking about it and so everyone is doing something it will not be a lot of resources to pull something together and of course we have dren who can pull in a whole lot of uh Health Resources for us so I would like to place that on the floor um for a vote are we open to possibly allocating uh some of our final funds for a woman women's health day for the month of October roll call oh Madam chair I have a couple of questions um uh first what date do we have in mind because I do have um I do have resources yes but I do also have a commitment for humanitarian medical mission in a mocali with students of Miami day College as well as Hannah October um 25th to the 29th so those dates already been committed for me to be out of town for five days so well four and a half days having said that what date do you have in mind so we we can great question so let's put it to a vote to see if it is the consensus of the board to actually have it and then if we agree to have it then we will go through dates really quickly everyone can pull out the calendar and we can choose one that coincides with everyone availability is that okay I I second your request if that's a motion if that was a motion that was a motion thank you MH I second your motion I move but you didn't say I move so that's okay so there is a motion on the floor there's a motion made by DR n blure to um host a woman's health event before the end of October in recognition of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month it was seconded by Dr ITN with one Amendment with one Amendment excluding the DAT if I may I'll also add that Amendment to the motion Madame chair wom is that um we also have domestic violence awareness month for the for this month as well maybe we can have a combined effort I like that if that's okay so what we can so it'll just be a health and wellness right and we can have representation focused on um both causes and we will provide services for the women in the city including both causes okay I'm in agreement so I um Dr Naomi blir made a motion with the amended motion by Dr Ian seconded by Dr Ian um board member Glickman how do you vote I vote Yes okay Dr aten yes Dr blir yes Dr dearit yes and Dr flon yes and the motion passes with the 5- Z vote okay ladies motion passes at this time um we'll entertain a suggestion for date understanding that do Ian is not available from can you October 25th through the 29th and I also have to add I know it's during the day but the city is hosting a mamogram bus during the day for the which day October 31st okay um Halloween Halloween yes during the day there would be like the mobile bus that would be out here um for I mean for residents but also mostly for the employees as well out here where um they we usually have the actually I don't have the exact location I'd have to look through the event um email is it possible that we do a collaborative effort can you ask to see if we can do a collaborative effort I can I it's being conducted through our Personnel department so I can follow up with the information from them and then we can share that with that day I mean Halloween no but that's fine um if uh you can get back to us if you can give us a response within 24 hours so that we can either say yay or nay and and then Circle back around Madam being that U looking at the calendar if we can have a backup plan cuz you know I believe in backup plan so um today is the October the 15th mhm and so technically we only have a few days left uh within the week so our best bet is to focus on the last week in October agreed and you said you back on what I'm back on the 29th so it would be the 30th or the 31st so that's fine so I just want to make sure if we can't do it collaborate with on the 31st we can have Wednesday as a as a backup plan so I just pulled up the flyer it's actually from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and it's for our city employees and it's to schedule you'd have to schedule it ahead of time so it's specifically for City it is specifically for the employees okay so thank you Dr so I just wanted to make sure I pull it up and excellent so thank you dran so um I'm going to propose Tuesday October 30th as our Women's Health Wednesday Madam excuse me Wednesday October 30th as our Women's Health and Wellness day let me ask you what uh what do you have in in mind to to have that event what what's going to have what you going to do during that day so what I'm going to do is I'm going to put a committee together to specifically deal with those specifics so that we can move on with the agenda with the specific so we want to know because if an event we we're going to do an event like in less than a week um me I'm not going to be there too I'm going to come back in the 29th but the 30th I have to be to my normal job um how what you plan to do if you want to do mamogram you want to do a conference what do you want to do that day so specifically it is a health and wellness day focusing on providing mogran services and dren also spoke about um providing services for those who may be suffering from domestic violence so once we put a committee together the committee will then come up with a schedule of events for a two to maximum 4H hour time period that we would be servicing the community Do you have a hram that's company that's coming the committee would work on all those specifics Madam chair if I may um everybody knows that I'm in a healthcare Arena you are to Doc and Dr de Merit when we talk about women's and health it doesn't necessarily have to stop with the mamogram because um we can have a focus on a holistic approach where um we collaborate with global innovation Foundation we can collaborate with other entity that has resources that we can put together I can tell you that um uh education is critical so I would be uh looking towards the Haitian American nurses to get brochures on breast health I will be looking toward Miami day college students to get uh educational posters on breast health and domestic violence and um we can also uh meet with the committee to decide exactly what are some of the top three things that we can focus on and the event doesn't have to be doing the day could be in the afternoon let's say from uh 4: to 8 or even 5: to 5: 5 to 7 even to a few hours we can do a lot we can have uh we can also invite um breast women's breast health initiative we I mean there are different they have Jackson you have University of Miami there are several um companies that we can tap into the question is will they be available but that ises not stop us from having the display doing the presentation CU we have we all are experts in our own um uh uh Arena as a healthcare uh as a nurse practitioner family nurse practitioner I can do a presentation on both human trafficking domestic violence and uh and importance of breast so those are the things we need need to do and I think we just need to keep it simple and uh we have the funds and we can like Madame chair said put a committee together and brainstorm and come up with something to top excellent thank you all right commission Nori yes uh may I ask that shall we have a location to so what I want to do is as we have done in the past once we approve an event we're going to put a committee together and that committee is going to begin as of this evening up until the day of the event which would be the 30th now that we understand the city's event is specifically for employees um so we can move forward and with that said I would like to um appoint Dr maren as one of the committee members myself and Dr magad dearit uh we understand that uh Dr flma would not be available Nori will you be available excellent so we're going to have everybody jump on board and let's put a great event together and I love the way dren says let's keep it simple but effective let's make sure that the women who come they get the the information that they need they get the services that they need and to the extent that they need counseling um on the spot we are providing wraparound services on that day for a maximum of 3 hours amen right and even though um Dr flurm says she's not going to be there but we'll make sure that she contributes because mjd Wellness um just opened this wonderful mobile van and we have a lot to talk about so no they that when you doing EV it you have to be specific especially we have no we have like like on one week yes to do to plan an event are we going to do an even a sitting event or we going to do a dis educational event display or we're going to do a screening because a health a wellness event doesn't do today and tomorrow so having mjd there and then you remember we're going to come from a mar we're going to be tired so it's all of that like I I have to know what you guys are doing um specifically like something simple but we're going to do something simple on Education Health Wellness Education Health and Wellness screening so we have to yeah but we're not going to have time to do committee while with we have one week and me and you we going out we can make Miracle happen in a day okay not with you guys okay but we'll be all right thank you Dr Flore for your comments full disclosure there is a possibility that I will not be in town will you would you be able to assist with planning sure I can contribute in that way excellent excellent um we can reach out to commissioner Rose gunier and see uh what she can contribute to this I think this is a worthy cause um again again I always say this at every meeting we're not here just to meet and at times because we meet on the third Tuesday of the month and of course because we did not have a meeting last month it may seem as if things are done quickly but that's just the nature of having having a board such as this and you're serving over 30,000 women so we're going to move forward with the committee as planned thank you um Miss Gman yes uh can we ask the city to Bear us to give us a little room for the so it's I I already anticipate that request so I've already noted to look into a location um for that's available that day thank you Madame philipo thank you okay move moving along if there are any if there are not any other questions concerns comments how about we are not going to have any platform because it's very short time well once the committee has the first meeting we can discuss that we can share with the board okay thank you excellent moving along to Old business get fit know me program proposal budget for the program um we appointed Dr Magda Demar to go over over uh the specifics with the two trainers um providing smoothie drinks Insurance needed and we know that we have the trainer ready both trainers are ready uh we have a location that we're thinking of to provide the smoothies the question at hand is what type of insurance is needed if we are looking to have about 50 families when I say 50 families we know that the woman may come with with a significant other and a possible um child or two so we wanted to know from legal what kind of of insurance is needed or is it a bond okay so I would have to follow up with our risk Department to verify the type of insurance that they would be asking um what I've known in the past and it may be different but I again we'll get that verification from risk is normally they have they carry their insurances and would ask the city to be added as additional insured but I will verify the type of insurance and how that policy will work through our risk Department excellent can you give us a response by tomorrow morning tomorrow by tomorrow afternoon afternoon perfect just because I want to be able to contact he called several times unfortunately we didn't meet last month to yeah so I get it I understand okay perfect wonderful um at this time we can foro the discussion on sponsorship we're going to see exactly what we will use for our health and wellness day um with the focus around breast cancer awareness and then we'll see what is left over and what can be used okay and a reminder we're in a new fiscal year as well yes so we have both the Old and well you have some left over for some left over and then we have a whole new for the initiative you guys just mentioned and as I mentioned um we do have since they were already you know there predetermined and discussed um we do have a deadline of you know making payments for that with the um New fiscalia that started but I just want to remind you guys that you guys are in new fiscal year for any pro programs or projects you're looking to implement excellent do you know how much money we have in the budget for this fiscal year I am verifying exactly how much that is but I know that in the past it's been allocated 5,000 for each board I know and so that's why I'm I'm finding out if there's more but from my understanding that was what's budgeted excellent thank you so very much we look forward to hearing back from you on what is our budget for this year next update on the appointment of a Treasurer Madam chair um speaking of money I was going to say since we're in a new budget I understand that 5,000 was allocated is there any way we we can ask um I know it was I don't know if it's the entire Council that makes that decision right they the one who make the decision correct the entire Council made a decision on the budget okay is there anywh we can we can uh make a friendly ask based on the fact that 5,000 could not do what we needed to do can we can we please uh ask to see if any of the council uh man or Council woman would would consider giving um uh what do you call it uh enine not enine what is the word out of their perspective make a a Don it would be a donation a donation from their uh discretionary funds okay the commission for is asking because the budget is not enough okay noted thank you dran um next on the agenda position update on the appointment of a treasurer for the commission for women uh C is the legal opinion yes I wanted to give that update because that was a request a couple meetings ago regarding having a treasur for the um board and the response that I received from the discussion the legal opinion I received from the discussion with the deputy City attorney is that um based on how the current code for the composition of the board does not include a Treasurer and so only the mayor and Council has to approve any changes that would have to be made via for in the code of how the on the how the in the ordinance of how the board was created to be able to have that change implemented which it was by ordinance so would require an amendment to that and it would require two votes two meetings so if that is the will that is a suggestion or request we would have to then present it back to the mayor and councel for them to consider and then how that would be amended in the ordinance for them to vote on thank you so very much so for governing purposes can we appoint someone who is responsible to collect all funds during the fiscal year and ensure that those funds are deposited into the city's account and some kind of sign off is done in order for us to keep a paper trail so as I as I mentioned in the previous meetings that there is a a process on donations that are made for boards and commissions or in the donations you know in general to the city where it is just noted on which account or which program or initiative that it goes to understand that the finance has that process and how deposits are made and then the notations but they are donated to a certain fund and then eventually transferred to the respective fund but it's like a a code or a memo that's advised on how and where it would be allocated to um that process is done through Finance um there is paper trail because it's via email it's via memo actual memor memo that's drafted um our special projects manager is very familiar with that process cuz she's been the person that has done that in the past for several of our boards and committees um even for commemorative months or any type of programs that we have um so that's the the process and we do have that again via email VI via memo because that's how the finance knows who it's for what it's for and what's allocated to that excellent so internally MH as a board when we have events can we identify one person who will receive any donations that comes out of these events and that they will ensure that those funds are then um given to the city so you mean to allocate someone on your board that you would have responsible to Pro yes you can do that but it wouldn't be in the name of a treasur excellent so unofficial Treasurer we would like to have narissa Gman take the responsibility of receiving all donations uh for the remainder of this fiscal year and uh the next year during events and any and any and any communication that we have with small business owners who want to donate we will always refer to you to collect those funds and get those funds to the city yes Madam chair does anyone oppose no no objection no objection thank you so very much okay moving on we discussed in our Le in our last meeting that there are several board members who would no longer be eligible to be on the board based on the elected official who appointed them and so we already had the discussion so we ask that everyone not just those who may be leaving but everyone who would like to be reinstated to please go on the north Miami website to complete a new application to remain or be reappointed to this board we ask that everyone do that as soon as possible so that there is no lapse in us having Quorum which we experience before and that application will be submitted to the city clerk and if you need assistance will filling that application please see doc please see Kya philipo do that yes it would be Dr Stephanie thomps the deputy city clerk at the city clerk's office um that I work with in regarding boards and commissions but again it's important to have the application on file cuz it it's been over a year um so even if you have been serving for more than that year because it has to be done annually oh oh I do have a question um so after tonight's meeting uh I'm officially no longer on the board is that what that is because uh the person who appointed me was the mayor so do I wait after election before I fill out the application I would fill it up before even cuz we don't know what the outcome will be so in the event that say there is so say that mayor is reelected then it would just it still has to start over he would still have to reappoint you because it was based on the term which ends from that term cuz he would he would be starting a new term right right so that's why your application would still need to be on yeah I'm one of those people that believe in giving new people a new opportunity so I was saying that if if it's the will of the mayor to have a new appointee okay I don't have a problem with that but because I've been assigned some work that needs to finish and I'm one of those people have to carry the work right Madam chair so we have to I will fill out the application because there's still work to be done and then in the event that it's time for me to go we can make that decision and so I also and I can verify with the clerk's office but in the event since the election is November 5th there is a possibility of a runoff um you would have a meeting in between that and the next oh so I need to stay until you were there okay yeah so again I don't know I know we kind of discussed it a while ago if we would have a November meeting but we said we would not so I think that's what of the election so we should have a November meeting only to ensure that those that would may be leaving have an official last final meeting and you you share your heart with the years that you have spent on the commission so I I truly believe that there is always a patching a passing of the torch and there's a way for that to be done and so we're not going to abruptly not just cease from serving the community uh elections are are coming they're coming we're going to continue to serve up until the point that their elections are over and we have the results and we know how to move forward as a board we will continue to move forward in serving the community so Dr you don't get to leave just yet okay excellent um Madam chair when you're done with your announcement I do have one announcement as well absolutely absolutely at this time public hearing is now open seeing none public hearing is closed we in announcement we have we currently have announcements um but I just wanted to give an opportunity if there are any questions or concerns about anything that we discussed that you did not get an opportunity to share this would be the time to do so I guess the only thing I have is um do we have a a status on on the business cards and the shirts and all that stuff that we discuss yes so those are still being finalized I do apologize in the delay um as you guys know we've had an eventful summer oh yeah um with you know storms not just the storm cyers so we've been a little delayed in a lot of things and I'm catching up that includes me especially in my administrative role so I do apologize that that has been delayed but um we are looking to have a lot of those things finalize in the coming weeks right and also Madam chair just to report on our assignment regarding the fund raise we did we did submit the letters and so we just want to check that off our list thank you so very much anything else we get to announ excellent moving to announcement uh we want to officially congratulate Dr immanu FL on opening of her new business mjd hope mobile clinic was established by Dr flim Mo as co-founder and we want to publicly thank you for your dedication and hard work as you continue to inspire all us all as a small business owner in a woman in business we wish you m much success and prosperity in this exciting new chapter we would like to give you a minute to just share what the mobile Clinic is all about and what you what you aspire to accomplish through the mobile clinic thank you Madame shair um yeah the mobile clinic it's a a way for um mjd staff to give the uninsured um patient uh the privacy and the comfortability that they need to receive Health Care Services uh we remember from the last um nine years we've been serving people under a tent R um running or whatever it condition it is we there but now they have a very well encrypted with high technology um we will be in the community especially in North Miami park or anywhere that they call us they have a people that in needs for medical services we will be there to provide it in an very nice and safe um environment so people can feel comfortable and welcome with or without insurance this mobile we will not seeing patient who has insurance it's going to be only for undocumented and people who doesn't have access to health care they can um have access to healthare thank you so very much Dr flma again thank you for all the work that you're doing and we look forward to seeing the mobile clinic out in the community yes it is already excellent at this time if we have completed all of our agenda announcement announcement okay great so let's go around uh let's start with k filipo okay I just wanted to um first the past few months thank you guys for um allowing me to assist you guys as the Le is on um I know we've had some transitions regarding with commission for women and and I have been um I know it's kind of new and I don't want to just bring it on you I don't I'm not leaving you guys um but I did want to introduce someone that I am in the process of training and I believe will be an excellent person to work with the commission and has really great experience here with working in the city she's a dynamic young lady named Taisha Pierre she works with us in our city clerk's office she's currently pursuing her Masters in in public administration she is very involved in ASP a which is really great cuz she's for someone who's only 25 years old Taisha oh you put yes I'm sorry but um I believe that and it I have to say it was also recommended by our special projects manager who worked with her very closely um who believes in her and I believe she would be a great asset in this role so I did want her to come here this evening just you know as her first meeting but I understand that in the next few months although it's a lot of transition that may be occurring that I am going to work closely with her so that she can um transition into the role of liaison for commission for women in the city of North Miami but of course I will always still be available um as you guys know I was um transition to assistant city manager effective October 1 so let's just say the rules have you know expanded more work so therefore we really need the assistance um and I am very confident to um introduce and work with Taisha I do have her bio printed and I will share a copy um of that with you guys um before leaving congratulations introd thank you congratulations excellent any announcements well we know Dr Flore you just went any additional announcements no excellent Dr magd yes I just wanted to put the PSA out there early voting starts Monday I believe right so go early folks um and just take care of what you need to take care of because the lines get long and we don't want any errors or mistakes or trying to rush so early voting starts Monday so I'm just encouraging everyone and anyone who might be listening to get out and vote excellent drtim thank you madam chair just to um remind the all the women in the city of North Miami that uh October is the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month as well as domestic violence awareness month and um I would like to encourage all the women to go and get their mamogram their annual uh their annual mamogram and also uh check with their Primary Care Providers if they don't have insurance um you already heard Dr um uh flormont mjd wellness check with mjd Wellness they'll help you and but as far as for domestic violence uh we know that um um it is truly uh an issue um we do not want to see anyone get abused and so we raise awareness and on behalf of of course the global Innovative Foundation we want to make sure that everyone know that we are a resource entity non profit to help survivors of domestic violence but we believe in prevention that is why we're asking everyone to if you see something say something but most importantly um no abuse should be tolerated and so no say no to violence because we want everyone to feel safe in the space and we want everybody to feel uh love empowered and feeling safe in our community um I mentioned that I will be out of town so um I will be looking forward to working with Madame chair and the committee to to do what we have to do okay thank you thank you oh and don't forget the breast uh there is a walk there is a domestic violence walk uh this Saturday um we are working with um the city of Miami Gardens and uh there are um plenty of folks from the city of North Miami including our own chief of police who usually go and support the walk and so we encourage everyone to just go out and raise awareness on this um uh issue of domestic violence thank you thank you Dr Ran commissioner Glickman yes everything is very good tonight um I learned a lot and uh I will be happy to make a motion to adjoin the meeting well right before we adjin right before we adjourn um thank you so very much to say thank you to K Madame Kata SE for coming um I believe that it is the consensus of the board that we will do the workshop and so that we will work together with um Madame filipo to uh coordinate a schedule I do believe based on what she stated this can be a closed meeting because it is training we will not be voting on anything nor discussing any business so I think that this would be great with the consideration of everyone's schedule I'm going to ask Dr Magda to share one of her uh what do you call it those scheduling polls please share one tonight and then whichever one is most uh received we will share that with with um Kia and then we're both katas and then we'll just share the top two and then we can uh schedule one as soon as time available is available okay right before we can we recommend that we do this after the election because we have our breast Wellness initiative that we're going to put together and then we have a mission trip so so I do I would not say after elections because we do not know when the last election will be so I think that in the event there's a run off the I mean so November we're looking to sometime in November excellent thank you also I want I had one more announcement yes um I I apologize the vice mayor is also hosting her annual business breakfast on Tuesday the 22nd at FIU Coen Center at 8:30 in the morning for a mixer and then um we'll have special guest um to deliver keot but it's an annual event you have a lot of small businesses that come in it's in recognition of Florida government week that's taking place um next week in October so we encourage anyone if you haven't already registered or um to register so you can participate it's usually a really great event here's an opportunity Madame chair for us to continue with the wellness um if it's okay we can have a table uh to educate the women on breast health and um domestic violence sure so I our special projects manager who's also spearheading the event is here and she can be able to confirm you as a vendor one for Global one for the city of commission because we have to do the domestic violence yes um there's one the last maybe the last um announcement Dr Shirley planton she's having um on Friday 18 a conference for the Youth it's going to be at centas University from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and if anyone can support her and then support the kids that would be great yeah and we also have the um the association of educator of days breakfast on the same Saturday um I believe it's 9 till so we have a lot going on that that Saturday this Saturday right so this Saturday um and Shirley's conference is is today yeah sat Friday and Saturday so there's a lot going on this weekend so with the women Commissioners will be participating in a whole lot of things okay are there any more announcements so right before I close I want to say congratulations to Kya philipo on her promotion to assistant city manager uh welld deserved we deeply appreciate your hard work your dedication um just really stepping up to the plate with your skill set and letting us know what needs to be done versus what we would want to see done and so we really appreciate that we ask God to bless you and continue to elevate you thank you for the work that you've done thank you L we love and appreciate you K thank you and you are such a professional you have done things with the spirit of excellence and uh you are just such a an asset to the city of North Miami and so I I think the whole world need to know how much we as a commission value you and and as a young leader you are you are you make us all proud in this community thank you thank you thank you Kia okay please just stay with us um as we go through the transition and we look forward to having our please come forward State your full name I didn't oh State your full name and what you currently do and your thoughts on the commission for women as we move forward hello good evening I'm Taisha pier and as you guys all know I work for the city clerk office so many familiar faces and um I'm currently doing my masters in public administration at FIU I got two more classes to go and yes so basically that's my first commission meeting and I look look forward to work with you guys if anybody knows me I'm a very strong feminist and um I believe in equal right and I feel like um the voice of one woman can you know has the power to to make a lot of changes especially in a small we are a small community we're also a big one and having such a diverse um um board um here we can do a lot and I look forward to work with you guys welcome aboard thank you I like that I love it I love it I love it yes motion to adjourn second second