good morning or good evening I should say good evening my name is Naomi Esther blir I am the chairwoman for the north Miami commission for women this is our Thursday May 30th 2024 meeting and we call this meeting into order at this time we would asks um Vice chair magad dearit to lead us into the Pledge of Allegiance sure I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you at this time we're going to have the north Miami excuse me we're going to have Madame Kata philipo who is going to uh do the Roll Call good evening everyone good evening good evening Madame chair Naomi blir present Vice chair Dr Magda dearit present board member narissa Glickman Pleasant board member Rose grimier present board member Dr emanuela Flor Ma and board member Dr Maria Tien you have to proceed thank you thank you Kia um just for purposes of um clarification we have new discussion uh two presentations presentation number one and presentation number two is being taken off of the agenda due to a conflict in schedule okay which is going to lead us into uh presentation number three tonight I would like to propose uh or introduce a quarterly networking event cocktails and conversations in strategic partnership with the esteem League of Women Voters of Miami date County this partnership will assist us in enhanced Civic engagement collaborating with the League of Women Voters of Miami day County offers a unique opportunity to Foster increased Civic engagement within the North Miami community and two it would help us to broaden our rep representation the League of Women Voters has a long understanding commitment to promoting inclusivity and amplifying the voices of those that are under represented and groups that are underrepresented in the political process and at this time I would like to place a motion on the floor for approval I have a motion by Dr Naomi blim chair to to proceed with the proposal of the quarterly networking event with cocktails and conversation in partnership with W the League of Women Voters of Miami day do I have a second I second it I didn't hear I'm sorry I second it okay thank you and second it by um board member Glickman all in favor I any oppose your motion passes the four to vote thank you so very much and at this time we would proceed with old business with the update on the second annual Women Health and Wellness conference um with Dr immanuela not present as of yet uh we are going to move on with our second update on the N me business business master class for 50 female startups um last year we had an extraordinary presentation um by a well-known business owner and a master class coach uh that came before this board and presented this uh six week masterclass we voted and we adopted it and today we are presenting it for discussion we have a goal of $25,000 to raise in order to um move this initiative forward at this time I would like to open for discussion how will we proceed in raising these funds from I'll go ahead and uh kick off the discussion here so when we met last and we begin having the discussion we talked about about um approaching the the Council on whether or not they would be able to support this initiative with um maybe some of their um funds that they have um in their discretionary we talked about that being an Avenue to raise funds excellent anyone else if I may Madame chair last night we had a wonderful event at the Caz with the League of Women Voters and it was a collaborative effort between the league and the commission for women of not Miami and we understood that it was also a type of fundraising for both parties so therefore since we just voted on this initiative may it continue to fund ways thank you yes um commissioner Rose you I Echo your sentiments it was at a wonderful event um last night but as we can see it was uh it was attended however it was not overwhelming attended and so we are waiting on a report on how much funds were raised and so I will present that report um once I receive it preferably at our next meeting which is scheduled for June 18th um however if we are to move forward in raising $25,000 I think that uh this quarterly initiative is just a drop in the bucket I would like to see us put together a robust uh plan on raising these funds I myself have already raised $2,000 and that is from me just speaking to small business owners in the city of North Miami sharing the initiative with them letting them know um how we went about it the the role of the commission and why we have decided to do that and so I truly believe that if we actually start taking a more if we start actually putting in effort into raising these funds I truly believe we will have success and so I would like to present to you all that we put together a package right for sponsors and allow these sponsors to get advertisement um from this six week to 7 week program that we will host and at the end of the program where we would be it's it's actually business month which is the month of October and we would be commemorating these 50 women who would have gone through this process and establishing their business giving these small businesses the opportunity to introduce themselves and their businesses to the city and the wom so that's one thing that I am proposing that we do in order to get sponsors um from small businesses both male and female who would be interested in in supporting this initiative anything else um uh so as I was watching one of the council meetings I believe the north Miami Chamber of Commerce they are getting a grant for working with women um entrepreneurs new bu women businesses women-owned businesses so I you know grant money is usually earmarked for activity so you ask for money to do certain things and so they give you the money to do those certain things however I think that might be a good opportunity to have a discussion with them to see what opportunities exist for us to collaborate um and put together um efforts to and in case they may have additional funds maybe they might be able to support the initiative or maybe collaborate with the grant that they're getting excellent so um you know we are blessed to have our City chief of staff with us tonight uh Miss filipo we would like to present to you um the request to draft a letter um that a letter of sponsorship that can go out to the north Miami Chamber of Commerce and to those that are already doing business with the city that would be interested in supporting this initiative and at the next meeting next month if you can present to us a list of these individuals and we can look at the current uh business model they have and we can shape letters that actually speaks to their interests and see if uh we will be able to get that support Madame philipo would that be okay than sorry I'm writing no no that's fine thank you so very much may we also include uh communication with the council absolutely I believe in our last meeting we did ask for Dr ien to spearhead that so let's put a so we would have two separate letters one letter to community businesses and stakeholders and then a separate letter to elected officials and the Chamber and the Chamber yeah that's included for the stakeholders okay okay awesome excellent and you know what I'm going to go out on a limb here and request a letter sent to our first female mayor of Miami date County and see if she would be interested in supporting this initiative anyone else no um at this time um we would like to go ahead and acknowledge excellent at this time at 7:13 we acknowledge Dr Emmanuela flumo okay right before we go back to the second annual woman health and wellness conference are there any ideas any thoughts any suggestions on how we can move forward in raising well now I'm going to say 23,000 because we've already uh raised 2,000 of uh the 25 any other thoughts okay as I am looking at the agenda I noticed that um actually item number one we will go back to it now thank you Kata for making those Corrections okay okay so then we're as we go back to item number one we're all good on the on beginning steps I should say to raising the $25,000 are there any other thoughts Dr floron do you have anything that you would like to add um at the conference at the conference we I was thinking and then share with um norisa like all the gift that they donate to us like we're going to have um baskets that we're going to discuss later on those basket we're going to do um how do you call um no it's not raffle no option with it and then to see if let the money that we collected for those go can go toward that that event okay all right so right before we get and also we will sell raffle tickets we're going to have two different raffle one $5 one $10 to the participants so all those money can go to our budget for to the budget in the general fund yeah the general fund yes excellent excellent okay thank you um at this time we're going to close the discussion on the update on Nomi business master class we're requesting that um chief of staff TAA filipo put together two letters or we can say three letters one letter specifically for the mayor of Miami day County Daniela LaVine Cava a letter to current um city council members and mayor and then a letter for small businesses and stakeholders within the city of North Miami to be presented at our next meeting and um to be distri distributed um that following day okay and going back to um new discussion with the understanding that we are collecting funds for a specific initiative that we are rolling out at the 50 female startups uh I would like to put a nomination an election an election of the commission for women Treasurer I think that we have all seen how tight it is with staff right now if we were to actually put upon them the responsibility to collect checks for us to keep us updating on updated on how how much money is coming in and how that money is being spent I truly believe it would be a disservice to them and so I believe that it is it behooves us to actually set up an infrastructure among us where we can take care of what we can take care of without them and we reach out to them when necessary and so at this time I would like to put the motion on the floor that we select a treasurer for the commission for women going forward are we all in agreement question are we selecting a treasur amongst ourselves okay so yes um we will take nominations I wanted to present this because at the start of us uh organizing as a board we never discuss having a Treasurer and now that we're moving forward with this initiative I do believe that we need a buffer between staff and the board in order to do three things number one keep a breast of the amount of donations that are coming in who is giving the donations and when those donations are given to the city and goes into our an account and that person will keep a monthly rooll of how much money we have coming in so that was my question because I think all of it is okay short of actually handling money so is there any rule against or for or regarding how we would touch money if that's a thing because I think we can have someone that can keep track that can say okay this person donated this it was given to the city on this day but actually handling money that's where I yeah that's where I paused so I actually um just seeing um board lickman also giving me looks um that's actually the question that come came to mind while speaking Dr blir um I would ask that I do my due diligence of speaking with I I'm sorry I do everything with our city attorney's office they're the ones who drafted the resolution and ordinances when it comes to the order of boards and committees and um as I said you guys are our first committee or commission that is just as active as you guys are so we are as much as we want to be able to move at your pace we do want to ensure that um we are doing our due diligence and ensuring that we're not running into issues um as far as for receiving money I can tell you from EXP experience and other past or um boards that we have received donations on behalf of the board it can come from you and then provided with the memo with an information to because it has to be done and deposited by staff or the city rather so we it is okay for you guys to receive donations as long as it is properly noted are documented and provided to the staff person to make the donation to our finance and that process cuz we have a process of how we um receive donations allocated you know through memos to our finance department so it is you guys can do that what I am trying to confirm is ensuring that you guys are allowed to um appoint board members like like um a treasur treasurer secretary like things like that okay great those are that's what I now thought and I wish I did so I could have had that information to you tonight which I apologize as you know there's a million things happening but I want want to make sure I have the correct information because at the same time you um to get a treasure we may not have be a treasure it may be just like a liaison or it's a committee and that person is a chair of that particular committee within your um board if that makes sense got it so I'm just going to verify that so if you allow me by next meeting I can be able to provide you that information so at next time I would like to put a motion to move this item under what is this 41 to the June 18th meeting okay great but just the same way you guys are making your sorry for just the same you guys are making your effort for fundraising you guys can still very much do that um donations are still welcome like I said there is a process we do what we do is draft like a memo to finance and say this is the line item cuz you guys have a particular item and account number so that we advise this amount is being donated to this account number and then it's that's how it's you know um labeled an example is our youth Council we've had several donations made to our youth Council and with that process okay so let me ask you this um Madame philipo when the youth Council receives a donation they do not have a specific person who's responsible to collecting the donation no there's not particular specific person okay and then once they give it to you on the check is there a memo that says youth counsil in the memo yes you can put a memo in the check that says commission for women there's that's done for all donations as you can imagine we received several donations for a lot of our programs events and initiatives so you can put a memo on the check where it says where it's dat from or it can be accompanied with the letter or a memo specifying that this donation is for x y and z um and and we in turn Ally have a process with the memo and how it's done to finance excellent okay so question yes please now in this particular case no cash would be possible no unless it would be check or I mean check only it would be check on we prefer check we there are instances where we received cash we provide receipts for that as well um but most donations are done via check yeah I mean if remember we this is donations in upwards of uh I mean the ones that the two commitments that I've gotten or three commitments that I've gotten so far uh covers $2,000 it's not small amount so I think that 99.9% of the time we would be getting checks right yes okay so just for now just in case if anyone were to receive any check between now and the 18th we will ensure that the check is addressed to the city of North Miami correct in the memo section it would go to commission for women correct are we all and that also goes for any fundraising efforts you make for your event like I know you just mentioned about an auction and you mentioned about Raffles so those you can those some that's going to be cash you can count them have a you know a way that you document exactly line how much this is why I think we absolutely need a Treasurer because I I I you know somebody needs to be responsible and it cannot be that oh no one is responsible we're all are responsible no there's no accountability I understand but like I I mentioned several times this is a process that is new to us and we are want we want to ensure we're adhering and not over you know so excellent so uh as Vice here mag Dr Magda demerit stated we're going to move it to the June 18th in the meantime if anyone is able to obtain a donation for this specific initiative or in support of the commission for women it will State uh the check will be written out to the north Miami the city of excuse me the city of North Miami in the memo it will say commission for women and I think just to make sure that we we keep track of how much we are uh raising for the startup it should say commission for women dash 50 female startup right just to make sure that there's no miscommunications and we know that uh These funds are coming in and we know exactly how much they are okay and then at our next meeting um Madame philipo you would be able to let us know what the attorney said okay and then we go back back to discussion number two um as the vice as chairwoman for the commission for women I I don't know about everybody else but it is extremely overwhelming when we have events coming up and there are specific things that need to get done that um for whatever reason are not getting done at the end of the day it doesn't matter why it's not getting done the point is it's not getting done um I have researched a lot of other commission for women especially the Miami Dade which is a a great model for us uh due to the fact that they have been in existence for over 50 years and they're doing a phenomenal job and they even if um Miami day County uh were 50% women they're serving over 1 point something million women and so I think that looking at their structure looking at looking at how they run their commission is a great model for us and this is why tonight I am presenting for discussion the recommendation to the mayor the north Miami mayor and Council uh for an executive director for this board and the youth Council because I know that while we did not have a liaison the youth Council also were going through many challenges as well and so I know that as a professional woman volunteering my time on this board it was challenging can you imagine young high school students going through exactly what we've been going through for months now and so it would not just be for our um board but it would also be for the Youth Council and I think that that would really help us to better serve the 30,000 plus women in the city at this time I open it up for discussion um beginning with commissioner Rose what are your thoughts uh definitely I agree with you that we need uh uh uh an executive director to help us with uh the load that we have I am all for it Vice chairman Dr Magda demerit my only questions are administrative and that would be to um miss phip about how that would look what that would be structured but I do agree that it is quite a bit um and the support would definitely be helpful and if this person can serve for both um us and the youth Council that would be that would be great commissioner Glickman to me I think it's very good to help everybody including the kid but I will concentrate and focus of helping woman first we just started one year we need to address to those woman needed help first and then when we have extra time then we will help the rest of the children and needed people people because this is our goal in here for this city and we do not have millions of uh women here we are only in a city so it is good to compare the Big Apple from the Miami day and we are small City here of course uh we are going to learn the model and I'm happy to know that we we have very strong chair in here that like to help everyone that's her goal but to me I just don't want to bother all the other director I just want to you know do what we can in here just to do little by little baby step thank you commissioner clment or would you be for or against having an executive director of course I I'm in favor but I just think that is too much to ask thank you than thank you thank you commissioner Dr Flore um this is another question that we need to ask um the administ the the city um the the chief of staff if it's something that it's required for board to have a administrative director and then if it's a pay staff where we gonna find that money to pay so all the clarification need to be done first before I give um my thought in that subject okay so just for clarification purposes we are an Advisory board part of our role is to advise the mayor and Counsel on how to better serve the woman in the city and so I am proposing that we advise them to hire an executive director now at that at the point that they they decide yes or no that will be staff staff's responsibility specifically the city manager to identify salary you know where how and when they would start that process our job here is to assist assess the needs and present Solutions but I think the city has um they have uh social services that is doing amazing job because I work with them a lot for people in the city that in need um I don't think that the city for the community that we have leing in the city there are people that in needs take money out the you know out of the taxpayer just to pay an executive director for a board so I'm just talking randomly you know so if it's something that that you know that's benefit the economy of the city all of that we need to to put it in in in in consideration because we're just a adversary board we here to help the women I think that the focus if we can raise money to pay if it's a pay salary job if it's a pay um position we have to make sure that we help the city not bring more charge to the city because we still have people women in the city single mother that cannot even pay the water bill so I don't think that we the city can afford another B let's let's use that money to pay you know to help women single mother to pay the light bills and water and the city because people are complaining a lot so if it's free we don't have to pay someone will volunteer their time to help us I am 100% off but if to take money out our taxpayer to pay someone to do we we can you know one of us do I don't have time but one of us can you know one day it's your time next day it's my time we share the message and then we do what we can do I'm I'm not agreed that the city paying someone for us Dr flort I'm very very happy that on the record you said I don't have time this is why we need an executive director so at this moment I am going to put a motion on the floor for the north Miami commission for women board to recommend to the north Miami mayor and councel um an executive director that will serve the commission for women as well as the youth board uh the motion is on the floor do I hear a second a second Madam pH let's do a roll call um I have a motion by by chair Dr blure to to recommend to the mayor and Council for an executive director position for the commission for women and for youth Council correct okay and that motion was seconded by Vice chair Dr Magna dearit board member sorry I'm not used to this board member grumier how do you vote Yes board Vice chair dearit how do you vote Yes chair blim how do you vote Yes board member Glickman how do you vote and board member flma how do you vote if it's a paid position I I vote no if it's free we will I will vote Yes okay so that would I under the assumption this is for a paid position I okay then the then answer is no okay this passes with a 42 since Dr Ian's not here thank you so very much at this time we're going to ask Madame philipo to please put the recommendation together uh for us to review it and uh submit it to Mayor and councel okay thank you sir I just for the record I will do that I will share that most likely you would need that to be sent to them as soon as possible so I will send that to you via email with how that recommendation would be provided I will then speak with the city manager who will Pro speak with the mayor and Counsel on how to have this included it will have to be on a council agenda so they can have during discussion thank you so very much and we completely understand that it would have to be budgeted in the the the budget for October so we want to be clear that we're not saying this is something that happens tomorrow thank you so very much okay okay moving right along at this time we're going to go back to section five update on the second annual health and wellness conference Dr uh Flor Mo at this time would you like to present the budget I'm looking at how much money we have we have $3,300 at this time we're before we we look at what we have we would just like to look at the expenses that you um would like to present according to the previous meeting and conversation that we have um the second annual conference is in collaboration operation with mju wellness and Community Center which is this company is um Carry 90% of the cost of the conference so the women commission was in charge of the decor and so doing the w we we see that we need a DJ and um yeah we need a DJ and then the cost of the DJ according to the the um event coordinator her charge for the womb is $2500 to do all the setups um she will provide let me give you the details right now she will provide centerpieces Chargers plate napkins laning food um table setup chairs stage setup and additional decor for the table outside like the cocktail cocktail tables um based in the conversation that Dr blir has um one of the DJ and the in the community he charges um he said that he sent um an invoice for $1,300 for the um for the DJ and deor that not Decor that was the only two um to item that the women commission is in charge of so question I have a question so remember we um at in our planning discussions Manuela we talked about was it possible for oh yeah her to look at the costs based on registration numbers because this cost was for 200 but if we don't have those numbers registered if we have half I would imagine it would be half the budget but I don't know so were you able to have a conversation with her yeah yeah I had the conversation with her before I come here um the budget was only for um 100 people it was not for 200 at this time how many people do we have reserved um we have registered um at this morning at 6 at at um 8 um Miami did not Miami did um University of Miami we registered 55 people but you know there's people that's not going to do the process so we do a we're going to set up for a projection of 100 people in Cas out so I have a question and it's just to P piggyback off of Dr demerit if originally we were setting up for 100 right now we have only 55 people registered 58 people registered and the budget for Decor was based on 100 I do believe if we go down you know 30 40 people less there should be a price difference because you won't have the same amount of tables you won't have the same amount of Linens you won't have the same amount of centerpieces and so I think that I would agree with Dr demerit if we have 58 people uh we can gauge another 10 to 15 who may be walk-ins but not 100 not 100 but you know for the safe of you know we know how our community is the registration they it's B it's designed for professionals so it's long people may not take the time to do the registration we don't want to not have enough seat inside for that if we have 100 people so we cannot serve them it's better we have them there and then if they don't come if we don't have 100 we don't have but instead of having like only 60 chairs because we purchased food for 65 people and then it in case we have people that coming you know so I I I don't know if you guys want to take the risk but we should have more chairs in case we have people who did not register so you whim you're saying adjusted their $200 budget for meals down to 65 so they're only providing for 65 is provide food on when we do conference we they the the sponsor food for the amount of people that registered in their system because they have Pro of those people will come but since they do a lot of um conference with me they know the Haitian Community they don't like registration before so they always add 20 plate more but we I I accommodate myself in case in the morning if we see that we have more than you know expected for the food the food will be buffer style so we will go and buy additional if the food if we have 100 people but if we don't have 100 people we will um say we have food for 65 or 68 people so far I commissioner Rose do you have any comments not at this time thank you um Dr mag Dem any further comments um I think we should also adjust our numbers I think we should follow suit um I am data driven I numbers is what I speak so if we have 58 registered if we want to give some rle room I say okay 65 I would match what they're doing as far as food goes so that we can get an adjustment on the price of the room decor because we simply just don't have it in our budget so like to simplify based in our budget how much money you will set aside for um Decor so I can talk to her because today it's Thursday we have Friday so Bas yeah we have only one day um last year I remember it was on Friday me Dr blir and um norissa it was 11: p.m. if I'm not mistaken we were in your house preparing flow flowers and then you are doing it was too much for us so how much money will you set aside so I can go back and talk to her and tell her that we don't have 100 we have 60 people and then how much that's this is what we have and I know she I'm not going to say she's going to do it but she may and unless giving us what you know a beautiful things but she can give us something help us out so so before we talk about how much we're going to put aside for the the cor can we get a total number of the budget how much money do you need she a total budget so you have 2500 for decor uhhuh and uh I think um we yeah the DJ yeah the DJ said um 1300 okay but it who else no no no that's it oh I do believe was there not a uh um proposal for the fitness coach no hour he didn't request it didn't request money and and the letter okay okay so then we have the give them a certificate from the city all okay all okay so we have the core we have the DJ I did not hear anything about photography um mjd will pay for that okay so based on what we have presented here we have $2500 we have $1,300 I do believe the fitness person did request about $125 I sent it over to you Dr Flore do you recall oh he he requests 125 for the hour okay so technically we are at 3925 we have exactly $3,365 I would caution us not to delete our bank no and so the wiggle room knowing that we we are going to have individuals in a room from 900 in the morning to 4:00 in the afternoon and we do not want any dead space um in within those hours you do need some kind of entertainment you do need uh music in order to to keep them entertain a and so I understand it is from 9:00 in the morning to 4: in the afternoon and so that person you know this is the cost of their time and we are okay with that but I do agree with Dr dearit if we are going to be fiscally responsible um I think that we should follow suit with um uh and drop the amount of people to 65 that we are going to cater for ask the Decor to set up for 65 individuals and then if they are additional individuals we can use the benches that are in um outside at the Scott Gavin Center we can bring those benches inside that can be a part of the decor just in case if there are additional people um and then we should move forward with asking the the decor company a reduction now at this time we are specifically it's 7:47 we are specifically going to discuss what is the reduction what are we comfortable with knowing that we have 33650 in the bank and right now we're talking about $3,925 commissioner Rose what are you comfortable with can I think a little bit more absolutely absolutely Vice chair dearit what are you comfortable with so the deor company mentioned that they were doing 2500 for 100 guests right so that equates to 25 per head um so if we use that math and we reduce the number to 65 that takes us to 1625 so that is still high it will still do a number on our budget we'll have to fundraise quite a bit but I think that that's fair if we are going to count it per head thank you so very much commissioner gitman your thoughts um I have a few thing I'm thinking about with the decoration um I have done a field event in here and in the last minute I do not want to play with this to um neg neate if they walk away then we have nothing so I want to be very careful how to negotiate with them and I want them to be happy and do a good job uh last minute changing the pride is not suggestable to me but you guys if you all think that is a good idea go for it but I'm absolutely think that this is very dangerous for us to play that rout uh for decoration we can just mention we have l people is a possible that's it very gentle that's it okay and then for the DJ if you like me to yes help out yeah so for 1300 I find somebody can be all day from um 9:00 to 4:00 can be there all day for $300 that's the best I can do and the gentleman is been working for the mayor and he is also Haitian and he know how to please all you ladies so and it's very young handsome gentlemen so I think that we can have him to work for us for that so he's also the vendor for the city I just want to confirm with you all that um this $1300 is not just for music it is it is for uh videography no no no no that's said mjd will cover that for mjd is covering the videography yes I'd say that the photo video and live streaming oh you are covering that yeah but they just I just tell them to do the streaming since I see that it's it's a lot of you know they said to I $200 more to their money because we are paying them $1,000 they say no no no no since you ask for live streaming we're going to bring staff Etc so to add something more so let's break down what services they are giving they giving the 1300 no the for the 1300 no the 1300 send the information to you I don't have it it's only I sent it to you but let me let me put it up right now it is not only DJ it is for recording and DJ but let me let me pull it up so we're very pleased to know that your company is donating that no because so let's talk about what is and this is why this is very important going forward Commissioners that we submit the budget early and it's item by item so we know who is doing what and H you know who is paying for what so Dr flon you um mjd is paying for photography video phography mhm live streaming I just had it on them because I see we don't have the money but remember this event is the hold on hold on let's let's just let's just Hammer this out photography videography live streaming okay where we where are we streaming live we will streaming the live on mjd's page and then we will post post if you guys want to cross post it on the CD's page okay excellent so right now we do not need videography we do not need live streaming we do not need photography we only need a DJ that's what we said at the beginning decor and DJ that's it that's it and then now since I tell them to do live streaming because I see that too many you know talking I want things to done they said okay I need to add $200 more to the money that I'm paying them since you know I always ask volunteer they work with us for a long time so the only thing you're going to give it's $200 to add to the $1,000 that mjd is paying so we can give them $1,200 for all the work but that's not their price they are volunteering for us so technically speaking commissioner gitman is saying that she has a DJ who can do from 9 to 4 in the amount of how much $300 $300 okay perfect Fitness so what is the 200 so after the $300 we have the decor which was at 25 Dr Magda dearit offered 1625 we have 300 for a DJ and 200 for for the fitness coach 125 for the fitness coach and 200 200 to add to the money that we are paying to complete the package the the deal that they are giving us okay so technically speaking at the 2500 plus the $300 for the DJ another 200 and then 125 we are at 3,125 so with that said we are going to one more what's the other thing how much is the backdrop 300 oh no the 300 we take it too oh thank you I'm will take the 300 no problem so at the $3,125 I still stand on not using $2500 of our money for Decor I say that in all respect to um commissioner Glickman who stated that listen at the last minute we don't want to um decrease the price but we also are decreasing the amount of work that is going to be put into it as far as Decor so I would like to present an even 1750 for Decor 1750 okay let me 300 for the DJ $200 what is that going to again to the ,000 to make it no no no who what what to the to the photographer okay photography and then $125 so now um the the sport is 30 minutes is that 1 hour the fitness 125 okay I would like to put a motion on the floor for us to approve a budget of $2,375 for the 2020 for second annual Women Health and Wellness conference do I get a second second could you repeat the amount again please we are approving $2,375 $1,750 for Decor $300 for DJ $200 for for photography and $125 for the fitness coach that is a total of $2,375 okay roll call there's a motion from there's a motion by chair blure to approve the budget of $2,375 for the second annual health and wellness conference it was seconded by board member Dr flurry ma Vice chair dearit how do you vote I'm sorry before I'm sorry before we vote I was hearing a piece uh what emmanuella and Nori was saying so I just want to clarify the fitness coach is for 30 minutes and not an hour but this 125 is for an hour is so last year there it it it's it is like 4550 minutes that's what we did last year by the time you set up the the the the people you do the warmup it is a 1 hour so I think that um if we're going to be taking away trust me the fitness coach is not where we need to be taking away so let's move on what we can do yeah let's focus on the meat of it here go ahead Dr demerit um yes okay yes Dr dearit board member grm Pierre yes board member Gman yes board member blam I mean Vice chair BL yes yes and board member Flur M yes so this also passes with a 51 one question if I texted um the company if she decide to not moving forward with the price okay so if she decide not to move forward with the price we ask that she communicate that by 10 10: a.m. tomorrow morning and then as a board we have a responsibility to get somebody within the price of ,750 for 65 people okay this is this is the very reason why I requested that those that had a contract for this conference be present because you would not know how the conversation will go as we are deliberating on how much we are to spend versus what we have okay she replied um 1900 sh includ it for 65 I will get the room okay it's um 1900 she said she will do it for 1900 Dr flar we just voted it's 1750 okay okay then if we want to uh if we would like to agree for an additional price then we have to raise that money but we are not going to clean out our bank account you know in the month of June knowing that there's still a couple of months left to go and we have other events on the calendar it is extremely important as we move forward that we present our budgets at least three four to I would say three to four weeks before an event so that we do not have these situations something that missing here um the plaques for the five five we didn't add it for the five um the My Story panel five Awards Dr Dr Dr Emmanuela did you see I was very adamant about you giving me the items okay we're going to go no problem we're going to go again all right I want to put a motion in to retract the vote that we just took confirming the budget for the second annual Women's Conference so that we may go over all of the items needed to be covered so move a five awards for so let's take it from the top Dr FL mm okay so you got 7,750 for Decor 300 for a DJ 200 for photography 125 for a fitness coach what else do you have the awards how much are the awards five it's $48 piece the one that we choose so that's $200 for awards yes do you have anything else Dr Flore that's a so far nope Dr Flore do you have anything else no I don't I don't have nothing else so you guys um choose this one this award so I bring it again so all of you can can see it okay great so I am going to put another motion on the floor to approve $2,575 for the north Miami commission for women 2024 second annual Women Health and Wellness conference do I have a second second second 2500 2575 $2,575 and0 there's a motion made by DR blir to approve the budget for the second annual health and wellness conference in the amount of 2575 $2,575 it was seconded by board member Dr flare ma board member Kier how do you vote Yes board member dear how do you V Vice chair dear how do you vote Yes chair blir how do you vote Yes board member Glickman how do you vote Yes and board member ofma how do you vote Yes passes with a four I mean 51 vote okay we're going to move move quickly to our next item establish a process and letter to recruit interns and volunteers we're going to ask um our chief of staff uh Madame philipo to please put a letter together by where we can share it with Fi FIU and um young Professionals in the community who would be interested in partnering or I would say volunteering on the commission for women if it can be a letter and a flyer because that flyer can go out to all of the women in the city and then we can uh create a process by which we receive their applications and then we can vote and see if we can get a healthy team of of 12 women from the city of North Miami to volunteer on this board okay no problem is there a deadline um um would you like this to be perhaps done and completed before your next board meeting to discuss or if we can have the letter prepared um before the next board meeting that would be great all right moving quickly to our next item uh discuss ing outstanding administrative requests so I do understand that we have an email correct and it is set up and it is ready to go I have the um I have some updates I have all the updates actually rather excellent um so for email yes that's completed you have an email um what is being finalized is you having access to that email but staff has access and have sent out letters and emails on be on your behalf of the commission from that email address um specifically the invitations that were sent to the um proposed panelists and participants of the conference um so those came out through the commission for women emails so that is complete the two banners and one step in repeat um those were also completed the reorder that is actually to be delivered by close of business tomorrow um so you guys can have for the conference on Saturday excellent yes name plates I believe those were also reordered which have already um are there MH business cards to go to the business cards which are on your right in front of you um as you know we are a location of like Pol processes our communications director um who actually started in March she used to work at the city um years ago and came back one of the things that she is trying to reestablish is ensuring The Branding of the city so we do have a brand and style guideline for the city of North Miami although she was not here when you guys created your logo one of the recommendations would have been to kind of have it closer to the style and branding of the city hence why there are two designs the first design which is design one has the city of North Miami branding colors and um style guide for you for your business card proposal proposal the second one coincides with your current logo and colors um that's why two options were provided but I had to give the explanation um one of the things I did mention since Communications does you know I oversee Communications I did explain to them that um one of the challenges that I've been voicing since we've kind of I've kind of stepped in and assisting with this commission is actually reintroducing and having a sop or um as far as regulation and how we proceed with a lot of the requests this being one of them so I at least wanted to provide you guys with the options and where the recommendation came from our communications director um I did verify since you guys don't have the physical cards but it is the same printer for the banners and they did confirm as long as we provide them the decision by tomorrow morning that they will have it for us by close of business tomorrow as well so you can have for your conference on Saturday thank you you thank you so very much um so so at this time you guys can choose design one or two which you guys have in front of you and then after that I can continue with the rest of my updates but unless you want me to finish and then we go back to voting on the design let's let you finish okay so that's the business card the monthly flyer I know there was a proposed one that was provided I am trying to have Dr blir chair to speak with our graphic designer cuz I we want to ensure that your idea of what you're saying you envision is actually realized so that's why I know we attempted once or twice we just need to have a followup with our prop with our graphic designer so we can have a finalize on your proposals on the changes you'd like to see made on the flyer um that's that's really why that hasn't been done yet or completed so we just need to um schedule that social media account I I think I was advised you guys had one from before so it just needs to be re established um and then obviously between whoever is able to um oversee it and like actually maintain it is probably where we would also have to have a discussion um at this time um I do not have a a person to do that but we can definitely try to identify but first I got to go through our Communications Department I believe they're the ones that have the different um accounts that are from the city or that were established and how that actually was created cuz we can't have more than one of the same social media handling so that's just another thing that I'm still finalizing to work on but meanwhile um as you as you guys can see we did share a lot of the commission for women um things on our on the city's side so that is still something that we established but not to take away that you guys need your own that's what everybody does right has their social media and that's how information's out so those those are the two pending um items on that that part the professional head shot and apparel are the ones that I'm the apparel I I'm not sure that there's an issue with that one um it's just probably just trying to solidify an actual shirt how what exactly it is that you guys want so we'll just get more directas on what it is that you guys are looking for the professional head shots that is where I am also following up through my legal proceedings of figuring out how that would be done because we've never had that done for any of our um commissions or boards for that I know that that's usually procured through an outside vendor for the directors and our elected officials but not necessarily for board members so once I get the um legal opinion on how to proceed on that I will share and the web page as I meant I know that's a request that's also pending it's just a landing page it wouldn't be a web page a landing page on the city website for the board you currently have one as I mentioned to um all the boards have one that's where it the information of where you guys meet how often you meet how you were established um that's where now you have your email address where the people who know what email address to contact UM and then and then I believe it lists the the board members and who appointed you and what your terms are so you currently have one but I believe you want additional things to be included there so dunia who is the right person to have that conversation I just need to follow up with her and ensure that we have all that information to be included one thing I'm not sure is your mission statement I don't think that has been shared with us so those are things that I know Junia is going to ask me um and I know that's where the the head shot come in um at this time as I am pending legal um opinion on that how to proceed if you guys have a professional head shot I don't think that that would be opposed to I'll give you an example I just recently found out that in updating the website for the city manager's page which if un is listening I'm I'm late with providing her my bio because that was provided for the city the interim manager and Deputy interim and she's like well you're the only one that doesn't have one there so I know the purpose of having it uniformed but we are still trying to navigate on how to have that completed so if you as professionals have your own professional headshot I will also um discuss on having that there in the interim that we can figure out exactly how we can proceed with that um for the event on Saturday um Fiola our Deputy Chief of Staff has been working behind the scenes and exclusively with um board member flma when it came to providing her the information I was advised she's on overseeing the program of the event so um for the invitations the letters of the invitations and fly were sent out from as I mentioned your email the north Miami commission for women an email um so far for the panelist Dr Nikola was not available but um Madam city clerk Vanessa Joseph has accepted and has provided her bio and picture so um Dr flma has that Dr yanm Premiere has also accepted and bio and photographer um photo has also been received and shared and Miss Gypsy metalo has also accepted bio and picture was also received um the performer Miss WIA Sandra has also accepted her accept bio and picture were also provided and speakers the fitness coach Davis sry also accepted bio and picture received and finance Miss Jennifer MERS there hasn't been a final decision or response from her yeah before I come here me and Dr Blum we was talking to her she will be there okay yeah but I don't believe we've received her her information like her bio unless you guys have that um she was in a meeting but she will call me she I will send her a text so for her okay not a problem but she's also printed them but I know you don't need an actual printed copy but um for my understanding Dr flma You' received them and I'm not sure how you so then you guys I don't know if it's a PowerPoint how you guys are setting up the program we um I have my graphic designer okay who's doing working on that okay perfect so I just wanted to make sure the certificates for the speakers panelists and other participants have imprinted we are just waiting for the vice mayor to sign them she should sign them by tomorrow so you can have for Saturday and the proclamation for mjd is prepared but we're just pending the information for um Dr flma yes um I spoke with um T aside which is the one that in charge to send me the information uh before I came here she said let me check my email to see if she sent it um no but I will may have it done the morning early in the morning yes so if we can share that so we can have that completed also um just following up the communications has also promoted the flyer with eblast and social media regard with the registration link um Miss dunia has also included the flyer ARA City website and different promo platforms like downstairs and things like that um I mentioned already about the inventory of equipment as I mentioned the information for you she's still waiting for picture and by for the speakers there's a Miss Shirley King yes okay okay there's a Dr Sandra Anderson a Miss Don Breeden these are still pending we haven't received the information for them no we have everything for okay so she hasn't received it so if you have it just if you can advise her that you have them to her um yeah I I told her I sent it to her tonight okay um but I have everything I have all the bi okay so if you have theirs she just needs to know you have them but she provided what was asked so the letters to um local University and seeking insurance and volunteers I believe that was asked at the last meeting so we're going to follow up and ensure you have that before the next meeting but as I mentioned the business cards the banners and step repeat are scheduled to be delivered by tomorrow afternoon so that it completes all of the updates excellent thank you so very much um so you mentioned a couple of things that we have to follow up F first um I am one more I apologize um Dr flma also the setup the layout on how you would like the rooms to be set up our Parks and Recreation Department this for the particularly the Galvin Center needs to have a layout the number of tables chairs and where if you having like a stage or the Riser or anything they need to know where and how you'd like that setup done um I'm not sure if maybe stopping by tomorrow or just providing a little picture or email because they need to set up before most likely they'll set up tomorrow afternoon before they close the um the center um for your morning event I asked um Dr um theica if we can if I can go directly to talk to Christine or if you guys will talk to her so that's fine it's um if you speak with Miss Christine directly we just need to know or if it's via email confirming that the conversation took place and what what it was we just want to ensure communication was done okay what I'm going to do I am going to um contact the dec person to tell me what is what she has in mind but we know that we agree on 65 people yeah we agree on 65 people so the rest it's going to be between um me the deor and Miss Christine and then we I will follow up with you and let you know what is the outcome is okay okay so just to clarify 60 we agreed on 65 people and we will uh we will add benches the benches from the foror inside so that if there is more we can balance it out you remember last year we use those um for the for the panel okay so in case but they have chairs like if you ever need extra chairs they can bring them okay so we um we have to come with extra um tablecloth and in Cas yeah we need so just in case they can pull out their staff to assist pulling out in case you need um all right but yes excellent and I just want to make sure last year we were there putting up the step and repeat by ourselves if we can make sure that there's a staff member there to set it up you know someone who's strong strong okay ladies um thank you so very much Kata we really appreciate all of your help and the work that you have done this is another reminder why we need why we should have an executive director at this time we're going to move quickly on voting on the business card we have two options uh presented uh at this time we're going to ask commissioner Rose what is what which one do you prefer based on what we have already I will go with design too excellent good choice Vice here Dr dimer which one do you prefer I also like design too as long as our the back of the card or front of the card also matches those same yes it does it would be the same um she just didn't they didn't send us the back to be you know repetitive but it'll be the same colors as in the back yeah number two okay great um I also go with number two just requesting that our email is placed on it yes oh the email the the commission email yes so email on the front it's oh no it's on the back oh it is on the all the details so if you look at the design one the information on design one will be on design two it just will be the the color I know that yeah know all right excellent um I number two okay number two okay so okay so as as I'm looking at it if we have the address on the front we don't need the address on the back oh I see no so then the back you can tell them to remove yes so so let's just make a a some what don't we do let me just take the vote oh you know what you know what that says it's letting you know when your meetings are and where okay commission for women there's a reason for that okay so then it should just say council chambers second floor and then the address yes okay and then where in the front or in the back in the back the back okay so then remove the address no no no on the so the front is fine we're just requesting that you add the email address it's already on the no but what I'm saying it's already on the back the email address is there at the bottom oh okay it has your it has your social media handlings which we have to just like I said make sure you have access so I think it we just need to it just looks too cumbersome in the back so I would say that um we should have and this is why I have The Branding expert who was supposed to do a presentation who unfortunately um last week we could not have the meeting how however in branding it needs to be consistent so when it comes to Facebook Instagram and x correct yes X is your Twitter okay so we have three p Pages we should identify a handle that works for all three pages and then on the back of the business card they just have the the logos you just have the logos and then you at at should be consistent no matter what social media page you are on you should be able to find us at one act yes so that is going to be the first thing that I request that we identify one act that works for all three and I didn't want to be the one to do that presentation although I do have the ability to Brand I wanted that to be um communicated from a professional but since we're here and we're talking about the uh business card I will suggest that so we are going to identify one app that works for all three so the the thing is I believe this already exists for you which is why we can change the handles okay we can change hand so are we doing that before the cards or we're not going to do the cards no no we're going to change we're going to identify one handle that works for all three before we print the cards because then you won't have all three handles sure no I understand that piece what I'm saying is I believe the effort was trying to get this for us by Saturday who who is going to yes do that work no you don't need it for Saturday we're not going to be able to get it by Saturday okay no there's changes the printing did say they could oh but but there's changes so if there's rush for the card you have everything else I mean it would be great but now that yeah you want it to be done correctly correctly okay okay so commission for wom meeting commission for women meeting meet it should say meetings it should or it should say meeting because I when I first glanced at it I didn't immediately know that you're communicating to me when the meetings are okay so if you could drop that closer to the actual place of the correct correct you see you follow me you see okay so then if we can make those Corrections um I'm a yes and then just for the interest of time what I would what I would suggest I'll send an email correct so I know um Dr Flareon you also choose the um design to yeah just wanted to confirm okay excellent and then narissa yes okay perfect yeah she did she told me so at least we have the color we can work on the details since we're not rushing for tomorrow so thank you all right great now there was a there was another item that you asked for us to no it's for the flyer which we just need to discuss with the graphic designer okay perfect and then um the professional head shots for the web page can Duna come out for a second I just wanted to clarify what we wanted to make that landing page um more inviting you know it's just a landing page for wom in a city should just be a lot more inviting right and when you go on it you should be interested or or or you should peque your curiosity to know what the women are doing for example tonight we voted on quarterly events that should go on the landing page because the next time a woman is surfing and she lands on that page she should know that every quarter we are meeting so you provide to have updates on the on the page and because one of the biggest initiatives we're going to have on the landing page is the 50 female startup okay Junior please if you can come forward so we were just discussing the web page uh we were discussing about having a landing page that is um more attractive and to really um pull the woman into to going to that page on a regular basis to find out what the commission is doing and to uh update it regularly with with um initiatives that we are rolling out and I I know that um Madame Philly pole talked about the head shot if obviously we're all professional some of us have professional head shots some of us don't if we do have um head shots that we're comfortable with and we submit that would you take that and just wait for The Other Woman to present theirs and then you can update the site um okay let's start with the uh information that you want in in the page M I have to see that I need to talk with Chief of Staff because right now our board Pages they are consistent I mean for consistency they have I mean certain information as I mean your your name who appointed you uh date we want keep the information we just want to add yes now I need to see how am I going to do so it's kind of a you know you just don't go and see all of that so I need to like the way to actually place it so just also what what dunia means is that the way that the site is done it's a like a templates there's templates on how the sites built that's the that's the way that we if you look at other municipalities they have Civic plus this is the template of what we're using to build our website got it I know our one of the things our communications director is doing is reviewing on updating our website um but until then that's the template so what she's saying is about how to strategically Act that information within the template so it's not it's not a yes or no it's us having do it correct yeah now with the pictures I mean um just um submit what I mean what you have then I'm going to put a photo coming later or phot coming soon or something okay we can do that um so all all Commissioners will submit their pictures to dunia within 5 days they would they would send it to me and then I will follow up with dun yeah okay so all Commissioners will submit their head professional head shots to um Madame Kya filipo within five business days is that okay excellent and if you do not have one then we can figure out how we would um make sure that you get a head shot aduna um Madam philipo did ask us for a mission statement we will submit that to you because we would like that to go on the site and um we would I would propose that we pres uh come up with a slogan for the commission for women that would headline the the web page are we in agreement of course excellent okay any do does any of the Commissioners have any questions for Duna okay great thank you so very much Junior um before Dr BL we would like to have the meeting in our page live in our page too it's possible to page um the women commission page it's it's going to be kind of complicated because we already have YouTube live stream and Nomi TV and when I um advertise on a on a TV or on our website the links are already there it's going to be too too many links to follow so I mean for consistency for all our meetings going live stream YouTube so I mean it's going to be we too many things the reason why I ask that people are asking where they can watch the the meeting if it's go on Facebook it's in yeah it's in the calendar I mean when you go to the calendar see the calendar I mean it's it's it's there and on the C the links are there YouTube YouTube I YouTube is the quickest way to find YouTube live stream right now you are in YouTube you're in you are live stream I mean you live yeah you I didn't remember when I didn't put makeup on today thank you so very much any other questions for dunor no dunor thank you thank you so very much I'm going to have questions later I'm going to follow up with with with the chief of staff I mean later right now it's like yes but I'm going to have more questions excellent thank you thank you so very much okay so we have three things to submit our mission our slogan and our head shot okay I believe we are done with this topic do we have any questions concerns suggestions okay great moving along um we had we had um push back meetings several times um since I became cheer and I did not get an opportunity to present a 90day plan that I wanted to work on however we have been working on the items that I had on the 90day plan and so I just want to review it with you all and we can check off what has already been done and then we can move forward and so um during the first month which would have been the month of April uh I wanted to work on The commission's Branding which would be which was very important for us to establish as quick as possible it had it had the emails it had the two banners I just want to confirm that for the conference we will have both banners right K correct correct thank you um the The Branding also included the letterhead and at this time I'm going to pass on the letter head to everyone um for a quick second if you have not seen it because I would like for us to make some updates to the letterhead so that going forward when the city is sending out letters we already have a letterhead unfortunately the letterhead that was submitted does not have the address does not have a phone number does not have an email it just has a logo at the top and our names on the side one of the main things that I would like to bring to your attention is that where our names are it's a bit cumbersome because we have a lot of initials after this is not this is not the place for it this is a letterhead for individuals who are going to be attend that we're inviting or we're sending out um invitations to or requests from we should keep it very clean and simple the commissioner and their name at this time does anyone have any objections to that change so specifically all of the letters after the names it is very cumbersome on if you are someone who's receiving a letter and you're looking to the left we just needed to we we need to clean it up it just just needs to say the commissioner and their name um are you able to sorry the um chair are you able to also send that in an email the same way with the the instructions to for the the changes for the business card yes so I'm just opening up for discussion so at this time um commissioner Grant Pierre your thoughts on having commissioner at large Rose Michelle gunier I think so yes thank you Dr demerit are you opposing to having Dr Magda demerit Vice chairwoman that's fine uh mine would say Naomi e blir chairwoman narissa gitman nothing it would say absolutely something it would say narissa gitman commissioner Emmanuela it would say Emmanuela are you want would you prefer doctor no I'm not fine Emmanuela Flo commissioner at this time I'm going to put it to a vote so that we are clear that that is the uh the will of the board um I would like to put a motion on the floor to uh update our letter head with email address phone number and the simplifying or the removal of initials behind our names on the letter head do I have a second one thing may I will you add also the social media handlers somewhere I like that that would great if we can do it at the bottom that excellent thank you and your um automatic uh electronic signature too so and the letter excellent yes we can have that electronic signature and handles Social Media handles and the B okay anything else that's good okay wonderful and we we are almost there ladies we are almost there um in as we move down to the next item I know it's it's it's it's a lot it's a lot and we have not been able to go through everything okay uh we talked about um the generic fire okay great the next item for the month of April we were to work on his relationship development which meant that we would send out um letters of introduction to all HOAs within the city of North Miami to all women owned businesses in the city of North Miami and that brings me to ask do we have a directory of women-owned businesses um I believe there has been a directory I'm not sure how how updated it is because during women's um History Month um there's a lunch in and normally we reach out to them to participate excellent so then this is the list all HOAs all women in business all women's Commissions in surrounding cities the commission for the State of Florida and we know that there are 34 municipalities however we are unaware of how many of the 34 actually have a woman's commission and of course we've already had um an event with Miami date County uh but still just for formality sending them a letter as well the women's history Coalition of Miami Dade County that organization the women's fund and the Women's Club of Miami dat County so these are the um the relationships that we would like to develop in sending out a letter to them okay during the month of May which was actually Public Service recognition and since we were not able to go through this in March um it was actually uh the week of May 5th to the 11th and so we were not able to actually recognize women who are in public service during that time um but we definitely want to ensure that um next year we do put it in the calendar to acknowledge women who are in um Public Service okay um there should be a specific time and place where we acknowledge women in business in the city helping them to identify the resources that they need and being a bridge between who where they are and where they would like to be okay um I believe that we can also reach out to uh sororities that are friendly with with the city uh we can reach out to all Divine nines and see which ones would like to collaborate at with us uh possibly bringing forth a mentorship program for young girls I think that's something that the city the commission uh can look to uh Jack and Jill as well as the links organization and we actually do have a board member that is a member of the links Dr Magda demerit um and so if the city does need assistance with with connecting with the local links organization I'm sure she would be able to assist in that way okay okay and so for the month of June outside of this conference we would like to ensure that these letters are sent out and that we have had that first uh means of communication with these organization any questions okay great last but not least um for as we know as a commission for women one of our main responsibilities is recommendation of policy and so in the last two and a half years that we have been meeting we have not yet proposed any policy and so I would like to present I would like to request that every member uh within the next 30 days identify and present two policies that can be that can have a positive impact on the female residents of the city and presented with during our June 18th meeting at this time I would like to ask commiss Rose do you have any concerns questions about uh presenting possibly possibly two policies that we can forward to this um mayor and councel well definitely I do have however there is a procedure I believe how to present it Etc probably we need a type of uh I wouldn't say Workshop but a talk about how to present it so that oh no no we're not we're not presenting to Mayor and Council now we're going to present what we would like amongst ourselves we're going to vote on which ones we want to present to the mayor councel and then we will identify what the process is but for now it's just happening amongst us yeah I understand that part and I don't know if everyone here knows how to present a policy this is something that we need to make sure that it happens before of course we can have offline a conversation about that so that we go with it the same I mean with the same standard do you believe that we need training a training may be interested in having yes for for uh for all of us including the public excellent because it is also recommended that people listening to us if they have ideas and policies or ideas of policies you know to contribute as well they are more than welcome to join the next meeting that we will have excellent I love love that I love that I I will definitely do some research and identify someone who can do a uh 30 minute maybe 45 minute training for us um in respect to us actually uh presenting to the board two policies thank you so very much commissioner Rose Vice chairwoman Dr demerit no at this time it's pretty clear um I also agree with uh Rose grandier about training at I think that that would be super helpful especially I know for me I would really appreciate it excellent thank you Nissa gitman that would be nice to have somebody to consult us not really training um for hours um we also in North Miami we have the Junior Achievement organization here they give a free service for business and also they can give us advice conseling us for this matter so I will suggest that we can invite them to come and give us some counseling thank you excellent thank you so very much Dr FL Moore yeah I'm totally agree with you ladies education is is best because since we are the first woman Commission in the city we need to be able we need to educate ourselves so when the next Generation come we are we establish something for them they can make corrections but they not going to you know do all the work and I think one of the not the Miami dead women commission I've been following the step to see all the guidelines etc etc I think if we can reach out to them or maybe order women commission to help us to grow not grow like professionally to grow and this task that we have so that will help us a lot excellent thank you so very much ladies so we are in agreement in the next uh meeting June 18th we will come I will work with staff to have a trainer or presentation on how to present policy and how to craft it and work together as a board uh in addition to that we each will come we will each do our own research and identify two policies that we would like to present as well and so this would be a work and learn meeting where we will have the person here to assist us but we will also be able to present some ideas are we all in agreement yeah go cor excellent excellent at this at this time I want to ask of Staff if they can assist us in identifying such a person of course we will work with you as well to identify such a person okay at this time public hearing is now open seeing none public hearing is closed any questions concerns from our fellow board members none we've covered a lot okay announcements so we know that this Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 400 p.m. we will be at the Scott G Center for our annual Women's Health and Wellness conference last week narissa commissioner narissa gitman and I had the great opportunity of um participating in the Miami date County women's commission uh for women meeting where they had the status on women and so we are currently working with the presenter in coming and actually reviewing the status on women in Miami dat County um identifying some challenges and some great opportunities for us to piggyback on the data that they' have collected to better assist us in serving the women in the city so I look forward to uh bringing that presentation as as well as uh as Dr uh Rose gumia mention yesterday we had a phenomenal uh cocktail and conversation uh we had um our keynote speaker none other than our city clerk Vanessa Joseph Esquire who did a phenomenal job just talking about women in general what we bring to the table and how we are enough we are sufficient and she went into Civic engagement and how important that is uh also giving us a little history and background of women um Haitian women who have been um very vital in the um the the process of us becoming who we are not just as a community but as a Vibrant Community here in South Florida so altogether it was an excellent um evening and this is what led to us uh deciding to do it as a quarterly event and so I just want to publicly thank everyone it is a full two months since I have been in uh the cheer woman and I truly look forward to moving us um forward um in a way that we can all be proud of and we can look back and say this is what we contributed to the city of North Miami thank you so very much at this time I would like to present a motion to adjourn Madam chair before we adjourn can I um I'm going to take the time to congratulate doc um narissa because her daughter graduated to Mid School congratulations proud mother because you know we need a lot of good doctors in the field so in congratulation to all kids that graduated this week and that's going to graduate so we need you continue doing the good work and then we are so proud of you thank you thank you Dr forar anyone else motion to adjourn